#don't eat vlads strawberrys
lizzylovebooks280501 · 10 months
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Crazy guys😂❤️ It's funny to listen to them 😆
it never gets boring 🙈
And wtf is Charles doing 😮‍💨🥲 oh my...
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Leonardo? Napoleon? Who?
Inspired by a post by @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
Arthur: *sees a crowd standing around MC's bedroom door* Hey, what's going on?
Dazai: We're trying to find out who is in there with Toshiko-san.
*Arthur immediately presses his ear to the doorway*
MC: *moaning* ...leo...
Arthur: *looks around* Where's Leonardo?
Theo: Sleeping...in the corner.
Leonardo: *snores*
Arthur: Napoleon?
Jean: *walks past group in hallway* What are you all doing?
MC: *moaning louder* ....LEO....
Sebastian: Napoleon and MC are in the bedroom together.
Jean: Impossible. I just saw Napoleon leave his room.
Arthur/Theo/Dazai: *look at each other* Impossible...
Napoleon: *whistling while walking down the hallway* Good morning...what's going on that you're all gathered here?
Arthur: If you're out here, and *points to the sleeping Leonardo* he's out here, then who's in there with MC?
Elsewhere, at Vlad's castle...
Vlad: Someone was eating my strawberries again. *eyes Charles*
Charles-Henri: It wasn't me, must have been one of these new guys you brought in.
Drake: Don't look at me, I didn't eat them. Must have been Galileo.
Vlad: Speaking of Galileo, he's not here. Anyone know where he is?
Faust: He said something about visiting one of the residents at Comte's mansion.
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satureja13 · 5 months
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Beltane - Part 3 It all starts -> here (incl prequel)
After a (more or less) fun day at the beach, they went over to Porto Azzurro. And while Noxee and Saiwa dress the Boys up for the festivities...
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... and took silly photos, (Omg I so wish we had better poses for photos. The ones we have are so stupid. Almost all of them are unusable -.-)
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the other group sets up the stage. And Greg is having a talk with Kiyoshi. Probably about Jack ö.Ö'
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And then it's time for Ji Ho's Siren's Song. They all agreed so he can put them under a little spell. Now they are able to enjoy their time together even though they have so many issues. At least for a few hours.
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They were all enchanted. Ji Ho's voice is so wonderful. And Saiwa is more determined than ever to work so hard to get back together with Jeb. He is so beautiful and amazing. And Jack was able to think a bit clearer about the things Greg and Noxee said. He's still shocked that he'd never be able to completely get rid of Kiyoshi. But maybe they just have to hang around each other and don't have to be a couple? It's fated mates after all, not fated lovers. Hahaha omg Jack! ^^'
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Ji Ho and Jeb performed 'Gente di Mare'. A song from Umberto Tozzi. 'Gente di mare che se ne va dove gli pare dove non sa. gente corsara che non c'è più gente lontana che porta nel cuore questo grande fratello blu. Al di là del mare, c'è qualcuno che c'è qualcuno che non sa niente di te.'
Translation (not by me): 'People of the sea, who leave it behind Going to where they like, they don’t know where Buccaneer people who are no more Faraway people carrying in their hearts This big blue brother At the other side of the sea, there’s someone who There’s someone who knows nothing about you'
And after the concerto it's finally time for dinner! They eat at the boat ristorante! Such a beautiful day!
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Thanks to Ji Ho's song, they enjoy their meal together (to Jack's great joy there's Pizza! But he's still lost in thoughts.)
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Haha and the way Kiyoshi looks at him! I wish I knew what Greg had said to him earlier!
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Of course Noxee and Saiwa wanted to take some fashion shoots for their store, Strawberry Cake Fashion.
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They took a stroll through the town to find some awesome places to take the photos. (Vlad wears the suit he wore in our Heidi special and Ji Ho one of the outfits Saiwa picked for him for the prom in the very beginning!)
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The others have new outfits. They look so good!
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There is also a club boat! Arturo is here too! 🐊 They danced to the songs of our 'Summer at Tartosa' playlist. You can find it on Spotify or youtube.
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I don't know if it's wise to start a fire on a wooden boat but I couldn't stop Jack 'the pyromaniac'. It's also one of the Beltane traditions so ... Vlad is mixing the drinks. He's still so awkward around Ji Ho and being still under the spell, he rather stays away from him to not do something stupid.
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Ji Ho is tired. The ride with the TukTuk was exhausting and the Siren's Song drained him, as always. But he's happy. He's the most sensible of them and their quarrels affect him the most. He hates living apart from the others.
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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Ikemen Vampire - Vlad's Sequel
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors.
Spoilers under the cut
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Vlad: "Mitsuki, I have a place I want us to go on Christmas Eve."
A few days after he told me this, Christmas Eve arrived.
I was carrying a basket filled with food for the party through the snow-covered streets.
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(I'm glad I bought some delicious-looking strawberries. Vlad will be thrilled.)
I couldn't help but get excited when I imagined sitting around a table full of food with Vlad and everyone.
(Come to think of it, I wonder where Vlad is taking me tonight.)
(He didn't tell me back then, but he looked so serious.)
I slowly stopped as I remembered.
(I guess I'll find out later when I see him.)
I let out a breath and re-carried the basket.
Mitsuki: "First, I have to return early and prepare for the party! Let's see, what else do I need to buy?"
Just as I was about to walk away一
???: "You dropped this."
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I turned around to see a man with a half-up hairstyle holding an apple.
Mitsuki: "Sorry, I didn't notice it. Thank you for picking it up."
I took the apple, smiling, and the man smiled back at me.
Man with half-up hairstyle: "You're welcome, Mademoiselle."
Man with half-up hairstyle: "By the way, that's a lot of stuff. Are you preparing for a Christmas party?"
Mitsuki: "Yup! Lots of people will be there, so I'm really excited."
Man with half-up hairstyle: "Hahaha! I get you. I can see that you're really excited."
(Do I really have that look?)
Feeling a little embarrassed, I looked at the apple he had just picked up, and the man suddenly muttered something.
Man with half-up hairstyle: "Speaking of Christmas..."
Man with half-up hairstyle: "I heard that the round red ornaments on the tree represent apples."
Man with half-up hairstyle: "The tree symbolized wisdom, so they decorated it with apples, the fruit of wisdom."
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Mitsuki: "Really? I've never heard of it before."
I found myself intrigued by the origin of the tree.
Then, he suddenly smiled and said一
Man with half-up hairstyle: "You know they also say that apples are forbidden fruit."
Man with half-up hairstyle: "They say it's a symbol of man's original sin."
(Man's original sin...)
Paradise Lost: the story of the origin of human sin.
In this story, the snake seduces the woman and man to eat the forbidden fruit, only to be punished by God and banished from paradise.
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Man with half-up hairstyle: "But I wonder if the God who created that fruit is blameless."
The man pursed his lips as he sarcastically addressed God.
Mitsuki: "Um?"
Man with half-up hairstyle: "Oops, sorry for holding you back. Enjoy the party and Merry Christmas."
The man left, smiling softly.
(He didn't seem like a bad guy, but that story kinda bothered me.)
For a mere chitchat, there was a hint of implication in his words, like what the serpent did when it slyly concealed the truth and seduced humans.
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Man with half-up hairstyle: "............."
The man turned around and looked at Mitsuki's back as she walked away. Then the sound of shoes stamping on the snow approached.
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Man with purple eyes: "Stop fooling around, Drake."
The approaching man squinted his amethyst-colored eyes admonishingly.
Drake: "Fine."
Drake: "But that girl in a vampire's den is like a rose among the thorns."
He wryly smiled as he said this.
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The wheels of fate were about to start turning.
That night一
Everyone: "Merry Christmas!"
The sound of glasses being clinked together marked the start of the party.
Charles: "Wow, everything looks delicious. Did you make all these, Mitsuki?"
Mitsuki: "I made them with Sebastian and Napoleon. I hope it fits your palate."
Charles: "Of course. Bon appétit! Oh, there's also my favorite soufflé."
Charles: "The crackers and chicken with cheese and salmon also look delicious!"
Faust adjusted his glasses next to the excited Charles.
Faust: "Charles, don't put food on my plate without permission. It offends me that you think I have no discipline."
Faust: "Lord Vlad, please wait until after dinner before trying that cake."
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Vlad: "Ahaha! The strawberry cake looks so good."
Vincent chuckled as the three of them laughed.
Vincent: “You guys are like a family. Like everyone in the mansion.”
Napoleon: “Are we like that?”
Theo: “I don’t think there’s anyone that can compare to me and my broer when it comes to getting along.”
Arthur: “Why are you being so competitive, Theo?”
Mozart: “The mansion is pretty rowdy, but it looks like the old castle isn’t much different.”
Jean: “If the strawberry part is for Vlad, then I want the maroron part of the cake.”
Dazai: “No, Vlad. You shouldn’t start with the dessert. It’s an immoral way to eat.”
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Isaac: “I can understand calling it wrong, but what do you mean by an immoral way to eat?”
The party went better than expected.
By the window, Comte and the others have already opened their second bottle of wine.
Mitsuki: “Guys, don’t drink too much, okay?”
Leonardo: “We got it, Cara Mia, but this is just the beginning. Right? Shakespeare and Comte?”
Shakespeare: “Aye. I don’t mean to be presumptuous, but I’m the same as you two when it comes to drinking.”
Comte: “Would you like some Mitsuki? I’ll pour you a drink.”
As he poured me a glass of wine, Comte narrowed his eyes and looked around the bustling dining room.
Comte: “It’s a sight I never thought I’d see until last year.”
Comte: "I'm lucky to have everyone as my family and to spend another moment with Vlad like this."
His eyes, brimming with warmth, mirrored mine.
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Comte: "Thank you for helping that guy find his heart, Mitsuki."
(Comte looks so happy.)
Comte and Vlad were purebloods who had known each other since childhood, but at some point, they parted ways.
(No matter how many words they exchanged, they couldn't close the gap between them, but now...)
It warmed my heart to see them celebrating Christmas together like this after all that.
I smiled back, and that's when一
Vlad: "Stop having Mitsuki all to yourself, Comte."
Mitsuki: “Waah! Vlad…”
Saying this mischievously, Vlad suddenly hugged me from behind.
Comte: "Mon Dieu, do I really need your permission to get close to Mitsuki?"
Vlad: "Obviously."
Comte: "As I said before, I'm responsible for her being here, so I'm just watching over her as a father would."
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Vlad: "Heh? Then, I guess I'll call you father-in-law from now on."
Comte: "Absolutely not."
Seeing Comte's expression, Vlad laughed out loud.
They exchanged light banter and looked at each other amusingly.
I was sure that the two of them had exchanged this kind of conversation before parting ways.
(They've built a new relationship over the past year.)
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Afterward, Vlad and I went out on the balcony amidst the bustling party, where we saw pure white snowflakes dancing from the night sky, eventually falling on my flaming cheeks.
Vlad: "Is it cold?"
Mitsuki: "Nah, it's comfortable enough."
Vlad: "Then, let's stay here for a while."
Leaning side by side on the balcony, we talked about anything that came to mind, and after a while, we began to sober up.
Then, suddenly, the conversation cut off, and silence fell between us.
Mitsuki: "Vlad, let's go inside."
I looked back as I said this, but seeing his eyes look so sweet instantly melted my heart.
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Vlad: "Mitsuki, will you let me steal you tonight?"
Mitsuki: "Sure. I was hoping you'd say that."
Vlad: "You're feeling the same way?"
Seeing right through him, I nodded my head.
Vlad: "Good. The party was fun, but I wanted to have you all to myself."
Vlad: "But first..."
He pulled my waist and held me tightly to his chest, feeling the tension in his strong arms.
Vlad: "Remember how I said I had a place I wanted to take you to today?"
Vlad smiled a little sadly as he said this.
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The place he took me to was一
(This place...)
The grass was lined with tombstones engraved with the names of the deceased.
I followed Vlad's back as he made his way among them and suddenly stopped.
There was no name inscribed on the tombstone where he knelt and placed a bouquet.
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Mitsuki: "Whose grave is this?"
The snow was still falling as I waited for his response.
Vlad: "Here lie the lives I've taken with my own hands."
Vlad: "The Duke of Wellington and other great men like him who I have revived but discarded as weak pawns."
Vlad: "It's not just them who sleep here. The people I killed due to my righteous judgments of right and wrong are also here."
Vlad: "I took all of their lives, driven by my ambitions."
Vlad stared at the 49 tombstones, silently accepting the denunciations of those who could no longer speak.
The Duke of Wellington, who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, was revived as a vampire by Vlad and once again inflicted deep wounds on Napoleon.
(And I saw Vlad take Wellington's life with the same hand that revived him.)
When he looked down at the gravestone, the wind roared past him.
Vlad: "A year ago, my ambition became a dream I want to fulfill."
Vlad: "I want to nurture hope with the humans, just as they have shown me."
Vlad: "But what I have done in the past will never disappear. It can never be erased."
Vlad stood up and slowly looked back at me.
Vlad: “That’s why I decided I’d do anything for this world with the sins I committed.”
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Vlad: “I wanted to come here tonight to let that engraved in my heart once again.”
(This is his atonement and pledge to the future.)
(Vlad will live forever carrying these burdens on his shoulders.)
I knew he had brought me here tonight to convey that resolve and determination.
Vlad: “Mitsuki, the man you fell in love with has this kind of blood on his hands.”
Vlad: “But I just can’t let go of my destiny with you.”
Vlad: “That’s why...”
His beautiful crimson eyes looked slightly troubled, but still stared at me intently.
Vlad: “I want you to live with me for the rest of your life.”
I didn’t hesitate to put my own hand on his extended hand.
Mitsuki: “I will live with you, Vlad.”
Mitsuki: “I won’t stop loving you even after knowing what you did.”
(I'll continue to believe in people's thoughts as hope and protect this world because Vlad's dream is also mine.)
(Even if it’s a thorny path, I will still walk beside him.)
Mitsuki: “I want to live with you forever, so don’t let go of me.”
Vlad: “............”
My chest was overflowing painfully with feelings for Vlad.
The moment our eyes met, he hugged me tightly, his emotions flowing out of him.
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Vlad: "Thank you, Mitsuki."
Vlad: "I love you. You're the only one who can watch over my future."
The snow danced like feathers, enveloping us.
In the silence, feeling as if we were the only two people in the world, a breath of air touched my ear, creating the illusion that I was alone with him.
Vlad: "Mitsuki. From here on out, let me look only at you."
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Previous Part╏Side Story╏Premium
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ivy-lulu · 3 years
Even more spoilers for Vlad's route
Can we just take a moment to appreciate MC. She’s actually so kind and hard-working, and really wants to make everyone happy, and it’s really put into context in this part of Vlad’s route (more chapter 3 spoilers below).
Vlad and MC are sitting on the bank of the Seine eating strawberries, when Vlad asks MC to tell him about herself. MC tells him that she arrived in Paris whilst travelling, and Vlad says that its good to travel, asking if she is staying in a hotel. MC panics a little, knowing that she can’t tell him she lives in a house of vampires, and instead tells him that she is working as a maid for a nobleman. Vlad asks how long she is staying and MC suddenly remembers that she doesn't know how long she's going to be stuck in the 19th century...
MC: Well, I can’t go home just yet because there was a little mistake... But it’s fine, I’m happy that my trip has been extended. 
MC: And the residents of the mansion have opened up to me as well so...
MC runs out of words, partly because of how beautiful the sunset looks in front of her, but mainly because she is feeling emotional about not being able to go home. 
MC: It’s alright though... sometimes it’s a little overwhelming, and even though I know it’s alright to talk to everyone and laugh it off, it’s a little hard to do that.
Vlad: And why is that?
MC: I’ve come to care about them all so much, so it’s hard to open up to them when I’m gloomy because I don’t want to make them sad as well. I want them to laugh as much as possible. That’s why...
Vlad: ... 
MC: Oh, I’m sorry. I just keep talking about myself... 
Vlad then goes on to say that he is also having a problem, in that he finds himself to be short-handed, and asks her if she will help him with his work. MC says that she wants to but she has her job at the mansion, and Vlad says it will only take an hour each day, and MC agrees to help him when she is on her way back from shopping.
She's actually so caring. Even though she's only met Vlad twice, she's agreed to work for him because he's short-handed, on top of the work that she already has at the mansion. I think the 'work' will really just be an excuse for them to meet each other but I haven't read that far yet so we'll see.
But, I feel like this is one of the only times where we actually get to see MC be vulnerable. The start of Vlad's route is pretty much the same as the start of Comte's route (spoilers ahead) in that the door malfunctioned and she can't go home. But I feel like the emotional toll on MC was almost completely overlooked in Comte's route, apart from that one part of the first chapter where she's a little teary-eyed and Comte comforts her. I don't know about anyone else, but if I suddenly ended up stuck for an indefinite amount of time in the 19th century, I'd probably be pretty anxious as well.
Anyway, I'm really enjoying Vlad's route so far. Still not seeing much of the 'evil mastermind' behind all the other routes so he can't be that bad right... ha... ha...
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ask-ikevamfaust · 3 years
I’m just curious! It’s not like I could stop you even if I wanted to. You’ll do your experiment regardless of whether I want you to or not.
Plus, I’m sure you’ve got some amusing results. I would love to hear any funny stories you’ve got.
While my research is more for practical uses than amusements, my two subjects definitely turn out with some more than interesting results.
Then again, I don't believe Lord Vlad would be too pleased with me telling you about the incident where I caused something to go wrong with his taste buds and cause all of his strawberries to taste strange to him.
I don't believe I've ever seen someone eat so many strawberries in a panic like that but I would prefer to keep my organs inside my body for the rest of the foreseeable future
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thebibliosphere · 6 years
Favorite desserts of the Hunger Pangs main trio? (And Riya, too, since she sounds adorable and delightful.) Well, wait, I don't know if vampires CAN eat regular food, and I know you said that werewolves have issues with digesting chocolate. Feel free not to answer, because I know you're busy. But if you should happen to be in one of those "I want to squee about these characters" moods, you know.
Vampires can and do indeed eat food in Phangs, and Riya’s favorite sweet treat is chocolate truffles. She likes to poke a fang through the middle to get to the gooey center when no one is looking. She also likes to make people bread and honey sandwiches when they’re feeling upset. It’s something she remembers Vlad doing for her as a child before her Undeath. It’s her comfort food.
Ursula has a notoriously sweet tooth and is easily bribed with honeycomb, but is also partial to a strawberry cream if you happen to be going past the confectioner in town. She’ll eat pretty much anything put in front of her, and develops a particular affection for sticky toffee pudding, which is a somewhat northern staple where Nathan is from. Fresh fruits also never go amiss, but if it’s sour be prepared for it to be foisted onto your plate. The rare exception to this is lemon drizzle cake.
While most werewolves struggle to digest chocolate (Nathan is particularly prone to migraines and feeling ill if he eats any) some have found they are able to eat white chocolate or carob if offered, but it’s not something they go out of their way to consume. Nathan doesn’t have a very sweet tooth, he prefers savory desserts, like a good cheese board or tart. He is partial to butterscotch once every blue moon (figuratively or literally, hard to tell with werewolves) and has a moment of epiphany when Ursula combines the two to make a butterscotch cheesecake. It’s the one dessert the trio can agree upon and are able to share.
Vlad likes primarily tart and sour things. If your caramel isn’t salted he doesn’t want to know about it. He can abide chocolate but prefers it to be extremely dark chocolate, the kind that a doctor can prescribe to an anemic patient for the iron content. He’s also partial to jams and marmalades and will also use them to sweeten his tea, a habitual throwback to where he and his family are originally from.
He also likes aniseed things, and will happily eat all the licorice things no one else wants. Not the modern guff though, real licorice, the kind that tastes like it was dredged from a tar pit and filtered through a batch of absinthe.
Hard toffee can go fuck itself though, he’s cracked a fang more than once on that shit.
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Ikemen Vampire - Charles Henri-Sanson Chapter 5 / Best of Part 3 :
Again? Get killed again? Wtf What's going on in this villa?! 🤨😂🩷
Faust: quasi-comatose😂😆 This is also my morning state. Monday to Friday. Sometimes Saturday, when I must go to the work or early up😵‍💫 So yeah, Faust is like me, not a morning person.
No one. Charles: Simping about MC in front of Faust🥺💕 Meanwhile Faust: Do you check what you're doing?
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Ikemen Vampire (JP)
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Before You Become My Beloved
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. JP SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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Flowers bloom without anyone begging for them.
Their beautiful colors, sweet fragrance, and soft touch are etched in people’s memories, along with joy, surprise, sorrow, and anger.
This is the untold story of a vampire known as the Son of God.
Woman: “Which flowers do you think are appropriate for the workplace?”
Vlad: “I recommend dahlias and gerberas. They both have the word ‘gratitude’ in their language.”
Man: “Today is our wedding anniversary. What flowers should I give my wife?”
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Vlad: “How about red geraniums? In the flower language, it means you’re happy to have them.”
Vlad’s wagon, full of colorful flowers, was immediately surrounded by smiling people.
As the customers left with bouquets in their hands, Vlad gently narrowed his eyes.
Vlad: “Flowers have the power to make people smile.”
I smiled when I heard him mutter such kind words while helping him.
Mitsuki: “I don’t think it’s just the flowers that made everyone smile.”
Vlad: “Huh?”
Mitsuki: “It’s because of you.”
Mitsuki: “They were happy when you told them the language of flowers.”
Mitsuki: “They bought the flowers from this shop because you relate to their feelings.”
Vlad: “Thank you. I’d be happy if that was the case.”
Despite his words, his crimson eyes shook a little sadly.
Vlad: “The language of flowers is something I learned to get along with humans.”
True, Vlad told me before that he learned the language of flowers because he hoped it would help him get to know humans better.
Vlad: “I remember all of this because I read that book.”
Mitsuki: “I see.”
I imagined Vlad as a child, holding a thick book unfit for his body, tracing the words of the flowers one by one一It was a heart-wrenchingly sad and lovely image.
Mitsuki: “Hey, what was the first flower language you learned?”
I casually asked, and his crimson eyes narrowed nostalgically.
Vlad: “I think it’s the devil’s charm.”
Mitsuki: “Huh?”
Vlad: “It’s the language of the snakeberry flower. After blooming its pretty yellow flowers, it produces small, red berries.”
When he suddenly stopped speaking, Vlad smiled and looked at the sky.
Vlad: “This takes me back. The one who told me about those red berries was a human.”
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A long, long time ago一
The story is set in Vlad’s childhood, when he still had no idea of the meaning of eternity.
One day, under a blue sky, Vlad stepped out into a deserted corridor.
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Vlad: “Phew.”
Vlad: “I need to hide the rope so they won’t find it.”
He moved the broken cobblestones he had found earlier, hid the rope inside, and put the lid back on.
Vlad: "That should do it!"
Vlad: "It's time for some adventure."
He escaped from the room through the window and ran into the forest, his fine, flowing silver hair swaying.
Being born a pure-blooded vampire, he was considered special because of the blood of his ancestors.
His family considered him sacred, so they banned him from going outside as he grew up.
However, for a curious child, the inside of the mansion was too boring.
Vlad: "Wow! A creek! The sunlight glistening through it is so beautiful."
Vlad: "There are lots of fish! Ahahaha! Some little birds and foxes are here, too."
Perhaps because it has been a long time since he went outside, everything he sees makes his heart flutter.
Vlad: "The world is so full of lovely things."
He spread his arms out to embrace the glorious view and breathe in the fresh air.
At that moment, a lovely red berry caught his eye.
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Vlad: "What kind of fruit is this?"
(Wild strawberry? Raspberry?)
He crouched down on the spot and was about to touch the fruit when…
???: "If you're going to eat it, don't."
???: "That's a snakeberry."
Vlad: "!"
He turned around and saw a grown man with a tanned face, brown curly hair, and hands stained with mud standing there.
He was wearing a long apron and boots, but the scent of earth gave him the idea that he was a gardener.
He sat down on a nearby stump and gently plucked a snakeberry.
Gardener: “It’s not poisonous, but it tastes so bad you can’t even eat it.”
Vlad: “Are these berries called snake berries?”
Gardener: “Yeah, these things grow where snakes are likely to come out.”
Gardener: “So you have to be careful when getting this. Make sure there aren’t any snakes around.”
He smiled happily and put his big hand on his head.
(It’s so warm.)
It was the first human warmth he had ever felt.
Vlad: “Why are you patting my head?”
Gardener: “It doesn’t mean anything, but if I had to answer, I suppose it’s because all children are God-given lovely beings.”
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The moment the gardener said that, his heart overflowed with warmth.
(Just like I loved this world, this person loved me.)
He recalled all the ideas and beliefs his family repeatedly taught him.
(Everyone in my family says that vampires are the ones who rule over humans.)
(I’ve always thought otherwise.)
(I thought that since we live in the same world, there is no difference between the creatures.)
(I wasn’t wrong in my thinking.)
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Vlad: “Hey, hey. Are you still gonna be here tomorrow? Can I come and see you?”
He blinked his eyes like he was momentarily amused.
Gardener: “Yeah, I usually rest here during my break from work.”
He replied with a smile.
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That night, Vlad took every book he could find about plants from the library to his room.
Vlad: “Snakeberry, a perennial herb of the rose family.”
Vlad: “The flowers are yellow with red berries.”
Vlad: “So it was the berries I saw.”
He read through the description of the snakeberry and reached for the next book.
The book, entitled “The language of flowers” was a collection of flower-related anecdotes and sayings.
Vlad: “Does it also mention the language of flowers of the snakeberry?”
Curious, he flipped through the pages and found its name.
Vlad: “There it is! The language of its flowers is...”
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