#don’t take a shot for every piano or guitar in the house
ladybugsimblr · 19 hours
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Architectural Digest Fall/AD Open Door Part 2
Bailey: "We call this area Squad Headquarters."
Quinton: "It was important that all our offices and workspaces stayed together even though we made big changes to the layout of the house."
Bailey: "The twins actually spend more time in our offices and their rooms now that they are older. So the little princess basically has her own study."
Quinton: "She allows the fam to bring their laptops in and get work done with her."
Legend: "We have to bring snacks though."
Lyric: "And agree to be students in the various classes she offers."
Bailey: "Don’t forget by appointment only…"
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Squad Study/Playroom
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Bailey's Office
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Cover Story - Part 1
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fatexbound · 9 months
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@chibitantei said:
Just like how one had to tune a piano every six months, changing the strings in the guitar was the same. While she wasn’t sure whether he preferred to change it himself or take it to a shop, she, at the very least, knew the type of strings he preferred and what brand. Nothing escaped a detective’s eye, after all. Still, it felt rather lackluster, although Naoto knew her gifts ended up more on the practical side. So Naoto continued to search. She stopped by one of the hobby shops in Okina, hoping to find her answer there. Aisles of figures from various shows and games she’d never heard of, but those weren’t what she wanted. It was a small section upstairs, but that was where she found miscellaneous model kits, ones that didn’t fit a specific category. In particular, there were a few from overseas, and while she wanted to take one for herself, she wasn’t here to indulge herself. One in particular caught her eye, a guitar model kit, which came with an amp. It was the right difficulty for Yosuke, she figured, and without a second thought, she took it downstairs to purchase it, along with asking the cashier to wrap it. On Christmas, Naoto handed her presents over to Yosuke and wondered what to say other than the typical greeting. “I hope you don’t mind that the presents are guitar-themed.” She glanced over in Satonaka’s direction where she was debating between which movie to put into the DVD player. It would be a while before the movie would start, and she’d said anyone could open their presents now. “But I thought of you when picking them out so... it’s the thought that counts.” With a huff, she tugged at the brim of her cap. “I should have said Merry Christmas from the start, or rather, Merry Christmas, Yosuke.”
Christmas asks | Accepting
Christmas, from a poor employee's perspective, was absolute hell for him. This week he was free and he took the opportunity to host a little party at his house, inviting his friends, with Yu and Naoto being the first ones to arrive. Just basking in her presence was enough to make his day and his heart flutter like the hopeless romantic fool he was. Everyone had something to give him, and in turn, so did he. He couldn't get away with not buying anything, even if he wanted to avoid emptying his Christmas bonus paycheck.
Once it was Naoto's turn, an instant smile curled on his lips, taking the perfectly wrapped presents. From the weight of them, they were a little heavy, but the word 'guitar-themed' caught his attention. His hands moved on their own right then and there, though not so far as to ruin it. The contents were... new and more importantly, caused a huge grin to appear on his face.
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"Th-this is amazing, holy shit! I've never assembled such a thing before, but I'll definitely give it a shot! Thanks, Naoto!" With his cheeks flushed out of excitement, he planted a quick kiss on her lips while no one was looking, chuckling all the while. Man, his guitar collection grew more as the years went by.
"Oh, hang on a sec. I got you something nice too! I hope it's useful to you, anyway." He got up to take a small box from behind the Hanamura family's Christmas tree, handing it to her. "I figured you'd like a neat little... laser gadget thing to fiddle with." Inside, she would discover a wristwatch, made to look like a fancy sci-fi gadget with a laser pointer at the push of a button. It could change colors too and acted as a small flashlight besides pointing in whatever direction she wanted to aim at.
"So... Merry Christmas to you too, Naoto!"
Honestly, he wished this party was a little more private now.
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Our Song- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Angela and Jasper attempt to figure out what their song is. 
Word Count: 2k
“Jasper, what’s our song?” Angela questioned, looking back at him from her place on his bed. The man looked at her curiously from where he sat at his desk, not having expected the question. 
“What do you mean?” The girl rolled over so she could face him comfortably. 
“I mean, what’s our song? Artie said his and Gemma’s song is ‘Sugar, Sugar’ by The Archies, Amethyst said her and Cruella’s song is ‘Dancing Queen’ by ABBA, what’s our song?” Jasper hummed thoughtfully then began strumming the guitar that sat on his lap. 
“Well, what do you think it should be?” He inquired. “When you think about us? What song comes to mind?” Angela stayed silent as she thought about his question. 
“I don’t know,” she finally admitted. Jasper shot her a patient smile. 
“How about this, you think it over tonight then come back when you have an answer. I’ll do the same and we’ll see if we think the same thing.” Angela grinned at him. 
“Brilliant suggestion as always, my love,” she responded simply. Jasper chuckled softly and continued strumming peacefully. 
When Angela got home, she made a cup of tea then sat on the couch, deep in thought. There were so many possibilities for what could be their song, but it had to be something special to both of them. She would have to take a trip down memory lane. 
1. Heart of Gold- Neil Young
“I didn’t know you played guitar,” Jasper called from Angela’s bedroom, where he had been getting dressed. He must have noticed the acoustic guitar that sat in the corner of her room. Angela shrugged from where she stood at the stove. 
“I don’t really. My dad used to try to teach me but he was busy a lot. That thing just collects dust now but I don’t want to part with it.” As she spoke, Jasper walked out into the kitchen. 
“I could teach you,” he offered. She glanced at him as she turned the stove off. 
“You don’t have to do that darling,” she brushed off as she grabbed some plates. 
“But I want to.” He walked over and took the plates from her. “Come on, it’ll be fun.” The girl sighed, but finally nodded with a small smile. 
“Alright, when do we start?”
Over the next two months, Jasper taught her how to play. He took his time in teaching her each chord and note, making sure she understood before moving on. Eventually she began learning actual songs. Jasper picked the first one she should learn, “Heart of Gold” by Neil Young. He helped her play it, correcting her if needed (which wasn’t actually a common occurrence), and that had become the first official song she learned how to play. Now, if she had the urge to play her guitar, that was her go-to song every single time. 
The first song she ever learned to play with Jasper’s assistance  was a strong candidate in Angela’s opinion. It was a beautiful song with lyrics that applied to them. It was special to both of them, yet, it still didn’t feel like the one. She’d need to look deeper. 
2. I Wanna Be Your Dog- Artie Katz
Jasper and Angela, being the more musically inclined, had been put in charge to write the song that Artie would sing for their flash mob in Regent’s Park. Upon agreeing to do so, the couple got to work immediately. They went to Angela’s house since they would have more peace and quiet there, and her keyboard was there. 
“Okay, since Cruella wants her Dalmatian piece to be the focal point of the show, maybe we could do something with dogs,” Angela suggested, tapping her pencil against the blank sheet music in front of her. Jasper pursed his lips in thought, then nodded after a minute. 
“Okay,” he responded, beginning to strum a small riff on his guitar before beginning to play an unknown song. The girl listened for a moment, realizing that it was a garage rock/proto-punk type beat, then began adding piano into the mix. Her piano was set to a jazz setting, which added a ragtime sort of tone to the song. 
“Now I wanna be your dog,” she sang out, making sure to add a slight growl to her voice in order to match the music. Jasper looked excited to see her come up with something on the spot and continued to play. 
“And now I wanna be your dog, 
And now I wanna be your dog,
Well, come on,” she drew out the last word, growling at the end of it as they continued to play. The music got louder for a bit, but then Jasper quieted a bit as lyrics came to his mind. 
“And now I'm ready to close my eyes
And now I'm ready to close my mind
And now I'm ready to feel your hand,” he sang before realizing that he had nothing after that. He began internally panicking, but stopped when Angela continued for him. 
“And lose my heart on the burning sands,” she sang before nodding at him, letting him know that they were about to sing the chorus again. 
“And now I wanna be your dog,
And now I wanna be your dog,
And now I wanna be your dog,” Jasper was the only one to extend the last note of that, and Angela smiled brightly as she looked back at her piano. 
“Well come on!” Immediately after singing that, they stopped playing their respective instruments in unison. Both were breathing heavily as the reality of what they’d just created had set in. 
“Jasper! That was so good!” Angela exclaimed excitedly, pulling him into a tight hug. The man couldn’t help but laugh as he nodded with the same enthusiasm. 
“You did amazing on that chorus,” he complimented as they pulled away. “That’s already, like, half the song done.” The girl nodded as she began writing on the sheet music, trying to get it all down before it left her mind. 
“Guess we’re just that good together,” she half joked absentmindedly. Jasper watched her with a small smile. 
Angela smiled at the memory, remembering how much fun they had writing that song. It was such a success. “I Wanna Be Your Dog” was also a good contender, it was quite literally their song, they’d written it together after all. Was it good enough though? That depended entirely on what else she could think of. 
3. Call Me Cruella- Angela Young
“Cruella De Vil,” Angela sang quietly as she worked on her latest design in Hell Hall. 
“Cruella De Vil,
She’s born to be bad,
So run for the hills.” Her singing caught the attention of Jasper, who had been sitting in there with her working on something. He looked up as Artie and Horace appeared in the doorway, the three of them listening intently. 
“Who wants to be nice?” The girl continued, putting on a posh voice to sing. 
“Who wants to be tame?
All of your good guys,
They all seem the same,
Original, criminal, dressed to kill,” she walked over to the mannequin to add several accents to her outfit as she sang the last part. 
“Just call me,” she paused to dramatically turn to her friends with a smirk.
“Cruella De Vil,” she concluded, which made Artie laugh. She grinned then began walking around the room swiftly as she gathered more supplies. 
“Call me crazy, call me insane
But you’re stuck in the past,
And I’m ahead of the game.” She sighed theatrically then grinned at Jasper, swaying her hips as she scurried over to them. 
“A life lived in penance,
It just seems a waste.” The stood and held out his hand when she reached them then twirled her with a small laugh. 
“And the devil has much better taste
And I tried to be sweet,” she continued, resting the back of her hand against her forehead melodramatically. 
“I tried to be kind,” she switched hands and closed her eyes. 
“But I feel much better now that I’m
Out of my mind,” she trailed off loudly, falling back and allowing Jasper to catch her. Once she let go of the last note, she stood once more then began walking to the main room casually with all three guys following her. 
“Well there’s always a line at the gates of hell
But I go right to the front ‘cause I dress this wel,” she sang as if she were gossiping. 
“Rip it up, leave it all in tatters
Beauty is the only thing that matters,” she breathed out, moving to the extra supplies then pausing in front of a portrait of the Baroness that they hadn’t taken down yet and pointing at it. “The fabric of your little world is town,” she sang to her before grabbing some thread from a drawer and walking back into the sewing room.
“Embrace the darkness and be reborn,” she concluded before making her voice softer as she grabbed some beads from her desk and began threading them. 
“Cruella De Vil, Cruella De Vil,
The fear on your face,
It gives me a thrill.” She laughed as the three men applauded her. 
“Angela,” Artie exclaimed with a bright smile. “That was amazing!” The girl blushed shyly then shook her head. 
“I agree,” Cruella’s voice came from behind them, which made Angela freeze in place with wide eyes. Her head whipped around as the woman walked over to her, a huge smirk on her face. 
“I’ve heard of villains getting their own song, but I never imagined that I would find mine in the form of you Angie,” she continued teasingly. Jasper couldn’t help but laugh as he followed her. 
“Yeah, sounds like you’ve been working on that one for a while,” he added, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend. “You’ve been writing songs without me?” He pouted, which made her roll her eyes jokingly then gently push him away. 
“I would never,” she responded. The man grinned then kissed the side of her head. 
“Seriously though, you should record that. I could help you with the instrument parts,” he offered, which made her smile. 
“I would love that.” 
That was the first and (so far) only song Jasper and Angela ever recorded. She loved looking back on it. As much as she liked writing and recording it, she didn’t know if it could be their song. She sighed loudly and flopped down on her bed. Now she was left with the same predicament. They were all such good options, but what could possibly be good enough for them? It only took her a few minutes before the answer hit her. 
Their song was not just one song. She shot up as the thought came to her. It’s not just a song. Their song was the laughs that they shared when she messed up a note while she learned how to play guitar. It was the sound of guitar and piano riffs late into the night while they were writing “I Wanna Be Your Dog.” It was Jasper and Angela messing around in the studio while recording “Call Me Cruella,” and it was all the laughter they shared while singing loudly off key just to annoy or distract the other. It was the songs that played in the background while they spent time together and the strumming of Jasper’s guitar when he was bored. It didn’t need to be limited to one song, it didn’t even have to be limited to a song. 
“Did you figure out what our song is?” Jasper asked her the next day, wrapping an arm around her comfortably. Angela couldn’t even begin to attempt to hide her smile as she looked at him. 
“I don’t think we have just one,” she responded simply. The man looked surprised at her answer, but he got over it quickly then nodded with a small smile. 
“I agree.”
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yutahoes · 3 years
Ghost of You
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pairing: idol! Yuta (NCT member) x idol! Y/N (solo idol-actress)
word count : 5k words
genre: angst
summary: He was the one who ended everything. But you’re like a ghost that kept haunting him. 
warning : break up, alleged cheating, pregnancy, a fic where you just want to strangle Yuta to death 
Based on this ask. I’m sorry, I tweaked the story and changed some of the song (especially the Olivia Rodrigo one because it doesn’t fit the story) The songs I used are linked in the story. Also, I have no idea how the idol world works and please note that this is just fanfiction. Please Enjoy reading. 
Broken glass, an empty unruly apartment. Signs that a big fight happened. All because of a tabloid article of him seeing his co-host late at night. Yuta argued that she needed someone to talk to and Y/N was angry that he winged their anniversary V-live just for this. “You can tell me if you’re sick of me, Yuta.” she claimed that made him hiss. “Don’t you think I didn’t notice? You’re always making up things just so you can’t meet me.” 
“That’s not true!” Yuta shouted. “I am busy.” 
Tears ran down her face. “Then explain how Jungwoo had lunch with me last Friday when you said that you’re practicing with your members.”    
“Stop saying that I don’t even make time for you.” His voice raised in frustration. “When all you do is hang out with that co-star of yours.” 
The girl scoffed. “So it’s my fault now? It’s work, Yuta.” It’s always the same reason. “I asked you a lot of times if you’re alright with the drama and you never mention anything. Now, you’re using it against me?” 
The guy shook his head. “Let’s talk about this tomorrow. I’m tired.”
“And I’m also tired.” She whispered. “Let’s end this, Yuta.” She threw the promise ring before leaving the apartment. 
The news next day was about Y/N erasing pictures of them in her social media accounts. The breakup news between the solo idol and the NCT member followed. Taeyong just shook his head watching Yuta exit the CEO’s office with droopy shoulders. “I really like her for you, hyung.” Mark claimed when he entered the practice room. 
He didn’t know where it went wrong. They were happy. Everyone likes their relationship. His fans are her fans, and hers are his. They were tagged as the greatest idol couple, often paired in dances since it’s both their strengths. Y/N was casted in a period drama and he’s a supportive boyfriend who visited her the first day of the filming and thanked everyone for taking care of his girlfriend. She filmed romantic scenes, kissing her actor co-star. And he was fine. “It’s work, Yuta.” She would always say. And he would just smile. 
He started hosting a radio show with a female Japanese idol and he was cold at her, wanting to stir away from controversy. But as her drama progressed, with more romantic scenes and more kissing, he felt left out. She’s becoming a star. And he’s becoming Y/N’s idol boyfriend. Slowly, he’s getting fed up with the relationship that’s slowly getting centered on her. 
It felt like a breath of fresh air that it all ended now. Like a thorn removed from his aching heart. 
All the public’s sympathy went to her, as he expected. She’s the star. The more famous one among the two of them. So he just painted himself as the bad guy by confirming that he’s dating his co-host which surprised the other girl. The agency was surprised at the decision but it became such a media frenzy that their radio show got high ratings every week. Even the sales of their album spiked up and he became known as NCT’s Yuta and not as someone’s idol boyfriend.
Everything is getting better. 
It was the end of the year award show when they crossed paths again. They were doing a great job avoiding each other. Why now? Nine members meant a vacant seat from the round table artists are seated at. The staff repeatedly apologized but as kind as she is, she just smiled and sat between Doyoung and Jaehyun, just across Yuta. She greeted all the members, even complimenting Haechan’s hair and Taeil’s suit. “Congratulations on best album.” she greeted, smiling widely to avoid the awkwardness. 
“Aren’t you releasing an album as well?” Johnny asked that made her nod. “Another dance track?” Taeyong asked but Y/N shook her head saying that it was a ballad album and that she will perform later. The guys were obviously surprised, ballad isn’t her best track. She’s more known for her dancing skills so it is indeed a huge surprise. 
When the best female idol awardee was called, the NCT members all stood up to congratulate her. Jungwoo even helped her with her pink lace gown. She did the usual thank you message: thanking her parents, the almighty being, the management, the staffs, and her fans. “And lastly…” Yuta gasped. Whenever she gets an award, she thanks him lastly for comforting and always supporting her. “Please watch out for my album.” He felt his heart drop, especially when she smiled that angelic smile. Why is she shaking him like this? 
Yuta was already bored. He just wants to go home. The lights dimmed and the emcees announced her as the next performer. Because it’s a live performance, they showed some clips of her photoshoot for her new album. He had to agree that this concept fits her. She looked prettier than when they used to go out.
He was more surprised to see an orchestra accompaniment behind her on stage. Her, seated on a platform, wearing a white sequined dress that shines like stars when the spotlight shone on her. The crowd clapped just as the start of the song played. (Imagine this as the performance.) 
The other members warily glanced at him. A break up song. Why isn’t he surprised? 
My dream changed - instead of a famous singer, I tried to become a good wife
He remembered how she would always try to learn to cook whenever she had extra time. She never mentioned anything to him. It was until one night, they were laying next to each other, when she asked him if he wanted her to continue being an idol. That made him curious that time. She loved performing. Why would she ask that? 
Now, he knew why. 
By the time the second chorus rolled in, he was just amazed at how she could sing those notes while seated down. Her singing really got better. 
Someday you’ll probably call me then I hope you will be a man and congratulate me
Because this is all thanks to you, I’ll prepare a good thank you message for you
He can hear Mark giggling beside him. Johnny pursed his lips as if preventing to laugh. “Hyung, please record her thank you message.” the youngest member teased that made him annoyed. 
Her voice echoed all throughout the venue. Her adlibs hitting notes that she cannot do before and she’s sitting while doing that. 
Slowly, I got over you like that
Their eyes met. Those sparkling eyes. She’s shining. She looks well. She looks better. Without him. 
The fresh air suffocated him, burning his lungs in the process. The thorn that was removed came back and brought friends, a knife tearing his heart into pieces. 
Everything is getting better. For her. Not for him.
The moment he went inside the empty apartment, he felt like breaking down. This is harder than the time she left. He missed her. He’s a wreck without her. A huge mess. Why is he taken over by his jealousy? She deserves to be the center of the relationship. The star. She deserves the whole world. Is it too late for him to get everything back now? He took his phone as a song on the radio played, “Mark, I need your help.” 
Another award show meant another chance to cross paths with her. To Y/N’s surprise, Yuta congratulated her with a wide smile after winning an award. The staffs were repeatedly asking if the members were sure of doing this that made the manager and the leader nod. Johnny was seated in front of the grand piano, Mark on one side with his guitar. Taeil, Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Yuta seated on different chairs in the middle of the stage. (Song)
Johnny started the melody while Mark played his guitar. Jaehyun started the song that made Y/N look at them from the artists’ place. Yuta smiled. Her favorite band. Taeil started singing the chorus with Yuta as back-up vocals. Doyoung sang the second verse while Jaehyun sang the chorus, followed by Taeil. By the end of the song, they lightly glance at Yuta. His last cry for her. 
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house with the ghost of you
And I chase it down, with the shot of truth
He glanced at her, staring straight to those sparkling eyes. 
That my feet don’t dance like they did with you
The lights dim but he saw her silhouette remain on her seat, shoulders visibly heaving. Behind the spotlight, Yuta finally realized that like a ghost, he cannot shake her off. She’ll keep haunting him because he cannot let go of her. Yuta finally realized that he is still in love with her. 
They had been busy with the concerts abroad and she had been busy with the promotion of her album. Yuta’s co-host quit the radio show and days later, it was announced that she was pregnant. The members were surprised at first but it was her who confirmed that Yuta isn’t the father of the child. The public sympathy went to Yuta for the alleged cheating that the girl had done, making him in the center of the media frenzy once again. 
It was a Japanese radio show when he met Y/N again. He had to promote the Japanese leg of their concert while she promoted her Japanese single. She looked casual greeting him, as if nothing happened but her words echoed in his ears “It’s just work, Yuta.” Maybe it was really nothing to her. 
They were seated next to each other. He watched her put on her headphones then rubbed her palms together. “I kinda forgot Japanese.” she claimed then said a Japanese phrase to introduce herself. “Is that right?” He nodded, his warm gaze still on hers. Too casual. “I’m nervous.” 
He wanted to hug her. Comfort her. Tell her that everything will be alright. That he’s next to her so she doesn’t have to worry about anything. 
But he can’t. She’s not his. 
The host kept on claiming that they looked good together that startled them both. When the staff told him something in Japanese, he kept on apologizing while saying that he doesn’t know that they used to date. She just smiled, shaking her head to avoid the awkwardness. She really did move on. The radio show went smoothly until the last part where they had to sing a duet together. Y/N was obviously surprised. Didn’t she know? “We can skip it if you don’t want to.” Yuta whispered. 
Once again she shook her head. “It’s fine. I just haven’t prepared for it.” she claimed while looking at the music sheet. “The notes are a little high.” 
“You’ll do great. Your singing got better.” She giggled at the reference and he smiled. He missed her laugh. 
Y/N focused on the lyrics, asking the translator to tell her what the words mean or how to pronounce it. Yuta was reading the lyrics, seated next to her when she laughed. “Yuta,” she called and he felt his heart jump from his chest. He missed her voice calling his name. “Should we switch parts?” He looked surprised, curious even. “I mean, the lyrics.” 
Yuta smiled. “Should we?” 
Y/N giggled. “Sometimes I am convinced they’re doing this on purpose.” He smiled while looking at her. He missed her. So much. 
The host was asking repeatedly if they want to continue this, apologizing if it ever makes them uncomfortable but she would just smile and shake her head. He thanked her for being professional and she grinned, making Yuta breathless. He missed her smile. 
They were introduced and she even made a fighting sign at him as the melody started. It was a lonely song and Yuta poured all his feelings on his part. (This is the song they used. Dude, can they just remaster it by asking Yuta to sing this?) 
Long time no see
His eyes turned to her. He missed everything about her. 
We cannot express how we feel
Breath echoes in our ears 
The radio show staff all turned to them in surprise. 
My dear, you’ve already found a new love
She turned to him with her sparkling eyes. 
There is no one like you
I am cheating my heart
He sang while staring at her. She even missed the first beat of her part then smiled while looking at the music sheet in front of them. The bridge of the song came and the staff looked in awe at both of them.  
But you are not mine anymore
They stared at each other while singing those words. By the end of the song, Y/N’s voice was breaking so she stepped farther from the mic immediately. A smile escaped her lips when the host asked if she’s alright, apologizing that she ruined the song. Everyone were giving them compliments, fans commenting on how amazing they deliver the song and wishing that they can do a collab in the future. 
“Y/N,” Yuta called on the hallways of the building. He breathed hard while she just nodded at her manager, asking her to go first. “I…” He started but the words cannot come out of his mouth. I’m sorry. My ego got the worst of me. My insecurity caused our fall. I’m a wreck without you. Please come back to me. 
“Let’s not talk about it, Yuta.” She said while shaking her head. “We were immature. We’re so used to each other that we took each other for granted.” She grinned once again, eyes sparkling. Upon closer look, he figured out why. Her tears were forming. Like little pearls in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Yuta.” The words he cannot tell her. “Let’s be happy, hmm?” 
Yuta smiled, taking the hand she held out. “Can I call you when I am feeling miserable?” 
The girl laughed. “My number didn’t change.” She claimed. “And I still have to give you my thank message.” 
He pulled her close, wrapping her in his arms. “I missed you, Y/N.” 
Fans were delighted seeing Y/N and Yuta seated next to each other in the V-live account. A thing they always do every year on their anniversary. She was smiling, her lovely smile, while waving at the camera. Yuta adjusted the camera to capture them both before smiling his angelic smile. 
“I didn’t know your V-live account still works even if it isn’t used for a year.” She claimed, leaning in to read some comments. “I also didn’t know that there are still fans who come in this V-live account.” The number of watching people raised up that startled even Yuta. 
They both introduced themselves in a lively manner before the NCT member explained that they did this V-live as a thank you to fans who trended the song they sang in Japan. “I didn’t know that it would blow up like this.” He claimed and she nodded, even laughing at how embarrassing it is that her voice broke in the end. 
They started reading some comments about how fans missed them together, that they look together, and that their playfulness as a couple came back. “Are you back together?” Yuta read, pointing at the comment. 
“We’re not together together,” Y/N started then emphasized the last word with air quote marks. “We’re just…” She lightly glanced at him who was looking at her, mirroring the same smile she had. “Just patching things up and fixing ourselves.” Yuta continued for her. 
“Is there a possibility of a come back?” 
Y/N giggled before pointing at Yuta. “NCT is coming back with a new album. I’m preparing for a fall comeback.” The guy laughed at that. “Yuta, do you want to be featured in my album?” 
He nodded immediately. “Will you write me a love song?” 
She grinned, shaking her head playfully. “I’m not gonna write you a love song~” she sang before laughing. Yuta chuckled, poking her side playfully. “But we’ll see.” 
The fan asked what they had been up to. Y/N shared that she’s writing songs for her album and Yuta saying that he hangs out with the members often and the preparations for their comeback. “I’ve been hanging out with Jaehyun a lot.” he claimed, “I’ve been liking his music choices lately.” 
“You’re already done with your rocker state?” She asked, feigning a shock. “What song have you been listening to lately?” 
Yuta smiled, taking his phone out of his pocket. He played the song and Y/N smiled that there’s still a rockish feel on it.  (Song)
Oh, all my emotions feel like explosions when you are around
Yuta mouthed the words, trying to look for comments but his gaze was on her while jamming on the song. A smile crept his lips and he saw how one fan pointed out that he’s so in love with her. He is. 
“This song is so nice.” 
“Honestly, it kinda reminds me of you.”
He’s singing ‘She’s a, She’s a lady And I am just a boy’
He’s singing ‘She’s a, She’s a lady’ And I am just a line without a hook’
Oh baby, I am a wreck when I’m without you I need you here to stay
She looked surprised when Yuta sang the lines of the songs. The side of his lips curled up when he saw the sparkle back in her eyes. They talked a bit about what fans should watch out from their respective schedules. They said goodbye in a lively manner before Yuta ended the V-live. 
Y/N leaned on the couch, breathing heavily. She lightly glanced at Yuta and he smiled. “Want to get some sushi?” She nodded, grinning widely. 
Yuta cannot shake her off. Like a ghost, she will keep haunting him. And hopefully, she can come back to him. 
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weebwrites · 3 years
What It Takes (Meizou x Reader) (Ximen x Reader)
Fandom: Meteor Garden / Boys Over Flowers Warnings: Unrequited love, Love Triangle, Happy Ending, Sad Ending Words: 2k217 Requested By: No One Synopsis: Meizou can’t help but wonder what it will take for his fiancé to love him instead.
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Note to Self- Don’t fall In Love First
Mei Zou had been ecstatic when he first heard of the arranged business merger between his family and the Y/L/N group. Since the moment his mother brought the idea to him, he was shaking with excitement. He had always been worries of his parents plan for his future- maybe that’s why he tried to have as much fun as possible in his youth.
Mei Zou told no one about the engagement plans, but, of course, Y/n noticed. She called him out the first time she saw him since he was told the news. It never stopped shocking him; she was the most observant person Mei Zou had ever met. 
The group of five were lounging in the bridge room, and the second Y/n looked up from her music composition book she asked Meizou what made him so excited. He was quick to re-gain his composure and call it a secret- saying she’ll find out soon enough. 
The other three people in the club room looked over at the both of them. Ah Si rolled his eyes, making some remark of how freaky it was- that she knew them so well. 
Ximen walked over to her and put his hand gingerly on Y/n’s head, “I think it’s cute how her gaming strategy bleeds into her personality.” He moved his hand to her jaw so they were looking at each other, sharing a smile. 
Lei nodded, “It’s nice to have someone you can have a silent conversation with.”
Meizou kept his eyes on the pair in front of him, his hands balling at his sides, morphing into pale chords of muscles as he clenched the chair’s fabric. Y/n had looked back at her book, making progress on the song she was composing. 
He watched as her hair fell from behind her ears, obscuring his view of the girl. He noticed the signs of her becoming increasing frustrated. Just as he was about to move over, Y/n had called out to Lei. 
“I’m trying to convert my song from guitar to piano, but I’m not sure how to compensate for the fret change during the bridge. What chord do you think will work here?” She made eye-contact with the soft boy.
Before looking at where she was referring to, Hua Ze Lei gently brushed the hair from her face before answering her question. 
If only we were together already, Mei Zou thought, then I could stop them from looking at her like that. It was hard on the boy to see Y/n interact with other guys on a daily basis. He’s loved her since they were children, but he had no clue what the future held. So, for now, he bit his tongue. It would be so much easier if she loved me already. 
Note To Self- Don’t wait too long
He was many things- an artist, a bridge player, a loyal friend, a play boy, a hopeless romantic, the list goes on- but Mei Zou is not an idiot. 
He recognized the signs- falling in love was most visible from the outside. It started small, he would walk beside her in the halls. Then he would be the first to her classes, then he started to drive her home, until he’d take her out before reaching her house. It had started small, the love between an angel and a broken man. 
Meizou wasn’t an idiot. He knew Ximen was cautious with love, to the point of thinking he might never get married. It was a shock when he realized his friend was actually in love.
When Meizou first noticed his friend’s lingering glances and moment longer hands on her waist, he cornered him in the hallway. He had pushed Ximen against the lockers, grabbing his collar. Meizou scolded him, warned him that Y/n wasn’t like the girls he toys with, she’s more than them. He warned him about messing with their Y/n, the only female member of F5; Meizou gently reminded him that it wasn’t just himself Ximen would have to worry about, Ah Si and Lei cherished their princess, and they’d do anything to protect her.
Ximen shoved his friend off of him, aggressively declaring his love for her. “I love her, Meizou,” he whispered after. “I can’t stop- it’s like she’s the only thing in my life- every girl I see is just a person who isn’t her, every breath I take is one I wish was with her; she’s in every thought I have and my hand feels empty without hers’ in it. I don’t know how but I love her. I love her.”
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Meizou guided Ximen back to their club room to keep away from peering eyes. They sat and drank the scotch the room was stocked with. Even as Ah Si came and went, Ximen hadn’t said a word since the hallway. Nothing fell from his lips since he whispered his love for their bestfriend. Meizou had never seen Ximen so vulnerable before, so delicate; if he told his friend about the engagement plans Meizou feared he would shatter like a porcelain heart, so he waited.
Note To Self- Decide Your Priorities Early On
Having the plans be a secret wasn’t difficult. Meizou wasn’t told anything since the reveal, so it’s not like he was keeping anything other than that from hs friends. No, having it be a secret wasn’t what was difficult- but keeping it a secret was the most painful experience ever. 
Meizou watched their love story from the side lines- seeing the stages of their relationship was like watching acts of a play in a theater he couldn’t leave. He was the understudy of a lead who never got sick. Still, Meizou waited. He waited for Ximen to mess up, to freak out. It was messed up- something he never thought he would stoop low enough to do- yet every time Y/n gushed about her plans Meizou silently prayed his friend wouldn’t show up.
He prayed Ximen would forget, he prayed Ximen would make a mistake- just once. He wished he would say the wrong thing- offend her by accident; he prayed on every lucky star that Ximen would hurt her- just once.
Yet with every ill-intended wish it was like their love grew stronger. Ximen had given up his go-to dating plans the moment Y/n agreed to go out with him. Long gone were the roses and strawberry scented cards, no more was the heart on the side of the building. Y/n wasn’t like that. 
Instead they would go to a second hand book store and find a book that had been lived in- one with dog-eared pages and cracked spines. With their books in hand they would to go a cafe, they’d order two drinks (A hot tea of differing flavors and a Spiced Chai Latte) and a piece of cake. Occasionally looking up to smile at their partners, they lived through the books. Smudged highlights of their favorite quotes, smushed rants in the margins when the plot got heated, tears softening the pages which hurt their hearts; the two poured their souls into the pages, and then they gave part of themselves to the other. 
They’d go their separate ways and read the books their partners had chosen for them, laughing when they read a funny note the other had left, calling in tears when everything goes wrong, they annotated the novels. The books would be swapped back and forth, each time read from a new perspective until each page was filled with reminders of love, silly rants, or just mementos of their time together. The book became more ink and highlighter than paper, and it’s meaning had transformed. This was what they were as a couple, something that never seemed to be breakable. Something endless.
Ah Si was spectacle at first, hesitant to expose Y/n to his playboy turned romantic friend. He had always thought Y/n would end up with Lei- but he gave Ximen a chance, and he waited. He waited for Y/n to show up at his door step in tears, he waited to kill Ximen for making her cry. He waited and he waited and the day never came. 
Instead, Y/n cried over how sweet he was. Instead she told him how well he treated her, how Ximen made her feel so special. She called Ah Si late at night not heartbroken, but reduced to giggles and squeals after a perfect date. Never came the day Ah Si would comfort a heartbroken Y/n, and he had never been happier for her. 
Lei was the first to know of Y/n’s long-lasting crush on his friend. He was surprised- back when she told him at the age of twelve. But since then he expected the calls of how he was perfect, how he’d never see her as a girl. He knew Y/n’s feelings inside out, and he was worried when she told him that Ximen had taken her out on a date. He waited for Ximen to get bored, for Y/n’s perfection to not be enough for him. Lei watched silently as the pair spent every second together, watched with careful eyes as they fell hard. 
After his worries for her well being subsided, Lei waited for Y/n to fade from his life. As it was, Y/n called him every day and texted him throughout it. He waited for the calls to stop, for her texts to become once a day with simple meanings. He waited patiently to be along on the rooftop with only the memories of his bestfriend to keep him company. He waited and waited and waited, staring at the phone or the rooftop entrance. Days, weeks, a month, two, yet the phone always rang, and the door always opened. Lei realized Y/n wouldn’t be abandoning his relationship with her for someone else. Maybe it was because he chose love and abandoned his friends when he did- maybe that's why he tried to prepare himself for Y/n’s departure from his life- waiting for her to disappear. But the day never came, and Lei stopped waiting.
Ximen was terrified every day. He was anxious as he drove to her house, wondering when he would freak out. He was scared when he looked down and saw Y/n holding onto his arm, wondering when he would push her off. He clenched his hand tight as he watched her dance through the streets of Shanghi, wondering when he would ruin his one shot at happiness. 
Every date his heart was beating out of his chest, every stolen glance felt like the last. Every smile thrown his way was a wakeup call- every time her voice reached his ears it cut through the fog of self doubt and misery which swallowed him whole- she was his savior. His angel that managed to save him every time, the only life raft on the sinking boat; she was the only good thing left in the world that fought to bruise his ego and tie him to a hundred pound weight of misery. She was the softest blanket, she was the best alarm. She was everything. His hand unclenched. He calmed down.
Meizou should have known this would happen. He decided then, seeing her beautiful smile, that her happiness is all that mattered. 
Note To Self- Sometimes Things Don’t Work Out, Sometimes That’s Okay
When Meizhou told his parents he wouldn’t go through with the wedding they were furious. When he broke down in tears they had no clue what to do with themselves. 
“She’s in love with someone else,”
They comforted him as best as absentee parents could, patting his head awkwardly with empty words. They offered to go through with it anyway, have her fall in love with him after they’re married.
Meizhou refused- he didn’t want to. 
Instead, Meizhou stood at the altar, watching as Y/n approached. She was beautiful. Her dress dragged behind her and her eyes watered with tears- she was gorgeous. 
Lei and Daoming Si stood across the isle, beside Y/n as she took her rightful spot. She stared into the eyes of her beloved and, for once, it wasn’t jealousy that prickled under his skin. It was sorrow- deep and painful morning for the death of his future. His beloved would never be his, his beloved was someone else. He cried.
Y/n had never felt better. Her mother had been apprehensive about giving her consent, saying she hadn’t expected Ximen to be the one she fell in love with. Y/n wasn’t sure what she meant, but her mom dressed her to the nines and did her makeup personally. 
And now here she was, standing in front of the man she’d gladly spend every moment of her life with.
“How did I get so lucky,” she whispered, as Lei handed her Ximens ring and Meizhou handed him the other.
“No love-” Ximens eyes swirled with love and adoration, “how did I get so lucky?”
The room erupted into cheers, applause, the occasional scream or encouragement as they kissed. The world faded around them and the only thing that mattered was each other.
Meizhou waved them off as they climbed into the limo towards their honeymoon. 
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Warnings: Swearing, fighting, angst (sorry <3)
A/N: this was definitely meant to be posted like a week ago but here it is! <3
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August 1994
The florescent lights of the hospital waiting room were starting to give you a headache. 
They were way too bright and flickered every so often that it made you dizzy to look at them. But you needed something to focus on to stave off boredom, so you focused your attention on the clock on the wall.
It read just after midnight and you silently cursed yourself, quickly pulling out your flip phone and dialing your mom’s number.
She was probably asleep by now, but thinking about her possibly waiting up and worrying made your stomach turn. The line rang for a moment, but then the ending tone chirped and you were left with her answering machine.
“Hey, Mom. Uh, we had a little accident at practice. Luke was practicing his guitar throw and he kind of threw out his shoulder. I’m gonna drop him off at home and then I’ll probably just stay at the studio so I’m not biking home so late. Okay, love you. Bye.”
You hung up the phone and shoved it in your pocket just as Luke appeared from behind the door. The nurse said something to him that made his eyebrows furrow but he nodded. As you got closer, you realized that his right arm was wrapped in a sling.
“So, you’re not dying?” You joked.
“I might as well be.” Luke pouted, lacing his other arm through yours as you start to walk out of the building and into the parking lot. “They said I can’t play guitar for two weeks.”
You hummed sympathetically, knowing more than anyone how much that was going to drive him crazy. “This is what you get for trying to be all ‘Rockstar’”
“Excuse you.” Luke said. “I am a rockstar.”
“Uh-huh.” You sarcastically nodded.
“You’re a jerk.” Luke grumbled petulantly, resting his head on your shoulder. “Here I am, in unimaginable pain and you have no sympathy.”
“Here’s a tip for the future, if you want sympathy then don’t make me drive through Hollywood past midnight.” You teased, lightly shaking him to show that you weren’t actually serious.
“I’m still surprised that Bobby let you drive ‘Amber’.” He gestured to the car you were walking towards.
‘Amber’ was a present that Bobby had gotten for his birthday a few years earlier and it was his most prized possession. Normally, he never would’ve let you take it, but he didn’t feel like driving and taking Luke to the hospital in the basket on your bike seemed a little impractical. So he had handed over the keys reluctantly.
“You got something to say about my driving skills, Patterson?” You asked as you unlocked the car and settled into the driver's seat. Luke got comfortable in the passenger seat, and winced as he looked over at you.
“Don’t get me wrong, (Y/n). You are many things,” He said. “But a good driver isn’t one of them.”
You flipped him off as you started the car and started pulling out of the parking lot. It was quiet for a minute, but just as you turned back on the street, Luke turned on the radio and a familiar song filled your ears.
“Mmm, yeah!
Tonight, I want to give it all to you,”
“Oh no.” You laughed, knowing exactly what you were in for from the way that Luke’s eyes lit up. He grinned as he cranked up the volume and shifted in his seat as much as he could, ready to give you the performance of a lifetime.
‘In the darkness, there's so much I want to do
And tonight, I want to lay it at your feet
'Cause girl, I was made for you
And girl, you were made for me,’
You were trying your best to keep your eyes on the road, but it was hard when Luke was being so frustratingly cute.
His hair was still messy from rehearsal so it stuck up in different directions and he had a dorky smile on his face as he drummed his fingers against the center console. You pulled up to a red light and Luke looked at you expectantly.
You rolled your eyes, but gave in, taking one hand off the wheel to make a makeshift microphone. Luke grinned as you both began to sing.
‘I was made for lovin' you, baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you, baby
Can you get enough of me?’
One song turned into two, then three, then before you knew it, you had pulled onto Luke's street.
Unlike the rest of the neighborhood, every light in the Patterson household was glowing bright yellow into the night and Luke let out a heavy sigh.
"Thanks for driving me." He said, his voice suddenly a little quiet. You looked up to the window to see the shadows of Luke's worried parents as they passed the curtains and suddenly the levity in the air was gone.
"Of course." You said.
You both knew what was about to happen.
Luke had told you all about the famous Emily Patterson meltdowns, and how they had been getting more and more frequent since he formed the band. Luke spraining his shoulder was only going to give his mom more reason to push Luke away from music.
From your music.
"Hey," You reached over and interlocked his pinky with yours, making Luke raise his eyes from his feet. "Don't let her get in your head, okay? Our music is important, and I know she'll realize that someday."
Luke’s eyes held yours for what seemed like an eternity before lightly squeezing his pinky around yours. “How do you always know what to say?”
You laughed. “’Cause I’m the greatest best friend ever.”
Luke smiled, his eyes slowly drifting from your still connected hands back up to your face. “Yeah, you are.”
The softness in his voice made your heart skip a beat. “I’m serious though. We’ll get into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame someday and you’ll prove her wrong.”
Luke learned a little closer, his voice practically a whisper, "Is this your way of admitting that I actually am a rockstar?"
"Oh, shut up." You groaned as you threw your head back. "You're the worst, you know that?"
"You love me." Luke retorted.
"Unfortunately." You deadpanned. "Now get out of the car, dork."
Luke fake pouted as he wiggled out of his seat and started walking towards the door, he gave you a quick grin and a wave before disappearing into his house.
Once he was out of sight, you let out a sigh and leaned back against the seats, trying to remember the way his hand felt in yours.
"(Y/n)! Where have you been?"
Alex demanded the second you stepped into the studio, a worried expression on his face. As soon as you left the diner so late, you knew that a lecture from Alex was coming.
"I’m sorry, Al." You said. "I just lost track of time."
"Were you with that guy from the diner?" He asked, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrow.
"Someone's in trouble." Reggie loudly whispered to Luke who was next to him on the couch. Just like usual, Luke barely spared you a glance before he glued his eyes back to his songbook.
"I don’t think you have any room to be teasing anyone about cute ghost boys.” You said, mirroring his position. “How was your afternoon with Willie?”
Across the room, you could’ve sworn Luke’s writing got heavier against the page. But when you looked over at him, he gave no other indication he was paying attention. 
“Don’t change the subject,” Alex's cheeks turned a little pink but he stood his ground. “You’ve been gone for hours.”
“Hey,” You walked up and rested your hands on his shoulders. “I’m sorry I made you worry. But you don’t have to. I’m good.”
“Of course I’m gonna worry.” Alex said, finally dropping his grumpy face and nudging you. “What else are best friends for?”
This time it wasn’t your imagination, Luke’s writing was definitely getting harder, enough to where it was going to rip a hole in the paper. Reggie and Alex noticed this time too and you all exchanged confused looks but before anyone could say anything, Luke jumped up from the couch.
“So! We should get working on this song.” He puts the page on the piano for you all to read. “I could use your help on the bridge, (Y/n).”
Alex shot you one last confused look and you shrugged before shifting your focus to the song. It was mostly finished, and with Julie’s poem as a guide for the lyrics, you were confident that it would be one your best songs yet.
Next to you, Luke scanned the page with the edge of his pencil, pointing at things he wanted your opinion on. Even with all the tension surrounding the two of you lately, it was nice to know that you were still a great team when it came to music.
For someone who learned that ghosts exist, that four of them from the 90′s were living in her best friends garage, and that they were all in a band together in one afternoon,
Flynn took the news surprisingly well.
Which meant that once Julie agreed to join the band, Flynn immediately started coming up with T-shirt ideas and new band names. You weren’t surprised at all when Julie announced that Flynn had booked a gig at the school dance a few days later.
You had all decided on the setlist that morning and had been practicing all day. Which meant by mid-afternoon, you had everything memorized. Since it was the first performance with Julie as a part of the band, you figured that letting her take the lead with vocals would be a good idea.
During the second break of the day, Luke and Reggie were messing around up in the loft, leaving you and Julie with nothing to do. So she offered to teach you a little about piano. It was a slow-going process but you were slowly getting the hang of it. "Okay, so, like this?"
Julie watched carefully as your hand flew across the keys. You miraculously played all the right notes to the song that Julie had taught you over the past half-hour and she beamed.
“Yeah! That’s perfect!” She said, “Play it again.”
Your finger was about to press down on the key, but then Alex phased through the doors. Ever since yesterday, you had been waiting for a moment to tease him about Willie. It was only fair since he just grilled you about being out all day.
“Hey, Al.” You greeted as you stepped away from the keyboard and wiggled your eyebrows at him. “And just where have you been?”
“Yeah, man, we gotta start practicing.” Luke said.
“For what?” Alex asked just as Flynn came strutting into the room. You noticed the colorful paper in her hand and nodded your head toward it with a grin. 
“For that.” 
Flynn set the paper down on the keyboard to Julie to see.
Alex whined as he looked it over. “Aw, man. We’re playing a dance?”
“Yeah, it’s how you build a following these days.” Luke said as he plopped down into a chair.
“Yeah, get with the program, Alex.” Julie said and Luke laughed.
The sound drew your eyes to his face and you can’t help but stare at him as you tried to remember the last time you and Luke had joked around like that. It used to come so naturally, but now even just being around Luke felt like a ticking time bomb of awkwardness. 
Luke’s eyes flitted up to yours for just a second and for the next few moments you couldn’t help but wonder if he was thinking the same thing.
Flynn shouted, breaking you out of your thoughts. “The band is here?”
She then proceeds to wave to the wrong side of the room and you laughed as Julie gestured towards where you all were actually sitting. You all still waved back despite knowing she couldn’t see you.
“Okay, so now that Alex has graced us with his presence, we should get back to rehearsing.” Luke said and everyone nodded in agreement.
But before any of you could move, Carlos strolled in. “Hey, Julie, remember those orbs from dad’s pictures? I think they’re ghosts.”
Julie’s eyes went wide as she looked at the photos Carlos set on the keyboard right in front of her. She looked back and forth between all of you as Carlos rambled on.
“But don’t worry.” He said as he spun in a circle. “This room is clean, I’m not getting any ghost vibes.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. Carlos was exactly what you always pictured a little brother would be like. You had always wanted a sibling, but the closest you ever got was Reggie.
“If they come back, I’ll protect you.” Carlos puffed out his chest a little. “Because I’m the man of the house.”
Julie raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t dad supposed to be the man of the house?”
“There can be two.” He said as he pulled a salt shaker out of his pocket. “According to the internet, salt burns out their souls.” 
Your eyes all got wide and you backed up until you were almost against the wall. Reggie and Luke both yelped and jumped up as Carlos spun in another circle. Alex screamed as salt went right through his torso, but he straightened a second later with a sheepish smile.
“I’m okay.”
“You’re such a drama queen.” You snort as Alex flipped you off. Julie nodded at Flynn to distract Carlos and she led him out through the doors and back up to the house.
Once they had left, you turned to Julie with an excited smile. "Wait, before we start, I wanted to show you some old Sunset Curve songs."
"Ooh, okay!”
Luke opened his songbook and a page quickly fell out. You instantly recognized the cramped but neat handwriting and laughed at Reggie. "'Home Is Where My Horse Is'? Again, Reg?"
Reggie beamed. "It's a gift."
"Thanks, Buddy." Luke patted his shoulder before opening his songbook to a page in the middle and laying it across the piano for Julie to see. 'I think you’d kill this one."
Julie’s eyes scanned the page for a moment before flipping through the book. "Who's Emily?"
The color drained out of Luke's face as he scrambled for the journal. But Julie kept it just out of his reach. "And this another one, 'She Is Love’? Who knew you were such a romantic?"
You shared confused looks with Alex and Reggie. Of course, you all knew about ‘Unsaid Emily’. Luke always eagerly shared every part of his music with the band, even if it was just a few scribbled lines or a riff he thought of off the top of his head.
But it was clear from the guy’s faces that none of you had ever heard this song. Luke writing a love song was weird in itself, but him not telling anyone about it was even weirder.
"It's just something I tried." Luke said, a faint blush on his cheeks. "But you should flip to the next one. It's got a killer beat."
He played one of the first songs you had ever written for Sunset Curve 'Last Place' and Julie nodded along with a confused look. "So you wanna use a sample?"
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"Sample someone else's music." She explained. "I've heard that riff a million times. It's a classic Trevor Wilson song."
With a couple of clicks on her computer, Julie pulled up a picture of a middle aged guy leaning up against a guitar and your head started spinning.
"Guys, is that...?" You trailed off, hoping that you were wrong.
"It's Bobby." Luke finished.
"Seriously? I just told you his name is Trevor." Julie said.
Alex ran his hands through his hair, a slight scowl settling on his face. "Okay well then he changed it. That's definitely Bobby, he was our rhythm guitarist."
"He looks so old." You said, resisting the urge to reach out and poke the screen.
"He looks like a substitute teacher." Alex added, producing a slight chuckle from Reggie. 
"Julie, what were his other songs?" You asked. You had a feeling the bad news was only beginning. 
"'Get Lost'." She said and your heart sank even further.
"I wrote that." Luke said as he tugged his strap over his head. You could tell he was getting angry beneath his calm exterior, and the same feelings were rising up inside you as Julie went on. 
"’Long Weekend'?' She continued. 
"That one too." Reggie said. "It took (Y/n) and Luke like a month to finish."
"This is freaking me out!" Julie rubbed her temples. "This whole time I thought you were connected to my mom. But you're actually connected to Carrie's dad?"
"Add it to our list of questions." Alex sighed, his leg bouncing as he sat in front of his drum set.
“We used to talk about music all the time.” Julie said sadly. “He never mentioned you guys.”
"Of course not." You scoffed and Luke walked across the room and threw a dart at the board with enough force to put a hole in the wall. “He takes all the credit and doesn’t even mention us.”
“And he’s rich.” Julie flipped her computer screen around to show a photo of a huge mansion. “He has his own helicopter.”
Luke abandons the darts and makes his way over to the screen as Alex jumps up. “Man, we live in a garage!”
“It’s not about the money.” Luke huffed. “It’s about the music!”
Reggie whined. “It’s a little bit about the money.”
“A little about the money.” Alex emphasized.
“He could have at least shared it with our families.” You said, thinking about your mom and how she used to work extra shifts to take care of the both of you. 
Reggie nodded in agreement. “Then maybe my parent’s house wouldn’t have gotten turned into a bike shack.”
Luke took a deep breath. ”What he did was steal our legacy.”
There was a moment of tense silence before he spoke up again.
“Where does he live?”
Julie hesitated. It was clear that all of you were angry, but Luke was on another level. His music was everything to him and being betrayed by Bobby was clearly getting under his skin. You gave her a pleading look and she sighed.
“Above the beach in Malibu.”
Luke glanced at the three of you, asking a silent question. You all nodded and Luke threw on his jacket, a look of determination on his face. “Let’s go teach him a lesson.”
Julie got up from the bench and tried to protest, but you all phased away.
As you walked into the front door of the mansion, a million memories raced through your head.
Of days when the five of you would go down to the pier or the park and play for hours, or take a drive around the city in Bobby’s car and talk about being famous one day. You used to joke about someone breaking off and starting a solo career, never actually thinking it would happen.
But clearly Bobby took it a little too seriously.
You and Alex walked to one side of the house while Luke and Reggie searched the other side. Every wall you could see was covered in awards and photos of his performances along with a giant portrait of his face right above the living room. From a little further down the hall, Alex shouted your name and you walked over to see him pointing at a display of shiny silver records.
“Have you seen these records? They’re Platinum.” He said.
“Platinum?” You repeated in disbelief. You ran your hands along the frame and were shocked that you could actually touch it. Across the room, Luke grumbled.
“He recorded ‘My Name Is Luke’.” He said. “My name is Luke!”
Suddenly, you heard the front door open and Bobby walked in.
“There he is!” Reggie called and you all turned to face him as he walked up the stairs. You snorted at his outfit choice and Reggie scoffed, clearly thinking the same thing. “He wears sunglasses indoors.”
Luke and Reggie started bouncing up the stairs after him but you and Alex hung back. 
“Wait!” Alex called. “You know, It’s my first time haunting someone. I want it to be special.”
You stifled a laugh as Luke and Reggie exchanged confused looks before continuing up the stairs.
“I made that weird, didn’t I?” Alex cringed and you patted his shoulder.
“Definitely.” You laughed as you nudged him forward. “Come on.”
You reached the top of the stairs just as Reggie and Luke phased through a door at the end of the hall. Alex was quick to follow but you found yourself stopped in front of what you assumed was Bobby’s office. 
It was a huge room with expensive guitars and fancy furniture. It looked like every other room in the house, but for some reason, you felt like you needed to look in there.
Alex noticed your hesitation and frowned. “You coming?”
“I think I’m gonna look around a little more.” You said.
“You sure?” He raised an eyebrow and you nodded.
Once he was gone, you walked into the room and spun around, taking in the sight of even more awards lining the walls. Your blood boiled thinking about all the hours you had spent writing them only for Bobby to take the credit.
You crossed to the desk to find the bottom drawer cracked open. You tried not to open it, but your curiosity won out. It slid open and you saw that it was completely empty except for an old shoebox that was pushed all the way to the back.
The lid was covered with a thin layer of dust like it hadn’t been opened for ages. It took a minute of pulling, but you finally got the lid off and peered inside.
The first thing you saw was a guitar strap. It was black with white skulls and flowers lining the sides. You recognized it instantly as the one Alex got Bobby for his 17th birthday.
The second was a picture of Sunset Curve playing at the winter formal freshman year. You cringed while looking back at your questionable fashion choices, but the memory still brought a smile to your face.
Finally, there were a few picks spread out across the bottom of the box, and a faded napkin from the diner. 
A wave of confusion and regret washed over you.
So Bobby hadn’t forgotten about all of you.
Maybe he was a music-stealing weasel that you wished you could deck in the nose. But why would he keep all of this stuff if he still didn’t care deep down? If that seemingly always grumpy but secretly dorky boy you had known wasn’t still in there somewhere?
Suddenly, you heard screaming down the hall and you quickly closed the drawer before following the noise. It led to the bathroom door, where Luke and Reggie leaned up against the wall as Alex held the door shut. Then he backed up and the door swung open.
Bobby stumbled out with a terrified look on his face, running down the stairs while he mumbled to himself. The boys laughed and high-fived, grinning at you before phasing out again. You groaned and started walking downstairs where Flynn was sitting on the couch rambling to Carrie as Julie snuck into the backyard.
You followed Julie cautiously, knowing that she would probably be mad at you for leaving earlier. When you walked through the screen door and heard her start to lecture the boys, you knew you were right.
“So, did you guys have fun?” She asked, crossing her arms.
“You would do the same if he stole your music.” Luke said defensively.
“But you guys have new music with me.” Julie added. “And the best way to get back at him is for this band to do great. First we have to play dances, then clubs.”
“Then tours. I know.” Luke said and Julie sighed.
“I’ll see you guys at the school. We go on at 9:00.” She frowned. “Please don’t be late.”
“We’ll be there.” Alex said reassuringly. “Don’t worry.”
Julie turned and walked back through the screen door, giving you a tight-lipped smile as she passed. 
“I don’t care what Julie says. I’m glad we scared Bobby.” Reggie said as he glared up at the mansion.
“I mean, maybe it was a little harsh.” You said and all of them stared at you in disbelief.
“Harsh?” Luke sputtered, like he couldn’t believe that just came out of your mouth.
“I found some stuff upstairs.” You tried to explain.
“What kind of stuff?” Reggie asked.
“The picture of us playing back in freshman year, some of our old picks, his old guitar strap.” You said, but the boys didn’t look convinced. “Guys, Bobby was our friend. We shouldn’t forget that.”
Alex and Reggie looked a little conflicted, but Luke didn’t budge. “How are you so cool with this?”
“I’m not!” You sighed, talking a little louder than you meant to. “God, of course I’m not okay with it, Luke. I put just as much of myself in those songs as you did. But I think we’ve done enough. Besides, it's not like we can even confront him anyway.”
“Maybe we can.” Alex said and you all turned to look at him. “I mean, Willie knows a lot about ghost stuff. Maybe he knows a way we could talk to him.”
“Let’s go find out.” Luke smiled mischievously.
You frowned but nodded. “You guys go. I’ll meet you at the dance.”
“(Y/n)-” Luke started but you had already disappeared in a flash of bright white.
If there was anything you didn’t miss about being alive, it was school dances.
You were always wrapped up in work or band stuff to be able to go, let alone ask anyone to be your date. Playing at the freshman winter formal was the first and only time you had ever set foot in a dance until tonight.
Your eyes scanned the gym in awe as you followed Julie through the dancing crowd. There were bright lights and balloons everywhere. There were a few kids dancing but it wasn’t very crowded, but it was still early and you hoped more people would be there to see you perform.
Once you and Julie reached the stage, Flynn grinned from behind her DJ booth and gestured to the backstage area. Julie fiddled with the bottom of her shirt nervously as you both walked behind the curtain.
Flynn gave Julie a hug and you laughed as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Are they here?”
“(Y/n) is.” Julie explained and Flynn waved in your general direction in response. “The boys will be here later. At least I hope.”
“I’m sure they will be.” You tried to reassure her. “They know how important this is.”
Flynn nudged Julie’s shoulder with a grin. “Well, let’s get your stuff set up then.”
By the time 11:00 rolled around, you were ready to track the boys down and kill them again.
The dance floor was twice as crowded as it was when you got there, and everyone was impatiently waiting for the main performance. You knew that wherever the boys were, they must’ve just lost track of time and didn’t know they were late. But that didn’t stop you from being angry. Especially when you saw the look on Julie’s face.
“Hey,” You sat on the floor next to her while she stared sadly at the projector. “I’m sorry they’re not here.”
Julie just shrugged. “I was really looking forward to playing tonight.”
Your eyes drifted to the crowd, then to the projector, then to Flynn and you got an idea. “Maybe we still can.”
She furrowed her eyebrows but there was a spark of curiosity in her eyes. “What do you mean?”
“We can perform the songs. Just the two of us.” You started. “Flynn can play some backing tracks and we can still rock this place!”
Julie looked nervous and a little hesitant but she called for Flynn and the girl raced over immediately. She explained the plan quickly and Flynn grinned in approval and assured you that she would take care of the backup music.
A pit of butterflies opened in your stomach. You hadn’t performed without the boys for years, but with Julie to lean on, you were fairly confident that you could get through it without throwing up.
You went on with Julie as planned, pushing thoughts about what the boys must be doing off to the side so you could focus on the performance at hand. It wasn’t quite the same, but it didn’t seem like the audience could tell. You belted your hearts out as they danced along, and both yours and Julie’s nerves disappeared as you got lost in the music.
It ended with a thunderous round of applause and you and Julie taking a bow at center stage. You took your cue to phase away and there was another wave of cheering as Julie waved and joined you in the backstage area.
As the crowd of students began making their way home and the stage was being torn down, you sat on the gym floor beneath a colorful balloon arch with Julie. Flynn had made her way to the cafeteria, taking advantage of the fact that there were no adults to stop her. 
You watched the last few students leave, including the blonde boy you’d noticed staring at Julie all night. You turned to her with a playful smile. 
"So? When were you going to tell me about the cute boy who obviously likes you?" You teased and Julie sighed.
"Nick is Carrie's boyfriend." She said as her eyes drifted across the empty room and you smiled sympathetically. She elbowed the air next to your ribs, "When were you going to tell me about Luke?"
"What about Luke?" You asked, trying not to blush.
"Don't play dumb, (Y/n)." Julie smirked. "It's obvious."
You groaned, falling onto your back against the floor and Julie laughed. "How obvious?"
"(Y/n), you wear his jacket like everyday, and that song in his journal was one hundred percent about you." Julie laid down beside you.
You snapped your head sideways and Julie laughed again at your shocked expression. "What?"
"Come on." She said. "Who else could that be about?"
You thought back to earlier, when Luke looked like a deer in headlights as Julie read the title out loud.. But you knew there was no way that it was about you. I mean,  Luke never exactly had a shortage of girls that wanted his attention. 
Just as you were about to point this out to Julie, there was a series of bright lights and Alex, Luke and Reggie appeared in front of you. You and Julie stood up, wearing identical glares, the anger you both felt earlier returning in full force. But before you could say a word, Luke launched into an apology.
“We are so sorry that we bailed on you guys.”
“The night just got away from us.” Alex added, looking everywhere but your face.
“It was about Carrie’s dad, wasn’t it?” Julie asked and when none of the boys answered, she scoffed. “You know what? Save it. Bands don’t do this to each other, friends don’t do this to each other. This whole thing was a mistake.”
“You mean the dance, right?” Luke asked hopefully and Julie shook her head.
“I meant joining a band with you guys.” She said, trying to keep a straight face. You could tell she was holding back tears as she ran out of the gym.
Once she was gone, you took a deep breath and faced them.
Alex immediately stepped forward, guilt etched on his face.”(Y/n), We’re so sorry.”
“I’m not the one you should worry about apologizing to.” You said, looking towards the doors where Julie left just a second ago. Alex followed your eyes and sighed, grabbing onto Reggie’s shoulder and steering him towards the door.
There was a moment of heaviness as you took another deep breath. You realized with a start that this was the first time you and Luke had been alone in months. Talking used to come so easily between the two of you, but now you found yourself struggling to find your words. 
“We really are sorry, (Y/n).” Luke said quietly. “We didn’t mean to hurt Julie. Or you.”
You scoffed, kicking your foot against the linoleum of the gym floor, “But you did, and for what? A chance for revenge?”
“No! Well, yeah. But there was something else that happened. You won’t believe-”
“What could’ve been more important than being here?” You asked, cutting him off. You forced yourself to look up and found him looking back at you intently. 
“If you just let me explain, I promise I would never purposely leave you hanging.” 
“But you have been leaving me hanging, Luke!” You fired back, your voice nearly echoing in the empty room. The second the words left your mouth, you felt nauseous. After months of keeping those words on the tip of your tongue, you had expected saying them to feel better.
Luke winced at your words, but kept your gaze, “Hey, I know I’ve been..” He paused, knitting his eyebrows together, “distracted”. 
“That’s one word for it.” You said and Luke took a cautious step closer.
“It’s just that everything has changed so much.” He said, and for the first time tonight, he looked away, “Even before we died.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but he cut you off, seemingly unable to stop rambling.
“It’s like there’s so many things I’ve been trying to say, but I can’t make the words come out. And it all gets so tangled up in my head and I just end up saying nothing.”
You could see him getting more frustrated as he continued on. “I’m sorry for everything. For being late, for being such a shitty friend and being so far away lately. I just-”
He took another step forward, eyes never leaving your face. “I’m just afraid of losing everything.”
There was an edge to his voice, like it was hard for him to get the words out. As he inched a little closer, you reached out your hand, fingers inches away from his when suddenly he jumped back. A purple shock flashing in the middle of his chest.
Luke fell to the ground, groaning as he clutched his side. You crouched next to him and his eyes fluttered open slowly. “Ow.”
“What the hell was that?” You asked and Luke sat up.
“I don’t know.” He said, rolling his shoulders, “That’s never happened to me before.” 
Suddenly, Alex and Reggie phased back into the gym, both of them looking just as shocked. 
“Guys, something so weird just happened.” Reggie exclaimed. Alex took in the sight of you and Luke sitting so close to each other and cleared his throat.
“Should we come back later?”
You glared at him. “Let me guess, you guys also got shocked with creepy purple magic?”
“How’d you know?” Reggie asked, wide-eyed.
Alex sighed at him before he turned back to you. “We definitely need to figure out what the hell just happened.”
“Yeah, let’s go home.” You said and Luke cleared his throat, staring at Alex and Reggie.
“Uh, you guys go. We’ll be there in a minute.”
Alex gave you a questioning look and you nodded, and with another flash, they phased out.
It was quiet for a minute as you both processed everything that just happened. You and Luke hadn’t had a fight like that since you were kids, and that was the most he had said to you in over half a year. Your head was spinning with all the change.
Luke rubbed the back of his neck and you could almost feel how nervous he was. “So..”
“So…” You repeated.
Luke turned a little more towards you and quickly wrapped his pinky around yours. He gave it a gentle squeeze as he smiled.
“Truce?” Luke asked.
You nodded, smiling as you squeezed back. “Truce.”
In Life, In Death Taglist:
@ifilwtmfc @instabull @wanniiieeee @tenaciousperfectionunknown @charliegillespiewife @merceret @itismeasmolpotato @lilostif16 @dangerouslyclose @iainttakingshitfromnobody @givemebooksorgivemedeath @sunsetcurvedotmp3 @askgeoff @mayleenicole5676 @puppy11148 
JATP Taglist:
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Me and You
(Luke Patterson x Reader) (Julie and the Phantoms)
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: Alrighty! So this is my first time writing for JATP! I tried y’all, I did, let me know what you think and if I should write more at some point cause I’m curious now lmao. 
This was mainly written for me, I’ll be honest. 
@hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis YOUR MOVE...
The constant strumming of Luke’s guitar as he practiced kept pulling your attention away from the book in front of you, one you snagged from Julie’s bookshelf. You were almost done with it, but you preferred to read in silence, something you couldn’t do with Mr. Rockstar over there.
“Must you practice when I’m trying to read?” You groaned, tossing your head back on the couch you were laying across as you stared up at the ceiling.
Luke just laughed, strumming a chord on his guitar that he’d been trying out for ages now. “Must you read when I’m trying to practice?” You shot him a look but Luke only smirked at you, making you only slightly annoyed.
“You always do this.” You said, rolling off the couch and coming to lean over the piano. “Ever since we were young, it was always you playing when I read.” Luke could tell you weren’t mad at him or upset from the small smile on your face as you picked up the paper in front of him. “New song?”
Luke nodded, leaning on his elbow on the piano as he looked at you. Your eyes were reading the paper, slowly mouthing the words as your lips slowly curled up in a smile. Luke licked his lips, never looking away from you as he cleared his throat. “Wanna give it a go?”
You had to keep from laughing at Luke’s offer. “Thanks, but I’m good. I think I’ll leave the singing to Julie and you.” you started to walk away but Luke grabbed your hand before you could, giving you a dimply smile that you knew you couldn’t say no to.
“Come on, Y/N. I haven’t heard you play and sing in a while.” He pushed the sheet music towards you. “Just give it a go.” You took a deep breath, staring at him as he squeezed your hand. You hated playing in front of people, and Luke knew that, but he also knew you were comfortable with him. If you were going to sing in front of anyone, it would be him.
You sighed, nodding your head and smiling. Luke playfully cheered as you laughed. You grabbed the paper, sitting down in front of the piano as Luke sat next to you, holding his guitar so it wouldn’t hit you.  “You sure about this?” you asked, seeing Luke roll his eyes. He took your hands and put them on the piano.
“Play.” He said, nudging you gently. Before you could doubt yourself, you started playing the first few notes of Stand Tall. Luke watched you play, a smile budding at his face as he listened. It had been so long since he heard you play, even longer since he heard you sing. He missed it.
Luke waited, hearing you play the intro again and again, but you never sang. Instead, you stopped playing, letting out a small sigh as your hands fell to your side. “I can’t.”
“It’s just us.” He whispered, grabbing your hand again. He brought your hands to the piano, placing his on top. Goosebumps tickled your skin as you turned your head, finding Luke closer than he was before. His eyes met yours as he pressed your fingers down, hearing the notes play as you both stayed looking at each other. When you didn’t start singing, Luke played the intro again, and again as he smiled at you. “It’s just me and you, you can do it.”
You nodded, finally looking away as you felt Luke’s hand remove themselves, but he didn’t scoot back. You took a deep breath. “Don’t blink, No I don’t want to miss it” you sang out beautifully as Luke’s heart soared, hearing your slight wobble before you found your confidence and your smile slowly grew on your face. “One thing and it’s back to the beginning, ‘cause everything is rushing in fast, keep going on, never look back,” Luke joined you in the next verse, helping you with the song as he played his guitar. Neither one of your smiles faded until the last notes rang out in the air, ending the song and leaving you both in a perfect silence.
Luke pushed himself off the piano bench you were sharing, spinning around before reaching forwards and grabbing your hands, pulling you up as well. “That was amazing. Y/N!” He cried out, wrapping his arms around your waist and spinning you in the air. You laughed at his actions and threw your arms around his neck, one of your hands finding his hair when you buried your head into his shoulder. When Luke finally put you down, your bodies were pressed together and Luke’s hold on you didn’t loosen.
You were well aware of Luke’s hands holding you close and your own that threaded so neatly in his hair. His eyes met yours and your breath hitched. “Thank you.” you whispered, seeing Luke’s eyes flicker down briefly before locking on yours again.
“I knew you could do it.” He brought a hand up to cup your cheek. You knew that look in his eye. He leaned in, pulling your face closer as you let your eyes close and your lips hit. It took years and even dying for you to manage to kiss Luke, but it was worth it. He kissed you deeply, pouring every feeling he had into it as you did the same. When you pulled away, Luke’s hand stayed on your cheek, both of you never leaving each other’s embrace.
You furrowed your brows, biting your lip as Luke asked what was wrong. “You like me?” you asked.
Luke was confused. “Why is that a question?” He laughed and his smile never left his face.
You, however, had no clue what to say. “I just- I can’t believe-“ You stuttered, pulling your gaze away from him. “I never wanted to admit my feelings for you and you not return them.” You admitted. Luke moved your head so you were looking at him again. “I couldn’t handle that.”
“You didn’t think I like you?”
“Do you?” you laughed out, trying to hold in your insecurities.
Luke quickly caught on to how you were thinking, believing there was no way that he truly liked you. “Y/N, I’ve been in love you since we were 14 and you spilled your lunch all over me at my house.”
Your eyes went wide, heat moving up your cheeks as you closed your eyes tight, taking a moment before opening them again. “That’s when you realized you were in love with me?!” you cried out as Luke and you burst into laughs, yours out of embarrassment and his out of amusement.
You tried to hide your face, but Luke wouldn’t let you, moving your hands away from your face so he could see you again. “No, I wasn’t smart enough for that.” He said and you snorted, fully believing him. “I figured that out later, but it was when I started thinking of you as maybe more than a friend.”
You nodded your head, tangling your hands with his. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been in love with you about that time too.” You admitted as Luke let out a sigh of relief, leaning forward to meet your lips again, but before he could, you were interrupted.
“Woah.” Reggie said Alex and him popped into the room, standing on the other side of the piano as Luke and you subconsciously took a step apart.
“Oh, don’t stop on our account.” Alex said jokingly as he leaned forwards on the piano, making you both share embarrassed looks.
“We weren’t-“
“Yeah, we were just-“
Luke and you said at the same time, but neither of you had a real excuse. Instead, you just looked at him and shrugged.
“We’re dating.”
Alex and Reggie laughed at Luke and your perfectly timed proclamation. “Yeah, it’s about time.” Alex joked again as you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, it only took what, 4, 5 years?” Reggie asked rhetorically as Luke forced a smile, tossing the pillows that were on the couch at them both as you laughed. They both caught the pillows, but only after it smacked them in the faces.
“Alright, alright!” Alex said loudly over everyone’s laughter. You quieted down, cheeks hurting from smiling so much. “Seriously guys, we’re happy for you both.”
“Yeah,” Reggie continued, nodding. “You guys are good for each other.” He admitted and you felt Luke’s arm swing over your shoulder and bring you into his side and kissing your temple. You giggled, wrapping your arms around Luke just in time for Julie to walk in and see.
“No way!” She shouted, glancing between you and Luke. You smiled at her, knowing she knew all about your crush on Luke for a while now. “You’re dating!” Her reaction made you laugh and you wish you were able to hug her, but since you were a ghost, it wasn’t possible. Instead, you settled for watching her being excited and feeling Luke’s chest rumble as you hugged him.
“I think Julie wins best reaction.” You whispered to Luke as he nodded, leaning down to peck your lips as Julie squealed louder.
“Okay!” You called over her, a small chuckle in your words as she quieted down but still remained giddy. “You guys have to practice!” you reminded them, seeing nods around the room as you moved away from Luke, holding his hand until you couldn’t reach him anymore and fell onto the couch.
Everyone moved to their instruments, but Luke, who still had his guitar on him from playing earlier, just watched you, seeing you and Julie exchange silent cheers before the singer was finally ready to practice. You picked up your book, beginning to read again as the band practiced. You kept sneaking glances up at Luke, who was definitely still looking at you. The music did make it difficult to focus on reading, but with your boyfriend preforming right in front of you, who would want to concentrate on reading anyway?
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @nathaliabakes @colored-confetti @btsiguess-kpop @galacticstxrdust @independentgirl @hollymac79 @emcchi @rauwz @chewymoustachio @smilexcaptainx @faith-quake @johnmurphyisqueer @kettnerjanea @teenagereadersciencenerd @ladykxxx08 @annasofiaearlobe @mytreec @ananad1 @agentnataliahofferson @the-unmanaged-mischief @wonderful-writer @theonly1outof-a-billion
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tinasturner · 4 years
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juke + taylor swift lyrics my @jatpdaily secret santa for @fan-dos-multiversos-blog 🎄
[ ID: Eight gifs of Julie and Luke from Julie and the Phantoms. Gif 1. On the left is Luke and Julie trying to hold hands; her hand goes through his. In the middle is a black and white scene of Julie crying to Flynn that she can’t make music anymore and is done with the music program at school. On the right is Julie and Luke holding hands after his curse from Caleb is broken. In the middle is the lyric: quote I’m begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans, that’s my man. - Willow endquote. Gif 2. Rose Molina holding up a Sunset Curve shirt while she meets the band in 1995. In the middle of the shirt is a gif of Julie, Reggie, Alex, and Luke performing at the Orpheum in 2020. In the middle is the lyric: quote and isn’t it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string, tying you to me? - Invisible String endquote. Gif 3. To the left is a black and white scene where Luke leaves home after a fight with his mother. In the middle is the entire band hugging while the boys glow. To the right is a black and white scene of Julie rushing out of the music room. In the middle is the lyric: quote maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down. maybe i’ve stormed out of every single room in this town. threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it’s morning now, it’s brighter now. - Daylight endquote. Gif 4. On the left is Julie saying to Luke “I think we make each other better”. To the right is Julie and Luke dancing together in Julie’s daydream. In the middle is the lyric: quote sometimes when i look into your eyes, i pretend you’re mine, all the damn time. - Delicate endquote. Gif 5. To the left is Luke shyly telling Julie “I think you make me a better writer”. In the middle is Luke playing guitar in a moment specifically meant for Julie. To the right is Luke looking at Julie. In the middle is the lyric: quote pauses, then says ‘you’re my best friend’. and you knew what it was, he is in love. - You Are in Love endquote. Gif 6. To the left is Luke looking at Julie while he rings the doorbell to his parents’ house. Overlaid is a shot of Luke interrupting Alex so Julie doesn’t learn who the song ‘Unsaid Emily’ is about. To the right is Julie playing piano and singing with Luke in a butterfly-themed outfit. Overlaid is Julie walking through the hallway with her head down and muted clothes. In the middle is the lyric: quote and all my walls stood tall painted blue. and i’ll take em down, take em down, and open up the door for you. and all i feel in my stomach are butterflies, the beautiful kind, making up for lost time, taking flight, making me feel right. - Everything Has Changed endquote. Gif 7. To the upper-left is a gif of Julie and the Phantoms performing at the Orpheum. To the lower right is a gif of Julie and the Phantoms performing for the first time at Julie’s school. In the middle is the lyric: quote long live the walls we crashed through. all the kingdom lights shined just for me and you. - Long Live endquote. Gif 8. To the left is Julie and Luke performing ‘Bright’. In the middle is Julie and Luke performing ‘Finally Free’. To the right is Julie and Luke performing ‘Stand Tall’. In the middle is the lyric: quote and i don’t know why but with you i’d dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless. - Fearless endquote. Gif 9. Luke and Julie holding each other’s faces while he glows. In the middle is the lyric: quote i’ll be eighty-seven you’ll be eighty-nine, i’ll still look at you like the stars that shine - Mary’s Song endquote. End ID. ]
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smiledotdeer · 2 years
And now, a compilation of the headcanons Cal shared with his audience last night!
1. "I was born and raised in a place called Cut Off. About a day's walk south of New Orleans, in Bayou Lafourche. Last I heard it had a little over five thousand people living there nowadays. Not too shabby I'd say!" 2. "One of my toys as a child was a slingshot. I became fairly decent at shooting from the metaphorical hip." 3. "I nursed a baby alligator back to health while I was still living in the bayou. Sometimes I wonder if she's still alive. They grow to be quite old, you know!" 4. "I never learned how to drive. I never needed to. I walked, or I was driven by someone else." 5. "I didn't practice vodou for very long before I died; only about five or six years. Most of what I know about it now was learned due to my continuing to research and study it after I came down here, along with a few extra things." 6. "I can shapeshift, but not in what one might consider the typical manner. I can't just snap my fingers and turn into whatever or whoever I wish. I have to study the anatomy of what or who I wish to turn into, memorize it, try it on for size, make mistakes, and make the tweaks necessary to perfect it. Right now, the only forms I know how to take on in their entirety, are myself, and that of a typical stag." 7. "I don't mind television. I enjoy films from time to time. I simply don't keep a television in my personal spaces, for personal reasons." 8. "I enjoy smoking from time to time, but my voice remains completely clear and unaffected. This is because I transfer the damage to Travis every time!" 9. "I don't like Catahoulas. They're the reason I was caught and shot." 10. "I own a mimic! It can turn into anything I ask, but most of the time I keep it as a mobile chest. A mobile, mostly fleshy, slight fuzzy, adorable little chest. With legs. And teeth. And a tongue. And a bottomless stomach for holding things. And food. It eats meat. Filet mignon is its favorite. I named it Chester." 11. "I also have a cat. His name is Churchill, but I just call him Church. He stinks. Badly. But no matter how I brush or bathe him it doesn't go away. Pretty sure he's got twisted bones, too. He doesn't feel right when I hold him. I love him to bits, though." 12. "I have a St. Bernard named Cujo. He doesn't smell good, either. And I think he's rabid? Or he just drools way more than he should. I dunno. I love him, too." 13. "I have a mouse. Mister Jingles. He likes rolling my spools around on the floor. I've lost a few because of him. I don't mind, though. As long as he's having fun." 14. "...I'm really tired. I might nap after this. ...huh? It's only four-thirty? Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!" That's. Not a fact, Al. 15. "I think it's a shame that people who like pumpkin spice are made fun of for liking pumpkin spice. Let people enjoy their fall treats in peace, dagnabbit!" 16. "My glasses are indeed prescription. I'm not completely blind without them, but I'm pretty dang close to it." 17. "Ribeye is my favorite cut of beef." 18. "Boudin is what I believe I make best." 19. "I have a coffee press in every room of my home." 20. "I was almost married once, back when I was alive." 21. "I have special pads on the bottom of my hooves that keep me from slipping and sliding on the wooden floors of my house." 22. "I served in the first World War. It's where I first got introduced to radio." 23. "I can play the piano, violin, organ, and harpsichord. I'd like to learn how to play the guitar someday." 24. "My house isn't really my house. I stole it from the living world after its owner died and teleported it down here during a visit topside back in the sixties." 25. "I've—got a lotta spell books. Wowza." 26. "I like the color green. It's soothing. Makes me think of plants. I like plants." Sniffle. "I wish they didn't die when I touch 'em." 27. "I'm lonely." 28. "Is—is anyone even listening? Or am I talking to myself? —who am I kidding. Nobody listens to the radio anymore. Not here. Not in my Hell. I'm—...I think I'm done."
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
❝𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕡❞
⇢ Episodes 1-2
⇢ conversations written in italics are spoken in english. requests and feedback are highly appreciated!
⇢ script form (name: lines) are the interviews
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she’s sitting in between namjoon and hoseok, legs curled to her chest
she mostly stayed quiet while resting her head on namjoon’s shoulder
after talking about jimin’s hanbok, they turned to yoonmi
“miya-ssi, you want to experiment with making makeup, yes?” “that is correct” “we’ll have the materials and ingredients you need ready in a box there. the projector and projector screen you asked for will be there as well”
she clapped excitedly and thanked the staff
“i get to watch movies with mimi!” “we all do, jungkook” “me first though”
when it came to the hobbies that they wanted to try together, she raised her hand
“pdnim, is it okay if we have more of everything so we can all try out each other’s interests?” “actually, that’s a good idea”
and so she managed to get the staff to broaden their list of things to buy
before they stopped, yoonmi sat up, kicking her legs out in front of her and making hoseok jump in surprise
“can we have a trampoline? like one of those circle ones with a net?” “we’ll have that ready” “yay! okay, thank you, pdnim!”
miya: school just let out, so it felt like a summer vacation with family. i feel like we got to just let loose, and i loved it
when it came to filling the cars, she gave jungkook her 2 small luggages and her guitar, keeping her backpack, her puppy plushie, and her hamster plushie on her
she helps loading with a pout “i wanted to drive my motorcycle, but i can’t because we’re gonna be on the freeway”
namjoon patted her head and opened the door for her to go in the car
she settled in the back just as jungkook made his way into the driver’s seat
“you gonna sleep the whole ride, mimi?” “only if you don’t teach me to drive today” “... have a good sleep”
namjoon chuckled at the two and buckled his seatbelt, reminding the maknaes to do the same
she put on sunglasses and was somehow able to fold her whole body so she was curled up in her seat
“why does it sound like our guitars are breaking?” “i got them”
after fixing the guitars, she settles back into the seat and goes silent so jungkook just asks namjoon if she’s sleeping
namjoon pats her knee, and she doesn’t move “she is. i’m not surprised. she stayed up all night again”
and she somehow stays asleep despite the members both in the car with her and through the walkie talkies being talkative
you can see jungkook constantly looking in the rearview mirror to check if yoonmi’s doing okay
“aigoo, she’s already an adult, but she still looks this small?” “don’t tell her you said that, jungkookie”
she wakes up when they’re driving by the water and namjoon just “have a nice sleep, yoon-ah?” “yes, oppa”
they get off in the place they were going to stay, and she’s just walking around with two fairly big plushies in her arms
they’re walking on the field and yoonmi sees the trampoline, its net open for her to enter
“oppa, hold this,” she handed her plushies to taehyung and ran to the trampolines
the other members just stopped to watch her fondly while she did a few back tucks and aerials in the trampoline
“yoonmi-ah, you just woke up, you might get hurt” seokjin called her back and she just giggled and slipped her shoes on again and ran back to them to check out the house
she placed her plushies on the piano to have free arms
she explores the moving cameras with jungkook, eyes wide “wahhh this is so strange but so cool”
she’s skipping around, distracted to the point where yoongi had to hold her hand to keep her from straying from everyone
yoongi leads her to the tarp where she decided to just lie down on the grass nearby making yoongi chuckle while seokjin had her stand up because she was wearing a white shirt
she made her way to the hammock and wrapped herself up in there “oppas, i’ll be here if you need me”
she takes out her phone and taps a few things before paradise starts playing “mmm this is a good relaxation song”
she hears seokjin and namjoon trash talking each other after a few minutes and looks up briefly “oh, ping pong? looks like it’s about to get competitive”
she laughs to herself and puts her head back down
you don’t hear from her again until jungkook finished cooking the ramen
he walked over to the hammock and picked her up “no skipping lunch” “but i was listening to musiiiiic”
he dumps her on the chair next to yoongi and she’s just sulking while grabbing a bowl and chopsticks to get food
hoseok laughed at her actions “cute”
namjoon and seokjin bickering about pingpong while they ate and she laughs “i knew they’d get like this”
jungkook took her away to the boat house where he took out his guitar
“where’s mine?” “with all the other stuff”
she kinda just lies down on the side and stares at the ceiling while jungkook played, occasionally suggesting chords that she think would sound well with his progression
“oppa” “mm?” “should i go help sort the groceries out?” “did you sleep last night?” “... i took one second naps every ten seconds”
cue jungkook rolling his eyes and throwing her plaid shirt (which she had removed earlier) over her face “sleep, not blink”
the next cut you see of her is jungkook putting a blanket over her legs before leaving to join the other boys
when jungkook’s calling around for everyone, taehyung asks him where she is and jungkook points to the boathouse
taehyung goes in and lightly taps her side “aegi, time to go to the main house”
she nods and taehyung puts an arm around her while they walk back together
buuuut the door is locked and the other members call for a password
“lajibolala?” taehyung asked yoonmi just tilts her head “is it not rock bison?”
they let them in, and she settles into taehyung’s side
“can i sleep in the boathouse?” “okaaaaay me, yoonmi, and jungkook in the boat house!”
she grins and picks up her plushies and heads off to unpack her stuff
seokjin pops in on her after his disappointing fishing session and he sees her on her laptop, midi on right next to it
only one of her carriers were open, and seokjin could tell it was to get her blanket which currently sat across her lap
she had her headphones on and she was already working on a track
miya: i don’t know, maybe it was instinct to start working on something? i was working on something the whole night, and i guess that momentum kinda just came back *laughs* jinnie oppa stopped me though
seokjin shakes his head and squishes her cheeks together
“princess, leave that for when you’re actually bored, and start unpacking. look, you even left toph and koda on top of your bags” “okay, okay, oppa”
she saved her progress and smiled at seokjin when he handed her the two plushies
there’s a mini compilation of her setting up her stuff and unpacking with seokjin’s help
after a few clips, you see her in more comfortable clothes and walking out while braiding her hair into pigtails to see yoongi and seokjin fishing
she giggles when yoongi gets in the boat “oppa, what are you doing?” “what? it’s not like it’s illegal”
when seokjin and yoongi are on the boat, she moves to her room and pulls a book out of her backpack
the subtitles read “the most peaceful member so far” while she settles on her stomach and opens the book
jungkook checks in on her after a while “i’m gonna go fish. you good here? oh, she’s reading she can’t hear me”
sure enough she didn’t move one bit
after what looks like ⅓ of the book, she glances up “oh, a portable blender! i should make banana milk”
she goes off to the kitchen to grab some ingredients. her nose scrunches when she sees seokjin handling a fish, then she grabs some milk, bananas, cinnamon, honey, and a knife to take back to her room
she silently hums an (at the time) unfamiliar melody while cutting up the bananas and putting them into the jug
miya: i feel like you’re going to be bored with me the whole show *laughs* i live pretty quietly. so far, all i’ve done is sleep, eat, make music, read, and make banana milk. i don’t know what you’re expecting, but nothing much really happens when i’m on break
“okay, two bananas, a cup and a half of milk, and a random amount of honey and cinnamon because measuring is a construct let’s go”
she puts the lid on then screws the jug in place, pressing down on it and blending until it seemed right to her
she smiles when she’s done and gathers all her trash into a bag
she switches the lid of the jug to one without blades then brings everything but the port to the kitchen in the upper house
“did you make banana milk again? can i taste?”
jungkook comes over and takes the trash from her while talking
she opens the jug and holds it for him to take a sip before she covers it again and puts it in the fridge
“oppa,” she approached yoongi, “do you need help with dinner?” “did you rest today?” “yes” “then go ahead and cut up the vegetables i laid out over there, and be careful, princess”
eventually she ends up setting the table outside while jungkook walked behind her and played with a frog
she’s laughing at him while setting down plates “the frog is trying to have some peace”
she’s tucked between jimin and hoseok for dinner, and jimin’s just constantly adding food to her bowl
hoseok’s off to the side sneakily pouring her a shot of soju and she just giggles and takes it in thanks
she laughed along with the stories, mostly exchanging glances with jungkook
miya: the oppas were all bringing up old memories, and it was fun. i forgot we were filming. i’m usually quiet during meals, but i think i laughed a lot more on our first night than i usually do. *laughs* ggukoo oppa and i made eye contact and i’m pretty sure we remembered the same thing, but that’s a secret
she had settled in her bed pretty soon, phone on as if she were messaging someone. she made eye contact with the camera and smiled “good night”
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sunset-curve-fantom · 4 years
The Music In Me -Alive!Luke x Reader
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Since the moment Luke Patterson walked into your life, the music had been flowing out of you. He brought out the best in you, and you helped inspire him more. You continued to write songs together, but also apart. He was the inspiration that kept you grounded, and you could not be more grateful for the life we are sharing.
You were making your way back to Julie’s garage, knowing you could find Luke there. You stopped at the door when you heard him playing his guitar, scribbling in his book. He began signing, so you just stayed outside not to disturb his creative process,
In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head with nothing left
And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark and find the spark
He stopped playing again and began writing. In that moment, you rounded the corner of the garage, interrupting his thoughts “Hey, that sounded pretty great. What is it called?”
He looked like a deer in headlights as he caught your gaze, “Nothing my brightest star, just something new. It isn’t finished yet”
Placing his guitar next to him, pulling you into his lap. He pulled you with so much force, you hit his chest super hard earning groans from the both of you. You sat up quickly, avoiding his gaze as he stared at your pink cheeks. He opened his mouth to say something when Reggie and Alex came in to work on Stand Tall.
You quickly hopped off Luke the moment they rounded the corner, earning another groan from him. You just shot him a warning glance as you made you way to the piano to work on your music while they were rehearsing.
Settling back into the lyrics of your unfinished song about Luke, scribbling out certain parts until the missing piece fell into place,
You set me free
You and me together is more than chemistry
Love me as I am
I'll hold your music here inside my hands
We say we're friends, we play pretend
You're more to me, we're everything                  
It was the story of you and Luke, how things just felt right and finally fell into place when you were with him. He was everything to you, no one else could fall into the same category with him. He was just always out of your grasp between the band and other girls, you knew you would never be his ideal.
You looked over the piano, seeing Luke showing Reggie he could have chemistry with anyone. All it did was make you flustered, you wished he would be that physical with you. Hell, he could hit you with his guitar and you would find it the sexiest thing ever.
He caught your gaze as you watched him press a kiss to him fingers and then to Reggie’s lips. I don’t think I have ever seen Reggie so speechless in my life,
“So, uh girls? Yeah.” He stuttered, pink cheeked
Alex put out a flat no to that question, while Luke answered yes. They turned to me, waiting for my opinion and you thought about it and finally answered, “Oh sorry, uh ya no. I am hardcore into dudes”
Luke just laughed at your answer, sending a wink in your direction as his teeth sunk into his bottom lip. The blush creeped onto your face and you focused your attention back to your lyrics and the piano before you. Playing the tune as you lightly sung along, making sure everything flowed perfectly.
Unbeknownst to you, the guys had stopped playing and had redirected their focus onto you and your song. You finished playing, scribbling a few notes next to your lyrics. Finally looking up, you felt like a deer in headlights with all eyes on you, hesitantly you asked “Uh- can I help you?”
“Ya... that was- wow that was incredible. Is the song for someone?” Luke asked, making his way over the piano to read the lyrics. You quickly closed your journal, placing a fake smile on your face. You were completely embarrassed; you didn’t want him to know it was for him because it seemed creepy to write this love song about your best friend.
You have always been attached at the hips for as long as you could remember. He stayed at your house, more so in your room after the blowout with his parents. He was there for months before you convinced him to put his feelings into his lyrics, he needed to talk to his parents, but he didn’t know what to say. They didn’t want their 17-year-old in a rock band, but it was his calling in life.
He sucked his lip back in between his teeth, trying to find a way to ease the awkwardness in the room.
“Well this is extra awkward…” Reggie said, as Alex grabbed him by his ear, dragging him out of the garage. You turned your attention back to Luke, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it weird. I-I I’m just not ready to share it yet, especially with the person it’s meant for”
“I understand y/n, it just was really good. Whoever it is for is really lucky to have someone like you in their corner.” He stated as he began unplugging his amp, switching to his acoustic guitar.
“Thanks Luke, what about you? I mean you seem to be writing a song for someone special, I have never seen you so protective of a song in my life” you said, joining him on the couch, as he continued strumming his guitar, giving you a small smile.
“How about if I tell you, you tell me about yours. That way everything is out in the open, just like old times” He said as he placed his guitar down, sticking his pinky out. Pinky promises had always been your thing since you were children. It meant there was a trust between you that wouldn’t be broken. You liked your pinky with his, “but you have to go first Luke”
He sighed; he didn’t want to tell you how he was feeling. He was your oldest friend, what if he messed everything up? What if you didn’t feel the same way for him? He had a million things running through his mind but decided to just go for it.
“It’s called Bright, and it’s about this girl I really like. She’s my everything and I couldn’t be more grateful for her.” He started, and of course you couldn’t keep your mouth shut as you blurted out, “JULIE?!?!”
He looked at you like you were an idiot, “No stupid, it’s about you. You are the music in me, you always have been. I have liked you for so long and I am terrified to be telling you this right now. But I can’t contain how I am feeling and you are writing a song about another guy and I am upset and ya, my song is about you because I am falling in love with you”
You were shocked, and he just looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to spill about your song, “Well it’s a good thing my song isn’t about some random guy, it’s about you Luke. It has always been you”
You couldn’t finish talking as Luke jumped on you, pulling you tightly in for a hug. He pulled back gazing upon your face, until he decided to just place a kiss gingerly upon your lips. You pulled him closer, taking in every inch of this moment.
Pulling back, you gazed into his eyes, “Luke, you are the music in me too”
@lolychu​ @caitsymichelle13​ @parkeret​
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TMT One-Shot
F/M Pairing: Y/N x 3racha (Stray Kids)
Word Count: 8K
Genre: High School AU
Warnings: Lots of smut and language; mentions of alcohol
Summary: Y/N is the shy, awkward girl who can’t talk to boys while doing her best to exist as a shadow throughout her high school life. Her two brothers, Minho and Felix, are the complete opposite. Minho is the cool, suave music addict who wants to be in his own band one day, while Felix is the stereotypical popular kid whose best friend, Han Jisung, tirelessly trails after his friend’s older sister. However, despite their differences, the three siblings share a very close relationship and Y/N considers them to be her only real friends. 
One day, Minho brings home two classmates from his community college and Y/N realizes, for the very first time, that the sweet taste of desire is highly addictive.
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When my mother died, I was only 10-years-old. She slipped away like a ghost, quietly and without notice, and I was left feeling broken on the inside. If I was a therapist, unlike the contemptuous older woman who always spoke to me with a condescending tone, I’d likely attribute the traumatic event to the person I started to become. 
Instead of bouncing back from her death like my brothers Minho and Felix, I started to feel sad all the time. Accordingly, I lost many of the friends I met in Elementary school because I chose to sit quietly in my classes when I didn't feel like talking to anyone else. Likewise, I also declined their invitations to visit their houses or ride with their parents to the movie theaters. Actually, I exchanged those friendships for the solitude of my bedroom at home where I usually spent the evening staring vacantly at the ceiling while trying not to cry anymore.
Yeah, I guess it was kinda my fault.
Overtime, my status evolved from the kind, amiable Y/N who everyone at school admired, to the sullen and despondent weird girl who sometimes spoke to imaginary friends. I spent recesses inside with my teachers, helping them clean the whiteboard. During lunch, I sat alone with my school tray and thought about how my mother used to pack my lunches for me because I complained about the mystery meatloaf....Oh, right, thinking about my mother inevitably made me feel sad again and sometimes I cried at school in front of my classmates. 
Needless to say, my youth wasn’t exactly as voracious as my peers...or even my brothers for that matter. Actually, Minho and Felix were perfectly normal because they mourned our mother’s death for several months before inexplicably moving on as if it had never happened. Thereafter, Minho developed a passion for music and my father allowed him to take guitar and piano lessons after school. Felix started to play sports and he was quite good at baseball despite his smaller stature. Likewise, in between classes, I heard my classmates frequently gossiping about my brothers: mysterious and alluring Minho who all the older girls adored, and popular and beloved Felix who was the envy of our classmates. 
I didn’t mind being considered an outsider in comparison to my brothers because they still treated me like a friend. In fact, my brothers and I were extremely close, especially after our mother’s death. Despite my introverted tendencies, Minho and Felix often went out of their way to include me in their activities. For example, Minho liked to offer his demos as background music for the raunchier parties in our town and he always begged me to come along and hear his new songs. My older brother was so incredibly talented that I rarely refused his offers, finding myself sitting next to Felix in the backseat of Minho’s car while we drove across town to the wealthier districts. I would spend the rest of the night hanging around my brothers while listening to Minho sing about everything from his ex-girlfriends to the pot he liked to smoke with some of the younger guys.
In any case, I could always count on my brothers to liven my spirits, which might explain why I was so uncomfortable when Minho graduated and applied for University. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing because Minho was only driving thirty minutes everyday to attend his classes and he still lived at home. But it still felt like an unwanted change, and I wasn’t sure how to cope with my brother’s sudden desire to build a studio in the basement of our childhood home while he brought new classmates to fawn over his equipment.
Thankfully, I managed to avoid the unfamiliar faces, and I started spending more time with Felix. Unfortunately, spending time with Felix inevitably forced me to endure the endless pandering from some of his more unsavory acquaintances. For example, when I wanted to play video games one afternoon, I knocked twice on Felix’s door only to find myself in the company of someone who was decidedly the complete opposite of my brother. His name was Han Jisung, and he was Felix’s best friend. “Y/N,” he said quietly, sheepishly attempting to fix the mop on top of his head. “How are you?”
“Fine,” I said, glancing over Jisung’s shoulder. “Where’s Felix?”
“Bathroom,” Jisung said, pointing at the door. 
I groaned. “Are you busy?”
“We’re never too busy for you,” Jisung smirked, but he always flirted with me shamelessly as if he didn’t care that I was Felix’s older sister.
I ignored Jisung when I walked into Felix’s bedroom, finding a relatively clean spot on his bed to wait for his return. In the meantime, Jisung lingered by the doorway, watching me with those ridiculous dark eyes. “I heard Minho made another demo.”
“He’s always making demos,” I replied, wondering why Felix was determined to take his time for once.
“Yeah, but he’s really proud of this one.”
“Minho thinks he’s a genius,” I said. “If you were to ask him, then every song he made would be a masterpiece.”
“Well, he’s the reason why I've started to pursue music.”
“You?” I scoffed, finding the idea of Jisung as a creator of anything other than enormous messes on the kitchen counter to be nothing short of hilarious. “Jisung, you can’t even finish your math homework.”
“That’s not true!” Jisung protested. “It’s just not that interesting, and I like music so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
“You’ll find something else to like in a few months,” I said, watching as he frowned with that ridiculous pout he always wore when he wasn’t getting his way.
“Yeah? Well, when my first mixtape comes out,” Jisung grumbled. 
“I’ll be the first one asking for an autograph,” I teased him, rolling my eyes when he sat next to me and held up his pinky finger.
“Fine,” I sighed before trying to move further away from Jisung.
He didn’t allow the space for very long, sliding right up against me without any traces of his previous frustrations. “Y/N,” Jisung said, hand reaching out for my shoulder. “There’s a party this Friday.”
“I’m not in the mood for a party,” I said. “I have a lot of homework this weekend, and-”
“Actually, Minho invited us,” Felix interrupted, and I didn’t even realize that my brother had returned. I was also surprised to see Minho behind him, stretching his arms above his head like he had forgotten to sleep again last night.
“You’re going too?” I asked Minho.
“It’s Chan’s party,” Minho explained. “He’s playing some of my demo tracks.”
“Bang Chan,” I repeated, narrowing my eyes because I had heard my brother mention that name dozens of times. Actually, if I didn’t know any better, then I would think Minho had some kind of infatuation with his new college friend.
“I think Minho is in love,” Felix teased, dodging Minho’s playful swing before he joined Jisung and I on the edge of his bed.
“He’s just a friend from one of my lectures,” Minho said. 
“Minho also thinks he’s a genius,” Felix whispered to me, but it was loud enough for our brother to overhear. 
“You like him too,” Minho protested.
“Felix met him?”
“Last week,” Felix beamed. “Minho and I ran into him on the way to get coffee. Your lazy ass was still asleep at 12:00.”
“Shut up,” I grumbled. “I stayed up late to finish an essay.”
“College will kick your ass, Y/N,” Minho said. “If you can’t survive high school literature...”
“I get it,” I groaned. “I don’t want another lecture.”
“Good, but you’re still coming to the party because I want you to meet Chan and hear your brother’s masterpiece.”
“Please stop calling your mixtape a masterpiece.”
“I’ll consider it,” Minho smirked, “as long as I see you at Chan’s house this Friday.”
“This is considered blackmail, Minho,” I sighed. “But fine, I’ll need the time and address, please.”
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I stood on the porch in the frigid cold wearing a party dress that might’ve been overkill, and I had a desire to return to my house because nobody was answering the door. Actually, when I really thought about it, this complex was too nice for a college student, unless Chan had discovered Blackbeard’s treasure or something. I snorted at my own joke, waiting impatiently for someone to let me inside because my brothers weren’t responding to my text messages. 
The music sounded faint from behind the door, which made me wonder if Minho had given me the wrong address. It wouldn’t be the first time that my brother gave me some kind of misinformation, but I thought he really wanted me to come tonight and hear his music. “Hello!” I yelled, banging my fist against the door. “Minho? I’m leaving in exactly ten seconds if nobody lets me inside!”
I started the countdown in my head, jumping up and down to warm my muscles, when a sudden expulsion of heat relieved the tension slowly numbing my fingers. “There you are,” Felix said with a drunken smile.
“Isn’t too early for you to be plastered?”
Felix giggled. “They’re playing Minho’s music next.”
“Well, let me inside you asshole,” I said, pushing my way into the house because my brother had clearly forgotten that it was basically snowing outside.
“What do you think?” Felix asked. “It’s pretty nice.”
“I can’t see anything,” I complained, narrowing my eyes since it was difficult to notice the details when the house was packed wall to wall with intoxicated college students. The lights were also dimmed, which meant that walking was an unnecessary chore as Felix took my hand and brought me into the kitchen where he promised Minho was waiting.
At least he wasn’t fully incapable. 
“Y/N,” Minho grinned, tossing an arm around my shoulder as he pulled me closer, allowing me to smell the nasty liquor on his breath.
“Drunk at your mixtape reveal party?”
Minho laughed. “I haven’t had much.”
“Felix has,” I said, grimacing when I spotted my younger brother bouncing from person to person with an unmaintainable energy.
“Let him have fun,” Minho said. “I’m keeping an eye on him.”
“Whatever, but he’s your responsibility in the morning when he’s suffering from a hangover.”
“I’ll handle it,” Minho reassured me. “Anyway, there’s someone I want you to meet.”
“Chan! Get your ass over here!”
“What a good friend you are,” I remarked, and I was fully prepared to tease my brother further until I realized that Minho was waving down one of the most attractive men I had ever seen.
Chan was absolutely gorgeous, appearing nothing short of debauched under the low-hanging lights of the kitchen. Neatly styled blonde-hair parted down the middle, and bright blue eyes that held the stars inside an endless sea of black. “Are you guys having fun?” he asked with an accent that I couldn’t place.
“The place is fucking awesome, man,” Minho said, wrapping an arm around Chan’s shoulders as he nodded in my direction. “This is my sister,” Minho said with a proud smile. 
“Hello,” I said, cringing at my tone.
“Y/N,” Chan smiled, and I decided that nobody could ever say my name again with such a sexy tenor.
“You have a lovely home,” I said, swallowing hard when Chan leaned in closer. 
“Minho talks about you a lot,” Chan said with a smirk. “Do you want something to drink?”
I nodded without thinking, keeping my eyes trained on his beautiful visage as a beer slipped into my hand. “Pace yourself,” Minho warned me, but I ignored him as I swallowed down the bile-tasting liquid.
“I like her,” Chan nodded, looking at me seductively from over the top of his bottle.
“She’s a bit uptight,” Minho chuckled, and I glared at him because this was not the time to embarrass me. “Are my songs playing next?”
“I’ll make sure everything is ready,” Chan said, giving me one last lingering look.
“Let’s find a good place to hear everything,” Minho suggested, and I followed my brother with thoughts and fantasies consumed by Bang Chan.
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Minho’s mixtape was really good, and I begrudgingly congratulated my brother and even allowed him to tell everyone that it was, in fact, a masterpiece. However, while my brother was distracted by a group of younger fan-girls, I slipped away to try and find somewhere peaceful to recover from my headache. It had developed sometime between the pounding bass line of “BEWARE” and the aggressive tone of “Boxer.” 
I paused next to the foyer where there were considerably less people. In fact, only one student lingered next to the open window, and I leaned against the wall as I closed my eyes against the distinct ringing in my ears. Next time, I would wear earplugs when Minho forced me to stand at the speakers.
“You’re not going to pass out, right?”
I blinked several times as the room swam into focus. “I’ll probably make it.”
“There’s a bathroom upstairs,” the rough voice continued, and I finally addressed the hooded figure standing at the window. I realized that he was smoking, holding the bud of the cigarette outside so that the ashes collected somewhere on the porch. “I’m Changbin,” he smirked. 
“Oh,” I cleared my throat. “Do you mind if I share the window?”
He shrugged, tossing his hood back so that I could see the way his black hair fell flat against his head. “Sure.”
I carefully felt my way along the wall until the generous cold breeze was hitting my flushed skin. “Thank god,” I groaned, practically forcing my head outside.
“Drink too much?”
“A combination of that and the music.”
“I heard a rumor that the beer was definitely spiked,” he said, dark eyes looking me over. “You’re obviously new here.”
“I’m with my brother,” I offered cautiously in response to his sudden advances.
“Do I know him?”
“Lee Minho.”
Changbin’s eyes widened. “We’re in the same music composition lecture. I thought he mentioned you in class.”
“He invited me,” I continued, but I didn’t understand why I felt the need to justify myself to him.
“I bet he did,” Changbin nodded. “Why would he hide you from us?”
I shivered. “I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”
“Is that right?” he asked before cornering me against the wall with a hungry gaze. “You hear the song playing?”
I nodded. “It’s loud.”
Changbin chuckled. “I made it.”
I nodded again because that certainly explained the explicit lyrics. “It’s...interesting?”
“Yeah?” Changbin purred. “Do you like it?”
“I do,” I gasped, feeling one of his hands grab me around the waist.
His lips brushed against mine, soft and sensual, while he inhaled deeply. “Y/N, is this your first party?”
“No,” I whispered because it suddenly felt like we were the only two people left in the room.
“I just assumed,” he said. “From the way you’re reacting.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you wanted to go someplace else with me,” Changin said.
I was completely baffled by his assumption, searching for the right words, but they never came. However, the distinct sound of someone clearing their throat forced us apart, and I was surprised to see Chan standing so close. “I guess you’ve met Minho’s little sister,” Chan said and I hated how immature the introduction sounded. 
“She made sure to tell me,” Changbin smirked. “I can’t believe we haven’t met before.”
“He’s looking for her,” Chan continued, and I was confused by the hostility in his tone. “You probably shouldn’t do anything.”
“Wasn’t gonna,” Changbin retorted, planting one of his hands next to my head. “She’s feeling sick. Tell Minho I can take her home.”
“He won’t like that.”
“Oh? Is anyone else sober?”
Chan was quiet for a moment, eyes darting between the two of us. “Wait here.”
“What a good host,” Changbin snarked, but Chan was already walking away and I was starting to feel the effects of my alcoholic consumption darken the edges of my vision.
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My brother was nothing short of incoherent, swaying back against Chan as he tried to give me a stern look. “Y/N, I hope you didn’t drink too much.”
“Really?” I snorted. “Isn’t that hypocritical?”
Of course, my admonishment had no effect on Minho. “Chan said that you were feeling sick.”
“It’s just a headache,” I said, although my churning stomach seemed to suggest otherwise.
“I thought I could take Y/N home,” Changbin interrupted. “I guess she could use some fresher air.”
“Sure,” Minho nodded, eyes glassy. “I don’t mind.”
Minho was readily willing to entrust his sister into the care of someone she had just met, and that’s when I knew that he couldn’t be trusted to take me anywhere. “Is that what you want?” Chan asked.
I shrugged because it might be nice to finally escape the endless drumming of Chan’s intricate sound system. “I might be saving myself some trouble.”
“I need more cigarettes,” Changbin said. “I’m running low and I know there’s a store near Minho’s house.
I frowned, but figured that Minho had brought Changbin over to our house before during that brief phase at the start of his college semester when I saw a new face in the basement every week. “I think that’s a good idea.”
“As long as you behave,” Chan warned him quietly, but I never had the opportunity to question him before Changbin was forcing us both outside onto the main porch where the snow was starting to build along the sidewalks.
“This way,” Changbin said, resting one of his hands against my lower back as he guided us down the street.
Changbin’s car was a very old model and the paint was starting to peel from the doors. He helped me inside slowly, reaching for my seat-belt before I slapped his hands out of the way because I could manage to do that by myself. He chuckled at my glare. “Comfortable?”
I nodded in response and waited for him to turn on the ignition before I was savoring the accompanying blast of heat even though it smelled distinctly of ashes. “Minho’s little sister,” Changbin said, eyes focused on the road in front of him. “Are you feeling better?”
“Yeah,” I replied because the growing distance between us and Chan’s party music was actually nice. “I guess the music gave me a headache.”
“That’s how Chan likes it,” Changbin said. “He’s gotten at least a dozen noise complaints from this past month alone.”
“How many parties does he have!”
Changbin smirked. “He likes to keep his house full.”
“It might’ve been too much tonight,” I said, leaning my head against the cold window. “I’ve never seen so many people.”
“Exams,” Changbin said. “When college students feel stressed, they like to get shitfaced.”
“But you’re not drunk.”
“Who said that I was stressed?”
His tone was strangely flirtatious, especially when he looked at me. “You didn’t have to help me, you know?”
“I know, but it was my window we were sharing,” Changbin said. “You looked like you were seconds away from crashing.”
“I can take care of myself,” I replied, even though it was rather harsh to criticize someone who was currently neglecting the speed limit to take my home as quickly as possible. “When did you meet Minho?”
“A few weeks ago,” Changbin said. “We worked on a project together.”
“I guess you’ve already been to my house.”
“Yeah, but I sure as hell don’t remember seeing you.”
“I don’t really like to socialize with most of my brother’s friends.” 
“Well, that explains a lot,” Changbin said, briefly glancing at me. “Are you that type? The unattainable girl next door?”
“I just don’t like people,” I grumbled, but Changbin seemed to think it was funny, laughing at my expense while reaching down to turn on the radio despite the fact that music had caused my headache in the first place.
Of course, I didn’t want to be that type, so I endured his self-promotion, listening to his gravelly voice suspend the entire car into some kind of hip-hip haven. He talked his way through the introductions of every song on his mixtapes, bragging about his compositions and arrangements. “It’s all about authenticity,” he explained when we finally pulled into my driveway.
“Is that so?” I sighed, frowning when I realized Felix had forgotten to turn on the front porch light.
“I guess I should wait until you’re inside,” Changbin chuckled.
“Thanks,” I said, reaching out for the door handle.
“Woah! Baby, where are you going?” Changbin asked, and I quickly returned my hands to my lap. “Are you trying to get away from me?”
“No,” I shook my head, breathing heavily when he reached for my thigh.
“You probably don’t hear this a lot,” Changbin continued. “But you’re really sexy.”
I startled at his words. “Thank you?”
“I mean it, Y/N,” he continued, fingers inching along my thigh like it was free real estate. “Thank god you wanted to share my window.”
I shook my head rapidly when he turned off the ignition, navigating the waistband of his panties to drag his hand against my sensitive core. “What are you doing?” I whispered.
“I’m trying to make you feel good,” he said. “Do you want me to?”
I nodded this time, waiting with my fists balled against the leather seats while he penetrated the soft walls of my core, moving in and out slowly to help me adjust to his fingers. I tried to relax, dropping my shoulders and controlling the way I was panting in desperation for more of the addicting feeling he was creating in my lower abdomen. It all felt entirely scandalous, feeling the way his fingers dragged across my insides, curling against the most responsive parts and watching me with an intensity that I could barely tolerate. I was moaning for him, calling his name softly because he was starting to increase his movements, and I focused on the way his wrist reappeared from underneath my skirt before losing itself in a sea of denim fabric.
“It’s wet,” he remarked, and the sounds of his penetration were growing louder, intermingling with my rapid breaths and the dark tone of his voice. “I can feel it.”
I knew what he meant because my entire body was pulsing in time to the pace in which he played with me. It was like I was his personal experiment, testing how I reacted to certain touches, especially when he crooked his fingers and a moan would displace the temporary quiet. “Changbin,” I whined, reaching for his arm because everything was starting to feel overwhelming.
“I got you,” he said. “You’ve been so good for me, Y/N, I’m not gonna stop until you cum.”
I orgasmed at his filthy words, falling down from the place he sent me and into a deep headspace. He pulled his fingers back, holding them up so that I could clearly see the evidence of my release in the faint light from the street lamp outside. “You didn’t expect that,” Changbin said calmly, reaching for a tissue from the backseat while I tried to figure out what just happened. “I don’t really care who your brother is,” he continued, moving in close. “I think we should fuck next time.” 
“Changbin,” I said, “if Minho finds out-”
“Why are you always worried about him?”
“He’s my brother!”
“Oh? Well, in that case, since you want to be good for your older brother,” Changbin smirked. “I guess I’ll have to find a different way to see you again.”
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The next morning, I took a shower because I could still feel traces of Changbin’s touches between my thighs. The water was hot, fogging up the mirrors and making it difficult to breathe. It was necessary because I could function better when I re-emerged with fresh clothes and a sudden hunger for those little chocolate muffins my mom bought at the store.
I walked downstairs, noticing Felix and Jisung both sitting at the counter while they talked over their breakfast. Felix noticed me first, watching as I grabbed a leftover pastry from the fridge before leaning back against the cabinets. “Did you have fun last night?” he asked.
I narrowed my eyes, but then I realized that his question was innocent because he definitely didn’t know about Changbin. “It was nice.”
“What are you doing today?”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “I haven’t made plans.”
“You can hang out with me and Jisung today,” Felix suggested. “We’re just going for coffee.”
Jisung met my gaze from over the table and he quickly looked away as if he wasn’t expecting the contact. “Yeah,” I nodded. “I could use some coffee.”
It wasn’t often that I accompanied Felix and Jisung when they decided to actually leave the house and my brother’s massive collection of video games. Felix was never the problem, but I could only endure so much of Jisung’s flirtations before I inevitably made another pointless vow to try and ignore him. It was an impossible promise to keep since Felix was practically glued to his hip, and I can’t remember the last time Jisung actually spent the night at his own home.
However, coffee was nice and the taste was bile so it sat heavy on my tongue and provided a good distraction, even if that meant listening to my brother and Felix talk about the party. “I met Chan,” Jisung said. “He was really cool.”
Felix nodded, eyeing his coffee with obvious distaste. “Minho seems to like him.”
“He introduced me to his partner, Changbin,” Jisung continued and I fidgeted nervously at the mention of his name. “Apparently, they do a lot of work together.”
“I’ve heard their stuff,” Felix said, finally pushing away his coffee cup in exchange for his orange juice. “I think they’re really talented.”
“It’s like you’re meeting real professionals,” Jisung gushed and I rolled my eyes. “I let them listen to one of my demos,” Jisung chuckled. “I think they want to work together.”
“Really?” Felix gasped. “That’s amazing!”
“I guess they need another partner,” I remarked, shivering when I thought about my encounter with Changbin from the previous evening.
“You can always come with me to the studio tomorrow,” Jisung said. “If you want.”
The idea of being alone with Jisung wasn’t exactly high on my list of priorities. “I don’t know...”
“Changbin will be there too,” Jisung added. “Minho said he really thought you were cool at the party.”
“I bet he did,” I grumbled.
“Why are you inviting her instead of your best friend?” Felix pouted.
“You said you needed to work on a project,” Jisung reminded him. “Actually, you made me swear to keep away distractions!”
“Alright, fine,” Felix sighed. “You’re right, but that doesn’t mean that I’m okay with it.”
Jisung ignored my brother’s sullen expression. “Y/N? Do you want to come?”
“I guess,” I said, and I had no idea what possessed me to agree with his request until it was too late.
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The next morning, I met Jisung outside of the address he had sent to my phone with several rather inappropriate emojis. I made sure to scold him for the messages, but he was far too excited, ignoring my complaints when he started talking about the new project he was working on with Chan and Changbin. “Come on,” he said, holding open the door as I walked inside the tiny lobby of the simple two-story building. “We’re on the top floor,” Jisung smirked as if that was something to brag about considering the condition of the worn-down warehouse they were using as a studio.
However, I knew that he was excited, so I feigned a smile as he continued talking about the building’s intricate history while we walked up the staircase to pause outside of a studio room. “Is this it?” I asked.
He nodded, reaching for the door handle. “They should be inside.”
True to his word, Chan and Changbin were standing together in front of a large computer monitor, turning around when they heard me and Jisung enter the room together. “There you are,” Chan said, but his gaze was strangely focused on me.
“We have some stuff for you to hear,” Changbin said, stretching his arms above his head. “I need some coffee first.”
“There’s a gas station down the road,” Jisung said. “I’ll go with you?”
Changbin looked at me for a moment before agreeing to Jisung’s proposal. “We’ll have plenty of time to work when we get back.”
“You’re in for a surprise, Jisung,” Chan said. “Actually, while the two of you are gone, maybe Y/N could look at some of the tracks?”
“Really?” I asked, surprised that he would be so willing to share, but he was already dragging me down into the desk chair, pulling me closer to the monitor.
“You can take you time and browse,” he said, joining Jisung and Changbin at the door.
They started talking about something else, but I was too busy admiring the vast number of tracks listened in sequential order on Chan’s computer. Despite how I might feel about Changbin, it was impossible to deny that their work was impressive, spreading across years of effort. It felt like I was being allowed an intimate glimpse of the artists who were growing more popular everyday.
“Try to be back in twenty minutes,” Chan said, and I watched Jisung and Changbin leave together, whispering in low tones while Chan shut the door behind them. “Your music is really good,” I said, scrolling through the library of his songs. It only made him that much more appealing when I could see the evidence of his passion.
“Are we going to stop playing games, Y/N?”
I frowned at his question, turning around in the chair. “What do you mean?”
Chan smirked, and I realized that it wasn’t playful. “Do you have any idea how fucking gorgeous you are?” he asked.
“Chan...” I trailed off, frozen in place while he slowly leered in my direction, taking several, meaningful steps before he was bracing himself on either side of the desk behind me. 
“Changbin told me about what happened in the car.”
I swallowed hard. “W-what?”
“Is that all it takes? A couple of fingers to satisfy you?”
“Chan, I don’t understand,” I tried, gasping when he picked me up out of the chair, legs wrapping around his waist automatically before he sat me down on the desk.
“Do you want it again?” Chan asked, running his hands alongside my waist before crawling his finger across the bare skin of my thighs, disregarding the thin barrier of my skirt. I felt him press the palm of his hand against my wet heat, fingers testing the edges of my panties. “I can make you feel good.”
The sensation was too much, and I found myself nodding without really thinking about the consequences. “Please.”
His fingers were suddenly penetrating my delicate walls, sliding in and out at a vicious pace that left me aching for something more. “Tell me, Y/N,” Chan demanded, using his thumb to circle my throbbing clitoris. “How does it feel?”
“I want it, Chan,” I moaned, bracing my hands against his firm chest as he continued to pleasure me. Unlike Changbin, I could tell that Chan was determined to make me cum as soon as possible, twisting his hand and jamming his fingers like he was aiming to make me lose my mind. I practically fell against him crying, riding out the waves of my high, while he ignored my whimpers when everything was suddenly feeling overstimulated.
“Come here,” he said, pulling out his fingers before falling against his chair and patting his thighs.
My legs were shaking when Chan helped me onto his lap and I moaned when his fingers crooked against my walls again. “Do you want my cock?” he asked and I nodded viciously, sending strands of my hair flying in all directions. “What a good girl,” he snarled, ripping his fingers away and leaving me whining around the empty space he left behind.
“Chan,” I groaned, resting my head against his shoulder while I watched him make a show out of undoing the belt around his waist, unzipping his skinny jeans before shoving the material down his thighs. His erection strained the silky material of his boxer shorts, and I was practically salivating.
He reached down to rub himself through his shorts, outlining his cock in a way that made me realize that I wasn’t going to leave this studio without an obvious limp. “Y/N,” he said. “Take off your skirt for me.”
I whined, but obeyed him instantly, bracing one hand against his shoulder while the other practically ripped the fine material of the pretty skirt down my legs and into the studio floor. Chan’s eyes darkened, grabbing my waist between his hands to grind the front of my soaked panties against his erection. “Please,” I cried, wanting nothing more than to take matters into my own hands, but Chan’s grip was impossible to break.
“I’m going to fuck this little pussy,” Chan growled. “Can you last long enough for me to come inside?”
“Yes,” I whined, stuttering around a broken sob when he pulled his cock into the studio light, stretching my panties to the side before sinking deep inside my pulsing heat.
“That’s right,” Chan said, eyes closed. “You feel so good.”
“Chan,” I moaned, eye widening when the stretch felt impossible, like he was splitting me open even when common sense told me that it was just my body accommodating to his cock.
His hips slammed into mine, and I could barely reciprocate when he easily overpowered my attempts to meet him somewhere between our bodies. Instead, he took control and I let him have it because he knew exactly what to do before sending me over the edge again, ignoring my cries when he continued to chase his own high, grunting against my ear when he came inside.
“Y/N,” he sighed, keeping me in place despite the fact that his cock was completely flaccid. “Such a good girl.”
I was incoherent and incapable of offering a response in return. Instead, I buried my face into the side of his neck, smelling the scent of his cologne mixed with sweat and the sex polluting the air around us. His body was firm and warm, and I closed my eyes because everything felt like an incredibly lucid dream.
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I was still exhausted from the previous afternoon, unable to walk much further than from my bedroom to the living room before the painful reminder of my unexpected session with Chan started to ache between my legs. There was a movie playing on the television, but I was only somewhat focused on the lazy plot and characters. Instead, I was thinking about my interactions with Chan and Changbin, wondering if the two men were playing some sort of mind game with me.
I only managed to tear myself away from those thoughts when I saw Minho as he walked down the stairs with Felix and Jisung talking about something to do with a sports competition. “There you are!” Felix exclaimed. “We were just talking about your visit to the studio with Jisung.”
“I heard you got a tour,” Minho said. “That was nice of them.”
“Yeah,” I agree because there was a lot more to talk about besides the tour of the dilapidated studio.
“I haven’t had a chance to visit,” Minho said. “But they said I could record my new demo there.”
“Another one!” Felix gasped, looking at my brother with wide eyes. “You’re a fucking genius, man.”
“Oh, I know,” Minho smirked. “Actually, I can show you before my first lecture,” Minho said, starting in the direction of his bedroom.
Jisung watched Felix trail behind Minho before he joined me on the couch. “What did you think of the studio?”
I swallowed hard. “It was fine.”
“I think it’s really nice,” Jisung said. “Chan said something making us a permanent trio! He even gave us a name and everything!”
“3racha,” Jisung giggled. “It’s like a pun-”
“Yeah, I get it,” I sighed impatiently. “I’m trying to watch the movie.”
Jisung was undeterred by the sharp comment, and he buried himself further into the cushions before turning his attention back to the screen.
“Our first show is tomorrow, Y/N,” Jisung giggled, and I finally turned to look at him. “I hope you can watch?”
“It’s a club somewhere downtown. I can send you the address? I know that Chan and Changbin were both insisting that you come.”
“I’m sure they were,” I grumbled, but Jisung was more interested in talking about his contributions to the album. 
“It would mean a lot to me,” he managed after thoroughly explaining their newest concept. “You don’t even have to stay for the whole show.”
“I don’t know...”
“Minho and Felix are coming!” he quickly added, and I wondered if he knew that I would feel more comfortable with my brothers around.
“Okay,” I finally relented, groaning when he started jumping up and down on the couch like an overzealous puppy.
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I rode to the club with Minho and Felix who were excitedly chattering about the impending concert while I looked out the window despondently. It felt like a huge risk to show up to the concert considering the recent events concerning my meetings with Chan and Changbin. However, I didn’t want my brothers to be suspicious, so I reluctantly followed them inside where we squeezed together around one of the tables in the middle of an enormous crowd.
The atmosphere was euphoric, draped in a haze of alcohol and the flashing neon lights decorating the stage. It was actually quite civil considering the fact that we were moments away from listening to loud music full of pounding bass and fast rapping. I was half-way convinced that the other guests had no idea what they were actually getting themselves into by coming here tonight.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” an annoucement blared overheard, “please welcome, 3racha!”
The audience started clapping while a familiar melody began softly playing, and the fans around me started to cheer for the three shadowy figures who had suddenly walked onto the stage. “Let’s go!” Chan shouted, beginning his verse of the song which I now recognized as one of the tracks they had played for me at the studio. They were all wearing black, matching the tone and vibe of their music, playing through each track with an infectious energy. However, I was still unnerved because I noticed that they all managed to look at me at some point, even though the crowd, and I was starting to feel hot all over my entire body.
“They’re really good,” Felix remarked, and I nodded in return even though I was finding the table much more interesting.
“Thank you, 3racha!” an overhead announcement said and the audience were rising to their feet in synchrony to offer the artists a round of applause for their stage.
“Jisung sounded amazing!” Felix said as if he couldn’t resist the opportunity to brag about his friend.
“Maybe we can meet them backstage,” Minho suggested, and I halfheartedly protested when my brothers forced me to accompany them.
Subsequently, Minho forced Felix and I to wait by the stage for his friends because he was convinced that I really didn’t have an important project to complete before tomorrow. “You never do anything last minute, Y/N,” he said, smiling when he spotted Chan’s messy hair from the middle of the crowd.
“Hey!” Chan greeted him, accepting Minho’s failed attempt at a cool handshake. Changbin and Jisung followed him, and I couldn’t help but notice how the youngest had started to stumble on his feet. 
“You guys did great,” Minho said, talking extensively about his favorite performance while a sudden bombardment of alcohol hit my senses.
I instantly recoiled, covering my nose when the smell grew stronger. “How much did you drink, Jisung?”
“Not much,” the younger boy slurred, and I noticed that his eyes were distant.
“I’ll grab us more drinks,” Changbin said, giving me a familiar dark look before disappearing into the surrounding crowd.
“He’ll be fine,” Felix said, tossing an arm around Jisung’s shoulder. “You deserve to celebrate tonight, man!”
I tugged on Minho’s sleeve to catch his attention, unwittingly drawing Chan’s gaze at the same time. “I think he’s drunk.”
Minho sighed, ready to launch into one of his world-famous lectures, when he was interrupted by the DJ onstage who confronted Chan. “Hey! We couldn’t find you after the show.”
Chan rolled his eyes. “I was out here the entire time.”
“Well, you need to pick up your CD backstage,” the DJ said. “The owners will throw it out tomorrow.”
“I’ll be right there,” Chan grumbled while glaring at the DJ.
“Now,” the man growled and Chan quietly excused himself with a brittle tone. Meanwhile, I had to help Felix with Jisung because his friend was starting to sway dangerously back and forth.
“He needs to go home,” I sighed, watching as Jisung leaned more of his weight against a much smaller Felix.
“I’d take him, but I already had two beers,” Minho said, looking at Felix expectantly.
“Me!” Felix whined. “But I want to stay.”
“He’s your friend,” I glowered.
“Alright,” Minho groaned. “Y/N, you haven’t had anything to drink and you’re way more responsible than Felix.”
It was easy to meet Minho’s stern gaze since this was the perfect opportunity to finally leave the club. “Fine, I’ll take Jisung home.”
“Then it’s settled,” he agreed, tossing me his spare set of car keys. “Take him to our place.”
“Okay,” I said, groaning when Felix helped Jisung wrap his arms around my shoulders and waist. The additional weight was burdensome, and I cursed Jisung under my breath as I helped him through the club to where the bouncer waited at the exit. “I’ll never let you forget this,” I hissed, waiting for the bouncer to open the door while I took one last look over my shoulder to check on my brothers. Instead, I found myself looking directly into Changbin’s dark eyes as he waited by the bar, a familiar smirk making him appear even more dangerous. I shivered in response before I slowly shuffled to the car with Jisung practically breathing down my neck.
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When I finally managed to accompany Jisung inside my house, I unceremoniously deposited him on the couch, ignoring the way he groaned in complaint. “I’ll find you some medicine,” I said, searching through one of the side tables.
“It hurts,” Jisung whined, and I rolled my eyes after shoving a bottle of Aspirin in his direction.
“Remember that when you decide to be stupid again.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, dropping two pills into his hand before swallowing them eagerly.
I grimaced as I sat down next to him. “When did you start drinking?”
“Before the show,” Jisung said. “Changbin said it would help take the edge off.”
“Yeah? Do me a favor and don’t listen to him anymore,” I said, frowning when Jisung curled closer to my side. “What are you doing?”
“Tired,” he said, looking up at me with a smile. “You look beautiful.”
I scoffed, trying to push him away, but alcohol apparently made him bolder because he was suddenly twisting one leg around my hip to hold himself in place. “Jisung, you need to stop,” I said, gasping when he brought his lips against mine, kissing me with skill and a surprising amount of tongue. “We can’t do this!”
“Please,” Jisung whined, grinding his hips against my legs. “Just one night, Y/N?”
“Your drunk,” I said, which was only one of a dozen problems with the scenarios currently playing out right in front of my very eyes.
“I’m sober,” Jisung promised, frantically chasing my lips with eager kisses.
It was nothing short of desire, the way he was looking at me, while I watched our clothes end up in a pile around the couch as Jisung fumbled with the condom before I helped him roll it onto his erection. He groaned at the contact, and I moved my hand up and down his cock a few more times before directing him between my legs. Jisung slid inside with a messy exhale, and his arms trembled as they supported his body looming over mine with his delicate frame.
It was a pleasant contradiction because Chan’s thrusts had been nothing short of confident while Jisung’s inexperience showed in the frantic way his hips stuttered against mine. He tried to move faster, losing his previous rhythm, and his cock fell all the way out, erection sliding between my thighs instead. He whined pathetically, rutting against my legs for several moments before he re-adjusted himself deep inside. “Y/N,” he moaned.
“It’s okay,” I told him, petting my fingers along the crown of his head. “You’re doing so good.”
“I like you so much,” Jisung replied earnestly and my heart ached at his words.
He looked unbelievably sinful, eclipsing my body against his as I felt the fabric of the couch against my skin. The friction was delicious, and I focused on the way his cock felt, thrusts growing more and more assured as he finally found a way to please us both, thumb brushing across my clitoris. He was still kissing me, tongue moving across mine deliberately, and I was breathing harshly as I fought to control the rising heat building in my abdomen. It was an intense build-up to an orgasm that I could’ve never anticipated since Jisung was always Felix’s friend who I usually avoided. The same Jisung whose endless flirtations usually annoyed me, but something had changed the moment I looked into his eyes and saw the lust and desire coming together to create an intoxicating mixture.
It was suddenly impossible to ignore the way he made me feel and I felt him come deep inside with a stuttered moan. His hips moved harshly against mine, and I chased my release with a sensual grind of my hips until I was throwing my head back with a cry, groaning when his lips found the sensitive skin of my neck. “Jisung,” I murmured, watching him through a haze of darkness as he rolled over next to me with a moan.
I studied the way Jisung’s hair fanned out across the cushions, making him look angelic beneath the influence of the moon’s light breaking the barrier of the  curtains. It made me feel guilty, realizing that I had finally returned Jisung’s feelings only after my tumultuous affairs with Changbin and Chan. In fact, I was nothing more than the very girls I often mocked when they threw themselves at the most popular boys in school. I swallowed hard at the realization. “What have I done?”
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theobxhummingbird · 4 years
Little love. -Luke Patterson x Reader.
Summary: A few songs, to confessions and apologies.
Here are the requests:  Heya! If requests are still open, can I please request a JATP Luke fic where both him and the reader are alive, and Luke and the reader both write music but the reader is down because of family reasons and cant seem to write, so Luke writes a song for her to help inspire her and he tells her he had fallen for her and it’s super duper fluffy and cuddly and sweet at the end ✨🥺
Platonic! Alive! Reggie, Luke and Alex (jatp) x Reader where she is the youngest in the band and starts sleeping at the studio more and more? The boys get worried until they find out her dad kicked her out. Maybe soft Luke, Reggie and Alex protective older brother cuddles? Sorry this didn’t really make sense! 
A/N: I wrote songs for the imagine--seriously...🥺 Judge them, hate them, love them, I won’t be mad, because they’re ridiculous. Thank you to the requests and enjoy the imagine.
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They could be heard from the street, and it made all the lights flicker in the neighborhood houses. The people were wondering what’s being thrown in the Y/L/N household, until everything was very clear to them. Together with a backpack, and her guitar bag, the door shut in front of Y/N’s face. Her chin touched her chest, and she started sobbing. Reaching for the backpack and the guitar, Y/N started walking away from the house. 
She was supposed to be at rehearsal on time, and the four boys were waiting for her. But they didn’t expect her to come inside so slowly, and quietly get behind the piano. They had written a song, and it was the first trying it with the instruments. Luke, Reggie, Bobby, Alex; they were all trying to do their best, while playing the piano, came as an escape for Y/N, and they couldn’t notice anything wrong with her. But they changed their view on her state, when she looked up at them; as her eyes spoke the language of sadness.
-Are you okay? –said Alex, holding her shoulder.
-Yes—I am—just wanted to tell you that I’ll write some music first then leave the studio, so leave me the keys.
-Here captain. –Reggie dropped them in her hand, and gave her a hug, as all three boys followed him, Luke hugging her a bit longer.
-You’ll be fine. –he said, and pinched her nose, before heading for the door. Was she? Y/N didn’t even know herself. Her chin rested on her knees, as tears flooded her eyes again. It was the first time she had ever argued with her parents, with the outcome of them getting way too mad at each other, and ending it with kicking their daughter out.
-Why me? Why do I always have to take the faultiness? –she cried into her knees. The night was long, and Y/N was alone in the studio. Only, now, lit by a lamp, she took out her journal, and a pen. She was ready to spill out everything into words, which was the best way of reminiscing the words of her parents. Believe in me; she wrote at the top of the notebook.
 “That night I heard, a broken voice from a bird, and by every word, I couldn’t feel no more.” She scribbled words and then sentences, until it turned into a complete song: “Believe in me, I’m not a lie, what I love is what I never hide. And those empty streets, that are filled with melodies, you’re hurting with your dissimilarities.”
-The morning came, and she wasn’t even aware, until a big shadow hovered over her, blocking the sunlight that was warming her face.
-Y/N, wake up. –said a soft voice, as it nudged her slowly.
-Guys? –she stared at Luke, Reggie and Alex. 
–What are you doing here—so—early?
-What are you, doing here so early? –said Reggie, -And why are you sleeping on the couch?
-I was—waiting for you and uh—had fallen asleep.-Oh—okay—then let’s get started with rehear- 
-Wait Reggie, wait. –said Alex, and the guy stood back on his spot, -You’re lying to us, I can see it in your eyes. It’s not the look, when you’re telling the truth.
-Something was up with you since last night. And I didn’t say anything to you, thinking an alone time is what you need, but I can’t pretend that I don’t realize those pleading eyes. –said Luke, and sat down next to her.
-My dad kicked me out of the house last night. –she said.
Reggie gasped, but Alex’s reflex was quick to shut his mouth, by putting his hand on Reggie’s mouth and giving him a glare.
-Why? Did you have an argument?
-He didn’t approve his seventeen-year-old daughter, to play in a rock band. I tried to calmly talk to him, but he started yelling. We’ve had a financial crisis at home for a long time, and he took it out on me making music. Why does he think I’m making music? Only because I think of myself and my dreams? No, I also do it to help my parents. To give them as much as they’ve given me. But he didn’t even listen to me; just threw everything we had in the house, then—kicked me out.
-Did you give them a call, or did they—give you—never mind. –started Alex, but then threw an arm around Y/N’s shoulder, to comfort her.
-Never mind, I’ll fix this myself. I have a song. I mean—if you want to read it.
Luke took her journal, and opened to the page she told him, and quickly moved his eyes through the lyrics, and smiled at the words, -It’s beautiful. We’ll try the music for it later. Alex engulfed her in a hug, followed by Reggie, then by Luke. She melted into the shield of the three muscular boys. They projected warmth and love, that it was the easiest thing for her, to just tell them what she feels, because she knew they’ll first listen, then make a comment.
-I love you guys. –she wiped away her tears, and fixed herself. They brought breakfast along the way, and Y/N made the table so they could eat.
-I think we should write a song about hotdogs, you know? –Reggie spoke with his mouth full. –Just as a reminder, we should never eat them from wherever.
-You’re lucky you didn’t die, for else we would’ve written it on your stone. –said Alex.
-Y/N, we need to finish writing that song. –said Luke, as he looked at her not so concentrated self. Her fork sluggishly moved around the food, and she barely took a bite out of it. 
-Huh—yeah, sure, we’ll finish it. 
And they did. It was a beautiful song. He thought she wouldn’t be able to think of anything, but emotions had trapped her hard, that she thought of very breathtaking lines. They even tried it with the music, and were ready to add it onto the lists of the songs for the album.
Her head was slowly falling, and the boys decided to stay with her that night, and not leave her alone in the studio. Reggie was half asleep on the other couch, while Alex played with his drumsticks. Luke was holding his guitar, trying to think of some new words. Y/N’s head fell on her shoulder, and she was asleep, just like Reggie. 
Luke looked over, to see her peacefully, with pouted lips, asleep next to him. It was painful seeing her in an uncomfortable position, so he picked her up in his hands, and placed her nicely on the couch, throwing a blanket over her body. Luke sat there for hours, observing her as she slept, and thought about the history the both of them had. He’s been observing her like that for a long time; since the day they met each other, but never knew how to express how he feels, scared it’s only one-sided.
The pen moved on the paper, making little dents as he wrote. Words were spilling out, as his eyes glanced at her, analyzing every detail of her face. Little love
Closed eyes, pursed lips, one by one they tell me your sides,
Will I be able to fix what you feel?
Can I tame those wild tides?
And can I give a little love,
To my angel, of all the above.
 Don’t remember them breaking words, 
I don’t know, if there’s something you can remember,
But just leave them behind, and I’ll be your heart’s tender.
 And just like a free bird,
Fly away from what you heard,
Brush away your pride,
And swim away with your sorrow tide.
But before you go, can I get little love,
Can I get those peaceful eyes?
And those warm lips,
To break away some of them boundaries? 
 Reggie and Alex were now, both, asleep, and Luke was alone with his written song. He tried to persuade himself into the confession through the song, without hurting her, because he knew she had such a hard time at the moment. But the next day, when he found a chance to be alone with her, Luke pulled her hand, and they both sat on the couch. He positioned his guitar, and gave her the written song. He started playing, and singing the words.
 Y/N’s mouth fell apart, as her eyes widened a bit. She couldn’t even breathe in the moment, because Luke’s soft eyes didn’t leave hers, while he shot the words at her. He was such a sweet person, and she now remembered how much she admired him for the way all his emotions could be heard from his lyrics. But these—she thought she understood wrong, until the guitar dropped on the floor, and his hands were cupping her face. Their lips melted into each other, as her tears pecked his face. It was a moment of relief, and he couldn’t be more in need to take all her pain, and keep it to himself, so she doesn’t have to go through it.
-I love you. -he whispered when they split apart, and finally looked into her eyes.
-Our feelings are mutual, Luke Patterson. I love you too. And this song—is—just—perfect; flawless.
-Just like you. And I know you won’t agree, but I’ve never seen someone so responsible for everything in their life. You’ll get through this; we’ll get through this. You have my support and love like you always did.
-They won’t want me back, Luke.
-Yes they will, trust me. They’re your parents, and if there’s something the most important in their life, that’s you; their daughter. And I don’t doubt, they’re waiting for you. So—let’s go, we’ll fix this together, I’ll hold your hand till the house. You are doing what you love, and you’re doing it well, and it would be a loss if you leave it.
-Thank you so much for being next to me. Always. –she snuggled into him.
-I’ll forever hold you in my arms whenever something goes wrong. But just know, I’m doing everything so you don’t cry.
-I know; I hope I’ll be as sweet as you are. Writing me songs, and taking care of me.
-You’re already doing that, bird. You have your precious love, bewitch me. Isn’t that enough? –he kissed her forehead, and  gestured her so they could leave for her parents’ house. 
That night, not only were the boundaries between Luke and Y/N taken away, but also between her and her family. Now, they let her explain herself, and express the love for music, and all that was in their hands was to agree on her profession. As well as approve the relationship with the beautiful boy, that had as much as love for music as her—as well as for Y/N.       
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newmusickarl · 3 years
Album & EP Recommendations
Once Twice Melody by Beach House
Although the American dream-pop duo drip-fed the release of their eighth studio album as four separate EPs, I deliberately held back listening to their new music until the full project was revealed. In hindsight, I don’t think it matters too much whether you choose to listen to Once Twice Melody as short bursts of songs or as a near 90-minute odyssey, the result would be the same – this is an utterly dazzling and visionary work of art that ranks up there with Beach House’s very best.
Once Twice Melody is one of those albums that you’ll undoubtedly enjoy on your initial listen, but the more you spend time with it, the more it wins you over. Whether you’re tackling it in one single sitting or through the convenient bitesize chapters, eventually the addictive melodies and shimmering waves of synthesizers that wash across every inch of sound will soak into your veins.
In terms of highlights there’s too many magical moments to name them all, this is one album you just have to dive in and enjoy. That said, the glistening sheen of the title track and the rainfall like synths of New Romance stand out in the first half, whilst string-tinged acoustic ballad Sunset and ambient lullaby Many Nights mesmerise the most in the latter parts.
So, whether you just want an aesthetically pleasing, short background listen, or a totally immersive headphones record, Once Twice Melody is the chameleonic album that can shapeshift to whatever you need it to be – either way, be prepared for truly spectacular results.
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Fever Dreams Pts. 1-4 by Johnny Marr
Whilst Morrissey is spending his days cancelling gigs and ranting online, legendary guitarist Johnny Marr continues to deliver the goods, returning this past week with his excellent fourth solo album, Fever Dreams Pts. 1-4. Much like Beach House, Marr also decided to release part of his 16-track album as two initial EPs, before unveiling the full works this past Friday. Written over lockdown, Fever Dreams is simply the sound of a great artist filling his time, with Marr frequently trying out new sounds and seeing how they fit.
Whilst admittedly not quite everything here lands, the variety and ambition of Marr’s output is more than enough to keep you engaged for the full hour plus runtime. There’s also plenty of his best solo tracks to date too, like opener Spirit Power and Soul with its slight Dead or Alive You Spin Me Round vibes, the blistering riffs of Tenement Time, the dramatic and atmospheric Rubicon, as well as soaring closer Human.
As you would expect though, the main star of the show is Marr’s guitar playing which shows no signs of getting any less innovative or hypnotic. So, whilst there are a few tracks that you may probably skip on repeat listens, you should also find plenty in here worth your time.
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As I Try Not To Fall Apart by White Lies
It is actually amazing to think that indie outfit White Lies are now on their sixth studio album. Although many would have initially written them off as a flash in the pan that borrowed heavily from other artists, their consistent output and great songwriting over the years has proved their doubters wrong and aided their longevity. With As I Try Not To Fall Apart, they show no signs of slowing down either, delivering another fairly solid collection of synth-soaked indie bangers.
The singles of course stand out, with opener Am I Really Going To Die centred on a bouncy piano melody and a catchy chorus, whilst the wonderful title track is a big singalong anthem built on their signature pulsating synths. Elsewhere Breathe features a funky bassline and an 80s shimmer, whilst I Don’t Want To Go To Mars is possibly my current favourite - a grand rock epic that takes not-so-subtle shots at Elon Musk and sonically calls back to their earlier work. Whilst the second half becomes a bit patchier, the instant playful melody of Step Outside and horn-backed closer There Is No Cure For It are both also excellent.
Overall, White Lies continue to serve up the huge tunes, with this latest album one of their most consistent front-to-back listens since their debut. If you’re already a fan of their work, chances are you’ll definitely enjoy this one.
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Small World by Metronomy
Another late 00s band that have shown their staying power, indie-electro outfit Metronomy also just recently returned with their seventh studio album. Whereas the band’s previous outing (2019’s Metronomy Forever) was a lush and expansive 17 track opus, on Small World things are noticeably more stripped back. Crafted in the midst of the pandemic, the songs that have emerged from Joseph Mount are more intimate, more vulnerable and more minimal than anything they’ve done previously.
Life and Death is a gorgeous, poignant opener - a hazy piano ballad with slight shades of Bowie. Things will be fine is then, as the title suggests, a slightly more upbeat and optimistic track, driven primarily by acoustic guitars. It’s good to be back is probably the most polished song with its bouncy synths and pop vibes, whilst right on time is a wonderful new-age disco track about simply enjoying the good weather.
Isolation was obviously a key part of lockdown, so its unsurprising that its also a key theme here for two of the album’s best tracks. Loneliness on the run is a brilliantly bluesy number with Mount channelling his inner Johnny Cash at times, whilst Hold me tonight is a fantastic collaboration with indie rock outfit, Porridge Radio. So, whilst Metronomy may have shelled their glossy sheen for more natural sonic textures, their potency for playful, romantic tunes hasn’t diminished one bit.
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Also out, also great: 
Angel In Realtime by Gang of Youths - read my full review via Gigwise here. 
Islands by Josef Salvat - read my full review via Gigwise here.
Every Moment, Everything You Need by Deserta (recommended by Twitter pal Kiley Larsen (@kilarzleesen) who can sell this incredible album much better than I can) – read his review here.
Tracks of the Week
Starlight by Dave
Fresh off his UK arena tour and his show-stealing performance at this year’s Brit Awards, grime superstar Dave has returned this week with his new single, Starlight. Self-produced, it sees Dave take a grounded look at his current high-rolling status.
Watch the video here
Hi-De-Ho by Jack White featuring Q-Tip
Anticipation for Jack White’s new double album continues to heat up, with another taste of Fear of the Dawn now here to join the previously released title track and excellent lead single, Taking Me Back. The main selling point of this new one – it contains a feature from none other than A Tribe Called Quest legend, rapper-producer Q-Tip. Based on these three tasters alone, I’m starting to get the sense this is going to be something special!
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Baby by Charli XCX
Experimental pop sensation Charli XCX continues her hot streak with her string-tinged, ultra-catchy new single Baby. Speaking on the inspiration for the track, Charli has said:
“This song, it was kind of the foundation of the vibe of the album. It’s probably the most sexy song I’ve ever made. It’s about sex and sexuality and having good sex and just feeling yourself essentially.”
Listen here
Lost Track by HAIM
Riding the success of their starring roles in his Oscar-nominated movie Licorice Pizza, the HAIM sisters have celebrated with yet another collaboration with acclaimed director Paul Thomas Anderson. Once again, the director finds himself behind the camera for one of their music videos, this time for a great new cut – Lost Track.
Watch the video here
Used To It by Sharon Van Etten
A song originally written for HBO documentary Baby God but never used, Sharon Van Etten has now released the shimmering haunt of Used To It as her second single of 2022. Speaking on the track, Van Etten has said:
“I found myself welcomely challenged to the idea of writing a song about the concept of family, connection through blood, nature vs nurture, while attempting to incorporate ideas of love and the complexities of science and technology. I am grateful for this song to be able to have a new life, relating more to the times we have all been living through and redefining the meaning of this song by focusing on the positives of seeking connection and understanding what family means to the individual.”
Listen here
King by Florence & The Machine
The last few weeks has also seen the long-awaited return of the mighty Florence & The Machine, back with her operatic and empowering new single, King. Discussing the song, Florence Welch said:
“As an artist, I never actually thought about my gender that much. I just got on with it. I was as good as the men and I just went out there and matched them every time. But now, thinking about being a woman in my thirties and the future, I suddenly feel this tearing of my identity and my desires. That to be a performer, but also to want a family might not be as simple for me as it is for my male counterparts. I had modeled myself almost exclusively on male performers, and for the first time I felt a wall come down between me and my idols as I have to make decisions they did not.”
Listen here
Samsaric Sacrifice by Generous Gods
And finally on the tracks front, like Deserta this one also comes courtesy of a recommendation from Twitter pal Kiley Larsen (@kilarzleesen) who shared this final track from an online acquaintance of his Gray Griggs, aka Generous Gods, who tragically passed away last October. Listening to the utterly spellbinding near 14-minute-long psychedelic odyssey, with Griggs himself recording all the instruments at his home studio, it is difficult not to get emotional at the lyrics and the lost potential. An incredible song and one that will completely blow you away.
Read Kiley’s full blog on the track here
Listen to Samsaric Sacrifice here
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gendercraft · 3 years
When I Fell Overboard [Chapter Eight: Never Been The Type To Trust]
Read on ao3
Synopsis: Sebastian struggles with his relationship with Maru as she strives to get close to him. Meanwhile, he and Elliott get closer and closer.
Trigger warnings: Panic attacks, fighting, snapping, potentially unsympathetic Robin, crying, food mention, let me know if I missed anything please
Fall came around full force. Nearly overnight, the leaves turned red and orange and yellow, crisp breeze carrying them across the cobble walkways. Pierre and Caroline had Abigail help them hang a huge sign above their entranceway advertising their ‘one of a kind’ and ‘Joja-free’ pumpkin seeds. Gus brought out a new menu, similarly pumpkin themed, but Sebastian couldn’t say he hated the spiced pumpkin mead. 
He and Elliott spent most days together. Any time he had to pull himself away, either to get some alone time or catch up with Abigail and Sam, they stood behind Elliott’s closed door with their arms wrapped around each other, Sebastian safely cradled against Elliott as they promised to meet again soon. 
Sebastian was falling hard. Every time he saw Elliott, he couldn’t help but smile. Elliott would do something small, like whisper an “aha!” when he figured out how to fix a plot hole, or accidentally burnt himself with his raspberry tea, or made too many crab cakes and had to share, and all Sebastian could think was, “I love you.” 
It was becoming a little bit of a problem. Elliott showed no signs of feeling the same way, gave Sebastian no hints, nothing to work off of. He eventually broke and spent a good twenty minutes venting to Sam and Abigail, who stared at each other, and then him, and then each other, then Sam sighed and left the room. 
“What’s his problem?” Sebastian asked, face hot. 
“You. You’re an idiot.” Abigail grabbed her drumsticks. “Come on, if we start he’ll come back in.” 
Abigail was spending a suspicious amount of time with Maru. Occasionally Abigail would come over while Sebastian was working and stay shut inside Maru’s room until he finished, sometimes for hours. There was an awful lot of laughing, though Sebastian couldn’t understand why. 
He eventually accepted that if she and Abigail were going to be friends, Maru and Sebastian had to be a little more than civil. Not quite friends themselves, but close. So when Maru reached out, he forced himself to stop snapping back. He still didn’t like that she was so insistent on them having a good relationship, didn’t understand why she didn’t already have enough—you’re stealing my best friend and you want me, too?—but he had to let it go. He couldn’t lose Abigail. He’d die. 
“Is it cool if I invite Maru with us to the saloon tonight?” Abigail asked during band practice one day. 
“Sure,” Sebastian mumbled. “Oh, and Elliott gave the okay for next week.” Sebastian asked if the three of them could use his cabin to rehearse one day so they could see how their songs would sound how they were meant to, on the piano. 
“Awesome.” Sam plugged his guitar into the amp with a wicked grin. “I am ready to give my mom a headache.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes. 
After practice, they headed out to the saloon, an order of pizza and a round of beers already waiting for them. Sam gave Shane a cheerful wave and a smile, who returned it with a grunt. 
Abigail hopped onto Journey of the Prairie King, cussing the arcade machine out while Sebastian killed Sam in pool. Elliott showed up to drink his share of the beer and wrap his arms around Sebastian’s shoulders from behind. Sebastian blushed under everyone’s stares, but couldn’t bring himself to push Elliott away. It always made Sebastian so happy when Elliott touched him, a feeling of me, he’s choosing me. He could have anyone else right now and he’s choosing me.
It was hard to push aside the dread piercing Sebastian’s stomach when Maru came through the saloon doors. He focused on the game, not meaning to ignore her but trying to act casual and, well, taking it too far. 
“Hey, Sebastian.” Maru smiled. 
He glanced up. “Hey.” 
They stared for a moment, then Maru stepped aside to join Abigail at the machine. 
“So how are things going with you?” Elliott asked, giving him space to shoot. 
Sebastian bent over the table slightly with his pool cue. His tongue poked between his lips as he analyzed the set up, then moved and shot, hitting three of his balls into the holes and knocking aside two of Sam’s. 
“Damnit!” Sam side. “Fuck, Seb.”
Sebastian grinned. Then he remembered Elliott’s question and it faded. “Right. Um… fine, I guess? I mean, she’s here, right?” 
Elliott nodded slowly. “Right… is she still asking for your help with the robot?” 
“Yeah. Every other day, pretty much.”
“Why don’t you help her?” He rested a hand on Sebastian’s shoulder. 
“She doesn’t need my help,” Sebastian muttered. 
“I think she does,” Elliott said gently. 
Sebastian shook his head and leaned against the pool table while Sam considered his move with a snail’s pace. 
“What does it matter?” Sebastian asked in frustration. “I thought you were staying out of it, remember?”
Elliott smiled nervously. “Right.” 
They played a little while longer, until Sebastian won and they were all tipsy. They stumbled out the saloon doors, milling around for a second while they figured out who was going with who. 
“Did you still want to see those videos of the Stardew caves?” Abigail asked, shyer than usual. 
Maru nodded with a smile. “I have a good computer. Wanna spend the night?”
She nodded. “Sebastian, you coming?” 
“Uh…” He glanced to Elliott, tipsy enough to allow the hope to show plainly on his face. 
Elliott laughed and wrapped an arm around his waist. “You can spend the night with me. You know I never mind.” 
“Well, I’m going to my own house,” Sam said, holding his hands up. “Have fun.” 
Maru, Abigail, and Elliott laughed, and they all split ways. Sebastian slipped his hand into Elliott’s when they were out of sight. 
Elliott smiled at him. “Want me to read to you when we get home, my dear?” 
Home home home. 
Sebastian nodded. “Yeah.” 
Then Sebastian saw it. He looked up and Elliott was smiling softly, his brows relaxed, eyes sparkling. He was… happy to see Sebastian. 
Elliott chuckled. “What?” 
“Nothing,” Sebastian murmured. “Just…” He bit his lip. How could he say this? He forced the words out, “just… happy to… to be… you know, to be with- with you.” 
Elliott brightened. “That is so sweet! Sebastian!” He squeezed his hand as they stepped onto the beach, kicking sand as they went. “Before we head inside, do you want to go on a walk?” 
With the alcohol buzzing pleasantly in his head and the moon hanging above them, there was absolutely nothing Sebastian would rather do. He nodded. 
They strolled along the sand, headed towards the tidepools on the other side of the beach. When they arrived, Elliott broke off, and Sebastian missed holding his hand but it was worth it to watch him run around the tidepools, picking up shells and holding them to the starlight. He came over to Sebastian with a small, smooth black and purple shell and held it out to him. 
“Reminds me of you,” he said sheepishly, and that was it, Sebastian was in love. 
He cradled it in his hands, staring up at Elliott with the widest grin. 
Kiss him. 
Sebastian’s grin weakened. He couldn’t do that. He could never do that. What if he read everything wrong, and Elliott didn’t like him at all? Sebastian wouldn’t survive the embarrassment—or the guilt, if Elliott didn’t feel the same but kissed him anyway to spare Sebastian’s heart. 
“I had a really good time with you tonight,” Elliott said softly. He stepped closer and fit his hand into Sebastian’s. He cupped Sebastian’s face. “I always have a good time with you.”
Sebastian couldn’t speak, just smiled up at him, eyes damn near close to watering. 
“I was worried, with Maru being there. You guys always have so much- so much friction, and I know it upsets you. I don’t want anything to upset you. Maru is truly trying though, and it means a lot that—” 
He stopped. His face flushed, eyes widening. 
“I mean…” 
Sebastian frowned. “What are you talking about? What does that mean?” 
“No, nothing.” He brushed Sebastian’s hair back. “It was nothing.”
Sebastian took a step back. His hands trembled. “Have you been talking to Maru?” 
He hesitated. “Sebastian…” 
“Have you been talking to Maru?” He asked harder. “You promised you wouldn’t meddle in my relationships.” 
“I- I know. And I’m sorry. But after we started getting close, she came to me, and she was so upset, Bastian-”
Sebastian shook his head, eyes squeezed closed. The shell fell to the sand. “You promised me. Why would you… I can’t believe you’d…” 
“Please don’t be upset,” he begged. He stepped closer, and Sebastian stumbled back. “I just want you to be happy.” 
“That’s none of your business!” Sebastian exploded. “I told you not to get involved, it’s none of your business whether Maru and I get along or not! I can’t believe you’d- you’d-” 
Fuck, now his eyes were watering. Shit. He shook his head and turned, stumbling over the tidepools. 
“Sebastian! Wait!” 
“Just leave me alone, Elliott!” 
He stormed away. 
He was grateful it was so cold, because his body was hot, sweat pin-pricking his brow. He slammed the door open to his house and stormed towards Maru’s room. He banged on the door until she answered. 
“Sebastian?” Her anger faded. “What is it?” 
“I can’t believe you’d talk to Elliott behind my back,” he snapped. “You’re really so desperate to have a relationship with me that you’d trick me into it?” 
“Seb?” Abigail peeked over Maru’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?” 
He couldn’t even get the words out anymore. Part of him knew he was overreacting, knew he’d regret this, but his stomach boiled and his chest was tight and he was so, so angry, so upset that Elliott and Maru would… 
He squeezed his eyes shut. 
“Sebastian, you need to breathe,” Abigail said firmly. 
Her cold hands cupped his face. He blinked his teary eyes open. 
“Whatever you’re mad about, it’s okay,” she soothed. “You can figure it out.” 
He turned and hurried away. He barely managed to get his bedroom door shut and locked before he sank to the ground, hands trembling and body numb. 
He’d never been the type to trust people. In all honesty, he probably doomed his and Demetrius’ relationship from the start. Maybe he doomed his and Elliott’s, as well. 
All he knew is he didn’t trust Elliott anymore, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to.
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wayward-riana · 4 years
Soothing Chords | Bucky Barnes
Summary: Bucky's life is poisoned by his constant nightmares but Y/N has the perfect antidote.
Warnings: Brief mentions of anxiety and sadness. Nightmares. Fluff.
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Grey clouds loom over the night sky. The trees rustle each time the wind gushes through. The compound is dead silent. Only things that aren't silent are Y/N's heart and Bucky's demons.
Y/N sits on the edge of her bed. Sweat drips down her temples as she presses her hand against her chest. Her heart palpitations have gotten worse. Sometimes she feels like her heart will burst out of her chest. She struggles to catch her breath. She can't bring herself to calm down so she makes her way to her safe haven. Her studio.
Her footsteps are delicate against the cold tiles that lie beneath her feet. A shawl is draped around her shoulders to keep her from being cold. She hugs herself as she walks through the long, extended hallways. As she passes the kitchen, she notices a silhouette. She comes to a stop to see who it is. A glint of metal catches her eye.
It's Bucky.
Y/N and Bucky haven't interacted a lot. They only ever talked when they were introduced for the first time. Bucky was quiet since the first day he arrived. He doesn't really talk to anyone, that much. And Y/N is shy. It takes time for her to come out of her shell. She is open with the others but struggles to be herself around the reserved man.
She clears her throat, startling Bucky. His gaze snaps to her.
"I'm sorry," Y/N apologises. "I didn't mean to startle you."
Bucky nods at her, "It's all right."
She slowly walks towards him where he sits, "Couldn't sleep?"
He shakes his while heaving a sigh.
She didn't expect him to answer. She struggled to find the right words to say, not wanting to offend him.
"I don't mean to pry, but do you get nightmares a lot?"
"Every damn night." He states.
"I'm sorry...I wish I could do something to help." She pauses before she's hit with an idea.
"Appreciate the thought." Bucky offers her a small smile before looking down, again.
"Bucky, come with me."
That's all she says before she takes off in long strides. Bucky can't help but follow her. His eyebrows furrow deeper in confusion as he walks behind her.
His blue eyes dart around as he finds himself in an unfamiliar wing of the compound. Y/N stands in front of a pretty door. She takes out a key and unlocks it. Bucky was confused that keys even exist in this place. Usually, everyone in the compound uses passwords or whatnot to open doors. Stupid modern people.
The door opens to reveal a lavish room. The walls are decorated with red wallpaper with gold patterns on it. Multiple acoustic guitars rest on the wall. Some are vintage while some are absolutely new. The electric guitars are stood on the floor against the wall. There's one of each colour. A huge drum set sits at the very corner of the room. There were several violins, too. And finally there was a grand piano, that blends right into the room.
Bucky's jaw was on the floor. He did not expect this.
"I know this is a bit too much. All I wanted was a small room to keep all my instruments, but Tony built me a studio, instead." Y/N sighs.
Of course Tony built a studio for his god-daughter. He would build her another world, if he could.
"Come on in." She steps inside, tugging Bucky along with her.
"Can you play all this stuff?" He asks, jaw still hanging loose.
"No no, I just keep all these instruments to stare at them," She says, sarcasm enveloping each one of her word. "I do play all this stuff."
"That's impressive."
"Thanks, Sergeant."
Y/N walks to the grand piano and nestles herself on the bench. She pats the spot beside her, indicating Bucky to sit. He pauses to look at her for a moment and takes slow steps before finally sitting down.
Y/N's fingers glide effortlessly across the keys. Bucky notices her eyes aren't even on the keys, they are closed. He can't help but be in awe. She looked angelic. The rays from the spotlights engulfed her face. She glowed like a star and Bucky realised, for the first time, just how beautiful she is.
Here I am waking up, still can't sleep on your side
There's your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time
If I could dream long enough, you'd tell me I'll be just fine
It's been decades since Bucky sat down to listen to a song, properly. Back in his days, he's heard a fair share of singers but no voice came close to hers. Her voice was delicate yet powerful. Each note held so much emotion. Bucky felt every word in his heart.
So I drown it out, like I always do
Dancing through our house, with the ghost of you
And I chase it down with this shot of truth
That my feet don't dance, like they did with you
A tear slides down Bucky's cheek as soon as Y/N hits the last note. Neither of them say a word. Silence looms over them like a ghost. Before Bucky eventually breaks it,
"That was beautiful."
And from that day, every night, Bucky and Y/N were found inside the studio. Y/N's heart palpitations improved over time but she still chose to wake up every night for Bucky. She sang to him every night so that he could sleep safe and sound.
Steve was so surprised to see his best friend in deep slumber. He might've cried a little but no one needs to know that.
Y/N had created a special bond between Bucky and her. She was very proud of it. They were good friends yet she couldn’t bring herself to tell him that she was utterly in love with him.
She hid her feelings from everyone but Tony could see right through her. He always did. He just wanted his god-daughter to be happy, so he gave her solid advice,
“Look, kiddo. I know you have feelings for Barnes. You gotta tell him not only cause you’re confusing him but you’re letting yourself fall into a deep void. You think I don’t know that you can’t sleep at night? You think I don’t know about how you developed a heart condition because of all that stress? I do. I know everything. And because I love you, I’m telling you to confess.”
Y/N resorts to one of her brilliant ideas, to tell Bucky she loves him through a song. 
“So, naturally I told Sam to fuck off and leave me alone,” Bucky chuckles. “ mean, who does he think he is?”
Y/N smiles at how the beautiful man in front of her can’t contain his laughter. How the corner of his eyes crinkle as he does so. The apple of his cheek flush red when he catches her staring. He clears his throat before composing himself, “What are you going to sing for me tonight, doll?”
He eyes as she fists her trembling right hand. Her shoulders are tense, her left leg is bouncing making the guitar on her lap shake. Maybe she was having a tough night or she was growing tired of his company. 
She inhales loudly and grows still. She stays quiet. She knew she could back out, if she wanted to, but she needed to do this. She needed him. More than anything. 
Her thumb slid down the strings of the guitar filling the room’s silence. Her fingers slowly start to strum a chord progression and she readies herself to lose another person that she loves, 
Loving and fighting
Accusing, denying
I can't imagine a world with you gone
The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of
I'd be so lost if you left me alone
She maintains eye contact as she sings every word. Her eyes are glossy with tears threatening to spill. The lump in her throat makes her voice strain as she hits every note. Bucky is confused and concerned. He just can’t understand why she was being so distant yet it felt like she was telling him something. He hated seeing her so broken. So anxious.
You locked yourself in the bathroom
Lying on the floor when I break through
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming "Please don't leave me"
Y/N’s voice cracks as she refrains herself from sobbing, Bucky considers stopping her. HIs heart ached. He considered rushing to her and pulling her into his arms while kissing her hair, letting her know that she’ll be okay.
Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
Bucky, I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you
It takes him a solid second to realise what she just said. He doesn’t know if she actually said that she swears to love him all her life or he was just lost in his thought and he didn’t hear her correctly. 
“D-Doll?” He stammers not being able to bring himself to say anything else.
“I love you, Bucky and I have since the day I sang to you for the first time. I kept this in me for so long and it was weighing me down. I couldn’t hold it in, anymore. I had to let you know, even if you left. I had to tell you how I feel.”
Bucky stands up and walks towards her. He kneels in front of her and gently takes the acoustic guitar from her, and sets in on the ground. He rests his flesh hand on her lap, hesitant to do the same with his metal one. 
“Why would I leave?” He whispers in the softest voice.
“Even if you don’t, what if you’re ripped away from me like everybody else?”
“Everybody else?”
“My father sacrificed himself for S.H.I.E.L.D. My mother literally died from a broken heart. My brother...who took care of me died in the battle of New York. I lost everyone. Everyone.”
Bucky has spent so much time with her, but no one ever told her that his favourite girl had been through so much. He couldn’t believe how she still had such a positive energy. She was a literal hero.
“I love you, Y/N. I really do and I didn’t tell you because I’m not good enough for you and because I didn’t know you felt the same way,” He leans forward to press his forehead against hers. “But I’d like you to be my best girl. I want you to be my best girl. I promise, I’ll never leave you and I promise I won’t let anyone rip me away from you. I’ll be here, always. For you. We’ll hold each other through our darkest nights, and you will sing and everything will be better. I love you.”
He strengthens his promise by gently placing his lips on her.
On the other side of the door, Tony wipes the tears from his eyes. His little girl that he had raised is finally happy now and he couldn’t ask for more.
Songs mentioned:
Ghost Of You | 5 Seconds Of Summer
Hold On | Chord Overstreet
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