#donna burke's narration to mt vellenge lives forever in my heart
dany36 · 10 months
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some more commentary from the FFCC remastered edition OST booklet, including some words from Donna Burke! just love reading how much this game's music means to the people involved with breathing it to life. but most importantly, i wanted to include Ryoma Araki's comments since all of it rang true, especially this part:
The period instruments used in the score breathe life into the world, and the game wouldn't be the same without them. To my knowledge, no other title has put such instruments front and center before or since, or elevated game music like this one has.
full transcript for the images above found after the jump :)
Commentary from Ryoma Araki (game director):
To this day, the soundtrack of FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES holds special memories for many people. The period instruments used in the score breathe life into the world, and the game wouldn't be the same without them. To my knowledge, no other title has put such instruments front and center before or since, or elevated game music like this one has. When this remaster project began, we were adamant that the game mustn't lose that identity. Initially we aimed to keep the music exactly as it was when the game first released, but Hidenori Iwasaki is a stickler for quality and pushed us to include the original music and the retouched versions -- now both are available in the game. The new songs and rerecorded vocals are of the highest caliber. In our eyes, there was no room for compromise. Without a shadow of a doubt, this album is the collective work of the best music specialists I've had the pleasure of working with.
Commentary from Yae (Vocals, Storytelling Narration):
Hello, I'm Yae. I did the vocals for "Morning Sky" and "Moonless Starry Night," as well as the narration in the main game. The main themes "Morning Sky" and "Moonless Starry Night" are infused with musical influences from around the world that create beautiful and magnificent melodies. The remaster features new records, and I was honored to be a part of them. I've grown as a person since the game's original release, and I hope people can discern the added maturity in my singing voice. I sang with heartfelt love and emotion, and I hope that this journey of adventure gives players the courage they need to overcome even the most difficult of times.
Commentary from Donna Burke (Vocals, Storytelling Narration, Lyrics Translation):
Words cannot express how grateful I am that FFCC has been remastered and released for a whole new generation of gamers. Back in 2003 it was thrilling to be asked to sing, adapt lyrics and narrate for a FF game and I am so proud to be a part of the Final Fantasy world. I love singing "Moonless Starry Night" and "Morning Sky" at my concerts. The songs are filled with longing and emotion and I wish you all love and joy as you play this game and listen to the new updated recordings.
Commentary from Masahiro Kataoka (Studio R.E.E.L.) / Lyrics
Since FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES was made, right up to today, I've felt that the memories of our journeys should be held in high esteem. This is because our journeys are spun of a story that's one-of-a-kind, utterly irreplaceable. Every player who traversed the world of FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES holds their own personal memories of the journey. Memories of the many towns, forests, and mountains. Memories spanning over many years of adventure. Those cherished moments transformed into light, and then hope, and traveled here, to now, to the future! Now the stage is set for those travelers to create new memories that spin new tales, cast new rays of light that live on in their hearts. I'd be delighted if the hope for the future that shines in these stories inspires the same in every player.
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