#don't feed the brainworms after midnight
rourouxiaobao · 3 months
SVSSS Brainworms Be Plottin'
Because Stilton asked for lesbingqiu ideas on Discord last weekend. My brainworms got progressively more unhinged. In my defense, t was late, I'd had a couple of drinks in me, and I was gonna have MDZS Dragonji x Foxxian cosplay photoshoot the next day. XD
Feel free to gank any of these fic ideas for your own use! All I ask is that you credit my unhinged brainworms if anything results from them. XDDDD (And thanks to Stilton for instigating my brainnworms to percolate these ideas, LOL!!!)
#1) Ikebana Peak lord Shen teaching her (deliberately) dense disciple who Really Does Not Know An Iris From A Rose.
#2) The Bimboification Of Empress Luo (And How She Met Her Consort Who Doesn’t Know She’s A Consort) I assume Bingmeimei is full-fledged empress by then. Perhaps cooking up a storm with all manner of rare (sometimes abyssal) ingredients (bc if anyone can make that stuff not only edible but delicious, it’s the protagonist and her cooking halo). And SY is all “ah, bingbing is such a lovely chef, her husband will be such a lucky man, able to eat her cooking all the time, this old woman is not worthy 🥹❤️❤️” levels of oblivious. And it reaches a point where Bingmeimei, at an utter loss, wonders if she can get away with orchestrating an entire wedding, and cooking for it, and shizun shows up presumably to see her beloved disciple off and be served tea, only to realise as they are being instructed to bow that she IS NOT THE ‘MOTHER’ OF THE IMPERIAL BRIDE, SHE IS THE WIFE TO BE OF SAID IMPERIAL BRIDE and Bingmeimei is just smiling happily all the while. Or something. Tags would be “crack”, “but not really”, “but still kinda”, “SY redefines oblivious”, “so yeah just canon level oblivious”, “SY will put up with all of Binghe’s nonsense”, “because simp”, “Binghe resorting to Yakety Sax levels of shenanigans”, “because when the going gets tough the tough use sledgehammers”. Alternatively, if less cracktastic, then perhaps Wife Plot #684, involving a temporary time-reversal curse of some kind meant to invoke Introspection and Mild But Ultimately Temporary Angst Whose Resolution Will Show Shizun The Light. Hack-author-created flora may or may not be involved.
#3) Bingmeimei accidentally gets transformed into The Tiniest Terror and only SY can get her to settle down (Bc I have de-ageing/kidfics on the brain recently.) MBJ (who perhaps remains male in this, bc of the hilarious juxtaposition of enormous demon king and teeny tiny little heavenly demonlette) is at his wits’ end until his hamstery little wife (bc, again, hilarious juxtaposition of tiny little petite human wife whose long, loose sleeves disguise SQH’s ARMmunition bc An Ding Peak cultivates The Swole Path have you seen those fucking carts of lumber) decides Shen-shijie is Best Suited For The Job and gets MBJ to teleport a mid-tantrum Bingmeimei into the bamboo house. Bingmeimei with her fluffy hair in loopy braids, following SY around SY absolutely dying from how cute Bingmeimei is. SY unable to stop thinking if this is what Bingbing’s daughter might look like. Idk how Bingbing Grows Up Again but when she does, SY wants to wife her up and have her babies, or something. Cue magical baby-growing flora or something? Momotaro/Kaguyahime foliage? Bc it’s not stealing ideas if it’s done by a hack author who desperately needs to pay the overpriced rent for her shitty apartment.
#4) Body-swap! By way of pollen from the Magnolia of Mirrored Minds (bc Airplane-juju was Feeling The Alliteration that chapter)! Or tea accidentally brewed using the Joined-Hearts Jasmine instead of regular-ass jasmine instead (or Chrysanthemum of Clarity)? And SY has to learn to look past The Accidental Friendzone? While Bingbing has A Talk with A Very Terrified System (bc Systems are not programmed to deal with threats from users that have the benefit of a Protagonist Halo)? And after the bodyswap, SY returns to her body and to a Much Improved And Very User-Compliant System, while Bingbing goes back to her body very satisfied with having put in its place the being that causes her precious Shizun much anxiety. A wedding is planned, and System002 very grumpily issues a [ Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! ] notification.
#5) Liu Mingyan Is The Best Wingwoman In The Three Realms Bingbing commissions her (via SQH, via MBJ) to write ‘Winter Peach Blossoms Upon The Tranquil Mountain’, a ballad/novel about an orphaned kitchen maid yearning after her secretly kind but publicly aloof Young Mistress Of The House, and how their forbidden love blooms when The Young Mistress is kidnapped one snowy winter and held in a cabin (with only one bed) upon The Tranquil Mountain and our earnest young ingenue maiden sets off to rescue her shizun young mistress from an extraordinarily beautiful bandit with a mole beneath one eye, and upon their return, the master of the house (the young mistress’ elder brother Qi-dage) has died and left everything to his beloved Jiu-meimei and she and the kitchen maid get married and live sapphically ever after.
The ballad/novel is a great hit and especially popular with Xian Shu peak disciples, spinsters and their dedicated handmaids, and brothel ladies.
Eventually, a sequel ‘Wine From The Twin-Pitted Plum Is Sweetest In Autumn’ is published following the wedding of Empress Luo and Peak Lord Shen. It isn’t a commissioned work but the empress receives an advance copy as a wedding gift.
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felikatze · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Oh my, an opportunity to be vain!
The first one is gonna be my current baby, of course.
You awoke to blood in your mouth and birdsong in your ears.
Grima's closest servant followed the Shepherds into the past. Alone and injured, Morgan makes a vow. To save the world, to save their family, to save their father.
No matter the cost.
(Or: Hierophant Morgan AU, without amnesia and a Future Past adjacent Morgan.)
I think abt this fic so much. so much. i keep talking abt my Plans for it bcuz i am just STOKED. i barely even remember what inspired this fic outside the vague notion of "What if FP but Main Timeline"
this version of morgan is near and dear to me. i love laying out their various psycholigical issues. did you notice they emulate grima's speech when trying to be evil.
second! not FE! My original baby on hiatus because the FE brainworms took over. When missing link drops it'll be back I promise.
Naminé finds a shadow creature inside a cave, Repliku gets attached before he can get rid of it, and Vanitas would like for people to stop petting him please.
(Or: Two introverts try to hide a really weird cat from their keyblade-wielding friends, who will probably slay it on sight.)
Oh man. I havent worked on this one in a WHILE which is especially cruel because I left on a cliffhanger but you gotta consider. terminal FE brain. this fic is what REALLY got me started on writing. It actually made me plan things.
It also made me realize that writing slice of life is really hard. If you don't have an overarching plot to push outside of general character arcs what do you even?? do???
i love this fic but i do cringe when i reread it.
if you ever notice oddly slapstick elements in plusquam, this is where they come from. morgan getting yeeted two chapters in a row is really just an evolution of the vanitas defenestration joke.
next up, my current series.
It's just another pitstop for Grima's hoard; Naga's Tear. But as he tears through the ruins, a girl hugs him and claims to be his daughter. Now, if Grima knew how she came to be, and what bees had to do with children, that'd be great.
And of course Chrom had to recruit her. What else.
(Or: Grima meets Morgan. He's conflicted about this.)
Out of the labyrinth is a series that gives me insane joy from its sheer sillyness, but don't feed that thing after midnight is my favorite of the bunch so far. you might notice i love morgan.
considering how mired i was in my AU morgan characterization, going back to canon and seeing how silly as hell she is made me love her all the more. also. also. joke fic yeah but DID YOU NOTICE how much of grima's thoughts about her mirror forneus' in the valentian accord. did you. please i'm so proud of that.
next, what the fuck do you mean this fic is a year old, was my ninjago phase really last summer:
The fateful inheritance letter reaches Jay eventually. Only now, he knows it's coming.
Just in time for Cliff Gordon's funeral.
(Or: Jay meets his mother.)
out of all my eleven ninjago fics, this is my favorite. i wrote it because i kept thinking about skybound during 4am summer insomnia. it went through many typo fixes.
i do love how i did jay in this one. it's far too late for his mom to be his mom. he's already an adult. but it's not late enough for her to be his friend. it's a nice sentiment.
and last but not least! this fic us two years old, goddamn!
Astrid Remond did not expect life after death. And after another death. And a third one, for good measure.
She also did not expect meeting the protagonist. (And falling for them.)
(Or: Reincarnation, the fourth wall, and the slightly eldritch nature of customizable player characters.)
even if i'm not really into loh anymore for various reasons, a lot of the characters are still near and dear to me! lord/astrid is such a ship and astrid is a really fascinating character, and i wanted to explore that. when she came back in extreme mode, i was floored. also floored that my joke that she got isekai'd was actually true.
i also used a custom skin to make the text blue!! look at that!!
honorable mentions for "fics of mine i really like" go out to One Whole Boy, Sunny-side Up, Jailbreak, and dusk of a new night.
thank you for giving me the chance to gush about my fics!!! i have fifty five of these now, jesus christ!! i cant believe i've been writing fic for. five years now. FIVE YEARS!! THAT'S A LONG TIME!! that's a quarter of my whole life so far actually.
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