#don't kill me aurora please merry christmas i love ya and i know you love me somewhere deep down there
deepdickdaniel · 7 years
Ong Seongwu | We Got Married
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prompt: you somehow end up on a fan-dedicated season of we got married...but not with your bias.
note: i know it sounds cringey but bear with me. inspired by and dedicated to the ever lovely @mongniel‘s insistence that she loves daniel and not ong. ok girl...also this is my christmas gift to her, but i hope everyone else also enjoys the story and has a wonderful day whether or not you celebrate this holiday!
scrolling through instagram one day, you found out that we got married was taking applications for another season of the show, but this time, fans were encouraged to apply as well.
your friends encouraged you to send in a video audition just for fun and you agreed - even if your chances were low, what was the harm in it?
a few weeks later, to your surprise, you received an invitation to go in for second round of auditions: an interview with the casting directors who would record a video of you describing your ideal type.
there, they also asked you to name which idols and/or actors that you liked.
as a wannable, you tried to calmly state that your favorite member was kang daniel .
the camera crew hid their laughs at the enthusiasm that could be seen through your eyes as you spoke about your ultimate bias.
the staff thanked you and told you that you’d get confirmation of whether or not you made it in the final lineup within a few days.
you got the call the next day.
filming began a week later and you were brought to a cafe, seated at a table with a large box on top of it.
you were urged by the crew to open it, and in it was a letter, congratulating you on your upcoming “marriage” and saying that your dreamy, perfect husband was waiting for you at a park nearby.
your heart buzzed with excitement, especially after you got word out of the camera crew that your husband-to-be was indeed from wanna one.
this was it. you were finally going to meet kang daniel!
but as you approached the fountain that the staff told you that your husband was on the other side of, you noticed black hair as you got closer and closer.
daniel didn’t have black hair...
you were enough of a wanna one fan to know who your husband was without him having to turn around.
but before he looked at you, you watched as he took out a coin from his pocket and threw it into the fountain behind him, shouting,
“i wish for the most beautiful spouse!!!”
you watched for a few seconds in shock after hearing his voice confirm his identity, the staff then urged you to make your presence known.
you cleared your throat and he turned around.
ong freaking seongwu.
the second your eyes met, he gasped and grabbed at his chest with his hand, falling to his knees.
you made a move to go to him in confusion, but when he looked back up at you, you could’ve sworn that his eyes were sparkling.
“you made my wish come true so quickly~!”
you could already feel your hands and toes curling up in cringe...
as he got up and formally introduced himself to you, doing a dramatic bow and everything, you couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed at the fact that it wasn’t daniel.
you were also nervous about how this was going to go. ong was super out there at times and you just....weren’t.
when it came to the separate interview portion of the episode, the writers asked you for your first impression of ong.
“he’s very...uhhh....lively...?”
...and whether or not you were disappointed about their choice of husband for you...
you were unable to answer. you didn’t want to lie, but at the same time you knew that ong would probably watch this and you didn’t want to hurt his feelings if you outwardly showed any disappointment, so you just went for a safe answer,
“i’m just curious about why you picked him out of all the members for me...?”
the evil smirks of the staff just screamed “you’ll see!”
you really thought you wouldn’t be able to handle ong, at least for a while. but surprisingly, he got a grasp of what made you laugh relatively quickly and was able to really hit your sense of humor, therefore breaking the ice that you thought would take a lot longer to crack.
most of the time, you would try your best to not give in (and therefore build up his ego) by holding in a laugh.
that only made him try harder, and eventually, this teasing, hard-to-get kind of relationship won the hearts of viewers.
they called you the “tsuntsun couple,” which, tbh, you didn’t really understand because you would technically be the only tsun (even though you swore you weren’t one but whatever)
but the name caught on anyway, and every time ong would see you to film, he’d bring up how much people loved you two together and that’s why you should love him too.
you gagged each time.
despite this cat and mouse dynamic, you found yourself really enjoying his company. but you would never admit it if they asked you in interviews.
you just hoped that he would never ask who your bias was in wanna one.
but he didn’t have to.
one filming day, the writers suggested that the two of you watch the first episode of the season, where the two of you met, together.
you were already embarrassed about watching yourself on tv, but nothing could have prepared you for them showing your audition interview.
you could feel ong, who was poking you in the arm teasingly for being so shy and nervous during your audition, get even more excited as you mentioned wanna one being one of your favorite idol groups.
but as soon as the past you spoke the name “kang daniel,” you felt him deflate next to you, the arm that was nudging you suddenly returning to his side.
when it came to his pre-casting interview, all he talked about was how he trusted the writers to find the perfect spouse for him, and that he would treat whoever they picked right because he knew their choice would be wonderful. 
and at the end of the first episode, he said that he was right - you were amazing and that he was happy he got matched with you.
after that, the tv shut off and you were just there, sitting quietly in your guilt that ong had to see that.
you didn’t want to apologize because it was the truth - daniel was your bias and there was no taking that back.
but at the same time, you didn’t want to hurt ong’s feelings by him having to find that out like that. if you had known they were going to show your audition interview, you would have told him yourself.
before you could even decide what to do or say, the director called “cut!” and said it was time for your individual interviews.
ong smiled at you before walking off to his interview, but you could tell that it was pretty much forced.
luckily, this gave you more time to think about how to approach him about what just happened. but by the time he got back, his manager told him he had another scheduled event, and tbh, ong didn’t look like he was really in the mood to talk the awkwardness out right there and then.
when you had your own free time, you watched the episode as soon as it aired in hopes that you’d get a glimpse of ong’s thoughts and find a better way to talk to him about what had happened.
you opened your laptop to a website that streamed the episode, and you were surprised to see comments bashing the writers for their interview questions and the parts they decided to include in the final cut of the episode.
you didn’t understand why until it got to ong’s interview after the two of you watched the first episode together.
the interview began with, “why did you look so sad when kang daniel turned out to be your spouse’s real favorite wanna one member?”
“ehhhh, anyone would be sad to know that they’re not someone they care about’s first pick...”
ong said this with a smile, but after all the time you’ve spent with him, you were able to pick up on the sadness in his eyes as he answered that.
but the question after that is what made you really upset for him.
“do you ever get down about how everyone around you seems to pick daniel over you?”
you felt yourself getting emotional as you watched ong suddenly become unable to answer the question right away.
how dare they ask him that kind of question? you knew they probably wanted to start some controversy to increase views, which was a concept ridiculous in itself because you two already made the show pretty popular, but to do so in this way???
before you could close your laptop in a mix of rage and sadness, you heard ong clear his throat in the interview before answering,
“i’m really happy for daniel. he’s one of my closest friends and there’s no jealousy or sadness there. if anything, that just inspires me to work harder and...”
but the episode cut off with a “to be continued” and you were in disbelief at this cliffhanger.
soon enough, it was time to film the next episode and you were finally mentally prepared to talk it out with ong.
but he just came up to you excitedly, acting like everything was normal, and took your hand in his to hold as the two of you had a shopping date.
“wait...! seongwu! we should talk...”
he just turned around and started walking backwards, switching the hand that was holding yours, and his eyes never left yours, even as you were looking out behind him in worry that he’d hurt himself being dumb and all.
“don’t worry, you didn’t mean to hurt my feelings. i know you were just being honest and that’s what i like about you.”
you just stared in shook™ as he continued to pull you along while walking backwards.
“and besides, now i know to never let daniel have you. i’m never letting you go”
you knew that ong was an actor. he could deliver lines like those smoothly without hesitation. but in that moment, you felt your heart beat faster than it had ever done so before...and it was because of ong, so you felt extra weird about it.
trying to hide your shyness though, you simply retorted, “sure, we’ll see about that.”
for the rest of the day, ong became even more affectionate around you. he still respected the boundaries you made him aware of when the two of you first met, but the effort to make you laugh and smile increased tenfold.
you really didn’t want to admit it but...you had a lot of fun.
he even started to tease/roast you back and a strange, masochistic part of you loved it.
when you had time to watch the episode after it aired, his end-of-the-episode interview threatened to make your heart burst.
“i’m going to be the one they like by the end of the show.”
the way he said it, the smile he gave - even though the show was supposed to be semi-scripted, you felt like he wasn’t just doing it for the sake of entertainment. you could feel almost a genuine?!? kind of vibe and it scared you.
as about two months went by, you got closer to ong, being as much as yourself around him as possible with the cameras on, and acting even more naturally with him behind the scenes.
but when you came in for one episode, you were really surprised to have a blindfold put on you as you were forced into a chair - you didn’t even see ong when you walked in: you were just dragged and made to sit down.
you heard footsteps shuffling in, but other than that, there was complete silence.
finally, you felt someone untying your blindfold, and when your eyes adjusted to the brightness, you were greeted by eleven different faces.
holy...wanna one was right in front of you.
before you could even say something, you heard a countdown and then the familiar chant of “all i wanna do, wanna one! hello, we’re wanna one!” echo throughout the room.
you immediately covered your mouth as your jaw fell open in shock, your eyes darting across the members’ faces in disbelief that they were actually there.
you saw ong smirking proudly at the fact that he could impress you with his group and you almost rolled your eyes at his smugness, containing yourself only because his members were right in front of you.
one by one, the members greeted you while the crew suddenly brought out a long, meeting type table in front of you, with you sitting at the head.
to your right, ong was seated...but to your left, there was kang daniel.
you gasped as you finally made eye contact with the latter, and daniel gave you his cheeky, bunny smile, one of his hands raising in greeting,
“hi, ong talks about you all the time. it’s nice to finally meet you!”
that filming day, wanna one was scheduled to play a bunch of games with you and the guys even hosted their own personally planned roasting session of ong.
you had a lot of fun getting to know the different members, even off-cam while you took breaks. they were a lively, well-matched group who accepted you so quickly as you were.
when they were leaving, the members who weren’t ong hugged you one by one, and you laughed as a few of them muttered phrases of “good luck” or “please be patient with him, we’re sorry for him,really” into your ear.
daniel left last; when you hugged him, you were expecting nervous butterflies because of your “crush” on him, but instead, you felt like you were hugging any other friend.
and that made you freeze for a second.
you let go of him quickly, not wanting to make a scene out of this newfound information.
(...but ong noticed and took it as a sign that you still liked daniel like that.)
filming soon wrapped up for the episode, and you were notified that the schedule for the next one was still unknown due to wanna one being too busy to plan for the time being.
this gave you a lot of time to think...almost too much for your heart to handle.
your mind started to wander to all the time you’ve spent with ong over the last few months. sometimes filming would have to be cancelled due to bad weather or last minute changes in staff availability.
those days, ong hung out with you just for fun.
you once asked him why he didn’t just return to the dorm with his free time so he could rest for a bit, but he only responded that he knew his time with you was limited, so he wanted to make the most out of it.
remembering that made your heart hurt. you didn’t want your time with him to end.
adding the fact that you no longer found your eyes immediately looking for daniel while watching wanna one videos - instead you searched for ong - PLUS your phone background changed from daniel to just a default picture...
when you allowed these thoughts into your head, you groaned in frustrating realization: “oh my god, i actually have feelings for ong.”
knowing how you felt at that point, you, too, wanted to make the most out of your time with the boy you’ve come to adore.
but time wasn’t on your side.
you soon got the phone call that you would be filming the last episode of your “marriage” to ong soon - wanna one was just too busy for it to continue how it was before.
when the last day of filming came, ong prepared a special ballad for you, and you weren’t able to stop a few tears from slipping out of your eyes.
after his performance, he gave you a letter. in it were words of gratitude for putting up with him for so long and for giving him the time of his life.
“you were the perfect spouse for me. i know you asked why you got me of all people, why the staff thought i would be good for you. but i think it’s the opposite. they knew i needed someone like you. you bring me up, but you keep me grounded. you inspire me to continue to work hard, to work even harder. more importantly, i know that under all of your ‘tsuntsun’-ness, you care. for that and for all you have given me during our time together, i am eternally grateful. if only i could tell you everything you’ve done for me, but i know our time has been cut short. we’ll see each other again soon. ongly yours, seongwu.”
you couldn’t even laugh at his signature - you were trying too hard not to cry.
by the time the episode ended, you were 100% sure of your feelings for him.
but by this time, he was already gone.
a few weeks went by, and you couldn’t shake the emptiness in your heart that the ending of the show, that your separation from ong, left you with.
sure, the two of you would text from time to time, but it really couldn’t amount to hanging out with him in person.
and he seemed to distance himself from you, no longer as flirty or playful as he once was. was it truly only just for the show...?
but you couldn’t blame him. he really was busy, and as the days got darker with winter approaching, you felt your life get a bit dimmer without him.
however, on a snowy christmas day, you heard a few knocks at your front door.
it was almost midnight, only thirty minutes until christmas was officially over for the year, but there someone was, knocking on your door.
when you looked through the peephole, you saw a familiar view.
the figure was turned around and all you could see was his black hair.
but just like the first time you met him, you could tell who it was in an instant.
when you opened the door, he turned around, gasping and grasping his chest once again, but this time only with one hand as the other carried a medium-sized box.
ong fell to his knees, eyes sparkling up at you seemingly even brighter than they did on that very first day.
“tell me i’m not too late!”
your heart skipped a beat, “w-what?”
“for christmas of course!”
you mentally smacked yourself. you couldn’t believe what you were unconsciously hoping for...
you told him to give the act up as you let him in and he made himself comfortable on your living room floor, patting the space next to him and insisting you sit there.
when you joined him, he handed you the box, bursting out something along the lines of “before christmas ends...!”
“but i didn’t get you anything...”
“you letting me in was enough of a present for me.”
you stared up at him, knowing somehow that his words held a double meaning. but he simply smiled and nodded to the box, silently telling you to open it already.
when you did, you could see a wooden box with clear glass panels all over it. under the glass were pictures that the two of you took during different wgm episodes and some fun selfies from behind the scenes.
you opened the box’s top to see another box inside.
and when you took off the lid of that one, you saw a silver, constellation necklace with three bejeweled stars.
you looked up at him in wonder and he grinned excitedly,
“so i watched your last interview...”
“uh huh...”
“daniel doesn’t really seem to be your favorite anymore, huh?”
(...you completely forgot that you even said that...)
“listen. i was really emotional after your letter to me...”
ong peered into your face, taking your inability to continue speaking as a sign that he should go on, “you know, you really made me jealous with that long hug of yours with daniel back then...! that almost made me give up until they finally aired the last episode!”
“i can’t believe you. thanks for the gift, now go away...!”
“no take backs! you’re my fan now!...and maybe even more?”
your blush alone was enough to give ong the strength to kiss your cheek. he pulled you in for a hug that turned into a tackle onto the floor.
as the two of you lay there laughing and you let out some feeble attempts to get him off of you, his eyes never left your face,
“i told you already - i’m never letting you go.”
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