#don‘t worry i still paid attention while doodling
yaxinqs · 6 months
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silly kitty filter xavier to get me through my seminar 🙌 shoutout to those who remember this post
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bts-fantasy · 5 years
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part eleven
Genre: Thriller AU
Characters: Yoongi, Hoseok x Reader
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It was your first day of school after missing a whole week. Hoseok was so nice to send you all of the notes he took while you‘d been struggling to even get out of your bed each day. He and his sister had helped you to get out of your room at least and you actually had a great time if it wasn‘t for the surprise that had been waiting for you at home.
Jae had quickly left the house after telling you the news and you weren‘t able to close your eyes even a little bit for the rest of the night.
Your thoughts were constantly revolving around Yoongi and the messages from the stalker as you tried to calm yourself down again. You tried to avoid thinking of Yoongi being the stalker now that it was proven that he‘s innocent. But there was still a restless feeling inside of your chest that you couldn‘t shake off.
Maybe it was your mind going insane trying to find a scapegoat for the things that’s been happening to you. Maybe you didn‘t want to think of the stalker still being out there somewhere looking for you or maybe it was your own guilt gnawing at you for jumping to conclusions without talking to Yoongi first.
You wouldn‘t be able to look him in the eye anymore and you were certain that he‘d never want to see you again either.
You sighed picking up your bag and walked out of your house as the same thoughts kept running through your mind again and again like a broken record.
It was a sunny November day but as soon as you stepped out you could feel the icy wind hit your bare face and you instantly regretted not bringing your scarf with you to keep you warm.
Halfway through the day, you questioned your decision of showing up to class at all. You weren‘t paying attention at all as you kept doodling in your notebook trying not to fall asleep.
Suddenly, you felt someone slighlty poke your side and turned to look at Hoseok who was smiling at you warmly. You only then noticed, how everyone was packing their stuff and your things were still scattered across the table. Waking up from your doze you quickly stuffed your things in your bag and followed your friend outside.
„The class was really interesting today, don‘t you think?“, Hoseok asked as soon as you‘d left the classroom.
„Y-yeah. Totally.“
Hoseok laughed knowing that you hadn‘t paid any attention but stopped when he saw your spaced out expression. He knew that your mind was somewhere far away and leaned down to talk to you quietly.
„Don‘t worry, I‘ll send you the notes I took.“
It was the first time for that day that you smiled genuinely and his face immediately lit up when he looked at you. He went on to ask you to study with him and when you tried to come up with an excuse he convinced you by inviting you for a drink.
The rest of the afternoon you tried to catch up with the work you‘d missed for the past week and Hoseok was ready to help you whenever it was needed. Sitting in front of your friend at your regular place in your favorite café studying together almost made you feel like everything was back to normal again. It reminded you of the time when everything was going smoothly without any disturbance. You‘d gotten used to the life in the new town after moving here and you’d felt like you were finally able to breathe.
But somehow life always found a way to knock you down.
You let out a deep sigh closing your book shut as Hoseok did the same. You both decided to go home after looking at the dark sky outside of the café. Diving into your studies for the past couple of hours had helped you to distract your mind for a while and you were glad that you‘d been able to get your work done in such a short amount of time. It made you feel good.
You were walking down the street of your little neighborhood looking forward to a long, warm bath when suddenly a voice shouted your name behind you. You immediately froze in your tracks not being able to move and turn around to face him because you knew exactly who was calling you. You tried to ignore it and move forward as you sped up your pace to reach your house but you heard his footsteps hitting the concrete indicating that he was running to catch up with you.
„Y/N! Wait!“
You closed your eyes not wanting to see him or hear him as your heart was hammering against your chest. But you knew you wouldn‘t be able to escape and when you opened your eyes again Yoongi was standing right in front of you.
His cheeks tinted in a rosy color as small clouds of breath left his lips when he exhaled. The black strands of his messy hair almost covering his dark eyes. You stopped breathing for a moment looking at his face trying to unravel your thoughts and feelings about the boy standing right in front of you.
Yoongi seemed to be doing the same thing because now that he was finally in front of you he couldn‘t think of anything to say. His lips parted and closed again as he was desperately trying to form a sentence to tell you everything that he‘d been thinking of lately. But he couldn‘t.
After a moment of complete silence that felt like the world had stopped turning for a while, Yoongi somehow managed to get a word out.
„Why... why did you do it?“
You looked up to meet his eyes that were glistening with unshed tears. You had never seen him so broken before and it was tearing you apart wanting to hold him tight but you refrained from doing so. The guilt you were feeling inside was unbearable and you could feel your own eyes burning by the thought of what you‘d done.
„Yoongi... I...“, you stumbled over your own words as your voice cracked. However, Yoongi remained silent waiting for your response patiently.
„I‘m sorry...“, you finally whispered knowing it would never ever fix the damage that you‘d done but you meant it with your whole heart.
„When I saw those pictures on your laptop I freaked out and I immediately called the police. I know I should‘ve confronted you first but I was so scared. I‘m so sorry, Yoongi and I understand if you don‘t want to see me ever ag-“
You didn‘t get to finish the sentence as you suddenly got pulled into a tight hug. Yoongi‘s arms wound around your waist as if they were made only to hold you. He buried his head in the crook of your neck sending shivers down your spine as he kept whispering to you.
„I dont‘t want to leave you, Y/N. I couldn‘t even if I wanted to.“
His words were the last straw and you burst into tears clinging onto him as if your life depended on it. Droplets of your tears stained his hoodie but you were too busy inhaling the familiar scent of him to even care.
You had missed him so much and you were finally able to admit it without feeling weird inside. You needed him and you loved him.
Yoongi pulled back and you could see his red eyes indicating that you weren‘t the only one who was crying and you reached out to gently wipe his tear-stained cheeks. He leaned into your touch loving the feeling of your soft hands and you took the opportunity to get on your tip toes to place a quick peck on his lips which startled him.
You giggled at his perplexed expression but soon it turned into a smirk before he pulled you into a deep and passionate kiss. Now it was you who yelped at the sudden action but you enjoyed every second of it with a content smile on your lips.
You walked into your house with the biggest smile on your face as you thought back to the moment you and Yoongi had shared just a few minutes ago and you felt like things were finally looking up.
But just in that moment,your phone rang inside of your pocket...
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A/N: after a long process and few minor breakdowns I was finally able to post this chapter!🥳 today was great, I hope you also had a nice day or are still havin‘ a great day hehe🤓😋
There are two parts left of this AU and then I‘ll go back to my main series that I‘ve been neglecting this whole time (woohoo...😣)
Anyways thanks for reading & I hope you enjoyed this!🥰
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