#don't ask about the green pupils there's a reason
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made a thing
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jaewritesfic · 2 months
Melon!AU Part 3
The creature's surprise surprises everyone else.
“It understands English?” Dick asks with a thoughtful tone lacing his voice.
“Or recognizes the motion of the wave as something benign,” Damian proposes, tense as a live wire as he keeps eagle eyes on Cass below.
Cass raises her hands, and though she does so slowly no amount of surprise keeps the creature from restarting that odd, piercing warning sound.
“Don't be afraid,” she says slowly and clearly, her hands moving to sign the words as she speaks. “I'm a friend.”
Despite there being no iris or pupil to be found in those glowing eyes, the way they dart back and forth between her hands and her mask is clear to see.
It doesn't stop growling, but it does shift uneasily. 
Cass's hands move to sign without speaking.
Do you understand me?
Nothing, save for the flicking of bottomless eyes.
“Do you understand me?”
The creature twitches, like being asked such a thing is a surprise. It takes a long moment - as if the question must be some kind of trap - before its head jerks in a jittery, hesitant nod.
More than one person's breath catches audibly over comms.
The set of Cass's shoulders softens in a way that telegraphs a smile, one that can't be seen past her mask.
“Nice to meet you,” she says with her voice.
Knows English but not sign, she says with her hands.
Smart girl. With that knowledge she can sign to the Bats without the creature realizing her hands are saying anything different than her mouth.
As soon as nice to meet you spills into the open air, the creature stops growling. For something with such an inhuman, blank face it telegraphs shock and confusion loudly.
Actually, it…it's almost like Bruce can feel those things himself, like something brushing against the base of his brain. It's disturbing and fascinating all at once.
Perhaps the feelings of dread and disturbance being near it causes is more than just fear of the unknown.
If it can project its own feelings, can it also sense theirs? Bruce isn't sure how he feels about that idea.
“Are you hurt?”
Definitely guarding chest. Bleeding.
“Bleeding?” Tim asks. 
“Chest hurts?”
Bleeding green.
“It's bleeding the Lazarus water?” Tim hisses. 
“I'm sorry,” Jason's voice cuts in on comms. “Your creature is bleeding what now?”
“Unconfirmed, but the color is similar,” Bruce says.
Jason is on standby, gracious enough to be patrolling a little further than his usual to cover the gaps while they deal with whatever this is.
Gracious is actually a stretch considering the choice words he'd had about the request when asked. Still, the protests had been more routine than truly venomous.
Bruce suspects he's mostly displeased with not being on site if his siblings need him in the face of a total unknown.
“Do you need help?” Cass's voice rings out softly again.
Doesn't want to admit injury.
“A doctor?”
There are flinches all around as that finally gathers a marked reaction, and a negative one. The sound is like nails on a chalkboard, like a million light bulb filaments breaking and fizzling out. The cadence is odd, almost like the creature is trying to speak.
“No doctor! Okay, no doctor. It's okay.”
Afraid. Terrified.
The sound stutters out again, that odd feeling against the base of Bruce's skull and the wide eyes of the creature projecting confusion and disbelief over the easy acquiescence. 
This is not an entity that expects to have its desires or fears cared about. Bruce has a bad feeling it's an expectation borne from experience.
Once again, he thinks with a sick feeling about the fact that he hadn't stopped to consider the creature might be reasoned with until Cass stepped in.
“Can I come closer?”
The creature whines as if it's a frightened stray, not a shadowy nightmare. Its claws click against the pavement in a manner that feels distinctly nervous. 
“Please? I won't hurt you.”
Tired. Can't go for much longer and knows it.
They all watch closely as the creature's eyes flicker up and towards the line of police cruisers and officers at the very end of the alley, then back to Cass.
Its claws keep clicking. 
The pool of green below it might be bigger, or it might just be the new knowledge that the substance is like blood messing with Bruce's nerves.
“I'm coming over. Slow. I won't hurt you.”
Weighing their options. Either me or cops. Knows that too.
True to her word, Cass moves slowly.
The creature's tail lashes and it grumbles its unrest, but it doesn't snarl like before and it doesn't lash out even when she's certainly close enough for those long spindly arms to reach.
Cass sinks to her knees just feet from it, posture intentionally open. Carefully, she offers another wave and a pleased, “Hello. See? All okay.”
Bruce's heart seizes. For just a moment, the wide glowing eyes angled to look up at Cass read as painfully young. Like a frightened child.
“You need help,” Cass almost whispers, hands laying on her thighs in plain sight. “No doctors, I know. But maybe a safe place? Come with me?”
Surely the comms have never been so silent as they are while Cass turns her hands over and extends them, like she's inviting the creature to place its own in her palms.
“Keep you safe. I promise.”
For a long few moments, the creature is so silent and still it may well have frozen in time.
Then there's a mourning keen that nearly buckles Bruce at the knees and the creature is moving. 
Instead of taking her hands, it drags itself forward and grabs at her to a chorus of panicked shouts on the comms. So quickly nobody has time to react, it's dragged itself up to cling to her shoulders and bury its face in her neck.
The shadowy frame trembles when she holds it in return.
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zayne-li · 2 months
Heartbreaker Attacks!
Rating: Explicit
Length: 2.8k words
Here it is. The sex pollen fic. I forget who posted about this, but whoever it was, here you go.
I’m currently in the middle of the woods when I get a notification on my hunters watch that there is a wanderer attack nearby. I follow the coordinates through the underbrush, ducking under branches and avoiding rocks, and when I emerge, I’m in… Zayne’s backyard?
Well, sort of, the entire thing is enclosed in a high fence, but the location ping on my watch tells me that the wanderer is still ahead of me. I don't actually know if he’s home right now, but the fact that as I walk around the perimeter, it seems to be pinging from inside gets me worried fast. From inside, I can definitely hear some kind of commotion going on. But why would Heartbreaker attack a house randomly like this…? No, it wouldn’t just show up to destroy property, I decide, Zayne must be inside. At that moment I hear the distinct and familiar sound of Zayne’s ice spikes crackling and lodging themselves in something, possibly the wall. Luckily, only a few weeks ago, Zayne gave me the code to his front door, deciding it was “only fair” because I’d given him my apartment key. You know, just in case of “emergencies”. No other reason.
This is the first time I’ve used it though, and for a moment I’m not sure I can remember it. Was it 4102? No… 4210? No… Shit! 0412? Yes! The lock on the door blinks green and I push it open before pausing for a second, realizing something I hadn’t before. 
0412? That’s… My birthday.
I blink and shake my head a little. Not important right now! 
The sounds are coming from the living room, up ahead, and I think I even catch a glimpse of the little pink and purple wanderer. I can definitely hear it screeching, then from through the doorway, I see another ice spike whiz past. Heartbreaker cries, there’s the sound of something breaking, and then a heaving gasp that sounds distinctly like Zayne, before a series of hacking coughs.
When I skid to a stop in the room, Heartbreaker is gone, and with a brief glance at my watch, I see that the metaflux has dissipated. Which means that Zayne took it down. At least for now. Another glance around the room, and Zayne is leaning against an armchair with one hand, while his elbow covers his mouth. He’s still coughing. 
“Are you okay?!” I ask, trying not to sound panicked as he doubles over, now holding himself up by his elbow on the armchair. In just a few long strides, I’m at his side, hands hovering over his back, trying to assess what might be wrong. The first thing I notice is that he’s breathing hard and he’s flushed, though maybe that’s just the exertion from fighting. What I expect to see is maybe a bit of frost on his fingertips or creeping up his neck, but instead, when I place my hand tentatively on the small of his back, I realize he’s burning up. Also… The moment my fingers make contact with his body, he moans. I jerk back almost on instinct, my brow furrowing in confusion. Is he injured there? Zayne rolls his head to the side, and I can see better how he looks, red and panting. “I’m,” cough, “fine… You certainly acted quickly.”
He doesn’t look fine. His pupils are blown, and he has a hazy look in his eyes. My concern grows. I blink at him. “Did you just…”
He looks away, blushing brighter, “... Yes, I believe so.”
“I think you should sit down.” I touch his shoulder and arm to guide him, trying to get him to walk around the chair to sit down, but that touch too has a shiver going through his whole body before he tenses up, though he doesn’t try to stop me from guiding him into the seat. “Are you in pain?”
“No, I… No, not pain.” He gets out after a second, his expression pinched, almost frustrated, and he seems to be trying to avoid looking at me, keeping his gaze settled firmly on the ground and away from me as he clasps both hands in his lap. Maybe I’m imagining things, but I think I can see a bulge in his pants where his legs press together. “Let me get you some water.” “Yes… Water.” He’s distracted. When I return with a glass of water, his condition has already deteriorated drastically. He’s almost panting, one hand gripping the arm of the couch, the other in a fist on his thigh. He’s burning up when I get close, and he seems to have attempted to adjust himself in his pants in my absence. I feel a brief flash of anger go through me, just knowing that he’s in a state like this, and he’s arrogant enough to think he can get away without me noticing. I set the glass down, concerned, and drop to my knees in front of him, taking a hold of the hand on his leg. His eyes drift closed, and he moans softly. My voice is quiet, but firm. “Zayne, what did it attack you with?”
His face pinches more, and he swallows. “An aphrodisiac of some kind, I would assume, based on my symptoms. You… You should go. I’ll be fine. It’ll wear off.” “You’re an idiot if you think I’m just going to leave you here. Do you have any idea what will happen to you if this is left to work its way through your system?” He does. He’s seen patients exhibiting these same symptoms before, on rare occasions. In a hospital setting, there’s not much to do for them except keep their body temperature down and make sure they’re hydrated. From what he’s seen, detoxifying this particular poison is excruciatingly painful, regardless of the drug they're given to ease it. He should drink that water. “Yes.”
“Well so do I, so no, you’re not going to make me go anywhere right now.” I lean over him, hands on his thighs, and he suddenly looks up into my eyes, so needy, and whimpers. “You’d do the same thing if I was in your position, right?”
After a second, a short nod, though it looks like it pains him. “I would.”
“Then stop being a hypocrite.”
His eyes get a little wider as he looks up at me, “But what if I can’t co–”
“Don’t start that again.” I shoot him a look, and sigh at the worry on his face. My hand strokes his cheek and hair for a second, and it seems that’s all he really needs as he deflates a little, leaning into my palm and letting out a soft little grunt from the back of his throat.
I reach forward between his legs, and they seem to part for me almost instinctively. When my hands cups him through his trousers, his head falls back, and his hips rise up to meet me. The sound he makes as I squeeze down on him is a soft, high pitched moan. He’s still gripping the armrest with one hand, and I swear his knuckles are turning white already.
“Please… I need…” Already Zayne sounds a little wrecked, his voice low and desperate. The heat of his cock is heavy in my hand, and I squeeze down a little harder one more time, pulling another groan from him before I let go. “I know what you need.” I reassure him, and start to work on my clothes. My hunter’s uniform is a little complicated to get off, but the good news is that I’ve had a lot of practice. First the belts, then vest, boots, and in only a few seconds I’m shucking off the tight pants, leaving me only in my white button down. When I look up, I realize that Zayne has been drinking in the sight of me undressing the entire time, and one of his hands has now taken place of my own, where he seems to be gripping himself pretty damn tightly, enough that the veins and tendons on his hand have become more prominent than usual. 
As I take a step closer to him, he reaches out, grabbing hold of me to touch me everywhere, and all pretense is lost to him. Squeezing at my ass, my hips, my thighs, everywhere he can reach until he has a strong enough grip to rut me against him. His head falls onto my shoulder, and he’s whining, wordless. I let him do that for a minute or two, locked against him in his strong arms while his hips move beneath me, and then I grab his arm to make him stop. Even though he could easily overpower me, he ceases desperately grinding himself on me, and looks up with wide eyes, blown out by his lust, like a puppy begging for food. Or maybe like he’s afraid he’s done something wrong, and is about to receive a scolding. I brace one arm on his chest, and with the other move back on his lap. He watches, rapt as I undo his pants and pull out his cock. It’s already leaking, red, and throbbing in my grip.
The first touch has him swearing quietly, hips moving into my hand. I squeeze down on the tip as I stroke upwards, and he lets out a broken sound, his body arching for a second. So I do it again, and again, watching him as his head rolls to the side, and he seems incapable of closing his mouth.
“Too hot…” He chokes out. And he is sweating, almost through his shirt already. Were he alone, I think, this is the point by now where he would have attempted to get himself into a cold shower. 
“Let me help you then.”
I start undressing him, and it seems like every brush against him, clothed or not has him reacting, letting out little whines and moans, and he’s almost trembling with the effort to contain himself. Sometimes it even sounds like he’s trying to speak, but every plea comes out half formed. I offer encouragement to him until he’s completely bare, and help him stand so I can lay him down on the couch. I press my full weight on top of him. He’s about to lose his mind, his neck and back arching underneath me, hands tight on my waist. 
“Hey,” I murmur against his throat, and he moans. He’s so hard that I can feel a wet sticky mess starting to form between us, “you still with me?” I ask him, against his lips, barely brushing against them with my own. Zayne just groans and captures my mouth in a bruising kiss, letting go of my hips to hold me by the back of neck to him. His tongue probes at my bottom lip, and he’s moaning so softly and so desperately that I feel a surge of heat between my legs. I open my mouth to him, and he moans louder, his tongue invading me the moment he’s given permission, licking into my mouth, like he’s trying to taste and memorize every part of it. 
When he finally lets me go, he’s gasping, and his lips are now swollen, pink, and shiny with our shared spit. 
It’s frankly, an amazing look on him. 
“I’m here…” He pants, his voice hoarse as his dazed expression meets mine. I’ve never seen him like this before, it’s like he’s almost drunk on sex, and we haven’t even had it yet. “Just… Need you… Please…” Zayne begs, quiet and small, and he speaks slowly, like he’s unsure how to properly voice his own desires. For just a second, I’m overwhelmed by just how… cute he is. It’s my turn to swear under my breath, and I can’t help pulling him into another kiss, which he accepts gratefully. 
I reach my hand between us, rising up on my hips and scooting forward to position myself over him. When I grab his cock he seems to finally realize what I’m doing, and for a second I’m worried he’s forgotten how to breathe, with the way he suddenly goes almost entirely still. His erection is slick already, and I use the mess of cum he’s made on himself to stroke him a few times, until his cock is coated in his own seed. Zayne’s head arches back against the cushion of the couch, and the leg he has braced on the floor moves inwards, jostling me a little as I press the tip of his cock against me. I rub it against me a few times, looking down at the debauched mess of himself that Zayne has already become, and fuck if I don’t feel myself almost gush between my legs. 
“Please don’t tease me.” He sounds almost broken, begging as he tries to arch up into my cunt, whining when I place a hand on his hip to keep him still.
“I’m not, I promise.” I try to reassure him by rubbing my thumb against his skin, where I’ve braced myself on his chest. Then, I get his cock to catch on the rim of my entrance, and sink down all in one go. It nearly takes the breath out of my lungs, the sudden fullness and heat of him inside me, and I let out a few soft gasps. 
“Oh, fuck…” Zayne whimpers beneath me, his voice high and thready. His hands twitch for a fraction of a second, and then he grabs at my waist, like he needs something to just ground him. I start to move, slowly at first, and watch his face screw up almost like he’s in pain, but I think really he’s just trying to stay still. My breath comes out heavier as I brace both hands on his chest and move on him faster, rolling my hips atop his own.
And God, it feels so good that I start to get lost in it myself a little, chasing my own pleasure with his cock, and when I look down at him I see him watching me, his mouth open, and he’s making the cutest little sounds with every movement, growing faster with each passing moment, and then I see it. I don’t stop riding him while I watch his back arch, his eyes close, and his body start to twitch and tremble while I feel him pulsing inside of me. He’s almost silent during his orgasm, only gasping softly, as if he doesn’t have the breath to make another sound.
I don’t cum yet, but I can feel myself clenching down around him at the sight of him coming undone. His hair is messy, his cheeks and ears bright red, and his chest is heaving underneath my palms. He looks completely fucked out, boneless, and like he’s barely aware of his surroundings. 
My hips keep grinding down onto his cock that hasn’t started to soften yet, and I try to angle myself so that I can fuck down almost onto his public bone, because I know if I can get my clit just a little bit of– “Oh god!” I choke out, and start to ride him hard and fast as I feel my orgasm start to wash over me, and I feel how wet it’s getting between us, the squelch getting louder and louder while I work my way through it. 
In the haze, I dimly become aware of Zayne’s hands now taking a bruising grip on my hips, and the pained groans and whines that start to come from him while I use his overstimulated cock. “Oh fuck, oh, mmm, wait, I can’t–” He starts to protest, but during the fall of my orgasm, I feel him start to cum again, in a matter of seconds. This time he is not so quiet. Instead he keens, and inside of me his cock jumps wildly, spurting into me over and over, and as Zayne gasps and shudders through it, for a second I think both of us are wondering if it’ll ever end. 
As it ebbs away, he makes a little sobbing sound, and while I catch my own breath, I feel that he’s still holding tight to my hips. I lean heavily over him, tightening around his cock a few times as I feel it start to soften inside of me, and hear Zayne’s small, almost pained grunt. There’s a long silence, neither of us speaking or looking at each other until I feel his cock slip out of me, flopping back down between his own legs, and then I raise up to look at him. I wonder if I look as disheveled as he does. Not that it matters, because he’s looking up at me and his eyes are almost sparkling. I clear my throat, “Better?”
Zayne huffs a chuckle, and instead looks at his hands as they start to move up and down my thighs, his voice still hoarse, “Yes, much… But I’m afraid I might need a follow up appointment, doctor.”
I roll my eyes, and crawl back over him to steal another short kiss. I don’t miss the way he tries to follow my lips for a second. “Well, then I guess we’ll just have to schedule one.”
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kimmyluvg · 7 months
So this is what falling in love feels like...
Summary: Meliodas never knew what it means to love someone.. Maybe a goddess can show him how?
A series where you (F!Reader) are Elizabeth's younger sister, falls in love with him. Meliodas' relationship with Elizabeth is very platonic and no romance.
Pt. One, Two, Three, Four, Five (Finale)
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These meetings between Meliodas and Y/N now happened often whenever they need some time to cool off during their duties. Today, it was just like any other day, but this took a different turn.
"Meliodas, what are we going to do today?" Y/n asked the blonde demon, who just satre at her. "Too tired for anything today." He said as he rested his back on the ground near the statue. Y/N took a seat beside him, "Is it that tiring to watch over the Commandments?" Y/N asked as Meliodas nodded. He then proceeded to rant about everything he had witness in yesrterday's events and Y/N is there to listen. "And then... They proceeded to constantly insult me like I was just some puppet for my father." Meliodas said as he stood up. Y/N softened her face. "But you aren't one." Y/n then said as she stood next to him, "Of all the days I meet you here, I never once found anything that made you smile.." Y/N said as she reaches towards Meliodas' hand. "I... I want to see you smile.. Even once.. I might be selfish about this but.. I just wanted to see you happy." Y/N said as she looked at Meliodas. And for some reason that Meliodas couldn't understand, it reaches through his feelings about everything.
"So Meliodas, share your burdens to me... I don't care how heavy and dangerous those problems are but know this... I will always be with you no matter what lies ahead." Y/N said as she held Meliodas' both hands. And there, she saw his face.. His eyes with overflowing tears running down his cheeks. It has been the first time someone had said that to him and how it warmed his hearts. Meliodas then realized what these feelings meant to him. Y/N then started to wipe off his tears using her thumb. Seeing Y/N like this with him, makes his hearts flutter. "Y/N.. You..." Meliodas said as Y/N realized what she had said and blushed, "Oh dear! I said it out loud, didn't I?! Oh dear..." Y/N mumbled while placing her hands on her face, attempting to cover up her flushed cheeks. Meliodas couldn't take it anymore. He burst into laughter. Y/N peaked over her fingers and saw Meliodas laughing. It was the first time she had seen him laugh like that before. “Meliodas?” Y/N said as Meliodas tried to compose himself and sighed, “That was refreshing.” He said as Y/N noticed his eyes changed color. “Does your eyes change color when you relax?” She asked as Meliodas asked for a mirror. Y/N then made one and gave it to him, there he saw his pupils changed into green. He never noticed it before. “I.. I never knew..” He said as Y/N held his hand, “Maybe it’s because you never been very relaxed before.” She said as Meliodas realized what she was saying. He was always been on guard because anyone could hurt him or the others if he’s too relaxed. But it seems whenever he’s with Y/N, he’s taking in that relaxing feeling. He couldn’t explain it yet about what is he feeling but he felt great whenever she’s with him.
‘What is this feeling..? Is this what Zeldris was feeling towards that Vampire?’
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shamythelazypotato · 5 months
"Going back" AvA AU
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First part of this / Next part
"A weekly battle?" Chosen asks with a confused look. It's been a week since he moved in with the CG, and it's been... interesting to say the least. He got his own room in a pixelated place thanks to something the kids called 'Minecraft.' He had heard of it before; it became a pretty popular game for a while. But to be honest, nothing interested TCO more than conquering websites alongside Dark back then.
Ah, Dark. For some reason, his thoughts always drift back to him...
Chosen found out the kids lacked individual names. Oh, they claimed they did, but in reality, they were simply identified by their colors. Red, Green—mere descriptors that couldn't help but make Chosen scoff inwardly, How could they settle for being identified solely by their colors?
It seemed too simplistic, too devoid of identity, for Chosen, his name had always been his beacon, his identity etched into every pixel of his existence.
Powerful, glorious, strong, special.
It is true that the black hollow-head didn't grasp the importance of it at first, but after what happened, Chosen actually had time to think, not about destruction or mayhem, just actually think. And now that he thinks about it, these kids are way more different than he is or what he's used to. Still, being named after a color is stupid at least. It looks like Alan couldn't care enough to at least name them properly.
No, Chosen shakes his head slightly as his red eyes glance at the bar task under him.
It's better this way, no expectations, no destiny or something. The kids are actually lucky, luckier than he was at least.
"What are these weekly battles about?" Chosen finally asks. He reclines himself over the soft sofa on the left side of the desktop, leaving enough space to appreciate the battle that is about to start.
"Oh, that's easy!" Second says with a smile. "It's when we usually reunite together to have like a sparring contest! The winner gets one of these," Second says excitedly as he takes out of nowhere a cubic-like trophy in gold. Seems like these kids have made their whole life around Minecraft.
The red kid (Chosen assumes the youngest one) is bouncing eagerly around, throwing punches at the air and getting excited in general. Meanwhile, the green one is patting his shoulder, probably to calm him down and then pointing at himself in an arrogant way. Red only points at him, saying in a tone of defiance, "Hey! Just because you mostly win it doesn't mean you're the best!"
Green says, leaning with his hands on his hips and smirking, "Isn't that exactly what it proves? That I'm the best?"
"Ugh! Don't try to use your mind tricks on me Green! It won't work," but Chosen could clearly perceive a hint of hesitation in Red's eyes. Kids, he thinks in a mixture of amusement and exasperation.
Meanwhile Blue and Yellow were standing more closely to Second, who was almost Infront of Chosen.
The blue one seemed excited as well but in a calmer way, while the yellow one shared his enthusiasm in the same level of excitement, she was also talking about possible strategics and nudging playfully at her blue partner about winning.
They really think this is a game.
Chosen's pupils look at the side without moving his head.«No wonder these kids don't know what to do in a real fight» his eyes narrow as he stares at a lost point on the desktop. His perceptive memory still remembers how the same sticks disintegrated in front of his helpless form.
Pinned, bloody, and beaten up. Helpless. Weak. Weak.
Cursors. Chosen hates Dark for making him feel this way, and this desktop is not helping at all. Ironically, the only other place where he has felt like this before. Thanks to a certain cursor.
Why did he think it was a good idea to come back to this place in the first place? Maybe his house was too painful destroyed to live in. Maybe it's because there are multiple wanted signs searching for him (not that he's afraid). Maybe it's because it doesn't matter where he is anymore.
He will grief survive anyway.
He won't fail again.
"Wanna join us Chosen?" Since Chosen told his name to the kids, he hasn't stopped hearing his name, he almost felt self conscious of it, Chosen glances at Second and says in a monotonous voice "Wouldn't it be unfair?"
"Unfair?...uh" Second trails off as he rests his hand on his chin. Second tilts his head with a curious look to the black stickfigure. "Maybe, but it's just a friendly sparring! You can even teach us cool moves or new techniques to learn! And probably-"
"I meant you" Chosen says in a dead tone, his crimson eyes flickering to see the green confusion in Second. "Isn't it unfair if you and I fight with them?" Second has a puzzled expression on his face.
"What do you mean by that? We're all the same here! Well except for you that you're super fast and powerf-"
"We're both powerful" Chosen says bluntly, he narrows his eyes slightly, «strange» since they came back from defeating Dark, Chosen tried to give his thanks to Second yet, the orange stickfigure looked confused about it, trying to deny he remembers anything about "healing powers" or "Resurrection" and thanking Chosen instead.
And just now, Second shakes his head stubbornly as he says "No Chosen! I already told you, I'm glad you appreciated our efforts but I was just as helpless as my...friends were" Second bows his head in the floor, his lip trembling slightly "I... almost died with them, until you saved us"
At the mention of death, the rest of the stickfigures fell silent and glanced at Chosen then at Second, seems like it was still a sensitive topic for the colorful sticks.
«So he doesn't really remember anything» Chosen thinks inwardly with a sigh, it's not of his surprised that Second is oblivious of his own powers, probably even Alan doesn't know anything about them.
Funny enough it's how it was only activated when he had to survive.
Chosen remembers being in control since the first time he was created, not a trigger or a reason, just a purpose
Still he's smart enough to know when he has done enough questions to someone, Second actually looks affected by what has happened a days ago before. Even the rest of the colorful sticks were silent and looking down or leaning on each other as if to reassure to each other they're good, they're alive.
«Enough probing»
Chosen sighs again
"If I join you, do you guys will let me be?" Chosen asks with the slightly twitch of an eyebrow in a questioning tone, sounding more reluctant than excited yet Chosen tries.
Second seems to not notice and he perks up at his question, his face splits into a wide smile as he says in a joyful tone "Oh yes please! It'll be fun, we promise!"
Red, who's in the right side of the desktop also smiles, he exclaims childlike "Yes! You'll see me kick this dude's ass!" Red chuckles as she shoves Green playfully, the latest snort at Red's statement and shoves back affectionately as he says "Hah! In your dreams!" And start bickering.
Yellow just smiles in amusement at his friends antics as Blue says with a more gentle smile looking at Second "Yeah! Maybe that would help us to improve our fighting skills as well!"
"My thoughts exactly!" Second beams as he approaches to the now excited stickfigures, shaking his arms up and down in anticipation.
Chosen looks at them with a questioning look for a few seconds, before his lips traitorously twitch slightly into the attempt of an amused smile. Kids
He quickly composes himself as he gets up slowly from the couch and asks
"So? When do we start?"
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
The first heat with you 18+
*Authors note~ I'm obsessed with the idea of r being a werewolf maybe that's how Enid would know of the relationship by shared telepathy in the pack*
Trigger warning~ dom r sub l if you squint a/o/b? Oral strap degrading praise overtim a lot of smuttt
Prompt ~ 81~I don't want you to stop 46~ kiss me
Hi love! How are youu?? I come with a new request how about 81 and 46 lmk what u think
XX ~ requested by my darling idkaname666666 on wattpad
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It amazes you how being a werewolf is common in the outcast community yet not many knew of female wolves having heats. Much like humans it would occur regularly like a humans period would but rather than being every month it was every four months. Larissa knew all about the needs of her students and that is why she had a list of students who were experiencing their heats. When the wolves start Nevermore it's not something they experience however, other wolves can sense when the younglings scent changes so they immediately inform Larissa. Larissa then would sit them down and explain how it will all work and there truly is no reason to be embarrassed for what is natural. No wonder many of the students view her as a mother.
Enid Sinclair had been a rather difficult case, but one Larissa handled perfectly and now she had quite the close bond with her. She had found out of Larissa and you through the shared telepathy you and your pack had. Your relationship being fairly new meant you hadn't had your heat with her yet. Enid knew by your scent and the lack of your appearance around the school grounds. So when Larissa came to her and asked she told her honestly what she knew. And that is how Larissa found herself outside of your chambers willing herself to knock. It's not as though she isn't dealt with this before so her slight hesitation made no sense to her.
Slipping into your room she was immediately met with what she knew as a wolves nest. You had blankets and snacks all neatly tucked in a circle around your bed. The frame having been moved to give it a more natural feel. There was a few other items in the nest but one she recognised as her blazer. It had gone missing a few days ago and she just assumed she'd misplaced it. Clearly, she'd been wrong. You had it for her scent. Wolves often like to have the scent of their mate in their heats. She knew that.
You were slightly confused to see a figure in your room. Near your nest. You couldn't help but snarl and bare your teeth at the threat until you noticed your girlfriend. "I.Isa?" You whimpered. No you had to be imagining it. Why would she be here when your in heat? You know Enid told her so why is she here? "Darling if you needed me here all you had to do was ask" she murmured nodding to the blazer in your nest. "Isa you shouldn't be here I can't control it. I love you too much for this Isa please" you whimpered eyes roaming her clothed body, resolve already weakening.
Larissa carefully approached your nest making sure to hold your gaze, "darling maybe I don't want you too. So how about you be a good pup and kiss me?" She all but purred at you causing whatever little restraint you had to snap, you lunged yourself at the older women and bringing her into your nest. The warm bubbly feeling of finally having your mate in your nest was soon taken over by pure and desperate lust. Remembering that consent is important you quicker growled out "colour" to which she reassured you, "green, very much so." That was all it took for you to give into your animalistic instincts.
You quite literally tore through your girlfriends clothing until nothing restricted you from touching and feeling her, the smirk plastered on her lips told you she was throughly enjoying the rougher animalistic side of you. Her pupils dilated as your nipped and sucked at her skin. Purple blemishes appearing instantly. You straddled yourself over her thigh and immediately began to rut against it. Your mouth making quick work of marking up her beautiful breasts. What was once a snowy white colour was now transformed into darkening hickeys. Larissa's moans of pleasure only spurring you on as you brought yourself to orgasm on her thigh.
Instantly, you fumbled around your nest to find purchase on your favourite vibrating toy. Making quick work of attaching it to your aching clit before diving in between your girlfriends thighs to lap at her core. You couldn't help but moan as the taste of her hit your heightened taste buds, as well as the delicious vibrations on your clit you could feel yourself building to your second orgasm as Larissa built to her first. When you brought Larissa over the edge and back down she couldn't help but squirm away from your eager mouth which caused you to growl out in warning. You weren't done with her and simply refused to let her go but griping into her hips stilling her.
Deciding you were needing more you came to sit on her face not before growling out, "make me cum mommy. I need you." Larissa was always very talented with her tongue and your constant flow of praises only seemed to encourage her. With just how desperate you were she managed to bring you over the edge twice before you blindly reached down and grabbed your wand to hold it to her aching bundle of nerves. She screamed out into your dripping cunt throwing you violently over the edge once more. The sinfully delicious vibrations causing her to follow suit very soon after.
Truthfully, you needed more but could see just how tiring this was on your girlfriend. "Mommy? You want to rest a bit? I can take care of myself. Are you okay?" The last bit had guilt soaked into every syllable. You'd forgotten to check in with her and the guilt eating you up but not as much as your need was clouding your every thought. "I don't want you to stop" she whispered sounding determined but exhausted, "please darling, let me help you through this."
"Colour mommy?" You mumbled trying to control the undeniable lust and need you were feeling, having your mate spread out naked and spent in your nest was driving you wild. But her safety had to come first so you attempted to push those feelings a way just long enough to check in. "Green pup" she murmured before leaning up to lack onto your right breast, teeth nipping at the hardened bud causing you to howl out in pleasure.
Larissa's mind was hazy and words were having a hard time being coherent yet she simply couldn't remember seeing that deep purple strap in your nest. However when you strapped up with it she couldn't help but kneel and look up with pleading eyes through her dark lashes. A growl came from you before muttering "go on mommy suck my cock like a good whore" before pushing the whole length down her throat. Normally you'd be so much more gentle with her but your need was overwhelming and driving these frenzied movements. Larissa didn't seem to mind though, she slacked her jaw and happily moaned and gaged around the impressive shaft. Your need only worsening you slipped the fake cock from her now puffy lips and flipped her roughly onto all fours. Her whine of protest at the quick moment was quickly cut off with a mob of pleasure that could rival a pornstar, feeling you slip inside her dripping centre so easily.
Your thrusts were rough and fast every time you pulled the cock out you seemed angle your hips more accurately and reach deeper inside her cunt. Her pussy's walls fluttering around the fake dick milking it for all its worth. You taunted her as you brought her over the edge time after time, "wouldn't you like to be breeded like the whore you are? You'd look so good carrying my young, fuck! Take my cum mommy, don't waste it" you all but growled into her ear while scooping up a make shift pony tail to steady yourself as you slammed into her over and over again.
You fucked her like this until she couldn't take you no more. Her cunt desperately overstimulated and her mind seemingly on a different planet, somewhere between pleasure and pain. Noticing her whimpers you slipped out of her pussy loving how she whined at the empty feeling. "Such a good whore mommy. Look at how your needy cunt is dripping for me, shall I get one more from you slut? You'd like that huh?" You taunted finally feeling a bit of relief from your heat, her whines and whimpers of protests were delicious but you could tell her mind was deep in that fuzzy land.
"Mommy, come back to me? You did so good, I love you mommy" you whispered on a repeat until she blinked the haze away. "Darling?" She hummed out before moving to snuggle into you, "that was um woah" she muttered so unlike her usually elegant self. "I didn't hurt you?" You whimpered only now seeing just how rough you were, the bruises and hickeys littering her skin. "No darling I'm most definitely not hurt" she chucked and nudged you, "shall we get some sleep in this beautiful nest you made us? You know your relief from the heat will only last a little while and I'd much like to be fully rested for a repeat experience." You nodded mutely settling down and holding your mate close. "I love you Isa" you mumbled dropping kisses to her forehead.
Word count ~ 1644
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buggwrites · 1 year
Brahms Heelshire headcannons
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nsfw mentions at one part, but other than that none
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He is definetly a brat, retaliating every time you ask him to help with even the smallest things like bathing himself. He'd probably have child-like fits often because of this very reason. He can go as far as to throw things and turn whole rooms completly upside down. When he realizes what hes done, he'd hide in the walls on the old, small bed located in the little room held in the walls and refuse any of your attempts to interact for a while, such as asking to help clean up the mess he's made.
When he finally calms down from these fits, he's a general love-bug, always pampering you with flowers he picked from the garden or small drawings he did. He's a total sweetie when hes not having a tantrum of some sort, and cuddles and kisses are his main apology when he does something bad.
He loves any type of attention from you, due to being starved of it for years, and he melts into you anytime you touch him. While cuddling, he'll wrap his arms around your middle as your stomach presses into his. That's his favorite position; when you're laying on your side and facing him. That way he can see all of you, from your face to your body. He'd hold you close to himself, whining any time you try to move away, even if it was to do something simple like go to the bathroom or eat.
He doesn't know proper manners like personal space or to not watch someone every waking second of their day. He will follow you everywhere, going into the walls to watch you if he needs to. He's also very touchy, grabbing you in every way he can at any time he can, whether its a hug, a hand on the shoulder, kisses, grabbing you by the waist or hips, mask covered face pressed to your neck, hand on the thigh, or something else.
He loves to bite. He sinks his teeth into you whenever his mask is off, on the hand, arms, and neck most of the time, but he will bite whatever he has access to. He bites pretty hard too, always sure to leave marks so whenever you truly have to leave, everyone will see.
He worships you in every way, telling you everything he loves about you. Hate your freckles / birthmarks ? He'll kiss all of them and tell you one good thing about yourself for each one. Hate your scars ? He'll trace them and ask about their story. Don't like your tummy ? He'll cuddle you close and tell you he wouldn't have a better cuddle partner because youre like a big marshmallow. He'll love you for all your insecurities, and wont stop loving on you until you love them like he does.
During sex, he doesnt really seem to care about his own pleasure as much as yours. He will find your kinks, whether you tell them to him yourself or not. He will watch you self-pleasure to see what you like best. Sure, he wont like the idea of you not letting him dick you down and doing it yourself, but he wants to make sure he knows what makes you feel best, and will utilize this knowladge well. He will please you in ways you couldnt even do yourself, and always leave your legs trembling because of how big he is. In my mind, I believe he is around 12 inches big.
His hair is naturally very soft, and its nice to play with and pull. He loves it when you ruffle your fingers through it while cuddling, kissing, or when he lays his head on your lap whilst you read to him. His curls bounce back up when your hand brushes past it.
His mask usually stays on, and it takes a lot of begging from your end to get it off, but on rare occasions he'll take it off for you, and you smile as your eyes are met with that familliar, handsome, scarred face that was covered with facial hair. His eyes are also very pretty, a true green that had an explosion of blue spreading from his pupils. It was like a supernova explosion trapped in his eyes.
He hates chores for many reasons, but the big 2 are that 1, it takes you away from him, and your attention on him is deprived and makes him want to crawl back into the walls, and 2, you will usually ask him to help, which he hates, but when you give him that one certain look, he cant help but comply to your wishes. He wont do much, but he will do just enough to where you give him a peck on the forehead, cheek, or lips and call him a good boy.
He absolutely dies for any praise, being told he did a good job on any task he does makes his heart ring with joy. And if you compliment his appearence in any way (i.e. calling him "pretty boy"), it will guarentee you lots of kisses and attention for the rest of the day.
He will usually talk in 3rd person point of view in his childish voice as well, especially when throwing tantrums. His accent is much more noticable when he speaks in that higher tone, and when he speaks he usually talks in small blurbs instead of true sentences, as a child does (i.e. "Brahms tired", " Very hungry", etc.). But when he does speak in his normal, much deeper voice, its usually when hes calm or trying to intimidate you. Its very attractive, his real voice. You aren't very sure why he doesnt use it as often as he should, but you don't press for an answer.
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The end.
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That's all the hcs of mine i can think of !! Thanks for reading :] might update occasionally !!
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ca-8 · 1 year
How about yandere ben 10 with a reader who has the same abilities as zuko from atla
"You're a...a what?"
The Tennyson cousins sat with (Y/n) at the dinner table. It was supposed to be a calm Friday night, hanging out like they usually do every now and then, but not this time. Not when they know about their best friend's cousin's secret (well, honestly it's not much of a secret anymore since his identity's been revealed to the entire world, but still).
"A fire bender," (Y/n) clarified. "I can, well, fire bend, and that's pretty much a gift and a technique at the same time. My family's passed it down for generations, and despite its power, we've all been told to never reveal this ability to anyone."
"That's....seriously??" Ben was stone-still, while Gwen looked like a child who's been given their first Christmas gift. The glow in her eyes released a weight off of (Y/n)'s shoulders., their entire body becoming lighter than a young spark's breath of smoke.
(Y/n) smiled. "I know it sounds hard to believe, but I'm telling the truth. I wanna help you guys ou-!"
They jumped at Ben's sudden outburst. He hasn't said a word until his voice bounced off the walls throughout the house.
Gwen shot him a glare. "Ben, what the heck?!"
"(Y/n), you're not fighting with us."
They winced. The Ben they knew since freshman year only raised his voice when he lost in a video game or his favorite snacks were out of stock. But now, pettiness wasn't laced in his words, and his face was no longer softened with a carefree attitude. A confusing glare glowed in those enraged green eyes, which burned right into the soft orange sunset within (Y/n)'s pupils.
"Dude, what's the matter with you?" they asked him.
"What's the matter with me? You're seriously asking me that after trying to volunteer to getting yourself killed?!" he snapped back.
"I wouldn't be saying anything if I knew I couldn't handle it!"
"That's what you always say before charging towards something that leaves you in the hospital! And what, now you're some 'fire wizard' or something? You really expect us to believe that? Even I know that sounds ridiculous!"
Gwen and (Y/n) stared at him for a long minute. Ben opened and closed his mouth a few times before releasing his tensed shoulders. "Okay, maybe I'm not the best person to be saying that, but I'm pretty sure "watch-that-fell-from-space-and-can-turn-me-into-different-alien-species" is more believable than...whatever you just said!"
(Y/n) raised an eyebrow and stood up. With a deep breath, they pulled back their hands, stepped forward, then thrust both hands in front. As if sunlight poured out from their veins, a blast of fire flew from their palms and rushed toward the single cup of water that sat on the far counter. Their attack destroyed it instantly, leaving behind charred remains and light streams of steam.
They turned back to the dinner table and saw them both with their jaws hung open. "If you want, I can do another demonstration," they said. "But I'd rather not risk burning your house down. Fire isn't exactly the friendliest element."
Ben shook his head. "I...God, you just don't get it, do you!?" With a huff, he tore himself from the table and stomped into the shadows of the hallway."
"Geez, what's his problem?" (Y/n) scoffed.
Gwen's face fell, and another sting stabbed their heart. "Um, can I walk you home?"
The setting sun's rays gleamed throughout the falling twilight sky. Its last hour's warmth soured in (Y/n)'s fingertips, but not event the tingling surge could prevent the scowl glued onto their lips. They kept their gaze on the sidewalk, letting only Gwen's voice guide them as they both walked to their house.
"I'm sorry about Ben, but... could you cut him some slack?" she said.
(Y/n) snapped their eyes toward her. "Are you kidding me? I was offering my help and he completely flipped out for no reason. Even worse, he talked to me like I'm too feeble to defend myself!"
"Well, can you blame him? Not that I don't think you can defend yourself, I just want you to think about how he might feel about all this. How we both feel."
They stopped in front of their house, and (Y/n)'s eyes softened. Gwen sighed and held her arms as she continued. "The past few years have been incredible, but also... pretty terrifying. And before tonight, every time I'd look at you, I'd always hope that he and I would be able to protect you. Not because you're someone who's weak and feeble, but because we care about you, (Y/n). Especially Ben..."
They stepped closer and put a hand on her shoulder. "I get what you're saying. But you guys don't have to worry about me anymore, I can help!"
"That's another thing. This whole fire-bending thing? It's amazing, but after knowing you for so long, it's really overwhelming too..." Gwen trailed off, averting her gaze. "I understand why you needed to hide it from us. I'm not upset at you for that, and I don't think Ben is either. Honestly, we'd be hypocrites if he did otherwise."
"So what's the deal?"
She looked back at them. "He cares about you. A lot, ever since I introduced you to him, and he made me promise not to say anything more. If he knew you got hurt because of him, he'd never forgive himself."
(Y/n) fell silent. The sunset peered over Gwen's shoulder and eased their irritation. "...Look, I'm...I'm sorry," they said. "I've just been pressured all my life to keep this a secret, so when I heard about what happened with you guys, I got excited. I guess...I expected you to feel the same way, too."
Gwen lifted her head and smiled. She embraced them in a hug and let out another relieved sigh. "Thanks for telling me. You should come over again tomorrow when Ben's cooled down a bit. I know we'll all have it figured out by then."
After exchanging goodbyes, she hurried off into the darkening streets back to her house, leaving (Y/n) standing in front of their own. When she disappeared around a corner, they turned and saw only the tip of the sun's head disappearing behind a nearby house. 'So, Ben's got a little crush on me, huh? Something tells me I should be embarrassed not knowing about it sooner.'
Gwen was leaning against the door of the bedroom Ben locked himself in. It's been at least an hour since he silently shut himself off, so maybe that was a good time to begin worrying. She can't even remember the last time he's been quiet for this long (or even think it was possible to begin with).
"Ben? How are you holding up?" Normally, she'd enjoy the unlikely peace and quiet, but she just couldn't get his face out of her mind. Before he turned his back to her and (Y/n), she saw rage dancing around his viciously furrowed face, making a shiver run down her spine.
No response. Gwen's face fell. Ben's feelings for (Y/n) were unlike anything she's ever seen. Whenever they were even brought up around him, he would snap out from whatever he was doing and turn into some droned, lovesick puppy. Not to mention how subtly was practically thrown out the window if he was ever near them. It's honestly surprising they never caught on to how he felt...
"Hey, I'm gonna be in the living room, okay? If you ever wanna talk...I'll be here." She waited, expecting his voice to ring from the other side, hoping for a mumble or even a grunt. But silence held still enough for her to sigh and finally walk away from the door.
Though, her reassurance was not in vain. On the other side, Ben sat against the door in the darkened room. He wanted to ease his cousin's worries, but her voice was almost drowned out by (Y/n)'s little show from earlier.
He gripped the picture of them in his hands and tried not the think about his worst nightmare. The sight of their enchanting eyes twitched and strained with hopelessness; their body which he admired for so long bruised and bloody and weak from running; the personality that always brought a smile to his face suddenly drained and replaced with a cowardly pursuit-
It all rushed in so quickly, through his splitting headache, down his tensed shoulders, all the way to his trembling fingertips. Ben's thumb pressed against the picture, and he was forced to a halt when a tiny crack emitted from beneath him. He looked down; the picture was cracked.
The room hummed a somber tune for a few minutes.
'I said I wasn't going to let anything harm a hair on you, (Y/n). And I won't let you be stupid enough to make me break that promise.'
".........Citizens.......already evacuating....."
"...Another attack-"
(Y/n)'s eyes flung open and their head flew from their pillow. First, their attention met the window beside their bed; the midday sun was already nestled high up in its cloudless domain. Next were the words that disturbed them from their usual weird dream of befriending kids that could control air and water and had a giant flying bison for a pet.
They turned toward the TV and froze at the sight. It was a newscast of two otherworldly creatures tearing each other limb from limb. The second it cut to static, they had already fled the room.
(Y/n) shouted to the top of their lungs as they raced through the crowd that poured away from the scene; however, their voice only blended in with the deafening terrorized cries. Pushing past every frantic person was like fighting against rushing water threatening to send them down a nearby waterfall. This didn't quite match their fantasies of making a cool, dramatic entrance before saving the day in an awesomely heroic way.
It certainly didn't pick up when they tripped over their own feet and fell straight onto the road. Thankfully, the rushing river of people ran dry, and they successfully made it to the brawl between two aliens.
Each inch of the sight poured into them, and the only thing louder than a dinosaur-looking creature trying to wrestle a red multi-armed robot was (Y/n)'s heartbeat. The second they wondered where the police were, they looked to their right and spotted several of their decimated cars laying helplessly in the distance. Fortunately, only civilian cars had joined them; looks like everyone not involved successfully escaped.
For now, at least.
(Y/n) stood on their feet and squinted their eyes to get a better look at the two. Immediately, they recognized the dinosaur creature as Ben when they spotted its green sash holding the same symbol his watch possesses. They didn't have time to take in any other information with the giant robot suddenly wrapped its mechanical claws around his neck.
They were running - why were they running?? As soon as their heart screeched from within, their legs abruptly took off without their permission and charged straight toward the fight. The dinosaur-as-Ben creature quickly twisted his head around and caught a glimpse of their sprinting figure, and those small pupil-absent green eyes widened.
"(Y/n), get out of here!" he roared, reaching up to pry off the robot's claws.
They narrowed their eyes and increased their speed. Balling their hands into fists, they jumped onto a flipped demolished car and pushed themselves up in the air, graciously landing and kneeling on the cracked road. Taking a deep breath, they brought up their foot from behind and swung it above their head, and a line of fire followed their heel. A ring of a baby sun circled around their form as they roughly brought their feet back down in front of them, and the thin wall of flame held in front of their face until their fist thrust forward, sending the wall flying toward the robot.
It collapsed against one of its arms, and a deep scratch was left behind through the smoke.
While electricity shot up from the few exposed wires, (Y/n) beamed. "I did it! Holy crap, I really did-!" But they weren't given then chance to finish their cheer when another one of its arms flung towards them and grabbed them by their throat.
They gasped for air and instantly attempted to pry off the claws, but its grip was strong. Drool rushed down from the corners of their mouth as it slowly squeezed every last bit of precious air from their lungs. Tears caressed their cheeks, and they couldn't stop their hands from dropping to their sides.
'Wait-! Please...I wanted to help-!'
The hand was torn from their body. They couldn't see how. their vision became too blurry to make out the orange blob tearing a hole through the robot's body. All they knew was that the road was suddenly beneath them again and they were holding their throbbing throat and coughing and gasping for any trace of air.
And then, they were being embraced by something huge. (Y/n) felt their head being pushed against something rock-hard by some giant hand, but from the booming voice that erupted soon after, they took a wild guess that it was Ben's alien form.
"Are you okay?" he yelled.
(Y/n) coughed again before answering. "Y...Yeah-"
"Do you have ANY idea how stupid that was?!" He forced them off of him and held them in front of his face. His new eyes were laced in both sorrow and fury.
"I-I was just-"
"Getting in the way! If I wasn't here, you would've gotten yourself killed!"
They weakly held onto his giant wrists. "I'm sorry! I just saw that you were in danger and-"
"I've been doing this for years now, (Y/n)! I think I know how to take on a little robot! Do you know how many things and people I fought that were way bigger and stronger than that thing? More than you ever had!" Ben's watch symbol began glowing a strange mixture of yellow, purple, and green. "This is exactly why I never wanted you to know any of this!"
"Uh, Ben-?"
"People always call me a moron, but you practically outshine me! You always think you can take on anything that threatens you and always lose and end up hurt! You're the reason why I can't stand snakes and tree climbing and high diving! I used to love those things!" With every word that fell from his mouth, the brighter it glowed.
"I never even cared about rushing into things and getting hurt afterward until you came in! Ever since then, I've always been worrying about you, but you never listen! You were even worse than me, and you still are! The only thing I hate about you is how much you're an IDIOT!"
The glow enveloped (Y/n) entirely, and their world faded to black.
The sky darkened. Smoke poured through the streets. Not a single life took a breath except Ben, who started down at his Omnitrix.
Footsteps approached him from behind. "Ben! What happened?" Gwen yelled.
"Did you get him? Oop- wait- no, you don't need to answer that," Kevin shouted, probably spotting the remains of their former enemy.
Ben only kept his sight on the Omnitrix. (Y/n) was nowhere to be seen, but they hadn't disappeared. That didn't explain their panicked voice that occasionally rang through his head ever since that blast of light.
They were inside the Omnitrix. He didn't know how, he didn't know why, but he did know one thing.
"Ben, what's wrong?" Gwen asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.
A long silence fell between them, and Ben turned around and flashed them both a grin. "Nothing! Just being an awesome hero, as usual," he said.
Gwen froze for a second before a smile reached her face. "Glad to hear it."
"Yeah. Gwen over here told me something bummed you out yesterday. You all good, man?" Kevin asked, putting a hand behind his head.
Ben turned away and looked up at the sky. "Yeah. Everything's fine now."
(Y/n) was still shouting, pleading and screaming for help. But Ben knew nothing could hurt them anymore. His forms wouldn't dare lay a finger on them, and as long as he protected the Omnitrix with his life, none of his enemies would have the chance to do the same either.
They were safe.
HERE IT ISSSS! Sorry it took a while to come out...! Dealing with stuff, and had a little trouble with this one ngl since I haven't been too involved with Ben 10 after a while. BUT! I hope you liked it!! I certainly had a lot of fun writing iiitt!~
Anyways, thanks so much for reading, and have a great day/night! <3
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
American Jesus | Javier Peña
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pairing: javier peña x f!reader
warnings: smut, literally just smut, smutty smut smut, and oh look, more smut! (also mentions of smoking, edging, defying religion???? [I guess if you wanna call it that or even say that???], cursing, pet names, no use of y/n... also, this is not meant to be disrespectful toward anyone's religion at all. just wanted to put that out there. so yeah. that's all I think). 18+. minors dni.
word count: 1.9k
*= i changed the lyric from green eyes to brown eyes for obvious reasons
based on the song 'American Jesus' by Nessa Barrett.
He's got a cross on his neck, but he spends Sundays in my bed
Javier's cross necklace dangles in your face as he hovers over you, lips parted, pupils blown, as he moves his thick fingers in and out of you in a salacious manner. The sounds you're emitting from your throat are nothing short of erotic as you call out his name like a prayer, nails leaving plentiful scratch marks along his back.
"Look at you, cariño. You're a mess just from my fingers. Can't wait to find out what this cock will do to you." His voice is domineering, and you can hear the fucking smirk the bastard has on his lips. He's been edging you for the last fifteen minutes, and you were about to lose your shit if he kept this up. You ached for release, bad, and your impending orgasm was so hot and heavy in your core that tears started to well in your eyes at the near torture he was doing unto you.
"Fuck, Javi, please, please fucking let me cum." The tears fall down your cheeks, and he coos at you.
"Ay mi pobrecita. Since you asked so nicely." He presses the pad of his thumb to your sensitive clit, rubbing circles around it. His skilled fingers have you coming undone in no time, your orgasm ripping through you like a wave in the ocean. You're screaming his name, and there's no doubt his neighbors absolutely hate you both right now.
He's my blue jean little baby, with a halo on his head
"Quit staring at my ass, cariño." Javier warns, giving you a pointed look.
"What? Not my fault it looks good in those tight jeans." The shit-eating grin you toss his way makes him roll his eyes and shake his head. The light behind Javier gave him a specific glow on the top of his head, giving him a halo effect. The scene in front of you was ironic, really, because Javier was nowhere near an angel. Not with that fucking sinful tongue of his, that did so much more than just shit talk.
That same tongue had you calling out god's name with the way it worked its magic on you.
He's got lips like cherry wine, and cigarette smoke on his breath
Javier's lips were nothing short of addicting. Any chance you got to kiss him, you did. His plush lips always kept you in a daze, and drunk on the man that is Javier Peña. He never kissed you half-assedly, either. You often wondered if he kissed other women the way he kissed you, too.
"What's on your mind cariño?" His eyes are trained on you lost in thought, curiosity getting the best of him.
"Nothing, Javi."
"Don't give me that. Seriously, what's on your mind?" His hand grazes your thigh as he takes a drag of his cigarette.
"Do you kiss your other women like you kiss me?" You blurt out your previous thought without even giving it a once-over in your mind.
"There are no other women, baby. Not anymore," His hand is feather-light as it trails up your thigh, sending goosebumps down your legs. He removes the cigarette from his mouth before pressing his lips to yours with such neediness, never letting you get a chance to catch your breath.
Javier was a passionate man when he wanted to be, and goddamn did he never hold back when it came to you. His hand found its way to your core as he rubbed over the fabric covering you. You moaned his name out which to him, was heaven to his ears.
Before yanking your underwear off of you, he paused and whispered against your lips.
"Only you."
He's got pretty long brown hair, and brown* eyes that look like sex
Javier’s dark brown eyes are ardent as they roam over every inch of your body. His dark locks were a mess as he indeed looked very freshly fucked… because he was.
You’d just blown his mind with possibly some of the best sex he's ever had in his life. No one compared to you, and you made sure to let him know that. He was your man.
He was trying to catch his breath after what had to've been the fifth orgasm he's had tonight. You were a vixen tonight and nothing could've stopped you from pleasing your man, over and over and over again.
Javier had been incredibly stressed at work, and you knew he needed to take the edge off, so you were there to let him know you'd take care of him and his needs tonight.
Javier thought you were a god send. No woman had ever made him cum like that in his entire sex life, and fuck if he was going to ever let you go. Not only were you amazing in bed, but you showed him that you genuinely cared about him and his well-being, not just through sex.
His hooded eyes scanned your features, looking at you lovingly.
"Mine." Was all he said before pulling you to him, kissing your head and wrapping his arms around you before he drifted off into a much needed sleep.
Knees down at your altar, please don’t fail me now
"Fuck, corazón, you look breathtaking in that dress." Javier's eyes are ravenous once more as they rake over your body with absolute hunger. It was a hot day in Colombia, so the black flowy minidress you were wearing was fitting for the sticky weather.
Javier pulled you in by your hips so you were flush against his strong body. Your hands rested comfortably on his chest. You felt his elevated heart rate beneath your fingertips, and your own heart swelled at how you made him feel. He may not have always told you, but he definitely showed you.
Javier slowly sank to his knees in front of you, leaving you confused.
"What are you doing, Javi?" Your voice is meek as your own heart rate starts to pick up.
He doesn't say a word as he lifts the hem of your dress up, exposing your thighs and light pink thong you chose to wear for the day. One of his hands cradled the back of your thigh while the other held the dress up, and he moved his face to you to kiss your clothed core.
You moan softly at the feeling. Javier's eyes are full of determination as he hooks the hand that was previously holding your dress up into the hem of your underwear, pulling the cloth down your legs with ease.
"Javi, we're going to be late to dinner with Steve and Connie."
Ignoring your comment, he moans at the sight of your already soaked core, moving his head back to you and under your dress. He gently grabs the back of both of your thighs this time, coaxing you to spread your legs a little further. You have to put your hands on his shoulders to balance yourself.
He wasted no time indulging you as he licked a hot, wet stripe up your core. You gasped in shock, knees already wanting to buckle under you.
"Mm, baby you always taste so fuckin' good. Fuck." And he doesn't stop lapping you up and sucking your swollen clit until you convulse violently above him, causing you to sink to your knees as well.
"I've got you, corazón. Always."
You know all my secrets American Jesus, baby
"You're terrible at hiding your emotions, you know." Javier is watching you with an amused look, cocking an eyebrow up at you.
"Fuck off, Javi." You roll your eyes, and his gaze darkens.
"I'd like to fuck something, alright." His voice drips like pure venom as he watches your every move. You immediately feel an ache in your core at his words, and of course, your face shows it all.
"Too easy. I know all your secrets, baby, every last one of them." Javier chuckles at your disposition, an annoyed look overtaking your needy one.
You stick a middle finger up at him, rolling your eyes.
"C'mere, then, cariño. Don't keep me waiting."
Won’t you take me to Heaven tonight?
Javier snapped his hips at a pace against yours that nearly knocked the breath out of you. He always stretched you in such an intoxicating way, you almost wanted to stay like this forever.
"Look at you, cariño. Fucking you dumb on my cock and you're taking it so fucking well. That's it baby." Javier's voice was thick and full of lust, a sheen coat of sweat all over his body. His focus was solely on you and the inaudible moans coming from you as your jaw was slack and eyebrows were laced together.
He gripped your hips so hard you were sure he was going to leave bruises, but you fucking loved it. You were drunk on Javier's cock and he knew it.
He had you seeing stars with the pace he was going. It was ruthless, relentless, and almost unbearable, but the pain quickly subsided into pleasure every time he bottomed out into you.
You were convinced being with him like this, as rough and pleasurable as it was, was what heaven felt like and damn, you never wanted to leave.
You know you’re my weakness American Jesus, save me
"Javi," You're a panting mess just by his fingertips lightly brushing over your body.
"So needy, corazón." He was teasing you and having the time of his life while doing so.
"Please, I need you." The desperation in your voice almost made you want to cringe, but you couldn't help it. This man was your sole weakness and you'd be damned if you couldn't have him. He was so intoxicating. He was like a drug. Your drug.
His good looks and charming charisma are what had you wrapped around his finger... not to mention his soft side he only reserved for you. You were in love with it all, and even though he didn't know it yet, you had a strong feeling he felt the same way too.
You’re the greatest love of my life
You rested your head on Javier's bare chest as he stroked your hair lovingly. For the first time, he wanted to make love to you. He wanted to take it slower and savor you—your smell, your taste, the way your bare body felt against his—everything about you.
He was scared to admit it at first, but he knew that you'd be it for him. You're the love of his life. He never thought he'd be capable of love again after leaving his high school sweetheart at the altar, but here he is, head over heels for you and everything you are.
You made him so soft, but just for you. He wanted to take care of you, not just intimately, but support you emotionally and mentally. Hell, he could even see himself having kids with you, and that's something he was so sure of that he never wanted—until you came along.
He looked down at you in adoration, and figured this was the best time to admit his feelings for you. The fresh after-sex glow you had on your face was reserved just for him, and it made him weak in the knees.
"I love you, cariño." His voice is barely above a whisper, and if you weren't completely alert, you would've missed it.
You freeze, taking in his words carefully. This was a huge confession, especially for Javier. You completely melted into him, kissing the bare skin beneath you.
"Oh, Javi," Looking up at him with nothing but love in your eyes, you bring his lips down to yours. You kiss him softly before pulling apart, whispering against his lips, "Te amo para siempre."
He smiled softly down at you, and he knew then that he was hooked, forever.
American Jesus
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lix88888 · 1 year
It was Ink's idea, because if course it was. Dream thought it was terribly endearing of him, to always propose little ways to show their love. The three of them couldn't go a week without the artist putting an arm on their shoulders and going "Hey, wouldn't it be nice if..."
This was one of his cutest to date, though. Dream sighed happily as he reached Ink's house (they had moved in together a few weeks ago, but Dream still felt hesitant to call it theirs), gently knocking and then opening the door.
Blue and Ink were already there, Ink bouncing off the wall in excitement while Blue watched him with fond amusement as he sat at the living room table. There was an empty vase on it, and given the rainbow splashes Ink was the one who made it.
"Dreamy!" he shouted, coming closer and hugging him, then pecking him on the cheek and pulling him to the table by his hand.
"Come on come on come on!" his pupils were a pink heart and a star "I can't wait anymore!"
Blue, meanwhile, had already pulled out a chair for him. "Ink, let him breathe!" he said with a laugh "We're all excited!" "I know, I know! It's just that- Ah, I just want to see all of the flowers!"
Dream sat down, grabbing Blue's hand while not letting go of Ink's, and laying a kiss on each. Yes, Ink had been the one to suggest the idea, but Dream and Blue too had quickly been taken by it: each of them had to gift a bouquet of flower to one of the others, using flower language as a guide, and then the three different flower arrangements would be put together. A nice, sweet symbolism.
"I know I came last, but can I start?" Dream asked. He was very proud of his choice of flower. "Sure!" Ink shouted "But only if I'm next!" "I don't mind being last." "Perfect!"
Dream opened his inventory and brought out a bouquet of irises: the flowers were a vibrant baby blue, the same shade as Blue's eyes, and offered it to him.
"For you, Blue, irises" he said, watching as his lover held the bouquet and gently hugged it to his chest "They represent faith, trust, wisdom, hope, and valor. All things I see in you every day, and that you inspire in people, and that I love about you."
By the time he was finished, Blue's cheek were colored a very pretty azure shade, only eclipsed by his blinding smile and his overwhelmingly joyful aura. "Oh Dream, this is so sweet..."
There was a couple of seconds of silence, then Ink said: "Well, I fell kinda dumb now." The Protector took out his own bouquet from his inventory and gave it to Dream, his pupils a yellow star and a green square "These are yellow tulips: they mean sunshine in your smile. I thought they were kinda neat, given that you're... well, you're like the sun. And yellow, like happiness."
Now it was Dream's turn to blush. Despite Ink's claim, his simple reasoning was not at all bland or unoriginal. Though... "Let me guess" Dream said with a giggle "you thought of this flower first, and the idea later."
Ink's amused shrug was the only answer Dream needed. Then, he gasped and turned to Blue.
"Now it's my turn! What are my flowers?!"
Blue delicately set down his irises, then grabbed a pink bouquet from his inventory and offered it to Ink, his aura composed in equal part of love and thoughtfulness.
"These" he said, putting his hands over Ink's own "are pink carnations: it means I'll never forget you."
And oh, Ink's face was indescribable: there was so much emotion in those pupils, going through so many shapes and colors.
"Wow... thanks." "Now" Blue said "The best part."
He grabbed his bouquet back, removing the paper around it and raising it at chest height. Dream and Ink followed suit, and then the three of them put all of the flowers together in the vase.
The blue, the yellow and the pink complimented each other so well.
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synnamonroll666 · 11 months
Soft & Squishy
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Prompt 30: Nipple Play Pairing: Syzoth X Fem!Reader Description: Being Zaterran, Syzoth never got to see a human female's nipples before. It had him curious, and all these thoughts circulated through his mind for years: were they like his? Were they soft? Were they squishy? How did they taste? When he accidentally walks in on you naked one day, he finally gets answers to some of those questions... Warnings: Nipple Play, Breast Massage, Implied Sex... Word Count: 1k A/N: So we are finally making it to the end of this kinky journey! Even though tomorrow is technically the end of Kinktober, I will be taking a few days to finish the last prompt. I want to make sure it is absolutely perfect for the end of Kinktober 2023. 🤭 Also, I've seen some people getting really bent out of shape over people writing Syzoth as inexperienced when he had been married and fathered a child in the past. Can I just remind these people that in some fics where he is more innocent, the reader could very well be his late wife? If it is that big of a deal, it can be taken that way. But just remember, if you don't agree with something that someone is writing, just don't read it. There is no reason to get so aggravated and lash out at people over it. But anyway, I actually wrote this before Kinktober and for some reason, I saved it in my drafts until now. 😅 So I hope you all enjoy it. 💚 Main MasterList: 🖤 Kinktober MasterList: 🖤 Synny's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @queenkhepri, @bihansthot, and @mmeerraa.
"Woah—" Syzoth gasped as he stumbled backward and tore his eyes away from my naked body. A pine tint stained his cheeks instantly as he began muttering apology after apology. Though I was greatly embarrassed by the little accidental show I had put on, I merely chuckled at the situation.
"It's ok, Syzoth." I stated while wrapping a towel around my frame. "It was only an accident. You can look now."
He hesitantly let his eyes slip back to meet me again, and his shoulders sank as he heaved a relieved sigh. Rubbing his hands down his face in an attempt to hide the blush that was clear on his skin, he breathed one more apology before glancing back over at me and huffing a short laugh.
"I didn't mean to stare for so long," he proclaimed. "I just haven't seen a human female—" His words caught in his throat, and he began to glow with a deep blush once again. Swallowing thickly, he rearranged his sentence to an awkward, "You know..."
"You've... Never seen a human woman... Naked?" I asked hesitantly, and he nodded slowly in an almost embarrassed manner.
I realized that Syzoth did seem kind of curious about it, and I knew he would never hurt or disrespect me in any way. So I decided to let my guard down as well as my towel.
"Do you want to see it?" I sighed, and his eyes widened as he let out a very startled and shocked, "What?"
"A female body?" I elaborated; just saying the words had my heart pumping quicker with excitement and also anxiety.
He gave me an unsure look for a moment before nodding shyly. I took a deep breath for encouragement and slowly unwrapped my towel, letting it fall to my feet. Syzoth's eyes went wide as they took their time to move down my form, the dark pupils centered within the lime green irises studying all of its features.
I expected to feel embarrassed in this situation, but oddly, I felt comfortable under his curious gaze. His hands raised as if he had the intention of touching my breasts but then stopped half way, hovering in the air for a moment as he peered up at me with a questioning look in his orbs.
"Can I touch?" He asked as the flushed tint on his skin grew deeper. Then he began to ramble. "I've just never felt a human female's nipples before. They look so soft and squishy. And I want to see if they feel like mine—"
"Sure," I said casually, cutting off his rant. He looked dumbfounded by how open I was to this idea, but regardless, he followed through with his plan.
He placed his hands on my breasts and began carefully inspecting them with his touch. The feeling of his palms pressing into my nipples was quite pleasurable, and I had to bit my lip to stifle myself from showing any signs of it. After all, this was only a learning experience for him and nothing more.
He gazed down at my chest with a look of wonder in his eyes, like it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen. I found it quite comical since he appeared as a grown man who you'd suspect has had experience with at least one pair of breasts in the past.
"Heh, squishy—" he remarked while continuing to kneed the soft flesh in his grasp.
He seemed so entranced by my body at the moment. It was as if I were the most interesting thing he had ever set his bright green eyes on. I watched his hands fondle me gently for a few more minutes before looking back up to his face to see that the expression he held changed into something different... That immature innocence in his eyes was long gone and replaced with something different—something hungry.
"(Y/N)?" He spoke in a new tone that I had never heard from him before. It sounded many octaves lower than his usual one and had a certain roughness to it that sent shivers right down my spine.
"Yeah?" I answered through a shaky breath as I watched his features carefully. He began squeezing me a lot harder, and it seemed less like he was doing it to get to know me and more to make me feel a certain way.
"You're really pretty," he rasped as his body began to lean closer into my own. Soon after, it was pressing tightly against me, allowing me to feel all the muscles in his chest against my bare skin. "If you don't mind, I'd like to explore more of you right now."
His words sent heat coursing through my veins, up to plant color in my cheeks and down to ignite arousal within my core. I released another trembling breath, trying hard to keep my mind sharp and not let it float into a thought-blinding fog.
"Y-Yeah?" I responded just barely above a whisper. Luckily, not all the confidence and boldness got knocked from me, so I was able to make the next move as I wished. "T-Then, what are you waiting for?"
Smirking, Syzoth pressed his lips against mine. Later, I would find out that that was his first kiss with a human. And I would also discover that he had been intensely studying the gesture for months through movies that Johnny had shown him, with the intention of showing me the skills he had learned later on.
He could've fooled me, because when his tongue wiggled past my lips and into my mouth to tangle around my own, I was sent to the heavens. Sure, this man was inexperienced, but inexperience definitely does not mean that someone isn't born with the natural skill to make you feel just right. Syzoth proved this to me even more when he laid me down and showed me a night of true passion and ecstasy. It was like nothing I had ever felt before—it was magical.
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irelandseyeonmythology · 10 months
DIAS Black Friday Sale
Once a year, the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), offers a sale for Black Friday -- DIAS is one of the major publishers for Celtic Studies, many of the best studies of medieval Irish material have come through there.
Some books that I recommend, personally:
Fergus Kelly, A Guide to Early Irish Law (26.25 Euro, normally 35) (THE introduction to law in medieval Ireland)
"", Early Irish Farming (26.25 Euro, normally 35) (Everything you wanted to know about day to day life in medieval Ireland but were afraid to ask. Literally. Everything.)
Medieval Irish Prose
Fergus Kelly, Audacht Morainn (18.75 Euro, normally 25)
Are you planning on becoming a medieval Irish king? Do you want to know what you should do to involve the total destruction of the natural order? Then this is the text for you! Now with English translation!
In all seriousness, this text is used a LOT with regards to studies of ideal kingship in medieval Ireland.
Cecile O'Rahilly, The Táin from the Book of Leinster (26.25 Euro, usually 35)
I'll be real with you, lads: I hate Cú Chulainn. I hate him. I hate his smug, misogynistic face. His creepy multi-pupiled eyes. The shitty way he treats Emer. The way that his presence is like this black hole in the study of medieval Irish literature that means that the Ulster Cycle can get a prestigious yearly conference held in its honor while the other cycles are left with either crumbs or outright dismissal. I think the Táin is boring and episodic as a piece of lit and I've never found anything overly redeeming about it over any other piece of medieval Irish literature, especially since imo other pieces of literature do women (and homoeroticism) much better and get much less praise for it.
...that being said. It's important. It IS iconic, both as a piece of medieval Irish literature and, in general, to Irish literature. Its status as The Irish Iliad means that, if you want to study medieval Irish stuff...you have to read the Táin. And this is a version of the Táin that you might not have gotten, translated and edited by a master of Old Irish, with commentary.
"", Táin Bó Cúailnge: recension I (10 Euro, normally 35)
See above.
Early Irish History and Genealogy
T.F. O'Rahilly, Early Irish History and Genealogy (30 Euro, normally 40)
So. On the record, a lot of what he says here is absolutely not currently believed in the field. Just. No. BUT. There's a reason why I always recommend him anyway, and it's because if you're serious about doing a study of Irish Mythology, whatever we take that to mean...you will not be able to avoid this man. His ideas were very popular for decades and still often are to people who don't really focus on mythology. It's better to know where these ideas come from and to identify them than not, and O'Rahilly, in his defense, had an *excellent* knowledge of his sources. It's dense, it's difficult (rather like the author himself, from the accounts I've heard), but it's necessary if you really want to attack this.
Joan Radner, Fragmentary Annals of Ireland (22.50, normally 30)
There is so much weird shit in the Fragmentary Annals. So much.
Patrick Sims Williams, Buchedd Beuno: The Middle Welsh Life of St Beuno (22.50 Euro, normally 30)
I know what you're thinking: "Why the FUCK are they recommending this book about a random Welsh saint? Answer: Because this is how I learned Middle Welsh. The introduction to Welsh at the front of the book + the VERY good index at the back is still one of the best ways to learn Middle Welsh. Also if anyone was watching the Green Knight film and going "Why is there a lady with her head chopped off?" this answers that question.
 R. L. Thomson, Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet: the first of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, edited from the White Book of Rhydderch, with variants from the Red Book of Hergest (15 Euro, normally 20)
Once you've gotten enough of a hang of Middle Welsh to know the basics, it's time to dive into the classics, and what better way to do it than with the Mabinogi, starting at the very beginning, with the First Branch? Personally, I dislike a lot of Thomson's orthographic decisions, but, hey, it's the First Branch, and that's Middle Welsh orthography for you.
Ian Hughes, Math uab Mathonwy (22.50 Euro, normally 30)
The Fourth Branch, my beloved. Incest, rape, bestiality (well...pseudo bestiality, really), creating a new life while not being willing to deal with the consequences of it...it truly has it all. Not for the faint of heart, but absolutely worth the read if you can stomach it because imo it handles its themes very well and it's incredibly haunting.
And a lot more -- go in, shop around, see what's available. Even with the older books, they're often things that we're still referencing in some way into the present.
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dustmint · 4 months
Info dump about Atlas? Please? Please? Please? (Also, additionally, does Atlas just wear Jekyll's clothes or does he have a specific outfit you imagine for them :0 (for no reason, of course *insert innocent angel meme*))
HIIIII, OF COURSE 🙏 I'm always happy to ramble about my sillies :3
So, Atlas at the beginning wasn't really a person. He was mostly just the name Jekyll and Hyde used as a disguise when they realised that they looked different, and that because of that no one recognised them. It was just a name for a disguise at the beginning, but then Atlas started gaining a personality and consciousness! And it started just developing more and more. And so with some time, it wasn't really Jekyll and/or Hyde controlling a body, it was someone else entirely. Both Jekyll and Hyde didn't realise this until too late.
Now I'm just going to throw a bunch of silly facts about him :3
Atlas uses He/They pronouns!! (Just because. Yes.)
They have a feeling of 'wrongness' around him. It makes people feel weird around hi, and usually causes everyone to not find him someone thrustworthy
Their eyes can change!!! The one that's not uncovered mostly stays the same (mixture of red and green, with a golden/yellow pupil) but the other one can change pretty drastically– It freaked people out so that's why it's covered up by their hair (and because it's too damn long)
Jekyll and Hyde choose his name (Jekyll choose the last name and Hyde the first name) and they didn't honestly give it too much thought ((There is thought put behind it from my part. Because Atlas is quite literally carrying on his shoulders both Jekyll and Hyde's worlds, because if they don't manage to reverse this, then both Jekyll and Hyde's worlds will be destroyed. Also he is seeking something)
While on this fusion, Jekyll is constantly overwhelmed, and Hyde is constantly underwhelmed. This sort of makes Atlas a very, very fragile balance between the two, and that can quickly change
Atlas can't sleep. They have too much energy to do so and just have to go and continue being awake until they literally crash
His nights are mostly spent pacing around and thinking, or just laying on the floor (or a bed) and just zoning out until it's morning again
Feelings on Lanyon are very complicated, mixed, and easy to change (Can go from either being totally in love with him, hating his guts, or just finding him annoying. Sometimes it's all three and more)
They tend to pick at his skin. Back when they didn't have a consciousness Hyde use to do that to feel a bit more 'alive' and less underwhelmed, Atlas just eventually kept doing the same
He usually tries to be nice, and more Jekyll-like to please people. But when that is not necessary, they will easily switch to being more Hyde-like, and then back to being more Jekyll-like. It takes a bit of time but they can also try to be a mix of both and reach a balance
Anyways, yes, there are some more but I'll leave it at that!! Thanks for asking me about them and letting me rant :3!!! Also here is Atlas (the one in the left with the darker eyes) Mind Lanyon and Harry (the one in the right) but as paper dolls
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(EDIT: HI. I FORGOT ABOUT THE OTHER QUESTION. He mainly uses Jekyll's clothes ((which are too big on him), but they probably do have some outfits that actually fit him right)
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teachmenari · 2 years
05 Teach me! - watercolor eyes
Tighnari x GN reader
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3 pics - 262 words - 6 pics
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You arrive at the library about ten minutes early. You were too restless to be right on time.
After a few minutes of searching, you find an unoccupied table and settle down. You text Tighnari your location.
A few minutes later, a tall man approaches your table. For afar, it looks like that's him - the green streaks and the hoodie confirm it.
Once he reaches you, you look up at him to say hello, but your words get stuck in your throat at the sight of his eyes. They're stunning. Green with brown around the pupil - central heterochromia. You knew it existed and you'd seen pictures before, but seeing it in real life? With the sunlight hitting them just right? It's a whole other thing.
You're so focused on the sight that it takes you a few more seconds to register that Tighnari asked you a question.
"Uhh- I don't know?" You try, unable to remember what he asked.
Tighnari raises an eyebrow. "You don't know if you're y/n?"
"Oh, no, I am! It's eyes- NICE to meet you!" You say, panicking.
Luckily, the man only chuckles. Unfortunately, it only adds to your embarrassment.
"Don't be tense. I'm not that mean." He sits down next to you then points at the pile of documents in front of you. "Is that what I asked for?"
You nod, hoping the fact that you're currently wishing the ground would swallow you isn't too visible. Thankfully, if it is, he doesn't comment on it.
"Good," he simply says. "Let's see what we're working with."
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Teach me!
masterlist - prev - next
tag list: @rollingslumber @whycantscarabereal @aixaingela @toasterinabathtub @hydration-is-for-weenies @crueldinasty @ohmyfinggod
▪︎Synopsis ➤ You’ve been attending the Akademiya for some time now, but for some reason this year is harder than the others. You’re failing almost everything regarding math and science. Your biology teacher, Ms. Rukkhadevata, offers the help of Tighnari, her TA... Let’s just hope he’s nice.
a/n: first written passage- let me know your thoughts!
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Can you write a yandere Heather x Female Reader oneshot please? (From Httyd RTTE) Basically, the reader is the daughter of Viggo or Ryker (whichever you think best) but hates hunting dragons. When Heather and Daggur are brought to meet Viggo, Heather ends up talking to the reader for a while and Heather develops an unhealthy obsession over reader.
When the dragon hunters capture the Fightmare, Heather kidnaps the reader on Windshear and flies away into the night. Reader passes out and when reader wakes up, she's at a completely isolated place with just Heather and Windshear.
(If you write NSFW, can Heather send Windshear away to catch some fish or something whilst she and the reader do something. If you don't write NSFW, you can just completely ignore this part in the brackets)
Y/n’s POV I was reluctant to be next to my dad Viggo that dragon killer but he is still my dad so I had to sit down with him.He was talking to Ryker about their plans of getting rid of the dragon riders.Then the door open and one of my dad’s workers walked through the door with two others.One was a tall woman with black hair and green eyes while the other was a medium height man with red hair and blue stripes on his face.The female was very pretty while the man looked crazy.My dad got up and told Ryker and the red head “Dagger” to follow him and commanded me to stay.I nodded obediently and waited until the men left to get a better look at the woman.She had a silver shoulder gear,leather vest and a silver skirt thing that looked like dragon plates.She had gentle look on her face. “You are Viggo’s daughter right?” She said like she already knew that. “Yes Miss” I answered quietly.She smiled slightly. “You don’t have to be quiet you know.” She commented.I looked at her astonished.Nobody has ever told me that I didn’t have to stay quiet. “My name is Heather” She announced.I blinked,being startled out of my thoughts. “I’m Y/n.” I said softly still not being used to speaking out loud.She gave me a sweet smile. “I know that.” She remarked.I immediately blushed in embarrassment and stared at the ground.She giggled softly and told me that I didn’t have a reason to be embarrassed.I nodded and shook the blush off.I didn’t know how to start a conversation so I said what first came to mind. “Are you a dragon hunter or something else?” I asked curiously and looked up at her.She looked startled by the question but smiled again. “I have my own dragon but I wanted to work with my brother.” She answered.I smiled too. “Oh I really want a dragon but my dad would never allow it.” I responded bitterly with a fake smile.She nodded in understanding. “I figured that would be the case but I can show you Windshear if you want to.” Heather offered.I excitedly accepted it.She smiled and lead me to the deck where a beautiful metallic dragon was. I giggles excitedly and stood a foot away from the dragon. “She’s so pretty!!” I announced softly.Heather snickered and told me that I was allowed to touch Windshear. I was so excited because I never touched a dragon before.I hesitantly walked closer and gently put my hand on the dragon’s metallic coating. I was shocked at how the smoothness of the coating was so different than what it looked like.I kept giggling excitedly and turned to look at her.Her pupils were the basically the shape of hearts.She noticed me looking at her and shook her head. “Are you alright Heather?” I asked worryingly.She sighed softly and told me that she was alright. “I just never saw anyone that wasn’t immediately intimidated by Windshear.” She confessed. I smiled softly. “Well Windshear is very pretty and the people who got intimidated by this beauty was just jealous that a dragon was prettier than them” I remarked softly still petting Windshear.She smiled and said thank you.Later that night I was getting ready for bed thinking about that interaction. I immediately passed out on my bed.
Heather’s POV
I snuck into her bedroom through the window.I know that this is wrong but I had to keep her for myself and don’t let anyone else have her.Y/n’s hair was sprawled out and she looked so peaceful in her sleep. I walked to her bedside and picked her up gently.I carried her out the window and onto Windshear’s back. “Let’s go.” I commanded.Windshear leaped up and spread her wings and flew. I already prepared a good hiding space for Y/n in the lonely mountains where it was very inhabited and nobody knew about.Not even my brother.It took till sunrise but I finally arrived with the future wife of mine.It’s not traditional but I will make it acceptable because how are people going to judge me when there is nobody else there?I dismounted Windshear and walked into the campsite that I quickly made after meeting Y/n.She stirred a bit but she stayed asleep. I smiled softly at the sight. I went into the tent and laid her down. I laid down right beside her and stared at the wonderful sight of this sweet girl next to me.She woke up finally after a while.She sat up and stared at me in confusion. I sat up too and softly assured her that she was alright and go back to sleep. “Where am I?” She asked softly with a scared expression. “Shh it’s okay you are safe now.” I cooed softly and she relaxed slightly.That was a little bit surprising but it was a good thing that she already trusts me.She looked around and asked me if this was a tent. I nodded and went outside and she followed closely behind me.Something ran from a bush into another.Y/n yelped and jumped into my arms and I caught her.Her face was so scared that it was sort of cute?I laughed softly and caressed her back.She let out a small whine and hid her face into my neck. I immediately smirked. “Windshear go gather some fish.” I softly command.Windshear flew off to obey my command and I carried Y/n back into the tent.She gave me a confused look that quickly turned into a blush full one when I sat her down and climbed onto her.
Y/n’s POV
I didn’t know what was happening is she interested in me already?Is that acceptable? I question but I knew I had a major crush on her but I barely knew her.She crashed her lips onto mine and I had to hold back a whimper.She was rough with her kisses but I wanted more even though this might be unacceptable.A woman being intimate with another woman?That was something that I never heard of.I grabbed the back of her hair and kissed her back.It was passionate.We made out for couple hours until she asked me something that made me turn a bright red mess. “Do you want to go to the next thing?” She mumbled against my lip. I immediately knew what she meant but I was too needy because of the kiss and I nodded.She smirked and took off her leather vest and the top garnet revealing her chest and muscular stomach.I took off my top clothing too.She leaned towards me and kissed me roughly.I kissed her back with the same roughness and my hands traveled everywhere on Heather’s body before resting on her chest. I blushed when I noticed what I did but I didn’t care.She broke the kiss and began marking my neck.I whimpered quietly and held on to Heather’s shoulder. I was so needy that the next out of my mouth surprised even me. “Please let me touch you more.” I begged.She smiled slightly. “You don’t have to ask.” She answered with a smirk.I immediately allowed my hands to touch all over Heather’s body.She asked if we could take the rest of the clothing off. I nodded and she stood up and took off her bottom clothing.I stared at her body it was soft but also strong at the same time.She giggled at my staring and I immediately got up too.I took off my bottom clothing.Heather looked me up and down like she was admiring the way I looked vulnerable.She grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to her.I almost groaned at the contact.She put a hand around my mouth. “We just got started but you don’t want it to end already right?” She questioned and I immediately panicked because I really needed it. “No don’t end it please..” I begged desperately behind her hand.She smiled and released my mouth.She sat down and pulled me onto her lap making me straddle her.I groaned quietly and wrapping my arms around Heather’s neck .She grabbed my waist and making my hips move against hers.I let out a string of silent whimpers. “You know that you can move on your own right?” She asked. I let out a long whine and rutted against her that made her groaned slightly.That encouraged me to go faster and that rewarded me with slightly louder groans.
*TIME SKIP* It was very intense but also very pleasurable.It lasted couple hours but when it ended We got our clothes back on and she held me until noon when Windshear finally came back with a lot of fish.We ate and after that me and Heather laid down and looked at the stars.
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skylarsblue · 2 years
Hello! I'm not sure if you're requests are open or not, so I'm sorry if they aren't.
Could you write something for Brahms where Malcom (I think that's his name) is sick and he can't make the grocery deliverys, so Brahms nanny (the reader) has to go grocery shopping. Would Brahms go with them? Or would he stay home and worry? Thanks sm, I hope you have a great day/night ❤️
TW; Separation anxiety, panic attacks, some unhealthy possessiveness, slight angst to fluff, comfort fluff
✦Note; Gender Neutral Reader(no pronouns or physical attributes mentioned)
"Brahms, hun, can I ask a big favor of you?"
It had been nearly a year since you took the job of nannying a doll, and it was approaching the four-month mark on knowing that the real Brahms Heelshire had been forced to live in the walls of his home. It was certainly a frightening revelation, seeing a six-foot-something man crawling out from behind a painting, dressed in dusty clothes that were a bit too small and a weather porcelain mask. At the time? It felt like a ghost would've been far less concerning. But, for some reason, after running around the mansion and eventually hiding from the disgraced son of the rich family, you'd found yourself considering everything you knew. The information was that Brahms had been terribly burned in a fire on his birthday, possibly framed for the murder of a little girl that also could've easily been an accident. Shoved into the walls by his clearly unaffectionate parents, made to be a monster by them, to the point they'd rope a stranger into caring for him since they clearly didn't teach him to do it himself. And now he was screaming for you not to leave. Of course, there were also threats thrown in, but they honestly sounded more panicked than vengeful.
A potentially stupid decision, but you decided to stay, compassion winning over...survival instinct apparently.
Brahms was consistently intent on ensuring you didn't leave the house. He got rather scary sometimes because of it, but to you, it was just the signs of abandonment issues. So, even when he was being particularly difficult, you toughed it out. Finding the best balance of being strict and being gentle. He could be very sweet when he wanted to be, and you'd managed to keep him that way for a month straight. However, life doesn't like to be easy, and you were now met with an issue on this Wednesday afternoon. Brahms was sitting with a watercolour set at the kitchen table, cardigan sleeves rolled up to keep them clean. He stopped cleaning his brush and glanced up at you, pupils expanding over hazel-green, which happened every time he looked at you. Admittedly, it didn't help the occurring guilt already forming in your stomach. "Well, uh, you know how we basically have no food right now? And Malcom is supposed to bring up the groceries?" You said, voice soft & hesitant. You really were worried about upsetting him. Brahms nodded slowly. He never liked Malcom, found him quite annoying, especially now that Malcom had to interact with you. The man's flirty & playful demeanor never failed to rub him the wrong way. "Well, he's sick-" Brahms perked up. You snorted. "Not terminally, don't get excited, that's mean." You scolded softly, smiling a little. The uneasiness settled over you again. "Well, someone needs to get groceries, and it's not like I can just make them appear out of thin air. So...Would you be okay with me going on a short trip to the store?" You frowned as Brahms immediately locked up. Tense and defensive. "Hang on hang on, it won't be for long, I promise. I know you don't like me leaving but I can't feed you air. Please, Brahms. You trust me to come back, don't you? Surely I've proven that to you at this point."
Brahms crossed his arms and sank in his seat, picking at a loose thread on his cardigan. His nerves were already frying at the idea of you leaving the house. Mind insisting you'd never come back, bolt out the door and leave him for dead, never allowing him to see you again. He took a deep breath as you rested a hand on his knee. Gently rubbing it with your thumb. His shoulders loosened up slightly as he made eye contact again. "I promise I won't be long. I'll just grab enough to tide us over until Malcom isn't sick anymore. Then it's his job and I won't have to leave again. I'll even get you something sweet. How does a homemade cake sound, huh?" Bargaining usually worked. Brahms chewed on his inner cheek under his mask, looking at the floor. He rocked back and forth uncomfortably. After two minutes of silence, finally, he let out a shaky sigh and clenched his hands together. "It has to be quick." He whispered, voice mimicking a small child. Honestly, it was impressive how well he did that. It'd be very useful in a voice acting job, which you once told him he'd be good at.
You covered his mask in reassuring kisses. He followed you around as you got ready, putting on better shoes. It'd been raining recently and you weren't about to get mud all over your lounge shoes. He anxiously messed with his hands as you grabbed your keys, standing in front of the open door. He obediently leaned down so you could kiss his fluffy jaw. "I promise you, I won't be long. I swear." Your words didn't do much to comfort him but he nodded anyway. Watching your car pull away felt like a death sentence.
You had left for only five minutes and Brahms already felt sick. The house was completely silent again, aside from the occasional creak caused by the wind. He'd tried to go back to his watercolour picture, but he sat there and simply stared at it. At the ten-minute mark, he was curled up around a pillow in his lap. You always insisted he change his clothes before getting into your bed, lest he gets dust and dirt from inside the walls on the bedding, but he didn't really think about that when he curled up. Shifting the fabric of your pillowcase between his fingers. He muttered a repetitive phrase under his breath, trying to ground himself like you had taught him to do after a nightmare. It wasn't really working.
Twenty minutes felt like an eternity, and now he felt nauseous, restless, and it felt difficult to breathe. He rocked back and forth in a poor attempt to console himself. It was hard to think rationally, or rather, it was hard to think at all. His brain seemed to go fuzzy. Manually trying to breathe and keep himself from drifting off into a terrible train of thought. If you were coming back, if you'd be safe outside of the walls of his house. What if someone mugged you? Or kidnapped you? Kept you trapped in their basement and turned your skin into a jacket? Brahms was not having a good time, not at all.
And at thirty minutes he'd started crying, though he didn't sob loudly. Just hiccuped and struggled again to breathe clearly, the mask wasn't helping, but he refused to remove it. That would've made it worse, he was sure. His hands were shaky and they had begun slowly locking up into a weird, cramped position. His lips and extremities felt tingly, pins and needles metaphorically jabbing into his skin as if the panic wasn't punishment enough.
You came home thirty-nine minutes after you left approximately. As you promised, it was nothing more than some essentials and the ingredients for a cake. The majority of the time was eaten up by a long queue at the checkout and abysmal traffic. It hadn't occurred to you just how badly Brahams anxiety about you leaving had transferred to you. The entire time you wandered around the store there was an invisible timer in the back of your brain, alarm ringing to tell you he was waiting for you, probably afraid. You shut the door and jogged into the main area, looking around. "Brahms!" You called, hands cupped around your mouth to ensure he heard you, even if he was in the walls.
Your call was answered by a rather harsh thump above your head, located in your room. Honestly, part of you hoped he was just snooping around up there. It would've meant he was occupying himself instead of just freaking out. So, without caring about the mess, you shoved off your coat and dropped your keys where you stood and sped up the stairs, ushering to your room. "Brahms?! Hun, can you answer me please?!" You shouted as you approached the door. It was cracked open so you pushed it wider. A heart-shattering sight greeted you. Brahms had tried to get up upon hearing your voice but his body didn't cooperate, the lack of proper airflow made his legs essentially useless, so he just cried on the floor by the bed.
"Oh, baby..." Your voice was gentle and full of concern as you jogged over to him, crouching down. "Can I touch you, hun?" He nodded with a pathetic hiccup. Instantly, he felt you bring him in by the shoulders to lean against you. "Shh, it's okay, try and take a deep breath." You instructed patiently, taking one of his hands, gently massaging it out of the locked position it was in.
You rocked with him whilst giving gentle words of encouragement and comfort, holding his hand and using the other to pet his hair. It took about five minutes to bring him down. He was still crying and sniffling, but his breathing wasn't hindered, that was the important part. Brahms whimpered and fell against you more when you pecked his temple. "Shhh, it's alright, you're okay. I'm right here. I told you I'd come back, yeah?" He nodded. "And I did, didn't I? You don't have to worry anymore." The man forced another huff of air into his lungs and coughed a little. His throat hurt from hyperventilating and crying. So when he muttered your name, it was raspy and barely audible. "Oh, honey...poor thing. Do you think you can stand? We can go downstairs and I'll make you some tea, yeah? Maybe a snack?"
Brahms exhaled slowly before he nodded a bit. He felt heavy and tired now, but he wasn't about to be left alone. Though he was a bit wobbly, he stood with you, allowing you to support some of his weight. You were extra careful with him going down the stairs. The concern made him feel better, that fuzzy warmth, far more enjoyable than the gripping panic he was just in. You fluttered around him and did your best to reassure him anytime you had to step away, even if he could see you the entire time. He sat with his knees to his chest at the kitchen table, heavy blanket around his shoulders. He rasped out a 'thank you' once you placed some mini peanut butter & jelly sandwiches in front of him, as well as a steaming cup of tea. You partially sat on the armrest of the kitchen chair and lightly stroked his hair. "Hun, can I take off your mask? You need to eat and it's gotta feel real gross under there."
Brahms swallowed before he sighed, keeping his eyes on the floor as you slid the mask up. This wasn't the first time, in fact, it was the third time you had seen his face bare. It never seemed to get easier for him. There was a gentle clink when you set it down on the table. Brahms grabbed one of the sandwiches and nibbled on a corner, vaguely listening to you wet a paper towel in order to clean the inside of his mask. Opting for a softer cloth in order to wipe his face.
"You were very brave today, Brahms." Brahms glanced up tiredly at your praise, flinching slightly when you delicately went over the burn scars on his face. "I know it doesn't feel like it, but you were. And I'm really proud of you." You smiled. Brahms blinked before he sighed, letting his eyes close when you nudged him to lean against you. His headache was lessening as you scratched his scalp lovingly whilst he slowly munched on the snacks in front of him. He didn't finish them all, but that didn't really matter to you, just that he ate something. "You know what I think sounds great?" You asked as he stood, waiting for your input, tiredly rubbing his eye, mask in his other hand. "Hm? Is it a nap?" He questioned. You chuckled and nodded.
"You know piano well enough by now, I think we can miss one lesson for a nap." Brahms didn't argue as you took his hand and led him upstairs. Usually, he threw a fit if anyone broke the schedule besides himself. But, he was exhausted, and his limbs felt like lead. So your tender coaxing to get him to lay down, allowing him to use you as a pillow, went over rather well. He exhaled against your shoulder and leaned into the petting you gave.
"Go ahead and rest, sweetheart. I promise you I'll be right here the whole time." You insisted, feeling his arms tighten around you. Brahms reluctantly let his eyes shut. "There ya go, hun. Don't you worry, I'll be here when you get up." "I'm not going anywhere."
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