#don’t mind me declaring my love for her like that people 🤣
snimeat · 1 year
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— the beast below, d.w. [insp.]
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could you do please number 18 for the prompts you posted?
I absolutely love everything you write. I've even read a lot of your Star Wars fic and ive only actually seen a couple of the star wars movies 🤣🤣 you are just such a gifted writer!
i went a bit AWOL on this and it got away from me! i call this…jily-adjacent??? hope you don't mind, anon! x
from these prompts
“This is ridiculous.”
“I’m beginning to think you’re not enjoying this quality time as much as I am, Evans.”
Lily rolls her eyes, even though he can’t see her through the door. “You know,” she grunts, pulling the skirt up, and smoothing her top down over the hem, “most people opt to go out for a pint or something.” She appraises herself in the tall mirror, then swings open the door to the dressing room. “Just posing an alternative for the future.”
Sirius grins at her. “Don’t act like you didn’t love picking the outfit I’m likely to die in.” He motions for her to turn around and tugs at the skirt, clicking his teeth with the same disappointment he’s shown at the last several options.
She sighs and walks back over to the rack, grabbing the next choice: a midi-length black dress, with puffed sleeves that make her think of her great-grandmum.
“God, this is awful,” she says, pulling it off the hanger.
“In case you’ve forgotten, Evans,” Sirius says, taking the dress from her hands and holding it up in front of her, “you’ve removed ‘going out for a pint’ from the equation for us.” He pokes at her stomach as he turns to put the dress back up on the rack.
Lily smiles automatically at the reminder of what Sirius declared to be the ‘only good fucking news since fucking Hogwarts’ when she and James finally told him last week. She pops back behind the dressing room door, making quick work of the skirt and shirt ensemble, and pulls her own jumper and jeans back on. The jeans feel tighter today than usual, and she wonders if it’s because of the baby or if she’s just imagining things.
“Anyway,” Sirius says, from outside the dressing room, “maybe we should just try some Muggle shops. This place isn’t doing it for me anymore.”
Lily snorts as she pushes back through the doors, once again in her own clothes. “We’re going to the bloody Malfoys’,” she says, lowering her voice. “If we show up in Muggle clothes, we’ll be murdered in the entryway.”
“Excuse me,” Sirius says with a haughty sniff, flicking his hair over his shoulder, “but please don’t speak about my delightful family like that.”
The witch who offered to assist them earlier, before Sirius more or less told her to shut up and leave them alone glares at them from the desk, clearly annoyed that they’re still there and haven’t bought anything yet.
Lily turns back to watch Sirius as he pulls another dress from a nearby rack, frowning as if its existence has deeply offended him. “If the charms wear off and we end up looking like ourselves, who do you think they’re likely to kill first?” she asks.
“Still you,” he says with a regretful sigh. “It’s just such a shame you’ve committed the heinous crime of being born, Lily Potter.”
Sirius and Lily continue to scan the small shop for a dress that could work, but every time Lily finds something remotely bearable, Sirius shoots it down with a comment about the hemline being wrong for her body type or how the style is too 1977.
At Lily’s huff of frustration, Sirius shrugs. “If you just wanted someone to smile and say you look pretty, you should have brought James.”
“Yeah, because he’d love the reminder that we’re going on this mission without him.”
“I tried to get him instead of you,” Sirius reminds her. “Moody said Prongs doesn’t look as good in a dress. Something about the legs.”
“Just find me a dress, Black.”
“What shade of blond?” he asks, referring to the assortment of charms they’ve settled on for their disguises. “Platinum or more of—”
“Why does it matter?”
He affords her the same look of annoyance he’s reserved for the clothes up to this point in their outing. “It’s basic colour theory, Evans.”
She rolls her eyes, but replies, “Like a…honey colour?”
He nods and continues flicking through the hangers. “Speaking of Prongs,” he says, without looking at her—and they weren’t just speaking of him, so Lily knows whatever he’s about to say has been on his mind for a while.
“I’ve got some orders.”
“Orders,” Lily echoes, lifting an eyebrow.
He still doesn’t turn to look at her. “If things go tits up, at the Malfoys’, you’re getting the fuck out of there.”
Lily frowns. “Not with—”
“No way, Evans. You’ve—” He turns around now and leans against the rack. “If you wanted to play the hero, you should have thought about that before you got yourself knocked up, alright?”
Lily's brows knit together, and a flicker of irritation sparks in her eyes. “Don’t be so—”
“Obviously, I’m buzzing about the baby! So is Prongs. He—well, Merlin, you don’t need me to tell you. You have to live with the git. But come on, Evans, you can’t be stupid anymore.”
“Stupid anymore?” she bites out. The witch at the desk glances up from her magazine again, but Lily doesn’t care. She steps closer to Sirius, dropping her voice dangerously low. “You and my husband can both fuck off with whatever that is. And I think it’s pretty rich that you and him, of all people, have devised a plan for me to be less stupid, when you two have a patent on the personality trait.”
Sirius laughs loudly, throwing her off kilter. He pats her cheek. “Never change, Evans.”
“What is wrong with you?” she demands.
“Don’t you think,” he says, watching her with a smirk, “that maybe there’s a reason you ended up with Prongs? That you ended up with all of us, really? That maybe it’s not because you even us out and curb our rebellious tendencies, but maybe—just maybe, you’re a little reckless and impulsive, and yeah, a little stupid, too?”
She sputters. “That’s not—”
“If you weren’t,” he continues, still grinning, “my telling you—a woman carrying a literal child in her uterus—to get the hell out of dodge when curses start flying at the Malfoys’ wouldn’t be so personally offensive. In fact,” he tilts his head, “it would probably just seem like common bloody sense.”
Lily opens her mouth to continue to argue with his ridiculous line of logic, but he holds up a hand to stop her as he pulls a deep purple dress from a rack. He holds it against her and smiles widely. 
“This is the one, Evans,” he says with certainty.
She examines it sceptically. “Are you sure? Isn’t it a little—”
He scoffs loudly. “Lily,” he groans with indignation. “Please buy this bloody dress. Your wedding dress was literally horrid and if you’d just asked me, you could have avoided—”
“Oh my God, okay!”
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porcelainseashore · 1 month
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me all of chapter 6 i’ll fight her irl don’t even care about the outcome
hunnigan my queen♡ i actually really love the design of the nosferatu in vtm so she is very gorgeous to me
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holeh moleh
i really loved the interaction between us and claire that was real cute🥺 and thank god we declared neutral ground i fear things would have gotten real scary otherwise
the end was so cute us finally starting to get to know leon a little and having a nice little conversation BUT THE CLIFFHANGER??? YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME WAIT ANOTHER WEEK???
bestie i am scared (in a good way) please god let us not have fucked everything up with that question and please god let leon not fuck anything up and lie to us about this shit …
Waahhhh the Ada hate in you is strong 🤣 Tbf she was only throwing Reader into the deep end to see if she was worthy enough of the Embrace, since Leon had raved about her. At least, that was what she had in mind!
And that's a first that you liked Hunnigan's appearance here, as quite a few people found her a little scary or revolting, which is the usual reaction given to the Nosferatu. But hey, we found a Nossie fan! 🫶 Also that lick pun got me 💘
Yes!! I loved writing the dynamic between the Redfields, Reader and Leon - they kinda gel well together and have their own thing going on, a bit like frenemies, maybe more on the friendly side though. Reader is wondering if she should've been Brujah herself at this rate, and no way is she gonna let Leon "control" her! Nuh-uh! Leon is really trying his luck with the sire card, but he knows he can't pull that one on her too often 😉
I just had to have a bit of a breather in this chapter after the intensity and action-packed previous ones, since these two idiots need to also have some bonding time and actually developing their relationship amidst all the politics and chaos. I mean at the rate they're going, there's only one way this could end right? 🫣👇
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Thank you so much again for supporting me and seriously your lovely asks always make my day! They're so cuuuttteee 🥰❤️‍🔥
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