#don't trust neptor!!!
llamaisllama777 · 3 months
Episode review! 👏
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Dazz and Jack are just amazing friends, and I love their dynamic, Jack being jealous over Sun's friendship with Dazz was hilarious to watch also...
Jack got his tiny wings back!
I love how creepy Jack was being.
Also possible issue they let Neptor * COUGH! * Traitor * COUGH! * near computer... that might be a problem. Keep an eye on that if computer starts acting off or weird, we know why.
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"First you break into my house, then you come to my place of work, and then you tell me you have a bounty hunter?!"
Yep. 👍 Seeing Moon and Ruin work together is neat! I can tell Moon REALLY wants to strangle Ruin. (Honestly, can you blame him?) Ruin also isn't at all sorry the death of trillions ( On the one hand, I get he thinks he did the right thing, but on the other... YOU KILLED TRILLIONS! You should be sorry, but he's not.) Ruin,buddy, I want to like you, but you make comments like that, and it makes it hard to root for you. Watching Ruin have to carry Molten was funny, and hearing Moon say, "Did I stutter?" Was the cherry on top.🤣 a little karma for what Ruin did.
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He finally got that new body, and he looks sick!
I'm happy for him but one thing I want to ask
Did anyone else think or feel that Monty was a little saddened or disappointed that he couldn't be the one to finish Foxy's new suit? Maybe I'm reading into things, but I feel like he's a little disappointed and maybe a bit jealous? Or I am completely reading into this. Also, Foxy and F.C. have swords now. Swords.
F.c. has a stinkin' sword!
Who gave him a sword?!
10/10! 👏 👏 👏
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cosmic-kinglet · 4 months
I...I'm not sure how I feel about Neptor yet...
He claims to have come from Ruin's dimension, built by humans to find resources. Still, I have some nagging bad feelings. Though, I've had bad feelings that turned out to be completely unjustified before.
I think the main things that give those bad feelings are Neptor being from that dimension (where there were already two varieties of infected animatronic: sentient and not), the fact we don't know how long he's been in the main dimension, we don't know who made him (and he claims to not know either. But, he seemed very sure that the creator was greatly disliked, which seems like an odd thing to just know without directly interacting with the animatronics in the Pizzaplex. Plus, the creator in the main dimension would certainly have known about that dimension and about the virus. Idk. Could be nothing), and he immediately had files related to Moon. The files COULD be for the Moon that existed in his dimension before the full fusion happened. Still, it seems convenient.
I don't like having an immediate distrust of a character, but...I just have a bad feeling. (Though, again, I've been wrong before. I don't even remember how long it took before I fully trusted that Earth was good.)
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