#don’t worry you’re not seeing the last of this au for a few more parts yet
kyeomofhearts · 6 months
Back For More | J.WW
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+ summary: while adjusting to your new life in college, you couldn't help but attract the attention of wonwoo, someone who you happen to have a history with.
+ pairing: badboy!wonwoo x fem!reader
+ word count: 2.7k
+ content: badboy!wonwoo, college au, mature language, flirting (wonwoo is a menace), jealousy. [pls let me know if i missed anything!]
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
[ᝰ.ᐟ] i hope you guys enjoy this! it's most likely going to be a two-parter so definitely let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! i would greatly appreciate it if you guys reblogged (maybe with comments too ^^) since i thrive on your guys' validation :)
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You were tired, very tired.
Granted, this was your own doing. Maybe if you hadn't pushed your responsibilities to the side last night you wouldn't have had to wake up so early to study for an exam, but what's done is done. This whole college thing was not going so well, to say the least. Sure, it's only the beginning of the second semester, but you already feel exhausted by all of your class workloads.
Just ten more minutes of this boring lecture and you could finally go home and crawl into bed. But… that's only if you avoid him today. Which now that you’re thinking about it, you hope he isn’t waiting for you outside, again. That would be the last thing you needed today.
With that being said, things have felt a little weird if you were being honest. Of course, this was your first year of university, so things were bound to feel new and different. But there was something, or rather someone that was making you feel strange.
Around two weeks ago you noticed that Wonwoo, an old classmate of yours, had recently started to become a bit friendly towards you. While that normally wouldn’t be considered weird, you couldn’t help but feel skeptical about his intentions. You knew the kind of people he surrounded himself with, and especially the girls he would go after; which was the exact opposite of you. So what exactly did he want from you?
What also makes this situation more odd is that you’ve basically known Wonwoo for your whole life. Of course, you don’t actually know him, you just happened to go to the same elementary, middle, and high school (which is insane if you think about it). Acquaintance is a perfect word to describe your relationship with him, nothing more nothing less. So yeah… it’s a little weird when the guy you have been around for (almost) your whole life is suddenly trying to befriend you, there definitely had to be something wrong with him.
All you knew about Wonwoo was that he was on the more reserved and quiet side; mainly keeping to himself most of the time. His group of friends was quite the opposite of him, which always made you wonder how he even became friends with them in the first place.
Seeing how the lecture was ending soon, you started to pack your stuff; you were more than ready to dash straight out of the classroom. Having finished all of your assignments for today, you had nothing left to worry about. So once the professor had made her goodbyes, you made a straight beeline to the door, nothing was going to hold you back from your long-awaited nap. Your pace was brisk, attempting to avoid the backed-up main exit, you decided to go to the opposite door. The walk back to your apartment wasn’t too bad either, most of the time you saw it as a way to daydream and listen to music. So while you scrolled through your various playlists, you happened to miss the (very obvious) figure following you.
Wonwoo called out your name a few times until it finally dawned on him that you had your headphones on. He took a few long strides to catch up to you; he was very adamant on getting your attention this morning. With ease, he quickly plucked your headphones off of your head.
“What are we listening to today?” He said while adjusting the headphones on his head. It took you a second to fully process what he was doing. You knew he was doing it to provoke you, but you were determined to not let that happen today. So to his surprise, you simply kept walking. You figured that he would continue with his antics if you gave him the reaction that he wanted so you did the opposite, you ignored him.
What shocked him the most was seeing you pull out an old pair of earbuds and plugging them into your phone. He was dumbfounded to say the least, how were you so prepared and why were you ignoring him?
And again, he quickly caught up with a few simple steps. He took your headphones off of his head and tapped them against your shoulder.
With a tired sigh, you turned around to face him but couldn’t help but admire his face. You really didn't want to lose that ‘expressionless’ look you were going for (to help you ignore him of course), but that small smile of his was enough to crack you down. It's like he knew that it was your one weakness when it came to him. This was the most annoying part of it all. Anytime he smiled or looked at you, a tiny part inside you secretly liked it, making you crave his attention at times.
Objectively speaking, Wonwoo was very handsome. That was something you could never deny, you would even go as far as to say that he was your type but you didn't particularly like the people he called his ‘friends’ so you were stuck in a weird limbo.
“Is there something on my face, birdy?”
You scoffed at the nickname. “I told you not to call me that.”
Wonwoo’s eyes were looking straight into yours, a smirk slowly creeping up to his lips. It didn't help that he was looking really good today either, his messy hair combined with the whole biker fit did wonders for your eyes. He was about to say something before you heard your ringtone go off, evidently cutting him off.
It was Hyunwoo. That's odd... you finished your shared project with him rather early, what could he be calling you about? Either way, you answered the random call in front of a rather annoyed Wonwoo.
"Heyyy yn, I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch later today?" You couldn't help but feel your eyes widen at his sudden question. Since when did he want to hang out with you? Last time you checked he had a plethora of girls that he was talking to... maybe he was interested in you? No, you shouldn't get too ahead of yourself...
"Um... let me check if I have anything to do first. Can I call you back?" You knew that you sounded nervous but how else were you supposed to feel when the cute guy from your physics class was literally asking you to eat lunch with him?
As soon as you ended the call, you felt Wonwoo's arm snake its way down to your waist. You couldn’t help but yelp at the sudden intimate contact. Chuckling at your reaction, he leaned down, closer to your ear. “Who was that?”
"No one." You stated simply, it wasn't his business anyway.
"Hm, okay," Wonwoo rested his head on your shoulder, continuing to speak lowly in your ear. "I'll remember that birdy."
Before you could even come up with something to counter him, he decided to speak up once again.
"Well, I do have something rather important to tell you." His voice was so calm and soothing, you could honestly listen to it for hours on end if you had the chance.
"What is it?" You hoped he couldn't sense your rather, embarrassing, curiosity.
"Heard you used to have a little crush on me," his voice was evidently smug, knowing that this would surely get a rise out of you.
Which it did.
Your face burned at the memories of when you used to have a crush on Wonwoo. But, that had to be in fourth grade… so how could he have known about that? Nonetheless, you scoffed at his statement, not wanting to know that you were a little embarrassed by the sudden reminder.
“Key word, had,” you rolled your eyes at him. This did make you curious though, who could have possibly told him that? So you asked him exactly that.
“How do you even know about that?” His smile never faltered even as you lightly pushed his hand away from your waist. If anything, this made him want to touch you even more.
“I have my ways,” he stated simply. Of course, he does. You hated when he would shrug things off, now this was going to bother you for the entire week!
One thing about Wonwoo was that he has always been curious about you, this interest stemming back all the way to your elementary days. This curiosity eventually intensified in junior year of high school when you began to show your blatant distaste towards him. He just had to get to know you.
He looked down at you, his face was unreadable like always. You never knew what was going on in that mind of his.
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your actual friends?" Sometimes you couldn't help but blurt out your thoughts to him even if they sounded a bit rude. His face faltered for a split second, probably caught off guard by the random question. Shoot, you really didn’t mean to say that out loud. Although, it looks like Wonwoo didn’t take any offense to your sudden question. If anything, it made him... smile?
“I am hanging out with my friend,” he stopped you to face him, “which is you.” You rolled your eyes at him. That had to be the corniest thing he has ever said to you if you were being honest. You just hated that giddy feeling he would give you any time he said something remotely cheesy.
"Ugh, you're so dumb," you groaned while checking the time on your phone. It was getting close to noon and you hadn't responded to Hyunwoo's question from earlier. Maybe it was best if you didn't go... who knows what he wanted from you. If you were being completely honest, you didn't know if you had it in you to see other people at the moment, aside from Wonwoo of course.
"Have somewhere to be?" Wonwoo asked, a hint of concern peeking through his voice.
"No, thank god, but I do have a scheduled nap to get to so if you don't mind-" you were cut off by the sound of an engine revving, making your body jump at the unexpected noise. You turned to see where the source of the commotion was coming from but then realized it was coming from a group of bikers nearby; most likely Wonwoo's friends.
Or so you thought?
Wonwoo didn't seem too pleased with the group that was getting closer to where the two of you were. On the contrary, Wonwoo looked pissed. His jaw was visibly clenched, the gentle grip he had on your waist tightened, and his eyes lost that playful spark he had earlier. You couldn't help but feel guilty for thinking about how hot Wonwoo looked when he was angry. Of course, you would never want to be on the receiving end of his anger but seeing it on the sidelines was quite... interesting.
Wait. This might actually be serious, so it's best if you leave before anything crazy happens.
"I think I'm going to head out now..." you said quietly as you tried to slip away from Wonwoo's (awfully) strong grasp.
He turned to look at you, his eyes softening once they landed on your figure. Why did they have to come and bother him at this exact moment? He knew that whatever was going to happen was not going to be pretty, but he found himself reluctant to let you go.
Before truly letting you go, he quietly asked, "Are you sure? I can take you home if you want me to." As soft as his voice was, he still managed to sound composed which was comforting considering the situation.
You nodded in response, "I don't live that far from here so it's fine, thank you for the offer though." You managed to flash him a small, awkward smile before turning away from him and heading toward the direction of your apartment. You didn't know what exactly was going on between those guys and Wonwoo but it for sure wasn't friendly. Although it wasn't exactly your issue, you couldn't help but feel worried about Wonwoo, even if he was a pain in the ass sometimes.
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Much to your dismay, that scheduled nap never came your way that day.
You blame Wonwoo, how were you supposed to sleep peacefully knowing he was probably getting jumped? Okay, you might be jumping to conclusions but what else were you supposed to think about when he was visibly angry at the mere sight of those guys?
Realistically speaking, it's only been two days since that whole incident happened. Granted, you haven't seen Wonwoo since then but that could mean a lot of things.
While you were in line to get a smoothie from one of the pop-up shops near the campus, you felt a sudden tap on your shoulder.
"Did my little birdy miss me?" You felt Wonwoo say right next to your ear, his breath fanning across your earlobe. It sent a wave of tingles down your spine, making you shudder in turn. Though you weren't a fan of his spontaneous appearance.
"God, you need to stop doing that! I almost slapped you I swear-" You stopped mid-way once you turned around and saw his face. He had a few cuts on his lips and eyebrows and one big bruise across his cheek. Those guys really did a number on him.
Your eyebrows furrowed in concern, "are you okay?"
He tried to wave it off but you could tell he was bothered by your question, "It's fine, really, don't worry about it." Was he insane? How were you not going to worry when he was visibly injured?
"Were these from the guys on Tuesday?" You couldn't help but ask, where else would he get these cuts and bruises if it didn't come from them?
His demeanor immediately switched and he pushed himself away from you.
"It's none of your business so stay out of it."
"Okay." That was the only thing you said before grabbing your smoothie from the worker and quickly walking away from the shop. If he wanted to be like that then so be it. You most definitely were not going to wait for him to 'open up' by all means, he could throw himself a pity party for all you care.
"Wait-" He tried reaching for your arm but you were too quick for him. Your steps were swift, helping you create a reasonable distance between you and Wonwoo. He called out your name a few times before giving up, he didn't want to gather any unwanted attention from the people nearby. Reaching your pace, Wonwoo was finally close enough to grab your wrist and make you look at him.
"Are you seriously ignoring me?" His voice was a bit jagged, no doubt coming from the unexpected cardio you made him do to catch up to you.
Unfortunately for him, you were petty. "You said it wasn't my business, so please do not talk to me because I really do not care." You brushed past him once again this time making sure he could not grab your arms or wrists.
He exhaled in annoyance, "Look I'm sorry-" Wonwoo was mid-apology before being abruptly cut off by the voice of a guy yelling your name out loud.
Speaking of the devil, what immaculate timing.
"Hey yn! Did you still want to get food after class?" Hyunwoo jogged to where you were standing but saw how Wonwoo was still trying to talk to you.
"Sorry, were you busy with him?"
You instantly responded to Hyunwoo, "No, he was just asking for directions, but yeah I'm down for food." Like before, you made your way towards Hyunwoo, making sure to bump into Wonwoo. He couldn't help but stay frozen in place as he watched you walk to class with some random guy, jealousy slowly invading his mind.
Directions? Did she really...?
As much as Wonwoo wanted to be mad at you, he really had no one to blame but himself. The whole situation with his old group of 'friends' was really getting to him so once you popped that question it just seemed to send him over the edge. He just didn't know how far you would go to express your annoyance towards him. Now all he had to do was find a way to properly apologize to you before that Hyunwoo guy got to you first.
The only thing stopping him? He didn't have your number or any of your socials...
Part Two: II
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xazse · 21 days
OK OK SO i was thinking, if you do another part to the satosugu merman au, that you could add omegaverse elements to it! and if you don’t want to do the merman au, then you could write something for regular satosugu (or just suguru 🤭) i’m NAWT picky, i just want my men to have more a/b/o fics 😣
Warnings: A/b/o dynamics + first time writing something like this so tips are appreciated!! + cumming inside + mentions of pregnancy + merman!SatoSugu + hybrid!men x human!reader + weird anatomy
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Satoru and Suguru have been acting weird, they’ve brought you little treasures from where they emerge before but now it’s an everyday thing, they’re constantly in your face asking if you like it and if you’ll put it in your nest? The hell is a nest? When you’d first ask they laughed and then all of a sudden got serious, did you honestly not know what that is?
“Different species remember guys?” You couldn’t count how many times they’ve been forgetting that you’re a human and not like them.
You don’t mind the gifts, they always are extremely beautiful you make sure to give your thanks and each of them a little kiss on the cheek.
A few days have passed and things haven’t improved, there’s was even a moment where Suguru had snapped at you for giving Satoru an extra kiss, but Satoru was the one who insisted on it. If Suguru had asked you would have gladly given him one. When he had seen your hurt expression he profusely apologized and ushered to give you a hug.
You had brought up some more weird instances to them, but they couldn’t quite explain why they’d been acting like this. All they could describe it was a sense of needing you and needing to be near you at all times. You sometimes even slept at the beach to appease to their worries.
It was another one of those nights where the atmosphere was thick and you could already tell just by the men’s body language that they needed something.
They won’t outright say it though, they prefer when you initiate it.
You’re all relaxing on the beach halfway in the water, you’re just rambling on about your day and whatnot whilst Suguru and Satoru are struggling to not fuck you already. They hate how you can’t smell how needy they are. They hate how they can smell you and your delicious juices in between your thighs.
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It’s been many weeks since you’ve all last had sex, they could only touch their sodden slits and cocks only so much until their heats had hit and they hit like a damn truck.
They had a little bit of control not to show their bad behavior around you.
Suguru is tired though, he starts pressing little kisses to the column of your neck, which in turn has Satoru touching and groping your boobs.
Those little kisses turn into deep full on hickeys, Suguru is suckling on your neck completely lost. He grabs your hands and leads them to his slit, you’re so taken aback just how wet the inside is. His cute cock is slowly coaxing itself out of its sheath, fully being exposed to the cool air and dripping precum.
Both of their breathing has picked up as they get needier and needier by the second.
Satoru tears your shirt off, ripping it down the middle, you’re about to scold him but his mouth is latching onto your nipple and sucking hardly, he’s sucking like an uncontrolled newborn infant. You know your nipples are gonna be in a ton of pain tomorrow, but you’ll let him have it right now.
They look content right now, but are getting rougher, tough hands roaming all over your body. Is this what their heat was? You could hardly recognize the sweet men who made sure to always make sure you were okay.
Suguru pulls your shorts along with your panties off your body, pleading with you to sit on his cock, ride him till he cums he begs and begs. Glancing down at Satoru you see he’s jerking his cock off, it looks like he’s literally already came on himself but won’t stop pumping his cock.
You oblige and offer to take Suguru first, maneuvering yourself you hover over his cock, he’s so fucking excited and ready, he can’t wait to be the first to pump you full of his cum.
You slowly sink yourself down on his fat length, his pretty long black hair is sticking to his face as he leans back and watches your pussy get filled with him, it’s lewd how your hole stretches to accommodate him.
“Nhgnn..” he sounds cute, a little girlish almost. When you bottom out, Suguru is drooling and becoming incoherent, this has never happened, hes not even moving signaling you to bring him to completion.
You bounce your pretty ass lightly and softly at first, grinding down on him slightly, it feels good, his cock is hot and feels snug against your walls.
Something fills you up not even thirty seconds in, you can hear the poor merman apologizing profusely, he didn’t mean to cum that quickly but he really can’t help it!
His cum feels thick and a bit more heavier inside you, you pay no mind to this. It has been a while he was backed up probably.
Satoru is still playing with his pretty cock as he watches you get Suguru off, he thinks he’s about to have his turn something startles you when you feel something swell inside of you, it hurts but there’s a slight pleasure underneath it.
They look so dewy and happy, dopy grins decorating their face at how you took Suguru’s knot and as soon as it swells down you’ll take Satoru’s.
Your cunt feels full and once again so damn good, you reach down and rub your nub, the sensations make you moan and twitch like a damn virgin.
When Suguru’s knot eventually does go down it’s Satoru’s turn, he wastes absolutely no time in fucking his cock into your already dripping pussy. He goes on and on about how pretty you’ll look with their babies and how they’ll take such good care of you. You aren’t fully understanding what they’re saying, not when you’re on the verge of passing out
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Code of Conduct 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as cheating, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your boss has a difficult time keeping his personal life from bleeding into his work. 
Characters: Steve Rogers, this reader is known as Rosie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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“Mr. Rogers’ office. This is Rosie, how can I hel--” 
“Where is he?” Peggy’s voice cuts over your own. 
“Oh, hello, Mrs. Rogers, he’s currently in a meeting--” 
“Get him.” 
“Don’t argue with me. Go get him. Are you not his assistant?” She challenges brusquely. 
Her accent adds to the sharpness of her words. Her curt demeanour is a stark contrast to her husband. Your boss is always amiable, accommodating even, but the few times you’ve dealt with his wife have been similarly tense. You put a smile on so she can’t hear your anxiety. 
“Of course, Mrs. Rogers,” you preen, “I’ll put you on a quick hold.” 
“No, you will get him. No hold.” 
You suck in a sigh and hold your breath in your chest, “of course.” 
You set the phone down. You don’t see how her hearing your desktop will be any better but you wouldn’t want to irritate her further. It must be urgent. 
You stand and smooth out your dress. You step out from behind your desk, digging your nails into your palms as you ball your fists tight. You get nervous about most things. Answering the phone took your months to get used to and even now you tend to fumble over your words. 
You go to the door and brace yourself. You don’t know why you expect Mr. Rogers to be upset. He’s never been anything close to rude. Maybe short in times of stress but not unpleasant. You knock and wait as you twiddle your fingers against your striped pleats. 
It isn’t Mr. Rogers who answers by Mr. Barnes. You give a sheepish smile, “excuse me, doll.” 
He steps past you and you bid him a good day. He leaves without further courtesy and Mr. Rogers calls your name from within, “need something?” He asks. 
“Oh, yes, Mrs. Rogers is on the phone.” 
He doesn’t seem happy about that. His cheek dimples and he nods, wiggling his pen at you, “patch her through.” 
You go back to your desk and pick up the receiver, “hello, Mrs. Rogers, he’s available now--” 
“I don’t want to talk to you, honey. Where is my husband?” 
You transfer her without another word. Phew. You almost feel bad for your boss as you hear him pick up in his office. His tone is low and dull. 
You try not to overhear, letting his conversation drone into a buzz. There’s enough work to be done without worrying about his personal life. Your own afterhours concerns are more than concerning. You wouldn’t say you have much going on and that’s the problem. It’s moment like those that ease your envy of others’ full plates. 
You haven’t seen the girls lately. The group chat’s been quiet but you suppose you could go ahead and say hi. Your weekly cocktails petered out to biweekly, then monthly, and now you can’t remember the last time you let go with a mimosa. 
You peek over your desk and back at your screen. It’s not only on them to keep things going. You pick up your phone and open the chat. The last message is a meme Elfie sent about printers. You shake your head and send a little waving sticker, keying in a message. 
‘Long time no see! I’m in need of drinks. Anyone free? When’s best? Hope you’re all taking care.’ 
You’re professional tone shines through even on WhatsApp. It’s a bit lame but you’re an entirely different person in text. Most people are surprised to meet the mousy secretary hiding behind her screen after the lively back and forth in Outlook. 
You set your phone down and try not to stare at it. A reply never comes while you’re waiting for it, nor does water boil when you’re watching it. As you click around and try to remember where you were, the silence sinks in. Your realisation brings your eyes up as quickly as Mr. Rogers shadow. 
You bat your lashes at him in surprise, “need something, sir?” 
He gives a half-smile, the type weighed down by disappointment. He sighs and crosses his arms, leaning on the door frame, “you hungry?” 
“Um, well, it’s only eleven,” you shrug. 
“Mm, yeah,” he unfolds one arm to rub his neck, “I’m restless. You feel like getting lunch early?” 
“Sure, I can run out and grab you something,” you stand eagerly. 
“No, uh,” he drops his arm back over his other, “together. I had a reservation for me and Peggy but she canceled. I’d hate to inconvenience the restaurant and I just can’t sit and mope in my office.” 
“Oh, okay, I guess that works...” 
“Do you need to ask your boss?” He scoffs. 
You laugh at his joke, “do I?” 
He smiles, a real smile and drops his arms, “my treat. You know what, you earned it. You work so hard around here, a little employee appreciation is overdue.” 
“That’s so nice,” you chime, “uh, sir, I... I should leave an away message, should I?” 
“Oh, who cares, come on.” 
“Well, I mean...” 
“Ah, I get it, boss is a real hard ass,” he winks. 
“Sir,” you giggle nervously and teethe your lip. He watches your mouth. 
“You can catch up later. Come on, I haven’t played hooky in years.” 
“Hooky?” You stammer. 
He laughs, “a goody two shoes. It’s why I hired you but it’s okay to let loose once in a while.” 
“I know, Mr. Rogers, it’s just... it’s work.” 
“Too much of it and you’ll turn into me,” he huffs. “Please, I’m sure your husband would hate if you were never home. Never answered the phone.” 
“If I had one, probably,” you blurt out then look away shyly. 
“Really? I thought...” he begins and shakes his head, “doesn’t matter. I’ll grab my jacket and we’ll go. I missed breakfast.” 
“Um, sure, sir,” you agree and put your hand on the phone. 
When he turns, you look down. Missie sent a reply; ‘please, drinks are required!’ Ooh! Yay. 
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suhnshinehaos · 1 year
' ACCIDENTALLY IN LOVE ' | c. hansol
synopsis : the one where you get into an arranged marriage with your childhood best friend vernon, but neither of you seem to mind that much pairing : vernon x gn!reader genre/s : mini smau, non-idol au, fluff, little bit of angst
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five (finale!)
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walks with hansol aren’t always silent. when they are, they’re almost always comfortable. tonight isn’t one of those nights. you always know when there’s something on his mind. you see it in the way his gaze combs through every inch of the venue grounds, each step cautious and careful. he keeps his hands behind his back as both of you walked past a wooden sign, pointing one way to a quaint little building meant for the ceremony and the reception tent. 
you head for the direction of the building.
the small building was mostly empty, except for the rows of chairs and wooden arch decorated with dried and fake flowers at the very end of the room that had been set-up earlier in the day.  both of you opted to keep the wedding small. only sending out invites to family, close friends, and — of course — business associates. 
you absently run your hand over the backs of each wooden chair as you follow hansol. he’s a few   steps ahead, but both of you make your way down the aisle. it’s only then that it finally, truly, sinks in what was going to happen tomorrow.
you’re going to marry your best friend. your hansol. your sol, with the brightest smile you’ve ever seen. with the most comforting voice you’ve ever known. the same kid you’ve known before you could even walk on two feet. 
“are you sure you want to go through with this?”
his voice snaps you out of your train of thought. hansol has already reached the end of the aisle and he’s looking at you with expectant eyes. his voice is soft, hesitant, the most worried you had ever heard it. 
you don’t hide your confusion as you pick up your pace until you reach him. you raise a brow, standing just a few feet in front of him. “why are you asking me that? of course, i want to go through with it.”
you reach out, grab both of his hands, and give them gentle squeeze. hansol squeezes back, taking a deep breath, and gathering all the courage he has in himself. “you know how when we go on these late night walks, when you can’t sleep, or i get caught up in work?”
“you know the phrase i always say?”
“the moon is beautiful.” you let out a quiet exhale, recalling the words he always spoke to you. in a voice that’s tender and yet somewhat distant, as if he doesn’t want you to hear. but you always do.
and he knows that you do.
“to you, this could just be a business deal. a means to an end-”
your eyes widen, voice rising uncharacteristically as you cut him off. “that’s not how i see it at all. you know that.”
“you’re marrying your best friend.” he smiles, albeit sadly, and shakes his head immediately after. hansol lets go of your hands and lets his own fall at his sides, defeated. “it’s different for me… i’m marrying my best friend, and the love of my life.”
you feel tears prick at the corner of your eyes, but you blink them back and you let hansol continue speaking.
“going through with this is fine by me, but i don’t want you to wake up one day and regret it. because i love you. i don’t know why, or how, but i’ve never known a day where i didn’t love you.”
the weight of his words sit heavy on your chest, and you don’t let the silence last more that a few seconds. you reach a hand towards your pockets and pull out a bracelet. “i’ve been meaning to find a way to give this to you, i was hoping to do it before the actual ceremony. this wedding has been so publicized, and i wanted to take a moment that’s just between us two. no cameras, no press, no board members.”
you take his left hand and hansol lets you place the bracelet around his wrist. it’s a simple chained gold bracelet, but threaded through the loops are strands of cotton strings from a friendship bracelet you had made him in your childhood. you smile as his eyes light up in recognition.
“where did you find this?”
“i had some help from wonwoo. it took him a while to find that. i have one with the bracelet you made me, but it’s in my room and i didn’t wear it so i don’t spoil the surprise.” you laugh, shrugging your shoulders. “i know this wedding changes a lot of things, most of which are on the business side of things. it won’t change a lot either. you know, we’re not doing rings or taking each other’s last names. it doesn’t change the fact that we will take care of each other. and it doesn’t change the fact that i’m in love with you.”
his eyes widen in shock. “but wonwoo?”
“well, since he was older, it was kind of expected that i would marry him. and i thought, if i spoke of it enough times, i could will it into existence that he was the one i had feelings for.” you sighed. “but i’m standing here with you tonight, very much in love with you, like i have been the past couple of years. and i will stand with you tomorrow, in front of our friends and family, letting everyone know that this feeling isn’t going to change.”
hansol stands there, completely and utterly speechless. but mostly because he knows mere words would never be enough to express everything that he feels for you. so instead, he pulls you in for a kiss. 
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from reese, with love <3
and this ends the story of hansolyn !! they are so dear to me, thank you for joining me on this little adventure !! i hope enjoyed this story, and as always, i'd love to know what you think !! reading all your asks/rbs/replies is one of the highlights of writing these little brainrots <3 hope you're all doing well and taking care !!
ps. yes, i used 'the moon is beautiful' (pls look this up if u dont know what it means, it's v sweet hehe) as a plot moment again-- i just cant help it,, it was right there cmon sol like the sun and now we have yn and the moon sdfghjkl
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smileysuh · 1 year
Energizer Bunny
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🌙 staring. Haechan x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “With me here, you’re in no danger at all,” the white wolf hybrid says. “However- I think everyone else might be in danger of becoming quite enamored with you.” You’ve heard about predator hybrids having prey fetishes- with bunnies being an often glorified playmate option- but you’ve never truly witnessed it firsthand, not like you have tonight.  
cw/tw. unprotected sex, pussy eating, fingering, bunny hybrid fetishes, praise, big dick hyuck, semi-inappropriate boss x subordinate relationship, hand holding sex, slight choking, slight overstim, dumbification, slight dacryphilia, begging, multiple orgasms, slight orgasm control, dirty talk, etc...
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 19.1k
🍭 aus. hybrid au, brother!mark, bunny!reader, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. there's just something about Hyuck
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1:  Friday
“I just don’t see why you won’t let me come visit you while you’re at work,” you sigh, looking your brother up and down while you cross your arms over your chest. “And before you even open your mouth to tell me that ‘it’s not a fun club’ or ‘it’s not always safe,’ I’ll have you know that it’s a top rated hybrid friendly bar, and also that it will be safer for me and my friends because you work there-”
“I just really don’t think it’s a good idea,” Mark groans, rubbing at the back of his neck. 
“Well, too bad,” you say defiantly. “Your friends keep saying I should stop by, and that wolf dude you’ve been bringing over invited me too-”
“Yuta did?” Now you’ve grabbed Mark’s attention, and he stops in his tracks on the way to the door. He gets finicky about being to work on time, but it seems that the mention of his new ‘friend’ is enough to trump his bunny hybrid time anxieties. 
“Uh huh,” you confirm. “You went down to the lobby to get our dinner delivery and he mentioned that it’s odd he’s never seen me around before- something about me already knowing Jeno and Jaemin, and the club always being in need of good little bunny hybrids, with our sensitive noses.”
“Well that’s the last time I invite Yuta over-” Mark groans for the umpteenth time. “Look, I just really don’t think it’s a good place for you.”
“Mark, you know how hard it can be for hybrids like us to get good jobs in this town.”
“Who said my job is a good job?” 
“The paycheck you get every month, and the tips, that’s who.” You take a deep breath. “Look- money is still kind of tight- can you imagine how good it would be if we could both be working? I hate to say it Mark, but I’m pretty sure I’d get more tips than you could working at a bar.” 
“I’m just-” Mark shakes his head, “you’d get eaten alive in there.”
“Not with you hovering around- and Jeno’s a doberman, he could protect me!” Your brother doesn’t look convinced so you go for a hybrid even higher on the food chain than the puppy you often find yourself enthralled with; “Yuta seems like a good guy.”
“Wolves eat bunnies in the wild,” Mark reminds you, “don’t forget about that part.”
From the vibes Yuta’s given off the two or so times you’ve met him, you can confirm that the wolf definitely wants a piece of your bunny hybrid brother- “Let me come by tonight,” you say again, “just to see what it’s like.”
“Something tells me you’re going to do what you want even if I say no,” Mark sighs, picking up his keys and testing them in the palm of his hand. “If you and your friends really want to see the club tonight- just invite Jeno too, he’s not on shift, and I’d feel better knowing he’s there with you.”
“Mark, it’s just a club, a club you work at- you shouldn’t be so worried about my safety.”
“And you shouldn’t be so sure it’s a safe place for a bunny like you.”
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2: Friday con't
Although Jeno’s spent a few nights out with you and your friends, it’s always been with Mark and Jaemin hanging around too. Walking into his work place with a bengal cat, bunny and a fellow doberman hybrid - all three of whom are gorgeous girls - makes Jeno feel like he’s on top of the world, and he has to make a conscious effort to stop his tail from wagging with pride.
“This place is so cool!” you beam, grabbing onto Jeno’s arm as he leads you through the large open space bar. He likes the way you tuck into his arm, looking around with eyes full of bunny wonder - it had taken both Mark and Jaemin a few shifts to get used to all the lights, sounds and smells.
The happy doberman sometimes considers what it would be like to be a prey hybrid - someone at the bottom of the food chain - however, he doesn’t envy you. 
On your left Yeji is grinning, already throwing flirty glances at a few men by the bar, and on Jeno’s right, Ryujin is walking with her hands in her pockets, a vision of doberman watchdog calmness. 
“I thought you said this was a hybrid bar,” Yeji comments, her cat ears flickering with interest, “I’m not seeing many hybrids.”
Before Jeno can respond, you’re nodding. “I’d say less than half of the people here are like us.” 
He marvels at how quickly a prey hybrid like you can read a room for danger, and he’s shocked that you don’t know more about the way the club is run. “Hasn’t Mark told you guys anything about this place?”
“What do you mean?” Ryujin asks, her gaze darting to him.
“This is just the front room, humans and hybrids allowed. The real fun is in the back room, hybrids only.”
“Hybrids only?” Your eyes have widened. “Is that allowed?”  
Jeno had asked the same question when he’d been hired, and his raven manager, a regal, intelligent man named Doyoung, had explained that with all the discrimination and segregation the hybrids had faced in the past- well, they all deserved a safe space too. He’d also compared it to a gay bar, but Jeno’s not about to confuse you by making the connection himself.
“It’s legal,” he assures you. “Look, there’s Mark!”
The doberman hybrid is always happy to see his bunny best friend, and Jeno almost forgets himself and lets go of you in favour of lumbering towards your brother- but your grip on his arm makes him be patient. When Mark catches his eye, Jeno can feel his tail wagging again, and an enthusiasm bubbles in his chest. 
“You guys came.” Mark, on the other hand, doesn’t sound too enthusiastic, but he makes a visible effort to force a smile.
“Of course we came!” Yeji beams, pulling Mark into a hug.
The bunny stiffens in the cat’s grasp, and Jeno can’t help but grin. Mark used to have a pretty big crush on Yeji, and Jeno will be sure to put in a good word for him tonight.
“Well this is surprising.” Jaehyun, the black lab hybrid on Mark’s right, is looking the small group up and down. Jeno can feel himself deflate a little under his hyung’s gaze.
“They’re with me,” Mark says quickly, letting out a small cough. “Uh, this is my sister, and her two friends.”
“I didn’t know you had a sister.” Jaehyun’s eyes linger on you for a few moments. 
“Yeah, there’s a reason for that,” Mark sighs. “You guys can all go in, but uh-” he pulls Jeno to his side, lowering his voice, “there’s a lot of Level Fours inside tonight, so try to be quick? I don’t want anyone to get… overwhelmed.”
By anyone, Mark clearly means you, and it warms Jeno’s heart to see his friend be so protective of his sister. “You got it Mark,” he nods, bringing two fingers up to his forehead in a mock salute. “I’ll keep my eye on all three of our girls.”
Yeji practically purrs at Jeno’s words, grabbing onto his arm as Jaehyun opens the door to let them into the back room of the club. 
The doberman definitely feels like a big dicked dude now, walking into the hybrid only section of the bar with two pretty girls on his arms… and Ryujin, of course. 
“What did Mark mean when he said there’s a lot of Level Fours here tonight?” you ask, and it takes a moment for Jeno to properly register your question.
“Oh uh- it’s a ranking system we have here.” He clears his throat. “So- prey hybrids like you and Mark are Level Ones, and the ranking goes up to Level Five. Basically, Mark was just letting me know we have a lot of Level Four big predator hybrids here tonight- wolves, bears, tigers- that sort of thing.”
You open your mouth as if to ask more questions, but before any words can come out, Jeno’s attention is captured by one of his hot coworkers stationed at the bar. 
“Let’s go get drinks,” he announces. “First round’s on me!”
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3: Friday con't
“I didn’t know Mark had a sister.” 
“What?” Johnny looks up from his drink, leaning closer to Haechan to follow his gaze. “Who?”
“That girl with puppy boy Jeno.” Haechan nods towards you.
“How do you know she’s Mark’s sister?” Johnny asks, taking a sip of his beer.
Haechan cocks his head ever so slightly, somewhat annoyed that even after all this time, he has to explain himself to a bear hybrid below his rank. “I can smell the family resemblance.” 
“You can smell the family resemblance,” Johnny repeats with a chuckle. “Your nose never ceases to amaze me. It’s as good as any Level One hybrid’s.”
“Are we talking about Mark’s sister?” The wolf on Haechan’s other side leans in now too, and Haechan smirks at the way his most hardworking bunny employee has Yuta wrapped around his finger.
However, there’s a familiarity in Yuta’s words that doesn’t exactly sit right with Haechan. “You know her?” 
“Met her a few times now- and you’re right, there’s something about the Lee bunnies,” Yuta’s gaze darkens, “they always smell particularly tasty.” 
“Why have you never mentioned her before?” Haechan can feel himself getting aggravated, he doesn’t like it when his friends keep things from him, especially not pretty little things like you. “And why isn’t she working here yet?” 
“Slow down-” Yuta gives his head a small shake, and the slight pink tint to his skin tells Haechan he’s probably already had too many drinks. “I’m the one who told her to come visit- Mark has this thing about your club being dangerous-” 
“My club?” Haechan scoffs. “Dangerous?” 
“You know how easy it is to scare a bunny,” Yuta’s grin widens wolfishly. 
Haechan takes a moment to consider his options. “How about you go buy a round for Mark’s sister and her friends. On the house. As a welcome to our dangerous club.” 
“Why can’t you do it yourself?” Yuta asks, but he’s already pulling himself to his feet to follow through.
“Like you said,” Haechan sighs, “bunnies scare easy. We all remember how Mark reacted when I met him for the first time.” All three upper level hybrids let out laughter, but Haechan’s subsides quickly. “I’m not looking to scare her off. I’ll stay here, in VIP, for now- I’m sure I’ll get to meet her sometime soon. Something tells me this little bunny will be back.” 
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4: Friday con't
You smell the wolf before he’s even fully approached you, but you give him the grace of allowing him to sneak up on your rear as you stand by the bar. 
“Funny seeing you again,” Yuta’s voice is as smooth as ever.
You turn to look at him, taking in his white hair and pretty wolf ears. He’s dressed in a simple dress shirt with black pants, and the outfit compliments his pretty ashy colouring. Sharp canines glint at you when he smiles.
“You invited me to come see the club,” you remind him. “How could I pass this up?”
Instead of responding, Yuta catches the eye of the bartender. “Another round for me and my friends,” he announces, “and one for Jeno too.” 
“You don’t have to-”
“It’s on the house,” he assures you with a dismissive wave of his hand. Yuta’s gaze shifts past you to where Jeno and Ryujin are in a heated debate over some doberman hybrid thing- “I see you have two watchdogs tonight, and a kitty running around- they seem to like the place, but how do you feel being here?” 
“Is my anxiety that obvious?” you laugh, running a hand over the back of your neck in an effort to calm yourself. You’ve been doing your best- but the bright lights, loud sounds and the smells of the club are a lot to get used to.
“Don’t forget who you’re talking to, little bunny,” Yuta grins. “The pretty scent of bunny fear only adds to your allure… which is why most bunnies feel more comfortable in the general section, with humans- pretty prey hybrids like you are less inclined to come back here, where it’s a little more… dangerous.” 
You blink up at Yuta. “Am I really in that much danger?”
“With me here, you’re in no danger at all,” the white wolf hybrid says, grabbing at the drink that’s placed by his hand. Then he leans in, breath teasing by your throat, “however- I think everyone else might be in danger of becoming quite enamoured with you.” 
When he pulls away, his gaze lingers on your face, and you can feel your heart picking up speed in your chest.
You’ve heard about predator hybrids having prey fetishes- with bunnies being an often glorified play mate option- but you’ve never truly witnessed it first hand, not like you have tonight.  
You can feel your throat getting dry, and the power behind Yuta’s gaze makes you fold, eyes flickering down to your own drink. You’re glad you’ve only been ordering small cocktails, as they’re much easier to drink than the beer in Yuta’s hand.
“Thank you very much for the mojito,” you say. “I hate to disappoint you, but I was actually just planning on finding my friend Yeji and getting out of here-”
Like the perfect bengal kitty she is, Yeji appears a moment after you say her name, a pretty grin on her face. “You called?”
She’s looking Yuta up and down, and he returns her flirty gaze with one of his own.
“Yeji, this is Yuta, he bought us a round,” you hand her the gin and tonic the bartender had left by your hand, “he’s one of Mark’s friends-”
“One of his bosses, actually.” 
This is news to you, and you falter a little, but Yeji takes the cup from your hand, teasing the straw past her lips. “Mark never mentioned he had a cute wolf hybrid boss,” she flirts.
“He never mentioned he had a cute kitten for a friend either,” Yuta returns Yeji’s smile, and you catch another glimpse of sharp teeth.
Before they can continue flirting, Jeno and Ryujin join the conversation, their own drinks in hand. “The bartender said you got us a round?” Ryujin asks in confusion.
“Oh shit-” Jeno runs a hand through his hair, cheeks flaring an even brighter shade of pink than they already were, “Mister Nakamoto-”
“Mister Lee.” The wolf in front of you nods to the two new doberman hybrids.
“You really didn’t have to get us drinks-” Jeno says sheepishly.
“Like I told our pretty bunny friend here,” Yuta’s smile returns to you, “it’s on the house.”
 There’s a beat of silence where all four of you ‘lower level hybrids’ wait for the wolf to continue, then he lets out a sigh. 
“Y/N was just saying you should be leaving soon. I won’t keep you. Enjoy your drinks, and I hope to see you three lovely ladies again sometime.”
 “You bet,” Yeji says dreamily.
With one final nod, Yuta leaves you be, and you watch him retreat towards the raised VIP section. 
“Oh my god-” Jeno lets out a deep breath, huddling you all in closer, “that was my boss-”
“Yeah, Mister Nakamoto,” Ryujin teases, elbowing Jeno in the side gently. 
“Stop it!” Jeno bats her arm away. “That was so embarrassing- do you think it was obvious I’m drunk?”
“No one could tell,” Yeji plays it cool, but when she reaches out and pinches Jeno’s chin, her grin widens mischievously, “you’re always this lovely pink colour.”
“Fuck-” Jeno groans. “I need to get out of here-”
You watch him finish his beer in three large gulps, and then you’re downing your own cocktail in record time.
The alcohol helps things become fuzzier. You can almost forget that you’re in a room filled with Level Four hybrids - as Mark would say - but when you look out at the crowd, you’re met with all sorts of dangerous eyes.
A tiger hybrid stares you down and you tear your gaze away, looking after Yuta-
Your heart lurches in your chest as you lock eyes with a man in VIP. You’re at a distance, but you could swear his irises are red-
“Come on, y/n,” Yeji tugs on your hand, “let’s go.” 
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5: Saturday
Ushering a bratty wolf out of his apartment at 8 am isn’t something Mark wants to get used to any time soon, but it’s an obstacle he’s being more and more acclimated to as he pushes and shoves Yuta towards the door.
“No breakfast?” the white wolf questions- he always looks for any reason to stay.
“No breakfast,” Mark confirms. “You have to get out before my sister wakes up.”
Yuta flashes a toothy grin. “Hate to break it to you Mark, but I'm pretty sure that sharp-eared bunny hybrid sister of yours heard us last night.”
“We were quiet-” Mark tries to insist with a shake of his head, but the wolf’s smile only widens.
“Sure you were, bunny boy.” 
“I was!” 
“What if you come out with me and we get breakfast somewhere else?” Yuta suggests, 
“Jeez-” Mark lets out a deep sigh, opening the door to his apartment, “you act as if you’re not going to see me at work in twelve hours- just go!” 
With one last eye roll, Yuta steps over the threshold and into the hallway beyond. “Don’t be late, bunny boy.”
“I won’t be-”
“Mark?” Your voice makes the bunny jump- usually he’s pretty good at tracking you with his ears, but he’d been so focused on getting Yuta out of the apartment that you’ve been able to sneak up on him.
He closes the door in his boss's face, and the small chuckle that sounds from the hallway beyond is enough for Mark to know the wolf won’t hold it against him.
“Y/N!” Mark swallows thickly, one hand moving to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. “You’re awake early!”
“I uh… couldn’t sleep.”
The way you’re looking at him tells Mark that you definitely heard him and Yuta last night, and the thought makes his skin flush with heat. He goes for a topic change, grasping at straws until he’s able to state; “Glad Jeno got you back home last night in one piece.”
Now it’s your turn to sigh. “Your club didn’t give that many bad vibes- of course I got home alright.”
“Speaking of the club-” Mark swallows thickly. “Listen, I don’t know how I feel about this yet, but it would be against my morals not to mention it- Yuta told me last night that apparently you caught the eye of one of my managers? They said they’d give me a raise or something if I ‘recruited’ you-” 
“Oooh- which manager?”
Mark can see interest in your eyes, and it makes his skin crawl. “You’re not going to fuck one of my managers,” he warns you. 
“You’re one to talk Mark Lee,” you look him up and down. “Hypocrite.” 
He should never have let Yuta come home with him last night-
“I want to go see your workplace again,” you insist. “To see if I like it. It would be good to have two incomes- besides, all your friends work there- and I’d be getting to use my bunny smelling senses-”
What you’re saying is - by all accounts - true. It would be a good job, for any bunny- but unfortunately you’re not just any bunny, you’re his sister. Mark worries about which manager you caught the attention of- there are a few Level Fours he could handle, but if either of the Level Five managers get their hands on you-
Mark doesn’t even want to think about it.
“I guess you can go see what it’s like,” Mark sighs. “Yuta told me to give you his number- something about maybe popping by tonight when it’s busy and meet the managers and such-”
“Really?” your eyes widen with excitement. “You mean you’re not going to fight me on this anymore?”
“I’m not,” Mark concedes… he’s just hoping you’ll spend one night working behind the scenes and decide to hate the club.
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6: Saturday con't
You’re not sure what you’re expecting when you walk into Mark’s bar for the second time in your life, but it’s definitely not a small, timid deer hybrid by the name of Moon Taeil. From the look of his small, spiny, horn-like antlers, you think he might be a pudu, and you wonder how he ever obtained a high ranking position at a club like this one. 
“I’m the main manager of the front area of the club,” Taeil explains, as he walks you through the room of both humans and hybrids. “The majority of our servers in this section are Level Twos. Mark must have walked you through the levels?”
“Refresh me?” you suggest, sending a pleading smile Taeil’s way.
The elder man sighs. “Level Ones are small prey animals,” he tells you, “Hamsters, bunnies, rats, mice, that sort of thing. Level Twos are larger prey animals like myself, so deer, zebras, we’ve even got a lovely cow hybrid bartender. We also have a few humans we employ to keep the ‘diversity’ structure.  Level Ones like you generally work the door to the back section, with a Level Three hybrid bouncer.”
He takes a deep breath, and his large deer ears flick to follow other sounds in the bar. You can tell that Taeil doesn’t like going through these details, as he runs through them quickly.
“Level Three’s are smaller and ‘domesticated’ predator types, so dogs, cats- we’ve mostly got dogs on the doors. You already know Jeno, our doberman. We also have a golden retriever, and a lab-”
“Not to mention our resident Raven,” a regal man appears on your left, and one whiff of him tells you he’s the bird in question. Hybrids that fly all share a uniquely airy scent, or at least, the ones you know do. 
“This is Doyoung- he’ll be your manager while you’re here.” Taeil seems more than happy to pass you off, not that you mind. 
“If you end up liking the place,” Doyoung sighs. “And if we like you. We always have openings for Level Ones in door inspection like your brother, but I’m guessing you’ll fit in as more of a bottle girl.”
You’ve heard of bottle girls; the pretty females who provide top of the line waitressing service to VIP’s and such. You’ve also heard that they’re the ones who make big money on tips. 
“Have you ever had any experience in a bar?” Doyoung is quick to get to business, and Taeil scurries away. 
“I worked in a restaurant once,” you tell him, thinking back to the humans who had been nice enough to give you a shot.
“Bottle service is easy,” the raven assures you. “The real test you have to pass is for manning the door.”
“A test?” you ask, following Doyoung through to the back room.
The bar isn’t open yet, and it’s different to see the large space without fun, flashy lighting, the dancefloor empty of guests. 
“Sounds like Taeil was walking you through the levels, right?” Your new manager walks you through to a hallway that leads to the staff restricted zone. “Level Fours are big predator animals, think lions, tigers, bears, wolves-”
“And Level Fives?”
Doyoung gives you a look. “We don’t get many Level Fives in here- and trust me, when we have one, you’ll know.”
It’s the only level that hasn’t come with a hybrid list, and you’re not quite sure what to make of it.
“How will I know-” you ask, as you follow Doyoung into a staff room where a white wolf is waiting for you.
“Trust us, Lee,” Yuta grins, “with a nose like your brother’s, you’ll know.”
Doyoung rolls his eyes at the flirty tone in his coworker’s voice, and he’s quick to move on. “If you could take a seat, we’ll begin the nose test.”
“So soon?” You feel like you have whiplash. Yuta pulls out a chair at the small table by the staff lockers and you’re quick to sit down, looking at both men with confusion.
“Trust me, you’ll pass,” Yuta assures you again, resting one hand on your shoulder while flashing you a charming smile.
“Did you bring your blindfold?” Doyoung isn’t talking to you, but your heartrate picks up in your chest.
“You know I always have one on me,” the wolf responds, reaching into his pocket.
“Blindfold?” you squeak.
“It’s nothing weird,” Doyoung is quick to assure you. “You’ll just put this on, and five people, one from each level, will come in, then you’ll have to identify their level by smell.”
You suppose it’s a fair trial- after all, with your eyes covered you won’t be able to identify anyone by their hybrid marks, so you accept the blindfold and put it on. 
With your eyesight gone dark, you take a deep breath, trying to focus on the smell of the Level Three and Four that surround you.
“Are you ready for the first person?” the raven asks.
You nod.
In the periphery of your senses, you hear a door opening, and then a familiar smell washes over you. You’d only spent a short time with the timid deer manager, but Taeil’s scent is already committed to your memory. “Level Two,” you announce, adding “Mister Moon” for good measure. 
Yuta lets out a small chuckle at your rear, and you hear Doyoung groan at his friend’s behaviour. “Very good,” he praises you. 
The sound of a door opening and closing prepares you for the next smell, and even this one is somewhat familiar. It’s a very puppy specific smell- but you’re not quite sure if it’s one of your friends, so when you say “Level Three,” you simply leave it at, “dog hybrid,” instead of adding a name. 
“You can’t take your blindfold off,” Yuta reminds you, “but this is Jungwoo, he’s our resident golden retriever.”
“So lovely to meet you!” comes an enthusiastic voice, and loud footfall tell you the large man is approaching you. He gently shakes your hand and you try not to jump at the sudden contact.
“Good to meet you too,” you smile.
“It’s always nice to have another Lee in the building,” the puppy continues. “We love Jeno, and then we got Mark- now we have you! Everyone loves a cute Lee!”
“Some more than others,” Doyoung mutters, and you can’t help but think it’s a jab at Yuta. It seems you’re not the only one who’s aware of your brother’s shenanigans with his so called ‘boss.’ 
“I’ll see you on shift, bunny,” Jungwoo says, and you can practically hear his grin. 
“She’s not officially hired yet,” Doyoung is quick to remind everyone in the room.
“She’s a Lee- a legacy!” Jungwoo insists. “Like I said, see you on shift.”
You hear him leave the room, but his scent takes longer to drift from your senses. 
The door opens again, and it’s the easiest smell to identify so far. A Level One prey is always a pleasant experience, and this one smells particularly earthy. “Level One,” you say with a smile.
“Three for three,” the raven counts. “Although, this one might also be a bit of a cheat- I think you’ve met our Hamster hybrid, Jisung?”
You’d nearly forgotten about the tall, quiet boy that Mark had introduced you to last month, but now that Doyoung mentions it, the meeting comes back to you. “We have met once,” you admit.
“Nice to see you again.” Jisung’s voice is as quiet as ever, and you wonder what an introvert like him is doing in a bar like this, but then again- what are any of your prey hybrid acquaintances doing here? 
You listen to the hamster leave the room, and you’re left waiting long enough to start to question it. “Uh, is the test over?” you ask after five minutes of silence have gone by. You can feel your ears twitching, and your nose ruffles as you try to track any new scents.
“Two more,” Doyoung tells you. “These last two like to be late-”
“Or maybe we like to make an entrance,” a new voice and smell nearly overwhelm your senses. 
While most hybrids have an earthy note to their scent, this man also brings in a touch of smokiness- for a moment, part of you wants to announce that he’s a Level Five, but you bite your tongue.
You’ve not smelt something like him in a long time, but when you search your brain for a memory, you realize what hybrid he reminds you of. “Level Four?” you ask, feeling unsure for the first time, “a bear?”
“Wow, it’s always the bunnies with good noses, huh?” The new voice lets out a chuckle, and you think you must have clocked him spot on. 
“Told you she’d be good,” Yuta says pridefully. 
“Does this mean I’ve passed?” You’re eager to take the blindfold off- being in a room with a raven, a wolf, and a bear - without your eyes to protect you - well, it’s making your stomach fill with butterflies. 
“There’s one last person you have to meet,” Doyoung explains with a sigh.
“A Level Five?” If you go by process of elimination-
“Yes, a Level Five.” Yuta’s hand finds your shoulder again, giving you a gentle squeeze. “When Mark met this Level Five, he puked- so Doyoung’s put a bucket by your foot… if you need it.”
“Why-” you swallow thickly. “I mean- if I already know it’s a Level Five, do I have to meet him? I thought you said I wouldn’t see many Level Fives-”
Doyoung sighs, and it’s a sound you’re becoming much too familiar with. “We don’t want the first time you see one being on the job- better to puke now rather than later. Besides, the Level Five coming in owns the club, he’s the one who gets the final say on you.”
Now you definitely feel like you’re going to hurl- and the elusive Level Five hasn’t even entered the room yet.  
“He’s not that bad,” Yuta reassures you, but you suppose it’s a very Level Four thing for him to say. The wolf behind you can never know what it’s like to be in your shoes as a prey hybrid, so you take his opinion with a massive grain of salt.
“Usually I’d tell you not to trust Yuta,” the bear’s voice sounds again, “but in this case, he’s not wrong. Hyuck’s not so bad.”
If only you knew anything about the bear- about how accurate his perception might be.
Your skin is prickling with anxiety, but you know you’ll have to get used to being surrounded by upper level hybrids if you’re going to do well at this job, so you focus on your breathing.
A minute passes, and then comes the familiar noise of the door squeaking ever so slightly on its hinges.
A shiver runs from the tip of your toes all the way to the top of your head, and an overpowering energy overtakes you. 
It’s not so much a smell as it is an overwhelming sense of unease. 
Something isn’t right- and you’re pretty sure it’s the new Level Five who’s just entered the room.
“Good job on not puking,” Yuta laughs, patting your shoulder again.
“She’s got a better stomach than Mark,” the bear adds, and as much as you might wish to defend your brother, you can hardly bring yourself to even open your mouth to speak.
“This little bunny is a fighter, isn’t that right?” The smoothness of the unfamiliar voice takes you back a little, and despite your eyes being covered, you get the sense that the Level Five has a pretty face to match his pretty voice. 
You itch to take the blindfold off- to get a look at the elusive hybrid. 
You wonder what markings he might have that would point you in the direction of identifying what, exactly, he is. 
“Can I-” you swallow thickly, and the hybrid’s smokey scent that fills your lungs makes your throat feel dry again, “Can I take this off?”
You reach a hand up towards your face, but Yuta is one step ahead of you, pulling the blindfold from your head. 
At first, your eyes take a moment to adjust to the light, but your prey instincts are quick to get a gauge on the Level Five.
He’s handsome- more handsome than you could have imagined. But he’s also young- close to your age, you’d guess, if looks are anything to go by-
Fluffy brown hair and caramel eyes match the pretty tan skin that almost shines golden in the light.
You can’t spot any hybrid marks, not even a tail, and you’re completely blindsided by what the man in front of you might be. 
“Hi, bunny.” The Level Five grins at you, and the sharp canines that greet you are the only hint towards his hybridism- although, without visible floppy ears, you highly doubt the man in front of you is any sort of dog.
“If you’re looking for hybrid marks, good luck finding them,” Doyoung tells you, pursing his lips. The large, obvious, black wings that protrude from his back ruffle with annoyance, and you wonder how many other prey hybrids have been enthralled by this Level Five’s lack of clear hybrid marks. 
“Hyuck’s good at hiding,” Yuta notes. “Come on, give her a hint.”
“But just know,” the bear quips, “you’re not going to leave this room with any definitive answers about what he is. That information is for people who’ve proven their loyalty here.”
“Something tells me she’ll be loyal,” the Level Five, or ‘Hyuck’ as they’ve called him, is looking at you like you’re dinner. “Isn’t that right, little bunny?”
“Yes, sir,” you respond without a moment’s hesitation, clearing your throat. “I’m loyal. It’s a Lee family trait.” 
While you’re talking about your brother, you suppose Lee Jeno is also quite loyal, although that might be more of a dog and doberman trait than a Lee-specific one. 
The Level Five continues to stare at you, and then his pretty caramel eyes seem to flick with a new colour, almost like a flame, licking from his iris- within a moment his eyes are a fiery red that makes your heart practically stop in your chest, because… you’ve seen these eyes before. 
You’d seen them that night when you’d first visited the bar, watching you from up in VIP.
It becomes clear to you that the ‘manager’ who you’d caught the attention of is none other than the Level Five himself.
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7: Sunday
“You look tired.” Mark’s usually not the type to enjoy seeing you burnt out, but he’s hopeful that one night on the job had been enough to show you that you might not be cut out for bar life.
“I am tired,” you sigh, taking a seat at the breakfast table.
He watches you for a moment, but when it’s clear you’re intent to just pick at the apple in your hand, he decides to prompt you for more. “Aren’t you going to tell me how it went?”
You groan.
“I mean-” he swallows, “obviously you made it past their scent test-”
“Speaking of which,” now your eyes are on him, and you shift in your seat, “you have to tell me what kind of hybrid Hyuck is!”
Mark nearly chokes on his coffee. 
You’re on a first name basis with Lee Donghyuck?! 
“When did you meet him?!” Mark gasps.
“What do you mean ‘when did I meet him’?” You roll your eyes. “He was the Level Five in my scent test!”
“He was?!” This is definitely news to Mark.
Your brows furrow with confusion. “Wasn’t he yours too?”
“Of course not! Mine was Renjun!”
“Who the heck is Renjun?” 
Mark doesn’t answer- after all, there’s truly no way to explain who Renjun is, not without giving you details about his Level Five status-
“Look, this ‘Renjun’ dude doesn’t matter,” you insist. “I need to know what Hyuck is.” 
Mark’s throat goes dry, and he rubs his thumb against the coffee mug in his hand. “I mean… you know I can’t tell you that.” Mark sighs. “What do you think he is.” 
“I don’t-” You bite at your lip. “A giant snake? His eyes go red- that’s… that’s kind of snake-like, right? And his skin has a pretty sort of golden sheen sometimes. No one’s described what Level Five’s are yet, so I don’t even know what general hybrid types to be considering. A snake doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but maybe he’s exotic or something? Are Level Five’s exotic predator types?”
The bunny opens his mouth, then closes it. He’s not sure what to say. 
“Come on, Mark-” you groan. “Please?” 
“Look…” he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I really can’t tell you what Hyuck is. He’s my boss’s boss’s boss or something- but… you’ll probably never meet Renjun, so… if I tell you what he is- maybe it will help give you some ideas?” 
“I really don’t see how it will help-”
“That’s because you have no idea what a Level Five is- they’re not even in the same ballpark as snakes, which are Level Three’s, by the way.” 
“Fine,” you give in. “Tell me what Renjun is.”
“But you have to promise not to repeat this anywhere. And if you end up meeting him… you’ll have to pretend you had no clue about his hybrid type... deal?”
“Of course! Who am I going to tell anyways?”
“Yeji for one, or Ryujin-”
“Yeah, yeah-” you wave a hand. “I promise I won’t.”
He studies you for a second. 
You’ve never been one to go back on your word, and after a deep breath, Mark Lee goes back on his own promise not to reveal a Level Five hybrid type. 
He supposes sending you into a monster’s den with no clue what you could be up against isn’t the best idea in the world- and perhaps this will finally show you why he’s so hesitant to allow you anywhere near his work.
“Renjun- well…” Mark takes a deep breath. “He’s a phoenix.” 
There’s a beat of silence, and then you let out a small laugh. “Stop teasing me.”
“I’m not,” Mark tells you earnestly.
Your eyes search his face for any sign that he could be playing around, and then you’re jaw is dropping. “A phoenix?!” 
“Lower your voice!” 
When you speak next, it’s in a half yelled whisper; “Pheonix’s exist?!”  
“So what does that make Hyuck?!” 
“You’ve got to drop the Hyuck thing,” Mark groans. “I told you about Renjun, now just trust me when I tell you to stay away from your bosses. That includes Johnny… and Yuta.”
“Again with the hypocrisy, Mark-” 
“Just-” he reaches over and places his hand over yours. “Please.” 
Your energy dies down before his very eyes, and Mark can guess that it’s probably because he’s made a point not to ask you for much in your life. 
He’s glad that this ‘please’ packs a punch.
“Fine,” you say, taking a deep breath. “But I’m still choosing to work at the bar.”
“Oh my Jesus-” 
“We need the money!” you insist.
He can’t argue there. “When are you on shift?”
“You’re not going to like this- but uh… they have me on off days right now? Monday through Wednesday-”
“You know I don’t work Monday through Wednesday,” Mark groans, hating the idea that you’ll be at the club without him there to protect you.
Sure, Mark’s a bunny hybrid, but he’s a bunny that bites… if he has to. 
“I know, I know-” you sigh. “But I checked the shift chart and it looks like Jaemin will be there, Jisung too!”
He’s glad you’ll have to familiar faces at least. “Who’s the Level Three bouncer?”
“The golden retriever- Jungwoo I think his name was?”
Mark feels himself relax a little. He knows Jungwoo’s character- and despite being a puppy, the dog can hold his own. “I guess you could be working with worse people.”
“Don’t be so hard on your coworkers,” you laugh. 
It’s his bosses he’ll have to be explicitly hard on if he’s going to keep you away from them, and Mark knows it. 
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8: Monday
When you arrive to the club for your first official shift, it begins very much like the training one had. Taeil meets you at the front door and hurries you through the space. 
“Doyoung’s in a bad mood,” he tells you, deer ears flickering with something like anxiety. “Something ruffled his feathers this morning. But… it should be an easy night.”
“Oh, okay.” You’re not sure what else to say, and you instead opt for being quiet, adjusting your silky black shirt and toying with the cuff link by your wrist. 
“It’s a nice outfit,” Taeil continues, watching your movements with a doe like expression. “But I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tells you to wear a dress next time.”
You swallow thickly and look down at what you consider to be your ‘fancy pants.’ 
When you’d gotten dressed, you’d decided to go a more modest route. Mark always heads to work in dark attire, and you’d done your best to match it, but you suppose it’s no shock that the bosses might prefer for their female bunnies to be in something a little more showy.
“I’ll uh- look through my wardrobe?” you suggest, as your eyes lock in on the regal raven man who’s just come through the door leading to the back of the bar.
Taeil laughs, and it’s the first time you’ve seen the serious deer hybrid smile. “Don’t worry, outfits will be provided. We’ve had a few bunny bottle girls, and Doyoung has stats on what attire gains the best tips.”
Why are you not surprised that Doyoung has outfit to tip ratio statistics. 
“I guess Taeil’s already given you my critique then,” the raven says smoothly as you approach. “Dresses will be provided… if you make it through this first official shift.” 
He makes it sound like he thinks you might fail, and it only makes you more determined to prove your worth.
“Tonight you’ll be doing bottle service,” Doyoung explains as he leads you through to the back section. 
You’re a little surprised to see a few Level Four hybrids already bustling about by the bar, and when you’re ushered into the staff room, two familiar faces make you feel more at home.
“Little Lee bunny!” Jaemin grins, pulling you into a hug. “Mark told me you’d be working here, but I almost didn’t believe it!”
“Believe it,” Doyoung grunts. “You’ll be showing her the ropes of being a bottle person. Jisung-” your eyes shift to the other man you’ve met in passing, “you’ll be on the door with Jungwoo. Y/N got an intro course in manning the door, and she’ll end the shift with you, got it?”
“Yes, mister Kim.” The hamster hybrid nods solemnly, flashing you a shy smile before scurrying off.
“Speaking of Jungwoo though-” Doyoung sighs, “where is that dog?”  
“I believe we passed him at the bar on the way in here?” you suggest, recalling the familiar scent that had briefly caught the attention of your senses as Doyoung had rushed you to the staff room.
The raven looks at you, and then he flashes you a pretty gummy smile. “You are quick on your feet, aren’t you?”
“I try.” You can feel your skin heating at the compliment.
“What else did you smell on the way in here?” he prompts.
“I think- a handful of Level Threes and Fours by the bar- but not a Five in sight.”
“And if you see a Five?” Doyoung presses.
“I’ll assume that as door man, Jisung has made a note of it, but I’ll also come tell you- if it’s not Hyuck or Renjun.”
“Very good,” the raven nods at you. Then he takes a deep breath. “I should warn you both, before shift officially starts-” his eyes shift to Jaemin, “Johnny and Yuta are planning to stop by tonight to see how our new hire is doing-”
“What?” Jaemin’s nose scrunches up with distaste. “But they never come in on Mondays!”
“I know, and I told them not to.” Doyoung sighs again, “It will just throw off our team, but- like I said, they want to see our newest bunny in action.”
Jaemin groans. “Jeez-” 
“Just remember,” Doyoung looks at you, “Level Fours - and Fives - can be difficult to manage. Stick close to Jaemin, and if you need anything, come let me know.”
“Okay,” you nod diligently.
“You’re part of my team now.” The raven hybrid offers you a smile. “And I’m not about to let anything bad happen on shift tonight.”
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9: Monday con't
Yuta hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of you for what feels like hours. Sure, he might have a little something something going on with your older brother, but he thinks there’s no harm in watching you… it’s for scientific purposes, really.
Okay, maybe more like his own twisted pervert purposes, but who’s going to judge a wolf like him? 
“She is cute, I’ll give you that,” Johnny says, drawing Yuta’s attention. “I can see why Hyuck likes her.”
After a moment to consider the bear’s words, Yuta nods, gaze shifting back to you. “And she seems good at the job.”
In the two hours they’ve been sitting in VIP and watching you, you’ve definitely impressed not only them, but many other Level Fours as well. 
A snow leopard acquaintance and business partner had even approached the two owners of the club to enquire about you, and Kun’s generally not the type to get so easily enthralled, especially not by bottle girls and workers.
Even though you’re shadowing Jaemin today, you’ve noticed Yuta and Johnny’s drinks being low, and have personally brought over a bottle of champagne for refills, a bright smile on your face every time.
Yuta’s already tipped you more than he’d tipped Mark on his first day doing bottle service, and that’s saying something.
He can’t help it though. There’s something about you- something that makes him want to risk it all-
But there’s also a voice in the back of his mind that tells him not to. For one, he has Mark- and even more- you’ve caught Hyuck’s attention.
Hyuck’s a collector of pretty things, and he can be quite defensive when he thinks someone’s impeding on his territory. 
No, Yuta’s better sticking with the elder Lee bunny, and he just hopes any man that’s interested in you has the brains to rethink testing Hyuck’s patience.
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10: Tuesday 
Although Johnny is one of Hyuck’s most trusted confidants, the Level Five finds himself calling up the wolf in his company for details about your first day. 
As a friend of your brother’s, Yuta can provide insight Johnny might not be able to- and besides, Yuta always tells it as it is. He’s not one for fancy language or tiptoeing around, and that’s one of the things Hyuck appreciates most about him.
The wolf answers his phone on the second ring, and Hyuck pays the same respect that Yuta always does; he doesn’t bother inching around the reason he called, and goes straight to ask; “How was our new bunny on shift yesterday?”
“I mean…” Yuta lets out a chuckle, “She’s Mark’s sister, so she took to it pretty naturally. But that’s not too surprising, is it?”
“I guess not.” Hyuck can’t help but smile. He enjoys hearing that you’re already excelling at your new job, and it extends past the pride of a boss finding a new money maker. “I hear she was on bottle duty yesterday.”
“Uh huh, kept my drink full the whole evening.”
“So she’s even better than Jaemin,” Hyuck’s grin widens.
“It’s not that hard to be better than Jaemin.” Yuta’s eye roll is practically audible. 
The wolf has never been a fan of the lazy bunny, but Hyuck keeps Jaemin employed for his own entertainment. 
“Anyways,” Yuta continues, “a few VIP’s even enquired about our new hire, said she was doing a good job.”
“Really?” Hyuck feels the flames of jealousy licking across his skin. “Who?”
“Kun and Ten mostly, but I think everyone was pretty eager to watch her work. Scurrying around with her little grey bunny tail and those twitchy ears-”
Hyuck will have to deal with Kun and Ten if it comes down to a turf war over his new bunny, but for now, he takes a deep breath, mind more pleasantly occupied; “What was she wearing?”
“I guess no one told her about our affinity for bottle girls in little black dresses-” Yuta sighs. “But she still looked absolutely delicious in black pants and a satin dress shirt.”
“What have I told you about preying on my bottle girls?” Hyuck can’t let this comment slide.
“Yeah, yeah,” Yuta sighs. “I was just trying to paint a pretty picture for you.”
As if Yuta has to verbalize that you looked good enough to eat. Hyuck’s way past that. 
“Hey,” the wolf catches Hyuck’s mind from drifting, “just so you know- I know that Girl-Bunny-Lee is off the table. You don’t usually go for bunnies, so a few others might get confused, but… well, I know she’s yours.” 
Hyuck takes a moment to consider his friend’s words.
What Yuta’s just said is true though, Hyuck generally isn’t one to spend too much time with Level Ones. He has a preference for Level Four big cat hybrids; panthers, tigers, he’s even had a daring lion or two-
Bunnies always get jumpy around Hyuck, and for good reason. 
He’ll enjoy breaking you in- in more ways than one.
“I appreciate that you know your boundaries, wolf,” Hyuck says smoothly. “To ensure that everyone else knows not to toe the line, how about you talk to Doyoung about putting our newest little bunny on bottle service for Friday night. Mark will be working- it will give us both a chance to watch our Level Ones scurrying around.”
“You know, boss,” Yuta chuckles, “I like the way you think.”
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11: Friday 
Mark can feel his annoyance practically perfuming off his own form, and he’s not the only one who’s noticed. While transiting to work, the few other prey hybrids on the bus have moved away from him, and you keep shooting him worried looks.
A few stops from the club, a human couple leaves, and Mark is quick to snatch the newly vacated seats.
He lets out a deep sigh as he sits down, immediately leaning against the window to cast his gaze outside.
“Mark, stop being such a party pooper,” you say in a hushed tone, gently poking at his side.
He rolls his eyes.
“Seriously. I know it’s a little fast that I’m working a busy shift, but that means more tips, and isn’t making money the whole point of this?” 
“I just-” he groans again. “It’s a Friday night, all the VIP big bosses will be there-” He bites his tongue, although he has much more to say. Like how he knows Hyuck’s the reason you’re working tonight, because Hyuck has final say on shifts, and any change in schedule immediately points to the picky Level Five having his hand in it.
“So what if all the big bosses are there?” you ask. “I’ll just work harder to swindle them for their money.”
You’re trying to lighten the mood, and Mark can’t help but crack a small smile.
“You need to be realistic about this though,” he warns you. “Do your job, be nice, but don’t be too nice. Do you understand?” 
“I’ll only do what I’m paid to do,” you nod. “Honestly, I think you’re overthinking this. Doyoung’s been a great manager, and tonight’s going to be fine.”
He wants to tell you that you’re too trusting. That you’re a naive little bunny going into a den of upper level hybrids - some of whom, you can’t even truly name. 
He might have told you that Renjun is a phoenix, but you still have no idea what you’re going up against when dealing with Hyuck.
“Just-” Mark sighs again. “Don’t be too nice.”
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12: Friday con't
It’s a busy night, and Hyuck gets a fabulous view of you and other ‘bottle bitches’ running around his club.
You’re in a black dress, and in many other work places, it would be considered much too short. In fact, the only thing truly keeping the fabric over the rump of your cute little bum is your fuzzy grey tail. 
Hyuck thanks god for hybrid specific clothing, and he makes a mental note to congradulate Doyoung on quickly taking care of your wardrobe. Yuta had mentioned the pants you wore to your first shift were nice… but Hyuck doubts that much could look better on you than this.
You look good enough to eat, and Hyuck wants to unwrap you-
But he’s not the only one. 
An hour goes by, then two, and as the night gets more lively, a few Level Four hybrids get increasingly cocky with you, much to Hyuck’s annoyance. 
Hell, even a few Level Threes who should be working seem to be revolving around you. 
Hyuck’s not sure if it’s because they’re also seeing the way men are looking at you, or if they themselves are as into you as everyone else seems to be.
You had come to the club with Jeno your first time, and as Hyuck watches the doberman practically do laps around you while you scurry about, he wonders if there’s anything going on between the two of you. 
After tracking you with his eyes for half an hour more, Hyuck decides there’s no way you could be dating Jeno. Hyuck would have smelt you on his doberman, and while Jeno often comes in smelling a little like bunny, it’s always been Jaemin and Mark’s scent still lingering on his skin.
Hyuck is getting increasingly impatient watching you tend to the lower section of the bar. While he’d insisted on having you work tonight, Doyoung had been just as firm about Jisung being the bottle bitch to the VIP’s, and Hyuck’s not sure how much longer he can go without seeing you up close.
Doyoung’s not usually one to put his foot down when Hyuck gives him orders, and as Hyuck watches Doyoung watch you, he begins to wonder about even the raven’s integrity when it comes to pretty little bunnies. 
It’s near the end of your shift when something happens that finally allows Hyuck to act; a tiger hybrid seated at a booth catches your arm as you rush past him with a bottle of champagne. The roughness of the sudden grip makes you stagger.
Hyuck’s on his feet in an instant, eyes fixed on you.
The tiger leans up to say something in your ear, and even with top hybrid hearing, Hyuck can’t make it out with all the noise in the room. However, by your reaction, it’s obvious that what ever has been said, well… it doesn’t sit right.
A look of shock crosses your features, your jaw dropping-
Hyuck hurries down the stairs of VIP. He’ll make it to you in less than five seconds-
The tiger hybrid stands up and everything seems to go in slow motion for the Level Five. He’s optimized for this kind of thing, this kind of situation- and his body kicks into high gear, muscles tensing-
The champagne slips from your hand-
Before it can hit the floor, Hyuck’s fingers are wrapping around the bottle’s neck, and in one aggressive motion, he’s using it like a baseball bat and wacking the shit out of the tiger hybrid’s shoulder.
Glass and booze explode at the contact, shards and bubbly spraying every direction. 
The tiger hybrid recoils and others jump at the sudden eruption of anger that had come from a VIP who hardly leaves his section. If the big cats and other predators in the vicinity hadn’t smelt Hyuck for what he is before, well- it’s obvious to everyone who the big boss is now.
“Don’t you know anything about being in a club?!” Hyuck rages at the tiger, who practically shrinks under his fiery gaze. “You can look, but don’t you ever think about touching one of my bunnies like that again!” 
“I’m sorry-” the man’s eyes are full of fear, and the smell of it makes Hyuck’s lungs burn. 
In his periphery, Hyuck sees Jeno, Jungwoo and Doyoung rushing to surround him. He sees Jeno reach for you, protectively putting you behind his back-
“Throw this guy out,” Hyuck announces to his subordinates. “And tell Mark to make a note by his name.” His gaze lands on the cowering hybrid. “If you comes back here, I’ll do worse than break a champagne bottle.”
Hands grab at the tiger, and he’s hauled off by the two dogs who do Hyuck’s bidding. 
The Level Five inhales deeply to calm himself, running a hand through his curls before turning to look at you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine-” you assure him, but you sound breathless, and your eyes are wide.
“Was that really necessary?” Doyoung asks. “Cleaning the champagne and glass up is going to be a shit show-”
“Yes, it was necessary,” Hyuck snaps. “Everyone here needs to know-” he casts his eyes around at the predator hybrids that frequent his club, “employees at my club are off limits.” 
“I’m sure they know that now.” The raven isn’t even bothering to hide his exasperation. Surely he wouldn’t have handled things this way, in such an abrupt and aggressive manner- but he’s not Hyuck, and he’s not a Level Five.
Hyuck looks at you again, assessing you for any sign of injury. Up close, you’re even prettier than he could have imagined, and you meet his gaze with those wide, wonderous eyes of yours-
“Your shift is over,” Hyuck declares. “It’s been an eventful night. I’ve been watching you scurry around for hours.”
“But-” you and Doyoung both go to argue, and Hyuck holds up a hand.
“It’s her first night working a busy shift,” Hyuck states. “I think she’s had enough.”
“I-” you bite on your lip. “Thank you- but… I mean, I have to stay here until Mark’s shift is over in half an hour anyways-”
“Then how about you join me in VIP while you wait for your brother.” 
Doyoung lets out an annoyed sound in the back of his throat, eyes rolling before he turns to leave. No doubt he’s had enough of this conversation, enough of Hyuck- and the Level Five doesn’t mind. This is a conversation best had without the stickler raven hanging around. 
“Thanks for the offer- but I really shouldn’t. Mark wouldn’t like it, and I mean… you’re my boss after all.”
Hyuck lets out a chuckle. “That’s never stopped Mark from joining Yuta when his shift is over. Your brother sounds like a hypocrite if he’d get upset at you joining me.” 
You blink up at him- and then you’re smiling and Hyuck feels like he’s on cloud nine. “That’s what I’ve been saying! He’s been very hypocritical lately!” Then you do something no bunny before has ever done, you lean closer to Hyuck, lowering your voice; “He sort of told me to stay away from you.”
Hyuck’s grin widens. “So you and your hypocrite brother have been talking about me, huh?”
Your pretty bunny ears twitch, and you cast your eyes down with embarrassment. “Not at length- he still won’t tell me what type of hybrid you are-”
“Come have a drink with me, and maybe you’ll find out.”
You look up at him again, and Hyuck can tell you’re searching his face for a sign of deception. Then you give in; “Fine. I’ll have one drink while I wait for Mark, but not in VIP.”
It’s almost like you’re taunting him, and when you turn to head toward the bar, Hyuck’s natural predatory instincts kick in. He gives in to the chase, following close on your heels.  
People part for Hyuck as he walks through the busy dance floor. He supposes they could just be being careful from the champagne bottle incident, but there’s also the fact that he gives off intense vibes. Even without knowing what Level Five hybrids are, many of the Fours in the room have no problem identifying him, once in a blue moon when he comes down from VIP. 
Yuta had told Hyuck when they’d first met that he simply smells and feels like an other- something not of their normal hybrid world. And Hyuck supposes there’s some merit to that. 
He joins you at the bar, and within an instant, his persian kitty bartender, Taeyong, is rushing up to take his order. Doyoung eyes Hyuck from the end of the bartop, but keeps his distance.
In record speed, two drinks are being sat in front of you, and Hyuck can finally give you his full attention. “So how’d a bunny like you get into working restaurants?”
“Your resume,” Hyuck clarifies. “It said you’ve worked in the industry before.”
“Oh, uh-” you fiddle with the straw in your drink, “I mean- growing up, Mark used to call me Little Miss Energizer Bunny, you know, like the battery? And I guess, I’ve always liked being helpful, so running around a room and making sure people are happy seems like a no brainer.”
Hyuck watches you with a smile. He likes the idea of you being a little Energizer Bunny- his little Energizer Bunny. 
“How about you?” you ask, lifting your chin to appear confident in your question, but your eyes and twitchy ears betray you. “How does a young Level Five like yourself end up owning a club?”
Hyuck chuckles. “I’m not as young as I look.” 
“Really? Is this a hint as to your hybrid type? I will figure it out, you know.” 
You’re his little Sherlock Holmes the Energizer Bunny. It’s cute. 
“Sure you will,” Hyuck says, although there are doubts in his mind. “How are you liking the work here?”
“I’m enjoying it,” you tell him. “All my coworkers are really nice, and Doyoung is a great manager.” 
Hyuck can’t help but crack a smile at this. The raven has had many complaints against him in the past, mostly from Jaemin and Jeno, who think he’s much too strict and bitchy- but Hyuck guesses there’s no surprise that Doyoung puts his best foot forward with you.
The Level Five opens his mouth to ask another question, but before he can, he notices your brother weaving through the crowd behind you. 
“Uh-” Mark coughs awkwardly, gently tapping you on your arm, “Doyoung said there was an altercation- said I should take you home early?”
Maybe Hyuck will have to file a complaint against Doyoung too, for being a royal cock block. 
“Oh, yeah-” you nod quickly, “let me finish my drink-”
Hyuck watches the way you suck on your straw, and his mouth starts to water. It takes all his energy to force his eyes to your brother. “You usually bus, don’t you, Mark? I could get someone to drive you both home.”
“We’ll be fine,” Mark states, and there’s a stubborn set to his jaw even though he can’t truly meet Hyuck’s gaze. “I’m sure y/n made enough tips to pay for a cab.” 
Hyuck would be entertained by Mark’s big brother protectiveness, if it wasn’t directed at warding him off. But Hyuck also supposes that, if he were in Mark’s shoes and had a sister, especially one as cute as you, he’d be doing the same thing Mark is doing right now.
“Your call, Markie.” Hyuck raises his glass, nodding at the bunny whose cheeks are now a pretty shade of pink. “Get home safe, and I’ll see you-” his eyes meet yours, “sometime soon.”
It’s a promise, but it also might just be a threat.
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13: Friday con't
At first, the atmosphere in the cab is tense, silent. Mark is like a brewing volcano on your right side, and you’re just waiting for him to say something. Yet, your brother throws none of his anger your way. 
It almost feels like you’re going to get home unscathed, and then all of the sudden Mark is throwing his hands up and looking at you with an exasperated expression; “I thought I told you to stay away from him!” 
You’re too stunned to speak. Mark hardly ever raises his voice at you, and the fact that he’s doing this in front of your driver when you’re already so close to home is just as shocking as the outburst itself. “I-” 
“I’m serious, y/n-” Mark’s eyes flicker to the taxi driver. “I don’t want to talk about levels too much right now, but- trust me- if you think Yuta and Johnny might be dangerous based on their hybrid types- just know that Hyuck is ten times worse than that!” 
“He doesn’t seem that bad-”
“Doesn’t seem that bad,” Mark repeats, and you can’t tell if he’s about to laugh or cry. 
Your brother opens his mouth to say more, but the taxi comes to a stop in front of your apartment, and the obviously uncomfortable driver quietly tells you how much you owe him.
You grab money out of your work fanny pack, tossing it into the front of the cab before exiting the vehicle. There’s much more you want to say to your brother, but it’s not going to be said in front of some innocent bystander who’s just trying to make a living.
“Mark, I hate to say it,” you follow him towards the entryway of your building, “but you’re being extremely hypocritical right now.”
“Me?! How?!” Even in the middle of an argument, Mark holds the apartment lobby door open for you.
“Don’t act as if you’re not involved with Yuta. He’s a Level Four, and I see how much calmer you are when he’s around. He’s like a protector, maybe I’d like a protector too.” 
You think back to how Hyuck had appeared out of nowhere when the tiger hybrid had been aggressive to you, and you feel dirty at the way your panties begin to stick to your core-
“Then go for Jeno or something! Why does it have to be Hyuck?! He’s a Level Five!” Mark insists as you enter the elevator. “And he’s probably got a bunny fetish-” 
“Mark Lee-” you say, shocked beyond belief, “for someone who’s paid to pay attention, you don’t seem to notice the hybrid types that usually surround Hyuck in VIP. They’re all cats, Mark- big cats!” 
Your brother doesn’t seem to have a rebuttal for you, so you continue; “Besides, he might not even like me that way…”
“Jeno said that the guy practically swooped down from VIP and smashed a champagne bottle over a tiger hybrid’s head just to protect you.”
“He smashed it over the guy’s arm and shoulder area,” you correct. 
“Still!” Mark insists. He takes a deep breath, and when he speaks again, his tone has calmed down substantially. “Please,” your brother sighs, “trust me on this.”
Doesn’t he know rule number 3 of the imaginary sister code? Never take your brother’s advice, especially when it comes to love.
And you don’t intend to.  
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14: Saturday
“So I heard that then, Donghyuck comes down from VIP and straight up kills this tiger-” 
Mark’s been listening to Xiaojun and Hendery discuss last night’s events since he came into the staff room five minutes ago. Usually their gossip isn’t something that interests him, but tonight, he feels the need to step in.
“He didn’t kill the tiger-” Mark groans, drawing the eyes of the other Level Ones who have just finished their own shifts. 
“He didn’t?” Xiaojun blinks.
“He just- whacked him on the arm or something.” Mark shakes his head. “Jisung apparently spent an hour cleaning up all the shards.”
“That’s crazy, dude,” Hendery's large rat hybrid ears wiggle with distaste. He’s never been one to enjoy actually working at work, and even Mark had been a little shocked at how much their resident hamster friend had been forced to do to make up for their boss’s outburst.
“And it was over your sister, right?” Xiaojun presses.
Mark had entered this with a sneaking suspicion that the two of them were talking so openly about the incident to get more information, and the bunny decides he’s not about to fall into their feeble minded trap again. 
Especially not when there are more important matters to attend to… like the schedule he’s currently looking at. 
Just then, Doyoung walks into the room, and Mark jumps at the opportunity to discuss things with his manager. 
“Hey-” the bunny grabs the attention of the raven, “it says here that my sister’s working Wednesday night, I thought you had her on afternoon shifts?”
“Oh-” Doyoung’s broad wings ruffle behind him, “yeah, there was a schedule change.”
“I thought I told you that I only wanted her working evening shifts when I can be here,” Mark sighs. Wednesday is the one night a week he has classes at his local college, and he’s pretty sure everyone here knows it, especially Doyoung.
“Unfortunately, Mark,” Doyoung adjusts a stray piece of hair that’s fallen haphazardly over his brow, “you’re a Level One, and this schedule change was recommended by someone much higher in the food chain than you.”
“Hyuck,” Mark states. Doyoung might not have said their head boss’s name, but Mark can feel the culprit in his very bones.
“He told me to offer to schedule you in as well,” Doyoung breathes, “but we both know you have class.” 
Mark would bet all his savings that Hyuck knows it too.
There’s nothing he can do about it though. He can’t miss class.
He hates how easy it is for Hyuck to be a puppeteer, pulling on everyone’s strings. And above all, Mark especially hates how you’ll probably play right into the Level Five’s hands. 
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15: Wednesday
While Hyuck has always been the kind of guy to love watching his club make money, there’s something to be said about slow nights… or maybe it’s just the fact that you look calmer. 
There aren’t fifty plus Level Fours surrounding you, just a handful of Wednesday night regulars, and it’s obvious to Hyuck from his vantage point in VIP that things are easier on you tonight than last Friday.
He’d also be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the way you pay particular attention to him. With only a few VIP clients in tonight, you have much more ability to watch his own cup, and you frequently pop up with a bottle of whisky to refill his glass.
On top of all of this, maybe it also has something to do with Mark not being present. Your brother's watchful gaze is understandable, but yet another barrier between you and Hyuck, a barrier he’d been quick to deal with. 
Tonight, the door is manned by Jaehyun, the stoic black lab, and Jaemin, who looks down at his phone absentmindedly between guests arriving. Neither of these men are intent on watching you, and Hyuck hopes it stays that way.
He enjoys the way your gaze so often shifts to his table, even if it’s just to check on his drink, and for the countless time tonight, you hurry up the steps with his favourite whisky in hand.
“Can I refill that for you?” you ask.
Hyuck gently pushes his cup forward, remaining silent and watching you.
“I hate to ask this,” you say, as the amber liquid pours, “but should I maybe grab you some water? I’ve only been keeping this bottle out for you tonight, and you’ve already gone through most of it-”
“You’re concerned I can’t handle my liquor?” Hyuck grins. You’re such a funny, amusing, little thing.
“You can definitely handle this, much better than I could, at least,” you’re quick to assure him. “I just- technically my shift ends soon, and I think I’m the only one who’s really been paying attention to you. If I don’t go grab you some water, something tells me you’ll be neglected till closing.”
As if he couldn’t easily wave down Doyoung- but still, Hyuck enjoys the sentiment.
“If it would make you happy, you can go grab me some water,” he concedes.
You flash him a small smile, and then you’re scurrying off, his little bunny errand girl. 
You return with water not two minutes later, and Hyuck has already pulled out a few bills. “Here,” he says, holding them out to you, “for paying special attention to me tonight.” 
You blink at the wad of cash. “Sir, you don’t have to-”
“Of course I don’t have to,” Hyuck interrupts. “I own the place. I can do what I want. And what I want, is to give you this. As a token of my appreciation.” 
He hasn’t bothered to count the exact amount, but he knows it’s somewhere in the hundreds, which is probably why you’re being so nervous about accepting it.
“Here,” Hyuck sighs, standing. He reaches out, tucking the cash between the waistband of your fanny pack and black dress that's been capturing his attention all shift. “Make sure you don’t lose this.”
“Thank you, I-” you blink up at him, and Hyuck sees something like stars in your eyes- or maybe that’s just the light reflecting from the disco ball. “Are you leaving?
“Yup,” Hyuck runs a hand though his hair, smirking and offering you a wink. “I’ll see you soon though, yeah?”
He likes the way you mutter “yeah” as if you have any choice in the matter, and then he heads down the VIP stairs, ignoring the glare that Doyoung casts his way.
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16: Wednesday con't
“You should take a cab,” Mark tells you, and part of you wishes you’d never even called your brother while waiting at the bus stop. 
“I’ll be fine,” you assure him. “It’s late so the bus will be empty.”
“Yeah, it’s late, which makes it more dangerous out there,” Mark insists.
You open your mouth to argue back, absentmindedly watching a black sports car slowly approach- and then the window is being rolled down, and Hyuck is looking out at you. 
“Need a ride?”
“Mark, good news,” you say into your phone, “Hyuck just offered me a lift.”
“Don’t get in his car,” comes your brother’s stern response. 
“Sorry, I can’t hear you, line’s breaking up-” you lie, “See you in ten!” Then you hang up on Mark, addressing Hyuck for the first time. “Yes, thank you, I’d really appreciate it.” You grab the door handle, getting into the car and quickly telling him your address. “Mark was just hassling me about busses being dangerous-”
“Good thing you’re safe in here with me now, huh?” Hyuck grins, waiting for you to have your seatbelt on before he pulls away from the curb.
“Very safe,” you confirm, even as your bunny senses take a moment to adjust to his overpowering scent. The fiery nature of his presence is something you’ve gotten more and more used to, and in the back of your mind you wonder if he - like his business partner Renjun - is a phoenix of some sort.
“You did good today, on shift,” Hyuck says, and the praise makes your heart sing in your chest.
“Thank you.”
“And you’re doing good now, too, you know. Not many Level One hybrids like to be near me, let alone locked in a car with me.” Hyuck’s fingers gently tap on the steering wheel. “Did your brother ever tell you how he puked the first time we met?”
You laugh. “Mark hasn’t talked about it, but Yuta mentioned it during my scent trial.”
“If you feel sick, let me know and we’ll roll down a window,” Hyuck teases.
“I mean,” you feel your skin heating, “I’ve got butterflies in my stomach, but it’s not puking related.”
Hyuck sneaks a glance at you. “Really?” 
“Uh huh.” You look away shyly.
A moment later, his warm hand is finding the middle of your thigh, and he gives you a gentle squeeze. 
“You’re cute, bunny,” he tells you, and just as you think things might get even hotter, he pulls away, fingers returning to the wheel. “It’s good to have you on the team.”
“It’s good to be on a team.” Good to feel appreciated.
Hyuck’s a fast driver, and the roads are dead on a Wednesday night, so you’re turning onto your street much sooner than you’d wish to be. To your surprise, you can already see Mark waiting on the curb for you. 
“And there’s your brother,” Hyuck sighs. He pulls over a little distance away from your apartment, and Mark begins approaching. “I guess I’ll see you at your shift on Friday night.”
“I guess so.”
“You should plan on ending early again, I’ll want your company in VIP.”
“Is Doyoung going to be okay with that?” you question. “And besides, who says I want to come to VIP? Haven’t I told you already that you’re my boss-”
“Look,” Hyuck cuts you off, “If you weren’t up for it, you wouldn’t be in my car right now.”
He’s right, but you won’t admit it. You just stare at him as Mark comes all the way up to the car with a mildly frustrated scrunch to his nose-
“Like I said,” Hyuck laughs, watching you reach for the handle to exit his vehicle, “I’ll see you at your next shift.” 
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17: Saturday
“You’ve gotta stop eye fucking my new hire.”
Hyuck assesses Doyoung over the rim of his whisky glass. It’s a busy Saturday night and Hyuck can’t believe the raven hybrid is broaching this subject now of all times. 
“Uh oh,” Hyuck grins at Yuta next to him. “Looks like I’ve ruffled some feathers…” His gaze shifts to Doyoung again, “I’ve gotta stop eye fucking your new hire.. Or what?”
“Or we’re going to lose Mark, his sister, and Jaemin and Jeno, because those two losers do everything Mark does-” 
“They might be losers, but neither Jaemin or Jeno is stupid enough to quit working here,” Hyuck scoffs. “Besides… why is it so wrong for me to want to get to know the cutest Lee bunny?”
“Well for starters,” Doyoung sighs with exasperation, “You’re her boss?!”
“Get on Yuta’s back then,” Hyuck chuckles, nudging the wolf seated next to him.
“And second-” Doyoung continues, “because it’s just some weird bunny fetish, and it’s not good. Your intentions aren’t pure.” 
“Bunny fetishes can be fun,” Yuta notes, and although Hyuck agrees with his friend, this is definitely not a case of Bunny fetishization… or at least, he doesn't think it is. 
“I’m getting awfully tired of you questioning me,” Hyuck sighs. 
Doyoung lowers his voice, but his words are still laced with venom when he says “And I’m getting tired of you watching y/n work her butt off to pay rent while you sit up here at VIP drinking expensive whisky!” 
“You know what?” Hyuck stands up. “Fine! If you want me to be a gentleman about it, I’ll go and ask her on a real date, how’s that sound?”
“That’s not what I meant-” Doyoung’s pale skin flushes a deep red colour, and it only pushes Hyuck to act quicker.
“Too late, I’m going, right now.” He brushes by the dumbstruck raven, heading down the VIP stairs. 
His eyes are on the prize; you. Specifically, his gaze is fixed on your cute little tail and perfect ass. Your back is to him as you stand at the bar, waiting for Taeyong to grab you a bottle of wine, and for a moment, Hyuck thinks it might be fun to ambush you-
Then he sees a shiver run up your spine, and you turn to look at him, lips parting in a silent question.
“Hey you,” Hyuck grins. “Got a second?”
“For you, I have two or so minutes.” 
“There’s my funny little bunny,” he says affectionately. “Listen, Doyoung’s mad that I keep looking at you. He thinks my intentions are- well, let’s just say he thinks I’m going to be a dick about this. To prove him wrong, I thought I’d ask you out. How do you feel about brunch?”
“I mean…” he watches you swallow thickly, “I love brunch- but, you don’t really seem like a brunch kind of guy?” 
“That’s just because you don’t know me yet,” he winks at you. “Brunch is good because I work in the evenings.”
“Oh, right-”
“I know you’ve gotta quickly run away like the little Energizer Bunny you are, so I’ll make this quick. I know a place with a great view and the best mimosas in town… what do you say about tomorrow?”
You look up at him with those big pretty eyes of yours, and then your gaze shifts over his shoulder. He wonders if you’re looking for Mark, but then you’re nodding. “Pick me up at noon?”
Hyuck nods. “You got it, bunny. I do know where you live.” 
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18: Sunday
When Hyuck drives you to an expensive apartment building, you’re a little confused. But you play along as he parks in the underground and takes you to the elevator.
“The best mimosas in town,” he assures you. “I guarantee.” 
“I trust you,” you laugh, leaning back against the wall of the lift and watching him with a smile.
He looks good today, but when does he ever not look good?
In black dress pants and a silky charcoal shirt, with its sleeves rolled up to expose tanned, veiny forearms-
Well, there’s a lot you want to do with the Level Five hybrid in front of you, things you’d never do with a boss. 
You admire the golden tint to his skin, and think through a list of things he could be. There’s the phoenix, kitsune, dragon, griffin, chimera, unicorn- you’re pretty sure he’s not a unicorn, but at this point, he could be just about anything. 
The elevator dings and the doors open. You find yourself walking into a lovely entry way, and you’re certain now that this location couldn’t possibly be a restaurant.
“Welcome to my home,” Hyuck tells you, flourishing an arm. “Also known as the place with the best mimosas in town.”
“Well aren’t you confident in your cocktail abilities,” you quirk a brow.
“Sure, but I’m actually talking about my private chef,” Hyuck laughs, leading you through a lush living room to the open concept kitchen, were low and behold, a human is standing there preparing food.
You can tell he’s not one of you by the way he smells, and the fact that, while still focused on his craft, his eyes are slow to find you. “Hi there,” the chef smiles.
“Y/N, this is Jin. Jin, this is our lovely brunch guest.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Jin waves his knife around as if it were his own hand giving you a greeting. 
“I was thinking,” Hyuck’s palm finds the small of your back, “we could sit on the terrace, have some food, and I could give you a full tour later.”
“Works for me,” you agree, giving one final nod to the chef before allowing the Level Five to guide you through his home once more.
The terrace is lovely. The view is no joke, and it’s decorated modestly with a table and chairs, with many plants livening up the place and enjoying the sun. Hyuck pulls out a chair for you and you sit with your eyes still taking in all the lavish wonder his home has to offer. 
“Wow,” you muse, smiling as he takes his own seat, “you’re really pulling out all the stops today, aren’t you?”
“I told Doyoung I’d be a gentleman, so here I am,” he shrugs. 
“It’s nice that he’s so protective of me,” you muse. 
“It feels like everyone who meets you feels protective,” Hyuck nods. “Is that just due to your bunny charm, or is it something deeper?”
“Let’s just leave it at bunny charm, don’t you think?” you laugh. 
“So you’re not a little flirt then?”
You take a moment to respond, grinning before you tell him, “only for you.” 
“Good. That’s what I like to hear.” 
Jin arrives with mimosas a moment later, and before you know it, you’re sipping on your drink and laughing with Hyuck in the afternoon sun. 
It’s easier to talk with him in this non work setting, and the view gives you a constant thing to marvel at- aside from the beautiful man you’re conversing with. You find it easier and easier to hold his gaze, but you’re still not fully comfortable with him yet.
The chef interrupts for a second time, holding two platters of food. On one is every veggie and fruit you could possibly imagine, and on the other are more suitable brunch foods.
“I wasn’t sure what you liked,” Hyuck says, scanning the eggs, bacon and sausage links, “so I told Jin to make whatever he’s best at. I hope there’s something here for you to eat.”
“This is wonderful,” you look to the chef, “thank you.”
He simply nods. “Is there anything else you two might need before I leave for the day?” 
Hyuck waits for you to respond, and after another look at the food in front of you, you shake your head. “This will be perfect.”
Hyuck nods to his chef, and Jin excuses himself. 
When you begin to put things on your plate, you keep your bunny ears open, listening to the chef grab his things and depart. It feels like a weight has been lifted as soon as you know you’re alone with Hyuck, and he visibly relaxes also. 
“Something’s on your mind,” he says, toying with a piece of bacon. “Tell me.” 
“I’m just thinking about what kind of hybrid you are,” you confess.
“Any guesses?” 
“A few.”
“Let’s hear them then. Come on Bunny, spill.”
You smile at the Level Five. “At first, I thought you might be some kind of snake-”
“Definitely not.”
“Yeah, don’t be mad, but Mark told me I was way off. He also may have let it slip that one of your friends is a Phoenix-''
“He did, did he?” Hyuck arches a brow, but you don’t see any anger in his expression, only amusement.
“He did,” you confirm. “So I figure, if we’re in the realm of mythical beasts, well, I don’t see any hybrid marks on you-”
“It’s a Level Five adaptation,” he tells you. “So we can blend. Renjun can’t have fire wings protruding out of his back every day now can he? That’s a fire hazard if I’ve ever heard of one.” 
“I guess not-” you laugh at the joke, “but… he does have wings?”
“They retract, back under the skin,” Hyuck nods. 
“So… theoretically,” you put a fruit down on your plate, giving Hyuck your full attention, “you could be anything.” 
You assess him for a moment longer. “Okay, this information totally derails all my theories, but I guess, I was sort of thinking you could also be a phoenix, due to your eyes flaring red. Or maybe a kitsune because you’re kind of fox-like and mischievous-”
“Am I?”
“You definitely are,” you laugh. 
“Any other theories?” 
“I mean, you could always be a dragon or something-” you mean it as something of an off hand joke, but the way Hyuck’s chin tilts down ever so slightly- his eyes suddenly going serious- you think you may have just guessed your way into a truth “Wait, no, you can’t be-”
“Does it scare you?” Hyuck asks, cocking his head to the side. 
You take a breath, trying to ground yourself in your own body. It’s hard to say exactly what you feel, but it’s definitely not fear. “Do you… do you have retractable wings too?”
“Big ones,” he confirms, “and they’re a pretty golden colour.”
Part of you wants to see them, but you bite your tongue, considering what he’d said about Renjun’s own wings. “Does it-” you swallow thickly, “does it hurt when you retract them?”
Hyuck watches you, and it’s a few moments before he answers. “No one’s ever asked me that before,” he confesses. “But yeah. It hurts.”
There’s silence at the brunch table. Your mind is going a million miles a minute, trying to process what he’s just revealed to you.
“Most people want to see my wings when they find out what I am,” he states. “Don’t you want to see them?”
“Not if it hurts you!” 
Hyuck chuckles. “You’re a funny little bunny, has anyone ever told you that?”
“I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be,” he waves his hand. “You have nothing to be sorry for. In fact, I’m impressed. You guessed what I am, and like I said, most people just want to see my wings. They don’t care about the pain of skin tearing to reveal the mark of my hybrid self, but you do. I’ve gotta say…” the dragon sips his mimosa, “I like you, bunny.”
“You do?” your voice is practically a squeak.
“It might be stupid, but I’ve been around a long time- and I don’t think I’ve ever met someone quite like you, let alone a Level One.” Hyuck cocks his head to the side again, eyes scanning your form. “You’re something special, aren’t you, bunny?”
You open your mouth to respond, but before you can, your phone rings loudly in your purse.
“Shit,” you cuss, immediately knowing who’s calling; “it must be Mark-”
“I’m going to take a wild guess and say you haven’t told him who you’re with right now.”
“Of course not-” you swallow thickly. “I’m really sorry, but I have to answer this-”
“Go ahead.” Hyuck leans back in his chair, eyes never leaving you. 
With one last sigh, you answer your phone. “Mark?”
“Where are you?”
“Uh-” you lick your lips, “Yeji wanted to meet up for a bit-”
“Are you coming home soon?” your brother presses. “Jeno said he’d help me move this new shelf into my room that we found down at the thrift store, but he bailed.”
“I can come help,” you say without a second thought. 
“Awesome! See you soon then!”
“Bye!” You hang up, gaze lifting to meet Hyuck’s. “I’m really sorry-”
“Again, don’t be,” he tells you. “You’ve told me that you’re a bunny who likes to help, and it sounds like Jeno fucked Mark over. Of course you need to go help your brother, although- I have to admit, the idea of two bunnies carrying a bookshelf is a little amusing-” Hyuck downs the rest of his mimosa. “So our secret brunch gets cut short… come on, I’ll give you a ride home.” 
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19: Wednesday
Watching you work your Wednesday evening shift, Hyuck can’t get the thought of kissing you out of his head. When he’d dropped you off a block from your home on Sunday, he’d known it wasn’t the right time to make a move, and for two nights he’s been dreaming about what if’s.
What if he had kissed you. What if he had cupped your jaw and pressed his lips to yours, moving gently and taking things at your pace. What if his tongue had just happened to glide across your own, earning a pretty moan-
Every time you come to refill his cup, Hyuck finds his patience running thinner and thinner- by the time your shift is officially over, the dragon practically pounces, following you into the staff room.
To his dismay, Taeil is also there, and the Level Five has to push his instincts to the side. You can’t have your first kiss at work, and he hates it- but he knows it too. 
“Hi, Hyuck,” you smile at him while pulling your bag from your locker, wrapping your hot little body in a jacket appropriate for the weather outside.
“Hi, Bunny.” He leans against the lockers, looking you up and down. “Shift’s over… how do you feel about coming over to my place,” his gaze moves to Taeil, “I need to talk to you about your resume.”
Taeil scoffs loudly, and it seems the lie hasn’t worked on you or the Level Two who hurries to exit the space. 
“I can’t,” you frown. “As much as I’m sure my resume needs to be discussed, Mark’s waiting for me at home.” 
“How about tomorrow?” Hyuck presses.
You cock a brow at him, and Hyuck wants to throw you against the lockers and have his way with you-
“Are you really that eager?” you question.
You smile up at him, and each second you wait to answer is practically painful for the dragon. He’s used to getting what he wants, and what he wants right now, is you. 
“I can see you tomorrow,” you confirm. “Your place again?”
“Uh huh,” Hyuck nods. “But this time, no private chef.”
“I wasn’t aware you wanted to get me alone so badly.”
“Then you haven’t been paying attention.”
You laugh, and Hyuck only wishes you knew how much energy it’s taking to hold himself back from you right now. 
“Let me give you a ride home,” Hyuck insists.
“You know,” you grin, “I’m finding it harder and harder to say no to you.”
Not only does Hyuck know this fact, he’s banking on it. 
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20: Wednesday con't
When you’d arrived home on Sunday, one whiff of you had told Mark that you’d been with Hyuck. The Level Five’s dragon scent had clung to you like the smell of weed on a stoner, and despite every fibre of his being telling Mark to cause a fuss about it, he’d tried to play things cool.
The more he argues with you about Hyuck, the more he realizes he has to come to terms with the fact that you’re going to do what you want to do, advice be damned. 
To be fair, other than the overtly horrible way Mark’s body had reacted when he first met the dragon, Hyuck hasn’t ever actually done anything bad to Mark personally. 
When you and he had been children, your mother had told you to follow your noses, and Mark had taken that as personal gospel. One wiff of the dragon had been enough to send him in the opposite direction… but his nose is not your nose. 
If your nose is directing you towards the Level Five… then Mark supposes that’s your own truth, and maybe he has to respect that. 
With all of this in mind, however, Mark still gets annoyed when you show up home from your shift wreaking of dragon. And he hates the way you walk down the street as if you’d taken the bus, as if you hadn’t gotten a ride home.
Mark holds the door open for you to enter your apartment building, and in the elevator, he finally finds his nerve to address the problem. “I really wish you wouldn’t hide things from me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Mark sighs, “if Hyuck drove you home, that’s fine. Next time, just tell him to drop you off where I can see you instead of parking around the corner.” 
“Well what if he drops me off out of your sight because he wants to kiss me?”
“Has he kissed you?!” Mark’s hands ball into fists, an innate reaction when it comes to hearing a dragon may have done bits with his sister-
“No,” you confess. “But in the future he might.”
“So you guys are getting serious, huh?” Mark tries to control his breathing. 
“I think so.” The elevator is quiet for a moment. “I’m sorry I’ve been lying to you about seeing him.”
Some of the tension in Mark’s shoulders dissipate, and he lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry I put you in a situation where you felt the need to lie… but, with that being said… if Hyuck ever hurts you, I don’t care if I’m a Level One bunny, I’ll kick that dude’s ass.” 
“Sure you will, Mark,” you smile fondly at your brother as you leave the elevator.
“I’m serious.”
“I know you are… and if I’m being honest, I don’t think anything ‘bad’ will happen, at least, not the type of things I think you’re expecting. Hyuck seems like a good guy. I don’t think he goes on real dates often, and that has to count for something, right?”
“I guess,” Mark sighs.  
“Besides, stranger things have happened.”
“Stranger than a bunny falling for a dragon? Her biggest and most vicious natural predator?”
“Honestly,” you laugh, “the fact that Level Five’s even exist is pretty strange, even in a world full of hybrids.”
Mark can’t argue with you there. 
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21: Thursday 
You definitely know what to expect when you get to Hyuck’s apartment, and the matching bra and pantie set under your dress is proof of it. What you’re not prepared for, however, is the way the dragon keeps his hands off of you even in the elevator.
Sure, his eyes are practically burning a hole into you, but he stays on his side of the lift.
“Hyuck?” you say his name as you step into the entryway of his penthouse.
“Should I give you a tour now?” he asks. “Seeing as we missed doing that last time-”
“I mean…” you play with the hem of your pretty dress, “sure, you can give me a tour.”
“But?” He smirks at you. “It sounds like there’s a but in there somewhere.”
“I was just…” you bite on your lip, “aren’t you going to tell me I’m pretty?”
His eyes visibly darken, and they take their sweet time looking you up and down. “You look good enough to eat, bunny.”
“Then why don’t you?” you ask. “Eat me, I mean. But in a sexy way, not a dragon way.” 
Hyuck lets out a shaky breath, and then his hands are reaching for your waist, tugging you tight to his chest. “Is that really what you want?”
“Isn’t it what you want?” 
“I need to know you’re not just doing this because you’re a people pleaser,” Hyuck says. “Or because I’m your boss.”
“Actually, I think I’m doing this despite the fact that you’re sort of my boss.” 
“Yeah?” He grins, and you practically melt getting an up close and personal look at his pretty, sharp, canines. 
“Please, Hyuck-” you ball your hands in the fabric of his crisp white dress shirt, “just kiss me.”
“Bunny,” his hand comes up to cup your cheek, “I thought you’d never ask.”
He’s surprisingly gentle as he presses his lips to your own, and for a moment, you wonder if he’s even a dragon at all. You’d expected him to be rough- as needy as he’d seemed last night. Instead, he’s controlled, thumb stroking your cheek bone while he kisses you with intention.
His tongue swipes past your bottom lip and you stifle a groan, shifting to wrap your arms around the back of his neck while you open your mouth for him.
Hyuck lets out something of a growl, and the sound nearly rattles your bones. It reminds you who you’re dealing with, and you find yourself clinging to him even tighter.
 A whimper of pleasure escapes you and that’s all it takes for Hyuck to snap.
In one fluid motion, he reaches down and grabs your bum, lifting you up so your legs wrap around his waist. He’s strong, and you love it. 
Nothing has ever felt as good as kissing him does, and you get lost in his lips- so lost, that you hardly even realize he’s carrying you through his home.
You break the kiss to catch your breath, and that’s when you notice he’s taken you to his room. His mouth is hot on your throat while you look around, soaking in the ambiance of his most personal space.
“Your room is nice,” you tell him, but your words come out in moans when he finds your sweet spot and his sharp teeth drag against your skin. 
“Nicer with you in it,” comes his quick witted retort, and it makes your panties stick to your core uncomfortably. 
“I like it when you praise me,” you whisper as he moves you closer to the bed, laying you down on the silky covers.
“Yeah?” Hyuck looks down at you, breaking your body contact enough for him to tear off his shirt. “My little bunny likes being told what a good girl she is?”
You whimper, eating up each piece of newly exposed skin with your eyes, which drift down-
There’s a bulge in the front of his pants, and it makes your mouth water.
“Hyuck, you’re so big-” you reach out, and you’re almost surprised he doesn’t bat your hand away. He lets you touch him through his pants, throwing his head back to let out a moan that does wonders for your pussy.
“Probably the biggest you’ll ever have,” Hyuck breathes. “Dragon perk.” 
His gaze finds you again, and he lets out something between a chuckle and a groan. “Fuck, Bunny- you have such tiny hands-”
“Anything compared to your huge dragon cock would look tiny,” you defend yourself, and it makes Hyuck laugh. 
“I can’t believe-” his hips push forward as you trace him, “can’t believe we just kissed for the first time and now you’re going to let me fuck you. I guess the term ‘fucking like bunnies’ came from somewhere, huh?” 
You can only whimper in response, too busy oggling his massive cock to think coherent sentences. 
“Tell me you want me to fuck you.”
“I want you to fuck me,” you moan.
“Tell me you’re my good little bunny.”
“I’m your perfect little bunny.”
“Yeah, you are-” Hyuck’s hands find his belt. “Take off your dress. I wanna see you.”
“Can’t you take it off of me yourself?” you suggest, and the dragon’s motions stop.
He looks down at you. Then he’s on top of you, pressing you between his hot body and the mattress while his hand wraps around your throat. He applies just enough pressure to make your eyes widen, and he grins. “For a people pleasing little bunny, sometimes you can be a bit of a brat.”
“I just thought you’d want to unwrap your present.” 
Hyuck lets out a deep groan, and then he’s kissing you again. His lips are desperate against your own now, and his tongue invades your mouth with newfound fervour. 
You tangle your fingers in his pretty hair, and Hyuck grinds down against you, dragging the front of his pants across your panty covered core.
“Mmm-” you whimper. “Hyuck-” 
“That’s it, pretty bunny, say my name,” he growls, pressing feverish kisses down to your throat again while he ruts his hips-
“Please, I need you so bad-” You’ve been needing him since that first day you met, and you’re only truly realizing it now. “I’m so wet-”
“Dirty bunny,” Hyuck’s lips continue downward, and he lifts up your dress, exposing your belly for his hot mouth. Then his fingers hook in your panties. “Ask nicely for me to eat you out.”
“Please, Hyuck, I’d be yours forever-”
“You’re already mine,” the Level Five growls, tearing your panties off your body in one rough tug that leaves you gasping. “Dragon’s covet pretty things,” he tells you as he settles down between your thighs, his breath teasing your pussy- “and you, my perfect little bunny, are the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” 
“Hyuck-” you whimper desperately, pushing your hips up in the hope it will entice him-
His hands firmly hold you to the bed. “I’ve never needed anything more than I need you,” he presses a kiss to your inner thigh that has you crying out- 
He’s so close- so close to giving you what you need-
Red eyes meet yours as he brings his mouth to your pussy, and a squeal of delight erupts out of you. 
Your hands reach down to tangle in his hair, looking for an anchor, and to your surprise, Hyuck offers you his own hand, linking his fingers with yours and giving you a gentle squeeze even as he buries his tongue in your wet hole.
“You feel so good,” you praise him, and you’re rewarded by his lips wrapping around your clit.
More cries of pleasure escape you, and with one of his hands still holding you down, there’s nothing you can do but close your eyes and enjoy what he’s giving you.
“Oh my god-” your stomach is twisting into knots faster than you’d ever imagined it could, “I’m gonna cum-”
Hyuck pulls away from your pussy and lets go of your hand, causing you to whine loudly- only for one of his fingers to slip into you. 
“Already?” he taunts. “Fuck, you’re so tight, bunny. Hasn’t anyone fucked you properly?”
“No,” you shake your head, “not properly, not like you-”
“You haven’t even had me yet,” he chuckles, and his breath on your pussy makes you twitch.
“I just know-” you insist. “Your so big, so good, gonna stretch me out so good-”
“Listen to you blabber, my cute little blabbering bunny…” He adds a second finger and you whimper loudly. “I guess you can cum.” His lips return to your clit, and the feeling of both his digits and his mouth has you seeing stars.
“Hyuck-” you gasp, body tensing on the precipice of euphoria- 
Then it’s slamming into you, and try as you might to buck your hips, Hyuck holds you down through your high. His tongue flicks your clit while you nearly scream with pleasure. 
Without his hand to grab onto, you’re left grasping at the sheets, but try as you might, nothing keeps you anchored to earth. You can feel your body ascending to something akin to heaven, and your mind goes completely blank except for the wonderful tingles that jitter through your form. 
“That’s it, bunny,” Hyuck’s breath is hot when he pulls away from your clit, but his fingers continue inside your wet core, “look at my pretty girl cumming for me. You’re so perfect-”
“Hyuck-” you’re nearly crying now, on the cusp of beginning to shake from overstimulation-
The dragon lets up, and when he takes his fingers out of your pussy, the smell of you engulfs your senses.
You’re too tired to open your eyes just yet, but you hear Hyuck lick his fingers clean, and he groans. “You taste as good as you look, pretty bunny,” he tells you, “just like I always knew you would.”  
If you had the energy, you might ask him how long he’s been thinking about doing this to you- but you can hardly find the words to speak as you attempt to catch your breath.
“Aw, is my bunny crying?” The bed dips as Hyuck settles his hips flush against your own again, an elbow pressing into the bed beside your head while his hand cups your cheek.
“No,” you whisper.
“Liar,” Hyuck chuckles. “Should I fuck you now? Would that make everything better, bunny?”
“Yes, but…” you take a breath, still recovering from the intensity of your orgasm, “you should know… if you ever hurt me, Mark will kick your ass.”
“Not you thinking of your brother right now.”
“I’m serious,” you swallow thickly. “You’ll have like, two bunnies, a bengal cat, a hamster, two dobermans- a whole hoard of people coming to kick your ass-”
“Oh, I’m so scared of a hoard of Level Ones and Threes,” Hyuck laughs, pressing a kiss to your throat. “I promise not to hurt you. Unless you ask me to.” 
“Split me open.” 
“You got it, bunny.” The dragon sits up again, and he removes both of your clothes faster than you can keep track of. “I tried to stretch you out with my fingers, but… well… it might not have helped much,” he tells you, and you open your eyes to watch him spit on his hand, lubing his cock up.
He’s big. Even bigger now that his pants are off, and part of you wonders how he’s even going to fit inside of you. However, you know he’ll make it fit. 
“You ready?” he asks, laying over you again and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. 
You can feel his cock throbbing on your thigh, and another gush of wetness between your legs makes you nod enthusiastically. “Please-”
He wraps one hand around the base of his cock, guiding the head to your hole- you gasp at the feeling of the intrusion as he slowly pushes into you. 
“Oh my god-” you wrap your arms around the back of his neck, eagerly seeking out his lips as some form of distraction-
You know it will feel good once he’s inside of you properly, once he starts to thrust- 
“That’s it,” Hyuck groans against your mouth, “Good bunny-” 
“You’re so big-”
“I know,” he assures you, “and you’re taking me so well-”
His praise definitely makes you relax, and he slips deeper and deeper into your core until his hips are flush with your own. You both let out groans of pleasure, and Hyuck breaks your kiss. “I’m gonna fuck you now,” he tells you. “Be my perfect little bunny and let me know when you’re going to cum.”
You love how certain he is that you’ll reach your high again. A few of your past lovers had missed the mark completely, but Hyuck doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who misses. 
He certainly doesn’t miss your gspot, his cock dragging against it with each thrust- 
You can feel your pussy squeezing him, can feel your toes curling with pleasure as he finds an increasingly rough pace. 
“Fuck-” Hyuck groans, lacing his fingers with yours and pinning you to the bed while his lips press kisses along your throat. “You feel amazing-”
You’re pretty sure he’s the one who feels amazing- any hole would be tight around a cock like his, you’re just glad you get to be his hole tonight- and hopefully something more afterward.
 “And listen to your pretty whimpers-” the dragon hybrid fucking you moans loudly. “You sound so fucking good for me, who’s my perfect bunny?”
“I am!”
“And who loves this big cock stretching out her tight fucking pussy?”
“I do!” You’re nearly crying again. “Hyuck, I’m gonna cum- I’m gonna cum so hard- please-”
“Hold it for me, bunny,” he gasps against your neck. “If you cum, I’ll cum, and I’m not quite done with you yet.”
You squeeze his fingers, focusing all your strength on holding off the orgasm that’s beginning to tingle up your toes- 
“So tight, so warm, so good for me-” Hyuck groans again.
“Please-” you feel a tear slip down your cheek. “I can’t hold it- I need to cum- need to cum so badly- please, Hyuck-”
“Fuck, I love it when you beg-” The dragon fucks you even harder, and you know that there’s no way you’ll be able to hold off your orgasm now- “You can cum. Cum for me. Come on bunny, cum on this cock.”
“Hyuck!” His name feels like a prayer, tumbling our of your lips as your orgasm takes over your body. If you’d thought the first one had been heavenly euphoria, you don’t even know how to describe this high.
It’s pure ecstasy, all encompassing and white hot. It sends electric tingles of pleasure up and down your form, making you cry out, muscles tensing as literal contractions wrack your body- 
“Fuck-” Hyuck lets out a low groan, and then he’s cumming inside of you, filling you up with everything he’s worth- there’s no fear of you getting pregnant, as cross species hybrids can’t mix, so you’re left to simply enjoy the feeling.
The sounds he makes are music to your ears too, and you swear you could listen to him cum all day long- 
He works you through your high, squeezing your hands as his pace begins to slow. When you’re both done, he presses his mouth to yours, kissing you while you both gasp and struggle to catch your breaths. 
“You’re so good-” he tells you. “So good for me, bunny-” 
You’ve never felt this good in your entire life, and when Hyuck releases your hands, you wrap your arms around the back of his neck, holding him close. You can feel his heart thundering in his chest, and his smell engulfs you. It’s comforting in a way- 
He might be a big scary Level Five dragon hybrid, but he’s your big scary Level Five dragon hybrid. 
You feel safe with him, like you’ve never felt safe with anyone in your entire life.
“It’s cute,” Hyuck sighs, “what you said about your hoard of friends earlier.”
“Cute?” you echo, opening your eyes to blink up at your new lover.
“If it makes anyone feel safer about this situation, I could work on getting to know them better.”
You can’t believe he’s offering this, while still buried balls deep in your pussy. A laugh bubbles out of you, and you find yourself nodding. “I think I’d like that.”
Hyuck grins down at you, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose, and when he looks at you, there’s nothing but adoration in his pretty caramel-coloured eyes. “Anything for my Little Bunny.”
And you can tell that he means it.
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! I really liked making this au and the hybrid world that came out of it, although I will note that Dragon Hyuck was a self-indulgent fantasy - read the bear!Johnny spin-off here
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview. “I can feel how wet you are through your panties, bunny,” Hyuck groans against your neck. “I didn’t know you were such a little whore for exhibitionism… letting me fuck you at your workplace. What a dirty girl you are.”
cw/ tw. exhibitionism/sex in her workplace, unprotected sex, mirror sex, dirty talk, praise, jealous/possessive hyuck, sexy dragon wings, big dragon dick Hyuck, fingering, multiple orgasms, begging, finger licking, mentions of being ‘full/filled’, choking, etc…
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 5.1k I teaser wc. 600
🌙 staring.Haechan x afab!reader
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When you’d started seeing Hyuck, you’d thought you’d have the end of unwanted attention while working. Surely his outburst with the champagne bottle and the tiger hybrid was enough of a warning to others, and if not that, then his predatory scent marking you as taken should ward off other would-be suitors-
But nothing, as it seems, is ever enough to keep a Level Four away from a little bunny. 
A particularly proud lion hybrid has been trying to capture your attention for over an hour, and you can feel Hyuck’s eyes burning into the back of your head from VIP. Yet, your dragon lover stays with his friends, and you wonder if he’s given the lion grace because the man has kept his hands to himself.
“I dont want another scene,” Doyoung says when you head to the bar to fill a drink order. His gaze is aimed towards VIP, and you think he must be in one of his staring matches with your boyfriend, they do this much too often. 
“I’ll try not to make one then,” you promise, “but I can’t help it if the lion decides to test his luck.”
The raven looks at you with a flicker of amusement in his eyes. “Which is why I’m sending you to the keg room on an errand. The Guinness needs to be refilled, think you can handle that?”
While Jungwoo had shown you how the keg room in the basement worked when you first got hired, you’ve never been asked to do it yourself. You turn to look at your manager with confusion. “Aren’t the kegs really heavy?”
“Take Jeno with you,” comes his quick response. “I just need you off the floor for a bit. That lion who’s been flirting with you is getting drunk enough for me to cut him off. I’ll go settle his tab and when you come back up, he should be gone, if he knows what’s good for him.”
While Doyoung is quite thin and birdlike in appearance, he’s still a Level Three predator, and you sometimes forget that the raven can hold his own. He’s a manager for a reason, after all, and you respect when he makes decisions like this.
“I’ll go grab Jeno and get that keg fixed for you then,” you agree with a nod. 
“Take your time.” Doyoung assesses the tray of drinks that his Persian hybrid bartender has just set in front of you. “I’ll get Jaemin to take these out for you while you’re away.”
With another quick head motion of agreement, you dart off to find Jeno. 
The doberman is never that difficult to locate, and tonight you find him monitoring the steps to VIP. The club is packed on a Saturday night, and despite red ropes keeping unsuspecting partygoers away from Hyuck and his friends, the crowd has been encroaching on the sanctity of VIP for over an hour.
“Hey!” you say, raising your voice so your friend can hear you over the loud house music blasting through the speakers. Jeno leans in and you steady your hand on his shoulder so you can relay the information in his ear, “Doyoung wanted us to go deal with a keg!”
Jeno gives you a quick nod, and then he’s pushing through the swarm of people. Before you follow, your gaze shift up to VIP, and you notice Hyuck has stood from his table. His red, dragon eyes are fixed on you, and he looks to be on high alert. When you send him a smile, his shoulders relax ever so slightly, and then you’re turning to race after the doberman hybrid.
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© smileysuh — all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any fic, reaction, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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eli0004 · 7 months
Thinking about University AU with Eren x his friend’s hot older sister.
⚠️ nsfw warning ⚠️
Implied age gap, but Eren is 21 and reader is only older by 2-3 years.
You two meet when he’s on spring break. You and a couple of your friends are doing a bonfire on the beach. It’s supposed to be a small thing, to hang out and smoke and have some drinks, listen to music to kick off the start of warmer weather.
Your younger brother Jean asks if he could come and bring a couple of his buddies. You say yes, assuming it will actually only be a few.
It was more than a few. Actually “a few” would be the biggest understatement of the year. Needless to say, you were pissed.
It turns out, Jean intended for in to be just him and 5 of his friends. One of those friends, none other than Eren Jeager, happened to text some of his friends, who texted their friends, and so on.
You’re standing by the fire, yelling at Jean for fucking up your function, while he’s trying to explain what happened, but you’re not having it.
Jean stomps off to go find Eren, and tells him he needs to come apologize to his sister because she’s pissed and now he won’t be able to smoke anymore since she supplies him. His broke ass can’t afford the good weed she’s got.
Eren’s like “woah man…don’t worry, I’ve got this.”
But when he walks over and sees you standing there, he loses his footing in the sand and trips over his flip flop, stumbling to the side like an idiot, and he realizes he absolutely does not got this.
How has he never noticed what a great body you have? Was your hair always this perfect? Why are you so hot when you’re angry?
When he approaches you, you raise an eyebrow at him, and he scratches the back of his neck.
“Hey, you’re Jean’s sister, right?” He glances to the side, scanning for him. You nod.
“Yeah, and what about it?” You ask, rolling your eyes at the question. You’re used to your little brother’s dumb friends trying to hit on you by now.
“Erm…I just wanna apologize for inviting so many people. I didn’t think they would all show up…and uh- please don’t take weed privileges away from Jean.”
You can’t help but laugh at that last part, finding it endearing that he was stumbling through an apology to save his friends ass, when you didn’t even expect to even get a “sorry”.
“Whatever man” you shrug, slowly turning away with a smile and waving him off. “I’m gonna go get a White Claw”
Since then, Eren couldn’t get you off his mind. He knew it was stupid, it’s not like you two had a moment or something back there, but it was just something about the way you looked at him after he apologized.
The next time you see each other is on Jeans birthday. Your parents are hosting a dinner party for him, family and a few of his friends.
Eren happens to be there, and they’re all downstairs in the basement playing pool.
You’d be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t thought Eren was cute. The whole night you’d been smiling and throwing looks at him.
Then, you happen to be walking to your bedroom as Eren is exiting the bathroom, bumping into each other. He stumbles back in the dark hallway.
“Shit, sorry” he reaches out to steady you. “Are you ok?”
“Better than i was a second a go” you grin, eyes twinkling. Eren’s brain just kinda…goes blank.
About 20 minutes goes by and you’re sucking him off against the door of the bathroom you two are locked in. One of his hands is tangled in your hair, the other is gripping the granite countertop like his life depends on it.
He doesn’t dare look down or he knows he’ll cum too quick. You’re older, more experienced, and it’s obvious you know what you’re doing. He’s never had a blow job like this in his life.
He feels like his soul is leaving his body, head thrown back against the door as he lets out soft whimpers between heavy pants. He knows he can’t be loud, but you coerce the sounds out of him with every slurp around his cock.
The fact that he’s getting blown off on his best friends birthday by his big sister is something he doesn’t know whether to be turned on by or ashamed of himself, but he’s filthy and he doesn’t care.
His abs tense and his hips buck slightly as he feels himself getting dangerously close.
“Fuck, fuck i’m close..I’m gonna cum.” He hisses, trying to pull back on your hair so you don’t have to swallow.
But you push his hips back against the door and move your head faster, hollowing your cheeks. His legs nearly give out underneath him as he cums hard, spilling into your mouth.
When you stand up, look him in the eyes and swallow, wipe your mouth with your sleeve and push him aside, leaving him there with his dick out and soft, he knows he’s in love. Perhaps obsessed is a better word, but Eren is a hopeless romantic. He’d rather call it love, if love feels as invigorating as your mouth all over him.
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trivia-yandere · 8 months
bad decisions
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you're getting married on valentine's day - but somehow, you allow a stripper to fuck you in front of your brides' maids and maid of honor. @momnomnom @sweetempathprunetree @darkuni63 @whipwhoops
word count: 1.252
warning: stripper jimin, cheating reader, affair au, public sex, voyeurism, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, slight girl on girl, creampie, bad friends lol, revenge plot???, it's 2 am and this is what i thought of, lolz,
Valentine's Day Masterlist
You were beginning to remember when your fiancee didn’t like your friends. 
“They’re single and you aren’t.” was an argument you heard often. “They’ll influence you to act just as single as them.” was another.
With each argument, you were stern in shooting him down, stating that even if your friends were single and a bit out there - you weren’t. But you would say that the problem came deeper than that. Your soon to be husband had his own secret affairs - a drunk one at that - that resulted in a pregnancy and a child he pays for monthly, but refuses to see. Maybe that’s why he believes you’d do the same to him in an act of revenge - but you got over that part in the relationship (even if your friends were upset with you). You loved him, you thought.
Now as you watch your friends, all equally as drunk as you - if not more - scatter around the man, all on their knees. The sight is truly a filthy one - the hotel room lights were dim while the music played in the background. The man - Jimin was his name - stands before your friends, a cocky grin on his lips. He isn’t hesitating in allowing your friends to wrap their mouths around his cock, even allowing his eyes to flicker to you every few moments.
You shouldn’t be here, were your sober thoughts. You were getting married the following morning to the man you loved - this was just a bachelorette party with your friends. A party your fiancee was worried about you attending, but you assured him that it would be nothing.
This…this was not nothing.
“Just try it, Y/N.” one of your friends - a bridesmaid at that - slurs from Jimin’s cock, her hand pumping it. “Live in the moment.”
“I’m getting married tomorrow.” you shake your head slightly, hot underneath Jimin’s gaze. You swallow thickly - Jimin is an attractive man. His eyes are as sharp as his jawline, and he understands his beauty. He flaunts it and had since he appeared in the room as a dancer - one you were not expecting to see. 
“On Valentine’s day?” Jimin questions, his voice soft and smooth - almost melodic. “How sweet.”
You gulp, feeling your legs tighten together. You were not a prude - you and your friends had been in this position many times before. You all watched one another act far too whorish with a man - but this was different. You were to be wed just tomorrow - and they were inviting you in this filthy mess.
“Then why not enjoy your last night as a free woman doing something scandalous?” Jimin questions. He wraps his own hand onto his cock - thick and veiny with a red tip - and begins to pump. “It’ll be our little secret.”
Your heart is racing outside your chest. You feel yourself become nauseous with Jimin’s stare - it’s as though the room began to spin and it was just you and him, you are under his spell completely.
You don’t realize when you yourself fall to your knees and you crawl to the man - not until your lips are around said cock and you’re sucking him. His hands are tangled into your hair and he’s encouraging you.
This is wrong, you tell yourself. You weren’t a free woman in the slightest - you had a soon to be husband. But the adrenaline running through you is intoxicating - it causes you to fit Jimin deeper and deeper into your throat until you’re gagging on him. And even then, you didn’t want to stop. 
Jimin’s moans hit your ears, his breathing hitching with each gag of your throat. Your fingernails clench his naked thigh to bring him even more - if possible - into your throat. You’re wet, lingering clenching onto your body so tight that you wish you could take it off and be free from it.
“Get up.” Jimin commands, soft voice bringing you back to reality. He removes his cock from inside your mouth, a string of saliva connecting it. “You’re sucking like you haven’t been fucked in years.”
Your friends are hollering, all clapping and cheering. You allow Jimin to take you to the large bed, pressing you firmly against it. 
“Your husband’s lucky.” Jimin cackles, as if taunting you - mocking that you were cheating on the man you are to be married to. 
The lingerie isn’t taken off of you. Instead, Jimin hooks a finger into your pantie and pushes it aside. He whistles. “So wet. I knew you liked me, baby.”
The bed dips, your friends surrounding you. One friend - your maid of honor - is behind you. She offers a drunk smile and nods. “It’s okay, Y/N.” she assures  - but it wasn’t.
Your maid of honor holds your arms as Jimin enters you. Your back arches and you release a deep groan.
“It feels good, doesn’t it?” Jimin laughs, picking up the pace of his thrusts. He’s unsure just how influenced you are with your friends, but it cannot be a good sign if you were willing to cheat on your husband so easily. Yet, he cannot be bothered to care. 
Jimin pounds inside of you, wet skin hitting one another. The voices of your friends are background noise, a mix of laughter, moans and claps. You aren’t sure which friend is clenching your breasts, but you’re positive one has her hands on your clit.
“This is the wildest bachelorette party I attended.” Jimin grunts as you clench around him. Your friends were far too into it as you were, a few kissing one another while the rest pleasured you along with him. If you did this before, he isn’t certain - but neither of you appeared shy.
“Does it feel good?” your maid of honor asks, coming down to whisper in your ear. 
“Feels so good…!” you exclaim, your juices coating Jimin’s cock entirely - you didn’t even assure that he wore a condom. 
“How about you cum in her?” your maid of honor asks, laughing at your fucked out expression. “Give her a little present she’ll never forget.”
Jimin shudders, eyes wide. What exactly was your friend suggesting?
No matter, he thinks. You aren’t protesting, so why should he?
Jimin drills into you even harder, hell bent on doing what your maid of honor asked. You’re not denying him, you’re moaning for more and more and more-
“F-Fuck!” you shout, feeling yourself come undone before them, your friends fingers overstimulating your throbbing clit. 
Jimin’s cock is coated white with your cum and he cannot help but cum himself. He trembles, unsure when the last time he came in someone raw like this - and it was just as exciting. 
You feel tired when Jimin removes himself from inside of you, unable to open your eyes fully. 
“We can pay you extra.” your maid of honor suggests, noticing that you have fallen asleep. 
“No need.” Jimin murmurs, eyeing your sleeping figure. “What did you mean by leaving her a present she won’t forget?”
Your maid of honor chuckles. “No doubt she’ll be pregnant.” she says nonchalantly. “That husband of her’s cheated on her first and had a child. Y/N’s just dumb and agreed to stay with him. I say it’s karma. A little revenge.”
Jimin watches as your friend giggles even more. “Watching him raise another man's child while he ignores the child he had when he cheated on her.”
Jimin swallows, unsure of what to say in the situation. 
It was none of his business, Jimin thinks.
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kkyaka · 9 months
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Summary: You meet new friends your second year of college, but the hot art major is the one who really catches your eye
Pairing: Sero Hanta x black!fem!reader
Word Count: 31,865 (😐)
Warnings: college!au, sero's an art major, lots of flirting, reader is seriously crushing on sero, reader is kinda innocent, mentions of light partying, drinking, and weed, reader gets drunk, lots of fluffy moments, sero's whipped for you, confession of feelings, reader has doubts about sero's feelings, date night at the fair, public indecency kinda (sero feels you up in the ferris wheel), you and sero shower together at one point, kinda a lot of smut lmfao, fingering (f), sero's kinda got a corruption and innocence kink, handjob, tit fondling, tit sucking, oral (f + m), thigh fucking, reader's a virgin, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, "just the tip", squirting, little bit of dirty talk on sero's part, trapping sorta (reader doesn't let sero pull out), sero's a smug bastard and a HUGE flirt, lemme know if I missed anything!
A/N: I honestly do not know how I managed to write all of this, but I was having the time of life doing so lmfao. Lowkey writing with my clit on this one 💀, and this was high key based on this fanart. Another fic of mine that has made its way to the top of my favorites lmfao. Thank you for reading and reblogs are greatly appreciated! And happy new year!
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You were already entering your second year of college, and you hadn’t really done much that would classify as living the “college experience.” Your life was pretty monotonous; waking up, going to class, doing homework, and studying. You’ve made a couple of friends, but you don’t hang out with them very often unless all of you are free.
That doesn’t bother you very much, you’ve never been a social butterfly in the first place anyway. You like your roommate, but you don’t see her that often because she’s usually staying with her boyfriend most of the time. You don’t really mind since that means you can have your own peace and quiet when you go home, but sometimes, on the days when you don’t have anything to do, you wish you had more to do with your time.
The second semester is underway, and you’re heading to your second class of the day. You get there pretty early since you don’t know where the classroom is, and you get there right as the class before yours gets out. You wait for the people to file out before you walk in, trying to see what seat would be the best to sit at.
The classroom isn’t that big, not really being as big as a lecture hall, so you’re expecting this class to be on the smaller side, and you pick a seat on the inside of the row further towards the back of the room. There are a few other people in the room that got here early just like you did, and you set your backpack beside you before pulling your laptop out. 
The class starts to pile in as the time for the class to start gets closer, and as you're pulling up your notes for the class, you can see someone sitting in the row next to you in your peripheral, but you don’t pay attention to them. It would’ve been worse if they sat directly next to you. 
“I love your shoes,” you hear right as the professor walks in, and you turn to look at the person that sat next to you.
“Oh, thank you,” you say warmly, sticking your foot out a bit as you look down at your shoes. 
“This is my second time taking this class,” she tells you making you frown a little.
“Really? Is it hard?” you ask cautiously.
“That or I just didn’t pay attention well enough,” she jokes, and you laugh with her, the joke easing your worries a bit. You know this class isn’t going to be easy, but the fact that you already know someone that’s taken it makes you feel a lot better. “I’m Mina,” the pink-haired girl introduces herself, holding her hand out.
“y/n,” you introduce warmly, shaking her hand. “So, what year are you?”
“A junior,” she supplies. “You?”
“Sophmore. I could’ve taken this class last year, but I didn’t wanna deal with it yet.”
“Oh, I totally understand that,” she agrees, and the professor starts talking which signals the end of your conversation. Since this class is so short, the professor already went over the syllabus before class started, so she got into the content right away. You had already downloaded the slides on your tablet, writing any other notes she mentions as she talks.
Luckily, the class doesn’t feel like it lasts long, and that could be because the professor talked so fast. Once she dismisses the class, everyone starts packing up, and Mina turns to you once the both of you stand.
“So, are you done for the day?”
“Yeah! This was my last class of the day, so I’m free.”
“You wanna get lunch?” she asks as you both put your backpacks on. You give her an enthusiastic confirmation, and you follow her out of the room. You get to know each other more as you walk to get food, and she looks down at her phone before she turns back to you. “My friends are going to be joining us if that’s okay with you?”
“Yeah, of course,” you reply, not minding meeting more people. You both are the first ones to sit down at a table, and she tells you that her friends are on the way. You fill the time with talking about classes and finding out each other's majors.
Denki is the first of her friends that you meet, and you’re nearly overwhelmed by his bright personality. You all make conversation, finding yourself laughing at most of the jokes he cracks. Jirou’s in tow, and they sit by Mina. She tells Mina that another one of their friends will be here soon, and you wonder how they’ll be. Denki and Jirou are really friendly, so you assume that the next friend won’t be too far from that.
“Took you long enough to get here, Sero.” You’re looking down at your phone when you hear Jirou speak, so you look up to see who they are, and your face falls just a little. The last thing you were expecting was someone so good-looking. 
“Yeah, yeah. My professor ran over,” he supplies, and you can’t take your eyes off of him. His hair is half up, half down, the bun of his hair sitting right above his neck, and you can see a sliver of a tattoo on his neck that disappears underneath his jacket.
“Well, since you’re here now, you can meet my new friend.” She gestures to you, telling him your name, and the smile he gives you is enough to render you speechless. 
“Hey, I’m Sero,” he says, even though you already know that, and you almost don’t shake his hand because you’re so focused on looking at him. 
“Hi,” you manage, internally groaning at how that’s all you can manage. He looks at you for a little while after you speak, his other friends are already engrossed in their own conversation. You try to think of something to say to fill the silence, but he beats you to it, pointing to the chair next to you.
“You mind?” he questions, and you shake your head, gesturing quickly for him to take the seat. He sheds his jacket, and you can see that the tattoo on his neck goes down further, once again being hidden by the shirt he’s wearing. Which hugs his body like no other, might you add. You swallow thickly as you look over his torso, your eyes catching another tattoo running down his arm.
He catches you looking at it, laughing softly as he sits down next to you. He pulls his sleeve up his impressive arm, moving his arm toward you so you can see it better. “Got it recently,” he tells you, and he grabs your hand. “You can touch it if you want.” You ignore the tingles that go up your arm, letting him guide your hand, and you softly run your fingers over the ink.
“It’s beautiful,” you admire, looking at the veins and flowers that flow over his skin. 
“Yeah, that makes two of you.” You jump a little at his words, looking up at him, and you can’t stop how warm your face grows. 
“Ah, um, thanks,” you mutter, wanting to slap your forehead. “Do you have any others?” you find yourself asking, still getting over the compliment.
“Yeah,” he starts, pulling his shirt down a little, so you can see the rest of the tattoo on his neck. “I’d have to take my shirt off to show you all of it, but,” he adds. “And I got a couple more.” You nod at his words, your eyes still lingering more on his physique than the tattoo. “You got any?”
“Uh, yeah,” you start, and you sweep your hair over your shoulder, turning a bit so he can see it. “It’s a matching tattoo I got with my sisters,” you explain, and you flinch a little when you feel his fingers run over it.
“Sorry,” he chuckles. “Shoulda asked first.”
“No, it’s okay. It just surprised me.” When his fingers leave your skin, you take that as a sign to face him again. “I want one on my spine the most,” you tell him, and you see his eyes flash, but then it looks like he rethinks what he was going to say.
“Really? Why there?”
“I just think it’ll look really cool, honestly,” you laugh, rubbing your hand over where his fingers once were.
“Yeah, it would.” He rests his arm on the back of your chair, his whole body facing toward you, and you’re practically gushing from the attention. It doesn’t seem like his friends are paying you any attention, and you continue your conversation. You talk to Sero most of the time, and it’s kind of hard to keep up since he keeps hitting you with sudden compliments, and each time you giggle. You feel like that’s exactly what he’s going for because he looks proud of himself every time you do.
You glance over to where everybody else is sitting, and to your surprise, they’re gone. “When did they leave?”
“Yeah, they always do that,” Sero responds. “I’m still here, though.”
“Right,” you laugh, holding back a shiver when he runs a finger up and down your arm.
“You doing anything for the rest of the day?” he asks and you shake your head.
“Not really. Just mentally preparing myself for all of the assignments I’m gonna have soon.”
“Yeah, no kidding. Your major’s more taxing than mine,” he says after he laughs quietly. You found out that Sero’s an art major, which really wasn’t a surprise, and he showed you some of his work which was probably the best thing you’ve laid your eyes on; besides the artist, of course. “Well, if you wanna head to the library or whatever, I won’t mind.”
“I’m probably just gonna head home honestly. The day’s been pretty eventful,” you say, and honestly, this is the most social interaction you’ve had in a long time.
“Mina is capable of drawing out a lot in people,” Sero sighs. “I’ll walk you home if that’s okay.” You don’t want to end your conversation with Sero just yet, and he definitely doesn’t need to walk you home, but you let him do it anyway. 
When you stand, you can finally see how much he towers over you. You try not to pay so much attention to it, but he’s basically in your space the entire time you walk back to your dorm, so you really have no choice but to. When you get to your dorm, you feel kind of upset that it’s about to end so soon, and you think Sero can see it on your face.
“I’ll see you around,” he says when you stop walking. “You’re basically a part of our friend group now,” he continues before he leans down to your face. “So, we’ll meet again soon.” He flashes you a smile, winking at you before he walks away, and you put your hand on your chest when you feel your heart racing, taking a deep breath before you walk into your dorm.
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The more the semester goes on, the more time you spend with your new friends, and you start to wonder if Sero’s flirty mannerisms are just a part of his personality. He seems to have them dialed up whenever he talks to you, and there’s not a part of you that hates it. Once you all learned about each other’s schedules, you started hanging out with whoever was free whenever none of you had class. 
Most of the time it’s with Sero, who always manages to find the most peaceful places on campus. He claims it’s the best way to find inspiration, and you could honestly listen to him talk for hours. His voice always sounds so nice to your ears, and there have been too many times when you’ve zoned out while he’s talking, caught up in looking at his face. 
You’re sitting outside since it’s so nice today, and you’re sitting on a blanket with Sero as you talk. Since the semester is in full swing, you’re mostly studying as you talk to him, turning to look at him as you talk every now and then. Once you’ve decided that you’ve done enough work for now, you put some of it away, and you chuckle softly as you put it in your backpack.
“Why are you staring at me, Sero?” you question, turning to look at him once you’re done.
“Cause I’m drawing,” he says warmly, smiling at you.
“Well, you can’t stare at me if you’re drawing.”
“I can be if you’re the one I’m drawing,” he counters smoothly, and that gets you to stop talking for a bit. “You’re really pretty, it would be a crime not to draw you.” Your smile widens, glancing away from him as your face heats up. 
He gets up from the blanket, walks over to one of the many flower bushes that are in bloom, and he picks one off the bush. “Sero, you can’t just do that,” you scold lightly, and he shrugs as he walks back to you.
“It’s in the name of art,” he drawls, and you roll your eyes as he sits back down next to you, and he guides you to look at him with his fingers on your chin. “See? Look.” He moves your hair back behind your ear with his hand before sliding the flower behind it, his fingers lingering on your face before they fall away. “Beautiful,” he whispers, and you’re having such a hard time holding his eyes, wanting to look away bashfully. 
“You’re such a sweet-talker,” you muse, and he slides closer to you, sweeping some of your hair over your shoulder.
“Only to pretty girls like you.” Your cheeks are hurting so bad from smiling, and you swear the sun gets a bit brighter, but you don’t want to tell yourself it’s just because the clouds aren’t hiding the sun anymore. “You wanna see what I drew?” You nod quietly and he hands you his notebook.
You can’t find any words as you look through it, seeing it filled with any and everything. Your movements slow when you flip the page, seeing both sides filled with pictures of you. You chuckle softly when you see that most of the pages after that are just you. “You don’t draw anything else?” you ask him.
“Not when you’re the best thing my eyes have seen.” You laugh at that, not knowing what to say to that at all.
“What? So, I’m like your muse or something?” you finally manage to ask.
“Definitely,” he answers quickly. “My professor has nothing but good things to say about what I’ve submitted, and I have you to thank for that.”
“Well, I’m glad I could help your grade,” you jest, and he grabs your hand.
“Lemme draw you something,” he says softly, and you move your hand further into his to give him the ok. He uncaps the marker he has in his other hand, and he slides his hand up to your wrist, lifting it up to place a soft kiss on your skin. The action nearly has you squirming, and he smirks, giving you a quick glance before drawing on your skin. 
You watch him, wondering what he’s gonna draw, and you giggle a bit as he does, claiming it tickles. He pushes your head to the side softly, saying that he doesn’t want you to see it yet, and you laugh softly but look somewhere else anyway. When he’s finished, you look back down, seeing that it’s the flower that he put in your hair. It’s got so much detail, and he softly blows on it to make sure it’s dry.
You softly run your finger over it, and he grabs your wrist again. He kisses over the ink before gently rubbing his finger over it. “What was that for?”
“To make it last a little longer,” he tells you, and you chuckle looking down at it again. 
“It’s beautiful, Sero. You’re really talented.” 
“Why, thank you,” he muses before he lays back down, and this time he pulls you with him. You lay beside him, shielding your eyes from the sun as you look at the clouds. You can feel him brushing his fingers over the back of your hand as he starts to talk about what the clouds look like. And you get lost in the conversation, feeling like time slows down as you make out everything you can see.
You’re walking out of your class with Mina when you catch a familiar face, and you smile as Sero walks up to the both of you. He gravitates to your side, walking with you both as you leave the building. He only walks with you for a little, having another class to get to, and he sends you another wink with a promise to talk to you later before he walks away.
You look down at your feet as you walk, biting your lip to try and hide your smile. “So, what do you think of Sero?” Mina suddenly asks, and you snap your head toward her, looking like a deer in headlights.
“What do you mean?” you ask, barely managing to not stutter over your words.
“You know what I mean,” she presses playfully, nudging your shoulder with her elbow gently. “Something tells me you’ve got a crush.”
Your cheeks flood with heat, pressing your hand to your face quickly. “I dunno. He’s really cool,” you respond lamely.
“Oh, I think you think he’s more than cool,” she teases. “It’s okay to admit you like him, girl.” 
“I guess so,” you quietly admit.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” You shove her softly as she laughs, rolling your eyes. “I don’t blame you, though. He is very easy on the eyes.” You laugh as you shake your head. It’s not like that’s a lie, and you obviously like more than just his looks.
You haven’t really known him for that long, only a couple of months, but every time you talk to him it’s like you’ve known each other for longer than that. You look down at your feet again, smiling as you think about all the time you’ve spent with him. Yeah, you do like him, but you don’t really want to admit that out loud until you know how Sero feels.
It might seem weird, but you don’t want to put all this thought into admitting your feelings when he doesn’t even feel the same way. “But I still don’t know how he feels about me,” you respond, and you feel conflicted at your words because you feel like with the way he acts around you, he feels the same way you do. But there’s a part of you that’s saying that this is all an act, maybe. He might talk to other girls this way.
“Are you serious?” Mina sighs. “There’s no way you believe that.”
“I dunno. I mean, is it okay for me to assume he has feelings for me?” you question, uncertainty in your words.
“Okay, you know what?” she starts after she sighs again. You both stop in front of the building that Mina has to go into, and she turns to face you. “Sero’s having a little house party on Friday, and you will be there. I’m surprised he hasn’t told you about it yet.”
“I’m not the partying type,” you start, and she shakes her head quickly, putting her hands on your shoulders.
“Nope! You will be there, and I will be at your dorm to make sure you’re coming,” she pushes, and you know there’s no arguing, so you roll your eyes before you smile again.
“Fine! I’ll go,” you say, chuckling a bit. She cheers a little bit, bouncing on her feet, and she gives you a quick hug before walking into the building. You shake your head as you start to walk away, your thought quickly turning to think about what you’re going to wear.
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Friday sneaks up on you, and you’ve been deciding what to wear for about an hour and a half. You had ideas of outfits in your head since the beginning of the week, but you never had a chance to actually pull them out and get a really good look at them. Mina calls you, and you let her into the building before walking to your room.
“Please do not tell me that’s what you’re wearing,” she says as you walk to your dorm.
“I’m stuck on what to wear,” you tell her, and she walks into what looks like your wardrobe and a tornado mixed. Since your roommate’s not here, you were using her bed to spread out some of your clothes, and you sit down at your desk as Mina looks through them.
“This is cute,” she comments, picking up a dress that you can count on one hand how many times you’ve worn. 
“I don’t know if it fits my body right, though,” you say, standing up and taking it from her, putting it up against your body.
“Okay, well, I’ll be the judge of that.” She urges you to put it on, so you change out of your clothes, slipping it on, holding your hands out when you’ve got it on. “Oh, my God, you look amazing! What do you mean you don’t know if it fits your body?”
“You really think it looks okay?” you ask, trying your hardest not to cross your arms over your body.
“Yes! You look fine! Now get your shoes on because I’ve still gotta get drinks.” You quickly put your shoes on, checking to make sure you’ve done everything you need to do before grabbing your phone and keys, and walking out with Mina.
After Mina gets the drinks, she drives over to Sero’s house, and you’re a bit surprised that her car is one of the few there when she pulls into the driveway. “I thought you said this was a house party?” you say as you get out of the car. “Are we here early?”
“This is more like a kickback than a house party,” she offers, and you walk behind her as she walks up to the door, knocking on it before opening it up. “We’re here!” she announces, and you close the door behind you, seeing Denki and Jirou along with some of their other friends. Some of the you’ve met in passing a few times, and others you find out are just friends of friends.
You quietly greet everybody, following Mina into the kitchen, so she can set her drinks down. You haven’t really drank before, so she got some seltzers for you to try. She hands you one, and when you look at it cautiously, she tells you that there’s no pressure to drink, but you decide that you only live once, so why not? 
You pop it open, take a sip, surprised at how good it tastes. You take a few more sips as Mina says that she has to go check on something really quick, and as you’re watching her walk away, Sero is walking up to you. You nearly choke on your drink, taking in his outfit right before you have a coughing fit. 
He’s wearing black jeans that practically look like a second skin, the loose button shirt he’s wearing half-tucked into his jeans with a chain hanging from two of the belt loops. Only a couple of the buttons are buttoned, leaving his toned chest on display, and your eyes catch on the chain that swings a little when he walks. 
“You came,” he says when he gets to you, immediately crowding into your space, and you don’t shy away from it.
“Yeah, Mina practically dragged me here,” you laugh, taking another sip from the can. 
“You look great,” he compliments, his eyes running down your body, and you look down at yourself, taking another swig in hopes of easing your nerves.
“Thanks,” you say after you swallow, and you suddenly get a warm feeling that runs through your veins, and you’re mostly sure it’s the alcohol. Your eyes catch the rings on his fingers as he rubs at his neck, seeing that his hair is down, some of it nearly falling into his eyes. “You look good, too.”
“Yeah?” he presses, crowding you against the counter, and your nose picks up how good he smells, and it’s almost enough to make your knees wobble. You nod, keeping the can next to your mouth as you look down to hide your smile. He picks your head back up by your chin as he lets the other hand rest on the counter next to you. “You should feel my shirt,” he offers, taking your hand in his, and his touch is making you feel like you’re on fire. You can barely focus on touching the fabric, feeling how it’s soft and silky at the same time, and in the back of your mind, you think how on-brand it would be for him to have a silk shirt.
He then guides your hand to where his chest is exposed and before you can think, you're splaying your fingers against his skin, feeling how firm it is. Your fingers tighten slightly around the can and his smirk widens. “You like what you see?” he whispers, leaning down to your face, and you wonder how long it takes for alcohol to hit your system when you’re drinking for the first time.
“Maybe,” you whisper, finally looking at him in the eyes, and you can’t keep eye contact for long, looking off to the side.
“You’re so cute,” he mumbles, letting his fingers run over your neck, and you can’t stop the shudder that runs through you. He smiles at your reaction before he grabs your hand. “C’mon, let’s go sit with everyone else.”
He pulls you away, and while he’s walking, you take another swig in hopes that it’ll settle your racing heart. It seems to do the opposite though because by the time you’re taking a seat on the couch, that warm feeling runs through you again. Everyone’s having their own conversations, none of them stopping when the two of you walk into the room, and Mina gives you a look that you just roll your eyes at.
Sero sits down on the end of the couch, pulling you with him, and you practically fall into him as you start to feel a lot more relaxed. You eventually join in on some of the conversations, actually talking and meeting Bakugou and Kirishima since you’ve only spoken to them briefly in passing. There’s music playing in the background, and you’re halfway through your seltzer when you really start to feel like you’re drunk.
You try not to draw too much attention to it, and you wonder if anyone can tell that your words are starting to slow down a bit, but if they do, they don’t say anything about it. Mina rolls a blunt, passing it around to everyone, and you refuse, feeling like getting crossed right now wouldn’t be the best idea.
You pass it to Sero, who takes a couple of hits before passing it over. You’ve finished your seltzer, and you start to lean more into Sero as Mina brings you another drink. He doesn’t seem to care when you feel his arm tighten around you, his fingers running over the exposed skin just beneath your dress. The touch starts to make you squirm a bit, and Sero smiles, giving you a look as he keeps doing it.
“How ya feeling, pretty girl?” Sero asks you, lifting your head up so that you can look at him. Everyone’s started to do their own thing, and some people have left, the main group of the bunch only remaining. 
“I’m okay,” you say softly, blinking slowly, and you smile widely even though you don’t really have a reason to. He smiles back at you, squeezing his arm to your side just a bit in a way that feels ridiculously good. 
“You want some water?” he asks quietly and you shake your head.
“No, ‘m okay,” you murmur, and he takes the drink from your hand, which you don’t protest, and he finishes it in about three swigs. 
Mina’s sitting on the other side of you now, Denki and Jirou migrating over and taking Bakugou and Kirishima’s spots on the floor. You wonder where they went, noticing that Izuku is gone as well. “Are we the only ones left?” you ask, looking up at Sero, and he nods his head towards the back door.
“The others went to get some air,” he tells you. 
“Why don’t we play Never Have I Ever?” Mina offers, and if you were sober, you would call her out on how suspicious her voice sounds, knowing that she’s up to something, but in your state, you can only focus on Sero’s body against you.
“She’s not drinking anymore,” Sero tells her.
“That’s okay. We can just use our fingers,” she offers, and you shrug, figuring that there’s nothing else to do. The questions start off pretty tame, but that doesn’t last very long, and you can feel your face growing warm at the questions the more taboo they become.
“Never have I ever used sex toys,” Mina says, and your face seems to get even warmer, but your finger doesn’t go down. “So, what do you use?” she asks you, her voice genuine. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” she adds.
“I just, um…” you start, still feeling a bit nervous to admit it even though you’ve got alcohol running through your veins. “Squeeze my legs. I’ve tried using my fingers, but it feels kinda weird.” You hide your face in Sero’s chest for a second, laughing a little before you turn to everyone else.
“Have you had sex before?” Jirou asks, prompting you to shake your head.
“I haven’t had a boyfriend before,” you admit softly.
“Really?” Mina gasps, and you nod your head, shrugging.
“I guess I just never saw someone that I liked,” you respond honestly. “But at the same time, I wasn’t really looking for one.”
“I get that,” Mina supplies. “So, you’ve never done anything?”
“Not really, I’ve just made out with a couple of guys but that’s it.” You’re not really shy to admit that since everything is out in the open now, and everyone moves on to the next question. The last of the drinking is jello shots, and you only take one since Denki made them so strong, and you can feel yourself getting drunk all over again.
The game stops a little while after, and everyone leaves to raid Sero’s kitchen which he just rolls his eyes at, and he looks down at you. “You okay?” he asks, poking at your side, and you giggle a little, nodding your head.
“Yeah,” you answer, looking up at him. You’re about to say something else, but you slowly close your mouth as you rethink it.
“What’s on your mind, baby?” You feel like you could be on cloud nine hearing him call you that, and you want to hear it again. He frowns a little when you push off of him, barely being able to stand up due to how much you’re wobbling. He keeps his hands out to make sure you don’t fall, and you stand in front of you him.
And what you do next is definitely because of the alcohol because there’s no way you would do it sober. You take his hands, moving them to the side before you straddle his lap, and his eyebrows raise high on his head, and you smile, finally being able to do something to catch him off guard.
“I really like you, Sero,” you say softly, leaning forward so that your face is barely away from his, and he huffs a little, smiling widely. He laces his fingers with yours, and you laugh softly as you ignore that voice in your head screaming what in the hell are you doing.
“Really now?” he teases and you nod quickly.
“Yeah. But I dunno if you like me,” you voice aloud.
“Don’t worry that pretty little head, sweetheart. I like you, too,” he answers, tugging a little at your dress since it’s ridden up, and you forgot that you’re not really wearing the right thing for the position you’re in. You smile widely, reeling at his answer, and you rest your forehead against his.
“Do you wanna kiss me?” you ask, and he watches you for a bit before he answers.
“Definitely. But I’m not gonna do it now.”
“Why not?” you whine, pressing your head against his a little more.
“Because I wanna make sure you know what you’re saying. You’re drunk.”
“I know what I’m saying, I promise,” you pout, and he laughs softly, moving your hands from side to side.
“I know, baby, but I don’t wanna do anything you’re not gonna like,” he presses, and your pout only deepens, and you let his and your hands fall to your sides as you sit up.
“You don’t wanna kiss me?” you ask, and he can’t help but look at you, seeing how your dress hugs every curve of your body, the end of it threatening to expose even more skin.
“Fuck,” he mutters, and you let go of his hands to wrap your arms around his neck, looking at him in instead. “Shit, don’t look at me like that.” He carefully sets his hands on your waist, taking a quick breath. “Of course, I wanna kiss you, just not right now.”
What he wouldn’t give to be able to touch you how he wants to, defile you in ways that would make your mind go numb, but he doesn’t he remains strong. But you’re surely but slowly breaking his will down. 
“I’ll remember it, I promise,” you try again, letting yourself fall forward, resting your face in his neck. “Just one, Hanta?” you whisper in his ear, and his fingers twitch at your sides, releasing a loud groan. 
Damn it, you smell so good, and Sero can feel himself getting lost in how your smell surrounds him. “Fuck, I gotta get you home,” he says, standing up with you in his arms. He sets you down, fixing your dress, and you’re still wearing that same pout that’s about to be his undoing. “I’ll be right back, okay?” You nod anyway, and he quickly dashes to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water before telling everyone that he’s taking you home. 
He grabs your hand to guide you to the door, and he grabs his jacket, helping you put it on before he goes to his car. He helps you buckle in before getting in himself, and the whole ride back to your dorm is just him with a tight grip on the steering wheel as he listens to you talk. You’re halfway through the bottle of water he gave you, and you think you’re sobering up since you feel a headache coming on.
You’re feeling more like yourself once he gets to your dorm, and he walks you to your dorm once you both get out of the car. “You sobering up yet?” he asks you softly, and you nod slowly, pushing at your forehead when you start to feel the pain of the headache.
“Yeah, my head’s starting to hurt.”
“Make sure you finish that and eat something, okay?” he tells you, but you don’t nod, instead you turn to him.
“I don’t think I’m drunk anymore,” you tell him, and he steps closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“You sure?” he questions cautiously.
You nod quickly, but you can definitely feel some liquid courage still running through your veins, and you wrap your arms around his neck. God, he’s so much bigger than you, it does something to you that you’ve never felt before. It also doesn’t help that his jacket practically engulfs your frame, and his smell is even stronger now that you have it on.
He moves his other hand to your body, and both of his hands rub up and down your back, making your body react way more than it should. He takes a step closer to you, and you nearly hold your breath in anticipation. “Please, Sero,” you whisper, and he smiles for a split second, slowly letting his head come down to yours.
Right as you try to kiss him, he pulls away slightly, and you groan softly, tightening your arms around his neck so that he can’t go any further. What you were gonna say to him gets lost because his lips are suddenly on yours, and you’re glad his arms tighten around you because you swear you’re about to fall.
It feels like fireworks have been set off as you kiss him, feeling like the world has stopped. You hear something, and it takes you a while to realize that it’s coming from you, a moan slipping from you that he swallows. He groans as he deepens the kiss, pulling you into him until he can’t anymore. 
You’re nearly on your toes because of how tall he is, and you wish this moment would never end, but it does shortly after, and you feel yourself chasing after Sero when he pulls away. “You okay?” he teases, seeing how hard you’re breathing, the glossy look in your eyes making him want to stay.
You nod, and he easily lets you pull him toward you again, kissing him just as hard until you have to pull away to catch your breath. You want to tell him that your roommate isn’t here, but you feel like that might be too fast, and the other part of your body screams at you for being an idiot.
“Text me when you get into your room, okay?” 
“Okay,” you giggle, feeling giddy and like you’re on top of the world. “Text me when you get home,” you add, and he kisses you again quickly. Fuck, he’s got to leave before he gets ahead of himself. “See you later, Hanta,” you say warmly.
“I’ll see you soon, baby.”
You watch him get into his car and drive off before you go into your building, and you’re so tired that you don’t bother to change out of your clothes, only taking your shoes and socks off. You text Sero before you lay down, and you fall asleep almost immediately, but not without a smile on your face.
The first thing you think when you wake up is that the after-effects of drinking absolutely suck ass. You groan at the headache you feel, and you’re about two steps from throwing up. You grab your phone to see what time it is, and that’s when you see a text from Sero.
Good morning, beautiful
Text me when you get this
You smile at it, texting him back as you wonder if you have any pain medicine in your dorm. You set your phone on your bed, getting up slowly so you don’t throw up last night’s dinner, and you start your search. As you’re looking, you’re remembering everything that happened last night, and you feel embarrassed about how you acted at Sero’s house.
You stop in your tracks, letting your face fall in your hands as you think about you nearly pounced on him last night, a loud groan following as you think about it. But then you’re immediately smiling when you think about how the night ended, and your embarrassment is subsided a little. Before you can start looking again, you get a text. You grab your phone, seeing that it’s Sero, and you panic a little when he tells you that he’ll be over in about twenty minutes.
You dash to the bathroom, brush your teeth, get in the shower and fix your hair, and put on some clean clothes. Right as you finish putting lotion on, he texts you that he’s here. You take a deep breath, to calm both the nerves and the nausea, and you head downstairs.
When you walk outside, he’s standing there with food in his hand, and you sigh at the sight of it. You hug him when you get to him, and he hands you the food as he leans down to kiss you softly. “You sleep well?” he asks, and you nod, looking in the bag to see what he got you.
He follows you to your dorm, and you’re glad that you cleaned all of your clothes before leaving last night. He sits with you on your bed as you eat, and you nearly moan when you finally start eating, totally forgetting to last night since you were so tired.
“Is your head hurting?” Sero asks, and you nod, balling the bag up once you’re done eating.
“I haven’t had time to find my pain medicine,” you tell him, and he pulls out a bottle from his pocket.
“I brought it just in case.” You smile, grabbing it from him and taking the medicine. Once you swallow the pills, you throw your trash away before finding your spot next to him on your bed. You don’t know if you should talk about what happened last night or what the events could mean, but Sero starts talking as you think. “So, what do you remember from last night?”
“Everything,” you admit honestly, biting your lip as you once again think about how you acted last night. “Sorry about how I acted. I don’t know what came over me,” you apologize, and he chuckles softly, opening his body toward you.
“Don’t apologize,” he starts, “it was nice to see that shy side of you disappear.” You laugh a bit, putting your face in your hands anyway, figuring it’s going to take a while for you to finally get over your embarrassment. “But, you’re also really cute when you’re shy,” he whispers, pulling your hands from your face.
“Do you really like me?” you find yourself asking, ignoring his previous words even though your face is about to catch on fire.
“Yeah, I do,” he states. “I wouldn’t have said it otherwise.” He’s so close to you, and you want to kiss him again, but now that the alcohol isn’t in your veins anymore, you don’t know if you can bring yourself to do it. “What are you gonna do about that?” he questions, and for a brief second, you wonder what he’s talking about, but then it dawns on you. 
You carefully lean forward, softly planting your lips on his. You feel the same way you felt last night, those feelings are even stronger now that you know your feelings are reciprocated. He lets his hand rest on your cheek, deepening the kiss just a little before he smiles. “Your roommate coming back?”
“She moved out,” you answer quickly and his smile widens.
“Good.” He kisses you again, shifting your body so that you can fully lay down on the bed, and you revel in the feeling of his weight on top of you. He laces his fingers with yours before moving them above your head as he gently lets his tongue touch your lips. You easily let him in, finding yourself moaning again as his tongue swirls with yours. 
Your heart is racing as your body heats up, feeling overwhelmed already from just kissing him. You slide your hands out of his so that you can wrap your arms around his neck, wanting to feel more of him on you. His fingers run under your shirt now that they’re free, and a deep shudder runs through your body when his fingertips ghost over your skin. 
He pulls away, kissing under your chin and down your neck, and you don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on in your life. Your stomach caves in a little when he runs his big hands over it, and you want him to do more, but he doesn’t, keeping his lips on your skin.
“Hanta,” you whisper.
He lifts his head up to look at you, smiling at the look on your face, but his hands don’t stop moving. “What’s up?” You don’t know if you’ll be able to voice out loud what you want, biting your lip a little as you look off to the side. He uses one of his hands to guide your eyes back to his, and your fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Talk to me, baby. What d’ya want?”
“More,” you mumble after a while, and he raises a playful eyebrow at you. You don’t think he heard you at first since he doesn’t respond right away, but he speaks before you can think to say anything again.
“More what?” he presses, and you’re pretty sure he knows what you mean, but he makes no move to prove that. “I’m no mind reader, sweetheart,” he muses, and you pout a little, trying to get the courage to tell him what you want.
“I want you to touch me,” you try, and his fingers push against your skin lightly.
“I’m already doin’ that.” Your frown deepens, and you want to wipe that grin off his face.
You huff softly. “I want you to touch me more,” you eventually say, and you hope he gives in because you don’t know if you can say anymore, your face feeling like it’s about to be on fire. 
“More how?” he questions softly, and he moves his hands up your torso slowly, his fingers reaching under your bra. You nearly jump when his fingers brush over the underside of your boob, and you slightly push your chest up into his touch. 
He sits up suddenly, and you fight the urge to whine at the loss of heat as he pushes your shirt up lazily. It’s like he’s moving in slow motion, starting at your stomach again before running his fingers up and over your bra. “You want me to touch you more here?” he asks, putting a little bit of pressure on the fabric where your nipple is, and you jump at the sudden stimulation, nodding your head as you stay silent.
He uses both of his hands to run over your nipples, but the barrier between your skin and his fingers makes you even more frustrated. “Hanta,” you huff.
“What? You told me to.”
“You’re not touching me,” you argue softly. “You can take it off,” you manage, and you almost stumble over your words, surprised that you can even get them out.
“Can I now?” he teases, but he moves his hands under you to unhook your bra, and he helps you take your shirt off before sliding the straps off your arms and letting it fall to the floor. He’s just staring at you, and you can’t help but squirm as his silence goes on.
“What?” you whisper, moving your arms to try and hide, but he quickly catches them, moving back down to the bed.
“You’re so beautiful, that’s what,” he eventually says, and you would cover your face if you could.
“Oh,” you say timidly.
“I can touch you, right?” he asks, and you nod quickly, feeling like he’s been teasing you this whole time. “Use your words, baby.”
“Y-Yes, Hanta.” His hands are soft against your skin when he touches you again, gently massaging your chest before his fingers run over the hardened peaks, and you jump against your will, moaning softly.
“You’re so sensitive,” he whispers, applying a bit more pressure before he lets his head fall to your chest. You can’t help but moan again when you feel his tongue swirl around one, continuing the stimulate the other one by rolling it between his fingers.
You start to squirm at the sudden pleasure, never experiencing this feeling before, and it almost feels overwhelming. You feel your breath getting caught in your chest when he switches, kissing your skin in between as he goes. Your fingers slide into his hair like you’re trying to find an outlet to try and release how good you’re feeling. 
Sero can only smile against you as he feels you moving under him, lifting his head up as he lets the sounds you’re making fill his ears. When he makes eye contact with you, you look away, fighting the urge to cover your eyes. He puts his mouth on you again while his other hand trails down your body, and he hooks his fingers underneath the waistband of your shorts.
The movement has you jolting a bit, and he lifts his head up to look at you again. “Is this okay?” he whispers, and when you hesitate to answer, he’s sitting up a bit, moving until he’s hovering over you. He laces his fingers with yours before he kisses you softly.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do. We can go as fast or as slow as you want,” he reassures.
“I’m just nervous,” you mumble.
“It’s okay to be nervous,” he reassures. “But just say the word right now, and we’ll stop, and we can do something else.”
“We can keep going,” you start. “And you can take them off.”
“You sure?” You nod quickly, and he doesn’t push you to speak, kissing you again instead. You feel his hands ghost down your sides, and when he gets to your shorts, you tense up against your will. “Relax, baby,” he whispers against your lips, and he pulls back a little so he can look you in the eyes. “Can you breathe for me?”
He takes a deep breath in that you copy, following him when he breathes back out. You’re not as tense as you were before, but he can still feel it. “Sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, pretty girl. We don’t have to rush anything, we got all the time in the world.” 
“What if I don’t like it?” you find yourself asking. You don’t think that’s really going to be the case, but there’s something that’s stopping you, and you’re trying to figure out why.
“Then I’ll stop, and we can do something else,” he repeats, and you know that you don’t want to stop. You take another deep breath, allowing yourself to fully relax. “I’m not gonna do anything that’s gonna hurt you or anything you don’t want.”
You hold his gaze for a bit before you give him a small nod. “...okay.”
“So, what do you wanna do?”
“I wanna keep going,” you answer softly. “I’m sure, I’m just in my head a little,” you admit.
“Just let me know if you wanna stop at any time, okay?” he tells you again, and he smiles at you when you nod. You lift your head up just a bit, and you don’t need to say anything, Sero already leaning down to meet your lips. You sigh softly into the kiss when you feel his hands at your chest again, letting the pleasurable feeling keep your body relaxed.
Now that you’re feeling a bit better, you’re eager for Sero to touch you more, moving your hips just a little in hopes that he gets the hint. You don’t know if it works, but you feel one of his hands move down until it hits your shorts. He waits a little bit for any shift in your body language, and when he doesn’t feel anything that raises concern, he grabs the waistband of your shorts.
You lift your legs up to help him take off your shorts, and he lets them fall out of his hands as his eyes land on you again. He’s just staring at you, and you can’t close your legs because his hands are on your legs, keeping them open.
“W-Why are you staring at me?” you ask, gripping the sheets in your hand by your sides.
“Cause you’re so pretty, baby. Why else would I?” he answers, but he doesn’t look you in the eyes when he does. “All of you is so pretty,” he whispers, and he shifts so that his face is closer to your pussy. “Can I touch you?” 
You tense again just a little, but this time in anticipation, finding yourself taking another deep breath. “Yes.” You’re nearly breathless, and you don’t even know why, and he rubs over your legs, gasping a little when they go towards the crease where your thighs meet your hips.
“Just relax, baby. I’ll make you feel good, don’t worry.” He lays down so that his chest is fully on the bed, and he continues to rub over your skin while he kisses down your thighs. He grabs your legs so that they sit on his shoulders, and you watch as he leans in closer to you, closing his eyes before taking a deep breath in, the action making your face flame. “God, you smell so good,” he mumbles against your skin, his nose in your bush, and you don’t even know if you’d be capable of saying anything due to how flustered you are.
You jump when he suddenly licks at your clit, your surprise only making you gasp. He does it again, and this time you moan, feeling his hands tighten around your thighs when you start moving. Once he starts, he doesn’t stop, his tongue never leaving you, and you try to bite your lip to conceal the noises you’re making, hearing how loud you’re getting.
When he pulls away, you think he’s giving you a break, but not even seconds after his tongue leaves you, he rubs his thumb over your clit. Your toes curl, feeling your body move into the pleasure at the same time it’s trying to move away from it. He rubs his fingers through your folds as he continues to circle at your clit, and your hands are starting to hurt by how tight you're gripping your sheets.
“You okay with me touching you more?” he asks, and you nod quickly, more caught up in your enjoyment than his words. You jolt when you feel his finger prod at your hole, and your body tenses up again without a second thought. “Just relax. I got you,” he reassures, rubbing over your thigh again. 
As he pushes his finger inside of you, he keeps his eyes on you, but you let your head fall back, feeling your brain being split between focusing on relaxing and the new feeling of your walls being stretched. “You okay?” 
You can only let out a breathy answer, giving him enough to let him know that he can keep going. You can’t really tell how wet you are, but the fact that you can hear his finger sliding in and out of you is enough to tell you. The feeling of you being stimulated from the inside feels foreign and a little weird, but it’s outweighed by how good it feels.
Sero puts his mouth back on your clit as he slides in another finger, and you wince a little at the burn you feel from the stretch, but it doesn’t last long because he curls his fingers, pressing firm on your walls. You let out a surprised yelp that delves into a moan, a bit embarrassed that you made the noise, and you cover your face as the squelching gets louder.
You can hear Hanta moving, feeling his finger rubbing at your clit again as he starts to speed up his fingers inside of you. Your moans become uncontrollable when it starts to feel like he’s reaching into the deepest part of you, and your arm slides over your mouth. He’s quick to pull your arm away, and he guides your face to his with his fingers on your chin.
“Look at me, sweetheart,” he whispers, and it takes you a moment, but you eventually do, even if your eyes want to close because of how good he’s making you feel. “Why you hiding from me?”
“B-Because,” you try, softly grabbing onto his wrist when you feel your pleasure starting to mount. “I sound weird,” you rush out, your mouth falling open as your eyes slip closed.
“Weird?” Sero muses, a sly grin appearing on his face. “You sound like music to my ears.” He leans down to kiss you, tasting yourself on his tongue, and he swallows every sound you’re making. He slides one of his legs to the side, pushing it into yours when your legs start moving a bit too much for his liking.
You pull away when it seems like he’s going even deeper inside of you, and that’s when you start to feel it. You can’t really explain it, but in the back of your head, it kind of worries you, and your grip on Sero’s wrist tightens. “H-Hanta, w-wait,” you moan even though he doesn’t stop, but you don’t think you want him to. “I f-feel weird.”
“Is that a good weird or bad weird?” he questions playfully.
“I d-don’t k-know,” you whine, feeling tears at your lash line, and you throw your head back onto your pillows, words the last thing you want to try and form. 
“It’s okay, baby. Just let it happen,” he coaxes softly, and you can barely hear him, only really hearing your heartbeat in your ears. It feels like something’s building up right below your tummy, and this is something you’ve never felt before. It’s honestly starting to scare you, but focusing on Hanta’s words helps that feeling diminish.
You finally start to figure out what it feels like, but you don’t think you can warn him in time. “Hanta!” That’s the last thing you can get out, feeling whatever was building up snap quickly. Your back arches off the bed, your moans so loud, you’re pretty confident that your neighbors could hear you, but right now, you don’t give a fuck.
Your legs tremble violently, but Sero keeps moving his fingers, moving with you so that he can do so. You quickly push at his hand as you roll onto your side, feeling like you’re completely overwhelmed by the sensitivity. He finally gives you some peace, sliding his fingers out of you, and you’re breathing like you just ran a marathon. 
You roll back onto your back, letting your legs stay open since your core is so sensitive, and when you look down, you see that not only your sheets are soaked, but so is Hanta. You quickly remember that feeling you had right before you came, and embarrassment swallows you whole. Your face falls, and you immediately put your hands over your face, but you can’t roll over and hide like you want to because Hanta’s in between your legs.
“What’s wrong, baby?” you hear him ask, but all you can do is shake your head, wanting a giant hole to swallow you up right now. “Are you okay?”
You jump when you feel his hand on your thigh. “I can’t believe I just did that,” you whisper, and it’s loud enough that Hanta can hear it.
“Did what? Squirt?” You freeze a bit before you slowly let your hands fall from your face.
“What?” He carefully sits you up by pulling you by your arm before he kisses you softly, having a hard time concealing his chuckle.
“You squirted, sweetheart. You didn’t pee on me,” he explains, and he really can’t hide his laugh. “It’s totally natural.”
“O-Okay,” you murmur, and he kisses you again, deepening it a bit.
“And it was really hot,” he whispers against your lips, and you feel your face heat up once again. “Wanna see if I can make you do it again.” You gasp softly at his words, and you feel his hands run up and down your thighs. “Not right now, of course,” he adds. “Did you feel good?”
You nod, feeling a quick wave of arousal run through you at how good it was. You’ve never cum like that before, and you don’t think you can ever go back. “What about you?” you ask after a while, glancing down at his shorts, and your eyes widen a bit when they land on the very obvious bulge in between his legs.
“You don’t have to worry about me,” he says, and you frown a little bit at that.
“But I want you to feel good too,” you respond and he groans softly.
“Yeah?” You nod again, feeling shy at what you might have to do, but then he’s pushing you down softly. “Then just lay there for me, okay?” You move back until you’re fully laying down on the bed, and you watch as he sits up on his knees before shoving his shorts down his body. Your mouth falls open a bit when your eyes finally land on him, and you’re having a hard time looking away. “You like?” he teases, and you don’t have to hide your nod.
His fingers are still wet from your release, but he slides them into his mouth anyway, moaning softly when your taste floods his tastebuds. He glances at you, smiling when he sees that you’re watching him, and he breathes out of his nose when he wraps his hand around his dick.
You sit up on your elbows before you fully sit up, your face inches away from his shaft, and you really get a good look at it. You’ve seen your fair share of dicks unfortunately at the hands of unsolicited dick pics, but this is the first one you’ve seen in person. And you don’t know if it’s because you’re really attracted to him, but it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. 
He’s so long, the tip being a pretty pink, and your eyes follow the veins that go from the tip all the way down to his balls. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?” he questions, and you tear your eyes away to look at him. 
“I wanna touch you,” you mumble, and his movements falter for a split second at your words. He grabs your hand, and you feel yourself clench around nothing when he slides your fingers into his mouth. You watch as he guides your hand, and you quietly hum at how hot it feels. You wrap your hand around him, just wanting to feel him in your hand, and he bites back a moan.
You’re definitely out of your element here, but you move your hand anyway, trying to copy what he was doing moments before. “Am I doing okay?” you ask, looking up at him, looking at him so eagerly yet completely innocently.
“Jesus,” he breathes, feeling like he might bust in two seconds. “Yeah, baby, you’re doing great,” he answers with a quick nod. “You can go a little bit faster.” You do what he says, and he balls his hand into a fist, letting out a soft groan. Honestly, this is probably the best handjob he’s ever gotten. It doesn’t (or does) help that you’re looking at him like that, and he can feel himself twitch in your hand. 
You tighten your grip just a little whether you meant to or not, and he lets his head fall back on his shoulders as he swears. He decides he definitely wants to look at you when he cums, and he grabs your hand to stop you even though he absolutely does not want you to. “Was that good?”
“Yeah, but I just want you to lay there and look pretty for me,” he says, and you lay back down, spreading your legs a little, and he groans at the image under him. He’s quick to put his hand back on him, pulling the bottom of his shirt up into his mouth. His pace is pretty quick since he’s so close, and he keeps his eyes on you, seeing how you’re watching the tip of his dick disappear under his hand on the downstroke.
“Fuck,” he moans, and his breath catches as he watches your hands migrate toward your chest. His hips buck as he watches you roll your fingers over your nipples, and you moan softly at the feeling. “Shit, baby, keep touching yourself for me.”
You move one of your hands down your body, your fingers slowly inching towards your clit, and he waits in anticipation, his dick twitching again when you finally start rubbing that bundle of nerves, moaning a little bit louder as your toes curl. “M still sensitive,” you admit, and he huffs out a laugh.
“I know, angel, but you look so good.” He swears again, his tip leaking even more. “God, the things I wanna do to you.” He starts to curl in on himself when he feels that knot building up in the base of his spine, his hips bucking into his hand. “Shit, I’m gonna cum.” He doesn’t stop, his breath catching in his chest before he finally falls over that crest. He fucks himself through his orgasm as he spills on the sheets and over your legs. 
He keeps going until his nerves tingle from the overstimulation, and he lets his head fall back on his shoulders as he catches his breath. “Holy shit,” he sighs, quickly lifting his head and leaning down with his body hovering over you. He kisses you, lacing his clean fingers with yours and sliding his tongue in your mouth. He rests his head against yours after he pulls away, and he can’t wipe the smile off of his face.
“Did you feel good?” you ask softly, and he chuckles quietly, squeezing your hands.
“Yeah, that was amazing.” You give him a shy smile, and he can’t help but kiss you again. He gets up shortly after to clean you and himself up, and he tells you to hop in the shower while he changes your sheets. When you get out, he’s already changed clothes, and he pulls you into your bed. You laugh but go with him anyway, squeezing into your tiny bed. 
He moves you to lay on top of him, and you quickly find yourself drifting off. He’s rubbing over your back, and you feel him kiss the top of your head, his breathing lulling you to sleep.
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You really don’t know what to call your relationship with Sero. You never got around to asking him, and now it’s been a week since the events that went down in your dorm. You know that he feels the same way about you, but you don’t know if that means that he actually wants to date you. Honestly, the thought of just being friends with benefits with Sero leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Besides your schoolwork, that sinking feeling is what clouds your thoughts nearly every day. You’re scared to ask him because you’re afraid of hearing something that you don’t want to hear. You still hang out with him, but you haven’t spent any time alone with him since you’re usually with your friends. He always sits next to you, keeping his arm around you, but that’s as far as it goes. You don’t know if your friends know anything, but the more you spend time around Sero, the more conflicted you feel.
You’re in the library tonight, trying to make up for lost time since you didn’t really get a lot of studying today, but you can’t focus. You try everything; playing music, playing one of your favorite shows, even going so far as to not play anything, but nothing works. You sigh heavily as you put your elbows on the table, rubbing over your head.
“Looks like somebody’s studying too hard,” you hear, and you turn your head to see Hanta standing behind you. Your heart skips and sinks all at the same time, but you smile at him anyway, hoping you're masking your inner turmoil.
“I was trying to make up for not studying earlier, but it’s not really working,” you say, looking back at your work. You sigh again right before you feel his hands on your shoulders, and you feel yourself relax as he massages them a little. 
“Come on, let’s get you outta here,” he whispers, and you feel yourself hesitate, talking to try and buy yourself some more time.
“Where are we going?” you ask, turning to look at him when his hands slide off your shoulders.
“We could go back to my place,” he offers, and your face warms almost instantly.
“I’m not really in the mood for…” you start, and he smiles at you, leaning down so that his face is in front of yours.
“Mood for what?” he teases, and you can’t bring yourself to say it in the middle of the library but he keeps talking. “Don’t worry, baby. I wasn’t thinking of anything else. If you go back to your dorm, you’ll just try and study until your brain hurts.”
He has a point, and you sigh internally that he doesn’t want to do any of what you did last week. You think about it, but that part of you that likes him so much ultimately makes the decision for you. “Okay,” you respond, and you start packing your stuff up.
He grabs your hand after you stand and put on your backpack, and you both walk out of the library. You’re quiet as you walk to his car, suddenly surrounded by a tornado of thoughts. He doesn’t call you on it, even when you’re quiet all the way to his house. 
“Lemme give you a tour,” he says when he opens the door to his house. You both take your shoes off at the door when you close it, and you follow him into the house. “You already know the kitchen and the living room,” he starts, and he gestures to the sliding doors further into the house. “Backyard.”
He shows you the bathroom downstairs before you follow him upstairs. There’s another bathroom, his room, and he stops in front of another door when you walk further into the hallway. “And this is my art room.” He opens the door, gesturing for you to go first. The first thing that fills your nose is the strong smell of paint, and you look around when he turns the light on.
There are painting all over the room, some of them hanging on the walls, and there are papers on the floor in a couple of corners of the room. The desk he has is covered with stacks of sketchbooks, and you can see where he keeps all of his supplies in the bookcase that lines one of the walls. “This is really nice,” you comment, stopping in the middle of the room where one of his easels is. 
You walk over to one of the paintings that you can see, carefully running your fingers over it. “This is so beautiful,” you whisper, and you freeze for a bit when you feel Sero wrap his arms around you.
“You can have it if you want,” he says, and you look at him over your shoulder.
“Of course. You inspired it after all.” You look over it again, seeing the flowers that he picked from the bush that one day all over the painting. They’re all different sizes, and you squint, leaning your head forward as you really look at it.
“Is that…me?”
“I was wondering how long it was gonna take you,” he chuckles, and you can definitely start to see it now. Even though the flowers cover the painting, the negative space around them creates an image of you. “Painted it that night,” he adds.
“What are you gonna call it?” you ask, trying your best to keep your negative thoughts at bay.
“I dunno yet, even though there are a million words I could use to describe how beautiful you are.” It takes absolutely no time for your face to go warm, glancing at the painting before you look down at the floor, having a hard time concealing your smile.
But it doesn’t take long for your thoughts to derail. He could honestly be saying all of these things just to say it. There could be no meaning behind them, only an intention to keep you here. And it’s working. 
Your smile falls, and Sero spins you around in his arms before he kisses you softly. “C’mon, there’s one more place I wanna show you.”
He takes your hand, and you follow anyway even though you want to leave and crawl in your bed. He turns the light off, walking you further down the hallway. You can see a door, the windows covered with some curtains, but you don’t say anything. Sero stops at the door, pulling you so that you’re now in front of him.
“Open it,” he urges softly. 
You open it, stepping through the door slowly as you realize that you’re on a small balcony. But it’s decorated with string lights, and there’s a blanket in the middle. Your mouth falls open softly as you take it in, seeing that there are a couple of baskets on the blanket.
“What is all this?” you ask, but he doesn’t answer, instead ushering you to sit down. He sits down next to you, pulling out all of the food he packed in the baskets, and you truly don’t have any words. 
When he’s done, he hands you a plate, and you silently fill it, wondering what’s going through his head. He does the same, but he sets it down quickly after, grabbing your attention by gently wrapping his fingers around your leg. He scoots closer to you, moving your legs so that they’re in between his.
“You know you’re really good at wearing your thoughts on your face,” he tells you softly, and you chew on your lip as pick at the edge of your plate.
“Isn’t that a bad thing?” you say, forcing a chuckle, and he takes your chin in his fingers so that you’re looking at him again. 
“Not for me because then I know when something’s wrong.” He keeps talking after you don’t respond. “I should’ve made this clear from the beginning, but I don’t want just a sexual relationship with you. I feel a lot for you.”
You take in his words, but that insecurity is still eating at you. “Isn’t that too fast?”
He smiles softly. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”
You answer in your head almost immediately. Of course, you do. It’s what happened with your parents. They met each other in college and have been inseparable since.
You nod shortly after he asks you. “Then I wouldn’t consider this too fast. At least not on my end.” He grabs your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. “But if this is too fast for you then that’s okay.”
You shake your head, but you don’t say anything right away. “It just feels weird, I guess. I dunno how to describe it,” you eventually say even though you know it probably doesn’t explain anything. “I’ve never done anything like this before or really liked someone. I guess I’m just protecting myself.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Sero responds. “But you don’t have to feel bad about stuff like that. There’s a first time for everything. And we can go as slow or as fast as you want.” You give him a small smile, your mind finally letting his words go to heart.
If Sero just wanted to keep this relationship casual, you probably would’ve gone with it until you weren’t satisfied anymore. But at the same time, the thought of only being someone who only warms his bed made you feel horrible. Maybe it was love at first sight, and you just didn’t know it yet. Hearing how he actually feels about you made your heart race once it finally hit you.
“I’m just relieved that you feel that way,” you admit. “I don’t know if I would be okay with anything else.”
“You coulda just talked to me about it, baby.”
“I know, but I was afraid of your answer. I was worried you were gonna say something that I wasn’t gonna be happy with.”
“Well, I’m gonna tell you again,” he starts, setting your plate aside and grabbing both of your hands before he kisses over your skin. “I really like you, and I want you to be mine. If you’ll have me.” You can’t help but smile from ear to ear, leaning forward to kiss him, and he meets you halfway.
“Aren’t you supposed to ask someone on a date before you bring them to one?” you ask playfully when you pull away.
“Let’s say I was just being optimistic,” he jests, and you laugh softly before you start eating.
The balcony faces the city, and with the sun going down, you can see how bright it is even from far away. You and Sero talk about anything and everything until you feel full, wondering how long it’s been since you’ve even eaten anything today. 
When you’re done, Sero leans back against the house, pulling you with him so you can sit in between his legs. You lean back against him, and he wraps his arms around you, letting them rest on your lap. 
You let your head fall back on him as you sigh, letting everything you were worried about wash over you. It seems a bit silly that you were worried about anything in the first place, but you don’t put too much blame on yourself. You don’t know how long you sit outside just listening to the sounds of the city, but eventually, you feel yourself getting tired.
When Sero offers for you to just stay at his place for the night, you don’t protest since it’s the weekend. He cleans up everything on the balcony while you get ready in the bathroom, and he gives you a shirt to sleep in when he gets done.
You feel like you could fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillows. Sero turns off the lights after he closes the door, sliding into the bed next to you. He wraps his arm around you, and a smile pulls at your face when you feel him kiss your forehead. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he whispers.
“Night, Hanta.”
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You didn’t really have any expectations going into your relationship with Hanta mostly because you had never dated someone before. You felt like there were obvious things you would want out of a relationship, but when it came to dating specifically, you didn’t really know what you were expecting.
You were honestly a little worried that Hanta would feel a certain type of way because of that fact, but you both talked everything out, and it definitely helped your doubts. It was a little awkward for you to talk about everything, but once it was all out in the open, you were glad you had the conversation in the first place.
Even without dating in the past, you knew that you weren’t that big on PDA, and Sero was completely okay with that. You didn’t mind holding hands with him or whenever he would wrap his arm around you when you were sitting together, but you did mind kissing him whenever you had to part ways. It’s just not something you’re comfortable with, and Hanta never pushes you to do so which always makes you feel better. But if he feels like there are little to no people in the near vicinity, he’ll sneak a quick one before walking off to his next class. 
Being with Sero makes you ridiculously happy, to the point where you find yourself smiling almost all the time until your face hurts. Even your friends that you had before you met Mina called you out on it. You honestly hadn’t caught up with them in a while since you don’t really share any of the same classes, and they were practically drowning you with questions once you spilled that you’re dating someone now.
You didn’t really make a big deal about telling everyone once you started dating, and you already had a feeling that your friend group knew anyway, so you never got around to mentioning it to anyone else. Sometimes, in the back of your head, you still have a little bit of doubt, like all of this isn’t real, but whenever you spend time with Hanta, that voice becomes minute.
You’re already nearing the halfway point of the semester which means your birthday’s coming up soon. It always seems to come up out of nowhere especially when you’re surrounded by a bunch of schoolwork along with midterms. You don’t really like to announce when your birthday is coming up, sometimes never really caring for the attention it sometimes brings.
“So, what are your birthday plans?” Hanta asks, and you shrug as you type up the essay you have to write, finishing your thought before you turn your attention to Hanta.
You’ve been spending a lot more time at Hanta’s place, only staying at your dorm if your schedules don’t add up well. You’d say you’ve practically moved into his house, most of your stuff cluttering nearly every room. Sero surely doesn’t mind you staying and spending the day and night with him since that means he just gets to see you more.
“I wasn’t really planning anything, honestly,” you answer, sliding away from Hanta’s desk before spinning around in the chair. He’s sitting on the bed with a sketchbook, the pencil resting behind his ear.
“Really? But it’s your birthday.” You chuckle softly, standing up and walking over to the bed. You decide that you’ve done enough work for now, and a break is much deserved. You sit down, copying the position he’s in as you rest your back against the headboard.
“Well, parties always seem to fall apart whenever I try to plan them, and my birthday falls on a weekday this year anyway,” you say. “Usually the only thing I try to worry about is not crying on my birthday since it happens almost every year,” you add with a laugh, but there’s nothing that Sero finds funny about that.
He frowns a bit before he pulls you towards him, and you don’t know what he’s trying to do at first until he tugs at your thigh softly. You shake your head but move anyway, straddling him, and he pulls you into a hug before you can barely settle down. “You shouldn’t be crying on your birthday, angel,” he whispers into your hair, and you huff before you pull back to look at him.
“Yeah, I know, but it’s not like I can control what happens on my birthday.”
“But it’s your birthday,” he emphasizes, and you smile even though you can feel the bad memories of past birthdays sneaking up into your mind.
“So? To everyone else, it’s just another day.” He doesn’t seem too happy with your answer, but he doesn’t question you about the subject anymore. He moves his hands to your face, pulling you down so that he can kiss you softly.
“I promise that you won’t cry anymore on your birthday as long as I’m here,” he declares, and it takes you by surprise for a split second. You can feel tears stinging your eyes, trying to come out, but you fight them for as long as you can. 
“That’s a big promise,” you tease, but you can’t stop the tears no matter how hard you try, and you drop the act almost immediately. Sero wipes them away gently, and you rest your forehead against his. “Thank you, Hanta.”
“Of course, baby.” 
You always try to play off how much that fact bothered you, but hearing what Hanta said just made you realize how many times you’ve actually cried. Some people might call you overdramatic, but you’ve always hated crying on your birthday, feeling like you shouldn’t be. Of course, you can’t control life, but the fact that it still happened bothers you.
But being here with Hanta right now tells you that his promise isn’t empty. 
You still didn’t make any plans for your birthday because your birthday was on the busiest day of your week, and with all the work you had, you wanted nothing more than to just be with Hanta and in bed once the weekend hit.
Honestly, the morning of your birthday started off great because the professor of your first class of the day canceled class the day before, so you didn’t have to wake up stupidly early. It was also nice because you woke up and Hanta was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes followed by a soft happy birthday.
He cooks you breakfast and you spend the morning with him until you have to finish the rest of your day on campus. When you had to go, you found yourself feeling more upset that you had to leave Hanta, but you knew that you’d see him once you both were done for the day. He drops you off, kissing you deeply before you get out of the car.
You thank him softly as you close the car door, giving him one last smile before you start walking to your class. You check your phone on the way, seeing that you’ve gotten messages from your friends and family, and you assume that Sero must’ve told his friends because the group chat you were added to is full of happy birthday texts.
You smile as you read them, sending a reply once you get into the lecture hall. You don’t lose your smile the entire time you’re sitting in class or the entire day for that matter. You can’t remember the last time you’ve been so happy on your birthday, and you wonder if anything could top it. You assume because you’re so happy is why the day goes by so fast; your lab being one of the quickest you and your partner have ever done.
You have to hold back from skipping out of the building, breathing in deeply before you start to walk to where you’re meeting Hanta. You try to hold it in, but once his car is in sight, you’re close to running over to it. 
“I’m guessing someone had a good day,” he comments when you get in, and you lean over the console to kiss him.
“It went surprisingly well. I got out of lab so early today.” He grabs your hand, lacing his fingers with yours before he drives off, resting your hands on the console.
“I’m glad to hear that. You sure you don’t wanna do anything today? You have the time,” he asks, and you shake your head earnestly.
“No. I still have some work I need to finish up, and I wanna get it done so I don’t have to do anything this weekend,” you answer. “Also, I like spending time with you anyway.”
He smiles at that, kissing the back of your hand gently. When you get back to his house, you decide that you want to shower before you get into your work, wanting to decompress before you start working your brain. 
When you’re done and dressed, it doesn’t look like Hanta’s been in his room yet, and you hear your stomach rumbling. Eating hadn’t even crossed your mind today mostly because your body never told you that you were hungry and because the day when by so fast. You walk downstairs to try and find him so that you can ask him if he’s hungry too.
When you walk into the kitchen, you see that Hanta’s already got food on the table and before you can get his attention, you see that it’s from your favorite place. You walk up to him, wrapping your arms around him, and he jumps before you feel him relax against you. “You gave me a heart attack,” he laughs, and you smile as you let your head fall against his back.
“Sorry,” you mumble, and you loosen your grip a bit so that he can turn around. “Thank you for today, Hanta.”
“You’re welcome, baby,” he tells you softly, brushing some of your hair out of your face. “No tears today, right?” You smile widely as you shake your head. “Good,” he whispers. “You hungry?” You nod, staying quiet, and he pulls you to the table so that you can eat. 
The food seems to taste even better than it usually does, and that only seems to boost the amount of serotonin that’s running through your body. You both eat in comfortable silence, Hanta eventually breaking it when you ask him how his day went. You find yourself looking at him the entire time he talks, and this might be the first time that you’re thinking about how much you actually like him.
He’s been nothing but supportive since you met him; making sure you’re taking breaks when you’re studying, making sure you’re not studying too hard, and helping you out when you need it even though he never really understands what you’re doing. And now doing all this for your birthday. You wouldn’t say that your heart starts racing, but you definitely feel something run through you that feels amazing.
“I got one more thing for you,” he tells you, breaking you out of your thoughts. “But you have to close your eyes.” You playfully frown at him, but you do it anyway, hearing him shuffling around, the sound of plates being moved and stuff being opened filling your ears. You honestly have no idea what he’s doing, and then you hear a plate being set down in front of you. “You can open them.”
You slowly peel your eyes open, gasping softly when you see a cupcake with a candle on it. It’s nowhere near a birthday cake, but there’s not a single part of you that cares. Hanta sits down next to you again, scooting his chair closer to you before softly singing happy birthday. You’re smiling so big that your face is hurting, and he kisses you once he finishes singing.
“Make a wish, sweetheart,” he whispers against your lips. You pull away, closing your eyes for a few seconds before you open them and turn to blow out the candle. “What’d you wish for?”
“If I tell you, it won’t come true,” you say, laughing softly.
You wished that you could be this happy for the rest of your life, and you’re pretty sure that whether you tell Hanta or not, this feeling will never leave.
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It’s the weekend already and you still feel like you’re on top of the world. Since you got a lot of work done, you’re not doing anything this weekend, and you spend most of your Saturday in bed with Hanta. You had absolutely no plans, only getting out of bed to eat and then throwing yourself under the covers right after.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna go out today?” Hanta asks you softly, and you look up from your phone, locking it before you smile at him.
“I’m sure. I just wanna spend today doing nothing.” You move closer so you can kiss him, keeping it a little longer before you pull away, going back in to give him another one. "Doing nothing with you, of course," you whisper, shuddering a bit when you feel his fingers rubbing at your hip.
"Really?" he hums quietly, smiling a little as his hand finds its way under your shirt. His finger picks at the side of your underwear, and your toes curl at the motion. He lets his hand drift down your thigh as you nod, and a soft gasp leaves when his hand fits its way in between your legs.
"Well, what if I told you I had something planned today?" he says as his fingers ghost over your folds. 
"L-Like what?" you manage, your answer delayed when he pulls your underwear out of his way. He rubs his thumb over your clit as he slowly slides his leg in between yours so that he can keep touching you. 
"Try and guess, baby," he teases as his finger rests at your entrance. You sort of hear what he says, but you're not totally focused on it, your attention mostly on his fingers. 
"I dunno," you mumble, your eyes closing as he slowly slides into you. He shifts, carefully maneuvering you onto your back as he speeds his fingers up, and you bite your lip to try and conceal your moans.
You've done stuff with Hanta since that day in your dorm, but you haven't slept together yet. That's not really a big deal for you, but you can't help but think about how it would feel. If he's making you feel this good just from his fingers then it'll probably be tenfold when he finally fucks you.
Even though you've been in this position before, you're still so shy about it, and that does more to Sero than he'd like to admit. All it takes is a circle of his fingers, and you're putty in his hands as you hide your face with whatever you can.
You try to put your arm over your face, but he puts a stop to that before you can even get to your face like he knew it was coming. You feel tears leaking out of your eyes when they screw shut as that familiar feeling in your stomach starts to form.
He carefully pulls your lip from between your teeth, allowing every sound you make to be fully audible to his ears. "H-Hanta, 'm–" Your breathing starts to become airy as your hand grabs onto his wrist. 
"Yeah, angel? You gonna cum?" he asks, waiting for your quick nod before he looks down at where his hand is disappearing inside of you. He can hear what his fingers are doing, the digits glistening every time he slides them out of you.
You start to move away from him slightly as the pleasure starts to become overwhelming, but Sero follows your every move. "C'mon, sweetheart, wanna see if I can make you squirt again."
You can't really hear what he's saying, your heart racing so fast you can hear it in your ears. You feel yourself gasp before your orgasm hits you like a truck, feeling like time stops before your legs start to shake as that knot snaps.
"Fuck, there it is," Hanta groans as you coat his wrist in your release. You're squeezing his fingers so tight that you nearly push him out, but he pushes through to let it run its course. "Such a good girl for me, angel."
You push at his wrist, whining his name until he finally slows down, the squelching you hear when he slides his fingers out is enough to make your already warm face even hotter. 
Your chest is heaving as Hanta's arm drips with your slick, and he slides his fingers into his mouth, groaning loudly as the taste of you fills his mouth. Your arms are resting over your face as you catch your breath, shivering when you feel it running down your legs.
"You made such a mess, baby," Sero whispers, and you can hear the smile he's wearing on his face, but you feel your face grow warm anyway, barely peeling your arms away.
"Sorry," you mumble, and his smile widens as he pushes at your arms softly. He kisses you once he gets your arms down, letting his tongue swirl in your mouth, and the kiss alone is almost enough to get you going again.
"Don't be sorry, sweetheart. I love making you do it," he says against your lips. He rubs over your body, kissing your forehead. "You okay?" 
You give him a small smile as you nod, your legs quaking when you move them even the slightest bit. Your phone rings, scaring you a bit, and you feel around for it, seeing Mina's name on the screen.
"What's up?"
"I need you to go shopping with me today, I'll be there in twenty." And then she hangs up. You pull the phone away from your ear, scoffing as you put the phone down. Sero chuckles softly as you shake your head.
"That girl, I swear." It takes you a while to finally get out of bed, but when you do, you slowly make your way to the bathroom. You shower, wincing a bit at the sensitivity you're still feeling as you wash yourself.
You're dressed and ready right as Mina pulls up, and Sero gives you a kiss goodbye before you walk out of the door. "Have fun, okay?" You nod, giving him a hug before you walk out to Mina's car.
“Did I really have to tag along today?” you ask once you get in the car, and Mina rolls her eyes as she drives off.
“Of course, you did. I didn’t get to see you on your birthday.”
“Well, I did have class that day. I didn’t wanna do anything too crazy,” you say. Mina drives to the mall, saying that she needed someone with her so that she wouldn’t buy too much stuff along with wanting a second opinion on whatever she tried on.
You shook your head but went with her anyway, and you didn’t intend to buy anything of course, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look around. You walk around the store, nothing really catching your eye until your eyes land on a dress.
It’s nothing too over the top, but it could be for any occasion if you dress right. “You like it?” You jump at the sound of Mina���s voice next to you, looking over to see her arms filled with clothes.
“Yeah, it’s really cute,” you comment, running your hand over it so that you can feel the fabric.
“You should at least try it on then. Come on, I’m gonna try this stuff on too.” Once you grab the dress off the rack, she’s pulling you toward the dressing room. You wait for Mina to try on all of her stuff, and there are actually a few times when she needed a second opinion. She decides to get most of the stuff that she tried on, leaving the ones that she doesn’t want on the rack.
“Okay, your turn.” She nearly pushes you into a room, closing the door behind you. You try it on, turning around as you look at yourself in the mirror. It is really pretty, and you start to consider getting it when Mina softly knocks on the door. 
You laugh as you step out, letting her see it. “Oh, my God, you look so good! You should get it!”
“You think?” you ask, looking down at yourself.
“Yes! I’ll even buy it for you.”
“Mina, you don’t have to do that.”
She rests her hands on your arms. “Just think of this as your birthday present,” she responds. “Seriously, it’s no big deal. Also, there’s a sale going on, and if I spend enough money I get rewards,” she adds when you start to look unsure.
“Only if you want to,” you relent, and she smiles widely before letting you go back into the room to take the dress off. 
You walk out of the store with just your dress in your hands while Mina has two bags. “So, was that all you had planned today?” You look over to see that Mina’s looking at her phone, and she looks up at you before pocketing her phone.
“I was thinking of getting some food. You hungry?” You shrug before you nod, and the both of you head over to the food court. Mina offers to get the food while you find a seat, and she brushes you off when you try to pay her back, using the birthday excuse again.
You don’t know how long you sit with her and talk about anything that comes up, continuing the conversation long after you’ve finished eating. You offer to throw her food away, and when you come back, she’s looking at her phone again. “Is everything okay?”
She looks up quickly. “Yeah, Denki’s just stressing about something that’s no big deal.” You chuckle as Mina collects her bags. You figured that she was done with what she needed, but then she proceeds to take you to almost every store that you pass by. You don’t mind it at first, but when you come out of the sixth store and she hasn’t bought anything, you start to get just a teensy bit annoyed.
“Mina, you haven’t bought anything in over an hour,” you speak up, and she looks at the time on her phone.
“Wow, time really does fly! I’m ready to go if you are.” You nod eagerly, sighing to yourself in relief. When you walk out of the mall, the sun is down which really tells you how long you’ve been out because the sun was about to set when you walked in.
Mina drives by her place to drop her stuff off, and she urges you to put the dress on. “It’s good to make sure you still like it,” she presses, and you put it back on without much of a fight, sighing when you walk back out so she can see it. “Perfect! We have one more place to go to.”
She grabs your arm, pulling you out of her house. “Mina, wait!” You didn’t even get to take the dress off, but she’s already locking her front door and pulling you to the car. You want to ask Mina what she has planned, but then she’s pulling into Sero’s driveway.
You can barely get out of the car before Mina pushes you towards the door. “Open it!” You give her a suspicious look but open the door anyway. You frown when you see how dark it is in the house especially when Mina closes the door, but before you can question in, the lights turn on. 
“Surprise!!” You jump when all of your friends jump out from where they were hiding, and you can see birthday decorations plastered all over the room. You’re frozen in shock for a little bit, only moving when Mina puts a sash and crown on your head.
“What in the world?” you find yourself asking as you walk further into the house. 
“Happy birthday!” Mina yells, giving you a hug. 
“You did all this?”
“Nope, this was all Sero’s idea.” Mina walks away as Hanta comes up to you, and you haven’t stopped smiling since the surprise was revealed.
“Happy birthday, baby,” he tells you, leaning down to kiss you.
“You purposefully had Mina get me out of the house for this?” you laugh, and he laughs with you as he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Yep. Sorry, you were out for so long though, we got started later than I wanted.”
“I thought I was never gonna leave that mall,” you sigh, and he laughs again before gently pulling you towards the party. 
There aren’t a lot of people here, but it’s your closest friends and it’s more than enough. The crown and the sash are definitely overkill, but you make no move to remove them during the night. Almost everyone got you something, and even if it’s something small, you still love it regardless. Sero brings out a cake later on, and with everyone surrounding you, you feel that same feeling of happiness you were feeling earlier in the week.
Everyone cheers when you blow out the candles after they sing, and as Mina starts to cut the cake, you feel tears forming in your eyes. “What’s wrong?” Hanta whispers. He’s sitting next to you, turning your head toward him so that he can wipe your tears.
“I’m just really happy,” you say, sniffling as you smile widely. “Thank you for this, Hanta. I love it.” You lean over to kiss him softly, having a difficult time wiping the smile off your face.
“Of course, angel. I’m glad you’re having fun.” 
You stay glued to Hanta’s side for the rest of the night, sharing a slice of cake with him. He never leaves your side either, and the house is filled with laughter and conversation. You wish that this moment could last forever even though you know it won’t, but for the first time in a long time, you’ve really enjoyed your birthday. And it’s all thanks to Hanta.
“What?” he asks you when he catches you looking at him.
“Nothing,” you whisper, shaking your head. You don’t give him any more than that, and he doesn’t push you, tightening his arm around you as he kisses your forehead.
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The end of the semester sneaks up on you a lot faster than you like. All of a sudden, you’re stacked with last-minute exams all the while preparing for your final exams. You spend a lot of time studying with Mina since the class you share is the first final exam you both have. 
You wouldn’t say you’re worried about it, but the content isn’t the easiest and the exam is cumulative which makes you a little bit uneasy. Luckily, it’s your hardest class this semester, so you have a little bit more room to allow this class to take up most of your study time. 
Sero's been busy as well, trying to finish up most of his projects before classes end. He volunteered to present his work at an art show the art department is hosting, but his professor suggested creating something new instead of presenting pieces he's already done.
Of course, he had talked about this with them way before the semester was coming to a close, but he couldn't really find any inspiration, and now he had nothing to present. He has maybe one painting that he might use, but it's not his best work.
You've been taking it easy the last couple of days since you and Mina thoroughly studied out your brains, so you won't see her anymore until you're taking the exam. This means you've been with Sero more, but you notice that he's still in his art studio even though he was there before you left.
You had been going back and forth from your dorm to the library and vice versa since you were studying, and as much as you loved spending time with Sero, you wanted to keep your mind clear and focused.
When you finally get back to his house, you slowly step into the art studio, seeing Hanta standing in front of a half-painted canvas.
"Have you been in here for the past couple of days?" you ask him softly when you walk up to him. He turns to you, and you easily let him fall into you, his head falling into your neck as his hands loosely rest on your hips.
"Yeah. I don't know what to do about this art show," he mumbles.
"Well, what you have so far looks good," you comment, turning your head a little to look at what he’s already drawn
"It's not good enough for me, though." 
“Maybe you should take a break,” you offer softly. “You’ve been working on this for a while. Maybe if you step back for a bit, something will strike.” You don’t know if he’s listening, but you start to move toward the door anyway.
You grab his hand once the distance between you starts to increase, but it takes a little bit of pulling on your part to get him to move. You pull him to his room, and you lay down on the bed first, pulling him onto the bed when he doesn’t move once you get comfortable.
He lays on top of you, and you turn the TV on, putting on one of your favorite shows before you set the remote aside. You run your fingers through Hanta’s hair while your other hand rubs over his back. Hanta sighs heavily but he focuses on the TV anyway, and he realizes how much he missed being with you. 
He hadn’t really been paying attention to how much time had passed because he was stressed about his work. He’s glad you pulled him out of there because he’s already starting to feel at ease, his shoulders aching when he relaxes from how long they’ve been tense. He can feel his eyelids growing heavy as he tries to watch the show, but he doesn’t keep it up for long, letting them fall closed.
Hanta swears that he only closed his eyes for a second, but when he opens them again, the TV is off, and it’s dark in the room. Hanta looks around, seeing that you’re not laying in the bed with him, and he looks at the clock on his nightstand to see that it’s late at night. He rolls over, feeling like he could sleep for longer even though he just found out he slept all day.
But then his stomach grumbles loudly, and he knows there’s no way he can go back to sleep now. He yawns loudly as he sits up, taking a couple more moments to wake up a little more before he stands. He brushes his teeth to get that taste out of his mouth before he heads toward the stairs. He’s looking for you as he makes his way down to the kitchen, and he can hear music coming from downstairs along with smelling something really good.
He yawns again as he gets to the kitchen, seeing you stirring something on the stove as you sway to the music that’s playing. He waits until you set the spoon down to try and get your attention, and you jump when you feel his hands at your waist.
“You really don’t make any noise when you walk,” you breathe, and Sero chuckles softly, looking over your shoulder to see what you’re making. “I’m pretty sure you’re starving, but I didn’t wanna wake you up. You were sleeping like the dead.”
“Yeah, I can’t remember the last time I’ve gotten some sleep,” he responds. You turn around with a small frown on your face.
“You need to take better care of yourself, Hanta,” you scold lightly, pressing your finger to his forehead gently. He smiles, grabbing your hand so that he can plant a small kiss on your skin.
“Yeah, I know. I just got too caught up…but it might happen again,” he admits, and you roll your eyes at him.
“Well, you should eat. I’m almost done.” He hums as you turn around, and you feel his arms wrap around you, but he doesn’t let you go. You shake your head, but let him stay since you’re almost done cooking anyway.
You make a plate for the both of you, and you carry both as Hanta stays attached to you until you get to the table. You wonder if he’ll make you sit in his lap since he seems to be super clingy right now, but he lets you have your own seat. It must’ve been a while since he’s eaten because you’ve barely made it halfway through your plate, and he’s already done. 
You made more just to be on the safe side and you’re glad you did. You offer to make him another plate once you finish up yours, handing him the plate before washing yours in the sink. You clean up the dishes you cooked with while Sero finishes eating. You sit on the counter while he washes his dish, and neither of you makes any move to start a conversation.
He dries his hands off before stepping in between your legs, and your hands slide over his shoulders. He leans down so that his face is inches from yours, and you both look at each other in the eyes, laughing softly. “Hi,” he whispers, letting his hands move under your (his) shirt.
“Hi,” you echo, and he kisses you gently. “Are you gonna be staying up again?” He sighs softly before he shakes his head, moving his arms so that he can rub over your thighs.
“I think I still need to take a break,” he answers. “Were you gonna go back to sleep?”
“No, I kinda took a power nap earlier, so I’m gonna be up.” He nods and you look around, looking back at Hanta as you smile. “I was gonna bake some cookies if you wanna do it with me,” you offer.
He chuckles as he steps back so you can get off the counter. You grab all of the ingredients you need, and he grabs all of the supplies you’ll need. When you went out to the store earlier in the week, you didn’t really know what cookies you wanted to make, so you both just make a handful of all of the ones that you wanted.
Making the batter takes longer than it should since Hanta either keeps trying to eat the raw batter or keeps hitting you with the flour. The latter causes flour to be all over both of you, the counter, and the floor. An hour has passed before you finally put all the cookies in the oven.
“You’re gonna have to clean all this up, you know?” you tell him as you wash your hands. He washes his hands after you before crowding you against the island.
“Yes, ma’am,” he muses before he grabs you by your hips to set you on the counter. “You just sit here and look pretty.”
“That was my plan,” you jest, and he smiles, kissing you on the forehead then your nose and lips before he starts cleaning. You listen to the music you’re still playing as the sweet smell of the cookies fills your nose. You both hum to the music as Hanta moves all the dishes into the sink so that he can wipe off the counters.
You slide off the counter to check on some of the cookies after you check the time on your phone, and you gently hip-check Hanta out of the way so you can open the oven. You laugh when he pokes you in your side, and you use the handle of a spoon to check if they’re cooked through.
One of the pans is finished, so you slide an oven mitt on your hand and pull them out. You set them on the stove as you close the oven. The pan has sugar cookies on them, and they were the first ones that you and Hanta made. Instead of sitting on the counter while you wait for them to cool off, you wrap your arms around Hanta, resting your head on his back.
You always talk about how clingy Hanta gets, but if you think about it, you’re probably doing it just as much as he does. You don’t know how to explain it; it just feels natural, like something that just feels right. Every time you’re near him, it just feels like your whole mood gets better. Sometimes, you don’t even realize how down your mood is until you’re in Hanta’s arms.
He’s almost done washing everything while you continue to check the cookies and take them out if they’re fully cooked. When you finally get the last pan out of the oven, you turn it off before you try a sugar cookie. Hanta turns to you right as you take a bite, and you hold it out to him for him to do the same. He takes a bigger bite than you did, so you let him have the rest of the cookie.
You both don’t eat all of the cookies since you just finished eating dinner, but you do eat a few from each pan. “Mm, I love this song,” Hanta says as he finishes a cookie. You finish yours as he grabs your hands to pull you to the living room so you can hear the song better.
You’ve never heard the song before, but you follow him anyway. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him as he starts to slowly spin around in a circle. You let your arms loosely wrap around his neck as he softly hums the song. He sings the lyrics as he looks down at you, and you smile at him as you listen to him.
You close your eyes after a while, and you rest your head against his. It’s like time slows down as the song surrounds the two of you, and Hanta moves your head so that it’s resting on his chest. He rests his chin on the top of your head gently as he hums the song.
As the song comes to an end, you can feel the energy you got from your nap earlier running out, trying your best to conceal your yawn, but Hanta hears it. He doesn’t say anything, pulling you upstairs to his room. You practically flop onto the bed, feeling the rush of fatigue hit you suddenly. 
Sero slides into bed next to you after turning the lights off, and your blinking is already slow when he pulls the blanket over the both of you. “Goodnight, baby,” Hanta whispers before he huffs a bit. “Or good morning, I guess,” he adds, noting how the sunrise is starting to peak through the curtains.
You hum softly, a small smile appearing on your face for a bit before your face falls. “Goodnight, Hanta.”
When you wake up, you roll over before you notice that you’re alone in the bed. The sun is well up in the sky, and you would just go back to sleep, but you really have to pee. You groan softly, throwing the blankets off of you and stretching when you stand. After you use the bathroom, you decide to see where Hanta went.
You check his art studio first since it’s on the same floor, and you call his name softly as you push the door open. You walk in to see him painting, and he’s so focused that he doesn’t even hear you come in. You walk a little closer to him, calling his name a little louder so that you don’t scare him as you approach him.
He quickly looks over his shoulder, and he gives you a quick kiss on the lips before he turns back around. “What’re you doing up?”
“I had to pee,” you tell him as you look at what he’s doing before you look over him, seeing that he’s covered in paint, having it all over his face, fingers, arms, and torso. “How long you been at it?”
“I only slept for like an hour, I dunno,” he nearly mumbles, and you don’t really press him with any more questions. 
Mina had warned you about this a while ago, telling you that whenever inspiration strikes, he’ll work until it’s finished, and there’s almost nothing that could break him from it. You decide you don’t want to get back into bed by yourself, so you grab a blanket from his room.
He has a couch in his studio, so you make yourself at home, laying down and curling yourself under the blanket. You watch him work, wondering what inspiration struck him since he was in such a slump not too long ago. You notice that he has the song that was playing last night that he was singing, and it makes you smile as the memories fill your head.
Once you settle into the couch, you can feel yourself starting to feel sleepy. You didn’t check the time when you woke up, but it doesn’t feel like you got much sleep, so you don’t fight it when it comes back.
When you wake up, Hanta is in the same position that you last saw him in. He seems to be working on something different, and you starting to think that he’s been at this for a while now. The music is still playing in the room, and your stomach grumbles a little when your body starts to shake the sleep off.
If you’re hungry, then Hanta has to be as well, but you don’t think you’d be able to pull him away for even a second. You go into the bathroom to brush your teeth before you go downstairs to try and figure out what you want to eat. When you walk into the kitchen, you see that it’s completely empty, so Hanta must’ve put the cookies up earlier.
It’s nearly the afternoon, so you’re not really in the mood for breakfast, so you just decide to heat up dinner from last night. You make yourself a plate before grabbing two bottles of water and making your way back to the studio.
You set yours on the couch while you put the other one on the floor next to the easel that Hanta’s using, but not in a spot where he could knock it over. “Hanta, you should eat,” you try.
“In a minute, I promise,” he hums, and a smile pulls at the corner of your lip as you roll your eyes. You hold out some of the food on your fork in Hanta’s direction, and he barely registers that it’s there. You try to put it in his line of sight, and he eats it off the fork, but he doesn’t take his eyes off the canvas.
You feel a little better that he has something on his stomach even if it isn’t a lot, but you don’t want to risk ruining his painting, so you give him his space and sit back down on the couch. This is honestly how you spend the next couple of days. You try to get a little bit of food in Hanta’s stomach, and you notice that he’s drinking the water even though you’ve never seen him pick up the bottle.
You sleep on the couch whenever fatigue gets to you because you don’t want to be in a different room than Hanta, and you want to make sure that he doesn’t pass out or anything. Every time you wake up or walk back into the room, he seems to be covered in more paint than he was the previous time you saw him. Once a couple of days pass, you wonder if he’s going to make the deadline for the art show he mentioned.
You didn’t ask him if what he was painting was for that event because you were confident you weren’t going to get an answer from him. But you’re hoping that he’ll be done soon because you miss him. This is the first time since you’ve met that his attention has been on something longer than it’s been on you. You try to ignore the jealousy you’re feeling, but sometimes it can’t be helped.
You’ve dozed off again, and you can hear someone calling your name, but you’re trying to figure out if it’s coming from the real world or your dream world. As you start to become more aware of the voice, you can feel something rubbing at your cheek. You open your eyes slowly to see Hanta squatting down in front of you, his face level with yours.
“Hanta?” you mumble. “Are you done?”
“Yeah, I am,” he answers softly with a small smile. You look past him to see that he’s added another canvas to the three he already had. “Thank you for taking care of me, baby.”
You practically gush at the praise, that smile he always wears would make you melt like it always does if you weren’t laying down. “Of course. Can’t have my boyfriend passing out on me.”
He chuckles a bit as you yawn. “Why don’t you get in bed? I’m gonna shower, and I’ll be in there with you soon.” You make a noise of protest but slowly get up anyway. Hanta quickly kisses you on the forehead before you leave, and you make the short walk to his room, crashing on the bed once it’s in reach.
You pull the blanket up to your chin as you snuggle into the bed, getting comfortable since you’ve been sleeping on the couch for a while. You fight sleep for as long as you can, wanting to wait for Hanta to slide in next to you. You fall asleep eventually, not realizing it until you feel something running over your face.
You slowly peel your eyes open, Hanta’s face coming into view and becoming less blurry. “Hey, angel,” he whispers, and you smile weakly before moving closer to him. “Go back to sleep.”
“But I wanna talk to you,” you mumble. “I haven’t spent time with you in, like, days.” Your words are slow since you’re so tired, but you keep talking anyway. You lift your head up, resting your chin on his chest so that you can keep looking at him. “And I didn’t see you today because I had that exam.”
“Oh, shit. I forgot about that. I’m so sorry.” 
You slowly shake your head. “Don’t worry about it. I know you had stuff to do too.”
“So, how do you think you did?” he asks, smiling at how sleepy you are.
“I don’t think I did great, but I don’t think I failed either,” you respond. “But I hope that Mina passes because she’ll have to take the class again if she fails.”
“Ah, I’m sure she did fine,” Hanta says, wrapping his arm around you as he guides your head to lie down on his chest. “Now, go to sleep, baby. You’re stupidly tired.”
“Yeah, but I wanna talk to you,” you say softly even though you’re letting the fatigue take over.
“You can talk to me as soon as you get some sleep. I’m not going anywhere,” he whispers, kissing the top of your head.
You went to the art gallery to see the paintings that Sero made since he wouldn’t let you see them until they were displayed. They were beautiful of course, and you were mostly impressed that he was able to finish four paintings in less than a week. Neither of you stayed long, and you helped him bring all of them back to his house.
He puts them up in his art studio, and you really look at them. “I can’t believe that you did this in so little time.”
“I had you to thank,” he says, wrapping his arms around your middle. “Having a muse is no joke.”
You laugh a little, shaking your head as you sink into him. “You always say that.”
“Cause it’s true,” he presses. “I made all of this because you were the one that pulled me away when I wasn’t making any progress. You inspired all of this.” You can’t help but smile, and when you really look at each one, you can see things in the paintings that relate to what you and Hanta had been doing for the last week.
“Well, I’m glad I could help,” you respond softly, the beauty of his paintings really hitting you when you realize that they represent the two of you. God, you really like him, and by the looks of his art, he feels the exact same way.
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Second semester is well underway, and you're so glad that you didn't stack it up this time. It's not exactly smooth sailing, but you're not drowning in work and due dates this time. Since Hanta will be graduating early, he's been doing a lot of work on his senior project, which takes up most of his time when he's really focused on it. The thought makes you upset if you think about it for too long, but Hanta's always making sure that you're not dwelling on it. Just because he's graduating doesn't mean that he'll be going anywhere.
By prioritizing your time, you give yourself a lot of free time on the weekends, which allows you to really reset before the next school week. You usually spend this time catching up on your Animal Crossing island or continuing your journey of reaching perfection in Stardew Valley. You hang out with your friends if you're feeling up to it, and sometimes you find yourself forcing Hanta to take a break when you notice he's been working for too long.
"Hanta, I know your hand is hurting like a bitch," you comment after you've seen him shake his hand multiple times as he looks over his work. "At least lay with me," you try, pulling softly on his wrist. "You've been working nonstop, you can't keep doing this."
He finally stands with a sigh, a tired smile appearing on his face when you look up at him, your smile beaming. You pull him into his room, and he lays on top of you when you get on the bed. You grab your switch as you start to explain everything that you've been doing so far in the games you're playing. His breathing starts to become more even, a little slower, so you lower your voice as you continue talking.
"I love you." You freeze mid-sentence because you were sure he was fast asleep. You pause your movements before you look down at him, and he's looking at you, his eyes half-open.
"What?" you whisper, his words finally starting to register in your head.
"I love you," he repeats. "You don't have to say it back, don't worry," he adds. "I just wanted to tell you because it's all I think about when I look at you." You let your hand fall to the side as he talks so that you can really look at him. "I really love you, like a lot."
You can tell he's about to fall asleep because his words are starting to jumble together, but you're still at a loss for words. "And I love when I wake up next to you, and I love how you take care of me," he continues before rubbing his face against your chest. "I really got lucky with you."
It's the last thing you hear him say before he finally goes to sleep, and you feel so overwhelmed with emotions, you don't know how to feel. You fight the tears in your eyes that you're certain came from your overwhelming happiness before you rub over his head.
He stirs a bit, but he doesn't wake up, and you stare at him for who knows how long before you get back to your game.
Hanta’s laying on the bed, half-watching the show that’s playing on the TV. He adjusts himself against the headboard once his lower back starts to ache a bit as he hears you coming back from the bathroom. His attention is totally focused on you when you carefully walk into the room, your attention on your phone. 
Your hair is slightly damp from detangling it in the shower, but Sero's more fixated on what you're wearing. You've got a lot more skin showing than usual, a tight fitting tank top on your body, and the lower half is only covered by your underwear.
He quickly moves over to your side of the bed as you plug your phone up, and he catches your wrist when you set it on the nightstand. "What's this?" he questions softly, making a point to only look at your body, and you look down at yourself before you look at him with a frown.
"What's what?" you say, sliding your fingers in between his. "My clothes?" you add with a quick laugh. He pulls you towards the bed, and you easily follow, getting on the bed on your knees before he guides you to sit in between his legs with your back against his chest.
You get comfortable, relaxing against him as he looks down your body over your shoulder. "It's different," he mumbles, resting his hands on your hips, one of them playing with the hem of your tank before dipping underneath to rub at your skin.
"Good different or bad different?" you ask quietly, and Hanta keeps his eyes on your chest, continuing to touch your body as he watches your nipples harden, eventually peaking through the material.
"Oh, sweetheart," he starts, finally looking you in the eyes. "There is nothing bad about this." Both of his hands make their way under your shirt as you gently place your hands on his thighs. "Why the change, hm?"
You were kind of hoping he wouldn't notice, but you are wearing something that you haven't really worn before, at least not at his house. You usually wear his shirts and shorts to bed, occasionally underwear if you feel like it, but you've never worn anything this revealing before.
You can thank Mina for that. You had been thinking about doing more with Hanta, but you didn't know how to start the conversation without being so awkward. So, you asked Mina and she said that this would help, but you don't know if you can even bring yourself to say it.
It took you about five minutes after putting your clothes on to walk out of the bathroom. "I just get hot at night sometimes," you say softly, looking away.
"Really?" he hums before his fingers reach your tits where they rub over them gently, purposefully avoiding your nipples. "Well, as long as you're comfortable." You don't respond, your breath catching in your chest a little due to Hanta touching you.
You try to focus on the show that's playing, but it's impossible. Your legs slide across the bed and against his legs as his hands divide into two paths across your body. One of his hands rubs in between your legs, but he keeps his fingers over your panties.
His other hand rubs over your stomach before he softly cups your tit. His finger gently rubs over your nipple, and your toes curl as you bite your lip, having such a hard time keeping quiet. He dips his fingers further down your body, smirking to himself when he can feel how you're soaking your underwear.
"Hanta," you mumble when you feel his lips on your neck.
"What?" he teases, letting his fingers dip under your panties, and you jump a bit when they immediately find your clit. You moan quietly when he rubs at your sensitive bud, and he moves his hand up to pull your shirt above your boobs.
He plays with the most sensitive parts of you, your head eventually falling back on his shoulder as your legs starts to struggle to stay open. You grab onto his wrist gently, but he doesn't stop touching you, and you almost forget what you were actually trying to do in the first place.
You don't know if you can even bring yourself to say it, and in your head you say that you need more time to boost your confidence, when in reality, Hanta's fingers are just too good. You let your eyes close as his fingers prod at your entrance, moving his hand from your chest so that he can continue to rub at your clit.
He doesn't even have to slide his fingers all the way in for you to feel your orgasm rising. You turn your head to the side, your grip on his wrist tightening as he kisses you softly. You can barely keep up with it, and he uses your distracted state to claim your mouth, letting his tongue move around yours before sucking on it.
You gasp into his mouth, your back arching away from him, and Hanta smirks as he watches you before turning his attention to where his fingers disappear under your panties. "You close?" he whispers even though he already knows the answer, his smirk turning into a smile when you quickly nod your head.
Your face screws up in that way that he loves, and you start to move into his fingers, which causes you to grind against him. He's already hard, so you moving gives him a little bit of challenge as his focus gets split just a little. His jaw clenches as he focuses on you and making you cum, encouraging you through it.
You cum with a gasp of his name, your body shaking as you try to keep moving your hips. He keeps his fingers moving until you start to settle down, and he easily slides them into his mouth after taking them out of you. You call his name again, and he hums as he looks down at you.
Your eyes are barely open, but he can see how your pupils are blown wide, and he'll never get tired of reducing you to this state. "What's up, baby?" he asks, using his other hand to rub over your tummy again.
"More," you start, and before he can press you about what you mean, you move your face into his neck.
"Can't give you what you want if you're not looking at me, angel," he counters softly, grinning when he can hear you whine a little.
You take a couple of deep breaths before he feels you move your head. "I wanna feel you," you mumble, "...inside me."
Hanta feels his world stop for a little bit as his dick twitches. His breath gets caught in his chest for a second, but he recovers quickly. "You sure?" You nod quickly. "I don't wanna hurt you," he continues even though there's nothing more that he would love to do.
"Maybe just the tip? I don't care, I just wanna feel you." He can't stop the groan that comes out of him. "Please, Han."
"Okay, okay, baby. I gotcha," he coos softly, moving so that he can lay you down. You watch him straddle you, and you look down to see that he's very much hard. He kisses you gently, rubbing his thumb over your cheek. "Are you sure?"
You nod quickly again, reaching for the top of his shorts, but he's quick to put his hands on top of yours. "And you'll tell me if you wanna stop."
"Yes, Hanta," you answer quickly. "I promise." You look him in the eye to let him know that you mean it. You try at his shorts again and this time he lets you, helping you slide them down to his knees. He pulls your underwear down and off your legs as you admire what's in between his legs, and you can feel your nerves start to come back.
Now that you're starting to lose that post-orgasmic high, your thoughts are starting to run wild again. You watch as he reaches into his nightstand, pulling out a condom, and reality starts to set in for you.
He looks at you again before he opens it like he could feel how nervous you are. "We don't have to do this, sweetheart," he reminds you again.
"I-I know, but I want to," you answer before your eyes trail down again. "You're just...really big," you breathe, saying the last part under your breath.
"And I'm not gonna go all the way unless you want me to, okay?" He leans down to kiss you, taking his time to help you ease your nerves. You can hear him rip the wrapper open, and you pull away to look at his hands.
"Do we really need that?" you ask, your voice genuine.
"Yeah," he answers, nodding his head. "I don't trust myself," he adds, but you don't seem to hear him because you're watching him slide the condom on. It's been a while for him, and he definitely doesn't trust his pull-out game, especially if he goes in raw. He grabs a pillow, having you lift your hips up so he can slide it under you.
You jump when you feel his fingers touch your hole, and he's quick to rub your thighs with his other hand. "Relax, baby, just breathe." He moves a little closer to you on his knees so that he can keep your legs open, and he uses his thumb to rub at your clit as he stretches you open.
You're still a little sensitive from your orgasm, but it doesn't take long for you to start soaking his fingers. "You ready?" he asks, and you nod quickly, giving him a verbal confirmation He guides himself towards your entrance, and he continues to rub your leg. "Relax, okay?" he whispers before he moves again. He rubs at your clit, which is definitely welcomed when you feel him start to push in.
It's definitely bigger than his fingers, and you wince just a bit, your breath catching for a second. The stretch starts to feel good though, and you can't help but moan as he keeps moving after you urge him to by gently pulling on his arm. You look up at him when he groans, seeing that he's let his head fall, stilling himself as he lets his hands fall beside you on the bed.
"How you feeling?" he asks after he takes a deep breath, lifting up his head to look at you.
You look down at where he's currently disappearing inside of you as you nod. "I'm okay, it feels kinda weird," you say honestly. "But you feel good." A low moan escapes him before he carefully bends his arms so that he can kiss you. "Can you move?" you ask against his lips.
He nods, moving inside of you a little deeper before sliding back out. It's not enough to really make you feel anything crazy, but you do feel better and lot less nervous about the whole thing. You spread your legs open a bit, watching him move, and you don't tell him to move any further inside of you, but you really do like feeling him inside of you. "Does it feel good for you?" You notice that he's been usually quiet, and you look at him, his eyes opening right after you do.
"Yeah," he sighs. "Really good." He groans again, and he didn't think that he could shake this much. His body is vibrating as he tries to keep his pace steady without going any further, but you're so tight, your pussy so snug around him. Suddenly, he's slowly sliding out of you, making you gasp, before he stutters out a breath. "F-Fuck, I can't--I can't," he gasps. "Sorry, baby."
"What's wrong?" you ask, watching his chest heave. He kisses you instead of answering you at first, trying to calm himself down first.
"Can't control myself," he mumbles against you. "You feel too good, and I don't wanna hurt you."
"O-Oh," you say, feeling heat rush to your face even though it's pretty warm, and you look away from him before you speak. "But I still want you to cum," you admit, having a hard time holding his eyes.
"Yeah?" he muses, smiling at you. You nod, shyly diverting your gaze, only looking at him when he lifts himself up. He sits back on his legs, and you watch him slide the condom off, chucking it into the trashcan. He sighs as he pumps himself, and you can't help but watch until he grabs your legs.
You let him move you, wondering what he's doing as he starts to lift your legs by your knees. He straightens your legs, moving them to the side so your ankles rest on his shoulder. You gasp softly when you feel him slide in between your legs, and he feels so hot against your skin.
He starts move his hips slowly, and his movements rub against your clit which causes you to release a quiet moan. His hips slap against the back of your legs as he speeds up his thrusts, and you can see the tip peaking out every time he moves forward. You try to squeeze your thighs together, and he moans as he starts to lean forward, pushing your legs to your body.
"Shit," he groans, and you can feel yourself getting wet just watching him lose himself as he fucks your thighs. He plants his hand on the bed next to you as his hips start to lose their rhythm. He moans as his eyebrows crease, and you gasp when you feel something warm hit your stomach.
You look down to see him shooting onto your skin, slamming his hips against you a couple more times before he slows. He lets your legs go, and you immediately let them fall around him as he catches his breath. "Fuck, that was so good," he sighs, and he gets up so that he can clean you up as you roll your ankles, trying to circulate the blood in your feet.
He cleans the both of you up, and he lays down next to you, rolling over onto his side as he moves you into the same position. "You okay?" he asks, rubbing over your body. You hum your answer before he kisses you on your forehead. You both listen to the show playing on the TV, but neither of you is watching, just focusing on each other's breathing.
"As much as I love seeing you barely wearing anything, you could've just asked me," he says suddenly, and you feel your face warm.
"I know," you mumble, and he chuckles quietly, kissing your skin again in a quick apology.
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You fight tears for as long as you can when Hanta graduates. You're happy for him of course, and you find yourself laughing when all of your friends joke that he ditched them and won't be suffering with the rest of them. Since it's the summer, you all have plans to hang out over the break, just a way to get away from school and just have some fun.
You all decide to go to the beach, which is very predictable, but you all had been saving up money, and you all wanted to spend time with Hanta before he goes on and does whatever he's going to be doing. Because everyone's exam schedule is different, you all decide to just get to the hotel on your own time. You and Hanta go together, getting there before everyone else.
You have a couple of days until everyone else gets here, and you spend those days at the beach or in the hotel if it's too hot. When everyone finally gets to the beach, the rest of the week goes by in a blur. You all go to escape rooms, sightseeing, try all kinds of restaurants, and of course, spend time at the beach.
You ask Hanta to rub sunscreen on your back, which just leads to him trying to convince you to let him do your whole body. He pouts when you tell him no, sulking on the blanket he has on the sand, and you roll your eyes before applying the rest of your sunscreen. You play in the water with Denki and Jirou for a while before the heat starts to get to you. You leave them alone since they somehow still have so much energy.
You lay down on your blanket next to Hanta, and he doesn't move when you lay down or when you were walking toward him. He has sunglasses on, so you assume that he's asleep. You dry yourself off a bit before you move to lay on your stomach, scrolling on your phone as you look around the beach.
You nearly jump out of your skin when you feel something touch your ass, and you look over your shoulder to see Hanta's head facing toward you. You yelp softly when he squeezes, pushing his hand away. "Hanta, you can't do that," you laugh, moving his hand away when he tries to touch you again.
"But you look so good," he tries, and you brush his hand away once more before you shift out of his reach.
"You can touch me all you want at the hotel," you argue lightly, shaking your head as you look at your phone again. You can see Hanta get up in your peripheral, but you don't think much of it. You sit up getting ready to turn over when Hanta pulls you to your feet. "What are you doing?"
He suddenly picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder before he grabs your stuff with his other hand. You shout in surprise before you start laughing, telling him to put you down at your hit his back softly with your fists. Since your hotel is on the beach, it doesn't take him long to reach the doors, and he sets you down right before he gets to the building.
He doesn't give you time to catch your breath, pulling you into the hotel and toward your room. You wonder what in the world has gotten into him, and he barely lets the room door close before his hands are all over your body. "Hanta, what the hell are you doing?" you ask lightly, but you don't stop what he's doing.
"I'm touching you all I want," he jabs, and you laugh as you roll your eyes.
"But I'm covered in sand," you try, and you think he ignores you, but he's pulling you toward the bathroom. He turns the shower on, undressing himself before he quickly undresses you, checking the water before getting in the shower with you in tow. "Hanta, you don't even--"
"Why are you being so mean to me?" he whines as he presses you against the wall. Your back arches, pushing your body into him because the wall is so cold. "Just let me love on you." You can't help but laugh, but you rest your arms around his shoulders as he lets his hands rub over your body. He stares at you, the loving look in his eyes still making you nervous despite seeing it all the time.
"I love you," he says, squeezing your hips before letting his hands rub up your back.
"So, I've been told," you tease, and you stand on your toes to reach his lips. He hums when you kiss him, leaning down so that you don't have to keep standing on your toes.
"You're so beautiful," he tells you softly.
"Someone has also told me that," you laugh before you look down to yawn, blinking rapidly as your eyes start to water. "I wanna take a nap," you whisper, even though it's pretty obvious. Hanta moves so that you're under the stream, and you let him wash your body, neither of you says a word, letting the silence along with the sound of the water running fill the air.
He takes care of you before he takes care of himself, drying you off first before moisturizing your skin with your lotion. You lightly push him away so that he can dry off because the water dripping from him lands on your skin and it's freezing cold. You get dressed, spreading out on the bed before you curl into yourself as you roll onto your side. You get under the blankets, rubbing your legs against the sheets as content floods your system.
You hear Hanta slide into the bed next to you, but you don't turn around, feeling his hand rub over your body. You eventually grab his hand, lacing your fingers with his. He kisses all over your face and neck, making you giggle before you roll over to face him. You adjust your hand, letting go of his to turn it around before holding his hand again.
You shift up a bit so you can kiss him, the action making the both of you smile immediately. You kiss him again and again and again until he chuckles. "What's up with you?" he whispers, and you pull away but keep your face close to his.
"Nothing," you say playfully with a shrug. "I'm just really happy."
"Yeah?" he says, his smile widening.
"Yeah," you respond quickly with a nod as your smile widens with his. You kiss him again before you rest your top half on his. He rubs his thumb over the back of your hand while his other hand rubs over your back. You can feel that fatigue you felt earlier in the shower creep up on you, yawning loudly as you let your eyes close.
You wake up, wondering when you went to sleep, finding yourself in bed by yourself. You sit up slowly, stretching as you try to wake up, and the clock on the nightstand tells you that you've been sleeping for about an hour. Hanta is walking out of the bathroom as you blink heavily, really trying to get the sleep out of your eyes.
"How'd you sleep?" he asks, getting back into bed. Before you can answer, he's already laying down, gently taking you with him.
"I'm still so tired," you mumble, snuggling into him.
"Mm, I bet," he hums. "You've been out in the sun all day." You didn't really make any progress with trying to wake yourself up, and with Hanta's body heat radiating against you, it's an even bigger fight. "Go back to sleep. I need you well rested for a later tonight."
"Hm? What's tonight?" you whisper as you start to go in and out of sleep.
"A surprise." You feel him kiss your forehead, and you smile subconsciously, completely forgetting to question him about the surprise as you fall back asleep.
You have a lot more energy when you wake up the second time, seeing that the sun is already starting to set. Hanta's out of bed once again, telling you that you need to get ready when you sit up. He still won't tell you what's going on, but you get out of bed and head to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. You walk back out to get dressed before you go back into the bathroom to put some earrings on.
Hanta walks into the bathroom when you put the last one on, and you smile at him through the mirror. He returns it, wrapping his arms around you before kissing you on your head. "You look beautiful, angel." You lean back into him, letting your head fall back so that you can kiss him.
"Thank you," you whisper. "Are you gonna tell me where we're going?"
"Nice try," he smiles, and you playfully roll your eyes at another failed attempt. "But I do have something for you." You raise your eyebrows in interest. "Close your eyes, okay?" You move your head back down before you let your eyes close, and you can hear him moving behind you.
You jump a little when you feel something cold touch your neck, and you wait until he tells you to open your eyes. When you open your eyes they automatically fall on the necklace he's put on you. You step forward, closer to the mirror, to look at the gold jewelry, seeing his name caged in by two roses; the flower that he put in your hair when you first started hanging out with him.
"I love it," you say, running your fingers over it. "It's so pretty."
"Like the girl that's wearing it," he muses, and you can't help but laugh, turning around to give him a hug.
"Thank you, Hanta."
"You're welcome, baby." You pull away, finally taking him in since you're not blocking your own view in the mirror. The first thing you notice is that he's not wearing the necklaces that he usually is, instead it's the same one you're wearing except your name is the one on it. You freeze for a split second before you run your fingers across it.
"You got one too?"
"Of course," he answers, tilting your head by your chin so that he can kiss you. "Cause I'm all yours." The statement makes your face warm, but pride swells in your chest at the same time because he's right. And you're all his. You wrap your arms around his neck to kiss him again, and you fight the urge to whine when he pulls away too soon. "C'mon, we're gonna be late."
He pulls you out of the bathroom so that you can put your shoes on, and you follow him out of the hotel room, letting him lead the way since you still don't know what he has planned. Since the sun has started to go down, the air is much cooler at night, and there's a nice breeze that carefully blows through the air when you step outside. With the light from the sun starting to disappear, the boardwalk is lively, all of the lights starting to light up the sky.
He takes you there first, and it's got food, games, and rides. There are people everywhere, and he holds your hand the entire time as you walk around, taking it all in. Once you get there, he lets you take the lead, following wherever you go. The first thing you think about is food since it's all you can smell, and you spend a good portion of your time just trying to narrow down your options.
You're finally able to pick one once your stomach starts growling for you to feed it something, and Hanta ends up getting food from your second choice so that you can try it also. You don't get a lot of food because you know you're going to be doing a lot of walking, so you don't want to stuff yourself full. You head towards the games first, starting with the ones where you have to compete with Hanta.
You only win a couple of the games, but you're happy nonetheless especially since Hanta gives you all the prizes he wins. You move through the area, having a hard time hiding your gasp every time you see a stuffed animal prize that you want. And every time you do it, Hanta is immediately going over to the booth to win it for you. Both of you can barely carry anything, and you can't help but laugh at yourself as you walk through the boardwalk.
Your feet start aching after a while, and your arms are starting to burn from holding everything for so long. Hanta tells you to wait right outside of the boardwalk before he takes the stuffed animals that you're holding. He reassures you that he can hold them all before he walks away, and it's not even five minutes until he comes back empty-handed.
"Please don't tell me that you ran to the hotel and back," you say hesitantly, letting him grab your hand and walk you in a different direction.
"No, I asked Denki if he could hold them for you," he tells you after he chuckles. "I had more planned tonight, so I asked him to take them." You want to ask him what else he has planned, but you notice that you're coming up on the Ferris wheel. You get lucky with your timing because you barely have to wait to get on it.
Hanta lets you get in first before he slides into the cart next to you. It takes a while for you to get to the top since everyone stops at the top of the wheel, but you reminisce about the time that you're spending with Hanta nonetheless. He keeps you close to him with his arm wrapped around you so that you're tucked into his side, and you take in the sights around you as you get higher.
You start to take pictures once you get high enough to see a lot of stuff, and Hanta watches you fondly the entire time, happy that you seem to be really having fun. Your excitement starts to dwindle into awe as you reach the top, really taking in everything that you can see. "God, this is so pretty," you admire, nearly getting lost in everything you're looking at.
"Yeah, it is," he whispers, causing you to finally look at him only to find him looking right at you.
"You're not even looking at the view," you joke.
"Why would I when you're the best thing my eyes have seen?"
"You're always saying that," you counter as the blood rushes to your face, and you try to shift your attention back to the sky, but he stops you quickly by softly catching your chin.
"Because it's true, and I'm gonna keep saying it. You're the prettiest damn woman I've ever seen," he declares. "You take my breath away every time I see you first thing after I wake up."
"Hanta." He smiles fondly at your reaction, chuckling a little as he watches you.
"I love you so much," he continues, and you want to tell him how you feel the same way, but it's hard for you to get your words out in the way that you want. You know Hanta knows that, and you hope that you can find the words that you want to say, but you decide to worry about it another time when he kisses you.
You miss the view at the very top of the Ferris wheel in favor of letting yourself melt into him, but you're not upset about that at all. You sigh softly when he deepens the kiss a bit as he starts to lean forward. It makes you move backward until you're pressed against the window at the same time you feel his hand sneaking up your leg.
"Are you really trying to feel me up right now?" you question playfully, and his smile tickles your lips as he his hand continues its path.
"What if I was?"
"People can probably see us, Hanta," you try even though you make no move to stop him.
"Well, then you shouldn't have worn something that gives me easy access."
You scoff softly. "Hey, that's not fair--" He cuts you off gently by kissing you again, bending one of your legs at the knee so that your foot is resting on the seat. He nudges your other leg away, and he slides closer to you, further trapping you in between the wall and him. Your hands dig into his shoulders as you feel him reach in between your legs under your dress.
You gasp when he starts to rub over your covered pussy, and you can barely feel the Ferris wheel starting to move again. You want to be embarrassed about how anyone could see you, but right now it's only making you even more aroused. "Hanta," you whisper, barely able to get his name out since he's starting to reach into your underwear. "W-We're going down."
He just hums into your mouth before carefully pushing his tongue inside, and you easily let him. "How does that make you feel?" he asks, and he's barely got his finger pressed against your entrance, but he can feel how you're throbbing at the thought. "Someone seems to be into it," he teases, and he pulls away, finally looking at you with a cheeky smile.
He lets his thumb rub over your clit, and you glance out the window to see that you're getting lower. You're caught in between wanting to push him away or pull him closer, and a stifled moan leaves your mouth. He kisses you again, this time a lot sloppier than before, the wet sounds of your mouth slotting together echoing in the cart.
He pulls away, a string of saliva the only thing keeping you connected until he breaks it. He slides his hand from between your legs, smiling at how gone he nearly has you. "You're so mean," you say breathlessly with a small pout. He kisses your forehead in apology as he closes your legs and fixes your dress.
"You love it though, right?"
"No," you huff, shoving him a little, but both of you know that you don't mean it. You're still flustered when you get off the Ferris wheel, and in the back of your head, you're wondering if someone really did see what you were doing. You let Hanta take your hand and guide you through the slew of people, and you're looking at your surroundings when you stop suddenly. Hanta quickly stops when you pull against his hand, turning around to see what made you stop.
"There's a photobooth!" you exclaim, pulling Hanta in the direction of it before he can even respond. There's no one inside when you pull the curtain aside, and you slide inside with Sero right behind you. Although, it's made known immediately that there definitely isn't enough room for the both of you on the seat because of how big he is. He waste no time sitting you on his lap, and you give him a look.
"Behave," you say playfully, not needing to say much for him to understand. All he does is smile at you, but his hands stay on your waist, and you queue up the camera. You take so many pictures to the point where all you see is the negative image of the flash every time you blink.
You both smile at the camera for the first couple before Hanta plants his lips on your cheek for one. You do the same for another before he can't help but kiss you which last for a couple of takes. You both pull away to laugh, only looking at each other and completely forgetting about the camera.
"You havin' fun?" he asks, and you nod instantly, the big smile on your face enough of an answer for him. You both get out once the automated voice tells you that you're done taking the pictures, and you grab them from the holder. You smile fondly as you look at them, handing Hanta his copies.
He takes your hand in his again as you start to walk away from the boardwalk, and the night has started to become a little cooler with the wind picking up. Hanta gives you is jacket to wear before he guides you to the beach, the sand and part of the water illuminated by the moonlight.
"So, what was all this for anyway?" you ask, swinging you and Hanta's arms as you walk along the beach. He's got your shoes in his other hand as he shrugs, lifting his arm up to spin you around which makes you giggle.
"I just wanted to spend time with my girl." He pulls you into him, kissing you softly. "I know I said I wasn't going anywhere after graduating, but you never know what life throws your way," he says. "So, I want to make as many memories with you just in case it gets a little harder in the future."
"Well, I definitely won't forget this night," you tell him fondly, bringing your hand up so you kiss his. "Thank you, Hanta."
He lets go of your hand to brush your hair back. "Anything for you." You reach up on your toes to kiss him before you back away from him.
"I have a really crazy idea." He raises his eyebrows, watching you slide his jacket off, and they go even higher when you take your dress off after.
"Didn't think you'd be into skinny dipping, baby," he muses even though he's not going to object this at all.
"It's too cold to get totally naked," you argue. "But you gotta catch me," you tease, slowly tiptoeing backward, and Hanta's quick to start shedding his clothes. You turn around, shivering a bit when your toes touch the icy cold water. You're wondering when Sero's about to get undressed, and you scream when you're suddenly in the air.
You can hear Hanta laughing as he runs into the water with you in his arms, and he plops you down in the water. You yelp again at how ridiculously cold it is, your body instantly starting to shiver, and Hanta turns you around so he can put your hair up into a bun. "You're an ass. This water is freezing!" you scold playfully, rubbing your hands over your arms.
"Oh, it's not that bad," he responds before splashing you with water. You freeze as your mouth drops open, your body processing what just happened. When your brain finally catches up, you're quick to retaliate, throwing water back at him. A water fight ensues, both of you laughing loudly as you both go back and forth throwing water onto each other.
You manage to push him down, and he gasps loudly as he quickly gets to his feet. "Holy shit, that's fucking cold!"
"I told you!" you say before you try to run away because you know he's going to get his lick back. It's hard in the water, and his legs are longer than yours so he catches up to you easily. He scoops you up in his arms, and you squirm as hard as you can, but it's no use. You scream through your teeth when he squats, plunging your body into the water until your head is the only thing not in the water.
At this point, you're both laughing, and you splash him with water until he finally lets you go. You both stand, shivering as you try to catch your breath. "Do you think we'd get in trouble?" you ask, and Hanta looks around before he shrugs.
"Dunno, but this water is too cold to stay in." You agree, both of you making quick moves to get out and grab your stuff. You put your clothes back on even though they get soaking wet, and you both continue to shiver as you hold hands on the way back to the hotel.
You're both dripping water as you walk through the lobby and to your room, walking fast so you can get into a hot shower as soon as possible. Hanta unlocks and opens the door, and you both rush in but quickly stop when your eyes land on all of the stuffed animals in the room. You both look around before looking at each other, your laughs filling the room a split second later.
You decide to worry about it later, making your way to the bathroom. You both shed your clothes again, and you hang them dry as Hanta turns on the water. Once the water is warm enough, you both hop in quickly, sighing in relief when the warm water hits your skin. Hanta lets you stay under the water first, rubbing over your body to help you warm up faster.
You let him under the stream next, and once you both are warmed up, you wash yourselves. You wash Hanta's hair before he washes your body, and even as you start to wind down in the shower, there's a part of you that doesn't want to be any further from him. He ushers you out of the shower to dry off while he finishes, and you wipe yourself down with the towel before wrapping it around your body.
You decide to wait for Hanta, playing with the necklace he got you while you replay everything that happened today in your head. You must've zoned out because you jump a bit when you hear the shower curtain slide across the rod. You turn around, seeing Hanta step out, immediately grabbing a towel for his body. You grab a towel for his hair, and you can't help but stare at his muscles, watching the ones in his arms move and tense as he dries off.
You try to ignore the heat that's starting to form in between your legs by walking up to him and drying his hair off once he wraps the towel around his waist. You smile at each other as he leans his head down so you can wipe his hair, doing so until the towel is wet. You let the towel fall around his neck, but you don't let go of it just yet. "Okay, so maybe getting in the water was a bad idea."
He huffs. "Oh, definitely, but it was a lot of fun." You hum in agreement, and just looking at him right now makes you realize how hard you've fallen for him. You pull on the towel gently to guide his head down to you.
"I really had a lot of fun today, Hanta," you whisper after you kiss him.
"I'm glad, angel." He gives you a soft smile, and you pull him down to kiss him again. He easily follows, and you let go of the towel in favor of wrapping your arms around his neck. You bring your lips back together when he pulls away, and the air between the two of you slowly starts to shift.
His hands run up and down your body, before he bends down a bit to grab at your thighs. Your legs immediately wrap around his waist when he picks you up, and he slides his tongue into your mouth as he walks into the room. He rubs your skin under the towel, and the touch sends pleasant shivers up your spine. He gets on the bed, moving on his knees before he carefully sets you down on your back, barely creating space between the two of you.
He grabs your wrists in one of his hands, moving your arms up over your head as his other hand starts to split your towel. You spread your legs once you feel his fingers ghost over your thigh, keeping your lips on his because kissing him feels like it's addicting; it's something you can't help but do.
You gasp when he runs his hand up your body before he pulls at the towel so that it falls to your side, the movement mimicking curtains being drawn to reveal your body. Once Hanta gets the towel off, he leaves your lips to kiss down your face toward your neck. As his lips trail down your body, his hand is trailing up your body, and you wait in anticipation to see what he touches next.
You moan softly when his mouth reaches your tits at the same time his fingers reach your pussy, which makes him smile when he feels how wet you already are. His tongue circles your nipple as he runs his fingers through your folds before swirling his finger around your swollen clit. He still has your wrists in his hand, and that paired with his weight on top of you makes you even hotter all over.
You arch into him as he sucks at your chest, your moans growing in volume as he speeds up his ministrations on your sensitive bud. He keeps your legs spread with his own, letting one of his fingers drift down to your sopping entrance. "Hanta," you whimper when you feel his fingers carefully slide into you. He finally lets go of your wrists as he moves back up to kiss you again, and your toes curl simultaneously with his fingers as he presses on that magic spot inside of you.
Your hands instantly run through his damp hair, and dig into his shoulder, finding purchase anywhere that they can. You try to grab at his arm when he starts to increase the pump of his fingers, and he pulls away to look at the pleasurable look on your face. Your mouth falls open as you feel that knot building up in your stomach, and you can barely get his name out.
"Yeah, baby," he coos, giving you a sly grin. "You feelin' good?"
You nod quickly, your back arching off the bed. "M gonna cum, Han--ah!" Your face screws up as your legs start to shake, and you swear your foot is gonna cramp from how hard you're curling your toes.
"Go ahead, angel. Lemme see it," he urges, using his other hand to gently pinch at your clit which sends you over the edge. You moan his name as you clench around his fingers, your legs tightening around him before they go limp. You attempt to scoot away from him as he finger fucks you into oversensitivity, and he gives you relief a little while after, sliding his fingers out of you.
You try to catch your breath as your chest heaves, and Hanta rubs over your thigh as you come down. Your heartbeat is in your ears, and you vaguely hear him say something, but you're quick to stop him when he's about to get off of the bed. "Wait," you start, only saying enough to get him to stay still. He stops, looking back at you, and you take a deep breath before continuing. "What about you?"
"What about me?" he teases, and you drop your eyes to the tent that's currently in his towel. He leans back over you, planting his hands next to your head before moving down until his face is inches from yours. "Hm?" he presses, giving you a deep kiss that nearly takes your breath away.
"You can fuck me," you whisper, and although your face was about to cool down, it's definitely not anymore. His smile doesn't falter, but the playful look in his eyes turns dark, and to see it in real-time makes your sensitive core throb with need.
"Really?" he breathes, and you nod quickly, lifting your arms up so that they're resting around his neck. "You sure?" he asks after he pushes a quick breath through his nose.
"Yes, Hanta. I want you to." You pull him down so that you can slot your lips against his.
"I don't have a condom," he whispers even though his resolve is two seconds from being out of the window.
"I don't care," you whine. "I want to feel you, Hanta. All of you." He groans, kissing you again before he sits up. He honestly had no idea that this would happen. Not saying that he doesn't want this, and he doesn't think that he'll be able to say no. Not with the way you're naked under him with your pupils still blown wide from your previous orgasm.
He watches you sit up, and he doesn't stop you when you pull the towel from around his waist. You softly wrap your hand around him, sighing quietly at the heavy feeling of him in your palm. He groans again when he watches you spit on his tip before you start stroking him. "Shit," he hisses, and you look up at him as you twist your wrist, squeezing your hand a little tighter.
You sit up on your knees as you continue to touch him, and you rest your head against his. "Please, Hanta," you whisper against his lips as his hips buck into your hand.
"Okay," he moans softly, taking your hand away before he carefully pushes you to lie down. He spreads one of the towels out before he grabs a pillow, sliding it under your hips. He swears when he touches himself, adding more spit to himself. He's throbbing, convinced that he's never been this hard before.
He lets go of himself to touch you again, and he slides one of your legs to the side as he rubs over your clit again. "You'll let me know if you're hurting, right?"
"Yes, Hanta, just--please," you beg again, and he grabs one of your legs before moving closer to you. He lines himself up with your entrance, and he feels like he can't breathe the closer he gets to you. He realizes that he has to snap out of it, and he leans down, giving you a chaste kiss.
"I need you to relax for me, okay?" You nod, your body starting to settle a bit, and he rubs your clit at the same time he starts to push at your tight hole. He bites his lip, trying hard to focus on you, making sure he catches any sign of discomfort. There's nothing about your body language that's telling him to stop, so he keeps going, taking a deep breath. "Fuck, you're so tight--God," he huffs, and you moan as he continues to move, but it feels like his head is swimming.
He keeps touching your clit, but he uses his other hand to squeeze at the base of his dick, knowing that there's a dangerous chance that he'll cum before he's even all the way inside of you. "Why'd you stop?" you whine, already feeling stretched but you know all of him isn't inside of you yet.
"You gotta...give me a second," he tries, letting his head fall back on his shoulders so that he can't look at you as he thinks of anything and everything that won't turn him on. Once he's settled a bit, he finally looks at you, making sure you're okay before he finally bottoms out. "Fuck me," he mumbles, rubbing his hands over your legs. "How ya feeling, sweetheart?"
You nod, taking a few seconds to let your body adjust to the new intrusion. "Good. I feel really good." Hanta smiles, leaning down so he can kiss you again, the motion making you gasp into his mouth since he's moving inside of you. "Move, Hanta," you say against him, and he doesn't think he can wait any longer.
He grabs your legs, setting them higher up his hips before he gently places his hands on your hips. Your hands are on his arms as he slides out of you, and the feeling of the first thrust suddenly takes you by surprise, so your breath hitches. But once Hanta sets a pace, all you can do is moan. Your nails dig into his arms as your mouth falls open, your eyes falling shut as pleasure fills your veins.
"OhmyGod!" Your words rush out of you when your pleasure mounts times ten as your eyes shoot open, your clit throbbing at the huge rush that you feel. "H-Hanta," you moan, your body suddenly overwhelmed, and you softly push your hands into his arms because of how you're feeling.
"Is that it, baby?" he asks even though he already knows the answer, and you can hear how loud you're being, but you can't help it. His hips start moving faster, and that in combination with him ramming into that spot inside of you makes tears form in your eyes. "Fuck, angel, you're so fucking wet," he groans, looking down at where he's sliding in and out of you.
You don't even need to look where Hanta's looking because you can hear it. The squelching is so loud in your ears, and you half a mind to cover your ears. He suddenly leans forward, and that pushes your legs up toward your body. His body weight is fully pressing into you every time his hips slam against yours, and you don't think you've ever been more aroused.
"What's wrong, baby?" he muses, picking up on how it looks like you might be going shy on him. You wonder if he's just as affected by you as you are by him because he's still able to mess with you even when he's fucking up your guts.
"I-It's so l-loud," you mumble, having to close your eyes at how embarrassed you are. "S-Shit," you moan softly, moving your hands to his back.
"That's just her telling me how good I'm fucking you," he smugly tells you, and you want to frown at him, but your eyes cross instead as you feel your orgasm approaching.
"M c-close, Hanta," you whine, your nails digging into his skin. They slip down his back every time he fucks into you, and the feeling makes him hiss softly.
"I know, I know," he grunts. "Jesus, you're squeezing me so tight." He moans loudly before he lets his body full fall onto you. He digs his knees further into the mattress so that he can keep up his pace, and he lets his forehead rest against yours. "Fuck, f-fuck! Oh, my God!" he whines. "You gotta cum, baby, please."
He knows how desperate he sounds, but with the way you're clenching around him, he can't fight it anymore. He reaches one of his hands in between your bodies so that he can rub at your clit. Your nails dig into his skin again, and the feeling just rushes straight to his dick. He's rambling at this point, not even sure if he knows what he's saying, but he does know that he doesn't have much time.
Your legs suddenly wrap around him once you cum, and his breath gets caught in his chest as he tries to fuck you through your orgasm. You hook your ankles together, and your heels dig into his lower back, trapping him. "L-Lemme out, baby," he tries. "Y-You gotta let me go, I'm gonna--"
He couldn't slow his hips down if he wanted to, and he feels like he could pass out. "Want to feel all of you, Hanta," you whisper in his ear, and he lets his head fall into your neck. "P-Please," you moan, your body easily being overstimulated since you won't let him go.
His moans are the only thing he can hear as he shoots inside of you, and he goes as deep inside of you as he can, so much that the push of his hips curl your body up. The feeling of him filling you up is weird, but it feels good at the same time, and you relax your hands as he starts to slow down, feeling his dick twitch inside of you. He lifts his head up so that he can kiss you soundly, his tongue lazily swirling around yours.
"Holy...shit," he breathes after he pulls away. He takes another deep breath, putting his forehead on yours. "You okay?" he mumbles, and you smile as you nod, running your fingers through his hair. "Shit, your pussy's so good." You can't help but huff a little at his words, but then you start to notice that his weight on you is getting heavier.
"Hanta?" you question when he finally slumps on top of you. Your eyebrows raise when he softly starts to snore, and you laugh quietly as you rub over his head. You let your legs fall a little to his sides, and once your heart rate starts to go down, you can feel how tired you actually are. He's practically crushing you, but your eyes slip closed regardless, and you let his breathing lull you to sleep.
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You suddenly feel something shifting inside of you, and you immediately grimace. You peel your eyes open to see Hanta wide awake and carefully sliding out of you. When he's finally out of you, the feeling of being empty feels so weird, and you don't really like it. Hanta looks up at you when you gasp, and he gives you a soft smile. "Hey, sweetheart," he whispers. "You feeling okay?"
You hum your answer as you nod, and you wince when you try to sit up, feeling soreness in your legs and between. "Sorry, I fell asleep on you," he continues, shaking his head as he huffs at himself. "Let's get you cleaned up." You try to stand yourself once you slide to the end of the bed, but your legs shake too bad and Hanta has to catch you. He quietly apologizes before he picks you up, carrying you to the bathroom.
He holds your hand while you sit down on the toilet before he walks out of the bathroom. You take a deep breath after you pee to prepare yourself to stand up, and you swear quietly when your legs burn as you move. You flush the toilet and wash your hands, and you can hear Hanta come back in, his lower half covered with shorts. You don't feel like getting back in the shower, so Hanta cleans you up with a warm washcloth before carrying you back into the room.
He sets you on the bed before handing you his shirt to put on, and he grabs some of the snacks that you brought earlier and a bottle of water. He gets on the bed next to you as he hands you the snacks and water. "Sorry, it's not much." He lays against the headboard, and you move into him as you shake your head. He rests his arm around you as you lean your head on him.
"It's more than enough," you tell him, and you feed him a chip every now and then, half-watching the TV that he turned on while you were in the bathroom. He makes sure that you drink most of the water before he finally lays the both of you down. You guess you were sleep for about an hour, but it's still late into the night, so your body welcomes the thought of getting more sleep.
You're laying on Hanta's chest, your eyes starting to get heavy as he runs his fingers up and down your arm. As you close your eyes, you think about how much fun you've had with Hanta and how much he cares for you; it's almost overwhelming to think about. And the more you think, the more it reminds you of a conversation that you had with your mom when your parents first met Hanta.
"When did you know that you loved Dad?" you ask, and she smiles to herself as she washes the pot in the sink.
"Honestly, I just knew," she answers. "I just had this sense of security one day, and I could tell that he really loved me. That we really cared for each other." You look into the living room where Hanta's helping your dad out with something as they talk about who knows what. "That might sound like a cliché answer, but it's true."
You smile to yourself as you snuggle even more into him. "I love you." You hear his breathing stop but you keep your eyes closed. "I love you, Hanta," you repeat. He had said it first months ago, and he never pressured you to say it back. But when you think about it, you always have. You blame it on your insecurities and doubts that were subconsciously plaguing your mind without realizing it. And being here with Hanta in more ways than one has made you realize that you do love him. So much.
"I love you, too, baby." Your smile widens when you feel him kiss your forehead. For a bit, you're scared to go to sleep because you don't want this moment to end, but you know that you will have moments like this over and over again.
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cheolaholic · 3 months
ring of love; csc (06)
summary; agreeing to join vernon spectate an underground boxing match wasn't how you'd expect to spend your friday night. you also didn't expect to see seungcheol, someone you've lost contact with for years, become a part of the ring.
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modern! au • boxer! au • hhu focused • multiple kinds of tropes • fluff, angst, smut
chapter warnings: brief mentions of crimes (drugs, robbery, abduction), brief mentions of sex and hormones
a/n;; i have risen from the dead, everyone. I know it's been a while since I last updated (4 months 💀) But, please enjoy this chapter and hope that I do not disappear for another few more months until the next update lmao. Also posting this update while I'm on my lunchbreak lmao
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You didn’t think that figuring out a place to meetup with Seungcheol would be difficult, but alas, it was. The places Seungcheol had initially suggested were either too far or the price range of their menus could amount to at least a month’s worth of your rent. Maybe it was the years of not seeing him that you had forgotten his parents had their own businesses, which obviously, means money is never an issue for Seungcheol.
After telling him you had to commute to some of the places or either needing to Uber or have Vernon pick you up, Seungcheol found a decently priced cafe near your place with a cosy looking interior design. Having finally settled down on a place to meetup, you now began to stress about an outfit.
You tore through your entire wardrobe before finally panic-calling Aki who agreed to help, on the condition that you tell her everything that will go down at the meetup. You agreed and after hours of outfit try-ons, you settled on a brown oversized sweater, a black pleated skirt, paired together with doc martens loafers.
“Are you sure this looks okay…?” your voice full of uncertainty as you stared at your reflection. Aki, who was on video call on your phone that’s propped up on your dresser, rolls her eyes at your question. “Babes, you’re literally so pretty right now that you could be someone’s gay or bi-awakening. Don’t worry, okay? I'm sure he’s equally nervous of finally seeing you again after what? Almost half a decade?”
“That's a dramatic way to say almost 5 years, but okay.”
“Just be your normal self, ___. Even if he’s changed appearance or physique wise, I'm sure he’s still the same ol’ Seungcheol from more than a decade ago. Well, at least for you, it’s more than a decade.”
“That is true… thanks for helping me out, Aki.”
“Anything for my bestie. Now, go and see your prince charming!”
“Can you and my parents stop calling him my prince charming?” you whined, only for Aki to shoo you through your phone.
“Tell me the deets afterwards! I want all the nitty-gritty - don’t you dare leave anything out!”
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Seungcheol got to the cafe an hour earlier than the agreed meeting time. He tried to get some sleep but the adrenaline of being able to see you again kept him up. Sitting at the booth and occasionally glancing at the door, he would try to come up with things to talk about. Of course, he knew he had to explain why he dropped off the face of the earth for years without contacting you. But, he still needed to think of other ways to fix the rift between you both.
When he hears his name being called, he lifts up his head and it was as if time had stopped. There you were, shyly standing in front of him as you fiddled with the hem of your skirt. A few seconds after he realised he was staring, Seungcheol snapped back into reality. “Have a seat, __.” Ushering to the seat across him, flashing you that gummy smile that still sent your heart running for miles.
You did as told and after placing both your orders to the waitress who came over, Seungcheol nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “So… I didn’t know you were friends with Vernon…” he began, “Let alone a best friend since, y’know, Aki.”
“Yeah, I didn't really have a choice when he came up to me with that awful tie-dye during orientation. I was so glad when he got rid of it with how much my eyes were hurting.”
“That's Vernon for you,” he chuckles, “When he said he invited a friend, I was expecting maybe a classmate since Mingyu did the same with him.”
As you fidget, Seungcheol takes notice and leans his elbows on the table, reaching out a hand. “Hey, no need to be scared, okay? I know it’s been years and you’re most likely overthinking things right now, but I'm still me.”
“Where did you go…?” you asked in a shaky voice, “You just… ghosted me and later on, I found out you’ve been in Seoul for a while. Why… why didn’t you try to reach out?”
Withdrawing his hand and thrumming his fingers against the surface of the table, Seungcheol was silent for a moment before explaining himself. “That weekend when I headed to Seoul to check out Pledis, they had told my parents I qualified for one of their pre-u programmes. But, the slots in Korea were full, and if I did want to join the programme, I had to join their partnering unis abroad. They had Carat University in Japan and An Ode University in Melbourne.”
You quietly listened to Seungcheol as he continued.
While he wouldn’t mind waiting for an empty slot to be available in Pledis but, his parents had encouraged him to enrol into An Ode as they had an apartment in Melbourne. In the event he didn’t want to stay on his own, they’d be more than willing to pay for his dormitory. “They said the enrolment opportunities for pre-u programmes like these are rare… And, since I was given the opportunity, they encouraged me to take the chance.”
“… And you did…”
“I missed you like crazy, _. But, I couldn't get your calls or texts, not even reply nor call you back because I had to wait two weeks to be able to get a new phone and sim card. When I finally did get them, you had changed your number…”
Your face went red with embarrassment at the memory. A few days after your return from Jeju, your parents had brought you to go shop for a new phone and you’ve decided to change your number in the process. Since Seungcheol had dropped off the face of the earth at the time, you thought it wouldn’t matter anyway if you had changed your number since what were the chances of him calling you?
Turns out you were wrong.
“When I finished the programme, I stayed in Melbourne for a year and a half for their business course before transferring back to Korea to finish it in Pledis.”
“That was… that was at least two and a half years ago. Seungcheol, are you… are you telling me within those two years you never bothered to even look for me?”
“I did! I went back to Daegu to look for you, but your parents had told me you went to Pledis! I tried finding you all over the place, but for some reason you were never in my line of sight!”
“Wait, wait,” holding up your hand in disbelief to stop him from talking, “you went to see my parents? They never told me anything!”
“I begged them not to tell you!” he defended, “I wanted it to be a surprise! I wasn’t expecting our first meeting after years to be you witnessing me boxing!”
“How did you get into it in the first place though?” you asked, the waitress arriving with a tray of drinks and some cakes, “I heard you’ve been underground boxing for a year now.” Taking a sip from his drink, Seungcheol stared out the window, watching random cars and pedestrians pass by.
“I’ve been underground boxing for two years, actually, when I was back in Melbourne.” he answered. “A senior saw me during one of my Taekwondo matches during pre-u and invited me to try boxing. A few months later, he introduced me to this trainer who was looking to coach someone for a boxing match and everything just kinda fell into place.”
As a blanket of silence fell over the table, you muttered out a small “I missed you…”. Seungcheol gives you a smile, reaching out his hands to hold yours as he brings them to his lips, placing a kiss on your knuckles – an action that causes you to blush. “Well, I’m here now. I’ll make it up to you, alright?”
“I expect good food.”
And he replies with a sentence that has the butterflies you thought had died start fluttering again.
“Anything for you, pup.”
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“No… You’re lying…‘
“___, I swear on my life, I am not lying.”
“Ew, Cheol, that’s gross!” You whined, pushing at his shoulder with a disgusted expression, “I don’t need to hear about your sex life – much less a three way you had!”
Seungcheol laughs at your reaction, “Hey, if you think mine’s gross, you sure hear Mingyu’s. Who knew models were so… hormonal.”
“Lalala, I’m not listening!”
After your catch-up lunch at the cafe, you brought Seungcheol to the park near your apartment. The area enroute… was sketchy, to say the least, and that was putting it lightly. If you were to remove the sugarcoating, it looks as though you could get mugged or abducted if you lady luck was having a bad day and decided to take it out on you.
“No offence, pup –”
“Non taken.”
“But, at least three blocks of your housing area looks like they’re being used for drug operations. I know you can fight for yourself – I mean, I taught you how to defend yourself when we grew up together. But, have you ever thought about… y’know, moving to a safer area?” 
You had thought about moving out, but with the current rent prices being equivalent to a monthly mortgage payment, the dingy area is the best you got.
“I mean… It can’t be that bad, right…?”
“___, look at the place… I know you value your independence but, surely there are studios or apartments for rent that are safer and more… well lit, y’know?” Seungcheol notices how you began to pick at your nails, a habit he’s noticed when you both grew up and a sign that you were either anxious, nervous or both.
“Budget restraints?”
“Yeah… This is the best I got, Cheollie… Anywhere close to campus is expensive, and a decent apartment is… well… if I had a mortgage, I could pay that off, y’know…? I have a part-time job – I work as a barista at one of the cafes near campus. It pays decently, kind of higher than the usual amount part-timers get per hour but, let’s say I move out and rent an apartment near campus – I wouldn’t be left with much money after paying for rent and the utility bills…”
“Ever thought of getting roommates?”
“In case you’ve forgotten, Mr Choi, I am not a people’s person. Ask Hansol, it took me a year to actually open up to him, even after he’s been introducing me as his best friend for months.”
“Your parents should have property in Seoul, right? Why don’t you stay there instead?”
“Because I’m an only child, Seungcheol. My parents will pay the bills even if I was willing to fork up my own cash!”
Adding on the fact that you had no transport of your own, the dingy little apartment area really did seem like the best option for you – at least, for Seungcheol he was still… iffy (rightfully so, he wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you).
“Any public transport nearby?”
“There’s a bus stop that’s a 5 minute walk away from my place.”
What you forgot to mention however, was the lack of reliable or functioning light source of said bus stop to your apartment’s lobby. But, surely, it wasn’t a detail worth mentioning to Seungcheol, you thought to yourself.
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“Y’know, I thought your crush on Seungcheol would actually die down within those 5 years of no-contact.” Aki confessed as you typed on your laptop, phone propped up against one of your pen organisers. “I mean, it kind of did? But, instead of you being over over him, it’s more like… it’s more like your feelings weren't as obvious as back then.”
“Was it that obvious though?” you asked, turning your head to look at her as she shrugged her shoulders, “Not gonna lie, you’re pretty good at hiding it. I only noticed it after spending more time with you and noticing the subtle signs. If anyone was observant enough, they’d notice. But, to those that just look over the surface, not really.”
“...Do you think Cheol noticed…?”
“___, I might offend you and almost all the male species out there with this statement but, boys are dumb.” Aki moves her position from her desk to her bed, lying down on her stomach. “You both have been friends since you were kids so he should be picking up the signs. If he doesn’t then he’s either dumb or playing dumb.”
There was a moment of silence between the two of you before you asked, “Do you think he knows I like him and he’s just playing me?”
“You and I both know Seungcheol isn’t like that,” Aki began, “Your well-being is a priority to him – you’re a priority to him. Maybe he’s never thought about it, y’know? You both grew up together, maybe the lines were blurred to him.”
“But… what if he is, and he’s just really good at hiding it?” you asked again, the anxiety and nervousness eating you up as you thought about Seungcheol taking advantage of your feelings.
“___, darling, you and I both know Seungcheol always puts his loved ones above him – he makes them a priority. And, he’s always put you first, even up to the point he dropped off the face of the earth!”
Aki could still see the uncertainty on your face, which by all means, you had every right to feel that way. After all, Seungcheol had gone no-contact for 5 years and a person can change a lot within those 5 years. Who’s to say he actually is just a bastard who would step on people’s heads just to get what he wants. “Why don’t you start spending more time with him? Like the good ol’ times!” Aki suggested.
“Rekindle the friendship, y’know? Sure, you both had a catch up session today, but you and I both know that isn’t enough. 5 years worth of catching up – and not to mention, I need to kick his ass.”
You let out a small laugh, “You’ll need to fly over to do that, Aki.”
“Hey, don’t tempt me, ___.” Aki playfully warns, narrowing her eyes at you and pointing a finger at the screen, “I have the money to do so, and I will.”
“God, Aki…”
"Hey, Seungcheol isn't the only one that would do anything for you and has the money to do so."
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[0212] cheollie: hey, ik it's pretty late rn [0213] cheollie: but, i just wanted to text you this before i forget [0213] cheollie: thanks for agreeing to meet up with me today and hear me out about my whole disappearance and lost all contact [0213] cheollie: and i'm really, really, really glad that you still see me as that boy you grew up with all those years ago [0214] cheollie: and i really had a great time catching up with you today [0214] cheollie: and i'll always be here for you if you ever need me, ok?
Seungcheol stared at the text he's about to send out.
i'm always going to be right by your side no matter what
After silently debating with himself, he deleted the draft and set his phone on his nightstand, laying in his bed as he stared at the ceiling of his dark bedroom - contemplating as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
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taglist (unable to tag a few ㅠㅠ)
@yoonclip @1004luvangel @catjunhui @mystikha @spk93 @tinkerbell460 @yoozuku @dnylwooo @christinewithluv @limbomoon @plutoxxxworld @i-give-up-1234 @m1ngyuc0re @yunloyal @leclercloverbot @bettybeako @billboard-singer @ocyeanicc @krupyadoorrahe @seobinnieshi @xcynthiaaa @k411z @disneyprincesshuri @sunnyapp @khxsh @staygenezy @loufi8iepuff @ursweetener @noisypapergalaxy @wonwootakemyheart @sugainpinksweater @leah-rose03 @thisisnotthelastofus @yearnoclock @kwonhoeshi @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @ru-lin @deobiforever @belladaises @cheoliekkuma @duskunt1ldawn @hyneyedfiz @marshmallowshouse @ak6ko @chwevernonlover @jejuboo-s @tsukinluv @atinytinaa @gyros-cum-sock @soupbinlily @jungwoos-luvr @ener-energy @watermelon-sugars-things @cyberpunkhwx @ddaengpotate @nightwingsrobbinhoods @chaerrylov3r @joshuaahong @wonussmile @uliceeeeeeee @wonwoo24 @shinetogether17 @simplejihoon @luvkpopp @minhui896
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hansensgirl · 9 months
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summary. | Breaking up with Steve Rogers is harder than it seems.
prompts. | Steve Rogers + no AU + “Don’t be a brat.” + Manhandling, requested by Anonymous.
pairing. | dark!Steve Rogers x fem!reader.
warnings. | NON/DUBCON, manhandling, roughness, mean!steve?, angry!steve, friends-with-benefits/sex-only relationship, pet names, attempt at breaking up, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
author’s note. | this is a part of my Dark Concepts (2023) request form. thank you for taking part in this event! please enjoy and don’t forget to reblog. MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY! taglist: @hansensfics
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Captain America’s hand squeezes your arm tightly as he drags you out of the elevator and to one of the spare sleeping quarters. You let him do as he likes, knowing you have no authority compared to the Star Spangled Man. 
“Captain Rogers–” you begin, but he grumbles. “Sir, if you’d just stop and listen for a second–” you insist, trying again. “Shut up,” he spits out, throwing you onto the cot. 
You land with an ‘oomph,’ forgetting for a second just how much stronger Steve is than the regular person. “You know, I thought you’d be happy with what I did,” he begins, shutting the door behind him. The small room is dark, but you can still see him pretty well.
He leans over you, eyes flicking as he runs them up and down your body. You gulp thickly, nervous under his stare.
“I am, Steve. I promise,” you breathe out, forgoing the professional farce you’re forced to put up in public. But behind closed doors, he’s your Steve—the one you’ve been having a strictly sex-only relationship for the last few months. “Really? It doesn’t feel that way.”
You sigh in annoyance. Steve is crazy about communication despite this not being a traditional relationship. You’ve explained it to him time and time again, and although he says he understands, he never listens.
“I swear,” you tell him, sitting up to level your gaze with Steve. You roll your eyes at his anger.
He’s referring to how he used his rank to get a few weeks off for vacation, where he promises he’ll take you to whatever foreign country you’d like. The only issue is that you don’t have the same clearance as Steve, so you’re stuck with the same schedule.
Except now, he has all the time in the world to hound you as you try to work. 
“Don’t be a brat,” Steve hisses, grabbing you by your arms once again as he lifts you up. “I’m not being a brat, Steve. I just wish you’d have told me sooner,” you sigh.
His jaw clenches in frustration. “Why? You’ve been avoiding me for the last two weeks. I thought it would be a nice surprise, yet here you are, sulking,” he says, seething the entire time.
You wince at how rough Steve’s voice is. You’re sure the only other time he’s like this is on the field, and it hurts your feelings. Undeniably, you’re scared.
“I’m not sulking,” you groan in annoyance. You have to tell Steve what’s been on the tip of your tongue for days on end. It’s the only way he’ll realize why you’ve been distant from him. “I’m thinking of ending things. Between us.”
You sigh out the words and are greeted by complete silence. All you can hear is Steve’s heavy breathing. 
“What?” he finally says, as if your words have just sunken in. “I don’t think we should continue… this, okay? You’ve been great to me, and I really do like you, Steve, but it’s not a good idea to keep it going. You deserve better. So do I.”
Steve squints his eyes as he listens to your monologue. The silence prolongs.
“You know, now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure I can pull a few strings to get you some time off,” he finally says, breaking the tension in the room.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it, sweetie. We’ll leave and come back on the same day, too,” he smiles, and you furrow your brows. Steve places a hand on your face and strokes your cheek, the anger in his face cooling. 
“No, Steve–” 
“What? Can’t even be grateful for that either?” he scoffs, rolling his eyes. His constantly switching behaviours give you whiplash. “You’re going on that vacation with me, whether you like it or not,” he tells you, pushing you back onto the cot.
“Did you really think you can leave me that easily, sweetie? How cute.” 
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harrysgal · 4 months
harry styles x yn aspiring filmmaker — social media AU
I know I’m just starting and don’t actually have much experience with this, but I’m actually having a lot of fun doing it and already can’t wait to post more.
About the smau: yn starts posting videos on youtube and is trying to build a career as a filmmaker. Things are going pretty well for her and she starts getting more attention when she creates content about shows she goes to. She’s also a fan of Harry’s music and some of his fans start getting suspicious when his team starts interacting with her.
Disclaimer: The story it’s set in 2021 and it will follow their relationship through the LOT leg in the US. Since this is nothing but fiction, I will be following some of the real timeline but also adding my own stuff. On top of that, I won’t be basing myself on Harry’s actual posts.
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liked by bestfriend, yourmom, mollyjane_x and 22,108 others 
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user1 soooo… a new full time job that took you to las vegas? 👀 yourbrother Please behave  bestfriend don’t get (too) drunk without me pls harryfan STOP FIRST LOT SHOW IT’S IN VEGAS 
↳ harryfan2 She’s going to the show right???? I mean it can’t be just a coincidence anymore IT JUST CAN’T ↳ harryfan NO I KNOW THIS IS IT I CAN FEEL IT IN MY BONES
Aug 26, 2021 •
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liked by bestfriend, cuteguy, mollyjane_x and 22,451 others 
yourinstagram you’d think a lady in vegas would be out there getting wild but this one actually has been locked in her hotel room for the last 27 hours overthinking her ideas and freaking out about this new job lol if any of you could send me a pizza or something id appreciate it. thanks. 
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user1 nooooo you’re so talented whatever it is i know you can do it!! bestfriend yn ✋🏻  cuteguy Should I give you a call? 😊 harryfan17 I would too be freaking out if I had to work for THE harry styles lol
↳ harryfan16 we still don’t know if she is tho  ↳ harryfan17 C’mon she’s in vegas and molly and jeff are following her ↳ harryfan16 still 🤷🏻‍♀️ tour doesn’t start for another few days so this could be just about something else  ↳ harryfan16 also maybe she’s there because she wants to be and not bc she’s “working” for him. she’s done videos about several artists and she isn’t working for any of them is she?  ↳ harryfan17 Well yes but she literally just said she was starting a new job so 🤷‍♀️ ↳ harryfan16 so everyone just assumed HARRY, out of all people, hired her? c’mon guys lol she could be working for just anyone and STILL go to a show. one doesn’t have to be related to the other.
Aug 28, 2021 •
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liked by anthonypham, bestfriend, lookitsnyoh and 25,103 others 
yourinstagram fun fact: if you post something on the internet people around you might see it 🫠
guess im lucky this lovely group who still don’t know me at all cared enough to drag me out of my room and show me around the city. sometimes i get so caught up inside my mind that i forget how important human connection is — which is funny if you think most of my videos are exactly about that lol. so plssssss make sure to surround yourself with (nice) people. also get some sleep, drink water and feed yourself. it’ll do wonderful things for you!!!
anyway my mom was worried about my “not leaving the room post” so this is just me saying everythings good!! (i also already called her of course <3)
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bestfriend LOVE YOU harryfan the new followers the new likes 😭 it’s happening i knew it  user1 so true bestie!! this reminded me of your 2nd video i think
↳ yourinstagram omg yesssss!!  ↳ user1 ahh i missed your interactions <3  ↳ yourinstagram i knowww! promise i’ll try my best to keep interacting even if it’s not as much as before 💗
lookitsnyoh my belly still hurts from all the laughing 
↳ yourinstagram and my mind is still rushing from all the talking ↳ anthonypham go to sleep you two 
Aug 29, 2021 •
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liked by anthonypham, mollyjane_x, bestfriend and 27,257 others 
yourinstagram sightseeing left me speechless. but here’s a picture from tonight. 
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user1 omg you’re feeding us this week! i’m so happy you’re being active again <3 harryfan78 POST A PICTURE OF YOURSELF I WANT TO MEET YOU AT THE SHOW BUT I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE 
↳ user4 calm down pls? we like to behave as respectful human beings on this profile
bestfriend ❤️❤️❤️ bestfriend i’m losing my mind but i’m also so excited and proud! user7 I miss your videos :( lookitsnyoh when was this? where was I? bummed that I missed it!
↳ yourinstagram sorryyy just a last minute decision after dinner :( ↳ lookitsnyoh ohhhh makes sense now! Glad it left you speechless ↳ yourinstagram i mean the city is beautiful  ↳ lookitsnyoh sure thing it is 👽
Sep 1, 2021 •
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liked by harryfan, harryfan2 and 15,157 others 
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harryfan64 omg where did you meet him??
↳ fanwhometharry AT THE BELLAGIO  ↳ harryfan64 is he staying there???  ↳ fanwhometharry NO!! I MEAN IDK?? I DONT RHINK SO I JUST MET HIM OUTSIDE AT THE FOUNTAINS  ↳ harryfan74 hmm not tryin to be rude or something but that sounds like a weird place for him to be tbh ↳ fanwhometharry I FUCKKNG KNOW THAT?? I MEAN MY PARENTS WANTED TO SEE THE WATER SHOW SO I TAGGED ALONG BUT NEVER EVER THOUGHT ID BUMP INTO HIM THERE
harryfan62 you’re so lucky!! was he alone???
harryfan15 Hi hun! Don’t listen to people, they're just jealous. It was really sweet of him to sign that for you! Hope you have a great time at the show 💕
Sep 1, 2021 •
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liked by gemmastyles, anthonypham, jefezoff and 35,109 others 
yourinstagram having to keep this secret from the world was the most cruelest thing that anyone has ever done to me. but whatever… it’s fine… i’m okay… i’m just gonna pretend this wasn’t a big deal and i didn’t just watch one of my favorite artists perform my favorite songs… and then i’ll just casually say: pls stay tuned for next wednesday when my new video will be up 😇
(i’ll be back and share more details once my serotonin levels have normalized again)
view all 7,125 comments
bestfriend i love you so much thank you for representing us so well  harryfan I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT OMFG I CANT WAIT I KNEW IT harryfan2 YN KASDHUHHD PLS OMFG YOU CAN’T JUST SAY THIS AND LEAVE user1 😲 i can’t wait for this one! harrystyles soz 
↳ harryfan OMFG HARRY ↳ harryfan5 ?????????????????????????? ↳ harryfan3 AUIDHIAUSHDBAJH WTF ↳ harryfan9 ARE YOU F KIDDING ME WHATS HE DOING HERE
cuteguy Nice! Glad you’re having a good time darling. 
Sep 4, 2021 •
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If you happen to read and enjoy this, pls let me know? 🙏 thanks!! it would be nice to know if this is working, or what else would people would like to see.
260 notes · View notes
fruitmins · 1 year
Agust Dad—Seven
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➭ summary: Your a producer from another company that he happened to be collaborating with on his 2nd album D-2. At the release party— one drunk action leads to another, you do the worst thing you can do in the industry
➭genre: short series, pregnancy au, idol au, angst, dad au
➭warnings: slight angst + slight fluff??, mention of nausea, rushed to edit this so might have mistakes
<next part>
note: it’s 1AM but I don’t careee. my masterlist is coming soon. so many people have birthday’s in October, shoutout to all the October ARMY’s 🫶🏽 thank you EVERYONE for being patient with me
Taglist: @welcometomyworld13 @tatyhend @jiminiesunicorn @littlestarstinyseven @baechugff @thelilbutifulthings @tearykth @familiarlikemymirror3 @coree730 @prajusstuff @wobblewobble822 @choisoorin @manuosorioh @0funsite0 @whipwhoops @bergandysam @aloverga @illnevertrustmyselfagain @silentreadersthings @butterymin @girl-nahh @linneasblog @cuntessaiii @nikkiordonez12 @chl0buggy @serendididy @llallaaa @ghostlyworld @roguesthetic @captainchrisstan @bxcndd @lukeys-giggle
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Your head is pounding and thumping in your ears.
As you slowly come to, you feel nauseous and dizzy. And it only worsens when you slowly try to lift your heavy eyelids. You slowly open your eyes, your vision cloudy and your mind foggy. You try to look around the bright room, which immediately makes your headache worse as the light makes it more difficult to see.
You blink away the sleepiness from your eyes, and as your vision starts to come into focus, you realize you're lying down.
You slowly come to the realization that you're in a hospital bed, hooked up to tubes and IVs. A faint buzzing noise fills your ears.
You try to move, but your body is completely paralysed. A cold breeze cuts through you, making your teeth chatter and your bones ache.
You’re confused and scared and worst of all, your memory starts to come back.
As the memories of the last few days come flooding back into your mind, you remember the overwhelming anxiety you felt. You feel the nausea increase as you remember the events before you passed out. The fans picking your body apart, speculating about your pregnancy, calling you various cruel names.
You suddenly feel cold, so cold that your teeth practically click. You shiver, your body struggling to retain some sort of warmth. A sense of dread washes over you as you think about what might have happened while you were unconscious.
Underneath all of the icy breeze, your feel some of your skin warmer than the other part of your body.
You look down in the hospital bed you’re lying in. You don’t have a blanket, so when you find the source of the warmth your eyes widen.
Yoongi is there.
Right next to you, fast asleep on your legs, his hand rests on your stomach. You don’t know how long you’ve been in the hospital, or how long he has been with you, but he looks exhausted.
i’m here now
Despite how peaceful he looks while sleeping, there are clear eye bags under his eyes. And you swear you see some dry tears on his clear skin.
Your heart leaps at the sight of Yoongi, the sight of him in tears and looking exhausted breaking your heart.
You want to call out to him, but you're unable to speak. Your throat itchy and closed up.
The machines attached to your body beep and emit various sounds as the data they measure gets recorded and updated.
Yoongi shifts slightly, his eyes opening to reveal tired and puffy eyes, the marks of a man who hasn't slept in days. He sits up slightly, his eyes widening when he looks up at you and he realizes you're awake.
My throat closes even more at the sight of him slowly waking up. It’s a dangerously beautiful sight.
His beautiful eyes fluttering as they slowly open and look at you. The slow realization that you were wake. You don’t like how your heart flutters at the thought of him worrying about you. But it does.
“Y/N..?” His voice is soft and quiet sounding relieved but heavily concerned.
“What happened?” You manage to choke out in a shaky hoarse voice, staring back at him with your own widened eyes.
Yoongi's eyes flicker with worry as he sees the state you're in. Your voice is hoarse and your throat is sore, making you sound like you've been screaming for hours.
"Y/N..." Yoongi says softly again, getting to his feet and moving next to you slightly frantic.
"I should have expected this," he mumbles, his shoulders sinking. "You were already at your limit, trying to keep our relationship a secret. I should have warned Jin or something.." he can’t even look you in the face as he talks.
“I-It wasn’t your fault..” your voice is scratchy and shriveled so you’re not surprised when he still doesn’t relax in the slightest. But he couldn’t have known this would happen.
Even though he is stood up at the side of your bed, his hand stays gently planted on your stomach.
You remember the intense pain you felt before passing out. The sharp stab you felt that left you breathless.
“I-Is the baby okay?” You ask cautiously, almost scared to hear the answer and slightly panicked. You’d never forgive yourself if anything happened.
Yoongi hesitates, looking at you before nodding carefully. "The baby seems to be okay, thankfully."
Relief washes over you, and Yoongi takes a minute to let you digest the words and let you breathe before speaking again. "The doctors wanted to run a few tests, to make sure the baby is healthy. And we did, and thankfully, the baby is safe. But you’re gonna be here for a couple days to make sure.”
Yoongi looks at you, his gaze is full of relief but behind it all, you can see the beginnings of sadness and guilt. "It's not easy, Y/N, to watch you struggle like this." He pauses to collect himself, and your heart races at his words.
After all of the early mornings you spent together, after all of the things he has done for you so far. You can’t help but feel fuzzy inside. You can’t help but feel wanted and safe around him, despite how you felt earlier into your pregnancy.
You open your mouth to speak again, but he stops you quickly. “Wait—“ he says before walking to a nearby counter and grabbing a water bottle. It’s open, but it’s still almost completely full. He had been so stressed he wasn’t drinking water..?
He gets up and hands it to you, before sitting back down in the chair that he was by your legs. You quickly gulp down the water, clenching your thirst and your dry throat.
“Thank you..” you mumble with a cough as he gently takes the empty bottle out of your hands and helps you sit up. “How long have I been out for?”
Yoongi's eyes flicker as he tries to remember. "It's been a few days since we admitted you," he says carefully, trying to keep his voice gentle. "But they said you were dehydrated and exhausted, so they wanted to run some tests and keep you on observation."
“And I’ll be here for you every step of the wa—“ his voice is cut off by his phone ringing loudly. His head snaps to his pocket, an angry expression flashing on his face as he pulls it out of his pocket.
He takes a look at the caller ID and his angry quickly flashes to sadness. “It’s Jin..” he says, looking back up at you and you feel your heart get heavy.
Undoubtedly he was feeling guilty about the whole thing. He was nice to you even before the entire thing and has helped you in many ways.
He declines the call, but you can see his fingers swiftly typing away before putting it back in his pocket.
The sight of his phone brings you back to a harsh reality of what was going on while you’ve been unconscious. Or what you don’t know is going on while you’ve been unconscious.
“Have you seen..the media?” You ask in a low cautious tone. Yoongi sighs heavily in return, his head falling a bit. "Yeah," he says quietly. "The media is in a frenzy."
He shakes his head, his voice low and filled with sadness. "Twitter is going crazy. We're still a trending topic." he says softly, his tone is serious, and it sinks into your head how bad the situation might be.
"It's... not good," he says softly. "People are calling you names for keeping the baby, and they're not being very nice to me either. They're speculating how I feel about it, suggesting that I don’t care about you since I wasn’t standing next to you.“ His voice is filled with disappointment, and slight rage for accusing him of not caring for you.
You can’t help but feel guilty about the whole situation. You can’t imagine how much trouble he must be in with the company, how he must feel about his own fans turning on him.
You let out a shaky breath as you look down at your lap. Hormones kick in, and tears start to build in your eyes. You feel so overwhelmed by everything, even slightly guilty that this all took away from Jin’s big moment.
Despite being at such a low point in your life, Yoongi being here made it better.
"Hey..." Yoongi says softly, noticing you cry. “Don't worry yourself with what these people say. You're doing nothing wrong. We’re gonna focus on you and nothing else.”
He smiles at you, trying to help make you feel better. "I'll get you some food and a blanket."
He stands up and heads to leave the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more.
Yoongi walks back into the room minutes later, carrying a blanket over his shoulder and a small tray in his other hand. He hands you the blanket and sets the tray down next to you.
On the tray is a small container of soup, a cup of tea, and a few small pieces of bread. It's nothing special, but with the stress you've been going through, it might be what you need.
Yoongi sits down on the bed next to you and looks at you with concern. "Do you need anything else?" he asks softly.
“No, but thank you.” You say softly as you start to sip on the soup, looking down as you ate to avoid more butterflies in your stomach.
Yoongi watches you eat, his eyes flickering with concern as he studies the way you move. You look so frail and exhausted, and he hates seeing you like this.
"It's no problem," he says, his tone light and calming.
He looks at you with a small smile, his face expressing the feeling of satisfaction that he's able to take care of you.
A couple of minutes of silence, and he doesn’t even glance down at his phone once, despite the constant buzzing.
There’s a soft knock on the door as you’re slowly eating and a nurse pops her head through the door.
Yoongi's eyes widen as he sees the female nurse walk into the room, followed by the unmistakable form of Jin behind her.
"Jin..." Yoongi says slowly in a greeting, looking over at him. He looks almost as bad as Yoongi, if not worse. You notice how exhausted Jin looks. His eyes are dull and lifeless, and there seems to be something weighing on him. You hated that you were right about him feeling guilty.
"Are you okay?" Jin asks gently, stepping forward into the room and closing the door.
“I’m okay, thank you.” You respond with a slight smile, trying to clear up his gloomy state but it doesn’t help much. He’s bright smile is replaced by a small weak one.
“The rest of the members wanted to come, but I told them you would probably be overwhelmed..” Jin says softly.
He looks at Jin and smiles again. "Thank you for coming all the way here just to check up on her."
Jin nods, his tone more somber as the stress of the situation settles on his shoulders. "I'm just glad you're up and alright. How are you feeling?"
“Better..” you mumble as the doctor clears her throat. “We’re gonna do an ultrasound now that you’re awake. And since you’re about 21 weeks along you have the option to know what the gender is if you want.” She says happily with a smile.
Yoongi listens to the doctor in silence, his eyes flickering towards you and the doctor. When she's done speaking, he gently touches his fingers to yours, squeezing them.
He leans close, his voice almost a whisper. "Whatever you decide, I'll support your decision," he says, his voice barely audible and filled with a bit of anxiety.
You glance away from him, hoping you’re not blushing by how close he is and your eyes find Jin’s. You take a pause to think about it before answering. “I think it should be a surprise for us.. So Jin can through an awesome gender reveal party.” You say with a warm smile.
Yoongi smiles slightly, and the tension is lifted a bit. "I think that's a good idea," he says softly.
Jin looks between the both of you with a small smile, taken aback by the request at first but you can see his eyes brighten a bit. "I'll do my best to plan the most extravagant party you've ever seen," he says, his voice filled with excitement.
Yoongi looks at the doctor, seeing if she has anything else to say before he nods towards her. "Can we begin?"
"Of course," she says, gesturing for you to move to the ultrasound machine.
Yoongi gently helps you move towards it, positioning you on the bed so the ultrasound machine can get a better image of you and the baby.
But of course, now you and Yoongi can’t see the baby to reveal it’s gender so the two of you close your eyes as she examines the baby. It feels like only a few seconds passed before she leaves the room with Jin, assuring you two that the baby was okay but telling you to take it slow for a week or two.
Yoongi moves out of the way and opens his eyes once the nurse and Jin leave, looking towards you. "How are you feeling?" he asks softly, making sure you're okay.
You notice the relief on his face as you open your eyes, and you smile slightly, happy that you're both okay and the baby's healthy.
“Better.” You say again, this time more warmly and lightly. The slight change in your tone brings a warm smile to Yoongi's face.
"Good," he says softly, taking your hand. "The baby's doing alright, thankfully. You need rest, though," he tells you, his voice calm and gentle. "We'll talk more once you've gotten some sleep."
“Okay..” You say with a small nod, knowing that you still felt weak and cold. Now that you knew the baby was well, you were gonna trend very carefully.
Yoongi looks like he wants to say something more, debating with himself before letting out a sigh. “This is gonna sound stupid, but I heard somewhere that by this stage, babies can hear.”
You glance up at him curiously as he said this. It makes you intrigued that he was even reading about it. “And I thought it would be cool, if the baby heard the song we worked on together.”
Your eyes widen at his words. You’re undoubtedly flushed now, but Yoongi can’t tell because he is to busy avoiding your eyes.
“It’s stupid.” He groans to himself once he hears your silence but you quickly snap out of your thoughts and quickly shake your head.
“No, no. It’s sweet. It might actually help me fall asleep.” You reply softly and Yoongi glances over at you, raising an eyebrow at you suspiciously.
You let out a small chuckle at his stunned reaction. “I’m serious.” You mumble and he takes a small moment to study you before silently pulling out his phone and pulling up the song.
You lean back against the hospital bed, yawning softly as you do and seconds later you hear the song start playing. He sits down and scoots the chair closer to you, closer to your stomach.
Memories flood your head about your time working on the song with him as you close your eyes. How easy it was working with Yoongi, listening to the whole album, and of the party as a result. Memories you blocked out a long time ago.
But memories you know longer wanted to hide from. Memories you now cherished.
733 notes · View notes
seuonji · 11 months
彡 my days won’t end without you. — hong joshua
notes ๑ yn & svt idol!au. ever since you and joshua have started dating, he found it weird leaving work without you.
genre ๑ fluff
warnings ๑ non
word count ๑ 0.9k
from aya: please reblog if you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated<3
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“what do you want to eat tonight?” joshua whispered.
he came to visit you as per usual just outside your practice room. since you two have became an item, as days go by he becomes clingier and clingier. you two have started to be seen as hybe’s married couple and you two couldn’t disagree either. you two had a shared apartment and bickered like a married couple, the only thing missing was a ring on your finger.
and joshua would do anything to see you in between you and his breaks even if it’s just for a few seconds. jeonghan jokes that they should just make seventeen and your group’s practice rooms right beside each other.
earlier, he had messaged you saying he was gonna pass by your practice room which was really more of a “come outside i miss you.” demand, but to his surprise you were already outside. he nonchalantly skipped over to you but still maintained a distance. however the smile plastered on his face instantly turned into worry when he saw your exhausted expression. he didn’t even need to ask if you’re okay, he already knew the answer.
he’s been an idol long enough to understand why you looked so down. but most of all, he knew you and how strict you were with yourself when it came to your performances so as he saw you, he easily assumed you were having trouble with the choreography to your new song or your recording in the studio wasn’t satisfactory to you.
if he could hug you right now, he would.
but he can’t, thus he relied on cheering you up verbally and asked you what do you want for dinner, just to lighten up your mood and so that you’d have something to look forward to!
“what do you want to eat tonight?” joshua whispered.
“am i even going to make it out of this building before today ends?”
the day already ended actually, it was currently 12:41am, you were just too tired to have a sense of time. joshua took a peek to the clock at the end of the hallway and bit his lip not wanting to make your mood more foul.
“even if you go home at 5am or 10am, you’ll be going home with me,” he squinted his eyes showing his seriousness.
“no shua, go home, i know you’re already done with practice,” you leaned on the wall beside you to relieve yourself from carrying your tired self up.
“i can wait yn, how much longer could it possibly take?”
“i can’t get this part of the choreo down i might be here all night,” you crossed your arms, closing your eyes out of exhaustion. you were worried about how you were being perceived in joshua’s eyes but at the same time, you were too drained to give mind to it.
joshua stayed quiet. he understood the situation and why you felt this way so he really wasn’t bothered, what bothered him was how it was affecting you.
“i’m sorry,” you blurted after the silence lasted too long.
joshua took a step forward and gave a reassuring smile, “yn, don’t be sorry, it’s your job and come on, i’m your senior, you think i don’t know how tiring practice can be?” he tried to convince you he understood and that you weren’t being a burden. joshua was never one to care about treatment of juniors to seniors but he was pulling that card today.
“just do what you have to now, when you’re done, we’ll go home together and i’ll cook your favourite food. if you still feel like being a workaholic, we can go through your choreography together, how does that sound?” he tilted his head with a sweet smile
“wow, ‘go through the choreography together?’ when did you join the performance unit?”
joshua was apalled despite knowing it was a joke, “i’m seventeen i am basically the performance unit!”
your corners of your lips slowly turned into a smile as you laughed. internally, joshua felt accomplished.
“so, we’re getting out this building together, at the same time?” joshua wanted a clear answer.
“i’ll finish up as fast as i can,” you gave an indirect yes.
“that’s my yn, but also just take your time, i’ll wait.”
you bit your lip and nodded before turning to get back to practice. but just before that, joshua tugged your shirt stopping you in your tracks. as he leaned forward, his mouth levelled to your ear and there he whispered, three sweet words.
“i love you.”
you two have already said it so many times yet hearing it now, it caught you off guard but you quickly brushed it off, “see you later hong jisoo.”
“you government named me?!” he quietly screeched.
you opened the door to your practice room and stuck your tongue out, teasing him.
his eyes were wide, not out of anger but out of shock. when did you learn to get so cheeky? in reality you’ve just been hanging out with him too much.
he placed his hands in his pockets and walked away chuckling to himself. he may have told you to take your time but he really couldn’t wait for your practice to end.
you’ve heard joshua say i love you so many times, yet today, it stuck in your head making practice ten times harder than it already was.
but needless to say, you can’t wait to get over with practice and leave this building with the one you love.
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wooataes · 6 months
Real Eyes, Fake Lies (Part Ten)
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Pairing: soulmate!Lee Jihoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Hanahaki!AU, angst, alcohol consumption, green-eyed monster named jealousy, tears, lots of crying, heartbreak, mentions of death, suggestive thoughts? guilt, swearing
Summary: What do you do when you find out the one person that was created by the universe to be yours doesn’t want you back?
A/N: It has been a long time coming! Oh my goodness guys, thank you so much for your incredible patience with me as I have been navigating my life into the new year and getting my life together essentially. I finally (with the support of my friendos) managed to get this up and out for you all! Thank you all as always for your love and support of refl! 🥰
- Tae 💜🌸✨
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Jihoon was so fucked.
To his credit, he is trying. Trying to ignore the fact that his body feels some sort of attraction towards his soulmate, situated only a few feet away from him on a beach chair. Trying to ignore the ink embedded into your skin along your collarbone that he can see out of his peripheral vision. 
Trying to ignore temptation. 
Your sunglasses are pushed up your nose to keep the sun out of your eyes, having opted to let the sun warm your body up instead of making your way into the water. It’s unusual for Jihoon to see you so still and so silent, simply basking in the sunlight as a hand belonging to Jisoo reaches up to pat your calf. Jihoon immediately scowls to himself when he sees the older man glance up at you from his towel, asking quietly if you’re good to which you respond with a little nod and smile before leaning your head back again and relaxing into the beach chair.
Your soulmate heaves a soft sigh as he checks his phone for the fourth time in the last two hours. Ji-ah was due to arrive back in Seoul soon and he has been growing increasingly more worried the longer it takes for her to not answer. 
“Y/N!” A loud voice rouses you from your hungover slumber, causing you to whine and look at the shadow that is now blocking the sun from you that comes in the form of a 6’2 man named Kim Mingyu.
“Mm?” You grumble.
“Why won’t you come swimming with us?” he pouts at you, hands on his hips.
“I’m having my enrichment time out of my enclosure.” You deadpan, eyes closing again, a little grin forming on your face as you hear Mingyu let out a loud whine.
“Please can you come in the water?”
“Why does it have to be me?” You groan.
“Because Wonwoo can’t do swimming because of an accident when he was younger, Kwan and Sol are in their own little honeymoon phase world over there,” he points to said couple who are making an intricate sand castle, “Minnie is hanging off Soonie-hyung like a rash, Hannie-hyung will just attempt to use us all as a floatation device-”
“What makes you think I won’t do the same?” You raise your eyebrow.
“AND,” he glares at you, ignoring your comment. “Your brother is sulking that it’s only me who is playing with him. Please?”
“Do I have to?” You throw your head back with a dramatic sigh.
“If you don’t come in the water willingly, I will have to take you by force, Y/Nie.”
“Ha ha ha.” You roll your eyes. “I’d like to see you try.”
Jihoon has kept his back to you both for the entirety of your interaction with Mingyu, deciding on his own that he needs to actually follow Jeonghan’s advice and actively make an effort to at least attempt to ignore you and help you move on. He is finding it extremely difficult, however, due to the bikini you’re currently in looking too inviting for you to wriggle your way into his thoughts like a catchy song that can’t seem to escape his brain.
Mingyu seems to take your words as a challenge though, as not even two seconds later, Jihoon is alerted by a shriek coming from you.
“KIM MINGYU!” You try and scold, the large man having now scooped you up into his arms, marching his way towards the water. Jeonghan and Wonwoo both begin to laugh at the way you flail and kick to no avail.
“Yes, Y/Nie?” Mingyu grins at you, and you thrash more.
“Kim Mingyu, I swear if you don’t put me the fuck down right now…”
“Oh, put you down?” He smirks. “Okay!”
“YAH!” You let out another squeal as he moves to drop you, but you’re faster. You immediately wrap your arms and legs around his torso, squeezing onto him for dear life. Seungcheol bursts out laughing at the sight of you, a big smile on his face as he watches on.
“I meant out of the water, you BRAT!” You smack at Mingyu’s back, who only trudges deeper into the water. You whine loudly and cling tighter to him. 
“Are you sure you want to call me a brat when I could sink both of us into the water right now?” He raises his eyebrows at you, arms down by his sides as you hold onto him like a backpack..
“Yah!” You whimper, burying your face into his shoulder. Jihoon bristles at the feeling in his stomach. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry! I’ll hang out!”
“Told you it would work.” Mingyu smirks to your brother, who only grins back triumphantly.
“I hate that you know me too well.” You groan, carefully untangling yourself from the overgrown puppy’s broad back, shivering at the feeling of the cold water as you sink your feet into the salty beach water. “I swear to god though, if you try to push me under the water, I will end you.” 
Soonyoung only giggles at the glare on your face, glancing back to the shore at Jeonghan. “Hyung, isn’t she cute when she’s angry?”
“The cutest!” Jeonghan calls back, an amused smirk forming on his face as you shoot your brother’s soulmate a glare.
“I hate you all.” You grumble, crossing your arms with a pout, only making the boys around you giggle more.
“Oh come here, you big baby.” Seokmin turns around, offering his back to you.
Jihoon feels the immediate change in your mood lift to excitement, glancing over to see you happily perched up on Seokmin’s back, who wades slowly through the water with you comfortably resting against him. 
“Thank you Minnie~” You sing sweetly, hugging around his shoulders.
“Hey!” Mingyu points accusingly at you. “That isn’t fair! I went through all that work to bring you out here only to have you be coddled in the water too?”
“Be grateful I’m even here, Mingyu.” You playfully glare at him, Seokmin turning you away from him as Soonyoung starts cooing and patting your head, making you grin.
“Aish, what are we going to do with you…”
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For the next hour, Jihoon knows he is torturing himself by listening to the others around him (aka you) have fun. Him, alongside Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Seungkwan and Hansol watches as you with the others play happily around in the water. For the better part of twenty minutes, the game of choice, chosen by the birthday boy, has been Marco Polo. You have opted out of this game, your soulmate keeping an eye on your head currently nestled against Seokmin’s warm shoulder, eyes fluttering closed as the heat from the sun covers you like a blanket and makes your sleepiness return at full force. You look peaceful, he thinks. 
His calm thoughts soon turn to discomfort as he feels his phone vibrate against his pocket, hurriedly reaching down to check the text, only to feel himself deflate at the message from his girlfriend.
Made it safe. x
No nickname, no warmth, no nothing. This is seriously unlike Ji-ah at all, and it has Jihoon nervous. Should he reply like normal? Or should he give his girlfriend the space she needs to handle her emergency?
“Jihoon-ah?” Wonwoo’s voice cuts his thoughts short, startling his housemate as he turns to stare at him with wide eyes. “You okay over there?”
“Uh, y-yeah.” He hums slightly. “Ji-ah just let me know she made it home safely.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?”
Is it?
“Yeah, I suppose.” Jihoon replies after a short pause, sighing quietly. 
“It’s okay to be worried about her.” Wonwoo smiles at him, patting his shoulder gently. “After all, she is your-”
“YAH!” Your voice squeals out, alarming the others as they turn to look at the ocean. You’re swatting at your brother, who is loudly cackling and snatching you from Seokmin’s arms. “Get away from me, you big buffoon!”
The others upon the shore begin to laugh and smile at Seungcheol as he spins you around bridal style. “You dare be rude to your big brother on his birthday, hmm?”
“HANNIE OPPA!” You shriek as Jihoon glances at your brother’s soulmate, who simply smirks back. “DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR SOULMATE!”
“And ruin my hair if I fall into the water? You’re on your own, Ladybug.”
“You bast-AAAAAH!” You yelp as Seungcheol tosses you to Mingyu, who catches you effortlessly. “I hate you all!”
“What did I do?!” Seungkwan fires back immediately, wagging his finger dramatically at you as the others laugh at the joyful mood surrounding them all.
Jihoon breathes a sigh of relief at the change of subject from Wonwoo’s questioning, letting his head lean back to briefly glance at the sky as he delves back into his own thoughts.
“Aw, come on guys, leave the girl alone!” Jisoo chuckles as he rises from his towel, tucking a surfboard under his arm. He jogs into the sea, sitting up on his board as he paddles his way over to the group. “Come here, Goober. I’ll save you from these punks.” He laughs as Mingyu turns away from him, holding you tight to his chest.
“Nuh-uh! She stays with us!”
“She’s not going to stray far, promise.” He pats the board gently, making the tall man sigh and plonk you down in front of your childhood friend.
“Thank you, Shua’ppa.” You smile sweetly at him before poking your tongue out at Mingyu, who huffs and splashes you playfully, making you yelp.
“Do you know how to surf, Goob?” Jisoo asks gently, giving you a cheeky grin.
“Hong Jisoo.” You deadpan, raising an eyebrow. “I am a homebody girl from Daegu. What do you think?”
“Well,” he ignores your sass, crossing his arms across his chest as you mimic him. “Would you like to learn?”
“When I feel like throwing up from how the ocean is rocking me right now?” You laugh. “I think that’s a recipe for disaster.”
“Hmm.. you make a compelling argument.” He hums sagely, reaching up and stroking his chin, trying not to grin at the sound of your giggles. “How about then I teach you how to keep your balance on the board? No wave riding.”
“Can you guarantee that I won’t fall in?” Jisoo simply raises his hand up, his pinky extended to link with yours, flashing you an angelic smile. You narrow your eyes for a moment before reaching out to link your pinky with his. “I swear, if I fall in…”
“Trust me, Goober!”
Jihoon blinks and raises his head as he feels your amusement filling his veins, eyes coming into focus as he curiously gazes out to the sea to see why you’re feeling this way.
Your legs are shaking as you attempt to stand on the idle surfboard, your nervous laughs reaching down to where your soulmate sits. Jisoo is standing behind you with his large hands settled delicately on your bare waist, keeping you steady as he talks quietly into your ear on how to stand correctly that Jihoon can’t hear.
Jihoon feels his hair stand on end as his eyes zero in on the older man’s hands resting on your bare skin, bristling in his chair slightly.
“You can do it, Ladybug!” Jeonghan is cheering from the shore, an amused grin on his face as you flip him off.
“Focus, Goober.” Jisoo’s voice is steady as he keeps his hands on you.
You take a deep breath, standing with your legs apart as he directs you, biting down on your lip and holding your arms out to keep your balance, your eyes squeezing shut.
“That’s it!” Seungcheol cheers you on from the water, keeping a hold on the surfboard so it doesn’t toss and tip as much.
“Look at her go, babe!” Seungkwan coos excitedly to Hansol from their spot in the sand, as his soulmate watches on with an amused smile.
“Bug, open your eyes!” Soonyoung laughs at your scrunched up face.
“Goober,” Jisoo laughs, both hands now in the air. “You’re doing it. Open your eyes.”
You slowly open your eyes, looking down to see your legs balancing on the board. Your eyes widen as you look around at Soonyoung, Seokmin, Seungcheol and Mingyu in the water, all cheering excitedly at you and Jisoo standing behind you with a proud grin.
“Holy fuck.” You laugh nervously. “I’m doing it.”
“WOOHOO!” Seungkwan cheers from ashore, waving excitedly with Hansol as Wonwoo simply gives you a thumbs up from beside your soulmate, who just stares with a bewildered look on his face, not knowing how to comprehend the feelings that are in his stomach.
“See?” Jisoo smiles charmingly at you, leaning in to press his lips to your temple. “I told you that you could do it.”
Jihoon grimaces at the shy smile that graces your face.
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“Hmm?” Jihoon’s brain switches into focus at the sound of your brother's voice calling out for him.
They had been back at the campsite now for roughly two hours after a long birthday dinner in the city for Seungcheol, full of fried chicken and even more alcohol. Everyone now has settled down around the campfire, ready for a final night of alcohol and drinking games for the last hurrah of the trip.
“Soonyoungie said that you are studying music production.” He smiles warmly at him. Jihoon bristles. “What made you want to pursue that?”
“O-oh.” He stutters. “Umm..”
It’s not that he was afraid of his soulmate’s brother and the fact that if he knew that he rejected his precious sister, he’d rip his head off, no, it was the fact that Jihoon isn’t a very sociable person. He has never been one to hold any type of conversation for very long with anyone unless it was something he was passionate about. Luckily for him, music is one of his specialties that he could go on for hours about. So, he does.
”My older cousin is an amateur producer and songwriter.” Jihoon quietly smiles. “He has a few albums that he’s made at the moment. His soulmate does choreography for some of his tracks. I always thought he was really cool and wanted to follow his footsteps and do what he does. I guess I’m kind of his protege now?” He shrugs his shoulders nervously with a chuckle. “There’s just something I find really interesting about breaking down a song into different segments and sections, and creating completely new beats and melodies from the source material.”
“Wow,” Seungcheol replies with curious eyes. “That’s actually really interesting.”
”I suppose so,” your soulmate nods his head as he smiles shyly to himself.
“Do you plan on releasing things in the future?”
“Oh! Um.. Maybe?” He blinks. “I write a few things here and there, but they’re not very good, I don’t think.”
“Don’t downplay your skills and hobbies, Jihoon-ssi.” Seungcheol pats his shoulder once as he rises from his spot by the campfire. “If you enjoy it, that’s all that matters.” He makes his way to grab himself a second serving of the birthday cake you had brought from your work for the final night of Seungcheol’s birthday celebrations.
Jihoon smiles to himself.
He is so kind. No wonder you turned out so well. After all, he did help raise you for most of your teen years.
“It’s not tap, tap, kick,” Soonyoung instructs loudly. “It’s tap, kick, tap! Yah, don’t you remember anything from this routine, Kwan-ah?”
“We made this dance four years ago, Hyung.” Seungkwan glares, hand on his hip. “Please spare me for not remembering a dance that is nearly HALF A DECADE old.”
“NO EXCUSES!” He shouts back, pointing dramatically as he begins to get back into position. “Five, six, seven, eight!” Seungkwan groans and begrudgingly begins to move in time to Soonyoung’s movements, much to your amusement as you weave your way through the camping chairs, bundles of bracelets in hand.
“One for you,” You chirp, two bottles of soju deep as you slide a bracelet onto Seungkwan’s wrist as you pass without skipping a beat. “And a specially made tiger one for you,” You coo, squeaking and giggling as Soonyoung takes your hand, twirling you in his arms and dipping you dramatically as the bracelet slides with ease onto his wrist, your loud laugh echoing through the empty forest and right into your soulmate’s ears, sending goosebumps down his arms.
”Thank you, Buggie Wuggie Boo,” Soonyoung coos, making you groan and shove him away.
“ICK!” You yell as you continue to pass bracelets through the group, Jihoon eyeing you out of the corner of his eye as you draw closer towards where he sits. “Here you go, Hannie-Oppa!”
”Thank you, sweetheart.” your brother’s soulmate smiles, ruffling your hair as he admires the colourful beads on his wrist.
Jihoon takes a deep breath as he feels your presence draw closer, eyes downcast as you fiddle with one of two bracelets in your hand. “Jihoon-ssi,” your voice is once again timid and shy, and he dislikes it. “I didn’t know what colour you liked, and I noticed your wardrobe is pretty void of colour, so…” You quietly place a simple black and grey beaded bracelet with his name written in lettered beads in the middle on his lap. “I thought it matches your look.”
Jihoon stares at the bracelet, picking it up and examining it between his fingers. He can feel your nerves running through your stomach, fiddling with the remaining bracelet in your hands. After a soft sigh, Jihoon slips the bracelet onto his wrist, cheeks warming at the kind gesture of you still including him.
“It’s perfect.” Jihoon smiles softly to you. “Thank you, Y/N.”
Your cheeks flush as you give him a small smile, turning and making your way towards Chan, who said quietly beside Wonwoo as he ate.
“I saved the best bracelet for last,” you smile to the youngest, sliding the final bracelet onto his wrist delicately.
“What colour is it, Noona?” Chan asks quietly, staring at the beads intently.
“Well,” you begin, sitting down beside him. “I made this with every coloured bead I could think of. It’s a rainbow.”
“Huh?” Chan balked, tilting his head. “Why would you do that? I can’t even see them…”
”I made it this way because then, the day that you meet your soulmate,” you nudge the bracelet, “you will be able to see all the colours of the rainbow straight away.” Your eyes light up with a little smile.
Jihoon’s stomach drops at the sound of hope and joy in your voice that is almost infectious, and he scowls to himself.
“Hannie-Oppa did the same for me, see?” You chirp, holding your hand out and showing Chan your nails, now chipped and slightly overgrown. “He gave me all the colours I could have on my hand, and I wanted to do the same to you.”
“B-but…” Chan takes a quiet breath. “Noona.. wh-what if… what if I meet my soulmate and it doesn’t work out? What if… what if I’m left behind and look like a complete fool?” He stares at his lap, knee bouncing nervously.
Your soulmate feels a twist of discomfort in his gut at the maknae’s question, turning his head to see the same discomfort evident on your face.
“Chan-ah,” you smile softly, reaching up to ruffle his hair. “Don’t be silly.”
“B-but you-”
“Uh-uh-uh,” you wiggle your finger at him. “Things like that only happen to people like me, who are just simply unlucky in life.” Jihoon feels the dagger pressing against his chest. “You, little one, are lucky, and I know your soulmate will be absolutely smitten with you when you meet. And, in that impossible scenario,” You bump your shoulder against his, “you’ll always have all of these guys here to spend time with. And even Noona too.” You add on for good measure, smiling sweetly at him. Jihoon feels the dagger twist inside him. Chan shyly smiles back, leaning his head against your shoulder, signaling for you to give him a big side hug, cheek resting against the top of his head.
“Promise I’ll always have you, Noona?”
“Silly boy,” You giggle. “I couldn’t leave you alone, even if I tried.” You ruffle his hair once more, causing him to whine and swat your arm, your giggle growing once more as Jihoon feels his stomach twist and tighten, a million thoughts once again flooding his mind.
“Okay,” Seokmin settles comfortably in his chair, looking around at the circle. “Here’s a question.” He hums quietly at the small group that has formed around him of you, Wonwoo, Jisoo, Jeonghan and Jihoon. “If you could have one wish that could be granted, what would you wish for?” Before anyone can open their mouths, he points aggressively towards Jeonghan. “NO WISHING FOR MORE WISHES!”
“Yah, you’re no fun.” Jeonghan whines, slumping in his chair and crossing his arms.
“I would wish for…” Wonwoo mumbles. “Being able to have enough money in my pocket at all times to be able to afford what I need at that time.”
”That is… oddly specific.” Jisoo chuckles.
“But practical.” Seokmin grins.
“I would wish for Seokminnie to let me answer questions the way I want to.” Jeonghan huffs, shooting him a playful glare as Seokmin gasps loudly, pressing his hand to his chest in shock,
“How dare you!”
”What about you, Goob?” Jisoo nudges your side with a little smile.
“I’d wish soulmates didn’t exist.”
The group falls silent, the air filling with awkward tension as they balk, trying to think of an answer.
“Bug, I…”
“Not for the reason you think.” You mutter, staring into the fire with a dull look on your face. “If soulmate’s didn’t exist, I’d only have divorced parents, not a dead mother and an absent father. If soulmate’s didn’t exist, I’d still be able to go home and see my mother and tell her about how my day went. If soulmate’s didn’t exist, I’d actually be wanted.”
Jihoon feels his heart twist, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he eyes your face. You look empty. Jihoon can’t feel a thing, and that frightens him.
“C’mere.” Jisoo takes your hand delicately, leading you to a small clearing; the same clearing that Jihoon went to the night before.
The little conversations start up again, Jihoon’s ears zeroing in on Jeonghan’s light scolding to Seokmin as to why he’d ask such a ridiculous question. His ears are ringing as your emotionless words echo through his head, making him feel worse than he ever has before.
“Goober…” Jisoo encourages you quietly to speak.
“Remember how you asked me yesterday if I was okay?” Your voice shakes. “If I was broken?”
Jisoo nods slowly, hand resting on your shoulder.
“A-and I said to you I was fine?”
“I-I.. I’m not. I’m not okay.” You whimper, bottom lip trembling. “I’m living a good life, I have a job I love, friends and family who care about me, I can-” you hiccup. “I-I can see colour… and I’m fucking broken.”
You let out a loud sob, a heartbroken wail, letting yourself fall into Jisoo’s arms, your face burying into the warmth of his sweater as your arms wrap tightly around him. Jisoo feels his own tears filling his eyes at the sound of your broken cries, your hands gripping the back of his sweater for dear life, as if afraid he would disappear.
”I know, Goob… Don’t worry, I got you. Let it out.”
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“Are you sure it’s been resolved?” Jihoon smiles at Ji-ah as they stroll through the street, making their way to Love Letter cafe.
It has been a week since he has returned from Busan with you and the others; the group having been mostly quiet as they recovered from the long weekend of partying and merging back into their daily lives. This is the first time Jihoon has seen his girlfriend, having given her space to get through her emergency. He’s finally happy he is able to have a date with her after being at university all week and catching up on the projects he wasn’t able to do while on the road trip.
“Yes, babe, I’m sure.” Ji-ah smiles back at him. For some reason, though, Jihoon finds the smile uneasy and almost hollow, and he can’t figure out why until a quiet voice cuts his thoughts short.
He pauses as he sees a tall man in front of him with a single rose in his left hand, right hand reaching up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Hajoon.” Ji-ah whispers out with a nervous breath, almost like she’s been caught.
Jihoon freezes at the sight in front of him - his not-soulmate with red tinged cheeks and shy smile on her face, and a stranger looking just as shy and sheepish smiling back at her. He feels his stomach drop as his mind flashes with realization at the scene unfolding in front of him.
He knows the look on her face. He has seen that look before with Wonwoo and Mingyu, Junhui and Minghao, and especially with Seungcheol and Jeonghan.
His heart breaks a little, as Jihoon knows in his heart that he’s already lost his girlfriend to her real love, her soulmate.
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Real Eyes, Fake Lies Taglist
@vixensss @hemmingsness @lizzymizzy-blogg @kawennote09 @breakfastburritosattiffanys @im-gemmy @friendlywraith @devinkelsey19 @kameko-ko @mar-627 @woozieeeee @milopenne @stellauniverse @addicsvt @changbinisms @phenomenalgirl9 @lanatheawesome @maidachi @jeanjacketjesus @sunnynapp @jihanniee @reallyshypost @jaeminsbuckethat @sweetchelly @iarayara @opheliaas-stuff @claireleem @hotricewoozi @beardedartgamingbakery @sumzysworld @lavayeon @unusuallyshy @woozixo @mirxzii @mhlsymlysn @seventeenthingsblr @kwanniesboo @loomsuhcats @markleehee @scuzmunkie @tumblerluvver @wooanghae @xxpr3ttyk173rxx @comingupwithacoolnameishard @whorecore-world @sana-is-ms-rmty @bitterbluemorningstar
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slasherbvnnie · 2 years
Until We Found You | Part VIII
Hello again, part viii is finally out. One last chapter left of this series. I hope it’s been enjoyable so far. This one is a bit short, but don’t worry. The next part will be longer. Tomorrow will officially be the last update. I hope you all return for the next series I write. You know the drill, heed the tags below.
Modern Day College Scream AU, Obsessed AFAB!Reader, Poly!Ghostface x reader, NSFW, All characters 18+
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII  Part IX
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Word Count: 954
You stumbled on your feet a little as you walked downstairs, in a daze as Stu set you onto the counter. He gave you a kiss on the cheek before heading outside to help Billy with Colton, you grimaced as you saw him and looked away. “Awe come on sweetheart, I saw the photos you had of Casey and Steve in your room,” Billy said with a chuckle, “It’s different in real life, huh? After they die though, it’s kinda the same as seeing it online or in photos. They don’t look real anymore,” he said as you shook your head, “my side hurts,” you said as you looked to them.
Stu was quick to look over your wounds, glaring at Billy and punching his shoulder. “You hit deep, fuckrag,” he said as you whimpered. “Come on sweetie, you’re strong, you can last a little longer, right?” Stu said as he cupped your cheek, your eyes began to well with tears again as you nodded. “Yeah, I can,” you said with a sniffle. Billy was by your side now, kissing you and apologizing over and over as he patched you up. “Come on, little bunny, we gotta get ready now, Tate’s gonna be here soon,” he said as he kissed your cheek and helped you off the counter.
You were sat on the floor of Stu’s kitchen, feeling a jab at your shoulder and blinking in surprise when you saw Dewey hovering above you. “Hey kid,” he said, tears in his eyes as he looked at you. “Dewey,” you said softly, sniffling and letting out a little yelp as he picked you up. “You’re pretty good with a sewing kit by the looks of it,” he said as he looked to the first aid kit next to you. “Oh, yeah, my mom taught me…” you mumbled out, squinting when you saw the daylight. You didn’t remember what time last night you had fallen asleep. You remember Tatum coming back to the house, after the boys dealt with her you remember being in the back of Stu’s car. Stu stayed with you until Billy gave him his queue, after that, things got a little blurry. You remember them hyping each other up about something and their groans, you remember the blood on the kitchen floor of…Stu’s house. After that you remember one of the boys trying to stitch up the wound they gave you, to make it more believable they said. You couldn’t remember which one of them it was, at that point you had began to get a little dizzy.
“Stu…Billy… Where? Are they okay?” You asked as Dewey looked to you. “We’re still taking a look around the house. We’ll let you know if we find them, okay?” He said as he brought you to the ambulance, setting you down for the EMS to check on you. As the minutes passed you saw gurneys with black bags being hauled out, Dewey walking to his patrol car and crying, but eventually you saw Stu on a gurney. Your heart fluttered knowing he was okay, you looked to the paramedic and asked if you could go check on him, thanking them and slowly walking over, being mindful of your injuries. “Stu,” you called out, the older boy looking at you and smiling. “Hey,” he said as he reached for your hand. A moment later you saw Billy, feeling relieved knowing both of them were okay.
You rubbed at your eyes as a few tears fell, feeling everything from the last few hours hitting you like a ton of bricks. You could hear voices in the background, looking up when you heard your parents calling your name. You groaned as they ran to hug you, Stu’s hand slipping from your grip. “I’m okay, really, it’s just a scratch,” you tried to play off, receiving even stronger hugs and more kisses from them.
You noticed a few officers making their way towards you and Stu, both gladly giving them the same story of what happened that night.
All about how ghostface tried to attack you on the porch, how the three of you did your best to get out before learning it was mr prescott behind the mask. How he was going berserk because of the anniversary of Maureen. After he thought he wounded the three of you he left in Stu’s car, meanwhile the three of you were left wounded and exhausted.
It wasn’t long until you could hear the shuttering of cameras and announcements in stuck up news reporter voices not too far. The paramedics treated you, but with the prices of ambulances your parents opted to drive you to the hospital themselves. You looked to your side as you walked to your parents car, seeing Gale Weathers and her henchman with the camera. You frowned, shooting your middle finger at them before climbing into the car. You looked out the window, smiling as you saw the boys parents taking them back into their cars and away from the crime scene.
You were happy to know they were okay, to know they were getting their big dream of being directors of their own movie, to know you all could finally be together. Although you hated the way the girls were left, you couldn’t deny the little twinge of jealousy from last night. They had Billy and Stu all to themselves for so long, when the boys revealed themselves to you, you felt jealous to know Tatum and Sidney had been with them. Despite the small amount of sadness you had now that they were dead, you felt a bit of happiness knowing they were gone and you could have the boys to yourself now instead.
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yangbbokari · 1 year
Skz making a bet on you Hyung line pt.2
Pairing: OT8 SKZ x f!Reader
Genre, AU: angst ofc, lovers to exes!AU
Warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating, many mentions of insecurities. I think that abt it
Summary: you happened to learn one day that the never really loved you and only made a bet with the other members to see if you would fall in love with them
A.N: Not proof read at all and this is the hyung line pt.2 to the previous one. Maknae Line pt.2 is coming soon
Parts: Hyung Line Pt.1 Maknae Line
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BANG CHAN He didn't even notice you were gone until his call ended. Going around the house, he called your name multiple times. When he got no reply, he assumed you went on a grocery trip. So, he took his time to shower, get dressed and get ready for bed. Before he knew it, he drifted off to sleep.
Chan hated waking up cold. You weren't there beside him. He'd gotten used to always holding you through out these 7 years. He grabbed his phone off the night stand and checked the time. It was already 6:57 in the morning. Not hearing from you at all left him with a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
So he immediately dialed your number. It rang once. Then twice. Then three times. You never let it ring more than two times so why weren't you answering? Finally, it went to voicemail. He called a couple more times just for all of them to go to voicemail. He started panicking. It was unusual of you to not pick up his calls unless something went wrong. One more time, just calling you one more time to make sure.
You woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing uncontrollably. Rubbing your droopy eyes, you took your phone and answered it. “Hello?” You groggily said.
“Y-y/n? Where are you? Why weren’t you picking up my calls!? Hello? Y/n?”
The moment you hear his voice, the sleepiness left your body. You stayed silent because you were sure that you’d burst into anger and most likely tears if you tried to talk to him.
“Y/n? Why aren’t you answering me? I-I-I’m worried… Please just say something. You’re scaring me…”
You sat up in bed, holding the phone close to your ear. After clearing your throat you finally answered him.
“What do you want?” You were right. You were a little too irritated the moment you started talking to him.
“What do I want…? What do you mean!? I’m worried sick right now because you weren’t picking up my calls and you didn’t even come home last night. You could’ve at least texted me something, y/n. Don’t just leave me guessing of all the possibilities that could’ve happened to you!” He was practically yelling into the phone at this point and it only made you angrier.
“Well, I’m sorry I’m not being the toy who sees you as their protector and is so incredibly annoying that you can’t say it to her and instead to your fucking friends!”
Chan was speechless for a few minutes before speaking up again. “What..?” He said almost breathlessly.
“I heard that phone call you were on.” You began sniffling and the tears began to fall. “You said that you had fun… fun playing with my feelings and making me believe that you were my protector an-an-and how annoying I was…” You could hear him sighing on the other end and you began to think that he was going to agree with you but he didn’t.
“No… no, Baby, you got it all wrong. I-I shouldn’t have worded it like that.” He sighed once more. “I was talking about when I pranked you earlier this week. When I pretended that I was dead when you tried to wake me up. And then you began crying telling me how much you loved me.”
As he told you about it, you began to remember. Why were you so stupid? You began grabbing your things and walking to the shared apartment, all while listening to his explanation.
“Now there’s nothing I can say about the annoying part. But I did say that because—. Wait, you didn’t hear me tell him— never mind. What I’m saying is that I started the sentence like that because I was saying that it just made me realize all the more how much I loved you no matter how hard it got between us. Because I know these small fights we have between each other and how mad we can get and how petty the arguments are. I just love you so much and the way you cried over me broke my heart. You’re everything I could ever possibly ask for and I’m just so gra—”
He turned his head and saw you standing in the doorway of the bedroom looking an absolute mess. He hadn’t heard when you came in since he was so busy talking to you.
“When’d you get here..?” Chan stood up and made his way over to you to make sure you were alright as he checked around your body. He had tears in his eyes. You couldn’t help but stare at your boyfriend’s face in awe.
“I-I-I-I thought you didn’t love me and I got scared. S-so I left but now everything is making sense and I feel so stupid. I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have—”
Chan took you into his arms, muffling your words. “Don’t say that. You have every right to think that way especially from what you heard. But don’t worry. I love you more than words can express.” The two of you cried into the comfort of each others arms and you’ve never felt better.
After tears were dried and things were dealt, Chan looked at you curiously. It made you a bit flustered. “Wh-why are you staring at me like that. Want to take your words back now?”
“No! I’m just wondering… how’d you get here so fast?”
“I-I-I was at my friend’s apartment. It’s a floor above us.”
He took you into his arms once again, chuckling. “God, I want to marry you.” All you could do was blush. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEE MINHO The next day, Minho ran up to you and swung an arm around your neck. You were quick to push it off. He frowned and made a little pouting face.
"What's wrong? Why did you leave without me last night?"
You quickly answered each of his questions. Not wanting to be in his presence much longer. "Nothing. Something came up." You rushed past him and to class. Finals were just around the corner and you didn't have time to be dealing with someone like him.
This was your last year of school. You didn’t want the unwanted drama. You’ve sailed through school as a well-natured person, favored by the teacher’s. You didn’t want to ruin your reputation now.
But it wasn’t as easy as you thought. Minho would continue to bug you in each and every class. No matter what you were doing he was there. Constantly pushing him away wasn’t working and ignoring him CLEARLY wasn’t working. So you resulted to the only thing you had left, confrontation.
Without second thought, you went straight to him after school and kicked him in the shin.
“Ow! Who the fuck!” He quickly turned around to face you as his demeanor slowly changed. “O-oh, y/n… It’s you.” He sounded kind of disappointed if you were being completely honest.
“What did you do that for, Sweetheart?”
You rolled your eyes and stormed off. Leaving him to chase after you.
"Woah, woah, woah, hey..." He grabbed you by the wrist and spun you around. "What's the matter?"
He was the most disgusting human being on this planet and you didn't want anything to do with it. It made you extremely irrtated and you didn't want to be there. If anything, his act he was putting up was probably all a part of that sick and disgusting, "joke," as they called it.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow."
That was all you said before finally getting in your car and driving home. You hated that you were such a pushover. You hated that no one coud truly accept you for you. You hated that you were so stupid. You hated that you were so blind. You hated yourself.
You pondered over the entire weekend. Highschool's almost over. It didn't matter now. But to you, it did matter. You weren't going to just let people treat you like trash anymore. You knew just what to do.
On Monday, you came in as a fresh new person. Both physical wise and mental wise. You weren't gonna let people fuck with you anymore. You spent the whole weekend researching on makeup. You already knew lots about fashion. Your closet was already filled with fashionable items, you just weren't sure when to wear them.
With some accents to your school uniform, you looked perfect. Now the problem was the makeup. This wasn't your forte. You've never really used makeup so it was a struggle. But with enough practice, it was almost perfect. Even though it was a struggle, your makeup came out just fine.
When walking in, you could feel the eyes that followed you. It made you super uncomfortable. Maybe you did your makeup wrong and looked like a clown instead of what you intended. Your anxiety quickly built up and you ran for the bathroom. On the way there, you bumped into a wall. Well, a body rather.
The boy gently pushed your body off of his and you were quite dissapointed with the boy you were faced with. It was Minho.
"Woah... miss, are you okay? You should watch where you're going. You're too pretty to be hurt. Are you new here?"
All you could do was scoff. People were staring because you all of a sudden looked beautiful in other's eyes. Even Minho couldn't recognize you.
"It's me, Dipshit."
You rolled your eyes and kicked him in his balls before leaving the scene. That was the best feeling in your life. Two less problems to deal with. Minho and the judgement of society. Fuck the rest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEO CHANGBIN You kept crying throughout the night. It shouldn't hurt this much but you couldn't help the tears from falling. At about 9pm, Changbin knocked on the door.
"Y/n..? I know you're upset with me but please come eat dinner. Please?"
When you didn't reply, you could hear him sigh. It's not that you didn't want to talk to him and that you were ignoring him. It was just that you weren't sure if your mental state could handle that right now. You didn't want to just lash out at him.
There was some clinking and clanking in the kitchen before you heard the front door shut. It made you want to cry even harder. But you were sure that any other girl would do better for him. Than the one who currently had her back against the door as she cried.
You slowly got up and opened the door to see if he really left. It kind of broke your heart but what else could you really do in this situation? You made your way to the couch and sat down, holding your knees close to your chest. The tears were unstoppable and kept coming. It wasn't like you wanted them to, it's just you didn't know how to stop them.
As you were drowning in you sorrows, you heard the front door open. Immediately, your head shot up only to see Changbin standing there with a guilty look and a bouquet of flowers. He stood there frozen in his place.
"Baby, why are you still u-"
"Where were you?" You interceded.
Taking a quick glance between you and the door, he pointed towards it.
"I figured that you'd need space so I went out. Then I realized that you might think something bad about it. Like I'm leaving you or something. So I went to grab some gifts and come back home. So that I can beg you to take me back if you decided to break up with me. If you didn't take me back then I wo-"
At this point, Chanbin was just rambling on and on. You could see how sorry he was and it made you feel like you were a fool. So you ran to him and wrapped your arms around his frame. You cried into his chest not knowing what else you could do.
Changbin was a little to stunned to move or speak for a minute. But he slowly embraced you after setting the roses down.
"Baby... I thought you'd be mad at me." He cautiously stated.
Your lower lip quivered as you replied to him. "I-I am! But just a little bit. I'd rather have you by my side than lose you forever over something silly. Plus it happened in the past and you told me yourself. S-so I guess it makes it a better..."
And at that, Changbin holds you even tighter and lets out a sigh of relief. "I thought I would lose you forever over a mistake, in the past, I made. Thank you for forgiving me." He pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. But you shook your head.
"No, thank you for loving me." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HWANG HYUNJIN After running for a while, you slowed down and began walking. You went to the Han River and took a seat on one of the benches. Checking your phone, to see the battery life was out and decided to take the time to relax. A lot had already been going on in your life. You had just found out that your mother was sick and you didn't want to tell Hyunjin because that would make him worry. You got reprimanded at work for getting an order wrong. Nearly fired because you "didn't know how to do your job right."
It was a stressful day and you just hoped that movie night would make it better. Except it didn't. It made it worse.
Having to find out from Jisung instead of Hyunjin himself really hurt. You knew that Hyunjin would tell you when he was ready. But, you couldn't shake off the feeling that he never liked you, let alone love you, to begin with.
You also knew that Hyunjin loved you and you were just overthinking. But were you? The river was peaceful as is and you didn't want to face reality right now so that's where you stayed.
It wasn't until nearly midnight, did you return home. Upon entering your apartment, you were met with a very distraught Hyunjin. He looked freaked out about something. But as soon as he saw you, he took you into his arms, tightly. He sobbed out onto your shoulder as he said, "thank you," over and over again.
"H-hyunnie..? What's wrong?" You ask worriedly. Yes, you were upset. But seeing him like this did something to you.
"I thought- I thought that something happened to you. You weren't picking up your calls or replying to my messages so I told the boys and other friends we both knew to contact you too, figuring you didn't want to talk to me of all people. B-but then they all said they couldn't reach you either. So I came to your apartment and when you weren't here I got absolutely terrified. What if you didn't make it home? What if you got hurt. What if you got KIDNAPPED!? And that would all happen because I was too stupid to admit the truth. Because I made you angry. Because I made the one person I promised not to hurt, hurt so badly. A-a-a-a-an-and-"
He was terribly hyperventilating at this point so you grabbed his face and kissed him. He immediately softened into the kiss. His breathing got slower and his body began to slump.
You slowly pulled away and gazed into his eyes as you started consoling him.
"Hyunnie... my phone died and I stayed by the Han River. I did not get hurt or kidnapped as you can see. Since, I'm standing right in front of you right now. If anything did happen, I would never let you blame yourself because it wouldn't be your fault. Besides, I love you and I wouldn't want you to live with that."
His teary eyes looked into yours as his lips formed a soft pout. "You still love me?"
"Of course I do. Even if you made a bet on me."
It made him cry even more at the fact that you still had this much trust in him.
"I love you too."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taglist: @123rinu @pgnwook @mixtape-racha @hannieslovebot @lolareadsimagines @garrixer-06 @bandolls @chansbabygirlsstuff @camilagonzalex @mariteez @beccaskz @kibs-and-bits @kaitchan
@lynlyndoll @bangchansslut6 @hanniemylovelyquokka @changbinsjuicybiceps @xx-twalia-xx @bangchansprettygf @lvlnijiro @totallynotlyntv @htnw004 @shecheatedwithme @jiisungllvr @neteyamsmate4life @yoongles2025 @cosniffee @gdaymates @iilliess @tadashisdisaster sry if I missed u on the taglist
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