#dont mind me its been a long day and im feeling shrimp emotions
silverskye13 · 5 months
as someone who dreamed to be a knight as a child, it's unwise of me to be reading Redstone and Skulk. i can already feel my discarded moral code returning to me. i have been thinking of going to the gym and taking up Kendo practice again. Skye, when i get you, skye when i get you 🫵 /lh
Do it anon. I dream of the day you challenge me to a duel, after long hours of training and self fulfillment and I lay my sword before you and ask, "Was it worth it? Did you fill your time well? Every ounce of joy in your progress was my joy for you. Every moment of victory was a moment of victory I applauded you. Every time you thought yourself silly because of the source of your inspiration, know I wrote 1000 words hoping it inspired you. Every time you wanted to quit, or were tired, or felt lost, I was throwing a blanket around your shoulders and demanding you rest."
I mean, speaking honestly and plainly here, I started drawing because I thought dragons were cool. I kept drawing because edgy wolf comics online were popular when I was a kid, and I wanted to make The Edgiest Sparkledog OC, and put it in a comic with me and my friends, who were all also dogs. I started writing because my sister and I were bored on summer afternoons and wanted to one-up each other on who could write the craziest blatant ripoff of Eragon and Twilight, a tradition that passed on into long RP notebooks with my highschool best friend, and text stories that were so long, my phone provider literally laughed at my Dad when he considered taking off our unlimited text plan.
Is it inherently silly to start learning swords because you read a fanfic? Yes. But it was also silly when a cave painter first put their kid on their shoulders to throw handprints on a wall. They didn't do that to be profound, or to leave a thousand ripples, or for scientists to wonder how historically significant it was. They did it because they had paint and hands, and it was a source of joy.
Go take Kendo because you read a silly, barely canon adjacent fanfic online about some silly little guys. Go relive your childhood hyperfix on knighthood. The world will be richer for it, and so will you, and that's all that matters at the end of the day.
Also if you don't, Helsknight will call you a wuss. [He won't really, but he'll think it really loud. Go learn kendo and kick his ass about it anon.]
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