#don giovanni's
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boeing747 · 2 years ago
guy who is an asshole and guy who is shamelessly enabling said asshole and yet constantly complains about it is the best dynamic in the entire world
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your-local-granny · 9 months ago
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So excited to finally share my full piece for the @curtaincallzine!!! I had sosososo much fun making this piece!!! the drama of 3-5 and the drama of Mozart operas, together at last <3
(details/ analysis under the cut!)
This was inspired by the final scene of the 2001 zurich production of don giovanni! the thought was Dahlia (Don Giovanni) being cast into hell by the returned ghost of Mia (the Commendatore)-- it works too well!! Also Don Giovanni/ Dahlia as the seducer is just perfect!
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I included the thinker statue because it represents the statue of the Commendatore/ Mia that speaks to Don Giovanni/ Dahlia asking them to repent and then casting them into hell! Mia is on the dinner table because of the dinner table Don Giovanni sets when he defiles the statue which actually works pretty well with the gravy/ dinner that the aa cast had the night of the murder! And the rope bridge was meant to parallel the ladder that Don Giovanni casts himself off of in the Zurich 2001 production
Also!! Not only is evidence from the case falling into the river-- I included paper with the final words of the show written on it!! why??? because I'm insane!!
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I never quite nailed down 1-to-1 parallels for the rest of the cast but I always saw Iris as Leporello (servant who got in over their head) and Phoenix and Edgeworth as Donna Anna and Don Ottavio (seeking vengeance for the murder/ boyfriend of the person seeking vengeance). I think Pearls and Godot could work as Zerlina and Donna Elvira but it's more about being tricked than being seduced obv. So i guess that makes Maya..... Masetto? There is also a world in which Maya and Franziska are Zerlina and Masetto if only to make "batti batti" absolutely hysterical djhshdjh. Misty Fey could also work as the Commedatore but I feel like this game as a whole is more about Mia? That's just cause i like her more tho tbh
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leporellian · 11 months ago
i know everyone (including me) loves the teatro comunale di bologna posters but i feel like we need to talk about the don giovanni one. they understand the assignment, which is 'this guy has to look like a trust fund grade-A SHITHEAD'. truly incredible
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fuck-yeah-monstrous-men · 9 months ago
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Poster art for a 2006 performance of Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan concert hall. From Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography.
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flowerbloom-arts · 2 months ago
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Here they are! The new school staff of Springfield Elementary!
This is one half of a Mafia/School Swap AU, here's the flip side of the cast!
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spacenerdmuc · 9 days ago
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Don Giovanni casually doing a backflip before his aria? Absolutely!
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emmahasadhd · 4 months ago
Well since yall have brought my attention back to my post, I may as well add another, and probably cooler reference. In the end, when Holmes arrives and Kitty basically comes to save the day, the background music is shortened orchetral part of the finale of Don Giovanni, which shows Giovanni's downfall and death, as he is being dragged into Hell to be punished for his sins.
(I still love the first one mentioned more as the aria is one of my favorites from Don Giovanni)
Also I would've just reblogged, but it won't let me add the clip lol
And also almost full story explained below
Just to clarify the basic storyline of DG. The opera starts with Giovanni trying to seduce donna Anna. Well lets just say that does not go according to the plan and results in Giovanni killing Commendatore, Anna's father. Anna and her fiancé swear to have their revenge on Giovanni and not to mary until the former is achieved. Giovanni tries to seduce another woman later in the story, also while being pursued by donna Elvira one of his many former mistresses, who hopes he will come back to her. Giovanni doesn't want to, since he just wants to vontinue with his not really a boyfriend material lifestyle.
(Also reffering to the beginning, everywhere is said "seduce" I would think it is not about seducing as he is just trying to escape from her fucking house while she wants to unmask him. And I won't believe she is just "so much into him that she doesn't want him to leave". But yeah, that on your own interpretation I guess, since many stage productions put it simply like this. In my mind she just stopped her assailant and she hates his guts for everything he has done)
So the ending comes like this. Giovanni and his servant Leporello are at the cemetery. Giovanni sees the late Commendatore's statue and invites him over to dine with him. To his surprise and terror, the statue actually shows up and offers him a handshake. Giovanni accepting the handshake and refusing to repent dies, being dragged to Hell. Anna and her fiancé eventually get married, Zerlina and her husband are happy together and Elvira decides to join a convent.
The subplot with Zerlina, the woman Giovanni wants to seduce and Elvira I will leave out to simplify the story, as well as some other things. But if you are interested, look it up, youtube has many excelent recordings of the whole production.
(I would reccomend an older one though, since it usually portrays the opera set in the original time period and doesn't include conceptional and contemporary direction and scenic elements, therefore makes it a good starting point for opera newbies. Nothing against contemporarily produced performances, but if you want to get familiar with the source material and don't want to pre-read everything, those can make it harder to grasp what is actually going on.)
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britishchick09 · 2 months ago
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palais garnier's grand staircase all dressed up for its 150th anniversary! :D
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emjee · 2 months ago
Zerlina gets one aria that’s almost quite literally “oooh hit me daddy I’ve been bad” and another one that’s “poor baby you’re so hot when you’ve been beat up let me kiss it and make it better” and she is now maybe opera character of all time to me
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lucybellwood · 22 days ago
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Hard drive clean out! Many, many years ago I got invited to live sketch a dress rehearsal of Don Giovanni at the Portland Opera and apparently this was what happened
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supercantaloupe · 5 months ago
opera stream announcement!
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what: don giovanni (mozart/daponte), dir. jean-françois sivadier, aix 2017
when: saturday november 2, 2pm EDT (UST -4)
where: https://kosmi.to/246t72
why: a (slightly belated) celebration of the 237th anniversary of the opera's premiere on oct 29, 1787!
who: everyone is welcome! please join us for an unconventional but very beautifully filmed production of one of the best operas ever written!
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smallpoxlarry · 1 month ago
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giovanna fursona... i drew all those foxes and naturally had to give some form of in-universe explanation for them
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leporellian · 3 months ago
don giovanni christmas special where it’s just a christmas carol with don giovanni characters poorly inserted into the plot except don giovanni has no tragic backstory and he learns nothing and at the end they’re like ahhhh what the hey and send him to heII anyway. Opera companies you can hire me at any time
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nocnitsa · 3 months ago
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flowerbloom-arts · 2 months ago
Hey what autistic headcanons do you have for Johnny? (That’s so poorly worded but hopefully you know what I mean mb 😭)
Don't worry I totally understand!! Here's some doodles I made for it:
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And also a comic of Johnny's initiation into the mafia:
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(Based on some quick research I did on how it goes. I can't believe saint JOHN the SILENT is a real christian saint.......)
I think Johnny might be a little emotionally constipated and insecure due to (COUGHS LOUDLY) a troubling past and isn't exactly comfortable with expressing interests or unserious behavior or performing odd habits, and his autism would interact VERY strongly with his social anxiety. He's gotten a bit better about it over the years as he becomes more familiar with his mob and especially with the Paxil prescription but learned habits for the sake of self-preservation are a hard thing to kick, you know?
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magical-mystery-tour1967 · 2 months ago
I love Amadeus so much hooooly shit i love it. I just watched it for the ninth time. I'm considering watching the directors cut this time, though i usually watch the theatrical version (guess who has Amadeus theatrical version on dvd) Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus
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