#don't get me wrong i love that ugly dog
oh what i wouldn't give to be howl's cleaning lady
take that however you like
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bsdtual · 1 year
Bones really has their favorites (bram) and their most hated ones (akutagawa)
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fluffyyymocha · 1 year
tysm for the tag @wiltedrosier !! these are so much funn, i love getting tagged in games sm.
hardcover or paperback? bookstore or library? bookmark or receipt? stand alone or series? nonfiction or fiction? thriller or fantasy? under 300 pages or over 300 pages? children’s or ya? friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? read in bed or read on the couch? read at night or read in the morning? keep pristine or markup? cracked spine or dog ear?
tags under the cut (it's a lot)
pretty sure there are like, almost all of my mutuals. if any of you would rather i don't tag you in games PLEASE let me know!! (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
@livi-erudite , @alma-torran , @dikotur , @kaaeyah , @tachiehara , @ranpoestan @ranpoestan , @fortunatelycolorfulgay , @sukinovaa , @jasminewhiteflower , @pandadabrek , @bunnyramen , @starstuc , @mallgoth-hamlet , @nemui-mochi , @breadsoup00 , @dazais-crab-addiction , @saltiestcat , @terunoshita , @philzokman , @frizzymmm , @mikopikopon , @nuo2x2 , @doyouhavefood , @bubblyseal , @nolongeravalidhuman , @pink-doc-martains , @kloudien , @mimihamburger , @liizardlegs , @washaa-t-beatz-me , @myspaghttisauce , @pixsin , @lyloneliness , @inkyphobia , @burned-out-match , @defunctpopstar , @maxe-mini , @actuallivingsoup , @thatqueerchoirkid , @dazaiscrab , @cherrylimon
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claire-starsword · 5 months
Bloodline of the Sacred Dragons - Chapter 2-7
[warning for violence and dismemberment on this one. yes you read that right. as opposed to me who did not pay attention to this on my first read. lol.]
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The group emerged back into the fields, after safely crossing the mountains. They hurried on their journey, heading towards the Pao Plains.
By Krin and Tyrin's calculations, they should be a day ahead of the monsters. If they could get the mercenaries at Pao and come back, they would be able to ambush the enemies at the mountain path that led to the plains. The devils wouldn't be able to escape a trap in such a narrow pathway.
In the forest, Karin replaced Randolf as the lead. Tyrin gave the general directions by her side, and she decided the exact path to traverse according to the condition of the plants and other forest signs. Bleu was speechless on how observant she was, not letting the slightest detail pass unnoticed.
Bleu struggled the most with the thick cluster of trees. Unlike Camallia and Karna, he didn't have the power to heal everyone's exhaustion either. He grew frustrated with himself. Once they got to a wider place or a road he'd be able to stretch out his wings. He did his best to put up with it.
Once the sun had gone down, the group had finally come out the end of the forest, reaching the road between Bustoke and the Pao Plains.
And there, their calculations failed them.
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They ran right into the monster squad that had stolen the Manual. A sudden encounter, one could say.
"They shouldn't be here by our calculations, so why…" Krin complained about the unexpected turn of events, as she stared at the twenty or so monsters that had appeared in front of them.
The devils were just as shocked as them.
"Impossible! Why is there a Sacred Dragon here?"
One of the monsters, accompanying the squad of harpies and armed lizardmen, stared wide-eyed at Bleu, with empty eyes devoid of light. Those eyes caught sight of Camallia by his side. The devil then understood everything.
"So you survived. And you guided them here. It's always you, always… Fine, if you'll be this much of a hindrance, then I, Ziduur, will end you just like those pursuing mages."
The monster's fangs showed over the corner of his lips, and his two horns, atop his head like a moth's antennas, swung backwards in a menacing stance. Deep crimson hair ran from the nape of his neck to his back like a mane, bristling. As if answering to that, the lizardmen raised their slimy triangular heads, their bifurcated tongues flickering through their lips. The harpies let out ear-piercing shrieks.
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"If you want this, come and take it."
Ziduur held a box made of ebony. It was full of intricate inlay decorations with a foreign feel.
"Sir Bleu, there's no doubt, the Manual is in there!"
With Tyrin's shout, the battle began.
"Randolf, Tyrin, take care of the girls!"
While shouting, Bleu bolted towards Ziduur, as if drawn to the Manual in his hands. Cerberus followed behind him.
"Wait, don't just rush in, it won't go well if we fight separated," Randolf hastily stopped Camallia, who wanted to jump ahead as well.
"Bleu, come back right now! Bleu!"
Karin's voice did not reach Bleu, and he began to fight the harpies in midair.
All his pent up feelings were unleashed at once. And at the same time, he had confidence in being the one who always broke through the enemy lines. With that amount of enemies, he believed he could strike the commander at once and end the battle with that. There was no reason to eliminate them all. Once he retrieved the Manual, he could just disperse the rest of the enemies. The shorter the battle, the less likely it would be for Karin and the others to get hurt. And by defeating all the monsters himself, he could prove his power to them. Maybe then the girls would stay behind without a fuss, Bleu thought.
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However, his reckless advance did not go as he expected.
Superior to him in speed and number, the harpies put up a tough fight against him. Wanting to rush to Ziduur straight away, he had become isolated from his allies.
Randolf and Camallia shielded the others, facing the incoming lizardmen head on.
"Bleu, I'll burn down these enemies, get out of the way!"
Krin began chanting a Blaze spell, but Karin stopped her. If she cast the flames in a wide area, Bleu would certainly get caught in them.
"Krin, give up and target a single enemy," Karin ordered, while shooting down an enemy away from Bleu with perfect accuracy. Their lack of coordination was apparent. Karin bit down her anger at Bleu's stupid actions.
"I won't show mercy to any who interfere. Join the hateful corpses that sleep under this earth."
Ziduur took out a piece of a crimson jewel, and held it tightly within his left hand, as if squeezing it. Beams of light came through between his fingers.
"That light!" Camallia shouted, alerting everyone.
Ziduur punched the ground. Thin sparks of crimson lightning ran at once over the surface.
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"What did he do?"
Karna watched in awe as the ground in front of her began to stir, and something jumped out from within.
"Eep!" She let out a strangled scream as she came face to face with a skeleton.
"Get down!"
Hearing that shout from behind her, Karna got down while covering her head with both arms. The end of a flail flew past her, sending the skeleton's skull flying like a football. As she pulled the weapon back, Camallia smashed its upper body as well.
In the brief moment where Karna breathed a sigh of relief, more skeletons jumped from below, one after the other. Those skeletal warriors, carrying all kinds of different weapons, were the warped forms of monsters once defeated in that land, and the travelers they once killed.
"Are we surrounded?"
Watching the growing swarm of skeletons and lizardmen around them, Randolf swung his Battle Axe once again. If the monsters attacked all at once, they certainly wouldn't manage to defend against all of them.
Karna shouted for everyone to get closer together.
"O benevolent ones who watch upon all, please hear our prayers. Gather the righteous light within our hearts, and make it into a shield of holy brilliance!!"
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By her incantation, the faint shine of the supporting spell Boost enveloped the whole group from within. The monsters with no flesh nor blood were driven away by that light.
Not wasting the opportunity, Randolf and Camallia attacked. The mages covered the openings between them, Tyrin freezing the enemies to stand as shields, and Krin erecting walls of fire with her Blaze spells. They were doing their best to defend themselves, but the situation still wasn't good as they were outnumbered.
On one swing, Camallia's flail became entangled in another flail wielded by a skeleton. The resulting forces made both of them lose their grips on their weapons. Without delay, the skeleton took a short sword from the back of its shield, and charged at the now empty-handed girl. Another short sword was thrown at the skeleton as it did that. By reflex, the skeleton knocked it down with its shield. Camallia jumped at the fallen sword, grabbing it and swinging it at the skeleton's leg to cut it down. The monster fell down as it lost its balance, and Camallia stepped on its bony body from over its shield, using all of her strength to crush it.
"Thank you, Sir Randolf."
Picking up her flail, she stood back to back with Randolf, who had moved backwards. She extended a hand in his direction, trying to return his short sword that had saved her from her predicament.
"I don't mind. Keep it. Without a spare weapon, something like this might happen to you again."
Answering that, he swung his blade at another monster.
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At that time, Bleu was also surrounded by even more enemies than before.
Sacred Dragons had tough bodies and powerful attacks, but were in no way invincible. Their thick hide was hard to penetrate with a blade, yet at some point he had been wounded, and it bled. While he had finished off many of the harpies, he had also hurt his wings. The injury was not severe, but it made him unable to fight the remaining harpies in the air. Having fallen to the ground, Bleu faced a concentrated assault from the group of enemies.
Sustaining minor injuries all over his body, Bleu had made a pile of corpses out of his enemies. Yet he was clearly exhausted. Taking a fierce blow to his chest, he began to cough violently.
In this terrible moment, a lizardman brandished his Large Axe. In Bleu's current condition, he couldn't dodge or spew out his lightning breath.
The monsters became agitated.
Steeling himself for the fatal blow, Bleu saw a silver blur pass through the corner of his vision. Fresh blue blood spilled by. With a deep gash on his torso, the lizardman turned around only to be cut again like a paper doll by sharp claws, this time on the chest.
"Zylo!?" Bleu exclaimed in surprise, seeing the werewolf that had showed up behind the fallen lizardman.
"It's been a long time, Bleu."
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Zylo's eyes had the glint of a wild beast hidden within, and he narrowed them in recognition for an instant.
Taking that as an opening, the harpies attacked from the sky.
"Watch out!"
Faster than Bleu's cry, Zylo jumped to the air. He spun next to harpy like a gear, hitting it with a somersault, and knocking it down hard to the ground. The blood from the harpy's torn neck ran in lines across her dead body.
"Before worrying for others, worry about yourself. Honestly, what a pathetic fight you put up. Have you forgotten your past experience? I'll show you how it is to fight as a group. Watch and learn."
Zylo howled.
The lizardmen and harpies flinched at the incoming chants of beast hunters. From its direction came the rushing sound of rain. A merciless rain of arrows…
Once the synchronized barrage of arrows ended, Zylo had also disappeared. Too fast for Bleu's eyes to keep up, he ran between the disoriented enemies, cutting them down as he passed them by. One by one they fell to the ground.
Having broken through the enemies surrounding them, Zylo reached Karin's group.
"It's Zylo, the king of Bustoke."
Krin calmed down the others, who were on guard, unsure if he was a new enemy.
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"We'll regroup with Bleu. Follow me without delay," Zylo ordered, and turned away from them without waiting for an answer. He spoke as if certain that they'd obey. Not forceful. Just showing unwavering confidence.
"Diane!!" He shouted. In answer, a squad of archers appeared from the forest shadows, led by an elf girl. Their bowstrings rang as they once again released their arrows in unison.
Diane's archers concentrated their assault on the skeletons. The ropes tied in their arrows perfectly wrapped around their enemies. The skeletons hit by them fell down and tumbled through the ground. It seemed as if they knew what enemies they'd be facing, which made Krin impressed, but also a bit suspicious.
"Let's go!"
Zylo dashed away, heading towards Bleu, who had recovered some energy and continued to fight on his own. The others ran behind him as fast as they could.
"Karna, Camallia, heal Bleu, quickly!"
As Zylo and Randolf took the surrounding enemies down, Karin immediately asked the priests to tend to Bleu. While the archers of Bustoke kept lending them support, Camallia healed everyone who had been injured with Aura, the high level healing spell.
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"Thank you, Camallia. You too, Karin…" Bleu thanked the girls.
"There's no time to waste," Zylo urged Bleu. "Let's retrieve the Manual at once with this."
Led by the wolf king, the group split apart the confused enemies. Separated from each other, they had no time to recover, and were shot down by Diane's squad.
"Now. Sir Bleu, the Manual!" Tyrin shouted.
Spreading his healed wings, Bleu flew over the skeletons. The monsters were knocked down by the wings and the gust of wind.
Ziduur held up the ruby in his hand. His body was enveloped in red light.
"Like I'll let you teleport!"
The monster had jumped away, but Bleu sliced him with his claws.
Ziduur's arm was torn and sent flying, tracing an arc in midair, weighted down by the ebony box it carried.
Bleu had his attention drawn to the Manual for a moment. Ziduur didn't miss that, casting a Blaze spell in that time. Bleu crossed his arms in front of him as the flames burst in front of him.
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Karin and Camallia left the few remaining monsters to Zylo, and ran to the dragon.
He looked down bitterly at the space Ziduur had teleported away from. It shimmered like hot air, proving that a devil stood there just a moment before.
He picked up the box with the Manual, and Camallia saw that both his arms were bleeding.
"Are you wounded?" she asked, walking to him.
"It's no big deal. Just scratches."
"Even a small injury cannot be left alone."
While he insisted that he was fine, Camallia softly kissed his wounds.
Bleu suddenly felt eyes on him, and tried to pull away from her.
"Please stay still."
Camallia's warm lips moved over his skin as she said the words. Her hot tongue traced over his wound, licking off the blood. Her throat made a glugging noise as she drank it. Her lips continued to move over it, trembling with her incomprehensible chants and sighs.
She let go after a while, and no trace of the wound was left.
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"Bleu, the king of Bustoke is calling."
Karin only said that before turning her back and running away.
To next part>
Translation notes:
"Zidur" is apparently a word of a power to summon one of the creatures in the Necronomicon by Simon. I know nothing of that book other than a cursory look so I can't talk much about it, but do you know how hilarious it is to google a Shining Force thing and come up with a pdf full of demon rituals and absolutely no other results? Unparalled experience. Also, the character's name does have a longer "u" sound so I reflected that in my translation as well.
I don't recall Ziduur being explicitly referred to as a man, but his speech manners are pretty rough and he'll eventually be using the rough and masc "ore" pronoun, so unlike Otrant I just made the call to use he/him pronouns for him.
Zylo's species in the original game is given as "wolfling". His base class however is "werewolf", so nothing wrong here.
Up to this point I had been calling the dog "Cerberos" because that's closer to the japanese reading and I didn't think to look it up, but I was recently reminded that the games use "Cerberus" instead. I'd rather stick close to the official translations when it doesn't matter so I've updated past posts and will be using the game romanization from here on.
#shining series#shining force#shining force 2#shining force novel translation#bloodline of the sacred dragons#sf bleu#there we go. the annoying arrogant protag has learned a valuable lesson about the real super power of teamwork!#now things can finally progress smoothly into a great team dynamic!#...#dont. don't look at the page count. don't- it's fine. it'll be fine#sf karin#if this was a game she should be the leader and not bleu just saying#or it could be a protag choice with a few route differences#*person who has only played two tactical rpgs in their life* hmm. getting a lot of fantasy maiden wars vibes from this#also there's clearly a love triangle rearing its ugly head here but i chose to see it as funny like. girl she's drinking his blood#repressed village girl who clearly doesn't have enough going on in her life watching camallia be a badass freak: God I Wish That Was Me#sfbotsd camallia#NORMAL WOMAN. ABSOLUTELY INCONSPICUOUS WOMAN. GODDAMN#and i refuse to complain she's so cool!! woman's wrongs the novel#sf2 karna twiggy#the boost chant is also so cool and i knew it from the nnd summary i used to watch so i've waited more than a year to show you pals#i wish she did more but i'm not unhappy with her role in battles here generally#sf2 randolf dongo#sf2 tyrin piper#sf krin#sf krin's cerberus#so uh. does anyone else feels the writer is constantly struggling to remember the dog's still here? i legit did not realize the first time#she hadn't been mentioned since the lab. i legit thought she had been left in manarina#a shame because a hellhound on the team is prime shining content and i wish it was better used. i wanna play with this beauty#goddamn this is a lot of characters but i do wanna ramble
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inesbaby21 · 2 months
Kate just admiring reader and watching her with her puppy dog eyes☹️
Ahhhh I love you nonnie omg!
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- I'm just seeing reader on live/recording a grwm to post and kate just sitting on the bed behind her admiring her!
- Or like Game day grwm's- and Kate wants a little makeup nothing toooo crazy, but it's a home game so of course she wants to look purty and stuff! so she begs (not like she had to beg anyway!) for you to do a some light breathable makeup on her. I'm literally gushing this is too cute!
- Post!game Kate who just wants to shower, get the interviews over-with, eat, and wind down with hyperfeminine!reader omgomgomgggg.
- Kate is secretly a girly girl idc, hyf!reader and Kate definitely have matching/monogramed pj's and definitely share a skincare routine!
"Y/N/NNNN it's 9 o'clock- i'm sleepy and we have a busy day tomorrow" Kate says pouting as you talk to viewers/reply to some comments asking about your hair/very obvious matching pj's.
- I definitely can see Kate dating/marrying a Nepo!Baby BIGGGGG time- or not gonna lie a model! Like not someone who's like super out there- but quiet and reserveddd! Someone who brings her back down to earth after a bad day/game you know?
"I do understand where your coming from Syd- and that this loss wasn't something to take to heart, but Y/N came in from Milan to watch me play and we lost" The blonde says genuinely upset- and hurt, don't get me wrong you definitely didn't care if she won or lost, but it hurt Kate knowing that you'd traveled so far to see her- and she still had lost.
-Hyperfeminine!Reader who does NOT need Kate to dumb things down for her, and mad it very clear that she wouldn't be interested in going to watch Kate play if she didn't understand the sport (definitely had to watch one of those basketball explained in girl term tiktok's but we don't judge!)
-Hyperfem!reader Who definitely has scary girlfriend privilege; wearing whatever she wants at ANY time of the day because "Her girlfriend can fight"
-Whipped!Kate who definitely has a designated section in her closet for readers sleepwear, a few pairs of everything- and her emergency jewelry box! Because what's worse than an ugly outfit? No accessories duh 😞
"Kate fucking Martin. There's no way you keep a whole 1/5th of your closet for your girlfriends stuff" Jada Say Wheezing- as she shows the live the difference between the red, blue, white, black, and grey colors of her wardrobe; and then the pink, green, black, and white section that she had unintentionally dubbed as yours.
- HyperFem!Reader who takes the most unhinged, off guard, and borderline clipped pictures of Kate on Facetime/While she sleeps because "Her face is just so sweet when she's sleeping."
-Hyperfeminine!Reader Who take Kate on a Sephora trip to get her a full face of makeup (She's never gonna touch it Unless you do it, but you know just to have for whenever she's ready!)
-Hyperfeminine!Reader who spent most of her childhood/adolescence running from her femininity/was a tomboy- but randomly after hitting 16-19 had a whole life altering change in style, interest, activity.
- Hyperfeminine!Reader who let's Kate know that she doesn't have to be a "gentleman", and CONSTANTLY reminds Kate that she is a girl too, and never makes her feel ashamed for her more "girlish" interests/hobbies.
-Hyperfeminine!Reader who takes Kate to get her nails/feet done every few weeks (they do those cute matchy matchy couple sets) Kate has to get the shorter/gel of course because of basketball but!
A/N currently listening to country music! may have given me to strength to carry on 😣
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leclercss · 8 months
Paris, je t'aime (Charles Leclerc),
a Tainted Love sequel
plot: it's almost three years since your tumultuous relationships with Lewis and Charles came crashing down. but you find your self in a new city with new beginnings and new ways to fuck up your love life. that's no thanks to a cheeky frenchman who's set you up on a double date with someone oh so familiar.
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: (+18) mentions of smut, cheating and some swearing
authors note: our amours are back. hope you enjoy this sequel featuring our fave Monegasque.
word count: 4.3k
taglist: @toppersjeep @janeholt3, @princess-siba, @nichmeddar
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"Pierre, I just don't get why you can't show me his picture?" you whine, throwing your head back against the sofa. Clearly you need to work on your negotiation (or blackmailing) skills because you've not made a dent in changing Pierre's mind.
"Because, [Y/N], I don't trust you this time. I've seen your love life, if you can even call it that, in the last six months. It's nothing short of embarrassing and from what I've witnessed, I know who the problem is," Pierre retorts.
You snort at Pierre's response. This man doesn't given a fuck and you do your best to not throw a cushion at his face.
"And what do you mean by that?"
"What I mean, [Y/N], is I've seen you make out with random guys in clubs, ugly ones by the way, who you either sleep with or have to spend the rest of the night hiding from. You're also useless when it comes to Tinder. You either fall in love with their pictures, match, have about a two minute conversation with and then ghost them entirely or you spend five minutes analysing everything that is wrong with them."
"That's no true," you growl.
It's Pierre's turn to snort. "Oh, it is! And if you do end up chatting to someone half normal, you just get drunk and show them pictures of your ex husband's dog".
This time you couldn't control yourself and so you launch the cushion at Pierre's head. Your aim clearly needs some work as you miss his head by about half a meter and hit the lamp above his head, causing it to hit against the wall.
"Right, you two! That's enough," you hear a voice yell from the other room. You look over your shoulder and see Pierre's girlfriend, Kika, storm into the living room.
"He started it," you cry out before shooting Pierre some daggers which earns a kick from Pierre.
"I don't care who started it. I care about ending it," Kika growls as she throws herself onto the sofa opposite then one you and Pierre are occupying.
Silence falls onto the living room but only for a few moments before you look at Pierre again, continuing your previous argument. "Pierre, I don't get why you can't just tell me anything about him".
Pierre, aware of the daggers he's receiving from Kika, simply rolls his eyes.
"Ugh, fine! Kika, can you please talk to Pierre?" you plead as you turn your attention to Kika.
She sighs at you, defeated. "I've tried, [Y/N]," she replies. "But Pierre has made some good points".
You narrow your eyes at her, "Traitor."
Pierre can't keep contain himself as he erupts into a fit of laughter. Annoyed, you return the kick that he gave you earlier which results in a loud cry from Pierre.
"Hey! We're the ones trying to help you out here," Pierre laughs as he rubs his shin, tender from your kick.
"I didn't ask for your help," you grunt, throwing you arms across your chest in frustration. You catch Kika in the corner of your eye trying to hold back a smirk.
"Spit it out, Kika!"
Both Pierre and Kika look at each other, exchanging a little chuckle, before you friend gives you a polite reality check.
"Well, we're in Paris, the city of love. And well, your love life since we've met you has been, putting it nicely, tragic. So Pierre and I thought that as your friends in this new city, we would take the trouble out of your hands for you when it comes to love," she politely tells you.
Pierre snorts again, "Nah, Kika. It's called an intervention".
You look around you to find any other cushions you can throw at Pierre but realise that you've thrown all cushions within reaching distance at his head already.
The truth is that, as hurtful as it may be, Pierre and Kika were right. Your love life since moving to Paris ten months ago has been pathetic. In fact, it's been pathetic for the last three years, ever since you had ended both your marriage to Lewis and your relationship with Charles.
Your intention at the time was to only end your relationship with one of them and in your heart and mind, you were going to end your marriage with Lewis. And that was what you did. Despite his last ditch attempts of rekindling your marriage and relationship, you had declined Lewis' offer to leave your life in London behind and join him in New York City.
An offer like that earlier on in your marriage would have been tempting but after yourself and Lewis both agreed to open up your marriage, and before all of the walls came tumbling down, you realised that whenever Lewis was close to losing you he would pull out all of the stops to become the husband you wanted and needed.
He'd done it throughout your relationship. Once Lewis smelt danger or felt vulnerable, he loved bombed you to the point where you fell in love with him all over again. Telling you everything you needed to hear and throwing you grand gestures like a proposal, a new puppy, extravagant gifts, monogamy (looking back, that one was laughable) and finally offering you a new life in the bright lights of New York City. And when he was sure that you wouldn't leave him and were fully committed, he'd go back to the Lewis of old - doing as he pleased without any questions or consequences. That was until Lewis pushed you too far, he'd tested you one too many times during your "open marriage" and pushed you into the arms of another man, Charles.
In a totally unplanned and spontaneous night out, you had met Charles and the two of you had clicked instantly. Charles was the only person that ever led you to doubt your marriage and relationship with Lewis. You developed a relationship which led to you falling in love with one another. It was very real and very serious. He gave you the love and fulfilment you had long yearned for. He was worth leaving your husband for and you were so ready to do that.
That was until Lewis' offer of moving to New York came about. You didn't want to move to New York. It may have been a dream once but not in those circumstances. Not after you'd already taken off your wedding and engagement rings and told your husband you were ready to move on in your life. This was Lewis' next step in life, not yours.
You were free from your marriage and you could continue your relationship with Charles but something weird happened. It all fell apart one night when you went to see Charles at his flat after you had told Lewis that you wouldn't be moving with him. Your intentions were to tell Charles that you were all his and you could finally start to build a real life together.
However, that’s not what happened. You couldn’t get the idea of leaving London with Lewis out of your head. Even in separation the man couldn’t leave you alone. He was in your mind as you spoke to Charles, kissed Charles and even when you made love to Charles that night. Something deep down was telling you that instantly starting a life with Charles just days after separating from your husband of five years wasn’t the right thing for you.
You needed time to mourn your marriage but also to figure out who you really were. You had been in a relationship since you had moved to London at 21 and had never gotten to explore adulthood and your twenties on your own. And just maybe, you needed a little bit of time to be you.
But that’s not how it went down, or how you had tried to communicate it to Charles. After you and Charles had finished having sex, Charles started a conversation about your relationship and mentioned the possibility of moving in together. You guys were in love and it made sense.
But you freaked out, confessing to Charles that Lewis was going to New York and had asked for you to go with him. And when Charles had asked you want you had wanted to do, you froze.
Fuck, why did you have to freeze? You already told Lewis no but why couldn’t you tell Charles that?
You realised over time it was because that you were unable to tell Charles that while you had said no to Lewis, you needed to be on your own for a while. And how could you tell Charles that after he had made love to you and confessed his loved to you once more?
And so when you struggled to find your words, Charles took it as a yes and that in fact you were moving to New York, leaving him behind. You were ending things with him to be with a husband who treated you poorly.
And when you did begin to find your words, Charles didn’t believe you despite the fact that you had already removing your wedding ring. He was fed up. He’d been humiliated by you and Lewis to one too many times and so he asked for you to leave.
You obeyed and left his apartment. Too hurt and stubborn to speak to one another, you both waited for the other to reach out. A text, a call, something to let the other know that this was stupid and you wanted to be together. But that text, call or something never came. And so you and Charles never spoke again.
Not long after you and Charles ended things, a position in work opened up in Singapore. With nothing meaningful thing you to London any more aside from your best friend Whitney, you applied for it. You were successful and so within a few moments you moved to Singapore for two years.
You finally got your new life and spent the last of your twenties in an amazing city. You even had a few casual, no strings attached situationships. But as you turned 30, you began to miss being closer to home and so you moved back to Europe, this time settling in Paris.
You enjoyed the city and while Paris was famed for being romantic and the city of love, your experience so far had been anything but. Which is why you were here now, letting your new friends Pierre and Kika salvage whatever love life they could manage for you.
You had grown close to them over the past few months. You had met Kika in work and over time she took you under her wing. You hadn’t told Pierre and Kika everything though about your life in London. They knew you were divorced from Lewis and that you had an open marriage got wrong but you had never told them about Charles. How could you even begin to explain that you had fallen in love with someone that wasn’t your husband and then, when you finally had the chance to be with him, you chickened?
No, you couldn’t tell them about Charles. It still hurt you when you thought about how things ended between you. With a heavy heart, you still valued your relationship with him and looked back with fond memories. Charles was still very special and important to you. And so, that was one story you wanted to keep close to your heart.
“Can you just give me a name? Not even a name, just the first letter of his name?”
You were back to whining at Pierre and Kika, begging for any details about this mystery guy that they’d set you up on a blind date with. So far, the only details you had gotten out of them was that you were going out with a guy this Friday night.
As Kika went to open her mouth, feeling a little sorry for you, Pierre flashed her a look.
“Kika, don’t! I know what you girls are like. One sniff of a detail about a man and you girls give the FBI a run of their money, Pierre cried. “No, you’re just going to have to shut up and wait until Friday to meet him”.
Finally accepting defeat, you sighed and rested back against the sofa. Pierre wasn’t giving in this time. With last fight in you, you looked over at Pierre and mumbled,
“Did I ever tell you how much I hated you, Pierre?”
“Yes, everyday”.
It was finally Friday and you still didn’t have a single detail or idea about the man you were meeting for dinner. For all you knew, he could be Timothée Chalamet. Pierre and Kika had given you nothing.
Despite withholding all information about this guy, the did feel bad for you and so had brought you out for a drink before you date to calm the nerves. Just one drink, Pierre had said, they didn’t need you showing pictures of Roscoe to another innocent soul.
As you sat in a Parisian bar, you began to bounce your legs up and down, anything to calm you while you waited for 8pm to arrive. With a quick look at your phone, you saw that it was only 6:30pm.
You were going to need more than one drink if you were going to get through the next ninety minutes. You were halfway through your first Aperol Spritz but you’d need about two more if you were going to be any fun tonight.
“Can you stop bouncing your legs please? It’s incredibly annoying,” Pierre spat.
Kika, being the peace maker gently placed a hand on your knee to prevent you from causing any annoyance or, in the way Pierre was carrying on, preventing you from causing an earthquake.
You loved Pierre, but the two of you behaved like siblings much to Kika’s despair. The two of you constantly bickered and found ways to annoy one another but did deep the two of you were close and had a solid friendship.
“Children, please,” Kika groaned. As she took a quick look at her phone, you took the opportunity to flash Pierre the middle finger.
Another fifteen minutes had passed and you weren’t any less nervous about this date. While you had been on dates before, it was your first blind date. And while you had faith in Pierre and Kika’s taste, you wouldn’t put it past Pierre to drag Quasimodo down from the Notre Dame and bring him to a Parisian restaurant for your date.
Feeling bad that he’d been taunting you for days, Pierre felt like it was time to give you some reassurance.
“I don’t know why you’re so worried, [Y/N]. Despite being a pain in my side, you’re catch. You’re a good looking girl. You’re funny and smart. You’ve lived in four countries, I mean there’s so much to talk about,” Pierre says as he places a second Aperol Spritz in front of you.
You flash him a grateful smile.
“He’s right! You’ve got so much going for you, [Y/N]. Plus your boobs look great in that dress,” Kika added. “And he already things you’re hot”.
Your eyes nearly pop out of your head. “Wait, what? He’s already seen a picture of me”.
Pierre flashes Kika a look of what the fuck did you say that before accepting a small defeat.
“Yes, he’s seen a picture of you. And before you tell me how that’s not fair, he’s not a freak like you two”.
“But Pierre,” you begin but Pierre wags his finger out you.
“No. I’m not hearing it,” Pierre says.
Great, out of the four of you, you’re the most clueless about your date.
“Fine, if you won’t tell me anything about him, can you at least tell me what he said when you showed him a picture about me?”
Exhaling, Pierre nodded. “Sure, he pretty much grabbed my phone out of my hand when I showed him your picture. He seemed pretty into it, wanted to see more photos. Asked how we knew you, wanted to know as much about you as he could.”
“Oh, and you told him everything right?”
Pierre chuckled. “Not everything. Didn’t tell him that you were divorced by 30. I thought that it’d be funny for you to do that on your own”.
You thanked Kika as she hit Pierre for you.
“Sorry. That was harsh. He was interested in what happened in your last relationship though. If it’s any consolation, I’ve had to intervene in his love life too. It’s almost as tragic as yours,” Pierre continued.
You frowned at him. “What do you mean by that?”
“Well,” Pierre hesitated. “He was in a relationship about three years ago. Things were pretty serious but suddenly things changed. There were talking about moving in together but one day, she told him she was thinking about getting back with her ex. They had an argument and didn’t speak after that. The last he heard through a friend was that she had left the country to start a new life.”
A weird feeling of deja vu suddenly hits you. The story sounding very similar to your own. Except that you didn’t get with Lewis. You pause before asking, “Did she get back with the ex?”
“I think so,” Pierre answered. “Either that or she was a snake who used her ex as an excuse to end things with Charles”.
You feel your blood run cold as Pierre accidentally drops the name of your date.
“What did you say his name was?” you ask, making sure you’re not hearing things.
“Merde, I can’t believe I dropped his name at the last hurdle,” Pierre groaned, burying his head in his hands.
You mind was racing a million miles an hour. Surely this was just a coincidence. There was thousands of Charles' in Paris, let alone in France. And what were the odds of Pierre knowing your Charles? And a Charles who had the same break up story as your Charles? No, this couldn’t be it.
“Are you okay, [Y/N]? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Kika asks.
You force a light-hearted laugh before taking a sip of your Aperol Spritz.
“I’m all good, thanks. Just worried that Pierre is going to go into a downward spiral now that his plan of keeping this Charles a secret has failed,” you joked. But deep inside you were freaking out.
What if this was Charles? You weren’t sure if you were ready to see him. Even though it had been three years since things had ended, it still hurt you to think about your relationship. Even three years later, you knew you still loved him. But what about Charles? Did he still love you? Or did he hate you? According to Pierre’s story, he still seemed bitter about this break up with his ex.
“It’s a good thing you don’t have time to go through Instagram and find him then, you’ve got to leave for your date in fifteen minutes,” Pierre reminds you.
This was really happening wasn’t it? You were going to see Charles finally after all these years.
Or maybe you were just being dramatic, maybe this was just a weird, fucked up coincidence.
“Whatever you do, [Y/N], just don’t break my Charlie’s heart, eh? He’s had to fuck his way through dozens of women just to get over her,” Pierre teases.
“Pierre,” Kika squeals, “You can’t tell her that before she meets him”.
But Pierre’s comment goes over your head. Charles’ fucking lots of girls was the least of your worries.
You’re the first one to arrive and the wait is excruciating. You have a look at your phone 8:03pm.
Fuck, it’s been the longest three minutes of your life.
You’re not sure if you want to look at the entrance and see who walks through the door or if you want to keep your head down and pray for the ground to swallow you whole. Right now, the second option feels preferable.
As another minute passes, your phone lights up. It’s a text from Pierre into your group chat with Kika:
Bonne chance! And if we don’t hear back from you by the end of the night, either my friend is a serial killer or you’re 🍆👉🏼🕳️💦
As disgusting as Pierre’s text is, you’re grateful that your mind is occupied for a few moments as you text a:
You’re disgusting 🤮
Once you send your text, you place your phone back down on the table and put your head in your hands, praying for a miracle.
“I’ve thought about what it would be like if I ever saw you again,” it’s a familiar voice coming from behind you, “But I’d never have guessed that it would be the two of us being set up on a blind date”.
Your head shoots up and you turn to the direction of the voice. It’s him. It’s Charles. Your Charles.
“I…,” you begin but that’s all you’ve got. You’re just sitting there with your mouth agape.
Charles smiles at you, he’s much more composed and prepared than you are. How could he not be when he knew long ago that it was you that Pierre was trying to set him up with? He’s probably had days if not weeks to prepare for seeing you in person again.
He takes a few steps towards you before taking your hand in his. Just like the last time, he takes your left one, moving it towards him. He smiles at your hand.
No rings this time around, he thinks to himself before placing a delicate kiss onto your skin.
You feel your cheeks redden at his touch and whatever feelings you’ve harboured for him over the last three years all come rushing back. His touch still feels the same, delicate but purposeful.
He gently lets go of your hand before taking the seat opposite you. You’re still shell shocked that he’s actually here, which is why you can only muster up a, “Hi.”
Charles laughs to himself a little.
“Hi, [Y/N]”.
It falls silent between the two of you. Charles gives you the space to figure out what the fuck is going on while he flicks through the menu for a drink.
You take the opportunity to take in his appearance. He looks good, if not better than the last time. His face is slightly more mature and he’s let his moustache and stubble grow a little longer this time. He’s a little bulkier, clearly he’s been lifting more weights in the gym. His hair looks the same, long and silky. And he’s sporting a tan thanks to the French summer. He dresses better than he did before.
Charles smiles as he’s reading the menu, clearly aware that your eyes are fixated on him, glancing over every inch of his body that you can see. He looks up from the menu and looks at you, still smiling. He’s confident in himself, he knows he’s in control and he seems to be enjoying it.
Embarrassed that you’ve been caught staring, you clear throat and decide to speak your first words of the date.
“Ho-How are you? You look good,” you manage to squeak out.
Fuck, that was embarrassing. Is that it?
Charles chuckles to himself once more before it’s his turn to eye you up. His eyes take in your loose curls that are falling delicately over your shoulders. Your face looks the same, no difference to the last time he saw you. Still so beautiful. You’re rocking a summer tan too. And as for your body, well your breasts look incredible in that peach fitted dress. You didn’t look good, you looked phenomenal.
“I’m good. And you? You’re looking good too but I’m not surprised,” Charles replies.
You blush a little at his comment. “Yeah, I’m fine”.
Taking one last look at the menu, Charles closes it before looking at you. Giving you his full attention.
“How long ago did you find out that it was me you were going on a date with?”
“Erm, about- about thirty minutes ago,” you stutter.
Charles shakes his head. “Fucking Pierre,” he mutters to himself.
“How- how long ago did you know it was me?” you ask ever so quietly.
“About three weeks ago,” he watches for your reaction before continuing, “Look, I don’t want to do this here. And I’m sure you don’t want to do this here either. Let’s go back to my place”.
Without even thinking, you nod. And as Charles stands up from his chair, he puts his hand out for you to hold. His touch is so warm. He smiles at you softly before leading you out of the restaurant into the warm Summer evening.
He’s still holding your hand as he waves down a taxi. As you climb inside, Charles’ hand finds his way to your thigh as he gives his address to the taxi driver.
You can’t help but look at his hand on your thigh. It all feels so surreal. He’s being so nice to you after everything that happened and he’s going against everything that Pierre had said about Charles being hurt by an ex. But maybe Charles had changed, maybe he didn’t hate you that much after how things ended between the two of you.
As your drive through the Parisian streets, Charles’ hand remains on you thigh. And it’s Charles who breaks the silence between you.
“How was New York?”
Your head immediately turns towards him. His expression impossible to read. Confused, you answer him.
“Charles, I never went to New York”.
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the-one-that-weeps · 3 months
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Is it my time to get crucified yet?
Some explanation under the cut:
Honami is the ultimate crybaby. Don't get me wrong, she'll beat you to death with her bare knuckles, she'll just do it while sobbing her eyes out. She's especially sensitive to topics of separation. Get a sad movie about love that was never meant to be and you have a crying Honami and a pissed l/n waiting for you by the door.
Saki is a close second, not only because the Tenmas are genetically crybabies, but also because (after spending so much time in the hospital) even the most normal things can seem overwhelming for her. She's the kind of person to cry when she remembers snakes can't hug because they have no arms. Don't even get me started on how she reacts to sad movies about dogs.
Similarly to Honami, Ichika is extremely sensitive to topics of separation, loneliness and doomed yuri. If anyone in l/n makes a divorce joke she'll come running to them 5 minutes later with her big wet eyes and whine "baeee, *hic* please go back to bed i misss uuuu"
Please join the crybaby Ena Shinonome agenda. Sure she's not the usual "ueueueue😭" crybaby but she's one nonetheless please I will literally die on this hill
Emu Otori almost got her own section because even though she's made cry fairly easily nobody ever sees her like that except wxs, and even then it happens only seldom. She's only lower than Tsukasa because she doesn't get the daily wxs-typical bug exposure Tsukasa gets.
Almost put An in the section below but I think she's doing better than them. *casually erases Lutf and wtwg from the viewer's head*
Rui doesn't know how to cry in the same way some people don't know how to whistle. He will scrunch his face in abnormal ways but a tear will never shed.
Changed Haruka as a last moment epiphany but I think she just forgot how to cry all that much after being an idol for so long. She can if she really wants to but most of the time she'll just stare at you with her weezer blue orbs and feel bad for the rest of her life *points at her initial 3* untrained*
Nene and Shiho look absolutely delightful while crying, they just see it as a skill issue type of thing.
But if you've ever read mmj main story you know Airi is an ugly crier.
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Please appreciate this wet ass creature. /aff
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writers-potion · 5 months
I don't know how to make the two love interest meet. I don't know if you understand without it actually being awkward or flat
Meet-Cute Ideas
Before I dive into meet-cute examples, let's look at some general tips for meet-cutes:
Four Different Kinds of Meet-Cutes
Pull/Pull Meet-Cutes where the two characters are instantly drawn toward one another. 
Push/Push Meet-Cutes where they are opposites that push away from each other at first. 
Push/Pull Meet-Cutes where one character falls for someone with no reciprocal interest (at first).  
Neutral/Nervous Meet-Cutes where neutrality and nervousness create a cute scenario for characters destined to fall in love. 
How to Avoid Cliche Meet-Cutes!
Subvert audience expectations by making them believe a cliche meet-cute is coming, and then adding a creative twist to make yours stand apart. 
Place meet-cutes in unique locations. 
Put characters in different scenarios and situations. 
Meet Cute Ideas
A is in the waiting room of a hospital while their grandmother goes through a routine procedure. B walks in and sits across from A, head in hands, obviously distraught — “I lost the baby,” B whispers.
You accidentally sprayed them with yogurt when you opened the lid the wrong way.
Studying at the same table in the library, you see they are pulling the same study resources as you.
They mistook your bowling ball for theirs in the shared ball return.
They caught you when you slipped on ice and nearly fell over.
Accidentally stepping on their heel in a crowded room.
You both do the side-to-side dance when you try to pass them in the grocery store aisle.
Humming a song and having them begin to hum with you without thinking.
Tripping while getting into your seat in the theater and spilling your popcorn on them.
You matched with them in an online chat roulette room.
Both of you wore the same ugly Christmas sweater to a party.
A likes to visit the local humane society to say hello to the animals. On this particularly normal day, something especially abnormal happens — one of the dogs speaks. “Help me get out of here, will ya?”
A finds a book of magic in their grandparents attic. A takes it to a Wiccan shop and hesitantly asks B, the shopkeeper, to take a look at it. B takes one look at it and in hushed tones asks, “Where did you get this?”
They cover the small amount of change you are short on for a purchase.
You both go to the counter, having the same type of coffee called for pick-up.
A is walking down the street and notices B, who is staring at a large graffiti mural, tears streaming silently down their face. The mural reads, “you are alive.”
They pull you out of the way from the busy bike path.
They see your ice cream drop to the ground and buy you a new one.
You see your favorite book on their desk during class and ask them about it afterwards.
You walk out of a dressing room asking if the outfit suits you, but it's not your friend waiting outside the room like you thought.
Almost spilling a drink because you met their eyes and got distracted thinking how cute they are.
Getting paired up in a line dance.
Happening to sit next to each other on a park bench, reading the same book.
Being paired up at a beginners ballroom dancing class.
Sharing an umbrella at a bus stop as it snows.
They get your attention and return your phone that fell out of your pocket.
You help catch their dog when the leash slips from their hand.
They ask you to pretend to be their date at a bar to prevent an ex from talking to them.
You help pull a loose thread off the back of their shirt.
Meeting their gaze after throwing a coin in a wishing fountain.
Sitting next to each other at a very boring meeting and bonding over your shared lack of attention.
You wear matching masks at a masquerade party.
Holding the elevator for them and getting off on the same floor.
Bumping into each other while trying to pass through a doorway.
They jump into your car breathless and tell you to keep driving.
You throw a snowball at a friend but miss and hit them instead.
The two of you wear costumes from the same fandom at a costume party.
You help a lost child find their parent together.
Walking into the incorrect bathroom and meeting eyes with them before quickly realizing the mistake.
You help catch their hat as it flies away in the wind.
The person sitting next to you on the train is wearing clothes that match your lucky colors from your fortune that morning in the paper.
They knock on your apartment door instead of your neighbor's.
You both reach for the last umbrella in the store on a rainy day.
You fix your hair in the reflection of a window to see them smiling at you through it.
You get scared by them in a corn maze and lash out and hit them, quickly followed by apologizes.
A spots B writhing on the ground in pain and rushes over to help them — but it turns out that B was actually just filming for a prank video. A gets so mad and upset that B is forced to calm them down as a crowd is beginning to form around them.
Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation.
A stops at the pub near their house to pick up some food on the way home (they make the best fries in the neighbourhood) when A receives a phone call – and some terrible news. A starts crying and B, the bartender, asks A what’s wrong. As A opens up to them, B gives A a drink on the house, and helps talk them through it.
You both reach for the final donut in the case at a bakery.
Getting paired up on an amusement park that requires even numbered riders.
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yan-lorkai · 6 months
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Was listening some horror stories while I finished some projects then got inspired by it and wrote this. Hope u guys like it <3
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Platonic yandere content, kidnapping, murder. Probably typos too.
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"Nuh-uh, dad!" You looked at the book Lilia carried with him. He had read this book for you a thousand times and a pout formed on your lips, already thinking how you would have to bear this torture again.
There was nothing wrong with the stories, per say. But they get a little old and boring when you had heard them this many times. And Lilia was quite forgetful so asking him to buy other books wasn't always a successful endeavor. Though when you asked him to create a story he told you he wans't creative enough either. You aren't having any of that. You were tired of hearing about snow white, rapunzel, ugly duckling and all the classics. You wanted something new and today you would have it.
"Tell me another story, please!" You asked, making your best puppy eyes at him. Those eyes worked on Silver and Sebek, so you wanted to try on him as well. His reaction was different from the one you were expecting though, Lilia smiled and patted your head.
You loved having him read to you - it was your favorite activity to bond with your father, where you solved mysteries with him and laughed at silly pickup lines, but Lilia was still fond of the classics. There was though another book, called The General Tales. The author was unknown and the cover was painted a dark red, it was strange. And you hadn't the chance to read it because your father was very conscious about it, hiding when you so much as glanced in its direction.
You could only suppose it was a horror book. But you were already quite grown up. You were almost 13 years old! You could sit through any story he read without having nightmares! He didn't seem to agree.
"What am I going to do with you, little batty?" Lilia mused to himself when you showed the book. There was an excited glee in his eyes whenever he looked at it, as if it contained his favorite memories; little did you know what was written on those pages and how much blood they had seen. How much blood Lilia used to write those same pages.
He smiled finally. Dangerously, like he did when you pranked him and he was plotting his revenge.
You make space in your bed for him to sit beside you and he opened those secret pages you had always wondered about. They were yellowed by the time and some were dog eared, written in a beautiful yet hushed cursive. You were fascinated.
Lilia waited till you made yourself comfortable, laying your head against his chest and body nestled into his side, so he turned some pages, humming to himself. You could only think what kind of story would he read to you. You could only hope it was scary. It wans't night time yet and even if you got scared then surely at night, when he put you to bed, you would have already forgotten all the gorey details. Right...?
"There was a couple who lived happily at the woods," Lilia's deep voice started its tale and you closed your eyes to fully immerse yourself in your imaginnation as you listened to him. "but then a plague started to poison the soil and their crops were destroyed. The walk to the nearest village used to take a whole day to go and another to come back. The husband tried to hunt animals to feed his lover and their one year old child but he failed each and every time. Without other options he started traveling to this village."
"Wait, what about the plague?" You asked fulled with curiosity. Then you through to yourself why they didn't tried to make it go away somehow.
Either they tried and didn't worked. Or they didn't even thought about it. Nonetheless, you brushed it off as they don't having this knowledgment. But this bugged you for a second. Humans and faes knew about plagues and how to get rid of them, they been doing this since they were brought to existence.
Your question made Lilia smile cheerfully, you observed. He must be proud of you for asking this, as he had homeschooled you and used to brag about how smart you was to anyone who wanted to listen - he'd brag even if they didn't want to hear. "Ah, you see, they were bad people. The soil knew this and rejected them, my dear."
Well... Growing in Briar Valley you knew this was probable to happen. Fae were internally linked to their florests and woods, and rivers and oceans, and everything nature could touch. That was also why Lilia raised both you and your older brother, Silver, in the woods. He used to take both of you to fish, and swim and watch the dawn all the time. Though time changed and life got busier, maybe you ask him to take you fishing again someday. Or to go camping somewhere.
"Makes sense, what happened to them then?"
"The man bought everything he needed, every last golden coin spent. But he had food for months to come, he was already imagining what his wife would cook on the way back when an incident happened."
Lilia turned the page and you could see a little drawing of a man horse riding into the horizon. Then he started reading again after taking in your expressions.
"A stag came running at him, the horse didn't react at time and both animals collided. Wounded, the animal couldn't walk and neither could the man who had fallen and sprained his ankle. Snow was falling, surrounding him like a veil, all the food he brought with their remaining gains lost there. He thought to himself 'I'm going to die certainly', rejected he was once, rejected he was at that moment. Lost and in pain, feeling miserable, he tried to stand but failed. Every attempt more painful than the other. A river was falling from his eyes when he finally gave up."
Your heart ached at this. But you hoped for the better. Freezing and being left hungry during winter sounded like hell. Lilia pinched your cheek when he noticed you frowning. He laughed at the face you make at him, annoyed at your father's antics.
Lilia smiled. "Nope. Nope, instead he had heard a voice from the woods, a hooded figure was suddenly standing in front of him. He could only see the figure's blood red eyes."
"Oh no, did he die?"
You looked at your father. "Your eyes are red!"
Lilia nodded, his leg bouncing with how excited he was from reading this story. "Do you think the hooded figure was me?"
"Well, it was?" You replied with another ask. Your father didn't respond.
Instead he continued reading. "If I save you, what can you get me in return? The hooded figure asked, crouching to be on the man height. Their touch was tender as they wiped his tears and looked at him, but there was something in them that make him tremble more than snow could. There was something truly evil behind those eyes, something terrible behind that smile. The man didn't answer nor said anything for various minutes. Though for him, hours seemed to have passed. Maybe even years as he looked at those eyes."
"Nah, I didn't think it was you," You thought out loud. "Your eyes are very beautiful and gentle."
Returning your little compliment, Lilia squeezed you in a side hug while laughing. "Oh, thank you sugar. Your eyes are beautiful too."
"But they aren't red as yours." You pouted.
"You wanted them to be?" You nodded. Nor you or Silver have his red eyes. But you wish you had. His eyes were unique, were cute but also intimidating. So intimidating when he wanted them to be that you were imagining that the hooded figure had those same eyes.
You both stayed in that hug before you remind him to read again. There were fewer pages to go now. And again there was a drawing, this time you could see the man with that figure chatting while snow pilled beside them, as if the cold didn't bothered them. Then on another page he stood up and a carriage had appeared, he held the wet food in his arms, saving whatever it was possible to save. He would go back home to his family.
But at what price? It wans't written. The author had keeped too vague.
"When he arrived home, with a new horse and a carriage, which the hooded figure told him to sell for its quality was impressive and he would gain even more gold than he had spended, he was his child running at him, happy that their, uh, father had finally returned. The entire time though, the man could still feel the figure's eyes on him, could see those eyes in his mind. But he pushed those thoughts out of his mind, held his child and whirled around with them to they laughed. He watched them disappear back inside when they got too cold. And then he explained what had happened to his wife, she deserved to know."
He explained this incident with the stag, about the hooded figure and the deal he made with it. And very lowly he whispered how he wouldn't follow his part of the deal - and lying to a fae is something one must never do. Something he shouldn't have done. But he did. And that's the soil reject them even more.
Beneath the earth it was possible to feel the tremors or the wind that pushed everything out of its way. Lilia read how the man dealed with each and every tribulation, how he passed the trials and went his way around the deal, doind the bare minimum to ensure only his and his family safety. He only forgotten that the figure could see him.
"Then one night the hooded figure came to pay him a visit. It knocked on the door and it smiled when it saw the wife holding her child, looking at it with clear fear in her eyes. Like her husband, the wife was trembling in its presence. She let it enter, if anything because she couldn't send him away, she didn't know with what she was dealing, she couldn't act wrong and jeopardize her child safety. Instead she played the role of a welcoming hostess."
Lilia paused a second to breathe then he smiled as if he too was imagining what happened next. Pressed against him you were still. Were it going to kill everyone?
"Please, you may sit here. Do you want to eat something or perhaps are you thirsty? She asked. The air around them was tense. Though her child was poking the stranger without fear, filled with innocent curiosity. The figure picked the child and looked at their eyes. A carnivorous smiled streched on it's face. 'This will be not necessary' the figure said.'"
Another dramatic pause. It was so silent you could hear the birds flying from a considerate distance. It was so silent that you could focus on the blood flowing on your veins. You were anxious to know what happened next. And your father seemed to take fun on this, delaying his narrative to look at the drawing of the figure and the child. This one was colored and you noticed that the child looked just like you. Same hairstyle and same color eye, even same skin color.
You didn't know how to feel about it. You was thinking about what the figure would do to that child. Coming from a horror book you had only one guess. Lilia though didn't share your apprehension as he started narrating again.
"'Call your husband and let's eat. Together. No lies this time or this cutie will pay the price.' The figure warned her. But it know what was fated to happen. The couple were liars and no good persons. Of course they were going to lie. When everyone was seated to eat, the wife served first her guest then her husband then her child and finally herself; though the figure was still holding the child. The wife looked like she wanted to ask something but held her tongue."
Lilia licked his fingers and turned the page. Your heart breaked at the drawing. It seemed painful and explicit but you keeped yourself from looking away, you asked for him to read and you wanted to hear and see everything.
"'Open wide, little one.' The figure told the child, holding Its own spoon of soup to feed the baby. The mother seemed alarmed by it as if she had just done something stupid. And she did, poisoned the figure's spoon and plate, and food too. She held its hand and looked at it with pleading eyes. She fell to her knees, afraid for her child's life and security, stuttering and mumbling. 'please, don't.' she asked it. And a laughed escaped the hooded figure's lips, so sweet, so dangerous, he looked at the child who made grabby hands at the food. 'I said no lies yet you lied to me, tried to deceit me when I've been nothing if good for the both of you. And what did I asked in return? Say it, word by word, to her, mighty husband.' The wife looked at her husband."
"But it was so vague... Dad, what did it said?" At this your father patted your hair, twirling his fingers in your hair to distract you. He almost never replied to you in these moments, wanting you to draw your own conclusions. Still you wished he answered you on this matter. You were too curious and inquisitive.
"'I want you to restore the crops with this insecticide I'm giving you, I want you to make house for the birds and for you to clean the rivers when they thaw. And... And I want your first-born, f-for them to take your place, a-a life for a lif...' The husband answered, without finding his wife's eyes. Though he didn't looked at her, he knew how the color vanished from her face and how she was stunned into silence. He had never mentioned the part where the figure wanted their child, had he done that she would killed him herself. Her pregnancy was problematic and painful but she was so happy that her child was here now, she was delighted to her their little laugh and see them starting to walk and talk. And he stole all this from her."
You gripped your father's arm, you aren't expecting this betrayal. You expected the hooded figure to be the killer who would slaughter everyone and then dance upon their corpses. But there was something intimately sad knowing that someone so close as a father to his own child, could be a liar. You felt a bad taste on your tongue. Though part of you was excited to see where things were going now. Would be possible for this story to have a happily after all? Part of you didn't know but you hoped so.
"'You lied to me? About this?' The poor wife was inconsolable, struggling even to stand still as her whole face burned with ire. She knew nothing could be done. Maybe it was her own fear, maybe it was the figure's presence who seemed to feed into her negative feelings, the next second she threw herself on top of her husband punching and screaming at him. Her chair had fallen to the ground with her plate, food flying everywhere. The hooded figure sighed but tucked the child's face in his neck for them to not see this. The couple flighted like two angry kittens, disjointed, clumsy, without really knowing where to hit to hurt more. It was pitiful to watch. It hummed while the scene unfolded before its eyes. They fought and screamed but the figure still soothed the scared child who gripped its clothes hard. It prevent them from turning around, holding them tightly against it. 'Just a second, little one.' it told them."
A knife fell from the table when the husband managed to kick his wife off him. She hitted her back at the wooded table's leg but took the knife and looked at him with bloodthirsty eyes. She tried to stab him but he dodge and evaded every attack, he laughed at it. And she was feeling angry, so angry she'd die if she could kill him and then the entity who watched them in silence. "I hate you. You ruined everything. You couldn't even do a thing right!"
Her words were words of a frightened woman and, above all, a mom who knew she had lost her child. The precious child who bringed so much life and happiness into her life. You felt sad at this. They were both bad. The husband for making the deal and then not following it, and the wife for trying to poison the hooded figure without trying to ask what it wanted. You wonder if things would have ended differently if they didn't lie.
"The husband could only smile and roll his eyes at this. Nothing he could say was going to be enough, nothing he could say was going to comfort her or save them from their demise. The fight ended when he twisted her own arm and stabbed her with the knife, twisting. She fell on the ground painfully, blood painting the carpet. The last thing she saw was her child sleeping on that creature's arms."
You sniffled, trying to stifle your cry so not get attention of your father. But he was perceptive, always was. He could know what you were doing even if he wasn't in the same room you were. It was a dad instinct kinda of thing, you thought once.
Lilia patted your head, letting you feel what you were feeling without commenting on the small tears that rolled down your chest or tease you. He had told you and Silver multiple times to not be ashamed to cry or feel freely, to not repress your emotions. And you weren't ashamed by it. But you did thought you were overreacting a little. It was just a story after all!
"The now armed man swinged at the hooded figure, tears falling from his eyes the same way they have fallen weeks before. This time though he had an ever more serious reason to cry, he had killed his wife. He lost the one he loved it and it was all that hooded figure fault. Or so he said to himself, still lying. Fighting though was futile, his effort was futile, he was no match for the figure, so agile and fast, even if it was holding a sleepy baby on its arms, it still could fight with ease as if battle and fight were it's old friends. It killed the man easily, with a swing of it's hands and a little magic, the man joined his wife in the afterlife where she would want him down eternally."
You jumped a little when he closed the book, looking at him in disbelief. The tears had dried on your eyes but they were still a little red from crying. "That's how it ends?"
Lilia nodded then added. "Though there's still a line. It goes like: the entity looked at the child affectionately, it had what it wanted, it had the child. The hooded figure finally lowered the hood from its face, revealing its young and yet deceitful appearance. It was a he and he looked at the child gently. 'I'm going to call you Yuu. Fufufu, how does that sound, Yuu?'"
You whined in surprise. It was your name! You liked to think that your name was unique and no one else had it, just so you could feel a little special, but at that moment you didn't know how you felt. There were so many plot twists in that story, your mind seemed to run a marathon by how hard you were thinking about everything. Only thing you could muster was. "They were dumbing, lying to a fae."
Though you wonder... Why there was a drawing of a child so similar to you and that also has your name? You searched for you father's eyes and found him him staring at you. But he wasn't staring how he used to stare, it was mischievous, evil. Dangerous. You found out that you couldn't move, paralyzed in fear while his eyes searched for something inside your soul. Whatever it was he seemed happy, his gaze softening as the minutes passed, his headpats returning slowly.
"How does tea sounds, little one?" He asked. It sounded like death coming from him, Lilia managed to even burn the water. You mumbled something, too busy thinking about the story to care that you were about to be poisoned by Lilia's tea. There was many puzzle pieces missing for you to complete the entire frame.
Maybe someday, Lilia thought with a smug smile.
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tossawary · 11 months
Someone responded, "Howl would do chores for Sophie! He loves her so much!" to that Prince Turniphead house-boyfriend post about the "Howl's Moving Castle" movie where I said that Howl wouldn't reliably help around the house. And... no. No, I said RELIABLY, that's a really important word here, but also no.
Nothing about his home setup (the mess of the kitchen in the beginning, the RAINBOW BATHROOM, his cluttered bedroom) suggests that he's in the habit of picking up after himself. I don't think he's purposefully a slob, but I do think he's too distractible and thoughtless to do the required regular cleaning. I think he's a "I'll put this down here for now and deal with it later *proceeds to walk around this object every day for the next three years while doing more interesting / immediate things*" person at best. Being in love does not suddenly change all your habits as a person or your personal interests! I think Howl would definitely try (important word here) to do better for Sophie, but I think it would take a lot of work and he's kind of lazy about these things!
I do think he cooks. Movie Howl IS shown cooking with Calcifer and I think he and his fire demon could have fun with that task, very cute, and leave a mountain of dishes behind them in the process.
Also, (trying to limit referencing the books for those who haven't read them, but I can't resist here) Book Sophie is... kind of controlling and loves to complain? And can also do magic herself? When I said that Howl can't be trusted to RELIABLY do chores, it's partly because I don't think he'd be doing them to 1) Sophie's exacting standards and 2) in the EXACT way that Sophie wants it done. I think Sophie would in many cases decide that it's easier just to train Howl to better stay out of her way, honestly.
Especially because HOWL IS A WIZARD!!! You can't fucking trust those assholes with a simple chore! It doesn't occupy their brains enough and they're ALWAYS going to think, "I bet I could invent a spell to do this for me," and that's how you get floating dishes or animated broomsticks or a fucking water spirit in your house. It's the hubris! Can't smack it out of wizards with a stick!
Howl swallowed a star and made a deal with a fire demon! He built a giant walking castle that was holding together JUST using magic (it completely fell apart at the end of the movie) and wandered freely around the country! He was pretending to be two different people to run businesses and then abandoned the buildings when the government caught up to him! I'm pretty sure he used a magic spell to SQUAT in Sophie's family's former hat shop! He impersonated the king! He dodged the draft literally afterwards in an airship battle! He nearly irreversibly turned himself into a bird monster and fought bombing airships by HIMSELF - and there's no way that Sophie wasn't confusedly picking black feathers off the floor. He summoned the spirits of darkness and started turning into ooze because his hair dye came out the wrong color!
Howl would TRY for Sophie, I believe that. I just also think that he'd rather use magic to completely renovate the entire house than actually scrub floors. I think he would invent an incredibly ugly magical vacuum cleaner for her and Sophie would love it so much that she would choose to overlook the fact that it tries to eat the carpet and curtains and the dog sometimes. I think that if Book Sophie was told she could melt wizards with a bucket of soapy water with a little bit of lemon juice (like the Enchanted Forest Chronicles), she COULD DO IT by choosing to believe it, and Howl hides from her and that bucket because he loves her but she's TERRIFYING.
If Sophie's sister Lettie was visiting and Sophie was panicking because she hadn't had the time to dust on top of the guest room wardrobe... whatever the magical equivalent of shoving all of your stuff into a closet at the last minute to make the place LOOK clean is, THAT's how Howl would help.
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emeritusemeritus · 6 months
hello !! 🌷 i read spellbound and im IN LOVE with the way you write, so could i request a weasley twins x reader as well? if you don't want to write both twins in love with reader, then just fred </3
so the reader is a hufflepuff student who has been close friends with the twins since the first year at hogwarts, to the point of molly inviting her to stay for a few days sometimes. and the twins (or just fred) like reader so much as a best friend— until reader becomes more than that.
something "but you belong to me." with them. like, reader getting asked out and people confessing to her, but the twins are possessive of her; mysteriously, people who confess to reader inevitably get a wave of bad luck (because of the twins' pranks).
a more possessive side of them, you know? house of balloons has been on my mind these days 2!€+2(3 🤕
thank you so much ! i hope you have a lovely day.
Hi lovely, hope you are well!Thank you so much! I hope this is okay for you?!🖤
Warnings: minor sexual references, pranks, mild swearing. Possessive behaviour, slightly dominant twins. Love confessions.
Word count: 2.2k
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You're in my world now, you can stay, you can stay
But you belong to me, ooh, you belong to me
Being best friends with both Weasley Twins had many pros and cons, of which you'd considered frequently over the years.
They were funny, charming and kind, kept you on your toes, you never went more than an hour without belly laughing. Your life was abundantly better because they were in it.
On the other hand, you got way more detentions, had to attend quidditch matches that weren't your own house and even if they were you were cheering for the wrong team because you were a Hufflepuff and they were Gryffindor beaters. Their family was far from rich, not that it ever bothered you in the slightest, but from another more shallow persons perspective you could see how that would be a factor.
Most importantly, they seemed to scare all the boys away you ever dared approach you. Like guard dogs they seemed to deter any boy away from you and in turn there was not a single boy good enough for you that you'd even shown interest in as Fred and George were always quick to point out their faults, making your crush disappear soon after.
It wasn't always like that but around your fifth year you seemed to take notice of the rather starling pattern of events that repeatedly kept happening. A boy would show interest in you, flirty looks that lingered and secret stolen smiles, maybe they'd even approach you and ask you to Hogsmeade, but most of them didn't get that far. You'd mention it in passing to the twins, catching them up on your days after having your owl classes spent away from each other and by the next day, all semblance of attraction would be lost. The boy would often not look at you, look fearfully at you or worse, would randomly spout big puss filled boils all over his face.
You were ignorant to it in the beginning, but then you began to take it personally thinking that someone was playing a joke on you, getting the boys to pretend to be attracted only to laugh with their friends behind your back.
"Angel I'm telling you that is definitely not happening," George had said to console you as you cried to them both down by the lake after hours.
"We'd have heard about it wouldn't we," he adds, gesturing between him and Fred who looks on at you with worry in his eyes.
"Yeah," Fred nods, "nobody ever says anything bad about you. You're not the kind of girl that would happen to anyway."
"What to your mean?" You'd asked, sounding more than a little pathetic as you sniffled, wiping your nose on the sleeve of your jumper and then casting a spell to clean it off.
"You're pretty, really pretty," George says, a gentle smile on his face.
"More than pretty, that crap only happens to the ugly girls and you are definitely not ugly," Fred says, throwing himself on the floor beside you.
"Probably just lost his nerve that's all," Fred adds, picking up a rock and trying to skim it across the lake.
After that night you watched the interactions closely, anytime a boy would try and approach you, putting on his best smile. Some were nervous, some where cocky but in the end they all ended up the same way, actively avoiding you. It was your sixth year now and you were growing tired of it, leading you to venting your frustrations to the twins during another late night adventure.
"I'm fed up of it! I want to experience going to Hogsmeade with someone,"
"You do that with us," George says with a cocky smirk, but you simply shoot him a glare as you carry on.
"I want to hold someone's hand, have them tell me I look pretty."
"I did that this morning," Fred interjects.
"I want to be dated, i want to be kissed, I want to have sex!"
"I volunteer!" Both twins say, immediately standing up with their hands raised, earning a roll of your eyes as you laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.
"Both of you sit down and shut up!" You laugh, pushing them back to lean on the stone wall they were originally sat on. "I'm serious, I think there's something wrong with me."
"There's not a single thing wrong with you princess," Fred says, turning to George who backs him is with a slow shake of his head. "Those boys are just idiots, you're better off with us."
When the Yule Ball was announced and people started immediately bagging dates, your concern only grew as time passed and you weren't asked. It was strange, you'd see the boys looking at you, heard rumours they were going to ask you from your friends but then nothing seemed to happen. Until Cedric came along. You'd been friends since your first year, not overly close but friendly enough, you shared classes together and he was an excellent quidditch player, almost as good as George and Fred.
"Hi, um, how are you?" He asks, cheeks flushed pink as he catches you in the corridor outside the great hall.
"Hi Ced, I'm good thanks how are you?" You smile up at him, confused by his nervousness. His foot was bouncing on the spot and his hands seemed to fluctuate between being in his robe pockets to outside again, almost like he couldn't make up his mind at where to keep them.
"I was wondering," he pauses slightly, "are you with the Weasley twins?"
"Umm no I don't know where they are? I assume they're at dinner," you say with a frown, wondering why he was bringing up Fred and George so randomly. He lets out a nervous chuckle, placing his hands back in his pocket as he shakes his head slightly with a shy smile.
"No I meant, with them, you know," he says, emphasising the 'with' this time.
"Oh, no," you say with a smile, "not with anyone."
"Good," he says quickly before realising what he'd said. "I mean... sorry." It was almost painful to experience this, watching as he stumbled through his words. "I was wondering if you wanted to go."
"There she is!" Fred says, walking over to you having appeared out of the hall, throwing his arm around your shoulder and pulling you tightly to his side.
"Thanks mate, sometimes she wanders off, good job keeping your eye out for her, appreciate it."
Fred pulls you away and you're so stunned that you mindlessly follow him, your mind not able to string two thoughts together as you take a place beside them at the Gryffindor table, taking off your tie so you wouldn't be spotted amongst the crowd of Gryffindors.
"What was that about?" You suddenly ask, snapping out of your confused gaze and looking up accusingly at Fred who's devouring a chicken leg with as much tact and delicacy as Fang would.
"What?" He asks with mouth full of food making you squint at him in disgust as he asks stupid.
The next time it happened, you realised something was up.
Ron and Harry were discussing dates in study class across the table from you when they got the news from Hermione that even Neville had got a date, making him more depressed than ever.
"Y/n, you're a girl," he says, pushing back his hair from his face as he addresses you.
"What gave it away?" You snark, hardly looking up from your parchment as you finish up your sentence. Fred snorts on your right side and goes back to his own writing, if that's what you could call it with his terrible handwriting. You can almost feel George beside you tensing up, his shoulders squaring as he looks at his brother, watching him closely.
"We'll have you got a date? You could go with me," Ron says with a little shrug, unsure of himself.
"She's already going with us, back off little brother," Fred says suddenly, eyes snapping up to glare at his younger brother with the same viciousness as his tone.
"Since when?" You ask, eyeing him curiously.
"You want to?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You look towards George who looks on expectantly and you relent, knowing that it would be better to go with your best friends than go alone.
"Fine," you say, "but no funny business," you warn them both, stretching out your index finger to point at the both of them accusingly.
"Never," George says dramatically, closing his eyes as if the very thought was unheard of, making you glare at him.
Apparently the word didn't spread quick enough about you going with Fred and George because only two hours later you were asked by Justin.
"Well I wasn't sure if you were going with them both or not, I heard it last week but you hadn't said anything since," he explains after you'd tried to delicately let him down.
"Wait what? Last week?" You ask, confused by his words. He nods slowly, as if you should know.
"Yeah I heard them telling Lee that you were going with both of them, which you know Lee, it spread quicker than jam on toast. No one really thought anything of it at first, I mean George said ages ago that you're practically dating them."
"Excuse me."
The realisation had your head spinning, had they really be plotting for this long. It was then all along?
"Oi Weasley and Weasley, open up!" You said loudly, banging on their dorm room door, having crept in with Ginny on the way in past the portrait hole.
"Our favourite girl, how can we be of service?" Fred asks as he opens up the door, giving you a brilliant smile. He's shirtless and you falter slightly at the unexpectedness of the view. When he catches you looking he winks playfully as he shuts the door.
"Still want no funny business?" He teases, hopping down onto his bed.
"I know it was you two," you say, catching George unaware as he walks out of the bathroom, seeing you stood by the door. "It all makes perfect sense now! You've been pushing the lads away haven't you! Practically bloody dating?" You shout, shooting George a thunderous look. "Bit suspicious that the last three blokes that tried to ask me out have a) magically developed a face full of boils, b) had his eyebrows burnt off and c) got a bloody black eye from your stupid telescope! Tell me now, is it a coincidence?"
For the first time, you see the twins share a look between themselves before their faces twist into guilty expressions.
"It's just," Fred begins.
"You belong with us," George says, taking a seat opposite where you stood on his bed.
"Excuse me?" You say, brows pulling together as you send them both a harsh glare.
"You're ours princess, you always have been. Just like we're yours."
You're speechless as you look between them both, seeing them looking back at you with expressions you'd never seen in them. They looked hungry, honest and slightly vulnerable, rendering you completely mute until you could find the right words.
"How long?"
"Can't remember," Fred replies quickly, honestly. "Before you first came home with us for the holidays."
"That was third year!"
"Second year then," he says with a shrug, completely unashamed to be answering so honestly, unashamed of his feelings.
"The bloody sorting ceremony if I'm being honest," George says a bit less bluntly, "but definitely when you threw that snowball straight at Fred's head for calling you badger girl," he says with a chuckle, making a smile appear on your face.
"I swear I've still got a mark from that!" Fred says with a smirk and you roll your eyes at his dramatics. "Should have been a bloody beater with that aim."
“I’ll beat you now,” you threaten playfully, watching as his face erupts with a devilish grin.
“Beat me off whenever you like,” he retort and you have to fight rolling your eyes again as a smile tugs at your face.
It's quiet for a moment, no one speaking, not knowing how to proceed.
"You really mean it? You… both…me?"
"Yup,” they both say, as if it was nothing, as if you’d asked them to borrow a pencil.
“Told you Angel, we’re yours, always have been. If you’ll have us.” They both look up at you with hope clearly plastered across their faces, eyes twinkling as they show their vulnerability.
“One condition,” you say, cocking an eyebrow up at them.
“Anything princess,” Fred says.
“No more pranks on lads that talk to me, not everyone was trying to ask me out you know.”
They look like they’re going to protest, not liking the idea of the lads talking to you especially if you were now theirs but you smirk and decide to put their minds at ease.
“Once everyone knows I’m yours, officially this time, it won’t be a problem.”
“And how to we do that?” George asks, squinting a little.
“Either of you ever given a love bite?”
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kromeihl · 4 months
hi Mei!! I love your stories, I have a request for you.😭 Can you do an angst to fluff bully to liver with crush and reader. But the crush is a male😭😭 please and thank you 🙌
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ Bittersweet ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
WARNING(s): Mentions of bullying, blood, cursing, embarrassing moments
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I LOVE BULLY AND BULLIED TO LOVERS TROUPE! I know it's sooo cliche but hey, it's adorable and the tension– I love it 😍 Thank you so much for loving my stories 🫶🏽 So sorry that this is VERY delayed, I just got back to writing and this will be the first I will write. 😽
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"Again?!" I angrily slammed my fists on my desk, the teacher quickly shushing me.
"[Name], don't you dare slam your fist on the table! What if it breaks? Is it your property?" The teacher says angrily, placing the ruler she used to point on the whiteboard, on the table.
"Sorry, teacher. It's just that SOMEONE wrote some shit about me on a piece of crampled paper!" I said, glaring at the person seated behind me.
The teacher slams her fist on the whiteboard, angrily. "[Name]! You are not allowed to cuss in my class, and even talk back to me." She furrows her eyebrows.
"Detention, after school, for TWO hours." She grabs the ruler and points it at the male behind me. "You too mister, THREE hours for you!"
He rolls his eyes, "Ma'am, are you even allowed to extend detention? Isn't it only allowed for an hour?" He talks back, crossing his arms. I glared at him, his eyes connecting with mine.
He gets the hint that, that was a look of 'Please shut up, you're making things worst.' but he shrugs it off, ugh, the nerve of this guy!
"You want to make it overnight, Mr. [Crush's Last Name]?" The teacher bites her inner cheek, an act to try and stop her anger overflow.
He simply ignores the teacher as she tries to calm down. "Please be seated, [Name]. Do not disturb my class ever again."
I angrily sat down, reading the paper again. Yeah, okay, he may be annoying but him just simply writing down random words in paper makes me feel cared for. Just kidding (not really).
'Red is red, blue is blue, you got some red shit on you.' I furrowed my brows, slowly turning to look behind me. He slowly looks up at me.
God, he sure is a bitch but an insanely hot one— I shook the train of thoughts off my head and showed him the paper, pointing at it.
"What do you mean by this nonesense?" I whispered, yeah, if it was any other day I would ignore it because he would write things like 'You're looking mad ugly today.' or 'I hope a dog bites your shoe off.' But this one was new.
He looks at me up and down, he stares at my skirt, making me crample the paper again and throw it at his face. He grunts, rubbing his eye. "Ouch!" He says quietly.
"Why are you staring at me like that?!" I say angrily, as quiet as I could. "I think you're on your red day." He shrugs. I felt my heart drop. No way, no fu—
I quickly look through my bag, but I remembered that my last pad was given to my friend last week. Shoot, I forgot to get some more at home.
I could hear him laughing at the back, "Pfftt, looks like someone got their ketchup spilled." He says slightly loud, earning small giggles from the class.
I could feel hot tears form in my eyes, I raised my hand and excused myself from the class, trying to hide the red stain from behind my skirt.
I ran to the bathroom and luckily no one was there, I felt the hot tears drip from my eyes, to my cheeks, to my chin. I continued to weep like a baby and sat on the counter, trying to open the faucet but it was broken.
I looked around to find at least tissues or anything, but none was present. I stayed there for a few moments, and the bell finally rang. I still had detention so I sat there for a few minutes, I'd probably be alone in the room so—
I heard a knock on the door. That's confusing, why do they have to knock? The door isn't locked. I slowly opened the door and saw the devil himself in front of me. "What the heck are you doing here? Wrong bathroom!" I was about to close the door but his strong hand stopped it.
"This is the bathroom where the girl on her period is at, right?" He says sarcastically. He gave you a pad, staying silent. "I went out after you did. I got out of school to buy you this. Sorry for saying it out loud in class."
You stay quiet, getting the pad from his hand as you nod. "I'll be quick." A few minutes pass and you take longer than expected. You sat on the closed toilet seat and questioned his nice acts.
Yeah he is the worst person you've met but also the best. He may be attractive but his nice acts make him look more than what he looks like..
I get out of the bathroom, surprisingly but also not surprisingly, he wasn't there anymore.
I remembered the red stain on my skirt, leaning against the wall to hide it as I slowly walk sideways to the classroom. Someone poked my side from beside me, and I let out a yelp.
"Jeez! [Crush's Name] what the hell are you doing?!" He held a plastic bag with drinks and a cloth inside, I couldn't really tell what it was. He hands me the plastic bag he was holding and I took it hesistantly.
He's being way too nice today. "Why are you being sweet?" I blurted out. He stood there silently for a few seconds, making my hands sweat.
I look up at him, he really does look handsome, even more up close. He's always been a cruel person, but I could see that it was only towards me.. Does he have some type of grudge against me?
"[Crush's Name].." I start, my heart pouding. "Did I do something that made you dislike me...at one point?" I continued, looking up at him in embarrassment. There's no way I'm asking him stuff like this.
"No." He says, what an answer. "Then why do you always treat me like I did something bad to you then? Do you just hate me for no reason?"
I could tell that he was about to burst out, he started biting his lip roughly but after he sighed. "Well, fu— I'm.. I like you." He whispered the last part.
My heart dropped at his words. "W– Huh?" I blinked a few times, I could see that his cheeks were turning red from embarrassment.
"God, hurry up and stop talking. I bought you a new skirt, got some refreshing drinks too. Go change, we're late for detention!" He says while walking off, he didn't dare to turn back.
A small smile plastered on my face.
"What a gentleman."
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slasher-jaxshitposts · 13 hours
TW: vent
I hate not having any control over my own life. I hate not being allowed to choose what I wear, what I do, and what I control. I hate being told to do the dishes everytime the sink is full, I hate being the family therapist, I hate not being allowed to relax without being shamed for it.
I tell my sisters no to something that will make a mess if I don't watch them closely, then being forced to give it to them anyways by THEIR father and still have to clean up THEIR mess.
I hate having to do the dishes when their are other people in the house who can do it, then being told the way I do it is wrong.
I hate being threatened to have my hair ripped out of my skull if I don't do what I'm told.
I hate being told I look TOO good in something by my mother and then those pants or that shirt get taken from me and put in my moms drawer.
I hate being told that only skanks wear cropped tops and not to walk around in only a bra and some shorts when I'm hot because my dad (step-dad) is in the house, or he has friends over that he could bring them in, but my mom wears crop tops, and she walks around in the store, at other peoples houses and other PUBLIC places in just a bra.
^But when I walk around OUR house, I'm asking for it
I hate wanting my hair cut, and eventually getting to the point where I want to cut it myself, but I can't. Wanna know why? Cause I'll get my ass beat for doing something I've been BEGGING my mom to do for the past year or so.
i hate being told the hair cut I want is too short, or too boy like, or it doesn't match my face, that it'll make me look ugly.
I hate being expected to let my mother rant to me, but get scolded if I try talking about my feeling with her.
I hate telling my mom things I wanna do, then her tell me no and that I have to do something because she had to.
I hate being told not to let people see me cry, not to let people see me weak, not to let them think I'm weak, then being told I should cry more, and let my feelings out when my dog gets killed.
I hate having to fake my tears so that my mom thinks I'm alright.
I hate that every time I sit down I'm automatically not doing anything, that I'm always so lazy, that I don't do anything.
I hate being the one who has to talk myself out of panic attacks, then when I tell my mom, she just tells me not to let myself.
"Why are you putting yourself the panic attack? Why are you letting it beat you?" She says
But god forbid if one of my sisters start having a panic attack. And I get it, their 5 and 7, yes worry about them, but I'm 15, I want my mom to about me like that.
I hate feeling like I have to fight my feelings.
I hate wanting to be a man just so I can feel some kind of control, and I still don't feel like I can control anything.
I hate the way my step-father has made me hate men, but I still want their love.
I hate feeling like I need to fight for love.
I hate the empty "I love you"'s that come out of my mom, and stepdads mouths.
I hate the fact that I still love my mom, despite the things she's put me through.
I hate feeling like I'm never enough, like if I'm of no use to anyone, then why should they love or care about me?
I hate feeling like everyone expects so highly of me, and then are significantly disappointed when they actually get to know me.
I hate not feeling much of anything besides anxiety, fear, and anger.
I hate feeling smaller than everyone else.
I hate having to create different personas for every person I meet, just so I can be liked.
I hate not being allowed to be myself.
I hate feeling like crap everytime I'm not comfortable with doing something, because if I'm of no use to you, why should you care for/about me?
I hate not being able to focus on one project, and then feeling terrible because I never finished something.
I hate feeling sorry for others more than I do myself.
I hate not knowing when my next meal will be.
I hate being shamed for not eating because "we have plenty of food."
I hate having issues with certain textures of food, and having to go hungry because I don't like what my mom fixed.
I hate not liking certain tastes, then being forced to eat it, because I'm tired of starving myself.
I hate feeling like I'm bothering everyone else because of my feelings.
I hate feeling bad for snapping at my sisters, when they didn't even do anything wrong.
I hate being shamed for how little I eat, and how much I sleep.
I hate how I never get a break.
I hate getting shamed for taking a break.
I hate how my mom and step dad don't care about my hobbies unless it makes money that they can emotionally manipulate me into giving them.
I hate feeling like I can't trust anyone.
I hate losing weight, but still looking fat.
I hate wishing I had more things wrong with me, just so I feel like I have a reason to complain.
But most importantly...
I hate myself
And I'm sorry if you actually read all of this. You shouldn't have to listen to some stranger that you don't even truly know on the internet. Because you don't know me, no one knows me. They know a carefully designed version of me that was made just for them.
@puppet200 @purpleeggyboi @th3-r4t-48 @zeroisreallygood @im-a-simp898 @luciluck2046 @evry1h8s-me @aflairforthemelodramaticc @caretaleandotherstuff
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munchmemes · 1 year
hozier lyrics, hozier (expanded edition)
❛  i should've worshipped them sooner. ❜
❛  we were born sick. ❜
❛  the only heaven i'll be sent to is when i'm alone with you. ❜
❛  i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies. ❜
❛  good god, let me give you my life. ❜
❛  there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin. ❜
❛  it's toying somewhere between love and abuse. ❜
❛  no more alone or myself i could be. ❜
❛  [i/you] lurched like a stray to the arms that were open. ❜
❛  i lay my heart down with the rest at [your/their] feet. ❜
❛  i wonder if it's better now having survived. ❜
❛  i'm so tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes. ❜
❛  no better version of me i could pretend to be tonight. ❜
❛  [they/you] found me just in time. ❜
❛  cause with my mid-youth crisis all said and done, i need to be youthfully felt cause i never felt young. ❜
❛  it'd be great to find a place we could escape sometimes. ❜
❛  we tried the world and it wasn't for us. ❜
❛  you knew who i was with every step that i ran to you. ❜
❛  would things be easier if there was a right way? ❜
❛  honey, there is no right way. ❜
❛  i fall in love just a little bit every day with someone new. ❜
❛  there's an art to life's distractions. ❜
❛  love with every stranger, the stranger the better. ❜
❛  all i've ever done is hide. ❜
❛  when you kill the lights and kiss my eyes, i feel ike a person for a moment of my life. ❜
❛  but you don't know what the hell you put me through. ❜
❛  it feels good to be alone with you. ❜
❛  there are questions i can't ask. ❜
❛  now, at last, the worst is over. ❜
❛  i know that you hate this place. ❜
❛  there's something tragic about you, something so magic about you, don't you agree? ❜
❛  there's something lonesome about you, something so wholesome about you. ❜
❛  innocence died screaming. ask me, i should know. ❜
❛  there's something broken about this but i might be hoping about this. ❜
❛  we'll lay here for years or for hours, your hand in my hand. so still and discreet. ❜
❛  i'd be home with you. ❜
❛  any way to distract and sedate. ❜
❛  i'm somewhere outside my life. i keep scratching but somehow i can't get in. ❜
❛  don't you stand there watching me, won't you? ❜
❛  don't you join in, you're supposed to drag me away from it. ❜
❛  i'm so full of love, i could barely eat. ❜
❛  [they/you] are sweet as can be. [they/you] give me toothaches just from kissing me. ❜
❛  no grave can hold my body down, i'll crawl home to [them/you]. ❜
❛  you never asked me once about the wrong i did. ❜
❛  [you/they] would never fret none about what my hands and my body done. ❜
❛  if the lord don't forgive me, i'd still have you and you would have me. ❜
❛  why were you digging? what did you bury? ❜
❛  i will not ask you where you came from. i will not ask and neither should you. ❜
❛  just put your sweet lips on my lips. we should just kiss like real people do. ❜
❛  i know that look, eyes always seeking. ❜
❛  i will not ask you why you were creeping. in some sad way, i already know. ❜
❛  you know better than to smile at me like that. ❜
❛  i know who i am when i'm alone. ❜
❛  you don't understand. you should never know how easy you are to need. ❜
❛  don't let me in with no intention to keep me. ❜
❛  it can't be unlearned. i've known the warmth of your doorways. ❜
❛  i'll find my way back to you. ❜
❛  my heart is heavy with the hate of some other man's beliefs. ❜
❛  screaming the name of a foreigner's good is the purest expression of grief. ❜
❛  i feel no control of my body. i feel no safety in [your/their] arms. ❜
❛  all that i've been taught and every word i've got is foreign to me. ❜
❛  it looks ugly but it's clean. ❜
❛  your fight and fury is fiery. ❜
❛  it's worth it, it's divine. i have this some of the time. ❜
❛  you called my name til the fever broke. ❜
❛  i heard a scream in the woods somewhere. ❜
❛  i turned and ran to save a life i didn't have. ❜
❛  i need you to run to me. run to me! ❜
❛  when i was a child, i heard voices. some would sing and some would scream. ❜
❛  don't you ever tame your demons but always keep them on a leash. ❜
❛  you've done me wrong for a long, long time. ❜
❛  after all you've done, i never changed my mind. ❜
❛  please, try to love me. ❜
❛  my love will never die. ❜
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
Oh. My. God. Hi there!!! I’ve been desperately trying to find others who still love WWDITS and write for them so when I came across your post I almost screamed. Can I get Yandere Nadja x Female!Familiar?
~Yandere!𝕹𝖆𝖉𝖏𝖆 x Fem!Familiar!Reader Headcanons~
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OH. OH HONEY. I had to throw my phone on the couch when I saw this request so I could squeal and wave my hands around. Had me giggling and kicking my feet irl, babes SOMEONE COME SPAM MY INBOX WITH NADJA REQUESTS I'LL KISS YOU
Summary: You're Nadja's stupid little baby. Do I need to explain further
Note(s): I do not watch What We Do In The Shadows episode for episode, I usually skip around. Due to this, some events in the show or the way I portray the characters may be a bit mixed up or off.
Warning(s): Yandere behavior, possessive behavior, gaslighting, guilt tripping, manipulation, objectifying the reader, violence, blood, a little bit of (but not much) sexual content, ect.
~Nadja has a LOT of big feelings, and she WILL make them known, no matter what the situation is.
~It may not be obvious what she's feeling, but when she's feeling something then everyone is going to feel it, too.
~If she's angry, you had better NOT be caught in the line of fire. If she's sad, she's going to either whine and sulk for attention, or she'll lash out. Emotions vary. She could seem one way when she's really only acting like that because on the inside she's feeling another way.
~So, she's a very hard person to read despite the fact that she speaks her mind without having much of a filter.
~The same goes for how she treats you.
~Her stupid familiar who just follows along with whatever is happening. Her useless human pet who has the HONOR to even be in her presence and clean up after her.
~Treats you like you're her stupid dog.
~She'll degrade you one day, and be giggly with you the next.
~Oh, but don't get too friendly with her, or she'll be annoyed by you. But, make sure you interact just enough, because if you don't, she'll get after you and try to make you entertain her. Ah, yes, but don't try TOO hard to make her happy, either, because you'll get on her nerves.
~The point is that you feel like you're walking on eggshells 24/7.
~She can't decide if she wants you to wear something gorgeous and grand to have you match with her, or if she wants to have you wear ugly baggy clothing so you don't look seem as gorgeous as she does.
~Then she thinks that it'll make HER look bad if you're not dressed up, so she's going to make you wear all the stuff she does so you don't look like you just recently escaped from the sewers after swimming in shit and piss.
~Of course, she might scold you and smack you with the hair brush if you tell her something she's doing with your hair is hurting your scalp.
~But then Nadja saw you smiling in the mirror when she was finished. You looked so gorgeous. So excited to be dressed up like that.
~Suddenly, she wished she could see herself in the mirror beside you.
~Laszlo will join in, too, so all three of you match.
~If you ever have a fight with her, her reactions come in phases.
~First, she'll snap at you and call you names and demand you get out. It's unclear if she means get out of the room, or out of the house, but the point is that she does NOT want to see you after an argument.
~Second, she'll rant and be absolutely furious for awhile.
~Third, she gets upset at herself because she made her own familiar upset. She denies being upset at herself by being a bitch to everybody and claiming they did something wrong, even if they were just standing there.
~Nandor probably got yelled at for just existing or something idk
~Colin Robinson feeds off of all this drama of course.
~Fourth, Nadja decides it's your fault for whatever happened, and she'll cry and run away or something just to get your attention. Will sulk until you're the one to apologize.
~And lastly, once you apologize, she realizes the apology sounds wrong coming from YOUR lips instead of hers, since she was probably the one being a drama queen and making a big deal out of nothing.
~Does not know how the hell to apologize very well but she'll kind of try.
~Nadja will start giving you more cute (sometimes weird) nicknames after that.
~Once she REALLY gets attached and decides she likes you, she'll be silly with you and gossip. She DEMANDS a girl night.
~You're like her pet, now, and will literally go as far as petting your head.
~Does she ever think about putting you in a collar that makes your throat look extra delicious, with a leash attached so she can tug you along and coo at you?
~She will beat the absolute shit out of anybody who looks at you the wrong way.
~More than willing to rip open someone's ribs so she can tear out their heart and stomp on it.
~Then she shows you and expects you to be like "wow Nadja you did that for me thank you!"
~Or if you have a terrified reaction, she'll be confused as hell. She just killed someone for you? Hello? That's the ultimate way to show someone you love them, isn't it? Literally be willing to tear people apart for them?
~But she'll baby you and give you a hug, anyway.
~"He was a big stupid asshole, my love, didn't you see the way he looked at you? He deserved to die!"
~Then she'd look back at the bloody scene and point down at the body and yell "He was a PIECE OF OLD PIG SHIT!"
~And then would go back to babying you and giving you all the reasons why the person who looked at you wrong deserved to die
~She has done something like that on multiple occasions and would never be afraid of doing it again.
~Nadja most likely wouldn't make you a vampire for an extremely long time (by that I mean she might literally not do it in time, you might be dead by the time she even decided to consider it 💀. Or, if something awful happens to you and you're on your death bed and she decides she needs you to be immortal for her.)
~She wants you to always be her cute little familiar who comes when called, not her fellow vampire who doesn't work under her anymore.
~If you ever had a one night stand, she's fine with that, and would have everybody in the house sit down so they could listen to you tell them (in detail) everything that happened. You aren't getting out of that one.
~But she would be very jealous if you had a boyfriend/girlfriend, rather than just a fling.
~If you fall in love with anybody, know ahead of time that she's going to consider either murdering them, or at the very least, treating them badly.
~She would try to chase them away by somehow getting them to believe you said something about them that you actually didn't say.
~Then she'd comfort you about your "break up", pretending to be shocked about what happened, as though she didn't plan that.
~Unfortunately for her, she isn't a very good actress, and it's a bit obvious that she was the one who made that happen.
~If you then demanded to know WHY she did that to you, she'd finally admit it in a moment of anger and fear that you found out.
~"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! I did that for YOU! They weren't good for you, my darling, why the FUCK don't you understand?!"
~Nadja is most definitely a dangerous yandere. She can be just as volatile and demanding as she can be doting and silly.
Nadja is my favorite character to write as a yandere omg
Request Guidelines!
Join my Discord server! We have movie nights, art prompts, a lot of places to ramble about your hyperfixations, and a ton of cool people to meet and roleplay with!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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lasabarcassims · 3 months
LasAbarcas Limited Packs Save 2.0!
Linked here:
The next version of my Limited Packs Save is here! The save now includes:
Willow Creek - built with base game only
Oasis Springs - built with base game only
Newcrest - built with base game only
Copperdale - built with base game plus High School Years and Parenthood
StrangerVille - built with base game and the StrangerVille pack
Brindleton Bay - built with base game plus Cats and Dogs
Del Sol Valley - built with base game plus Get Famous
All the Sims that reside in each world were used with CAS items that correspond with the packs used in building the worlds.
The game will still function even if you don't have the packs that go with all those worlds! You might find some half-naked Sims in the tray, but you can just delete them as they belong to a different world and won't affect the stories in the worlds you do have.
Brindleton Bay was built with small-town Connecticut in mind and Del Sol Valley was (of course!) based on Los Angeles. So Brindleton Bay has a lot of colonial/coastal architecture and features a blend of rustic seaside-type venues and places that exude wealth. Del Sol Valley has things that just scream LA to me like a music venue, karaoke bar (set as a bar and is nonfunctional as a karaoke bar, but if you have City Living, you can make the switch with a few changes), taco joint, some mid century vibes, some maybe-ugly-but-kind-of-cool architecture, and a reference to the Chateau Marmont. Each world has a handful of new families and I also left some extra lots empty because, one, the save is already quite full of Sims, two, Get Famous requires a ton of NPCs that took a lot of time and effort getting makeovers, and, three, I wanted to give you all more varied places to move your own Sims into, which I did not do much of in the other worlds! I will probably leave a lot of vacant lots in future saves too to provide this option to you.
*Quick disclaimer that I did my best to play test all the lots, but I am just one person and probably missed some things, so please let me know if you find anything that isn't working or seems wrong so I can update the save!*
Hope you all enjoy! :)
Here's a little preview of each world:
Brindleton Bay
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Brindleton Bay is a cozy coastal town that is paradise to pet lovers, nature lovers, and anyone who enjoys the salty smell of the ocean, crunchy autumn leaves, and a good brisk breeze! The town has been well-kept and neatly refurbished over the centuries since its founding. Today, it boasts a beautiful blend between the charming traditional Brindleton Bay architecture and modern comforts that greatly appeals to its devoted citizens.
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Del Sol Valley
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Is anyone actually from Del Sol Valley, or is everyone here a transplant? It certainly seems that way sometimes, as so many of the residents moved to DSV with dreams of making it big in the entertainment industry. Yet, no matter how long they have lived here, each citizen has a strong sense of DSV pride. Residents love the city for its bustling creativity, boldness, and vivacity. The city is alive at all times of day and the citizens' hope of achieving their dreams never dies.
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