#don't think i even edited that story actually hahaha
laconic-nightmares · 2 years
in constant awe of anyone who can actually Think About Writing and Apply Rules To Their Writing 'cos like, i seem to be genuinely incapable of doing so to any capacity
it's like the sorcerer vs wizard thing it just comes out of me i don't have much of a say in it at all and like it's fine my writing is still Very Good and makes me Happy but other people can put Intentional things in there like themes and motifs and i'm kinda jelly ngl
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wishjacked · 4 months
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Happy #WebcomicDay!! :D
This year we're celebrating the process of making pages... so below the cut I've got a bunch of pictures sharing how I go about making pages of my evil post-apocalyptic workplace sitcom, Cargo!! :D
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So! My process!!
Writing-> I think sometimes there's pressure to "write" your comic a certain way, I see people talking about script format and stuff a lot. That really doesn't work for me, though! I write my "first draft" script in short scenes on scrap paper, in whatever order they come to me. Sometimes a scene will just be one or two lines, and then a little description of what I want to happen in the rest of the scene.
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Later I type the scene up, and write the "connective tissue" that fits between the disjointed scenes so they all flow together like they ought. I don't do page breaks or even character tag or action notes hahahaha I like it to be as BASIC as POSSIBLE so it's easy to edit. And since I'm the person drawing it I can almost always remember who's supposed to be saying what lmao
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I edit a lot, but the most major editing is also probably the last bit... when I letter my pages usually I realize "they would never say that" and so I end up rephrasing everything. My art brain is sometimes waaaaay better at phrasing hahaha. Like you can see in the finished page for this script I rewrote like basically all of it, and actually went back to the original "sketch" script in a lot of places.
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Thumbnailing-> my thumbs are really big, I draw them with markers on printer paper and keep them in a binder!! I like to thumb scenes in batches and I also usually write my dialogue on them, just so I can read through them before (and while) I draw to get a feel for how the pacing works. :)
Sketching-> OH sketching is also really hard for me! I don't have a good visual imagination so it's really important for me to make sure I have good references. Last year I was especially focusing on setting.
My comic is set in Florida. I'm lucky in that I used to live there and still go back to visit sometimes, so sometimes I can gather my own reference images! But more often I start on Google Maps or Zillow, trying to find buildings that have interesting features or the right kind of "look" for what I want. I'll also look up other interesting elements, my comic is set in a post-apocalypse and I'll research home gardening and things like that which people would probably have.
For example, in this set in chapter 7, I used Google Maps images, photo references of indoor hydroponic gardening, and like, 90's-00's hacker computer setups haha. Also my BFF Roomstyler.com, where you can make 3d house interiors haha!!
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Lineart-> I LOVE lineart it is my favorite!!!! I sketch and ink two pages at a time, and it usually takes somewhere between 10-12 hours to do both steps.
I actually think my art looks best when it's just lineart... but I think my STORY is better with color, like it makes it clearer and easier to read and it has a better atmosphere HAHA.
Colors-> I think it usually takes me 4-6 hours to do 2 pages (I haven't timed myself as consistently as I time my lineart and sketching). I have a big file with small copies of my previous pages that I color drop from, and my characters are all flats only. The limited palette that I use is also really handy, it streamlines coloring a LOT.
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Finishing Touches-> aka I steal mercilessly from my one true love, my internet home, the beautiful and blessed Wikimedia Commons
I put lots of overlay layers on my art! I like textures so having some strange little textures or pictures on things makes my art feel a lot more finished to me.
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And finally my very most favorite ✨finishing touch✨ is the bright colored/patterned gutters that I use. Here are some of my favorites that I've made and used in the past!
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And that's all!! I hope you guys have a very happy Webcomics Day and find lots and lots of wonderful new things to read!!!
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theink-stainedfolk · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire Tag
Thank you @drchenquill @the-golden-comet and @paeliae-occasionally for the tag
how long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
It's been at least 6 months or more I believe.
what led you to create it?
I actually had it from before but i never really posted anything. The thought that there might be people willing to read my works more than my own family and friends led me to create it. I was done shying away.
what's your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
I absolutely adore the supportive and inclusive nature of the writeblr community! It's a space where writers from diverse backgrounds and genres come together to share their passion for storytelling. I love how everyone encourages and uplifts each other, offering constructive feedback and celebrating each other's successes. The community's enthusiasm is infectious, and it motivates me to keep writing and improving my craft. I also appreciate the wealth of resources and knowledge shared within the community, from writing tips and prompts to editing advice and publishing insights. It's amazing to see how writers willingly share their expertise and experiences to help others grow. Most of all, I cherish the sense of belonging and connection that comes with being part of this community. Writeblr feels like a virtual writing group, where we can discuss our projects, share our struggles, and rejoice in our triumphs together
what's one thing you'd like your mutuals to know about you?
That i really love talking about my WIPs and OCs aand everything related to my story. I feel happy, seen and appreciated. If you like anything i woorte, please don't hesitate to ask or just tell me how you feel.
is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
Uh..memes? More aisan drama related things? More HSR stuff everything about my interests etc.
which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Very wrong question lol. I've been going back and forth between my WIPs. But the most recent one I've done, or am thinking about is The Masque of Murder .
how long have you been working on them?
Hahaha.... Since months, years and i still haven't even written a chapter for some of them. I hate myself for that. But since The Masque of Murder is recent, it's been a week or so.
do you remember what inspired them/ what got you started?
Yeah i remember reading a manhwa which had this crazy but mad genius doctor as a minor villan. It got me thinking that it was a waste of his abilities and damn good looks and he would have been surely protected by the plot armour had he been the main character instead. This forced me into making it lol.
how much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
🎵Every hour, every minute, every second. And night after night, I'll thinking 'bout you right, 7 days a week.🎶
name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who've never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you'd like!
Uh... every single one of them? I created everyone, if that's what you're asking haha.. I'm not sure if i understand it correctly but i created everyone on my own. I'll mention the one that comes to my mind first then.
Side character- Emrys from In The Silence, Strength
Protagonist- Dr. Phineas Abel Thorncroft from The Masque Of Murder
Antagonist- Dante from Beyond The Pages (but he is also the protagonist)
And i can't really remember the last two.
when someone asks the dreaded, "what do you write about," question, what do you usually say?
Yknow, fantasy stuff with magic and murder mystery with actual murder and blood and stuff and all that hahah none of the stuffs that you like or understand or are interested in right? Hahah it totally doesn't have queer peoples. Just fictional stuff you don't wanna know hahaha.
who's the most unhinged?
Dr. Phineas Abel Thorncroft (from The Masque Of Murder), Acheron (from Legacy of Creation), Dante (from Beyond The Pages) and Eitenne Lumiere( from Wicked Games, Wicked Fates) from what i remember .
who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Vesperine, Cleo, Pareen
do you ever cringe at them?
Hahaha... sometimes..
how much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever "write themselves," refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn't expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
I feel like i have 70% control and 30% is something they do it themselves because i give them the freedom to do so. Because that is the story of my character and not of me, even if I am the one who wrote it. Sometimes the decision i make for them is not what they'd do.
do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
Yes i absolutely love it please ask. Doesn't matter how just ask♡♡♡
what makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow 'em as you see 'em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
I take time scoping out the blog to make sure i align with it's content. And i follow based on both, wips and vibes but mostly vibes.
what makes you decide against following?
If i don't align with the content or i don't fond the story interesting, i don't follow.
do you interact with non-mutual often?
Not often but i do.
do your mutuals' characters occupy space in your noodle?
There are so so many characters of my mutuals that i love love loveee but my memory rn isn't functioning at its best so i will just write whom i can remember rn.
The Madness, the lady and that guy from Foliè written by @drchenquill, my friend. Whose writing always leaves me with surprises and cliffhangers. She supports me so much i almost feel guilty 💕💕💕💕 i love you so much💖💖💖
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@paeliae-occasionally Xanren, Marsh and Paeliae. I love their stories it captivated me. I hope you can tag me on their journey 👍, @cssnder, my first mutual whom i talked with so much courage that i almost didn't open tumblr the next day due to embarrassment and nervousness. Her works are like renaissance paintings, truly mesmerizing and beautiful. Thus Saith The Lord is truly a work of art and i hope i get to read it soon.😭 And also, @roarintheheavens , my new friend, I'm so happy. Vron Carson, he is very interesting and i can't wait to know more about him. And of course, @the-golden-comet, I'd very much like to read more about peter hart.
Just because i didn't mention everyone doesn't mean i don't appreciate your works, it's just that i haven't read them yet. I hope you all can send it to me. I'll definitely read it.
I'll tag @finickyfelix @willtheweaver @ascotwriting @agirlandherquill @leahnardo-da-veggie @illarian-rambling @winglesswriter @graveyardshift111
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contrivedchaos · 7 months
So I assume with a fallen Emily & Sera it takes a while for Sera and Carmilla to get together again not because they don't want too they both desperately do but. Carmilla is currently taking care of Emily and Sera they live in her home under her protection with her daughters she can't ask sera out that would be taking advantage of Sera since she has all the power in the relationship. Meanwhile in Sera's head she can't ask Carmilla out she can't risk losing a house, food and importantly safety for herself and Emily. (If she didn't have Emily she might have taken the risk but she won't do anything to put Emily in danger) So the two are living together in the same house not so secretly pinning for each other from across the hall. The girls all notice that the two are in love so the 3 are currently trying to set them up. (I assume that mentally and physically they are around the age of 9-11 years old though maybe centuries in actual years.) They probably get Zestial and maybe even Rosie involved who also notice the very obvious pinning and eventually get them together. Now they are happy little family of 5 of fallen angels and half angels living in hell.
We're just barreling right past redemption in this AU, eh? Hahaha. Fair, anon. Heaven doesn't seem all that great anyway. Also, I'm not sure of the canonical ages of the girls and Emily in canon, but seeing them younger would absolutely be adorable. Emily would absolutely overwhelm them with boundless energy and stories of heaven. And they'd have Uncle Zestial and Auntie Rosie spoiling all three of them rotten.
I think I've seen fanart of Odette and Clara as babies/toddlers and maybe one pic of baby Emily on the entire Internet. Aaaaahhhhhh I need more, honestly. 😍😍
Edit: Found the pic of baby Odette and baby Clara! 😭😭
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bluedillylee · 4 months
Episode 4 of the Hexer
ooo some similarities with Netflix Witcher (and the books obviously) with these guys trying to rob Geralt and then Borch, Tea, and Vea intervene.
Tea and Vea look terrible honestly like a cheap halloween costume. This Borch is younger than the Netflix version. I wonder if they'll have them all flirt as a nod to the orgy that happens in the book.
this is very like the book from what I remember. Geralt upfront warning Borch that people don't like witchers and treat them like lepers. All the smiles Borch is giving Geralt are making me laugh a little. Geralt looks filthy and Borch is smiling at him like he's about to start twirling his hair and giggling.
ok we've got a time-skip from the last episode. Geralt's been on the road for several years now.
Geralt is a sensitive dude huh? i'm really liking this convo with Borch it really reminds me of the books. It might be actual lines from the books i'm not sure i dont have copy with me rn.
talking about his principles and how he works to preserve human life but he doesn't like humanity very much.
pfft Borch telling Vea and Tea not to brawl even tho that dude totally groped her c'mon dragon man don't be such a downer.
drunk Geralt defending dragon omg i think Borch might be in love hahaha
holy shit are we getting the orgy??? goddamn we actually got all four of them in the tub together.
Netflix witcher I am looking at you rn 00 we didn't even get flirting!? and they got to be in a tub together!!! what the hell
ok i thought this when I read the books as well but Dandelion introducing himself as poet, bard and unmatched in the bedroom (wink wink) to Borch is not straight behavior.
Secondly Geralt smiling at Dandelion as he greats him with a happy "Geralt" is very sweet. A wonderful into to their friendship.
oh they call him Jaskier in this too. Is Dandelion only a book name then? wait I remember there being some thing about them localizing the polish name for english readers. hmmm yep he's jaskier in the original polish version.
hold on we're probably going to meet Yennefer in this episode too! It's been very book accurate this episode and Jaskier just said they're waiting on a wizard to arrive.
OMG!! i should've just shutup and watched she's here!!!! aaaaahhh geralt's face haha yes
why is there no equality with nudity? I have seen full on female nudity several times now but have I seen even one dick? its sexism is what it is. I want to see a dick, for feminism!
hmm so Yennefer says he wants a lover and a mother (girl i hear you) and he has no purpose just wandering around killing monsters
aaaa they're hanging from the cliff and the reavers want to let them fall. omg Yennefer tells Geralt to save himself
Jaskier's helping them up (my ot3!!)
ooo scary Geralt begging the reaver to draw his sword so he can kill him. and he's back to looking goofy because wtf kinda kill was that i can't even tell if the other guy is dead or not.
ugh this dragon looks terrible. netflix version was also awful. why is it so difficult to design a kick ass dragon? his head is so small compared to his body as well as having tiny arms. Borch skipped arm day and only jacked up his legs
haha jaskier really is Donkey from shrek, dragon flirting and all
that was all very chaotic but they saved the ugliest baby dragon there ever was. Seriously tho that thing is butt ugly
what does Yennefer mean by saying she is a shard of ice? I'm trying to remember the short story. I felt like in that story she felt like there was a part of her that could never be loved or fully accepted and understood and that's what she meant by it. Hmmm I'll have to go back and read it again.
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 1 year
Backrooms POI: Finley and Funny
Name(s): Finley and Funny
Aliases: "the Friendly Partygoer"(Funny) Team BoredFun, Fin+Fun
Dummy grumpy pants (Finley) =)
Funny dont add that in =(
You can't tell me what to do! XD
A stupid annoying idiot (Funny) =(
Hey! thats meeeeaaaaan >=(
Shut up =(
Last known location(s): Level 1, Level 5, Level 2, Level 11,
Known Affiliations: The Pity Partiers are the best and you should visit them =)
look I know they sound suspicious but you should listen to them =(
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(Funny and Finley running from a smiler and a more clear, edited version of the smae photo)
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Description: Finley and Funny are a unlikely duo of two eneties. (A rouge partygoer and a thought to be extinct partypooper) they have been seen wanderering Levels in deep conversation with one another, running from other entities
We dont do that! >=(
yeah we do actually =(
they seem to have a interest in guns and weapons as they have been seen carring many swords, guns and bazookas and making them as well
YEAH! THEIR AWESOME! right Fin? =)
Yeah i guess their cool =|
they love it =)
They both seem to be neutral on humans, they have been only seen killing them when negatively provoked
Uh YEAH? of course we respond violently to dumb, rude people! thats how it works dummy! =)
I think they're talking about how you clawed someones eye out when they accidentally bumped into you =(
It was level 201! I was on edge! >=(
Level 201 isn't that dangerous dumbass =(
you know why I didn't feel safe... Im not usually like that, honest! you can be a funny joke if you change your perspective! =)
Despite Funny being a partygoer, they have never been seen Hunting or eating wanderers but have been seen eating a prompus amount of Cannibal Cusinie.
Honestly cannbial cusinie so much more tastier =)
Im surprised you haven't gotten fat with how you eat that shit =(
Youda mean? =|
I'm just sayin its not good for you =(
WELL the more I eat, the less their is for the humans, DUH! =)
Finley has been known to be very cold and somewhat hostile to wanders, often pointing guns at wnaders but often never shooting
Don't worry, they only pull guns when they are just when They're grumpy, YOU SHOULD SEE WHEN THEY'RE MAD! HAHAHA! =)
Partygoers and PartyPoopers are infamous for being natural mortal enemies, but Finley and Funny have been seen either neutral or Straight-up romantic with eachother wait, wait, wait, WAIT. what do you mean by romantic? =(
uh fin we've been dating forever you stupid ass =)
Don't tell them that! >=(
Awwww! are you embarrassed?~ =)
im kicking you out of the room =(
Behaviors: Funny Has been known to be friendly albeit very malicious and dark regarding to their sense of humor, often making jokes about murder, missing family members, self harm, destruction, mental illness, or just straight up being rude piece of shit
You just gotta have the right mind set to get my jokes, Or at least a Mind at all! =)
as stated before Finley has been known being, cold, crass, rude, cynical but still helpful even if it doesn't effect them positivly. they have also been known to make edgy remarks reminiscent of that of a middle schooler who thinks they're depressed.
The following Is a interview log with The two eneties and dehila of the m.e.g in hopes to understand their odd situation better
Dehila: *Calmly walks over to Finley and Funny* Um excuse me-
-the tape cuts out for 20 minutes-
Finley: sorry about Asshole overthere *they point to Finny* they can't tell a clicker from a skin stealer
Funny: OH well excuuuuusse me for being jumpy in a plane of existence with cosmic entity cakes and hivemind cults following a dumb bluebird!
Dehila: oh it's quite alrig-
-the tape cuts out again
Dehila: so how did you two meet?
Finley: long story, but after the fun war PartyPoopers decided to stay in the promised land for "preservation of out species" or some dumb shit like that, but I left caused that Was the stupidest thing ive ever heard-
Funny: HA! not as dumb as you wanderering the halls alo-
-The tape cuts out again-
Dehlia: so you two have a bit of a enemies to lovers thing going on huh?
Funny: Eh, I guess, i mean we still fight ALL the time, and they're Super boring if that wasn't obvious! but.. i dunno They're a boring person, but Super fun to be around with! They taught me how to shoot a railgun, We made a bazooka that fires chainsaws, we smoke MJ together, They tell the best jokes! they've kinda become my muse!
Dehila: Aww thats so sweet- wait What about memory-
Funny: Nothing.
Finley: Yeah Funnys alright, Its nice to have someone who gets me, or Not takeing literally everything thing I say personally
Dehila: so funny, what separates you from the rest of the Partygoer?
Funny: Well I hate killing humans for starters, You guys are a alot funner alive, And Also Cannibal Cusinie Just tatses better, oh and also Being unwittingly controled by a giant birthday cake is super lame honestly, plus I'm having so much Fun With Finley!.... but I do miss friends back in level fun...
Finely: *sighs* ..yeah thats the hardest part about leaving..
Dehlia: so I've heard alot about "The pity Partiers" what is that exactly?
Finley: *akward silence*
Funny: Uhh.. well.. Uhhh
Funny: you see when you love someone very much-
Finley: they're our kids
Dehlia: All of them?!?! they're like 50 of them!
Finley: 160 actually, Partypeople usally have 40 per litter
Funny: Yeah, why do you think were everywhere?
Finley: Anyways don't worry about them, their (mostly) harmless, right fun?
Funny: I think I have something in my teeth
Finley: yeah just don't hurt them alright?
log ends
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notasapleasure · 8 months
WIP ask meme
@stripedroseandsketchpads tagged me in this. And oh my god. If you think there are Too Many Words in the fic I publish, you should see my poor notes app. Here is a sneak peek of its contents. I haven't edited for brevity/those I'm actively working on, these are just all the unfinished files I could find. Some I don't intend to do any more with, others I'd really like to pick up again. The only ones being actively worked on right now are the Andor Saga AU and the first one on the list for Andor.
I put ALL the Lymond I could find in mainly for @oughtaagh who has been leaving the most lovely comments on my Lymond fics that I have totally failed to respond to. I'm sorry! I will cycle back round to Lymond one day, it's inevitable <3
Tagging uh.... @distressednoise, @r0b0tb0y, @faceofpoe, @donnaimmaculata, @batri-jopa, @elwenyere, @notabuddhist and anyone else who wants to say I tagged them! Also sorry if you'd already been tagged, I'm not keeping up with the dash very well at the moment!
Anyway please send me asks/comments/cease and desist orders about these. xxx
C: We decided we were thirsty, and you wanted to go to Cavo's. As yet untitled Brassian alternative scene - what if instead of a great collaborative cover story this was a great collaborative fuck? Almost(?) finished?
Saga AU pt 2. This actually does have a working title of 'The Bear and the Berserk' but this doc is just a short bullet point list of plot things for a specific part of the fic.
Cassian pov. It's a Cassian pov chapter! For...drumroll...the first chapter of the Saga AU pt 2! The rest is going to be back to Brasso FPN. The file actually includes a rough first draft of chapter 2, as well.
"You're up early this morning," Bix says lightly. A follow-up chapter to Only Ever Just One Night started back when I had epic plans for continuing this, bringing in Cinta and Vel and Luthen, whumping the hell out of Brasso, and having Cassian rescue him. This is just one scene of awkward conversation with tea though.
Oh god it developed Plot. Related to the previous chapter - a bullet-pointed list of things that might have happened in this fic I Wil Not Write (not least as I'd rather just see what happens in S2 first anyway).
It was a sunny day in Batumi... Patchy few paragraphs of the next chapter of Inchoate.
Plannnnns (again). Plans for how Inchoate would/will continue.
Canon-verse/other AUs
Multiple pieces of follow-up to The next man with a ladder, Danny/Jerott post-canon: It was dark when they rode into the port town... [Chapter 3, basically done, plus most of Chapter 4 but it devolves into broken paragraphs at the end]. "I'm going to the other bed," Danny said in a voice like someone was standing on his throat... [??? there's loads of this written! This is the file where they Get Down To It] Stitch the scenes together [a few paragraphs in which I hoped to make a logical leap from Chapter 4 to fucking, but seemingly never quite got there].
Lymondar saga draft. Actually two files of the abortive first effort at writing a saga AU. I was trying much harder to write in saga style and playing with lacunae in a way that was fun for me but exceedingly nerdy. I think I found the idea more fun than the execution, too.
St Seb. Remember ages ago when I was writing a post-canon 'Jerott gets shot full of arrows and has to admit his feelings because he thinks he's gonna die' fic? This is the file! Some bullet points and some text, some of which I even posted as Sunday sixes way back when iirc.
Fait prosperer qui n'est à croire vain. Fuck me, there's LOADS of this. Pawn in Frankincense/Ringed Castle AU where Marthe steals Lymond's ride with Kiaya Khatun and persuades her they should take over Russia together. Meanwhile Francis is left with Jerott. Hahaha. It kept getting longer because Francis kept trying to escape and I kept finding ways to drag him back, but the 'and now kiss!!' with the two of them behaving in character was just not coming easily.
Francis Crawford's Holistic Inquisition Agency. I wrote this??? One chapter of a Lymond/Dirk Gently AU, where Francis is obviously Dirk and Jerott is a furious/bemused Todd.
She tried every instrument, she redrew every chart. A few short chapters, never finished, of Marthe wrestling with her role in canon and her fate as assigned by La Dame. A couple more paragraphs of a similar sort of thing in Volos.
Malta. Half-arsed few paragraphs of wondering how Jerott would cope with meeting a fellow Knight being imprisoned for sodomy.
Band AU (my 1980s rock band AU for the series, see also @theartistknownaslymond)
Au of an Au. What if, after the Battle of the Bands at Solway, Jerott went to stay at the Edinburgh townhouse for a while and he and Francis got to collaborating in the shed? There's quite a lot of this and it's quite fluffy.
Out out out! The band celebrate Thatcher's downfall. Happy epilogues for everyone! However it's an epic task trying to do all the characters justice, so I was trying to write it as vignettes to match each song on the playlist. Six-ish are written. And earlier draft with plan for characters intercting is in Ding dong the witch is dead.
Jerott/Marthe - four times it just about worked, one time it really didn't. What it says on the tin? aka you just know Jerott has said 'Francis' instead of Marthe at least once when he comes. Only the beginning of the first time exists in this chapter, but I think I explored the idea elsewhere, whenever I dig up that file...
DWTH missing scene. Jerott/OC missing scene from Don't wake the house. Not finished, probably not going to be finished. I think I have enough Jerott smut on the go.
Workshop. Patchy draft of pre-canon Jerott and GRM 'therapy' session in which GRM learns about Francis Crawford and what a hold he has on the boy he thought of as his own plaything. GRM doesn't like sharing.
F/P. Draft of a fluffy kiss prompt someone (@erinaceina? @notfromcold?) sent for Francis/Philippa. Post-canon pregnant Philippa and worried Francis written when it was too hot in summer. It's probably complete enough to post tbh! hmu if you want it posting.
Jerott behaving badly (again). Somehow this ended up in the 'comfortember' section of the notepad, which...no? Maybe it was intended to be originally, but it grew a life of its own. Post-canon, post split-up with the OC, pre-getting together with Danny. Joining the mile high club and regretting it, then ending up crashing at Joleta's (who he meets coincidentally at the airport, NOT who he's screwing in the airplane loo!!). It's meant to end up cathartic, but didn't get finished :') I'm actually really pleased with what I have - post-canon Joleta is so much fun to write!
Somewhere (Google Drive?? an actual Word doc??) there is also loads and loads and LOADS of Pawn in Frankincense band AU around Baron Morgan's place (the Aga Morat), featuring fucked-up Francis/Morgan, fucked up Marthe/Kiaya, fucked up Francis/Kiaya, and bewildered cold turkey Jerott. There's also some Jerott/Marthe from later on.
Crossover. A sequel to my ATWD fic I will shake mountains, where Merab and Irakli encounter celebrity diners in the restaurant they work in: respected musician Francis Crawford and friends take the boys for a drink and share queer/artistic inspiration/history with them. There's quite a lot written but I couldn't quite manage to finish it off.
St Mary's. Another ATWD/Lymond crossover, placing Merab and Irakli among the mercenaries of St Mary's. Mostly bullet points.
3m. Furious that there was no fic for the film Three Months I decided to jot down a scene I wanted to see afterwards. I wrote four lines and cannot remember what my plan was at all.
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i-sveikata · 8 months
I have a few questions, but please do not feel pressure to answer them. You can ignore as you please! 💙
What is your favourite scene? That you read again and again after you have written?
Which chapter was the most fun to write? And which chapter that made you pull your hair while writing?
Is there any chapter that you want to change a few parts in it? Or that you say “Oh I wish I’d go different ways in this chapter, I wish I haven’t written like this.” etc.
Have you ever felt demotivated while writing graveyards that you wanted to discontinue?
What is the thing you feel excited to write in the future?
and for the wip game: head, heart, mouth please 🥰💙
No no i love questions!!!! Hmmm i think probably the first scene that i ever wrote? which was vegas and pete's clash of wills in the red room of the compound or the escape scene when pete fled the safe house. those two feel very vivid to me when i think of all that's happened so far. (there's also another scene that's still to come but i won't spoil that one ;) not yet )
i honestly can't remember lol. all of the chapters have been fun to write! it's one continual story in my head the chapters are more just break off points for the readers tbh
oh that is a good question. weirdly i never get that??? i do occasionally go back and edit spelling mistakes or wonky sentences when i reread but ive actually never experienced that. usually the decisions i make writing often lead to more progression of the narrative or like foreshadowing for the future (often without me even consciously intending it) so the different things i put in there end up tying together with other stuff. kinda like chasing down a rabbit hole that connects to a entire underground warren but somehow manages to lead back to the main tunnel in the end.
no not exactly i wouldnt put it like that. i've been tired or creatively exhausted and ive taken breaks knowing that i need them in order to keep writing (which is mostly what the delay between this and the last chapter was- also all the family christmas stuff and the stress that comes with that, plus i got covid two weeks before xmas, then i got the flu and walking pneumonia again a week after that and then i went on holiday first week of jan hahaha there's just been a lot going on that's left me physically and mentally exhausted lol) But no that hasn't crossed my mind- i don't usually have trouble finishing stories (even ones as insanely long as this) but i do go through inspiration/idea droughts which is when taking a break for a bit can come in handy.
im actually pretty keen to start working on my original work after i finish graveyards. hoping to dedicate some real time to it so i can finally finish off the entire draft and start looking into trying to get it published so fingers crossed!
Of course you can sentences below!!!
Because when the words seem to sink into Vegas’ head, when the question filters through he turns automatically, expectantly towards Pete. As if out of everyone, he knows exactly where to lay his unspoken query.
Pete knows that this is a fight he can’t win. So even with his heart pounding in his ears, Pete bows to Mr Korn before straightening up again.
Kinn’s mouth turns down and Pete already knows his answer. Even if Mr Korn tries to sidestep again and pretty it up.
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clotpolesonly · 11 months
Trick or treat!
you get glimpses into the oldest notebook i still carry around in my purse, which is a comp book from back when i was still actually taking notes in college 🤣
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wHY EXACTLY is this STILL in my purse 9 years later, you may ask?? honestly i have no idea, it's just force of habit, that's it's home and i'm not going to evict it, that would be cruel
but this notebook was there for my transition from Merlin fandom to Teen Wolf fandom, which is fun to flip through. it also holds the honor of being where i finished my beloved magnum opus TBAK!!!
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and here's the post-it note miraculously still hanging on in the front that has my (questionable) battle math on it 😅
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my initial outline and awful attempt at a map (which i think went entirely out the window anyway) for the sequel Tempting Fate lmaoooo:
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and then we turn the page and jump straight into my intersectionality in english lit class notes REM-DAC, which is a 2018 fic that i STILL have not finished to this day (🙃)
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handwriting is really the only time that i do the sketchy scratched out Let It Be Bad I'll Fix It Later In Editing style of writing. usually i'm way too much of a perfectionist for that and i'll edit line by line as i go and not move on from a scene until i'm completely satisfied with the way it is on the page. which is why i turn to handwriting when i'm stuck. it gives me permission to be messier and thus often unsticks me. all my notebooks are full of, like, bits and pieces of stories, jumping back in whenever i can't make words in my gdoc. which is kinda fun to look back on. polished gdocs don't show the process as well.
and from that straight into my Stira fic!!!! oh i forgot that would be in here too 😍
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there's one (1) page of a Laura & Derek kidfic about them being kidnapped that i COMPLETELY forgot i ever even considered writing aldkfjgaldfj
then some blocking notes from a musical i was in at the time LMAO, this notebook really has it all
aaaand into my absolute favorite: The Angsty Shibari Fic 🔥
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this notebook has my angsty badwrong Steo smut, some of the Dallison romeo & juliet fic i SWEAR i'm gonna finish someday cuz i'm really proud of the prose and the voice i had going (prequel to this one), OH IT'S EVEN GOT THE BEGINNING OF MY STILL UNFINISHED CAPRI LAMEN ESCAPE ROOM FIC, bits of two different Stackson fics (a smut and a fluff), the outline for my Steter fic with them bonding over body dysmorphia, and the beginning of the Sterek road trip fic that kicked off my solid 3 years of writers block at the end of 2019 😅
........so that was a fun trip down memory lane for me, not sure if that counts as a trick or a treat for you, hahaha
trick or treat with me!!
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weer02 · 5 months
thanks for the tag @lenorelovesmax!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
just one, my current one - ambivalence! sooo i'll probably be a little too repetitive in these responses, 'cause all i have to say is about this fic.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
138k so far
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
-ambivalence (211)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
of course i do! i appreciate every single one of them and i always reply to let the person know that i'm thankful for it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
actually, i haven't completed one fic yet... but apart from that i would never write a fic with an angsty ending. only angst through story, ending must be hopeful!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
like i said above, haven't completed one fic yet.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i got one short hate comment back in 2019, but i deleted it✨ i don't need that kind of negativity in my comment section✨
9. Do you wrote smut?
i sometimes kinda wish i was able to, 'cause there moments later in fic where they'd fit, but my ace ass (ace-spec to be precise) just has no idea how to do it. but if i ever was to write smut i'd like it to be not really straightforward if you know what i mean. fun fact, in chapter 21 i wrote a scene between max&warren where they get a little closer than usual (it's nowhere near smut tho) and that felt...off? like i had no idea what i was even writing! ok. thats it hahaha
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
never wrote crossovers
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
fortunately not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
actually someone offered to translate my fic and i agreed, i've been checking their profile and the translated fic never appeared . it was in 2020, so 4 years ago and the translation is nowhere to be found unfortunately. but i once translated chapter 1 into my native language just for fun.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
never, but that could've been fun!
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
hmmmm, that's a tough question! im not that big of a shipper i think. and lot of my ships are considered to be controversial in fandoms... i'm gonna sound boring and obvious to say caulscott, cause it's the first ship that came to my mind, but is it my fave? it's very interesting to explore, and i love to read numbers of fic with them falling for each other over and over again. from the more " wholesome "ships i can think of, it's dani and jamie from the haunting of bly manor. their story is beautiful and tragic at the same time, and quite important personally for a reason.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i won't say that i doubt it, but i really really want to finish ambivalence. it's been so long since i started it and there's either personal stuff that gets in the way or lack of inspiration/motivation that makes the process go on for so long. but i have to finish it no matter what, 'cause i don't like leaving stuff unfinished and i really want to see the ending of this fic written down!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
oh that's a no from me. i tried it at the beginning, but the dialogues sounded awkward and cringy. the reason i edited chaps 1-5 is that some of dialogues there have been translated from my native language and they sounded off.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
life is strange. i started writing my fic 'cause i was starved for content and wanted to fullfil my wish of nathan saving max from the dark room.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
how do i choose a fav when there's only one? so i have to go with ambivalence. it's my first fic, and it's also very long and i often struggle with stuff that it involves, but overall it's a fun experience.
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nikethestatue · 6 months
I absolutely love your writing and wanted to ask you about this. I feel like when I read back my own writing, I can't "get into" at all. I can't immerse myself in reading it, as if I were reading something written by someone else. It's just disjointed words and phrases. So I have absolutely no idea what tone I am achieving, how realistic the dialogue is, how engrossing it is, or basically how "good" it is. No clue. It's just words that don't connect. I feel like I can barely edit/proof my own work because of this. Have you ever experienced this?
Firstly, thank you so much. I appreciate it.
So, the funny thing is that my own memory for my writing is shit. Like I forget things almost as soon as I write them. Once the scene is out of me and my consciousness, I sort of move on from it. So, when I read it back, it actually reads pretty normal in my head. I essentially don't associate my writing with myself, and if some time passes, then it's almost new to me.
But I think it's totally normal not to feel like it's 'your' writing. I think it's good, healthy even. I don't think you'll ever know about 'tone', or what effect your story has on someone. Some rules do exist, grammar exists, development and pacing do exist, but I think you should just write and not worry too much about it.
Proofing sucks, so I try to proof as I write, because right after I am done with a chapter, I can't go back and proof it, because I need to disengage from it and take a break.
But for example, a week ago, I re-read Match from the beginning, and I was like, oh, this is pretty cool! I like it! :) Hahaha. I just read it as a story and not as 'my' story and it was good.
Frankly, some of the older things, I probably wouldn't even recognize or remember anything about them.
I think, try not to be too self-critical. It's too easy to get into the weeds and just self-flagellate yourself for every word. But I also think that writing is something you NEED to do. It's inside and it's like birthing a child. If you don't get it out, I feel like it can actually drive you crazy. So just write. It's almost like you can't help yourself, and that's the beauty and the tragedy of writing. The story has to be told. Some will love it, some won't. It is what it is. Once it's out there, you can't control it.
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pipermca · 11 months
Writing Update - October 2023
...in which I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and remember that I need to be kind to myself.
In last month's update, I said:
I’m vaguely thinking of just forcing myself into writing at least 200 words a day. Even if they’re shit, they’re words, and words can be edited into something that’s not shit. Forcing those words out would work out to a minimum of 6k words a month.
It's weird how sometimes you don't realize how bad your mental state is until after the fact, when you look back and think "Huh. I was in a bit of a funk, wasn't I?" The past two months, there's been some Life Stuff™ happening around here, and my brain's response to it was "Writing? lol no."
As a result, and despite my best intentions, I only wrote 3,012 words. (At least I cracked 3k, which I didn't think I was going to do! Colour me pleased about that.) I actually had some stellar days at the start of the month, but as the month went on I lost my steam.
Oh well. Deep breath. Being kind to myself.
I am absolutely not doing Nanowrimo this year, obviously. As much as I would like to (since I have two longer WIPs that I could use the oomph to finish and polish), I think I'm also going to be extremely busy at work.
But I'll give that 200 words a day thing another shot. I'm already a day behind on that (hahaha) but we'll see what I can do. :)
I did get some reposts finished, though. I focused on the Halloween-y ones, so at least I've got something to show for the month (even if they're backdated). I've also started posting to Tumblr the start of what was my original Big Bang idea; you can start reading it here.
All of these are reposted/rewritten stories. They were all backdated to their original posting date so they didn’t appear on AO3’s “front page.”
Sticks and Bones. 1600 words.
Hail. 600 words.
Workplace Harassment. 760 words.
Harvest. 980 words.
Fog. 2500 words.
Breakdown the Dead. 1000 words.
This only includes what I put words down for this month.
Stood Up (working title). 14,500 words. This is the ShockOp Sparkr fic I’ve been working on.
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zmwrites · 11 months
Happy STS!
What does your first draft look like? What kind of revisions do you do for a second, third etc? Do you drafts change a lot or a little between each?
Hi Kate!
In a perfect world, I would write a decently clean first draft, fix world and character mistakes in the second draft, fix pacing issues in a third draft, and then do line edits in the fourth and final draft.
However reality is not so kind.
Admittedly, I've only had three projects progress past the first draft stage: Indigo Wars book 1, Snapshots, and PerDeA. Remnants has a very clean first draft but I haven't started editing it because I am afraid of messing it up.
To note, I don't think I'm very good at second drafts and beyond. I know I'm not very good at editing. It's boring and repetitive and you have to read the same thing over and over again. It is the worst part of the writing process (for me)! Once I tell the story, I want it to be magically ready to be seen by the world.
But editing is unfortunately necessary. It's looked different for each project that's made it that far.
For PerDeA, my editing process was very basic as it was a short story. I just made things clearer and shorter. The first draft and the final draft were very similar.
Snapshots was, again, a very simple editing process. I didn't edit it much beyond basic comprehension. It was a very clean first draft and was only ever intended for Wattpad, so I wasn't very fussed about quality. I also had to change the names because it started out as an alternate universe project for Indigo Wars (which I will not elaborate on hahaha).
On the other hand, Indigo Wars has been a fucking nightmare. The first draft was a mess and didn't have an actual plot. The second draft was a complete overhaul with several HUGE changes to character dynamics and plot. It also introduced an entirely new second POV. Draft three solved several major problems including the repetition of plot points and some characterization problems. Draft four added more context to the second POV and fixed a few more character problems. Now I'm on draft five and I'm trying to make it shorter while not sacrificing any of the character/world building I've added in the past drafts.
For Indigo Wars book 1, it seems like with every new draft I fix one thing but create two new problems. Even now as I'm trying to get it short enough to query, there are things I'm not happy with. One of the main characters doesn't have enough of a personality AND I hate his name. Another main character, I think she comes off as immature and annoying to the point I'm not sure anyone will like her. But I've been working on it so long that I'm not sure if my perceptions are true or if I'm just sick of reading the same thing over and over and over again.
Sorry this has become so ramble-y! I am still searching for a method of editing that works for me. I hope that it'll become easier as I get more experience going beyond the first draft.
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chiconisroc · 1 year
Have you seen this review of your fic? (Sending in another ask cause I don't want people to think I'm trying to stir up trouble)
I appreciate that everyone has their own unique perspective. It's interesting to see my fanfiction being rated, as fanart doesn't typically receive ratings, which seems a bit unusual to me. Personally, I find it difficult to imagine giving an artist a rating for their artwork. I can’t even do so on a fanfiction either. Usually, I don’t care for a story, or I just love it, hahaha, but I never proceed with giving them a number. I'm not sure if fanart is typically rated by others; perhaps I'm out of the loop with such things?
Since the story hasn't reached its halfway point yet, there are many aspects that haven't been explored or will be addressed later. For instance, the puzzle… hehehe. The review was made before they read past chapter 20, so they didn’t get to see how Camila reached for the puzzle that was stored under her bed to bring along with them, so I didn’t forget about it ;3. So, it's intriguing to have a rating based on what has been presented thus far.
I would also like to emphasize the physical and mental challenges that Philip is going through in the story, from the beginning until now. He has faced near-death experiences with the Collector and has had Gus unearth memories that he had locked away for centuries. As a result, he hasn't had much time to gather himself and is struggling with his emotions/traumas that he shoves to the side a lot.
In my writing, I strive to create characters that feel realistic rather than conforming to the resilience typically seen in cartoons. Philip, being a 400-year-old man, carries a lot of baggage that is finally catching up to him mentally.
It's worth mentioning as a reminder that this is a fanfiction and not a fully edited and polished novel. Expecting perfection and have everything answered right away would be unrealistic, especially since I am constantly updating with new chapters more frequently than others :o. So, if there are some flaws in my story, which most likely there are, well, it is to be expected since I’m not an actual published author, and thus I’m practicing and learning to get better at writing so one day I can become an actual author one day : ). **This reminds me of the more recent question that if I were ever to rewrite the story. If i were to rewrite it, then yeah, for sure peeps would have a more published work which would be way better than it is right now, hahaha
That being said, I do appreciate the positive aspects the reviewer pointed out, which I find encouraging. To the person who wrote the review, if you would like, I can provide further explanation and defend the decisions made for the story through direct messaging. Rest assured, everything I write has a purpose behind it : ). And if you are enjoying the story now, then great! It's nice to have you along the ride with us : ). It's just always fun enjoying things together, hahaha
I won’t say more about the reviewer’s opinion since I’m currently working on the next chapter for the other story x.x, so… I got to write and write : ), hahaha
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landwriter · 2 years
38, 69, and 74 for the fanfiction writing asks!
such lovely questions, thank you anon!
What is your most self-indulgent posted story? Far and away the You've Got Mail AU. If we're talking completed stories it's def Saint Morpheus hahaha
What are your favorite fics at the moment? I'm on a bit of a reading pause because I don't have the time BUT I have made one exception - astolat is currently posting Winter's Crown which is this really lore-filled idiot-man filled GoT Long Night story. Winter has just fallen upon us over here so I have been unable to resist and am reading the chapter updates before bed each evening. i love lore. i love idiot men (it's largely just jaime but still)
Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love? yes! my lord! YES. Oaths! Oaths is what I'm doing now that I've written a few things and think I can actually do it.
It is my first Real Story. It will be novel-length when done. I have never before been more enthused about a story which is why it is extremely agonizing and also very funny for it to be the one thing I've written to sink almost totally under the radar.
It's a bit mortifying and vulnerable to openly believe SO much in something you're making, but I do, and I want CONVERTS, alright, so I am setting my shame aside and telling you why I love this fic:
This is my love letter to Not Normal Hob, to Dream's Humanity, and to redeeming yourself from the belief that your story has a fixed ending - or trying to save someone else from theirs, at least.
This is the first thing I've written that has a real, fleshed out world and characters and stakes beyond Hob and Dream's romance. It is the most ALIVE. It has the best sex I've written. The best friendship, too. The best devotion and ferocity and stubbornness and hope. There are parts to come that will make you wail and gnash your teeth, and parts to come that will wrap you up in a soft woolen cloak and kiss you on the forehead and promise you that things will turn out in the end, and you'll believe it, I hope.
HOWEVER. It's been up and underway for nearly two weeks now, and is so statistically enfeebled compared to everything else I've put on AO3 that I was actually briefly UTTERLY CONVINCED after posting the second chapter that I'd gone and made something embarrassingly awful I just couldn't SEE. But the incredible and feral response of a couple people in particular (love u @xx-vergil-xx and @fishfingersandscarves) made me realize, ok, perhaps that is not precisely the issue⁠—yet I am still a simple woman with limited time, led along by all your attention and encouragement. The more people who are reading Oaths and telling me, the more I will be able to justify putting into it, for the same reason Saint Morpheus was drafted at 6K and then edited to 12K after I posted the first chapter. I want every excuse to do that again.
My fingers are crossed that it catches on a bit more soon! It's the longest writing adventure I've embarked upon, and I would LOVE your company.
(fanfic writing asks)
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rheallsim · 1 year
Sims Tag Game
Tagged by: No one, but I saw it going around and wanted to fill it out anyway. ;)
What’s your favourite sims death? I think it would have to be Cardiac Explosion. I just find the idea of a sim getting so mad that their heart explodes hilarious, I don't know why! ^^
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I've always been pretty Maxis Match. If I were to go Alpha I'd have to change *everything* in the game to match otherwise it would bug the crap outtah me, and gosh, that would be WAY too much work. x___x I also just love the cartoony aesthetic a heck of a lot more.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No, not usually. Only if the weight gain/loss was completely unrealistic to what I'd expect because the game's systems don't work the way I'd like. Sometimes I become attached to the idea of a sim being a certain way, but I usually let their natural metabolism win out in the game. I love me some soft, chubby sims! :)
Do you use move objects? Yes!
Favorite mod? Ooof, this is hard… I've become very fond of most of Lumpinou's mods. MissyHissy has a lot of great mods that flesh out the gameplay in a maxis-match way, too! Though I probably get the most use out of Wonderful Whims and Meaningful Stories; the game just doesn't feel right without them!
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Gosh, this was so long ago I can barely remember… it was probably Get Together or City Living.
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE Mode, like "we're going LIVE to Bella Goth in Willow Creek!"
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? This is a hard one, because I love them all so much! 🥹 Philomena Velasquez will always hold a special place in my heart as my first Sims 4 legacy founder who was super fun to play (even though I didn't have a simblr blog at the time so none of it is documented anywhere). But I also have a major soft spot for Gabriel McKinley. She has the best resting bitch face. :D
Have you made a simself? Yup, I may be a little too obsessed with them, hahaha
What sim traits do you give yourself? Usually: Geek, unflirty, and either creative/maker. Since we can have more than that now, I might also add dog lover, loyal, and lazy (because it matches my ME/CFS symptoms closest).
Which is your favorite EA hair color? The second brown swatch, the new one with the nice warm highlights. :D Swatch #4. 👍
Favorite EA hair? I love the base game half-tied back tight curly hair, the one that was added in a free patch not too long ago. ^^ (SDX015CoilyTwistback)
Favorite life stage? I have a soft spot for all of them for different reasons, but I do really love it when my sims reach Elderhood and develop wrinkles and grey hair and start to slow down. :) Feels like a reward after a long, hard life! I love giving my elders a few more days using MCCC so they can enjoy being grandparents. ^^
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? 99% gameplay! I will occasionally build if the madness strikes me, but I usually rely on builds shared by others here on Tumblr or on the gallery. I'm not very good at designing actual buildings, and I get so caught up in decorating sometimes that it takes HOURS. x___X
Are you a CC creator? I am! I haven't yet broken into anything that requires Blender, but if it's a simple 2D .png texture edit I'm all over it. :D
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Nope! It's just me, which is absolutely fine! I have friends elsewhere. I just really don't get on with Discord, and that seems to be where most simblr folks hang out in groups.
What’s your favorite game? (Sims 1, 2, 3, or 4) I've played all of them, and every time the new game was an improvement on the old, for various reasons. I played SO MUCH of the Sims 2 when I was a kid/in high school, it really stoked the flames of my life-long Sims addiction. While I've gone back and tried to play all the old games again recently, I just couldn't get back into them. The Sims 4 currently has my whole heart. I love the aesthetic, and there's so much content to it now I don't really want for anything that the older games had. (Except perhaps more chaos/whimsy/custom animations for various interactions. :) )
Do you have any sims merch? Other than the video games themselves, nope!
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope! Not really a video content person. ^^
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? It hasn't, much; though I suppose I keep finding new skin details that I fall in love with and start using on every sim, so you can see different phases that way. I might go a little maxis mix when it comes to some skin details nowadays. ^^;
What’s your Origin ID? Rheall
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Oh gosh, I have so many! For hairs, Okruee, Dogsill, and Simstrouble never let me down. I also love Shysimblr's stuff, SleepingSims, and Simtric's. Saurus' hair is still such an important staple for me, too! For clothes, Joliebean, Trillyke, LadyFu's recolours, Nucrests, Simkoos, Renorasims, Sifix, Jius, Rusty, Serenity, VIIAVI… Max20 has a chokehold on me for BB stuff, as does SIXAMcc, Surely-Sims, awingedllama and Ravasheen. Sorry, I honestly can't pick just one. ;____;
How long have you had a simblr? I started this one in Oct 2020, I think. Wasn't really in the Simblr community at any other time, though I did try to create some CC back in TS2 days on ModTheSims. ^^
How do you edit your pictures? I mostly rely on my Gshade preset to do most of the colour editing/DOF stuff, then I do a teensy bit more in Photoshop and apply TopazClean. I made a post about my current process here. I also have some older examples/downloads here and here. When I first started I did all my editing in Clip Studio Paint; Photoshop isn't a requirement to get nice screenshots. :)
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? This is also a hard one! I'm really enjoying all the stuff added with Growing Together. Definitely the best expansion pack in a while. City Living, Seasons, and Cats & Dogs are also fantastic. The game packs that add new occults, Vampires and Werewolves, are also good fun! And as far as added gameplay goes, Strangerville is a really great buy.
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I can't lie, I'm super excited about the idea of a horse-themed pack, but I know it won't be as good as I hope it will be. X) As far as anything else? Hmm… I'd love more career variety in terms of how it interacts with gameplay (fewer boring rabbit hole careers, for example), and more apartment lots. Another city-styled world would be amazing, as well as worlds based on different places around the globe. I love Sulani, Mt. Komorebi, Tartosa, etc., let's get more variety! 💪
Tagging: I tag everyone who stops to smell the flowers. <3
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