#dominick bakal
toyfriskman · 2 months
Hi!! I said I'd be back with more asks for Dominick (from last one you reblogged). 1, 15, and 21 maybe?
hello!! i am finally home and able to answer these!!
Dominick, my beloved OC
1: are they associated with a certain colour?
i would say yeah! i tend to imagine (and, when I can, model him) in blues and purples! His eyes are purple already from magic (will add the only Picrew I have of him under a cut), and he likes to keep his hair dyed blue. he even dresses in the colours as well :)
15: how big or small is their family? who do they live with? do they live with anyone?
Dominick's family is rather non-existent. he did have his parents growing up, but after gaining a mark, he's cut off all contact with them, even though his name spreads through the news like fire. as for living with people, I would say kinda? he has a few properties across the Isles, but his main one has some servants in it to help keep it tidy. he wouldn't count it as living with people, though
21: their favourite place to be?
surprisingly, not the Void. he likes to be alone sometimes, but he has much better places to think. There's this nice field he adores, one that's empty and surrounded by nature... it's his favourite place to rest when he needs time to himself
picrew, as promised :)
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toyfriskman · 3 months
⚓️🥃🦴🚬🗡️ for Dominick! 🩵
more Dominick asks, huzzah!!
⚓️: Dominick loves to travel! he's made a name for himself as a singer and routinely holds illegal concerts wherever he is for whoever wants to attend (mainly the poorer folks)
🥃: he's had too many close calls. being the so-called "King of the Heretics" can lead him to have some more... unsavoury enemies.
🦴: he keeps a few on him. some for luck, others to help with his shows.
🚬: nothing serious, (seriously guys, he can stop smoking whenever he wants) but he does have a bad habit of pissing off Overseers and police
🗡️: Dominick can defend himself well enough, but he tends to run from fights more often than not. He's not that good of a fighter, but he's still a threat nonetheless
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toyfriskman · 3 months
🐋🌊🕰️🎻 for Dominick then!! tell me more about your characters!
yay, Dominick!!
🐋: he does!! he's specifically The Outsider's favourite marked (Gary Stu, who?) and he's held onto this title for as long as he's had his Mark (about 40-ish years?)
🌊: he's god's favouritest little guy :) he writes songs for and about the Outsider
🕰️: I wouldn't say he has much of one. I like to call Dominick the "Rasputin of the DH universe" but only because he's got all the Overseer shit memorized. aside from that, he's got a base-line education
🎻: Dominick loves to sing and write songs! he's basically a one-man orchestra what with how many instruments he can play, but he likes strings
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toyfriskman · 4 months
"There's a reason he speaks to me more than you."
"... what?"
"You know what I mean."
"I do. But he doesn't talk to anyone."
"He doesn't talk to you."
"What makes you so special, then?"
"You don't know?"
"God, you really don't know! Ha! I would've thought you would be able to piece that together!"
"What makes you special, bard. We hold the same magic."
"We do, yes. But it's in how we use it."
"You take this power, this magic, this gift that he gave us, and you use it for a job- for money- to take and to kill. It's like everyone else who wielded this power. It's a pattern, and he hates it."
"And you?"
"I saw this power as it was intended: a gift. I take it, and I give- I create. I doubt anyone's made music and dance, and has brought people together with it. Anyone but me. I have no doubt I'll be the last."
"So why brag?"
"Because He talks to me damn near every day. And He hasn't spoken a lick to you in years. I'm different- I'm new."
"You're nothing."
"I'm everything to Him."
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