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wingsdippedingold · 13 days ago
I find it very odd when in the SJM fandom people utilize someone’s SA as a character trait or moral quality.
To give some background on what made me want to post this: I saw a tik tok of someone saying “To say that Rhysand is a horrible person and that Aelin would never be his friend after this man was SA’d for 50 years, has multiple woman in his ranks at the top…” To open your defense with that, is just bizarre. This isn’t the person to treat SA as a moral signifier, and it won’t be the last.
I think it really exemplifies how SJM herself treats SA and abuse as a plot device or something to make a character more sympathetic, not really addressing the actual weight of it most of the time. The majority of her main characters have been abused or SA’d at some point, and the majority of her villains are SA’ers or abusers. While this is a very real and horrific situation, she almost never deals with it meaningfully, instead using it just further the plot for the sake of a romance or to give a character a backstory. Describing characters and their likability based off of a traumatic event, as if it could only happen to a specific kind of person, I find, diminishes it and them as a character/person.
Sarah uses enacting or being SAd as a way to signal a character’s morality. As much as SJM and her fans like to pretend that her characters are “morally grey” she has a very clear moral binary.
You can be a horrible person and still have something horrible happen to you. Bad people get SA’d, good people get SA’d, anyone in the middle can get SA’d and abused; it’s a vile crime that anyone can be a victim of, and it has nothing to do with a person’s inherent goodness, and yet SJM pretends like it does. Now more realistically, it also seems to be a side effect of lazy writing and just trying to make readers root for or hate a character without actually doing the legwork. Very few of her prominent characters haven’t been SA’d or physically abused in some way.
I have a lot more to say about this, but it’s a very delicate topic, and I don’t believe I have the knowledge and analysis to talk about it with the proper nuance it needs, so I’ll end it here
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popculturebuffet · 4 years ago
The Loud House Reviews: The Cow-Pie Kid and Saved by the Spell
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Welcome back Loudiacs.. I .. don’t know what the fandom calls themselves. And given I dont’ know anyone personally in the fandom and the going into the tag is like living in a living nightmare.. it’s easier to keep workshopping a name till either someone tells me or I find one that sounds right. Loudites.. there we go that didn’t take long. Point is we’re back in The Loud House, In The Loud House for the first regular coverage, i.e. when I cover a show as It comes out of the season. And I was lucky enough to actually see the episode same day this time and with a promo that at least gives me images to work with, so yeah, i’m pretty pumped. And not just because I can cross this one off because SOMEBODY has a birthday tommorow.. no not me, that was last month. 
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There ya go. But yeah the show’s back. I’m excited, your excited, i’m scared because nick dosen’t give a clear schedule out ahead of time so i’m left wondering when one’s going to pop up and when to get it on my schedule now I have one... it’s a good time. Seriously though Nick needs to get their scheduling in order. So i’m happy to be back, your happy to have me here, but probably not happy to have spoilers so let’s take this under the cut and we can talk about cow pies, magic, and ... how this block is weirdly almost all lincoln episodes. 
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The Cow-Pie Kid:  Yeah.. this was the only bit from cow pie kid I could find. Tons of stuff to mine from for saved by the spell. Nothing for that one. Weird.  Anyways our story opens with Lynn’s baseball team, who we’ve met before.. and include friends who have played other sports with her and that guy she had a crush on for all of five minutes because the writers kinda forgot L is for Love happened for anyone but Luna and Luann. 
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Okay look MOST of the love intrests introduced there were not great and while Lincoln needs one NOW, at the time he really did not as the Ronnie Anne thing had not, and still has not, been properly resolved. Still vastly prefer him with Stella and her with Sid, i’m just saying closure would be nice.  Look i’m getting off topic point is one besides Sam, who was great out of the gate and not just for being gay.. though that was a lot of it, and Benny, whose objectively a really sweet kid and damn likeable. Luaggie shippers feel free to boo me, I understand.. dosen’t change my mind or the fact Poly exists to fix that. I mean why not both I ask you.  Besides them, we had Chazz, a loveable chubby guy who Leni was into and worked at clothing store and knew his fashion stuff. and was charmed by her romantic gesture. He just seemd sweet and it was implied via background stuff they were still dating.. but he hasnt’ shown up since despite her working AT the mall and that being her main arc for the last two seasons. 
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Just why? What’s wrong with the chubby fashion boy? Why? Did they decide they had too many romance arcs.. at exactly two? I get focusing on sam, because duh, and because that was awesome.. but you’ve had 2 full seasons since then and again Leni and him now work in the same location if not the same store, which in itself is a plot. I don’t ask much from you show.. well okay I do but let me clarify I don’t ask much from you that you could actually do: I know i’m never getting my a diffrent world style spinoff with lori and bobby. I know Zach is going nowhere and i’m just going to have to get over it, I will not, but I DO know you could include chaz and just won’t. So do that at least. I will put up with several more seasons of Zach if it means this adorable love story continues. It’s even easy enough to pick up this late: they are both stupid. Work with that. Gah... coach if you’d please. 
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Thanks coach. Okay so one tangent later we’re back to the episode. Point is her team is loosing even though Lynn’s the captain now, and while she’s perfectly encouraging it’s not winning games. Lynn is understandably dejected in the car not helped by the sports commentor guys from the game... commenting about it on the radio...
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I mean.. I get sports can have dry spots and all that but who covers a middle school basketball team on the radio that isn’t the middle school radio station. I mean I genuinely can’t decide which is more sad... a radio personality doing a children’s baseball game on his own show, or having so much trouble getting one that he’s apperaing on the middle school radio show. And I COULD say it’s just a guest spot but he’s talking like he knows what’s going on intmatiley> Did his daughter ask him to? I mean I know radio’s fallen pretty far but I dind’t think it was that much in the basement. Do a podcast at least man. 
Okay before I go on another Tangent point is Lynn feels it’s her fault as Captain.. which granted whoever the coach is should be .. but it genuinely looks like they don’t HAVE a coach. Maybe they had to sack him to pay for the newly refrubished av department? I dunno. Point is she feels bad and Lynn Sr vows to cheer her up.. before stopping for farm fresh eggs. Which.. yeah can’t blame him. He’s a cook, and Liam’s family likely has good prices. He can buy for both home and restraunt at once. I mean he has a van and only one occupant at the moment. Don’t judge him.  But this little detour DOES help Lynn’s mood. Her problem is the team lacks a decent pitcher, since Lynn herself was banned for throwing one at a heckling goat. The Lawsuit is ongoing and that made me laugh a lot. But Lynn finds Happy Gilmore style that Liam.. has a really great arm. Granted instead of actuall balls it’s with cowpies because this series really loves a shit joke, hence the title and the new nickname for liam, the cow pie kid.. but compared to some of the series toilet humor it’s a lot less in your face. But with Liam being so good Lynn can’t help but sign him to the team and Liam being a sweetie pie is happy to agree.  I have.. not hid even for a second how much I liked Liam or wanted him, and Stella, to show up outside of Lincoln episodes more often, or even get his own again. That day.. has come. Not only does LIam now have a roll entirely outside his friend group, but this episode’s about him and Lynn together.. not in that way.. yet. Someday.. Point is my boy is in the spotlight and I could not be happier.   And thankfully.. Lynn’s at her best. What I feared would be an episode about her overtraining him and making him not enjoy the game, htat old chesnut instead.. she just genuinely helps mentor him. She’s tough but fair as she helps him get his aim right as he’s used to firing Cow Pie’s, so the weight distrbution is off. So she helps train him and .. it’s really cute honestly, with her genuinely helping him and showing a softer side and later realizing she had him thinking about it too hard and just having him not think.. and going by instinct naturally works for a carefree and easygoing guy like liam. Wouldn’t be suprised if he went ultra instinct eventually.. but that’s for another episode. They also have a pig pile together.. which sounds bad but is just pigs piling on liam and lynn gladly gets on top of the pigs and god that sounds worse. next scnee. 
So Liam gets ahead and becomes the star pitcher for the zanarkand abes.. I mean the Royal Woods Kangaroos, and they just keep wining and wining and wining. Their like glomgold: all they do is win... but probably with less attempted corpse dancing. Problem is as we see during the montage Liam’s arm is slowly but surley getting cramped and while he wins hte next game.. his arm gives out from noodle arm. The good news is with rest, he can fix it, as her injury prone friend Paula, whose somehow allowed to play with crutches despite ALL the legal and moral issues that raises explains. but they don’t have days to rest it. So insane plans it is!  So Lynn goes to her sisters for herlp..specifically lisa int he hopes her mad science can either fix his pain or turn him into the hulk. Neither happens.. yet. I mean LIam is so sweet if he IS a hulk, we won’t know yet. But the green door will.. it always knows. IT ALWAYS KNOWS.  Lynn bemonas her luck.. before Lucy appears!
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I JUST said last month when reviewing 11 louds a leapin that I missed the duo of her and lynn and lo and behold here we are. While we dno’t get much of the two fo them, it is still nice to see Lynn suprised by her scares and Lucy trying to use the dark arts to heal his pain.. which actually works. Lucy’s upgraded from wants to be a witch to full witch. 
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So yeah her dark magic works and now Liam is fine just fine as the championship game approaches. Until naturally it isn’t. While Lucy STOPPED the pain, she didn’t make anything better, just numbed it so Liam’s arm’s pretty bad and Lisa suggests there’s a 70 perfecnt chance he’ll wreck it if he does so.. and while Lynn is naturlaly, given one of her main traits is asshole, ready to risk that.. she realizes she can’t. Rusty is on her team following her orders.. and no matter how good a W feels.. she can’t trade in someone’s health for one. Honestly bettter than most sports managers ngl. So Paula subs in and misses, loosing them the game.. but Lynn. takes it in stride, having realized she can win next year and having finally realized what being the leader REALLY means. She can work on paula’s curve, give Liam a break, and win next time... which she’ll have because time dosen’t work normally in this show’s dimension and a solid timeline is just a pipedream, so she probably has another year of being 14 to redo this and has become aware of it. I’m scared and excited for what that means.  Liam celebrates with a pig pile of two and we get a REALLY fucking cute shot of the two being happy and what not before a pig jumps on them still though.. yeah I ship it now. Liam taps into the space where I thought a black void of misery and douchebaggery was but ti turns out is in fact a heart, something few can do with Lynn and Lynn can protect him form bullies and is perfectly suited for his rough hewn farmboy styles. Point is their cut.e And so was this episode. IT was a really nice return to the series and it was again REALLY fucking great to see one of Lincoln’s firend,s and one of the GOOD ones at that, get a starring roll without him. HOpefully this keeps up and hopefully we see more of these two. 
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Saved by the Spell:
RUSTY SPOKES IS TRASH (Ring) I don’t have a saved by the spell font that’ll have to do. Point is he is but before we get to Rusty being Rusty, Lincoln is doing magic tricks at the table. 
Point is he’s excited to do it at the talent show. The next day his friends discuss doing something to make them look cool to everyone. WHich.. kids. i’ll level with you. You. are. NERDS. As a massive one in both size and nerdiness myself, there’s nothing wrong with that. 2/3 of you are lovely people. You’ll be fine. But you are geeks, and should be proud of that.. not so proud you evolve into an incel or it’s adjacent form of assholes mind you, but still proud of who you are. You are never going to be that cool by trying to appeal to everyone. Just be yourslef and the cool comes naturaly. Like kool aid, which is naturally made by milking the Kool Aid man. Be you. 
But instead they decide to do a dance routine which..  let’s face it.. is probably just this spread across 6 people...
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Point is maybe don’t do that. Also when Clyde does a dorky but endearing dance and says their going to shake their groove things, Rusty pipes in with “But cool”... and while sadly not as glorious as EVERYONE looking enitrely done with him like last time we saw this tool, Clyde clearly still does while the rest of hte Lincrew have no idea what the hell he’s on. I think their just.. numb to his stupidity and ego at this point.  But when Lincoln shows off his magic they all hide him, fearing that magic.. is well for younger kids and this won’t play so well. Which isn’t an invalid fear: this is middle school and from personal experince, middle school can be hell.. and also one of hte best years of my life which shows the vast gulf between the two schools I was in but was also not the point. the point is kids can be cruel and maybe don’t do this. But lincoln gonna do it anyway because he has confidence.. and frankly given there was an ENTIRE episode about being yourself instead of putting on an asshole suit of armor to avoid being hurt, which Lynn finally took off again last episode, he’s right.. but the rest of them all feel THEIR ALL GOING TO LAUGH AT YOU. and since they don’t know if he has latent psychic powers or not can’t risk him getting pigs blood dumped on him so they plan to find some way to trick him out of it.. Clyde of course gets his stomach in nots because he’s not good with schemes or lying ot his best friend, both of which this is and requires. 
Also Stella’s in the lead, as she should be. And she helps as her positive attudie makes what their doing come off as it should: KINDA douchey, but not intentionally so, they just worry about hteir freind getting pummled.. possibly by his own sister but now sh’es possibly with Liam that’s probably not as much of a worry. Or Chandler but frankly he’s going to do that no matter what.. and is probably getting his ass kicked himself by older kids who won’t toldeate his bs, so your clear. But their fears while a bit unfounded are understandable and well inteitoned if misguided, as we don’t know LIncoln’s act at this point or how well it’d go over with a mostly tweenager crowd, who can be the best as we’ve seen in recent tv.. or aboslutel monsters.. same deal. You either get Luz or you get BOscha, the inbetween is rare. 
So cue our usual setup of a bunch of attempts to do something in a row, but like I said while i’m not a fan of reptition if it’s done well enough it works and with it’s rather sizeable supporting cast , LIncoln and Friends episodes usdually do make it work. In this case it does as each of the sensational 6, lincoln and clyde asid,e try their hand at it. Liam, being the golden child, just has the most direct and obvious route: swipe his magic stuff.. and runs off without letting them talk it out but unlike Rusty in the next attempt, his plan was actually viable.. he just gets tangled up in the scarves and taps out.  Rusty is next ....and his idea is to.. show lincoln his killer dance moves to convince him normally. 
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Yup pretty much that. And somehow out of the four plans, RUSTY’S is the only one that dosen’t bring up any serious moral quandries. I know i’m shocked too. He just thinks his moves will do it when no they won’t, please stop it hurts to watch and I can’t turn the fuck away. This is my job you redheaded kanker sore! Gah it thankfully ends and is unsurisingly unsuccesful. 
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Also unsuprisingly, i’ve been waiting since i got that image to use it on Rusty. And as a third dollop of unsuprise I did not have to force it in any way shape or form. Point is it’s Zach’s turn as during the last two he’s been pushing really hard to use some form of brainwashing on his friend.. yes .. really. 
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Thought Rusty would be the first loud house character to get that one but hey if the shoe fits. Seriously I thought rusty was the creep among them but at least you know.. altering someone’s throughts to suit your own isn’t his go to move. Being excetsivly cocky and coming on too strong is but still better to take THAT out of the Zach Morris playbook than “brainwash people into dooing whatever you say because tha’ts not creeptagious.” And unsurpsingly it does not work.. on Lincoln it woroks on Meyrl for some reason. Thankfully it dosen’t though just.. Zach needs no power epsiecally over the mind. 
So UNSUPRSINGLY, Stella has the working plnan.. and also unsuprisingly the last three just did theres by running off, running off and shouting the loudest. Again somehow Rusty is NO LONGER the most obnoxious one of the group. Zach won that title this episode. He’s still the most pathetic.. but i’m the most done with Zach who adds nothing to the dynamic or the planet or anything and I wish would just go away. Your home planet needs you. 
But yeah Stella has the winning idea: pretending to be “Yodel Boy”, a student who was humilated at a talent show last year, proving sh’es not only a decent actress (I mean it’s obvious i’ts stella in a wig, padding and lederhosen, but points for the accent being okay and hey she’s in middle school), but also the smartest of them. Only one of those is a suprise. It works and Lincoln agrees. 
So the night of the talent show they’ve caught him up to speed and prepare to celebrate, only for clyd eto open the wrong locker and reveal the yodel boy suit. WHy it was in there instead of at Stella’s house where this wouldn’t happen?
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But yeah the cat’s out of the bag and lincoln leaves, depressed his friends think that little of him and lied to him. Which.. yeah completely fair. They tried talking to him, it did not work.. they shoudl’ve just left it at that. It would’ve SUCKED if he got bullied true, but it was his choice to go out there and take a risk and do what he loves. As someone whose constnatly self concious and had to fight to start writing like i’m doing now, I envy that kind of youthful confidence and thus wholly support him. 
And finally.. so do his friends. Realizing they’ve been kinda crappy, they introduce lincoln instead and work as his assitants.. and.. it works. Stella gets sawn in half, Zach gets astounded by a card trick, and Liam wears a bunny outfit which is just.. precious. Good boy. Best boy. It’s a huge hit.. and we also get to seesome of the new background kids including one with pink hair who looks kinda nb. I’m just saying one of you should take a crack at them, they seem nice. But for now our heroes are haield as heroes, and the other 5 apologize to lincon and they do their now cemented and fucking adorable group hug. Happy ending to a pretty great episode, with decent gags, a good relatable plot, and Rusty being just the right amoutn of obnoxious. Good stuff.  So that does it for this week. If you liked this review like or reblog it, check out my other work and come back later today for some duck content. and every week once the show returns. Until the next rainbow, it’s been a pleasure. 
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alwaysupatnight · 5 years ago
Since you sent me an a bonus two, I am taking that as a greenlight to send even more! How about Kate Fuller and looking through your tags: Joel Hammond (Santa Clarita Diet) and Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist) 💖
omg this took forever!! lmaooo Thanks for all the characters though!! :D
Kate Fuller
Why I like them: My love!! I went into FDTD already a fan of Madie’s but Kate quickly became one my fave characters!! I love that she’s so small and cute but will absolute wreck you if you mess with her or someone she cares about!! lmfao She’s so fierce when she needs to be and doesn’t take shit from anyone, but she’s also so nurturing and forgiving and I think we all need a little of that in our lives. Absolute sunshine, not to be taken for granted.
Why I don’t: Sometimes she goes a little too far tbh. She doesn’t know when or how to say no. It’s not that I don’t like that about her, but it absolutely gets her into situations that could otherwise be avoided.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Again season 2 episode 1!! I love how she sasses Seth in that episode. lol
Favorite season/movie: Hmm... maybe season 1.
Favorite line: “...So you’re gonna put this car into drive, and you’re gonna step on that pedal, or I’m gonna Bible-thump your ass all the way back to Kansas! NOW!” LMFAOOO
Favorite outfit: I think her black American Eagle jacket and jeans with the black boots outfit has become so attributable to her character in my mind. When I think of Kate she’s wearing either that outfit or the one she wears at the end of s1. I think those are my faves. Also Amaru’s outfit looked totally amazing on Madie!!
OTP: Sethkate obvs
Brotp: I’m gonna go with Kate and Rafa. He was too good!! I totally would ship them romantically too ngl. They were precious together!!
Head Canon: Ugh again with the head canons... lmao I kinda always believed she’d wanna study engineering of some kind if given the chance to go to back and finish school. Everyone always wants to make her a nurse or a teacher or something, and I can totally see that. But I like the idea that she’s interested in how things work. I totally wanna write a mechanic Kate au one of these days.
Unpopular opinion: idk that I have any unpopular opinions about her... She made some questionable decisions in season2, but I forgive her for making me suffer.
A wish: That she hadn’t mf DIED!! BECAUSE I SUFFERED OKAY. WORRYING FOR MONTHS THAT IT HAPPENED TO ME YET AGAIN AND THAT MY FAVE WAS DEAD. Also that she had gotten more screentime in season 3. She barely had a few minutes. It wasn’t fair. And I wish that Richie had owned up to his part in her death.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Romantic tres geckos. No thanks!!
5 words to best describe them: Too good for this world
My nickname for them: Seth’s badass beautiful young wife. That’s my tag name for her. :P Also Kate Gecko.
Joel Hammond
Why I like them: OMFG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! lmao I love that he’s so dedicated to his family. And he LOVES Sheila more than anything, even though she’s become a zombie and her entire personality changes on him and eats people now, but he stays with her and never gives up on her. Even though he’s highkey stressed 100% of the time. :P
Why I don’t: I don’t think there’s anything I don’t like about him tbh??
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Ughhh idk I loved all the episodes tbh. But one of my favorite scenes was in season 3 after he and Eric do the zombie killing training and Eric says “Joel touched me” XD
Favorite season/movie: IDK. Maybe a tie between s1 and s3.
Favorite line: haha idk I can’t remember any in particular except “You’re killing it!” when he finds out Abby soaked his iron skillet in the sink :P
Favorite outfit: I don’t think I have one? I never really paid attention tbh.
OTP: Joel and Sheila!! They belong together!!
Brotp: Joel and Eric!! forever dying at those two. I love their relationship so much!!
Head Canon: I never thought about it tbh...
Unpopular opinion: Don’t have any!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: that his personality would be really different from his original one after turning into a zombie
5 words to best describe them: Best husband in the world
My nickname for them: don’t have one!!
Edward Elric
Why I like them: I really loved his relationship with Alphonse!! They meant everything to each other!! I haven’t seen FMA anything in a long time, or I’m sure I would remember more things I liked. :P
Why I don’t: Okay I found the Brotherhood anime Edward pretty goddamn annoying sometimes with all the screaming and cartoony reactions to things...
Favorite episode (scene if movie): idkkkkk
Favorite season/movie: I definitely preferred the 2003 anime... Brotherhood might be canon but idgaf!! I still haven’t read the manga. :P
Favorite line: “You’ve got a good, strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use ‘em.” haha idk I haven’t seen either anime in so long but that one comes to mind... there’s so many different versions of it. :P
Favorite outfit: He literally always wears the same thing. lol
OTP: ehh... I mean everyone ships him with Winry but I didn’t really ship him with anyone? I know he and Winry are canon. idgaf though. I hated that she was always fucking hitting him in Brotherhood and though I did think they were really cute in the 2003 series it didn’t really go there?
Brotp: Ed and Al forever!! Their relationship is my favorite thing about the series!! omfg I cried when I watched the Shamballa movie when Al says “brother” in his sleep, stuck in the other world. T_T I know it’s not “canon” but the brothers’ relationship is developed soooooo much better in the 2003 series and movie.
Head Canon: don’t got any!!
Unpopular opinion: NGL I loved the 2003 anime soooo much more than Brotherhood because they didn’t cut every potentially emotional scene off at the knees with some comedic BS to lighten the mood. The 2003 series really gave the story and characters time it needed, and it really allowed us to get to know the brothers and grow an attachment to those characters. That series just had wayyyy better character development imo and I really grew to love Ed and Al so much because of it!! I haven’t actually read the manga still after all this time. lol I’ve been meaning to.
A wish: idk... I haven’t been in that fandom for ages...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I can’t think of anything...?
5 words to best describe them: haha I hate this question
My nickname for them: don’t have one :P
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chasiingfreedom-blog · 7 years ago
NAME:  unknown, but for all intents and purposes he goes by Finn ALIAS(ES):  FN-2187, Eight-Seven, Traitor, Big Deal GENDER:  male AGE:  23 DATE OF BIRTH:  11 ABY OCCUPATION:  Stormtrooper, unofficial leader of his four-unit FN squad, ex-Stormtrooper/Defector, almost-space pirate, Resistance/Rebel Scum, Prince of Artorias, Grey Jedi ( FITE ME IN THE CLUB THIS WILL 5EVER BE MY FAV THEORY ). 
EYE COLOR:  Dark brown HAIR COLOR:  Jet black HEIGHT:   5′10″ SCARS:  A lifetime worth of various physical scars from training with the First Order. The most prominent are the ones that can’t be seen, the scars littered across his brain and upon his heart. BURNS:  The lightsaber burns that cauterized into scars from his battle with Kylo Ren, on his right shoulder and across his back. 
OVERWEIGHT:  Being overweight doesn’t exactly meet First Order specifications, where BMI is a definitely a thing that’s closely monitored and maintained. It’s also hard to overindulge when you’re only ever given a set amount of food that wasn’t designed for flavour but nutrients and efficiency. Finn might really go hard when he experiences first hand what real food could taste like, but keeping fit has been ingrained in him that going overweight wouldn’t be an issue even then. UNDERWEIGHT:  He was as close as he was going to get to being underweight as a kid, where the First Order trained them hard from the get go and he was slow at eating at first that his food was always taken away when he didn’t eat fast enough in the allotted time and he’d burn more calories than he ate.
COLOR:   Anything but red or white. Maybe shades of brown, like the colour of his jacket, the first thing he’d ever owned, the colour of Poe’s eyes, the colour of Rey’s hair… HAIR COLOR:  No preference. EYE COLOR:  No preference. SONG:  If it’s not First Order-issued he’d love it. Probably something instrumental, so he can feel the music without having to worry about language barriers or not understanding the themes he’s not used to yet. MOVIE: Something comedic, since life could always use some laughter, or dramatic, to focus  on other people’s problems than his own, or something educational, since Finn loves to learn new things. TV SHOW: Generally same genres as movies? In a modern verse he’d definitely be the type to watch National Geographic or HGTV and yell at people who chose the wrong house on House Hunters lmaO Definitely be crying a river at This Is Us. FOOD: Anything; he has a lot to make up for after years of food that tasted like cardboard. Something with lots of protein because he’s used to that or something he can eat with his hands/finger food, because he’d get taste and touch sensations in one. DRINK:  Water, protein shakes ( unfortuately or not ). Much like food, he has a lot of make up for and try. He’d be more reluctant on alcoholic drinks since he’d like to be alert but he’d want to taste it at least once. BOOK:  Something educational, like history that he has obviously been taught wrong on in the First Order or mission reports PASSED UNIVERSITY:  Never been. In a modern verse you bet your ass he passed in the top one percentile.  HAD SEX:  Not yet 8D HAD SEX IN PUBLIC:  No, and though he would literally have no shame in doing so ( communal sonics are a thing in the First Order okay, he wouldn’t blink an eye at a naked body, male or female ) he wouldn’t necessarily be open to it? It’s just a very private moment that he’d like to keep between him and his partner and not share with curious onlookers. GOTTEN PREGNANT:  No ( but you know what Oscar said, you dunno what’s going on with these aliens anything’s possible lmao ) KISSED A BOY:  Yes ( fite me in the pit he kissed Slip okay ) KISSED A GIRL:  Yes ( thanks Rose ) GOTTEN TATTOOS: There was a time I believed the First Order, like, tattooed barcodes of stormtrooper’s designation somewhere but I’m not sure where I am with that. Either way it’s something he’d be open to, whether to cover that up or just because. GOTTEN PIERCINGS:  No. Not sure if he ever get a piercing? On the off chance that he would it’d probably be something not conventional like a nipple piercing or something lmAO HAD A BROKEN HEART:  Yes, and not strictly in the romantic sense. BEEN IN LOVE:  He could’ve been? How does one ever know they’re in love tbh STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS: It’s not really a thing that happens in the First Order, but I feel like that first night after he crashed on Jakku would’ve been the first he’s ever been up for more than a day because it was just not safe to sleep.
██▒   ARE THEY
A VIRGIN:   Yes. Who wants to help change that 8D A KISSER:   He would love kissing. SCARED EASILY:   He’s high-strung and paranoid for sure, but escaping from the First Order who would kill him on sight ( or worse, capture and re-condition him ) tends to do that to a person. He’s also quite afraid of losing the people he cares about or seeing them in danger, especially to the First Order ( Finn screaming Rey’s name in TFA will forever haunt me ).  JEALOUS EASILY:   Envious, not jealous. He’s never really had anything or anyone to lose to be jealous of. The only thing of value he ever had was his position as “teacher’s pet”, and he was more worried about losing the praise that he longed for than being bitter about someone else receiving it instead. He would always focus on the pain of losing something than the anger of losing it that usually goes with jealously.  TRUSTWORTHY:  In spite of the environment he’s had to grow up in, Finn is someone you can put your trust in, if you could get past his past. He doesn’t lie often ( partly because he’s rather bad at it ), and when he does his heart is in the right place; whether it’s to save his life ( saying he was with the Resistance ) or to save another’s life ( both times to save and protect Rey ). He’s incredibly loyal to those he trusts, but it’s gaining his trust that’s the issue.  DOMINANT:  On the battlefield, for sure. It’s what he’s been trained to do, what’s gotten him considered to be promoted, after all. In terms of intimately, he could be? Top from the bottom lmao It’s more something he’d rather share than take on solo. SUBMISSIVE:   As good as a leader as Finn could be on the battlefield, he's also pretty good at taking orders ( except for, y’know, orders he doesn’t fully agree with ). Intimately, again, it’s something he’d like to share. But if anyone’s deserving of being doted and loved on it’s Finn, and he would never be with someone he didn’t trust and feel comfortable enough to be submissive with. A lot of people would think he'd want complete control of his life after everything he’s been through, but sometimes he would just want to let go and know that someone would be there for him. IN LOVE:  thread dependent. SINGLE:  Currently, yes.
HAVE THEY HARMED THEMSELVES:  Not in the conventional way. Finn beats himself up real good in his head and it shows in how he views himself. He also tends to push himself past his limits physically like he did right after he woke up from a coma, which stems from his time in the First Order where he had to be the best, had to be useful to have any purpose. THOUGHT OF SUICIDE / ATTEMPTED SUICIDE:  A lot of people would call what happened on Crait a suicide mission, but Finn didn’t see it so much as wanting to kill himself and more like the canon had to be stopped, the First Order needed to be stopped, and this was the only way to do it and he was hell-bent on completing it. Finn doesn’t want to die, especially not before he’s truly even lived, but ironically he constantly finds himself in situations where death as an outcome is very likely. WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE:   Wanted to kill someone, no. Wanted to wreck someone until an inch of their life, or wish someone fell off a cliff and died, definitely, but he wouldn’t want to actually kill someone himself. It’s not something he enjoys. Besides, there are worse things than death that could be done. DROVE A CAR:  He can pilot speeders. HAVE/HAD A JOB:  No, unless you consider being forced to become a stormtrooper a job ( though even if you did he never got paid for it, nor will he get paid for being a part of the Resistance so... ). He almost had a job had he joined Sidon Ithano’s crew on Takodana, if that counts? lmao
██▒   FAMILY
SIBLINGS:  verse dependent  ( *winks at @starsrebcrn* ) PARENTS:  unknown ( verse dependent ) CHILDREN:   None unless you count BB-8 wut, but if you don’t think Finn would take in the kids that he saves from Project Resurrection ( yeah, there’s an official name to the First Order kidnapping children and forcing them to be stormtroopers ) then you don’t know Finn. PETS: None, but Big Deal Jr. the Huttlet was a thing that’s lmAO ( @ziinariya knows what’s up ) and I can get on board Finn owning a dog named BB-9E.
RULES:  repost, dont reblog! TAGGED BY: @stillsolo TAGGING: @glaadiolus @starsrebcrn @ziinariya @wingresistance @roguecaptain @crowningcarnage @cobaltsister @dvrksiider @rosehoped @disacquiesce @madecur @ariadne-inthesky @neversith @lightsiided @scavengered @hopegave @nctsith @chisparks @rebellionheir + anyone who wants to do it tag me!
12 notes · View notes
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"affordable home insurance org review
affordable home insurance org review
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Would fitted speakers in my car increase the insurance?
I love my music, especially dance music (can't get enough of Pjanno and Rolex) but I'm worried that the insurance might go up if I fit speakers in my car because in comparision websites, one of the sections talks about additional equipment on your car. If so, how much will the insurance go up by? getting quotes for around 1200 atm""
My car got totalled and my car insurance expired. HELP!!!?
My brother totaled my car and i cant get it fixed because my car insurance expired. Can I wait to get my insurance renewed and get it fixed or just forget about it and get a new car under a new insurance policy?
How much would auto insurance be per month for a young married couple (25 year olds)...?
...no wrecks, no moving violations, great credit... we have 2 cars (1 new that we're still paying for and 1 old that's paid off). I know I can get an online quote, but ...show more""
Is their any where that can calculate the average price of car insurance without details?
I just want to calculate the average cost for car insurance without the hassle of putting in my personal details being that it will be at least 2months till i get my licence.
How long would it take for the insurance company to fix our car?
Our car had been smashed yesterday. The front part. The hood had been smashed, too. Now I'm asking how long would it take the insurance company ti fix it? help? Thanks.""
What decreases vehicle insurance rates?
What decreases vehicle insurance rates?
Unitrin Direct Auto Insurance (Any good?)?
Asked by: hyphenga-ga I recently responded to an e-mail for a free auto insurance price quote (I'm in California). I wasn't really looking to shop around - and wasn't planning to switch companies to save a buck or two, but I was kinda shocked when the price quote I got from Unitrin Direct (same coverage limits and deductibles) was $510 less than I'm paying now. I called and asked what the catch was and they said they sell direct with no agents/offices and pass the savings onto the customer (logical, but obviously scripted answer). They also touted an A.M. Best Excellent rating, but what good is financial stability if they bungle claims (for example) or have terrible customer service? So I guess I'm looking for a little confidence - or a big fat warning - before I jump into anything. Are they reputable? Is there any objective info available about them? (I'd love any good/bad comments from Unitrin customers out there too.)""
Will one violation make my insurance go up?
The other day I failed to see a no right turn on red sign posted above an intersection. My right turn on the red light was safe, no cars were coming, and the car in front of me did the same thing, which I copied. A police motorcycle was parked waiting down the road, expressly for watching this, and pulled over the car in front of me, myself, and the driver behind me, who did the same thing. I have a clean DMV record. The fine is $170. I could elect to go to traffic school for an additional $150 so the violation won't be on my DMV record, but with my schedule, it will be hard finding the time for this, and I think the $170 fine is bad enough. My auto insurance is my only concern. How likely is it they'll raise my premiums (2 vehicles) with only one violation on my record? Also, how long does the violation stay on my DMV record (California). Thanks!""
How much will my brothers insurance go up after his accident?
How much will my 18 year old brothers car insurance go up after a 3,000 single car accident? Thanks! :o)""
Why want the Republicans work with the Democrats to get a good health care system in the U.S.?
Is it because the Republicans are behind big business?
Good Driver Insurance Discount?
Okay, so this is the deal. I have a 3.3 G.P.A. Not bad, right? Well, for one of my classes I actually have an F in for ONE of my Spring 2011 classes. Although I can get the discount, my parents keep hounding me for my transcript and I don't want them to see that F or I'm screwed. Can I still get the discount if I send the car insurance company my trancript from the previous semesters and not my most recent one?""
Health care bill will make health services more affordable and of higer quality?
why would it? can anyone give me a paragraph on why and why these things happen?
Health insurance coverage for my infant -?
i have a 3month old infant ..we just moved to US from australia. got a group insurance provided by my employer - with United health care. like to know ,as far the doctor visits for my infant is concenred, 1. do we still need to pay copay for infant visit 2. will insurance cover vaccinations what else i should know as far as doctor visits for infant is concerned,and also about my insurance""
Car insurance for a 19 year old?
Ok about a few Weeks ago I was involved in a wreak, I had no license and was not under my parents insurance. Luckily i didn't go to jail cause I was rear ended. Now I'm attempting to get A drivers license after SO long I've been begging for one, The only thing that's held me back from getting one was my parents because they said i would be tagged on into the insurance, and that I had to go under another address. Now after the wreak they said I cant get one, because once the insurance finds out im driving, they'll automatically add me on, is this true? I want to get back on the road and walking is pretty bad knowing i have a car ive been paying for the [ast two years for. BTW I live in Texas and under state farm.""
Insurance for a minor?
Ok im turning 17years old and i am going to buy a bmw m3 2003 Whats the best way i can get insurance, i dont know how exactly it works but i wanted to go under my dad. what is the cheapest and best way to get the insurance for my car. and how much will it cost""
Is AmeriPlan a Good insurance company?
it's a health insurance company, and for four people, you only have to pay 60 dollars a month. I was just wondering if it is a rip of, only asking people who have used it or are using it now. What do you think of it. Is it a rip off. Is the 60 dollars a scam, or is that all you have to pay. Thanks so much!""
List of health insurance in the phils?
i am looking for less expensive medical insurance coverage
How does a speeding ticket affect insurance costs?
My parents own the car that I drive and cover insurance fees (I pay for gas/oil/maintenance). I got a speeding ticket today for $156 for going 52 in a 35 zone (if that price is legitimate and fair in CT, I'm not sure), but I'm curious as to how that will affect insurance costs? Anyone with knowledge in the area, your responses are much appreciated.""
Did you know about a lost payee on your car insurance?
How much will my car insurance cost?
I know that this is a vague question, but I was just curious as to what the average amount would be? I'm 16 years old about to be a new driver. I have a used red 2000 Jeep Cherokee if that matters. I'm female and live in Rhode Island.""
Home business and home insurance?
What's the risk when running a home business if your home insurance provider (not business insurance) become aware of your home business operations. What will happen and/or can happen. If you have a business insurance can your home insurance premium go up as a result of having a home business?
Military Motorcycle insurance for an 18 year old?
Im 17 now and want to get a yamaha v star just to cruise around on but i dont kno how much the insurance will be, knowing that insurance for a teenager is horrible. I am going to basic training this novemeber so ill mostlikely do all of this after i finish so i have more money. Ill be 18 by then and just was wondering how much the insurance will be? Also if there are any military discounts for this? Thanks for your help""
Getting a quote on a 67 mustang cobra?
i can't seem to find anything on the internet about getting a free quote on this car. i'm wanting to get a 67 mustang cobra with a 302 engine. i have no idea how much my insurance is going to rise up on it. which is why my father doesn't want to buy it. -.- does anyone know how much this would make my insurance go up? no, i'm not asking for a direct quote, i'm asking for an approximate raise. an example such as: This raises your insurance by approximately $200""
Car insurance. the diffrence in price?
i am looking for car insurance, and when i type in the address i am at the moment and the address i want to move in to, only thing is the house i living at seems to lower the ...show more""
When do you have to get your own health insurance? ?
im 17 will soon be turning 18 and will be starting college in the fall . i have a medical card and im under my moms health plan/insurance. but when do i branch off to get my own insurance/plan ??
affordable home insurance org review
affordable home insurance org review
""When changing auto insurance company, is there disadvantage?
I have an auto insurance with my honda civic si 2001. I got the quote last year from Johnson.Inc. comprehensive $230 every month. Someday they called me said some mistake with my quote and change the price without permission goes up to $400per month. I want to find another insurance company I mostly got quote around $300 comprehensive per month without deductable.But don't know do i have to pay any penalty or disadvantage to change it?
Do you have to pay for insurance when you start a driving job?
A staffing agency is requiring me to pay a $150 refundable deductible before I start the job, does this sound legit?""
How much does it cost for car insurance?
I am 17 years old. I just got my licenses and i need insurance. How much does it cost with my parents and how much does it cost without my parents?
How much more would it cost if my parents added me to their car insurance?
My parents pay about $100 a month on insurance for their car ( 2008 Nissan Sentra) to OMNI insurance group. I'm just wondering how much extra would they have to pay to add me (16 years old) onto the insurance when I get my license?
Question about State Health Insurance and marriage in Connecticut?
I am 20 years old and 10 weeks pregnant with my fiance's child. The only reason we didn't get married a while ago is because of health insurance. He's covered on his father's plan until he's 26 IF he doesn't marry. Well, now that I'm pregnant, I was told if we aren't married, the state will come after him for child support- not to mention that I want to marry him, anyway. We've been engaged for a year and a half. I have state insurance, and everything with the pregnancy is covered, but what happens if we get married? He'll lose his insurance. Is there a state insurance plan for the entire family in CT? A plan that he can be covered on once we are married?""
Who pays $200.00 for car insurance?
I just got a Nationwide quote for car insurance and it was over $200.00 for the monthly payments. Im just now getting my own car/car insurance(in my name), Im a female in my mid-twenties, had my first two speeding tickets last year. Plan on getting a 2007 Pontiac G6, and I will be driving it to work and school. is $200.00 a normal monthly amount to be paid for me?""
""Car has MOT, Tax but no Insurance?
Getting a new car today but still have the old one. I'm waiting for it to be collected by a car scrap collection company which could be up a few days. I want to swap my insurance from my old car to my new. My old car would still be taxed and mot but then will have no insurance. Is that legal? Just to keep it parked up for a few days without insurance?
Young (new) driver Car insurance?
Ok so i passed my test a few days ago and am now ready to drive. my mum owns the car, and my dad has insurance down on his name only (main driver). I called up his insurance company and they said they couldn't add me as second driver, i need at least 2 years of experience, but how would i get experience if i can't drive without insurance? derp.. Anyway, i looked at conventional comparison websites and the prices where ridiculous. So, my question is, if i was to start a new quote on my name only, would it be cheaper? and would it conflict with my dads insurance? if my mum transferred the car to my name would it come cheaper for me? and would that action conflict with my dads standing insurance?? im so confused and distraught, does my dad need to cancel hi insurance, make me the main and him the second driver?? please halp :)""
First car?? very cheap budget wear and what should i be looking to purchase?
ok im in uk got a budget of around 500 max im 17 so insurance will be bowt 1k third party what ever car i get i need simple ideas on a how to get a small cheap first car if you know anything about insurance then i want it cheap and yes i am short of cash as u may have gatherd also what good sound systems should i look to get once ive paid for everything thats what ill be saving for next....
Do you need motorcycle insurance when you just have a motorcycles learners permit?
in MN. I already have car insurance but is motorcycle insurance nessisary when i just have a permit? I know I did not need it with my car permit but is it different with a motorcycle?
I need to how much car insurance will be ?
Im 19 years old an i live in topeka ks. im goin to be gettin a 1994 camaro i want to no how much the car insurance will be since it is a sports car
Forcing to get car insurance?
Two years ago, my ex and I bought a car under her name. It was registered in her name, and the loan was in her name. The insurance was in mine. We split up, and now neither of us ...show more""
What is the best way to recruit people to become insurance agents?
I recruit people for Farmers Insurance to become insurance agents. We train and help finance them to open their own insurance office. I'm doing this within a 30 mile radius of ...show more
What is the price of insurance on a 1990 pontiac firebird?
I am 16 years old and just got my license. I am looking to buy a 1990 pontiac firebird. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for a new driver.
I drive without insurance and got a speeding ticket ...?
Okay guys, I'm in a very tough situation right here. & before I get to the question, Yes I know I was stupid and I have learned my lesson. Okay, I'm 18 years old and had my license for almost a year now. My dad lets me drive his car (which is under his and my moms name) ... he knows I don't have insurance and still lets me drive (I guess it's because he's too cheap at the moment) ... One day I was coming back from college and got on the interstate to get home faster. Speed limit was 55mph but I ended up going 78mph (I live in Virginia by the way) ... Luckily the cop didn't mark me for reckless driving, just speeding. I showed him my registration and stuff during the time I got stopped but he didn't say anything about me having no insurance. I checked online and my fine is $200 for speeding ... My question is whose insurance will go up?? I don't have insurance ... will I get in trouble? I didn't tell my dad yet because he'll kill me. Thanks.""
Do insurance companies cover a chiropractor after an accident?
i was rear ended and had to see a chiropractor because of severe whiplash. the insurance company of the girl who hit me is offering a settlement and almost half of it will be going to ...show more
How long can i drive without a car insurance ?
lets say i bought a new car, can i for instance drive it for a week without having a car insurance ?""
How can I get insurance on a car that is being bought for me and my name is not on the title?
My daughter is buying the car on her credit, so I can pay her. When it comes to the insurance on the car, how do I get the insurance in my name and have her as an occasionally driver on the policy? Can that be done""
How much do you think my car insurance might cost? HELP PLEASE!?
I'm a new driver. I'm 26 years old. I want full coverage. I live in New Jersey. The amount of the might be 8,000 and Nissan 2007-2010. If anyone have any advice for me, that will help me choice the best car insurance. It would be appreciated. I'm still open to a different car.""
Insurance deductibles -- when to pay? (and other insurance questions)?
So I am no long part of an california HMO plan, so now I have to get insurance on my own. Problem is that I am making about $800 / month (part time work) while going to school full time. Both my parents are on government low-income plans, so I cant put them as primary policy holders while I get student rates. One question I have about deductibles is when to pay it? For example, a plan that has $1,500 deductible / $0 doctor visits, do I have to pay the full value of that office visit to the doctor? Or will I have to pay $1,500 straight out to the insurance company and then funds will be used accordingly? What about $1500 deductible / $30 co-pay doctor visits? If I pay $30 to the doctor, will this credit towards the deductible? Or will this plan only hit me with the deductible for $1500 when I go to the hospital? Or will the insurance company want it upfront? Final question is: for a 21 year old student that is about 5'7, 230 lbs, non smoker, rarely drinks, what do you think would be the correct rate? So far I am getting estimates of $60-300, depending how big of a deductible I want to put down. Actually, one quick question: opinions on Kaiser Permanente anyone? I know most people i've talked to complained about slow waits and etc, but i'm leaning towards it because of good coverage for the cost -- but is it really worth it? I know this is quite a lot to ask, so if you don't feel like answering, at least point me to an informative web site?""
Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification?
I'm a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom's new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered for collision. My dad's car is not covered for collision either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister's accidents. Couldn't I just buy a car on my own and not get collision coverage on it like my dad and sister's cars? Would that be cheaper? I really don't know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :) Oh, and if it matters, I went to traffic school after my accident to remove the points against my driving record (I think that's what it did) My sister had already gone to traffic school recently for a speeding ticket so she can't go again for her accident.""
SR-22 Insurance Company risks?
We recently got jacked by Geico regarding SR22 insurance. We are going with a smaller company now and an inexpensive rate. What are the risks? What are things I should look out for? Arent the requirements of the SR22 insurance fairly good coverage due to the type of insurance you need?
When does car insurance take effect?
so i have car insurance on 3 cars now the third one i asked to be insured like 2 or three weeks ago is my car insuraed from the day i call and get insurance on it or wat plz ten points
Car insurance confusion?
so my dad bought a car for my sis and I to share. I have liability that my mom pays. My sis has insurance my dad pays. Can I still drive the car my dad bought for us or do I have to be under his plan? btw my parents are divorced
Help on medical insurance?
My girlfriend just lost her medical health insurance benefit from her job, and she is having difficulty finding an insurance provider because she is pregnant. Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will accept her? Thank you for your help.""
affordable home insurance org review
affordable home insurance org review
Can i buy insurance/warranty on beats?
My friend sold me an unopened studio beats. But i want to know if places like best buy can i just walk in and ask for a warranty or insurance? if not can you place help me find a place that i can.
Can I put car insurance in my name on my brothers car?
My brother recently got a dui and he already has sr-22 insurance. His license is going to be taken away and he lost his job because his job involoved driving a vehicle. He wont be able to pay for his insurance and car. I don't have the credit to out right buy his car from him but loan is in his name. I want to take over his payments for him cause he wont get back out of the car what he owes the bank. The bank will let him keep the car as long as the payments are made I know that, but will they allow me to put full coverage insurance on his car and drive it? I am trying to save his credit and his car from gettin takin""
Im considering getting a bmw m3 e36 as my first car how much does it cost and where can i find one in Canada?
also how does insurance cost and is it a good idea to get it as a first car or should i get a integra gsr or civic si
My daughter gave permission to an unlicensed driver to drive my car. will me insurance co pay the damages?
she is on my policy. he hit another car. will my insurance company pay for the other persona car and mine?
Does a car not in use need insurance?
Just wondering what the laws were in Canada if I need insurance on my car that is unplated and probably going to the junk yard in the next 2 weeks (have to scavenge some parts before I let it go) Calling my insurance company tomorrow to add on the new car but wondering if I should take the old car off altogether?
Our car insurance is crazy! Please help!?
We have Geico. And a 2007 Toyota Yaris. When my boyfriend moved in, we called to see how much it would be to put him on our insurance as an occasional driver. It was 1000 for 6 months. Then they made us mail him something as proof he wasn't living there or they were going to charge us anyways! So now we got a letter that says they did it anyways and they want more proof. His insurance for his broken down car is at our address cause he was living with us then moved out. His license and everything is still at his old home. Even if he moves out, we can't prove he doesn't live there cause they want a utility bill with his name on it! What can we do? Is this legal? We don't have the money to switch insurances.""
Car Insurance Cost Estimate (UK)?
Iam 21 and 22 this year, i want to know an estimate car insurance cost for any car for a new driver, note i have passed my driving test a few years ago should be around 18, but i didnt really need a car back then. if Sum1 knows roughly how much i should be paying for car insurance please post here. i dont mind having the lowest benefits etc... just want a cheapest price estimate.""
What is the importance of Health care insurance?
Let me know what is the importance of Health care insurance in any individual life and best Health care insurance companies in India?
Do you think car insurance should be mandatory in all of the United States?
I live in Wisconsin. Car insurance is not required for cars trucks and anything else on the road. I think this is wrong with medical and car repair bills being so expensive these days. Worst part about it is some of these non insured people drive like lunatics and if they do hit you they have nothing to even sue them for. I think it's disgusting.
Massachusetts Health insurance?
Massachusetts Health insurance? I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
Cheapest Car and insurance help?
I have just passed my test and am paying for everything myself and am looking at the cheapest way to get in the road, so far I'm looking at an old vauxhall corsa 1.2 which I can get for 400-600 with the insurance costing me 1950. The ford ka and Nissan micra are more expensive. I know about the black box and am trying to avoid it if possible. I am 17 and have 1 year no claims on motorbike. What insurance companies and what cars are the cheapest?""
How Much Is the insurance going to increase?
Today I hit a car :( and although it was minimal damage, he decided to report it. I wanted to know how much is the insurance going to increase. Take in that i'm not in the policy its under my mom's name.""
Cracked windshield - should I make an insurance claim?
My windshield needs to be replaced due to a crack about 18 long. (from a stone that got kicked up by another vehicle on the highway). It will cost about $325 - $350 for a new windshield. The windshield installing companies say they can get Geico to pay for it. Might be true. I have comprehensive, but my deductible is $500. I just need to know if they will pay for it, and if it will cause them to decide to raise my rates, as I have made a claim.""
Is it cheaper for me and my girlfriend to get insured on the same car?
Hello, I'm wondering If anyone could help me, I am a 17 year old that is learning to drive and am looking into insuring a car. I'm currently searching to get insured on a 2002 1.2ltr Renault Clio, and was wondering if the insurance will be cheaper if I get my girlfriend who is also 17 and learning to drive insured on the same car, I'm not sure if 2 people on the same policy makes the insurance go down or not and could really do with knowing. Thank you for your help :)""
""Car Insurance, please read?""
Basically I live in the UK and it's my 17th birthday in July, and I want to start driving as soon as I get to my birthday, however I am looking at what car to buy by looking at the what cars give me the cheapest insurance. However if I go to a website such as www.comparethemarket.com (not to mistaken for comparethemeerkat.com ;P) I can't get a quote as it says the date of birth is invalid (as obviously I can't drive yet) so I'm just wondering if it is illegal or something to put my date of birthday as february instead of july just to get a quote. Please don't just say things like pass your test first as I really am interested to see an estimate on how much I will be paying Also, if it is not illegal, should I put a false name and address on too, or is that part illegal while the date of birth bit it. Many Thanks""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I got a ticket for speeding (66 mph in a 45 mph work zone). My ticket total is $438. I am trying to decide whether to get a laywer and fight it or just pay it off. Approximately how much with my auto insurance go up? Cost of lawyer? How many points will I get on my license? I am 22 years old living in North Carolina and have never had a ticket. Advice?
""Insurance says case is closed, is it really?""
A little over a year ago, I was in a car wreck and due to financial responsibility laws I had to pay for the accident. (I had no insurance, of course, I've learned this lesson) Recently they've filed suit against me for more money that they didn't receive from the insurance company. I can't afford an attorney and was about to hire a bankruptcy lawyer for all of this, but I recently found out from the insurance company that the case is closed. It's also been over a year as of a couple days ago and due to Tennessee's Statute of Limitations they can't claim any more money. So my question, the insurance company says it's closed and even said the attorney settling with them has closed the case. I call the opposing attorney myself and of course they say they can't discuss the case with me, even though I'm just asking if the case still actually exists. They wont' give me a court date either so naturally, I'm a bit suspicious. Should I be ready to put this behind me, or do law offices do this sort of thing all the time? They were recently paid out $10,000 from the insurance company I'm making payments to. I really don't see where else they could find money given my situation. All answers are appreciated, thank you!""
What are the chances my daughter could get good health insurance?
That's affordable? She has a few preexisting conditions. Spina Bifida (birth defect) asthma and Chiari Malformation. She only has one kidney. Right now she's receiving Medicaid but theres a cap on how much me and my husband can make a month and we really want to do better. Is Obama going to do something about Health care? I only have 3 choices if there are no changes, win the lotto, move to England or let things stay the way they are.""
""Once you get your license, do you have to have car insurance even if you don't own a car?""
Say you're over 18, you go for your license test and get your license. Six months later, you buy a car. During the six months before you buy the car, do you have to have car insurance, even if you're not driving during those six months at all?""
Motorcycle insurance in ontario?
Im 21 years old and im looking for cheap motorcycle insurance in ontario. Any suggestions?
Can I take my drivers test without insurance?
I plan on taking my drivers test on Monday (today is Wednesday) and I called my family's insurance company, but they said they will have to get back to us at the end of the week because they have been busy helping people cover storm damage (obviously, we recently had a bunch of tornadoes go through my town) and I am not sure if I can be insured by Monday. If that is the case, can I at least take my test? If it makes a difference, I live in Missouri.""
I need a site where I can compare health insurance quotes from the top companies. Any help will be appreciated?
Health Insurance Quotes Needed Online...
How much will my insurance and maintenance costs be affected by what type of car I get?
I'm about to be 18 and am planning on getting my first car soon. I've been driving for almost 3 years in my parents' cars but need my own for heading off to college and such. I don't know what type of car I want to get, but it's gotta be cheap, old and used, preferably up to $6,000-7,500 at the absolute max. The problem is that I've been really into cars for most of my life and would rather have something a little nicer to start, I mean within the same price range but for example a Mustang, Mitsubishi 3000GT, BMW 3- or 5-Series, etc., rather than the usual Civic or Camry (not that I'd mind one of them either). The problem is that I'm worried the insurance will be way more expensive. The latest quote my dad got was a few weeks ago and it was quite a bit lower than I expected, only like $560/yr., but that was with their old '93 Taurus GL. Will having a sports car or more high-end car affect it really dramatically or will it not make that big a difference as long as my driving record stays good? Also, how much more does it cost to maintain and repair a car like a used BMW than it does just a normal car like an Accord? I've always heard that European cars in particular can be temperamental and finicky if not maintained properly, so I'm just worried that I won't have the money and know-how to have and keep a car like that as my first car.""
Health insurance overlap! Two health insurance companies - is this ok?
Is it legal to have medical insurance with two separate health insurance companies during the transition between the two? And if one denies a claim, can you still file with the other?""
Can i get insured on a chevrolet camaro 1ss 2 door v6 in the uk?
my parents said they will buy me a chevrolet camaro and ship it to the uk, its the 1ss v6 2door. they told me i had to pay insurance does anyone know wether or not i can get insured on this car in the uk, i live in london, im im turning 18 in november and this wil be my first car, and do you know approx how much it will cost?""
affordable home insurance org review
affordable home insurance org review
Can a 17year old get kit car insurance?
I'm 17 and thinking of getting an old mini and doing it up, I'm not sure if I can get kit car insurance, I have no points on my licence and if I could get one does anyone know how much it will be? Thanks:)""
Does color of car affect insurance rates?
In the market for brand new car. Does color matter with insurance? Ive heard red is most expensive.
Why my car insurance is so high and how can I lower it?
Recently I moved my house and my insurance went off the roof. For a 03 reg ford-ka its 2300 whereas the car cost only 1400. I also have passed pass-plus, but in vain. Checked on gocompares and other sites, but of no use. I am 28yrs old. I don't know what to do, I love to drive and want that car so bad? Do you guys have any idea? Should I go and check out with my bank for insurance and stuff? please help?""
Medical insurance help?
I need to find some insurance to pay for my eye doctor b/c the insurance that I had is gone. I used to have Anthem.
Can my mom have two cars under her name?(insurance)?
I am turning 16 soon and i would like to purchase or lease my own car.. Of course i will pay half of the insurance and as much of the lease price as i can... However, before i do anything... I would like to check a few things.. Is it possible for my mother to have two cars under her name/insurance while I am also registered in her insurance? Like me being registered under my mothers insurance because if i make my own insurance the cost is very expensive.... I tried calculating how much it would cost if my mom had a car under her and another car under my name (inside the same insurance) and it was around 800-900 dollars per month.... *This is ontario..* so is it possible to have two cars under my moms name and none under mine? and will it be expensive as me having a car under my name and the same for the other car under my moms name? thanks!""
""I need health insurance but can't afford it, please help.?""
I am a 22 year old female, I work full time at a minimum wage job that does not offer benefits. I am a diagnosed bipolar and need medication for it that I can't afford without insurance. I also need health insurance because I need to pay for therapy, medicine for over active bladder, acid reflux, insomnia, and muscle injury. I have a lot going on and need to know if there is any way I can get cheaper insurance. Please help me.""
Purchasing an aircraft with no licenses? Insurance costs?
Hi guys my friend is selling his Piper Warrior and I'm interested in purchasing it with no licenses. Obviously I would have my friends who are CFI qualified with me every time I am in the aircraft until I do acquire the license. Anybody have an idea for insurance costs for owning an aircraft without a license as well as renting the aircraft to others?
Owning a car? car insurance?
Hi, I'm 18 and im living by myself, how can I own a car? I'm in the search of buying a car but before that I need to know after I buy it what do I need to pay when I registrate it under my name. Also when I get insurance? How much do I pay?""
Im looking for really cheap mediocre Auto Insurance!!1 HELP!!! PLEASE?
I have a mustang and I want cheap Cheap insurance any Ideas? I need to be able to pay with a credit card.
Do I need car insurance here in Florida?
If i have my own car...paid off..it's mine....do I need insurance on it here in Florida? How does that work?
What health insurance can i get? i have been rejected by all the insurances do to the fact that im obese?
im 20yrs old and weigh 350 pounds im only 5 7 and dont have health insurance ive been rejected by all. i need to see a doctor because lately i haven't been feeling to good and i know its because of my weight. also i would like to get a gastric bypass but i need good insurance but no one is willing to give me insurance. but i would atleast like to have any kind of insurance to go see a doctor. please help because im slowly diying. oh and i live in california and my job doesnt offer insurance.
Is it a law in New Hampshire that you must have car insurance?
I recently bought a car that i know own 100% (i am not leasing). Is it a NH state law that i HAVE to have car insurance? Any sources would be very helpful.
Can you get life insurance if you have terminal cancer?
Can you get life insurance if you have terminal cancer?
How can I get the best and competitive online insurance quotes?
How can I get the best and competitive online insurance quotes?
Friend on my car insurance?
I have a friend (age 21+) who needs to get a car insurance but she only has a learner's permit and she cannot get an insurance herself. She has a car under her name. I am willing to add the car to my insurance and have her as a secondary driver. What are the risks I have? Am I, first of all, allowed to add a car which I do not own? Does my insurance premium go up if she gets into accident?""
Car insurance: keep my car if its a write off?
Hi I had a car crash other night....i wasn't at fault anyway the front bumper, bonnet, one headlight and paint above drivers wheel has taken bad damage....but im pretty sure the engine and things under the bonnet are fine....even the radiator isn't damaged....only looks slightly bent so basically im pretty sure its just cosmetic damge its a 2002 lancer ce sedan the person who hit me....her insurance company racq will be inspecting it...but i fear they will say it will be a write off i paid $7000 for the car in september 2010 and the market value for it then was $7500...how much market value will the car be now?? :/ will i get $4000-$6000 for it?? and if they pay me out do i still get to keep my wrecked vehicle or will racq keep the car? i have put so much effort into this car spent an exta $2000 on it. then some crazy b***ch runs a red light n smashes into front of my car so basically my question is....if my car is a wright off will i still get to keep the car? cos if i can i can just keep it at a mates place and buy spare bumper n bonnet off ebay""
AAA insurance question! I just got my license!?
I just got my license today! I'm 18 and live in California. 1. Can I drive with people under 18? 2. My mom has AAA auto insurance for her car, and that's what I was driving when I had my permit. Is it still ok to drive the car now that I have my license? 3. I didn't understand the scoring system. I got 5 wrong, and obviously passed what is that in a letter grade or percent? Thanks. God Bless.""
How much does full time RV insurance cost per year?
I know it's different for everyone but how much does it cost for you? And what size / class RV do you have? I'm just trying to get a rough estimate. Thanks
Should I include collision on my car insurance?
I have a 2002 Honda Civic sedan with 99,000+ miles on it. In shopping around for better car insurance (my old policy expires next month), most agents I interacted with included collision for around a $300 annual premium. Some people I told about my insurance shopping said that to carry collision on such an old car is not necessary. I'm seeking an unbiased opinion as to what are the advantages, if any, about including collision, or any other info on what to look for in a good policy. Thanks.""
How auto insurance determine how much your car worth after claim?
I had a 1998 Subaru Forester S sport utility 132,000 miles and it was totaled. I read some places and people say that insurance don't follow the Kelley blue book and some say they do. Others say they go by autotrader.com or nada.com. Why is that? are they trying to trick us by which value is lower? My insurance offered me only $3200 but it know it worth more than that. Vehix.com say it value at 3900 and kelly blue book say about 4300 so which is right?""
Can I buy a life insurance policy on my mother without her knowing it?
My mother is convinced she can't get a life insurance policy (just for burial purposes) because she has degenerative disc disease and that it would be too expensive. I know people who have heart conditions (including relatives) who died and their family had life insurance for them. She has no life ins on her but my father has it on him. All my siblings including myself have gotten into arguments with her because we don't want to have to foot all the bills after she has passed away and we equally don't think my father should take out a loan to pay for her burial. I've seen these commercials with AARP through New York Life stating that regardless of age or health condition you can get a $10,000 policy. Are there such policies out there and can I get a policy on her without her knowing about it? I want to do this to have a peace of mind and don't want to see my father go through all these stressful things when she passes away. Do I need her SS# to do this?""
Can someone over 65 purchase private health insurance in California?
Can someone over 65 purchase private health insurance in California?
Car insurance question....?
I had full coverage on my 01 honda civic coupe. Fixed up but i know insurance wont give a rats. ***. My question is, if it is totaled and my car had full coverage. How much would i get from them? i tried going to kelly blue book. But i don't know if insurance goes by retail, or dealer quote or what... If u can answer give u all the pnts for best answer.""
Is it cheaper to be provisionally insured first?
My test is booked in a few weeks, would it be cheaper, to get insured provisionally for less, then pay extra when (if) i pass to be a 'full licence holder' or would it be more expensive, because initially i was planning on getting the insurance once i'd passed, but then the insurance company suggested getting insured provisionally, then paying extra for the full licence insurance, which option would be cheapest? or would i really not save an awful lot anyway""
How much will I be paying in car insurance if I'm a 23 year-old person?
Im a 23 year-old college student and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. My father just added me into his policy and it looks like I will be paying $224.11 for 6 months liability coverage, is that normal? I will be driving a 2001 Mazda Millenia. Also, what are the cheapest insurances for young adults? Thank you!""
affordable home insurance org review
affordable home insurance org review
0 notes
Low car insurance adjustment from liable company’s adjuster?
"Low car insurance adjustment from liable company's adjuster?
Someone else hit my car while it was parked. It was very cut-and-dry. I got a police report, the officer talked to the driver. It states that my car was legally parked and the other driver is at fault. The damage is minor rear bumper damage, nothing too terrible. I filed with his insurance company, and after a lot of frustrating phone tag, an insurance adjuster came out and wrote me an estimate for $450. I had an adjustment for $734 from the local body shop for my make of car, and I showed it to him. I expressed my dissatisfaction with this estimate, and he said the body shop would settle with the insurance company directly for costs in excess of the estimate. $300 is a little much. Since it's minor damage, I think the body shop will probably take the money and do a shoddy job on the car. It's my understanding they are supposed to repair my car to pre-accident conditions. I got another estimate for $745 this weekend. I can't get it fixed for $450. What are my options? (cont'd)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I'm 20 years old looking to purchase insurance?
I'm looking to purchase life, medical , and short term disability insurance I'm new to this so i need to know the basics what do i need to know before purchasing I'm only 20 years old also if you can leave some tips on what are some good affordable insurance companies i was thinking of purchasing short term disability through Aflec basically i need to know the basics what i should look for how much should i pay average a month please help thank you !""
Insurance for a car you don't drive?
I'd like to get a 79 monte carlo and I want to register it and insure it as a running car I don't drive. It's kind of like the insurance used for motorcycles when they just sit in the garage during the fall/winter months. Does anyone have any idea how much it might be. I'm a 20 yr old guy, but I would imagine it wouldn't make a difference for a car that isn't driven.""
How much is insurance on an 89 camaro?
how much would it be a month? im 20
Denied for life insurance thru employer?
Met life denied me for life insurance. Met Life sends a denial letter to my employer....Can I get fired for that...The life insurance company stated they cannot disclose any info, however, can Human Resources call me in and ask me why? It is a company life insurance...... I would think this is a privacy or Hippa Issue......Need some help..""
Where should I go for auto insurance?
I'm looking for an auto insurance agency in Cupertino Ca, I'm new to the area and not sure who I should go with. Any suggestions?""
if i buy a new(used) car, wont the insurance papers in my other car cover my new car for a few days? i have heard this from many of my friends, but i dont want to find out the hard way...""
California statute of limitations re: medical bills ?
My sister a Canadian visiting California became ill during her stay. She was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer spending several months in a Sacramento hospital due to complications. She had medical insurance however there was a dispute related to a pre-existing condition. The dispute remains unresolved and contact with the insurance company ceased more then two years ago shortly after her death.The bills in question total more than $600,000. What are the implications related to the California statute of limitations and the estate of my deceased sister? There is no communication with the hospitals, doctors or any medical service providers who hold the debt nor with the insurance company who provided the travel insurance.""
Is it possible transfer the auto insurance?
I would like to buy a old car and is it possible to transfer the excisting insurance to my name,I am living in MA USA""
""Car insurance, is it cheaper to get an old car?""
Im looking into a 1978 cadillac coupe deville as a first car, and im wondering if it goes cheap in car insurance. Cuz it could be cheaper up to a point till its like too old and its just becomes more expensive. And im wondering about all older cars in general. N yes i know what i might get into it is a older car might break down on me more often than usual, ill just deal with it.""
How much did you pay for motorcycle insurance in Ontario just after getting your M2?
I've asked a couple of brokers for quotes and the very cheapest you can go is seemingly $800 to $900 a year for a newly licensed rider, after advanced training and a govt-approved course, which seems a little steep even for Ontario. So I am asking for personal anecdotes - when YOU, yes YOU, started tooling around Ontario on your first farty little 2 stroke scooter or whatever, how much did the insurance company shaft you for, what was the bike model and what else do you think is worth mentioning? Thank you.""
Where can I find health insurance as an 18 year old and I'm peregnant?
I'm an 18 year old, I live in Florida, I have a job as a CNA, I'm pregnant and married. I was woundering where can I go to get affordable health insurance and if it's likely that I'll get coverage. I would also like to know an average of what it would cost.""
""Totaled my blazer, AAA car insurance?""
Okay I was involved in a hit an run accident a little over 2 weeks ago. I have full coverage insurance including uninsured and underinsured coverage. Also the required 10,000$ personal injury protection required by my state KY. My policy is with AAA. I owe around 9,000$ on my truck still, but was told finally yesterday that AAA is settling my vahicle loss at a little over 13,000$. I'm trying to find out how long is this going to take before I get money from them so I can get another car. I have injuries and can't get back an forth to my Dr and physical therapy. So I need this to happen like yesterday. But trying to figure out if since my claim is going under uninsured motorist protection since it was hit an run should I be able to get a rental car for the time being even if I didn't have rental coverage? And I am also an independent contractor doing vehicle title work and various other things for an automotive shop. I'm not on payroll since I contract my own work and pay my own taxes at end of the year. My attorney told me that since I didn't have a job where I received regular payroll checks I could not claim loss wages. Why is this? And is there anything I can do to speed this process up? As of now I have minimal use of my right arm because I injured my shoulder in accident and so far Dr has me off work till end of January. So I need to recover benefits somehow so I can survive till going hack to work. Any help would be great, this is all so overwelming. Thank you""
Car insurance in ontario?
Ok so im about to buy my first used car and i have no idea how getting insurance for your car works. im going to call around to find the best rate but do insurance companies normally make you pay anything up front? i was told that sometimes they make you pay for two months right away. is this true? i have enough for one month of insurance up front but i want to make sure i save enough money to do so if that is usually the case thanks.
Homeowners insurance question?
My father has homeowners insurance that covers the exterior buildings around his house, like a garden shed/ covered carport. this past weekend, a large snowfall provided too much weight for one building, and it collapsed. inside was a lawn mower and an antique automobile that dad has had since he was my age, and it was damaged by a metal beam. (think hot dog bun). the insurance company is now saying that they will pay for the repair of the building and for a new lawnmower, but not the car itself. it was not fully restored, but it was in fair working condition (meaning the engine works and the auto does move). does exterior building coverage also include everything inside, or does it have a limit? is the insurance company trying to weasel out of paying my father? if so, who should I call? (I'm in NC). please help! with good sources please!""
I live in California and got a second offense for driving without insurance how much will this cost me?
I live in California and got a second offense for driving without insurance how much will this cost me?
What will life insurance cost me ? Ballpark!!
what will life insurance cost me? im just looking for a ballpark price. i know i know . factors. just say im 40, a little over whight, non-smoker, 90,000.00 i have 10 at work. so if i die my family gets 100,000.00 what is this called. life term? or something. like i said just looking for a W.A.G. per month 10$? 20$? 5$? 30$? Thanks""
Liability Insurance?
I only have liability insurance and I was told by a friend they don't cover accidents. even if its not your fault. now that sounds like b.s I was involved in a wreck today and it was NOT my fault. what do i get. and also what other benefits do you get with insurances. not benefits but like. what willt hey cover or not cover
Are there any sites where I can compare average insurance rates by model?
I want to get an idea of how much it would cost to insure different cars, but I don't want a quote because they will never leave me alone.""
Life Insurance / Burial Insurance help please (ENGLAND)?
I need advice about applying to and paying for some type of insurance. This would be on behalf of my mother so when the time comes for her to leave me, I will be able to pay for her funeral. I have spoken to her but she is stubborn and set in her ways and thinks I will automatically be able to cover the financial costs for her funeral when she does pass away. I dont care for money for myself, I just want to know that I can pay into something so upon her passing I will be able to pay for her funeral costs (instead of my mum taking out the insurance/policy it would be me on her bahalf as she is terrible for thinking about stuff like that). I am an only child as so I am solely responsible for paying the expense""
Am over 25 yday passed my test but cant get cheap insurance for a small car.?
here it is. am 25+ and yesterday passed my driving test. looking over the internet for insurance for nissan micra 3 dr 1L 3 door. cheapest i can get is 140. my cousin who is 4 years younger than me, he got it for 94. tried same company aswell. am i missing any trick?need help suggestion and recomendation""
Disability insurance?
Disability insurance?
What car company is the cheapist to insure in Canada Ontario?
i'm purchasing a car in the next few months and i've been looking for cars that im intersted in buying. i've narrowed it down to a: mazda toyota volkswagon jetta 0r honda. which brand is the cheaper one to insure? and what car in particular might you suggest?
Is there insurance you can get that will cover pregnancy?
I just found out that I am pregnant and I don't have insurance and I make to much for State covered insurance. Is there an insurance company out there that covers pregnancy now?
What if insurance wants to change my sons counselor?
He has been seen by an out of network provider for over 6 years and approved...now at the age of 13 they want to force me to get a in network provider. My son has flourished with this counselor and trusts him...why should he have to change? Haven't the insurance company set a presidence? Any good web sights I can look this up on? Any help would be appreciated...I plan on fighting this.
How long does it take a car insurance company to fix your car?
I was in an accident dec 27 2013 the ladys insurance called me that same day of the accident and told me they would have full liability of the car damages to my parents car so i told them ok and she gave me the the claim number and then she said she would call my mom because the iinsurance isunder her name im 17 by the way...and then they nevr called my mom That day.they have usaa insurance and we have all insurance
Low car insurance adjustment from liable company's adjuster?
Someone else hit my car while it was parked. It was very cut-and-dry. I got a police report, the officer talked to the driver. It states that my car was legally parked and the other driver is at fault. The damage is minor rear bumper damage, nothing too terrible. I filed with his insurance company, and after a lot of frustrating phone tag, an insurance adjuster came out and wrote me an estimate for $450. I had an adjustment for $734 from the local body shop for my make of car, and I showed it to him. I expressed my dissatisfaction with this estimate, and he said the body shop would settle with the insurance company directly for costs in excess of the estimate. $300 is a little much. Since it's minor damage, I think the body shop will probably take the money and do a shoddy job on the car. It's my understanding they are supposed to repair my car to pre-accident conditions. I got another estimate for $745 this weekend. I can't get it fixed for $450. What are my options? (cont'd)
What is a private jet's insurance price? and maintenance costs? Averagely.?
For College I have to do a business plan. We are creating a fictive private jet renting company in Colombia but i can't find these informations. It is really important as i is part of our financial statements. Thank you very much.
How does my 2nd speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I recently got my 2nd speeding ticket. My first speeding ticket was about a yr ago, so I cant redo traffic school. If I am correct, this means I will get a point on my record. Is that point on my drivers record only? or does that point show up on my insurance too? So will it raise my insurance? and by how much? I have AAA and I live in California. Thanks""
Car insurance question?
Originally I registered my car insurance with my previous address. Now I've moved to a new place, do I require to update the address? What happen if I don't update the address and continuously using my previous address as registered?""
Car Insurance Company Refuses to Insure my Brother!?
So, my brother got into a car accident about 3 years ago. He was driving his car and a motorcyclist ran into him doing around 90 mph, causing the bike to flip and the guy on the bike to dismount and skid across the freeway. The motorcyclist was lucky he didn't get run over or killed. It was deemed by both the insurance companies that it was the motorcyclists fault and when the motorcyclist tried to sue our insurance company, we got a letter from our attorney that the case had been dismissed and no further action was needed. Today, we got a call out of the blue from Mercury saying my brother couldn't be on the insurance anymore because they had settled with the motorcyclist for $100,000 and basically, if we didn't get him off the insurance, my whole family would be removed. We didn't receive any notification that Mercury was planning on paying this guy out or that our rates would be altered. We called the attorney's office but he wasn't in and we explained the situation and the receptionist said they might of just settled anyway without letting us know even though this whole thing wasn't even my brother's fault. My question is, if the accident was the fault of the motorcyclist and when the motorcyclist initially sued and was denied a settlement (there was no mention of a settlement on the attorney's letter; it just said that it was dismissed), how and why would Mercury give this jacka$$ $100,000 and deny my brother coverage? It's all very confusing and any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
How much should it cost to replace and paint a totaled bumper for a 98 honda accord?
My husband and I just returned home from the store in his car, when he noticed my car that was parked across the street had been crashed into on the drivers side bumper. Plz give me advice should i call insurance even though I dont know who did it, or should I just fix it myself. and how much will it cost.""
How to report uninsured car in CA?
Someone hit our car in a walmart parking lot. Our tail light was broken and the estimated cost to replace it is $420-$500. Since it is under $750, we didn't report to police or DMV. However, the driver didn't have insurance card in the car and gave us bogus information about their insurance. We only have their license plate and a walmart security person as witness. How do we track down this person or report uninsured driver/car? We are in San Diego, CA.""
How much is a doctor visit without insurance?
My friend hasn't been feeling well for a few days now and needs to see a doctor. Does anyone know how much a doctor visit would be if she went to a walk in clinic? She doesn't have any insurance. By the way we live in Miami, Fl.""
Cheapest car and car insurance for an adult first time driver?
hi i just passed my driving tests and looking for a cheap, small and reliable car. i am 27 and a full time student. i live in small UK city. would like to how much to expect to pay for car and road tax. what other things to expect to sort out. god bless you""
Can i stay on my parents health insurance after i am 18 and not a full time student?
I am 17 years old, I will be 18 in september. I just graduated high school and decided not to pursue a higher education at this time. I have heard with the obama health care plan that i can stay on my parents health insurance until i am 26. But i have also heard this doesn't take place until 2014. And i Have heard that you have to be a full time student. So i would like a simple answer that's easy to understand, preferably with a sited source for me to look up. Will i lose my health insurance in 2010 if i am not a full time college student and over the age of 18??? I live in california if that makes any difference as far as the health care plans go. Thanks and appreciate it :)""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance for renault(96 model) in london?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance for renault(96 model) in london?
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
Nicotine/cotinine test for life insurance?
I haven't smoke for 5 weeks. In about 2 weeks I might have to take a nicotine/cotinine test to get life insurance. Will I be able to pass the test for life insurance.
About how much will my car insurance be?
I'm turning 16 in a little bit and my parents are making me pay for my own insurance, how much would it be for me with a 2.6 gpa, i'm male, and i'll probably get a pretty safe car""
The best insurance for a student?
I was thinking of getting home contents insurance or something- could anyone recommend me anything?
What is the average homeowners insurance cost of a 1000 sq ft condo?
What is the average homeowners insurance cost of a 1000 sq ft condo?
Is the discount rate for car insurance for students GPA cumulative?
I am in California and my semester GPA fell a little under 3.0 but my cumulative is still 3.0 will that affect my car insurance discount? And if so by how much?
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
""I know NOTHING about insurance, I'm looking for car insurance?
My friend sent me the link to this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I'm wondering if it is good information I should use?
What is the cheapest car insurance company in the uk?
Hi what is a good cheap car insurance company in the uk for drivers under 25?
What would be the best choice for health and dental insurance?
I' am 22 year old college student in california and don't have insurance. i was wondering if anyone can help me with choosing a provider. i don't really know how health insurance works. but i would like to get something decent thats not to expensive or to cheap, i do want good coverage just in case. thank you""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I can't seem to find decent coverage that doesn't break my bank. Here's my current policy that I'm paying 861/month for: Bodily injury/property liability: 12,500/person, 25,000/accident, 7,500/accident Comprehensive: 1,000 deductible Collision: 2,000 deductible NO other coverage. I drive a 2010 Jetta that I OWN, I'm a 23 year old male, I've never filed a claim/been in an accident, and I haven't gotten a ticket of any kind in 5 years. Does this make sense? Am I missing some secret to affordable insurance? I have a feeling it's because I didn't finish college and I have no credit, but still... Sigh. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
""Adding a driver to car insurance, average cost?""
if you add another driver to your insurance like your brother, or sister or son, who is a new driver, and your insurance costs $350 for six months already. how much do you think would be additional cost to this insurance as a result of this change? if you can share ur experience it would be nice. i know it all depends on the history of the new driver, but say the new driver did not have any accidents or anything. i need to get a general impression... Thanks in advance.""
Cheapest london minicabs/private hire insurance ?
What determines car insurance prices?
I'm going to get my first car soon. im 20 years old, been driving for a while, clean record. someone told me that the car you drive really makes a difference in the insurance price. Ive heard things like, white cars are cheapest, old cars are cheapest as well.. I dont knwo what car I'm buying but I want to get something that will get me a cheap insurance. So what shuld I get? An older car or a newer one? Also does color matter? things like that. thanks all!""
Provisional Car Insurance?
I am currently looking for car insurance on a car I own, The car is an 04 punto. Basically I need provisional insurance for a month and I own the car so I need a policy that covers both of these, I am 18, Any suggestions? Thanks""
Low car insurance adjustment from liable company's adjuster?
Someone else hit my car while it was parked. It was very cut-and-dry. I got a police report, the officer talked to the driver. It states that my car was legally parked and the other driver is at fault. The damage is minor rear bumper damage, nothing too terrible. I filed with his insurance company, and after a lot of frustrating phone tag, an insurance adjuster came out and wrote me an estimate for $450. I had an adjustment for $734 from the local body shop for my make of car, and I showed it to him. I expressed my dissatisfaction with this estimate, and he said the body shop would settle with the insurance company directly for costs in excess of the estimate. $300 is a little much. Since it's minor damage, I think the body shop will probably take the money and do a shoddy job on the car. It's my understanding they are supposed to repair my car to pre-accident conditions. I got another estimate for $745 this weekend. I can't get it fixed for $450. What are my options? (cont'd)
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Car insurance question....?
A stray dog ran out in front of my car causing me some damage. My insurance adjuster writes his own estimate so he told me what the insurance would pay minus my deductible. He said the check would be sent to me, that I can have anyone I want to fix it and to shop around. Does that mean if I can find someone to do it for less I can keep the extra to help me toward my deductible????? even though I need to tell them who is doing it before the check is sent to me. (the check will have both names on it) My friend says if I can get it done for less that agreement is between me and who I chose so any extra is mine?????? I don't want to do anything wrong but I also don't want to give money away that I don't have to.""
What Auto insurance is more affordable and dependable?
nation wide..
19 year old and car insurance. i am an absolute newbie?
i am 19 male and want to get a car. to do this i was told i need to: 1. pick a car i am thinking of getting 2. check with different insurance companies how much the insurance would cost for the car i have NO IDEA how to do step number 2! can someone give me a list of insurance companies to call maybe? or is there a website? I AM ABSOLUTELY NEW TO THIS! ANY HELP AND/OR TIPS IS APPRECIATED BTW i live in Ontario more specifically Toronto
Insurance payment to the Hospital.?
Hi, 4 months back, i had been to US from India nd during the stay there, i had to go to Emergency of one of the hospital 4 times. I was carrying the Insurance and the hospital claimed it against the Insurance. After I came back to India, am hearing that the Insurance has rejected the claim ( still dont knw on what basis). Since the travel was business related, my company has taken the insurance for me. Now I am trying to chase the insurance to see why the payment was rejected. Could any 1 please let me know what will be the consequences if the insurance doesnt pay it soon?? Thanks Joe""
How Fast Does Car Insurance Start?
Can I buy insurance today and have it ready same day or next day or is there a long process before it starts. I want to buy a car tomorrow, get insurance, and drive the car to my job by Friday.""
""Just got a speeding ticket with my uncles car, will his insurance raise?""
I just received a speeding ticket while driving my uncles car, i don't have car insurance nor a car. Will his insurance go up from this.""
Is there anyone that has Mercury Car Insurance? I am wondering if they are any good? Please help!?
Just curious on how they rate compared to other insurance companies.
""Life Insurance -- Is a 78 year old woman too old to get life insurance? If not, who are the better providers?""
I've made preliminary inquiries to get life insurance for a 78 year-old female, however, I get the standard response of no because of her age and the fact that she has been hospitalized in the last year and has pre-existing conditions (COPD, high blood pressure, arhythmia). My sense, however, is that there may be life insurance companies out there with more accomodating terms for senior citizens. If you know of any such companies, or are experienced enough in life insurance to give a definitive no- it's not possible response, please let me know. What are our alternatives, if any?""
Car insurance. Using car but insurance under my moms name!!!?
HI my mom gave me her car which is insured only under her name and i took it to California from Illinois. I registered the car in California and switched the title to only my name. Can I legally drive around using the insurance card with my moms name on it which is also from Illinois?
What is the best dental insurances?
By the way i live in California! Hi i am looking for a dental plan for just my child so she can get affordable braces/headgear and also oral surgery! Im really trying to look for a great deal so i don't need to pay very much and it would be great if you could reply fast because she needs to get them hopefully before the break is over! Thanks!
How much might insurance cost for an 18 year old for a middleweight cruiser?
I would like to buy a cruiser but am not sure if the insurance is too expensive.
Motorcycle insurance in ontario?
Im 21 years old and im looking for cheap motorcycle insurance in ontario. Any suggestions?
How much is car insurance?
I'm 17 years old male and i have a 2001 ford mustang in great shape I live in Nashua Nh. and I just got my liscence. can anyone tell me how much my insurance would probley be?
How much is your car insurance?
Just trying to get an idea of how much everyone pays...all my friends seem to pay less than me. I am 26, female. One speeding ticket and one DUI (in the state where I'm licensed)...both from 7 years ago. No accidents. I live in an urban area, a midwestern city with probably 200,000 people. I have a 2007 suzuki reno, base package, I have not made any insurance claims. The cheapest I've found is progressive at $110/month...I can't use places like The General or Safe Auto because my state doesn't allow it. When I get quotes from big companies, like state farm, the monthly cost is about $200...my coverage is probably fairly standard, if not on the low side, but meets state guidelines.""
Cheapest Way for an international student to Drive a car in the UK with an international License?
I will be staying in the UK for 1 year and need a car cuz I will be driving around 50 miles a day. I looked to buy a cheap car but the insurance is around 6000 to 8000 a year cuz i am young and driving with an international license. The cheapest thing I found was renting a car for 13-14  a day. Is there anyway I can drive cheaper in the UK? If renting is the only choice, what is the cheapest renting diesel car can I get in Birmingham?""
Car Insurance Prices??
I'm paying around $400/6 months for my car insurance (liability package, not full coverage). In the last 3 years I've had one ticket, for failure to come to a complete stop at a stop sign on an empty road just because the cop felt like being a prick. Which was like two years ago. I'm 23, and my older brother who has two cars, one of them being an expensive sports car is paying $50 more than me / 6 months for FULL COVERAGE. Why in the world are my costs so damn high? Any suggestions for lowering them? State: WI""
Citroen Saxo Insurance?
Hello, im a 17 year old currently learning to drive, once i have a Full UK driving license,think i would be able to get insured on a citreon saxo? As far as i know there are a few types of saxo's, the 1.1, the 1.4 furio, and the vtr 1.6 i think! Many people have told be they are classed as a boy racer car so the insurance will be high but surely if i buy a standard 1.1 or 1.4 saxo i will be able to get insured. What do you guys think? What saxo best for first car? Any other first cars recommened? How much round about do you think it will be to insure? Thanks""
How much does it cost to KEEP a car like range rover?
ive never had a car, but i know that expensive cars are also expensive to KEEP, with all the insurance, gas, and idk what else, (if u could list it that be nice too) so how much does it cost to keep a car like range rover (per month)?""
Affordable car insurance?
Hi; I recently bought a 2002 Pontiac Grand Am from a used car dealership and need to find some insurance on the cheap side for it. What I'm really looking for is something that simply makes the car legal, as I can't really afford anything over $40. I'm 23 and living in Harrisburg Pennsylvania so any insurance you guys know of that fall into my parameters would be great; really need this car for work.""
Why is it that insurance rates are so high in the state of New Jersey?
The insurance rates in New Jersey are higher than any rates in the entire United States. I demand an answer to this outrage! It makes no sense that in California you can pay like $140 for the whole -year- to insure a car, while in NJ you pay like $140 every month.""
Insurance and modifications?
i have a 3 speed auto porsche 944 '-85. obviously it is quite expensive to insure, and this particular model is quite slow. so i was wondering what would be the complications in shoving a 944 S2 engine under the bonnet, and the turbo from the 944T model? both mechanically the complications and what insurance companies would make of it. could i not just get away with telling them nothing? after all it would still be a 944-of sorts!""
Does getting a motorcycle license increase life insurance costs?
I plan on finally (waiting for years) obtaining a motorcycle license this coming summer. I have little experience on the bike but plan to take the msf basic riding course and will be fully geared / have motorcycle license. My question is: will having a motorcycle license increase the monthly costs of life insurance? I have yet to get a policy, and I was wondering whether getting life insurance before my license would make a difference or not. Thank you""
About car auto Insurance?
After the accident, i towed my car three times to different places. IIF my dad wants to know that where i towed my car from, would insurance company have record for knowing that where i towed my car from??""
Car insurance help buying car but insurance is costing way too much...?
My mom has a 2002 explorer and she is going to cosign for me on either a g35 or a 350z, insurance is ridiculous on both cars(Z and G35, both the explorer and my car will be on the same policy, I got a quote for both cars being about 300 a month, is there any way to lower the cost of insurance, like switching primary cars around and I will be insured, I am currently on the policy but with adding my car insurance will go up right? Because it is a sports car...the total I am spending on the car is 10k, I live in California btw, I am just curious how this all goes into effect and how much it will raise my insurance cost""
Low car insurance adjustment from liable company's adjuster?
Someone else hit my car while it was parked. It was very cut-and-dry. I got a police report, the officer talked to the driver. It states that my car was legally parked and the other driver is at fault. The damage is minor rear bumper damage, nothing too terrible. I filed with his insurance company, and after a lot of frustrating phone tag, an insurance adjuster came out and wrote me an estimate for $450. I had an adjustment for $734 from the local body shop for my make of car, and I showed it to him. I expressed my dissatisfaction with this estimate, and he said the body shop would settle with the insurance company directly for costs in excess of the estimate. $300 is a little much. Since it's minor damage, I think the body shop will probably take the money and do a shoddy job on the car. It's my understanding they are supposed to repair my car to pre-accident conditions. I got another estimate for $745 this weekend. I can't get it fixed for $450. What are my options? (cont'd)
My driver's license was suspended for driving without insurance/license and not showing up for court dates.?
My driver's license was suspended for driving without insurance/license and not showing up for court dates. I did have my license and insurance at the time but did not have my wallet with me. I was wondering how much it will cost me to reinstate my driver's license and if I might have to take the driver's test over again or not. If I have documentation that I had a license and insurance at the time would it help me? I'm in Alabama if that helps. Any answers are greatly appreciated.
How much is car insurance?
I am in Delaware. I am starting grad school and I will have very little money. But I am considering getting an old car just to get around and save some time. I'm a 26 year old girl so I know I'm not in the worst catagories. I just want a basic idea of whether or not it will break the bank to consider a car.
Does anyone have health insurance anymore?
Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... I don't think many people do.
Motorcycle Insurance in Ontario(re asked)?
Hello, I am a 20 year old female looking for motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR 250r with an M2. I have never owned a bike before and have a clean driving record. Like most people my age it is nearly impossible to get insurance that is affordable if you are under the age of 25. If anyone knows of an insurance company/brokerage that would give a quote below 2.5k a year please give me any way I can contact them. I live in the Ottawa area if that is any help as well.""
""I am from New Zealand, temporarily working in Canada for six months. How do I get car insurance to drive here""
I am from New Zealand, temporarily working in Canada for six months. How do I get car insurance to drive here""
How much insurance cost for 350z?
Im 18 and i have a clean record and what does the insurance cost in wisconsin ,Port Washington . For each insurance company if you can tell me please .""
What are the cheapest cars to insure as im 19 and just passed my test (male)?
Also what are the best insurance comparison sites for someone of my age, as most quotes are ridiculous!""
Health insurance question?
ok i'm a international student and i just found out that i got a cervical cancer or abnormal cell growth, and i don't have a health insurance and i don't know how to pay for it? if i get a health insurance would it cover it?""
Home business and home insurance?
What's the risk when running a home business if your home insurance provider (not business insurance) become aware of your home business operations. What will happen and/or can happen. If you have a business insurance can your home insurance premium go up as a result of having a home business?
How much more is insurance if I don't take Driver's Ed.?
I'm nearly seventeen, and I don't even have a permit :X, I was never able to find my proper documentation (no, I'm not illegal, I just HATE going through beurocracy). I live in Iowa, and I have to wait six months before I can get my license. But it'll be a limited license, and in order to get it I have to take three months of driver's ed. and do twenty hours of independent driving. So if I got it in March, the earliest I could drive would be September. But I won't have a car, and I don't need a car; and I don't have the money for a car. So I figured I'd wait until I was eighteen, which would be in May of 2011, because I wouldn't need any needless requirements, and I wouldn't have to take driver's ed. But my question is; how much more would car insurance be if I didn't take driver's ed, and just went for my full license when I was eighteen?""
Need help finding health insurance?
I am currently looking for health insurance for my son and I. He is only 2 months old. I make too much money for medicaid, but still not enough to have expensive monthly payments on health insurance. Im not planning on having a baby anytime soon, maybe in the next 2 years. BUT, just in case something happens and I do become pregnant...I want insurance that covers maternity too. But I cant find any. I live in Indiana.""
USAA Full coverage auto insurance covering theft?
Last night my husband and I were hanging out with some friends and someone broke into all of our vehicles and stole stuff. However, my husband and I drive a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer and it was locked, yet someone managed to get in without causing any damage whatsoever and stealing our xbox 360. Weird thing is, my purse was in the car with everything in it, and so were the guitars for guitar hero and our entire CD case, and the only thing that was stolen was the xbox...Weird I know. We go through USAA and have full coverage. My question for anybody who knows or has a good guess is, do you think that our insurance would cover that? We don't have a receipt or anything since it was bought so long ago. Thanks for all your answers in advance and remember best answer gets 10 points =] Happy answering! Amberly""
Why are older motorcycles cheaper to maintain and cheaper on insurance?
looking to buy a 1987 Suzuki Intruder
I need advice for my auto insurance claim! Please help!!?
I was in a car accident 4 days ago. My Mother was the passenger in my car (I was driving). I was on the off ramp getting off the freeway. All cars behind me were stopped. I was stopped waiting to make a right turn. An emergency vehicle was coming in my direction from my left. Therefore, I was waiting for the emergency vehicle to pass. The person behind me (large dodge ram truck I am in an '08 2 door Infiniti coupe) thought I went so he 'gunned it' to get in front of the emergency vehicle. Unfortunately, we had not gone so he pushed my vehicle out in front of the emergency vehicle. Luckily, I was able to turn my car out of the way. I did not hit anyone (no one was in front of me). My Mother and I were both put into a gurney and taken to a local hospital in an ambulance. We both had our seat belts on and suffered whiplash. We were released 5-6 hours later after x-rays, etc. We were both prescribed medicine. My Mother has had 3 brain tumors and has trouble with her speech etc. and any violent startling trauma can get her shaken up pretty badly and confused. I know she hit her head but, she is in pain but not nearly as much as I am. With my Mother's condition I don't know if this kind of thing can have negative effects later on. I know that my neck and back is pretty messed up. It hurts to stand for after 15 minutes or so. My car is pretty messed up and had to be towed. I plan on taking it back to the Infiniti shop to get all new parts. My car has all the upgrades in it so I want it to be taken care of. Am I allowed to take it to the Infiniti dealership or will Geico (the other persons insurance) not allow that, or does it not matter? The police gave the guy that hit us a citation. I have USAA and the other person has Geico. I just want to know exactly what to do in this situation. Since I'm out a car (I work for myself) I have been out (already) a decent amount of money for not being able to meet up with my clients. I spoke to my insurance today and they said that all my medical is covered since I had that already in my plan (without it raising my premium) and that I should get a settlement ON TOP of paying for damages to my car and getting me a rental, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to get taken for a ride. I've heard the horror stories of dealing with insurance companies. Any advice on what I should make a point of saying to the other insurance company, etc. Thanks in advance....""
How much should a insurance company pay for a car accident that left me disabled for the rest of my life?
I have had 1 surgery and may need another on my back. I can no longer do the things i use to enjoy. I have a 7 year old that I can't do the things i use to do and should be able to. I'm now on pain management. The pain and suffering goes beyond just the usual. I just want to know what i should expect from the insurance company beyond my doctor bills?
Insurance for full time student in Texas.?
I will be attending college full time starting in the spring at Lone Star College in Kingwood, Texas. It is just a 2 year college. I will need insurance from my medicine that I take daily, and seeing the Doctor, if needed. I am in Texas, and will be on a tight budget, as I don't know if my job will let me work part-time or not. I am also a single mother, but won't have to carry him because his father has him covered on his policy. Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated:o)""
$100 month car insurance is that a good deal ?
$100 a month car insurance is that a good deal ? 16, i have no drivers license yet ( still getting it in a month) i dont know if he included the good student discount (i don't think that i'm a good student, although i'm in college)""
Are the advantage insurance plans better than standard medicare supplement insurance?
are advantage insurance plans cost effective over standard medicare supplements plans
What is a good health insurance?
I want to get insurance for me and my husband. I need an insurance that offer health dental and vision benefits. I have seen alot of insurances, but i want an insurance that gives me good benefits, not just discounts. Can someone please give me opinions about your insurance and what benefits they provide you?""
I heard that there is a car insurance where you only pay $50 one time, no monthly payments, but you get absolutely NO coverage, so if you're in an accident you are basically screwed. it is a legal insurance if a cop pulls you over and check your insurance it comes up fine. Maybe there are other ones that range in fees? Either way does anyone know any companies that do THE ONE TIME FEE .... IT IS TO PURCHASE JUST THE INSURANCE CARD. BUT PASSES CLEAN LIKE YOU ARE COVERED. please help?""
""What is a good & inexpensive life insurance, medical insurance & dental insurance?""
I work for a company that doesnt supply any of this. So I need to come up with this on my own, hence the inexpensive part. I am a husband & father of 3 so I would like to make sure they are well taken care of just incase. I would also like a good insurance for us.""
""On average, what does it cost to add a teen to your auto insurance?""
On average, what does it cost to add a teen to your auto insurance?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in california?
My parents won't even consider getting me insurance because they think it's too expensive. I'm a girl, 16, gonna be 17 in October, and have above 3.0 GPA My car is a 1996 (i think?) toyota camry.""
Replace Old Car Insurance or Go With a New Policy?
I just bought a new car and quoted Progressive about replacing my old car with the new one, seeing how much a difference the premium would be. It got a little high, to say the least. When I tried just going through adding a new vehicle alongside the old one, the premium was about what I paid on the old vehicle originally, only with comprehensive and collision added. My question is, should I go with a completely different company rather than Progressive, let the old car insurance expire, and just get on a better rate elsewhere for new policy holders? I'd appreciate any help.""
I will be 16 soon and I was looking at getting an 01-03 BMW M3. Any ideas on how much insurance would cost?
I live in Florida and I'm a new driver, also this will be my first car (if that helps with info about the insurance)""
Low car insurance adjustment from liable company's adjuster?
Someone else hit my car while it was parked. It was very cut-and-dry. I got a police report, the officer talked to the driver. It states that my car was legally parked and the other driver is at fault. The damage is minor rear bumper damage, nothing too terrible. I filed with his insurance company, and after a lot of frustrating phone tag, an insurance adjuster came out and wrote me an estimate for $450. I had an adjustment for $734 from the local body shop for my make of car, and I showed it to him. I expressed my dissatisfaction with this estimate, and he said the body shop would settle with the insurance company directly for costs in excess of the estimate. $300 is a little much. Since it's minor damage, I think the body shop will probably take the money and do a shoddy job on the car. It's my understanding they are supposed to repair my car to pre-accident conditions. I got another estimate for $745 this weekend. I can't get it fixed for $450. What are my options? (cont'd)
0 notes