#don't mess with brella
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Splatoon 3 Version 6.1 Patch Notes Breakdown
That time of the month again! Let's take a quick look at these together, and that part is actually important, because people have cross-referenced the Japanese and English patch notes and confirmed that there are several mistranslations in the latter, so stick with me as we roll through these!
This patch is heavily focused on balance changes, and outside of those, the only thing that isn't a bugfix is of course the Mincemeat Metalworks renovation. With that out of the way, let's look at the Main Weapon changes:
N-Zap gets two more damage, which makes it combo better with other sources of damage like the splash damage from the '85's Suction Bomb. There seems to always be a completely unnecessary Shooter buff in every patch nowadays, and this is the one this time, but it's at least balanced out by the fact that this weapon is also getting nerfed further down the notes, but we'll get there.
Dynamo Roller will now deal lethal damage in a wider spread than it did previously. Splat Roller got this buff a while ago and it was pretty good for it, so this is a definitive W for Dynamo mains everywhere.
Flingza Roller gets the exact same buff, plus a buff that cuts 5 white ink frames off its' vertical flick. Some nice quality of life for sure.
Inkbrush now moves faster, cheaper. Three percent doesn't sound like a lot, but I promise you that even such a small change is going to throw your aim off quite a bit, so get ready to get circles run around you in Clam Blitz even more than you already do.
The Brella gets 13% better ink efficiency off its shots, and that's quite a lot! Brella likes to play the long game and draw out fights, and most builds for it run a lot of Ink Saver Main as a result, so this should give it some more ability flexibility.
Undercover Brella can now... do full jumps while firing? I don't think this is a very impactful change, but it is neat, and I think if used properly could be a way to get more mileage out of your shield and avoid damage.
This is a mistranslation!
The first change is actually the complete opposite of what it says in the patch notes. They did not reduce Squeezer's ink consumption when tap-firing, but increase it, making the cost tap-shots 9% more. It'll also paint slightly worse when holding down the firing button, and considering how this weapon has been utterly dominant at all levels of play both of these changes are fair.
Ballpoint gets a small accuracy decrease in long-range mode, which frankly seems a bit uncalled for, because this weapon hasn't been on top of the metagame for a long time. At least it's also kind of a paint buff?
And finally for Main Weapon changes, Stamper gets its charge slash paint cut by 10%. Compared to the changes this weapon has been getting in the past it's a bit of a slap on the wrist, but it does in fairness paint really well, and Neo Splatana Stamper does put out a lot of Crab Tanks, so this isn't an unjust change.
After that comes two Special changes, and these are very interesting:
Wave Breaker will now immediately locate enemies upon being placed for a short while. They don't specify the range or time of the effect, but I have to imagine it'll be within the same area of effect as the Wave Breaker's Waves. Giving it an immediate effect is really cool to me, it makes me think of Splatoon 1's Echolocator, which Wave Breaker already kind of felt like a rework of to begin with.
Again, this change is the complete opposite, reading the text you'd think this was a nerf to Ink Storm, but it's actually a buff, because it makes you heal faster in Kid Form when inside your own team's Ink Storms. This is essentially completely unprecedented, as we've never had anything that messes with the health regeneration system like this before, and I'm very curious to see how it shakes out.
And finally we have the Points-For-Special changes:
Neo Sploosh, Forge Pro, Luna, Bamboozler, and Zink Mini all get their Points-For-Special cut by 10 (a change Forge has been begging for since it released, seriously starting it at 210p was completely unreasonable) while Slattershot, N-Zap '85 (here's that nerf I mentioned at the very top of the list), Tri-Slosher nouveau, and Heavy Edit Splatling get another 10p added to their Special charge.
Overall I think this is a pretty good patch that has some really interesting ideas in it, but there is also a very notable omission. They went after all of the most popular Tacticooler weapons, and increased their Special charge, except for Snipewriter 5H. Snipewriter has been skyrocketing in popularity in competitive player for its' ability to serve as paint support, long-range damage, and Tacticooler spammer, all at once, and it got completely overlooked here. I suspect that nanowrimo is coming early in the world of competitive Splatoon 3, because everyone is getting their pencils ready.
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thoughts on the patch notes? any other changes youd like to see them make soon?
I'm not a very in depth analysis person on that kinda stuff and I also didn't read it all cause all those sentences not spaced out messes with my ability to focus, but I do hope it lets Zipcaster get some more use. Brella regen time sped up is nice on the regular Brella, I don't think Undercover needed it though. Tenacity buff is great. I already use that sometimes, but I never see anyone else use it. It's slept on tbh. Still think Splash needs a nerf, it feels too long range for it's power x-x. Once again Nintendo won't fix the Crab, it's going to end up shafted like the Sting Ray was and apparently there's issues with the Rush Wave in SR where they clip through Rollers.
Also ready to try those Grizzco Dualies
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Ig for those curious, here are the weapons I think each dbz character ive drawn currently would use in the splatoon au thing I drew
Krak on splat roller/splattershot (mainly rollers) He went through using alot of weapons before deciding on the krak on roller. He used to be very indecisive on what he wanted to use.
Splat dualies (or any dualies in general, prefers using the enperry dualies) he likes being really aggressive, and using dualies help him achieve that. Depending on what he feels like doing, he will use different dualies. He hardly ever uses the dualie squelchers though.
Doesn't participate in turf wars as often anymore, but he often uses Luna blaster. He often did matches with goku as a duo, and would pick a weapon that would be good support for goku's. He also occasionally uses nzap. Plays more salmon run.
Chichi- also doesn't participate very much, but she was a good splatana wiper player. Plays any splatana. She used to be a competitive player, though played less and less after marrying goku. She still plays turf wars occasionally, more often when goku, or her children do.
Yamcha- local tentabrella user, 5 starred v tentabrella though is still figuring out how exactly to use it. He often changes weapons now bc he wants to find a cooler weapon to main.
Bulma- Ink brush player, prefers nouveau over v ink brush. She occasionally uses other brushes and took interest in learning splatanas.
Gohan- Heavy splating deco user. He sometimes plays rollers, but loves using splatlings alot more. Will play any he feels like, but the heavy deco is his favorite.
Trunks- 52 gal user. He uses any of the gal weapons, but occasionally uses dapple dualies if he feels like it.
Goten- splat roller user. He uses any rollers, but also is pretty good with squiffer. His goal is often to be as irritating as possible.
Tien- Splat charger user. He uses any charger, but prefers the regular splat charger.
Bardock- carbon roller deco user. His play style and quick and aggressive, and he often goes for front line weapons when he feels like doing something different. Often plays ranked/anarchy.
Gine- Undercover brella user. She often swaps between v undercover and undercover sorella brella. She'll use any other brella if she feels like it, and also occasionally uses e-liter. She also often plays ranked/anarchy.
King vegeta- Splat dualies user. He'll use any dualies, but prefers v splat dualies.
Raditz- Dynamo roller user. I just think this weapon would fit him. He's fond of heavy hitting weapons, though is still learning how to use them properly. Often swaps between the dynamos.
Turles- octobrush user. He's also grown pretty fond of using the painbrushes, often swapping between them. He's one of those toxic players that taunt after every kill and just mess with people in general. He's also a sore loser. Don't be like him kids
Frieza doesn't play in turf wars. If he DID though he'd use splatana stamper.
Broly(dbs) - heavy splatling user. He'll use any splatling, but heavy is the one he loves using the most. He's still new to turf wars, often playing anarchy with goku and vegeta as they show him the ropes.
Paragus- dualie squelchers user. He found teaching Broly to be frustrating. He was good at fighting and was strong, but he never really took to using the dualies like he had hoped. Man really wanted his son to like his main weapon
Mostly based off of my own headcanons n all that, there'll be more as I think of them but this post is already long enough. If you have questions about the au, feel free to ask!
Idk about the story yet, it's not gonna be 100% a reflection of dbz canon, cause all of it cannot be replicated into splatoon, not every aspect of dbz or dbs will be incorporated either, that'd be alot lmao
I'll also be deviating from splatoon canon n all that as well, just a little tho ^^
Sorry for the word vomit
Already working on what saiyans are, yeah they're octos, but with a twist
Or sumn, still figuring it out.
#splatoon#dbz au#splatoon au#dbz#vegeta#goku#bardock#gine#raditz#turles#chichi#krillin#gohan#trunks#dbs broly#paragus#king vegeta#goten
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So with the new season coming next month and undoubtedly other news regarding it even sooner, I thought I'd mess around with the kit builder to come up with some predictions for the weapons we don't have alternate kits for yet.
These kits are based on their past variants from Splatoon 1/2 as well as Nintendo's current trend of making weapons less fun than they could be (rip Splatoon 2's absolutely cracked kits ye will be missed). I will be shocked if I manage to predict anything at all let alone a complete kit so we'll see!
Feel free to let me know what you think, do you like them, do you hate them, etc etc! This took quite a long time so I hope someone gets something out of it!
Check the replies for the link to the kit builder~ :3
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Ebb & Flow is such a funny fic to me because it's no secret that I struggled a lot with writing it up to the point that I actively started disliking it and only after I published it and saw that people did like it, I started to appreciate it more, but it'll never be one of my fave fics.
That being said, Ebb & Flow is probably the fic that is the most on my mind because I just fucking love Splatoon and every time I play it, I think of this universe. As in, I think the main joy from this fic comes from this. I was given a goddamn Luna Blaster yesterday by Mr. Grizz. Ah well. Do it for Blaine.
So since I am playing Side Order, I also can't stop thinking about how these boys would experience it, and that is just a lot of fun to imagine. Side Order is a mess (affectionate), because it has so much room for experimentation. It's apparently quite common to finish the game using a weapon they usually dislike (for me it was a Splatling, Kurt would be proud). And yes, your usual weapon is rough. My first run with a Roller got me killed at 16F or something and then my run where I did beat the final boss was also quite hard.
Aka now I am wondering what weapons Kurt and Blaine use to finish the game. Kurt usually mains long-ranged weapons like Chargers and Splatlings. I still don't know if Kurt would like a Stringer or hate it. Blaine is more about sneak attacks with his Dualies and Blasters.
It'd be fucking funny if there were some inverse happening here, where Kurt first beats Side Order with a Roller, although if I remember correctly, he does main a Carbon Roller as well on Turf Wars (like I do). Maybe he'll also make Blaine proud by defeating Orderlorder with a Blaster for the first time. It's slow and short-ranged, so not really his style.
For Blaine, for some reason I cannot fanthom him using a Brush, but maybe he works well with a Brush in Side Order since the Order Brush prioritises Mobility chips, which is, once again, Blaine's thing. I also cannot picture him with a Slosher. So maybe that'll be his first clear. I actually think he's less versatile with weapons than Kurt.
So maybe those are their weak spots that get heavily buffed in Side Order: Blasters and Sloshers.
Or maybe one of them goes for a Brella run with a highly advanced Pearl drone. Who knows? It's just fun to think about.
#back again to popular demand#me talking about splatoon on this blog#klaine 321 prompt bang#story extras
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Could you write something about Brandon defending Stella? In a battle, a conversation, from a bully whatever sparks your interest ✨
Brandon defends Stella
“One last shop and then we can go home, I promise.”
Brandon, who was already carrying seven bags, didn’t believe her one bit, but he didn’t complain. Stella’s usual smile was always brighter when she was shopping. Their friends had homework to finish or maybe – probably – had decided they didn’t want to spend their Saturday afternoon at the mall; so, it was just him and Stella and all the other people who were strolling around the crowded shops.
They were standing on the escalator, going up. Stella was a step below him, looking up at Brandon. “I can miniaturize them, you know?”
“Why didn’t you say that before?!”
Stella chuckled and pointed a finger to the bags, which instantly became so small that he could fit them in his jeans’ pockets. Which he did. Immediately.
“I was wondering how they’d fit on my bike …”
He took a step forward to leave the escalator, and Stella did the same a moment later. It was then that he heard them.
“… send it to all my contacts!”
“Are you crazy? We can make so much money off of this!”
“Yeah! We can sell it to M!News … we are gonna be rich!”
“And all thanks to a princess’ pussy!”
Stella hadn’t noticed as she was already headed to another boutique, but Brandon had heard the two guys talking and had managed to figure out what had just happened.
As soon as they stepped down from the escalator, he grabbed them both by the collar and pushed them to the wall.
“What the fuck, man!”
“Brandon!” Stella, like all the people on their floor, was shocked by his behavior. What…
“Delete it. Now.” Brandon ordered, keeping the two guys to the wall.
“What are you talking about?” The one holding the phone asked.
“The picture. Delete it. Now.” He was so angry he wouldn’t be surprised if smoke started coming out of his ears.
“We didn’t take any picture …” But Brandon had already been patient enough. He released his grip on the guys’ clothes and grabbed both their phones. He handed them to Stella, who was standing by him, confused.
“Burn them.”
Stella took them and put them on the floor, ready to hit them with one of her sunbeams.
“Hey! You can’t do that! Those are our phones!”
“Yeah! It’s not our fault if she goes around dressed like a slut!”
To that, Brandon grabbed him by the neck and threw a punch that hit the wall, just next to his ear. “Speak again and the next will be in your face. Am I being clear?” He turned to the other guy, who was still standing in front of the wall, nodding and shaking.
“Good. Stella, do your thing.”
“As you wish.” She smiled and sent a sunbeam to the phones on the floor, which melted in a matter of seconds.
Brandon turned around to make sure they were unusable and then released the guys. “Do it again and I won’t be this generous.” He said, as the boys scrambled to get away and take the escalator down.
Brandon was still standing in front of the wall, trying to calm himself down. Stella came closer and hugged him from behind, resting her cheek on his back. “My knight in a shining armor.”
To that, he was able to smile and to turn around to hug her back. “Are you all right?”
“I am. You?”
“Yeah. My hand hurts pretty bad, though.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t go around punching walls.” She suggested, looking up at him with a smile.
He smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her on the lips. “Maybe I shouldn’t.”
“Thank you.” She said, and then she sighed. “I guess I should wear longer skirts …”
“You can wear whatever you want, Stel.” He took her cheeks in his hands, stroking them gently. “It’s not your fault the world’s full of assholes.”
“And you’ll protect me?”
“Always, sunshine.”
#giulia speaks#screaming into the void just because#giulia answers asks#stella winx club#brandon winx club#stella and brandon#brella#don't mess with brella#knight in a shining armor#winx club#dzulia writes
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SEES playing Splatoon HCs
(If you ignore the fact that splatoon came out 6 years after p3 happened, just pretend it's a everyone lives AU or time just doesn't matter)
I know damn well that minatos either a splattershot main. Don't ask me how i know i just do. His favourite special is the crab tank, again don't ask I just know these things. Also he's definitely X rank or bordering on S+ and S but stopped caring to rank up once he hit that.
Hamukos prolly a roller main or smth. I can't rlly think of any other weapon rn. Her fav special is either the ultra stamp or the inkzooka. She's definitely in X rank and is fucking terrifying in clam blitz (like most ppl are).
Yukari mains the tri-stringer, enough said. But b4 splat 3 came out she was probably a inkbrush user. Her special is the booyah bomb and gets mad when the others dont ink their spawn (even at the others on the enemy team).
Junpeis would main splatana in 3 and would always be the player to charge to the enemy base as soon as the match starts. He's the guy players mean when they say ink your spawn. Also imagining him struggling to use the zip caster (like me cause using that shit is hard)
I imagine fuuka being a pretty good charger main that it's scary. But even in videogames she prefers being the support rather than being at the front.
If there were fist weapons in splatoon akihiko would main that shit. But since there isn't then blaster main or whatevers quicker. He definitely protizes splatting the enemy team, which doesn't do well in turf war lol.
Mitsuru doesn't play videogames that much but she's probably a brella user cause I can't think of anything else for her but shes pretty good at ranked, mainly tower control. I think her main thing would be stealth, sneaking up on enemies and when they least expect it attack them from behind. And yes she has fallen off the edge more times than she would like to admit.
Aigis is either a dualies or e-liter main and is the poster child for scary tenta missles players. And since their an anti shadow weapon they probably have like an auto aim installed in them that sort of messes up splat matches sometimes.
Kens a splattling main due to it being able to fire continously so it's like a endless onslaught. He likes the inkjet special as it makes him higher than the others so he can easily pick them out.
Shinjiro is either a splatana stamper main or doesn't know how to change his weapons so he's stuck using the splattershot Jr. Him and aki get VERY heated when they get put on opposite teams, they always gotta beat eachother and mitsuru is sick of it. Imagine this: aki kraken vs shinji kraken.
Whenever SEES has game nights it's hell, especially pvp games. They get through 5 matches before one of them gets pissed off and picks a fight. This usually ends in mitsuru scolding them and any wounds getting patched up.
Koromaru is just a bystander in all this, wondering what he did to be stuck with these people.
#persona#persona 3#p3#persona 3 portable#p3p#persona 3 protagonist#persona 3 femc#p3p femc#hamuko arisato#minako arisato#minato arisato#makoto yuki#junpei iori#yukari takeba#fuuka yamagishi#ken amada#shinjiro aragaki#akihiko sanada#mitsuru kirijo#aigis persona 3#p3 aigis#thats a shit ton of tags lol#remember these are all my hcs feel free to say yours in your tags
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Meet Ocho the agent 8 of the NSS. That's actually not their real name it was given to them by the NSS. They rather not say anything about their personal info not even their favourite food or colour!
He didn't have much of a choice to join the NSS but hangs out anyway. Little do the group know that Ocho plans on their downfall and the world but that's a secret <3. They just hate everyone except Iso Padre. Ocho just wants the world to burn or more specifically all living creatures to be wiped out except plants and other things. Will destroy anyone who tries to wipeout the planet. Only he can be the one to do it and only him.
Pretty intelligent and strong for an octoling especially in the military. Was placed in many posts and jobs but none of them really interested him that much since he didn't want to contribute to octarian society. His last job was blue printing weapons and technology as well assembling them.
His tentacles appear white as he lost pigmentation since birth and is sensitive to light.
Doesn't live with anyone except his pet zapfish he stole from the octarians when he ran away post Splatoon 2. Resides at Octo Valley with his own built shack. The agents tried to convince him to live with them at their apartment but failed.
Will act stupidly innocent and sweet to anyone. They just love fooling people and toy with them. Agent 3 and 4 are cautious around them. Pretended they don't know much Inkish so they speak broken Inkish to act cute (it works).
Is banned from Grizzco because of nefarious things. They hacked their database and stole some info as well messed with weapon rotations. They still mess with the rotations sometimes when they feel like it. Their favourite weapon rotation is: sploosh, dynamo, gootuber, undercover brella. Just to be evil.
Agent 3 confessed their crush to Ocho in which they respond with "if only there was someone out there who truly loved you". Agent 3 still hasn't recovered, probably cries at night about it.
#the ghost draws#Splatoon#octoling#agent 8#Ocho#some drabble about them#I am making a story about him but it's in the works lol#he was in my headspace for a while#sorry folks but no agent 24 for this lad but maybe agent 12? lol#Ocho doesn't really have a heart or hearts he's just that twisted
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What Splatoon weapon would your ocs main? (Feel free to do as many or as few as you want!)
Eee thanks for this ask hun! This was super fun to think about~!
Maple uses the Clash Blaster! It's a devastating and hard to escape weapon up close, just like Maple is when it goes into a panicked frenzy. It'd give another reason for other Flytraps to hate it too- everybody hates a Clash Blaster main!
Pelleas uses the Carbon Roller! Nimble and quick, he would absolutely shark and lurk, waiting for unsuspecting prey to draw too close...and then BAM! They're splatted on his beloved roller~ He'd definitely run a Ninja Squid build too so he's extra stealthy.
Trace uses the E-Liter 4K! Patience and protection is Trace's game, he just loves watching you from afar with his scoped charger. It allows him to pick off his foes with precision one by one, and the little laser of his charger is always following you around to protect you.
Pillow uses the Dapple Dualies! She loves going in all guns blazing, and the Dapple Dualies would let her do just that! Getting up close and personal gets her heart racing, and she'd love erratically dashing around to mess with her opponents.
Buttons uses the Splat Brella! They'd like the protection of this weapon a lot, opting to protect teammates as they lead with their Brella. It lets them protect themself as well which is good as they don't want ink on their body!
Miki uses the Bamboozler! He uses this as an intimidation tactic- the weapon absolutely sucks, everybody knows this, so why are they using it!? They'd be scarily good at using it...when he can be bothered. The more up close and personal aspect of this particular charger makes it fun for Miki to use.
#eee thanks again for the ask!#hunting for love#hfl#hfl maple#hfl pelleas#hfl trace#hfl pillow#hfl buttons#hfl miki
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Would you rather: Winx edition
- Be stuck in an elevator with Stella or Musa
- Be lab partners with Flora or Tecna
- Fight Bloom or Aisha
- Have Icy or Valtor as your boss
- Have Darcy or Stormy as your employee
- Receive life advice from Riven or Brandon
- Spend a day with Helia or Nabu
- Read the inner thoughts of Faragonda or Griffin
- Free Diaspro or Bloom (from Sky)
- Gain Enchantix through Tecna’s method or Flora’s
- Have Stella lose her face forever or Tecna lose her emotions forever
- Break up Stella x Brandon or Aisha x Nabu (assuming he’s alive)
- Break up Flora x Helia or Tecna x Timmy
- Break up Bloom x Sky or Musa x Riven
- Make Blicy or Driven endgame
- Cancel Fate or reboot the cartoon
- Reveal who’s behind anon asks or never be able to send anon asks
- Be stuck in an elevator with Stella or Musa
I love Stella but I don't think my social energy could survive being in a small enclosed space with her for so long 😂 It would be a good opportunity for Musa to share some music, haha
- Be lab partners with Flora or Tecna
Flora because she'd be a lot more patient with me not knowing anything.
- Fight Bloom or Aisha
Oh man, I'm dead either way. Uuuhh maybe Bloom? At least I'd be up against a cool fire dragon. But if you mean like an argument, idk maybe Aisha? I'd never want to argue with either of them and Bloom would be more likely to internalise things said to her.
- Have Icy or Valtor as your boss
Valtor, he's less likely to make my life a living hell whenever he gets bored.
- Have Darcy or Stormy as your employee
Both would be a pain but Darcy, she'd be less destructive at least.
- Receive life advice from Riven or Brandon
Brandon. Riven's had plenty of life experience, but he'd probably project too much and not consider how others might process/ experience things differently. Also I feel like Brandon's a lot more emotionally intelligent than most give him credit for, so he's good at judging when someone needs a firm reality check or when they need comforting reassurance.
- Spend a day with Helia or Nabu
I feel like I could just chill with Helia, maybe do some art and debate random issues from philosophy to ice cream flavours.
- Read the inner thoughts of Faragonda or Griffin
Griffin. I wonder about her perspective on things in season 1 and how it changed. I mean, at first she was chill with the Trix almost murdering an Alfea student, and actively encouraged the witches to mess with fairies. How did that change after the Trix invasion?
- Free Diaspro or Bloom (from Sky)
Diaspro I guess. Whether she's redeemed or stays a villain, I'd rather she have some storyline that doesn't revolve around Sky for once.
- Gain Enchantix through Tecna’s method or Flora’s
I hate the cold so Flora's it is! Over quicker and back by dinner.
- Have Stella lose her face forever or Tecna lose her emotions forever
Brandon and the others have shown that they love Stella for who she is inside and not for her looks, and Stella has grown a lot in that losing her face wouldn't keep her down as much as it would have at the start of the series (as we've seen in the Crystal Labyrinth episode, where she was able to joke about her "mug", compared to her reaction when she got spelled by Chimera). She'd still be Stella without her looks, whereas Tecna would lose part of her whole identity without emotions, so yeah I'd prefer Stella losing her face. Also my tecmy heart wouldn't be able to handle Tecna losing her emotions right after coming back from the Omega Dimension :')
- Break up Stella x Brandon or Aisha x Nabu (assuming he’s alive)
Ah maannn okay I'd break up Aisha and Nabu just because I feel like they'd be able to handle it and still have a respectful friendship later. With brella, I think the heartbreak would be too much? Like, they wouldn't be able to just stay friends.
- Break up Flora x Helia or Tecna x Timmy
Tecna and Timmy are a set, do not separate. At least I could give Flora a girlfriend, since she seemed queer-coded to me in season 1.
- Break up Bloom x Sky or Musa x Riven
Bloom and Sky. It would be interesting to see the main couple split up, and could teach a lesson about falling out of love and knowing when to recognise it. It would be even more potent given their relationship is kinda modeled after a child-like fantasy of a perfect royal couple.
- Make Blicy or Driven endgame
Eh, I'm neutral on both of them so I guess Blicy? The ice/fire contrast is fun and very poetic.
- Cancel Fate or reboot the cartoon
Welp, however much I complain about it, Fate will still exist even if cancelled. I would rather we could at least compare it a well-written, faithful reboot that appeals to older audiences without being offensive. Hopefully, other shows would follow its example rather than do what Fate is doing.
- Reveal who’s behind anon asks or never be able to send anon asks
Eh, I wouldn't want to invade people's privacy and I'm not too fussed about sending asks off anon, so the second option.
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You didn't see a brella either, and truth be told that the format+map of tricolor really doesn't favor vanilla tentabrella's kit, and arguably doesnt favor its main weapon either...and undercover is just like the actual worst of the worst weapon. But splat brella's kit absolutely could've lended itself to this format. Yet you didn't see a splatbrella. You know why? Because in addition to being a buggy mess, and splatoon 3's poor netcode leading to you getting shot through your shield, the weapon itself is also severely undertuned. Crippingly poor ink efficiency, very lacking damage, alot of poor match-ups, and to top it all off it has to try its best to work with sprinkler which is a weak subweapon and triple inkstrike which is the definition of middling
Snipewriter 5H has the possibility to be a very powerful main weapon, and we'll see that when they buff something about it next patch and then leave it alone until they give it a new kit, and if its a kit that the snipewriter can synergize with then it'll see alot more play. Sprinkler and tacticooler was never it. These two things don't even go with each other. Let alone the main weapon
Splattershot nova was the weapon that showed the most initial promise, being a mid-range shooter like splattershot pro but trading damage for fire rate and better paint output, people saw what the weapon wants to do and saw the weapons kit and said, yes, this is a supportive scouting weapon that wants to stay mobile and spam point sensor to constantly keep an eye on the enemy. But not only is its paint slightly lackluster, and not only is its spread atrocious, and not only does combining the spread with the low damage of 5 shots to kill mean that it has worse dps than an aerospray, but also they introduced custom splattershot jr. this season which does the splattershot nova's job fives times better. Talk about fucking it up right out the gate. How'd you even manage to screw up that bad
Notice how you didn't see a single splattershot nova nor did you see a snipewriter during this splatfest
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Hey Brella! I was wondering if there's anyway you can send me the link to your morning glories tag? I don't understand tumblr so I'm not even sure if that's possible but I'm dying for some MG content. I saw Nick said on Twitter that they're getting back to work soon and I'm super psyched!
WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, HE WHAT, HE DID????? i search his twitter METICULOUSLY for mentions of morning glories daily and have seen no such statement! please don’t mess w me like this i’m very frail and gullible
anyway here’s my morning glories tag! doesn’t get updated too much these days, but i've rigorously reblogged almost every single post relating to it in the history of this website, so i am sure you will find good content. i also recommend checking out @for-a-betterfuture which is both a live AO3 feed and a good fannish resource!
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