#dont feel pressured to keep it para at all dfkjgbndfg
kxllerblond · 11 months
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❝ Don't look so shocked...❞ he offers in passing over his shoulder-—somewhat loudly in order to be heard over the bustling crowd of the club and the blaring music. ❝ I do have a social life, you know. ❞ he finds the straw to his drink again (fruity and sweet, a focus on taste over alcohol level) and takes a sip.
❝ I can't stand the scene for more than an hour but clubs and bars are actually kind of my kind's main scene. It's like uh...what the woods are to a werewolf or a shifter. It's where we thrive. ❞ they were also just good scenes for obnoxious immortal men who couldn't seem to allow himself any long lasting connections but still yearned for some sort of social interaction. He could usually find this in shallow conversations with people he'd never meet again. Good and harmless fun.
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