#dont leave shade with red for too long or hell pick up the homicidal rage as well
m1d-45 · 1 year
thinking abt red. he is the EPITOME of “ken only has a good day if barbie looks at him.” if you’re too busy with diplomatic god shit to be able to hang out with him he is MISERABLE. diluc breathes in his general direction and he has to be held back from committing murder because his patience is being tested and he will not have it - teddy anon
i’ve been thinking about red recently too, coincidentally. him and shade are such guys…
i imagine diluc is trying to be friendly, both because he’s one of your closest guards, and also because… well, he’s him. it’s weird to see a version of yourself that you’ve long since buried, weirder to know that your god prefers that version of yourself… but he does his best to make peace with him.
it doesn’t work, mostly because red couldn’t care less about anything that wasn’t you or your comfort. he doesn’t want to talk with diluc- doesn’t want to even be in the same room if he can help it. on their own, red and diluc would never get along, even if it’s solely red’s fault.
however, were you to be there.. then maybe he could hold off for an hour or two. sit next to him and make sure to check in on him, and he’ll mostly behave himself for the night.
(of course, by ‘behave’ he means keeping the snarling to a minimum.)
due to his... tendencies, red has quickly garnered his own reputation. when you're called to a formal meeting—one that discusses something important, such as with the qixing or akademiya—the letter will sometimes include a clause requesting that you please come alone. red always fusses and frets, asking for a time you'll be back. make sure to give him a time at least half an hour after you truly expect to return, or he'll come find you himself.
(speaking of. he should not be let out without supervision. please keep all reds on a 6ft leash at all times)
also. i will insert shade in here for no particular reason. red hates being left behind because he can't stand the idea of you being without protection and does't trust anybody else to do as good a job as him, but shade hates being left behind in the same way that a cat does. he whines and clutches your hand in his, pleading to be allowed to go. he's considerably less intrusive than red, but that's a rather low bar considering red glares at anybody who isn't you.
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