#don't you have to go really deep or smthn to find mains???
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minbloo · 3 months ago
Chat is it normal to encounter twisted Shelly on floor 5. I just encountered her for the first time-
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lysol1201 · 2 years ago
all summer long - Asmodeus x GN!Reader
This was started like 8 billion years ago but 7am crying in bed had me in the feels, so I finished it. I’ll get back to my series, but might as well have smthn for you until then!
This small writing piece is based on and uses the lyrics of "Betty" by Taylor Swift.
Word Count: 1104
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Cheating
Asmo looked at you with an ache in his heart. His heart only used to be filled with lust until he met you. And then when he had you. And even now, when he had lost you.
He wanted to write to you, to write something from his heart, the heart that could no longer feel lust, but only pain and sorrow for he had lost the only true love he ever had. And it was his fault.
“MC, I won't make assumptions about why you switched your homeroom, but I think it's because of me.”
You wouldn’t walk to class with him anymore. You wouldn’t go and wait for him, you wouldn’t even dare to be in the same classes as him anymore. You couldn’t bear to see him with the other demons, wondering, pondering, hurting, crying, just what he could have done without you knowing. You did switch your homeroom because of him, and deep down he knows that, but there’s a part of him that makes him want to think otherwise. But he’s wrong if he does.
“You heard the rumors from Inez, you can't believe a word she says, most times, but this time it was true.”
Quite the gossip succubus she was, so much that most demons didn’t believe a word she said, especially when it was by your beloved boyfriend. The one who devoted his heart, love, and loyalty to you. The one that promised you nothing but the world, the one that promised you everything he could give. The one who said that he loved you more than he loved himself, thought of you first thing in the morning and the last thing before bed, that you were the main event of his life and he would be the side character if it meant he could be next to you. Guess he wasn’t as devoted as you thought.
“The worst thing that I ever did was what I did to you.”
He cheated. On you. Something he knew was wrong but indulged in his sin. Usually, he wouldn’t care, he’s a demon, but it was you. You. The worst thing he could have ever done was break you. And he did just that.
But your birthday was soon. He wanted to fix whatever he could.
You had moved to Purgatory Hall after what he had done to you, something you never believed you would find yourself doing, but something that you ultimately had to do. He knew your birthday was coming up and all of his brothers were invited. Except him.
“But if I just showed up at your party, would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself? Or lead me to the garden? In the garden would you trust me, if I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only a demon who’s made of lust. I don't know anything about love but I know I miss you.”
And it was all because of the stupid ball. The stupid ball by Diavolo.
“MC, I know where it all went wrong. Your favorite song was playing from the far side of the gym. I was nowhere to be found. I love the crowd, you know that. Plus, I saw you dance with him.”
How absolutely stupid was he to believe that you would replace him. Though, he saw the way you smiled brightly at the dazzling angel and had this strange pang in his gut. Why? Was he guilty? Did that really prompt him to walk off with the incubus he found? Did that really give him permission to leave you again and take that summer to forget the friendship you had with the angel who only wished you well?
Maybe you deserve Simeon, he thought. The angel would never cheat on you for a summer due to jealousy.
“I was a figment of my worst intentions. He would say, “Amodeus, get in, let’s drive”. Those days turned to nights. Slept next to him, but I dreamt of you all summer long.”
He didn’t know if he said the right things. He didn’t send the letter. He knew what he had to do.
So, he showed up at your party.
“Asmodeus?” You opened the door to Purgatory Hall to see your past boyfriend, the one who both mended and shredded your heart. “Why are you-“
“The only thing I want to do is make it up to you.” He interrupted you.
“So you showed up at my party?” All Asmo could do was nod, with nothing but determination plastered on his face. “Well-“
“Will you have me? Will you want me? Will tell me to go fuck myself or lead me to the garden?” He remembered the words he once wrote in a letter never sent.
“In the garden, would I trust you if you told me it was just a summer thing?” You finished his words. His eyes widened. “Satan found the letter. He gave it to me.”
Asmo’s stomach dropped for a second. So you knew? “You know I miss you.” He whispered. All you did was stare at him with teary eyes. “I'm here on your doorstep and I planned it out for weeks now, but it's finally sinking in.” He muttered under a deep breath.
Asmo suddenly stood up straight with confidence. He is the Avatar of Lust. One of the strongest demons in the Devildom, and one of the demon Lords. He could do this.
“Yeah, I showed up at your party. Will you have me? Will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends? If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings? I don't know anything, but I know I miss you.” He looked at your face to find any sign of emotions. To find any sign of the love you once felt for him. “Standing in your cardigan, kissing in my car again stopped at a streetlight.”
You only continued to frown with tears as the party continued to boom behind you.
“You know I miss you.” Were his final words before you made your decision.
Will you have him? Will you love him?
Or tell him to go fuck himself?
Or lead him to the garden?
Empty ending so you can choose your own ending! Makes it open to interpretation. Possibility of actually writing the separate endings for you to choose and read, but I like the idea of an open ending to your imagination. I accept any suggestions tho!
thanky for reading uwuw
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evielovebot · 4 years ago
I don't trust the word limit of the ask so clicked this option...?
Hi Quim(mie like how Shego refers to Kim)!
I hope you’re doing well.
(I hope this is how you send those longer, pic filled asks bc I was in your ask box and totally flummoxed. Hopefully ‘submit’ works? If not, I saved my comments in a doc and just dm them or smthn. Apologies in advance!) 
I love how you started the first chapter; building that hope and the relief that each of the Rotten Four experiences differently before it bursts.  I adore who you picked for each of them to notice/or be noticed by! The contrast of some looking to former, assumed 'enemies’ (e.g. Mal with Audrey and her fam. Evie being surprised that Snow was cheering for her [ah my heart (soft)].) versus others looking to new friends (e.g. Jay with his teammates) really stood out to me.
And then there’s King Adam… >.>
*readies my pruning shears or sheep shears bc he was def acting like a Beast and not Adam…(Adam is a jerk canon-wise too though). Idk, machete???*
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(^^Look I made them golden for his aesthetic.)
I def could feel that buoying happiness abruptly plummet with how you wrote it, taking time to show how each of the VK had a shred of hope for things maybe improving and then that happens.
Oh, the Rotten Four’s continued surprise at the citizens coming to their defense and support gets me. <3 It is def in character given how they were raised; however, it also makes me a little sad bc they did just do something objectively heroic/badass and are still unsure of if it’s enough to outweigh everything else. With that everything else including so much…(e.g. ingrained biases, hate based off of blood, fears, the rotten four did technically plot, etc.).
“Even Audrey pipping in their defense” yes, ppl sometimes forget how soft she was at the end of D1??? Giving that smile to Mal.
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(^^Audrey about to throw hands bc the VKs actually did not bring fire and brimstone to Auradon…and may be marginally, slightly okay in some sense..maybe.)
Me, a person who likes the fang trope in fic bc /vampires/: *reads about King Adam’s fangs peeking through* hmm…
Me: Not on you though…Nope.
That was such a good detail to include; it underscores how his actions are beastly, callous, and aggressive??? He is interrupting (more like shattering) not only the coronation, but the start of healing between the VKs and Auradon. The cold arrogance of his words (me-centric, patronizing,) are a good contrast to his aggressive body language (stepping forward, fang barred smile, and clasping his hands like he is trying to stay the need to act–to strike???) too. You got the beast-man dynamic really well is what I’m trying to say.
“Trust me, I know what’s best for Auradon, and for all of us.”
^I would not trust him as far as I could throw him, which would not be very far bc he’s pretty hulking, so yeah that saying fits well.
Ah my heart (sad). I really respect how you captured them being overwhelmed by the events of their weeks on Auradon, bc I def agree that all that planning,sneaking, plotting, adapting, enduring, bullying, pretending, worrying, and other -ings would be so draining. (You get my point.) I think that was a very good take on it as opposed to them trying to struggle right off the bat. They are tired, they are kids, so that was a smart choice, imo.
King Adam premeditated exactly how to take them down efficiently and effectively….*sharpens deadly object*. :-( I don’t like him. Using magic sealing or inhibiting cuffs to prevent any errant spells was a smart tactical move…He is still a jerk though, but that is in character for a High King to plan ahead. Sedating them? Again, smart. I actually liked the capture scene (even though I love the Rotten Four), since how you had it play out highlights how he thought about any possible objection/obstacle, which makes the disdain for Adam grow. Their voices and ability to argue or reason with the citizens of Auradon was taken with them alongside their ability to fight back and make a stand.
Oh no.
Carlos has a valid point. He was the last to put his hand in the huddle in the film, but also is more of a pessimist/realist, imo, so I liked that insight from him!
You know I didn’t think about how the sedation and rough handling by the guards would make it easier for their parents to get a hold of them. Evie and Carlos trying to find comfort in each other made me a little emotional. I can only imagine how nerve wracking it must have been for Evie to wait all alone…>.> It does make sense to me that she and Carlos would have a better chance of getting free (and possibly less severe punishment). [RIP Mal]. 
I like how the two 'nerds’ are scheming to save the day. <3
Hmm, curious who this 'them’ is that needs to be convinced. I have some guesses, but maybe more hands/help are needed and Evie is def the person who could convince ppl to lend a hand.
Okay. *deep breath* >.> It hurt my bby (Evie in this instance) to smile…I’m not saying we should kill Adam, but he should suffer. (Honestly, in most of my fics I put Evie through some stuff and yet reading yours make me feel protective so ???).
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Oh mystery device ftw. Carlos being a mechanical, tinkering genius ft. Evie’s support and own genius is going to create a deadly duo. Mal and Jay are the priority, though I am also curious as to who they view as there main enemy now (Auradon? Beast? Their parents? Hmm…All of them to some degree. We shall see.).
“Evie had hope for the first time since they crossed the barrier for the second time.”
Yessss. That made me happy and was such a killer line after the heaviness of them reuniting and taking stock of everything (and most notably who is still missing).
Such an interesting, well paced, and amazing start! :D
It would be hard for me to pick a favorite part since each segment lends itself to the overall impact, though as much as I hate him, I think Beast’s mini speech was really well done. Awesome work!
Best wishes! (hope this sends @ Tumblr, please?)
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