#dont have a laminate yet so it isnt ready
b0tster · 8 days
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printed a test sticker 😳
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lostmystyx · 3 years
Pls enlighten me with ur kankri Hot Takes I don't know alot about the dancestors 🙏🙏🙏
buddy i know EVERYTHING about the dancestors. everything. and im wrong about nothing. i have read meenahbound at least ten times and that is an underestimate and not a joke. i have read every single fucking word kankris ever spoken, even the tiny shit, multiple fucking times, because my dedication to my craft is nothing if not thorough and torturous. ive read every goddamn character analysis there is on kankri, ive seen all the posts, ive read all the fics (not rlly i love myself), and i can tell you for a fact that everything everyone tells you about him is fuckint wrong. i started studying his character because i was mad abt how ooc ppl made him and i just got madder. i learned how to write him. i perfected it. and i havent done it in years because i hate him and his fans so fucking much. the world is not READY for my kankri takes. they do not DESERVE them.
but i love it when ppl ask me things, so for you, anon, i will take the time to divulge some of my secrets. first off, kankri is a bonafide grade a fucking asshole, hes ableist and sexist and abt every -ist under the sun, and he hides biting remarks under layers of political correctness and ranting so that by the time he insults you youre too zoned out to notice. that said, hes also not an outright asshole, hes not blunt with his meanness, hes not straight up about it, and people who just make him an uncaring dick are ALSO wrong. its an extremely thin line to walk and everyone is falling off like a toddler on a tightrope. he cares, deeply, but hes also fed up with everyone around him (and for good reason, because all of the other dancestors are ALSO massive assholes). he cares about being pc more than he cares about the actual issues hes "fighting for," he makes some good points, and he also makes a lot of bad ones. sometimes hes right, and sometimes hes just so caught up in what i believe boils down to a form of self-loathing via extreme policing of himself and others that he says and does the stupidest things known to man that make me want to cut my own dick off and staple it to my forehead so he can call me a whore and a transphobe.
second, hes capable of not ranting. like, he can carry a normal conversation where he talks a normal amount. it happens. inevitably someone will say something that gets him going, but you know. not every sentence has to be an essay.
third, oh my fucking god if one more person writes some fucking shit where hes "cured" of being celibate i am going to print out and laminate cards that say "youre an aphobe" to pass out to the masses. kankri isnt aroace, hes clearly in love with latula and just has self-imposed celibacy on himself possibly bc he thinks its gonna keep him from mucking up his quads, but even though hes not, and even if he was, the way people handle his celibacy is disgusting and offensive. if you dont want to write him celibate just dont make him celibate and pretend that never happened. otherwise it plays into the "ace ppl just havent found the right dick yet" thing, which iS RLLY OFFENSIVE. this is like. one of my number one kankri pet peeves. ill kill someone over this. the sexually repressed kankri hc i constantly see sucks and is objectively wrong anf im going to rip the head off of the next person i see doing it like a rabid fucking dog.
im going to make this my last note on this, bc i already have a headache just thinking about kankri, but the way ppl characterize his interpersonal relationships is bad. its bad. his relationship with latula is a mirror of karkats with terezi, nothing more, nothing less. his relationship with porrim is fucking bad and unhealthy. porrim babies and infantilizes him and regularly crosses his boundaries, and i t hink (?? dont quote me on this one its been a minute) the only time he rlly gets angry and blows up at someone is bc porrims does something he didnt consent to. at the same time, hes rlly rude to porrim and says loads of bigoted shit to her and treats her like shit. hes super ableist towards mituna, thinks hes an idiot, and treats him like shit. he doesnt really have a good relationship with anyone, because everyone hates him and he hates everyone and all of the dancestors are lions in a cage without enrichment, pacing back and forth and wondering how much longer they can stand each other before one of them snaps and kills the rest (oh wait! damara and meenah kind of did already! and kurloz is actively plotting a second death!)
anyway yeah. this is less of hot takes and more of a list of my pet peeves but yeah. i hate kankri, actually, i think hes the fucking worst, and i obsessively know everything about him out of spite.
disclaimer tho: i like all homestuck charas as charas like its cool its neat theyre cool n i hate kankri like you hate a villain but also i hate the fandoms idea of kankri and i hate kankri fans and if youre going to comment on this post defending ur hcs dont
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gretehart · 6 years
Important Updates: Patreon, Commissions, Etc
Heyo my dudes!!
The holidays are upon us, which means New Years is steadily waiting around the corner to ambush us & steal our lunch money  ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ With 2019 readying its bat, I've got a lot of plans upcoming, and want to share them with everyone!
These updates are pretty important, so I recommend reading them (or at the very least skimming LOL)
Patreon: $100 goal reached (Again!)
So thanks to Patrons, I've reached back up to my $100/month goal, Which, fortunately for all of you guys, means I will be back on streaming every friday night! This weekly stream will begin starting in the new year, due to the holidays (I wouldnt be able to start before then even if I wanted to) Weekly freebie streams will begin on January 4th (unless something comes up), so stay tuned!!!
And a reminder; if I make it to $250 (the next goal), Patrons can start sending me their requests for freebie stream without having to be present for the stream itself!
Holiday Freebie Stream When?
I know I normally do a christmas/holiday stream just like for Halloween, but I dont have any info on when I will start said stream! The reason being is because Im still waiting to hear from my job what days we may (or may not) have off the week of Christmas and the week of New Year
My idea is to (hopefully) have the stream on the 22nd of December, so it can be all day and not exactly during the holidays (so people have a chance to make it to the stream)
This isnt official yet, but I will let you all know as soon as I can!!
Commissions: Refunds & Break!
(Please read this if I owe you a commission!!)
This is a pretty big change for me, but lately i've been absolutely swamped with work, both in and outside of artwork. Commissions, Patreon Rewards, Trades, and other things have been stacking up and I think its time to take a break.
From now through the rest of the month & thru  January, I will finish what little I can on my list, start refunding people their money, and closing Commissions for the time being. Larger commissions will be refunded while smaller, easier commissions will either be finished or refunded as well!
Once those are taken care of in one manner or the other, I will be closing commissions temporarily. I want to start the new year focusing on Patreon stuff & more personal projects. I doubt commissions will be closed permanently, and I may just take a commission every so often during said break, but for the most part they will be closed/on hold!
Of course I will let you guys know when commissions are open, but until then \o/ expect more personal stuff (hopefully!)
Art Trades: Closing/ Close friends only!
This is mostly for artists that agreed to do an art trade with me, and I greatly apologize in advance
I wont be able to finish the art trades with whats all on my plate, and even after clearing out the commissions there will still be a lot to do and I cant handle taking on trades from others. I will be closing trades and leaving them to close friends only ! This may change in the future, and I will let you guys know if thats the case!
Instagram: Made!
So finally after forever of saying I'd make one, I have my official Instagram account up and running!
I of course have next to nothing on it, but will work on it more and more through the days and hopefully have a fully functional page going on for those who want to follow me on there! I dont know much about Insta but Ill learn as I go ♥
Patreon/Twitch Discord: Coming in 2019!
Yes indeedy! I will have a Discord server set up for Patrons and Twitch subscribers coming the new year!
I asked a little while ago on Patreon if I should make a server, and a lot of people said yes, so its gonna be a thing! I'm already working out the kinks with the server (with the help of some close friends) With the Discord server, itll be easier to communicate with Patrons & Subbers about new content, streams, and many other stuff!
The server won't be public unfortunately, BUT that may change in the future! We shall see!!
In the meantime, Patrons keep an eye out for the invite link in the new year ♥
More projects coming soon
Honestly I've got a lot planned for 2019 and I really hope to actually flesh them out this time around.
One main thing I want to work on are keychains and charms! Nox and I got materials, a new printer, and even a laminator to make keychains, charms, and other things too! Its something I've wanted to do for a while now, and I think the new year is a good time to finally start!
I'd also like to (possibly) make more cork board designs, since those were a lot of fun to do ~ But thats only a possibility of a project; nothing set in stone.
Another thing I really wanna dive into are my own personal characters & stories. Now i doubt I will have any sort of story/series out, but just to be able to draw my own characters in my spare time would be nice. And who knows, I may have some ideas to flesh out in the near future!
There are some other projects I have in mind but nothing that I can really reveal at this time But stay tuned regardless!!
That should be it as far as updates and important info goes!
I'll be reaching out to Commissioners about their refunds & requests soon
Patrons be sure to keep an eye out for other exclusive updates coming up and to everyone else; you are all amazing and I couldn't have gotten this far as an artist without all of you ♥♥♥
Thank you all so so much
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