#don't need that kind of energy fucking up your aura or whatever
sunnysssol · 3 months
*bows,* thank u thank u for the compliment I'll do anything to keep Matthew alive( like Alfred) even if he wishes he wasn't :)
Y'know what, I get that and I respect it 🫣 you can't make your blorbos suffer if they're already gone, no?
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codacheetah · 3 months
AGREE WITH YOUR PREVIOUS POST. I like mean Loop as a facade only, but we know they still care and love...
Now I have a question, what's your favorite Loop takes/headcanon
Oh my god I'm so sorry I took like two weeks to answer this one I prommy it's not bc I'm exclusively a hater or whatever. I just straight up forgot to answer Oopsie. I'm putting this under cut bc it got long enough that you all would shoot arrows at me for putting it on your dash
Anyways there's a lot of Loop Thangs I like frankly. A big one that I enjoy is when fic authors in postcanon make the transition of Loop into the party structure kind of rocky. Usually bc Loop's neuroses creating a level 12 psychic barrier between them and the party + the inherent awkwardness of meeting somebody who's apparently super close in a way (that you'll never fully understand) to one of your friends. Who let's be real I feel like half the party (coughIsabeauandMirabelle) would catch the aura of "oh they do not like us at all" from Loop. I want Loop to be happy and with their family but you just know this bitch is going to make it as difficult for themself on purpose. The Siffrin Special.
I also just generally like when they keep Loop as a star postcanon. I'm not at all a hater towards Human Loop (in fact I think it can be itself an interesting setup for a Loop fic) but I do like Loop as a star more thematically. Something about having to accept that things have changed and moving on from it regardless. Also bc Loop being dysphoric about their body scratches a very transgender projection itch in my brain Yessss little star you're stuck in a body that draws unwanted attention and which you have no control over how it looks and functions in a way that feels fundamentally wrong to you. (Pointing at canonically transgender character) Yooooo this guy is such a cool trans allegory omg
Hmm what else. This is more of a sloops thing but I always enjoy in fics when they lean into the fact it's selfcest frankly. I've become a selfcest enjoyer bc of this ship I'll never get over that act 5 dialogue abt the cautionary tale where Siffrin says he never understood the moral of the story bc the idea of having somebody just like him who understands him. Oh my gyoooooooooooooooood. I want them to melt into sludge I'm always thinking of that analogy from superflyghtheart on discord comparing Loop and Siffrin to endlings of an endangered species. 💥💥💥It's like. This is less sloopy now but I'm caught between the intersection in my head of "Loop would probably benefit from developing their own identity as a person separate from Siffrin bc they need Something they have control over" and "Loop is of the Siffrin Species and they are significantly too sentimental to let go of the shreds of what they used to have, especially after having lost all of it once already". Both of these things are yummy as fuck when ppl smarter than me explore them and they're kinda the main Story Paths for postcanon Loop anyways so I'm always winning. So like idk tldr I like it both when ppl have Loop diverge a lot as a person and when they have Loop try their best to stay as much of a Siffrin as possible!
I'm limiting myself to four paragraphs so you don't all want to hit me with hammers but I do have Loop Biology Headcanons. I've explained mythoughts on their guts before and don't feel like recounting them but whatever True #codacheetahwarriors remember my deranged rambling. ANYWAYS I kind of mentally run on the assumption of Loop's body as like. The Universe couldn't keep Loop in Siffrin's body, bc they needed Siffrin to be in it (and I guess a system situation introduces too many factors of its own? idk). The Universe operates with the goal of fulfilling wishes with the least intervention possible, so The Universe makes a body out of cheap inorganic material (star-scrap basically). Miniature star for a head fueling the body with Craft energy (I'm not going to get into my conspiracy that all Craft is the same here). Molds the star scrap into a vaguely Siffrin-shaped/sized vessel and plonks Loop's conscious into it and calls it a day. So Loop's body as a poor simulacrum of a human body is like. They're capable of breathing but they only really benefit from doing it on a psychological level. They can't eat or drink and don't have a mouth because it would require a significant level of added effort to make a digestive system, when they can just derive energy from their star. They don't have reproductive organs because they're not made from organic material anymore anyways. They don't need to sleep bc their body never gets tired but they still do it because it's not really a great idea to leave your brain on running for too long anyways.
I fucking lied I'm on paragraph five bc the block of text is annoying me. To continue that's all a preface to say I think it's super fun when Loop has body functions that are weird and unpredictable. Their little frizzles on their body are reactive to their emotions the same way their headstar is, and feel like static if you touch them. Their head has a vague boundary so their eyes have something to be rooted to but the function by which their optic nerves work is unclear to everybody including themself. They glow based on intensity of emotion and the temperature of their star changes via specific mood. Bc I think it would be fun if the battlefield in twohats when from ice cold to boiling hot frankly. Ok these are all just my headcanons (temperature one very loose though I'm not a hard subscriber to it) but they're not uniquely mine it's just examples of what I mean. One I don't have as a personal headcanon but I do enjoy is when Loop feels the same physical sensations as Siffrin bc it's funny and I like inflicting misery on the star.
I'm going to shut up now like actually . Loop for your troubles
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
{what red flags 🚩 do you need to be aware of in the people that you attract?} • pac
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this can apply to both romantic and platonic connections.
• pile one •
cards: 9 of cups, 7 of swords, page of cups
you attract people who love-bomb. people who try to get close to you emotionally way too fast due to having negative intentions towards trying to gain something from you. i'm hearing that they try to trip you up, figuratively speaking, and they usually try to bait you into something in order to trap you. they act mad weird, like they want to put you on a leash and keep you tied to them - weird possessive shit - but i'm seeing you unassuming to what they're trying to do as you're just enjoying your moments with these people. i'm seeing that you could give off an aura of someone who is in need of help and that attracts a lot of people who see a vulnerable person who can be taken advantage of - or you attract people who keep you tethered to them by being in a damsel-in-distress type of energy. i feel an energy of you always knowing about these motives very subtly but you seem to keep yourself ignorant to them - or so it seems.
cards: the devil, 8 of swords, 10 of swords
this spread is so fucking bad. why are these people so shady? 🙃 you attract people who try to get you codependent on them for something. some really dark, vindictive shit - and this is most likely why you find yourself in a very rough spot mentally when you're around these people. these people really psychically attack you - especially behind your back. these people could gossip, or manipulate you mentally in some way through deceit. they do this as a way to try to get you to self-destruct mentally and not want to be seen. they try to get you to just feel low within yourself in an indirect way. these people are extremely emotionally immature and passive aggressive as fuck, and they hide this behind the facade of being a loving and kind/caring person towards you. everything that they do for you is transactional to them - you owe them, in their mind. you don't need whatever they're trying to offer you. these people try to steal your joy and try to influence you to destroy yourself for the sake of benefiting them. some of these people could've even tried to get you hooked on something (drugs and substances), their attention/validation, whatever the case - very disgustingly selfish energy.
if this preview resonates with you, feel free to check out the extended reading on patreon here
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• pile two •
cards: the hierophant, 4 of cups, the devil
these people are emotionally disconnected and extremely rigid in the way that they think and live life. they have major control issues and therefore have to control what they feel and when - leading them to never want to be vulnerable for fear of losing control over themselves. these people are dangerous because, due to the fact that they're so emotionally numb and apathetic, they're trying to search for happiness in the physical realm. they're not very emotionally aware or self-aware in general, and this is why they walk around with a fake sense of authority. they try to place burden onto you to make them feel better - it's like an unspoken expectation from them, as if your only purpose is for you to make them happy. this is very icky energy and i don't like it lmaoo. despite wanting to portray themselves as authoritative, they actually hate responsibility (they don't take accountability either), and they push what they should be responsible for onto other people. blaming other people for their own fuck ups.
cards: 5 of swords, strength, 5 of pentacles
these people like to breadcrumb others as a way of establishing some type of power or dominance over others. they like when they can have influence and control over someone else's emotions as it makes them feel like they have some type of strength in life. i'm hearing that their insecurity always bleeds through though. and they try to cover up these insecurities by indulging in everything to do with the material realm - focusing on their external appearance and image, their money over other people, etc. they don't care enough to quieten their ego and just listen to others to take another's opinion into consideration. they could be very argumentative at times for seemingly no reason. they could make themselves look like everything that the masses would desire in a friend/partner/family member, whatever connection that you have to them. however, this is done to coverup the fact that they know that they really don't have much to practically offer you. they're actually there to take - not give - and that ain't right.
if this preview resonates with you, feel free to check out the extended reading on patreon here
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• pile three •
cards: ace of swords, 7 of pentacles (reverse), 3 of pentacles
they're always envious and jealous of how much you know or how much you're capable of. they put you upon a pedestal in their heads and have the nerve to act like you've done something to warrant their irritation towards you being (seemingly) the best at something. they hate when you level up and when you progress in life because it shows that you're manifesting - that you're doing something that they gave up on doing a long time ago. it seems clear to them that you're doing something that highlights how little they're doing with their own lives and they gave up on trying to make things happen for themselves. it seems so much easier for you to achieve what you'd like to, though. it looks like you get so much stuff done to these people while they're doing hardly anything. and somehow that's your problem? ✨ wild ✨ these people compare themselves to you and then blame that on you. smh.
cards: 8 of wands, page of wands, the hierophant
these people seem to be able to think very quickly on their feet and have a direct method of asserting their opinions as a way to try to direct what you do or what you invest into. i'm feeling a lot of invasive energy as if they're trying to block you from having authority over your own life. they could definitely try to distract you and take you off of your path. these people are usually very focused on learning how to gain some type of status or respect for being the best of the best with something - and these people usually view you in that way. in the way that they want other people to view them. they can't stand to see you just do your own thing because whatever you do just isn't easy to compete with. these people are extremely impulsive and therefore make poor decisions that keep them stuck in the same place in life. and you doing the opposite - planning for your future and taking steps towards your goals - threatens their feeling of being revered as a respectable person with the most amount of authority.
if this preview resonates with you, feel free to check out the extended reading on patreon here
if this preview resonates with you, feel free to check out the extended reading on patreon here
if you’d like a personal reading, then check out my pinned post here
• pile four •
cards: 10 of pentacles, death, the star
lmaooo the first message is about being wary of people who are in MLMs. maybe you live in an area where that's common but it's really sticking out for someone in particular 😂😭 the red flags in these people are about how they're people who are always secretly in need of help. people who are constantly feeling a change in their ego and who they are, causing a lot of difficult endings in their stability and their structure in life for the sake of something or someone that they feel could save them. i don't feel malicious energy from these people, but just very vulnerable and very lost or stuck in their own regrets and misery. these people may come across as quite stable and structured, however they're constantly in the energy of needing to be rejuvenated somehow. i'm also seeing some of you being made aware to stay away from people with major smoking addictions. i'm seeing some of you being asthmatic or something but still forcing yourself to be around this person when they're blowing clouds like Thomas the tank engine. stop that 😭 these are people who could also cover up their pain or prevent themselves from making much necessary change by just keeping themselves in the comfort of their physical realities. they don't shed their skin when they need to at times, but then they wonder why they feel so drained and "dead inside". these are people in need of help who don't even help themselves.
cards: page of wands, queen of cups, 5 of cups
they're also very immature in the way that they act or literally behave. i'm seeing someone being immature towards expressions of emotions, and i'm also seeing them not being able to be serious when someone is trying to show them love and care. i'm picking up on some avoidant energy, and i feel like it's coming from them. they don't know how to recognise genuine love and care from someone (because they haven't allowed themselves to meet that yet) so they mistake small sexual encounters for love or something like that. or they expect you to feel loved based on sex. they're very immature in the way that they show love. if this is a platonic connection, they're someone who cannot apologise or who will not listen to the way that you feel. they'll try to just joke away the problem at hand and move on as if nothing's wrong in an attempt to avoid having to feel guilt or responsibility. these people also focus on a lot of people who they don't have in their lives anymore. they focus on who they lost (whether it was their fault or not, whether it was a good or bad thing to them) instead of focusing on the people who they're around currently. that's because they don't take things seriously enough until people around them get tired of it and leave. then they want to cry 🙃
if this preview resonates with you, feel free to check out the extended reading on patreon here
if you’d like a personal reading, then check out my pinned post here
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ruvviks · 2 years
>> oc quizzes
needed to catch up with tag games so i did a bunch of them in one post >:) was tagged by @arklay, @shellibisshe, @aceghosts, @florbelles and @strafethesesinners to take this test for my ocs, was tagged by @strafethesesinners to take this test and this test for my ocs, and was tagged by @aceghosts to take this test for my ocs, thank you all so much and sorry for the delay i've just been sitting here LMFAO <33 tagging @radioactiveshitstorm, @sweet-mephistopheles, @awful-roffle, @dickytwister, @roses-of-heaven, @reaperkiller, @steelport, @aartyom, @morvaris, @swordcoasts, @girlbosselrond, @cultistbase, @liurnia, @faarkas and anyone else who wants to do this :D <3 feel free to just pick one!!
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the easiest thing to do is stay quiet when something’s up. you’re not bothered, and you know what? you shouldn’t be! it’s none of your business, even when it’s entirely your business. it’s difficult (read: impossible) to tell if your cheery demeanor is a cover-up for something sadder, or if it’s simply your natural state of mind. you see a lot of things: people coming through town, people leaving the house and never coming back, lies and deceit of the highest degree. what happened to you? will you ever be that kid again? your presence smells like cotton candy, and your fingertips sparkle like stars. whatever white rabbit you’re chasing isn’t going to lead you to wonderland if you don’t start reaching out when you’re not feeling okay
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the thought of your found family is what motivates you in your own little world. you touch the clouds, and the soil gives way under your footprints… this is utopia. if you were to erase one thing, it would be your memory. experience is important, but ignorance is bliss. identity, in heaven, should give way to happiness. you'd give anything just to sit by the swings and eat ice cream, but this isn't that kind of world. you have to get up and wash the dirt off of your scraped knees
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you are a bit of an open wound. ⍜ the pain won’t kill you like you think it will, let yourself bear it and you’ll find you can ⍜ you might even find that the world is a lot more than your oyster. ⍜ reticent (unwillingly so), passive, introverted ⍜ resilient, generative, adaptable ⍜ you hold the ability to create and recreate the world around yourself
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well hello, beautiful. ✦ how does it feel to have their eyes on you all the time? ✦ do you like to perform? do you like the way their hands reach for you as you turn in the spotlight? ✦ do you wish they would stop? ✦ they won’t. they can’t help it. ✦ is that the reaction you wanted? you want them to laugh, to cry, to moan, to yell at you maybe. ✦ you only exist in the lines spreading across the faces of others, right? ✦ if nobody thinks of you, you aren’t. so you make yourself headline news and they won’t look away ✦ attention won’t solidify you when the sun comes up and love won’t fill that hole inside. ✦ you might want to install an alarm system. just because they want you, doesn’t mean you have to give yourself
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ok i had to really search the myths for some positive ares rep… i did not find any. regardless. you are not some meathead or the embodiment of rage or whatever. you've just got your thing, which ok is a little bit to do with war/anger/wrath etc. but so do the rest of these guys. you're just as good as the rest of them and you have an incredibly hot aura so congrats on that. there's more to you than some people bother to see, fuck them if they don't
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you honestly have the hardest energy to pin down. 'oh aphrodite is just some love/sex god' wrong the spartans worshipped her as a war goddess. you can be found anywhere and nowhere, you are mysterious, you are ethereal, many probably love you
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king of the deep sea. your whole deal is swimming around with your mouth wiiiiiide open. fearless. hungry
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hahaha oh my god. oh my god your legs are so long. your joie de vivre is unlimited. i’m terrified
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greenbirdtrash · 8 months
Random character lore facts: LYRR
- "Lyrr" is actually short for "Lyrr'ianereii", and this is one of the very few specific things that you need to know to summon her. It's not like it already happend on accident [or maybe it did, but the exact ritual features some specific conditions that should be followed, however it can be skipped if you have an established bond with her or at least have an understanding of who you're trying to reach....Kers as a sona basically has an unlimited access to her 24/7 due to their connection], but...as much as she likes toying with the unsuspecting mortals, she doesn't like to actually do her part and won't tell anyone her full name because she doesn't want to be summoned on purpose [or accident] and forced to work as some kind of a shadow familiar, demonic vessel, yadda yadda, you name it. She can do a lot of stuff with her powers, but she's lazy af. If she used her whole potential, she's be a fucking demigod, but naah
- She has no intestines or any organs that you would expect her to have [well, except for the eyes and her tongue], but on rare occasions when she does have some, they don't even function as you would expect them to... it's a bit of a mystery when it comes to Lyrr, but in reality, she doesn't even need any of that, she already breaks half of the physical laws just by being a creature she is.
She can create and fit "fake" organs inside her body however, if she desires so, completely ignoring the lack of skeleton, muscular system or..anything, in general.
If she wants to eat something, she will just create herself a stomach that simply floats inside her body, and so on.
- Surprisingly, can be calmed down to a point of being extra chill and playful by using certain kind of smoke, incense and aromatic oils. The "right" mix is unknown, but you can still try, if you have guts for it. If done right, she basically turns into a giant cat and loves everyone in the close proximity after getting a whiff even if she was cautious at first, it works similar to a catnip on her, putting her in a slightly dizzy state.
- You can't harm her using holy water [she isn't exactly your traditional kind of "demon", or a 100% demon to start with, more like an energy-based creature], but all positively-charged liquids interacting with her physical body will evaporate on spot as a result of two different auras boiling after being pushed together. She finds it merely amusing, and sometimes even likes to play along, pretending that she got hurt by it, hissing, scratching and spilling curses for a good minute or two before snapping out of it and giving you that one sarcastic look.
- During the initial manifestation [the moment of her appearing in any dimension in a semi-physical body], she "builds" her body by sculpting and melting whatever material is accessible at the moment, usually it's dust, smoke, ashes, feathers, sand or certain liquids - it was proven that it works well with corvid blood and tarragon extract, at least. It usually takes her around 2-3 minutes to fully recreate her usual form in an open environment [and approximately 10% faster if she's doing it in some kind of a dusty underground structure]. As soon as she reaches the goal, she will maintain her choosen form with ease unless she needs to shift or retreat quickly...Even then, she will often refuse to "drop the body" and will seek other options, if possible.
You can say she's very...stubborn when it comes to using her powers, the ones that drain her energy storages, at least. And creating a physical body sure drains a lot.
- Her wing and tail movements often give her mood or thoughts away, if you already know a bit about her body language [Don't tell her tho, she doesn't like feeling like an open book]. For example, her tail will flick or quietly tremble when she's excited, and her wings will slightly shake when she's annoyed or straight up open when she's shocked or enraged
- She makes a great archivist/historian! Besides being linked to current dimension's info field, she can also act as a walking library, "scanning" any books with her abilities in minutes and transferring them directly to her brain very being. Then she can pick and share the extracted knowledge telepathically, translation won't be needed, no matter in which language the original literature was.
....The only issue is that the amount of her infodumps might be overwhelming for someone who's not used to telepathy. An average brain is usually struggling with so much information being "loaded in" at once
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stayconnecteed · 8 months
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🪐˓⠀˚⠀lowkey⠀@⠀lee know.
about: drabble request by @vanillacupcakefrosting (thank u for being the first ♡) 一 "lee know... something a little naughty?", lowkey by bm (kard).
SEE MORE.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀915 words. ⠀⠀general mlist.⠀⠀join taglist.
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⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀smut ★ mentions of biting / neck kisses, chocking, mirror sex (mentions of oral sex - both him and her reciving, but not described).
⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀plot ★ minho's thoughts on a party + the after party in his room.
⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀credits ★ mdni banner by @cafekitsune.
⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀warnings ★ if any under 18 acc interacts with this fic i'll block them.
⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀author's note ★ i hope you like it!! no proofread, i don't even know what have i done ajsdhjasd
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The thing Minho liked most about you was your innocent appearance. There was something about the curious way you watched everything, your big eyes taking in every detail, a shy smile tugging at your lips. And it was something that drove him crazy. Even at that moment, sitting on the couch in his own apartment, some of his friends around him having a conversation he'd already lost track of, he didn't let you out of his sight. You were right in his field of vision, the tight leather skirt hugging your hips, which moved almost of their own to the soft music as you talked to your best friend. He adored your angel aura, delicate and naive, at his total mercy.
When he had met you, everyone had told him about how gentle and kind you were, always looking out for those you cared about, the typical person who listens to you when you are talking and someone interrupts, a soft smile plastered on your face, always there, like a constant of joy in the group. And he had seen you, and had thought you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. The crush had been instantaneous, but somehow he didn't remember any physical traits he could point to: all he could think of was your electrifying energy, the smell of your shampoo, that he had lost himself in your essence, and it was why all those little imperfections you thought you had had seemed insignificant to him.
If there was one thing that attracted him, though, it was the certainty he had that it was all a facade. You were a lovely person, it was true, but in the intimacy of his room you had proven time and again that not everything you let on was the real you. That defiant look you gave him with your chin up while he plopped down between your legs, eager to taste you. The mischief-filled smile you would flash just before licking his cock, knowing that every little movement of yours had him on edge. And most of all, the sighs and whimpers you'd spill onto his sheets as he buried his hips in you, shivering when your wetness received him. You were an angel ーhis angelー but with a single glance you managed to turn Minho into a real sinner.
His favorite part of the parties he organized in the apartment he shared with Felix was when you got bored. He would see you say goodbye to those around you, after having danced for hours, and walk the few meters until you ended up sitting on his thighs, feigning a tiredness you didn't feel, to whisper in a choked voice a "Let's go" in his ear, leaving it to him the part of mumbling a excuse that would allow him to chase you to his room. He loved to close the door behind his back and discover you lying on his bed, staring at him with heat in your eyes, whining that you needed him, that he had to do something, now, or you would lose your mind.
And after that nothing mattered anymore but having you in his arms, caressing your skin with a soft touch, or biting your flesh, leaving marks that could be seen, using his tongue, or his fingers, or whatever it took to fuck you dumb on his mattress, so bad that you wouldn't remember anything but him, that you'd forget even your name. Until he made eye contact with himself in the mirror you had bought a few weeks ago, his forehead with a light layer of sweat, breathing hard, lost in you, and forced you to your knees, his hand wandering from its place between your legs to your neck, closing his fingers around it, and made you look at yourself.
With your chest pressed against the sheets, and your gaze glued to the mirror, Minho began to move his hips again, stifling his own moans as he bit his lip, just so he could hear better the sounds you were making, whispering how you had made him feel all through the party, with that damn skirt, and your dance, always pushing him to the limit when you decided to approach someone that wasn't him. And you watched him, his reflection making you weak, with the almost possessive way he grabbed your hips to fuck you back to him, closing his eyes so he could feel how good you felt around him, his hand squeezing at just the right moment, your body reacting to his experience, greedy.
And when he noticed you were closer, then he opened his eyes, his cheeks flushing as he met your gaze with his, and he lifted you up to pull you back to his chest, pressing his lips to your shoulder, kissing and nibbling as much skin as he could, you crying out and throwing your head back, he felt it. When you let him decide how much air went into your system, when you trusted him like that, looking up at him with crystallized eyes, babbling about "I'm yours, yours, yours, baby- hah, yours to do whatever, fuck, whatever you want with me", when you offered yourself to him because you knew he would put your pleasure and safety above his, it was then that he felt he loved you.
He knew he loved you, but he tried to repress it. They made him feel somewhat insecure, the magnitude of his feelings, the way he loved you, irrevocably, desperately. And it was too soon. But he would tell you. At some point. He thought that too, after you both finished, when you murmured how much you had enjoyed it, that you had to do it again, when he stroked your skin with a damp cloth to clean you up, when he watched your features relax as you drifted off to sleep. He'd trace a tired but satisfied smile, kissing your forehead with affection, and whisper a faint "I love you", just like every night he spent by your side, noticing how you snuggled against his chest, hoping that someday you'd hear it, unaware that you always woke up earlier the following day, and whispered the same thing.
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© stayconnecteed 2024 ★ do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms ! consider leaving a comment or reblogging.
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1111jenx · 3 years
why do you like virgo risings so much HAHAH
Hey gorgeous,
Haha I just made a post abt the full reason why I love all the rising signs but I'm more than happy to answer this one specifically;) Actually, I love all Virgo placements, bias because I'm a Pisces Moon but I'll try to explain it for ya
Where do I even start now pheww🤣 I guess I love them because:
I'm a very visual person. I don't just see things, I see aura and colours. I see one's energy when I look at them. Most Virgo placements I have met all have the most beautiful aura, ever. They have this angelic touch to them that just makes them look ethereal. But the more you talk to them, the more you realize even that halo of light don't do them justice.
Their souls are complicated yet they always try to understand others. They try. That's the thing. They never stop trying and doesn't matter if you do them so dirty, if they love you, they will never stop trying. I'm a stubborn person by all means, and I appreciate it so much when people are persistent. Consistency is beautiful on them.
They are smart. People smart, book smart, street smart. Whatever kind of smart you can think of. It's different for everyone of them. Yet they will always be smart. Virgo placements are ruled by Mercury, the planetary of knowledge and wisdom. Yet unlike their Mercury co-ruler aka Gemini placements, Virgo placements aim for perfection. However, while they aim for it, they (mostly) don't push others to it. Its more like they push themselves to that goal. I have Gemini Mercury and NN in the 10th, so I think thats the sexiest thing, ever.
They're fucking hilarious. Joking with them will make you feel like you're talking to a mini Einstein. Inside jokes with them stem from literally anything. They have the brightest minds and the best sense of humour. I live for their little giggles tbh.
They are accepting. Virgo placements can be the most critical people ever don't get me wrong. But thats them during their bad days. During their good ones, they never fail to make me feel accepted. They will listen to you and nod their head. They will try to get where you're coming from despite 100% disagreeing with you. Stand their grounds but won't push you to change your mind, unless they know its so damaging to you and theres clear backup evidence. Regardless, they're the people that will be there to pick up the pieces with you aftermaths.
Here are a list of only 5 reasons you need to SPRINT and get yourself a virgo placement:) They're literally wifey materials in my eyes and I cant sit here and list another 100 reasons to fall for them but we'll stop with 5 for today haha🥳 Regardless, I hope this answers your questions baddie. If you do have any other question, never hesitate to lmk💓
saint jenx🪐
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catzula · 3 years
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a/n: I just love Suna so much *screams*
honorable mentions: crackfic-like? The handsome-stranger-you-meet-at-the-airport au, swearing, 1.2k
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It's a night flight.
Suna always preferred night flights, anyway.
Suna doesn't like flying. Sitting in a cramped seat for hours can't be anyone's favorite hobby, but he hates flying with a passion. For starters- it's unhygienic. The air has a strange smell to itself, as well, and it never fails to give him goosebumps and an urge to stop inhaling altogether.
He hates the tasteless coffee they serve, and the little packets of nuts remind him of the day he had discovered his nut allergy in a flight like this. The leather seats making him feel sticky with sweat, but the air conditioning brings him on the brink of hypothermia.
If there was an injection of sorts he could take that would put him in a coma during the flight, Suna wouldn't think twice before taking it, and based on all this, it's fair to say he can get a little cranky in airports.
As someone with not too much energy to spare, airports are exhausting for him. He already doesn't like running, but Kita is a little too punctual to let him rest or buy a coffee from Starbucks. The twins' fighting about something new every other minute never already driving him mad, but being surrounded by overly stressed people doesn't help, either.
"I will jump out of the window if I have to sit next to Atsumu on the flight." Suna had told the captain months before, the exact moment he had heard he would have to fly with the team.
That was the very reason the middle blockers seat was all the way in the back, located next to the window and a stranger. Suna can't be happier- all he wants is some peace and quiet, anyway, to wear his sleep mask and headphones and cut ties with reality as much as he can.
"You good there?" Suna barely hears Atsumu's irritating voice through his headphones, lips curling in annoyedly as he turns to the boy to send a glare- but to his surprise, the fake blond isn't looking at Suna.
"Oh, I- ah fuck- yeah!" He hears a voice, and it takes him a second to notice you who stands before the seats, arms reaching up for the overhead cabins and successfully blocking Suna from his seat. You must be the stranger he'll have to spend the next eight hours with, he supposes.
The tired gaze looks you up and down, you who is fighting a bag half your size- shouldn't that be under the plane?- and trying to push it into the overhead cabins. It's apparent you're struggling, arms shaking with the heaviness of the bag, biting your lip to muffle the sounds of your wrestling.
Despite your words, anyone who has eyes could tell you are, in fact, not fine.
In desperate need of a pair of longer arms, you peek at the tall brunette standing next to you; he's huge, broad shoulders and a height that makes you wonder if he hit his head on the way here. He looks familiar- if you weren't in as much of a pinch- you might've let out an audible gasp when you realized why he looked so familiar.
He's the stranger you'd seen earlier that day, standing in the line across of you, looking tired and black-painted nails scrolling down his phone. The all-black fit he has only adds to the mysterious aura surrounding him, arms slumped forward nonchalantly. You remember thinking if you'd ever see him or anyone as handsome ever again, making scenarios in your mind as to what kind of a man he is. You never thought you'd ever meet him again, though.
Suna notices the silent cry of help you have in your eyes, even when you avert your gaze away from him and mask your desperation- but he's no fool, he can tell when someone lookshim with an open need of help.
Suna admits he's no saint, either.
He can help you out, and you both can sit your seats, but he doesn't really care, nor has the energy to help you. All he wants to do is to sit down already -even though it would suffice if he just pushed the bag with his fingertips, but Atsumu beside you smiling at you does look a little more eager to help than he does, anyway. There you go, a prince charming ready to help.
Suna seems unfazed by the glare you send his way -any scenario you've created falling in disappointment, too, really? He wouldn't even offer to help?- as he bends in half to slip through the triangle-shaped gap you've created with your arms, slipping underneath them to get to his seat and-
A shriek outs your lips as you watch the bright blue bag slide from your fingertips, it's almost like slow motion, watching the object fall right on top of the boys' head.
"Ah! What the-" Suna groans in pain right after hearing a loud thump caused by the crash of the luggage and his skull. "What the fuck?"
Fox-like eyes are quick to find you, going between your panic-stricken and slightly amused face and the bag resting before your feet. "I-I'm so sorry!" You exclaim, but your strained voice sounds more like you're holding back a laugh instead of guilty.
Well. Karma is a bitch.
"Here, let me help." Atsumu offers maybe a little too late as he lifts your bag off the ground -Atsumu hopes he managed to hide how much he struggled, too. Honestly? What do you have in there?- and places it in the cupboard. "Thank you." You at least have the decency to look grateful at the blonde, giving him a pretty smile. "I'm so sorry," you repeat, turning your focus back to the brunette, who is rubbing his head in pain. "It just slipped out of my hand!"
To your dismay, Suna doesn't even spare you a glance as he mutters a "Whatever." Frowning and finally plopping himself down on his seat.
You narrow your eyes but stay silent as you do the same, too, settling in the seat, accidentally elbowing him one too many times as you try to get your damn jacket off.
You can feel his dissatisfied glare as the flight attendant brings the man sitting beside you a packet of ice, and you ignore the "tch!" sound he makes as he places the ice on the crown of his head.
"Bye, Suna!" The blonde you've seen earlier waves a goodbye at the stranger sitting next to you- Suna, you think, a pretty name for a man as cross as him.
"Are you okay?" You mutter under your breath, raising your gaze to take a better look at him. His face contorted in pain- he's the type of handsome you only get to meet in an airport. It's unfair how good-looking the man is, his shapely lip rolled between his teeth, deep-brown locks tousled and messy, and he has the prettiest eyes you've ever seen in your life.
Suna doesn't answer your question, but he makes it clear he's heard you with a scoff, eyes rolling in annoyance, averting his gaze to his phone. It makes you feel angry- being ignored as if you're a six-year-old kid.
"I'm not sorry, actually. You had it coming." You huff pettily, lips pursing when he keeps his silence.
"Okay, I'm a little sorry." You mutter after a few awkwardly silent seconds, suddenly feeling guilty. You did drop a heavy ass bag on his head, after all. "But not much."
You turn your eyes away from him when he sighs, annoyance evident in the sound. "And?" He hums, voice monotone and deep. "Which answer I give will make you stop talking to me?"
Suna knows that was unnecessary as hurt and embarrassment flash across your face- he notices that's the first time he even looked at you that night. Well, he can get unreasonable at airports, he agrees.
"That was rude." Suna comments after a few awkward seconds.
"It was." You agree. "But I was rude, as well."
"You kind of were."
To his answer, you can't hold back a lighthearted chuckle, the oddness of the situation dawning on the both of you. "This might be in the top 10 strangest ways I met someone." You chuckle, he does, too, but with a sarcastic quirk of his brow.
He has a pretty smile, plump lips curving just enough to show you a glimpse of his white teeth, enhancing the sharp features of his face. "Only top ten? That's a shame."
You don't speak as Suna closes the sleeping mask over his eyes -it has a cat print on it too, how cute- as a smile still lingers on his lips. "Good thing I have eight hours to at least make it into top five."
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
Parsley, sobbing hysterically on a bench outside of Beacon's Headmistress's office, surrounded by Team RWBY trying to calm her down, unable to even form coherent words: I-I I did-Not...I-
Weiss, frantic concern in her eyes, a look matching on all of RWBY, desperately trying to coerce some semblance of sense out of Parsley: Sweetheart, baby, Parsley please, please honey you need to breathe and slow down, we can't understand you.
Yang, gripping onto Parsley's hand: C'mon kiddo, you're safe, you're okay. We're all here, nothing can get you.
Glynda, throwing open the doors to her office, speaking quickly: Team RWBY. Please, all of you, come with me this instant.
Blake, stepping forward reluctantly, looking back: We can't...we can't just leave her...
Jakob, speaking up from beside them all: Don't worry.
Sapphire, nodding, standing next to Jakob, gripping his hand: We'll take care of Parsley.
Ruby, ushering the rest of RWBY to Glynda, nodding at Jakob and Sapphire: Thank you, both of you.
Ruby, stepping over to Parsley, who's still in hysterics, taking hold of her cheeks and placing a kiss on her forehead: You're going to be okay Parsley, whatever happened. You'll be okay.
Glynda, waiting for all of RWBY to enter the Headmistress's office before closing the doors, taking the long and silent walk to the desk before speaking: I'm sorry to have called you all here on such short notice but we've had...a problem, as you could see.
Yang, through gritted teeth: What the fuck happened to my baby.
Glynda, sitting down into her chair, folding her hands over her desk: Your "baby" put a student one year her senior into the infirmary.
Blake, a bit confused: She's...done that before? We all have, you've even seen it. Why is she here then? Every time Parsley has ever done that during a sparring match she practically waits on the poor sap until they recover.
Glynda, narrowing her eyes: Yes, that's the thing. This wasn't during a match. It was an unsupervised and impromptu battle in a random hall during the day. Honestly calling it a battle is a bit too kind, seeing as how one-sided it was.
Ruby, narrowing her eyes: "One-sided?"
Glynda, clearing her throat: The other student, Reginald Fyre. Goes by "Wolf" in his circles.
Blake, through a growl: That bastard has been harassing Parsley for years!
Glynda, her eyes shooting to Blake, speaking loud and sternly: That "bastard" is another student of Beacon! And is now in the infirmary with three broken ribs, a shattered humerus, and a punctured LUNG.
Weiss, taking a step back, pure shock and terror in her eyes: N-No, no no Parsley would never. She couldn't! She couldn't bring herself that far!
Glynda, tapping a screen built into the desk, causing a holographic image of an empty hallway to appear, hitting play as she speaks: Watch for yourself.
Yang, intently glaring at the holographic video, showing Parsley walking with Jakob and Sapphire from the bottom of the screen towards the top, Reginald walking alone from the top towards the bottom, gritting her teeth as the boy gives a cocky smile and he speaks silently: No audio?
Glynda, curt: Unnecessary. Shut up and watch.
Blake, watching as Parsley and company move forward, completely ignoring Reginald, who moves quickly enough to get a brutal sucker punch into Parsley's stomach as she walks by, causing her to drop to her knees and spit blood to the ground, Blake and the rest instinctively lunging forward at the sight of this: HE HIT HER FIRST!
Glynda, pausing the video, speaking with a snarl: And that's the only reason she might get off slightly easy with a call of self defense! Just watch!
Weiss, continuing to watch the video in horror as Parsley slowly stands to her feet besides a laughing Reginald, her shoulders heaving with heavy breaths, something unseen in the video causing Jakob and Sapphire to back away in fear as all of a sudden a bright aura of energy explodes around Parsley, strong enough to cause the camera to static out for a split second, when coming back into focus Parsley has Reginald slammed into the ground by his throat, the floor around him cracked and dented inward, reddish-orange sparks scattering around his body: His...his aura broke from a single strike...
Yang, her eyes widening, closed fists trembling as Parsley raises her hand from the boy's throat and smashes it down into his chest, causing his face to contort in pain and projectile vomit blood: No...no it can't be...
Blake, her hand covering her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes as Parsley stands upright and lifts up a leg, despite the boy's desperate pleas and begging, drops it down heavy onto his upper arm, causing him to scream out in agony yet again: Yang it's...that's...that's your semblance...
Glynda, stopping the video as Jakob and Sapphire rush into frame, along with dozens of other people towards Parsley: She was grabbed hold of by her two friends, and the boy is being seen to right this moment by Jaune. If no one had finally stopped her, she would've-
Yang, slamming her fist to the desk, Glynda turning to her entirely unperturbed: SHUT UP! SHE WOULD NEVER!
Ruby, placing a hand on her sister's shoulder: Yang. Please.
Glynda, remaining silent as Yang removes her fist from the now shattered screen of the desk, after a moment: Anyways...I'm sorry, but your daughter's case does not look good. I'm more likely than not going to have to expel her. I'm sorry.
Blake, gasping: What?! No! That will destroy her! Being a Huntress is her dream! First the thing that happened with Alder, then this? She'll be all but dead!
Weiss, absolutely dumbfounded at what's been presented to her: S-S-Surely there must be something you can do? Glynda, please!
Glynda, snapping back: Having the worst of her punishment be expulsion IS the best I can do!
Glynda, taking a breath and calming down, settling back into her seat: I'm sorry. But she nearly beat this poor boy to death, years of harassment or no, there's nothing I can do. I cannot play favorites in this situation, I must put Beacon first. I'm-...
Glynda, putting her fingers to her lips in order to stop them from quivering: I'm...I'm truly sorry. But there's nothing I can do for Parsley now. You should all consider yourselves lucky she's not going to a prison, or worse, an international exile.
Ruby, steeling herself, wiping a tear from her eye: There's...there's really nothing then, nothing we can do.
Yang, spinning to face Ruby, snarling: YOU'RE JUST GIVING UP!?
Ruby, glaring Yang right in the eyes: What do you want me to do, Yang? Fight this? If the public hears that we pulled strings to keep Parsley in Beacon after this little incident is revealed, Beacon will lose everything it's been building back up to be.
Blake, stammering: W-What if we just, just cover up the story?
Ruby, speaking as though her throat was filled with shattered glass, pain visible behind the facade of strength in her silver eyes: And then what? Hide it forever? We all know that would never work. It would get out eventually, and then Beacon and RWBY will be known as cheats and liars. We have to just accept this. Glynda's right.
Yang, storming up right to Ruby, jamming a finger to her chest: YOU WANT THE WORLD TO SEE MY BABY AS A MONSTER JUST SO SOME DAMN ACADEMY CAN STAY IN POWER?
Weiss, putting out a shaking hand, not even reaching Yang: Y-Yang, please...don't do this.
Ruby, unflinching to Yang, their eyes locked: She's not just your baby, Yang.
Yang, her anger losing power with each word as she slowly falls down to her knees, beginning to cry into her hands: I-...I-...I know...I know, I know...I know...
Weiss, crouching down to wrap her arms around Yang, looking up to Ruby with tears in her own eyes: Then what are we going to do?
Ruby, taking a deep breath, then turning to stare at the replaying video on the cracked screen of the desk: I...I don't know. I wish I did.
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Kait Reacts To The AE 8/?
Hi! These reactions are written out every time a Chatroom opens and it’s done over the course of the day. So, you’re watching me react in real time as it is for me. So, Spoilers AHOY. Expect Another post like this later today, there is just too many chats to put it all in one post. So, hey, if you click this, you’re opening yourself to spoilers, you make the choice.
Well, I knew it was coming but I didn’t want it to be coming. Rika comes into the chatroom and lets us know very clearly once more that nothing can change and that we need to accept that. She said that Prime Minister is coming tomorrow in preparation for... he expects to make sure the boys don’t fight him. I’m not really sure what he wants apart from that and I don’t want to. My worst fear is murder but clearly, he is going to use them as puppets and keep them holed away like Rika’s toys. It’s like we’re living in her godforsaken dollhouse. 
She notes that Saeyoung isn’t trouble. He’s drugged. Saeran... she points out that he ran once, he may run again. She and V are clearly suspicious of what he is doing since he came with nothing, and both note to me that maybe it’s just their nerves and he’s really given up because he knows “there’s no other way to get through this.” 
It’s not much to note. I’m just annoyed. I don’t want to even expend the energy on her or V anymore. I’m checked out with them and I’m not even bothering. It just isn’t worth my energy. I’m never forgiving them. I’ve already made my mind pretty clear on that subject. I just cannot. And, trust me, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. She and Saeran are back from the Agents and the Visual Novel is about to start. 
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And let me tell you that  I nearly dropped my phone when this happened. I could feel myself already suffocated to see this. If I thought that I was hurting when we saw what happened to Saeyoung, I don’t know, this is a million times worse or at the very least, on the same fucking level of unsettling me to my very core. Well, it’s this moment that I know that I’m clenching my fists at my sides and using all my strength not to lash out at Rika. I don’t know how I would handle this. I don’t know. I don’t know how I would keep my level head that I normally have when I have to confront these traumatizing things. 
I think in the end, I’d just cry because I can’t do anything.
Yes, Rika straight-up tied him up by the ankles. Yes, he is lost is a in triggered daze. Yes, I’m fucking upset. She tells him that he should get used to this for the time being but she’ll let him go when things are “perfect and she’s sure that he will behave.” She leaves. 
I can gently nudge him and he snaps from his stupor as quickly as I can and he snaps out of it only to breathe a sigh of relief because we’re there with him and he can find solace in that fact. I know that we’re about to have a really serious talk but I’m trying not to fixate on the abuse of him at Rika’s hands.
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He’s relieved. I’m momentarily relieved. He says that he’s able to feel calm in spite of this storm because of this. He’s just so happy to see us again. He’s still bothered by what he has gone through, but he does look a lot more at ease with the unease in his heart. At least, I know that he’s okay. He’s not suffocating by what I feared that he was, but I think I’m more upset about it than he is. He admits that his mother used to do this to you, and I know he’s mentioned it before during his route but... seeing it is....
A lot different than hearing about it. And that’s when he drops the biggest fucking fear I’ve had into my lap.
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He hates this. But, he feels like he has to do this. He is going to... sorry, I’m still. I’m still crying right now it’s really hard to type. He said that he can’t get out of this, and that he wants to get Saeyoung out of here so at least he can be free and that we can continue living on. I don’t want that, but you can’t reason with him, we’re both crying. He wants us to hear out the plan because... this is what he wants to happen because he doesn’t see another option. 
These brothers are going to be the death of because with how selfless they are. I can’t even really call them out about it. I would sacrifice myself just as quickly. I guess we’re all stubborn and have that in common. Saeran explains that Vanderwood helped him escape, and that they went back to Jumin. Jumin took members of the former intelligence team and formed his own group in a single fucking day with Jaehee at his side. Jumin is the one that told Zen to lie and make sure that nobody would know about this. Vanderwood and Saeran got into the agency but—
Saeran only had time to hack half of it. 
His plan is that Saeyoung, once freed, should be able to finish it and be free from his chains. I... sorry. Everyone is awake with the RFA now. Jumin is still risking it all for us. Everyone is risking so much for Saeran, Saeyoung, and me, and I just... I’m sorry. 
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I don’t want to leave him. I tell him but... he’s resolute. He say that once Saeyoung is able to take down the agency, Saejoong will lose his power and they will be able to do whatever they can to right the wrongs committed against the RFA. I’m literally bawling at this point, and I’m asking him what is going to happen to him when we leave him behind because—
Rika, V, and everyone else that is against us are going to destroy him once we get out of here. They’re going to hurt him. They’re going to—
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I can’t. I can’t. I can’t I can’t do this. 
Saeran, please. 
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Who had “Send Kaitlyn in a fucking bawling mess because he said what he said during V Route when Ray blew up the fucking building because he felt like his life was worth nothing anymore but he couldn’t fucking leave without telling us that his love for us would never die,” on their fucking bingo card because you jus won the game. 
I cannot express into words upset I am. This was beautifully written but I don’t want to leave him. I had to stifle my own sobs because it’s so early in the day and I didn’t want to wake up anyone and say that my fictional boyfriend just did this to me. There’s so much that I want to say about this but... I can’t. I’m just so in a state of being overwhelmed. I wasn’t okay after V Route. I sat there for a long time after that happened. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. I can’t right now either. I love this man so much, I hope he knows that. 
Please, this isn’t the end of you. 
There’s a call with Zen after this. They knew. They fucking knew what he was going to do but they didn’t tell me. They’re expecting me. Zen tried to cheer me up and say that we’re going to save him, he knows that Saeran means everything to us but he wants us to stay positive because fear only festers and gets worse as it grows. I called V after because I needed to hear what he had to say. Once again, he threatened me being “polite” about it. He said that he does not want me to get hurt but... It’s implied every fucking time. 
I’m done with you, Jihyun. 
He tries to force me to talk about everything but I bite my tongue and basically tell him to fuck off. I’m done. I’m so fucking done. I’m checked out and I cannot stand you. Burn if you want to burn, Jihyun, but I’m not going to let you burn Saeran and Saeyoung because you’ve given up on everything and turned your fucking back on everything. 
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So. Hey. This was a short one. Rika pointedly is back to her bullshit. She's just... trying to make him.think and agree with her that the past is in the past but it isn't. Just because Saeran was willing to say he doesn't hate someone doesn't mean that he is willing to forgive someone who has continued to hurt him time and time again in his life.
She's fully denying things and telling him to act like a child. She wants to live in willful ignorance of her own misdeeds and pretend her dollhouse life she's planning is going to be perfect for him... for Saeyoung. It's not. Saeran is actually doing this with a lot of grace and care. I know he's sad and resolute. I know. But, he's not going to crack here. He has resigned himself but he wants to enjoy the time that we do have together for as long as we can do so.
Saeran points out that she must feel lonely and hurt herself after what she's gone through and how things went at Mint Eye since it was taken down the minute she left with V. He's offering a small shred of sympathy but it ain't much, trust me. He's trying to distract Rika and V so a lot of this is him playing a part. He calls right after this one and we talk a little. We talk about how strong he has become and he thanks me for being there for him even though I remind him that he saved himself from hell. He notes I'm too humble, that we make each other strong.
He says that I'm an angel for being kind to him and sharing my love. He days our love is like a soft white light, pure, and easy to see. We talk about what Saeyoung may do when he leaves, but I end by saying that he'll be sad without him there. Saeran says sadness will pass. That it will be okay. He will send his love to me in my dreams time and time again. I'm having an aura migraine right now and I think I sparked it by getting so upset. Haha. I offer to check on Saeyoung, he heard something?
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Rika and V are out shopping. Rika notes that she cannot stand how Saeran is acting. She doesn't at all want to deal with this... kindness? She wants him to be silent and do as he did when he was a child and nothing more. She literally wants to pretend that it's ten years ago. She is that deep into her selfish desires and she refuses to see anything but this. She darts off to grab fruits and we pause on V. I don't know what the hell is going on in this thick skull of his and at this point I am not even trying to gauge.
He knows he's wrong. I don't care what he thinks he's playing at anymore. He knows that he is a lot of ways in the wrong and buried his head into the sand again. At least you note that she will never change because she refuses to admit that she hurt other people. She would rather play house and pretend.
I hope you're happy with the outcome, V. No matter what you think you're doing, you're wrong here.
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A lot happens here, honestly. This chatroom is spent with Saeran. It's a private log where he is repeating what he just said to us. That we will need to leave him and leave with Vanderwood and Saeyoung as soon as possible while he is distracting Rika and V. He doesn't know how he will do it but he's going to do it for as long as he can because he wants us to get far away before anyone can stop us. I point out that I don't want to leave and that Saeyoung, if awoken with the antidote, will not leave him behind. He says that we need to lie if we have to do it. He just needs us safe. He thinks this is the only way. I can't really argue with him, but. I'm clearly distraught and he knows it. He wants us to stay as close as we can to each other until the last moment we have.
He says that even if he suffers, he will feel okay when he thinks of me. He repeats what he said earlier and now I'm still upset. In this context, he says first and past love for himself. He isn't at all talking about us. I'll get to this, there's a call with Yoosung after this and he's having a crisis. He is shocked and upset. He says that the entire time he caught up to speed on the recorded work that they did, he saw Saeran so passionate and in love that he is envious. He wishes he could be loved like that because he isn't sure he's ready for love of that caliber yet. He says that it's so strong that it transcends anything and everything that he has. He is not selfish. He is selfless in the way that he loves.
And he's crying, I'm crying, we're both crying about this. He says to enjoy what time I have with him. Then, he asks if I know what is fueling him. I answer, the freedom of his brother. And, Yoosung sighs, "Your happiness is what he is putting first." Everything, all of this, Yoosung says that he is willing to die if it means I can live on happily.
But, I know I'll never truly be happy without him and we both just. Crack.
As far as the Visual novel goes, Rika leaves and then V gives us another kind gesture laden with threats. It's all about Rika. It's always about Rika. He warns Saeran that he better fake a mask for Rika because she could lash out. He wants this to be peaceful times ahead for Rika. He doesn't want more conflict but I say that he cannot bend Saeran to his will. Saeran agrees. He says that no one will bind him and he will not lose himself no matter what they do or say to him. His freedom was earned by his hands and nobody will rob him of that.
V says that he's decided to be trouble now, and Saeran says that V is clouded by an obsession to be an adult. I add that Rika is playing Peter Pan because she wants to live in a world of terrible falsehoods. V paused, "Do you think I can become an adult once things settle down, even though Rika cannot?"
No answer.
He realizes Saeran isn't budging. And he says he'll have to try another way.
Yoosung and Zen are together, and this is right before he called me crying. He's just so broken up about how unfair all of this. How they should be doing something and Zen agrees. Yoosung says that Saeran is going to die tonight if they can't do something and I know that he isn't wrong and it's my biggest fear. If they don't have the two of them and if they cannot control either of the twins, they'll just kill the two of them the second they get the chance. Zen isn't wrong to say that we shouldn't think about that but Yoosung is always right when it comes to this regard.
Zen sighs, noting that he's gotta watch himself because he's starting to sound like Jumin. He is the one that wanted to run to us the minute he woke up. I trust that. He's broken up too, and I just don't know what I'm going to do next. They say they need to think.
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They need to figure something out before... his love for me will be gone and he'll never get to be truly free with Saeyoung because he'll be dead. I really hope not, Yoosung. This is my worst case scenario too.
You get a text message from V as well, after. He says you know, Caterpillars build a home with a hard wall. I say, they make it so they can spread their wings and be free. He responds, I wonder if Rika and I just made our shells harder. I don't know if he's having second thoughts but no matter what he does at this point I'm not going to forgive him. He committed to this and he did this. There's no denying it. Even if you try to make things right at this point I'm still never going to give you a chance. You just don't deserve it in my eyes. The Others May think differently but I really doubt it.
There's no mending your melted wings.
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angrypixie-sarisa · 4 years
Of Death and a Baby
Piedras Rodantes Pt. 23
Sam xMexican!Witch!fem!readerx Dean (polyamorous)
Author’s note: There’s the use of indigenous language, Nahuatl, casually but magically as well. Nahuatl is the language used by the Aztecs. It doesn’t mean they were magical, but Día de muertos was celebrated long before the Spanish conquista. Because of the focus of death in this chapter I personally think that the connection between the tradition and language is quite beautiful and I wanted to use it in a way with respect. I personally am learning Nahuatl and felt the enthusiasm of incoporating it to the story. If someone finds it offensive or has notes about it I will gladly take them and even erase the chapter if necessary.
Warnings: kinda long, swearing.
(no gifs bc my wifi sucks)
“Okay, so, are you sure he had no aura? Like, not even a spark of red? Yellow? Heck, not even blue?” Diego was sitting criss cross in front of you. You shook your head as you finished drawing on your floor.
“Nothing, and when I say nothing, believe me, it was nothing. You remember that spooky book at school? The one with the weird gray lump?”
“Wha-the weird one?”
“It reminded me so much of that.”
“Word. Hence this.” You signaled towards the things drawn on your floor, all surrounded by the respected color, tarot cards, crystals and herbs. Diego sighed as he helped you light up all the candles. 
“You know, if they find out about this, they’ll get mad.” He said as he placed his hands on his knees, palms hugging them lazily. 
“¿Quién?” You asked as you did the same thing. He gave you a look as if you were supposed to know who he was talking about. 
“Sam and Dean?”
“Oh, pft, who cares if they get mad? Esto es justo y necesario. Además sus sentimientos no tienen nada que ver en si hago magia o no. Screw them.” he dedicated you a proud look, before clearing his throat. “Ready?” 
“On three?”
He nodded. “One.”
“Three. Nihuinti, nichoca, nicnotlamati, nicmati, nic-itoa, nic-elnamiqui: ¡Maca aic nimiqui, maca aic nipolihui! Incan ahmicohua, incan ontepetihua, in ma oncan niauh: ¡maca aic nimiqui, maca aic nipolihui! Estoy ebrio, lloro, me duelo, digo, me acuerdo: ¡ojalá no muera yo, ojalá nunca perezca! Donde no se muere, donde se encumbra, allá vaya yo- Ojalá.” You both chanted in unison. The circle started to illuminate with variety of colors, though the ones that repeated the most were red, purple, orange, green and blue. You kept chanting the same words over and over until in the center of it all, you got an answer. 
Slowly, you both opened your eyes and moved your hands from your knees as you looked at the center on the circle. 
You sighed. In temporal burnt letters it was written “Tetlapopolhuiliztli. Atlenkauitl.” Which meant sorry, no time or bussy.
“Well, there’s another way.” 
“I know, but it’s the longest way of invoking death.” 
“But it’ll be worth it. You’ll have your answers.” 
You sighed while passing a hand through your hair. 
“Es la muerte. Tiene sentido que esté ocupada.”
“Ni modo.” Your phone vibrated in your backpocket. You took it out and checked it only to find a text from Lisa. She managed to convince Dean to get on board with the gun lesson and the knife throwing. Verga. You forgot about it or rather you were utterly convinced that he wouldn’t give in that you decided to focus all your energy and thoughts to summoning Death. But well, she was busy and now you were stuck multitasking. 
“It’s not fair. I wanted to learn how to throw it.”
“I know champ. But for now your mom gets this privilege.” You caressed his hair slightly. Though Lisa didn’t feel it like a privilege. She would rather not have to know how to fire a gun and throw a knife, but her situation demanded it so here she was. 
“Okay, once you master the movement of your throwing hand and you don’t fear to hit your foot instead of the wood your standing on-” 
She looked at you with a mock on her eyes at your teasing. 
“Then you’ll move from throwing at the floor to throwing at a wall. For now, stick to the other method, the precautions and keep practising. Salt in the windows and doors, the whole shebang.” 
She nodded as she and Ben helped you get the set up you brought for her practicing. Next thing you were at the door, already saying your goodbyes and as you walked a block away your phone vibrated again. Since you wanted to summon her, you kept thinking everything could be a signal that death actually made some time to pay you a quick visit. But sending a text wasn’t her style and when you saw your screen it was Dean’s name that appear. It was a text, however, you didn’t get the chance to read as a call came to replace it. 
“Hey. I was just with Lisa and Ben, made sure the house’s properly safe and all. What’s-”
“Y/N, we need your help.” He sounded desperate, his voice was rushed and it sounded as if it came from different places, kind of like up and down, for some reason. 
“Wha-Why? With what?” Just after you asked your ears were filled with the sound of whales, very noisy and demanding whales with a tiny sob here and there. 
“Is that a baby?!” 
“Yeah! I told you we need you! Quick, I don’t know for how much longer we can handle this!” 
“Okay, but-”
“Perfect. See you here.” And then he hung up.
There was a knock on the other side of the door, a very loud knock. "No, no please don't…" Dean muttered as he heard the baby starting to cry again. Sam passed a frustrated hand over his face as he saw his brother open the door only to be met by another catastrophe. Your eyes were flames and he could swear you could kill anybody with that glare. 
"What. The. Hell? At least if you ask me to come over give me the fucking place where you're at! I had to open five different doors to come here! There's a Swedish family you owe an apology to!" You practically helped yourself in. Taking deep breaths to calm yourself as you walk through all the room. Your eyes landed on the whaling baby. "Hi. I'm sorry, did I scare you, darling?" You went to pick him up and to the brothers surprise the baby lifted his arms at you. "Yeah, come here buddy. Hi! Are these evil men not attending to your needs? They're pretty awful aren't they?" 
"Excuse me?" Dean glared at you and the baby as he settled his head on your chest, on top of your heart. You passed a soothing hand through his back and rocked him gently. 
"Sorry I woke you up. They were awful to me as well." You whispered to him.
"Oh, come on!" Dean, once again, complained.
"That's a lie." You heard Sam say at the table.
"Don't believe them. They would say anything to save their necks. A bet they don't even hold you. Tsk. Muy mal." With every word you felt him relax and you looked down to confirm that his eyes were droopy. 
"Hey, about your spanish." Started the older Winchester and measured his words as he was met up by a murderous gaze. 
"What about my Spanish?"
"I'm tired of wondering whatever you're saying all the time. Could you just cast that spell that Diego did for Tyler?" 
"Me too." 
You turned to look at Sam and you couldn't see anything other than mere curiosity. You rolled your eyes as you whispered the spell and a light orange smoke appeared at your feet before dispersing quickly, as though something scared it. 
"Did it-did it work?"
"Pues claro que funcionó. ¿Verdad que sí mi niño?" And as you spoke words started appearing as if they were watching a movie with subtitles. 
"Wow! That's awesome! Say something more." 
You thought for a while as if suddenly you didn't know any Spanish. Funny enough, the next words you spoke weren't Spanish. 
"Ma cochi, pitentzin. Maconexteca pitelontzin. Ma cochi cochi noxocoyotl. Maconexteca noxocoyotzin. Maconexteca pitelontzin. Ma cochi cochi pitelontzin. Maconexteca noxocoyotzin. Maconexteca pitelontzin. Ma cochi cochi pitentzin." But it worked, the spell translated the Nahuatl words, the song to them. But of course, the sound of it wasn't familiar to the brothers. 
The baby in your arms cooed lazily at the sound of the song. Instead of bothering to answer the brother's questions you kept singing to the babe until he fell asleep. Only then did you stop singing and placed him in the crib. 
"What was that?" Sam asked. He had stood up from his place on the table to lean nearby on a wall. 
"Nahuatl." You said nonchalantly. But of course that wasn't a satisfying answer. 
"I studied Nahuatl so it makes sense that I know how to speak the language." You looked at their dumbfounded faces and sighed. 
"Do you need a quick class of Mexico's history?" Seeming that there was no response you continued. "As in the United States, México was also populated by indigenous cultures. The dominant, and I'm not proud about this, culture was the Aztec/Mexica. They dominated great part of the country so it's the most spoken indigenous language, although there's still a small number of people that speak it. I personally fell in love with it and so wanted to learn it and did." You shrugged when no response came from them. "What can I say? I'm a woman of many surprises." 
“I see that.” Sam said, patting your head gently as he went to head outside. 
“Where are you going? I hope you didn’t just drag me around here to babysit.”
“I just have to cover something I missed. Brb.” He winked at you before disappearing behind the shut door. 
You sighed and passed a hand through your hair, then turned to look at Dean, who was resting in one of the beds. “Well at least you’re here to keep me company.” 
You sat beside him, looking at the wooden bars of the crib whilst biting your lip, deep in thought. He never used to pat your head, he only did it once before you told him to stop because you felt like a dog. 
You felt heavy fingers tapping at your back lazily. You turned around to face the tired look on his face. “What ‘cha thinking?” 
You released your lip and turned your attention back to the crib.
“Nothing.” It would’ve convinced him if it wasn’t for the fact  that your voice sounded low and dark, causing him to sat up. 
“That’s the worst lie you’ve ever told.” When you didn’t answer, he pressed. “Is it Sam?” 
At that he caught your attention, seeing as your head quickly spun around to face him with a puzzled look painted in it. 
“You feel it too?”
“Feel what?” He thought the distance between you and his brother was bothering you and he didn’t know why it was there in the first place. You two should be like newly weds or something, after all, you were reunited again. 
“Nothing, nothing.” You panicked and closed your mouth before you could say something else. 
“Y/N.” He warned. Well now he needed answers. He wanted to know what was happening. 
“Dean, you don’t wanna know, okay?”
“Except I do, you’ve just called me Dean.” 
Finally, you met him in the eye again. “What?”
“You only call me Dean when you’re serious.”
“That’s not true.”
“Mhm, sure.”
You laid back on your forearms, still looking forward. “Don’t know what you talkin’ ‘bout win- I mean, De-”
“See, I told you!” He slapped your thigh playfully as he chuckled, earning a few silent laughs from you. 
“Okay, alright, you’re right. I do call you Winchester frequently.” His hand wrapped above your knee and squeezed gently. He gave you some time in silence before he planned to press again. He didn’t want to give the impression that he wouldn’t ask again but also he didn’t want to annoy you with his insistence. 
“What is it? What about Sam?”
You groaned. “You never give up, do you?”
He shrugged as his thumb made tiny circles on your jean wrapped knee. 
You sighed. “Fine. Si te vas a poner en ese plan, pues ya que.” You huffed as you sat up again. 
He smiled softly. “ I love this spell.”
“Yeah, except now I can’t talk shit with you in the room anymore.” 
He bumped his shoulder with yours. “Don’t change the subject.”
“Wha- you were the one who did.”
“Ay, sí, ya sé.” You rolled your eyes, took a deep breath and let go. “Do you think Sam is… You know, our Sammy?” There was a pause as his hand stopped moving abruptly. You started playing with one of your beaded bracelets nervously as you waited for his answer. “What do you mean?”
You sighed before answer. “He’s not Sammy, Dean. He’s… Different and not in a good way.”
“What- How is he different?”
“Well he doesn't fight with you.”
“Oh, so you prefer it that we fight?”
“No, i don’t mean it like that. I mean it’s not natural. You guys fight and now he rises from the depths of hell and suddenly your brotherhood is just paradise?”
“How do you even know that we fight normally?”
“He told me before going back to hunting, before going to hell. Dean he’s not Sam. There’s something wrong with him, he-he has no aura. He’s way to poised and calm all the time. He patted my head.” You started listing all the things, carefully toning down your voice so you wouldn’t wake up the baby again. 
“Wow, what? Your basing all this on him patting your head?”
“It’s not just that, didn’t you hear what I said? He had literally no AURA. And him patting my head? I asked him not to once and he never did it again through the time we were together.”
“So he’s awkward, he’s remembering how it was having you around it doesn’t mean anything.”
“Well, how do you explain the aura then?” You crossed your arms. 
At that, he remained silent, clenching his jaw as he thought. “Maybe you’re still tired, from the djinn thing.”
You took a deep breath and clenched your fists. You knew he wouldn’t understand.
“Just forget I told you this.”
“No, Y/N, I-” But whatever he was about to say got muffled by the sound of something splattering, followed by baby cries. You both looked up to see skin and blood on the wall. 
You both hurried to aid him, you beating Dean to it as he answered a call from Sam. 
“Dean.” You called as you picked the baby covered in green goo. He hanged up the phone and took the baby from you. But neither of you knew what to do except for panicking and do a funny dance where you stood. 
“I know.”
“The baby, he’s…”
“I know.” 
“What do we do, Y/N?!” 
“Um, okay, well…” You stammered. “No need panicking.” But what could you do? Was there anything to do, really? All you could do was take care of him until you could figure out something better. “Um, we- we can’t have a dirty baby. Let’s clean him and for once stop him from crying.” 
The Winchester nodded rapidly. “Yeah, yeah that sounds like a plan.” He took the baby to the bathroom, living you staring at the mess left behind. 
“I guess I’ll deal with this.”
You finally got everything clean except that the baby kept crying. You tried cooing at him and playing with him but nothing worked. It would’ve been easier if you had a baby toy but, the brothers didn’t buy any. 
“Y/N, come on. You were supposed to be the baby whisperer.”
“Oye! Just because I’m a woman it doesn’t mean I’m the baby whisperer.” 
Then, there were knocks on the door before a voice came through. “Manager. Everything okay in there?” You frowned as you both shared a look before glaring at the door. 
“Yeah, no, we’re fine. Thank you. Good night.”
“There’s been complaints. Mind opening the door, sir?”
“Ay, pinche wey, pues que le valga a la verga.” You whispered. The older Winchester pressed a hand on your mouth despite your complaints. “You cannot curse in front of a baby.” He scolded. 
You shrugged his hand away. “Oh, grow up, everybody does.”
“Uh, it’s not a good time. J-Just got out of the shower.” 
The doorknob started moving impatiently. You shared a look with the hunter. In your eyes he found an ice cold blue that wasn’t supposed to be there. He saw you move to hide on one side of the door, leaving the baby to him as he placed the him in the crib, before mimicking your actions. 
The door opened up to reveal a police man with a knife. Manager, mis huevos. Dean heard your voice in his head, not affording to look at the translation.  The intruder just needed to advance a couple of steps before he grabbed his arm and you got the knife out his hand. 
Struggling, the man pushed you two away from him, making the stupidest thing and pushing you two in between the baby and him.
“Get the hell out of the way.”
“No that’s not gonna happen.”
“A child should be with his father.” 
“Prove he’s your son, then we’ll consider it.” You said. 
“I’m not just talking about me, I’m talking about our father.” 
You masked your confusion well enough but the hunter looked as if he took the bait. You mentally facepalmed.  And as the guy went to make his move you quickly dodged his kick before you kneeled and kicked his other leg. 
“Y/N, look out!” 
He grabbed you by your hair and pulled. But just as sudden as it was it stopped. Dean had jumped into action and wrestled with the man. 
“The knife!” 
You felt it beneath you and you grabbed it as you went and pressed it on the shapeshifter’s throat. He groaned, placing his hands around the hunter’s throat. 
“Try me, I’ll choke him before you could slice my throat.”
“You talk to much.” As you went to move your hand he slammed his head with yours, freeing himself from your threat. 
You placed a hand on your forehead and saw him towering over you. But before he could do anything else a gunshot was heard and his body met the floor with a thump. 
“Well, there goes our deposit.” You heard Dean say towards the door. You needn’t see it to know that it was Sam.
You were driving to meet up with Samuel and the cousins. The boys had discussed about the events and Sam had suggested to go to Samuel. You weren't happy about it, your gut kept telling you that something was wrong. Still, there you were, sitting at the back of the car, keeping an eye on the sleeping baby. 
You looked out your window, not really knowing where to look at, but you certainly didn’t want to face forw, when something caught your eye. As if the world had slowed down, you perfectly saw a lost soul watching dumbfounded at the cars as if they didn't know how they got into the road. 
Your fingertips started tingling and you glanced down at them to find them colored a coal black tone. 
Verga. You glanced around shoving everything trying to find anything that could help you; there had to be something you could use to hide them. 
"Hey, what's up?" Dean asked watching you through the rear mirror. 
"Uh. Sammy…" you cleared your throat. "Sam, do you happen to have the other day's gloves?" 
"Uh, I think so. I think there somewhere back there." 
You sighed and mumbled a thank you. You were sure to move carefully, trying not to flash them your fingertips. 
Just as you thought you had no exit to your problem you saw crushed leather fingers beneath the baby's car chair.
"Ay Dios mío, gracias!" You quickly retrieved them, shoving your hands swiftly into the soft fabric from the inside. 
"So, what's with you and the gloves?" The older brother asked. 
"I- I well, you know, I tend to wear them when I get too overwhelmed."
"Overwhelmed, 'bout what?"
"Er, um, pues, 'bout the energy of people or a place, sometimes certain hours of the day. It depends but the feeling's rare."
While it was a true statement, it had more to do with the fact that death started surrounding you and it would only intensify once the summoning was complete. But, the fingers usually happened if the spell for summoning death worked a little too well.
It was night time when you arrived and the chills down your spine intensified. There was no way you were leaving the baby’s side now. 
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Soon all of this mess would be over. 
You held the baby close to you, careful not to crush him, and the cousins gave you weird looks about it that you decided to take care of by giving them the finger. Every time you did, Dean shook his head. 
“Oh, relax he’s asleep. He can’t see me.” 
Gwen approached you with her eyes fixed on the baby. She went to caress his head softly as she said. “Well, aren’t you the best disguise a monster ever wore?”
You looked away from her, sure that if you stared at her for too long her head would explode. Instead you locked eyes with Dean and you both rolled eyes in unison at his cousin’s words.
However, she noticed. “I’m kidding, guys. Relax.” She said before going away. 
You lifted the baby softly so he could hear your words. “Cura, cura, cura. Sana todo lo que llevas. Que tus abuelos están contigo y sus espíritus te protegen.” It was an incantation to wash away the energy of the brother’s cousin, you didn’t want it sticking around where it didn’t belong. No one heard, but they did see you and questioned you. When asked what the hell you were doing, you shrugged. 
“Que te valga madre, ¿no?” 
When you fully lifted your gaze, the Sams were already heading towards you and the older brother had already stood besides you. 
“Hey, let me see the little guy.”
“That’s alright I got it.” You said firmly. 
Samuel smiled. “What do you think I’m gonna do?”
There it was, your ice cold eyes again. “I don’t know. What do you think you’re gonna do?”
“You don’t want an answer to that question.” Dean backed you up. 
“Well, I’m curious. Who exactly do you think we are?” Christian asked from his chair. 
“Hunters.” You both answered. But that didn’t matter because his response was only directed to the one on your right side. 
“Funny. Here i thought we were family.”
“Hey, let’s not get worked up.” Sam started. 
“Yeah, let’s not.” His cousin finished before directing his attention to something else. 
“Here, Y/N, it’s fine.” He neared you and looked at you. “Let me take him. It’s okay.”
“Heh, well you’ll have to rip him off of my arms.” You didn’t move. You stood your ground because stepping back would’ve ment intimidation and you weren’t intimidated you were furious. 
“Y/N.” Sam said quietly.
“No, don’t talk that bullshit to me. What do you want him for? Hm? Tell me, give me a good reason why you want me to hand him and I will.”
The room fell silent, more than it already was. You scoffed. “What you can’t think of a good one? He’s fine, he’s healthy, he isn’t injured. You want to take a look at him? Hear your words. Look. You can do that shit with your eyes, I don’t need to hand him over for that.”
Samuel, sighed, raising a hand to scratch the back of his neck. 
He’s nervous. The older brother heard your words in his head. His back shuddered, but when he turned to look at you he saw that your attention wasn’t directed at him. He didn’t even think you actually intended to talk to him. What did you said once? You tended to think loudly. 
“What are you gonna do with him?” The attention of the good ol’ Campbell shifted from you to his grandson. 
“Raise him.”
You scoffed. “Simón, wey. Esa ni tu te la crees.” 
“Raise him?”
“You got another suggestion?” 
“It’s dangerous out there for him.”
“What about in here? What are we gonna study him? Poke at ‘im?”
“Your mind goes right to torture, Dean. Don’t assume that for everyone.” 
“What exactly you’re tryna say?” Great, now you got two angry people. Good luck fighting us.
“Sorry, I heard what you majored in. Down in the pit.” Christian retorted.
“Ay, pinche puñetas! Que te valga madre, pinche cabron de mierda!”
“Sorry, I don’t speak mexican.” 
You gritted your teeth. “And I don’t speak bozo, yet here we are.” 
“The hell is your problem, man?”
His cousin stood up and walked directly towards you. “You’re starting to become a pain in my ass.” 
“Take it easy. They’re my family.” Sam stepped in. 
Christian took a look at you. “I’m not scared of fighting a girl.”
“Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you.” 
Dean gulped and looked at your eyes, they were no longer icy blue, they were pure red, as fire and blood. As if you could burst something into flames by just looking at it. 
“We’re done bristling up here or what? Nobody’s doing anything to him, guys. When he’s old enough we throw it to him.” Samuel spoke. “He wants to volunteer to help out, that’s fine.” 
“Could be great.” Mark added. 
“How?” You asked lowly. 
“Think of the kind of hunter he’ll grow up to be.” 
“Hm. See I didn’t see it before but now I do. Thank you for that, you’ve opened my eyes.” You said sarcastically. 
“You have to be joking! I mean, come on. You can’t Angelina Jolie a shapeshifter.”
“Why can’t you give me an inch of trust, Dean?”
“Y/N, give him the baby.” Mark commanded. 
“Uy, sí, mamón. Lo que usted ordene. Se me olvidaba que le tengo que hacer caso a cualquier pendejo que abra la boca.” 
“Maybe because you two are back from the dead and I seem to be the only one who wants to know how.”
“You’re not the only who wants to know.” Sam said softly. That took you off guard, it sounded so genuine yet only in that moment he felt honest. 
“Well, there’s too much of mystery in this family for me to get comfy.”
“Then don’t. But don’t put it on us. All we’re trying to do is invite you in. You too, young lady. You think we are some merciless hunters but we’ve been nothing but open to you. Christian, you’ve always wanted a baby, haven’t you?”
“I mean, yeah.” 
“Try to take him away from me and see what happens.”
Samuel scoffed. “What you think you can do better?”
“At raising him? Yeah, I do.”
“But didn’t you tell Sam that you didn’t want kids?” Gwen stepped in. 
“Well I changed my mind, sue me. One thing is for certain, I have a better chance. You guys are always on the run, always hopping from one town to another. You don’t have a steady income. I do. And I have a savings account with money enough to start a college fund. If you can’t say the same thing, leave the baby the fuck alone.” Your phone kept buzzing like crazy. Just a little bit more, he’s almost here. 
Everyone fell silent again. This was new to Dean. He had never seen you liked this but he always knew that you had a good way of shutting people the hell up with solid facts. 
Just when Samuel opened his mouth to respond, distant barks were heard and panic overflowed the room. 
You looked at Sam, only to find nothing but confusion. Then you turned to Dean, but he only dedicated you a panic look as well. You felt paralyzed, your body tensed and for the first time in years, you didn’t know what to do. Well, you did, but it was easier for you to think tit than to move your body. You had to blame it on the spell, it was making you slow and frightful, like an old person that had their foot more on the afterlife than on the material world
“Safe room.” Samuel said. He placed a hand on your shoulder and guided you towards a door. “It’s downstairs. The baby’s gonna be safe there, go! We got it, go!”
Loud clanks and footsteps echoed in the safe room where the four of you where at. 
“Come on, Bobby John, you’ve got to be quiet.” Dean cooed at him above of you. You still didn’t feel like handing him to someone else. 
“I’m gonna go check, you guys stay here.” Sam said, but as he looked through the window his image was mirrored and the shapeshifter yanked the door of it’s hinges. He took Sam by the collar, blocking his attack and threw him out of the room, knocking him out. He spotted you and began to walk towards your direction, getting rid of Dean in the process, making him blackout as well. . He then saw you and took your form. 
“Give me the baby.” 
“Took you long enough.” You whispered before handing them the babe. The shapeshifter gave you a thankful look as they carried the baby in his arms. They took a deep breath as they relaxed knowing that his keen was finally with them.  
“Thank you for calling us. And trusting us, Y/N. Thank you for taking care of him, we are in debt with you. It did making the tracking easier”
“There’s no need for that.” You sighed. “I’m only glad he’s safe. I was the only one who thought he was better with his kind.”
Your mirrored self gave you one last nod before walking away. Just as they were about to round the corner, they turned to you. 
“But you didn’t trust one of us before. What changed?” 
“Like I told him. All I needed was proof that he was the father. Now it doesn’t matter anymore. He has no one close to him left. I’m sorry for all the trouble, it wasn’t supposed to go like this.” 
They shrugged and as they walked away they said: “Make sure to make your injuries believable.” 
Yeah. You thought and sighed. That was going to hurt.
The rest of it went like you expected, lots of clean up and confusion. Dean asked about the shapeshifter alpha (which was the one tracking the baby) and his grandparent and Sam answered patiently. 
Now you where at the walk to the car, tending to your black eye, that you funnily gave yourself, while the brothers talked. 
“You know what’s funny.”
“Back there, the fight in the motel. That guy said that they had to be with their father. So maybe, he was talking about the alpha.”
“Uh, I guess so.” Sam said nonchalantly. 
“So you heard that?” 
“I don’t know, it was kind of a hot moment? Why?” He looked at his brother and then at you, but whatever he was searching for he didn’t find it.
“Because if you did know the alpha was out there and you knew they were looking for the baby, then that means you took the baby as bait.”
Sam fell silent but looked at his brother as he waited for the question. “So did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Took the baby as bait?”
“Of course not, Dean. I honestly thought Samuel was the best shot we got.”
The older Winchester looked at you for backup and his brother mimicked his action. 
“Ah no, a mí ni me miren, yo tengo mis propios problemas ahorita.” You pointed at your black eye and thankfully that made them take their eyes off of you. And the rest of the ride was silent as a tomb.
When you got back to your house, a tiny shadow was waiting for you, meowing. 
You sighed, relieved. “Schrödinger, hola gato guapo.”
“You have a message. It’s on the altar.” He walked you towards your coffee table, where you had mantled death’s altar. In the center, on top of the tarot death card, there was an envelope with a black wax seal, death’s seal. 
You sighed. “Always so fancy and proper, huesuda.” You opened the enveloped and unfolded the letter that was inside. It was a personal letter to basically tell you to be patient, she had a lot of work but as soon as she felt a space between her schedule she would gladly have a cup of coffee with you. 
“Great. I’ll have to make café de olla de aquí hasta que aparezca.” You clicked your tongue.
“At least she communicated with you.” Schrödinger said as he rubbed his body against your leg. You smiled and picked him up. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
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cruciferousjex · 5 years
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Only Gods
a oneshot about the creation of Imp that elbow-dropped my brain until 4am last night, so please enjoy Hordak's goddam baby rabies.
Hordak had spent his life in the constant company of his Brothers. He'd rarely been alone, much less lonely, much less how horrendously lonely he'd at times been on Etheria. He felt the lack of family keenly, missed their voices and scent.
Hence Imp.
That he had never managed to clone a body for himself was not entirely true. He had, and on his first attempt no less. A perfect vessel, flawless in its code, the result of years painstaking labor. It would take twenty years to mature into a proper container for an Emperor. Prime was able to expedite this process into months, but it involved ingredients and power sources unavailable on Etheria. So, Hordak settled in for the long haul. All he had to do was wait and watch his immortality thrive in the vitrine before him. It was his prize creation. He placed it in the center of his Sanctum and kept an eye on it always, so he would know the moment anything went wrong. 
For three years he watched it grow from a strange little lump into an organism with distinct fingers and toes and a face. It began curled up, as was typical for a clone, but to his suprise it one day stretched out, flexing its fingers, floating blissfully in the green creche fluid. 
This alarmed Hordak greatly. Given he was never overly involved in any aspects of the Horde's reproduction, but he'd never seen a tanked clone move. 
"What is wrong with you?" he muttered before the vitrine console. "What is wrong with you?"
The scans sent back nothing. He went over every inch of the clone's form with his own eyes, stepping slowly around the tank with his hands on the glass, looking for any sign of decay or mutation on its little knees or claws or wings. But nothing appeared amiss, and the scans read perfectly normal.
Hordak pointed at the clone. 
"Cease your movements," he commanded it.
It did not cease it's movements. It spent most of its time curled in the proper position, but every so often twitched and jerked and splayed its limbs. The scans never indicated any problem. Perhaps this was normal? He'd never spent any great amount of time on the creche decks of the flagship where he himself was gestated. Maybe tanked clones always moved? Hordak came into the sanctum one morning to see it had flipped itself upside down, arms and legs spread to the four winds, a smug expression on it's sleeping face.
"Well don't you look happy with yourself!" he said. He tried to muster up some anger or frustration but, oddly enough, could not. He shook it off and settled for annoyed. "I told you not to move. Little imp."
He spent the whole of that day working in the green light of that ridiculous upside-down urchin. When the Force Captains came in for a briefing their eyes went wide. Hordak glanced back at the clone - it looked ridiculous - but the Captains dared not say anything. They simply reported on their most recent defeat against Bright Moon.
"You lost twenty soldiers, three skiffs, and runestone data it took years to obtain," Hordak snarled at the cringing Captains. "There will be punishments for this idiocy. There will be-"
There was a loud thud from the tank. Everyone in the room startled and turned. The clone had kicked the side of its container. It's heel slid against the glass loudly.
Hordak cleared his throat and turned back to the Captains. They looked from him to the creche and back again in fear.
"Explain yourselves," he growled, pointing at the head Force Captain.
"Sir, we - we were - unprepared-"
"Unprepared?" Hordak snarled. "The Horde saves you from your miserable lives, expends untold energy raising you, feeding you, training you, providing you with the best technology and weaponry and planning on Etheria, and you dare say to me that you were UNPREPARED?"
Another loud thud from the tank. The clone slammed it's little heel into the glass once, twice, three times,  as though stomping out whatever was causing upset in the Sanctum. The Force Captains took a visible step back, their eyes wide.
Hordak gestured to it. "Even HE can see that it is a pathetic excuse, Force Captain. You have failed me. Now get out of my sight while I decide on an appropriate punishment."
They bowed and rushed out the room, doing everything short of running. Hordak turned to the tank.
"I told you to stop moving," he muttered to it, tapping on the glass. "I have an empire to run. Your interruptions will not do."
It placed its foot on the glass as if to show it to him. Counterargument, it seemed to say, observe my little foot. Five tiny toes. Look at all these little lines on my sole, so perfectly made. 
"That's very nice,"  Hordak said, "But you must stop. They're more afraid of you then they are of me."
Despite himself Hordak smirked. He had never explained to the Force Captains what the clone was, and they had certainly never seen it move. To them it just appeared one day as the centerpiece of his Sanctum.  He saw them stare at it every time they came in. He knew it "freaked them the fuck out." Or so he'd overheard. 
He enjoyed that.  
The question in their faces. The awe and terror. The struggle as they attempted to understand the contents of the Sanctum and failed. He decided he liked the fear the clone inspired in them. It was good to cultivate the aura of one who dabbles in the dark and profane and twisted when dealing with Etherians.  It kept them on their toes. It was not as though this was too far off the mark, after all. Soon he would have to detank the clone, open it's skull, and make some ... minor alterations. 
It was a few deep snips, very simple really. A few connections cut which rendered the brain ready for transfer. It needed to happen within a four hour window of a brain hormone reaching a certain saturation point or the entire endeavor was lost. Hordak kept a tracker with him that would go off the second it was time. 
He watched the hormone numbers slowly rise over the next month. The clone returned to its proper position for a while then flipped and twisted in place, kicking its chubby legs, smiling peacefully. One time it stretched its arm over its head and pointed upwards, little wings outstretched, as if to say there, there is where I'm going, into the sky.
"You're staying right here," Hordak said.
The wing twitched. 
"Those will fall off when you mature," he said to tank. "It is said that only gods keep their wings. That is why they are the symbol of the Horde."
The little finger pointed with more insistence. The face scrunched up tight and yawned.
Hordak's entire body snapped to attention. It had never opened its mouth before. He had a nearly overwhelming primal impulse to get the baby out of the water. It was helpless and in terrible danger.
He remembered he was the terrible danger. 
Hordak swept some data pads off the console in frustration and walked out. 
The alarm went off that night. He looked at it with dread, which was not what he expected at this milestone. There was no reason to fear, it was a simple procedure he was well prepared for. He would drain the vitrine of the pre-surgical creche fluid, perform the procedure, then replace it with post-surgical fluid which kept the brain from repairing itself. And there it would remain for twenty years, growing steadily into his next vessel, but definitely not flipping or pointing or smiling or yawning or kicking the side of the tank.
He did not look at the clone he prepared for the procedure, setting up a tray with scalpels and clamps and tubes. As he drained the tank fluid its little body was caught by a net, which lifted it up to the top of the tank for Hordak to remove and take to surgery. 
He finally forced himself to look. It was limp now, sleeping. He gingerly reached in and picked it up. It was warmer than he expected. Heavier. Out of pure instict he held it to his shoulder, one hand protectively over its back. It melted into him. He touched it's head. The tuft of hair there was the softest and most delicate thing he'd ever felt. 
"Well," he whispered to it. "It's time."
But he could not make himself move. He just stood there, feeling the weight of it against him. He shut his eyes, savoring it's scent. It had been so long since he'd known the scent of his people. A million sense memories of Prime's flagship bubbled their way up to the surface, filling him with longing for home. For his Brothers.  He missed so desperately having others of his kind close by, and they did not get closer than this child on his shoulder.
It's little hand teached out and touched the skin of Hordak's throat. He swallowed hard.
"Stop. Get to work," Hordak chided himself. He gathered his resolve and turned towards the operating table, white and sterile, the instrument tray ready. The sharpness of the tools was repellent to him.
"No. This is not a child," he said to himself. "This is a container. It is your future."
The baby pressed its face to Hordak's neck, sharp little teeth nibbling at his skin. It's mouth was warm. It cooed.
"Quiet!" Hordak snapped. "Quiet. You've been a very bad boy, always moving and now you're making sounds. I never did that when I was in the tank," Hordak said, though he had no way to be sure. "I was good. I stayed still. Never uttered a word till I breathed air for a week, and here you are not ten minutes old, making noises. I -"
"Keh," the baby said, and gurgled.
Hordak grimaced. He glanced upwards as though entreating a higher power to help him, to stop this terrible churning in his stomach and chest. To make this child into the cold dead container he needed it to be, magically and without his involvement. The light glinted off the scalpels and clamps on the tray next to the surgical table. They were so sharp. He didn't want the child anywhere near them.
Hordak stopped walking. Turned in an anxious circle. Gently bounced the infant before forcing himself to a stop.
What the hell was he THINKING? No, this was ridiculous, the procedure was the only sensible way forward. The four-hour surgical window was ticking past, and he had contaminated the pre-surgical creche fluid. There was no going back now.
There was an another problem. What Hordak had now should he stop- what he had inadvertently created - was a permanent toddler.
Clones did not have the ability to grow outside a tank until the age of ten, when soldiers underwent tank removal. From the age of ten they could reach full maturity on their own, but not before. Until that point they needed close monitoring, the intoduction of certain hormones and nutrients into the creche fluid at certain times, or they would simply stop growing. If he did not go forward with the procedure now the clone would remain this size and shape, forever an infant complete with wings and tail. 
Hordak knew nothing of infants. He did not know how to teach it to talk and walk and keep itself clean. Ten year old clones were uploaded with this information just after detanking and were thus immediately self-sufficient in that sense. There was no time for potty training in the Horde. On Etheria he had dedicated a portion of the infirmary to serve as an orphanage but he could not in good conscience send a brother of Prime to be to raised among lesser beings.
Hordak could - he supposed he could - tailor an upload for the child that contained whatever Hordak needed him to know. To his knowledge such had never been done, but at this stage the brain was still malleable enough, still had enough growth hormone to work with. He felt reasonably confident he could provide the child with adequate self-sufficiency and knowledge. That would go a long way towards making the little imp a tolerable companion, which, Hordak supposed, was what it was to be if he went through with this. With ... keeping it.
No. No, this was an absurdity. What in the hell would he DO with it? There was no space in his life for an infant, no matter how independent. What if it cried? The scalpels still shone on the table. Hordak could still save himself this trouble and gurantee himself immortality. 
The baby nibbled at his neck. Slid his little arms around him and cuddled in close. Made a happy, curling little coo, and sneezed. 
No, Hordak realized. No, he could not.
Hordak shut his eyes and gave a final defeated sigh. His shoulders sagged. The fight was over. The imp had won.
"This is stupid," he muttered. "This is so utterly stupid."
The child shifted it's weight, dropping his head back to show Hordak a big smiling mouth full of little pointy teeth. Hordak cradled him. He pointed his tiny finger. Showed him a little foot. Here I am, he seemed to say to Hordak. Look at all I have!
"Yes, I see," Hordak sighed reluctantly, taking the foot between his fingers.  "Very nice. Come now."
He turned away from the operating table and carried his child to his personal rooms to dry it off and find something to wrap it in, the choice made, for better or worse. Had he known then he'd never again be able to generate a flawless new body for himself he may have chosen differently.  But he was more naive then. Etheria had not yet drained him. Back then he assumed if he'd achieved something once he could do it again. In the ensuing years he would learn, over and over and over, that this was not the case.
But in that moment Hordak did not know that, so he gave the child's head a gentle scratch. Imp smiled. Hordak found himself smiling back. He was filled with warmth. With relief that he'd chosen not to lift a scalpel to this little thing. He was ... glad of it. 
How the hell had this happened? What supernatural force made Hordak abandon immortality for a creature that was logistically useless to him? Likely a huge burden? 
Hordak looked down at the sleeping mystery in his arms, pondering it's power over him. The child's little wings fluttered. Wings he would keep forever. Hordak took one between his fingers, paper thin and sweet. 
That was, Hordak decided, a proper explanation. One that made sense to him, that explained the child's extraordinary power.
Only gods keep thier wings.
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Summary: It was an afternoon spent with your circle of friends. From bowling to stuffing your faces in your favorite barbecue place. With a lot of deep talks, insecurities, and truths unfolding involved, Jinyoung, the guy you thought was your best friend, put all your pieces back together. He wasn't just a best friend after all.
Characters: Park Jinyoung x reader x Mark Tuan ft. Got7
Genre: fluff / romance
A/N: Hello, welcome to my first imagine :> Hope you like it.
Word Count: 1,914 words
Bowling is one of the activities you and your friends enjoy. But no matter how many times you go, you still couldn't get the hang of it and it frustrates you everytime and wears your energy out.
"Aren't we going to eat?" You whined as you were about to leave the bowling place. "Calm those monsters down, (Y/N)." Mark chuckled. Your..
You do not know how to explain your relationship with Mark. You're sure that you aren't just friends. It's different than the rest.
There were a lot of teasing from your friends as to how you guys really suit each other and how much you like each other without admitting, even forcing the two of you to confess.
"Barbecue night, it is!" Jackson exclaimed as they all went to their own cars. There were ten of you so two cars were enough for transportation.
JB, Youngjae, Bambam, Yugyeom were at Jackson's car. I'm at Mark's car with Hannah, Mina, and Jinyoung.
Mark went straight to his car and had the engine started. You were about to proceed to the passenger's seat but Hannah beat you to it unconsciously. You felt a pang of jealousy as to how it seemed like the seat belonged to her. Like she was entitled and so used to seating there.
Mina went inside the car without saying anything. You were left with Jinyoung standing there. You felt his hands on yours as he lead you towards the car.
"Hey, I brought my car. (Y/N) and I will use that. We'll see you there." You realized that Jinyoung came when you were halfway through your game which explains why he brought his car with him.
You and Mark know each other very well but not enough to understand one's complexity. Unlike Jinyoung. Jinyoung knows and understands everything. He is your best friend among all nine.
You two were silent for the first few minutes of the ride. The barbecue place isn't really far but Jinyoung is driving extra slow today and is taking all the longest possible routes. You knew he wanted to talk. The way his fingers play with the steering wheel, sometimes playing with his lips.
You were about to break the silence when he spoke, "What is your relationship with Mark? Really, I'm so confused."
"We're friends, Jinyoung."
"Don't you even get me started with that." He shut you up immediately.
"(Y/N), we all know what's going on between you and Mark and Hannah. And if everyone is oblivious about the tension, then I am not. I know you too well."
It was last week Tuesday when Hannah, Jinyoung, and Jackson came over your house and had a few drinks, played a few games, truth or dare. If there's alcohol involved, a lot is exposed.
Of course you were all curious when it comes to each other's relationships. And Hannah is probably one of the most mysterious one. And you just happen to ask her the most recent guy she had a fling with.
"That night at your house. Do you remember how Hannah confessed that she and Mark had a thing? And how she kept her feelings because you started telling things about you and Mark?"
You flinched.
"Then a few days after when we were complete and were at their resort. Do you remember drinking too much that you asked questions about what she feels about Mark and tried to pick a fight with her when he was literally sitting in between? How you became so mad when we stopped playing spin the bottle and asking you to sleep? How you were begging us to play one more round because you had a lot of questions to ask and things to say? How you cried after that?"
By this time, Jinyoung had stopped driving and parked the car.
"(Y/N), I couldn't forget how you started sobbing when Hannah hugged you. How you pushed her and kept on telling her to stay away. How desperate you sounded calling me and asking me to keep her away from you. I couldn't forget the pain on her face. Even if you were drunk she knew there was a reason. She knew the reason. And even if you kept on saying there was no reason why you were crying, I knew it was because of that. Your cries were too painful to hear and to believe that there is no reason behind that."
Your hands were gripping on your dress so hard your knuckles turned white.
Everything from that day flashed into your mind. When you woke up in the middle of the night but can't see anything, couldn't even get a grasp of your phone or any phone to give you light. But you knew Hannah and Mark weren't in the bed when all of you could fit since three beds were next to each other.
The next morning instead you find both of them on the sofa. Lying close to each other given the small space they have. And you tried to act unaffected all through out the day.
"How can I forget how painful those two days were for you? And now you expect me to not notice everything? How you two try to act like everything's fine especially around Mark? Mark who does not know a single fucking thing."
"Jinyoung, stop." Your voice came out so weak that you even surprised yourself. Tears were pouring out endlessly.
He immediately pulled you into a tight hug and kissed your temple. "(Y/N).."
He wants to say something. But all that came out from his mouth after your name was a sigh.
Everyone was settled and had already started eating when the two of you arrived. "Hey, what took you so long?" Mark greeted you with a smile and patted the empty seat next to him. You were hesitant but you didn't want him to think that something's wrong.
Jinyoung was on your other side, acting like nothing happened and conversed with the others. "Oh, we had some things to drop off."
"I haven't eaten anything yet, I was waiting for you."
Even with laughters and a lot of silliness, you couldn't help but drown on your thoughts and be awfully quiet. Mark, being the good guy he is, noticed this and decided to ask you about it while the bill is being settled.
"Are you not feeling well today, (Y/N)?" He has his arm on your shoulders and used the other to check your temperature.
"No, no, I'm fine. Just a little bit tired, I guess."
"They're going up the roof deck after this. Do you want me to drive you home?" Jinyoung is watching the two of you and he gave you a small nod, signalling you to let Mark take you home.
"Is it okay?" Your voice is really unsure and fragile tonight. "Yeah, of course, baby." His gaze was soft at how fragile you looked. "Let's go."
The drive back home was quiet. Not awkward-quiet way. But a comforting one. He had his hand wrapped around yours while the other one was securing the steering wheel.
His phone rang and you saw Hannah's name. "Can you answer it and put it on speaker for me, please?"
You didn't say a word but you did it for him anyway.
"Hey Mark?"
"Can you drive me home tonight, please? I really need to go. Something happened at home and everyone's not suited to drive right now and-"
"Hey, hey, Hannah. Calm down. I'll drop (Y/N) and then I'll drive you home. Is everything okay?"
"I don't know, Mark. I don't know but they need me home-"
"Are you okay?"
The call ended right when you were in front of your house. "Thank you, Mark."
You heard the car door shut and footsteps towards you as you were about to open the door. "(Y/N)? Did I do something wrong?"
"It's still Hannah, isn't it?" Your question caught him off guard. "What?"
"Just answer me."
"No." His answer was full of uncertainty and he knew it.
"I'm not dumb, Mark. Just answer honestly." You were fighting the tears at this moment and your hands were shaking so much you had to hide them in your jacket.
"I'm sorry." Even if you knew the answer, it still broke you when you heard it coming from him.
"Of course you're sorry." You let out a forced laugh. "You should go. She's waiting for you. Good night, Mark." These were your last words to him before turning your back against him and shut the door.
You spend a lot of time crying but you knew it wouldn't help so you desperately called for Jinyoung to come over.
"Fuck." He cursed at the sight of you, wrapping you in his arms when he came.
Hannah is close to perfect. She grew up in Australia and her dad is Australian. She's just the perfect mix. She catches everyone's attention wherever she goes by just simply walking. She's more on the girlish side, she's so careful with her actions, and she's the kind of girl that everyone would want. She's the kind of girl that makes people want to protect her.
"And then there's me. I speak whatever comes into my mind, I don't filter my words, I act like a guy most of the time. We're just so different, Jinyoung."
"Stop it. Your strong personality is something you should be proud of. I honestly love that about you. You tend to be independent most of the time and defend yourself from everyone. You do act a bit like a guy, yes, but that's adorable. You appear so strong on the outside but you're just as vulnerable as Hannah when it comes to people that you care for."
Your tears stopped pouring at Jinyoung's words.
"And don't you ever compare your physical appearance to her's. You don't see it do you? The way you catch everyone else's attention? If I were a stranger in the same crowd as you, you would definitely catch my attention. You have this aura around you and it's not something that can be ignored. Always remember that."
You have your head on his chest while he is playing with your hair. His words were very effective and it calmed you down.
"It's Mark's fault if he couldn't see that."
You muttered a small thank you and you remained in the same position and not talking.
You got up from your position to face him.
"Why can't it be just you? All this time I kept on wishing it was you."
"What do you mean?"
"I can hang around with you without feeling insecure even when I'm surrounded by pretty girls. I can talk to you about everything, even my insecurities. I'm being myself so much when I'm around you. Why couldn't it be you, then?"
Your body was on fire with all that came out of your mouth.
"What do you mean why can't it be me? (Y/N) it has always been me. It took you so long and so many heartbreaks to realize that." You were studying his face. You never had the chance to appreciate your best friend's attractiveness until know.
"Are you going to let me in and give me a chance to prove to you?"
"No, Jinyoung. I think you have already proved so much."
He broke into a grin and hugged you so tight.
"We'll take it slow, baby."
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tothedarkdarkseas · 2 years
Question about spaces: what space do you think the boys share the most, and why?
Also, do you think Stu has any specific feelings tied to Murdoc's Winnie (when he still had it + looking back on the memories)?
I've been stewing on this a bit, as I think the answer must surely be one of their rooms, but... which one? (And for the sake of simplicity, the winnebago will be considered "Murdoc's room" for the duration that he's primarily using it and not another room.) On the one hand, Murdoc's room will be more dank and debauched, holding an aura of seediness that perhaps invites further drug use and fornication or at the very least does not condemn it, and it is likely more secluded (whether it is fully detached as the winnie is, or takes up a basement level as the "pit to hell" in Kong, so on in further housing structures) and therefore Stuart may feel some sense that deeds with Murdoc are in some way exclusionary with Murdoc's "den of sin" as it were. Maybe he feels more distanced from it. On the other hand, Stu may prefer having his own territory for that very same reason, as it affords him some advantage of "owning the space" and allowing Murdoc to be there as opposed to seeking him out. While I absolutely headcanon Stu as messy, immature and unsanitary in his own right, you'd have to assume his bedroom is a little more dorm-room-dirty and less get-your-tetanus-shot dirty. It's a toss up! Part of me almost leans toward Stuart's room, as I sort of enjoy the idea that Murdoc is, in his own odd way, a creature that needs some hidden nest due to a lack of security and privacy in his early life, and is more likely to invade spaces (and discover how the other person reacts to that.)
Of course, I also realize that's interpreting the question in a narrow way, and it may be the opposite of what you meant-- you could be asking what space is the most shared between them, what feels least like it is owned by one party. I'm sort of going on the premise that we're looking at a space where they are alone together most, where they may engage with the other via shared substances or activities, and where there is some minor level of vulnerability or intimacy in the interaction-- as in, not merely passing by the other. I don't think they're very open to partaking in anything illicit in a shared communal space, because I don't see their relationship as such an open and easy one. I'm drawn most to fighting in the kitchen during cruel-blue morning hours, and to fighting-drinking-touching in the smaller home recording studio during late nights. I think there is a unique frequency they operate at in shared spaces and these two stand out to me. I'd probably narrow it down to the latter for the variety of interactions, and the development that I can envision happening over the course of an evening; for whatever reason, I think their energy in the kitchen is uniquely hostile and biting, haha. It just clicks with me that way!
I think Stu is fond in his own ways of the winnie, because it allowed such seclusion, such isolation, it was so strange and disgusting as to be free of judgment. I think it was interesting to observe who Murdoc was through his choice to have it, his environment within it, and his behavior in his own space: the threat of his "homeground advantage" stomped out and erased, instead illustrating a man who desired to be overpowered when empowered by the honesty isolation affords. There is something mildly inhospitable about it, and I can't decide if Stu scowls at that (at Murdoc's nerve, singularly resenting Murdoc for anything unkind or greedily-kind), pities that, or simply observes it and possibly appreciates it, as it upholds that distancing he needs. I do think Stuart has a few... confusingly-fond memories in the winnie, aha. But I can also see the taste being somewhat soured after Murdoc fucks off between P1-P2 and devours all of their money in that winnebago.
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nann-the-explorer · 3 years
Two men appeared next to Ras, he didn't have the time to be surprised. "you need help mate?" Ras flipped backwards to avoid a large club like root from hitting him. "much obliged!" he threw another fireball at the mass of black, charring the roots, turning them to Ash. Even with the two men helping him, they were losing. The roots continued to reform no matter how quickly they were cut down. One of the men yelled for Ras to run with the child. He couldn't do it, they had come to help him and he couldn't abandon these strangers to the roots. After another yell from the black haired man, the larger man began to run for the large tree. Ras pulled the little girl into his arms and followed the man. "look after the child, I need to help your friend!" Ras didn't wait for a response, he ran back towards the man who was struggling to use his power. Roots sharp like daggers shot towards the man. Ras wasn't fast enough to get to him in time. His blue eyes widened as a huge claw smashed the roots just in time. He turned around in time to see huge tentacles, twelve bloody eyes and massive teeth. "what the fuck?" the earth shook from the creature's roar. Ras stood ready to fight this new threat. The eyes fixed on him and a look of contempt crossed its weird face. A tentacle rose into the air and attempted to slam Ras into the ground. He quickly used a tree trunk as a wall and sprang off towards the limb. A sword appeared in his hand and he swung, slashing part of the tentacle as it flew at him again. Blood spurted from the creature's tentacle. "Ituith’ryiel what are you doing? Stop this at once!" Captain Alardice shouted in an authoritative voice. 'Ituith’ryiel? That bastard!' Ras growled at the oversized squid. "Got a problem with me? I'll turn you into calamari rings! Stand down!" his voice was deadly serious. An aura of pure power radiated off of Ras. "Don't you dare put Nann in danger!" taking up a defensive stance Ras waited. He didn't know if he fought Ituith’ryiel, if it would hurt Nann, he wouldn't do it, he couldn't
Ituith’ryiel made a snarling sound, almost like laughter as Ras tried to avoid his tentacles. He wasn’t a crew member, so he didn’t care about the Captain’s orders. And right now, he was in control. He shoved his quadruped massive body through the wood, his black leatherlike skin laced with ever moving tentacles, that occasionally had eyes and teeth.
Just when Ras cut one of his tentacles, he faltered for the briefest moment. Such a low lifeform shouldn’t be able to hurt him, not even in his mortal form. A rage boiled inside him and he would rather turn this whole island into dust before he would get defeated by an elf and ordered around by a human.
Inside Ituith’ryiel Nann yelled unheard by everyone else but the eldritch creature.
*Ituith’ryiel! Avast! Why are you doing this? He didn’t do anything!*
Ituith’ryiel made an annoyed sound. He didnt see a need to justify his actions, he just protected himself in prevention of whatever these elves were up to and this was perfectly reasonable for him.
*I have my reasons and none of them are your business …*
Ituith‘ryiel's tentacles chased Ras through the brushwood, the wounds and cuts the elf inflicted on him with his funny toy sword didn't seem to bother him at all. It was just a matter of time, before this little one would be too exhausted to avoid him. And still, that little nuisance seemed to just worry for his mortal host. What a waste of energy.
Behind him, Captain Alardice and Dr. Kirkham rushed to Tostain and Geiger, who tried to bring the still unconscious Arianna out of the range of Ituith’ryiel’s temper tantrum. The old man gave them some kind of tactical signs before he stepped inbetween the fighting Ras and Ituith’ryiel and brought up one of his shields.
*This will end now … I’ve had enough for one day!*
Ituith’ryiel actually backed down a little, in apprehension as to what he has brought upon himself now. Tostain stepped at the creature‘s side. Although he still was exhausted from his fight against all these small and fast moving roots, he used his powers once more, capturing Ituith’ryiel in a timeloop and significantly slowing him down. The creature shrieked high pitched.
*Release me this instant!*
Captain Alardice made a disdainful sound and with a movement of his head gestured to Geiger and Dr. Kirkham to step closer to the giant creature.
*We will do no such thing! Jo, Geiger, send him to sleep.*
Dr. Kirkham and Geiger stepped next to Ituith’ryiel's forelegs on each side and touched his glistening pitch-black skin. Dr. Kirkham used her powers to release Ituith’ryiel’s grip on Nann’s mind, while Geiger drained his energy to a point, where the creatures form suddenly crumbled into a pile of tentacles, that shrinked and withdrew back into Nann’s body. Ituith’ryel let out one last high-pitched shriek, before he was forced into a sleep by Nann’s comrades. As soon as it was finally over, Nann stood there wobbly on their feet and highly confused about Ituith’ryiel’s behavior.
Captain Alardice let out a deep sigh, as he released the shield and turned around to Ras, who looked highly irritated. Well, he had every reason to be. Captain Alardice adressed him worried.
*Is everything alright? … I am sorry. I don’t know what happened.
Then the Captain turned to Nann and glared at them.
*Nann, what was this all about? I thought you are in control.*
The disappointed look in his eyes hurt Nann greatly, they didn’t mean to cause any trouble. They just wanted to help. If they had known what would happen they wouldn’t have released Ituith’ryiel in the first place.
*I … I am sorry, sir. He … he didn’t listen. He was furious. I couldn’t … *
Nann looked at Ras and saw his furious gaze. They stepped closer to him, not noticing that they had several deep cuts on their hand, presumably remains from the hits of Ras‘ sword to Ituith’ryiel. Nann looked at him guiltily. They were deeply worried that he now would never trust them again.
*I am so, so sorry, Ras! I didn’t wanted this to happen! Are you … are you alright? …*
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