#don't think i forgot u boos
maxlarens · 3 months
i promise i'm writing my max oneshot CURRENTLY but i had to get the sillies out about this really badly. australian spring/summer i love u i love u i love u!!!! also at this point i think the difference between a one shot and drabble on this account is non existent and simply based on vibes. this is only a one shot bcs it feels a bit more coherent i suppose?
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LN: australia street
pairing(s): lando norris x piastri!reader, oscar piastri & piastri!reader
word count: 1.3k+
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It all feels very familiar, nostalgic even— though you've never been in quite this situation before. With Oscar sure; you always rope your brother into doing things when you're in Australia again. But this is the first time that Lando's joined you.
It's nice, to be home.
Not that it's yours or Oscar's home anymore (that's not true. It always will be, no matter where in the world you jet off to). It's certainly not Lando's. It's hard to put words to the feeling, you just know it's nice.
You're driving, of course, because Oscar and Lando can never decide which of the two of them should drive. So you'd snatched the keys to the Piastri family '96 Holden Commodore and slammed the driver door behind you before either of them could say boo. Lando had snagged the passenger seat in a mad dash that you'd watched play out in the rear-view mirror, while Oscar had complained all the way to the backseat.
"Whered'ya wanna go?", you half turn your head to ask Oscar, checking your blind spot at the same time.
Oscar hums as he thinks. You can feel Lando's eyes burning a hole into the side of your face.
"Do you remember that fish and chips shop—"
You do, "Where Dad used to take us? Yeah, it closed down," then you add, "Besides, Lando hates fish. Jeez, Osc."
"Ah fuck," Oscar groans, "That sucks."
Lando makes a noise, indignant, "I can't believe you forgot. It's my one thing."
Oscar rolls his eyes, "It's not your one thing, Lando. You have plenty of things."
They start to bicker, devolving into an argument that you only understand about half of, about pet peeves and the things the other one does that get on the other’s nerves. You chime in a few times to agree about Oscar’s annoying habits, the things you'd grown up complaining to your Mum about. Quietly to yourself, you decide on a route to an old Italian place you know is still kicking around— they won't mind.
You roll your window down, feel the balmy spring breeze in your hair, on your face. It smells like the bloom of jasmine flowers, of warmth, of the smoke of people BBQ-ing in their backyards. You breathe deeply, absently aware of the petered-out conversation. Oscar dozing in the backseat like he always does. Lando looking out the other window, watching gum trees and bottlebrush on the sides of the road. 'M looking for koala’s he'd said the other day, which had made you laugh. You'd been tempted to tell him about drop bears, but you're sure that Daniel had already warned him of the dangers.
"Do you miss it here?", Lando asks suddenly.
"Mm," you affirm, "I do."
"A lot?"
You shrug at the question, not sure why he's pressing it, "Sure, Lan."
"Then why do you travel with Oscar?", you spare a glance at him, he's fiddling with a bracelet on his wrist, the one you'd made him that matched the one you'd made Oscar that matched the one you wore, "Don't you want to, y'know, settle down here?"
You raise an eyebrow, scoff a little, "God, I'm not an old maid, dude. I'm not ready to pop out babies yet. Far out."
"No, no," he's blushing, you know he is, you don't even need to check, his tan cheeks growing a little darker, redder, "Fuck. That's not what I meant. You know what I meant."
You snicker. You do. But Lando is fun to rile up.
A latent sigh leaves your mouth, "I dunno," you admit, "It's my favourite place. But I have the rest of my life to come back, and besides, it's more special like this. I appreciate it more when I'm only here for a short time."
Lando hums, turning your words over in his head. You think he may be about to say something else—
"Do you like it here, Lan?"
You're not sure why you ask. No, you are. There's this fantasy that keeps floating around in your head. Little bits of it have been coming true on this trip. Lando standing in the garage with your Dad, talking about project cars and then showing him grease covered parts, explaining where they'll eventually end up. Your Mum roping you, Lando and Oscar into helping her cut vegetables at the kitchen counter. Your younger sisters giving you loaded looks behind Lando's back, you trying to pretend you have no idea what they mean by them. It's a pipedream, it's weird and you need to stop doing it.
But you can't. Sometimes, you look at Lando and your thoughts just pick up and run away with themselves.
Lando nods in answer to your question, "'Course. It's very," he trails off, fingers finding the beads on his bracelet again, he hums, "It's very you. Hm, does that make sense?"
You feel warm all of a sudden. Something creeps up your neck, settles at the base of your skull. You blink a few times, remind yourself to focus on the road.
You skitter out a laugh, an awkward thing, you're trying not to look at him, your hands tight on the wheel, "Yeah— uh— it does. I s'pose."
You lapse into silence for a short while. The sky is eggshell orange and purple and red, stretching out in front of you. Punctuated by the star-brightness of the street lights, terracotta tiled roofs and the shadowed branches of towering Eucalyptus trees. It fills you with a feeling you can't name— there's nothing else quite like it out there. Not in London, not in Monaco, not in any of the many other cities you've traveled to or lived in for a stint.
They're all gorgeous and interesting in their own right, but they don't live up to the special peculiarities of suburban Australia. The flash of a possum's eyes where it's skittering across a powerline. The faint sounds of kookaburras laughing as dusk falls. The glow of families watching TV in living rooms coming through screen doors left unlocked. Old men tinkering in wide open garages. Wheelie bins with red and yellow lids out on the curb— cricket stumps painted on the sides.
It’s special. In the way that home is always special.
Then Lando says, apropos of nothing, “Pretty.”
He shrugs, gestures around at the neighbourhood, “It’s pretty. Warm too. I can see why your parents live here. Raised you guys here. I can see myself doing that.”
You decide not to tell him about the bipolarity of Melbourne weather. Cold to hot to wet to dry to gusty all in a few hours. You let him enjoy the rare consistent spring day. And you try not think about what he’s saying, what he’s admitting. You try not to think about what you might be admitting, driving him through streets you used to play in, to places you used to go with your family, talking about settling down, like it’s on the horizon anytime soon.
It’s not— you’ve not met anyone to settle down with.
At least you don’t think you have.
It’s certainly not Lando, in the passenger seat of the old family car, fresh off a day of meeting your grandparents for fuckssake and taking a tour of your childhood bedroom. Laughing at your old boyband posters and the teenage girl shrine you’d kept to Niki Lauda. It can’t be Lando, who you turn to when you can’t turn to your brother, who gives you his hoodies when you’re cold even though he’s colder, who’s come on a bloody trip to Australia in his four week break because you’d said you wouldn’t know what to do without him for that long.
It can’t. It’s not.
He’s talking in hypotheticals and you’re getting carried away with yourself again. Like you always do.
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listened to this playlist while writing😌
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talesofesther · 1 year
you're all I want love to be
Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Tara is still afraid to allow people close, to allow herself to trust again. Until she finds someone who makes it easier.
A/N: The idea for this was also given to me by my dear @iamnicodemus. Hope y'all like it. Tara, I love u. <3
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Tara never meant for it to happen.
It was actually the one thing she wanted the least. Catching feelings for someone only opens up more opportunities for her to get hurt.
And yet it happened so easily, so subtly, that she only realized it when the damage was already done.
She found you on her first day at the university. When she was admittedly very lost; backpack hanging from one shoulder, fifteen minutes late for her class, and walking in the opposite direction of it. You were the only person she'd bumped into when going past Blackmore's cafeteria, and after a bit of an internal pep talk, Tara walked up to you.
And if kindness could be a person, it would be you. Instead of just taking her to class, you gave Tara a simple tour of the university, promising to be around if she ever needed anything else.
Tara started noticing you on every corner of the campus after that. She didn't take you up on your offer though, choosing instead to keep her distance. Still, you always had a smile reserved for her at times you'd catch her staring. That didn't change when the rumors about her and Sam started, if anything, you became more approachable than before.
But it was only after an unfortunate incident, that Tara actually started hanging out with you;
October had started four days ago, and with it, the Halloween season. Parties were already being scheduled every other weekend and sometimes on weekdays as well.
Tara was walking towards her class, her head in the clouds while she thought about what costume she would wear if she were to go to one of those parties.
She was usually one to be early for class now that she had her paths memorized, preferring the calmness of the minutes before everyone started rushing to arrive on time.
So she wasn't exactly expecting what happened next.
As Tara rounded a corner, she was surprised to come face to face with two other students; one of them adorning a black hoodie and a cheap Ghostface mask. The 'boo' that left his lips was as childish as it could be, but the abruptness of the encounter got Tara stumbling on her own feet as she took several steps back, eyes wide and her body momentarily entering fight or flight mode.
"What's wrong, Carpenter?" The guy in the mask said in a mocking tone, his friend joining in on the laughter, "thought I was your sister?"
Tara's voice was tangled up in her throat, she couldn't remember if she packed her inhaler this morning, or was it her taser that she forgot?
If unkind memories weren't flashing behind her eyes, Tara would have recognized the two idiots in front of her; the boys who came here to do anything but study, taking getting on people's nerves as a hobby.
It was only when the back of their heads was hit — quite forcefully — with a book, that they stopped laughing. The cheap mask fell to the ground with the hit, gaining a crack on its edge.
"Don't you guys have anything better to do?" You came from behind them, tucking the book back in your backpack, "fuck off before I tell the director what you've been doing out in the parking lot when you think no one's watching."
With a few complaints under their breath, they eventually walked away, allowing Tara to let out the breath she'd been holding.
"Morons," you huffed, tugging on the straps of your backpack before turning around to Tara, your gaze softening immediately, "you okay?"
Her dark eyes found yours. She simply nodded, feeling her lower lip quivering when she tried to speak. She noticed the way your hand twitched to reach out to her but you stopped yourself midway, instead tucking both hands in your pockets.
"I'm sorry about them," you told her with the usual gentleness you never lacked, "they should know better than to do that."
Tara shook her head softly, managing a smile when her heartbeat started to settle, "thank you for… stepping in."
You just shrugged, your smile coming as a copy of hers, and it got Tara wondering if it could hold the same sentiment too.
"Anytime," you told her then, and Tara hardly left your side after it.
It was easy to fall into the routine of having you near and pretending she was just a normal girl with a crush on her friend. Being with you was so easy that it made Tara forget about all the bad, forget about all the reasons why allowing people close became dangerous.
And today? Today should be a good day, it's a day Tara has been looking forward to, a day that took away her sleep for all the good reasons. And it's not like she never stopped to get coffee with you on the way to campus, but today felt different because you had asked her to, as a date.
And Tara had been counting the seconds for it; until Ghostface came back and nearly killed her and Sam at that grocery store, until Mindy said 'never trust the love interest', until her worst nightmares came back again and suddenly nothing was easy anymore.
"Alright guys, as much as I love discussing possible suspects with you," Chad pushed himself off the bench he'd been sitting on, "we've still got classes to go to, come on Ethan." The two boys gathered their things and walked away, Quinn soon following behind.
Tara slumped back in her seat, her hands coming up to cover her eyes. With her sight momentarily gone, it felt like everything else was louder, heavier; she could perfectly hear the rustling of leaves from the trees around, the cacophony of voices from all the other students hanging out outside, and feel the weight of Sam's gaze on her.
"I think someone's looking for you, lovergirl," Mindy said out of nowhere, kicking Tara's sneaker with her own. When Tara glanced up at her friend with a frown, all Mindy did was tilt her head towards the university, where you had just walked out from and were now making your way to them.
"Don't think I haven't noticed," Mindy teased with a sing-song voice and a grin plastered on her lips.
"Noticed what?" Sam sat up straighter, her gaze shifting from Tara to Mindy.
"Tara's girlfr-"
"Nothing," Tara interrupted quickly, getting up so she could land a gentle punch to Mindy's shoulder, "nothing to notice," she said again, pointedly.
"Alright, let's go, Sam," Mindy extended a hand for the older girl, "we'll meet back at the dorm later."
Sam still had a confused frown on her features but she took the hand offered to her anyway, while Mindy leaned closer to Tara so she could whisper; "always knew you had good taste," before both of them walked again.
Tara's cheeks went aflame as she let out a groan, predicting the onslaught of questions she'd get later today. She slowly turned around to meet you in the middle, her soul naturally filling with incessant butterflies.
Had she really been that unsubtle when regarding you?
"Hey," you greeted her a little breathlessly, letting go of your backpack and leaving it on the floor as you took a small extra step closer to Tara, your eyes frantically looking her over, "I was so worried when I saw what happened last night, are you-"
"I'm okay," it was instinct, but Tara didn't know if the words were true. There was something about you that always made her feel more than she wanted to, she suddenly felt like the last pieces of herself she'd been trying to hold together so hard over the last months started crumbling. Tara took hold of your hands, squeezing tightly. She didn't know who she was trying to comfort, you or herself.
You held her back, glancing down as your fingers intertwined with hers. Tara observed the way your lashes kissed the corner of your cheeks; you were all golden softness and spring warmth, presence rivaling the one of a welcoming sun on a cold day. Tara wanted to memorize that, keep it in her heart as if it was the first and last time she'd be seeing you.
It should be easy to forget and pretend, but it suddenly wasn't, because Mindy's words kept ringing inside Tara's head even if she didn't want them to be true. She felt tears steadily collecting on the bottom lid of her eyes.
"But," she closed her eyes at the unsteadiness of her own voice. More than anything, she wanted this, wanted you. But she was stuck. It felt like quicksand, pulling her further down the more she struggled to get out. "about today…"
It's like you knew her better than she knew herself sometimes, maybe for you, it still felt easy. "It's alright, Tara." Your thumb brushed over the scar on top of her hand, "we don't have to go, I understand."
Tara pursed her lips, blinking away her vulnerability. She let go of your hands only to loop her arm around yours and bring your bodies closer together, "walk me to class, though?"
"Come on, spill it, what's up between you two?" Mindy leaned back on the kitchen counter beside Tara, "I was joking earlier today, but now I actually think there's something there."
The carrot Tara was cutting ended up with a slice too big, she had to turn it around and cut it one more time in the middle, "I've told you, there's nothing going on," Tara told her friend with a sigh, making sure to cut smaller slices so she could keep her hands busy as long as possible; "she's my friend."
Mindy scoffed, she picked up a spoon from the sink and tasted whatever Chad was cooking up on the stove. A grimace came to her face at the lack of seasoning, "I've heard that before."
"It's not like that," Tara dropped the knife then, unsure what she was frustrated about or what she wanted to convince Mindy of, "how can I get… involved with someone after what happened?" Her voice grew quieter by the end.
Mindy softened at that, she turned to face Tara fully — everyone knew the younger Carpenter was still struggling with what she'd been through, even if she didn't want to admit it. "I know it's not easy, T. But you can't close yourself off for everyone, some people are still worth it," Mindy glanced towards the living room, a soft smile on her lips when Anika's silhouette came into view, "people aren't meant to be islands."
There are times when the pain is so big, that it almost doesn't feel like pain anymore. If it comes from a wound, that's usually the time when you'll pass out. If it comes from inside, you start to feel numb.
Sitting at the back of an ambulance as she watches cops walking out with another one of her friends in a dark body bag, Tara thinks she's close to that feeling. Mindy is sitting beside her, she's not moving. Tara doesn't know what to say in moments like these, they feel almost awkward. A morbid kind of awkward.
So when she gets up, cell phone in hand with your number already ringing, she blames it on that; on the pain squeezing her chest almost to the point of unbearable, on the helplessness she feels twirling in her gut.
Tara paced back and forth on the sidewalk, trying to draw out the noise of the sirens as she counted up the seconds until you picked up.
… Two, three, four.
Tara could hear her own heart rate quicken, she closed her eyes, thinking about how her inhaler was still all the way up in the apartment; where there's blood, and-
Please, pick up. Please, pick up.
A long sigh of relief left Tara's lips as soon as she heard your voice through the phone. As if she hadn't cried enough, she could see tears clouding her sight.
"Tara? What happened, is everything okay?"
"No, it's not," Tara forced out, her voice tight with a sudden rawness. She turned her back to Mindy so the girl wouldn't see her crying, "there was another attack… Anika didn't make it."
"Oh god, I can't-" Tara could hear you choking on your own voice, "are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."
"Yeah, I'm-" Tears made a steady path down to Tara's chin, some getting caught under the phone pressed tightly to her cheek, "I'm alright."
"Tell me where you are, I can be there in like ten- five minutes."
"No!" Tara said with urgency, "don't come here, please, I don't want you anywhere near this," she gulped back a lump in her throat, "it's too dangerous."
"But what about you?"
"I'll be okay," Tara closed her eyes, wishing the words really were true, "I just-" she hesitated, a confession lingering on her tongue, "I just wanted to hear your voice, is all." She bit onto her lower lip until it drew blood.
"We- we can talk for as long as you need," it was like Tara could hear your smile, "I'm happy to hear your voice too."
Ambulance lights and police sirens were clouding your senses as you run up to the commotion. It was quite a sight; your oversized shirt, shorts, and sneakers with mismatched high socks. But you couldn't remember to care because your heart had been at your throat ever since Mindy called.
There were several reporters blocking your view but you squeezed your way through them until you reached the police tape. You've always hated this; the white and red colors of the vehicles that only showed up in tragedies, the panic and grief that lay heavy in the air, the clicks of the cameras from people who saw it as an opportunity — you hated it all, but right now the only one on your mind is Tara.
You ducked to go under the police tape, immediately attracting the attention of one of the cops, "Miss, you can't be here, please go back behind-"
"No, you don't understand," you gripped at the fabric of his jacket when he tried to keep you back, trying to push through, "I know them."
And the cop kept speaking, probably about things you weren't allowed to do and places you shouldn't be. You didn't hear any of it, because you found her. Her blue shirt had more red than blue in it, dried blood was all over the fabric, making you feel a mix between relief and nauseousness; her hair was messy, tangled, and damp in some places; her skin still coated with bits of dirt and blood too; her arm was held up by a makeshift bandage. But she was there, talking to a blonde woman on a stretcher; she was alive.
"Tara," you called quietly as your sight blurred over, and then a little louder, "Tara!"
She looked up, any words she'd been saying dying on her lips when she saw you. For a beat, it seemed as if she was assessing if you were real or not, before she was all but running towards you.
Not caring for consequences, you pushed the cop off of you and met her halfway — lucky for you he apparently noticed you really knew them.
"What are you doing here?" Tara's eyes were glinting under the red and blue lights, there were clear tracks on her cheeks where tears had run down.
"I was-" you tried, stumbling over your words as you took her in, all blood stains and bruises. You raised a hand to push back her fringe, the strands of hair were damp to the touch; from sweat or blood, you didn't want to know. "Mindy called, and scared the shit out of me. I came as fast as I could."
With her lower lip stuck between her teeth, Tara leaned into your touch. Her eyes closed tightly when your thumb traced the outline of her eyebrow.
"Are you okay? I mean of course you're not okay, what am I even-"
You were cut off when Tara threw herself at you. She pulled you close with her free hand, nails almost digging into your skin with the force of it as she buried her head on your shoulder.
Quiet sobs shook her body and you held her back the best you could whilst being mindful of her injuries. One of your hands cradled her head, fingers tangled in her dark hair as you breathed in everything that was her. "Shit, I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."
Tara only pushed herself into you more as you spoke. There was a beat, a moment of hesitance from someone who'd had the bitter taste of betrayal more than anyone should. Trust was a gamble, but when you had a place in her heart no one else could ever have, Tara knew you'd never break it. "I'm okay now," she spoke against you; and she believed it.
You only squeezed her tighter, pulling back just enough to land a kiss on her temple. And you allowed your lips to linger, to feel her skin against you and her heartbeat pressed to your own.
Tara melted in your hold, allowing you to support most of her weight. With her cheek pressed to your collarbone, she spoke; "you still owe me a date."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Tara’s taglist: @milkiane @v1ci0us @alexkolax
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roseyrays · 1 year
💌 C U P I D 💘 chapter five — ayo 🤨🤨
wc: 229
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summary: y/n and ni-ki were childhood friends since they were 3 years old, they’re friendship lasted forever and will always be, that was until ni-ki moved to korea to pursue his dream of being a k-pop idol. y/n also left japan to also pursue her dream of being an idol as well in 2022, she never forgot about him but it seemed that he forgot about her…but that’s what she thinks, will cupid give them a second chance?
warnings: ignore timestamps, y/n is pretty shy but so is riki (kinda), FLUFF 👹👹
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today was your hangout with riki and let's say you're a little nervous, i mean you two haven't seen eachother in a long time now, you should've been used to hanging out with him right? wrong
you were practically shaking at this point, it's the first time in a long time you ever had some time together, you patiently waited for riki tapping your foot while on your phone scrolling through twitter whilst something caught your eye
riki uploaded something on twitter and he looked very handsome, you tried to contain your blush and tried to invert your eyes from the picture, it was a good thing you were wearing a mask and a hat so no one could see you blushing
you don't even notice someone sneaking behind you
"boo!" you silently shrieked when someone went up behind you and grabbed your shoulders, you looked back at that was and it was of course, riki nishimura playfully laughing at you as always
"riki! you scared me" you said while playfully smacking his arm
“haha! sorry!!" he said all smiley though you can’t see it sadly because it’s covered with a mask but you can tell he’s smiling
you playfully rolled your eyes at him and sighed “alright, come on you big baby let’s go hang out!" you exclaimed grabbing his arm
"alright!!" he exclaimed back still laughing
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idol!ri-ki x fem idol!reader (she/her is used)
genre: smau, childhood best friends to lovers, angst, fluff, romance, she fell first he fell harder trope
💌 —previous masterlist next>
— taglist (1) 💘 @aki1e @curly-fr13s @mitsukifilms @astrae4 @ethereal-faeri @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @maerijw @felinows @emmefaestephens @ethereallov3 @j-wyoung @invusblog @sunkifye @xrvrqs @whippedforbeomgyu @marylalala @lcv3lies @softpia @artstaeh @witzys @itssnootmayya
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bunkernine · 2 years
I didn't even know Nico had dream powers that doesn't make sense to me he's crazy dude. I mean like what the hell. Is he not just a son of hades? Why can't his only powers be raiding the dead and watching anime. What a crazy dude. I'd never want to cross his path. He'd kill me on sight. Obvs he won't but what the fuck do u mean dream powers. Why does he need dream powers doesn't he have a sword. Oh man. Nico's fucking crazy. Don't mess with him. Tf does he even do daily anyway. Wish I got some sleep powers, id love that. Nico didn't need all these powers. With great power comes great responsibility. Woooooooooooooooooow. Thinking about it and that's crazy. All this shit and all Jason does is fly and get knocked out. Wtf. Actually Nico should be scared of me cuz I forgot he's like 4'9 and 90 pounds, and also I'm a genius and epic so BOO skull boy I win. Me vs Nico who would win. I would. That's a 13 yr old brat. Tf I look like. I have accomplished so much and he went to a summer camp get over it. Actually he would scare the shit out of me so he wins this round but I'll be prepared next time
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kathysturniolo · 6 months
Understand you.
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description: a teenage girl, February Martin, struggling with mental health and addiction who hates talking about her feelings. she likes the fact that nobody notices. however, her best friend, Matt, starts to realize more and more that she's losing herself.
"Feb, wake up."
"Feb! "
   My eyes flickered open. I heard Sarah's voice. I looked at her. The light burned into my pupils.
"Ms. Tilson just asked you a question."
"I-I'm sorr- what? " I lifted myself up. My arms were numb.
"I asked you to identify this triangle. February. "
My eyes fixated on the board. It was blurry. I looked around and everyone's eyes were plastered to me.
"I- um- I don't know." My nails dug into my arm. I heard whispers and people were giving me looks, almost like they wanted to yell 'boo' at me.
"Miss Martin, you've been sleeping in my class almost this entire semester. "She sighed.
I didn't say anything. I wanted to. I just stared at my legs. She pinched the bridge of her nose and picked up a marker.
"Does anybody else want to try to identify the triangle? "
Hands rose like fucking springs. You idiot.
After that class, I left early. Like, 'asking to go to bathroom and then walking out of the door' early. I'm surprised I've never been caught before, after doing it at least 20 times this year. I found a gas station and sat outside on a piece of side walk and pulled out my my phone.
dude did u leave class again?
yeah lol sorry
yk your gonna get caught one day for just leaving.
it hasn't happened yet so 🤷‍♀️
ok lol. where are you?
Dan's gas station
come by my house after i get out, k?
I sighed and sat down my phone. i was going to go to a bar tonight. Get 'today' off my mind.
I headed home after sitting down for about 15 minutes. If I was being honest, I didn't want to explain to my dad why I was home early, but I just wanted to go home for a little bit.
I opened the door. The creak made my body twitch. I hated this damn door.
"Dad, " I shook him.
Yep, he was knocked out.
Thank God.
His beer can spilled a little on the floor, leading me to accidently stepping in the puddle of liquid.
Well, that was another reason why my day sucked. I took off my now soaked converses and threw them over in the living room, rushing to my room.
My room was a mess. I didn't remember leaving it like this. I just threw myself on my bed, opening the sandwhich bag of meth I had in the corner of my bed, hidden under some covers. When Matt finds out I didn't stop using he'll be so pissed at me. His voice rang inside my head.
u still coming over?
My phone buzzes beside me. I woke up as my body was leaned off the bed.
I was definitely high. .
I cut my phone off and tried to get up. My head got dizzy and my vision went black.
It's okay, maybe he won't notice.
I put on a dark blue sweatshirt, put on a pair of sneakers, and walked out of my room, down the stairs.
Dad was still fast asleep. Part of me didn't really care and wanted to let him sleep but the other part of me wanted to wake him up and make sure he didn't die in his sleep. I was almost out the door when I sighed and turned back around and made my way to my dad and put my finger under his nose to make sure he was breathing.
He was, thank God.
I walked back to the door and walked out. I forgot to lock it but, it's a small neighborhood, I think it'll be okay.
I must've not been too high, I could still function. I was kinda dizzy still. Hopefully, I don't get hit by a car as I'm walking to Matt's.
im on my way
I slid my phone in the pocket of my sweats. and speed-walked down the street and curved a couple corners until I made it to his house. He had a better house then me, it was bigger and cleaner. He loves to clean, so that makes sense.
A couple seconds later, Matt's blue eye met mine. He greets me with a big smile.
"Hey, kid," He said, poking out his hand, gesturing to do our handshake.
I smiled and grabbed his hand, "Bro I said stop calling me kid, you're literally younger then me," I laughed.
"By what? 4 months?" He said furrowing his eyebrows and smiling.
We both laughed and I walked into his house fully.
"Parents are at work, so we're definitely using the kitchen." He said, chuckling.
"Aww, mann, but Marylou and Jimmy are the only reason I even come here," I teased.
He laughed and we walked up the stairs to him room. He had an awesome room. His LED lights were always on green, he had a huge bed, and a big blue bean bag chair. He had a huge gaming set up, and a walk in closet with band posters stuck to it from top to bottom.
I plopped on his bed and kicked off my shoes. He climbed beside me.
"Dude, I saw this movie on TikTok, it's about some psyco killer clown. It seems pretty badass. "
I was zoned out, my head in the clouds, I almost didn't hear what Matt said.
"Alright, " I said with an unconvincing laugh.
I could tell he was confused on my lack of excitement because I saw him look at me from the corner of my eye.
He cut of the tv, and put it to the movie. My head was killing me. I clenched my eyes shut and winced a little. He tapped on my shoulder.
"Are you good bro?' He said, with a little bit of a laugh.
"Yeah, duh" I said sarcastically.
The movie played for at least 10 minutes before my vision went black again and I got dizzy. I started to lean back a little bit.
"Feb." He said, seriously. So seriously, it kind of scared me.
"What?" I said innocently, as I looked him.
He looked at me, squinting his eyes a bit. He parted his lips and frowned at me.
'You're using again. " he sighed.
"What? Matt. I'm not. I'm no- not."
I looked at him. I could see his eyes start to water.
"Feb, you promised me you'd stop. You promised me." He looked at me, with glossy eyes.
"Matt, I- I'm n-" My voice cracked. My eyes swelled with tears. "I can't, Matt."
Matt wiped his hand over his mouth. I could see a tear, screaming to come out of his eye.
I covered my mouth with my hand. I tried not to cry. I closed my eyes to try to keep the tears in.
He leaned over me, putting his hands on my arms. He looked at me, he didn't say anything. It was almost like he was waiting for the whole world to disappear and it just be us.
"February," He spoke, "It's okay."
He took his thumb and wiped his thumb across my face.
"You're my best friend Feb. You told me you were getting better. You told me that you stopped."
"Matt, I- I'm sorry." I sighed.
"What's going on? You first started using when your grandma died. That was your worst breaking point. That was 3 years ago. What's going on now? " He whispered.
"Nothing, Matt. Nothing, I promise."
"February, talk to me."
"You won't understand."
"You're my best friend, I understand you, Kid"
"My dad." I whispered.
"Your dad? What's wrong with your dad?" Matt asked concerned.
"He misses Mom, Matt. Last month was her birthday. He's been isolating since." My voice cracked.
Fuck, don't cry again February.
Matt pulled me into a hug. I put my face into the crook of his neck, trying not to cry.
"I'm so sorry. " He whispered as he rested his chin on my head. "Can you stay tonight? I just want to make sure you're okay."
I breathed out and wiped the tears off my eyes and nodded."
"I'm here for you, February. For fucking ever."
I chuckled, and we laid back and continued watching the movie.
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
Hola welcome to Hawaii- anyway hi again Katy💜! I didn't get a chance to answer your reblog so here I am!
I was going to wait to read bdas because I did not need to be left on a cliffhanger but I forgot for some strange reason 🤨 and ended up reading it anyway. Let's just say... *ominously points musket* I'm just going to be standing right here as you finish up the next chapter. It's giving 🤌 you-better-not-test-me-Katy.
No play through today boo. Hopefully I'll get the weekend to catch up. But I'm shockingly surprised there's not a lot of merch for insomniac Miles and Peter. *sighs* I have to do everything myself-
I wanted to give a mini update on Hobie's guitar. She's built and slowly getting to the final stages. The next piece I want to work on is probably his boots. I really want to apply the red dye to the leather. I was actually thinking of going to a guitar store and asking if I can take a few pictures acting like his guitar is for sale. I also want to make the comic guitar but one thing at a time. The photo is not the best I'm sorry.
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Hope you're doing well Katy! Please take care of yourself. 💜💜💜
Hawaii!! (Fun fact: I was cast as Lilo once at school bc I looked like her when I was 9! And yes I ended up playing her)
HEHEHEHHEHHE I'm already wrapping myself in kevlar 😂 I'm glad you liked it, twin!!
I KNOW!!! And if there's some merch it's super duper expensive 😞
Oooh i think there's red boots for sale somewhere so you don't have to paint them! OMG THE GUITAR!!!!! IT LOOKS AMAZING 🤩 GOOD JOB, BESTIE!! (U better hide it or Hobie would yoink that and leave you with an iou note 😂) I cannot wait to see the rest especially the vest!
Hope you're doing fantastic too! Ly ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hotteokyu · 1 month
Hey boo! Two things:
1. What should we call u? I might just be temporarily blind again but I don't think I saw anything on your blog to indicate a name/nickname you prefer? Either way! I go by either kiki or lyra on tumblr depending on whether I'm on my sfw or nsfw blog, nice to meet u!
2. Are your requests open? 👀
~ @ateez-main-yapper
Hi! No, you're not blind. I just forgot to add my name lol. My name is Yuri. I'll add it to my bio.
About requests, though... I definitely want them to be open lol. Realistically, I don't know if I have time to write much these days. School starts soon too, so I'm worried I'd let someone down. For now, you can request, but just know it might not be fulfilled at all or will take a while.
Thank you for messaging me, pookie! I totally forgot to mention this stuff. Mwa ♡
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Yuri
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lucabyte · 4 months
i forgot to ask u smth for that ask game sorry f
here though 😨chrometab bc im curious not about the answers but about how theyd answer
(Answer for this ask game!)
😨- What's their greatest fear? (For Chrome and Tabitha)
(Chrome) "Hmmm. Tabitha isn't scared of anything irrational. I think." (Tabitha) "What counts as irrational?" (Chrome) "Like. Bugs and heights and water and shit. You're like, good with those." (Tabitha) "I suppose." (Chrome) "Uhhh… When are you scared…? You get all antsy in crowded spaces. or formal ones. I don't know if it counts as scared, but you get tense." (Tabitha) "That's because I have to focus harder…" (Chrome) "You should probably be more scared of shit actually. Your reaction time is slow as shit, the amount of times you've not moved out of the way of stuff." (Tabitha) "I don't see how being scared would help me there?" (Chrome) "It would protect you, duh??" (Tabitha) "I suppose." (Chrome) "But yeah. I think you're uhh, scared of having to do all that fancy social shit. 'Cause what if you fuck up, right?" (Tabitha) "… That is't an irrational fear..?" (Chrome) "Yeah and? That wasn't the question. It was greatest fear, not irrational." (Tabitha) "Oh. Well that's not my greatest fear." (Chrome) "Then what is?" (Tabitha) "Hmm. I don't know, actually." (Chrome) "Boo. Boring."
(Tabitha) "Is it my turn to guess yours? I've not seen you be scared by much, I don't think." (Chrome) "No?" (Tabitha) "Not in the screaming horrors way, at least. And you aren't particularly squeamish either. You don't like insects, I suppose, but you don't seem so much frightened of them as you do distainful?" (Chrome) "Yeah, I ain't afraid of bugs. Like, why would I be? There's none poisonous here. Gross to squish them though." (Tabitha) "Indeed. You just flick them somewhere. Um. Er. I suppose I've seen you be disquieted before?" (Chrome) "Oh?" (Tabitha) "Mm. Philosophy and, space things. You don't like talking about those." (Chrome) "Don't I?" (Tabitha) "Mm-mm. You don't have much to say about them. I find you usually express that they're much --" (Both) "Too big, --" (Chrome) "-- not worth thinking about." (Tabitha) "Not of any use to anybody, yes." (Chrome) "That's cause they ain't." (Tabitha) "Concepts too large. Unknowable and unquantifiable. Unpleasant to be reminded of relative insignificance." (Chrome) "Like I said. Not worth thinking about."
(Tabitha) "… Nihilophobia. Is my guess. Then." (Chrome) "Ugh. You and your big words." (Tabitha) "That was a joke. That one is from a sci-fi show." (Chrome) "--- Have you ever been into sci-fi?!"
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milfgyuu · 1 year
Hey doll! I saw you tagged for more asks like the Seventeen working at Walmart (which I LOVED btw!) and I've come to deliver! I'm at a Casino hotel overnight with The Bestie™️ and we're down at the pool! So...how about SVT working at a public pool??? 😅😅😅
bc there are so many mf's in this group i hope you don't mind me expanding a little into a hotel/water park resort.
choi seungcheol life guard i have no other reasoning behind this other than i want to see him in the cute red swim trunks ok. drowning myself in the deep end so he can give me the kiss of life. he's probably working the wave pool and like actually has to rescue people every time the big wave hits.
jeonghan is the barrtenderrrr *t-pain voice* and he has to wear that cute little formal fancy bartender fit (u know the one) and he is a prof mixologist like he's making you shit that is not even on the menu and it is amazing.
joshua works at the tiki bar in the water park so he's whipping up daiquiris and other frozen delights all day long and gets to enjoy the sunshine. humor me and picture that pretty golden glow and long sandy blonde hair okay i have a specific vision.
junhui is also a lifeguard but specifically for one of the big water slides - it's so shallow that he usually sits there are just watches all day making sure everyone is safe but witnesses hella ass crack when people try to exit the slide. so he's kind of just a glorified water monitor and buttcrack patrol.
hoshi delivers room service and knows all the hot gossip because holy shit he just left room 212 and the married guy who was just here last week was in there with a completely different woman today. besties with the entire housekeeping staff.
wonwoo is also a lifeguard (shhh there is a lot of water ok) but specifically for the lazy river so he just wades around all-day from one shady spot to the next making sure kids aren't blocking up tube-traffic. He does think it's really fun to walk against the current and considers it his workout for the day.
woozi is singing in the resort lounge like zack and cody's mom but he is getting hella hoes. tip jar on the piano is full of room #'s and key cards. he's like ahaha i'm flattered but no thanks but has given in once or twice after a little convincing from jeonghan.
minghao concierge bro he can get you into ANYWHERE because he doesn't take no for an answer. exclusive restaurant with a waitlist a mile long? reservations at 8pm with a complimentary bottle of wine, baby.
mingyu is so a cabana boy. he's got warm towels, he's got drinks, he's got a shrimp cocktail to deliver, and he's got a creepy cougar to escape from bc she won't stop making passes at him and now he's hiding in the laundry room which leaves...
boo seungkwan, the other cabana boy who is always annoyed and cursing under his breath but can turn his customer service face and voice on and off like a switch. will drag mingyu out of hiding by his hair when he notices it getting too busy.
vernon works at the resort guest check-in and has his speech so automated in his head that if someone interrupts him he loses all train of thought and has to start over. calls the bell boy just for funsies when he is bored which really pisses...
chan the bellboy off because he just ran his ass all the way across the resort thinking he was actually needed but it's just vernon fucking around with an empty lobby. fills those carts to the brim like Tetris and refuses to ask for help bc his pride says he can move all 800lbs of luggage himself.
seokmin i’m so sorry i forgot u baby it’s bc he is so busy working that resort valet parking the NIOCE cars. running around in his lil polo looking all fine and handsome like tip the man bc he uses it on his expensive cologne you can still smell when you get in ur car.
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HELP i forgot i had in my drafts the dreadful stream of consciousness that's behind the cut - slightly out of date supplementary material for this meme days WEEKS ago tagged by @brofisting and @phneltwrites. re. the question 'what are you watching'. MDL list expounded on after the jump
Boys Over Flowers - the Korean version from 2009 - I started watching this ages ago on netflix and have been stalled about halfway through for MONTHS. It's good for learning about wild problematic old shojo tropes - some of which resurface in bl drama obv, it IS interesting to make the comparison. And I wanted to see another version of this story other than F4 Thailand (which i really liked). Unfortunately BOF 2009 eps are long and big chunks of them are....... . bad....... or just very slow ... SAVE me from the interminable episode(s) where they all go on holiday to the maldives . and the one where they race horses. (it's not just that it's 'old' bc Coffee Prince is pristine perfection and that was made in 2007!)
Fish Upon The Sky - so THIS i have now actually finished. I know this series is fairly divisive - I know a lot of people REALLY did not enjoy it - in particular seems like didn't like the characters. personally i - mostly - Really enjoyed this*... people will say 'pi is annoying!' and to this i say YES and that's why i love him. I Love the totally deranged turned-up-to-eleven romcom plotting i love that he somehow managed to kiss the WRONG BOY in the club.... I love that he's SO determined to pursue the boy he (THINKS HE!) likes - I love the moment when you THINK he's finally going to be honest w himself only to DOUBLE DOWN! on his mission. I love the pseudo-date with mork where he gets drunk and checks his TEETH. he's a classic stubborn misguided romcom lead and i Enjoy that phuwin makes this characterisation quite extreme, there's a kind of reservoir of anguish behind it all that sharpens up the whole series. and pond is clearly Not the most experienced actor but also genuinely great at looking totally whipped.
crash landing on you - I am something like five or six or seven eps into this and going slowly bc I'm watching with someone else. what can i say. it is Thee het kdrama of recent years! it's fantastic
Devil Judge - I began this AGES ago but again I am stalled a few eps in. I started it bc people kept mentioning it in the same breath as Beyond Evil and it was obviously u know . Homoerotic. Tick!! Unfortunately for me it suffers by comparison to BE, it currently just seems ... sillier ...... The homoerotic stuff is much more textual which should be a plus but I am simply not enjoying the Flavour as much.
Enchante - i am Giving ForceBook A Chance bc 1. they're going to be in Only Friends, 2. I Dooo like the look of their next series, the office one. I am 7 eps in and it still feels very VERY slight - I kind of don't really GET it. is there really much to get. But FB doooo have nice chemistry. Fond and easy! For some reason I keep thinking of old hollywood when I try to pin them down mentally. like. Fred and Ginger in this scene. this is forcebook in enchante. TO ME
my school president - I am behind on this (boo). it IS very sweet, I think I am not QUITE as into it as some people on bl tumblr (blblr??) - I can definitely get put off things if they get too nice and too sweet and the first few eps kind of .. felt like that might happen. but ep 6 was an absolute banger, v strong episode, v well structured. Also I often struggle with side pairings but I think the side pair here are really well done.
the warp effect - WACKY WHOLESOME FUN. what if thirteen going on thirty was eighteen going on twenty-eight and also was a boy and also was kind of like netflix's sex education. jojo killing it. Silvy killing it! Fluke Pusit killing it! I have no particular attachment to New as an actor and i guess i ... am less interested in him actually solving the mystery than I am in Every other character & storyline in this series. inc. the most whimsical depiction of puppy play u will probably ever see. And casual nbd trans inclusion of a kind Thailand can do really well.
never let me go - it took me the first couple of eps to fully warm up to this and I think ep 1 is possibly better on a second viewing - the ambiguity to palm and nueng's interactions is maybe better served by knowing the end-of-ep reveal that palm has already been assigned to look after nueng. and I Really enjoy the fleshing-out of the class division between them, the breakfast scene, palm's dad saying that PALM has to enforce the division between them. (If I think about Cutie Pie and Kinnporsche, which both dealt with Rich People - they just didn't focus much on the class stuff. Or handwaved it. And porsche was fully merlin'ing every job anyway. Anyway I appreciate what NLMG is doing w this) the awful situation at school - nueng getting bullied BECAUSE he's rich - feels very plausible. the business side of things feels sketched in enough for me to believe it. The romance side of things - I LIKE that it has built up so carefully. it has not been... crazy stuff from the start it's been all significant staring and not knowing how to behave around each other. Fear and nervousness and ambiguity and not Saying anything. it's like a helenish fanfiction. The wholllleeeee show feels so fraught so foreboding - everyone so trapped - heart in my MOUTH whenever I watch it. Ofc I fear for them!! But also I have a level of trust that whatever happens will be well done. OH yeah also perth and chimon REALLY good in their support roles. perth especially doing an incredible performance of 'boy who's about to throw up out of jealousy'
MIDNIGHT MOTEL. offjan supremacy ... pragmatic approach to sex work... neolouis!!! .... For plot function reasons I can see why the thing they make has to be an app but they appear to be using iphones & I do think that apple would not approve an app to go on the appstore that was for buying sex from sex workers. THAT aside. it's fiction whatever. . I feel like it would have made a really neat little movie if it was a bit more sharply written and was condensed down a bit. it's fun it's fine I enjoy it
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
"Me and mommy are nominated for multiple Grammy's today and I'm nervous. I think I'm more nervous for her than for myself. I know that I wouldn't be anywhere without her and she believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself and when I wanted to give up. But she saw something in me and wouldn't let me quit. If neither of us walk away with anything tonight, I know I already won. I won because she’s my wife and because I get to be a father to you three. Don't give mommy too much trouble today, okay?" Okay so yea, I see we’re starting off this fic crying 🥹
“But, you would always find it for me, right?” Exactly why yo ass needa chaperone 😭
“Still can’t believe that there’s three of them in there. I forgot till I read the last sentence of that first paragraph 😭
“So? We’ve been through a lot this past year and I don’t know. I just want you to take time to rest.”My wife is so thoughtful y’all 🤭 Jack & Dua don’t say shit I SAID WHAT I SAID!!
“And you look like you just stepped out of an issue of GQ. My husband fine as shit." Shittt don’t play, I’d buy that magazine
“Correction, you might be getting old, but I’m aging gracefully and I’ll probably be 50 looking like I’m 35. Black don’t crack, baby.” THAT’S ON MOTHAFUCKIN PERIODDD!!
“Am I the only person that can see you are legit actually glowing? I never understood what people would be talking about before, but…. I get it. You really do look happy and that’s all I want for my best friend.” Urban piped up and your eyes started to water. Awwww Urbyyyyy 🥹 why you wanna make me cry sm Ree!!
"No matter what, I'll always be proud of you. That's never going to change. Not just proud of the artist that you are, but you as a person. I thank God every day for sending me the most amazing husband that I could ever ask for." Third time I’ve cried while reading this!!! It’s js so heartwarming 😭
"AHT AHT! Spare our eyes and save it for later." Boy it ain’t nun you ain’t seen before, Matter fact u done seen a wholeeee lot more 👀
"Then I'm getting a DNA test." Boy shut yo ass up 😭
2forwoyne: not the 2fo slander on this fine Sunday evening Yess slander 🌚 it’s getting slandered with loveee🫶🏽
urbandjack: who else cried during her speech when she dedicated her award to jackharlow? ME!! 🥹
druski2funny: y/ninsta jackharlow yall need to sign up for AARP. got damn yall old. Ain’t u ‘94?!? Yea let’s keep quiet on age boo 😘
As always your reactions make my day better 🥺
Yesss we started off crying. Our favorite couple has been through hell and back and they need to be in their fluff era!
And she hardly ever lets them go anywhere by themselves because it's always a hot ass mess lmaoooo
2fo is always stealing someone's food
Urby being the supportive best friend like always and he has definitely seen more than anyone else has so he needs to stop lol
If you cried multiple times during this just wait until we get to the pregnancy fics for FL 😭
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Hi! Just wanted to say I really enjoyed part 2 of the tlk au and I hope you continue it because you're such a wonderful writer! Also I just got through season 3 and I can't believe they did that to Thyra she was such a sweetheart 😭
Ok. Deep breath. I am calm :) this was kinda mentioned in another ask I got today, but like, tlk is notoriously so bad with writing women it's insane. Like... Like it's not even the women themselves MOST of the time that are badly written (tho some lack substance tbh), it's just what happens around them or who interacts with em or if they. Yk. LIVE. ...okok imma go down the list I'm srry
Iseult: her death REALLY made no sense. Her character was interesting and even tho they had that classic "he's MY grubby good for nothing man" trope going on with Midrith (I dunno if that's her name, can't remember) her whole thing with seeing and saving Alfred's kid was like. Actually really good. And then to have her ask Uthred to essentially fuck the prophetic powers out of her only so that she can't see her death coming.....boo. boo she was so cool fuck uuuuu. But yk she was set up to fail from the start tbh
Hilde: I won't get into her but I'm thinking if you're at season 3 you must be starting to be like 👁️👄👁️. That feeling will continue they fail her high-key
Gisela: I HAVE NEVER SEEN. A DEATH MORE WORTHLESS. literally died OFF SCREEN TOO if I remember and like why. She was a good character that didn't REALLY drive the plot but she literally was just That Girl yk. Every line was iconic and awesome (also we get Uthreds iconic "now I will never be taken away from you" line which was!!!!!!!!) Also how did she move the plot along more with her death than when she was alive I mean. C'mon.
I won't talk abt brida :)
Stiorra: actually just brida-ed. You'll get what mean later.
Eadith: godsent. Perfection. She can do no wrong. Somehow she made it through amazing and iconic
Skade:..... Imagine having an entrance like a god. And then being done so dirty. They way she was reduced to three men fighting over fucking her was like. When Uthred LITERALLY TEASES FUCKING HER THAT WAS IT FOR ME. NOT HIM BEING LIKE "YO DONT PROTEST BEING TRADED AND ILL COME BACK FOR U AND FUCK U :)" BITCH LICK HER FEET U GODDAMN– (fun fact I went thru my very first watch thinking everyone was better than Uthred. I still kinda do...other than Alfred lmao...also I still don't know how skade dies. I always skip thru somehow????)
Uhh I forgot how to spell her name, the lady of Mercia: I feel like she had the most character. Like everything that happened to her was iconic. I don't know why she loved Uthred tho. Like the romance was neat but like that guard dude was. There. Anyways won't say more but she and Erik for life.
I can't think of anyone else but as u can see I am very invested into tlk :)
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mejomonster · 2 years
Grade these fanfiction tropes!
-i forgot what it's called but the trope of accidentally ingesting or inhaling a drug that turns the character lustful
LOVE AMNESIA FICS IF EITHER A. AMNESIA MAKES SENSE FOR CHARACTER (in the end 90% of my fanfic preferences boil down to "if it's in character it's good, if it isn't something they'd likely go through boo" unless it's a quite unique idea or well written enough to tempt me). Or B. It's sort of a very temporary Tabula Rasa "short term" type amnesia because that can be very funny or interesting exploration and if it is angsty its temporary. (I say this but I've written... the long angsty kind).
I'll say A-B grade. I don't look for it unless the source characters already got amnesia like Zhang Qiling or Zhao Yunlan (of past lives), because I really like canon compliant/adjacent/divergent fic so it's playing with a character situation they already had. (I do get my heart desperately broken searching for both those characters amnesia fics ToT). But it's a B if it's for anything else - I like it and I'll read it but it's not Absolutely My Jam always.
Sex Pollen trope I think is what you're looking for? Grade A+++ showstopping. Amazing. Incredible. A classic from Star Trek TOS Pon Farr episode that I'd now like to see played with for fun wherever people fancy to explore (whether that's crack comedy to angst realism I'm fascinated where people go with it). Considering rhe intense amounts of tentacles grabbing Wu Xie in dmbj, a spore thing impregnating him, and every other canon batshit Wild thing that can happen in dmbj
(if you said the iron Triangle met an alien, stole it's ship, met Spock, Pangzi married T'Pring, Zhang Qiling punched Dr. MCcoy out. Then Captain Kirk dropped them home in a rush into America Washington DC and Pangzi ran into Krychek from X Files and made a hush hush shady deal for some cold sexy cash? I would believe u. I would say yep, canon compliant. Anything is probably canon compliant... except San shu being a good uncle and apologizing to wu xie for all the fucked up shit. But hey idk I haven't read Everything, maybe one day that awful uncle Does apologize and Wu Xie goes to therapy about it???... I doubt it but hey. Canon divergent if not compliant, probably, something changed so San Shu would do such a thing.) My point is sex pollen is absolutely well within the dmbj wheelhouse of batshit weird sci fi horror esque bullshit and I'm frankly a bit shocked there's not at least a heap more tentacle sex and sex pollen fics. And if there are more than I think, then I'd like links/recs ToT
Adjacent to the something makes characters magically horny trope? I'm also quite fond of any Wild Trope used in a fic for the hell of it especially if it's a canon compliant/adjacent/divergent fic (or such a fic but comedy crack). Like dmbj and Guardian and Star Trek are Excellent fandoms to play with fun bizarre ideas since you could argue its "just another day they likely had I guess." Shen Wri turns into a kitty cat and Zhao Yunlan takes care of his boy? Some Dixingren turned him. Wu Xie has time traveled? Sure, he went the wrong direction and ended up 1000 years in the past why the fuck not. Spock is now inside someone else's body? Well he's already been in McCoys! Might as well right any body switch of your dreams!! Hei Xiazi's a vampire?! Well maybe he's always been and just didn't bring it up! ToT. Zhang Qiling jumped universes to an alternate reality where "insert your dream AU here"? Sure, he can't always remember stuff, for all we know this has happened before and Will happen again. I just love the kinds of stories where wild tropes are just very easy to insert amd play with regular canon.
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soleilocverse · 6 months
Gel Clings/Window Stickies
Here's pics of some of the gel clings I bought as fic research! The halloween ones were first and would you believe me :) if i said they were on my window until the beginning of this month (march) and then. i sat on this post for 3 weeks DHSKFJH
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Fic research notes below:
I got all of these from target btw!! some of them in the seasonal section, some of them in that dollar section. okay so things i have learned:
BUGS. will stick in these. i thought my room was a bug free zone until i woke up to like three of those little tiny (idet they're fruit flies) stuck to the surfaces.
Follow up point. IF. u try and wipe those bugs out normally, and they're not fresh, they will crumble into little bug dust and get all sorts of stuck in your gel cling. so either catch them early (you won't. ness might if he's checking them every day but these things become bg noise for me) or carefully pluck them out with your fingers wrapped in a paper towel or smth. or resign yourself to bug dust <3
they Will rip if you are too rough with them
FOLLOW UP POINT, they rip much easier when they've been sitting in the sun for five months and u decide now's the time to switch them out :)
sitting in the sun makes them soft and hot and floppy!! they feel thinner and more delicate than the fresh ones
sitting in the sun for five months also gives them a distinct scent that, if i was feeling generous, i would describe as "sun-warmed." and if i was feeling Not generous, i would describe as "melted plastic" aDHSKJDS
they don't actually catch as much hair/dust as i would've expected?
BOO, i hate putting together the ones like the taco where there's multiple parts. they're kind of annoying to line up (this was seconded by someone else irl)
they sure will just make these things whatever. "love you 'slow much'" is v funny and i think the sloths are cute but babes what does that have to do with valentine's :sob: same for all the foods. i put the taco and pizza together with a heart between them tho like they're a couple
LOL i actually did have ones that said trick or treat but they were ugly and i dropped them on the floor behind a stack of boxes and forgot it existed until after i took this photo. so point being. sometimes u buy the set just for one or two cute things in it. (i can't remember if it was the pumpkins or the BOO; that pic includes 3 mish-mashed sets)
IF i had space for it, there is no way i would've taken down the halloween ones so now all i can think of is ness and crew slowly filling up their window w/ all these miscellaneous holiday gel clings until it's filled up (bc. idt any of them could bear saying no to Ness one's he's started it this way, and soleil would take his cue from the others)
actually (and this is why i do fic research) thinking more about those implications and, ahh,, atm at least, i think soleil would genuinely be the first to break and clear up the window (some). athena would be too enamored with ness filling up all this space on his own even if it bothers her a bit, cyrill would genuinely think it looks hilarious and send pics to his family gc every time new clings go up, and ray would be too unbothered to care either way, esp when his partners aren't super bothered. but soleil has the most practice saying no to ness/re-routing him into smth else, and he Would like to be able to look outside again, actually.
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kairiscorner · 11 months
I swear i lowk thought u were much older when i first started reading ur work, but i read your abt me and ur a minor?!?(i forgot ur age, i think it was closer to mine? 15?? I honestly don't know<//3) i'd KILL to have the same writing talent as u💔💔
oMG HI, sorry i got to this so late, BUT THANK YOU 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 i don't think i've disclosed my age on this platform actually, but i'm only a little older than 15 :'))) and again, THANK UUUUUUU SO MUCH BOO 💓💓💓
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aectpen · 1 year
synopsis: 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥
pairing: Zhang Hao of ZB1 and fem!oc
status: ongoing
chapter 5: haohao
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it's been two nights since rina last saw hao, but a few weeks since he first brought her to the park. they've been exchanging texts frequently. they've even gotten comfortable facetiming while hao had some downtime. rina never thought she'd come to terms with even being acquainted with him let alone practically become the best of friends. he would wish her good luck on her shifts at the convenience store while she'd wish him good luck on his performances.
it's the closest she's ever gotten to anyone other than haemin even in such a short period of time. it's usually very difficult for her to become close with someone, but he made it feel easier. he initiated conversations which took pressure off of her.
she was hanging out with haemin today while she did some shopping at the mall. rina always found herself following haemin like a lost puppy.
haohao🐼 sent a message what r u up to?
riri🐼 nothing much just following haemin while she shops
haohao🐼 park tonight?
riri🐼 oki i'll bring uno cards for us
haohao🐼 i'll bring the ice cream
"rina are you even listening?" haemin sounded annoyed.
"this one or this one." she held up two different necklaces.
"that one."
"okay, thank you. i'll get this one." she chose the necklace rina didn't choose.
"hey, i have a fashion sense." rina crossed her arms.
"yeah but it's not a good one." rina held up her middle finger in response.
the left the mall looking for a cafe to get some drinks. "look its the zb1 fancafe event oh we gotta go." haemin tugged her arm.
"um can't we go to starbucks or something." rina suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the idea of fangirling over them.
"come on, don't be weird. i'll make sure you get a zhang hao sticker." rina bit her tongue and let her continue dragging her.
they ordered their drinks and received freebies with them. rina received a zhang hao photocard and sticker and immediately stuffed it in her bag.
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rina approached the park looking around to see if hao was there yet.
rina screamed and held her chest. "oh my god you're so sick for that. i almost had a heart attack!" she hit his chest.
"it was kinda funny you gotta admit." he held his stomach from laughing so hard.
"ha. ha." rina walked to their table.
"laugh a little." he sat next to her and poked her side.
she dug through her bag to find the uno deck, but something fell out in the process.
the photocard from earlier.
she stepped on it after gasping, but he got ahold of it before she could cover it all.
"so i really am your bias." he laughed while holding the photocard up to his face.
"you wish. that's haemin's not mine." she responded matter-of-factly.
"you can admit it riri." he began calling her this nickname when saving her phone number.
"it's rina to you." she scrunched up her nose.
he grabbed her phone and put the card in the back of her phone case. "there."
"whatever." she playfully rolled her eyes while dealing out the cards.
they played about a billion rounds and rina won just about all of them.
"nope. rematch." hao refused the defeat every time. "i don't know if you have x ray vision or something because this can't be possible."
"i'm not new to this, i'm true to this hao." rina patted her own back. "what did you do today? i forgot to ask you."
"we were recording." he brought his index finger up to his lips.
"will i ever get sneak peeks?"
"i'll have to think about that."
"you know it feels weird not to tell haemin that i'm friends with you now. it feels like a big secret." rina confessed. she did feel guilty whenever she texted hao while she was around. if haemin was doing that she'd seriously want to know. they tell each other everything.
"i understand, but for now let's just keep it to ourselves. i haven't even told my members about you."
"um ouch much?" rina held he heart. "i'm just too hot and amazing, they couldn't handle that. i understand."
it got to that point in the night where they'd wordlessly stare at each other. this was when rina said in her mind, what are we?
they'd just wait it out and say their goodbyes, neither of them ever wanted to leave.
rina elbowed his side playfully and got up. "don't stare too long or you'll fall in love with me." she held her hand out to get him up. before she could let go, he pulled her into a hug. they stayed like that for a while. his cologne filling up her nose always brought comfort to her. it was their first hug, so she wanted it to last forever.
she craned her neck up to look at his face and he just smiled down at her. "oh, rina"
"oh, zhang hao." she countered.
they reluctantly pulled away from each other, gathering their things walking towards the park exit. they stood next to each other quietly. they both didn't want to take the steps away from each other.
"bye bye hao."
"bye bye rina."
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hao returned to the dorms and tiptoed back in like he always did. it was usually half asleep and half awake. this time all of them were awake watching a movie. he casually plopped down next to hanbin like he wasn't out for hours. they got used to it and didn't question the nightly routine.
"so, what's her name?" gyuvin asked, earning a slap in the back of his head from taerae.
"who?" hao tried his best to stop the heat from rushing to his cheeks.
"oh, he totally has a girlfriend." gunwook looked at him in disbelief.
"what? she's not my girlfriend!"
"so, there is a girl." hanbin punched hao's arm. "how could you keep this from us?"
"we're just friends hanging out, there's nothing to tell."
"does she know you?" jiwoong asked.
"yeah, she found out pretty much."
"ooooooh he's getting in trouble!" yujin clapped.
"it's not like that. i've seen her before debut i just never showed my face or told her my name." hao shrugged. "she's just my friend, don't worry. she hasn't even told her friend that's a fan of ours."
"okay, don't let the company find out." hanbin played the movie again.
riri🐼 sent a message goodnight haohao
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