#don't think i'll use it too much but it was fun
jessnotfoundd · 2 days
Jealous - Hate sex
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader!
Btw, I'm new to writing this kind of things, so if you can leave recommendations in my inbox I would be glad z3.
MDNI, it contains sexual themes.
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After Charles ruined all my chances of having fun at the party, I was in the backyard, talking with a guy hoping Charles wouldn't ruin this one too.
Ethan, the guy goes inside to get us something to drink while I wait for him, enjoying the clean night sky.
"You know you could do much better than him, right?"
I ignored him, hoping he would get bored and leave me alone.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He comes closer to me, and I sigh.
"I'm just having fun" I turn to look at him. "I think I can do this one" I joke, knowing he would get pissed.
"The hell? you can't. You're not doing anyone except me." he chuckles but I know at this point I'm just getting under his skin.
"Yeah, I don't do idiots" I smirk. His face is slightly red and I can tell he's starting to be desperate.
"Just shut that mouth before I make you"
I move and start walking, making my way to the kitchen.
"You don't get it, don't you? You're mine!" He states and I laugh. He really lost his mind.
I keep walking, ignoring him all the time. Until my back is against the wall of the corridor.
"I said, you're mine." His face is just inches away from mine.
"I hate you"
"Why are you so stubborn?" I can tell his patience is running thin.
"I'm just being myself" I feel his hands grip my hips.
"You've been letting that boy touch you, even kiss you, why don't you just give up being like this?" he groans.
"I'm single, you just have to face that you're not the one I want, that's all."
He leans even closer, his lips now just barely brushing against mine.
"Let me go, Charles"
He smirks. "You're not going anywhere, and you're not letting anyone else touch you tonight except me".
I switch positions, making his back hit the opposite wall of the corridor, and kiss him aggressively with sight madness.
"I hate you" I mutter in between kisses.
The kiss keeps that hateful demeanor for a few minutes until we both need to pull away for air.
"You got what you wanted. Now leave me alone."
I can see the frustration and desire on his face while I walk away heading out of the party.
As the night went by, I couldn't shake the feeling of his lips against mine and how desperate he was, even though I hated him more than anyone else, I knew I needed to do anything with this. So I got in the car and drove to his place. I knocked on his door, waiting patiently so he would open the door for me. And once he does I freeze. After ignoring him all night, could you tell me what I was supposed to do here?
"What are you doin-"
I cut him up kissing him with the same aggressive demeanor I used today at the party, it didn't matter how turned on he could get me I still could feel the fire of hate inside of me.
"I fucking hate you" Our lips are so close that when I speak, they brush.
"Doesn't seem like you do" He smirks and i grab a hold of his shirt.
"I'll show you how much I hate you then" I step inside and close the door.
I could tell how confused he was so I pressed my lips against his again. My hands start to unbutton the bottoms on his shirt, my fingers sightly brushing the now uncovered skin of his chest and abdomen. I break the kiss to see down where my hands are moving now. I can hear his ragged breaths and I smirk.
"What's... that smirk for," he says, he's struggling to keep his breathing steady.
"For how pathetic you're being, acting like this is your first time being touched by a woman" I get rid of his shirt and as I slide it down from his arms I pay attention to the way his muscles are flexed. "Relax, I won't bite you" I look at him, and he's looking at me. "Yet"
Once his shirt is off I admire how his body is built. Fit and the muscles slightly marked. He's silent and probably questioning his existence.
"I thought you hated me" he whispers, his breath now more even.
I press my lips against his neck, leaving kisses and some marks. "You said I was yours today" I whisper in his ear. "I think you got it really wrong, "You are mine. The other way around" I smirk again and he shivers.
"I do" My hands fly to the waistband of his jeans."Where's the bedroom?" I say, still whispering in his ear.
He guides me to the bedroom and I take a look around, the room is decorated so like him, with cars posters, and a red wine palette of colors.
“This where you touch yourself thinking of me?” I pushed him onto the bed, watching his cheeks flush with embarrassment. “Pathetic.”
I dropped to my knees, undoing his jeans and sliding them off. He gasped when I freed him, his body betraying him. He needed me. But I already knew it from the beginning.
i tossed him a condom. “Put it on.”
His hands trembled as he reached for the packet, but he hesitated. “Leave the bra on,” he murmured, his voice hoarse. “I’ll take it off.”
I rolled my eyes but nodded. Sliding my underwear down, I caught him staring at my body, his eyes hungry. “Enjoying yourself?” I teased.
He was breathless. “I need you.”
Without warning, he grabbed me, tossing me onto the bed, pinning me beneath him. His hand struck my cheek, sharp and unexpected.
“Again,” I whispered, surprising myself with how much I craved the sting on my face again.
“You want me to slap you again?” He grinned, as his cock pressed against me.
“Yes.” The word left my lips in a breathless plea.
He slapped me once more, and in the same moment, thrust into me. I gasped, overwhelmed by the twin sensations of pain and pleasure.
His pace was relentless, hips slamming into mine as the room filled with the sound of skin on skin, moans, and growls of dominance. “Look at you,” he sneered. “Taking me, making all these noises for me. Didn’t you hate me?”
“F-fuck you,” I managed to gasp, though my body was betraying me with every thrust.
“You’re so pathetic,” he grunted, moving harder, both of us nearing the edge. My nails dug into his back, desperate for something to hold onto as my insides were burning in pleasure.
He groaned as he felt me tighten around him, and I fell over the edge, my mind blank, my body convulsing in pleasure.
“That’s it,” he muttered, watching me come undone. “Look at you, falling apart on my cock.”
He collapsed beside me, his breath ragged and uneven.
“To be so bitchy, you’re pretty damn good at this,” he panted.
“Fuck you.”
He grinned. “Again?”
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hellsenthero · 2 days
Kinktober Day 3: Bondage
Azriel X Reader
Kinktober Masterlist
A shiver ran up your spine as you lay sprawled out on the cot in the cold dungeon. There was little light to see by, and you'd been here long enough that your eyes began to play tricks on you. You could have sworn that the shadows moved, taunting you, touching you like delecate little cold fingers. It was nearly too much, and just as you were about to say something, call out, the shadows opened up.
"Getting restless?" A cold, lithe voice asked.
You didn't know how to answer. Whether or not to tell the male before you the truth. You're spared the decision as he speaks again. "Don't worry, I'm here now." A scarred hand trails up your naked leg, skimming over your upper thigh before making its way back down. "You're looking offley pretty, all tied up for me." As if to emphasize his point, Azriel thumbs the silky blue ribbon that's wrapped around your wrists. Your gaze meets Azriel’s, and in the dim light, his eyes look nearly black. "Part of me just wants to stick my cock in you right now." Azriel admits. "But where would the fun be in that? Missing an opportunity like this to tease you." Azriel stepped up to your face, sticking his two fingers right in front of your mouth. "Suck." He ordered.
You didn't hesitate to open your mouth and suck his fingers in like they were your favourite candy. Azriel grinned above you.
"You trying to be good for me now?" He asks. You nod your head fervently. "Too bad." Azriel says as he pulls his fingers free from your mouth. You can see the shine of your spit on them. "I'm not ready to end this." Azriel tells you before he thrusts his two fingers into your core.
"Fuck!" You screech out as your arms and legs pull at the blue ribbons tying you down.
Azriel lets out a deep chuckle. "This is just the beginning, love."
"Fuck," you cry out as Azriel thrusts his fingers in and out of you. He's bringing your climax up to the surface at an alarming rate. Too fast. "Fuck, Az please!"
"Please what?"
Azriel tsks at your non answer. "No," he says as he removes his fingers from your core. You cry out at the emptiness. "Please what?"
"Please, Az, I-I want you." You begged as you continued to struggle against your bindings.
"Stop struggling, love." Azriel crooned. "You know I tied those myself. You won't be free of them until I'm satisfied."
You stop struggling and instead stay motionless. "Please Az," you beg once more.
"Well," Azriel smiles as he undoes his pants. Coming to stand before your open legs he takes his cock out and strokes himself with his right hand. "Since you asked so nicely."
You think Azriel is about to fuck you senseless on his cock, but instead he bends down on his knees and you feel him lick up your center. "Ohhh," you moan out at the delicious feeling of his mouth on your most intimate area.
"Have to get you nice and wet." Azriel tells you before diving back in and eating your out like you're a feast laid out just for him. Your moans are loud, and they echo around the dark cell. Someone can probably hear you, but you don't have the mind to care.
"Oh Az, so good. Yes!"
The climax that Azriel was building up earlier is quick to return. That invisible thread inside of you is pulling tighter and tighter, nearly ready to snap and send you off the edge.
But once again, just as it comes towards the surface, Azriel stops. He doesn't bother to wipe the spit and slick off of his lips. "There we go." He says as he aims his cock at you center and slowly pushes in. "Fucking perfect. My little gift, I'll tied up in pretty ribbon for me." With each thrust Azriel picks up the pace. "Are you mine, love?"
"Yes!" You cry as his hands dig into the meat of your thighs. "I'm yours! You're pretty little gift!"
"My pretty little gift, all wrapped around my cock." Azriel grunts. His eyes close in pleasure briefly before they flutter open once more. "Should keep you like this. All tied up and at my mercy. Ready to use whenever I please."
"Oh, Az!" If your hands weren't tied up, you'd be grabbing onto Azriel, digging your nails into his muscled shoulders.
"You'd like that, huh?" Azriel asks.
"Yes!" You're babbling how. Fucked stupid by Azriel and his thick cock. "So close! I'm so close!"
"Fucking hold it." Azriel orders.
"Please!" You cry out over the sound of skin hitting skin. The loud squelching of your core is just background noise.
"Almost there." Azriel tells you. His grip on you becomes even tighter, and you know you'll be bruised tomorrow.
"Az!" You yell.
"Now!" Azriel orders. "Come now!"
The words are barly out of Aztiels mouth before the two of you are coming together. Your legs shake with your release and you can feel Azriels warm seed filling you up. You can't help your moaning as Azriel does small, little thrusts. His way of making sure he's filled you properly.
Your combined heavy breathing fills the room, all is silent until Azriel speaks up. "That was perfect, love."
"So good." You agree. "Untie me?" You ask sweetly, wanting nothing more than to be wrapped up on Azriel's big arms.
"Oh sweets," Azriel says with a wicked grin. Once more his shadows are at your side. Running up and down your body with their cool touch. "What makes you think that I'm done with you?"
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sanarsi · 2 days
Kinktober Day 3
monster!Oberyn Martell x f!Reader
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Gif credits @pedrorascal
Summary: Your poison lessons with Oberyn went wrong when he accidentally drank the wrong potion. Warnings: +18, MDNI, monster fucking, unprotected PIV, dubcon, rough sex, dirty talk, possessed!Oberyn, insults Wordcount: 1,1k An: Oh god… this is my first time writing something like this. I have no idea if i even managed to portray the monster fucking well (just kill me ok). Today I just wanted to thank the people who read all my works on an ongoing basis (I see u @amyispxnk) and let you know that, YES, I see all the comments and reblogs, BUT I'm busy gettin ready for vacation, so I don't even have time to go on tumblr. I promise I'll answer everything when I'm at home, under the covers and with a warm cup of tea. So lots of kisses and hugs to the people who comment on my works. I love you xx
Masterlist and Kinktober Masterlist
You were prepared for a lot in life, meticulously improved your skills in every field.
History, magic and... potions.
Thanks to your skills, you were given the honor of personal lessons with the Prince of Dorne. In the old, dirty and forgotten basements of the castle, where there were only you, old books and thousands of glass vials filled with deadly substances.
When you look at it from a third-person perspective, it sounded like a guaranteed tragedy. And that's exactly what it was.
After a few hours, tiredness took over your senses, which in the circumstances you were in, was simply unacceptable.
No one in their right mind would continue such dangerous activities, feeling even the slightest dizziness from the lack of fresh air and sun. And yet, you two forgot yourselves, too caught up in your studies and how much fun you were having.
Because, it had to be admitted, there had been unspoken words between you for a long time and you took advantage of every moment together.
This is what led you to the situation you find yourself in.
Even the two of you, some of the best scholars in the kingdom, couldn't have predicted that someone had mislabeled the vials. Such a small mistake had large and terrible consequences. And you became the only witness who, unfortunately for you, experienced the effects of a potion of unknown origin on your skin.
On your skin, or rather, in you.
“Stay still.” Another loud growl bounced off the walls.
You squeezed your eyes shut, holding back a tearful moan. His body pressed you hard against the table as he tried to push deeper into you. Your body, however, was not used to such sudden and hard penetration.
You were shaking, trying to get used to the size of his cock, which had plunged into you just as unexpectedly as this whole situation had started.
You couldn't even fully process what was happening. His eyes went black in a split second, casting a terrifying darkness within him. A darkness that turned him into a mindless beast that longed to sink its teeth into the closest living creature - you.
“Why do you have to be so tight,” he gasped against your ear and thrust his hips hard again, pushing deeper into you. “I want all of you.”
Your pussy was throbbing with pain and wild pleasure you had never known before. And even though the prince wasn't himself right now, this was what you had dreamed of since the day you met him; for him to sink into you and make you forget about everything.
You moaned loudly, gripping the edges of the table tighter as it creaked with every movement. Your eyes misted over each time his tip dug into your cervix.
“Oberyn, please,” you sobbed.
You received a raspy laugh in response that didn’t sound like him at all.
“Pathetic little girl, you really think your prince is with us now?”
You shivered at the sound of his voice, strangely distant and deep.
He dug his fingers deeper into your hips, finally pushing himself all the way inside you. An animalistic groan escaped his throat as he could feel how wet and tight you were all over his cock, clenching around him over and over again.
You barely had time to catch your breath as his hot breath fanned your neck and another dark laugh reached your ears.
“So what are you?”
Your question hung unanswered as he busied himself with inhaling your scent and licking your skin. You were overwhelmed by the closeness he was taking over you, everywhere, on every side. There was only him.
“I am everything he wants to be.”
He slowly pulled his hips back, allowing you to feel every inch of his manhood. You shivered, desire to have him inside of you again overwhelm your senses.
He didn't let your dreams wait long to come true.
He thrust into you, the force making both of you shudder. The feeling of bliss was so great that it took over him almost immediately as his hips slammed against yours.
Without thinking, he began to fuck you. Hard. Not allowing you to think. All you could focus on was how the pleasure and pain mingled into an addictive feeling that was building in your core.
“Do you know how long he’s wanted to feel your cunt?” he asked, breathing heavily from the pace he set for himself. “Gods, how could he hold back for so long?”
He shook his head in disbelief, a wild glint passing through his black eyes as he stared at your pathetic form, moaning in adoration. He thrust into you harder, making you cry out. A pleased smirk appeared on his face before he leaned in close to you again.
“I’ve had you for a few minutes and already want to keep you.” His breath fanned your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “Forever sinking into your wet, warm flesh,” he purred.
“Yes, please,” you gasped, overwhelmed by how good it felt to have him inside you, against you, on you. He was pleased with how drunk you were.
“Give me your orgasm, little mortal.”
His cock stimulated everything it needed, to bring you closer to your desired fulfillment. You had no idea if it was because of the demon that had taken control of him, or the fact that it was in his body and you could finally feel what it was like to have him inside you.
Oberyn thrust into you recklessly, as if that was all he was made for. Your increasingly loud moans only fueled him. He wanted more. More of you, your heavenly core, and your animalistic sounds.
“Show me what pleasure I give you,” he whispered, running his nose along your neck, where he sank his teeth a moment later.
He did it so hard, that the piercing pain went straight between your legs, and the orgasm shook your body. You screamed in euphoria, pulsating on him so hard that he had to pull out of you so he wouldn't come.
“I love the orgasms of sluts like you,” he laughed mockingly, and when he let you experience your fulfillment, he thrust into you again.
You sobbed, overwhelmed by the intense feelings you had just experienced. The shadow of your coming still wandered over your body when he started fucking you again.
“Oh yes, even wetter and more sensitive,” he said with satisfaction as he listened to your helpless moans. “Don't worry, we're just gettin’ started.”
Tags: @mattmurdocksdumpy @milly-louise @rosi3ba3z @candlelover @gothcsz @tateypots @chloe302225 @natalieispunk @amyispxnk @mandoloriancookie @libre-sol @alex-does-art-things @xxchumanixx @ch3rryyyyyyyyyy @bbyanarchist @la-vie-est-une-fleur29 and @iamasaddie bc I know u love oberyn
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yue-chan077 · 2 days
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Aventurine rkgk 🦚✨
Doing an Aventurine study as usual ✨ so I'll let you all see this page anyway (I think it turned out pretty good--)🏃💙✨
so I wanted to get this adorable idea out of my head 😤💙✨ just our sweet boy doing stretches and random chuurin doodles at the slide ✨
I think a big smile suits his beautiful face too ! 💙👀
jotting down random doodles seem fun since I don't post much sketches nowadays 😤 so that's all -! I'll leave it here for now after a pretty serious one I did last 🏃
that is all for today--✨ back to wips and workload Yue goessss 🤸🤸🤸
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purpdrawsthings · 2 days
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Yippee less goooooo, you can now know how the hell this man's outfit finally works now.
You guys can actually make him, with ✨COLORS✨
Honestly, making colors that would match him was really hard. It took me about a week to actually figure it all out just because of how hard it is and how I wanted it to be close to a star aesthetic.
Buttttt I got it all sorted out and to be honest, the result isn't too bad if I do say so myself.
After finishing the colors, it went all easy thankfully, I didn't really have to think that much about his Mario recolor form.
FUN FACT : He came right after the Revelations arc ended =3333333
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Relationship chart because yes
Some of the characters uhhh text things are kinda meh cuz my brain ain't braining rn.
Sadge =[
But heyyyyy, at least y'all can now know his relationships yippee =DDDDDDDD
But I don't really mind if you actually-
Uhhhhhhh deez nutz he can be shipped with anyone, as long as it's not someone he hates, like a certain tv someone =3
So now that that's done.... LET'S HAVE AT IT SOME FUN FACTS!!!!!
He was actually meant to be a silly villain, something like Storms oc, SMG8 =3 buttttt I saved that for later and changed him into a different character.
That human form you're looking at right now ain't even his true form, his true form is that weird star thing!!! Crazyyyy
Speaking about his star form, while in that form, he only speaks in speech bubbles, and is inaudible.
He was meant to be a ✨blondie✨ but after a test I found out it wasn't really the best color so why not use that uh.... Random ass hair color =D
He's got powers to fend off viruses ofc, but I'll do that for a later post, maybe I'll link it from here if I post it =]
Anddddd that's about all =DDDD
I'll probably think of more and probably update this post behind yalls backs lmao
But it'll probably not happen soon.
Anyways, you can now draw him, AND ask question for this man through my ask box, yippeeeeeee =DDDDDDDD
And uhh.... Yeah. Yeetus!!! =3
Naive people /silly
I actually just wanted to add some special thanks for some people that deserve to be here for a sec =3
The first insp for this man!!! He helped me form GSP the most. I remember that one post he made and I think it was a question thing. I think the question was how did he make 8 or something. Idk I don't remember it much.
But in that post, he stated that he made 8 by making an opposite or something, and that sparked an idea for some reason lmao.
You can see some opposite accessories from him that are opposites of both 4 n' 3. Like the weird ahhhh shaped hat, him having glasses, him actually wearing a suit or something, and him having long, beautiful hair ✨
Oopsies I'll get back to the thing =3
Anyways, yeah, as you can see, 8 was a big inspiration for this man, even sparking the idea of making him the same silly lil villain like 8 =3
I thank Storm so much for the huge insp, really helped make him!!!!!
This man was literally inspired by TSB... GUHH... This man is everywhere I swear....
TSB helped me arrange some of the colors, especially taking some inspiration from the orange and yellow =3
Funny thing but I sometimes accidentally draw GSP with a propeller like TSB on his head because I sometimes mistake him with TSB kshsisuwosossh
The name 'GSP' was also inspired by TSB! Seeing as the name meant TiredSmashBros, I thought if using PurpDrawsThings but when I realized that didn't fit, I just made up random shit lmaooooo
Sooooo yeah! Thank you Tomm for TSB helping me on how to arrange colors and also making his name =3
Not really seen here but when I said he was supposed to be a blondie and it didn't fit, I suddenly thought of Mango's hair 😭
I was like "Am I really sure I wanna use that"
Then I tested out different hues... Saturations... Andddddd nothing worked 💀 so I was like- "y'know what? Fuck it. I'mma just do it."
Sooooo uh... Yeah! Thank you Mango for helping me make his hair and relationship chart idea lmao 😭😭
Anddddd that's how his hair was born ❤
Also another huge thanks for Mango is insp for the relationship chart! I remember Mango's relationship chart having some text so I decided to do that =]
And that's about all!!!
Like actually fr this time.
These three were just huge inspirations on making him, and I can't thank them enough 😭
anyways, I'mma go and rest my fingers because I feel like they're actually breaking /silly
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dollfacefantasy · 2 days
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pairing: satoru gojo x fem!reader x suguru geto
summary: satoru and suguru know you hate being excluded more than anything. that's why tying you up and leaving you to watch them have fun seems like the perfect punishment when you misbehave.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, blowjobs, threesome, bondage, neglect kink, praise/degradation
kinktober slot: day 3 - bondage
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"Ow, Satoru! You're tying them too tight!" you whine, squirming as one of your boyfriends binds your hands together behind your back.
His nimble fingers tie the rope into tight knots around your wrists. Your legs had already been taken care of, the same material keeping your calves attached to your thighs while you sat on your knees.
"It's a punishment. Not exactly supposed to be a paradigm of comfort," he retorts, giving the restraints a sharp tug.
You go to whine again, but your other boyfriend cuts you off.
"Ease up, Satoru. She'll be miserable enough from everything else," Suguru commands from where he stands at the foot of the bed.
Playfully scoffing, Satoru's eyebrows raise. "Going soft on her?" he teases.
"Keep running that mouth, and I'll tie you up right next to her," Suguru smirks.
Grinning, the light-haired man finishes tying the rope into place, and then gives you a loud, wet kiss on the cheek. You squirm and make a face, pulling away as much as you can without toppling over. Satoru cackles at your discomfort and prances over to Suguru. He snakes behind the other man and rests his chin on his shoulder.
"Isn't she precious?" he coos obnoxiously.
Suguru continues to act unamused by his counterpart's antics, but a little smile worms its way onto his face.
"Of course she is," he agrees, "Wrapped up for us like a little present."
You feel your cheeks heating up from the way they talk about you, the words so condescending but enticing. Arousal had already begun gathering between your thighs when the rough bindings slid around your limbs. Their tones only made it worse.
Casually, Suguru begins removing his top. He pulls the loose, black garment over his broad shoulders, his dark locks swishing with the movement. The shirt falls to the floor and leaves his toned chest and abdomen exposed to your eyes.
"Already getting down to it? Alright," Satoru says with a big, cocky grin. He starts stripping his own clothes away as Suguru's eyes flit between the two of you.
They'd already undressed you before tying you up. You kneel completely bare to them in the center of your shared bed. Your nipples stood perky and eager for their attention; your eyes glazed over with desire.
And it's obvious to them. That's why they mock you so.
"Well if our little brat thinks she can have fun on her own, it's only fair that we show her we can do the same," Suguru says, voice cool and smooth.
"I didn't mean to!" you defend.
"Oh, come on. At least keep your dignity," Satoru taunts, "You didn't mean to put your hand in your pants? Didn't mean to start rubbing that pretty little pussy? Didn't mean to start cryin' out 'Toru! Sugu! oh it feels soooooo good.'"
He mimics your tone and exaggerates his expression before breaking into another fit of laughter. Your lip wobbles in a pout.
"He's telling the truth, sweetheart," Suguru chides, "Don't lie or you'll only get yourself in more trouble. You know you're not supposed to play without us, but you did it anyway."
"But you don't have to be mean to me about it," you whimper, trying to sound as pathetic as possible in a bid for mercy.
It doesn't land.
Satoru's smile grows wider and more devious while Suguru continues to look smug.
"We're not being mean. We're correcting your bad behavior. You know we still love you," the dark-haired man says.
With that, he turns his head and locks Satoru in a kiss. The other man moans lowly and eagerly reciprocates. He puts his arms around Suguru, deepening the exchange. You're forced to watch your two lovers be so affectionate without you.
Hands roam over each other's bodies. Soft sighs puff out against their faces. Satoru's bright blue eyes peek open to glance over at you, the glimmer of arrogance shining out at you.
They pull back a bit, still going in for little pecks. Suguru noses at his cheek and leaves a few smooches there as well.
"I want you to get me ready for her," he murmurs, low enough that you can't hear it.
You don't see the way Satoru's eyes glimmer either. He chuckles against Suguru's neck and traces his tongue over the contour of his throat. His movements begin trailing downward, lips gliding over his collarbone and across his chest. Each kiss is open-mouthed, needy, full of adoration for the other man's sculpted figure. He continues South to his v-line, pulling down his boxers and kissing to the base of his cock.
Wrapping his hand around it first, he gives a few strokes. He beckons it to rise to full attention, watching in awe as it fills out like he hadn't seen it happen hundreds of times before. Tentatively, he brings the tip to his lips. He drags it back and forth across the soft skin. His lips occasionally pucker into a kiss on the slit.
He keeps this teasing up for the purpose of torturing you. As much as you want to, you can't tear your eyes away from the pair of them, and he knows that. The sooner he gets to blowing Suguru, the sooner the teasing would be over, and Satoru was never one to long for that unless he was the victim.
"Toru," you plead, tone whiny and full of need.
He chuckles against the dick at his mouth but lets Suguru handle you. The man above's pupils flit to you, a concoction of sinister lust swirling within them.
"You wanna keep being a bad girl and see where that gets you?" he says, the lilt in his voice making it clear it would get you nothing good.
"I'm not-" you whimper before being promptly cut off.
"Only bad girls interrupt. So tell me, do you want to keep being bad?"
Instead of verbalizing your agreement, you shake your head. Suguru accepts it, knowing being excluded makes you pouty. Sometimes he'd make you use your words, but he lets the silent promise fly for now. He didn't think you'd be interjecting again.
Down below on his knees, Satoru continues to lavish attention on the cock before him.
"S'pretty. Big and warm," he mumbles before finally parting his lips and engulfing the head. He sucks it inside, flicking his tongue gently.
"The perfect size for your mouth," Suguru sighs. 
One of his hands finds the back of Satoru's head, urging him to take it deeper. He responds by bobbing a little bit, still doing a bit of teasing on his own to Suguru. This was as much as he could get away with.
Fingers clasp the snowy locks between them, pulling tenderly and causing the man on his knees to whimper. It's the feeling he needs to convince him to actually start.
He slides his head forward, taking the shaft into his mouth. It's heavy on his tongue, nice and thick. He moves in even closer so that it's heading towards his throat. Satoru was a pro at this by now, knew just how to hollow his cheeks and breathe through his nose. Knew all Suguru's favorite moves.
Moving in until a soft gag tickles the back of his throat, Satoru holds himself there for a moment. The point of his nose brushes against the coarse, black hair that lies there. He tilts his head as much as he can in this position, looking up at Suguru with his icy eyes watering and full of love. Suguru takes his bottom lip between his teeth and loosens his hold on Satoru's head. His hand sweeps over the soft tresses.
"Good boy. Always taking it so well for me," he coos.
That earns a satisfied moan out of Satoru. Suguru can feel the delicate vibrations reverberating around his length. Then Satoru pulls back, feeling content with the praise he received. He takes a quick breather. His hand jerks Suguru's length for the moments it's missing his mouth.
He then goes back in and bobs his head at a faster pace. He slurps noisily and allows his pretty eyes to fall shut.
Your expression is becoming more agitated by the second. This was cruel and unusual. Way beyond what your crime deserved. Bound and left to suffer alone. It's hard to hold in your protests and complaints, but you manage. You didn't want to risk this spanning longer than it had to.
Suguru's lust-lidded eyes float up to your form on the bed. He can see the shine of slick coating your inner thighs, his cock kicking in Satoru's mouth at the thought. He knows you're struggling, but he doesn't say anything yet. Continuing to pet his boyfriend's hair as he sucks him off, he lets you marinate in your punishment a little longer.
After letting Satoru enjoy himself for a few more suckles, he guides him off and back to his feet.
"Think she's waited long enough?" he asks.
Satoru feigns a small pout. "I don't know... she doesn't seem very sorry."
"I am!" you say quickly, eyes wide and begging.
Both of their faces set into smug looks. They approach the bed, dividing their pair into two as they each head to their own side.
"What'd I say about interrupting?" Suguru teases.
"I- I didn't. You guys were done," you protest.
"Were we? That's not really for you to decide," Satoru says opposite him. Your head whips back and forth. Like a game of mean kids throwing the ball to each other over your head, you try to keep up with being in the middle.
"You were," you try again before just giving up, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
Low laughter sounds on both sides of you, and you feel your body burning up with embarrassment. Suguru reaches out for you from where he stands. He drags you close to him, laying kisses upon your neck once your back and arms rest flush against his chest.
"You're right. You didn't," he mumbles against your skin, "If you did, I would've just let Satoru finish me off. Wouldn't do what I'm about to."
Confusion clouds your mind for a second, but any question you had is answered the moment he pushes you forward and your cheek hits the blankets.
Suguru stares at your exposed cunt for a moment, taking in how soaked you'd become from watching. He drags two of his fingers over your slit. Your sticky nectar coats his fingertips.
"Pretty girl. You're aching for some attention, aren't you?" he coos.
"Yes," you whimper, "I'm so sorry. I'll never do it again, just please-"
Your words morph into a squeak when you feel the leaky, wet tip of his cock pushing at your hole. Squirming a bit out of instinct, your restraints keep you pliant and in place for Suguru to fill completely.
A whine bubbles from your lips, drifting out into the lustful air of the bedroom. He slides with no resistance. You were eager to take him, your walls already doing their best to suck him in further.  
"That's it," you hear him mutter from behind.  
His hand comes to the place where your wrists meet at the small of your back. He hooks his fingers over the strong rope and gives a little tug. You hiss at the jolting movement, but it drags you further back onto his cock so you can't complain too much.
"Please, Sugu... need it so bad," you plead.
He responds with a deep grind of his hips. Your eyes roll back, and you turn your face more against the mattress.
"I got it, baby. You just take it like a good girl," he directs before pulling his hips back and snapping them forward.
That's when he starts to fuck you. Your body bounces on the bed, hips involuntarily meeting his thrusts with each rock. He had you like a puppet on a string because of your bindings. Tugging the rope brought your upper body toward him, easing up on it dropped you back down.
His cock feels so fucking good after being teased for so long. You're tempted to get lost in the sensation, but you can't because as you're about to, a hand cups your jaw and tilts your head upward.
Satoru grins down at you. At some point, he'd removed his boxers too because his long length stands proud before you, drippy and hard.
"Don't forget about me, princess. You wouldn't want anyone being excluded, right?" he says.
You open your mouth to argue with him, but before you can get a word out, he slides his shaft right in between your lips.
You practically choke on it, a flood of warm tears lining the edges of your eyes. He laughs at how you sputter. You're still moaning from Suguru drilling you seconds later, so he knows you can't be too upset.
"What was that? Couldn't understand you," he mocks, "You know you're not supposed to talk when your mouth is full."
You glare up at him, but seconds later, you begin to reluctantly suck anyway. The sight of your defiant eyes looking at him while you took his cock nearly had Satoru cumming on the spot. His palm cups the back of your head for support while you gargle and whimper around him.
Suguru continues pounding against your ass. His grip on the rope tightens as the coils in his belly do. He could barely stand seeing you like this without blowing his load. Completely at their mercy, unable to do anything but take what they give you. Fuck. He wasn't going to last much longer.
His free hand smacks your ass, a loud clap ringing through the bedroom. You whine, but it doesn't deter your work on Satoru any. You're still determined to get his cock as far down your throat as possible. As much as he could annoy you, you never got tired of sucking on his pretty shaft.
"Fuck, baby..." the man in your mouth groans, tilting his head back.
"Such a good girl, being so good for me and Satoru," Suguru praises.
You nod as best you can. It was getting harder to focus on Satoru when Suguru's dick was sending sparks of straight ecstasy up your spine with every thrust.
He can feel you getting tighter, and he knows the end is approaching. Your whimpers rise in pitch, and more drool leaks from your mouth, smearing against Satoru's pelvis. The other man's hips twitch as well. Soon you'd all arrive at the high.
Satoru's the first to go. His hips buck forward without restraint. The sudden motion nearly lodges him in your esophagus, but he couldn't help it. He holds your head there against his body as he drains himself in your mouth, whimpering the whole time. He cums so fucking much you can barely take it. Your head shifts with the urge to pull back, but he doesn't let you till he's absolutely finished.
You gasp for air once you're finally allowed that privilege. Having swallowed as much of his release as you could, some still dribbles from your lips.
Satoru sinks over to the unoccupied top of the bed, watching lazily as you and Suguru keep at it. You look absolutely wrecked, but that doesn't stop the man inside you from thrusting as hard as physically possible.
He yanks you back up to him by the ropes, his other arm snaking around to your front. His hand wraps around your throat. The position keeps your head right next to his, letting him hear every single sound you make. He lets go of the ropes and uses those fingers to twirl around your clit, which earns him a whole new symphony of whimpers.
"See? Isn't it much better when I do it for you?" he grunts, still drawing back to the initial reason for your bindings.
"Uh- uh huh," you choke out.
"That's right," he says.
He's about to ask if you're gonna cum, if you're gonna squeeze around him and milk him dry. But you beat him to it.
Your release slams into you like a bullet train, blowing you away and nearly making you black out. You shriek and convulse in his hold. His fingers never stop flicking at your sensitive bundle of nerves. They keep going back and forth until your body quakes in random intervals.
You're practically limp, only supported by the muscular arms of your boyfriend. He holds his hips against your ass when he cums. A harsh sigh puffs from his lips, and he buries his face against your neck. He loses himself in your warmth as he spills himself inside you.
His chest puffs against your back as you both ride out the pleasure. Satoru watches from where he rests against some pillows, basking in the beauty of his lovers.
When you both start to come down, Suguru untangles from you and pulls out slowly. You topple forward onto the bed, eyes drooping shut with contented exhaustion. You're ready to drift off, but the feeling of your body being moved around prevents you from doing so.
Suguru's fingers work on untying Satoru's knots, a more frustrating task than he'd like to admit. Meanwhile, by your head, Satoru leans over and kisses behind your ear onto your cheek.
"You still there, baby?" he asks, so softly you barely recognized he was the same person from a few minutes ago.
His long fingers brush against your cheek while he nuzzles his nose against your own. "Think you should take a bath before you knock out. You might be a little sore from the rope," he coaxes.
"I'm only gonna be sore cause you tied it too tight," you respond, shooting him a little side eye.
He laughs, already starting to help you up despite your non-answer. "Is that right? Guess I'll have to make it up to you somehow, maybe let you and Suguru tie me up next," he says, his voice low and playful.
Suguru shakes his head in amusement. "Just focus on her for right now," he says, also guiding you to the bathroom. Though the idea sounded good, it would be something the three of you decided on later when you all weren't thoroughly worn out.
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c4nd1xz · 3 days
I don't have an official reference sheet for their characters yet but when I do I'll post them!!
Basic rundown:
The role swap au is basically as it sounds, role swap. Anti-Wanda is the ruler of the anti-fairies and intelligent, while Anti-Cosmo is the dumb and silly one
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Their relationship is based of the swap mfm(midfightmasses) au! RS (role swap) Anti-Cosmo is way more affectionate and touchy than regular Anti-Cosmo would be. But the same goes with RS Anti-Wanda, she is more outward with her affection, but most of it is to be satisfied.(We'll get to that later) She does love her husband deeply, but she in some way uses/depends on him.
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Some basic info about them:
Big fangs for ripping into flesh
She's a cannibal because praying mantis love>>
Her clothing style is a mix of vampirism and victorian goth, often depicted with lots of ruffles and in dresses(she will occasionally wear a Morticia Addams style dress)
She's always got something up her ruffled sleeves(it's either a dagger or a coupon who knows)
She is constantly dealing with bloodlust, always needing to feed on some form of flesh or blood
Little bit of a sadist 😋
Stupid silly dumb dumb
He still needs to wear his monocle but doesn't because he thinks he looks like a dork
He absolutely HATES having his sleeves rolled down, so he either has them rolled up or is in t-shirts (the only exception is during winter)
VERY high pain tolerance
He basically dresses like Cosmo in anw
His fangs are wayyyy to big so they look goofy sticking out of his mouth, but he doesn't really care
Can regenerate his body very fast(and does it often)
Is so in love with Anti-Wanda he doesn't care what she does to him
He doesn't dress fancy, so he has a crown like everyone else
So before how I said RS Anti-Wanda depended on Anti-Cosmo, well the reason is because she eats him 🎉🎉
Now, it's not always a sexual thing(sometimes who knows) but because of Anti-Wanda's bloodlust and need for flesh and because of Anti-Cosmo's high pain tolerance and regeneration, he just let's her do it.
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She can tend to get carried away at times, eating too much, but Anti-Cosmo never seemed to mind. Unfortunately, this is the prime way she shows affection. Though not the best, she's still trying?
There is a difference when she's dealing with bloodlust and then just displaying affection
Bloodlust: Affection:
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Fun silly facts:
You probably saw, but RS Anti-Cosmo often calls Anti-Wanda "Shawty"
Where's Foop? This au takes place during BF(before Foop)
There's are a lot of scars all over both of their bodies
Anti-Wanda has reading glasses
Anti-Cosmo despises tea
They both have very sharp nails
Anti-Wanda's favorite part of the body to eat are thighs or forearms. Though she does agree palms are the tastiest, she feels guilty for eating his hands
Anti-Cosmo is bi, Anti-Wanda is omni!
Anti-Cosmo flies into wall cause he can't see
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 days
Ok so first, quoting this from a previous tora au post:
Personal take here: I don't think Itachi likes being in charge! That boy is a born, built, and bred shinobi who follows what he is told to a perfect T, no matter how blatantly horrifically awful the order is! Even if hates it with all of his heart! He'll still fucking do it! And then only blame himself for it and not the guy who fucking ordered it! Because he'll still obey that guy after! Which also adds another fun layer of irony bc hes supposed to be clan head one day! To me, Itachi is a fascinating subject of having an unshakable, unbreakable iron will— and also having absoloutley no spine To be fair tho was also like. Fuckin 13. He was fucked up and was tricked at a very, very young age and unfortunatley that one mistake came to chain him to that one specific way of thinking. If he came to grow out of that way of thinking, he'd first have to admit he'd made a mistake, which wasn't gonna happen bc it was too late for regrets. But anyways: With Tora here Itachi has another "voice of reason" to help steer him away from other voices who might otherwise bind him. There isn't as much pressure on only him + Shisui to here and now choose what they (and only they) will choose to do to save the entire clan or Konoha Tora is a natural leader and quick to take charge, and Itachi is ok with that. When Itachi chooses to speak, he is listened to carefully and his opinions are taken seriously, which is all he can ask for tbh. Otherwise he's allowed to sit there and look pretty till given a nice, neatly wrapped plan approved by 2 people he can really, truly trust. So he's doing a bit better mentally than canon Anyways, in this AU I think Itachi should actually get to semi-retire as a shinobi and actually Sasuke gets to be clan head bc his brother ain't built for it. Plus it can play more into the stuff I was talking ab earlier about Sasuke struggling a lot more than those around him to learn different stuff (sealing especially) only to come out as one of the most terrifying in what he eventually masters. Let the second son inherit!! Let Sasuke have a defining character moment where he decides he wants to help guide the clan, and he's forced to kind of get over his brother worship to confront Itachi to say he doesn't think he'd make the best clan head. And Itachi let's out this sigh of relief he did not know he has been holding for his entire life and tells Sasuke he's proud of him.
With that in mind ^
I think the ultimate ironic pairing for the finale of the Tora AU would be Tora and Itachi ending up together, but with Itachi as the retired ninja housewife and Tora the big boi breadwinner
The ultimate fuck you twist call back to all Tora's parents talk of Tora needing to find a "good man to take care of you" + irony from them originally cheering Tora on when they learned he and itachi were friends bc they thought he'd snag him as a husband and the culmination of Itachi's "I don't really want to be in charge actually" arc
I love a full circle !!
Sasuke is Itachi's best man and Shisui is Tora's and Kakashi gets to walk Tora down the isle instead of his parents who he has no real attachment to
Actually POV I fucking kill off the Haruno's and Tora and Sakura have to deal w the death of their parents, who they both had very complicated relationships with but relationships nonetheless
Mmm I kinda like that, putting that in my back pocket for now
I honestly don't even know how the romance would happen, tbh I'm not the biggest romance fan but I just love the progression of it in the narrative. I think it'd be a cool end to their story, I'll sweat the little details later
Maybe they aren't even in love fr fr
Oh my god wait no hear me out
Itachi getting out of being clan head via marrying Tora. Don't ask me how this works. They aren't even like in love or anything but Itachi is using Tora as a political shield to fuck off and enjoy his housewife retirement actually.
Tora is similarly using this for one of his infamous political plots somehow, it's all part of his master plan and as usual itachi is just happy to go along for the ride
,,,the perfect queer platonic besties end to their arc ,, I love it this is my new ideal endgame
Sasuke drops that he's gonna fight Itachi to be clan head and Itachi one ups him by going "oh cool. Guess I don't need to marry Tora then."
Queue Sasuke spit take "You don't need to WHAT"
"Yeah we were gonna get married as part of a 10 step plan to help Tora take over the clan council + get me out of being clan head by abusing some old laws Tora found."
"I guess I'll tell Tora we don't need to do it anymore. I'm happy for you, little brother."
Anyways yeah, thinking ab tora au again.
I just finished re-reading my vault fic chapter for it and am having Thoughts(tm)
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caramel1mochi · 2 days
cOULD yOu write a fic where fem reader and (some agent) stay at valorant hq while others are at the mission and its summer, super hot outside, and when they come back they see reader and (agent) at the pool playing loud music and having fun, and gekko gets jealous of agent😁😁😁😁😁
Heya, thanks for the request! I wasn’t sure how to wrap it up and I felt bad letting him stay jealous so I added a little extra at the end hahaㅤ
On the Poolside! [ Gekko x Reader ]
Words: 900+
Please don't copy or steal my work and pass it off as your own! If you'd like to use one of my headcanons or something, I'd love it if you tagged or asked.‎ ‎‎ ‎  
。+❤ฺ·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ· +❤·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ·
It was two in the afternoon. The perfect time for a team of agents to return from a mission a few minutes ago.
The sun shined brilliantly amidst the bright blue sky, and there was naught of a cloud that dared stand in its way. Unfortunately, this meant that the rays that engulfed the protocol, Gekko and Neon were uncontested, heating them up like they were pastries in an oven. And to those unfortunate enough to go on a mission during all of this, they suffered the most out of all of them. Which was also Gekko and Neon.
Despite having opted to go to the swimming pool a while ago, swimsuits didn’t really cool them as they marched down the hallway. Thrash in hand, each step heavier than the sound of a jackhammer, the two were ready to flop into the pool like pancakes.
“It should be a crime to send people out to war in the middle of summer, man.”
Gekko complained, promptly earning a nod from Neon.
“Exactly. And to Bind, too? What was Brim thinking?” She huffed. “I just hope the pool’s empty. If one person tries to talk to me on my way there, I swear I'll zap them with my suppressor off!”
Though he aimed to respond to that with something witty, Gekko choked on his laughter once he heard the final sentence.
“Chica, chill. Everyone else left after us; I’m positive it’s empty.”
“Yeah, it better be!”
The halls were quiet and empty of the chaos they’d naturally be riddled with. Mostly because the younglings were out and about, suffering just like the duo were about an hour ago. But this very silence was what made their ears perk up at an awry sound.
Despite the conversation serving as a good enough distraction from the heat, the closer they marched to the pool, the louder the music had gotten. And Gekko just couldn't help but notice it. Especially the genre.
“Yo, do you hear that?”
“Huh? Oh. Music." She sighed in disinterest. "Yeah, they're probably playing some stuff back there. Looks like we won’t be alone, huh?"
“Guess not.”
It was borderline impossible for Neon to sound any less irritated, but I digress.
However, Gekko couldn't stop himself from playing detective in his head in regards to the genre, aaannndd... They turned the corner and finally arrived at the pool, being blinded by the strong sunlight just as they stepped outside. But he was able to finally see who was in the pool when their vision cleared. Yeah, it was Iso who picked that song. Of course it bloody was, who else would pick underground rap? Gekko took a moment to observe Iso as he sat on the edge of the pool, laughing away at something neither of them could hear. Seeing him wear something that didn’t conceal his broad figure was very out of place. But his heart dropped once he saw who he was talking to.
It was you.
Despite being submerged in water, he saw you don some kind of colourful swimsuit with a peculiar design he just couldn’t observe. But something else was on his mind. Beyond how much those colours complemented you, of course. Why was Iso with you in the pool? Neither of you hung out much, if he recalled correctly, so... However, his heart dropped when he saw you suddenly grab Iso's wrist and gleefully pull him into the pool with all of your might. He swore that he saw his arms wrap around you for a second underwater, but he was quick to let go just as the two of you resurfaced.
“Finally. Fresh air. Come on, let’s go.” ㅤㅤ
Gekko didn’t really catch what Neon said. He was too distracted by the sound of you calling Iso’s name in between laughter. He huffed and firmly clutched Thrash in his arms.
ㅤㅤ "You know what? Nevermind.” ㅤㅤ
Thrash immediately grumbled at this.
Neon's eyes widened in surprise once he turned on his heel. However, just as he was about to move back inside, she was quick to grab his shoulder to stop him.ㅤ
"Woah, hey, what’s going on?”
Gekko shrugged her hand off, and Neon couldn’t help but tilt her head in confusion.
“Nothing? Why’re you leaving, then?”
“I’m… uh, I’m not in the mood.”
“Okay, that’s clearly a lie.”
“Look, I’m just not in the mood anymore, alright? It’s not that deep.”
He unwittingly glanced at the two of you, getting further aggravated at the contagious joy that kept increasing between you two. Neon obviously followed his gaze, but she looked back at him in disbelief once she caught on.
“Iso and A/N? Is that what this is about?” She crossed her arms. “Gekko, who cares? Just ignore them, or whatever.”
“Are you for real? I’m not sitting here on the side lines just to watch A/N and Iso live it up.”
“Hey, you promised Thrash we’d check out the pool when we get back. Are you seriously gonna go back on your word because of some guy who probably sucks at picking date locations compared to you?”
Neon scolded him as she playfully poked at his chest. And with the encouraging grumble Thrash let out, it was very clear that the little radivore was very much agreeing with her words. She'd know that, wouldn't she?
So… Gekko rolled his eyes with a wide smile he just couldn’t control.
“Okay, fine. I’m staying.”
“About time! Now get a move on, I’m melting out here!”
Neon grabbed Gekko’s wrist and pulled him towards the pool. Due to her strength however, it gave Thrash an escape from his previously firm hold. Thus, Thrash immediately jumped out of his arms and terrorised the pool… much to Gekko’s delight. Even though you were also both inconvenienced at this, not just Iso.
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hawkinasock · 3 days
Tread carefully, Anon... Once I start yapping, I can't stop (jokes on you tho, I love yapping. Let's go)
I assume you mean aus for HSR specifically? I've got a lot more for genshin, but to stop myself from going on massive tangents, I'll just stick to HSR. I'll keep them all as summaries and go into more depth if there's any interest. Ok here we go:
Chimera Yanqing has kinda become my whole thing now, but I've never actually mentioned the other characters that I've also made chimera forms for. Namely Jing Yuan.
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He doesn't really have any lore...? Unlike Yanqing, I was too focused on making him look pretty, which is easy because it's Jing Yuan. I'll make an update if I add anything more to his lore, cause I'd hate to just leave him unfinished forever. I do have a chimera Yunli au too, which I'll also save for another time. (Also keep in mind that he has wayyyy more fur than what I've shown. It just would've made his actual form unclear. He is very, very fluffy, canonically)
Mara-struck Yanqing (aka How the general ate the cabbage). Made a whole fic for this one, the plot is in the pudding, and by pudding I mean my ao3 lol. Instead of deflecting Jingliu's ult, Yanqing is instead killed and mara-stricken, and everything falls apart from there. Keeping it vague since it's still in progress. As of writing this, I'm three chapters in, so check it out if you're interested <3
Band au. I actually forgot about this one until I went through my list. Basically, It's a modern au where the high cloud quintet were a huge band back in ye olden days of the mid 1980s until their downfall, where the lead singer (Baiheng) is killed in an accident, triggering a series of unfortunate fates for 3 of the 4 remaining members. Jing Yuan is the only member still working in the industry and adopted Yanqing roughly 20 years after the the HCQ's fallout. One day, though, after years of no contact, Blade comes back into Jing Yuan's life, seeking refuge from law enforcement, and it all tumbles out of control from there after Jing Yuan accepts. The rest of the story would follow a very suspicious Yanqing wondering what the deal is with his dad's weird new boyfriend, and eventually reuniting the 4 remaining members (getting the band back together, as Phineas would say). There is SO much lore for this one, but it would take up this entire post to explain, so I'll probably just make it into its own post (with designs ofc). Tbh I haven't done as much work on this one as the others simply because I just don't know that much about music? Zel does though, so if I ever come back to it, I can go to him as a consultant.
Kind of an odd one, but I'm including it since it sorta counts, and I've become pretty fond of it over time. Mom Lumine au(s) Xiaother being Yanqing's dads is one of my favorite little crack aus. This au is the brainchild of imagining Yanqing as Lumine's child instead, but me as the author not enjoying xiaolumi as much. Thus, this was born. There's not really a story? Just a bunch of loosely put together concepts with multiple potential narratives that I find fun. Most of the time I default Childe as Yanqing's bio dad. In a weird way, it makes sense in my head? Yanqing resembles Lumine and uses a sword, and has that same go-getting, battle-hungry attitude as Childe, with all the knock-outs to boot. I mainly imagine chilumi as this interstellar crime duo; the Bonnie and Clyde of space, if you will. Because, honestly, if Yanqing's parents are ever to be revealed, would it not be the funniest thing for them to turn out to be criminals? I think it's hilarious, because Yanqing himself would be mortified.
Guardian Blade/Stellaron Hunter Yanqing au. These names are kinda lazy cause I usually don't make official titles for them unless their a fic, which this one happens to be. Here, Yanqing is an abomination of abundance, and as my interpretation usually goes, the only person who knows about this is Jing Yuan. Him and one other - blade, who was confided in the secret shortly after Jing Yuan had taken baby Yanqing in. Jing Yuan made Blade promise that, should the truth ever be uncovered and Jing Yuan punished, Blade is to take Yanqing and protect him. And years down the line, when the truth does finally reveal itself, Blade fulfills his promise. Theoretically, Yanqing would then join the stellaron hunters, albeit unenthusiastically. I haven't actually made any plans for that concept outside of a single one-shot. I still need to finish the actual fic first lmao.
Mara-struck Jing Yuan au. Probably the least original one I have to offer, because there's nothing particularly unique about it aside from one little twist I added that I think differentiates it, and that's that Yanqing doesn't actually kill Jing Yuan, or vice versa. Instead, Jing Yuan, in his current state, attacks everyone and everything except for Yanqing, and actually goes out of his way to keep Yanqing away from danger. The way I rationalize this (and this is me stretching the mara lore a LOT) is that Yanqing is so important to Jing Yuan that he creates a sort of blind spot to the mara when present; he is both innately precious and harbors only positive memories in Jing Yuan's mind, so in a way, he retroactively contradicts the way mara-struck!Jing Yuan would normally perceive him, seeing Yanqing as something to protect rather than attack (i hope that made any sense </3). This would probably never actually happen in canon. I just really like the idea of Jing Yuan's love for his son being so strong that it stays with him even after he's gone mad and can no longer remember what Yanqing means to him.
Progenitor au. Saved this one for last because it's been occupying my entire brain for the past few days. It's based on Dillongoo's Progenitor Albedo series, and by based, I mean it's just the same au, same universe and everything, but HSR. I won't go into the details because I'm planning to make it its own dedicated post as well, but I think its safe to say its becoming my favorite au out of all of these. I already have some designs and original lore cooked up, so hopefully I can post about it soon.
I think that's all of them? Debatable if some of these even count as aus, but who cares. I hope you enjoyed my rambles and found my ideas interesting enough to read through. I'm hoping to eventually give them some more life and make actual content with them.
Till next time <3
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lady-harrowhark · 3 days
*trying not to think too much over the fact that we still don't have Alecto to read, after wrapping up Nona*
I have so many thoughts. So many feelings.
God is an all powerful entity in which everyone depends on and he's just some guy. Normal looking and bad puns and all. He's awkward. He's trying his best and failing is hilarious.
Palamedes and Camila WILL make me shove my whole foot down my throat oh my goodness their relationship is so. IS SO. SOOOOOOOOOOOO. And I love that is was never romance-implied cause is so much beyond that. Dulce was never treated as a disturbance for them, Tamsyn when I catch you (positive)
If I think too much about Gideon I'll cry. Uglyly. Or Harrow. My pookies. Oh no my dork pookies. They do not deserve it. Tamsyn when I get you (threatening)
Pyrrha got me all hot and bothered 😳😳 *twirling my hair* my good sir have mercy on me. oh I have a type, and it shows and it shows.
I'm also fascinated for the structure of the story. Is so brilliantly made without being overwhelming. The change to 1st person > 2nd person > 3rd person depending on what's going on with who, the theater play model at the end of Nona, the books being careful not tell you, dear reader, information that the characters themselves don't have because YOU will know what THEY know, and sometimes that's jackshit.
I'm thankful for me, for taking the step of trying something new for a change, and thankful to you 🫵 for taking your time to explain what the series was about and linking me the stuff 🫰 oh my heart is full, really what a time to me alive 💕
There is not a single aspect of these books that does not cause me to feel shrimp emotions and I'm so so so glad that you are having the same experience 🥹 It's been so fun getting to see your reactions - watching other people react to the series for the first time is this fandom's national pastime tbh. And now you get to join us!
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weabooii · 9 months
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New AIBOXES by GreatGRIN! Order today at Azamon.com 👍
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ame-to-ame · 2 months
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still working on tweening and etc but small self-indulgent sneak peek hehe
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stardestroyer81 · 7 months
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Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if we got an 8-Bit Animaniacs game...
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 4 months
I wanna know ur Fontaine msq criticisms 👁️👁️👂I’m all ears
I'm not sure if you wanted me to talk about this secretly or publicly but! Here I go!
The TLDR: Fontaine MSQ aestheticised prison, poverty, child abuse, the justice system/court and didn't properly address any of it.
Focalors/Furina has way too much of a sympathetic angle for a dictator who's lets people drown with her inaction.
Neuvillette feels Bad for sentencing some people to death/prison, but that's it. He's one of the most powerful people in Fontaine. If he felt like there are systemic injustices, I.E sending an abused Child to prison, he should be the first person to DO something about it, not just cry and be sad so the audience can be like aw, that's complex character writing isn't it? No it's not! And guilt doesn't absolve you!!!!!!! (These are stuff we deal with in OTCOJ read my fic now /j)
Meropide has children in it, both Sentenced there (Wriothesley) and BORN THERE (Lanoire), and this is just a quirk of the place. Not only that, Meropide accepts prisoners of all genders and crimes. There are abusers and abuse victims in one place. Do you know how bad that is? How much potential for crimes to happen in a place like that— oh wait, Meropide isn't under Fontaine's jurisdiction. If you are assaulted as an inmate it literally means nothing to the court.
Wriothesley had no qualifications when he took over. Depending on how long he lived on the streets, how old he was when he killed his parents, how old he was when he was first taken in by the orphanage, etc, the man might never have more than 4–5 years of formal education. Sigewinne probably had to teach him how to write reports. And do Meropide's spreadsheets. Edit because I forgot to elaborate on this one: This isn't a point brought up anywhere, which is bad, because when poverty and incarceration robs you of a proper education (and the rights to vote in many places too, too, by the way), it reduces your prospects for jobs, reduces many people's ability to get a home etc etc. Wriothesley was just, narratively, Given his position.
Meropide is an industrialized prison, and they portray this as a good thing. Prisoners are paid in coupons for their labour, and this is also portrayed as a good thing.
The One-Meal-A-Day reform was something Paimon gushed about being so great of a perk, that people might want to go to jail for food (could be interesting and reflective of systemic poverty if MHY had brains, but they don't, so I was just Pissed because essentially all Paimon wanted to say was "Prison isn't so bad, but still don't go to prison guys! Prison labour is really hard!"). By the way, in most real-world prisons they are obligated to feed you three meals a day. Because that's how much food a human needs. MHY went with one meal just so they can say "if you want to eat more, you have to work." And then the welfare meal is a goddamn gacha. So imagine you're a starving child who's too weak to work in the fucking robot assembly line, and you wander up for your first meal in 24 hours, only to luck in with a shit one. I'd kill myself.
They wrote Wriothesley, who's a victim of the system, into a guy who's say shit like "I'm the Duke I can do whatever I want" for a cool moment where he choke-slams an inmate (I know he was a bad guy. But also, in copaganda when cops are violent/disregarding protocols, they are always only portrayed to do that against bad guys, so what does our critical thinking tells us about this one?) They wrote Wriothesley, who was an inmate of a prison so bad, so notorious that it is the literal boogeyman of Fontaine, that has a legal (???) fighting pit, with an administrator who abuses his position to be unreasonable, to willingly stay in the place and become an Administrator who would choke-slam an inmate while saying a cool line about how he has the power to do whatever he wants. They wrote him, the guy who had to be fed on the streets by melusines, to think one-meal-a-day was a good enough reform (while he spends god-knows how much on his boat). This wasn't a victim-turns-into-abuser narrative either, they want all this to be seen as positive character growth.
And then, the final kicker is, they gloss over his entire abuse. You can only read about these shit in his profile, which most people don't because they don't Have Him or doesn't care to unlock it/read it online, and they jammed his entire backstory into a flaccid info-dump at the end of his character story quest. This man isn't Allowed to feel abused and neglected and show any reaction to it within the narrative of Fontaine itself, because if they actually Gave Weight to what happened to him, they'd have to confront THE FUCKING JUSTICE SYSTEM they had NO PLANS on criticising. I don't think they ever explicitly said the fucking Crime-Theatre nonsense was Bad either.
I could go on, but this is already so long. But yeah, I hope this gave you an idea.
#and then. and im putting my most controversial opinion in the tags bc im scared lmao. but like... then... you have the fans..... doing......#the same fucking thing.#the amount of times I have seen Wriothesley used as just a side prop for Neuvillette to feel bad about shit. While Wriothesley is just.....#portrayed as having the inner peace and acceptance of a fucking monk. I was shocked when I read some fics I swear#they really said this man has no trauma at all! the stuff in his past? he's over it!#i hate that passivity when writing victims. like ok if One is written like that#sure. but MHY write all their victims like this#I mean look at fucking Lanoire#and Neuvillette sentenced him to prison after he killed his parents who were never confronted by the law. That's canon.#that's more canon than WRLT itself.#why weren't they confronted? did wriothesley try to talk to someone about it? why did he feel like killing them is his only option ?????#at least have there be some sort of conflict and friction there. How does Wriothesley feel about the court and Neuvillette when#this is the literal system that allowed all that shit to happen to him in the first place???#are you Sure he won't be at least a little wary? the fact that some people think he's Grateful to Neuvillette or even idolises him is crazy#because the man literally subjected him to prison. and if you want to portray his prison life as easy breezy and trauma free#you undermine his entire shitty little 'prison reform' narrative#and if you think he'd be completely 100% accepting of the justice system. Then why the fuck would he kill his parents himself#don't you see that the whole 'I'll accept whatever sentence in order to kill my parents' thing in itself is an act of defying the system#and I Hate#this idea. about being some of the most powerful men in the nation. and yet they can't fucking TRY to set up a better system or smth#i can't believe I read a fic where leaving starving street kids croissants is the most they (the characters and the writer) want to do#like. what the fuck. the whole point of that scene is just to make neuvillette feel bad and be like aw......... poor people exist.... OK???#this is literally how MHY would portray him though.... tbf..... This is what ppl would argue as 'in character'#I just think the character they're in is bad.#I will say I'm giving the fic a lot of grief. there's more to the scene than that. and. ultimately.....#fanfic is (saying this through gritted teeth) ........ recreational....................and free........... in the end.................#i dont think this is reflective of the writer. I do think it is reflective of the way the canon material (genshin impact)#presents in the audience who consumes it. most fans only want these guys to fuck anyway. not think about systemic injustices#canon doesn't make it about the systemic injustices either so why should we. the aesthetic of slums and prisons are just there for fun guys#IM JUST CRAZY OK. I SHOULDNT EVEN BE HERE THIS IS NOT FOR ME . I DONT CARE THAT MUCH FOR PEOPLE FUCKING AND I CARE TOO MUCH
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard and Cmdr. Dominik Shepard With: Lt. Kaidan Alenko, Gun. Chief Ashley Williams, Urdnot Wrex, and Tali'Zorah nar Rayya Ft. Special Guest Appearances by: Spec. Saren Arterius and Sovereign There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own, you cannot even imagine it... Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#dominik shepard#kaidan alenko#ashley williams#urdnot wrex#tali’zorah vas normandy#mass effect#me#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#it’s been so long since i’ve made a BEST OF: lol but virmire called to me the other night#this isn’t really the same as the ME3 ones i’ve been breaking from tbf but also virmire is my favorite mission in ME1#and tbf this is a BEST OF: ME in general#i might make a series but i'm not quite sure yet this was just something that popped into my head when i was playing a UNC the other night#but i did get to use both the kids this time!!! :D#my favorite mindoir twins :)#bc we love BOTH sheps in this house!!!#but this was a lot of fun! i got to do some more interesting stuff with the editing and the coloring than i usually do :)#i was also planning on using a vision shot? but those are so jittery (right word?) in gif form that i scrapped it tbf#also pls excuse soph looking different in literally every gif pack i release lmaooooo#this is the last iteration of her head i promise lmao (actual canon ME1 appearance i swear ignore everything else lol)#finally fixed that sculpt and gave her her piercings and i think she matches up with dom a lil better now :)#tbf dom also went through 50 other iterations of his sculpt but i never giffed those. those are just in a screenshot folder on my PC lmao#i was gonna say OG dom versus now dom isn't that far off but tbh dom did have a CC head at one point#i call that head dan now bc i don't associate it with him anymore it looks nothing like him LMAO#OG OG soph looked crazy different too tbf. and she was an adept at one point before i scrapped that entirely.#oh OG versions of my kids how different you looked and how much you have changed#but the kids are alright! and i'll stop screaming about them now. :)#i’ll stop using the tags to rant now even if it is the mira special™️ but have a good day wherever you are!! :D
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