#don't let people catch you slippin
impossibleprincess35 · 7 months
Also, in Pisces Season fashion, I called the place where I have a tire protection plan to discuss getting it in to have it looked at 'cause if it's a leak, it needs to be fixed. They're like, "We have no record of this. Maybe it was another company..?" so I give them my VIN and they're still like, "Nope, not us."
But I knew it was them. I know because their location is next to a Sonic and I specifically remember walking next door to grab an Ocean Water while they put my tires on the first time.
But no, they insisted, it was not them.
So, off I go into my office, to my shitty little filing cabinet where I keep all of my car paperwork, because let me tell you something: I do not fuck around when it comes to my car. She is a 2011 and she does not have the fancy features that newer cars do, but that bitch is a ride or die, and she is PAID FOR. I have heated leather seats, a navigation system, third row seating, and she's my favorite color, so I keep good tires on her and I do the maintenance, and I keep gas in her at all times.
But I also did not marry a car guy. My husband does not give a fuck about cars. If it gets him from Point A to Point B and it's clean, he does not care.
So, whenever I get anything done to my car - be it an inspection, an oil change, major maintenance, tires, whatever - I keep my paperwork because for some reason, my vagina makes some mechanics think I am stupid enough that they can tell me I need a new timing belt (at a cost of $1800!) only 9 months after I've already had that service done. (No, seriously, a mechanic really tried this with me.)
So, off I go into my filing cabinet, and lo and behold, THERE'S THE PAPERWORK FROM MY TIRE PLAN.
It was you.
And now I'm sitting in your lobby and you're fixing my leaky ass tire because I KEPT MY PAPERWORK FROM 2022, YOU FOOLS.
And I got another Ocean Water. MUAH HA HA HA HA.
Real funny how you couldn't find my shit with my VIN, but I bust out the invoice and all of a sudden, "OHHHHH, HERE IT IS. WE SEE IT NOW."
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Okay so here’s my request for a blurb…💕
Think of that one scene where Tormund is talking to the hound about Brienne but instead of Brienne it’s the reader (fem Y/N). The readers a hard woman and hasn’t given in to Tormund because she’s secretly with Sandor.
So basically the hound being jealous that tormund is into his woman.
Preferably NSFW if it’s too long to get to NSFW no worries.
⭐️( PS: i love your writing for the hound, barely anyone else gets it right!)
Save Me A Bowl
"A pretty thing for a pretty thing," Tormund says, holding up a small flower, not yet bloomed. I raise my brows at the white bud, "do I look like a thing to you?"
Sandor Clegane x Reader x Tormund Giantsbane | 1k+ | cw: fem!reader, jealousy, whipped!Tormund, fluff?, casually implied sex, typos, etc.
A/N: UR NOT ABOUT TO CATCH ME SLIPPIN ON MY POST STREAK. Once I post this, I'd have finished all my requests which is such a slay for this girl 🥹🫶. It has been quite a while since I got this req tho, so I hope you enjoy it nonnie 🫶 also.... I haven't actually reached this part of GoT yet HAHAHAHAHAH it's fine tho I think I know enough to write it lmao
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Sandor was not very affectionate, at least not in the noticeable kind. In truth, neither was I, though I suppose it's because you don't really have the time to think about such things when there was a war at hand.
However, I would say I didn't shy from checking on him, nor from asking him to accompany me. I definitely didn't shy from going out of my way to sit next to him, nor from leaning into him when it got too cold. The same could be said about him, I think.
In my opinion, my relationship with Sandor was rather obvious, though we never spoke about it, especially on the multiple accounts I've announced I'd be heading back to my tent and have the Hound immediately follow after me. If anything, I thought it was at least crystal clear what we were up to after the fact.
This was why I turned to Brienne when Tormund began harking nonsense. She and I had been huddled by the fire, finishing a bowl of soup when he came around.
"Is he trying to seduce you?"
"Don't look at me," says Brienne in between spoonfuls, "I am not the one he directs such gaudy poetry to."
I raise my brows as I turn back to Tormund who immediately smiles at me. I find myself sparing a smile back just to get his oration over with.
Ever since then, Tormund went out of his way to tire my ear with the sound of his voice, telling me tall tales of his life and his people. To be honest, I didn't mind it. In fact, I was partially entertained by some of his stories.
Showy as he was, he was harmless for the most part, and so I just let him do what he wanted. Eventually, his yapping would earn him a bowl to head and a threat to shut his trap. It worked out for me the men had much less patience for him than I did.
Little did I know, Sandor just about lost his patience with him.
I have to stop eating so I can get a laugh out of my system. The orange haired man laughs with me and concludes his story. He sighs, "you're the only fun one on this side of the fucking wall."
I shake my head and continue eating my food, "you mistake my tolerance of you as solidarity with your humor."
"Yet you laugh," Tormund raises a thick brow.
I shrug and swallow a mouthful before replying, "because you are fool."
"Fool enough to make you laugh," he says, standing from his seat beside me. He seems to look for something in his pocket.
I barely spare him a glance as he tells me, he's forgotten something, "I'll be right back."
Just as he runs off, I see Sandor and smile at him. He seems not to notice me and sits in a spot across from me. I immediately stand and come up next to him. I sit next to him, "took you a while."
Sandor ignores me.
I nudge him when he does not respond.
He side eyes me then begins to eat.
I raise a brow at his ignorance, "has something happened?"
He grunts then snaps, "why don't you ask that ginger fuck."
I frown.
"You seem keen of his company," Sandor glare, "you even laugh at his rancid jokes."
I furrow my brows.
Just then, Tormund comes back. He looks for me a moment, then beams when he spots me.
He runs up to me and Sandor; I feel Sandor stiffen against me.
"A pretty thing for a pretty thing," Tormund says, holding up a small flower, not yet bloomed.
I raise my brows at the white bud, "do I look like a thing to you?"
"The prettiest thing in the south," Tormund grins.
I release a breath.
I look over my shoulder and realize Sandor has stopped eating in lieu of glaring at Tormund. I'm about to speak, but I'm beaten to the chase.
"Fuck off, filthy minge," Sandor growls.
Tormund turns to him. His upper lip curls, "I wasn't speaking to you, smelly mutt."
Sandor stands and the two impose upon each other.
I immediately set my bowl down and step between them. I push them both on their chests, but neither budge. I hiss, "enough."
"You heard the woman," Tormund says, "get lost."
"She was talking about you, you yapping fuck," Sandor snarls.
Before they can jump at each other's throats, I step back and yell, "ENOUGH, I SAID."
Sandor and Tormund stare at me.
"It's been a long day," I snap, "I'm not in the mood to soothe two whining bitches."
Tormund nods, "right!"
I narrow my eyes, "Tormund-"
"Yes?" he immediately retorts.
"- fuck off."
He opens his mouth but is too taken aback to say anything.
"You've been too busy picking flowers to notice that I'm with Sandor."
Tormund stares at me blankly.
"He's the one warming my tent."
He is aghast.
Sandor's face is blank, but he seems otherwise pleased as he sits back down and continues to eat.
The ginger steps forward and reaches out, "but I-"
"Keep your fucking hands to yourself," Sandor stands again, "if you know what's good for you."
Tormund glares at Sandor.
I sigh, "I told you you were a fool."
Tormund deflates. He walks off silently.
Sandor pulls me by the arm as he sits, sitting me down next to me, "good fucking riddance. Finally some quiet."
I roll my eyes at him, "you know," I pull my arm away, "this wouldn't have happened if I-"
"Fucked you harder?" he says in between chewing, "aye. I know better now."
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switchbladedreamz · 2 years
Choosing Me
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LongHair!Frank Castle x Fem!Goth!Reader smut
Requested? Nah
Warnings? ❤️18+!!Hella fuckin smut y'all. Just fiiiiilth.
I need him to kiss me with his beard soaking wet
He cheated. Again..
"You know Ryan, you say you love me but you really don't give a shit about me. Do you?" He face turns bright red. It's his only change of expression from condescending. He straightens his tie. "Oh this again! I love you (Y/n/n). Is it your time of the month or something?" Out of the corner of my eye I see the silhouette, it's been following me all day, get closer. "Look I'm sorry I cheated, it didn't mean anything to me. Lets just forget this ever happened, we'll go to that fancy new Italian place and I'll buy you a new necklace." "Wow. It's like you're married the definition of misogyny, Jesus Christ dude. Get ahold of yourself and get your head out of your ass." I laugh, it almost sounds deranged with how pissed off I am. I turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist. I punch him square in the nose. "I have two hands dumbass, next time try to restrain them both." I mumble 'pathetic' before walking to my car. So too the silhouette moves in time.
It's three hours later and I'm crying into a bottle of wine blasting Halestorm, trying to remind myself I'm a bad bitch. A knock sounds at my door. A very beautiful face is on the other side of the door and I feel the gay panic seep in. "Hello, I'm Yelena, your new neighbor. I believe this is your mail," her ethereal green eyes squint as to read the name in the plastic viewing window of the envelope..''(Y/n)," 'my name rolls off her tongue so elegantly, beautiful.', " it was on my doorstep." She speaks in a Russian accent. I accidentally stare for a moment before finally speaking. "Ahem. Sorry! Thank you, yes. Uhm..how did you know my name?" "It's on the mail." She responds, a light laugh on the end. "Oh! Of course, how silly of me." "Is the music too loud? I'm sorry if it is, and I know a lot of people don't like metal.". Yelena has a beautiful smile, "Crank it girl, Lzzy Hale is an icon. I'll see you around." She waves. I'm stunned silent as I watch her door close. I jump over the couch and yank my phone off the aux, calling my best friend.
"Frank!! The most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life just moved in across from me. And she likes the same music I do, I'm gonna marry her.". "Jesus Christ (Y/n), I thought you was busy cryin over that Bryan prick." "Ryan, and I've been crying because I'm totally happy to be rid of his ass." "Yeah I never did like that douchebag. So. What's the chicks name? I'll see what I can get David to find, see if she's the real deal." I smile, I'm happy he cares. "She said her name was Yelena, I didn't get a last name though. She has this beautiful Russian accent but it's not too thick to were I don't know what she's saying. I don't usually go for blondes but man." "Yeah yeah I get it you're head over heels. Stay safe. Did Ron get all of his shit out of your apartment yet? You need any help with that asshole?" " I would like that, he's not a violent guy but he grabbed my wrist, it left a bruise. He'll be here in a few hours and I haven't been able to stop crying but I was a bad bitch when we last spoke now I'm a sad bitch.". "I'll be there". Before I can thank him he hangs up. He has such a way with words.
Frank arrived shortly after the phone call. He brought me flowers, ice cream, and a black throw blanket. I started to tear up "c'mon, can't have my best girl cryin over a gift. Go sit on the couch, I'll clean up and get you some food and water. Can't have that bastard catch ya slippin. He'll think he's won." I put the new blanket on top of the washer so I don't forget to wash it, I stop in the bathroom and wash my face and change out of my wet shirt.
"Heeey, there she is. Pick out a movie". Frank sets two plates on the coffee table. "Found some hamburger helper in the fridge." I hum as a response before picking Hellraiser, classic.
Halfway through the movie someone knocks on the door. Frank gets up, motioning for me to stay on the couch. I can hear the accusing tone in Ryan's voice as he's greeted with Frank's face. "Guess she hopped on the next dick that was nice to her". Frank's response meets Ryan's nose, that cracks. He screeches and I rush off the couch to stand behind Frank. "You're just going to let this APE TREAT ME LIKE THIS (Y/N/N)!?" Ryan yells. "Keep your voice down! And he can hit you once since you left a bruise on my wrist from early. Eye for an eye, bruise for a bruise shithead. Take your shit and leave." I grab the box, pretending Im going to hand it to Ryan, I let it dump to the floor in the hallway. I hear a gasp then a laugh, Yelena was in her door way. "I'm so sorry. I heard shouting and was going to check on you." That makes me smile a little.
Ryan scoffs and surprisingly he leaves without a word. With asshat out of sight Yelena breaks the silence. "Man that was awkward. But good for you, I like that you dumped the box. I would have just stabbed him." She laughs. I awkwardly laugh. "I'm kidding, you Americans." She points at us and chuckles, shutting her door. Frank and myself go back to watching Hellraiser. I hid my face in his arm as the hooks tore Uncle Frank's flesh off, I hate that part. Frank just laughs then let's me know when it's over.
After the movie ends Frank stretches, his shirt riding up. His happy trail making me happy. I can't help but shoot a quick glance to his lap then away. For some reason my dryer goes off. "Okay now put in the movie I brought." I hear Frank faintly call out. As he walks in he's carrying my new blanket, a bottle of wine, the ice cream, and two spoons. I smile and bend over to put in the movie he brought.
"I've never seen this before. Have you?". I can feel his eyes on me as I bend. "Nah ain't heard of it neither but Sarah said she thinks you'd like it and I told her I was headed over here and she let me borrow hers as long as I bring it back without a scratch." "Well cool, thanks Sarah. I'll definitely have to text her after with my review of it.".
Frank and I go back to cuddling. His presence is so comforting, I'm glad he's here with me. Frank starts to shift around, his face sort of contorted into an uncomfortable expression. "You okay Frankie?" I whisper. "I'm alright." He responds curtly. Well okay then.
Thirty minutes later and he's started shifting again, what the hell. I watch his hands go under the blanket and I catch a glimpse. Oh.
"hey Frankie" I whisper again. "Yeah what?" "Are you alright? You keep squirming around. Are you feelin okay?" I look up at him, doe eyes and all hoping he'll tell me the truth. "Quit worryin bout me and watch the movie, I'm okay." I nod my head and get up to go to the bathroom. It's there I realize why Frank was staring. I'm wearing loose shorts and...I forgot to put underwear on when I was changing into my pajamas. I go to my room and get an old pair of a different ex's jogger sweats (she was very tall) and an oversized HIM cutoff for Frank to sleep in.
Back in the living room I throw the garments at him and he catches them. "What're these (Y/n)?" "Your PJs silly, you really think I'm gonna let you drive yourself home after all the wine we've had". I slur my words the tiniest bit. "I'll get some water for us but you're still staying the night." I insist. I'm met with no retaliation from my guest.
The movie ends and Sarah was right, it was great. I pick up my phone but it's dead. Well I guess I'll text her in the morning.
I'm bent down on the floor, trying to find my charging cord under the mattress when heavy footfalls alert me of Frank's presence. I hear him mumble "fuck me" under his breath. I smile but it's swept away due to my lost cord. "hey princess is this what you're lookin for?" His voice is gruff, broken. Like he's trying to restrain himself. I get up off the ground and plop onto the bed, "yes! Thank you!" I grab it and kiss his cheek as thanks, okay maybe I'm still tipsy. I bend back over, this time on my night stand, to plug in my charger. "Damn iiit. I'm on my tiptoes and I still can't reach it. Frankie can you help me please?" He wordlessly walks over and fixes my problem. "Thank you. Would you like to take a shower before bed?" "Uh, yeah that'd be great, thanks. Towels?" "Hall closet". He nods and leaves.
Laying in my bed, trying my best to fall asleep but I can't when I can hear him. He's not loud by any means but the walls are thin. His little "fuuuuck"s or "yes just like that babygirl"s are driving me insane and insanely wet. The last thing I hear is "fuck yes, just like that (Y/n). Good girl" then the water shuts off. When the door opens, I can see Frank in my doorway. "Frank,....could you come lay with me till I fall asleep?" I ask him innocently. "I don't know if that's a good idea." "It's okay if you don't want to but I've been trying to sleep this whole time and it's weird to fall asleep to an empty bed.. I'm cold" I whine the last bit, rubbing my hands on my arms. Effectively squeezing my arms together to make my breasts pop. Another silent nod he steps in, shuts the door, and makes his way to my bed. It's then I notice he's shirtless and a couple droplets roll down his chest. Fuuuuck mee.
"good night princess" Frank whispers. "Gnight Frankie.".
I'm woken up at 5am, so my clock tells me, to grunts and being shaken. I feel something harsh against my behind when the brain fog clears and I realize what's happening. Frank's face is buried in my neck, and his cock against my ass, humping me in his sleep. "please" he whispers. It's so broken, desperate for release. I bite back a moan and rub my thighs together. It does nothing to alleviate my troubles except when I slip my hand down my shorts. I find im completely soaked when my middle finger splits my folds and runs up and down, spreading my juices. I accidentally gasp out loud as I rubbed my clit by surprise. Frank awoke with a grunt. "You okay pretty girl?" His morning voice is so hot. Then I feel the air shift. He knows. "(Y/n)." I don't answer. I'm too ashamed. "(Y/n)." He says more urgently this time. "Y-ye-ahem, yeah Frankie?". "Don't 'yeah Frankie' me right now. Just, just. Is this happening?" He stammers out. "D-do you want it to? To happen?" I turn onto my right side and face him. I had to at some point. "Yes. Do you?". I just nod. "Can I get something verbal, please?" His deep voice on edge. "I do. Please. Please Frank." Like a predator he growls and inches down bed, kissing and licking down my body as he strips me bare. With his large rough hands, grips my ankles, he pulls my center directly to his face. He doesn't stop making eye contact as his beard burns my thighs. His lips suck my clit into his mouth, the tip of his tongue swirling on my nub over and over and over. Two thick fingers languidly thrusting into me. It's all so beautiful and overstimulating. The tips of his fingers cuuurl and my toes do to, hands twisting needy in his long black locks. The grunts he makes when I tug on his hair send me. His fingers and mouth leave me and a small whiney 'nooo' leaves my mouth. Frank chuckles as he changes our position, I look up and my mind is blown. The big bad...hairy.. Punisher, towering over me and chuckling at me. "Frankie if you know one thing, it's for sure how to turn a girl on." His only response is another chuckle. His big hands pull my knees together and brings them over to one shoulder, slowly inching his member deeper into me. The girth stretching me open, nestled deep in my walls.
Frank's eyes never leave mine as he gently pulls out then pushes back in, inch by fucking inch. One arm stays wrapped around knees, his free hand pressing on my waist. Before I ask what he's doing out of nowhere his thrusts become fast and hard. I can see his cock bulging out of my stomach under Frank's hand, my eyes go wide and squeal when that hand applies pressure. "Okay baby, let me hear you". He leans his body forward, thrusting even deeper. The push and pull of his thick cock fucks my brain over, I can't think of anything. "F-Fra-fuuuck Fra-a-ank!" I cry at the top of my voice, all I get as a response is another chuckle. I roll my eyes. "Hey don't you fuckin roll your eyes at me, especially when I'm inside of you." His thrusts don't stop, it takes a lot to muster my verbal response. "You just...chuckle...it feels rude". I cross my arms to further prove my point. Really I'm just playing with my breasts. "It's." Stop, a harsh thrust. "Because." A stop, Harsh thrust. "You're" stop, harsh thrust. "So. Fucking." Two harsh thrusts back to back. "Cute!" He throws my legs open and around him, wraps his arms under me and pulls me to his chest. Plush lips trace my throat, my pulse, a bite to my jugular, a timid lick behind my ear, a nibble to my lobe. "Baby" I whimper, hushed against the shell of his ear. Gods he smells amazing, like me. It makes me feel primal, he's mine, he smells like me, mine mine mine. His hips move fluidly and slow, loving me. Choosing me. I kiss neck, my lips pressing softly to his Adams apple, my nails scratch lightly down his back. He shivers and it's my turn to chuckle. "Now you get it" Frank says before kissing my shoulder and to my chest. We end the blissful night between the sheets, holding hands. "G'night Frankie." I whisper to the darkness. "G'night baby".
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moonglittering · 2 years
Di mun! How did you find fashion and get in to it?
mother was a model and makeup artist i spent time on sets....
aunts and grandma made and altered clothes for people.
they let me experiment my entire life with my look with no criticisms.
so its kinda inherent..... but i also spent a lot of time in the 90s and 2000s online looking at models and runways.... i ran a high fashion livejournal in like. 2003 to like 2006. and then i moved to more niche communities like shibuya kei fashion, japanese metal / jrock aesthetics, etc... idk i just rly think if ur gonna step outside make em say wow!!! that's how i was raised. i also like going to thrift stores and finding the weirdest, coolest shit.
also ive always just been playing around w. how i look cuz its fun.
bruh i went to high school wearing 50s housewife dresses with corsets from walmart over them, sky high patent high heels from like walmart, but with gothy necklaces, and my inuyasha purse. flowers in my hair babey.
sometimes i'd show up in just like. disney layering type fits but make em emo. happy bunny shirt, a weird vest from my grandmas closet, a scarf, a skirt with jeans underneath, converse. but converse i painted cuz i just couldn't stop painting and drawing on my shoes. anyway
just have fun!!!!
learn something about mixing patterns and fabrics and looks.
my philosophy is: you might see someone you do not like out in public don't let them catch you slippin make sure they kno that they aint shit, they got no drip, and you got the sauce. it can even be just a pair of sweatpants and a sweater but its all about the silhouette babey.
if u die that day make sure ur ghost looks good.
also on a corny final note....
confidence..... nobody likes a ho that outwardly resents themselves. get urself together and smile like there aint a problem on this earth that can kill u, hunnty.
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clavis-baby · 3 years
Songs that You would listen to After a Breakup with The Brothers
I’m so sorry I was listening to reckless and it made me feel something (also I’ve never dated anyone sooo shhh)
Also I tried to add at least 3/4 to every brother but I realized they all had a Olivia Rodrigo song so sorry about that also I tried not cross over the same songs 😅
Also Spotify Playlist!!!
enough for you - Olivia Rodrigo
Okay so first Olivia track honestly I know we all cried to her whole album don’t deny it but essentially I felt that with the lyrics I wore makeup when we dated“'Cause I thought you'd like me more If I looked like the other prom queens” and “Tried so hard to be everything that you liked” I feel like Lucifer would expect that his lover to be perfect honestly this song really would work well with both of Satan and Lucifer so deciding between them was pretty hard but the pushing point for me to put this with Lucifer was the lyric “But I don't think anything could ever be enough”
Without me - Halsey
(Ugh I love Halsey so much and her baby soon!!!) Anyway!! For Lucifer I really think that his pride would’ve gotten in the way of all of his relationships he’s ever had but “Feeling so high but too far away to hold me You know I'm the one who put you up there Name in the sky Does it ever get lonely?” Just screams Lucifer and how the chorus keeps on saying “I said I'd catch you if you fall” ahh perfect (could also work for Asmo)
I knew you were trouble - Taylor Swift
Won’t lie but embarrassed that I choose this song but it works for Lucifer sooo whatever but the chorus really is a fairly good start I feel like anyone who has a brain (even tho MC really doesn’t) dating Lucifer wouldn’t be particularly 100% safe but whatever he’s most people’s favorites again I used to love this song but don’t anymore so when I looked up songs about break ups (yes I did that) and Trouble came up I relistened and with these lyrics I had to include it No apologies “He'll never see you cry Pretends he doesn't know That he's the reason why”
Let Me down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
Now if this was a cheating thing and he did cheat this would be like the absolute BEST SONG!! But tbh this is a pretty good song for any breakup I feel like…OH WELL! :) the first lyric FIRST LYRIC “This night is cold in the kingdom” I felt represented his pride idk how to explain but idk T-T I can explain the rest tho >~< “I once was a man with dignity and grace Now I'm slippin' through the cracks of your cold embrace” once again pride but with “Could you find a way to let me down slowly? A little sympathy, I hope you can show me” I really hc that almost with all the boys but especially with Lucifer they just would not care about cheating after they maybe got a rush would leave you instantly once that “rush” is/was gone
(I’m a sucker for him im sorry I put all the most emotional songs with him)
Reckless - Madison Beer
This was the song that inspired this whole post!! (Sadly, it made me feel things) But this song really could be used for Belphie and maybe a hint of Asmo but Mammon was the first person I thought about when listening to this song so it’s mammon. Mammon I just feel like behind all the tunsdere act he really promises us so much like obviously the protection but Reckless just show us within the lyrics “I still have the letter you wrote When you told me that I was the only girl You'd ever want in your life” and even this lyric with his whole first man thing and even him asking us to come to him for protection “You might love her now, but you loved me first Said you'd never hurt me, but here we are” it just is so good 😭
Love me or leave me - little mix
So if you even skim through these Mammon songs and know about my posts I love him so much so even though what I said in Lucifers part about them not caring about cheating and stuff I feel like Mammon might care just because of how much he promises things also I read a lot of fanfics with what I just said “And you're turning away like you hate me Do you hate me? Do you hate me? Oh” tbh because of this lyric I did think for a moment to use this song for Satan but Uhhh this is really emotional song and I love my bby “Do you remember when you loved me once What happened? What happened? And you'd hold me here just because” LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME HERE!!!
Be Alright - Dean Lewis
This song I feel like was a bit more for me sooo yeah also remember what I said about how I hc that almost with all the boys that they just would not care about cheating after they maybe got a rush with you they would leave you instantly once that “rush” is/was gone wel I sort of want to believe mammon wouldn’t and his greed gets in the way (who am I kidding I’m just making excuses for my baby) but I’m going to continue on what I just said because Umm well I can do uh “You start to tremble and your voice begins to break You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friend's They were my mate's”
(I couldn’t find anymore songs that I felt that would fit him 😭)
Ex best friend - Machine gun Kelly
When I was writing this originally there was going to be like 4 parts of all the characters but then once I realized how many songs and I couldn’t think of any for others and how I wanted to add an explanation I gave up on that but originally it was going to also be cheating songs, fall outs, then just aftermaths of breakup songs which to be honest this song really could fit with the after math and cheating songs I feel like Asmo and his SO are more likely a not able to quit each other sort of thing “We're both drunk on the elevator When I kissed you for the first time in New York City, uh” and even near the end of the first season the only little part we sort of get from character development from Asmo when we was drunk explains what he was sort of saying “I swear to God, I never fall in love Then you showed up, and I can't get enough of it I swear to God, I never fall in love I never fall in love, but I can't get enough of it First off, I'm not sorry I won't apologize to nobody You play like I'm invisible Girl, don't act like you ain't saw me” personally I do think that inside Asmo might be insecure and a bit sensitive on the inside but I could be wrong
When the party’s over - Billie Eilish
Wow I have the lyrics up and I just realized this 3 minute song has barley lyrics but the song still fits Asmo so.
traitor - Olivia Rodrio
Even tho that all these songs were on cheating I tend to hc that Asmo isn’t a huge fan of solo partnership because of the title avatar of lust so I feel like in maybe the beginning of a relationship he would promise to you that he would be there for you but would maybe end up not staying true to his words I forgot who but someone else explained why they don’t believe that Asmo wouldn’t be able to go with out having a Polly relationship
I’ve had this in my drafts for so long and wanted to post this but at this point I’ve just can’t add anymore so this is my lazy part
Boys like you - Anna Clendening
Again I’m lazy rn but I wanted Satans part to show just pure madness and anger but also as time progress just sadness for Satans pure side also anything that had to do with books or a story I added for u know Satan loving books
I’m not mad - Halsey
Moral of the story - Ashe
Blue - Madison Beer
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dekus-afro-pic · 4 years
Bisexual Trio
Shinsou Hitoshi x reader x Kaminari Denki
NSFW themed man⚠️ Makeout session, profanity
Aged up implied 😀 not gonna catch me SLIPPIN
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Darkness spread all around your apartment with faint sounds coming from your bedroom. In your room sat You, Denki, and Shinsou for your weekly weekend movie nights. You were wrapped in a fluffy blanket, watching some scary movie Shinsou picked for the three of you to enjoy. Well...for the both of you to enjoy.
Poor Denki sat in between the two of you, hiding his face in his hands.
“Is it over yet?” The blonde whined. He peaked out from his fingers just to be met with more screaming and blood from the Tv.
“You are such a baby” Hitoshi mumbled reaching for the remote as Kaminari pouted. Changing the channel to some adult cartoon. “Now what? Pikachu over here is too baby for scary movies”
The poor blonde whined like a hurt puppy at Shinsou’s words.
“Aww come here DenkDenk” You pulled Denki’s head close to your chest. “Don’t listen to the big weenie head”
“You’re right I do have a bi-“ Shinsou was cut off by a pillow hitting him in the face. Courtesy of Denki Kaminari.
“Dude. Language” Denki scolded, scrunching his eyebrows together.
“You were the one all over it in high scho-“
“WHAT?!” This time the purple-haired man was cut off by your outburst. “YOU TWO FUCKED?” You made Denki look up at you as you waited for his answer.
“We might have messed around.” He whispered trying to avoid your intense gaze. You squinted in Shinsou’s direction. He had a smirk on his lips and shrugged.
“I’m hurt that I was not informed with this information” you pushed your friend off of your lap and crossed your arms. “You guys are no longer my DenkDenk and Shinsy”
Denki gasped as he shuffled on his knees to be in front of you. “No, I’m always going to be your DenkDenk, Y/N”
You turned your head away from him with your eyes closed. You felt a hand grasp your jaw and pull you towards the owner. Your eyes shot open as you felt soft lips ghost yours. Denki watched as if he’d been hypnotized by Shinsou’s actions.
“Is the kitten upset that she missed out on the fun?” Hitoshi teased. He kissed along your jaw up to your lips.
“Toshi” you gasped in between breaths. You felt another set of hands rub up and down your sides as Hitoshi reclaimed your lips. Denki had placed himself behind you, kissing and biting down your neck. You reached your hand behind you tugging on blonde locks as your other tugged on purple ones.
Hitoshi pulled away and smirked. He grabbed Denki’s face and kissed him the same way but with more dominance.
“Awwn DenkDenk’s a little switch aren’t you” You whispered in the blonde's ear. “You’re a pretty sub for Toshi but a big bad dom for me hm?”
Denki let out a groan at both your words and Hitoshi’s touches.
“Let’s face it” Hitoshi smirked as he pulled away from the blonde “Denki’s more of a Sub than a dom”
“Am not” Denki protests. It was his turn to grab your jaw and kiss you. To prove his dominance, Denki snaked his hand up to your neck and lightly squeezed. Which caused you to moan, allowing him to invade your mouth with his tongue.
“Now that's what I like to see” Shinsou smirked. It was his turn to run his hands up your and Denki’s sides. “Two of the worlds finest people making out”
Denki pulled away from your lips slowly as he opened his eyes to look into yours. You giggled at the blonde’s flushed expression. You pulled at your comforter as you made your way underneath the blanket.
“Goodnight guys” you giggled
“Oh no you don't” Hitoshi murmured. The purple-haired man stripped the cover from over your body as he hovered over you.
“You're in for one hell of a night Y/n”
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iamknicole · 5 years
Oh, You Forgot?
"So, President, it was reported last night that your wife, Alaina, is the daughter of the notorious Parker family. Her and her brother are the only living members of the household."
Charles chuckled a bit and scratched his forehead, "I'm sorry, Diane. Was there a question in there?"
"I'm sorry," she smiled politely, "Let me rephrase, did you know that you married into a criminal trident family? I mean as known as they are, especially in the south where they originate, I can't expect that you didn't know."
"My wife and I have never had any secrets so the answer to your question, yes I know everything about my wife and her biological family."
"So you knowingly brought a criminal into the White House? Citizens may have some arguement about."
Again, Charles chuckled maintaining eye contact with the woman interviewing him. "My wife is not and has never been a criminal. Whomever this source is that brought this to attention did not do a very good job. My wife was estranged from her family before their untimely demise since her teens and had not seen them since. Her nor her brother.
Diane nodded looking down at her offsides them back at Charles.
"Well, yes, President. There were also reports that of molestation and rape accusations made by your wife against members of her family, mainly her brothers. Is there any truth to that? Is that the reason for the estrangement? And isn't it true that your wife's children belong to a Malone family member, another crime family?"
"Yes, we are the first family, Diane but some things are off limits. And as good of a journalist and reporter as you are should know that. You should also know that what you just asked about is one of those things," Charles explained with a relaxed demeanor. "I appreciate you having me but there are a few other things that need my attention that I need to get to. Thank you, Diane"
Sitting up on his sofa, Charles loosened his tie and tossed it to the side. He took a few sips of the brandy in his crystal glass before turning to the person who sat to his right.
"So what do you think? Good interview?" He asked calmly.
"I uh I ... yes sir it was."
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"You wouldn't happen to know how that got out. Would you, Landen?"
Sweat beaded on Landen's forehead as he locked eyes with Charles. Coming to see him was the mistake Landen knew it would be. He regretted not following his first thought.
"I asked you a question, Landen. And I would really like an answer quickly, I've never been accused of having patience."
"I am still trying to figure that out, sir. My team and I are working very diligently on that."
Charles watched the terrified man with a slight smirk. "You and I both know that that's not true, Landen. Now, I'll ask one more time. Do you know how any of that got out?"
Before Landen could respond, Lainey stormed into the room headed straight for Landen with Oliver, who was their chief of staff.
"You jealous ass bastard," Lainey she yelled lunging for him.
Oliver caught Lainey before she could touch him and started to pull her out of the room. Charles watched the interaction with an amused expression.
"I might not get ya ass today but believe me, my daddy and my five brothers will catch ya lil bitch ass slippin! And when we catch you it's over for ya pissy ass!"
Oliver struggled a little longer trying to get her out of the living room. Once she was out and with other members of the secret service Oliver stepped back into he room, closing the double doors behind him. He stood off to the side with this hands clasped in front of him.
Landen scoffed, "See what you brought into the White House, sir? She's an animal just like that criminal family of hers. The Parkers and her adoptive family."
Oliver stepped forward laughing while Charles glared at him. "Insulting the First Lady's family is not the way to gwr back in his good graces. And it's pretty tacky."
Landen rose from his seat, as did Charles, and turned to glare at Oliver. "How about you mind your got damn business, Oliver? This has nothing to do with you."
"If it involves the President it has everything to do with me."
"Just let us talk! Get out!"
"No," Charles interjected making both men look at him, "Don't leave, Oliver. I want you to stay, you are my Chief of Staff."
Oliver nodded with a slight smirk.
Landen approached Charles stopping at half an arm's length and sighed, "Charles, please. I did not do this. I can fix it though."
"Charles? What happened to sir and Mr. President?' Charles scoffed.
"I'm just trying to explain. Myself. Please."
Nodding, Charles removed his suit jacket tossing it onto the sofa. "Then explain, Landen. Explain to me how this happened."
Landen went on for a few minutes mumbling, Charles watched him letting the wheels in his head turn. Having grown sick of the rambling and back pedaling, Charles punched Landen in his mouth. The punch caught him off guard and knocked him onto the floor, he held his bleeding mouth staring up at Charles.
"Sir, please?"
"Please what, Landen? Please what? You did this because you're trying to get me to leave my wife which isn't happening. You were being a conniving little snake trying to embarrass my wife. But what you fail to understand that what you do to my wife affects me and vice versa."
Hearing the rambling again, Charlea sent a hard kick to his side.
"You thought I was gonna be okay with that?" He asked squatting to Landen's level. "Huh? Yeah, you did but all you did was piss me off."
"Sir," Landen choked out, "This isn't ... this isn't you."
Charles laughed, "Oh, you forgot? Yeah, you must have forgot where I came from. This White House and this secret service ain't for me it's for people like you who bother my family, they keep me from getting rid of people like you."
"I'm sorry, I ... I thought I was helping."
"Yeah and I thought I wasn't gonna have to beat your ass again. You would think after me knocking ya ass down last time and after my wife, our brothers and our father made you piss yourself that you would learn to stop messing with us."
Charles stood from his squat a smile on his face aa he grabbed for his crystal glass. He took a few sips watching Landen attempt to get off the floor, it was then that he noticed Oliver's slightly uncomfortable body language.
"Get out, Landen. You better pray that my wife calms down cause if she doesn't," Charles paused to whistle, "You're gonna wish I finished your ass off."
Once Landen was gone, Charles turned his attention to Oliver. He was sure he was confusing the slightly younger man with his calm demeanor but he didn't care.
"Yes sir?"
"I want that headline gone, I want any paper trail about that headline gone, I want any of my wife and her family's information gone. I want no traces at all. Do I make myself clear?"
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"Yes..yes, sir."
"And if for some reason you think I'm not serious let Landen be an example for you. And that was me being nice. I'm not somebody you wanna fuck with. Understood?"
Oliver nodded quickly. "Yes sir."
"Good," Charles grabbed his glass and went over to his liquor shelf. He poured more of the brandy into his glass then rolled his shoulders back trying to reduce the tension. Taking a sip, Charles sat the glass down and sighed. "Why are you still standing here? I gave you a job, go do it."
Quickly, Oliver shuffled out of the room closing the doors behind him. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and started to give out directions.
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baekhvuns · 3 years
About the b-kink don't worry it's not you! I just have my own issues and the thought of breeding/pregnancy is too uncomfortable so there's that. I don't expect people to change their writing because of me. I think also because I'm older than many writers and idols (I swear I thought you were older than 20 😭) lots of kinks aren't for me (sub readers aren't my thing especially if there's hardcore dom-ing involved). And I dislike kids, I know it sounds wrong but no kids in fics for me 🙅🏼‍♀️
The container comment lmao! It's true some people don't write smut very well and that makes things worse, but I know it's not easy. Like...I could never!
aHH no yeah completely understandable,, i think it’s a very scary and a uncomfortable thought tbh fbwmfbn won’t catch me personally slippin into that category at all <3 😭😭😭😭 but my characters tho, for their universe 😭🔫 they gots to
HDKWHDKW NO WAY ppl usually think im younger 😭😭😭 dhnwdbdj ,,, no fr there’s some kinks on this app that i yEET away so fast from, that sub reader with hard doming iM PASSING AWAY IM NEVER READING THAT SHIT it just makes me go :
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esp the ones with the daddy and whore and slut IM RUNNINGFF SO FAST u would think usain bolt’s slow,,, dhwkdhdk no i get u kids are so 🙂🙂 piss me off so much bc some have no manners dbwndhskdkk
JFBWKDBWK NO BC U SEE THE “let me fill u up, like the whore u r” first of all, im turnt off at that, second im not a glass so pls don’t say that wtf 😭😭🤚🏼 BDKWJD NO I AGREE SOME CANNOT BUT THEY TRY AND SOMETIMES THEY DONT HIT THE MARK and it’s </3
tysm for sharing ur opinions which i absolutely agree with bestie <3
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dylanradio · 4 years
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Now Playing on DylanRadio.com: Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie by Bob Dylan from The Bootleg Series, Volumes 1-3
When yer head gets twisted and yer mind grows numb When you think you're too old, too young, too smart or too dumb When yer laggin' behind an' losin' yer pace In a slow-motion crawl of life's busy race No matter what yer doing if you start givin' up If the wine don't come to the top of yer cup If the wind's got you sideways with with one hand holdin' on And the other starts slipping and the feeling is gone And yer train engine fire needs a new spark to catch it And the wood's easy findin' but yer lazy to fetch it And yer sidewalk starts curlin' and the street gets too long And you start walkin' backwards though you know its wrong And lonesome comes up as down goes the day And tomorrow's mornin' seems so far away And you feel the reins from yer pony are slippin' And yer rope is a-slidin' 'cause yer hands are a-drippin' And yer sun-decked desert and evergreen valleys Turn to broken down slums and trash-can alleys And yer sky cries water and yer drain pipe's a-pourin' And the lightnin's a-flashing and the thunder's a-crashin' And the windows are rattlin' and breakin' and the roof tops a-shakin' And yer whole world's a-slammin' and bangin' And yer minutes of sun turn to hours of storm And to yourself you sometimes say "I never knew it was gonna be this way Why didn't they tell me the day I was born" And you start gettin' chills and yer jumping from sweat And you're lookin' for somethin' you ain't quite found yet And yer knee-deep in the dark water with yer hands in the air And the whole world's a-watchin' with a window peek stare And yer good gal leaves and she's long gone a-flying And yer heart feels sick like fish when they're fryin' And yer jackhammer falls from yer hand to yer feet And you need it badly but it lays on the street And yer bell's bangin' loudly but you can't hear its beat And you think yer ears might a been hurt Or yer eyes've turned filthy from the sight-blindin' dirt And you figured you failed in yesterdays rush When you were faked out an' fooled white facing a four flush And all the time you were holdin' three queens And it's makin you mad, it's makin' you mean Like in the middle of Life magazine Bouncin' around a pinball machine And there's something on yer mind you wanna be saying That somebody someplace oughta be hearin' But it's trapped on yer tongue and sealed in yer head And it bothers you badly when your layin' in bed And no matter how you try you just can't say it And yer scared to yer soul you just might forget it And yer eyes get swimmy from the tears in yer head And yer pillows of feathers turn to blankets of lead And the lion's mouth opens and yer staring at his teeth And his jaws start closin with you underneath And yer flat on your belly with yer hands tied behind And you wish you'd never taken that last detour sign And you say to yourself just what am I doin' On this road I'm walkin', on this trail I'm turnin' On this curve I'm hanging On this pathway I'm strolling, in the space I'm taking In this air I'm inhaling Am I mixed up too much, am I mixed up too hard Why am I walking, where am I running What am I saying, what am I knowing On this guitar I'm playing, on this banjo I'm frailin' On this mandolin I'm strummin', in the song I'm singin' In the tune I'm hummin', in the words I'm writin' In the words that I'm thinkin' In this ocean of hours I'm all the time drinkin' Who am I helping, what am I breaking What am I giving, what am I taking But you try with your whole soul best Never to think these thoughts and never to let Them kind of thoughts gain ground Or make yer heart pound But then again you know why they're around Just waiting for a chance to slip and drop down "Cause sometimes you hear'em when the night times comes creeping And you fear that they might catch you a-sleeping And you jump from yer bed, from yer last chapter of dreamin' And you can't remember for the best of yer thinking If that was you in the dream that was screaming And you know that it's something special you're needin' And you know that there's no drug that'll do for the healin' And no liquor in the land to stop yer brain from bleeding And you need something special Yeah, you need something special all right You need a fast flyin' train on a tornado track To shoot you someplace and shoot you back You need a cyclone wind on a stream engine howler That's been banging and booming and blowing forever That knows yer troubles a hundred times over You need a Greyhound bus that don't bar no race That won't laugh at yer looks Your voice or your face And by any number of bets in the book Will be rollin' long after the bubblegum craze You need something to open up a new door To show you something you seen before But overlooked a hundred times or more You need something to open your eyes You need something to make it known That it's you and no one else that owns That spot that yer standing, that space that you're sitting That the world ain't got you beat That it ain't got you licked It can't get you crazy no matter how many Times you might get kicked You need something special all right You need something special to give you hope But hope's just a word That maybe you said or maybe you heard On some windy corner 'round a wide-angled curve But that's what you need man, and you need it bad And yer trouble is you know it too good "Cause you look an' you start getting the chills "Cause you can't find it on a dollar bill And it ain't on Macy's window sill And it ain't on no rich kid's road map And it ain't in no fat kid's fraternity house And it ain't made in no Hollywood wheat germ And it ain't on that dimlit stage With that half-wit comedian on it Ranting and raving and taking yer money And you thinks it's funny No you can't find it in no night club or no yacht club And it ain't in the seats of a supper club And sure as hell you're bound to tell That no matter how hard you rub You just ain't a-gonna find it on yer ticket stub No, and it ain't in the rumors people're tellin' you And it ain't in the pimple-lotion people are sellin' you And it ain't in no cardboard-box house Or down any movie star's blouse And you can't find it on the golf course And Uncle Remus can't tell you and neither can Santa Claus And it ain't in the cream puff hair-do or cotton candy clothes And it ain't in the dime store dummies or bubblegum goons And it ain't in the marshmallow noises of the chocolate cake voices That come knockin' and tappin' in Christmas wrappin' Sayin' ain't I pretty and ain't I cute and look at my skin Look at my skin shine, look at my skin glow Look at my skin laugh, look at my skin cry When you can't even sense if they got any insides These people so pretty in their ribbons and bows No you'll not now or no other day Find it on the doorsteps made out-a paper mache« And inside it the people made of molasses That every other day buy a new pair of sunglasses And it ain't in the fifty-star generals and flipped-out phonies Who'd turn yuh in for a tenth of a penny Who breathe and burp and bend and crack And before you can count from one to ten Do it all over again but this time behind yer back My friend The ones that wheel and deal and whirl and twirl And play games with each other in their sand-box world And you can't find it either in the no-talent fools That run around gallant And make all rules for the ones that got talent And it ain't in the ones that ain't got any talent but think they do And think they're foolin' you The ones who jump on the wagon Just for a while 'cause they know it's in style To get their kicks, get out of it quick And make all kinds of money and chicks And you yell to yourself and you throw down yer hat Sayin', "Christ do I gotta be like that Ain't there no one here that knows where I'm at Ain't there no one here that knows how I feel Good God Almighty THAT STUFF AIN'T REAL" No but that ain't yer game, it ain't even yer race You can't hear yer name, you can't see yer face You gotta look some other place And where do you look for this hope that yer seekin' Where do you look for this lamp that's a-burnin' Where do you look for this oil well gushin' Where do you look for this candle that's glowin' Where do you look for this hope that you know is there And out there somewhere And your feet can only walk down two kinds of roads Your eyes can only look through two kinds of windows Your nose can only smell two kinds of hallways You can touch and twist And turn two kinds of doorknobs You can either go to the church of your choice Or you can go to Brooklyn State Hospital You'll find God in the church of your choice You'll find Woody Guthrie in Brooklyn State Hospital And though it's only my opinion I may be right or wrong You'll find them both In the Grand Canyon At sundown
0 notes
dylanradio · 4 years
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Now Playing on DylanRadio.com: Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie by Bob Dylan from The Bootleg Series, Volumes 1-3
When yer head gets twisted and yer mind grows numb When you think you're too old, too young, too smart or too dumb When yer laggin' behind an' losin' yer pace In a slow-motion crawl of life's busy race No matter what yer doing if you start givin' up If the wine don't come to the top of yer cup If the wind's got you sideways with with one hand holdin' on And the other starts slipping and the feeling is gone And yer train engine fire needs a new spark to catch it And the wood's easy findin' but yer lazy to fetch it And yer sidewalk starts curlin' and the street gets too long And you start walkin' backwards though you know its wrong And lonesome comes up as down goes the day And tomorrow's mornin' seems so far away And you feel the reins from yer pony are slippin' And yer rope is a-slidin' 'cause yer hands are a-drippin' And yer sun-decked desert and evergreen valleys Turn to broken down slums and trash-can alleys And yer sky cries water and yer drain pipe's a-pourin' And the lightnin's a-flashing and the thunder's a-crashin' And the windows are rattlin' and breakin' and the roof tops a-shakin' And yer whole world's a-slammin' and bangin' And yer minutes of sun turn to hours of storm And to yourself you sometimes say "I never knew it was gonna be this way Why didn't they tell me the day I was born" And you start gettin' chills and yer jumping from sweat And you're lookin' for somethin' you ain't quite found yet And yer knee-deep in the dark water with yer hands in the air And the whole world's a-watchin' with a window peek stare And yer good gal leaves and she's long gone a-flying And yer heart feels sick like fish when they're fryin' And yer jackhammer falls from yer hand to yer feet And you need it badly but it lays on the street And yer bell's bangin' loudly but you can't hear its beat And you think yer ears might a been hurt Or yer eyes've turned filthy from the sight-blindin' dirt And you figured you failed in yesterdays rush When you were faked out an' fooled white facing a four flush And all the time you were holdin' three queens And it's makin you mad, it's makin' you mean Like in the middle of Life magazine Bouncin' around a pinball machine And there's something on yer mind you wanna be saying That somebody someplace oughta be hearin' But it's trapped on yer tongue and sealed in yer head And it bothers you badly when your layin' in bed And no matter how you try you just can't say it And yer scared to yer soul you just might forget it And yer eyes get swimmy from the tears in yer head And yer pillows of feathers turn to blankets of lead And the lion's mouth opens and yer staring at his teeth And his jaws start closin with you underneath And yer flat on your belly with yer hands tied behind And you wish you'd never taken that last detour sign And you say to yourself just what am I doin' On this road I'm walkin', on this trail I'm turnin' On this curve I'm hanging On this pathway I'm strolling, in the space I'm taking In this air I'm inhaling Am I mixed up too much, am I mixed up too hard Why am I walking, where am I running What am I saying, what am I knowing On this guitar I'm playing, on this banjo I'm frailin' On this mandolin I'm strummin', in the song I'm singin' In the tune I'm hummin', in the words I'm writin' In the words that I'm thinkin' In this ocean of hours I'm all the time drinkin' Who am I helping, what am I breaking What am I giving, what am I taking But you try with your whole soul best Never to think these thoughts and never to let Them kind of thoughts gain ground Or make yer heart pound But then again you know why they're around Just waiting for a chance to slip and drop down "Cause sometimes you hear'em when the night times comes creeping And you fear that they might catch you a-sleeping And you jump from yer bed, from yer last chapter of dreamin' And you can't remember for the best of yer thinking If that was you in the dream that was screaming And you know that it's something special you're needin' And you know that there's no drug that'll do for the healin' And no liquor in the land to stop yer brain from bleeding And you need something special Yeah, you need something special all right You need a fast flyin' train on a tornado track To shoot you someplace and shoot you back You need a cyclone wind on a stream engine howler That's been banging and booming and blowing forever That knows yer troubles a hundred times over You need a Greyhound bus that don't bar no race That won't laugh at yer looks Your voice or your face And by any number of bets in the book Will be rollin' long after the bubblegum craze You need something to open up a new door To show you something you seen before But overlooked a hundred times or more You need something to open your eyes You need something to make it known That it's you and no one else that owns That spot that yer standing, that space that you're sitting That the world ain't got you beat That it ain't got you licked It can't get you crazy no matter how many Times you might get kicked You need something special all right You need something special to give you hope But hope's just a word That maybe you said or maybe you heard On some windy corner 'round a wide-angled curve But that's what you need man, and you need it bad And yer trouble is you know it too good "Cause you look an' you start getting the chills "Cause you can't find it on a dollar bill And it ain't on Macy's window sill And it ain't on no rich kid's road map And it ain't in no fat kid's fraternity house And it ain't made in no Hollywood wheat germ And it ain't on that dimlit stage With that half-wit comedian on it Ranting and raving and taking yer money And you thinks it's funny No you can't find it in no night club or no yacht club And it ain't in the seats of a supper club And sure as hell you're bound to tell That no matter how hard you rub You just ain't a-gonna find it on yer ticket stub No, and it ain't in the rumors people're tellin' you And it ain't in the pimple-lotion people are sellin' you And it ain't in no cardboard-box house Or down any movie star's blouse And you can't find it on the golf course And Uncle Remus can't tell you and neither can Santa Claus And it ain't in the cream puff hair-do or cotton candy clothes And it ain't in the dime store dummies or bubblegum goons And it ain't in the marshmallow noises of the chocolate cake voices That come knockin' and tappin' in Christmas wrappin' Sayin' ain't I pretty and ain't I cute and look at my skin Look at my skin shine, look at my skin glow Look at my skin laugh, look at my skin cry When you can't even sense if they got any insides These people so pretty in their ribbons and bows No you'll not now or no other day Find it on the doorsteps made out-a paper mache« And inside it the people made of molasses That every other day buy a new pair of sunglasses And it ain't in the fifty-star generals and flipped-out phonies Who'd turn yuh in for a tenth of a penny Who breathe and burp and bend and crack And before you can count from one to ten Do it all over again but this time behind yer back My friend The ones that wheel and deal and whirl and twirl And play games with each other in their sand-box world And you can't find it either in the no-talent fools That run around gallant And make all rules for the ones that got talent And it ain't in the ones that ain't got any talent but think they do And think they're foolin' you The ones who jump on the wagon Just for a while 'cause they know it's in style To get their kicks, get out of it quick And make all kinds of money and chicks And you yell to yourself and you throw down yer hat Sayin', "Christ do I gotta be like that Ain't there no one here that knows where I'm at Ain't there no one here that knows how I feel Good God Almighty THAT STUFF AIN'T REAL" No but that ain't yer game, it ain't even yer race You can't hear yer name, you can't see yer face You gotta look some other place And where do you look for this hope that yer seekin' Where do you look for this lamp that's a-burnin' Where do you look for this oil well gushin' Where do you look for this candle that's glowin' Where do you look for this hope that you know is there And out there somewhere And your feet can only walk down two kinds of roads Your eyes can only look through two kinds of windows Your nose can only smell two kinds of hallways You can touch and twist And turn two kinds of doorknobs You can either go to the church of your choice Or you can go to Brooklyn State Hospital You'll find God in the church of your choice You'll find Woody Guthrie in Brooklyn State Hospital And though it's only my opinion I may be right or wrong You'll find them both In the Grand Canyon At sundown
0 notes
dylanradio · 5 years
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Now Playing on DylanRadio.com: Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie by Bob Dylan from The Bootleg Series, Volumes 1-3
When yer head gets twisted and yer mind grows numb When you think you're too old, too young, too smart or too dumb When yer laggin' behind an' losin' yer pace In a slow-motion crawl of life's busy race No matter what yer doing if you start givin' up If the wine don't come to the top of yer cup If the wind's got you sideways with with one hand holdin' on And the other starts slipping and the feeling is gone And yer train engine fire needs a new spark to catch it And the wood's easy findin' but yer lazy to fetch it And yer sidewalk starts curlin' and the street gets too long And you start walkin' backwards though you know its wrong And lonesome comes up as down goes the day And tomorrow's mornin' seems so far away And you feel the reins from yer pony are slippin' And yer rope is a-slidin' 'cause yer hands are a-drippin' And yer sun-decked desert and evergreen valleys Turn to broken down slums and trash-can alleys And yer sky cries water and yer drain pipe's a-pourin' And the lightnin's a-flashing and the thunder's a-crashin' And the windows are rattlin' and breakin' and the roof tops a-shakin' And yer whole world's a-slammin' and bangin' And yer minutes of sun turn to hours of storm And to yourself you sometimes say "I never knew it was gonna be this way Why didn't they tell me the day I was born" And you start gettin' chills and yer jumping from sweat And you're lookin' for somethin' you ain't quite found yet And yer knee-deep in the dark water with yer hands in the air And the whole world's a-watchin' with a window peek stare And yer good gal leaves and she's long gone a-flying And yer heart feels sick like fish when they're fryin' And yer jackhammer falls from yer hand to yer feet And you need it badly but it lays on the street And yer bell's bangin' loudly but you can't hear its beat And you think yer ears might a been hurt Or yer eyes've turned filthy from the sight-blindin' dirt And you figured you failed in yesterdays rush When you were faked out an' fooled white facing a four flush And all the time you were holdin' three queens And it's makin you mad, it's makin' you mean Like in the middle of Life magazine Bouncin' around a pinball machine And there's something on yer mind you wanna be saying That somebody someplace oughta be hearin' But it's trapped on yer tongue and sealed in yer head And it bothers you badly when your layin' in bed And no matter how you try you just can't say it And yer scared to yer soul you just might forget it And yer eyes get swimmy from the tears in yer head And yer pillows of feathers turn to blankets of lead And the lion's mouth opens and yer staring at his teeth And his jaws start closin with you underneath And yer flat on your belly with yer hands tied behind And you wish you'd never taken that last detour sign And you say to yourself just what am I doin' On this road I'm walkin', on this trail I'm turnin' On this curve I'm hanging On this pathway I'm strolling, in the space I'm taking In this air I'm inhaling Am I mixed up too much, am I mixed up too hard Why am I walking, where am I running What am I saying, what am I knowing On this guitar I'm playing, on this banjo I'm frailin' On this mandolin I'm strummin', in the song I'm singin' In the tune I'm hummin', in the words I'm writin' In the words that I'm thinkin' In this ocean of hours I'm all the time drinkin' Who am I helping, what am I breaking What am I giving, what am I taking But you try with your whole soul best Never to think these thoughts and never to let Them kind of thoughts gain ground Or make yer heart pound But then again you know why they're around Just waiting for a chance to slip and drop down "Cause sometimes you hear'em when the night times comes creeping And you fear that they might catch you a-sleeping And you jump from yer bed, from yer last chapter of dreamin' And you can't remember for the best of yer thinking If that was you in the dream that was screaming And you know that it's something special you're needin' And you know that there's no drug that'll do for the healin' And no liquor in the land to stop yer brain from bleeding And you need something special Yeah, you need something special all right You need a fast flyin' train on a tornado track To shoot you someplace and shoot you back You need a cyclone wind on a stream engine howler That's been banging and booming and blowing forever That knows yer troubles a hundred times over You need a Greyhound bus that don't bar no race That won't laugh at yer looks Your voice or your face And by any number of bets in the book Will be rollin' long after the bubblegum craze You need something to open up a new door To show you something you seen before But overlooked a hundred times or more You need something to open your eyes You need something to make it known That it's you and no one else that owns That spot that yer standing, that space that you're sitting That the world ain't got you beat That it ain't got you licked It can't get you crazy no matter how many Times you might get kicked You need something special all right You need something special to give you hope But hope's just a word That maybe you said or maybe you heard On some windy corner 'round a wide-angled curve But that's what you need man, and you need it bad And yer trouble is you know it too good "Cause you look an' you start getting the chills "Cause you can't find it on a dollar bill And it ain't on Macy's window sill And it ain't on no rich kid's road map And it ain't in no fat kid's fraternity house And it ain't made in no Hollywood wheat germ And it ain't on that dimlit stage With that half-wit comedian on it Ranting and raving and taking yer money And you thinks it's funny No you can't find it in no night club or no yacht club And it ain't in the seats of a supper club And sure as hell you're bound to tell That no matter how hard you rub You just ain't a-gonna find it on yer ticket stub No, and it ain't in the rumors people're tellin' you And it ain't in the pimple-lotion people are sellin' you And it ain't in no cardboard-box house Or down any movie star's blouse And you can't find it on the golf course And Uncle Remus can't tell you and neither can Santa Claus And it ain't in the cream puff hair-do or cotton candy clothes And it ain't in the dime store dummies or bubblegum goons And it ain't in the marshmallow noises of the chocolate cake voices That come knockin' and tappin' in Christmas wrappin' Sayin' ain't I pretty and ain't I cute and look at my skin Look at my skin shine, look at my skin glow Look at my skin laugh, look at my skin cry When you can't even sense if they got any insides These people so pretty in their ribbons and bows No you'll not now or no other day Find it on the doorsteps made out-a paper mache« And inside it the people made of molasses That every other day buy a new pair of sunglasses And it ain't in the fifty-star generals and flipped-out phonies Who'd turn yuh in for a tenth of a penny Who breathe and burp and bend and crack And before you can count from one to ten Do it all over again but this time behind yer back My friend The ones that wheel and deal and whirl and twirl And play games with each other in their sand-box world And you can't find it either in the no-talent fools That run around gallant And make all rules for the ones that got talent And it ain't in the ones that ain't got any talent but think they do And think they're foolin' you The ones who jump on the wagon Just for a while 'cause they know it's in style To get their kicks, get out of it quick And make all kinds of money and chicks And you yell to yourself and you throw down yer hat Sayin', "Christ do I gotta be like that Ain't there no one here that knows where I'm at Ain't there no one here that knows how I feel Good God Almighty THAT STUFF AIN'T REAL" No but that ain't yer game, it ain't even yer race You can't hear yer name, you can't see yer face You gotta look some other place And where do you look for this hope that yer seekin' Where do you look for this lamp that's a-burnin' Where do you look for this oil well gushin' Where do you look for this candle that's glowin' Where do you look for this hope that you know is there And out there somewhere And your feet can only walk down two kinds of roads Your eyes can only look through two kinds of windows Your nose can only smell two kinds of hallways You can touch and twist And turn two kinds of doorknobs You can either go to the church of your choice Or you can go to Brooklyn State Hospital You'll find God in the church of your choice You'll find Woody Guthrie in Brooklyn State Hospital And though it's only my opinion I may be right or wrong You'll find them both In the Grand Canyon At sundown
0 notes
dylanradio · 6 years
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Now Playing on DylanRadio.com: Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie by Bob Dylan from The Bootleg Series, Volumes 1-3
When yer head gets twisted and yer mind grows numb When you think you're too old, too young, too smart or too dumb When yer laggin' behind an' losin' yer pace In a slow-motion crawl of life's busy race No matter what yer doing if you start givin' up If the wine don't come to the top of yer cup If the wind's got you sideways with with one hand holdin' on And the other starts slipping and the feeling is gone And yer train engine fire needs a new spark to catch it And the wood's easy findin' but yer lazy to fetch it And yer sidewalk starts curlin' and the street gets too long And you start walkin' backwards though you know its wrong And lonesome comes up as down goes the day And tomorrow's mornin' seems so far away And you feel the reins from yer pony are slippin' And yer rope is a-slidin' 'cause yer hands are a-drippin' And yer sun-decked desert and evergreen valleys Turn to broken down slums and trash-can alleys And yer sky cries water and yer drain pipe's a-pourin' And the lightnin's a-flashing and the thunder's a-crashin' And the windows are rattlin' and breakin' and the roof tops a-shakin' And yer whole world's a-slammin' and bangin' And yer minutes of sun turn to hours of storm And to yourself you sometimes say "I never knew it was gonna be this way Why didn't they tell me the day I was born" And you start gettin' chills and yer jumping from sweat And you're lookin' for somethin' you ain't quite found yet And yer knee-deep in the dark water with yer hands in the air And the whole world's a-watchin' with a window peek stare And yer good gal leaves and she's long gone a-flying And yer heart feels sick like fish when they're fryin' And yer jackhammer falls from yer hand to yer feet And you need it badly but it lays on the street And yer bell's bangin' loudly but you can't hear its beat And you think yer ears might a been hurt Or yer eyes've turned filthy from the sight-blindin' dirt And you figured you failed in yesterdays rush When you were faked out an' fooled white facing a four flush And all the time you were holdin' three queens And it's makin you mad, it's makin' you mean Like in the middle of Life magazine Bouncin' around a pinball machine And there's something on yer mind you wanna be saying That somebody someplace oughta be hearin' But it's trapped on yer tongue and sealed in yer head And it bothers you badly when your layin' in bed And no matter how you try you just can't say it And yer scared to yer soul you just might forget it And yer eyes get swimmy from the tears in yer head And yer pillows of feathers turn to blankets of lead And the lion's mouth opens and yer staring at his teeth And his jaws start closin with you underneath And yer flat on your belly with yer hands tied behind And you wish you'd never taken that last detour sign And you say to yourself just what am I doin' On this road I'm walkin', on this trail I'm turnin' On this curve I'm hanging On this pathway I'm strolling, in the space I'm taking In this air I'm inhaling Am I mixed up too much, am I mixed up too hard Why am I walking, where am I running What am I saying, what am I knowing On this guitar I'm playing, on this banjo I'm frailin' On this mandolin I'm strummin', in the song I'm singin' In the tune I'm hummin', in the words I'm writin' In the words that I'm thinkin' In this ocean of hours I'm all the time drinkin' Who am I helping, what am I breaking What am I giving, what am I taking But you try with your whole soul best Never to think these thoughts and never to let Them kind of thoughts gain ground Or make yer heart pound But then again you know why they're around Just waiting for a chance to slip and drop down "Cause sometimes you hear'em when the night times comes creeping And you fear that they might catch you a-sleeping And you jump from yer bed, from yer last chapter of dreamin' And you can't remember for the best of yer thinking If that was you in the dream that was screaming And you know that it's something special you're needin' And you know that there's no drug that'll do for the healin' And no liquor in the land to stop yer brain from bleeding And you need something special Yeah, you need something special all right You need a fast flyin' train on a tornado track To shoot you someplace and shoot you back You need a cyclone wind on a stream engine howler That's been banging and booming and blowing forever That knows yer troubles a hundred times over You need a Greyhound bus that don't bar no race That won't laugh at yer looks Your voice or your face And by any number of bets in the book Will be rollin' long after the bubblegum craze You need something to open up a new door To show you something you seen before But overlooked a hundred times or more You need something to open your eyes You need something to make it known That it's you and no one else that owns That spot that yer standing, that space that you're sitting That the world ain't got you beat That it ain't got you licked It can't get you crazy no matter how many Times you might get kicked You need something special all right You need something special to give you hope But hope's just a word That maybe you said or maybe you heard On some windy corner 'round a wide-angled curve But that's what you need man, and you need it bad And yer trouble is you know it too good "Cause you look an' you start getting the chills "Cause you can't find it on a dollar bill And it ain't on Macy's window sill And it ain't on no rich kid's road map And it ain't in no fat kid's fraternity house And it ain't made in no Hollywood wheat germ And it ain't on that dimlit stage With that half-wit comedian on it Ranting and raving and taking yer money And you thinks it's funny No you can't find it in no night club or no yacht club And it ain't in the seats of a supper club And sure as hell you're bound to tell That no matter how hard you rub You just ain't a-gonna find it on yer ticket stub No, and it ain't in the rumors people're tellin' you And it ain't in the pimple-lotion people are sellin' you And it ain't in no cardboard-box house Or down any movie star's blouse And you can't find it on the golf course And Uncle Remus can't tell you and neither can Santa Claus And it ain't in the cream puff hair-do or cotton candy clothes And it ain't in the dime store dummies or bubblegum goons And it ain't in the marshmallow noises of the chocolate cake voices That come knockin' and tappin' in Christmas wrappin' Sayin' ain't I pretty and ain't I cute and look at my skin Look at my skin shine, look at my skin glow Look at my skin laugh, look at my skin cry When you can't even sense if they got any insides These people so pretty in their ribbons and bows No you'll not now or no other day Find it on the doorsteps made out-a paper mache« And inside it the people made of molasses That every other day buy a new pair of sunglasses And it ain't in the fifty-star generals and flipped-out phonies Who'd turn yuh in for a tenth of a penny Who breathe and burp and bend and crack And before you can count from one to ten Do it all over again but this time behind yer back My friend The ones that wheel and deal and whirl and twirl And play games with each other in their sand-box world And you can't find it either in the no-talent fools That run around gallant And make all rules for the ones that got talent And it ain't in the ones that ain't got any talent but think they do And think they're foolin' you The ones who jump on the wagon Just for a while 'cause they know it's in style To get their kicks, get out of it quick And make all kinds of money and chicks And you yell to yourself and you throw down yer hat Sayin', "Christ do I gotta be like that Ain't there no one here that knows where I'm at Ain't there no one here that knows how I feel Good God Almighty THAT STUFF AIN'T REAL" No but that ain't yer game, it ain't even yer race You can't hear yer name, you can't see yer face You gotta look some other place And where do you look for this hope that yer seekin' Where do you look for this lamp that's a-burnin' Where do you look for this oil well gushin' Where do you look for this candle that's glowin' Where do you look for this hope that you know is there And out there somewhere And your feet can only walk down two kinds of roads Your eyes can only look through two kinds of windows Your nose can only smell two kinds of hallways You can touch and twist And turn two kinds of doorknobs You can either go to the church of your choice Or you can go to Brooklyn State Hospital You'll find God in the church of your choice You'll find Woody Guthrie in Brooklyn State Hospital And though it's only my opinion I may be right or wrong You'll find them both In the Grand Canyon At sundown
0 notes
dylanradio · 6 years
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Now Playing on DylanRadio.com: Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie by Bob Dylan from The Bootleg Series, Volumes 1-3
When yer head gets twisted and yer mind grows numb When you think you're too old, too young, too smart or too dumb When yer laggin' behind an' losin' yer pace In a slow-motion crawl of life's busy race No matter what yer doing if you start givin' up If the wine don't come to the top of yer cup If the wind's got you sideways with with one hand holdin' on And the other starts slipping and the feeling is gone And yer train engine fire needs a new spark to catch it And the wood's easy findin' but yer lazy to fetch it And yer sidewalk starts curlin' and the street gets too long And you start walkin' backwards though you know its wrong And lonesome comes up as down goes the day And tomorrow's mornin' seems so far away And you feel the reins from yer pony are slippin' And yer rope is a-slidin' 'cause yer hands are a-drippin' And yer sun-decked desert and evergreen valleys Turn to broken down slums and trash-can alleys And yer sky cries water and yer drain pipe's a-pourin' And the lightnin's a-flashing and the thunder's a-crashin' And the windows are rattlin' and breakin' and the roof tops a-shakin' And yer whole world's a-slammin' and bangin' And yer minutes of sun turn to hours of storm And to yourself you sometimes say "I never knew it was gonna be this way Why didn't they tell me the day I was born" And you start gettin' chills and yer jumping from sweat And you're lookin' for somethin' you ain't quite found yet And yer knee-deep in the dark water with yer hands in the air And the whole world's a-watchin' with a window peek stare And yer good gal leaves and she's long gone a-flying And yer heart feels sick like fish when they're fryin' And yer jackhammer falls from yer hand to yer feet And you need it badly but it lays on the street And yer bell's bangin' loudly but you can't hear its beat And you think yer ears might a been hurt Or yer eyes've turned filthy from the sight-blindin' dirt And you figured you failed in yesterdays rush When you were faked out an' fooled white facing a four flush And all the time you were holdin' three queens And it's makin you mad, it's makin' you mean Like in the middle of Life magazine Bouncin' around a pinball machine And there's something on yer mind you wanna be saying That somebody someplace oughta be hearin' But it's trapped on yer tongue and sealed in yer head And it bothers you badly when your layin' in bed And no matter how you try you just can't say it And yer scared to yer soul you just might forget it And yer eyes get swimmy from the tears in yer head And yer pillows of feathers turn to blankets of lead And the lion's mouth opens and yer staring at his teeth And his jaws start closin with you underneath And yer flat on your belly with yer hands tied behind And you wish you'd never taken that last detour sign And you say to yourself just what am I doin' On this road I'm walkin', on this trail I'm turnin' On this curve I'm hanging On this pathway I'm strolling, in the space I'm taking In this air I'm inhaling Am I mixed up too much, am I mixed up too hard Why am I walking, where am I running What am I saying, what am I knowing On this guitar I'm playing, on this banjo I'm frailin' On this mandolin I'm strummin', in the song I'm singin' In the tune I'm hummin', in the words I'm writin' In the words that I'm thinkin' In this ocean of hours I'm all the time drinkin' Who am I helping, what am I breaking What am I giving, what am I taking But you try with your whole soul best Never to think these thoughts and never to let Them kind of thoughts gain ground Or make yer heart pound But then again you know why they're around Just waiting for a chance to slip and drop down "Cause sometimes you hear'em when the night times comes creeping And you fear that they might catch you a-sleeping And you jump from yer bed, from yer last chapter of dreamin' And you can't remember for the best of yer thinking If that was you in the dream that was screaming And you know that it's something special you're needin' And you know that there's no drug that'll do for the healin' And no liquor in the land to stop yer brain from bleeding And you need something special Yeah, you need something special all right You need a fast flyin' train on a tornado track To shoot you someplace and shoot you back You need a cyclone wind on a stream engine howler That's been banging and booming and blowing forever That knows yer troubles a hundred times over You need a Greyhound bus that don't bar no race That won't laugh at yer looks Your voice or your face And by any number of bets in the book Will be rollin' long after the bubblegum craze You need something to open up a new door To show you something you seen before But overlooked a hundred times or more You need something to open your eyes You need something to make it known That it's you and no one else that owns That spot that yer standing, that space that you're sitting That the world ain't got you beat That it ain't got you licked It can't get you crazy no matter how many Times you might get kicked You need something special all right You need something special to give you hope But hope's just a word That maybe you said or maybe you heard On some windy corner 'round a wide-angled curve But that's what you need man, and you need it bad And yer trouble is you know it too good "Cause you look an' you start getting the chills "Cause you can't find it on a dollar bill And it ain't on Macy's window sill And it ain't on no rich kid's road map And it ain't in no fat kid's fraternity house And it ain't made in no Hollywood wheat germ And it ain't on that dimlit stage With that half-wit comedian on it Ranting and raving and taking yer money And you thinks it's funny No you can't find it in no night club or no yacht club And it ain't in the seats of a supper club And sure as hell you're bound to tell That no matter how hard you rub You just ain't a-gonna find it on yer ticket stub No, and it ain't in the rumors people're tellin' you And it ain't in the pimple-lotion people are sellin' you And it ain't in no cardboard-box house Or down any movie star's blouse And you can't find it on the golf course And Uncle Remus can't tell you and neither can Santa Claus And it ain't in the cream puff hair-do or cotton candy clothes And it ain't in the dime store dummies or bubblegum goons And it ain't in the marshmallow noises of the chocolate cake voices That come knockin' and tappin' in Christmas wrappin' Sayin' ain't I pretty and ain't I cute and look at my skin Look at my skin shine, look at my skin glow Look at my skin laugh, look at my skin cry When you can't even sense if they got any insides These people so pretty in their ribbons and bows No you'll not now or no other day Find it on the doorsteps made out-a paper mache« And inside it the people made of molasses That every other day buy a new pair of sunglasses And it ain't in the fifty-star generals and flipped-out phonies Who'd turn yuh in for a tenth of a penny Who breathe and burp and bend and crack And before you can count from one to ten Do it all over again but this time behind yer back My friend The ones that wheel and deal and whirl and twirl And play games with each other in their sand-box world And you can't find it either in the no-talent fools That run around gallant And make all rules for the ones that got talent And it ain't in the ones that ain't got any talent but think they do And think they're foolin' you The ones who jump on the wagon Just for a while 'cause they know it's in style To get their kicks, get out of it quick And make all kinds of money and chicks And you yell to yourself and you throw down yer hat Sayin', "Christ do I gotta be like that Ain't there no one here that knows where I'm at Ain't there no one here that knows how I feel Good God Almighty THAT STUFF AIN'T REAL" No but that ain't yer game, it ain't even yer race You can't hear yer name, you can't see yer face You gotta look some other place And where do you look for this hope that yer seekin' Where do you look for this lamp that's a-burnin' Where do you look for this oil well gushin' Where do you look for this candle that's glowin' Where do you look for this hope that you know is there And out there somewhere And your feet can only walk down two kinds of roads Your eyes can only look through two kinds of windows Your nose can only smell two kinds of hallways You can touch and twist And turn two kinds of doorknobs You can either go to the church of your choice Or you can go to Brooklyn State Hospital You'll find God in the church of your choice You'll find Woody Guthrie in Brooklyn State Hospital And though it's only my opinion I may be right or wrong You'll find them both In the Grand Canyon At sundown
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