#don’t ever be afraid to send me aska here!!
goldeg · 11 months
When you hang out with a friend do you prefer: 1) Day or night? 2) Listen to music or watch a movie 3) Go out or stay in 4) Cook a meal or order in 5) be the host or the guest 6) remove your shoes, shoes&socks, neither 7) hang out in a group or one to one
1) i used to love hanging out at night but now i’m more “go to bed at 7pm” kind of person ahahha so day
2) both! It depends of the mood i’m in. Mostly music bc then we can talk at the same time more!
3) stay in! Again i used to be night person and loved going out to clubs etc but now i’m old and sleepy hhaha
4) hmmm,, probably order something in but i also love cooking with kaneli! I’m more of a baker tho!
5) i host so rarely that i like it more! If i hosted all the time it would get boring. but i’m The Mom Person so it doesn’t really matter bc i’ll still be asking if everything is okay and ordering people to use coasters for their glasses anyway hahaha
6) i live in a country where you always remove your shoes when inside so that, but i also hate socks hahah so if i’m home i never wear socks either
7) i loooove parties and hanging out in groups, but that’s what i mostly see, so small groups and one to one is what i prefer. I used to hate being one to one but now i’m more comfortable with people so it’s okay. Mostly. Sometimes not lol
Thank you for sending me these!! It was fun to post something like this like the old times when i posted things like this a lot!! I rarely get asks anymore (probs bc I don’t post personal posts that much anymore) so this was nice!! Thanks!!! ❣️
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I like these asks and so shall send you… five.
⚠️ for Riordan
🌊 for Breannan
🐰 for Josephine
🚷 for Seyonna
…🦷 for Aska
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
Rated M for a lack of Manners.
🌊 - Does this oc have a secret or repressed desire?
Traveling. Seeing the world again. Learning things you can’t learn from tales and books. 
Breannan has settled into his role as mentor, and he does love it, but a part of him wants more. At the moment, he consciously and subconsciously defends his decision to stay at the Tiyatsin saying he is needed there.
🐰 - How huggable is this oc?
Not... very. Growing up, that was a rather improper thing to do. She needs to be really close to someone to enjoy that, and even then it won’t be the first thing on her mind.
🚷 - Tell one difference between yourself and this oc!
She glows pink and I don’t! Hope that helps.
(For real, she’s one of the chars I didn’t give much of me, at least not on purpose. I’m not afraid of water, I definitely don’t talk that much, and... let’s leave it here for spoiler reasons.)
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone?
But of course! If you threaten its friend, and there’s no way to get help, it’ll try to attack.
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