#don’t mind my rambles I am just in pain and tired and sore and trying to work through the power of ginger tea and fantasizing about trek
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hopecomesbacktolife · 2 years ago
can’t tell if I’ve posted something like this before but
the inherent fantasy and yearning for a Star Trek future when you’re someone who’s chronically ill and dealing with a particularly bad flare — something about the fantasy of being beamed into a starfleet medbay, given a hypospray, and feeling all the pain, discomfort, soreness, and all other flare symptoms melt away as futuristic utopian medicine makes you healthy again, maybe even getting rid of the chronic illness altogether, and being comforted by a softspoken doctor who will hold your hand and stay beside you until even the lingering exhaustion fades
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amjustagirl · 4 years ago
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Chapters: one. ~ two. ~ three. ~ four. ~ five. ~ six. ~ seven. ~ eight.
Wordcount: 2k
Summary: Being with Miya Atsumu is like chasing a storm - equal parts exhilaration and danger. After all, it’s impossible to tame a storm
Masterlist here 
AO3 link here
Author’s Note: And we’re at the penultimate chapter! Am rly excited to hear what you guys think - so please, drop me an ask, a note, a comment, anything!!! Thank you for following this fic with me <3
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He stays away from her over the next two weeks. He still picks Shino up from childcare - he’s never leaving his little girl again - but takes Osamu’s advice to duck into the kitchen the minute he hears the bell chime to mark her entrance into the shop. 
‘Is everything alright with Atsumu?’ he hears her ask Osamu after a week of radio silence from him. 
He imagines Osamu just shrugs, because his twin later gives him a look of askance that he ignores. 
‘Meet me on Sunday afternoon? Was hoping to have a quick chat and pass something over to you since my arm is out of its sling.Osamu agreed to take Shino for a couple of hours, so don’t worry about her’, he texts her. 
‘Fine’, she texts back. ‘Works for me’. 
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‘Hey’, he greets her as she opens the door, fighting the impulse to scruff his shoes into the ground like a nervous schoolboy on his first date. 
‘Hey yourself’, she responds without heat, slipping on her shoes. ‘Shall we?’ 
He nods, turning on his heel and she follows suit, their footfalls matching in pace, though they angle their bodies to avoid each other’s gaze in the lift. They do not exchange a single word until they reach the car park, and he leads her past all the cars to a dim corner, lit by a single flickering electric bulb.  
‘Atsumu - what’s this?’ she says, staring uncomprehendingly at the motorbike parked in front of her, the exact replica of the bike she sold when she got pregnant with Shino, albeit updated with a shining coat of new paint and the latest modifications, top of the line. 
‘Surprise?’ he tells her, unable to hide a grin when she runs a hand reverently over the seat of the bike. 
‘I can’t accept this, ‘Tsumu. It’s too much’, she demurs but he knows she’s fallen in love when she’s unable to tear her eyes away from the bike.
‘Sure ya can! I registered it under yer name, and paid for the parking fees for the year, and look! It even comes with a helmet!’, he assures her, crossing his fingers behind his back. ‘Ya can ride it whenever ya have time to yerself - I’ll make sure I or ‘Samu will take Shino-chan for a couple hours every weekend so ya can go break some speed limits on the bike!’ 
‘This isn’t a bribe, right? Or some attempt to trick me into agreeing into something I don’t want to do?’ she asks him suspiciously. 
‘No - no tricks, I swear on my life. Look - I’ve signed the divorce papers, they’re in my bag. I just wanted to give ya the bike as a partin' gift’, he says, keeping his voice deliberately light. 
She stares at him, searching his face for any sign of duplicity, but he holds her gaze until she turns away, satisfied. 
‘You never do anything by halves, do you ‘Tsumu? But thank you anyway’, she laughs breathily and his heart lurches to a start when he sees her slowly start to glow whilst fussing over the bike, exclaiming to herself as she admires the paint job and the extra compartments he’d gotten the mechanic to install. 
Watching her brings back memories of their adventures together before Shino came along. She’d pick him up for a ride to the outskirts of Osaka on their rare days off, in search for a spot to lay their picnic mat down and shoot the breeze. They’d never found that perfect picnic spot, but that just meant that there were more places to explore, more roads to traverse, more adventures for them to go on. That’d all stopped once Shino came along, and he wonders if they wouldn’t be in such a state if he’d put in more effort to carve out more time for them.   
And even before that - there was the time she’d surprised him by turning up in Kobe for one of his matches, sweeping him away from his confused teammates right after the match to celebrate over egg mayo sandwiches at 7-11. He suspects that was the day he’d fallen in love with her, half realising that she was probably the only person crazy enough to burn hours on the road on the back her rusty old bike right after an exam, just to stay up all night sitting cross-legged in a dim combini with mayo in her hair, listening to him ramble about his volleyball match. 
Wow. 'Samu's right. Even the reason he fell in love with her was fucking selfish. 
‘Hey ‘Tsumu’, he hears her say after a while and he looks up. ‘Wanna go for a ride?’ she asks brightly, twirling the keys around her finger. 
‘Huh?’ he responds, genuinely perplexed. 
‘A ride, you idiot. Don’t you want to find out how the bike feels on the road, especially since you’re the one who paid for it?’ 
‘Sure’, he says, a little lost - but then again she’s always found ways to keep him on his toes. ‘But there’s only one helmet’. 
‘I still have my old one upstairs. Give me a second so I can get it!’ she rushes off, a spring in her step he’s sorely missed seeing and despite the ache in his heart, he smiles. 
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His smile vanishes the moment she kicks the bike full throttle and hurtles through weekend Osaka traffic at breakneck speed, making such sharp turns he almost falls off the bike if he weren’t already clutching her waist for dear life. ‘Oi! Look out!’ he yelps, as she weaves her way through narrow gaps between cars, seemingly deaf to the horns of outraged drivers behind her - and fuck he wants to puke but can’t because there’s no way that doesn’t end badly for him. 
‘Slow down, you fuckin' maniac’, he manages to shout when his stomach gives itself up for dead, but the wind swallows his words and she only whoops in response. The neon city lights blur into a mess of colours and he runs through his repertoire of curse words. He swears she’s evil - it’s not enough that she’s killed him once by divorcing him, her insane riding is going to make sure he’s doubly dead.
They burst onto the highway in a squeal of tires, the city skyline fading into a sea of lights, and they’re both so focused on the road ahead of them, well – she is, at least, he’s trying his level best to stay on his seat - that neither of them notice the dark clouds gathering above until the first splatter of raindrops on the road. 
The sky is threatening enough to make her swerve off the highway into a quiet neighbourhood, screeching to a halt at the nearest park with an empty shelter large enough to fit both of them. They jump off the bike, helmets dangling over their arm, and she catches hold of his hand as they splash their way through muddy puddles in a bid to escape the incoming storm. 
‘That was amazing!’ she laughs when they reach shelter, twirling on the tips of her feet, cheeks flushed pink with excitement, looking so happy and bright and alive -  like a bird spreading its wings to fly high in the sky, the way she used to be before their marriage broke her wings and shackled her to the ground. 
If only he hadn’t been blinded by the false allure of his dreams to appreciate what was right in front of him - a woman bold enough to whisk him away from the clutches of deranged fans on the back of a motorbike, fierce enough for Osamu to assign her to deal with his bullshit - and most of all, crazy enough to marry and have a child with him. And he knows she isn’t his, not anymore, but he's a greedy, selfish man, and he wants her one last time, so he throws his jacket over her shoulders as a pretext for drawing her close to him, slanting his mouth gently over hers. 
She stills for a second, and he’s about to pull away when she melts into him, tilting her chin up to grant him greater access to her lips. An unexpected heat coils in his stomach when she tangles her fingers in his hair, scraping her nails against his scalp, a thrill running down his spine as he loses himself in her familiar softness and warmth and groans.
She gasps, jerking away from him, tracing her bruised lips with her fingers, looking up at him with wide eyes.
‘Tsumu’, she begins to say, but he cuts her off, frantic with worry that he’s scared her off before he’s had the chance to say his piece. 
‘I’m sorry - I know I shouldn’t have but I just...can I just say what I meant to say to ya before this?’ he asks, banking on the fact that she hasn’t slapped him yet, and to his relief, she nods. 
‘I’ve thought about what ya said, and yer right -  I’ve taken so much from ya I don’t deserve to ask ya for anything else, not when I should be the one making it up to ya for the rest of my life,’ he says, his heart cracking beneath his ribs (so it’s true, a heart can actually break) – because he knows now she’s lost to him, has been the second he'd forsaken his vows and stormed out of her life, but he gulps a breath to calm his pulse, forcing himself to continue on. 
‘All I want is for ya to be happy and free - and if signing these papers is the price I have to pay, I’ll do it for ya’. Then he draws the brown envelope from his bag, holding it out to her with shaking hands. 
She makes no move to take it from him. 
‘Do you even love me, ‘Tsumu?’ she asks, her voice feather light, a wisp in the wind. ‘Be honest with me, you don’t have to lie’.
There’s a searing pain in his chest and he closes his eyes, losing himself to the undercurrent of regret pulsing in his mind. 
‘I do’, he manages to choke out, peeling aside the rotting layers of vanity and greed and selfishness and pride to flay his chest open to present his heart to her, in all its bleeding, broken glory. 
‘Yer everythin’ I could’ve ever asked for, and it’s killin’ me to watch you walk away - but I deserve it cos I’m a fuckin’ idiot for not realisin’ that sooner, and ya have no idea how fuckin’ sorry I am for hurting ya so badly and making you think that I don’t love ya - because I do, gods, I do, I love ya so goddamned much.’
‘Does our marriage mean that much to you?’ she stares at him, her eyes clouded with an emotion he can’t make out. 
‘Yes’, he says simply, his response both a confession and a prayer. He makes no move to touch her, fearful that any misstep might tip them both over the edge, the storm of emotions swirling within him already threatening to swallow him whole. 
‘Then ask me again, ‘Tsumu’ she whispers, her fists clenched, trembling by her side.    
He blinks at her, but his confusion morphs into elated disbelief when she takes the brown envelope from him and rips it cleanly in half. 
‘Ask me again, ‘Tsumu’, she repeats, the clouds in her eyes clearing into pools of light. He wonders if it mirrors the rush of warmth and love and most of all - hope, overflowing in his heart. 
‘Wanna try jumping off a cliff again?’ he asks, voice shaking, echoing the request he made of her years ago.
She steps forward into his waiting arms, her smile like golden sunlight spilling through grey rain.  
‘Only if you promise to jump with me’, she says softly against his chest. 
He catches her forgiveness desperately in his hands, and seals his promise with his lips. 
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kpop-zone · 4 years ago
Blackpink reaction when their s/o takes care of them when they are sick
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A disturbing noise woke you up from your peaceful slumber, but you were too tired to open your eyes. Blindly, you patted down the bed in order to find your girlfriend because you missed her warm body against yours. But your hand searched in vain, finding nothing but her pillow. Confused, you finally forced your eyelids open and looked around. Her side of the bed was indeed empty, causing you to sit up. It was completely silent now, making it impossible for you to figure out where the weird noise from earlier had come from and where your girlfriend was currently located.
You called out and a moment later the door to the bathroom swung open, revealing your girlfriend who was looking like she had just had the worst night of her life.
“What’s wrong?”
Suddenly you were wide awake and jumped off the bed, but Jisoo held her hand out to stop you from coming closer.
“Nothing. I’m fi-.”
Before your girlfriend could finish her sentence, she slammed her hand in front of her mouth and stumbled back into the bathroom to hang her head over the toilet bowl. Reflexively, you rushed to her, but once more Jisoo pushed you away.
“Go away, Y/N. I’m gross.”
If your girlfriend didn’t look so miserable right now, her statement would have probably made you laugh. But because she did, you simply folded away her stiff-arm that was keeping you away, so that you could stand directly behind her. Gently, you tugged some loose strands of hair behind her ear and rubbed her back soothingly.
“You are not gross, Jisoo. You are sick which means that I have to be there for you even more now.”
You replied determined, ignoring the weak protests of your girlfriend.
Eventually, you helped her back to bed where you rolled her shivering figure into a blanket, making her look like a burrito.
“I’ll be right back. I’ll get you some tea to calm your stomach.”
You said quickly before rushing to the kitchen.
Not even ten minutes later you were back in the bedroom, putting a cup with steaming hot tea and a bowl on the nightstand, just in case your girlfriend had to puke again. Jisoo looked at you heavy-lidded and you slid in behind her, wrapping your arms around her and pressing her gently against your body.
“I’m gonna call in sick first thing tomorrow morning, so I can take care of you. You’ve probably been infected by the kids when you visited your sister last week.”
You thought out loud, causing Jisoo to whip her head around.
“Nooo, you don’t have to stay here. I can take care of myself.”
She interjected and you looked at her disapprovingly.
“And who’s going to cook you a nice soup and be your medicine? You know, I’ve heard that cuddles can improve your health up to 110%”
You replied seriously, causing Jisoo to giggle silently.
“No backchat. I’m staying.”
Realizing that you weren’t going to change your mind, your girlfriend turned in your arms and buried her head in the crook of your neck.
“Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate that.”
She mumbled after a while and you squeezed her lightly.
You knew that she would probably apologize a thousand times for forcing you to stay home but leaving her alone wasn’t even an option for you. Even if she always pretended to be strong, every once in a while, she also deserved to be taken care of. So you would be putting all your love into her recovery.
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“It’s fine, Y/N. You can leave me alone. Go to your meeting.”
Jennie weakly pushed you to the front door, asking you to finally leave. Your calendar was fully packed today, and you were already late for your first appointment. But you refused to head out. She had woken up with a nasty headache and a sore throat and you were concerned beyond belief.
“But who’s going to take care of you?”
You protested, trying to wiggle out of her grasp.
“I can take care of myself.”
She answered confidently, although only the thought of being alone today made her depressed.
“I know you can. But you shouldn’t have to...”
You replied and Jennie looked at you helplessly, not knowing how to refute your argument. Using the chance of her speechlessness, you turned the tables and pushed her back towards the living room.
“Please, let me take care of you.”
You said softly and Jennie sighed. How could she say know to that? If she was being honest, she always needed a lot of love whenever she was sick and if you hadn’t decided to stay, she would have probably called her mum. But the thought of getting pampered by you all day definitely sounded better.
With a lot less resistance, Jennie let you pull her to the couch and laid down obediently. When you tried to walk away, however, she tightly held on to your arm.
“Jennie, I have to make you breakfast and get you some medicine from the drug store.”
You chuckled, but Jennie immediately shook her head.
“Noooo stay here.”
She pouted, causing you to laugh.
“But aren’t I here to take care of you?”
You tried to pull away, but Jennie didn’t let go.
“Exactly! You’re here to cuddle me all day.”
Jennie grinned and tugged on your arm. You shook your head in amusement, but finally gave in to her and laid down next to her. Automatically, Jennie’s limbs wrapped around you and she sighed satisfied while nestling her head against your body.
“Will we every leave this couch today?”
You chuckled while running your hand up and down her arm and Jennie chuckled.
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Hey Y/N...don’t be mad, but I think you shouldn’t come over
For at least a minute you stared at the message of your girlfriend blankly, wondering whether you had done something wrong in order to have her say something like that; not once had she ever told you to stay away from her. But no matter how deep you dug in your memory, you couldn’t think of any moment that could have upset her. Therefore, you quickly dialed her number to call her. Whatever the meaning behind her message was, you needed to know.
Pretty much after the first ring, Chaeyoung picked up the phone, but her voice caused your eyes to widen in shock. It was barely above a whisper and sounded as if she had screamed for hours beforehand.
“Chaeng? What’s wrong?”
You asked concerned and you could hear your girlfriend clearing her throat on the other line.
She answered quickly, trying to sound normal, but her voice was still hoarse.
“Nothing? Babe, no offense, but you sound awful. Are you sick?”
After your question, the line went quiet, making you wonder whether the connection had broken, but then Chaeyoung spoke up again.
“Yes...I have a nasty cold. That’s why you shouldn’t come over. I don’t want to infect you.”
She sniffled and your heart sank. You didn’t like the thought of your girlfriend feeling unwell and being alone.
“You will not infect me. I’m coming over.”
You answered without hesitation while already leaping to your feet and walking to the front door of your apartment.
“You are not, Y/N! I’m serious. Stay at home. You have a lot on your plate lately; you don’t need a cold to make everything worse.”
Your girlfriend kept rambling, but you only listened with half an ear as you already put on your shoes.
You hummed into the speaker before quickly saying goodbye and hanging up.
Not even an hour later, you stood in front of the girls’ dorm with a soup that you had picked up on the way and some medicine in your hands. You let yourself in with the key that Chaeyoung had given you a while ago and took off your shoes.
“I’m home!”
You yelled like you always did, but this time you weren’t greeted by the excited voice of your girlfriend. Instead, you heard footsteps pattering before Chaeyoung stepped into sight with a dumbfounded look on her face.
“Y/N! I told you not to come.”
She whined before breaking out into a fit of coughs.
Unimpressed by her protests, you walked into the kitchen and put the soup on the counter. Chaeyoung followed you silently but kept her distance from you while you unpacked the food. Soon, however, you felt her presence directly behind her and you could see in the corner of your eye that she was glancing over your shoulder.
“Is that my favorite?”
She asked and you chuckled in amusement.
“Yup, I thought you deserved to be spoiled today.”
You answered, smiling to yourself when you felt Chaeyoung wrapping her arms around your waist.
“Hm you could be right. I couldn’t sleep a second tonight; I coughed all through the night.”
Your girlfriend pouted as she put her head on your shoulder and you nodded understandingly.
“I’m all yours today.”
You grinned and Chaeyoung blushed lightly.
“I’ve warned you though! It’s not my fault if you get a cold now.”
She replied quickly before walking to the dinner table to hide her flushed cheeks, causing you to chuckle.
“I know, I take full responsibility. Eat now.”
You urged her while putting the soup down in front of her.
Excitedly, Chaeyoung slurped the noodles and hummed in satisfaction.
“I think, I’m already feeling better.”
She mumbled and you laughed.
“Because I’m here?”
You wiggled your eyebrows and Chaeyoung looked up from the soup.
“Of course. Thank you for coming, Y/N. Turns out you’re much better at taking care of me than I am.”
She smiled while reaching out to take your hand. Proudly you grinned before lifting her hand and kissing the back of it softly. Of course, you were better at taking care of her; after all, it was your favorite thing to do.
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“I’m not sick!”
Lisa yelled chipperly over her shoulder before slamming the front door shut, not leaving you the chance to talk back.
For the past three days already, your girlfriend struggled with a sore throat and pain in her limbs, but she refused to admit that she was sick. Every day, she dragged herself to practice and gave 110%. You tried to tell her that her behavior would eventually get back at her, but she didn’t want to listen. In her opinion, this was nothing but a harmless cold that would go away by itself.
She would change her mind today though.
Right when the door to your apartment opened that night, you knew that your prediction had come true. Lisa sniffled and coughed violently, causing you to immediately rush to the entrance. She looked ten times worse than this morning; her face was pale except for her cheeks that were burning bright red and it seemed like she would collapse any second. As soon as she saw you, a small pout formed on her lips.
“Y/N...I think you were right. I’m sick.”
She whined with slouched shoulders and you immediately walked up to her. Dramatically, Lisa let herself fall into your arms and you giggled amused.
“You know this could have totally be prevented if you had stayed home today, right?”
You scolded her jokingly, causing her to whine even more.
“I knoooow. I don’t like being sick.”
She huffed frustrated and you laughed before pulling her into the apartment.
“Don’t worry. Your private physician is here to take care of you.”
You grinned while pointing at yourself and Lisa’s face lit up.
“Will I get a special treatment?”
She asked cheekily, looking a lot less depressed than she did just a second ago.
“Of course. You’ll have access to an endless source of homecooked meals, cuddles, distraction...”
You began listing all of her benefits and with every word your girlfriend got more excited.
“Maybe I should be sick more often...”
Lisa commented eventually, causing you to chuckle. Of course, she would use this chance today to get absolutely spoiled by you. But you didn’t mind. Not one bit.
Therefore, you walked into the kitchen to start making some comfort food for your girlfriend all the while she clung to your body tightly. You knew that it would probably better if she laid down, but you also knew that you didn’t even have to bring up that suggestion. Lisa would follow you wherever you went today anyways.
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woman-of-culture · 5 years ago
The traitor 2/2
Dabi x reader
I really needed to finish this bc I couldn't focus on literally anything but Dabis dick. 🥵
Warnings: 18+, smut, Dabis identity
Part One
Words: 7,864
What’s one word to describe this trip you ask? Nerve-racking, from the moment you left your apartment to the moment you entered the bus. Everything seemed like a blur at this point as you walked through the bus to find the only empty seat next to your target, Bakugou. It’s not exactly guilt you felt, you knew this was inevitable, but you did contemplate the outcome of this.
The League could fail, although that was unlikely from the plan Dabi told you, he could refuse or he could possibly join by some miracle. You haven’t the slightest clue but you were damn sure on one thing, you were gonna do everything in your power to ensure the Leagues success from the shadows. Sitting next to Bakugou you made sure to give him a curt nod as a sort of greeting.
“Haah? What makes you think you can sit there you damn extra?” “What do you want me to do? Stand for how many hours this trip takes? No thanks, if you don’t want to sit next to me then get up and leave.”
That seemed to pop a nerve in the boy, making him shout for a few seconds but ultimately falling silent when Aizawa told him to be quiet. ‘Thank God’ you thought to yourself as you laid back, thinking of ways to get the schedule for the next few days.
You put your headphones on, not wanting to be distracted by any unnecessary noise as your mind slowly drifts off to this morning.
You woke up to the annoying sound of your alarm clock bursting to life just to make your life a little more miserable. “For fucks sake, who schedules a trip for 6 AM...” You thought, silently groaning at the stiffness in your body. You got up, stretched, did your morning routine of brushing your teeth, combing and styling your hair etc.
Ready to go make yourself breakfast, you certainly didn’t expect Dabi to still be here, let alone fully awake and shirtless in the middle of your kitchen. You discreetly admired his physique from the entrance of the kitchen, gawking at the muscles on his back, flexing every time he reached for something.
‘Holy shit’ you knew Dabi was an attractive and physically fit man, despite his kinda lanky built, but this wasn’t what you were expecting at all. His shoulders and 1/3 of his back are the same charred skin covering his face and chest but what you weren’t expecting was he smooth, pale skin of the rest of his back. The contrast extremely attractive in your eyes as you do nothing but stare and wonder what the front view is like.
As if hearing your thoughts, he turns slightly exposing the well defined muscles of his abdomen. Your eyes drawn immediately to the harsh skin of his collarbone, down the valley of his abs to the exposed, very prominent and very attractive v-line dipping to his most private area.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying the view but it’s not exactly nice to stare so hard for so long unless you’re planning on doing something about it.” Visibly flinching, you turn around, (poorly) hiding your more than flushed cheeks. “Get over y-yourself! I was just wondering why you were still here since you usually leave b-before I wake up.” “Aaw, dollface is so flustered she can’t even look me in the eyes. Don’t be so embarrassed, it’s normal to feel excited after that. You know, I could help with that in no time flat-...”
“OK, OK I GET IT! Shut up and answer my question, what are you still doing here?” You turn to face him, metaphorical steam coming out of your ears at his daring comments. He returns to what he was previously doing, which you now notice is making coffee and a sandwich. “Well I...don’t need to answer that.” He avoids the question completely, taking the 2 cups of coffee and sandwich to the living room table.
“That’s not fair Dabi! My house, my rules. Now answer the question.” Thinking he made a sandwich just for himself, you go to the fridge but stop once he called out to you “It’s your sandwich dumbass, I can’t eat in the mornings...” The last part being whispered as if it’s some secret.
You whipped your head so fast in his direction you’re surprised your neck didn’t snap. “What!? You? Dabi? The leach in my life who comes here just for the food, made something for me?“ You walked to the living room as you looked at him dead in the eyes. You leaned in far too close for his liking with narrowed eyes asking “What did you do to Dabi? Am I still sleeping? Toga, is that you?”
The proximity and teasing enough to slightly fluster him. He pushed at your face with his hand, blocking your view of him as he told you to shut up and eat like a normal person in silence.
You grabbed his hand, giggling as you removed it and agreed to eat while watching TV.
“...I won’t be able to come so often...” He mumbled into the coffee after a few minutes of silence. “Won’t be able to come? What are you talking about?”
“Well, you’re going to be at the camp in a few hours so I won’t be able to see you while you’re there...not to mention if this mission is a success and we get the explosive kid, that means I’ll have to be at the base more to keep watch and whatever. So I stayed today to be with you just a little more...” He said, not lifting his gaze from the TV during that whole monologue.
It now dawns on you, Dabi won’t be able to come in the evenings to spend the nights with you. “Oh” was the only word that left your mouth, unable to comprehend just how much this moment truly proved your feelings towards Dabi.
With a gentle smile on your lips, the slightest pink dusting the corners of your cheeks, you replayed his words over and over like a broken record. The smile on your face growing little by little as you thought of your own parents, who seemingly didn’t want you, just to then have Dabis words replay again and again assuring you there was someone who wanted ‘to be with you just a little more...’
The thought making you leap into his chest for a hug neither of you expected yet both enjoyed. “Uh, you okay Y/N?” He asked, patting you on the head. “Yeah! Can we - Can we just stay like this for a few minutes...please?”
“Sure, doll”
That was your final interaction with Dabi this morning, shortly after getting up and leaving to go to UA. The moment you closed your door you hoped wholeheartedly you could see him in a few days, unscathed and exactly as you left him.
“Yo, dumbass! Move so I can get off the damn bus.” “Ah Bakugou...always one to ruin the peaceful atmosphere.” You mumble as you grabbed your stuff and got off the bus.
“No more...” you mumble to yourself after the 8 hour trail down the mountain accompanied by some sort of clay beasts. While no one was paying attention, you quickly shot a text to Tomura with your current location. Your mentors for the duration of the camp, the Pussycats, praise you for the job well done and tell everyone to go to the dining hall for dinner and afterwards, take a bath and relax. The bath was a close call thanks to a certain pervert trying to scale the wall but thanks to the Kota he fell flat in the bath with a most endearing cry of pain, making the sadistic side of you giggle.
The next day was all about quirk training. Aizawa explained that everyone has grown emotionally but now was the time to focus on physical growth. Everyone got set up with personalized training, such as Bakugou dunking his hands in boiling water or Sero producing tape nonstop. You got set up with your own training regime and solely focused on that till about 4 PM - with the exception of a few breaks where you decided to snoop around a bit and ask one of the Pussycats if there were going to be more teachers here later on and the next days activities.
After the excruciating training, everyone was given the task of making dinner for the night, that being curry.
You smiled to yourself as you reminisced on the last time you made curry.
You made your way home, exhausted and sore from the sparing session you just had with Dabi. He was merciless but you couldn’t deny the immeasurable help he provided, pushing himself and you past your limits after such a tiring day.
You opened the door to your apartment and set what little ingredients you got on the way back. “So Dabi, what do you want to eat?” You asked, expecting him to ramble on and on about some complicated meals, forcing you to make a whole feast.
“Curry.” The one word response had you looking at him with an eyebrow raised. “That’s it? Just curry?” “Yeah, got a problem with it or something?” He questioned, sitting on the couch with you following shortly. “No, not at all. I was just expecting something...more?” “You want me to name more? Ok, let’s start with-...”
“No, no. Too late now, I’m gonna go make the best damn curry you’ve ever had in your life.” You jump up before he can get a word in and head straight for the kitchen.
He looked at the direction you ran off to, a small smile making it’s way on his face as he thought of the enthusiasm you displayed just to cook some food. He’d never tell you, but the only reason he asked for just curry is because it was easier to make, filling and took less time. He knew you were exhausted, mentally (from the meeting with HandMan) and physically (from your intense training session), so he wanted to lessen the burden. This is when he truly began to care for someone again, to care for their well-being. The thought putting an even bigger smile on his face.
Somewhere in the distance, on a cliff overlooking the whole forest lay 4 villains. 2 who you were very familiar with, that being Dabi and Toga. The last 2 you’ve never met before (thanks to your decrease in bar visits). One stood tall with a mask covering his face and a cloak covering his whole body from head to toe while the other had some sort of gasmask. 
“Throbbing, it’s throbbing. Let’s hurry up already” The one with a mask covering his face said, antsy to start a fight. “Need I remind you Muscular of the one person you can’t fight?” Dabi asked, turning with a glare towards the said villain. 
“Some (hair color and length) haired bitch with (eye color) eyes, riiight? What does it matter if I fight her? If I just passed her wouldn’t it seem suspicious? How about I break a few bones for good measure?” He taunted with a shit eating grin adorning his face. “Do that and I burn you till there's nothing left, not even ashes...” Dabi answered with full confidence, knowing he could easily cremate him - even with his quirk. 
He scoffed, side-eyeing him. “What’s even the deal with her? Is she your personal slut or something? If she’s here, that means she’s a hero or student right? And I came here to fuck up every hero, present or future.” 
Dabi, just about having enough of his ‘colorful’ language towards you turns but gets cut of by Toga. “Oh don’t be silly, how do you think we know the location of the camp? She’s the traitor amongst them.” 
“Exactly, so we are currently here waiting for her to send a message about tomorrows activities and the attack plan.” Dabi monotonously to everyone he was already forming a plan to keep him as far away from you as possible.
A new morning dawns and a new day of quirk training begins. Everyone resumed their training like normal except you who was more than visibly nervous thanks to the attack happening this evening at the test of courage. 
By some miracle, you were able to locate a schedule left behind by one of the Pussycats detailing how after dinner there was going to be a test where Class B will try to scare Class A to prove their courage and creatively use their quirks. It seemed like the perfect opportunity given that Bakugou will be with one person in the middle of the woods without any teachers nearby.
When the time came you were paired up with Midoriya to be the last pair to enter the woods.
‘Perfect’ There was no better scenario, you will be able to go to the cabin in no time once the students will be inevitably forbidden to fight unless there was a need for it.
The fifth team, Uraraka and Tsuyu, have just left into the forest leaving you, Midoriya, Ojiro, Mineta, Iida, Koji and the Pussycats.
You’ve sort of isolated yourself from the group because you couldn’t act like everything's fine while in reality you were practically shaking with nerves. The problem was, you weren’t afraid for your well being, you were terrified for Dabis. You knew he was a more than capable fighter since you have sparred with him on more than one occasion but that still did little to ease your nerves.
Just as you were about to question what’s taking them so long you felt a harsh scent of black smoke in the air.
‘Ah, only Dabi can create such a fire to the point of instantly calming my nerves with the warmth it spreads.’ you thought as your attention was brought back by Pixie-bob’s head being smashed into the ground thanks to Magne, and Spinners instantaneous voice breaking the silence.
Game on...
As instructed by the Pussycats you, Iida, Mineta, Koji and Ojiro ran towards the camp where you would have no other part in this attack. Your nerves for Dabi were hidden by the fact everyone thought it was because of the villains. You no longer needed to hide the fact you were shaking, eyes wide as saucers and slowly tearing up as you ran full speed trying to get away from the situation behind you.
Just a little more
Just a little...
“SENSEI!” The boys yelled for Aizawa the moment they saw the villain he pinned down...the same villain you hopped was far, far away from here...
“D-dabi...” You muttered, way behind anyone to hear as you stopped the moment the clearing came into view. ‘It can’t be...’ The thought of can and can’t leaving your mind the moment his head turned in your direction, making direct eye contact for just a second. In that second you clearly saw Dabis gorgeous teal eyes looking at you as if he didn’t expect you to be here.
You started heaving, chest rising up and down rapidly as you processed the scene in front of you. What was he doing here? You specifically warned him about Aizawa and that he couldn’t possibly fight him one on one. Dabi wasn’t the physical type, he relied on his quirk too much making him unable to fight someone like Aizawa for he would lose fast and hard.
You gulped feeling bile rise to your throat as you thought of your next move. No way...no way were you letting Dabi get caught. It would cost you your cover but you didn’t care. Taking a step closer, you decided to use the element of surprise to shock Aizawa with a simple attack, enough to distract him so you and Dabi could escape.
Before that could happen, Dabi used Aizawas shock at your arrival to get out of his hold and stand up. “This is as much damage as I can take, huh?” What did he mean by...that?
“Hey hero...” The capturing weapon gets tighter around him until it goes right threw him, revealing that the Dabi Aizawa was fighting was nothing more than a clone. “Are your students important?” He asked whilst looking at him straight in the eyes and disappearing into nothing but some brown sludge on the ground.
You couldn’t believe it...you almost blew your cover for a fucking clone...
“Ah, dollface what took you so long?” Dabi asks as you enter the bar in full disguise - a hood covering your hair and a mask covering 3/4 of your face. It’s a pretty simple porcelain mask covering the top half of your face and half of your mouth with a complex pattern around the eyes. You even bought a voice-changer for this specific ‘guest’ of yours so he wouldn’t recognize you.
“Had some trouble after the mission” You answered, your voice (deeper/higher) than normal and a bit more mature-sounding. You walked up to Bakugou, chained to the chair like some sort of animal, examining for any injuries received during the attack. He lowly growled his disapproval for your proximity and told you to back off, which you complied to. Stepping to the farthest corner of the room away from everyone else you sat there while Tomura had a chat with him.
After a while it got extremely boring just hearing constant ‘join us’ and ‘no’-s. “What’s got you so moody doll? You haven’t even said hi.” Dabi whispered as he leaned on the wall close to you.
“Nothing Dabi, I’m just not in the mood to talk.” Was your only response as you got up and made your way to the back of the bar. “Say, Bakugou-kun. Do you want anything to eat? Drink? You haven’t had anything in a while now, and the situation surely can’t be helping that”
“I don’t want anything your shitty ass makes, it would probably taste like crap anyways.” As if on cue, his stomack faintly growls signaling his obvious hunger. You rolled your eyes taking the simple sandwich you made to stand in front of him.
“Look Bakugou-kun. You can either eat this sandwich you watched me make so you could be assured I didn’t spike it, or you can sit there hungry until you starve. Your choice.” “And how am I supposed to eat with my hand completely restrained dumbass?”
“Aaw, does the baby want me to feed him then?” “FUCK NO YOU CUNT!” You giggled to yourself, amused at how Bakugou could be in this situation yet be so feisty at the same time.
During the whole conversation Dabi looked at you and him spitefully. So you didn’t want to talk to him yet you can joke with the brat like it’s second nature? He fumed on the inside yet kept quite as Shigaraki had something to say.
“That’s enough out of you (villain name). Leave it at the table and sit down.” You huffed yet complied as you sat in your previous position near Dabi. “So what was that about?” He tried to ask, emotionless as ever. “What was what about?” You ask, avoiding his burning gaze at the side of your face.
“That? You refuse to speak to me and immediately after hang around the brat as if he were your boyfriend. Mind telling me what I did so wrong for this sort of treatment?” It was subtle, but you could detect a hint of annoyance in his voice. This made you angrier and more annoyed than you previously were. What right did he have to be upset with you?
“Oh, I don’t know Dabi.” You sarcastically said as his name dripped like poison from your lips. “Maybe it was the fact you didn’t bother to tell me you had Twice make clones to distract Eraser. Or the fact I almost blew my cover trying to rescue a goddamn clone!” You whisper shouted, making sure no one but him caught the last part.
Meanwhile Tomura was giving Bakugou some speech about how corrupt hero society really is. You didn’t really pay attention thanks to the anger slowly boiling in your veins towards the man in front of you.
“Is that all? Really? You’re an idiot if you planned to do something as stupid as try to help ‘me’ escape, even if that wasn’t a clone.” His jealousy and anger ranting before the logical side of his brain could speak as he glared at you with anger, confusion and a hint of sadness. “I didn’t know you were going to retreat back to the camp. For all I knew, you were around the explosive kid over there. Was that why you were so apposed to this mission, you didn’t want us kidnapping your little boyfriend and him finding out the truth?”
Taken aback you do nothing but look at him as Tomura says to let Bakugou go (his order not reaching your ears because of your own conversation). He ignored him and simply told Twice to do it as he was still expecting an answer from you.
“I can’t believe it...you know full well why I rejected this plan and it was NOT for something so - so implausible.” You shake your head as your voice cracks at the end of the sentence.
“And what do you mean that’s all? I was scared for you, I actually believed you went to fight Eraser on your own. I wanted to help you because I care for you, I couldn’t possibly see you behind bars knowing I could’ve prevented it!”
“I never asked for you to care for me!” He didn’t even let you finish your little rant, slowly loosing what little patience he had, his calm-ish charade cracking. “There is no reason why you would waste your time with that and risk all the time you put into...infiltrating them.” He whispered the last part as he noticed several eyes drawn to the conversation.
“No...reason?” You looked at him in disbelief “Of course there’s a reason! I could never NOT care for you” Your voice, along with you agitation, slowly went higher as the sentence continued. “WHY? Why would you care enough to risk everything?!” He followed your lead, voice getting louder.
You could literally hear a pin drop at the end of your outburst. Everyone looked at you two. Even Shigaraki, who was now in front of an unrestrained Bakugou - who took advantage of the moment and set off an explosion right in his face, causing ‘father’ to be knocked off.
Everyone looked mortified, you most of all for both your outburst and the new development in Bakugous case, knowing that he was most likely going to get killed now.
“My bad for ruining the moment but I’ve listened to his endless talking long enough. Idiots can’t get to the point so they’re always talking for a long time. Basically you mean ‘We wanna harass people, so please join us,’ right?”
Oh he was soo fucked.
But what surprised you the most was the fact Shigaraki didn’t attack. No, he even ordered to not even touch him. Was this really Shigaraki? In any other situation he would instantly decay any person that dares touch ‘father’ let alone knock him off his face. He just calmly picked up ‘father’, placed it on his face and continued to talk. Has he...matured?
You though in complete disbelief, forgetting your outburst from a minute ago. But the person beside you refused to look away from your side profile, even to see Shigarakis next actions.
‘In love’ being the only phrase in his mind.
While there was a stare down happening between Shigaraki and Bakugou, a knock sounded from the door.
“Hello, this is Pizza-La, Camino store.”
You raised an eyebrow in suspicion as you looked around the room. “The fuck? Who ordered piz-...”
You weren’t even able to finish you question when a loud and obnoxious “SMAAASH!” was heard throughout the bar as, low and behold, All Might comes crashing threw the wall, throwing debris in every which direction making it impossible to see for a few seconds due to the dust that came along with it.
Those few seconds proved incredibly important as you weren’t able to see a piece of brick flying straight for your face, cracking your mask almost down the middle, barely keeping itself up at that point. The breeze that accompanied almost threw your hood down but thankfully Dabi was there to secure it into place. You looked at him, being reminded of your earlier mistake but quickly focused on the battle as Kamui Woods came next and captured everyone.
As Dabi was focusing on setting the trees on fire he didn’t notice Gran Torino who instantly knocked him out with a single kick. You screamed out his name, your voice-changer not functioning as your scream cracked in the middle, revealing your real voice for a second.
When Kurohiri tried to summon the Nomu waiting in the secret location, he was unable to teleport them as they seemed to be missing from their usual spot. Next he tried to teleport everyone out but was promptly knocked out by Edgeshot who seemed prepared for his next move.
‘No’...You were surrounded, unable to lift a finger and your mask slowly cracking and sliding down your face. ‘What now..think Y/N, think...’
“Didn’t I tell you earlier that it’d be in your best interest to stay put?” Gran Torino said as he began calling out every villain in the bar.
...Kenji Hikiiski
...Atsuhiro Sako
...Shuicki Iguchi
...Himiko Toga
...Jin Bubaigawara
You waited with bated breath...waited for your own name to be called out, maybe even Dabis but that’s where the list ended. ‘That’s it? That means they don’t know who I am just yet.’ The ray of hope diminishing the moment you realized the condition of your mask, as soon as it falls off every single person in the room will know your identity. Your heartbeat began to pick up it’s pace, panic setting in.
You looked around the room, trying to think of something...anything! that could possibly help in this situation. Your focus breaking the moment Tomura shouted ‘I hate you’ towards the no.1 hero.
Grayish-black liquid encompassed everyone in the bar, including yourself. ‘The Hell?! What is this?’ You thought panicking even more until Tomura mumbled on word.
‘Master?’ You questioned...MASTER, OF COURSE!
Relief set in at the thought of master saving you, looking over at Dabi you couldn’t help the serene close of your eyes the moment you saw him getting teleported as well. Thank God.
You fell to the ground with a thud as you looked at your surroundings. Everyone was here, including Bakugou, with master standing in the front speaking to Tomura. You quickly looked around spotting Dabi on the ground, laying still unconscious.
Quickly picking yourself of the ground you made your way to Dabi, picking his head up and laying it on your thighs so he could be somewhat comfortable, even if he wasn’t awake yet. However, you felt your mask cracking completely and falling to the ground. You quickly set your gaze downwards before Bakugou could get a look at your face, thankfully he seemed to be preoccupation with starring at master, a quite intimidating man who, by the looks of it, defeated 3 pro’s by himself, including the no.4 hero Best Jeanist.
Discreetly, you tugged on Mr. Compresses pant leg. “Atsuhiro, I know this isn’t the best time to ask, but could you give me your mask?” You ask whilst taking a peak at him to show him your mask completely broke.
“Of course, Y/N. Here.” He whispered back, handing you his mask. You mumbled your thanks as you looked at master who was having his own monologue.
“You’re here, after all, aren’t you?” ‘Oh for fucks sake, it isn’t over yet?’
Like an instant headache, All Might comes swooping in from the sky, attacking master instantly. Toga comes to you, protecting you since you couldn’t use your quirk with All Might and Bakugou here...plus the few uninvited guests behind a wall of debris. This just got a whole lot more interesting.
You let Atsuhiro use his quirk on Dabi whilst you took the pearl, securing it in your small weapons carrier you had for these types of situations. As instructed, everyone began attacking Bakugou hopping to recapture him.
While you were in the air thanks to some attack strategies you planned out with the rest a while back, you noticed Midoriya, Kirishima, Iida and Todoroki getting ready to execute some sort of plan to get to Bakugou. You landed just in time to see them propell themselves using Midoriyas quirk and then using Iidas boosters on Todorokis ice to fly high and fast. Kirishima yelled for Bakugou to come to them - which he did.
Ah, a truly brilliant strategy to save Bakugou whilst not engaging in head to head battle. You noticed Todoroki and Yaoyorozu making a quick escape but only smirked as you watched them leave. A sort of apology from you to them.
Since there was no longer a reason to stay, master urged us to leave, forcing Magnes unconscious body to propel every male towards you and Himiko, who were conveniently placed in front of the portal he forced Kurogiri to make a few minutes prior.
‘Well, this is gonna hurt’ You thought as 3 guys came crashing into you full force.
Dabi suddenly awoke with a searing headache, he couldn’t focus on his surroundings let alone remember what happened the moment prior to him pacing out.
“Good morning, here are some painmeds if the headache gets worse and the water is next to the bed on the table. I’ll be coming back every hour to check up on you, so don’t worry, get some rest and sleep it off.” You quickly mumbled as you noticed Dabi was finally awake after a few hours of taking care of him and non-stop worrying. Before he could make sense of the situation, you quickly left the room to go God knows where.
As he was left alone for a few seconds he finally remembered what happened a few hours prior, the old geezer of a hero knocked him out when he was about to burn the restraints off everyone. He looked around the room, noticing he was in a unfamiliar surrounding. A black blanket covering his form, a small work desk not even 2 meters away from him and a wardrobe on the opposite end of the room.
After analyzing his surrounding he remembered your brief words to him before your departure, everything slowly falling into place. He got injured so you took him to your apartment and cared for him until he awoke.
He also remembered your last conversation, or rather confession. He knew he needed to go to you and make sense of the whole situation but he was unable to get off the bed as he felt something restraining his left arm.
Handcuffs - kinky, but currently not appreciated.
For the past 2 hours you’ve been in the kitchen making all sorts of dishes just to pass the time and make up excuses not to go to your room. It’s been fun while it lasted but you couldn’t avoid this any more, what ere you going to do? Starve him to avoid him?
You made your way to the room, a millimeter away from the doorknob, second-guessing this whole thing. You turned around to leave and buy yourself another hour but a voice was heard on the other side of the door.
“You know, it’s quite rude to say you’ll be back in an hour and then leave for 2.”
‘Fuck’ was your sole thought as you entered the room, completely unaware of his expression as you looked to the foot of the bed, avoiding his gaze as much as possible.
“Sorry...the food took a bit more time to prepare than I thought” You mumbled as you made your way to the table near his bed, placing everything neatly and getting ready to leave.
As you turned around he grabbed you with his left arm, stopping you in your tracks. “You know we need to talk dollface.” He said as he pulled you a little closer to the bed.
“What’s there to talk about Dabi? I made a fool of myself in front of the whole League and practically yelled something neither of us was ready to hear... - wait” You exclaimed as soon as you noticed something was off. “Didn’t I cuff your left hand to the bed-?”
As soon as the thought left you he yanked you completely onto the bed, trapping you between himself and the mattress. Comfortably straddling your legs and cuffing both of your arms, in record time, to the bed frame so you couldn't struggle.
“ThE Hell are you DOing?” Your voice comes out as a shriek due to the immense surprise you felt in that predicament.
“Dabi, gEt off! You’re heavy and this is NOT the time to tease me” Tears formed in your eyes and your cheeks felt as if they were on fire, your struggling coming to an end once you realized he wasn’t budging. You gazed at his face, biting your tongue in anticipation for his next move.
He moved even closer if that was possible, looking at you straight in the eyes as your breath caught in your throat.
“What do you mean ‘you think’ you’re in love with me?”
Being caught off guard by the unexpected question, you just dumbly hummed a quiet ‘huh?’
“You said it earlier loud and clear, ‘I think I’m in love with you’, are you not sure Y/N?” The moment he used your real name instead of doll or dollface, you knew he was completely serious, no hint of sarcasm or malice laced in his voice as he kept on starring at your wide eyes.
His eyes encouraged you, silently begging for an answer as you moved your gaze away from him - a distraught look on your face.
“I...don’t know...” He slowly backed off, ready to get off you at your short response. “I get it...” But you continued before he could uncuff you and leave.
“I don’t know what it’s like to love someone! I- I have never had parental love, no friends and I certainly don’t know what it’s like to have romantic feelings since no one ever knew me and fully accepted me for me!” You quickly responded with your eyes closed, fearing his expression.
“Every time someone tried to talk to me I immediately thought ���What if they find out I’m a villain, what if they don’t listen to my reasoning and stab me in the back the moment I turn around?’ I’m afraid of people abandoning me as soon as it gets dangerous! I can’t go threw that, not again!“ You quietly sob as one of your eyes opened, unable to see Dabi clearly threw the tears.
“But not you, you protected me and cared for me. I don’t want you to leave, I don’t want you to hate me. I love it when you break into my apartment, I love it when you eat with me, I love it when you train with me, I love it when you accidentally fall asleep on me, I love your perverted comments and even your complaints,
I love YOU Dabi!”
You finished, finally looking at him straight in the eyes to make your point clear.
“That’s stupid” was his only response as he leaned backwards, sitting upright with a look you couldn’t describe. Baffled, you were unable to respond, feeling empty. You wish you could cry but you stared at him unblinkingly, asking why he thought it was ‘stupid’.
“You say I know everything important in your life, your past, your present. And you’re right. I care for you deeply, more than I’d like to admit, I want for you to succeed, I want you to be happy because of all I know about you. But that doesn’t go both ways.” You could only stare at him as he continued his monologue.
“ I have a lot more baggage than you’re ready for, doll. You claim to love me when you know nothing about me, not even my name.”
“So let me get to know you.” Was your simple answer. “You’re right, I don’t know your past but I do know you now. You’re a firm believer in Stains ideology, you prefer spicy over sweet and you snore when you sleep.” You giggle at the end, remembering the first time you were there when he slept.
“I know there’s a lot I don’t know about you, but I’m willing to put in the effort to try. I want to get to know you Dabi and I want to help carry that baggage you so desperately need help with, that is, if you’re willing to give me a chance?”
“I was hoping you’d say something so cheesy.”  Without missing a beat, his lips smashed ageings yours with fervor and a clear goal in mind to show you just how much he cares.
The different texture creating an almost intoxicating feeling, but of course, a simple peck was no good in his book. He tugged at your bottom lip as you complied almost instantly. His tongue invaded your mouth, creating incredible friction with his tongue piercing you didn’t know he had.
The longer the kiss lasted the faster his hands started roaming your body, every dip and every curve being explored with his abnormally warm hands. You wanted nothing more than to return the favor but unfortunately your hands were tied to the bed and no matter how much you struggled you couldn’t get free.
“D-Dabi...” You said in between impossibly short breaks he took for air. “Uncuff me, hah, I want- I want to touch you too.” You pleaded with a fog in your eyes, not being able to focus on anything other than the man in front of you - who situated himself between your legs during your little request.
“Not a chance doll, do you know what you did to me every time you teased me, even as a joke? Well now it’s payback time.” He finished whilst simultaneously sliding your shirt up to your hands, revealing your chest clad in nothing but a deep purple bra.
He went straight for your neck with a goal to leave the biggest and darkest mark humanly possible. He bit down, sucked and licked every surface your neck had to offer, leaving a few dark bruises in his wake. He bit down particularly hard on a spot just bellow your collarbone, breaking your silence as you let out a barely audible gasp and mewl.
He thrived on the thought that you didn’t mind some pain with your pleasure, smirking sadistically as you tried to ignore the hard-on that was pressing against your thigh. But the more you wiggled and squirmed the more prominent the bulge got, pressing higher and higher.
His hands move stealthily, agonizingly slowly against your chest and over to the back where he proceeded to remove it by burning the straps off. His knuckles barely brush against your now bare nipples as he eased his way down, truly a tease. He took a moment to look at your eyes, piercing blue staring at crystal (eye color). His eyes displayed nothing but dominance and a need for pure, white hot pleasure, you’d shiver if it wasn’t for the overbearing heat coming from his body and actions.
He smiles lazily, his hands withdrawing completely and to your sides where he leans a bit over you to look at you straight in the eyes.
“Tell me princess, what do you want next?” He husks right into your ear as you put no thought in your answer. “Anything, I don’t care what you do just as long as you make me come.”
“That’s not very specific doll, use your words and pick one - tongue or fingers” He situated himself back between your legs, taking off your shorts and (not so subtly) stares at your matching lingerie, taking in the dark spot with an ever growing smirk. “How about both?”
“Now that’s an answer I like.” His palms slowly drag up your calves as he places kisses along your thighs, getting closer and closer to the spot you wanted, needed the most. His fingers inch up higher and higher, under your lingerie, kneading the flesh of your ass. His tongue trails along your lower lips, getting only a taste of what’s to come.
You roll your hips to meet the sway of his tongue, feeling his fingers slide between the straps of your underwear, dragging it down in one quick movement. “Dabi...” You try to distract him from his starring as he lowers his head, immediately lapping up the slick that accumulated during his previous ministrations. You moan his name again, albeit louder than you previously thought you could.
He pokes his tongue against your entrance, slowly entering you with the mission to taste as much as his tongue would allow him. You’re moans increasing in volume once his tongue left your entrance and decided to tease your swollen bundle of nerves just above it.
What you weren’t prepared for was a singe digit making it’s way to your entrance, going in knuckle deep on the first go. “Fuck” You half moaned, half whined. You weren’t used to such an intrusion, his fingers being much larger and much longer than your own. You couldn’t deny the pleasure that started accumulating the more he moved his finger at an unforgiving pace and lapped up your clit as if it was the last time he could.
As time passed he added more fingers until he finally got to 3. By that time, the coil slowly building up was ready to burst and make for an unimaginable orgasm. You were moaning his name as if it was the only word you knew which, for the moment, wasn’t incorrect.
The moment he felt your walls constricting he quickly got up, leaving you empty and needy. He was even cruel enough to hold your legs apart so you wouldn’t even be able to rub your thighs together, he only watched as your walls tightened around nothing.
“Dabi, you jackass!” was your only reply, along with whines of protest as he got up and undressed himself completely - making a little show of his last piece of garment. Your whines and complaints instantly getting caught in your throat as you looked at the picture-perfect image in front of you. His scars perfectly contrasting his healthy skin. Your eyes wondering lower and lower until you got to the godly sight of his fully erect and weeping with precum cock. Drool practically pooling at the back of your throat as you looked at the image before you. His cock wasn’t really anything special when it came to length, but the part that got you wide eyed was the sheer girth of it and the Jacob’s ladder running from the base to the tip accompanied with a prince albert piercing at the very tip of his manhood.
“Aren’t you glad you waited Y/N? Would you have rather came around my fingers or around my cock?” He teased, fully aware of your sole concentration on his girth. “Say, I’m getting a little dizzy doll, how ‘bout you take the lead?” You  fervently nodded your head, eager to have him fully sheathed inside you, not carrying about the position as long as you could get off. “Good girl” was his only response as he took the handcuffs off you.
Without missing a beat you grabbed him by the shoulders, flipping your positions and setting his back against the headboard so you could comfortably straddle his lap. He tried to tease you about your neediness but ultimately failed as you ground your hips against him, making you both sigh in a short lived relief. It felt like an explosion behind your eyes, getting all the confidence you needed just from his faint growls.
His chest is pressed against yours, nipples rubbing on rough skin creating friction almost too much to bare. Fuck, you really needed more.Your heart pounds against your ribcage, creating an almost painful sensation as you start another lewd kiss, teeth clashing and tongues meeting in the middle.
His hand lands on your hip, the other teasing your folds apart as you get ready for the main event. The tip presses against your entrance, piercing creating an indescribable feeling as you slowly descent. You can feel yourself heavily breathing, pussy throbbing at the stretch of his girth.
Obviously he had a hard time keeping still as he almost breaks the skin of his lips. ‘No more waiting’ was your single though as you began a faster pace, bouncing on his cock, feeling stretched beyond belief. At the first sign of your pleasure, he began slamming upwards, matching the descent of your hips. You were sure the vice like grip he had on your hips would leave pretty noticeable marks but that was currently the last of your problems.
The feeling of his piercings rubbing against your velvety walls accompanied by the undeniable pleasure you felt as he hit the deepest spots inside of you was enough to make you moan akin to a pornstar. The look on your face, the sounds you made and the feeling of your iron tight grip had him slamming you faster, harder.
“FucK, Dabi! I-I want to come! So, sO badly” you’re moaning, mumbling words of praise to the man beneath you. He doesn’t react much except for quite, deep groans. But you didn’t mind at all, attaching your lips once more for a short kiss as you continued moaning his name like a broken record.
Your mouth doesn’t stop trembling as you scream out a final ‘Dabi’, collapsing into his chest as he continues chasing his own high. He pulls out, finishing in his hand and a little bit of it ending on your lower back, neither of you minding as he quickly cleans it and lays on his side with you comfortably in his arms, facing away from him.
“I love you Dabi, I truly do.” were your final words as you closed your eyes. What you didn’t expect was for him to continue.
“Touya...call me Touya”
You were confused for a second until you realized ‘Ah, that must be his real name.’ You wished to continue the conversation, but the exhaustion finally hit you all at once so you were only able to mumble a quite ‘Allright, I love you Touya...’
He wasn’t sure if you heard him when he said ‘I love you too Y/N’ but that didn’t matter now. He could say it all he wants from now on.
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teaspoon-full-of-sugar · 5 years ago
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pairing: stanley barber x reader
warnings: drug use (of course), spoilers for season finale, arguments, cursing
word count: 2.2 k
synopsis: in which stanley is in love with his best friend, and y/n has had enough of the distance.
Stanley Barber remembers vividly the first time he ever got high.
He was barely 13 when he found his father's stash in the old china chest in the corner of the dining room, and it took him a couple months to gather the courage to actually use it. His mother was gone, claiming to be at the neighbor lady's house for a "wine night"; he later found out that she went there to sleep with the neighbor lady's husband. He couldn't blame her for the affair, though.
Looking back on that night, he sounds a little pitiful. He was by himself, coughing and choking on the burning smoke. He laughed and talked to himself until he passed out, content and calm. It wasn't an overwhelming high, or an exhausting high, or even a powerful high, but he would never forget that night.
The next morning, he woke up with a foggy mind, burning eyes, and a wide smile. He strutted proudly out of his house that morning, his satchel dragging behind him, and quickly caught up to his neighbor, Y/N, who had her baggy hoodie bundled in her arms, wrapped tightly around her middle as she sluggishly walked down the wet sidewalk. He remembers the sour look on her face, her eyes downcast and heavy as she grumbled about how early it was. She gave him an incredulous look when he told her about his escapades the night before; she didn't believe him. A part of him was offended when she started laughing, brows cocked with judgment in her eyes.
"I swear," he said. "I'll prove it to you."
She just rolled her eyes, nudged him with her elbow, and scoffed.
"Sure, Stan."
Later that night, he took her to the basement, offered her a joint, and the rest is history.
That was also the night that Stanley Barber finally admitted to himself that he liked Y/N.
He knew that night they first got high together. He knew when he saw that blissful smile on her lips, when her nose scrunched up when she laughed, and when she fell asleep on his arm, features happy and carefree and relaxed. He knew when they woke the next morning, her eyes swollen with sleep, that he would do anything to see her that happy again.
Now that he's (almost) a man and in high school, he can assuredly say that he loves her.
But Stanley Barber, to put it lightly, is weak, riddled with anxiety and self-doubt, so he's never had the courage to tell her how he feels. Every weekend for the past three years, he has wanted to confess his undying love for her, like in the movies. He's thought about it so many different ways; maybe one night he would hold a boombox outside her house, or he would just gather the courage to kiss her. He dreamed of her, holding his hands one night after getting high, and while he was rambling about the meaning of life, she would cut him off by kissing him, her lips tasting like weed and Oreo's and something that is just uniquely her.
But that never happens.
In his junior year of high school, he is confident for once in his life, and he asks Syd out. He never really considered why he wasn't nervous when he asked Syd out. Perhaps, it was because he was certain she wouldn't say no, or, and this is the more likely scenario of the two, he didn't really care if she shot him down. He didn't care if Sydney refused his advances because she wasn't really the one who he had feelings for; she wasn't the one who occupied his every thought. Sydney wasn't the one who held his heart. God, that sounds stupidly sappy. He hates himself for even thinking that.
But he could learn. He could learn to love her as much as he loves his best friend.
Or at least that's what he tells himself.
Nevertheless, he started seeing more and more of Sydney Novak and less of Y/N. He tried not to notice, but he did. (Of course, he did). Y/N would claim to have to stay in class for lunch to finish a project, and then, she started walking home after school instead of riding home with him. Soon, she stopped showing up to their weekend hangouts, which were once filled with smoke, laughter and blissful stories.
It was a good thing, he told himself over and over. It was a good thing. He needed to get out of that relationship. It was starting to take a toll on his mental health. He eventually started to push Sydney into the void that Y/N once had.
When Sydney told him about her mind powers or whatever, it was just another thing to distract him.
That's all everything was anymore: a distraction from his feelings.
Then, it all went to shit. All those distractions and excuses he made came crumbling down.
It's the night of Homecoming. Sydney left him for Dina as soon as they got there, but he didn't expect any different. Y/N isn't there; no one asked her, and he hadn't bothered seeing if she would want to go with him and Sydney, since she hadn't bothered talking to him for the past weeks, even though it was basically his fault. He doesn't dwell on that thought. Then, Bradley pushed Sydney too far, and well... he lost his head. The drive home is a blur of sirens, flashing lights, and blood. He couldn't find Sydney.
He comes home that night to see Y/N lying on his bed, feet propped up on his pillow with too-big socks slipping off her heels. She doesn't move when he kicks his shoes off, unbuttons his shirt; she doesn't look at him, not even when he slips under the covers beside her.
"How was your night?" He asks, but she doesn't answer, the sound of her shallow breaths being the only sound in the room, besides the buzzing from the old lights by the bar. He sighs. "My night was great. Thanks for asking."
He wants to burst, anger and insecurity making it hard for him to breath. He wants so badly to tell her everything: what's been going on with Sydney, with Bradley; he wants to scream until his lungs give out because he just feels like no one can hear him, or even notice him for that matter. He wants her to know how much he wishes she was with him tonight, how she makes things easier for him. He just wishes she could understand, but she won't, and she never will. Why? Because he is a scared little boy, and that's all he'll ever be.
"Don't be a dick, Stan," she mutters, words slurring together slightly.
"How high are you?"
"Too high," she answers, trying to keep her composure. That's when he notices her legs twitching, her barely open eyes, a half eaten Cosmic Brownie and a crumpled water bottle on the ground.
"Do you need to throw up?" He asks tiredly, knowing how she can get when she's had too much, and, judging by her sluggish movements, she's nearly there.
"No." She says.
They sit in silence, and for the first time in the history of their friendship, it's awkward.
"I'm mad at you," she says suddenly. "I am very angry with you." Her voice breaks toward the end. He can't see it, but a tear slips down Y/N's cheek, wetting her hair.
He never noticed how much of an effect it had on her when he left. Stan was her only friend, and the fact that he left her alone for some other girl made her understand how fragile she feels without Stan beside her. She hates how dependent she is on him, so she did what any other person would do: pushed herself away. She always thought that it was always going to be just her and Stan, but she was sorely mistaken. It was petty, really. It started off with little things, like being snippy whenever he brought Syd up; then it escalated, and it eventually got to the point where she would leave whenever Sydney was going to come over.
When Stan told her that he and Sydney slept together, it was over.
Y/N hated how many tears she cried for him. She hated the fact that she was never good enough for him. She hated having those stupid memories with him, and she hated the fact that she still loved him. Despite the fact that he seemed to care so little about their friendship, despite the pain he put her through, she couldn't get him out of her head; she couldn't sleep without dreaming of him, and her days were plagued with thoughts of him.
And it broke her to see him so happy with someone else.
So, she cut herself out of his life completely because surely, she would be fine on her own, right?
Once again, she was mistaken.
Despite how hurt and resentful she was, she could not stay away.
"Why? Is that why you've been avoiding me? I haven't seen you in weeks, and now, you come around when you need a hit. And you break into my room and use my stash. What the hell, Y/N? You're angry with me? I should be angry with you," he spits, sitting up quickly.
She shakes her head, breathing out through her nose. She turns onto her side, facing away from him. He feels his face heat up, anger and frustration seeping through every pore, but behind all that—the hurt and the resentment—he feels empty and broken.
"Fucking look at me, Y/N," he grits out, his emotions getting the better of him. Stanley has always been a picker; he pushes and pushes until he gets a reaction out of the person. He did the same with Sydney at the bowling alley (and he nearly got his head taken off) and he does the same with his father. Maybe it's to get a reaction or attention.
"Why are you angry with me? Huh?" He asks again, poking her and pulling at her arm to make her look at him.
"What is wrong with me?" She sits up suddenly, making them nose-to-nose. Stan visibly recoils, brows furrowing and lips twitching. She looks tired, her shoulders sagging.
"What is so wrong with me, huh?" Her bottom lip trembles, and tears swell in her red, hooded eyes. "I have been with you through everything, with your dad, your mom—" She looks down at her trembling hands, snot dripping from her nose. She wipes it away with the sleeve of her sweater, sighing weakly. "Then, suddenly, that's not enough, and you ditch me for Sydney fucking Novak, and you—you..." The words die on her tongue, and she looks so sad, her lips puckered to keep from crying any more. "You kiss her and hug her and—" She swallows, pain etching her features. She curls into herself, hugging a knee to her chest. "What is so wrong with me?"
Stan is in absolute awe. He wants to pull her into his arms and sink into the comforter, kissing her, but he can barely move, his heart racing in his chest. He stutters, looking for the right words. This is it; this is the moment he has been waiting for. The past three years he has dreamed of her baring her heart to him, professing her undeniable love for him, but he can't even speak. He is, for once in his life, completely at a loss for words. Whether from frustration or elation, he doesn't know, but he can feel tears forming in his eyes, nose burning and skin clammy. He lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding on to, his heart racing.
He shakily puts his hands to the crook of her neck, holding onto her warm skin like a lifeline. He looks down at her lips; they're tucked into her mouth, teeth biting at them nervously. His thumb traces the bottom lip, easing it out from her teeth. She looks at him with anxious eyes, wide and pleading for him to make a move.
And he does.
He kisses her.
It's not what he expects, really. There isn't any fireworks or chills, and it doesn't leave him gasping for breath. No, in fact, it feels like he's breathing for the first time; it fills him with warmth and security and such relief. And as she holds onto him, her arms wrapped tightly around his middle, he has never felt more at home. He has never felt so content and peaceful.
"Absolutely nothing," he says after they pull apart, resting his forehead against hers. It feels like there has been a weight lifted off his shoulders. He runs his thumb over her cheek, wiping away tear marks from her skin. She sniffles, leaning into his touch. He kisses her nose, a wide smile creeping over his features.
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with you."
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lyn-rambles · 4 years ago
Did you know? || Yaku Morisuke x Reader ||
Hello again my fellows
Ok so this one shot is part of the Haikyuu Headquarters server collab  we all very happy to show our works, so please check out other works and give all the writers and artists a look uwu. If you want to see more of this type of content please use this.
I hope this time it gets posted because tumblr has been eating this thing ;-;
Pairing: Yaku x reader
Prompt: You woke me up at 3am for this?
Altern Universe: N/A
                                                                 PoV: Second person 
Warnings: None
Word count: 2.5 K
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Yaku had a rough day, practice with the Japan National Team had exhausted him, he could barely walk to his shower to get off all the sweat from his body. He had been staying at the Japan's volleyball Association’s Dorms while he got arrangements done to stay in a more comfortable place. The cool water felt great against his sore body, they practically cleaned the gym floor that day doing drills and receives most of it. He was amazed to see that Hinata had gotten better at them and also was glad to see some old friends and known faces, he was also happy to see Kuroo again but he wasn’t going to tell him that out loud… He had a reputation to keep.
He closed the water and stepped out fresh, and feeling better, maybe not less tired but a bit more comfortable with his body. Yaku slipped on his pajamas and looked at his phone. The little LED had twinkled the whole afternoon, the color red immediately made him think that he must be out of battery and as he unlocked it he found your message. A smile grew in his lips. After his graduation you both had tried to keep contact. At the time you were still a second year but you got to be acquainted quickly. You had lived near each other, yet, you didn’t attend the same middle school it wasn’t like you an Yaku had talked too much, until you became a first year at Nekoma.
“I don’t know if you’ll see this before training but I wanted to show you this” and then showed a photo of the new samples you had prepared for your bio class. You worked as a teacher on a Junior High School, and had talked him about your plans on using plant samples to teach about the common tissues on them. He smiled at how proudly you had shown him the images from the microscope. He replied to you congratulating on the quality of them. He remembered how fascinating you found the world around and how happy you were on telling others about it. You had always rambled facts about animals, space, plants, the solar systems, name it you probably had a fun fact about it. It was that hunger for knowledge and the love of spreading it was what drawn him to you on first place. You were part of the science club. Professor Murakama, the bio teacher was in charge of your club, and Morisuke hadn’t talked with him outside from classes but Kuroo had insisted on him to help him getting some works they had delivered and he wanted a revision even though he almost got a perfect mark.
“Hello there!” he greeted them. He had lifted his safety glasses. And the small circle of students that surrounded him turned to them. Morisuke didn’t know most of the people there, since most of them were first years, but he waved at you. You returned it. Of course you knew Yaku, he had lived next to your house since forever but you had never actually been close. Kuroo got to the professor and he just stood awkwardly on the door frame as everyone returned to the working tables.
The professor muttered something to himself. As he checked on Kuroo’s worksheet. “Yaku, why don’t you join our experimentation while I go to the teacher’s lounge with Kuroo?” he asked him. “You can use my lab coat and safety glasses while you are at it.”
Morisuke put on the equipment as he reminded everyone to be mindful of the lab rules pasted on a cardboard on the wall behind Yaku. The students divided on partners and you sat on a work table alone.
“What is it (Y/LN)? Why aren’t you working with anybody?” Yaku asked as he sat down next to you.
“We are an odd number of students, so today is my turn to work alone.” He turned to see one of her classmates mouthing to her that he was sorry. “You are free if you only want to watch, since you don’t have rubber gloves.”
That day seemed so long ago, he had watched as she prepared the acidic solution in a beaker and added drops of phenolphthalein before adding a strong base and watched in awe how the liquid started to get a hot pink color.
“Wha- Whe- How?!” he had asked you.
Since then, it was history. He had sometimes went at lunch time to see how were you doing, being a first year was tough. And you sometimes met him at the cafeteria before getting back to your friends. Then he got your number and that’s when the rambling about random science facts became constant. He always had at least one image and a new fact, such as “Hey! Did you knew that elephants are the only species with 4 knees?” He always had a smile at that and he didn’t notice when he started to look at them with fondness until his teammates pointed it out. And then it happened, one day he just didn’t get the random fact of the day as you two had started to call it, by your second year, even he had started to send you those kind of things or whenever he found out about some new exhibit. His friend urged him to already ask you out as he clearly had signs of endorphin rush whenever they mentioned her or Talk saw her. Up to this day he never knew why he didn’t do it, even more when he got so concerned that you didn’t even saw his text, since you always answered quite fast. He walked outside of the VB team staff room and walked to the entrance alone. And he rose his gaze and you were there under a tree, with your head between your arms. He rushed at your side, without knowing what to do, he put his hand on your shoulder.
You shot your head up only to see his face. He looked as your face was tainted with tears.
“Hey, (Y/N),” his voice wavered. “What happened?”
You only cleaned your eyes with the corner pf ypur jumper. And used a napkin to clean your runny nose. “Nothing… I am fine, Morisuke.” You managed a constrained smile, he stood up and offered his hand.
“Come on, let me walk you home.” You took his hand.
That day you were supposed to tell your feelings to your crush. You had been harboring feelings for him since you met him on your first year and today, you (with Yaku’s help) had worked enough courage to tell him. You had crafted a love letter to cite him on your classroom and tell him there after school. He had also helped you (he almost did it all) to bake some small cookies to gift him.
There you stood with your crush in front of you, you had told him. You had done it, this is the moment where he accepts and-
“I like you, as a friend, your intelligence is quiet intimidating and I can’t see you as more than a friend because of it.”
Morisuke had heard your story, as you started to sob again. You were sitting on the sidewalk in front of your house as he took out a napkin and scooted near to you as you kept crying, his left arm grabbed you by the shoulder and he embraced you. Your violent breaths calmed and he let you go. His uniform now had moisted with what you called “nose tears” (“Morisuke! Did you knew that when you cry some of your tears go down on your nose and that’s why you have a runny nose every time you cry?”) but he could wash it later. Right now the only important thing was you.
“Morisuke, you are my friend, right?” He nodded. “is my-“
“No” he had answered right away.
“But you didn’t even let me finish” you pushed him with a playful manner.
“I knew what you where gonna ask and my answer is no.” He searched on the paper bag and handed you a chocolate filled bread. “I know your favorites are caramel ones, but right now you need something to raise your serotonin levels.” You took it and looked at him, you had sent him that fact when you had suggested to make the cookies. “Besides if he feels intimidated by something as petty as that, he doesn’t deserve a the time of day, he doesn’t deserve you.” He grumbled. You had stared at him wide eyed as his face started to get pink and bid you farewell as he slammed his house door. You smiled as you clenched the bread.
And then his graduation came. You had sneaked from cleaning duty thanks to your best friend (“Go get him, (Y/N)!”) He had also been encouraged by his friends this might be the last time he could tell you about his feelings. His family was throwing a small dinner and they had invited you since you had started to spend more and more time with Morisuke. His mom had made Stir-fried vegetables with other dishes. All his family gathered inside as you two talked on the same sidewalk, you both had been sharing some good old laughs.
You still held your stomach with your arms at Yakkun as he rubbed his leg after slapping it while he laughed. He had the sting of tears of laughing and of pain on leg, but he kept going. Until both of you had calmed and the small faint dread of bursting out laughing again came back.
“Ok, now in all seriousness, (Y/N)” he tried to regain his composure and you snorted at him as he bit his lip to suppress another laugh. “I have something to tell you- please breathe… slowly” His gaze was heavy with feigned disdain as he turned around to not laugh at your violent rapid breathing caused by another burst of laughs. You inhaled deeply trying to calm yourself.
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “Have I told you the reason why I never accepted the two confessions I ever received?”
You gasped. You had been pestering him, one of your best friends into telling you but nothing had worked. “No! But please do tell me! I can’t believe it is finally happening!” you grinned at his question.
He breathed in slowly, as he started the word vomit, he saw your grin slowly disappear. As your eyes slowly went down. His heart his head started spinning. His face was becoming red, he wanted to turn back and get inside his home like that afternoon all those months ago. His whole being felt as if he had his guts stolen.
“And I didn’t worked up the courage up until now to tell you.” He sighed, for the first time, defeated. “I like you more than a friend, I-”
His eyes went wide when you hugged him by the neck and kept pressing pecks to his cheek. Then that hollowness became a party of elephants dancing on his gut. He finally turned to you, on your face shined the biggest smile you could manage.
“Yakkun, I was supposed to confess to you today, you stole my idea.” If he could have turned an even deeper shade of red he would have, he worked his hands up to your face and kissed your temple and smiled through his embarrassment.
Months passed by fast, as he had made the arrangements to move to Russia and play on the Super League. Lev had been helping him to make the contacts. You were currently on your third year, and whenever you could go home early you helped him studying Russian, you helped him craft flash cards and as you said the word in Japanese he answered always making a different grin. Much tp your laugh. You also helped him on his writing… you both sadly sucked at it. You tried to have non-study-dates-because-you-also-need-to-stop-worrying-about-me-and-school. Yakkun also helped whenever you found problem in a class… which wasn’t really often, but he was glad whenever you asked him for advice. Days after you got your college acceptance letter from college, he left Japan.
Yakkun had fallen asleep remembering the times you had stayed awake studying as he made you company over a video call or he had stayed awake after a particularly rough training just to have a “meal” with you.
His phone buzzed, once, twice, and the third time he picked it up. A pool of drool had formed under his face. He squinted his eyes at bright screen.
“(Y/N)?” he asked with a groan.
“Salutations, Mori!” over the speaker he heard the car engine.
“What is it?” He yawned as he stretched his arms and some of his joints cracked.
“I-” you hesitated before answering. “I found something really cool, I was wondering if you could join me.”
He rubbed his eyes, before turning to see his phone screen.
3:00 AM
He sighed with defeat. “Sure, just let me put a shirt on.”
You drived off, he took the copilot seat and dozed off yet again. You felt guilty of waking him in the middle of the night, but you had been waiting for this the whole week. Earlier you had called Kuroo just make sure the team had a free day before resuming their training. You side eyed him as how he curled on the seat breathing softly. The light of the city were getting behind as you approached your destination. The small lights of the highway and your car illuminated the way.
“Mori, we are here.” You gently shaked him. You were parked on a resting spot. In front it had a small hill covered with grass. The moon cleared the way. Mori had just woken up again and was getting out as you unloaded the trunk. You got some small snacks in a bag and a blanket.
“You woke me up at 3 AM… For this?” he was ired. And his expression showed clear dissatisfaction. “Listen, (Y/N) I know it is- Are you even listening?”
You had turned your face up and a teeth smile crept on your face. You lowered your face and moved your hand up so he could see. A meteor shower painted the sky as he looked up in awe and the it hit him, you had been mentioning this the whole week.
“You forgot, didn’t you?” He looked at you his face had softened as he approached you.
“I’m sorry (Y/N).” he murmured grabbing taking the bag. You turned your head side to side.
“You’ve been working to the bone lately.” You took a step nearer and cupped his face with your free hand. Your eyes locked with his soft gaze as he smiled fondly. His forehead rested on yours and then he pushed his lips to yours, your skin started to get goose bumps as you exhaled , you had been yearning for this.
“Did you know it was worth to get up at this time?”
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apples-r-rubbish · 4 years ago
Institute (13th Doctor x reader) Part 8 (FINAL)
Summary: Gallifrey. The end. Word count: 2.5k AN: Final part, thank so much for all the love and support on everything. I never expected this or anything remotely close to this. Thank you! feel free to stick around to see what I have coming next- got a few 11 things planned. Hope you enjoy -Leo x Warnings: Violence, death Tags: @penguinwithitsarseonfire​ @startrekkingaroundasgard​
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Gallifrey was warm. The air hung around you, hot and heavy. Everything was burning. 
“You’re late,” The master growled “I looked into it you should’ve been here 3 hours ago,”
“The last time I checked I was still alive, nice try,” You smirked. He handcuffed you.
“Just so you don’t get any ideas, and because you dropped yourself off here, we’ve got a long walk. I can’t believe you screwed up your own execution” He pulled the vortex manipulator off your wrist and proceeded to stomp on it, severing your final lifeline. He grabbed you by the face, his rough fingers digging into your skin “I can’t wait to watch her face, as the light leaves your eyes,” He mumbled, dropping his hand suddenly, before yanking your arm, guiding you forward. The panic had then hit you. You were going to die and the Doctor was going to watch, you tried to pull against him, tried to run. Cursing and screaming. The Master’s grip only got tighter, you were crying in pain, trying desperately to pull away. Nothing was working. 
“Look, you can make this easier for you, or harder,” He said, pulling out the Tissue Compression device. So you walked. It could have been hours or moments, time seemed to bend around you. There was a weird glowing patch ahead of you, “We’re going through there when we see her. I need to prove to her I’m serious and that you’re bait,”
“Why did you destroy it?” You asked, monotone, you were not allowing him to win.
“Nothing to with you, humans, want to stick their noses into everyone’s business,”
“I’m about to die, it’s not like I have anyone to tell,” You argued
“Do you expect sympathy? None of them were shown any, and they actually belonged here. More than you can say considering you’re a walking corpse,” He hissed “and shut up will you.” 
 Something moved behind the portal, and speaking could faintly be heard. Without warning you were pulled to your feet, and pushed into it. The ground on the other side of the portal was rock and you discovered that, by falling nearly face first into it. The Master followed behind you closely, pulling you back up aggressively by the shoulder. 
“Now that was a good entrance, right? Right?” He nudged you as he spoke, trying desperately to gain a reaction from you“You should be afraid, everything is about to change,” He growled “Take my hand,” 
“Never, give me back (Y/N),” She hissed
“Not happening. I could just kill her on the spot and drag you through the boundary kicking and screaming after killing all your other little humans too. She’s going to die anyway, why can’t it be here?” He threatened, his tone of voice surprisingly calm
“Ok, fine, I’ll come with you but you hurt anyone of them and I won’t hesitate. I’ll be back soon, don’t worry,” 
“She won’t. Good luck, c’mon (Y/N),” He yanked your arm forward as the three of you crossed the boundary “Look upon my work Doctor, and despair,”
“Why did you do this? Why are you dragging (Y/N) into this? She doesn’t deserve it,” The Doctor questioned
“Not telling you,” He laughed “Well, I’ll tell you a little. Her death is a fixed point, and you’ve kept putting it off. I want to further the plans so to speak, keep everything ticking over. Also because I want to watch you suffer, for everything you’ve ever done,” 
“If you so much as hurt her I’ll-” 
The master cut her off “You’ll what? Kill me? Please. You couldn’t even hurt me when I tried to kill you on that plane. I’m your worst friend, your best enemy, she’s a human. She’ll die anyway.”
You just watched as they argued, you couldn’t run because you’d die faster, he’d just kill you from behind, you couldn’t stay because the master would kill you eventually so you just froze.You dared not cut into the conversation,you felt like child watching two adults fight and you were powerless to stop it.  You went dizzy, the weight of the situation heavy again, The doctor went to steady you, “No! You’re not going anywhere near her. Citadel. now,” 
The room was large, with various platforms around the room, You were dragged onto a smaller one, and the Doctor stepped onto a larger one, light beams curving around her. She hissed in pain, you went to run to her, you shin was met with a weighty kick. You fell to the ground, huffing. 
“Aw, what a sweet moment that would have been. But I think it’s time we begin now,” He growled, you grabbed your neck aggressively pulling you to your feet “any final words?” 
“I forgive you, you will blame yourself for this but I forgive you. Always and completely. I was bound to get caught up in this, the institute was never safe. I love you, don’t let this break you.” You spoke, directed all towards the Doctor.
“I do hate to break up a couple, but I have plans I’m afraid,” The Master smirked. You blinked. Reality slowed. There was pain. A sharp pain. An involuntary gasp. Pain. And so much blood. Pain. You fell to your knees first, then backwards. Pain. You couldn’t hear the screams of the Doctor or the laughs of the Master, only the fading heartbeat in your chest and shallow breaths.You could vaguely see her crying. Your vision blurred as you mumbled one final silent wish to the universe, ‘Keep her safe’.
You were gone. Another death on that distant planet.
Grey enveloped the Doctor. Ruth appeared in front of her.
“Oh great more traps and tricks. The matrix is deciding to mess with me again?” She huffed.
“You summoned me here, this isn’t the matrix,” Ruth replied “I understand it as much as you do.” Her voice was clear and not unkind when she spoke. “Where do you fit into this? Who are you? Are you my past? Or are you my future?”
“I don’t have the answers. Would it help you if I did? That doesn’t change who we are,” Ruth responded
“I mean yes it would-” She blinked. You now stood in front of her replacing Ruth,
“When have you ever been limited by who you were? When have you ever let it stop you?” She looked as if she’d been slapped, she simply wanted to memorise every detail of your face, before it faded and she had to come to terms with everything. 
“I can’t talk. I'm tired. I want to sleep, the field is taking the energy out of me,” She said drifting slightly. 
“Now’s not the time to be tired, old man. You know that. People have died, the city is burning, and you’ve left your friends,”
“I don’t know how to stop him,” She began, she wanted to walk towards you but she couldn’t the field holding her in place, “I've already lost you, who cares about the city? Who cares about anything else?”
“You can and will. Be who you always are, old man. Blow their minds. Be the Doctor,” You whispered “Think of me, from time to time though.” She remembered everything, meeting you, the institute, the cybermen, the trips to far flung planets, your smile, your friendships, your kindness. You.
“I love you, old man,” You pressed a final gentle kiss to her forehead. The field broke sending light everywhere. 
The Doctor was awoken to her friends standing over her and asking if she was alright.  
“Where is she? Where’s (Y/N)?” She asked her throat sore
“Doc, there’s no one else here? We figured the Master had taken her with him, if he hadn’t you know-” Graham responded panic creeping into his voice. She pulled herself to her feet quickly, the world merging into a mess of shapes. Your body had vanished. Time for a plan. 
“Live great lives,” The Doctor said as she backed out of the TARDIS and ran down a corridor. There the master stood cyber timelords circled around him. “I definitely said no plus ones. Where is she?” 
“What do you mean? I left her to rot. I thought it would nice to have a new world start with the blood of a human. A species you're so fond of, especially that one,” The master laughed “The cyberium lives in me now. I’ve won, broken you down”
“You think you've broken me? You'll have to try harder than that. You've given me a gift. Of myself. You think that could destroy me? You think that makes me lesser? It makes me more.” She hissed pulling out the detonator “I contain multitudes more than I ever thought or knew. You want me to be scared of it because you're scared of everything. But I am so much more than you. You took her from me and that’s where you’re wrong, I have nothing left to lose!” As she shouted, the master kneeled, pressing his head against the detonator “Do it, I want the universe to suffer because of you.”
The older man burst through the door, rambling about how he needed to do it and how she needed to go. She tried to argue and failed. The Doctor ran, stole a tardis and made it to safety. As she always did. 
It had been a handful of years since your death. The doctor had dipped in and out of time stream, taking you on dates to relive your time together. She dared to not visit Ryan, Yaz and Graham, they’d ask and she wouldn’t have answers. She sat in the cold tardis, fiddling with the controls as she tended to do now. No one to ramble to other than her ship. Electricity fizzed once again in the air, you materialised near the entrance of the ship. The TARDIS seemed colder than usual, emptier.
“What? Are you doing here?” She asked clearly shocked to see you
 “It dropped me off here- wait, damn, the ring,” You tapped the co-ordinates back into the vortex manipulator before disappearing and reappearing again in front of her.  
“So I’m being haunted now, I just dropped you off home after Cinter - purple planet sky, massive moon,” She explained
“I knew that was the wrong order,” You laughed “Not haunted. Hasn’t happened yet, for me, still on my deathbed, running late, I think, the coordinates keep switching,” 
“You’ll be fine. I’d prefer it if you were late, or even better, didn’t show up to it,”
“Where do I end up and who does it?” 
“It’s on Gallifrey, I presume you can figure the coordinates out. I tried to stop him, I tried,”
“Shhh it’s ok” You held her in your arms pressing a kiss to her forehead, tears welling in both of your eyes
“I saw bits of it twice,” She explained, she was crying now, at the long past memories for her.
“You know it’s a fixed point, I don’t know why you had to go to it twice, that’s weird even for you,” You laughed trying to calm her down
“The TARDIS dropped me off there. Not my idea of fun. Fixed point your death, and she’s drawn to it for some reason, maybe to keep me out of trouble,”
“She was always fond of me, even then,” You laughed, fingers spread on the console, “you know what they say about grief, you need to see things from a different perspective,”
“What do you mean?”
“I think I’ve worked it out- A message from her. This is why she prefers me,” You took her hand “My death is a fixed point, see it from a new perspective,” 
She froze, as you tapped at the time travel device “I love you, old man, and I’m sorry.” You whispered, unable to speak in a volume higher than that, you finally let go of her hand. 
“I love you-” She began. She didn’t finish the sentence before you had vanished from in front of her. The Doctor considered your words for a moment. For the first time in a long time she smiled. “So a new perspective, death, she just has to die,” She swung around to the otherside of the TARDIS pressing more buttons and flicking switches. 
Her tardis was in the citadel, one of the rooms that had been abandoned by the master, stuck in the state of murder. The Doctor’s breath caught in her throat; she did not want to be here. It came flooding back to her amongst the maze of corridors the unknowing the gut feeling of unknowing. She was running up the stairs, running to you. The only certainty left. Rounding the corner she saw you; what was left of you. She saw herself, her face distorting in pain within the truth field, unaware of the events outside it. As gently as she could, she picked up your body, she heard footsteps, the fam. She left the room as quickly as she could. 
The TARDIS welcomed her, encouraging noises coming from the console. She set off before anything else, she couldn’t have the risk of the others seeing her. You lay on the floor, pale, lips parted. If she didn’t know better she would have assumed you were sleeping. A glowing light slipped from her fingers, she gently placed her hand against your cheek, one final loving gesture, “I can’t lose you again. Come back to me, I love you,” She mumbled. There was a second. It felt like a thousand years. The Doctor held her breath the whole time, unable to move, solely focussing on you. Your chest rose slightly. You were breathing
You were kept in the medical bay and you finally woke up after three painfully long days. You wandered into the TARDIS console room, encouraging bleeps and bloops coming from her. 
“What happened? Did we damage the timeline?” Was all you managed to get out before you were tackled to the floor by a strong overwhelming hug. 
“You’re ok, you’re safe, I think I fixed it, you’re ok,” She mumbled into you
“Did I?” You asked the situation blurry
“Yes. I brought you back, I just need to know you’re ok,” 
“I’m fine, not a scratch on me, feeling the best I have felt in a while actually,” You were laughing now unable to contain the happiness you felt when you saw her. You stayed like that for a while, lying on the TARDIS floor a mixture of laughing and crying. 
“Travel with me, please,” She asked, her hand in your hair she asked, still lying next you.
“Of course I will. I’ll quit at the institute. I think it’s about time I took a step back. No more institute, time I lived a life rather than reading one.” You were pulled to your feet, and guided to the console by her, your ringless hand held within hers. She typed in coordinates, and pressed a few buttons “So, you can do the honours,” The Doctor pointed you towards the main switch. You grabbed her hand and placed it onto the switch with yours pulling it down, “We’re doing this. First stop - victorian England. Finally synced Together.”
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itsreigns · 5 years ago
Blurred Lines - Part 6
Henry Cavill x Reader
Henry especifically told (Y/N) that he didn’t do relationships. But lines get blurred. And crossed. 
Warnings: Slight AU. Angst. Fluff.
Words: 1,651
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |
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Cavill Squad:
@heelsamizayn​ | @tryingtofindaplaceinthisworld​ | @shadow-of-wonder​ | @moxleysbaby​ | @bull-moose-penguin​ | @xxsirensong​ | @tinychemicals​ | @agniavateira​ | @aaescritora​ | @aphrodites-punch​ | @elinalfrida​ | @thiccgeralt​ | @magdelen69​ | @littlefreya​ | @isharemydeathdaywithfeanor​ | @the-freak-cassie-131​ | @softchocomilk​ | @the-other-ramsey​ | @omgkatinka​ | @meinetassetee​ | @winchwm​ |
We stop at Henry’s house first, so he can pick up some clothes. He parks his motorcycle in the garage, before heading inside. I waited for him outside, in my car. A couple of minutes later, he shows up carrying his sports bag.
The ride to my home is quiet and comfortable. He’s leaning back into his seat staring through the window, his index finger and his thumb pinching his lower lip as he seems to be lost in thought.
We just arrived at my place. Henry went to take a shower first, so I could start cooking dinner. When he gets back, I’m going to take a quick shower myself, so I can finally change into my comfy pajamas.
He finally shows up in my kitchen, freshly showered and wearing a grey tight t-shirt, that hugged his figure perfectly, and the black Nike shorts he had brought.
“Feeling better?” I ask him, noticing how he had a whole new look on his face. He seems to be feeling better, relieved even.
“Yes. Thanks to you.” He smiles at me, and I could swear he was blushing.
“I’m glad.” I smile shyly. I’m so sure that I look like a teenager in front of her crush. I’m so pitiful. “Look, dinner is in the oven. I’m going to take a quick shower. Turn the oven off in 15 minutes, ok?”
“Sure, don’t worry. Have a nice shower.” He smiles gently. For a second, it seems like he’s about to pull me into a hug, maybe even kiss me. But instead, he stands there, kind of awkwardly, watching me leave the kitchen.
As I get ready for my shower, I finally let myself breathe for a while. I am so scared that I got carried away by the situation, jumping into conclusions prompted by my expectations. Because despite everything being okay between us, he just seemed… distant. Maybe awkward? I don’t even know the right word to describe it, in all honesty. We used to be so comfortable around each other, and now, he doesn’t even touch me or kiss me. He seems reluctant to do so, to even get near me. Maybe he was having seconds thoughts already. Maybe I did something I shouldn’t have.
I shake all those thoughts off as I undress and get inside my shower. As soon as the hot water hits my back, I let out a huge moan. Man, I was so sore. All my back muscles were so tense. This shower is exactly what I was needing.
I take my time, washing my body and my hair slowly, and also, just feeling the water run down my body. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and I can’t even pinpoint a specific reason why.
Once I’m done, I grab my favorite towel, which is so huge and fluffy, so I can dry myself. As I’m doing so, I’m also thinking about what I’m going to wear next. I’ll probably just out on my cozy leggings and an oversized sweatshirt. I curse myself because I know deep down that I’m just distracting myself from the real issue, trying to dismiss the nervousness in the pit of my stomach.
I shrug it off, continuing to spread some moisturizing cream on my body. Then, I follow on to get dressed, putting on the clothes I had mentally decided before. Then I comb my hair slowly, as I stared into my reflection in the mirror. I look better, at least. Kind of… refreshed, maybe? More relaxed, too. I take a deep breath before heading towards the kitchen.
“I was about to go knock on your door.” He smiles, looking slightly relieved once I appear. I notice the carefully set table, as the great food smell fills my nostrils. “Thought something happened to you.”
“I’m sorry I took so long, I-” I start to explain myself, rambling a bit as I tried to find the right words, but Henry cuts me off.
“I was just growing a bit worried, that’s all.” He admits, blushing slightly as his hand comes to find my arm, caressing it softly.
I don’t know why I’m suddenly so nervous around him. Why he is so nervous around me. Maybe knowing we wouldn’t, couldn’t, be more than what we were back then put me at ease with being with him, helped let my walls down and let him in. Maybe when we were just fuck buddies, I didn’t worry about pain or heartbreak. Maybe the fact that we haven’t put a label on it made things easier. Maybe the chance of being something serious got me real scared. I’ve been played, and I’ve been hurt so much in the past… I am scared. Scared shitless of how much this man means to me.
I love him. I love this man with all my heart. And that fucking scares the hell out of me.
“I took a bit longer than I intended.” I say, clearing my throat a bit. “I’m sorry I got you worried.”
“It’s ok. Hope it helped you relax a bit. You looked tired.” He replies, gently, as he turns his attention to the oven. “Meanwhile, I took care of this, I think it’s almost done.”
I inspect the food inside the oven, feeling observed by Henry, but I ignore it. “I think I’m going to take it out. It’s looks cooked.”
He nods in agreement, opening the cabinet looking for an oven glove or some kitchen cloths so we can take the tray out of the oven without burning ourselves. Once he finds it, I reach out to grab them, but he puts his hand high in the air.
“No, (Y/N), I’ll take it out.” He informs, confidently. “Go sit down.”
I do as told and go sit down. I take my time watching him. I so could get used to this. To life with him. I sigh as my mind runs through a couple of cute scenarios.
“Earth to (Y/N).” Henry calls, chuckling slightly as he snaps his fingers in front of my face.
“I’m sorry, I zoned out for a bit.” I let out a small, confused chuckle, trying to shake those thoughts off my mind.
He smiles at me, then serving us the food. The dinner went by smoothly. We talked, we laughed… It was comfortable and cozy. Feels like home.
Henry helped me clean up the kitchen, so we did it quickly. Then, we headed to my living room, sitting down on the couch and watching this corny movie on TV. It’s been 20 minutes since the movie started. We’re sitting away from each other. I’m sitting on the left side, with my knees pulled up to my chest. Henry’s sitting on the right side, hands locked on his lap, legs wide open. Both of us staring intently at the huge screen in front of us, but neither paying real attention to it.
There’s an awkward silence filling the room, tension hanging in the air. I open my mouth a couple of times to break silence, but decide against it every single time. I look at him through the corner of my eye, and he seems absorbed in his own thoughts, so once again, I decide to maintain my silence. Maybe he wasn’t in the mood for talking. Maybe he was regretting everything.
I feel my body starting to tremble slightly, as anxiety sets in my chest with all the overthinking. I really need to take ahold of my own thoughts. Henry must have noticed my slight uneasiness. He moves his strong hand to my knee, rubbing it soothingly.
“Are you okay?” He questions, staring at me. But I avoid looking back at him.
“Yeah, just tired.” I reply blankly, giving him a half ass excuse. I know it, he knows it.
“Why are you so far away from me?” He asks shyly, fear evident in his voice.
My voice is caught in my throat as my mind goes blank. I honestly don’t know what to say. I didn’t know myself why we were so distant. I just know I don’t want to be.
He reaches out to unhook my arms from around my knees, making me look at him in confusion. “Come here, (Y/N).”
“What are you doing, Henry?” I ask, confused.
“Lay down with me. Let me hold you.” He pleads as I watch him lie down on his back, pretty much occupying the whole couch, pulling me on top of him right after.
I rest my head against his chest, sighing deeply once I do so. He, thoughtfully, grabs my fluffy blanket from the back of the couch, putting it above us. Then, he wraps his huge arms around my waist, running his hands up and down my back slowly, and so softly. It’s so intimate. So cozy and comfortable. I’ve never had anything like this before. 
“(Y/N)?” He calls gently, his voice not above a whisper, to make me look up at him. Once I do so, he doesn’t say anything, he just stares at me intently, tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ear. I know I’m blushing, but this time I don’t really care. I’m too lost in his beautiful blue eyes to care. 
Without warning, he presses his lips to mine. Carefully. Slowly. Gently. A sweet, soft peck. Followed by another one and another. Once we pull back, our tired smiles reach our ears. This time I reach out and peck him, before resuming to my initial position, with my head laying on top of his broad chest. I feel him press a long, hard kiss to my hair, running his fingers through it, before enveloping me again in his arms. 
Just like that, we are cuddling on my couch. For the very first time.
Like a couple.
It doesn’t just feel like home. He is home.
Give me feedback??? 
Part 7 ????
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jaskierswolf · 5 years ago
Just thought of a cute prompt!! How about Jaskier/Dandelion visiting Priscilla when she was recovering from the attack to see how she was doing, and there’s lots of romantic fluff!! Please and thank you!! 💕
Also on my Ao3 - I hope there's enough romantic fluff! The prompt sort of led more to the hurt/comfort but I tried to get some cute moments in there too!
Dandelion straightened his hat as he stared up at Vilmerius Hospital. Then he grumbled and adjusted it again so it was tilted on his head. He cursed and adjusted it again, running his fingers through the long white feather. He sighed forlornly before pushing open the door, he’d been putting this visit off long enough.
He hadn’t meant to avoid the hospital after he’d left Priscilla the first night after her attack but seeing her, lying on the bed knowing she couldn’t even talk let alone sing. It had been too much. He knew how precious her voice was to her and he knew a thing or two about having one’s throat slashed open.
For a bard it was like a death sentence.
He slunk up the stairs, trying to keep his footsteps as quiet as possible, just in case he chickened out and ran away. It wouldn’t be the first time. Perhaps Geralt would be waiting for him at the Chameleon.
No. That was a stupid thought. Geralt had only just left to find Ciri. He wouldn’t be back just yet. It would take weeks to travel to Skellige and back, at least.
He fiddled with the bunch of flowers in his hands. It was cliché but flowers were a symbol of romance for a reason, there was a reason he’d chosen Dandelion as his name. It was an apt name for a poet.
He’d chosen peonies for Priscilla, to wish her a speedy recovery. He’d tucked a red rose into the middle of the bouquet and his nerves were taking the brunt of that decision. He was used to flirting and he was good at it. He had volumes of poetry to prove it but this time felt different. Priscilla was different. For the first time in his life he could imagine staying for her, building a life together in Novigrad. He could sing, she could play the lute. They would be unstoppable.
With that thought lingering in his mind he bounded up the last few steps and into her room. She was sitting up in bed, her soft long blonde hair falling down past her shoulders.
He held out the flowers as he bowed to her, his hat almost falling off his head. He stumbled out of the bow and caught his hat, grinning sheepishly at Pricilla. She was laughing silently behind her hands.
“I got these for you.” He announced. “I’ll umm, find a vase or something.”
Priscilla shook her head. “Dandelion.” She croaked.
He abandoned the flowers on top of the dresser and knelt by her side. “Don’t talk, Priscilla.”
She frowned and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Do you have a notebook?” He asked. “Damn it. That would have been better than flowers.”
Priscilla rolled her eyes and put a hand on his arm. His heart thundered in his chest at her touch. “Like the flowers.” She whispered hoarsely. “Rose?” She asked.
He laughed nervously knowing he’d been caught. “Well, I thought seeing as you almost died, there’s no time like the present.”
She smiled fondly and beckoned him closer with a finger. He swallowed and leaned in, wondering where all his famed skills of seduction had gone. She kissed his cheek and he felt like he was going to swoon like one of the ladies from his ballads. Was this what true love felt like?
To the gods he never wanted it to end. Who knew a kiss could mean so much?
He beamed back at the beautiful blonde who had stolen his heart. “Does that mean my affections are requited?” He asked hopefully, taking her hand in his and lacing their fingers together.
She smirked and shrugged.
“Wait what? What does that mean, Priscilla? Don’t you love me?” He pouted.
She squeezed his hand. “Need more than flowers.” She whispered with a twinkle in her eyes.
Dandelion laughed. “Oh of course, my sweet flower, my petal. I will bring you the moon, I will bring you the stars that dance across the night sky. I will slay giants and werewolves to prove myself to you.”
She raised an eyebrow at him.
“Well, I might get Geralt to help with the last two.” He admitted.
She laughed but the actioned caused her to choke and his mouth snapped shut mid-ramble. He took her other hand in his and brought them to his lips. “I’m sorry it took me so long to visit, are you ok?”
She shrugged and looked up at him sadly. He wanted to burn the person that had put that sadness in her eyes. Priscilla had the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen, richer than the deepest ocean, brighter than the sky on a summer’s day. Those eyes were made to shine with radiant joy, not with tears of sorrow.
The bastard would pay for harming his Priscilla.
Well, they would if Geralt hadn’t already dealt with it.
He hoped they died a slow and painful death.
“Until you can sing, I will be your voice, my dove.” He vowed. “Anything you want, anything at all.”
Priscilla tilted her head and ginned mischievously.
“What?” He asked, trying not to regret his vow already.
“Your lute?” She asked.
He froze. His lute? Filavandrel’s lute? Every inch of him was begging him to say no. That lute was his everything. It was the start of his adventures with Geralt. It was the source of his fame and the instrument that had birthed so many ballads.
Could he just give that up?
Then he remembered that Priscilla may never sing again. His lute for her voice.
“For you? Anything.” He repeated. “It’s at the Chameleon. I’ll bring it with me next time.”
Priscilla stared at him with wide eyes.
“You were joking about the lute weren’t you?” He chuckled and she nodded. “Well it’s yours, at least until you can sing again!” He decided.
He stayed by her bedside for hours, filling the silence with tales, mostly true, and poetry, mostly lies. She tried to talk a few times but her voice was too sore. He didn’t mind holding the conversation by himself though and pleaded with her to rest, but he understood why she couldn’t.
Bards and silence were never a good mix.
Eventually, in the middle of a definitely not accurate retelling of one of his early quests with Geralt, he noticed she hadn’t made a peep in a while. He furrowed his brow and look down at her. She’d slumped against her pillows and her eyes had fluttered shut. She had fallen asleep.
He boldly pressed his lips against her forehead and brushed her hair from her eyes.
“Sleep well, my love.” He murmured before fleeing the room.
He visited Priscilla more frequently after that. It was like he couldn’t stay away. Zolton cursed him every time he left. He supposed he had been neglecting his cabaret and tavern recently but Priscilla’s well-being was more important than a former whorehouse! After about a week of conversing with paper and a quill, Priscilla was able to speak without flinching anymore.
“Dandelion, two nights in a row. That’s almost a commitment.” She teased as he swept through her door.
Her voice was still rough and coarse but at least it was there. He knew recovering her sweet dulcet soprano tones would be a long recovery. If it was even possible but he prayed to every god that he knew that one day she would sing again. She would probably never be truly happy until she could.
He bowed with a flourish and winked. “You sound better, Priscilla.”
She smiled sadly with a tilt of her head. “I haven’t spoken all day.”
Dandelion pulled at the lacy cuffs of his chemise that were poking out the end of his silky purple doublet and laughed. “Why, my dear Priscilla, were you saving your voice for me?” He teased as he flopped into the chair next to her bed.
“I couldn’t bear to hear you talk anymore.” She smirked.
He gasped and put his hand to his chest. “Priscilla! You wound me.”
She laughed and put her hand on his. “Your ego is large enough, Dandelion, without me stroking it.”
He grinned his mouth to respond but she put a finger on his lips.
“Don’t say it.” She glared at him but he saw the half smile dancing on her lips.
He captured her hand in his and kissed her palm. “I am a poet, my darling. I would never say something so crass.”
She scoffed. “Pull the other one, Dandelion.”
He winked and she swatted him over the head. His hat dropped into his lap and he pouted. “Hey!”
She giggled and placed his hat back on his head with a fond smile and kissed his cheek. “There we go, no damage done.”
He tilted his head and smiled dopily at her. She really did have the most beautiful eyes. He cupped her face in his hands and closed the gap between them so there was barely a breath separating their lips.
“May I?” He whispered.
She didn’t answer, instead she leant forward to capture his lips with her own.
Oh and it was heaven. She hadn’t just captured his lips, she had captured his heart, his soul.
She pulled away and the kiss ended just as quickly as it started. Dandelion fell forward, following her lips and she laughed. “I won’t become one of your conquests, Dandelion.” She smirked as she poked his nose.
He scrunched his nose up and squeaked. “I do not have conquests!” He pouted. “I have lovers. It’s hardly my fault that I fall in love easily.”
“You fall out of it just as easily.” Priscilla noted. “No, don’t protest. I know you, Dandelion.”
He huffed. “But with lips as sweet as yours, my flower, how could I forget you?”
Priscilla raised an eyebrow at him and smirked. “Honied words will get you everywhere.”
“Said one poet to another.” He laughed and moved in for another kiss but she covered his lips with her finger.
“Sing for me, Dandelion.” She asked with a tilt of her head.
He pouted at the loss of her kiss but gathered up his lute from the corner of the room. He offered her the instrument but she shook her head and pushed the instrument back into his hands.
“I’m tired.” She said hoarsely and cleared her throat. “Play for me.”
So he did. He cooed a soft heartwarming ballad of romance and true love. The lute sang under his fingers and he closed his eyes, letting the music wash over him, pouring his heart into every breath.
His eyes flashed open when he heard a low hum from the bed. Priscilla was quietly adding a deeper harmony under his melody. She had her eyes close and was smiling serenely. His voice wavered at the rush of emotions in his heart but he had decades of practice and managed to cover his mistake. Priscilla only managed a verse before coughing into her hands with a groan.
He finished the song as quickly as he could without it losing its beauty and put the lute to one side.
“Patience, my petal.” He cooed. “You’ll get there.”
She pouted and hid behind a curtain of blonde hair. “What if I never sing again?” She croaked.
Dandelion kissed the top of her hair. “I have friends who can help. I promise you, I’ll do all that I can.”
“Yennefer?” Priscilla asked quietly.
He nodded. “She saved my voice when the djinn attacked. I’m sure she can help you too.”
Priscilla sighed dramatically, as all poets were fond of doing and rested her head against his shoulder. “I hope you’re right, Dandelion.”
He stroked her hair and sighed. “I am. I promise.”
He settled onto the bed next to her and she curled up against his chest. He stroked her hair and hummed a soft lullaby under his breath until she fell asleep. He laughed under his breath as he watched the soft rise and fall of her chest. Gods he was in so unbelievably in love with her.
She was wrong. He wouldn’t fall out of love easily, not this time. This time was the last time that Dandelion the bard would in love. He was sure of it.
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kpopwrites · 5 years ago
Drowning in a Dream, Chapter 8
A/N: I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD. Honestly, I have no good excuses other than I got a job and I have had no inspiration. I also had the one year anniversary of my dad’s death, so that hit hard. But, I am back! Sorry for the wait, but lmk what you think! TW: Possible smut in upcoming chapters, angst, fluff, swearing, mentions of depression, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, slight gore
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   Namjoon sighed as he watched the lights from your four wheeler disappear down the mountain. “They’ll come back.” Yoongi commented from his spot on the couch. “That’s not what I am worried about.” Namjoon spoke, his voice deep and rumbling. “Something feels off. The air feels strange.” He muttered, staring into the woods. “Do you think they’re safe?” Taehyung said, body tense at the thought of you being in danger. “One can hope our enemies are smart enough not to mess with (Y/N).” Namjoon turned to face his brothers. “But we shall see in the morning.”
   As you rode down the mountain side, your mind kept racing. Normally, when you were upset or stressed, you would have turned to your grandmother, seeking her wisdom on how to fix the situation. You couldn’t do that now, however. A bright flash of light caused you to stop the four wheeler, confused on what it could be. “Hello? Do you need help?” You called out, watching as the slowly dimming light walked toward you. A man stepped out of the tree line, glowing softly. “Help… please.” He croaked out, before falling to his knees. Immediately, you rushed over, kneeling beside the man. “Are you okay? Oh god, Come on, let’s get you to a hospital.” You panicked, trying to get the tall man to stand up. 
   His clothes smelled of burnt wood and ash, and after getting a better look, you realized why. His body seemed singed, clothes burnt and torn, face and arms covered in soot and cuts. You gasped softly, biting your lip as you looked him over. He seemed to be dazing in and out of consciousness. “Hey, hey can you hear me?” You asked, lightly tapping the man’s cheek. He weakly smiled up at you. “Safe…. You’re safe now…” He whispered before passing out completely.
   After a few moments of struggle, pain and effort, you managed to get the man onto the four wheeler, though, it certainly wasn’t easy since he just slumped over against your back the entire ride home. You drove him to the hospital immediately, running inside and yelling for help. Only after the strange man had been carted inside were you allowed to sit down in the waiting room. “Would it be alright if we put you down as John Doe’s contact?” The nurse asked, a look of sympathy on her face. “He seemed pretty upset when you two were separated, and most cases like this, the victim bonds to the one who found them.” With a tired sigh, you nod, giving the nurse your number. “Please, call me when he wakes up. I’ll be in the mountains most of tomorrow, but… Would it be alright if I came to visit?” You asked, some part of you feeling a connection to the burnt up man. The nurse nodded. “Of course you can. Have a good night (Y/N).” She smiled softly. 
   In truth, perhaps you should have known better than agreeing to be John Doe’s contact, especially since there was little to no service where the boys lived. When you woke up the next morning, it was, unfortunately, due to your phone ringing loudly. With a tired groan, you grabbed it, blinking in confusion when you saw who had called you so early. “San?” You asked, not sure if it really was your brother you hadn’t spoken to in so long. “(Y/N)... I…. I am so relieved to hear your voice.” He whispered, voice cracking with emotion. You hadn’t spoken to any of your brothers since your grandmother's funeral, having distanced yourself from them. “San, what’s wrong?” You muttered out, worried for your usually happy brother. “I had a nightmare, that’s all.” He spoke, clearing his throat. “I know it’s been a while, I… saw you at Grandma’s funeral for a few minutes, but… I think we all need to meet up and talk.” San said. “Meet us at Chan’s dinner at ten.” With those words, he hung up suddenly. Truth be told, after you moved out of the house, you used any chance you could get to avoid your brothers. Yes, of course you loved them, there was a pain and anger deep down you couldn’t really explain to them. 
   Maybe it had something to do with the fact that they were so close, going through a secret journey together you were never allowed to see. Maybe it was because Carrie had been so lax on their rules while constantly keeping you under her watch. Either way, the thought of sitting down with your brothers made your heartbeat a little faster. When your phone rang a second time, you nearly threw it across the room. With a harsh growl, you picked up. “Yes San, I’m coming, let me sleep.” You snarled out. “I’m sorry, I might have the wrong number, this is Nurse Marli calling. I don’t think Carrie would have liked that tone, little one.” Embarrassment flooded through your body. Marli had been your grandmother's nurse up until she died. “Oh… Sorry Marli, did he wake up?” You asked, clearing your throat. “Yes, he did, and he has been asking for you by name.” Marli spoke, sighing. “Every five minutes or so. Hurry down here please. If I hear one more whine from that boy…” She grumbled unhappily, making a small smile appear on your face. “I’ll be there as soon as I can Marli.” 
   After a quick shower, you headed towards the bus stop, paying your fee and starting towards the hospital. You thanked the driver as you got off, smiling at the usually friendly man. He didn’t smile back though, instead, he glared at you. “Soon.” He growled out as you stepped off the bus. You let out a nervous laugh. “What? What are you-.” The bus doors closed and Doug drove off, leaving you literally in the dust. You shake off the weird encounter, walking into the hospital. Marli spotted you from the front desk, the older woman rushing over to you. “(Y/N), thank god. I swear, I am getting gray hairs from this kid. I don’t know how or when he did it, but I walked in and he was fine. Before someone here calls the military, take him.” She rambled anxiously, pulling you into John Doe’s room. “What? Marli, slow down.” You laugh, not believing the woman’s tale. “Are you working another 14 hour shift? You should really go home.” She shushed you, a serious look in her eyes. “(Y/N), I didn’t know your grandma as long as you did, but I know she knew about some unexplainable things. Please, before he gets taken by Men in Black or something, take him with you.” She whispered harshly, pulling you into John Doe’s room and shutting the door. Sure enough, John was wandering around his room, looking a whole lot better than the night before. 
   You gaped in confusion. “H-how?” You muttered out. “I don’t know. Last night, we didn’t think he would make it. Almost all of him was pretty much burnt up, his bones were shattered, now… He looks like he just stumbled out of a vogue photoshoot.” Marli hissed, standing behind you. John Doe perked up when he saw you, immediately running over and pulling you into a hug. “(Y/N)!” He exclaimed, giggling happily. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was worried about leaving you alone overnight.” He set you down gently, pulling back. You were shocked, to say the least. “Do…. Do I know you somehow?” You asked softly, concerned for the mental well being of this stranger. “I mean, not officially. I’m Jae, your guardian angel. One of them, anyway.” He grinned as if he hadn’t said the most insane thing in the world. You blinked a few times, laughing awkwardly. “W-what?” You turned, looking at Marli. “Does he have a concussion?” You whispered to her, alarmed. She shook her head quickly. “That’s what I’m saying, he is completely healthy. Take him home, now.” She hissed, looking out of the small window quickly. You nod, turning towards Jae. “Um… I guess I’m going to take you home now.” You spoke. “Follow me please.” Marli made sure no one was really paying attention before she pulled the fire alarm, causing enough commotion to let you out of the building, Jae in tow. 
   You led him home, having to walk since he refused to get on the bus. You didn’t speak a word to the man as you walked, mind racing. First the demons, now you have guardian angels? Not to mention your brothers. “Shit!” You cussed, stopping in your tracks. Jae bumped into you during your sudden stop, confused. “Are you okay with coming with me for something?” You turn to look at Jae quickly, backing up since he was so close. “Of course. I don’t want you going anywhere alone, not since they are everywhere now.” He said, looking around. You shake your head, trying to avoid the inevitable headache that was coming on. 
   “Just… No angel talk, please.” You grumbled at the tall man, changing course and heading towards Chan’s dinner. Once you got inside, you easily spotted your brothers, mainly due to the fact that they stuck out like a sore thumb in the sea of old people. San looked relatively the same, though his hair was now a striking blue instead of red like you had last seen. He dressed just as flashy as always, making you roll your eyes. Of course, Jooheon hadn’t changed too much either, his eyes being the tell tale sign of his identity. One, a striking green, the other a deep brown. Felix looked the most different, having seemingly grown a few more inches. You could also hear how deep his voice had gotten, making you sigh. 
    You slowly walked over to them, causing their loud conversation to stop. Jooheon immediately hugged you, clinging to your form. “I’m so glad you’re okay. After San called us, we were worried.” He whispered. “Jooheon, he had a nightmare. I’m fine.” You promised, hugging him back slowly. Old memories rushed back, as well as a familiar feeling of calm that Jooheon seemingly carried with him. “My nightmares aren’t usually just nightmares (Y/N), that’s why we called you here. But first, why don’t you introduce us to your friend?” San looked Jae over with a raised eyebrow, causing your face to pale. How to explain this, hm?
Taglist for Drowning in a Dream @jennyjq​​ @boy9wolf​​   @slutkoo​​ @flakeypancake​​ @leftflowerprunedonut​​ @vickylamore​​ @elenaramos1​​ @trinityautumn​​ @blackgirlutopia​ @viralsoftspot​ @qween-of-trash​
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peacockwinchester · 5 years ago
Maleficent's Daughter!Author x Borra
I am Maleficent's daughter (half human, half dark fae). Just something a lil fluffy. I'm pretty sure I have requests turned on, but I have no idea how all this works...
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~Author POV~
I sat on a balcony, high up on the castle. I was watching my people and Aurora's mingle after the wedding. The courtyard was lit with torches, and the moon was high in the sky. I breathed in the cool night air, happy to be up here away from everyone. I closed my eyes, feeling the breeze rustle my dark feathers and move my hair.
The sound of wings startled me. Borra flew up to sit next to me. I scooted to give him some room. He was silent for a minute.
"Caroline?" he asked, softly.
"Hm?" I looked over at him.
He looked a bit on edge. It was probably the aftermath of the battle. I was still a little anxious too. Borra gazed up at the stars.
"Would you like to take a short flight with me?" he asked. "The open air is just waiting for us..."
"I'd love to," I smiled.
We both got up, spreading our wings, and taking flight. Borra soared speechlessly next to me, his face split with a grin.
"The sky is more beautiful than I imagined," he breathed, "Does it ever get old?"
"No. I look up every night, and I'm amazed every time," I smiled.
"It makes you forget your worries..." Borra sighed.
"It does..." I replied.
"Not much for small talk?"
"No. It seems useless to me, though I suppose it's essential to politics."
"I feel the same. Warriors don't sit by and chatter about the weather, we have a job to do."
"And as with any job, a break can help improve performance."
"Are you suggesting I work too hard?"
"Only from what I've seen. And it isn't a terrible thing, to have ambitions. Just make sure to take time to slow down and look at the sky."
"I'm quite sure I didn't ask you to fly with me for a therapy session."
"Oh... I, um, apologize..."
"No. I was joking. I like that you feel that way."
"Then why did you ask me out here?"
"Can't a man soar with a friend on a clear evening?"
"Well, I suppose, but you must have had a reason."
"You have me there, Caroline. I did ask you for a reason."
"Then what is it?"
I took the lead as Borra gathered himself up to tell me his reason. We spiraled down to land on a secluded ledge on a mountain. It was a favorite spot for me.
"I asked you out here because I wanted to talk with you. Privately," Borra sat down next to me.
"Why is that?" I raised an eyebrow, fear climbing up my throat.
"I wanted to tell you that I feel very strongly for you."
"In what way?"
"I think it is love, though I admit I haven't had much experience with it... My clan doesn't prize love much. It doesn't suit a warrior."
"Love suits everyone."
"I suppose we can't continue our friendship now... I shouldn't have said anything..."
"Borra," I called his attention softly, feeling his name on my tongue. "I think I love you too..."
Borra looked confused and incredulous. I reached for one of his hands. His warm calloused fingers looped through my soft ones.
"You are unique, Borra. I love your smile, your heart... I've only known you a few days, but it's enough for me to know," I said.
"You are unique as well. Not only for your mother and father. But you have a soft heart in a tough world, you are perfect in every way. I hope I can continue to see you every day..." Borra blushed, smiling at me.
"I'll allow it," I joked.
Borra laughed, making my heart swell. I grinned, leaning against him. Borra tried to put an arm around me, but his arm wound stopped him. I gasped in concern.
"I'm fine," he waved me off.
"Absolutely not, Borra! You need to get that cleaned up!" I ordered.
"Caroline, I can handle it-"
"You shouldn't. Let me take the iron out and bandage it."
I tore off a strip of my dress to use as a bandage and began examining the wound. It was fairly clean. I felt the bullet of iron, its touch burning me slightly. I hissed in pain, shaking my hand out.
"Caroline, don't hurt yourself! I can manage," he worried.
"No. I'm doing this. Stop complaining," I said.
I began carefully digging at the bullet. It hurt, and I tried to suck it up before Borra got even more worried. After a minute or two, I was able to dislodge it. It clinked to the floor, smearing some of Borra's blood on the stone. I quickly bound the wound, before it could bleed too much. My fingers were sore from the iron, and a little burnt too. Borra looked down at them, worry clouding his eyes.
"I shouldn't have let you do that..." he frowned.
"I'll-I'll be fine," I tried to steady my voice.
Borra gave me a look that clearly said he knee I was lying. He stood and kicked the iron bullet off the ledge. He looked at everything on the outcrop. It was full of books, pillows, and anything else I had ferreted away over the years. He smiled for a second.
"This is your place?" he asked.
"Sort of. I come here to be alone," I avoided eye contact.
"Thank you for taking me here. It's beautiful."
I blushed. Borra sat down a ways away on a pile of pillows, stretching his wings.
"Borra, I-" I began.
"Want to stay for the night?" he asked.
"What? My mother would tear me limb from limb!" I cried.
"I highly doubt that. Come on, we can't possibly go back now!" Borra grinned mischievously.
"Well, maybe, but not all night, alright?"
"Any extra time with you is enough for me."
"I didn't peg you as romantic."
"Most people don't."
Borra gestured for me to sit with him. I obliged, curling up against him. He carefully wrapped me in his wing. I sighed contentedly and closed my eyes. I knee Borra was smiling, but I was too tired to ask why. I felt myself slipping into sleep.
I woke up to the sun on my face. I was warm, and I felt someone breathing next to me. I stretched my arms, looking over at the person. It was Borra, and he was sleeping like a log. His wings and arms were wrapped loosely around me. I smiled at his peaceful expression. Borra moved a bit, pulling me closer.
Suddenly, I remembered where I was. I began panicking. My mother was going to kill me, I was going to die today and I would never get to wake up next to Borra again. I shook Borra. He startled awake, immediately focused.
"What's wrong?" he frowned.
"We slept all night, Borra, my mother's going to kill us!" I cried.
"Caroline, calm down, ok. I'm sure we can explain this. Come. We shouldn't keep her waiting," he pulled me up, dragging me with him into the sky.
I only began to panic more as we flew. I was a wreck by the time we reached the palace. Borra put his hands on my shoulders.
"Caroline, look at me," he commanded softly. "If your mother tries anything, she'll have to go through me. And I'm much more a warrior than her."
"I know, but-"
"Caroline, it was one small mistake. She wouldn't kill her daughter over that."
I nodded, calming down a bit. He smiled at me. I gave him a small, quick smile. As we stood there, General Percival walked by, giving us a nod of recognition. I was surprised that he didn't notice that we'd been out all night. Borra ignored him and nusged me towards the door. I was still anxious, and I grabbed his hand for assurance, ignoring the pain in my hands.
My mother, Aurora, and Phillip were in the throne room, all looking worried. When we walked in they looked up. Aurora and Phillip let out sighs of relief. My mother immediately turned angry.
"Caroline Norah, where in the world have you been?!" she cried. "I didn't see you at all last night, and you didn't return this morning! What has gotten into you?!"
"Mama, please, I'm sorry! I took Borra to my favorite place to get away from the party, and we fell asleep and I forgot and I'm sorry!" I rambled.
"We?" Mama raised an eyebrow.
"Well, yes, I-" I was cut off by Borra.
"I have heard that the humans have a custom, where a man courts a woman to win her hand in marriage," he said.
"What are you saying?" Aurora asked.
"I'm saying I would like to court Caroline, if you'll allow it."
Everyone stared at him. I hadn't expected him to try to use human customs, but I was definitely fine with it. I had a feelibg he would court me anyway, even without my family's approval. My mother looked at him angrily.
"Is this something you want?" she asked me, her stare boring into my soul.
"I-more than anything, Mama," I nodded.
"Fine. But anything happens, you're through," she stared Borra down next.
Aurora grinned ear to ear. Borra looked surprised he hadn't needed to prove himself. I grinned to match my sister. Mama rolled her eyes and walked outside, pushing us aside hastily. I looked at Borra. A smile grew on his lips. He scooped me up and spun me around.
"What the-Borra!" I squealed in surprise.
"Sorry, I'm sorry! I'm just so happy!" Borra put me baxk on the floor.
"No, you just caught me by surprise, is all," I smiled.
He happily planted a kiss on my lips, before backing away, blushing profusely. I flushed too. I hadn't expected it, but I hadn't minded it. It felt nice, even though I'd never kissed anyone. Aurora giggled.
"You two are so made for each other!" she laughed at our beet red faces.
"That's what I said," Borra recovered a bit.
"Well, you're right!" my sister bounced over to us. "We better expect a summer wedding."
"A wh-Aurora!" I cried.
"That doesn't sound so terrible..." Borra grinned in my direction.
"Well, I-I mean... It wouldn't... I mean, if you want..." I blushed.
Borra fist-pumped in victory. He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside for another adventure.
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quixotic-writer · 5 years ago
Switch it Up (Sal’s POV)
request: @birdgirl1772
summary: For some mysterious reason, Q and Sal wake up in the other’s body. After a quick pep talk they both agree that they’ll pretend to be each other for the day and hope they’re back to normal the next day. As Sal does some cleaning around Q’s place, he stumbles upon a journal and can’t help but give in to curiosity and dive into what’s between the lines of Q’s rambles.
“meow!” Was all I heard as I feel something small and warm curl up against my face. I feel myself slowly rising from my sleepy state and it’s quickly replaced with confusion. The moment I manage to open my eyes, a black cat was mere inches from my face staring down at me with beady green eyes.
“AAAH!” I let out a scream and fall out of bed in attempts to distance myself away from the cat. When I screamed though, it didn’t sound anything like my voice at all, it had a low bass to it and felt as though I spoke with an accent. My hand shoots to cover my mouth and my eyes are wide and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears.
As I look at everything that surrounds me, I am now quickly noticing a list of things: this isn’t my room, there’s — not one but— THREE cats surrounding me, and my voice isn’t mine, nor is this body. I look at the tattoos on the arms but my vision feels so blurred that I can only make out the shapes of them. I quickly pick my now sore body up off the floor and rush into the bathroom.
“Q?!” I spat to the reflection in the mirror with a sense of shock and awe. I stare at each and every detail of the body I now reside in, familiar with it because it was my best friends, but it all felt dysmorphic at the same time because his body is built entirely different from mine. I knew this body wasn’t supposed to be mine, but I was still the one controlling it and there’s no escaping that it seemed. I bring my hand to my face and rub it across feeling the stubble of the beard tickle my palms and finger tips insuring that this wasn’t a dream.
As I continue to play around in the mirror and marvel at the sticky situation i’ve found myself in, I feel the cats begin to brush up against my legs and mewl. I jolt at the sensation and feel the anxiety of my feline phobia well up in my stomach, but there isn’t much I can do since they seem to think i’m Q.
“I guess I should feed you guys, huh?” I speak down to the cats who chatter in response. I step out of the bathroom to head downstairs but I suddenly jump at the sound of a phone ringing. Looking to the nightstand I see Q’s phone ringing with my contact ID lit up on it. ‘Sally Boy♡” it read, a very effeminate name for me. It didn’t bother me, it was actually kind of cute.
“Sal! Thank god you picked up. What the hell is going on?!” Judging by the sheer panic and the speech pattern and also the blatantly obvious answer: it was definitely Q on the other end of the line. Is that really what my voice sounds like to other people?
“I guess we switched bodies or something. You don’t have anything important to do today that would need me to be you... right?”
“No, I don’t have anything. Do you have anything I have to do for you?” I pry into my memory to think of the seemingly endless list of things I usually have to do, but to my surprise nothing really comes to mind.
“Pretty sure I got lunch with Gatto today, nothing else I can think of. But check my calendar in my phone just in case, and for the love of god DO NOT destroy my house.” The line goes dead and I know Q doesn’t wanna hear it. He’s the complete opposite of me as far as cleanliness goes, if even one thing is out of place if I ever get back to my own body, he’ll never hear the end of it.
I turn on my heels and go to feed the cats as I had initially planned, carefully tip toeing around them so I don’t touch them or stomp on them on accident. As soon as their breakfast is made and served, I retreat upstairs to get myself cleaned up. It’s still a shock every time I walk past any reflective surfaces and see the i’m not actually me.
I brush my teeth, comb my hair, wash my face; the normal things anyone does when they wake up. As I go to spray some cologne, I get a quick whiff of it and just soak in the scent. Q always did smell hypnotically good to me, every time he walked past a gust of it would hit my nose and I would just stop what I was doing to take it in.
“That sounds kinda creepy.” I say out loud to myself and my thoughts come to a halt. I step out of the bathroom and take a look at all the details of Q’s room. It’s a mess to say the least. Clothing everywhere, it looks like he hasn’t dusted in here in ages, his work desk in the corner of his room is riddled with piles upon piles of paper and is completely disheveled. I know this isn’t a matter of a “system” going on, I just know he has a hard time keeping up with things sometimes especially when his depression weighs down on him a little harder on certain days.
I step over to his desk first to try and make sense of the clutter and piles and try to organize them so that he’ll know where they are and why they’re arranged so specifically.
“Notes from a meeting. Notes from another meeting. Paid bill. Fan mail. Contract.” I shuffle through and assign them a pile until I reach a composition book at the pit of all the papers. The front has nothing written on it so I saw no harm in peeking inside and turning to the first page and reading it.
My therapist suggested I started keeping a journal/diary since I tend to lose track of time and have a hard time remembering certain things. It seems stupid but why not give it a shot.
I stop reading immediately and my eyes go wide and pause on the last word I read on the page. This is his DIARY, I can’t be reading this. I flip the pages and see almost half the book is filled with endless scrabbles of words of what’s going on in his head. I’ve never been good at reading Q’s mind quite like he can with mine, he’s always so closed off about his emotions and curiosity is enticing me to read every word on these pages.
“This is so wrong.” I say holding the notebook closed with my forefinger creating an open gap of temptation between the pages. I look around quickly and look back down at the notebook and slowly open it back up. “Maybe... skimming things wouldn’t hurt. Right?” And with that, I was nose deep in the notebook.
Today at set we filmed Sal’s punishment, it was payback for the time the boys thought it would be funny to put tarantulas all over me. I went in early to play with the little cats and kittens that were brought in for the day and I had never felt happier. Nothing brings me more joy than to just be around animals. That joy was quickly taken away though. It was funny at first seeing the little kittens all over him. It was all just mild discomfort it seemed, it wasn’t SCARY since they were small and harmless to him. But when we brought in the actual cats, that’s when I really started feeling bad. He was drenched in sweat, his throat seemed hoarse from the sheer panic and stress to the point where he could barely get anything out, his body looked like it was ready to concave on itself because of the situation. I was laughing with Joe and Murr, but deep inside, I felt guilty because it was all my idea. I caused him pain. I know it’s a part of the game we play, but something about it just didn’t sit right. I just wanted to go and help him and hug him until he felt better. I wanted to say sorry over and over but I knew it would kind of raise some suspicions. So instead I kept quiet and played along... At least at the end of it I helped ease the tension and brought out Big Benjamin Cat. Sal seemed fine after that, and I think that’s the only reason it won’t really bother me for a while is because he was okay after it all. I hate seeing him hurt.
He felt bad about my punishment? This was truly news to me. The way he talked about it too, it seemed so endearing and despondent about the whole situation. Now i’m intrigued and enraptured by what’s within this book, all inhibitions have been thrown out the window and I quickly flip through a few pages and land on another page.
After today’s therapy session, i’ve noticed myself talking a lot about Sal. I love Gatto and I love Murr, let me preface all this with that. But I feel this magnetic connection to Sal that I don’t think i’ve ever really felt with anyone. He gets me even though I don’t tell him a lot, he’s just there for me. When I do tell him stuff, he handles it like it’s glass; He gives it a lot of care and attention. There’s no one else who makes me feel the way I do. It feels like this growing thing for a long time and I really don’t know what to make of it. I’ve tried sorting out all of these thoughts and emotions that go through my head with him, but I really just don’t know. I’m a grown man still confused and I think that’s what makes it hard. It’s also kind of scary because for so long i’ve just been seen as your standard single and sleeps around kind of guy and i’m kind of growing tired of that image but I can’t just wipe it away when its been stained on me for so long. I just hope one day I can sort this shit out and be honest with myself.
With each page that I devoured, I felt as though I was peeling away the layers of an onion and was slowly getting to the heart of it all. With each sentence it felt like I was suffering from whiplash because I kept doing double takes to all the seemingly outlandish remarks. What caught me incredibly off guard was the endless ramblings of me, his infatuation with the idea of me. The image of the mental ideas of Brian Quinn was slowly being pieced together like a puzzle with this journal. Without realizing how much time had passed or how much I had read, I had finally reached the last and most recent entry, the one that sent my heart into an inferno.
I think now is a good a time as any to finally come clean with myself. It’s time i’m honest with myself and I stop holding myself back, no more lying to myself, no more blind blatant ignorance, none of that. I’m Brian Quinn, and I admit it: I have fallen in love with my life long best friend Sal. Wow. It feels oddly invigorating to finally get that out of my system. Maybe my therapist was right about this journal thing. Yes, I love my best friend but I don’t know what to do about it. He’s honest with me and said he wouldn’t mind being with a guy and that gave me a small spark of hope, but I just don’t know if i’m a guy he’d be into or not. It could be an unrequited love situation for me and it would hurt a lot to have my heart crushed like that. But honestly, I don’t care if he doesn’t love me back, I just don’t ever want him to disappear out of my life. That’s what’s stopping me from just spouting it out and telling him the truth. I don’t want to scare him away, I don’t want him to feel awkward around me, I don’t want things to change for the worse. I just want Sal, in the sense of his presence, his companionship, his friendship. That’s all. Maybe one day i’ll have the confidence to tell him, but for now i’m just happy that i’m confident enough to tell myself the truth.
I sat there for an unknown period of time. I leaned back in the chair with my mouth slightly agape and brushing a hand through my hair, unsure of how to process everything that I just read. It felt like a guilty pleasure to finally know all of this about someone I thought I had pegged pretty well.
There’s one big detail that stood out loud and boldly to me: Q, my best friend, has fallen for me. It’s so crazy to read what’s on his mind and watching him figure this out and realize what the emotions were page by page.
I close the notebook and place it with all his other books neatly in the little nook of the desk and finish tidying things up. After another hour, his room was back in livable shape. I smile and beam with pride at my handiwork and hope this helps him feel a little more at peace in his own living space.
Just as he was headed downstairs, a knock on the door echoed through the quiet home. When the door opened, I was startled to see myself standing before me, forgetting for a brief moment that I wasn’t in my own body.
“Fucking hell Q, you could’ve at least texted.” I had a hand over my chest as my heart rate begins to subside from the mild scare of seeing myself standing before me. Q rolls his eyes and looks down and beams with jubilation to see the three cats prowling towards him.
“My babies!! Daddy’s home!!” He kneels down and gives a happy helping of pets and scratched to each one of them.
“So how’d lunch with Gatto go? Did he suspect anything?” Q picks up Brooklyn in his arms and cuddles her close and they both step into the house and seat themselves on the couch.
“Went fine. He did say that ‘you’ were acting strange today, he just said that i’ve been hanging out with Q too much. Little did he know that it was me!” He chuckles releasing Brooklyn from his arms and watches as she trots away. “How were things here? You seem fine with the cats since you’re not dead and none of them are missing.” I think back to the little notebook upstairs but try and play things cool as to not give anything away, he’ll talk to me when he’s ready. It’s not my place to pry at his emotions.
“Things were fine. I did tidy up your room though, just thought i’d help you out a bit. If and when we switch back, just ask if you need help finding anything.” I smile to him and he smiles back, it was a bashful smile and it made my heart melt. “Did you wanna order dinner or something?” I say into the silence of the living room.
“Well considering this technically is MY house, I say we eat my favorite pizza: a hot pepper pie from my favorite pizza joint. However, since you’re me, you’re gonna have to order.” I roll my eyes and open up my phone and see that Q has the pizza place’s number saved and on speed dial in his phone.
“Okay Q, c’mon dude you’re kidding me. Speed dial?” He gives a cheeky smile and shrugs his shoulders.
We order and eat the pizza and talk to each other about our experiences in the other’s body. Q got to experience the wonders of my sleep apnea, he told me how startled he was when he woke up with my mask on his face. I told him of how the cats wouldn’t leave me alone because they thought I was him, it got a hearty laugh out of him since he knows how uncomfortable they make me.
“Thanks for cleaning up my place Sal.” He says as we clean up our pizza mess.
“Yeah, it’s no problem. It’s hard to find time to keep things in line with our schedules, thought i’d help out a little.” He pauses for a moment and goes to play with his fingers and realizes he doesn’t have his usual ring to fidget with. He’s nervous and that was one of his tics, but I pretend not to notice and I wipe down the table.
“Sal, uuuuh... Weird question but did you clean my desk?” I know where he’s going with this.
“I did. Books in place, papers in stacks. Why?” I say innocently.
“There’s a... There’s a notebook... it’s for my therapist and stuff... sensitive info in there.” He’s sweating and his eyes are pleading that I don’t know anything. The guilt hits me harder than ever now, but I can’t do that to him, I don’t want to shatter that trust.
“I didn’t snoop around man, it’s none of my business and this is your space, I respect it even if i’m in your body.” His tensions seem to ease in that moment and his shoulders slumped to a relaxed position. I feel like crap lying to him like this, but if it means his comfort, then it’s a harmless white lie. I mentally make a promise that nothing I read would ever leave my memory, and that’s all it will ever remain to be: simple memories.
“Okay, thanks man. I’m gonna head back to your place and hope that when I wake up i’m surrounded by my cats and not a face full of apnea mask.” He jokes to me as he gathers his stuff to head back out.
“Make fun of my sleep apnea all you want, but now you know the pain I live with!” I joke with him as I let him out. We said good night to each other, and just like that I was left alone in the silence of Q’s home. It was late already so I figured I close this night out already and head to sleep.
I cleaned myself up and prepared for bed, slipping into a pair of pajama pants and brushing my teeth. I took one final look into the mirror hoping that when I woke up, I wouldn’t need a mirror to see his face. All I want tomorrow is to just give Q a hug as myself again.
I crawl into the sheet with the cats cuddled up against me. The cats have kind of grown on me today, dare I say that maybe I learned to love them a bit today. I close my eyes and shift around until I was in blissful rest.
When I woke up at last and opened my eyes, I saw as the husky rays of the sun shone through my window and the familiar hun of my sleep apnea machine filled my ears. I peel it off my face and rub off the sleepy sensation from my entire face. I lean over and grab my phone to see a text from Q waiting for me
We’re back in business baby!
Was all it read and I smiled to myself. I walked to the bathroom and was met with the delightful sight of my true reflection. It felt so good to be back in my own body, in my own house.
I head to the kitchen and fix myself up a griddled PB and J and sit at the table and eat with nothing but my thoughts to occupy me. Through that whole mess, I didn’t question the switch, I didn’t question why then. I only had one lingering question that seemed so insignificant:
What happened with Q and that lunch with Joe. I wonder if he found out some of my own sensitive information and didn’t say anything just like I had. Maybe one day I’ll be able to solve, but it just won’t be solved today.
A/N: Just wanted to say I loved playing around with this idea so much, that soon i’m gonna write this segment from Q’s POV ♪( ´▽`)
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la-fille-en-aiguilles · 6 years ago
His Father’s Son
Young!Sirius Black x Female Reader & NotSoYoung!Sirius Black x Female Reader
Request: Idk if requests are open or anything but can you write Sirius has a Slytherin son that's the twins age and hates him because Sirius likes Harry better
A/N: This awesome anon has sent me this mind-blowing request about Sirius. When I read it this morning I went Holy cow, how do I write THAT?! And honestly I even considered dropping it because I had no idea what to do with it. But then I went on a run, and it just came to me. I typed away, and this is what came out. Dear Anon, I’m not quite sure if this is what you had in mind. I hope the story doesn’t disappoint you. 
Synopsis: After the tragic events in the Hall of Prophecy in the Ministry of Magic, Alastair Black, Sirius’ only son, comes banging on the doors of his father’s ancestral home. What awaits for him there is his father’s friend Y/N, and her version of the past events might just make him question everything he thought he knew. 
WARNINGS: mentions of death, suffering, ANGSTY AF (I don’t know what happened to me there).
I hope you enjoy!  
The Beautiful & Damned will be back with a new chapter tomorrow! 
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The night is solemnly silent, save for the roaring of the rain, assaulting the roof of the old, moaning house. Fists and jaw clenched tight, his eyes are fixed on the only glowing window, yellowed by time. Wet strands of hair cling to his burning front, and cold water is a blessing, hitting every inch of his skin, hammering the pain deeper and deeper inside of him, so no one sees. 
He’s weightless as his feet take him to the heavy doors - the doors he thought he’d never enter again. Inhaling frantically, he crashes both of his fists against the polished wood, the loud bang awakening something he long since locked in his rattling cage of a chest. 
The moment the sound reaches his ears, there’s is no stopping the rage that’s finally set free, painting his vision red. He hits the door again and again, bashing his fists in, until his hands go black and blue. The rambling in his head is getting louder, the shaking in his bones grows stronger, and the only way to stop it is to finally do it - blow the bloody doors of that piece of shit of a house, where he has never felt at home. 
He barely realises it when the doors slam open in his face, bright yellow light blinding him. Falling on his knees, his maimed hands covering his swollen eyes, he lets someone soft and warm wrap their hands around him. They don’t speak, and he doesn’t either, contenting himself with relishing the comfort of their touch. 
When his sensitive eyes adjust to light, he sees the empty corridors ahead, bathing in the welcoming glow. Dust floats in the musk-scented air, its playful light-stained thin whirls inviting him in. 
Hot tears welling up in his eyes, he tangles his sore fingers in Y/N hair, clinging to her fragile frame. She smells like Neroli and always, and her smell, coupled with the sight before his eyes, is enough for him to finally let go. 
“He’s dead!” the cry tears his insides apart, popping his veins open. “He’s dead! Sirius is dead!…”
She rocks him softly in place, littering his raven-black hair with chaotic kisses, her own cheeks glistening in the light of a full yellow moon. 
“Would you like something to drink, Alastair?” 
He blinks rapidly, his eyes sore and dry, his stare completely vacant. Y/N’s heart clenches, and she forces herself to go on:
“I still have a bit of coffee left… It’s either that or firewhiskey”, she drops into the chair across from the young Black, slamming a half-empty bottle of amber liquid against the table’s surface. “Pick your poison.”
Rubbing his nose with the back of a hand, Alastair quickly motions towards the bottle, and folds his hands in front of him. In booming silence, Y/N serves him a splash of the burning liquid and pushes the glass in his direction. His bleeding long fingers wrap around it as he downs the alcohol in one go, throwing his head back. 
Y/N watches him closely, as spider-web cracks on her porcelain heart become more and more prominent. In the dim lights of the Grimmauld place, Alastair looks so much like Sirius: he’s all bruises and blood, his beautiful stormy eyes dark grey, almost black, his jaw tense and his cheekbones sharp enough to cut her skin and bleed her dry. She crashes an unwanted whimper in its wake, as Sirius’ son raises his foggy orbs to look at her with a desperation of a man catching at straws, drowning in a bottomless river. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, his pale lips barely moving. “I didn’t want to wake you…”
“I wasn’t asleep,” Y/N interrupts, gazing at him, her eyelids each weighting a ton. “I was waiting for you. I was hoping you’d show”. 
Alastair nods, avoiding her gentle eyes. Fetching the bottle, he serves himself another drink, and noticing an empty glass a little further away, splashes a generous amount of alcohol inside, wetting its walls. Leaning over the table, he puts the glass in front of Y/N, still refusing to look her in the eyes. 
“It’s not like everything changed or anything”, he lets out, his fingers fidgeting with the rim of his glass. “He was long dead to me before that bitch actually Avada Kedavra’d him”, his nonchalance is a thought out act. Whiskey wets his lips. “He never loved me. He never loved anybody but his precious Harry fucking Potter.”
“Alastair…” Y/N gives her dissent a muffled try. “You know it isn’t…”
“Oh it is the truth, Y/N, so don’t waste your breath”, he chuckles bitterly, missing the rage already. Bitterness is worse than anger, because it lasts. “From the moment I was born, he didn’t want me. He blamed me for my mother’s death. All I wanted,” his voice trembled, but Alastair quickly got a hold of himself. “All I wanted was a fucking chance. I wasn’t given any. He abandoned me. He preferred to surrender and go to Azkaban for the crime he didn’t commit, than stay and fight and be a fucking father. And when he came out, he wanted nothing to do with me. Doesn’t come as a surprise, really - I am not a Potter, after all!” thunder flashed in his tempestuous irises. “I made peace with my orphanage, a very long time ago. I’m glad the Weasleys were able to see past my green and silver uniform…”
The lights in the room went out with a loud shattering sound, the glass from overhead lamps clattering on the floor. Alastair froze mid-sentence, Y/N rugged breathing echoing in the dark space. 
“You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about, Alastair”, Y/N’s struggles through the sentence, her last effort spent on controlling her temper. “I’m going to fetch a candle and we are going to talk”, young Black hears the shuffling as she gets on her feet. “Well, I am going to talk, and you are going to listen, because I’ve got plenty to say”, having said that, she makes her way to the kitchen counter. 
Minutes later, a bright yellow-and-orange flame flickers in the dark, casting long shadows on the walls of the room. Darkness clusters around the two of them, and the whole world is put on hold. 
“…What you have to understand, Alastair, is that those were dark, hopeless times. With those who made it through alive, we prayed that no witch or wizard had to go what we went through. 
The war makes you think differently; the constant state of fear and knowing that each minute could be your last changes the way you look at things; it turns your entire world upside down. 
At first, just like you’re doing right now in regards to your father’s behaviour, we were looking for reasons. It took us thousands of lost lives to finally learn the truth - not everything had a reason - a rational commonsensical cause that comes from the faculty of the mind to distinguish good from evil and right from wrong. Merlin knows, Death Eaters had no reason to act like monsters. Merlin knows, Death Eaters had no reason to line up into a battalion, to aim their wands at other wizards’ chests and to yell an unforgivable curse at the top of their lungs. What they did have was command, and enough fear to obey.
Fear was living among us, following us everywhere we went. Fear turned some of the best of us into cold-blooded murderers, and it was hard to always focus on that fateful yet blurry line that separated us from Voldemort’s sidekicks. What I want you to understand is that fear pushed us towards choices we would have never otherwise made. Fear was what pushed James and Lily into the Godric’s Hollow, far away from their friends and family - I keep asking myself what would have happened if they’d stayed. Would we have stood a chance against Voldemort, as a strong, united front, together? Would they have still been alive?… Maybe, fear was what truly killed them both. 
Sirius always wanted to do what was right. But at some point, fear changed your father’s perception of right, and we - I - was in no position to argue, because I didn’t know what right was anymore, either. 
We were mourning your mother, Marlene, each in our own way. Voldemort wiped out her entire family, and if he didn’t touch you, it surely wasn’t out of the fucking goodness of his heart. Riddle did not know you existed, Alastair. Only a handful of wizards knew Sirius and Marlene were so in love, they wanted a kid, a ray of light amidst all that darkness. I knew. So did Molly. James and Lily knew too, of course. Remus and Peter - thank Merlin, Peter did not know!… Thinking about it now, I still can’t believe we didn’t see it coming, we didn’t kill him while we still had a chance, while the damage still hadn’t been done!…
You were four years old when wizards from the Ministry came for your father. I remember it clear as day, but what price wouldn’t I pay to forget. Sirius was tired of running. His thoughts were eating him alive. What kind of start in life was he offering you, his son? Days prior to his arrest, he told me, “You know what to do, Y/N”, and he squeezed my hand, ever so lightly… 
A notorious runaway murderer, he couldn’t send you to Hogwarts without surrendering. Upon learning that you, Alastair Black, were Sirius’ son, the Ministry would have kept you hostage to lure him out. He refused to drag you down with him, no matter how much it’d cost him… 
I left our hiding place with you under my robes hours before the Ministry came. I saw them burning the place to the ground, and every last memory of your mother with it… 
I was a mess by the time I arrived at the Burrow. Molly and Arthur kept asking me what happened, what was wrong… I couldn’t form words. I choked on them. You have to understand, Alastair, I watched as my best friend, the man I respected and loved more than anything in the world, was taken to Azkaban for the crime he didn’t commit. I finally had him, and I lost him, because I made a mistake. I should have never agreed to put my trust in Peter, I had a gut feeling about him, even back when we were at school!… I was disappointed in the entire world and I blamed myself. 
Molly and Arthur took you in as if you were one of their own. I watched you grow, and I was proud of the young man you were becoming, taking so much after your father! Watching you become  your father’s son was killing me slowly, while I still mourned the person who wasn’t even dead. A brilliant young wizard, be it a little on the troublemaker side, you, Fred and George might as well have been the new Marauders, carrying on your father’s legacy unbeknownst to you. 
Each time I came over to Molly’s over the holidays, I cried my eyes out upon returning here, in this very kitchen - Merlin, you were just like him!… At war with his true family. Just like Sirius before you, you hated everything that the Black family represented, and you weren’t shy to express your feelings - a very rebel-like move for a Slytherin, some said. Dressed in greens and silvers, you were the spitting image of the man I loved in every little line littering your face, too early for your age.
Why didn’t you take me in, then, you probably wonder. With me loving your father so much and all, I should have been the first in line to take care of you. The truth was, I couldn’t. The day your father had been taken, I swore to myself I’d find Peter Pettigrew, and I’ll make him confess,  before he takes Sirius’ place in Azkaban. I spent years on the move, blinded by my desire for revenge, while Peter….He was always right there, right in front of our noses. 
Every time I saw you at the Burrow, your smile never reached your eyes. So many questions were swimming in their stormy oceans, unanswered. You wanted the truth, and I was the only person who was able to give it to you. Yet I couldn’t. As much as it killed me, you were better off hating you father. Should I have told you the truth - just how much he loved you, and that he was innocent - it could backfire in the most unpredictable way. So I remained silent, and there were desperate times when I thought I’d carry Padfoot’s secrets to my grave. 
When Sirius got out, and the truth broke free with him, it took a while for it to settle in, even among the members of the Order. I can’t imagine what it must have felt like, learning that your father was innocent this entire time, that you were never the son of a murderer, but of a man wrongfully committed to Azkaban. When the news finally reached me, I dropped everything and set out for the Burrow: this time, I was going to give you all the answers you needed to hear, before you were to reunite with your father. 
I apparated at Grimmauld’s place at quarter past midnight, I remember very well. Not a single window was alight. I entered the house I almost learned to hate, for everything reminded me of you father here, cutting me open. I made my way to the kitchen. Something didn’t feel right, the atmosphere had shifted, it was almost like the house could breathe again. 
The moment I saw your father sitting in the very chair you are occupying, my legs failed me. I broke down on my knees, sobbing uncontrollably, like a little girl. Your father put your arms around me, placing feverish kisses all over my face, telling me that it was going to be okay now. He was back. 
We talked the night away, until the dawn coloured the sky light pink. He wanted to know everything about you - what kind of person you’d become, what you loved, what made you tick, what subjects at Hogwarts were your favourite… I watched a mischievous smile bloom on his chapped lips as I mentioned that your animagus form was a husky. He laughed out loud when I told him you were exceptionally good at blowing up school toilets. He cleared his throat, hiding his tears of joy when he learned you were proud to be a Slytherin, because it “came to show that not all Slytherins were Death Eaters in the making”. I swear I saw Padfoot come back to life that night, familiar fire melting the deadly coldness in his eyes away. 
We arranged for the old members of the Order to come to the Grimmauld place in the evening; I asked Molly to tell you to come too. Sirius was anxious the entire day. He couldn’t sleep and he couldn’t eat, threatening to go see you, claiming he had waited enough. Coming out there, even as a dog, was still dangerous, so I talked him down, time and again. 
I will never forget the tears rolling down his cheeks when he saw you, after all these years… When he held you in his arms… My heart stopped at the sight. Having seen his eyes, having felt his chest against your own that night, how dare you say your father never loved you, Alastair?… You were the only thing that mattered to him, the only thing that kept him going… Even if he was forced not to show it. 
That’s right, you heard me. The moment the members of the Order sat down at this table that night, we knew: many more meetings would follow. I’d been places and I’d seen things - there was no doubt left in my mind that Voldemort was planning his big return, his servants and all these creatures who worshipped him restless. We all knew the danger was coming, but we didn’t know from where exactly.  
Dumbledore and Sirius stepped into the hall after the meeting; they talked long enough for me to start to worry. When Sirius returned to the kitchen, we were still sitting at this table, do you remember?… A bright smile lit up your features as you asked your father if you could stay with him for the remainder of the summer. His answer was short and cold, and shook me to the core. He didn’t even say goodbye when you left for Burrow with Molly and Arthur. 
I was furious. I waited till we were left alone in the house to confront him. I came off a little stronger than I intended, reminding him that you were his son, for Merlin’s sake, and calling him heartless. Tears glimmered in his bloodshot eyes as he told me he was doing what was best for you. It was too dangerous for you to be close to him - he was still considered a murderer by the Ministry, only now the other side of the looming war wanted him dead as well. Being his son alone had already put you in danger; being a devoted, loving son would have surely killed you. I tried to talk some sense into him - he was making the same damn mistake we let James and Lily commit back in the day - he was yielding to fear. 
Please understand, Alastair, this wasn’t my decision to make. I wasn’t your mother. I was nobody really, and that’s exactly what your father told me, point blank. I stared at him in disbelief for what felt like an eternity, before I disappeared into thin air, apparating back to my place in London.  
I watched you grow bitter, while the skies above our heads grew darker with every single day. I tried to talk to you, to justify your father’s behaviour in your eyes, but you wouldn’t listen. I forced Remus, the only close friend I had left, to try and open your father’s eyes, Merlin knows, he’d been good at it when we were back at Hogwarts. Sirius wouldn’t budge, either. Like father, like son. 
I know you were jealous of Harry, I could see it just by looking at your face, don’t try to deny it. All because Sirius was treating him like a friend. What he saw, looking at Harry, was James. An equal, capable of fighting - not the most valuable thing in the world that needed to be protected at all costs. You were the quintessential reason he survived Azkaban. You were the only force that made him go out and fight, every single day. You weren’t just you in his eyes - you were the promise of the happy future he had to deserve by avenging your poor mother. I think he punished himself in a way all this time, he blamed himself for not having been there for the mother of his child when she needed him most. He blamed himself for leaving you. Under the weight of all this guilt and fear, your father got lost… And I wasn’t there to fight for him, to show him the way.
He came to see me… He came to see me a week ago, right before that night at the Ministry”. 
Y/N no longer looks at Alastair - her gaze is lost in the darkness of the hall, as tears roll down her cheeks. 
“…And I didn’t let him in.”
With his vision blurry, Alastair bites on his lips, his chest heaving. He is drowning in all-consuming pain, and no one’s here to save him. This must be what his father felt like. In agony and all alone. 
“There’s not a minute that goes by that I don’t think about him,” Y/N rubs her eyes with the heels of her hands. “I know I could have saved him,” her voice cracks, and her entire body shudders. “Had I loved him a little less, just a tad less to forgive him for the hurt he had caused me, I could have saved him. I could have gone to the Ministry that night instead of him, I could have convinced him to stay here, with you, for he had so much to lose…” Alastair’s eyes meet hers - not a flicker of the flame is reflecting in their irises. He gets the feeling his are the same, void and dark, like his name. 
“I could have saved him,” he says, covering Y/N’s hand with his, squeezing it ever so lightly. “Had I loved him at his worse, when he needed me most”. 
Silence is a scary sound as it closes in on them - on a heartbroken woman with tear-stained cheeks who loved too much, and on the orphan with blood-shot, thunderous grey eyes who did not love enough. 
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lockedwithloki · 6 years ago
The Aftermath - Part 1
Author’s note: I fucking need a whole pack of tissues. I hope you don’t hate me too much, it is based on Endgame after all. There’s going to be a second part, I felt so heartbroken that I had to stop writing.
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Requested: no
summary: the one in which peter is the bad news messenger.
Now enjoy <3 
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“I’m sorry my love, but Peter is gone”
Those words kept replaying in my mind. The words my father, Tony Stark, delivered to me after he managed to return from space. It had been five years and from all the bad things I had experienced in my life this one I could not get over. I couldn’t get over the fact that my friends and family were gone. That someone decided that half of humanity had to be vanished. Turn into dust and be one with the atmosphere. I couldn’t get over Peter’s death. He had been my best friend for as long as I could remember, I was the one who told my father that he was Spider-man.
Just few days before he turned into dust we had shared our very first kiss, finally understanding what we meant to each other. We had decided to give it a shot, even if it ruined our friendship. When you find something so strong in such a young age it’s not easy to ignore it. But the chance to figure out where those feelings would lead us was taken away from us.
After five years all I could think about was that kiss. It was like a little ritual of mine every sunset I was sitting by the lake near the house we had moved in and daydream about those happy moments.
I was happy with my father and Pepper, and Morgan, my new little sister. I am not going to pretend that we were miserable, Morgan could always find a way to make it interesting. But I couldn’t shake the little void inside of me that something is missing.
I had lost all hope that they would find a way to bring them back, I knew my father wouldn’t risk it especially after Morgan and I didn’t really know what the other Avengers were up too. Until one time, we had some visitors and my mind went wild.
I was sitting at my usual spot by the lake when I heard a car parking next to our house. We didn’t get that much of those these days so I ran to see who it was. A two very familiar faces smiled when they saw me and I hugged them tightly. “Steve, Natasha, what are you doing here?” my eyes fell on the third person that was with them, I recognised him “you’re Ant-man, right?”
“That’s me” he waved happily.
“We were hoping to speak with your father” Natasha said after they finished asking me how I’ve been doing.
“Is something wrong?” I asked worried.
“No kiddo, nothing new at least” Steve replied and then I noticed how tired he looked. I wondered how he could manage all the loss and pain he had experienced over so many years.
“So?” I asked and my eyes widen in realisation. “You figured it out, didn’t you? You figured out a way to bring them back?” I could feel the air get stuck in my throat and my heart beating faster than ever before. But before any of them could reply my father called my name.
“(Y/N), get your sister inside” he walked closer, giving his old co-workers a hard look.
“But dad-”
“Now (Y/N)!” he said strictly.
“Come on honey” I said wrapping my arms around her safely.
“Who are those people? Dad looked mad” she said with her soft voice.
“Just dad’s old friends. Come on let’s see what Pepper’s up to”
I stayed with both of them for a while, pretending I was helping with dinner when in fact I was trying to listen to their conversation. “Hey I am going to take my phone, I left it somewhere” I said, knowing very well that Pepper wouldn’t believe me. I stood close to the door and I heard all that I needed to.
“We have a chance to bring her back. To bring everyone back. And you’re telling me that you won’t even-”
“That’s right Scott” my dad interrupted him “I won’t. Leave it. Got two kids.” it was like someone stabbed me in the heart.
I didn’t know what to do, so I ran to my room and cried, cried more than I had in those five years. In that very same state my dad found me a few hours later, with tears in my eyes holding the last photo Peter and I had taken together.
“Hey” he softly knocked the door “can I come inside?” he asked and I nodded in reply, feeling my throat sore after all the crying. “You know how sorry I am, don’t you?”
“Then do something about it” I whispered turning my whole body so I could face him.
He sat next to me and took my hands in his “I can’t, you can understand this, right? I can’t risk losing Morgan, or you”
“All I understand is that you have a chance to bring him back, to bring everyone back and you won’t even try. That’s not the man who raised me. Now please leave me alone” I said feeling new tears forming in my eyes.
I woke up few hours later with a huge headache and my eyes burning. I walked downstairs to get myself a glass of water when I saw my dad sleeping on his tablet. I walked where he was and I gently shook him awake “dad, go to bed”
“(Y/N), hey, what time is it?”
“Late” I said “hey dad, I am sorry about before. I get it, I truly do. I just wish Peter was here, you can understand that, right?”
He got up and hugged me “I love you so much, so you need to know that I will give this a shot, I am going to meet them tomorrow. I truly hope this will work the right way for all of us”
I returned the hug, maybe a little stronger than I was planning to. I felt a heavy lift get off my shoulders and for the first time in a while hope filled me “It’ll work dad, I know it will” I let him go and he whipped the tears I hadn’t realize that had slipped my eyes “I love you 3000″
“So you were the one who taught this to Morgan” he laughed and I smiled at him, taking a good look at his face, feeling proud to call him my father.
I didn’t know how long I was staring at my phone, waiting for a call or a single message from anyone, but the time kept passing by with no news. All possible scenarios passed through my mind. But not the one that actually happened. I had decided to go outside and get some clean air, trying to persuade myself that nothing would go wrong. And I was opening the door I came face to face with the person I lust to see so much "Peter" I exhaled and fell into his arms, completely ignoring the heartbroken look he had on. "I knew that it would work, I knew it, I am so happy you're here Peter. I had missed you so much. My dad's a freaking genius, of course he figured it out. But I am rambling, I am sorry, let me take a good look at you" and only then I realised that something was wrong. He hadn't said a word, of course something was wrong. “Peter, what’s wrong?”
“I am so glad you’re okay” he said and hugged me again, completely ignoring my question. “I don’t want to let you go” I knew him better than this, he was stalling, almost like he needed time to find the right words.
As much as I didn’t want to I pushed him away and looked him dead in the eyes “Peter, tell me what happened” but he refused to reply and his eyes were getting watery. I immediately understood and my whole body was at the edge of a panic attack. “Where is he? Where is my dad?” I said and memories flood at me when I had the same conversation with my father 5 years ago, demanding to see Peter, when I was well aware that l I couldn’t. It seemed like I couldn’t have them both here with me.
Peter just shook his head and I ran outside calling for him “Dad! Dad!” I yelled and tears started falling. “You can’t be gone” I felt a hand touching my shoulder, almost believing that it was my father. I turned to face him and I saw Peter this time fully crying.
“He saved us all (Y/N). We won thanks to him” he said and I fell on my knees, feeling the weight coming back on my shoulders once again. Peter followed my movement hugging me but I couldn’t even lift my arms to hug him back. All I could do was sob catching myself thinking that if I hadn’t persuaded him to go help the Avengers bring everyone back he would have been with us.
Part 2
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kaiunkaiku · 6 years ago
Welp, I wrote a fic | Ao3
Summary: Bakugou has a shit morning. Kirishima is a ray of sunshine. Aizawa does his duty as the unofficial father figure of the class.
Warnings: Implied PTSD, mentioned vomiting and nightmares, dissociation, chronic pain, my dialogue writing, also chaotic students. Some talk of trauma and therapy, reference to Todoroki’s bullshit family life
Morning classes are no one’s favorites, except for perhaps Iida’s, but Aizawa, for all his hatred for the concept of doing anything before noon, doesn’t remember encountering this kind of a situation while teaching his current class. Mornings are, of course, in general quieter than the rowdy afternoons when the kids are fully awake, but he’s not quite used to the lack of annoyed grumbling, the occasional yell or the muffled, tired shushing that’s probably supposed to be discreet.
Instead, there’s only quiet whispering throughout the classroom, and a few glances thrown at the two empty desks. Aizawa is curious himself, and possibly a tad bit concerned, but maybe the kids are late.
The dorms being a five-minute walk away should have taken care of that problem, though. Of course he understands that sometimes students are late because of traffic or something he can conveniently put in the same category, but the dorms fixed even Kaminari’s perpetual lateness for the most part, and the majority of the class usually arrives in two or three groups.
If his memory serves him right, Aizawa doesn’t remember a single case of a student being absent and nobody bothering to notify him in the entirety of his teaching career. His students, especially in their first year, tend to be properly terrified of him at least enough not to skip class.
Then again, he still hasn’t expelled a single student from this class (although if it wasn’t for the current, inconvenient circumstances, Mineta would have been at least suspended a while ago for inappropriate behavior. He regrets not doing that at the beginning of the first year).
Right now, the empty seats of Kirishima and Bakugou seem to be glaring at him. It’s way too early for this, and maybe he could chalk it up to the boys being young and hormonal and in love, but Bakugou, despite his attitude and personality, is an exceptionally diligent student when compared to most of his peers.
But the possibility of them being late still stands, so Aizawa decides to give them a few more minutes to appear with a proper explanation and goes on to read Jirou’s argumentative essay on foreign language studying in elementary school.
He has three pages left, because this girl has opinions, when out of the corner of his eye he sees a shock of blonde hair approaching him with what looks suspiciously like a smartphone instead of a textbook or a notebook. Judging from the way Kaminari’s fingers fidget around the device and the slightly terrified look on his face, he’s well aware of the fact that phones are strictly banned in the classroom with the sole exception of searching information concerning an assignment, and this could very well end up with his phone in Aizawa’s desk drawer for the remainder of the day.
Aizawa does recall seeing Kaminari fiddling with his phone earlier, too – in fact, he can just as easily recall at least Sero, Ashido and Midoriya doing the same thing, with several of their classmates occasionally checking their phones. Maybe he should have done something fifteen minutes ago, but if no one falls asleep thanks to the blue light they keep staring at, he’ll forgive them before nine AM.
Looking at Kaminari’s anxious expression as he walks to the front of the class like he probably would to an executioner that hasn’t been given an order yet, Aizawa is starting to be fairly sure he won’t be seeing Kirishima or Bakugou in his classroom today. Behind Kaminari, a few other students are nervously glancing around and furiously tapping at their phones. Several phones vibrate simultaneously, telling Aizawa with certainty that they’re all screaming in their group chat. He briefly wonders what the thing is currently named, because he knows for a fact that at one point it was called Adopted by Aizawa and another Is nobody in this goddamn class straight (that one, Aizawa wonders himself, too, at times, but considering that he’s been in a relationship with a man for well over a decade, well, he supposes he doesn’t have much to say to that).
Kaminari’s phone buzzes, too, but he doesn’t even look at it, which leads to the logical conclusion that whatever the reason is for him to be bringing a phone to Aizawa instead of an exercise, it’s more important than what’s undoubtedly obnoxious, emoji-filled caps lock mess of “what the fuck are you doing” directed at Kaminari.
Deciding to give the kid a break, Aizawa sighs and looks up at Kaminari. He makes sure not to glare, because that would be counterproductive in this situation and just slow things down, and instead schools his expression into a neutral one.
“What is it?” he asks, not quite managing to keep the sleepiness from his voice. Kaminari glances down at his phone, the light of the screen briefly reflecting in his eyes, and then focuses his eyes on Aizawa’s face.
“Um,” Kaminari starts, already stuttering on the one syllable. “I, uh, well,” he mumbles, and his eyes wander somewhere behind Aizawa and then to the desk. Aizawa raises one eyebrow as Kaminari glances at his phone again. The rest of the classroom has gone silent – even the constant buzzing has stopped.
“Kirishima says Bakugou’s sick,” he then mumbles, words leaving his mouth fast and surprisingly quiet. “That’s pretty much all I can get out of him, but, I mean…” Kaminari drifts off, glancing nervously around again, and Aizawa is starting to suspect that he’s more afraid that Bakugou will blast through a window or a wall and continue on to blow up his head for even trying to suggest such a thing than he is of Aizawa confiscating his phone. “It’s gotta be pretty bad if he’s admitting it, right?”
Inclined to agree, Aizawa nods.
Kaminari is quiet for a moment, hands still fidgeting with his phone, and Aizawa looks at him expectantly. It’s still too early for this, and he’d like for Kaminari to continue if he’s going to. It takes way too long for Kaminari to take the hint before he clears his throat.
“So, uh, I figured I should probably tell you, since you’re the teacher and all, and, uh, yeah,” Kaminari continues, fidgeting. Aizawa almost feels sorry for the kid.
The rest of the class stares as Aizawa stands up from behind his desk. It’s unbelievably quiet, and while Aizawa appreciates them worrying for their classmates, he doesn’t really care for how obvious they are about it. They’re kids, of course, yes, but they’re also future pro heroes who should not look this concerned over what probably doesn’t warrant that level of concern.
It crosses his mind that he might not know something he probably should.
He straightens himself, taking note of his stiff arms – they’re always stiff, these days, and sore, and sometimes he can’t bend them properly – and sweeps his gaze across the classroom. Kaminari is still standing in front of him, fingers curled almost protectively around his phone.
“Iida,” he starts, and said boy snaps into attention immediately. “I’m stepping out for a second. You and Yaoyorozu are in charge.” Iida vocalizes his understanding and Aizawa knows he’s going to come back to absolute chaos because that’s what his class is. “Kaminari, back to your seat. If I see your phone again today, I’m confiscating it,” he remembers to say, and Kaminari scrambles back to his seat so quickly he almost trips over his own feet.
According to the security system in place at the Heights Alliance, the building is mostly empty, with the notable exception of two people in Bakugou’s room. The system is connected to his phone, as it is to the phones of all the staff members that deal with the students on a daily basis, and this is so much better than having the bots inform him of everything back when the dorms were still brand new. The bots are bitchy.
He sends a quick message to Hizashi to please go check on his class if he can find the time, and tells him to take every cell phone he sees even though he knows Hizashi won’t do it.
The walk is short, and Aizawa soon finds himself in front of Bakugou’s room. He knocks three times and hears footsteps from the other side, and then he’s facing messy red hair, wide, red eyes, and sharp teeth, making up one Kirishima Eijirou, who has no socks on and hasn’t styled his hair up.
The visible tension in Kirishima’s shoulders drains away as he recognizes who he just opened the door to, and his whole frame slumps in relief.
“Sensei,” he breathes out, before Aizawa has time to say anything. Then his eyes widen. “Oh, crap, I’m so sorry, I swear we didn’t mean to skip and we’re not doing anything stupid during school hours,” Kirishima starts, and suddenly he’s rambling in a slightly panicked way. Aizawa decides Kirishima isn’t in trouble for this.
“I just, I couldn’t just leave him here alone,” Kirishima continues, eyes flicking to where Aizawa knows the bathroom is. Then he freezes, and Aizawa cranes his neck to see what Kirishima is looking at.
There’s a digital clock on the nightstand, and Kirishima manages to whisper a soft “fuck” before he turns back to face Aizawa, eyes wider and now looking decidedly scared. “I swear I didn’t realize it was already almost nine,” he says in a meek voice, and Aizawa finally raises his hand between them to silence him. Kirishima’s mouth snaps shut.
“You’re not in trouble,” he says, and Kirishima relaxes. “Just tell me what’s going on. You told Kaminari that Bakugou was sick?”
Moving away from the doorway, Kirishima starts explaining as he lets Aizawa in. There’s a massive All Might poster staring at him.
“Yeah, uh, I don’t actually know what’s wrong.” Kirishima moves his hands helplessly. “He had a nightmare, which is nothing new, really, he has those, I have those, I’m pretty sure everyone has those," and oh, that's probably what Aizawa should have known but didn't, "but he was really out of it after, and now that I think about it he may have had a panic attack. And he was feeling sick, and so we’ve been camping in the bathroom since then. I think it was like five in the morning. He’s thrown up a few times,” he explains, hands fidgeting, as he nudges the bathroom door open with his foot.
Bakugou looks absolutely miserable.
He’s curled up to himself, hugging his knees to his chest, leaning on the wall next to the toilet, and he doesn’t even glance at the door when it opens, instead staring at a fixed spot in front of him. He’s wearing what looks like a Crimson Riot hoodie that’s a little too big on him, and his knuckles are white. The room reeks of sickness.
Kirishima sits down on the floor next to Bakugou, moving softly, and presses a kiss to his temple. “Hey there,” he murmurs. “I came back, you’re fine,” he continues, fingers settling to Bakugou’s hair, and on some level he reminds Aizawa of Hizashi. Bakugou doesn’t react.
Crouching down sends a twinge of pain from his knees to his hips, because today is apparently a shit day pain-wise, but Aizawa does it anyway. Being on eye-level with Bakugou, the kid looks even worse; his eyes are bloodshot and lips chapped, and he looks very pale. A quick check confirms that Bakugou isn’t wearing his hearing aids, so he digs his memory for sign language – he hasn’t seen Hizashi’s parents in a while, so he hasn’t  used  it in a while. He’s not exactly fluent in JSL, but Bakugou can hear something, so he’s going to make this work.
“Bakugou,” he starts, and fuck, the kid flinches. But the vacant look in his eyes clears, if just a bit, and Bakugou turns to look at him instead of the wall. “Can you tell me what’s going on?”
Bakugou stares at him for a moment, a considering look in his eyes as if he’s trying to figure out something, and then swallows thickly. Kirishima hasn’t stopped running his fingers through Bakugou’s hair, and his previously free hand has slipped to hold Bakugou’s.
“I feel like shit and I want it to stop,” Bakugou croaks, tone detached and emotionless.
“Okay,” Aizawa replies, even though that did not answer his question. But Bakugou is clearly not lying, either. “I want to check if you have a fever, which means I’m going to touch your forehead,” he explains, trying to emphasize the words with a few key signs he doesn’t think he botches. He reaches a hand forward, but Bakugou interrupts him.
“I’m not sick,” he says, still without any emotion, but he sounds surprisingly convinced of this considering the unhealthy pallor of his skin and the fact that he’s been throwing up. Aizawa quirks an eyebrow.
“I’m going through some bullshit trauma response,” Bakugou continues, clutching Kirishima’s hand, “and it won’t stop.”
Which, okay, Aizawa can understand, because he’s been there, right down to describing the post-nightmare haze as bullshit trauma response when reality didn’t feel like reality and his body didn’t feel like his body. He can’t even imagine what it must be like to go through that at seventeen, because at the very least Aizawa himself was a proper adult and an actual, full-fledged, licenced hero with several years of experience when that particular brand of bullshit trauma response first hit him. Bakugou, on the other hand, is still a teenager, a student, a kid, and so is Kirishima.
He’s throwing Bakugou back to therapy starting tomorrow.
After the incident last fall, Aizawa made sure to force every single one of his students to sit down with a counselor. That lead to a few of his students agreeing to start therapy, and Aizawa keeps careful tabs on who’s going and how the rest of them are doing mentally; Bakugou quit at the end of the school year, Iida, Midoriya, Asui and Kirishima all sat a few sessions, Todoroki is still going, and if Aizawa is being honest, he doesn’t think Todoroki will ever get out of therapy. In any case, he does not need a repeat of a student having a mental breakdown and trying to kill a fellow student.
Looking at Bakugou now, Aizawa doesn’t think he’ll resist the idea too much.
Somehow, standing up is even worse than crouching down was. His knees protest, his ankles protest, his hips, his back, everything. It doesn’t matter, not right now. He’s an adult, and a teacher, and on duty.
“Here’s what we’re going to do,” he starts once he’s straightened up. Kirishima’s eyes snap up to him, while Bakugou continues to stare where Aizawa’s face just was. “I’m going to call the nurse’s office, and they’re going to send someone here to give Bakugou something to calm down. You’re both excused for the day,” he adds, because he figures Kirishima wouldn’t be able to concentrate in class anyway.
“They’re gonna sedate me,” Bakugou states bluntly, and there’s still the detached tone to his voice.
“Not if you don’t want to– “
“I don’t.”
“– but they’re still going to check you up to see if there’s something else wrong. Do you still feel sick?”
Bakugou nods slowly, and Aizawa resists the urge to sigh. The poor kid is in for a long day.
Aizawa stays with the boys until a nurse whose name he doesn’t remember determines that Bakugou is dehydrated, exhausted, and indeed going through some bullshit trauma response; he’s damn near tachycardic, and apparently he’s been dissociating for hours. He won’t talk, so Kirishima provides information where he can – Bakugou still doesn’t seem to have a full grasp on everything that’s going on around him, not to mention what has been going on for the past few hours besides feeling horrible and confused.
In the end, the nurse gives him something to help with the nausea, and convinces him that a mild sedative is a better idea than continuing to feel like shit because he’s too wound up. Getting Bakugou up from the floor turns out to be the most difficult task, because he’s stiff as all hell and shaky on his feet. He doesn’t want to be touched, which is understandable but inconvenient, and once upright he wobbles and almost crashes into Kirishima.
Bakugou seems to fall asleep the second his head hits the pillow, and the nurse gives Kirishima some general instructions like keeping him hydrated and trying to get him to eat something, and tells him to call immediately if Bakugou starts getting worse or if his condition doesn’t improve in a few hours.
Finally walking back to the main building after reassuring Kirishima that yes, taking today off is fine and no, they’re not in trouble for not showing up to class, Aizawa swallows two painkillers dry and prepares himself for the mess that his class is likely to be when he returns.
As expected, Aizawa comes back to absolute chaos.
Kaminari is draped over Sero in a vaguely disturbing angle. Midoriya and Todoroki are hunched over the former’s desk in what decidedly does not look like studying. There seems to be a dance party at the back of the classroom, attended by Ashido, Aoyama and Hagakure, with Jirou providing music. Iida and Yaoyorozu are both sitting at their seats looking defeated.
There’s a nice couch in the teachers’ lounge. He can take a nap there. It’s fine. Hizashi can do something about his class.
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ohtheseboysilove · 6 years ago
#1 [Joe Mazzello x F!Reader]
Words : 1, 200 K +
C38 & C42 : “I’m in the hospital.” + “Oh, don’t cry. I hate it when you cry.”
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"I hope you have a good excuse this time Pumpkin" Joe chuckled as he answered your phone call.
He wasn’t surprise that you were running late, you were always late. All the damn, your mind was always lost somewhere in the clouds resulting for you to forget your plans for the day. And today wasn’t very different, you were supposed to meet your boyfriend twenty minutes ago in this cute little café not far from where he had an interview earlier but once again you were running late.
"Yeah, my excuse is pretty good this time" You muffled with pain, god, it was hurtful to even speak. "I’m in the hospital"
"What ?" The ginger jumped from his seat and threw some money on the table, probably way too much for a single coffee but right now he didn’t care at all. "Are you okay ? What’s happened ?"
"I’m fine Joseph, I’m on my way back home. I just...had a little incident this morning at the swimming pool, that’s all" You whined as you entered the first taxi you could find. "I’m sorry I miss our lunch"
"Shut up, I don’t care about this lunch Pumpkin ! I’m really freaking out right now, tell me what happened ?" The American opened his car and put the phone on speaker, immediately driving through your shared flat, his stomach twisted with anxiety.
"I didn’t mean to scare you baby. I...I just fell and broke my nose" You winced as you closed your eyes, your broken nose was throbbing painfully the more you moved your facial muscles. "You know how clumsy I am, I slid in the shower after my training and fuck it’s hurt"
"Jesus Pumpkin, you almost gave me a heart attack" Joe cursed as he felt slightly better, it could be worst. Especially with you and your maladroitness. "I’m at home in ten minutes, are you almost there ?"
"Yeah, I almost here" You murmured, trying your best to limit the aching in your nose but it was useless. You get out from the cab and slowly made your way to your flat, the painkiller that the nurse gave you making you sleepy. "See you baby"
You hung up and opened the door, immediately greeted by our and Joe’s cat, Murphy. After some good patting, you went straight to your bed, falling heavily on it. What a day. You wiggling your way under the cover, shoes kicked off and sighed deeply when you head rested on the fluffy pillow. Fucking finally.
"Pumpkin ? Where are you ?" You smiled softly as Joe’s voice, warmth spreading in your system at the thought of his presence.
"Bedroom" You managed to yell back and your smile widened when his cute face popped up in your sight. "Hi baby"
"Can I switch on the light ?" The ginger asked as the room was completely dark.
"If you promise you’re not gonna laugh at my ridiculous face" You muffled with difficulty. Your nose and around were all swollen and red, a big white plaster covering it. Your eyes were also puffy from all the crying. You looked everything but glamorous.
The American bit his lips and nodded silently before switching on the light and crouched at your level, next to the bed, his hand falling on your covered thigh. He winced at your wet cheeks and twisted features, pain visibly painted on it.
"My poor Pumpkin" He cooed as he pressed several pecks on your knuckles, his heart sinking at your glassy eyes. "Look really painful, tell me what I can do"
"Gimme a kiss” You puckered your lips with pleading eyes, your fingers tugging on his shirt to bring him closer.
Joe carefully lowered and tilted his head, giving you a chaste kiss. The position was awkward and uncomfortable as he was trying to not touch your nose, putting his head in a ridiculous position. The kiss continued, gentle and soft until he broke it, his hand reaching his aching neck.
"No more kiss for you Pumpkin, I’m all sore" He chuckled and slowly moved his neck, a loud and satisfying creaking echoing from his movements.
He moaned at the feeling and you couldn’t swallowed back your giggles at his funny face. But as soon as you laughed, tears escaped your eyes from the painfully throbbing on the middle on your face.
"Shit, don’t make me laugh Mazzello, it’s hurt" You sobbed with a strangle voice, each breathing hitting right on the most aching part of your broken nose. "Stop with your funny face !"
"So sorry Pumpkin, I’m not doing anything, that’s my normal face !” He replied with a hidden grin, the urge to laugh at your half crying half laughing features was really deep but he didn’t want to cause you more pain. "Come on stop crying, please. You know I cry when you cry" Joe murmured as he felt his own eyes watered without any control.
You stifled a sob and instead a strange and funny noise echoing though your broke nose making you both snorted like dorks. More tears fell on your cheeks, you didn’t know if it was from the pain or from the ridiculous situation.
"Joe no" You pleaded when you saw his cheeks becoming wet. He let out a small whine and you felt your heart melt. "Oh, don’t cry. I hate it when you cry.” Your fingers smoothly stroked his messy and wild ginger hair that you loved very much.
"I know but I can’t stand you being in pain" He chuckled between sobs, his hands rubbing furiously his eyes. His head ended on your thighs after he crawled on the bed, thumb caressing your skin lazily. You moved your hand to his pink cheek, both of you slowly calming down after this ridiculous but cute situation. “You look fucking adorable right now”
You playfully slapped his shoulder as you did your best to keep your tired eyes opened. The painkiller was definitively kicking your ass off but you couldn’t stop staring at Joe, his cute sleepy features for once were relaxed.
“Shut up dork, I’m not adorable, my face is all swollen like if a thousand bees sting right on my nose”
“Technically you would be a bit dead if a thousand bees had sting you, Pumpkin” You rolled your eyes and Joe stuck his tongue out childishly. “But I mean it, you’re really look adorable. All the time, it’s unfair”
He dropped a light kiss on your clothed stomach with a goofy smile.
“Maybe you need glasses then Mazzello” You murmured lazily, the tiredness was crashing on you by waves, your eyelids heavier at every second. “’m sleepy baby”
“Then sleep Pumpkin, you need to rest” He whispered back as he carefully slid next to you, interlacing your legs. You couldn’t put your head on his chest, not with your throbbing face so you rested on your pillow, simply looking at Joe with loving eyes. “You need to close your eyes if you want to sleep (Y/N)”
“But you look so pretty right now” You replied with a slushy voice, your mouth feeling heavier than usual to form words.
“Alright Pumpkin, I think the painkillers are really working now” He chuckled quietly and reached for his phone, clicking on the recording button. “My little high pumpkin, how cute are you like that”
“My brain felt all mushy, I think it’s melting...”You rambled and talked nonsense for few minutes before muffled snores escaped your half-open mouth, bringing a smile on Joe’s face.
He couldn’t resit to take a picture for his instagram “@yourinstagramaccount my clumsy dork broke another bone today #whoisevensurprise
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