#don't mind me being awake at ass o clock
humblebananasalesman · 8 months
what if we said we love you
It would be hard to believe, but it wouldn't be turned away.
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Wounds At Night
Word Count: 2,172
Payton lays in bed, listening to the clock on his wall tick, tick, tick.
He can't sleep, he's awake with too many thought churning around in his head.
River lays beside him, sleeping soundly.
Payton wants to know what he's dreaming about, or if he's dreaming about anything in the first place.
Though, if River wanted to keep his dreams to himself, Payton would understand.
The idea of telling anyone, especially River, where his mind wanders at night and during slow days at school terrifies him.
Payton, a young man who presents himself as clean-cut and sharp, with not a soft, emotional bone in his body, has a very big soft spot in his heart.
A very big soft spot that wants to be held by River and to be with him.
It's so stupid and sappy and gross, how he feels about River.
So stupid and sweet that he gets a stomach ache every time he looks at River.
He has Alice as his girlfriend and these sickeningly sweet things he feels for River only make him feel worse when she's around.
He loves her dearly, believe him.
She'll be his First Lady, she'll be there every step of the way, unconditionally devoted to him and his dream, the same way she's been since they were kids.
Always there to support and love Payton.
Payton is incredibly lucky to have a woman like Alice in his life, though he never knows how to express his gratitude towards her.
Guilt sits in the back of his mind every time he tells her he loves her and then goes on to spend his afternoons with River, loving him at the same time.
He looks at River now through the darkness of his bedroom and something in him wants to burst into tears.
Something so deep inside of him, something buried and shoved down that wants to come out of him right this minute.
River is in his bed, fast asleep after an afternoon of talking and holding each other, being so close and yet it's never close enough, at least not for Payton.
It'll never be close enough.
Sex is the closest thing Payton gets to whatever his mind considers, "close enough".
He's had River braced above him and held below him only a few times now, but every time is special in its own way.
God, the way River looks at him in those moments, bare and real, his eyes beaming but his words are always calm.
Sweet and loving, so, so loving.
Payton wants to cry, because he's the luckiest man alive and he thinks he doesn't deserve it.
He has worked his ass off in school and everything, but Alice and River coming into his life were by chance, by dumb luck.
He doesn't deserve either of them.
River stirs awake from his sleep and makes a short trip to the bathroom.
Payton stares at him dumbly when he comes back to bed.
River's curly hair is tousled from sleep and he's only wearing a pair of sweatpants, his strong body exposed to Payton.
He'd asked if it where alright with Payton if he slept shirtless and Payton had told him that it was alright, putting any thoughts to the back of his mind.
River's eyes are soft and they look at Payton through the dark, asking him quietly,
"Did I wake you up?"
"No, I can't sleep." Payton admits.
"Do you want to talk about it?" River says, his voice hoarse and deep.
River always gives Payton the space to get things off his chest, even now, a couple minutes past three o' clock in the morning.
Payton doesn't want to keep River up and he wants to shut his own mind up.
But his mouth betrays him and words come out anyway, blunt and direct and straight to the point.
"I don't deserve you. I don't get why you like me so much."
It's brutally honest and truthful.
River sits up a little bit.
He is wide awake now, there's no chance he's going back to sleep.
"Why do you think that?"
Something squeezes Payton's throat and it hurts, physically hurts.
"I'm- you could've picked anyone to... make feel things, anyone to spend your time with, but you do it with me. You come over here to see me time and time again and I-"
He clears his throat and it stings and tries to close up.
The back of his eyes start to feel sore, they start to burn.
"I don't get it."
River's eyes are on him, listening to his words and focusing like Payton is the most important person in the entire universe.
Payton wants to be important.
He so desperately wants to be seen as important and worthy of love.
But he's unfeeling and cold to most people, except for a few scarce moments with Alice and his friends, and most times with River.
Payton will admit, he's yelled at River, sometimes even attempting to shove him when he's especially frustrated.
River is kicking his ass in their high school election so far and it infuriates Payton.
He'll do anything to win, anything to get to the top, anything to have his name formally announced as President Elect Payton Hobart.
Obsessive and cold, driven and unfeeling, formal and deeply, deeply insecure.
"I like spending time with you, a lot, actually." River tells him. "And I like talking to you. You have to be one of the smartest people I know. Without a doubt."
He says it so easily and Payton knows he means it.
Knowing that he's seen as smart by someone he views as an angel from Heaven or a superhero from a comic book hits Payton right in the heart.
River sees him, River loves him.
He loves all the messy parts of Payton, parts like what he's expressing tonight.
He loves every part of him so deeply.
Payton looks at River while his words stir around in his head.
River is still focused on Payton, his eyes tired and understanding.
Even in the darkness of his bedroom, Payton looses himself in the blue sea of River's eyes.
He sees calming, slow waves that come up to wash over the shore.
Payton's own eyes, the same sea, but on a stormy night with much harsher, ripping waves, burn and burn while his throat feels tighter and tighter.
A faint sound, an attempt of words or a, "Thank you", fails to come out of his mouth.
Tears come down and River holds him close.
Payton cries and he hugs River in return, trying to avoid his eyes.
He hates crying, let alone in front of River, but he's felt so undeserving of River and all that he does for him, all the moments they've shared together, for such a long time that it all spills out of him right now.
Violent, crashing waves, tears falling down his face and his mind moving a mile a minute.
Payton is the smartest person River knows.
He's quite proud of his intelligence, with his incredible four-point-one GPA and all that, but even that is put into question with River.
On an emotional intelligence level, Payton is a dunce, a moron, and he knows it.
"I'm sorry." He chokes out, sucking in a big breath of air and rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.
River looks at him sympathetically and moves a hand forward to brush a few tears off of his face.
"It's alright. Just listen to me for a minute, okay?"
Payton nods.
"I mean every word I've ever said to you. I really do think you’re one of the smartest people I know and-” He pauses for a moment to organize his thoughts, to feel the words on his tongue.
They’re heavy, a weight that sits in the back of his throat, creeping up every once in a while.
He continues on, “I... I really do love you and I love our time together and the talks we have." River tells him, glancing down at Payton's face and seeing his eyes go wide at the word, "love".
"You- you love me?" Payton asks him, his voice shaking.
River's eyes are sincere and the rest of him looks calm, at ease, especially now that the weight that sits in his throat and on his tongue is gone.
With his sincere eyes, he looks at Payton for a long second.
His cheeks are stained with tears and River knows that Payton's face is red right now, even in the darkness of his bedroom.
He's beautiful and real, a person.
Not a politician.
River couldn't be more in love if he tried.
Payton responds with one word and his voice cracks like he's back in middle school, going through the beginnings of puberty.
His eyes are wide and he stares at River as another sob comes from him, this one is deep from his chest.
"Payton, Payton. Breathe, please. I'm sorry." River tells him.
Maybe he'd said it at the wrong time.
He's almost said it a few times, but he's managed to keep it in, or at least bite his tongue so it doesn't slip out.
A right time will never exist. In his heart, he understands that.
He saw Payton, real and raw and beautiful, and it inevitably jumped off the tip of his tongue in a moment of him being overrun with love.
Contrary to Payton's beliefs, River isn't perfect.
He isn't Superman or a heavenly angel, he's a young man who has a big heart full of love.
Love that he gives to Payton.
Payton’s eyes feel sore, glossed over with tears and fuzzy.
He blinks hard, wincing because it stings the tiniest bit.
He lets go of River and walks to the bathroom, flicking on the bright light.
Payton looks at himself in the mirror.
He looks at his bright red face and his red, sore eyes.
River stands next to him, trying to read his mind.
He turns to look at River, an expression on his face that River tries to decipher.
“Why the hell do you love me? Look at me.” He spits out, “I’m a wreck.”
His voice is still shaking, but now there’s a spike of anger present.
He looks at River, tall and handsome and strong, everything Payton believes he isn’t.
Payton turns back to stare at himself.
He’s the luckiest man on Earth, who’s a fucking wreck.
He truly is a wreck, pained with having River and Alice in his life and lying desperately to the latter of the two.
One, who he shows all his open, bleeding wounds to, and the other, who’s never seen him cry once, who only know the presentable version of Payton Hobart.
The heterosexual, endlessly devoted to her, version of Payton Hobart.
The version who wears a proper, professional outfit everyday of his life, who combs his hair neatly, paying attention to have every hair lay just the right way.
Who doesn’t ever cry or show any doubt.
To Alice and McAfee and James and everyone else, he has his life in order, his mind in order.
But that’s not the real him, that’s not the real Payton.
River sees the real Payton, broken and bleeding, who he loves deeply, despite everything Payton has ever threatened him with, despite the times Payton had tried to shove him or yelled at him.
“I just do.” He says simply.
Simple and earnest.
It’s all he can say.
Payton sniffles and takes a deep breath.
He doesn’t believe River.
Above all, above everything, he doesn’t believe River.
He won’t let himself, because if he did, he would have to face the fact that he loves River, and then the following fact that they can’t be together.
They both have girlfriends and Payton has a dream.
River impedes his dream.
He makes Payton feel things and let’s him be vulnerable, and they have romantic, passionate sex and it’s all fine.
But to achieve his dream, Payton isn’t allowed to admit that he loves River, he isn’t allowed to admit that his intimate times with River aren’t just to get off, that he truly wants to never stop being so close to him.
So in love with him.
Payton, drained and sad and angry and in love, hugs River again.
River hugs him back, holding on tight.
River loves him.
Some time later, River announces his pick for Vice President and Payton, political and sharp and angry, barges into River’s house, yelling at him once again.
River says a few words to him, his last words, his dying words.
Words that he knows Payton won’t believe.
But he says them anyway.
“I really did love you.”
And then, he’s gone, collapsed on the floor in front of Payton, after killing himself.
For the first time ever, Payton understands.
He understands River’s love for him.
But it’s too late, he can’t tell River that he loved him, too.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
WANTED || J.JK || 3
Pairing : Jungkook X Reader
Genre : fluff, angst, crack
Summary : “Let me geuss, your parents are dead and you're family with one of my mates so that's why you're staying with us for a while?”
“Um, no. Sorry. Just running for the authorities and your window was open.���
Wordcount: 0.7k
WARNINGS : none lol
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You've been poking Jungkook for 10 minutes now, but you're slowly starting to think that he's dead.
Jesus this guy sleeps like the dead. You think as you think about giving him a nipple twist.
After a few minutes you decide to just not do it, considering he did kind of take you in.
It would only be mean of you if you'd do that.
And so you decide to wait.
You've been having 'a sleep over' for a few days now. It was now Saturday, which most likely meant that he probably didn't have anything to do. You doubt that he'd have a job.
Or maybe he does.
But now that you take a good look around his room, and you're most certain he does not.
It kind of just screams 'broke'.
While you contemplate the usefulness of your existence for a few hours and wonder why the turtle ducks of Avatar The Last Airbender don't exist, Jungkook wakes up.
He blinks a few times before he sees you looking at him and wakes up thoroughly trough shock.
" Jesus, you scared me man." He says as he stretches before sitting upright, his hair sticking out in all directions.
" Sorry." You say dryly.
" Tis cool'. Have you been awake for a long time? " He asks.
" Woke up around 5', so not too long." You say as if it's healthy for a young adult your age.
Jungkook's eyes fly open.
" Since 5 o' clock?" He asks schocked while he looks at the clock, it's now 7 minutes over 10.
You throw him a look which says 'you serious?'.
" Yeah, that's what I just said."
" You could've waken me, you know." He says.
Now you look about done with him, making him even more confused.
Women are terrubly difficult to understand. He thinks.
" I've tried. I've poked you for like 10 minutes but your lazy ass kept sleeping like the dead." You tell him.
He blinks a few times before someone knocks on the door.
" Kook'? You awake yet?" The door opens and one of Jungkook's housemates walk in, Yoongi.
All his six housemates know you're here. They think you're his girlfriend ( to which you and Jungkook always say no), and that your parents went on a last minute trip.
" Morning hyung." Jungkook greets the elder with a tired smile.
" Morning. It's your turn to go grocery shopping." Says Yoongi before nodding at you in greeting.
" Yeah, alright. We'll leave in a few." Jungkook says as he steps out of his bed and stretches again, carefull to not step on your matress beside his bed.
Yoongi nods and closee the door behind him, his footsteps fading inti the hallway.
" We?" You ask.
" Yep. You live with us for now. So you're coming with." He smirks.
Jungkooks looks after ur figure while you calmly walk trough the store a few steps in front of him.
And with you being calm, he means really calm.
He almost finds it scary.
When he goes to do grocery shopping with one of the boys, or some of his friends, they sometimes ask him to get this or that. Or they talk in general with him.
But you haven't spoken a word with him since you came in the store, Jungkook had grabbed a shopping cart and has since then only been commanding you to put this and that in the cart.
And whatever he's asked, you just did it. Even when it was to high to reach,  you managed a way to get it.
" Why are you walking everywhere with your hood on?" Jungkook asks after a minute of silence.
" Why do you not walk everywhere with a hood on?" Is your dry answer.
Jungkook blinks before responding.
" Cause' I'm not illegal?" He said in a 'matter of fact' tone.
" Well, there's your answer." You say with a small smile, as if it's funny.
It's the first time in 4 days that he's seen you with a true smile, and the tough hurts him as he realizes that.
He decides to not comment on it.
It gets quiet again, and he's starting to get annoyed by the silence.
" Why are you so quiet and why do you almost do everything I say?" Jungkook asks, about done with the uncomfortable silence in the air.
You shrug and don't look at him when you answer.
" You've been letting me live with you for a while now without questions, the least I could do is be easy while doing grocery shopping."
Jungkook doesn't really know how to feel as he hears your answer.
You're acting like this becausr you feel guilty, and probably also scared that he'll ask for money because you've been staying with him.
He now also understands why you always eat so little, and why you always ask to do the chores.
He's starting to worry that you haven't had simplest life necessitues before.
It's quiet again after that, and even when he asks you what chips flavour is best, you simply shrug and tell him that all are good.
At that point a light bulb goes off in his mind, and he rotates the cart to the shower aisle of the store.
You've been smelling like his shampoo and body wash for long enough now, and it's about time that you get stuff which well let you smell a little more like you. 
" Choose." Jungkook states simply, motioning to the rows of women's body wash and shampoos.
Your eyes widen and you open your mouth to change his mind, but he beats you by opening his sooner.
" You've been using my body wash for long enough now. Besides, we don't know for how long you'll stay. Might as well get you the little things." He shruggs.
Now that he thinks of it, he's happy that you've got a few pairs of clothes from your own, and even more relieved that you also had your own undergarments.
The first day they did have to go in the wash machine, but they were still in good enough condition to use. Your clothes were a little tattered tough, and he noted it in the back of his mind to figure a way out to go clothes shopping with you soon.
You open and close your mouth before turning to the products, simply staring at it.
He decides to make the first step, and opens up a random bottle, smelling it before you smell it too.
" This smells nice." He shruggs while you scrunch your nose up at the smell.
" No, it smells like coconuts. I don't like the smell of coconuts." You shake your head while he smiles.
So you do have likes and dislikes, huh? He thinks.
You grab a body wash with a fruity scent, and you end up liking that one.
He's suprised by how femine it smells, it's a bit of an opposite of your personality. You end up choosing shampoo for natural curly hair, which also smells nice, and upon Jungkook's fussing, you end up taking the matching conditioner with it too.
He doesn't miss the soft 'thank you' you wishper out as you move on to another aisle.
The two of you end up at the check out now long after and Jungkook's sighs in displeasure as he realises the cashier's one of his classmates.
" Heey, Jungkookie. How are you? Who is this?" She asks curiously while looking at you.
" My best friend." He answers shortly while the both of you start bagging the items.
" Yeah, yeah. That's what's they all say-"
" Aren't you getting paid to manage the cash register, instead of nagging at us?" You ask sharply, already trough with her nosyness.
She swallows while he feels proud of your sharp tounge.
" Sorry." She mumbles, feeling ashamed.
You ignore it while he smirks at her.
He's starting to wonder what kind of a person you really are.
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eddiemxnsons · 4 years
If interested, you can select one or more of these following prompts/situations to integrate into your Band of Brothers request!
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1. "I'm the captain of the girls Track and Field team and Cross Country team, but I can also be fast and dominating in other departments."
2. "Bite me", "If you insist"
3. "You're not very intimidating"
4. "Drop the attitude"
5. "We're just friends", "Friends don't nonchalantly do this sort of shit"
6. "Really? You want to have sex here...now?"
7. "Do you like that? Me being in control?"
8. "You wanted me to walk in on you"
9. "I dare you"
10. "Watch me"
11. "Don't test me"
12. "Don't be a smartass"
13. "Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?"
14. "Is that the best you can do?"
15. "Wanna bet?"
16. "Do not tempt me"
17. "We're in public, you know"
18. "Do you think they could hear us", "Yes we can"
19. "Quick, fucking hide in that closet"
20. "You're so fucking hot when you're mad"
21. "Hurry up"
22. "Wow, I didn't know your were that flexible"
1. Good morning kiss
2. In secret kiss
3. Against a wall kiss
4. Standing outside in the rain
5. Injury/death of character or reader
6. Going to meet his family/taking him to meet yours
7. Rainy morning spent in bed
8. Back hugs
9. Long embraces
10. Stroking their thumbs over the back of the other’s hand whilst holding hands
11. Softly stroking their cheek with their thumb
12. Jealous kisses
13. Distracting kisses
1. "Fuck you"
2. "What's the point?"
3. "You're family, I could never
leave you behind"
4. "I've got you"
5. "I need you"
6. "I care about you"
7. "I'm just looking out for you"
8. "You make me feel alive. For the first time in awhile, it feels like I can truly breathe"
9. "I'd feel a lot better if you just let me walk you home"
10. "If I asked you to stay, would you?"
11. "I'm not a damsel in distress. I'm a damsel at doing damage"
12. "You couldn't handle me even if I came with instructions"
13. "It wasn't your fault"
14. "You're wrong and I'll prove it"
15. "There's so much blood"
16. "I actually found it in the
recycling bin behind the building"
17. "I can't do anything right"
18. "Don't tell me to relax!"
19. "Quit touching me, your feet are cold!"
20. "You aren't the boss of me"
21. "What gives you the right?"
22. "How is this my fault?"
23. "I don't care"
24. "Control your anger or you'll have me to worry about"
25. "I can't see anything"
26. "Don't look"
27. "All I want is a happy ending"
28. "__! Open the door"
29. "You lied to me"
30. "Marry me"
31. "I'm not going anywhere"
32. "Take my hand"
33. "Let me help you"
34. "It's okay, I'm here"
35. "Hear that? I'm alive, I'm right here with you"
36. "Have you lost your damn mind?"
37. "What the fuck were you thinking? You could have been killed"
38. "You need to rest"
39. "I can't feel my legs"
40. "Lucky shot"
41. "You're not going to die on me"
42. "__! Take my hand!"
43. "Take me instead"
44. "Don't touch her/him"
45. "Let her/him go"
46. "You're jealous"
47. "Watch me"
48. "You're dead"
49. "Am I going to die?"
50. "We found you crying. What happened?"
51. "Nothing ever goes right"
52. "Where is he/she?"
53. "This is all your fault"
54. "Wake up"
55. "I would rather die"
56. "I feel so sick"
57. "It burns/hurts"
58. "God must hate me"
59. "You shouldn't have gone by yourself"
60. "Get out of my way"
61. "You don't need to worry about me"
62. "Is that blood?"
63. "I can't say I'm surprised"
64. "Isn't that illegal?"
65. "I'll be with you the whole time"
66. "I don't wanna hurt you"
67. "I keep seeing his/her face"
68. "I didn't want to make you do this"
69. "Did you do this to yourself?"
70. "You have the emotional capacity of a brick"
71. "Shut up for a second, would you?"
72. "Are you wearing my shirt?"
73. "I want to marry you"
74. "I saw that. You just checked me out"
75. "You look awful"
76. "What happened last night?"
77. "I want you to be happy"
78. "If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?"
79. "Do me a favor and break my nose"
80. "She/he is the star athlete"
81. "You owe me a drink"
82. "Please tell me you feel the same way"
83. "I'm in love with my best friend"
84. "You look stunning"
85. "You're so fucking amazing"
86. "You're burning up"
87. "I've got your back"
88. "I don't like the way they look at you"
89. "I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil on accident and am about to pass out"
90. "I totally let you win, I mean, look at who you're up against"
91. "Shit, that's a lot of blood"
92. "Don't give me that look"
93. "Am I scaring you?"
94. "Hey, you demon fuck"
95. "My thing is, I don't give a shit"
96. "You've always been trouble"
97. "God, you're pretty"
98. "Does it hurt?"
99. "I love it when you laugh"
100. "You shouldn't have done that"
101. "I'm here, baby"
102. "I'm seriously not that drunk"
103. "What the fuck were you thinking?"
104. "So I just realized...that I was shot"
105. "I don't necessarily hate you, but if you were on fire and I had a glass of water, I'd drink it instead"
106. "You love him/her don't you?" "Was is that obvious?"
107. "Are you okay?"
108. "Don't just stand there"
109. "Stop it, you're bleeding"
110. "I waited for you for hours"
111. "Dance with me"
112. "You little shit"
113. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry"
114. "Put the gun down"
115. "The blood says otherwise"
116. "I'd kiss you but it presently seems inappropriate to do so"
117. "Then marry me"
118. "Let's be honest, we/you got lucky"
119. "You having fun down/up there?"
120. "You're safe"
121. "You don't have half a chance, bitch"
122. "I have a hole in my side", "Pardon?", "I got shot"
123. "Stay quiet and don't fucking move"
124. "You look good today"
125. "Stop being difficult"
126. "Yeah, yeah, you're cute, now stop with that with shit-eating grin"
127. "Tell me I'm wrong"
128. "I'm only here to establish an alibi"
129. "I need a favor — not the sexual kind"
130. "Why can't I see you?"
131. "Help is on the way. You just have to stay awake a little bit longer"
132. "Do you want to die?"
133. "I'm fully capable of kicking your ass"
134. “Can you shut up for once in your life?”
135. “You’re jealous”
136. “I’m telling you. I’m haunted”
137. “Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion”
138. “It’s six o’ clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka”
139. “Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming”
140. “Excuse me?”
141. “Can I kiss you?”
142. “You really thought I was dead?”
143. “God, I love your face.”
144. “I love it when you’re a mess!”
145. “I just want you to be happy.”
146. “I can’t imagine my life without you”
147. “Stop being a fucking dick”
148. “You weren’t there...why weren’t you there”
149. “Do you think?”
150. “Now it’s over....I don’t really know what to do”
151. “Don’t look”
152. “I can’t see anything”
153. “What’s happening?”
154. “Get away from me!”
155. “Whatever you do, don’t open your eyes”
156. “Somebody help me/us, please”
157. “Thank you for staying with me”
158. “Your eyes are so pretty”
159. “Get over here, you doof”
160. “You’re so needy”
161. “Kiss me again”
162. “I don’t care”
163. “That isn’t an option”
164. “What did you just say to me?”
165. “Let go of me”
166. “You aren’t the boss of me”
167. “Do I make myself clear?”
168. “Excuse me?”
169. “How is this my fault?”
170. “Why are your eyes so red?”
171. “Are you afraid to die?”
172. “Want some company?”
173. “Are you warm enough?”
174. “What’s the point?”
175. “I’m not afraid to die, just wish I could live a little first”
176. “I trust you with my life”
177. “I need you to live”
178. “You make me want to live”
179. “You’re worth more than this”
180. “You’re bleeding”
181. “You’re allowed to be upset about what happened to you”
182. “Please, let me help you”
183. “You have me”
184. “Just rest”
185. “I’ve got you, you’re safe”
186. “Why kill them with kindness when you can kill them with fire?”
187. “I bet you can’t jump high enough to reach the ceiling”, “try me”
188. “__, wake up!” “I’m not asleep. I’m dead. Leave flowers and get out”
189. “You’ll have to forgive __, she/he has a heart condition. He doesn’t have one”
190. “But if you’re here, who’s guarding Hades?”
191. “It’s freezing, come here”
192. “Say it again”
193. “Kiss me again”
194. “You were always sure of yourself”
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toutallyahoe · 5 years
Awake ~ Newton Pulsifer (Good Omens)
Requested By: --
A/n: exams are a pain in the arse and i am still contemplating on selling what's left of my sanity to a demon for this very long ass project im doing for an adorable and sweet angel...
i am not even done half of it and yet, I'm dying... is this what feels like when the muses are being a bitch to you?
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Newton Pulsifer was a... sweet and caring man. Shy most times and is too awkward for his own good but he means well. He is a very caring person and would never even dare to hurt a fly.
An epitome of a sweetheart.
So, when he just wakes up abruptly one night without the sweet and loving embrace on his beloved's arms, he was worried.
Absolutely. Worried.
That night, the night where he just woken up from his slumber, it was oddly cold. Perhaps it was because the lack of warmth on the other side of the bed where he lay. Maybe it was because of the lack of where his beloved's loving embrace on his body, either way, the black haired man was shivering. Newton tiredly turned to look at his side, and to his utter disappointment, it was empty.... again.
A frown slowly formed onto his lips as he unconsciously placed a hand on where his beloved should've layed beside him. Turning his head to look at the nightstand placed beside their (moderately sized) bed, his frown deepen when he had saw the red glowing numbers of the alarm clock. The numbers displayed being: 03:23 a.m.
And those numbers really made the male saddened and worried for his beloved who he fully knows, despite his sleepy and hazy state, that the [Hair color] haired man was working.
Working... he was always working late for about a week now. Always staying up late, around three to five in the morning where Newton would often times catch him knocked up-- probably from over working himself-- in their kitchen table with papers of his files and the laptop still on, displaying the half finished report of his. It was worrying, that can be said and Newton had tried many times to convince his beloved to at least take a break and sleep but the [Hair color] haired man's answer were still the same:
"I'm fine, don't worry. I just need to finish this paperwork, love. I promise I'll get back to sleep soon," Newton often heard as he saw his beloved give him a tired smile then continuing back to his work. It was saddening as the black haired man loved the [Hair color] haired man who is slowly destroying himself from this horrid overworking, the man who had always been caring and supportive of him no matter what. The man who gave him the love he didn't experience much when he was young other than his mother because he was prone to be "bad luck" as what others had said behind his back to even his face.
Newton Pulsifer was worried for his [Hair color] haired lover who is probably still pushing himself on to finish whatever he was doing, knowing well that the man was exhausted to the bone.
Slowly, Newton had sat up from his laying position and rubbed his eyes, blinking whatever sleep left and then grabbing his glasses on the nightstand and then putting them on. Vision cleared, he briefly looked at the clock again and then a sigh left his lips. The black haired man do miss his beloved's embrace and just basically the man to lay beside him again, not overworking himself where Newton swear that if he continues on, he would die from exhaustion.
Newton slowly stood up from his and his beloved's shared bed and then slowly walked towards the closed door where he opened and then went out. Making sure to close the bedroom door and then maneuvering himself to go to the small kitchen they had in their small home.
Another sigh left the black haired man's lips as he arrived at the kitchen. It was no surpise that he saw the kitchen's light was still on and that on the kitchen table were many papers sprawled on top on them, some crumbled to paper balls while others are actually slowly slipping to the kitchen floor. Newton frowned when he saw his [Hair color] haired beloved still typing on his laptop.
"Oh [Name]," Newton softly said as he slowly approached the said man who didn't even spare a glance at his direction as he was to absord with his work. It pained the black haired man dearly to see his beloved like this. Tired, exhausted, barely had any sleep and eating.
"[Name]?" The black haired man softly called out to his beloved who didn't seem to hear him. "[Name]?" He called again, calmly approaching the working male and then laying a hand on the [Hair color] haired man's shoulder when he was beside him, calling his name again but more loudly.
"[Name]?" The said man let out a soft curse left his lips when his lover had abruptly out of nowhere and layed a hand on his shoulder. Furrowing his eyebrows as he paused at his typing and looked at his black haired lover who was looking at him with worry in his blue colored eyes. Seeing Newton, the [Hair color] haired man let out a relieved sigh as he then sent a soft (and tired) smile to his black haired lover. "Newt? Hello love," [Name] had said as he saw Newton look at him, still worry plastered in his face which made [Name] frown a bit.
"Is something wrong?" He had asked as he felt Newton's grip on his shoulder tighten a bit then getting loosen again. Pushing his chair a bit and shifting to face his black haired lover more properly, not only his head looking at Newton, [Name] softly grabbed his lover's hand off his shoulder and squeezed it softly.
"Newt, is there something wrong my love?" He asked again as he continued on when he realized his black haired lover was awake. "And why are you awake at--" [Name] turn to look at his laptop's screen and saw the time, which made him frown. "--half pass three in the morning?" He had worriedly asked as he turned back to look at his lover and then squeezed Newton's hand again.
"[Name]..." Newton softly called out his name as the black haired man continued. "Please... come back to bed and sleep," he had said and [Name] relaxed a bit as it was nothing major than his sweet lover worrying over him again. Although it calmed him down, it made the [Hair color] haired man frown a bit but he quickly wiped it off and replaced it with a smile. Softly squeezing his black haired lover's hand again then raising it to his lips where he softly placed a soft peck on the back of Newton's palm. "I will... soon," [Name] softly promised as he rubbed circles on the black haired man's back palm with his thumb.
His answer though did not satisfy Newton as the black haired man frowned. And it didn't go unnoticed by the [Hair color] haired man who softly let out a sigh and stood up from his seat and let go of Newton's hand to place both of his arms around the black haired man's body. "I will get to bed soon, my love," he softly muttered to his black haired lover's ear as he felt Newton wrapped his owns arms around his torso tightly.
"I just need to finish thi--" to the [Hair color] haired man's shock and surprise, his sweet and normally quiet and shy lover had pushed away from his embrace and shouted, "No!" very loudly. [Name] was surprised to look at Newton to see the black haired man was giving him a glare and it would have made the [Hair color] haired man a bit hurt if it wasn't for the tears that were threateningly falling diwn his lover's face. "Newt?" [Name] softly called out his lover's name but the said man merely shake his head and was still giving him a glare.
"N-no! You are going to stop working! And come with me to our shared bed an... a-and... and you are going to sleep!" The black haired man had said as he grabbed the [Hair color] haired man's shirt to make his beloved know he was serious and maybe trying to be more threatening... but unfortunately for him, he wasn't neither scary nor threatening at all, especially when he was near the verge of tears and that his beloved fully knows well he can't cause that much harm than what he wanted too.
But despite that, Newton still gripped tightly on his [Hair color] haired beloved's shirt as he continued to glare at him. "Y-you are going to sleep, [Name]," Newton had angrily said as his voice cracked when he had said his beloved's name. "Please..." The black haired man had softly muttered, voice cracking again as he finally can't hold the frustrated tears from falling. A soft cry left his lips as he pressed himself to his beloved, hiding himself from the [Hair color] haired man's chest to not let his beloved see his cries.
"Please..." He softly cried out to his lover as he continued on. "Y-you've been working... w-working non-stop and it's... i-it's... I... I-I miss you..." Newton had cried as [Name] had softly rubbed his back and tighen his embrace on the black haired man.
Newton crying, it made [Name] heart ache. He adored this black haired man dearly and he always wanted happiness for his lover. So, for him to be the cause of his lover's sadness, the one to cause his Newton to shed tears, it absolutely broke him.
It was like he was now finally awake from a dark slumber. He was finally awake from the cause he is effecting to his dear lover from his working...
[Name] softly whispered soft nothings to Newton's ear as he tried to calm the black haired man down. "Shh, I will love," [Name] softly muttered to Newton as he rubbed his lover's back. He didn't pay mind the wetness he felt on his shirt as his lover was his priority right now. "I'll go back to sleep now," he assured as he listened to his lover's soft cries for him to sleep and just how Newton misses him. Each cries left the black haired man's lips made his heart ache as he continued to calm Newton down.
"Please stop crying my love," he softly said as he slowly unwrapped his arms off his crying lover's body and then slowly gabbing Newton's face to make the male turn and looked at him. His [Eye color] eyes soften at seeing his black haired lover as he then softly took Newton's glasses off the crying man's face and then placing it to the table. Turning back to his lover as he placed his hands back to each side of the black haired man's face and gently wiped the tears that fell down Newton's eyes with his thumb.
"Oh Newt," [Name] softly said as he finally saw his lover slowly stopped crying and was instead was now just hiccuping some incoherent mumbles. "Newt, my love?" He softly called out to his lover. "Please look at me, love," [Name] had softly said as Newton didn't respond to him.
"Look at me, my love... please?" [Name] said again and this time, his lover finally looked at him.
Newton's expression still made [Name]'s heart clenched as he leaned to his lover closer and then placing a soft kiss on the black haired man's lips. It was delicate, soft and full of longing. Longing for the other because it was already so long they had each other.
Newton didn't wasted to kiss back with equal passion. Although he was shy and don't know how to handle affection well, no matter how much loving his [Hair color] haired beloved is. But right now, Newton was tired, frustrated and worried for [Name] that his shyness was overcame with his frustrations and passion for him.
Newton closed his eyes like [Name] had did as the latter was affectionately rubbing his cheek with his thumb. It was... it was what the two men longed for days now.
Finally, after a few more seconds of the two men kiss, they finally parted with soft pants left their lips. [Name] immediately made his black haired lover turn to look at him again as he caressed Newton's cheek, affectionately as he saw his lover lean to his touch.
"I love you," [Name] softly muttered to Newton as he leaned closer to the said man again and place a quick peck on the black haired man's lips. "I love you so, so much," he had said as he again kissed his lover. "I love you so much and I'm so sorry for causing you to worry, my love," he apologized as he kissed Newton again but this time, much more longer as the black haired man still had a tight grip on his shirt, like Newton was afraid he would let go, his beloved would disappear.
"I love you, my love," [Name] had breathlessly said as he parted from his lover's lips and gently placed his forehead on the black haired man's and then gazing lovingly on Newton's blue colored eyes. "I love you and I promise I'll never make you worry ever again," he said as he saw Newton's lips twitched into a smile.
Taking a step back, the [Hair color] haired man softly let go of his lover's face and had gently wrapped his hands on both Newton's hand to pry the man's tight grip on his shirt. As he finally pried off Newton's grip, he immediately raise his black haired lover's hand to his lips and place a soft kiss on the back palm of both Newton's hands and then looked at his lover with love in his tired [Eye color] eyes. Rubbing the back of the palms with his thumb.
"Let's get to bed now, love," he had said as he saw Newton nodded at his suggestion and squeezed his hand. "Yeah... let's," Newton softly said as he softly smiled at his beloved.
[Name] had finally stopped working for his lover. As the two men walked towards their bedroom, their hands were intertwined with each other.
The [Hair color] haired man had opened the door to their room as Newton went inside first as he was then, closing the door as he he walked towards his and his black haired lover's bed to lay beside each other and sleep. [Name] had gently let go of Newton's hand as the latter was the first to get onto their bed and lay while the other man then next. It didn't even took a second as when he layed beside his black haired lover, the man had already unconsciously pressed himself close to him.
The [Hair color] haired man's instantly had wrapoed his arms around Newton's body and brought the other closer towards him as he let a content sight leave his lips.
"I love you," [Name] softly muttered as he closed his eyes, opening his arms to welcome Hypnos' grip onto him.
"I love you too," Newton had said as look at [Name] for a few more sceonds. A small smile on his lips as he was happy and relieved that he finally had his lover beside him. Following [Name]'s footsteps, he too, like his beloved, welcome Hypnos' grip to consciousness.
The two men layed beside each other with peace in mind, knowing that Newton finally managed to make his beloved sleep and have the man back while [Name] being awake from him being blind to not see how he affected his lover from his overworking. The two layed peacefully with nothing to worry over now and it was perfect for the two...
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natsutodoroki · 6 years
Shouto's insecure yet determined attempts at getting to know Natsuo, #1: getting his number from Fuyumi and keeping it for two days until he gets the courage to text Natsu... and the first text just reads: "hey, it's shouto, fuyumi gave me your number". And he stares at it for a good ten seconds before he adds: "i hope you don't mind".
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       you’ve got your hands trained in front of you writing something small because you’ve trained yourself to withhold. because you think about him / them / family too much & the tv station / the static / hums its tune out loud. in your veins, your body slow & even / you made a mistake playing a chorus on your head. you’ve made a mistake & your pointed stare     sacrificial mouth. glory haunts you like 5 - o - clock shadows, like school yard voices, like a promise you made 15 years ago. something tender / mistaking family for knives / so that everyone forgets you too / were anything other than a smile / lamb to the slaughter / gone.
  (  nothing rests easy on your mouth, silent nothing / violent nothing. the silence of this room, the pitch of a thrum, fuyumis last texts, the plead in her words: your shaking hands / your graceless hands       the restless / restless / restLESS guilt that threatens to eat you whole: natsuo todoroki, 19, never had mothers nature like touya, never held fuyumis gentleness like so. the only boy to fester with your fathers rage & bitterness. the reminder of your mothers love / your disagreements. the word family rests uneasy on your tongue, mixed in with the regret, held at knifepoint      a loss, how could you ever make up for that ? )
not moving feels like an act of forgetting, the taste of saltwater in your mouth a mere constant. the blood on your shirt washed out. sorry tastes bitter on your tongue, sorry tastes like the guilt in your blood, sorry tastes like            
                                                                   PING ! 
( they say your life can change in 60 seconds, but the emotions you take in 30 are so fast you’re unsure you’re suffering whiplash. with this aching, aching soul         you’re not even sure if it’s scientifically true . )
                  TEXT - UNKNOWN: hey, it’s shouto, fuyumi gave me your number                                       TEXT - UNKNOWN: i hope you don’t mind
     in the end, it always comes back to this. you, a dark glass thing, seawater stuck on your tongue & only kitchen knives for words. guilt curled like a dragon in your mind, all claws & teeth & fire. here, you’d take his hand & let the salt drain behind his ears: both electrolyte & sea. but what’s family, when everything shatters? you’ve always known, somewhere in a locked heart, what it is to unmake your own name, to stitch something new out of hand - me - downs, to call it your own like it means something, & god, you want it to mean something, you want a heritage that doesn’t taste bitter when you swallow, doesn’t stuff black leaves on your tongue & choke you when you try to breathe. there’s alarm bells ringing in your head, but all of them feel like singing. it’s a sound you’ve grown accustomed to living with, this melody of death.
        ( don’t look at them shouto … your brothers, they belong to a different world to you… )
      where is this world ? where is home ? ( it’d be more honest to ask what home is, but all you know is what it is not. home is where the shadows curl heavy, where footsteps have fallen silent. the dead air screams chilling to the bone & the crying to ice where you never could stand being awake without the pain, the sting, the cut of something sharp & reminding of just what you could never stop, you never could      ) where is home ? ( home is where the broken games & stifled laughter somehow let you make it through 16 years even when everyones leaving including you. the ending already written, the reminder of an older brother never able to make true on the promises he held for years. who could’ve meant something, which could’ve meant something. ) no, where is home ?
    sea things will change with every tide & suddenly you’re grateful that everything regenerates so you never have to be that kid again, that boy again         you pull your hunched back firm against your headboard with something of a determined sigh, fingers chilled to the bone:
TEXT - UNKNOWN [ DRAFTED ]: hey, ur more than welcome for my number, mum mentioned ur a fan of writing so we could do that instead maybe cuz then id have more to say without sounding like one of those annoying strangers bc i dont know much                                                     [ MESSAGE DELETED ]TEXT - UNKNOWN [ DRAFTED ]: hell yeah u go for it bro! a heroes gotta keep in contact with his family somehow. ure the only number i didn’t have so! ive wanted to ask fuyumi for urs for years but i felt it was inappropriate when i only knew about 2 things relating to you that dont involve him so                                                     [ MESSAGE DELETED ]TEXT - UNKNOWN [ DRAFTED ]: hey yeah sorry if i scared you the other night i bet i sounded just like him and freaked u out or smth. u dont deserve that. don’t feel like u have to know me out of pure diligence or so cause u dont i havent told you so much in 16 years but i love you so much and ure gonna be the best hero out there without him i want you to shove it up his ass                                                       [ MESSAGE DELETED ]
TEXT - UNKNOWN [ SENT ]: hey!TEXT - UNKNOWN [ SENT ]: i’m kl w/ it, i wanted to ask you the other night but didn’t get the chance.TEXT - UNKNOWN [ SENT ]: i heard ur a man of letters, tho! u should help me in my quest to make mum go modern too 0:) TEXT - UNKNOWN [ SENT ]: we should visit her together soon!! maybe afterwards i can take u out for some soba and u can stay the night if ur skls ok w/ it!
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 4 ¦ Reunited and It Feels So Good 🎶
One Week Later
Hanneli's POV
For the past week, I haven't left my house at all. I didn't even sit by any of the many windows in my house to look outside, and it's all thanks to freaking Stephen and his disrespectful little butt. I never wanted to see his face ever again! So if that means I have to stay in my house all day long then so be it!
Welp, that didn't last for long. By Friday I gave up and decided to make a run for the park. I made sure I got out of my house at the right time. Stephen is so interested in gardening, he has a dozen of the same plants in his back yard. He practically lives outside which makes everything worse for me.
After three o clock, he finally decided to head inside. Once I heard his door shut close, I dashed straight to my car and drove all the way to the only park in town. I always wanted to go, but I never managed to find a great time for it until now. I made sure I brought my yoga mat so I could do some yoga.
When I arrived at the park I was mesmerized by its beauty. It was so simple yet so inviting and exotic at the same time.
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I spotted a gorgeous water fountain by the edge of the park. Maybe I could do some Tai Chi over there, I could use the exercise.
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Stephen's POV
Did the girl die? It's been days since I last saw her outside. Her trash is cluttered all over the front of her yard and I could see her roses beginning to die in her garden at the backyard. I hope me calling her a bitch didn't literally break that heart of hers.
Why should I care anyway?
Because you're not a heartless human being.
True, but Hanneli specifically said to never step foot in her house ever again. So - as the kind gentleman I am- I'm simply following her instructions.
I carried on with my week as usual. I woke up, made breakfast, tended to my weed garden, went back inside, watched a movie and went back to sleep. It was like that everyday and I was completely fine with it. So what if my routine is undeniably tedious? I'm going to be making big bucks soon and I'll probably use it to get the future ladies who step on this town in the future.
By the fourth day of the week, I began to panic.
What if she's dead? Did I kill her? Does she need help?
I couldn't eat or sleep. I only talked to her once and now I suddenly feel protective of her, what if someone did get to her?
Day 7 and still no sight or word from Hanneli. That's it! I need a break, it's about time I visit that park they have around here. I need fresh air and a break from this house, the smell of weed is becoming intoxicating.
When I made it to the park, my heart dropped.
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She's here and she's safe.
I calmly stood behind her and watched her sleep for a few minutes, her tiny little snores brought a smile to my lips. She looked so peaceful and extremely hot, just by looking at her I could feel a hard on coming on. The size of her breasts were just perfect, I could practically imagine my hands cup and squeeze them.
Argh! I should stop, she doesn't feel that way about me so I shouldn't feel that way about her.
But I can't stop.
I took a few steps closer to her until I was directly behind the bench she was resting on. I laid a finger on her chocolate brown skin and slid the digit down the side of her soft cheek. As soon as I reached down her neck she began to stir. I stepped back immediately but I ended up tripping on a rock.
Stephen: Ow!
Hanneli: Huh?
Oh shit. She's awake. The girl whipped her head around to see my stupid ass on the ground staring right back at her.
Hanneli: What are you doing here?
Stephen: Uh... I wanted to look at the scenery.
Hanneli: Did you touch me?
Stephen: No.
Hanneli: Liar! I felt something slide down my cheek and I bet it was your crazy ass.
Hanneli: Ugh! You pervert!
Ouch, that hurt.
Stephen: I didn't mean to. I was just so captivated by-
Ignoring my words, Hanneli marched right over to me and slapped me right on my cheek.
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Instead of feeding into my anger, I replaced it with peace. I grabbed both of her hands and held her still.
Stephen: Listen to me.
Hanneli: No! Let go of me!
Tears started streaming down her face as she tried to let go of my grip, but I wasn't having it.
Stephen: I spent the last few days hell bent over your well being. You didn't come outside for days, I thought you were dead. The guilt ate me alive!
Stephen: I don't know why, but I just can't get you out of my head.
Hanneli: Stop-
Stephen: Give me one more minute Nelli, if what I say next doesn't change your mind, arrest me.
I can feel her resistance against me slow to a stop, she nodded slowly and let me hold her.
Stephen: You're one of the most beautiful women I have ever met in my life. I'm interested in you Hanneli. I want you and I to get to know each other, I feel that I can be perfect for you. We're both alone in this neighborhood. You need someone to be there for you.
Stephen: Let me try to be that person. Please?
Hanneli: *sighs* Let go of my hands first.
I let her free and for some odd reason, it pained me to let her go.
Hanneli: You barely know me. Are you only interested in me for my looks? Sheesh, I'm not even that pretty.
Stephen: Yeah, you're not.
Stephen: You're sexy and your looks are just a plus compared to all the other things I adore about you.
Hanneli: What else do you like about me?
Stephen: For one, you make a mean burger and fries. Like damn, you're an amazing cook.
Hanneli: *laughs*
Stephen: Secondly. Who wouldn't fall in love with that smile of yours. People would kill to have a smile like that.
Hanneli: *blushes* Oh stop!
Stephen: *grins* I'm serious! Oh, and plus you give me hard ons.
Hanneli: WHAT? 😳
Stephen: It's true. Just looking at you right now I'm getting hard.
Hanneli: Uh, goodbye.
Hanneli turned around and began walking away. Quickly.
I rushed right in front of her and blocked the exit.
Stephen: Sorry. That was really inappropriate.
Hanneli: Yup. I didn't need to know that at all.
Stephen: I'm weird and I don't usually do these type of things, I have no idea how to get a lady to go out with me.
Hanneli: I see.
All of a sudden a strange idea popped in my head. If I do this, I could jeopardize my whole chance with her.
Eh, fuck it.
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The taste of her lips were fruity, I could taste strawberry and a bit of vanilla as I sucked on her lips and tied my tongue with hers. Not one slight of reluctance came from her as I kissed her. I felt her hands travel up to my neck and wrap themselves around it. I took the initiative to plant my hands on her curvy waist.
Kissing her was the most amazing feeling ever. She knew exactly what she was doing as our heads bobbed back and forth and in and out. I inhaled her scent, the smell of her beautiful skin and the the way her crotch was right in front of Mines made me kiss her harder and stronger.
Just before I reached for the buckle of her pants, she stopped.
Hanneli: Already trying to get in my pants and you didn't even bother to take me out to dinner?
Stephen: *smirks* So that's a yes to taking you out?
Hanneli: Yes.
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