#don't tell me this wouldn't be the most spoiled baby in the universe
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Vignette III: Butterflies
Gen, 3k words. | Technically Merwenthur but can be read as an Arwen + Merlin standalone.
Summary: In which there is a baby and two extremely tired parents. Oh, and a wizard.
It’s not long after the second bell when Merlin slips into the servants’ passageway leading to the royal chambers. The king and queen don’t especially like to be disturbed in the morning these days, not when there’s no pressing appointment to prepare for, but they make an exception for Merlin. They usually do.
He’s the only one with the keys to this passage now, apart from Iona, the wetnurse who relieves Gwen of her motherly duties for part of the day.
Not that Gwen’s especially happy to be relieved.
She still insists on keeping Ygraine in her chambers and nursing her herself at night. In truth, even some days she prefers to keep Ygraine with her at all times. Merlin suspects that Gwen's reluctance to be parted from her daughter goes beyond the normal attachment of a mother to her first child, and is perhaps tinged with the apprehension of a parent who struggled for years to conceive.
Even Arthur — who, unlike his wife, has been raised in a royal household, and shouldn’t find it too strange to hand one’s offspring off to servants — seems to struggle with it. His fierce protectiveness is now mixed with a sort of helpless anxiety. The first few times anyone but Gwen held Ygraine in his presence, he would hover and watch them like a hawk, as if she were made of glass and might be dropped at any moment.
He’s more relaxed now. At least around Merlin. He still doesn’t like to leave Ygraine to nurses and servants anymore than Gwen does, which is why he hasn’t complained about their current sleeping arrangement. If any of the servants finds it weird, they have the wits to keep quiet about it, at least in Merlin's presence. But Arthur’s disregard for convention is hardly a secret: he married a commoner, knighted men with no title or asset to their name and called them brothers; and made a confidant out of his strange manservant. That he should be a little odd about his daughter, too, shouldn't come as a surprise.
Merlin hears the crying as he approaches the door. No point in being quiet, then. He lifts the latch, pushes the door open and steps into the bedroom.
Arthur is standing in the middle of it, wearing nothing but socks and his night tunic and a vexed expression, and bouncing his daughter in his arms in a manner clearly meant to be calming, but that Ygraine seems to find increasingly aggravating. Her hands are balled up in little fists, her face scrunched up in misery, and she is crying at the highest volume her small lungs will allow — which, it turns out, is surprisingly loud.
“Good morning,” Merlin says, mainly to alert Arthur of his presence.
He tries to keep his tone as neutral as possible. These days, Arthur can get snappish if Merlin greets him in the morning in a way he perceives as excessively cheerful, as if it were a personal affront.
He must have failed in making his greeting sound sufficiently bland, or perhaps the words themselves are disagreeable to Arthur today, because he doesn’t even bother to reply. The glare he directs at Merlin says it’s evidently not a good morning, and it won’t be, and how dare he insinuate otherwise.
Ygraine, who had briefly paused for air, resumes her wailing.
“Someone woke up in a mood,” Merlin mutters under his breath, walking to Arthur to peer at the unhappy bundle in his arms.
“Woke up implies she slept at some point during the night,” Arthur says — that, too, with unjustified hostility, though it’s not clear if directed at Merlin or at his own daughter.
“I wasn’t talking about her,” Merlin says. He reaches out to touch the tip of Ygraine’s nose, which interrupts her crying for a handful of seconds. “Hello there. So grumpy. You truly are your father’s daughter.”
Before Arthur can say anything, Gwen emerges from behind the bed curtains. She’s in her nightdress, barefoot, her hair braided rather than loose but looking oddly dishevelled, as if she slept on it.
“Give her here,” Gwen tells Arthur in a resigned tone, walking to him with her arms outstretched, and he carefully transfers Ygraine to her, with an air of defeat.
“Hello, Gwen,” Merlin says.
Gwen holds Ygraine close to her chest, and gives Merlin a thin smile. It hits him, when she turns to him — the tiredness in her eyes, that goes beyond mere physical exhaustion; the fatigue exuding from her movements, screaming of several sleepless nights, rather than just the one. She looks exhausted.
“You look exhausted,” Merlin says.
Gwen’s smile shrivels on her lips. “Thank you.”
“I mean,” Merlin goes on, unable to help himself, “you look about to fall over.”
“Yes,” Gwen snaps. “I heard you the first time.”
Arthur shoots Merlin a look. It’s a warning one, but there’s no hostility in it this time. It’s the look of one brother-in-arms to another, cautioning him to tread carefully.
Merlin shuts his mouth.
As they both watch in silence, Gwen starts rocking slightly side to side, making meaningless soothing noises at Ygraine, until the wailing slowly subsides, replaced by whines and displeased little hiccups. It’s clear that the rocking motion helped to placate Ygraine; it’s just as clear that Gwen has been doing it for most of the night, and would like nothing more than to lie down and sleep.
“I could take over for a while,” Merlin offers, quietly — partly not to upset Ygraine, partly because he’s not sure if he’s venturing into dangerous territory again. “If you’d like.”
At his side, Arthur snorts loudly, as if he had just said something amusing.
"She has strong feelings about being handed to other people today,” Gwen explains, sounding sorry about the fact, though Merlin can’t tell if it’s for her own sake or his. “She wouldn’t stop shrieking when I tried to hand her to Iona.”
“It’s true,” Arthur confirms. “She almost screamed herself hoarse.”
Merlin doesn’t have a great deal of experience with babies, present one excluded, but it’s his understanding that shrieking is what babies do, mostly — when they are not sleeping, or nursing, or soiling themselves. He refrains from pointing it out.
“You don’t think there’s something wrong with her, do you?” Gwen asks Merlin, with sudden worry. She presses her cheek against Ygraine’s forehead. “She doesn’t feel warm. She's drunk her milk as normal. It’s just… the crying.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Merlin reassures her. He holds out his arms. “Come on. Let me have a go.”
Arthur eyes him doubtfully. “It won’t work,” he says.
“Worth a try, isn't it?” Merlin says, with perhaps unwarranted optimism, and wiggles his fingers at Gwen.
After a moment’s hesitation, Gwen peels Ygraine off her chest, and Merlin goes to take her. He picks her up and holds her with her head cradled in the crook of his arm, so that she's looking up at him.
They all hold their breath as Ygraine's big, brown eyes set on Merlin’s face. She blinks a few times and goes still, and seems to study him for a moment.
“Hello, little lady,” Merlin says, and she opens her mouth to let out a happy gurgle.
“Oh, great,” Arthur says, in the misleadingly pleasant tone he sometimes adopts when feeling extremely peeved. “She hates me.”
“She doesn't hate you,” Gwen says. The way she says it makes it clear that it’s a sentence she had to use on him before, and one she doesn’t care to repeat.
“Well, clearly she does. Look at her.” Arthur gestures to Ygraine, now looking disrespectfully content in Merlin’s arms. His eyes travel up to Merlin’s face, and he narrows them at him. “Is it magic?”
“No!” Merlin says, a bit insulted at the idea that Arthur could think him capable of using magic on his baby. On any baby, really.
“I wouldn’t be upset if it was,” Arthur says. “I might even be happy to hear it.”
“It’s not magic.” Merlin laughs despite himself, although Arthur looks worryingly serious. “Sorry. Just my natural charm.”
“Perhaps it’s just seeing a new face,” Gwen ventures.
“A new face? She saw him yesterday.” Arthur steps towards Merlin to frown down at Ygraine. “And surely she can't be tired of my face already, it's only been two months.”
Merlin takes the chance to turn and stare at Arthur’s face, as if to examine it closely. “It takes some getting used to, to be fair. Give her a bit longer.”
Arthur gives him a withering look. He’s apparently too tired to come up with an appropriate comeback, which only seems to irritate him further, and Merlin’s quite sure that the only thing saving him from being thumped over the head is the fact that he’s holding his daughter.
Something small hits Merlin in the chest. He looks down. Ygraine brings up her fist again and gives him another bump. Then she opens her fingers, and closes them around a small handful of fabric — not quite grasping Merlin’s neckerchief, but with the clear intention of doing so. Her determination is greater than her dexterity, by a long mile.
Merlin smiles at her, and then looks at Arthur and Gwen. “Why don't you two lie down for a while? You look exhausted.”
“Don't be ridiculous, Merlin. We've just got out of bed,” Arthur says. “Some of us can’t lie about all day doing nothing.”
Behind him, though, Gwen sits down. Merlin’s not entirely sure she meant to do it.
“Not all day,” he says. “Just for a candlemark or two. You still have time until your meeting with the…” he trails off.
“Bakers’ guild,” Arthur supplies, sounding as if it pains him to remind him.
“Yes. That.”
Arthur rubs his hands over his face, as if to scrub the sleep away, and then runs one through his hair for good measure.
“I need to go over the latest grain reports before then,” he says.
His tone lacks conviction. He hates reviewing reports that are not about patrols or battles. So does Merlin. But Arthur’s hair sticks up in a way that makes him look forlorn and lost, and Merlin can’t help saying:
“I’ll have a look at them for you. See if there's anything noteworthy.”
Arthur looks at him. A brief battle plays out on his face — between his sense of duty, and the sweet call of sleep. But tiredness has weakened his resolve, and there’s only so much suffering a man can willingly inflict upon himself.
“Well,” he says, graciously, as if he were doing Merlin a favour in relenting. “If you’re sure.”
Ygraine, having failed to pull Merlin’s neckerchief to her mouth, has apparently decided that bringing her mouth to his neckerchief is the best course of action, and is smashing her face into his chest, as if looking for a nipple to latch on. At last, she closes her mouth around a fold of fabric and starts sucking on it, with an impressive amount of inquisitiveness and slobber.
“Thank you, Merlin,” Gwen says with a smile — a genuine one, this time. “If she starts crying again…”
“You’ll hear it,” Merlin interrupts. “I’ll be right here.”
* *
He continues to gently rock Ygraine where he stands for a while, waiting for Arthur and Gwen to fall asleep, which Arthur does almost immediately. Merlin knows this because he can hear his not-so-gentle snoring shortly after he’s hit the bed. He can hear Gwen turn and shift about for a little longer behind the bed hangings, but eventually the soft shuffling noises cease.
Having finished examining Merlin’s neckerchief with her mouth, Ygraine has now moved to a joint tactile and visual examination. She is scrunching her little hand in the damp flap of red fabric and staring at it with intense focus, as if it held all the secrets of the universe.
With a flick of his wrist, Merlin summons the reports lying on Arthur’s desk. The parchments roll up into a neat scroll and land into his open palm. He moves to the chamber adjacent to the bedroom, followed by Arthur’s floating inkwell and quill. They land on the dining table with a soft thud as he pulls out a chair with his foot. He sits down tentatively, and he re-settles Ygraine so that she’s lying half on his lap and half on his arm, freeing up his right hand.
Something about the move disturbs her. Perhaps it’s the new position, perhaps the new surroundings — but she suddenly looks up at him with startled eyes. She looks almost betrayed, as if Merlin had tricked her into calming down, or snatched her away from her mother by deceit.
“Hey,” Merlin starts, as her mouth twists threateningly.
Ygraine gives a half-hearted sob. It’s only small, as if she weren’t entirely convinced she should cry, but she is definitely considering it. After a moment of reflection, she seems to decide to go for it.
“Hey, hey,” Merlin repeats in a frantic whisper, as Ygraine breaks into little whimpery noises. “None of that.”
He grabs the quill and uses it to tickle her nose. It’s a bit of a gamble.
It doesn’t pay off.
Ygraine swings her arms about and turns her face away from the offending quill, and lets out a proper sob.
Merlin drops the quill.
“Oh, look!” he says, in the awed tone of someone who's just had a revelation, and holds his closed hand right in front of her face.
Ygraine forgets about her unhappiness for a second, and her eyes refocus on Merlin’s hand, so rudely re-introduced into her field of vision.
And Merlin hasn't decided what it is she should be looking at. That part, admittedly, was a trick. But he can tell from Ygraine's face that he only has a few seconds to come up with something, and it had better be worth the interruption.
"Look here," he says, and unfurls his fingers.
Sitting in the middle of his palm, there is a butterfly.
Not an especially remarkable butterfly. Its size is entirely normal. Its wings, fluttering open and closed, are a cornflower blue, dotted around the edges with orange specks. It looks common enough. Nothing about it marks it as a creature conjured by magic. Merlin probably drew from his own memories of butterflies seen fluttering about the meadow in spring, without even thinking about it.
Ygraine is absolutely mesmerised by it.
“Yes,” Merlin says, encouragingly. “Isn't it pretty?”
It occurs to Merlin that this is probably the first butterfly Ygraine’s seen up close. Maybe the first one she’s seen at all, because she’s only left the castle a handful of times since her birth, and was never taken very far from it. It is strange to think about — that she is experiencing something so simple, and so beautiful, for the first time.
The butterfly takes a couple of tentative steps, twitching her antennae, then it takes off with a flap of its petal-light wings. It flutters away — where, Merlin does not know, because he’s looking at Ygraine, who’s looking at his empty hand, as if she, too, could will a little creature into existence just by staring hard enough.
Merlin keeps his hand open. He calls to his magic, feels the warmth and pull of it in his hand, and this time he actually puts some thought into what he’s conjuring.
There’s a glow, and another butterfly appears in the same spot as the first one. It’s bigger than the other, with shimmery, fiery red wings, and specks of gold.
Ygraine coos in delight and wiggles her arms. The red butterfly flies off Merlin’s palm and lands right in the middle of her forehead.
Ygraine goes still. Then, she lets out an excited squeal, and shifts her head side to side, as if trying to catch sight of it. The butterfly walks across her forehead, triggering other high-pitched sounds of enthusiasm, and flies off and away.
Ygraine turns to Merlin again. She swings her fists around, knocking them — almost certainly by chance, rather than by design — against Merlin’s hand.
“All right, all right,” Merlin says, as if she had actually issued a command, rather than haphazardly wriggled about. “Another one.”
He lets the magic pool into his hand again. His palm glows with the same amber-gold that he knows must be flaring in his eyes.
“Watch closely,” he says.
* * *
Arthur’s peaceful sleep is interrupted, some time later, by the feeling of something crawling across his face. He jerks himself awake, his arm shooting up to slap at it, but landing on his pillow instead.
The thing crawls off him. He blinks a few times, letting his eyes adjust to the light coming in through the narrow opening in the bed hangings.
In the space above him and Gwen, something flutters.
“What…?” he mutters under his breath, and reaches to the side to pull back one of the curtains.
Gwen groans as the light hits her face, and rolls to her other side. Arthur stares at the small blue thing over his head. It’s a butterfly. As he looks at it, another one flies in through the curtains. And then another. And then another.
He swings his legs off the bed and gets to his feet. Pulls the bed hangings closed. Another butterfly, bigger than the others, hits him in the face. He swats it away with a splutter.
“Merlin?” he calls.
There’s no reply.
He walks to the chamber adjacent to the bedroom, and stops under the archway.
It is a swarm. Dozens and dozens of them. Perched on furniture, flying aimlessly about, in different sizes and shapes and colours, some of which Arthur has never seen — some of which, he’s fairly sure, do not even exist in nature. Blue butterflies, and green, and red, and orange, and silver and gold; butterflies with long billowing tails, like birds; with leaf-like wings, or large, fuzzy antennae.
He looks at a butterfly as it lands on his arm. It opens and closes its tremulous, half-transparent pink wings, starts to fade before his eyes, and vanishes.
Merlin, for some reason, is sprawled on the floor, close to the table. His head rests on a tasselled cushion he must have grabbed from a chair, and Ygraine is lying on his chest, anchored by one of his arms, her head half-tucked under his chin. She is asleep, moving with the gentle rise and fall of Merlin’s chest as he breathes with his mouth open, almost snoring, but not quite.
A puffed exhale from Merlin’s mouth disturbs the two butterflies perched on Ygraine’s curls. They fly off, their bright-green wings gleaming in the late morning sunlight. As they twirl around each other, they are joined by a third.
It has red wings — red like the capes of Arthur’s knights. And if one were to squint, and look closely, they would see, when the light hits the wings just right, golden speckles shimmer in a pattern much like the shape of a dragon.
#since ao3 is still slow and laggy#“what an original title!” yes thank u i came up with it all by myself#merlin fanfiction#merwenthur#mergwenthur#don't tell me this wouldn't be the most spoiled baby in the universe#even by royal standards#THE SPOILEDEST.#also i think i accidentaly recreated that scene from tarzan#do you like descriptions of butterflies? you do??#oh boy. you're gonna love this#(unrebloggable bc i might have to edit stuff)#*
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More than one surprise
Character: Theo Raeken x male (brother) reader
Universe: Somewhere in Teen Wolf
Warnings: Mentioned smut, implied incestuous behavior
Although it is customary to open my little brother's door without knocking - ever since he started doing it when he was eight years old - nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened. But today it offered me an unforgettable sight.
“What are you doing, bud?” My voice makes Theo jump and sit up in an instant.
“Can't you knock?” He replies angrily. Rightfully so.
I smirk shamelessly at him, savoring the moment of his embarrassment. “You taught me that knocking is unnecessary,” I tell him sarcastically as I take a sip from my coffee mug. "Anyway. I just wanted to- wait, is that my underwear?" Looking closer at his hand, I could see the baby blue of my Calvin Klein underwear - I had worn the day before and had already thrown in the laundry basket. Theo's eyes widen as his gaze shifts to where I'm looking. When our eyes meet again a second later, I can't suppress a wide grin. "You can keep it. I don't think I want it anymore."
Theo's face turns red; he is obviously embarrassed by the situation, but who am I to care? If he wants to be thirsty for me, he can do that.
I leisurely sip my morning coffee. My mind is barely there, even though I've been awake for hours, casting my mischievous, glistening eyes over the rim of my mug so I wouldn't have to take my eyes off my not-so-little brother. He looks good - much better than I did at his age. His biceps, which he flexes involuntarily, were big enough to choke someone. His broad shoulders and large pecs make him look more like a man to me than the boy I always saw him as.
“You know, I thought you would be smaller. I mean, much smaller. That thing is almost inappropriately large. What the hell did you eat?" I grin from ear to ear as I see his hand searching for something to throw, which gives me more than enough time to get the door in front of me for safety. And not a second too late, as just as the door blocks my sight, a pillow, deflected by it, falls to the floor. “I just came to tell you breakfast is ready, dude. So when you’re done choking out your juices, come downstairs.”
I've just finished speaking when I can see yet another object flying in my direction. However, before it can hit me, just like before, I use the door to block it, but this time I slam the door shut, whereupon I start to laugh. The situation is just too amusing. Other men would have knocked Theo's teeth out for doing something like that - jerking off to someone else's underwear. But I always knew how he felt about me.
Theo was never good at hiding his feelings. I like to spoil him sometimes, cuddle with him, sleep in the same bed together, and hug him wherever we are. But I never thought about going as far as he wanted. Although I have to admit that the sight of him made my pants feel pretty tight.
In the middle of the hallway, not far from Theo's room - My little brother's bedroom, which he had lived in since he was a baby - I realized something. Heat rushes to my face. I can feel my resolve crumbling. Quickly, I go to my room to grab something before heading back downstairs to wait for my thirsty brother to get himself some breakfast.
It has taken him almost half an hour for Theo to appear, even though it's summer, he's wearing gray sweatpants and a hoodie that hides most of his body. As soon as he sees me, his gaze turns to the ground. He tries stealthily to grab some food so he can safely flee upstairs to avoid this situation, but I grab his wrist faster than he can react. Without mercy, I force him to sit down. With my hands firmly on his shoulders, I hold him there until I know he won't try to escape again. As always, there is resistance. To his detriment, however, I was always more stubborn than he could ever wish.
After a few failed attempts, he relaxes his shoulders, a sign of his surrender. With a satisfied grunt, I sit back down and stare at him.
“Are you still thirsty for your older brother?” I ask him neutrally so as not to make it too uncomfortable. But we had to talk about it somehow.
“Bro, don’t. It’s embarrassing enough that you saw me like that!”
I wave him off, amused. “Dude, I’ve seen you jerk off many times. I don't mean to kink or love shame you. It works in mysterious ways. But are you sure you don’t want to try to find someone else?”
“I tried, okay? I really did, but whenever it comes to... you know. I can't get hard. I always want to smell you, feel your hands on me, and feel your intense gaze when I spill my seed. I just can’t help it, okay?”
I swear to God, if I hadn't finished my coffee by now, I would have definitely choked on it to death. I've gotten many confessions of love over, but this one was dirtier than my underwear he smelled.
“Don't worry, dude; I understand. After all, you have grown to be a fine young man,” I tell him teasingly.
"Fuck!" he mutters, his face contorted with anger. "It's because of shit like this! Right now, I want nothing more than to bend you over this table and show you what you're doing to me. But it’s wrong, and I know it. We are brothers, after all.”
"So? I can't get pregnant, and neither can you." I smile mischievously at him. It's easy to incite him. As always, it works like a charm.
He swallows hard, his gaze jumping from my lips to my eyes and further down. If I wanted to, I knew I could get him to agree to anything at that moment. So I decided to put my plan into action. I tossed him a small gift and raised my eyebrow challengingly.
"What's that?" he asks, confused, visibly unsure whether he should take it or not.
"It's something I bought for someone else, but we don't see each other anymore, so maybe you would like it." I couldn't help but grin, as I was pretty sure he wouldn't just like it but love it instead.
But before he can unpack it, I jump up, walk towards him, and ruffle his wild bed hair, whereupon I almost storm straight into my bedroom. My heart beats so loudly that I can feel the pounding in my ears. It isn't a pleasant feeling, but somehow it turns me on.
#x male reader#male reader#male reader imagine#teen wolf#teen wolf imagine#theo raeken#teen wolf x male reader#theo raeken x male reader#theo raeken imagine#smut
184 notes
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pairings — bonten!haitani rindou x female!reader.
warnings — angst/hurt to comfort, yn has a lot of d*ddy issues and insecurities, mikey is a little b*tch, rin is insecure too, a pregnancy.
word count — 1.5k
notes — BABY!!! thank you so much for your kind words <3 and i'm so sorry for the delay, it's been almost two months since i posted all for us but i hoped youve liked it as much as i did!! i have a lot of plans for the series, ngl. and thank you for your request! i hope you'll like it <3
tagging — @severellamahottub @tooweirdforyou @1900-aria @etheralyonn @sincerelyraylene @chronic-claire-universe @aqualesha @winterv-black @softbajis @dai-tsukki-desu
it wasn't easy to love a gang member.
rindou warned you when you accepted to be his girlfriend. you two would go through many hardships together, things that would make you doubt his love for you, things that would make you wonder why you weren't with someone who had a normal life, a normal job. but you didn't care — at nineteen, you don't think much about your future. at the time, you knew you loved him, and that was what mattered.
but at twenty-eight, a diamond ring shining on your finger and a small bump on your belly, you still didn't regret your decision. how could you? rindou was your husband and your best friend, you couldn't live without him. without the blush that dusted his cheeks whenever you said you loved him, the soft smile he would give you whenever you two were shopping when you tried on a piece of clothing that you liked, the heated kisses he pressed against your lips when he arrived home too stressed from work. how could you regret it? rindou never once did something that would make you doubt his love for him, until now.
“w-what… what are you saying?” you asked, thinking you didn't hear him right. maybe he was saying you two needed to reinforce the security around the penthouse, as in six months you two would have a small baby living with you. yes, that was it. it needed to be it.
rindou exhaled, and he seemed annoyed. “you heard me, y/n.” no baby, no pretty girl — like he would call you, even if he was annoyed. “we should get a divorce.”
so you did hear him right.
and that didn't make sense in your head. you two were fine this morning, before he left for work, and now he suddenly thought you two should end your relationship? instantly, a hand was in your belly, and you thought about your unborn child — it had been just two days since you discovered your pregnancy, and rindou seemed so happy about it. talking with your belly, laughing with his brother on the phone about how the baby would be spoiled by both father and uncle, even talking about room decorations. what changed his mind?
even though you knew something happened, his words still hurt. rindou knew about your parents — how your mother stayed in a loveless marriage for the sake of you and your sister, so you two wouldn't grow up with divorced parents. but she made everything worse by doing that, and you had a hard time trusting rindou because of the trauma of your parents’ relationship. you always made sure to tell rindou that he should tell you everything, so no secrets would be between you two.
was he… was he cheating on you? that's why he didn't want to tell you what was happening?
the thought made you let a sob you were holding back, and the tears glossing your vision disabled you to see the painful expression on his face.
but it was for the best, rindou kept telling himself that. you would hate him, and he probably wouldn't even be a part of his child’s life, but it would be for the best. you would be safe, and that was what mattered. but watching as you broke down in front of him — rindou knowing damn well he broke his most important promise — made him rethink about his decision. he wanted nothing more than to kneel down in front of you and beg your forgiveness, because he was the biggest fool in the whole world.
“i'm sorry, y/n.” the words coming out of his mouth were physically hurting him. “i'll pack my things and go.” rindou would leave the house to you and the child. at least he would know where you two were living, and it would be easier to keep an eye on the two of you if he needed.
however, you held his wrist before he could walk away. “am i… am i not enough?” just like you were for your dad? who always made sure you knew how inferior you were compared with your sister? you and rindou bonded because of your insecurities regarding your older siblings — but him and ran had such a close bond, something you and your sister did not, and you used to envy him so much. “is the baby not enough?” you wanted your child to meet their father, to have a close bond with him, something you never had. but it seemed that the circle would repeat itself again, and your child would grow asking why their dad hated them so much.
the look of pure distress on your face, yet still filled with everlasting love for him, was what made rindou break all his resolutions and pass his arms around your waist and hold you, whispering how sorry he was and how much he loved you.
he knew what you were thinking. and he hated himself for bringing your biggest trauma to the surface again — he hated himself for letting the words of someone who was jealous of his little family take the best of him. he kissed your hair, hand on the back your neck, keeping your face resting on his shoulder, tears of his own streaming down on his cheeks. how the prospect of not being in his child's life made sense to him? to leave you, to not see you ever again?
your sobs became whimpers, and he wasn't sure if you would want to stay with him now. and that feeling scared him.
“what happened, baby?” you asked, cupping his face, your thumb caressing his cheekbone. you were sure now that such thoughts didn't belong to rindou, and someone else put them inside his head.
“i don't deserve you.” the words left his mouth so easily, like he truly believed in them.
“who said that to you, rindou?” you wiped some tears that were falling from his violet eyes, and you cursed whoever put such feelings inside his heart. how he didn't deserve you? he was a loving husband, he always made sure you were safe and if your needs were being attended to. who said that wasn't inside your home to see him making breakfast for you on sundays, or to see how excitedly he talked with his unborn child. “please, tell me, rin.”
“... mikey.” he whispered his boss name, and before he could avert his eyes from yours, you held his chin, demanding him to continue. “i told the boys the news. even sanzu was happy for me, but he said i was only dragging you down.” you weren’t close with sano manjiro and you wondered why he would say such things to your husband. “he said that having a family would only make me weaker, and that someday i would arrive home to see you and our child brutally murdered because of my job.” you let go of his chin as soon as he was finished, this time you bringing his face to rest on your shoulders while he sobbed.
was mikey jealous?
not of you, of course. but of the little family you and rindou were building? you knew that what he said could be true, but you knew rindou would never let that happen — as he always protected you when things on his job started to become too dangerous.
you tried to comfort rindou as much as you could, but you knew he always thought you needed someone better than him. someone who didn’t work in his field, or someone stronger than him, that could protect you from everyone and everything. “i’m sorry, y/n, so sorry.” he whispered against the skin of your neck, and you only caressed his hair in return. “you’re more than enough for me, the baby is more than enough. you two are my whole world, i’m sorry if you thought otherwise.” his grip on your waist tightened, and a soft smile made its way to your lips.
“you scared me, rin.”
“i know, pretty girl.” his voice was muffled by the kisses he was pampering your neck with. “i will never do that again.” rindou didn’t want you to be afraid that every time he came home from work he would try to end your relationship, but he knew that only words couldn’t mend what he broke. giving your neck one last kiss, he cupped your cheeks on his hands, your foreheads touching.
“if i ever do that again, you and the baby are allowed to beat the shit out of me until i’m back to my senses, do you get it?” you nodded, giggling at the prospect.
rindou’s hand went from your cheek to your belly, caressing it. “i love you two so much, you don’t have any idea.” he was a fool wasn’t he? but before you could answer, his grumbling stomach ended the tender moment between you three, and you laughed, watching as his cheeks gained a reddish color.
“i’m seeing now where our child inherited their endless hunger.” you joked, softly pinching his cheek.
“me and the baby want pizza.”
#haitani rindou x reader#haitani rindou#tokyo revengers x reader#tokyo revengers#tokrev x reader#rindou haitani x reader#rindou haitani
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Kirishima Dating Headcannons
A/N: Honestly at this point, we all saw this coming. Someone must have expected me to do this at some point. It was only a matter of time with how much I adore him. So, please enjoy!
Warning: None, it's fluffy!
My Hero Academia Masterlist ↳ here !
Dating Kiri would Include:
getting all the love in the world from this man
he will tell you often how much he appreciates and love you
he really does think that you should hear it everyday
and especially when you're feeling down
he's your #1 supporter, so don't hesitate to lean on him sometimes
this boy is so loyal
he's the most devoted boyfriend in the entire universe
you can't change my mind
so please love him back tenfold
he deserves some love too
he calls you "babe", "pebble", "baby shark" (especially if you call him sharky/daddy shark)
constantly hanging out with Katsuki
speaking of Bakugou, he will def be that friend who interrogates who his best friend is dating
"You better not break Kirishima's heart or else, got that!?"
If you were friends with both Kiri and Katsuki, than you wouldn't really have to worry
Katsuki might just find yours and Kiri's relationship boring (but secretly cute?)
Kiri definately loves to cuddle
he's a hugger
honestly you would feel safe and melt in his arms
hopefully melting isn't your quirk
and his kisses
his kiss would be so gentle and loving
he doesn't want to do anything too crazy
he would not forgive himself if he hurt you with his teeth
unless you're into that
at that point he would blush as red as his hair
he would take you on cute dates
seriously this man is out here surprising you with all the different places he'd find
he'd make sure to know what places to avoid first
it wouldn't be very manly of him to take you somewhere that would make you uncomfortable
and he would just want to bring you something each time you go on a date
it was a nice gesture after all
besides, he'd want to spoil you a little bit
you really did deserve it after all
I think the cutest thing about dating Kiri is the way that he looks at you
you could be doing something so normal or weird and he would just look at you with so much adoration and love
he's so lucky to have you in his life
you're it, you're the one
and if you wouldn't mind, he'd like to love you forevermore
#mha headcanons#bnha imagines#eijiro kirishima#kirishima x reader#kirishima fluff#mha headcanon#i love him so much
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Trans s/o
Bang Chan
° Was dating you before you came out to him, you were fully prepared for him to leave you. But to your surprise, Chan stayed with you and even encouraged you to get an appointment early for your transition.
° Will help you take your medication to help with the process, and if you get dizzy from it he will gladly pick you up and carry you to bed. He's a true gentleman, so he'll probably carry you to bed even if you aren't dizzy or tired.
° Helps you pick your new name, always finding the cutest ones or the most random ones. Like Flossy/Tangerine, but he tries he truly does. But at the end of the day you make the final call, and he respects that 110%.
"You're going to have to find a name that goes with Bang as a last name."
"That's why I'm not going with the names you picked out."
Lee Know
° Had a crush on you ever since you started working as a stylist, and he had absolutely no clue that you were transgender until he revealed his crush and someone told him that you were. He honestly didn't care that you were.
° Minho found it rude how the staff member that told him found him weird for still liking you, as if it is weird to like someone who is transgender. He wasn't interested in the staff member or considered them a friend, so why do they care?
° Soon realized that thier opinions of your transition wasn't just kept private and that they would harass you about it. So he went to JYP to try and at least make it so you were further away from her. But JYP genuinely didn't help.
"I'm just saying, it's weird since they aren't actually a-"
"It's weirder that you care so much, do you not have a life?"
° Was your best friend before you started dating, he saw you transition and the struggles you went through in high school when the teachers would call you by your old name even though you constantly insisted to go by your new one.
° When you started dating, it never dialed to amaze him by how ignorant people can be. As if they think he doesn't know that his lover of 3 years is transgender. He knows, and he loves you no matter what.
° The last straw was when he was on a special interview with Jessi where she invited different idols. One of the being Siwon from suju, who is known to not be overly supportive of the lgbtq+ community. Which made Changbin upset.
"How can you date someone who is faking-"
"They aren't faking, if anything you are the fake one for putting on this nice guy act when you're really an asshole."
° Will spoil you with any transgender items he can get, cute pikachu with the transgender colors? Bought. Pins? Bought. Flags? Ordered. Cakes? Already in the oven. You reassure him that he doesn't have to spoil you, but he wants to.
° Won't gush over your baby photos or hang them up if you are uncomfortable with looking at them, instead he'll gush over your current photos and hang up recent couple photos of the two of you. He even has a wedding collage ready.
° He can be dramatic, in a good way. So when you are being harsh on yourself saying you still look too much like a boy/girl. He will stand you infront of a mirror and tell you everything that's manly/feminine about you.
"You're my precious lil bean, don't be hard on yourself."
"Hyunjin, your ruining my foundation with you kisses *giggles*."
° He had a crush on you for ages, you were Hyunjin's best friend and he met you through Hyunjin. Jisung grew fond of you after only a week of chatting to you, everyone noticed how blushy and mushy he got around you.
° Hyunjin never told him you were Trans because he thought you had already told Jisung yourself, but you didn't since you thought Hyunjin told him. This led to a semi confused Jisung when you were going through old photos.
° He didn't mind and still found you attractive, he was just surprised to see you in your old photos. You looked so uncomfortable in them and didn't look like yourself at all, he was honestly glad you came out of the closet.
"You look just as gorgeous and confident as you do back then."
"Can you not flirt with y/n when I'm right here?"
(I just want to ruffle his hair istg.)
° So proud of you when you come out to him, he cries so much that you are worried he is sad. But it's actually happy tears, because he's always had a suspicion for the last four months that something was off with you.
° Won't stop clinging onto you after you get the surgery done, he's just a smiley ball of fluffiness the whole time because he is so happy for you. But if you ask him for anything cause your sore or don't feel well, he's up and doing it in a flash.
° Felix is the type who wouldn't care about gender or sexuality, as long as they are interested in him and have a good personality then he would love them endlessly. So you will blush often from the way he gazes at you like you're his universe.
"God, I'm the luckiest man alive to be with you. You're so perfect, now let me snuggle you."
"You're so cheesy sometimes, you're lucky you're cute and can pull it off."
° When you came out to him and your family, he was surprised but still loved you just as much. He didn't think it should effect the way someone feels about you, but apparently your parents had different opinions on the matter.
° One week later and you had the last of your boxes in Seungmin's dorm. Your parents gave you one week to move out, not wanting someone part of the community to live under there household and be seen by their friends.
° You would be lying if you said it didn't hurt, it did you sobbed every night. But as long as Seungmin was beside you, everything was going to be okay. You don't know what you would've done without him, you felt lucky that way.
"I can't believe they are ashamed of me."
"It's there loss, you're the best person on this planet. Skz and I are happy to have you."
° Jeongin was your ex boyfriend's best friend, he watched you get cheated on and verbally abused by his so called "friend". The last straw for him was when you came out and all your boyfriend did was scoff and dump you on the spot.
° Jeongin pretty much took you under his wing and babied you until you were over that asshole. He even deleted his contact and phone number from his phone, realizing how bad he was when he saw how he treated you.
° 5 months later and you and Jeongin are happily dating, and making you feel like the royalty he sees you as. You both never heard from your ex ever since that day, but when Jeongin took you to a grocery store to get some snacks. You both bumped into him.
"So I see you're getting my sloppy seconds."
"You're the only sloppy one here dumbass."
#stray kids#kpop#skz scenarios#stray kids reactions#changbin#han jisung#hyunjin#jeongin#bang chan#lee know#Lee felix#felix skz#skz seungmin#trans reader#thunderous
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I have questions for mk that may never be answered.
What's the story behind liu kang's tattoos? Like not fire god kang. No his one outfits tatts. Like i thought shaolin weren't supposed to have tatts? Unless im mistaken.
Also kung laos head being shaven makes sense as almost all shaolin shave their heads. Him having hair to me seems more of a protest or a personal journey type thing,maybe even having a personal conflict within even.But im not sure what part of the timeline would he would have either shaven it or grown it out.
Why the hell does d'vorah not have bright pretty colors?! Like a terrifyingly neon prettt bug lady makes sense. Because bugs are bright colors to say "hey fucker! Dont eat me or touch me or you'll die of poison/venom!"
Why doesn't NRS explore more on other asian cultures more?! Obviously we have influences from many asian cultures. China,japan,india,etc. So....NRS.....why you lil chicken snhiiits?! Why must you eurocentrize and American centrize everything? Look dont get me wrong,some things are ok but NOT ALL THE TIME. Especially when we have so many more mythos,stories etc to tell from other cultures. Fr.
Why in the name of the elder gods does NRS INSIST ON KILLING KUNG LAO!? IT'S GETTING OLD! GDI! give my boi happiness you fucks!
Also same with raiden. NRS why you gotta do my baby raiden like that?!
NRS how did you convince tagawa to come back? This is a god send. And honestly saved your ass. How you gonna come back from this? I don't think you can make any more games without him now. Like fr. You know you spoiled us fans. Now you gotta bring him back or people gonna be pissed. Also lord plz keep tagawa safe not just to reprise his role,but just in general. Nobody else can act like him and has such a kind and soft spoken heart. Fr.
NRS why only put 3 stage fatalities? I wanna see other stages fatalities too. >:(
Why do some people insist on some things being deeper than a inside game joke and or funny gag? Like some things if not most things in mortal kombat is for laughs or to make light in the violence that is mortal kombat. Like kidd thunder for example. That is legit just a funny friendship thing. Nothing more than that. He's not in universe. There is no secret family relation. Thats just a tiny/chibi/babality(?) raiden being cute. Nothing deeper. And shang lao was the original template name for shang tsung before he was renamed,shang tsung. And the tid bit we see in mk11 is just only a nod to that. For funzies. Nothing deeper. He doesn't have a brother,its not a clone(tho i wouldn't put it past shang to clone himself,vain lil binch. Luv you shang) its legit just a fun nod to that. Inside jokes is all the are. But....the real question is......when is NRS gonna bring back animality?
Also when can we get kung laos bunnies back?
Again these may never be answered.
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🎂 and 🌌 for Constance, Lucas and Cass? If your still taking these!!! Thank you!
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Constance's birthday is the 15th of September! She's a Virgo. She likes celebrating her birthday, but she generally has to spoil herself nowadays now that her Daddy's gone. She's never had many friends. She'll often take herself out to tea and buy something incredibly expensive and indulgent.
. . . Lucas is a Cancer but I appear to have forgotten the actual date so I'm telling you that it's the 10th of July! He doesn't celebrate his birthday because to be perfectly honest, he doesn't like himself, and he doesn't see it as something worth celebrating. If his beloved wanted to celebrate for him, though, he'd be touched and choked up about it.
Cass's birthday is the 1st of June! He's a Gemini. He loves his birthday on the surface, because it's a day all about him so why wouldn't he? He can very easily slip into melancholy about it, though, so he tries to ensure he's at least in town when it rolls around so he can get lost in booze or in other people.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Cass originally belonged to a universe that I've had since I was about twelve; it's very much a like . . . comfort collection of characters and plots I occasionally return to when I'm burnt out and sad! It's mostly a vampire universe (though occasionally populated with other mythical beings); in that universe, he's still an artist, but he's also the torture specialist and second in command of I guess the villainous faction of vampires and the occasional lover of their leader. He still only has one eye, but he removed it himself whilst fucking around with magic instead!
His inspiration as a murder OC is very rooted in my own personal interest in gothic horror and romance! The whole brooding, aristocratic charismatic villain living in a ramshackle crumbling mansion in the middle of nowhere, the tragic backstory that still doesn't justify him using innocents in search of something that's just out of his reach. His story beats are also very heavily influenced by the Picture of Dorian Gray, which is one of my personal favourite novels! He's . . . he's a lot of things and I love talking about them honestly.
Constance is a natural progression of all the fluffy, pretty girls in cupcake dresses that I've been drawing creepy cuted up for years and years! She's actually the only one that really exists to be a 'Murder OC' and doesn't have her roots somewhere else! I don't remember if I've mentioned on this blog, but I wear lolita and there's a . . . very weird dichotomy where people either think it's a kink thing or think you're a cutesy baby angel who would never even think about blood because you are busy watching your children's anime or whatever. Constance is partly a way for me to put the power in her hands; she's pretty and delicate and utterly terrifying (and she gets really, really pissed off if you think her clothes are a kink thing). Lots of lolita have nurse and medical themes, too, so making her a kind of 'plastic surgeon' seemed a reasonable choice! Her story is very much about the pursuit of beauty and love in the face of a world that doesn't quite understand you.
Lucas's original story is a zombie apocalypse universe wherein he's the de facto leader or a ragtag group of survivors, but there's something . . . weird about him. Honestly, he's not all that important in that universe - but he's been very popular here! I definitely wanted him to be a very traditional yandere type; the kind of man who wants to keep you safe despite knowing that people like him are the reason the world is unsafe to begin with. His delusions are probably the most important thing about his character; he knows what he does is wrong, so he rationalises it by thinking of all the awful things he saw human beings do during his military service as 'other humans deserve to die'. He knows that his diet isn't normal, he knows that most people would be disgusted, so he rationalises that by thinking of himself as separate to other humans and on top of the food chain. He knows that his MC generally does not really love him, that he shouldn't have kidnapped and sequestered them - and he rationalises that by thinking he's keeping them safe . . . and then by telling himself that they do love him anyway, and they're just shy.
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Peter Parker x SHIELD Agent! Reader
Warnings: Smut and fluff
You wake up in Peter's arms.
Part of the "Fine line" series, but you don't need to read that to understand this.
Peter woke up to the smell of your coconut shampoo and the feeling of sunshine on his skin, your warm weight tucked into his side, and for a minute it was summertime, and he was back on a desert island alone with you.
But it wasn't summer anymore, and you were no longer the only two people in the world, as he was reminded of as soon as he opened his eyes and saw the angry bruises on your, otherwise lovely, naked back. You had sneaked into his bed well after midnight the night before, battered and exhausted after your last mission, hair still wet after your shower. He had held you, laying awake in the dark for hours, hating the fact that he couldn't help you. He didn't have enough clearance to even know what you were up against, but he suspected it was a little bigger than his usual Queen's thugs. And you didn't have superpowers, or super-healing like him. But that wasn't going to stop you.
Now, in the morning light, he was blown away once again by how brave you were, how badass and brilliant. He had always known you were too good, that you shone way too bright for a broken boy like him. But you had spoiled him too much, made him too selfish to be able to let you go. So he kept holding onto you, his own personal sun, basking in your glow, letting you brown his skin just right.
He placed a soft, barely there kiss on a bruise at the back of your shoulder, and another one right on your spine. And another one, lower on your back when the rhythm of your breathing changed as you stirred under his ministrations. The first thing you were aware of waking up was his smile against your bare skin.
You sighed in contentment,
He chuckled softly,
"Who else could I be, cherry?"
A pair of ocean eyes flickered through your mind's eye. You shook the thought quickly. You tried to turn to face your boyfriend, but his hand on your hips stopped you.
"What are you doing?" You demanded. A yelp left your lips when his only answer was a piercing bite on your left butt cheek. He quickly soothed the sting with his tongue, sucking and massaging your supple flesh until he felt you relax. He parted from your skin to reach towards the headboard, grabbing a pillow and bringing it down until it was next to your hips.
"Turn around for me, baby, on your stomach" He requested. You obeyed, laying there, on your belly, butt up in the air supported by the pillow underneath you. Defenseless and exposed, all for him.
"What are you going to do to me?" All the sleepiness was gone from your voice, as you tried to get a peak at your boyfriend above your shoulder.
"I wanna take care of you" He replied, hands trailing up and down the back of your legs, "Will you let me take care of you, sunflower?"
You nodded your surrender to him, and felt his hands push your legs apart. He settled between them, greedy fingers digging into your thighs. Gossebumps broke on your skin at the first lap of his wicked tongue on your folds, twin moans leaving your lips, but for very different reasons.
"I'll never get over the way you taste" he whispered against your skin, "you are delicious, baby girl… I wonder if you're this delicious everywhere…"
You didn't have time to think about the meaning of his words, as he dove right in, sucking and licking, working you so expertely that it only took a couple of minutes before he could slide two fingers inside your wet, velvety heat, easily, your body offering no resistance.
You were putty under his tongue and teeth and fingers, trying in vain to muffle your sobs against the mattress, hands clutching at the sheets when you felt it: Soft, moist lips, reverently kissing your tightest hole. Your hips jumped of their own volition, and he had to bring down one of his forearms across your lower back to keep you in place, pinned to his bed.
"Pe-peter!" Your scandalized voice, your sudden shyness, felt like a triumph. You had been his first everything, but now, he had found something new to you. Something you hadn't done with anyone else, and he knew to you it didn't mean much, 'the first is just the one that comes before the second' you had said once, but to him it meant the world. He did it again, and this time there was no disguising your moan when his tongue came out, placing little kitten licks on the firm ring of muscle. His thumb flickered your clit, and you relaxed again, allowing him to bury his face deeper.
"Just like that, let go baby girl"
There it was again, your new nickname, the title that had once belonged to him, when he was still a clueless, eager boy, desperate to please, but never disciplined enough to be a good sub. Didn't matter, he knew now how to please you, even in ways you didn't even know yourself. Confident enough to be demanding, to take control. And you trusted him enough to give it to him.
You stopped resisting, releasing the tension you didn't even know you were keeping, melting completely into the bed. His arm stopped holding you still, now free to trail tender touches along your legs, your butt, your sides. He flattened his tongue, placing a long lick, from where his fingers kept disappearing in and out of you, all the way to the top of your ass.
He continued to kiss along your spine, mindful of your injuries, crawling up your body. He chuckled softly at the little disappointed noise you made when you realized it was over, even before his fingers left your softness to help support his weight.
"You're perfect, Sixteen," his warm breath ghosted along your neck, "everywhere"
Peter rested his forehead on your shoulder as he sank his length into you, effortlessly, naturally, without even needing to use his hand to guide the way.
Like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. He didn't need any Island, that right there, your body under his, was his perfect oasis. He started rocking his hips, gyrating them in an out in an eight figure, fucking into you deeply but delicately. There was intensity in his movements, force but no aggressiveness, no violence, as he owned you in a completely new way. He kept his weight off your back, careful of not aggravating your wounds. The drag of his cock so deep, so measured in his movements, let you feel perfectly every ridge and vein, electrifying you and the friction on your clit against the pillow still under you, were creating a whole different storm of sensations.
"Please" you begged, brokenly, "Daddy, please"
He growled, loving the way the word sounded from your lips.
"What do you need baby girl?"
But you could only repeat the same plea over and over again, your vocabulary limited to those two words as Peter fucked your brains out in the most exquisite, careful way in the universe.
"It's ok baby girl… keep on begging… love the way you beg" His voice was husky, letting you know how close he was too, "Love the way you take my cock… love the way you taste" his tongue came out once again, tasting the drops of sweat at the back of your neck, sending another wave of pleasure crashing through your body.
"Love all of you, Sixteen…" his lips found the shell of your ear, as he came undone inside you, "I love you"
It was all it took. You came harder than you ever had, the strength of your grip around him triggering a second release, his high pitched moan resonating in your ear. Peter collapsed next to you on the bed, under your astonished eyes, your heart pounding inside your chest too hard for you to rest. You should know better than to take seriously words said in the heat of the moment, you knew you should. But this was Peter, the boy that wore his heart on his sleeve for all the world to see, even if that world didn't deserve it. The boy that remained soft, and good and warm like the sun, even after all the suffering, all the loss, all of fate's attempts at suffocating that light.
"Your heart is beating so fast, it sounds like a hummingbird" He commented, lazily opening his eyes, and his arms, "Come here"
You inched closer until he could wrap his strong arms around you, tucking your face into his neck. You were scared, he could tell, probably thinking he hadn't really meant it. Or, much more likely, to the intensity of your own feelings towards him. Because there was no denying the way you had fallen apart the second the words left his lips.
"I meant it." He whispered into your hair, "You don't have to say it back if you're not ready, I know you feel it too. And I know you're afraid, but you don't have to..."
You raised your head, meeting his eyes. The morning light casting them in a golden glow, like sunshine through a glass of whiskey. He was beautiful.
"I won't break your heart, Six. I promise"
And for a moment, you let yourself believe him. For a moment, there, laying in his arms, cocooned by daylight, you let yourself believe you wouldn't break his either.
To be continued...
#peter parker#peter parker x reader#peter parker imagine#peter parker smut#peter parker reader smut#peter parker fanfiction#peter parker fanfic#spider man#spiderman smut#tom holland#tom holland x reader#tom holland smut#tom holland reader smut#tom holland fanfiction#hot tom holland imagine#soft tom holland imagine#tom holland imagine
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Nothing's gonna hurt you baby|t.h.
A/N : something special for this special day heheh I hope you like it! It's a little different from what I've done before.Also I'm sorry for any mistakes. I love youu(you can listen to the song if you want to,trust me you won't regret it it's in the end)
Warnings : fluff and a little smut
She woke up hearing the birds singing outside,flying,being free. Her eyes blinked from abrupt contact with the bright sunlight and her head switched to the other side. Although she just woke,she felt exhausted and barely moved. Her cheeks were puffy and her small eyes were like fire. Everything burnt,the worst kind of pain. The sheets were cold next to her. A man's body was missing. Moments from the previous night came to her tired mind,as feelings overwhelmed her heart.
"Babe?"her voice sounded like a melody to his ears."Do you want to watch a movie with me?"his eyes met hers. He couldn't resist to this soul, who was now lying next to him.
"Of course my love,whatever you want"she laughed like a little kid, clapping her hands together. He watched her from behind. Her hair long, covering the half of her back, looked soft and brighter. Her curves, her hands, her legs, the way she was focused on searching a movie to watch. She could literally have any man she wanted or wished for. But she chose him, she was with him.
Their legs warmed one another, her head resting on his chest, going up and down. His lips on top of her forehead, kissing it every two minutes.
She felt the most luckiest girl. His arms wrapped around her, giving the comfort she never felt in her life. Her cheeks hurting from the bright smile she wore and from the heat, causing them to turn into a light shade of red.
None of them was paying attention to the movie. Were lost in their feels. They looked at each other at the same time, giving them a good amount of laughter, before their lips connect. The world stopped spinning. People stopped moving except these two lovebirds. The kiss was slow, expressing their inner feelings. They couldn't hear anything but their hearts beating at the same tempo. She jumped to his lap, her hands now exploring his chest and neck as his hands were placed to her waist pulling her as much closer as possible. Their tongues fighting now,their hunger to taste each other's bodies.
She wanted to feel him inside her listening to his moans, kissing her neck and whispering sweet words like every other time.
He wanted to feel her around him, hearing her moans, feeling her quick breath to his shoulder, telling her how much he loves her.
In minutes their clothes were on the floor. His tongue rediscovered her body, her breasts, her belly, her pussy. So did his fingers. Every inch was something new. It was like the universe put an effort to make this piece of art that he had under him, moaning at his touch and taking his breath away whenever she called his name.
Her hands were scratching his back and later his curls. She wasn't able to speak from the pleasure she felt at that moment. The pleasure he was giving. He looked like an angel that was sent to this world to save and take her at a better place.
"Tom"she whispered at his ear, feeling him inside her, hitting her spot. He met her eyes only for a moment before she closed them again, leaning her head back and moan his name once more. He was the luckiest man in the world.
Her heart was exploding through her chest,not being able to calm. Her legs around his body, shaking and burning. Her skin was so hot under his touch, it wasn't even possible for a woman to feel like this. He had this power over her and he wasn't even realizing.
In fact he was scared that someday she'll fly away from his arms. She'll find love somewhere else, far away from him. This was the main reason he felt the need to express his love to her always, making her feel good in so many different ways. Kissing her,spoiling her, dancing with her, sing to her, writing about her, making love to her. He saw her eyes getting brighter, her smile bigger, her hugs longer. He knew she was going to be forever his, but still the fear of losing her was present.
Y/n was terrified too. That he will get bored, that his love for her will stop at some point, that one day he might me gone. His arms will hug another person's body, his lips will not longer kissing hers. The thought of it was enough for her to tear up. She didn't want to lose him. He was her soulmate, her world, the meaning in the miserable life she was drowning. He was her savior.
And although they were scared for the other person's feelings, the only thing both didn't doubt was their unconditional love they felt for each other. She was in love with him. He was in love with her.They knew they wouldn't stop loving and cherish the other. They were convinced that this was their destiny, to be in love.
"I love you"their voices blended so well. Their bodies started to move faster and both couldn't breath easily. Their moans filled the entire house, and even further, not being ashamed if the neighbors were able to hear them. They didn't care about the rest of the world. It was just the two of them, in that bed screaming as they were closer to the edge.
They finished at the same time. Tom's body moved to the side trying to catch his breath. She turned to him, placing her head to his bare upper body, giving little kisses.
"I'm gonna make something to eat okay?"she smiled as she watched him breathing hard and barely speak. She was responsible for that, but he did more to her in ways she couldn't express, and probably never will.
A satin robe covered her naked body. She was standing in the kitchen, moving every now and then to take things, add some, throw some others, mixing, baking. She wanted to thank him. He was the only one to take her away and travel in places even God had forgotten. He was the only one to make her smile so much. He was the only one that made her feel so weak just from a touch. He was much more than just a man walking down the streets every day and night. But she didn't know that she was the one that saved him.
When you are feeling lonely, it seems that everyone is happy except yourself. You don't have someone to talk to, share thoughts, laugh with, give your love to. Just silence. And then you start feeling less and less. That's how he was feeling the day she accidentally threw her drink all over him. She became that person he was searching for years. That made him start feeling again. Who knows where he would be of they didn't met there.
He leaned against the door, just watching her cook. Her hair up now, showing her neck that was full of hickeys he left moments ago. Her body so flawless, that made him want to feel her again.
"Y/n"she stopped and looked at him. "Can I have a dance with you?"
"What about this?"he grabbed her hand and started walking to the living room. She laughed a little and waited for him to put a song. She didn't know why his heart desired dance so much. She loved watching him dance around the living room though, he looked like happier like that. And she was always looking at him with a full heart.
His hands pulled y/n's body closer to his. He started swinging and she followed fascinated from him and the way he looked under nothing but the moonlight.
"Whispered something in your ear, it was a prevented thing to say but I said it anyway, made you smile and look away"
Her head was resting on his shoulder, her eyes closed enjoying the dance. Tom's head was resting on the side of hers, his lips next to her ear.
" Nothing's gonna hurt you baby. As long as you're with me you'll be just fine. Nothing's gonna hurt you baby, nothing's gonna take you from my side"
That's how she felt with him. He was the shield she needed. Nothing was getting to her anymore, 'cause he was the one that protected her. She never felt unhappy or worried about things she used to. Tom was the person that made her feel happy, loved, carefree.
And that's how he felt with her. Y/n took the pain away from him. She was there when his friends couldn't. She listened and cared. Only beautiful emotions got through him because of her.
"When we dance in my living room, to that silly 90's R&B. When we have a drink or three, always ends in a hazy shower scene"
He picked her from the ground, her legs around him. She rested her forehead to his looking to his brown eyes, darker that usual. Her butterflies flew inside her entire system. Their lips connected again as their emotions got the most of themThe only thing that bothered him was that robe that blocked her beauty. He wanted to see her from head to toe naked every day all day. She was like a drug, the most dangerous one he couldn't say no to. She was allowed to ruin his life if she wanted to.
They lay down, hunger take over them for the second time. Just with kisses and she was already wet enough.
"Waterfall is overflowed"he whispered to her ear, his fingers playing with her, moans coming from her mouth.
"Nothing's gonna hurt you baby. Nothing's gonna take you from my side"
He was now inside her, the pleasure hitting him like electricity. She was tight around him, fitting him better than anyone. His heart next to hers, his eyes scanning her expressions one by one. Every girl would be jealous from her beautifulness and every guy was wishing to be him right now.
"When we laugh into the microphone and singing, with our sunglasses on to our favorite songs"
They both remembered the same day. Their first road trip. It was a hot summer day, music was loud and they were singing, or dancing, or laughing, or kissing. A day spent away from where they lived, next to a river just the two of them.
She finished first only a few seconds before him. The moon was even smiling seeing their tired bodies come closer, hugging one another. She kissed his lips with lust and mostly love. She tried to make sure he knew she was there for him. And she was staying.
She got up from the bed, sun watching her naked body. She got her robe again and made her way to the living room where she found him. He was standing next to the window with a cup in his hand, only wearing his grey sweatpants. He knew that they would drive her insane and she knew that he was aware of that weakness.
"Good morning baby"her voice made him smile before he felt her hand to his curls.
"Good morning"he kissed her." How was your sleep?"he asked as he caressed her cheek.
"I slept good"she laughed."When did you moved us from the ground?"
"A couple hours ago" he sipped from his cup,pulling her to a hug." I made you breakfast. Well you did last night but something came up"
"Yes I know. What a pity!" she smiled at him before starting running around the furnitures with him behind her.
I hope you enjoyed it. Here's the song:
#tomholland#tom holland#tom holland imagine#tom holland fluff#tom holland imagines#tom holland x#tom holland x y/n#tom holland x you#tom holland x reader#tom hollandxreader#tomhollandxreader#tomhollandx#tomholland?reader#tom holland birthday#tom holland smut#tom holland one shot#tom holland fic#tom holland fanfiction#peter parker#peter parker imagine#spiderman#Tom Holland#peter parker fanfiction
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[text]: Family is not always blood, and I'm so glad you've found your little family. It's a great feeling, isn't it? Something tells me it won't. Ava and Luke will always be at the forefront of your mind, no matter what you do. We do, but their mom has been incredibly accommodating. For example, she let the girls stay over Christmas Eve and came over in the morning to watch them open presents when that was her time with them and she very easily could've said no when Aaron proposed the change. I wasn't sure how the whole splitting time thing would go but it's been very easy so far. Honestly, I'm dreading the day she's old enough to realize they're leaving her. Even if her heart doesn't break, mine will. That Luke sass is one-of-a-kind so I can't wait to see how she puts her little Ava spin on it. No prayers needed. A little sass is a good thing! She's alive and happy, so it's working. The same might not be able to be said about you, but I promise it gets easier.
[text]: Oh my gosh, yes please! Spam me with all the pictures at any point, okay? Especially when she gets to wear her little sherpa outfit. Well, I don't know if Luke's told you yet but I'm actually coming for a visit today! Sorry in advance if I'm a baby hog while I'm there, but I'm also not actually sorry. How is she the cutest 5SOS fan already? Thank you, that means a lot to hear. Both? I wouldn't necessarily say that we're trying but we also weren't at all trying with Collins. We're just living our life and whatever is meant to happen, will happen. Haha, well I always tease him and say I want ten kids. I loved carrying Collins and would happily do it over and over again. All I know is that I want as many babies as the universe will give us -- whether that's two or twelve is still to be determined. We should pitch the reality show now -- Babies In Bali. Follow along as ten parents introduce their little ones to one of the most stunning locations in the world and watch the drama unfold as they all collectively decide to never return home. Always on your team and always your biggest cheerleader!
[ text ]: i think i struggled as a kid with the idea of never having that intact nuclear family, something most of my friends had but the family you make for yourself is as important. my family with luke though, it's always going to be more important than anything else. our daughter takes priority over everything, work included. glad she's making it easy, that's really decent of her. maybe she realizes that her daughters should have a relationship with their half-sister and if she gets in the middle of that, it's only going to hurt the girls, who'll end up resenting her for it. you guys are all going to be connected for life, so fostering those relationships early on is so important. the girls are getting older and they'll soon start to have more say in their life, so Collins no doubt will be spoiled with love and attention by their big sisters. Ava looks so much like Luke and i can definitely see that in her personality too. i can't say no to Luke and definitely can't say no to Ava, so that's gonna make the rest of my life pretty damn interesting.
[ text ]: my phone is so full of pictures, so happy to send lots to you. you have to see her in her dungarees, it's the cutest thing ever. ahh you are?? i'm so excited to see you, are you bringing Collins? you can hold Ava and I'll get some sweet Collins cuddles. she'll forever be the cutest 5SOS fan. that's a good outlook to have, let nature do it's thing and roll with the punches. a house full of kids, huh? i feel like you two could definitely handle it, you're both cool customers. traveling with babies is horrible but for this reality show, i'm willing to do it !! you're the sweetest and i couldn't ask for a better friend. love youuuuuuuu.
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