letstalkrights · 4 years
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Children’s right are recognized in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Jamaican Constitution. 
According to Chapter 13 subsection 2k of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the Jamaican Constitution, the right of every child includes:
 the right to be protected by virtue of being a minor, part of a family, society, and the State
the right of a child who is a citizen of Jamaica, to public educational institution at the pre-primary and primary levels.
to right to enjoy a healthy and productive environment free from the threat of injury or damage from environmental abuse and degradation of the ecological heritage.
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letstalkrights · 4 years
How can securities of Northern Caribbean University approach students without infringing on their rights as a student and a citizen?
       Studies interact with the securities of the University daily. Sometimes they encounter the securities more than once depending on how often they enter and leave the campus. There have been many complaints of infringement of rights both as students and as individuals. Below are ways in which securities can approach students without infringing on their rights.
o   Address the students politely.
o   Inform students in a polite manner if they are in violations of the university code of conduct/dress/ethos.
o   Explain to them what the acceptable standards are and what can happen if those standards are not followed/adhere to.
o   Do not discriminate any individual.
o   The rules apply to ALL students.
o   Securities should not make fun of an individual if they fail to understand the rules or why something is not acceptable.
o   Securities should at no time attempt to manhandle or assault students.
o   If students fail to comply with the rules, follow the correct procedure and address the individual(s) accordingly.
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letstalkrights · 4 years
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Who is a child? According to UNICEF, a child is anyone under the age of eighteen years unless majority is attained earlier according to the law applicable to the child. 
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letstalkrights · 4 years
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Do You Know Your Rights As A Jamaican Citizen?
       As humans, we are entitled to rights and freedoms, but how many people know their rights or can acknowledge when these rights are being infringed upon? I want to take the opportunity to educate and refresh your minds on the rights we have as a Jamaican citizen. These rights can be found in Chapter 13 subsection 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Jamaican Constitution:
  The right to life, liberty, and security.
  The right to freedom of thought, conscience, belief, and observance of political doctrines.
  The right to freedom of expression.
  The right to seek, receive, distribute, or disseminate information, opinions, and ideas through any media.
 The right to peaceful assembly and association.
 The right to freedom of movement, that is to say, the right of every citizen of Jamaica to enter Jamaica; and of every person lawfully in Jamaica, to move around freely throughout Jamaica, to reside in any part of Jamaica and to leave Jamaica.
 The right to equality before the law.
 The right to equitable and human treatment by any public authority in the exercise of any function.
The right to freedom from discrimination on the ground of being male or female race, place of origin, class, color, religion, or political opinions.
The right to protection from search of self and property; and respect for protection of private and family life, privacy of the home; and protection of other property and of communication.
The right of every citizen of Jamaica to be registered to vote.
The right of every citizen of Jamaica who is so registered, to vote in free and fair elections.
The right of every citizen of Jamaica to be guaranteed a passport and not to be detained or deprived except by due process of the law.
The right to protection from torture, or inhuman or degrading punishment or other treatment.
 The right to freedom of the person.
 The right to protection of property rights.
 The right to due process.
  The right to freedom of religion.
      All these rights are entitled to Jamaican citizens and anyone legally in Jamaica. Some of these rights are considered fundamental rights because they are entitled to everyone. However, the rights outlined by the Jamaican Constitution, should always be acknowledged, respected, and never infringed upon except under the conditions outlined by the said Constitution. This therefore means that everyone is under the responsibility to acknowledge and not breach such rights.
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