#donella & hugo’s relationship save me…save me
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“my mother is the worst woman alive, and i am her favorite son…”
Anyways I need to say I don’t think Donella is truly evil but she’s definitely not good!! I feel she only gets better post-vat7k. But before? Ough I think about that a lot. Especially with Hugo…which is where this piece came from :3
Also!! Here’s the bw version I had before but I decided to add the orange tint
Ok now I’m done goodbye
#donella & hugo’s relationship save me…save me#(it will not save me at all.)#hugo vat7k#hugo rottewange#hugo the human#donella vat7k#vat7k#varian and the seven kingdoms#tangled the series#tts#solart ☀️
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⚠️ Rant Warning ⚠️
I think it's because he grew up with people looking down on him. When he messed things up, people stopped believing in him. He is so used to people turning their backs on him, and not understanding what he thinks/needs/does/wants.
He yerns to be understood. When people started to assume he didn't really know what he was doing with his alchemy, he lost support, and understanding. Even at some point, his own father stopped believing in and understanding his ideas and want to help through what he's good at.
I think this is one of the reasons why Hugo and Varian's relationship is so strong, and why Hugo's betrayal is so powerful.
Varian found some one who gets him. Hugo didn't need things to be over explained to understand what Varian was doing and why. He didn't need a reason. He simply trusted Varian to know what he's doing l, because over time, even through Varians mistakes, Hugo understood. Especially after the first month or two when Hugo stops trusting him to keep the peace, but truly got to see and know that Varain knows what he's doing. Hugo knows, he doesn't need to be convinced like everyone else.
When Hugo betrays them, that stability is ripped away. The only person who ever understood, and didn't need convincing or explanation for what Varian made and did, was taken from him in a split second. Not only that but it was by Hugo's own choice that he does this, no one made him do this. Donella's influence on Hugo doesn't make sense to Varian. He's always been a free thinking spirit and not matter how many times someone told him to stop or not to do something, if he wanted to he would.
You gave me an idea for an episode where Varian is center, and is using his alchemy and things to get through a strange town or magical situation, and twice says "Believe me" to respectively Nuru and Yong. Even if it's light hearted and doesn't hold the impact of, say the "Believe me" in Ready As I'll Ever Be, but this impact is subconscious. And around the end of the episode, or the conflict, Varian trying to convince Hugo to do something for him so his plan works, but it makes no sense to Hugo why Varian's plan would work. Varian starts to say "Hugo, please, beli-" but Hugo cuts him off, "I believe you."not just because he's heard him say it all day, but because he does. "Let's do this." And the they save the day together. This is one of the moments that Varian starts to let his guard down a little more around Hugo.
Has anyone noticed how much Varian says “Believe me?”
First in Ready as I’ll ever be, then at before Nothing left to lose and when he tells Rapunzel that he doesn’t want to hurt Cass in Once a handmaiden.
#varian and the 7 kingdoms#varian and the seven kingdoms#vatsk#tts varian#vat7k#varian#tts#varian the alchemist#hugo vat7k
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9 and 10 for both Varigo and Cassunzel?
9. Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?
Varigo - My favorite aspect of varigo is probably the how I think they'd act during the pining stage and also post relationship. I like the idea of during the mutual pining stage, they really do have some closer and more real binding moments. The bickering goes from them both arguing angrily to them insulting each other jokingly while smiling. They start to pick up on one another's cues which means they subtly begin to notice when the other is upset. There's lots of nights staying up later with comfort or even just laughing and telling random stories to distract from late night sadness.
Now if we're talking post relationship, I like it because it's soft, but it can be messy. Communication is huge from them. They both came from very fucked up backgrounds, so it's really important they can provide reassurance and patience to one another. Obviously, they keep their playful banter, Hugo's still a bit overzealous and Varian's still a bit ambitious, but for the most part they've dialed it back a bit. Even so, I think they'd have problems arise in their relationship occasionally.
I think Hugo tends to get a bit defensive of Varian whenever anyone is rude to him which is fine, but he tends to take it too far which upsets Varian. Varian has to tell him that while he appreciates the thought and that he wants to defend him, he can take care of himself and in reality, causing a huge scene and arguing with people like that only makes things worse and gives him major anxiety. He doesn't need the approval of all the townsfolk, he has Rapunzel, and Eugene, and all his other friends and more importantly he has Hugo. And he's okay with just that.
On Varian’s end, I think he tends to be a bit more wreckless? He stays up at late hours, he rare cares for his own physical needs and he, in Hugo's words, does "That stupid self-sacrificing hero bullshit that almost gives me a goddamn heart attack!" In short, Hugo is fine with Varian’s ambitious nature, but the way he runs headfirst into things without thinking really scares Hugo because, when working Donella, he's seen first hand how badly those things can end so it sets off his paranoia to no end. I think at some point (the point where he's on the verhe of just screaming and/or sobbing because Varian almost died) he'd have to tell him that it scares him when he does that. He doesn't need some hero to save him or some kind of protector, he needs Varian alive and well. Thats all that matters.
Cassunzel - this one won't be as well thought-out as varigo considering varigo is basically my bread and butter, but I still love them dearly so I will try my best !
So for cassunzel I'd have to say my favorite aspect of their dynamic was more seen in season one? I think Cassandra is still dealing with lots of feelings of jealousy and being overshadowed and it kind of manifests itself in ways that she doesn't even realize are a bjt spiteful until its too late. I think the part I like about this is Rapunzel trying to be a bit more patient as a response...
Cass can be in the wrong sometimes, but she's really not trying to be. She's mostly trying to figure out her emotions of her own trauma and why she feels that way and I think it comes out in the form of jealousy with unhelpful coping mechanisms.
If you don't know, I have BPD, so I struggle a lot with feelings of jealousy, and the way Rapunzel approaches more from the patient side really made me happy. (Not that my jealousy has actually made me do extremely spiteful things, I've found helpful coping skills, but still, sometimes it helps to have that extra help of reassurance.) I like how she acknowledges how Cass' emotions are valid and real and they deserve respect, but she also needs to watch how her emotions can manifest into actions and affect others around her. It's just a very valuable moment for Cass.
On Rapunzel's end, I like the idea that she's always been a bit too... toxicly positive? Like she tends to fall more on the optimistic side which can be helpful at times, but other times it can be a bit worse. I like the way Raps and Cass bounce off each other, because it's almost like she's there to ground her back into reality sometimes. They just kind of perfectly balance each other out to come to more realistic answers.
10. Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)
Varigo - good God, if I see one more person portrat Varian as soft pushover who's only enraptured by Hugo being a pretty boy and just lays down and takes his constant bantering and then they make Hugo a smug asshole who constantly pushes boundaries and is only interested in getting in peoples pants I will actually lose it.
I love thinking of characters as EXTREMELY complex things. I study psychology on the side, and let me tell you human beings are extremely complicated and interesting. I like to think of characters the same. Imagine it as a rubiks cube. Every time you switch one of the sides, its another aspect and depth to their character and it takes forever to solve and ultimately, I dont think it can be "solved."
The character dynamics and interpretations of Hugo and Varian are just... so deep and different and interesting to explore, so it really bums me out when people sand them down into one-dimensional characters, especially stereotypes no less.
Casunzel - Season 3. That's all. /hj
#tangled#varian#tts#varian the alchemist#tangled the series#rta#varian and the 7 kingdoms#varian and the seven kingdoms#hugo#vat7k#rapunzels tangled adventure#varigo#cassunzel#character analysis#relationship analysis#cassandra#rapunzel#hugo the human#alchemythoughts.txt
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Forget What I Said, It’s Not What I Meant
Chapter 14!!!!! I’m not gonna say much other than thank you for your support and onwards with the chapter :) Also late update because I had D&D and then had to study so sorry!
When Varian arrived at Rapunzel’s house, everyone seemed to pick up on what happened. There were no ‘Where’s Hugo’s or ‘Why do you look so sad?’s or any questions, just everyone treating him like he was porcelain or really really delicate..it annoyed him. Sure, he didn’t want to talk about it, but tip-toeing around the subject and acting as though he’d break down in tears at even the mention of Hugo just felt demeaning. It was his decision, admittedly an incorrect once, but his decision nonetheless. He was the one who initiated the breakup, so why would he be the upset one? That wasn’t to say he wasn’t either, it’s just...agh! Feelings were confusing!
Things didn’t change at dinner, everyone averting their eyes from him as they just sat down and proceeded to shovel food into their mouths as fast as they could, as though trying to avoid the elephant in the room - that being Hugo’s empty chair beside Varian’s. He frowned and ate as everyone avoided eye contact with him. Now this was just a joke. He wasn’t upset- He really wasn’t! Sure, he desperately wanted the other boy back and every second without him felt like agony, but hey! He wasn’t having a blatant mental breakdown at least! He desperately tried to make conversation, but everyone else seemed unbothered, just staring at their own plates, so he quickly relented with his attempts and joined in with their unspoken pack to silence.
After the dinner was done, he sat outside on the porch with the wind slowly blowing through his hair as he shut his eyes and let himself be taken away, deep in thought. Was what he did right? Was his mother being truly honest with him? There was no way Hugo could’ve known that his...well he still didn’t even know the relationship between him and Donella, Hugo had never had the chance to tell him, had done what she did to his mother. He couldn’t have been too old when it happened either, only around five or six so it was unfair to just dump all of his baggage on him and take out all the anger. He just didn’t know if Hugo would even forgive him for how he acted out…god, he’d really messed up this time. He still couldn’t wipe the thought from his mind of how broken-hearted Hugo looked as he screamed at him in the apartment hallway, their happy photos relentlessly staring them down to mock the hurricane of negativity he’d created. He let out a sigh. Maybe he was a monster and everyone before was right..maybe he should’ve been the one to go into a coma, not his dad..maybe-
“Hey kid, you alright?” Cass asked as she sat beside him, a frown on her face before she closed her eyes and let herself relax, Varian averting his eyes and avoiding the question. A weight on his back prompted him to look over at the woman, the hand there rubbing small, soft circles like Hugo used to. “I get it, breakups are hard. And they really do suck when you still love the person you hurt, but...I can tell this wasn’t what either of you wanted. You still love him and I can tell from every little movement you make. So talk to him. Chances are he still loves you just the same as he did before, he just doesn’t feel as though he can express it to you. You’re gonna have to be the one to tell him you still love him if that’s what you want. If he’s what you want. I love you, kid, and you love Hugo. And I sure as hell knows he loves you. Just..do what you think is right to reconcile with him, we all can’t bear to see you sad.” she finished, her eyes still shut as Varian stared at her in confusion.
The rest of the night and the whole of Thursday, Varian had thought about what Cassandra had said, it echoing in his brain to no avail as he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Was she right about Hugo truly loving him that much? Surely he couldn’t after all the..less than desirable things he’d yelled at the other boy. Regardless, he’d brought his phone out and pressed Hugo’s contact, immediately typing before hesitating when done. He had the text typed out ‘Hey Hugo, can we meet up at two at the coffee shop? We need to talk.’ but he couldn’t bring himself to send it. It felt like when they first talked, him struggling to even send a simple ‘Hi’, but this time the stakes were higher and their whole relationship depended on it. He sighed heavily and glanced over at his cat, who was sitting in his lap, and he could swear Ruddiger gave him a slight nod. Shakily, he pressed ‘Send’ and prayed to God that Hugo didn’t hate him or ignore him.
Today was Friday, and Hugo didn’t know why he’d decided to read the text Varian sent him, or agreed to meet up with the younger boy, but here he was, walking down the pitch black streets of Corona town at two in the morning with the only light emitting from his phone screen and helping guide him through the winding roads. He still wasn’t even sure why he’d even picked up his phone and read the text, let alone agreed, after he’d torn his heart in half right in front of him with seemingly no remorse, but hey, he was on his way so might as well agree. There was no backing out, not anymore. He had to face his problems head on - he was done with running from the other boy, even if he’d caused him so much heartache and trouble in the past few days which he DEFINTELY didn’t deserve whatsoever.
He quickly made his way down the road, the uncomfortable heat and humidity of summer causing his clothes to stick to his back. It felt as gross as it sounded, him cringing at the sensation. He hated summer, he always had. Always way too warm, and the orphanage never had air con, neither did Donella’s house so he suffered this time of year with no remorse from the sun until autumn saved him from his pain. Hopefully it’ll all be worth it, he thought as he opened the doors to the place he knew oh so well, immediately strolling to their signature booth and spotting the raven haired boy already sitting there with two coffee cups: a vanilla latte and a black coffee for him, a familiar sight minus the coffee cups. “Hey, don’t I usually buy the drinks?” Hugo asked, forcing a grin on his face before taking a seat.
Varian still looked as beautiful as the day he’d told Hugo to leave, Hugo’s eyes taking in every detail as all the memories flooded back to him and tears threatening to roll down his cheeks as he let them take down the wall he’d placed there. He missed him so much it was hard to even describe. He’d missed the freckles on his shoulders, the way he’d subconsciously cuddle closer to his boyfriend when watching a horror movie, the way that when he laughed, he’d let out little snorts...he missed all the little things, the little imperfections that he adored. However, there were more worrying aspects now that he looked closer: dark bags under his eyes, his skin unbelievably pale. It wasn’t noticeable if you hadn’t known him long, but..Hugo knew him well enough to know he was troubled. Still, Varian forced a slight smile and shuffled closer. “Yep, well I thought I’d switch it up a little being as I kinda..forced you out of your house at two in the morning. Which..brings me to why I brought you here.”
The boy paused, a look of hesitation on his face before he bit the inside of his cheek, let out a deep sigh and proceeded. “I was wrong, Hugo. I was so so wrong to pin this all on you when you didn’t even know. I don’t want our mother’s pasts to dictate our future, because the truth is..I love you. I still love you and I never stopped. You brought..so much light into my life over the past six months and once I let it go, I couldn't focus again. You may hate me and..I don’t blame you whatsoever, but I adore you with every fibre of my being and I mean it when I tell you that. I love you, Hugo Atkinson.” He concluded, tears building in his eyes as silence followed his confession.
Before he knew it, arms pulled him into an embrace and Hugo placed teary-eyed kisses all over his face, laughing shakily as he kept saying “I love you” over and over to the other, those three words forming a symphony that Varian knew he would never get bored of. He exchanged the kisses with gentle pecks of his own, whispering confessions to the other boy as he finally let himself admit just how much he truly missed the other’s presence in his life. But now..now he had him back and he wasn’t going to lose him.
“I love you too, Varian. I..the past few days have been agony without you. I don’t know how I managed and-oh my god I’m so sorry for yelling at you on campus I-I should have listened to you..it wasn’t fair of me to act like that towards you when you were trying to apologise I just-I felt so alone and lost without you-”
“Hugh..hey, look at me. I forgive you. Now..how about we get outta here and back home?” Varian asked, Hugo nodding eagerly in agreement with what he said. After all, it had been a few days since he’d been back at the apartment and, in all honesty, Varian wanted someone to cuddle with him for the night..
The two boys stood, hand in hand, and completely discarded the two coffee cups on the table as they strolled down the street towards the apartment. It was dark, but they didn’t care, content to finally be in each other’s arms once again and happy. It was all either of them ever wanted for the agonising few days that they were apart, and now they finally had it, neither were going to let it go. Even as the uncomfortable heat pounded down on them, Hugo’s complaints just made Varian laugh and giggle even more, moving closer to the other male and squeezing his hand a little tighter. He could listen to the other complaining all day, but now wasn’t the time.
As he’d unlocked the door to let both of them in, Hugo stood in amazement. Everything was the same, pictures still hung on the walls as they had been before, books still in the same places and his goggles still on the table in the hall where he’d left them beside the bowl they kept the keys in. He let himself adjust to the sight, though it was familiar, it still felt different despite nothing changing. Varian however paid it no mind, simply stating “What can I say? I missed your incessant use of green.” before pulling Hugo along towards their living room.
Almost immediately as they went through the doorway to the living room, Hugo had pulled the younger boy into a passionate kiss, Varian’s hand threading his fingers through his hair gently as he took in the taste of the boy which he couldn’t quite forget, but desperately wanted to remember ever since they parted. It tasted just how he remembered - bitter like freshly ground coffee, just how he liked it. He let Hugo deepen the kiss and pin him against the painted green wall, hands roaming aimlessly over each other as they both reminded themselves of just how much they adored each other, before Hugo picked him up and carried him along the hall towards their room, Varian giggling the whole way across.
Hugo promptly dropped him on the bed and laid beside him, a wide smile on his face as he peppered kisses over his face and shuffled backwards slightly to allow Ruddiger to sit in between them. The cat had gotten a lot skinnier somehow, Varian had assumed Hugo was sneaking him extra snacks sometimes. Ruddiger seemed much happier to see his old rival too, purring and nuzzling his cheek as he greeted his other owner. Hugo also seemed relieved to see the proclaimed ‘fat bastard’ as he gave Ruddiger many many cuddles and an abundance of kisses to his furry forehead. Varian felt his heart fill with more and more love for the boy lying across from him, his hand slipping over his.
“I’ve missed you both so much, I love you so much Varian.” He’d whispered to the boy, cuddling both the cat and the raven haired boy closer to his chest and placing gentle kisses to his forehead too without a care in the world before slowly kicking off his shoes and jacket before laying down again. Varian followed suit, his head now resting on his boyfriend’s shoulder and Ruddiger sitting at their feet as they cuddled even closer than before.
Now everything was how it should be, back to normal with him in his boyfriend’s arms as they both drifted off to sleep. Just how he liked it and just how Hugo liked it, finding comfort in each other with their rekindled love. It felt right. Like the universe was back to normal.
Varian could get used to this.
#varigo#varian and the seven kingdoms#varian x hugo#varian tangled#tangled varian#hugo tangled#tangled hugo#alchemy boyfriends#varigo coffee shop au
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For the fanfic ask and for whatever book you’re most proud of:
2, 4, 5, 9
Ohohoh thank you for the ask anon! In terms of which fic I’m most proud of it’s definitely Dear Fellow Traveller, that big chunky baby!
2: What scene did you first put down?
Heheh technically the prologue was the first I actually wrote, since I write in a very linear fashion, but in terms of what scene was the big oh I want to write this moment it was the (spoilers) part where Hugo finds Varian in the moonstone’s tower. Just the idea of the world tearing itself apart while everything narrows down to two characters try desperately to cling to each other is *chefs kiss* to me.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
AH HAH okay so I always joke that I get one or two fucks in every fic because they’re all rated T for Teen, and in movies 13+ means you get one fuck and that’s it. So in Traveller my favorite line will always be:
“What, and I cannot emphasize this enough, the actual fuck was that.”
Just for being the one fuck in the whole work, as well as being the line that made me laugh my ass off when I thought of it
5: What part was hardest to write?
OH (spoilers) the betrayal scene, no contest. A few of my friends will remember me tearing my hair out about it for DAYS before it got posted. It’s the midpoint of the whole story, which ushers us into act 3, and it’s also the turning point of the boy’s relationship, it’s so ridiculously important to the arc of the story, I was STRESSING trying to get it right.
I think it turned out about as well as I could have gotten it, but it was easily the part I freaked out about the most, save for mainly the ending.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Ohohoh oh god okay so yes, very very much yes. Traveller had 3 different endings, and 1 different start, the planning for this thing was a MESS.
Originally it was going to begin with Quirin getting ambered like in canon, and so he was going on the quest to save his dad, but after a LOT of reflection I realized that Varian wouldn’t really be... idk ready? Willing? to fall in love if his parent’s life were at risk. I wanted the stakes to come from Donella/Adira/The Moonstone especially, so having Quirin’s life in the balance just didn’t work. The flirting and joking that is the core of Varigo just didn’t fit with such a serious quest, so I scrapped it and made it more of an internal decision on Varian’s part. It also played a lot more into the general theme of the story, so hey, it worked!
As for the endings, nothing ever seemed grand enough. Like the first draft just kinda farted out, the stakes didn’t feel concluded enough to me. There was a lot of shit going on, it needed more OOMPH than draft one had. Draft two wasn’t terrible, but it was still kinda ehhhhhh, for a different reason. Draft three is the one that ended up being used, which is the one I think works!
Thank you very much for the ask anon!! I love talking about my babies <3
Ask Game Here!
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FINALLY FINISHED! WOOOO! Abigail’s look for the #varianandthesevenkingdoms AU (created by Kritterart) is done! (You can see more of Abby on my Instagram, Blueartistdraws.) I really like how this turned out, especially those platform boots, they were a HUGE pain to draw, but at least they make her somewhat taller! She’s still 4’11 though. Hasn’t grown since she was twelve! Anyway, the only thing that think would be different about her story in this AU would be the time she met everyone. Instead of meeting everyone at 15 years old, she meets them at 18. Anyway, here’s my own little contribution to how Abby would contribute to the story/what her relationships with the other characters would look like.
As she grew up, Abigail continued studying and experimenting with the world around her, eventually discovering a way to turn the four natural elements into weapons and gadgets, but she still has physical and mental discomfort around magic, especially her own. (See Stardust Story Highlight) She sees her own magic not as a blessing, but rather a curse. She’s still cold hearted, sassy, and a very closed off person most of the time. Abigail possesses sharp combat skills, which makes her very intimidating for someone her size. However, she has a horrid temper, which is a huge weakness for her. If you say the wrong thing at the wrong time to her, consider yourself to have just set a bomb off. On the other hand, behind those brick walls she’s built around her damaged heart, Abigail is a very insecure and fearful person, even though she never ever shows it. She doesn’t want to appear weak and vulnerable to those around her, which is also why she’s never really shows any other emotions besides anger, occasional shock, and disgust. As the story progresses, I imagine Hugo, Nuru, Yong, and Varian would indirectly contribute to bringing Abigail out of her dark, cold world that she’s learned to accept and live in for so long, leading her to become a much more happy and open person by the end. This brings me to relationships with the characters!
She and Hugo are partners from the beginning. He’s also the only person she really trusts. No, she doesn’t trust Donella, Abigail is only part of her group so Donella can use her magic for her own desires, and in return, Abigail gets shelter and protection. But if she weren’t part of the group, she would’ve never met Hugo. Abigail and Hugo are very similar in their levels of intelligence, mischievous tendencies, and logical thinking, but they’re very different to one another regarding their personality traits. While Hugo is very talkative and expressive, Abigail is introverted and barely shows any emotions. She basically has a resting bish face. So whenever they’re carrying out orders, messing with other people, or on ‘missions’, Abigail lets Hugo to the talking, which seems to feed his ego. He likes to tease her a LOT when they’re not working, usually about her height and bugs her whenever she’s working on new gadgets, criticizing her work just to piss her off, but other than that, they’re a pretty good duo. Whenever Abigail eventually speaks up in front of Varian’s group for the first time, I imagine their reactions (excluding Hugo) would be something along the lines of “she does talk?!” which might set Abby off.
I think that Nuru would be the first to connect the dots about the magic within Abigail, because the magic in Nuru’s constellations on her dress may trigger some of Abigail’s stardust to active via her freckles glowing white, indicating similar and/or linked magic of some sort. I believe this event would lead to a close friendship between Abigail and Nuru. While Hugo does know about Abigail’s magic, I believe Abigail would be more willing to talk to Nuru about it, on the condition she doesn’t tell the rest of the group (even though they’ll eventually find out through the fifth or sixth kingdom quest). Nuru would be the one to persuade Abigail to refrain from judging a book by it’s cover, therefore strengthening her willingness to trust others.
Yong and Abigail would definitely have a lot of conflict. Although Yong doesn’t mean to do any harm, I believe he’d often startle Abigail when she’s working on something and “in the zone” or mess with some of her projects and works in progress, which would lead to either a malfunction, explosion, or a rage from the brunette. Either way, she’ll probably end up chasing the twelve year old around in anger. However, throughout the story, Yong definitely grows on her, and she begins to see him as a younger sibling, and realizes there are people that she wants to protect and look out for. From observing the boy, she also becomes more optimistic.
And finally, Varian. They wouldn’t click very well at first, since first off, she and Hugo work together, and second, she’s extremely intimidating. You can probably see the lack of communication at first. However, on the group’s way to the third kingdom, Abigail ends up saving the alchemist from getting crushed by large debris from underneath a crumbling bridge by tackling him out of the way. This small event leads Varian to believe there’s more to Abigail than a cold hearted shell of a person. Throughout the story, whenever the group stops to rest or set up camp for the night, I believe Varian would try to make friendly conversation with Abigail, to which she’d either ignore or harshly turn away, that is, until one night, Varian is unable to sleep, and discovers Abigail outside her tent, in the process of recovering from a nightmare. She’s too emotional to keep up her tough girl cover, so she ends up telling Varian about her past, her magic, and why she acts the way she does. Seeing they have a lot more in common than he originally thought, Varian takes the opportunity to comfort and bond with her while the others are asleep. Abigail learns from him that sometimes, it’s okay to not be okay. To be vulnerable. To need a shoulder to cry on and a friend to hold onto. I believe this event would be the first spark of friendship between them, but that’s another story for another post.
As for Donnella...again, that’s another story for another post

#artists on tumblr#my art#art#sketch#illustration#digital art#doodle#varian#varianandthesevenkingdoms#varianandthe7kingdoms#AU#tangled oc#tangled the series#tangled#tangledvarian#tangledhugo
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I don't have a Archive of our own account so I hope yuou don't mind me putting my comments here. Well, I guest but inputting email every time you comment is a hassle.
first, Reunion at Sea:
OMG, RUDDIGER!!! I THOUGHT HE WAS REALLY GOING TO HURT VARIAN!! AND THEN HE SAVED HIM! And then Donella came, and Hugo, and are we going to see some love triangle here? OR Hugo possibly joining in the relationship like Soul, Clyde, and Varian in Nomad?
In For Family"
That escalated quick. From wanting to hurt Cass to joining her. >v<
In The Moon Calls:
I stood corrected! Hugo and Varian are cuter than Clyde and Varian. Sorry. But, for some reason, since I have read Nomad, judging from Soul and Clyde's interactions, I think for Clyde I like Soul more. The dynamic is cute too. A tall boyfriend and a small girlfriend.
I have many more comments but i might just make an archive of our own account for those. Question! When are you going to update Rich Pines and Nomad? I'm really excited for the both of those.
About RAS - RAS V is probably not going to be entering any love triangles, because he's got all kinds of other drama (and trauma) to deal with otherwise and he's perfectly happy with Clyde, who he grew up with. He just barely met Hugo and aside from him helping to get him out of the House, he has no idea who he is while Hugo is barely suppressing fanboy squealing because he DOES know who VARIAN is. About FF - Yeah, he couldn't stop her, so he decided to change her target. XD And they're getting some real bonding in. :3c TMC - Varian and Hugo's relationship in this particular fic is quite different from any others, just because of how Varian is treated in general and how they met. For one thing, he never knew Clyde, so that's not even a concern. He grew up sheltered and is STILL sheltered, even on the road, and Hugo is basically his "Flynn Rider". Now, as for Nomad? I've been focusing on the others because people have been asking for more of it, but I will be continuing that, and it will make the rest of Season 2 very different, haha. Rich Pines - Gradually working on it, people haven't been too into my Gravity Falls works lately so it's hard to get motivation. I'm glad you're enjoying it, though!
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AHH ok ok! This is getting me so excited >< Thank you so much @soreiya!! Anyways, off to my response!! >:D
I totally agree with you on changing Prometheus’ design and personality pfft >< No hate to the Prometheus fans…if he uh has any... 0-0
At one point I had a similar idea about the trials :D That instead of gathering totems they learn a lesson/gain knowledge in order to enter the library. Or if we really wanted to keep the totems, we could both! Maybe it could be something like the totems come together to create some kind of key and in order to forge the totems together they use the knowledge that they gained from the trials. Although, that does resurface the problem of why they struggle so much with the trials if they have Ulla’s journal…hmm maybe we can nerf her journal? idk TvT
Oh! I’d like to mention that like the analogy that you made about Varian and his friends being similar to a body! :D
I also think that it would be interesting if Nuru was at odds with Varian! If this were the case, do you think at some point, when the issue of Varian’s past actions came up, that Nuru would be able to eventually come to understand Varian? Also just a side note, I do think that it would be very funny for Nuru and Hugo to get along with each other ><
On the topic of Nuru, if she found out that Varian and co. are trying to find Demanitus’ research/lab and knowing the fact that Demanitus had previously saved Corona from a natural disaster with a device of his invention that she could come to the conclusion that there might be something there to help her kingdom. And if the Queen and/or King forbid her from leaving the kingdom and she strongly felt that there was something worth checking out if it meant saving her kingdom then maybe it would be in character for her to run away?
And on the topic of Nuru’s kingdom, if something that disastrous like having asteroids destroying an entire kingdom would be something that would need to be further explored within this theoretical series? Like instead of ending with the Eternal Library we end the story with saving Nuru’s kingdom? Idk just a thought :>
I like the idea of Hugo’s snarky attitude as a defense mechanism! I think that it would allow the viewers to sympathize/relate with him, too :)
Your comment on Hugo’s style is something I definitely agree with pfft >< I also think that canon Varian wouldn't be one to swoon for that.
Oh! On the topic of ‘style,’ I would have to agree with you about Varian’s boy scout outfit looking ridiculous pFt I much prefer something like this:



I wanted to mention something wrong about my previous post! So thank you @soreiya for that!! Varian would NOT look up to Hugo in the same way he looks up to Flynnigan Rider, I completely forgot the original description of his character. Sorry about that o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ
In terms of Hugo’s betrayal, maybe I should rephrase what I said originally because looking back on it now I did not use the right words, so I apologize for that! I mean “Hugo’s betrayal” as in Hugo betraying Donella, not Varian. In a sense, I guess it could be considered a betrayal when it is revealed to Varian and co. that he was working for Donella buuutttt eh whatever
I really like your comparisons of the characters' relationships!! :D I think that works well :>
I really like everything that you mentioned in “The past” section!! I think we could continue expanding on this idea!
Alright, that's all I have for now!! I really can't express how exited this makes me to be able to talk about this! Thank you so much!!
Understand that the idea of Ulla possessing Varian is very popular among people in the fandom, and I would have to agree it's a cool idea :D, but I don’t really see any reason why Ulla would possess Varian if she truly cared for him. Not to say that there can’t be a reasonable way for the possession idea to work but yea! I think if we were to stick with the possession I think that one of the best ways to go about it is something like the Static Things are Supposed to Rot fanfic by Dr_Chalk.
Edit: I wanted to ask you, @soreiya, what other potential suitors did you have in mind?
(I apologize if this comes off as rude, that is not my intent T^T I'm genuinely curious on your thoughts)
Should we as a fandom collectively decide to step away from Vat7K and push for something completely different? Now don’t run off to grab your torches and pitchforks just yet. This isn’t a hate post. I just think it would be kinda fun to have a big discussion on the subject.
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