#dominic calvert lewin fanfiction
pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A Halloweeny date
Anyone you like ❤️
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Word count: 2159
When you and your boyfriend were getting to know each other, he asked you about your hobbies. Your answer was anything horror related.
He thought it was cute. Dating a tough girl who wanted to watch scary movies. But he couldn't expect the extent of your obsession. However, he was about to really find out.
A couple of weeks before Halloween, you showed up at his house with a huge smile on your face.
"Someone is happy to see me", he said.
"Oh my God! I have the perfect Halloween plan for us!!"
"Halloween? I've never celebrated it. Do you want to watch horror movies or something?"
Watch horror movies or something? Lame.
"What? No, we could do that every other day. We are going on a trip!", you said, beaming. And then proceeded to show him the leaflet of the little town you had found and that was the perfect spooky escapade for the two of you.
"A ghost town? Are you serious?", he asked, eyebrow raised.
"Yes. I've always wanted to do something like this. But all my friends and exes thought it was a stupid idea. You don't think it's stupid, right?", you said, puppy eyes ready to convince him.
"Tell me the whole plan".
He really couldn’t say no to your puppy eyes.
And so you did. You had it all planned to the last detail. 
First, you'll be going on a ghost town tour. Some of the locations looked stunning, and perfect to turn your IG feed into spooky perfection. Then, you'll go to the cabin you had rented in the middle of the woods. That was the perfect place for all the other activities planned. But you didn’t share many of those details with him yet, wanting to surprise him. 
"And maybe we can add a sexy spooky game to the list", you said to him.
"Yeah? What kind of game?", he asked you. Hearing the words sexy and game probably made him forget everything else you mentioned.
"I'll think about it", you said, kissing him. "So, do you want to come?"
He sighed. "Ok, let's do this".
"Yes yes yes!!!", you yelled, jumping in his arms. “You are the best!”
“Where is this town? We've been driving for so long”, complained your boyfriend while you drove to your destination.
“Stop complaining! We're almost there”.
“Is it a ghost town because everyone that sets foot here gets killed?”, he said, looking outside at the scenery. “This looks a bit too creepy for my liking”.
“Of course it does. They make it look creepy to fit the theme. You really are terrible at spooky stuff”, you laughed.
When you arrived, you parked near the entrance of the tour. It all looked so good!
“Where are we staying? Near this area?”
“That’s a surprise!”, you said, kissing your boyfriend. “You won’t believe how amazing the place I rented is”.
And then took his hand so he would follow you.
“Ah!”, he screamed for the 10th time when a spiderweb touched his arm.
“Babe, you are overdoing it a bit”, you laughed.
“This is creepy. And I don’t like the feel of spiderwebs. It’s too dark and I can’t see them”.
“You are the one who said this was lame when we went to the first house and now you’re terrified”, you said with a smirk, you loved seeing him being such a baby. He was always the tough footballer. Well, it was your turn to be the tough one today. 
“That sexy game you promised me better be good”, he said, hugging you from behind and kissing your neck.
“You won’t be disappointed. Now take a photo of me in front of this. It's going to look so cool".
An hour later, you finally made it out of the last house and reached the shop.
“Should we buy each other Halloween presents?”, you suggested.
“That’s not a thing, love. No one buys Halloween presents”.
“We could make it our thing. Who cares about rules?”
So you ended up buying him a t-shirt, even though you knew it was you who’ll end up wearing it while you stayed at his place, and he bought you a skeleton necklace that you started to wear the moment you got out of the shop.
“Okay then. Time to go to our home for the day”, you winked.
“Should I be scared?”
“Of me? Never”, you said with an evil laugh.
"A cabin? In the middle of the woods?", he said when he finally saw your destination.
"Yes. Here no one will hear you scream".
"Ha ha".
But when you got inside he was actually impressed. The cabin was gorgeous and had a huge fireplace you were ready to use to set the mood and to help with the October chill.
"Aww, they bought everything I asked for", you said, checking the bags that were in the kitchen. “I’ll leave the best review when we leave”.
"What is that?"
"Ingredients for our cooking and some drinks for a game, maybe?", you said, wiggling your eyebrows.
"Oh, you are getting me drunk before killing me. So nice of you", he said, making you laugh. "This place is amazing. Slightly terrifying because we’re in the middle of nowhere, but amazing. Like you".
His compliment made you so happy. You put your arms around his neck to bring him closer so you could kiss him and let him know how much his words meant to you. 
"This is only sweets?", he asked, checking the bags.
"In the bags, yeah. There is real food in the fridge. Don't worry. I just thought we could make some homemade Halloweeny sweets. There are so many recipes online".
"Sounds fun. And I'm too far away from civilization for my coach to know".
"I'll help you burn the calories later", you winked.
You picked up a few recipes, including the marshmallow ghosts and some simple cookies also in the shape of a ghost that you could have fun decorating with the frosting. Kid's stuff but it's not as if you knew how to do much better when it came to baking.
"We can eat this while watching a movie".
"I thought watching a movie was a lame plan for today", he said.
"Just watching a movie is lame. But of course we have to watch one. I already picked the perfect one", you said, getting the DVD out of your bag and showing him the cover.
"Cabin in the woods? Really? Let me guess. It's about people in a cabin in the middle of the woods who get killed".
"Kinda. But it's not that great. Bit of a guilty pleasure, you know? And it's not that scary either. Oh, and it has Chris Hemsworth in it!"
"Really? Are we partially watching it because of him?"
"Nah, he doesn't even take his shirt off. That's the scariest part of the movie", you said, faking a shiver and making your boyfriend laugh.
"I'll take my shirt off for you", he said giving you a kiss.
"Much much better than Hemsworth".
Once you had your pizza and your sweets ready to be consumed, you moved to the sofa to watch the movie.
“Zombies? Really?”, said your boyfriend looking at you with a big smile. He told you many times before that the only movies he wasn’t scared of were zombie movies, so you picked that one as a thank you to him for playing along with all the other activities you had planned.
“Ok”, you said as the movie ended. “How about you get the fireplace going while I get everything ready for our game?”
You could notice his eyes following you. He was intrigued about what you had planned and you were really hoping he wouldn’t find it disappointing.
“So”, you started, putting all the things on the table. “I thought about doing a little quiz. And if we get the question wrong, we have to do something out of a few options”.
“I’m listening”.
“Well, just stripping was going to make the game end too quickly. We aren’t wearing much”, you laughed. “So that’s one of the options, which is highly encouraged if it’s you answering wrong. But also we could take a shot”, you said, showing him the tequila bottle. “Or we can do a little bit of drawing”.
“Drawing?”, he asked you, confused.
“Yes. I got this glow-in-the-dark body paint and thought we could paint each other. And then when we go to the dark for other types of playing…well, we’ll get to see our creations”.
“Only you could come up with that idea”, he laughed. “But I love it”.
Your smile was so big it almost occupied your entire face.
“But”, he said. “It can’t be a horror quiz because you’ll have a big advantage”.
“I thought about that too. I’ll ask you horror movie questions and you’ll ask me football questions”.
“You’re kidding”, he said, laughing so hard you frowned.
“I know. I know…I only know the name of your team and the stadium where you play. I’m the one at a disadvantage. That’s how much I love you. I could easily make it so I win and get to do whatever I want to you”.
“Oh, you’ll get to do whatever you want to me later”, he said, grabbing you by the waist and putting you in his lap before kissing you. “And I love you too. Should we start?”
You went back to your seat and put everything in front of you so it’d be easy to reach whenever you needed it.
“Ok, let’s start with an easy one”, he said, forcing you to make a face. “Kinda. Which team has won the most leagues in England?”
“Manchester City”, you said, remembering that was the team that won the last one. So they at least had one.
“No, Manchester United”.
“That’s what I said. Manchester”, you complained.
“City and United are not the same. It’s like…”, he thought of an example you could understand. “Like an original movie and a remake. Like the Nightmare on Elm Street one”.
That made you shudder. “And who’s the crappy horrible shouldn’t exist remake? City or United?”
“Depends who you ask”, he laughed.
“Ok, as a punishment for missing. Though I was very close, I must add. I’ll choose a shot!”
You licked the salt off your hand, took the shot and then saw your boyfriend with a lime wedge in his mouth. You laughed and crawled towards him to get the lime and then get a kiss too since you were already there.
“Your turn! Who’s the first character killed in the original Scream movie?”
“Oh, easy. Drew Barrymore’s”.
“What?”, he said, shocked. “It is her!”
“It’s her boyfriend Steve. Everyone forgets poor Steve. Your punishment?”
“I’ll take my shirt off”.
“Who won the last World Cup?”, was the next question for you.
“Eh…England? No, I would have noticed. Wait! Brazil!”
“Wrong, it was France”.
“Of course it was. Ok…how about you draw something on me?”
And so he moved you closer to him to try and draw a ghost on your thigh. The drawing itself wasn’t great, but he kept on tickling you with the brush and his fingers and made you laugh. He looked so cute all concentrated that you couldn’t help but give him little kisses. Even though he complained about you distracting him, you knew he didn’t mind at all. 
Forty minutes later, you were both sitting in just your underwear, slightly tipsy and with all types of drawings all over your body. After getting a Champions League question wrong, you asked for another glowy tattoo and so your boyfriend got to work. 
“Turn around”, he said.
“But I wanna see”.
“Turn around”.
And so you did. His cold hand moved from your neck all along your spine, making you shiver in the best way possible. When he got to your bum, he took advantage of you wearing a thong to draw on one of your bum cheeks. He gave it a little squeeze and a kiss when he was done.
When you turned back to face him, you stopped him from going back to his seat.
“You know. I’m tired of this game now, maybe we should move to the next one”.
“Should we go see how we glow in the dark?”, he laughed.
“Yeah…and to see how smudge-proof this paint really is”.
Hours later, you lay in each other’s arms and you couldn’t believe how happy you were at that moment. Today had really been the perfect day.
"Thank you for being such a good sport and putting up with all my weird tastes. No one has ever made me feel like I’m not a weirdo for liking what I like until I met you. It means so much to me", you said. 
"I have to love all of you, don’t I? Happy Halloween, my love".
“Happy Halloween”.
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penguintransporter · 3 years
Wrong (Dominic Calvert-Lewin imagine)
They say “kill two birds with one stone “, and that’s what I decided to do (for the reference, I would never kill bird, let alone two). Dedicated to .@domspeach because she really needs some Dom fluff in her life, and because I had that requested prompt: “It's wrong, and I shouldn't, but I want to do it so badly.” where anon didn’t leave any other info. Hope you enjoy it, and yeah, it might have been inspired lightly by Little Mix song My Love Won’t Let You Down (again, thanks to .@domspeach​ for giving me the idea to do so). Read, enjoy, heart, a cheeky reblog, anything really will make me happy. 💙
The large, open space of Dominic’s living-room was rather quiet for the amount of people visiting him, seated around the wide, wooden coffee table as they chatted among themselves. The atmosphere was easy-going and relaxed as they shared stories, laughter and jokes, pretending that everything was okay, and that their friend and teammate wasn’t sitting on the sofa — his leg elevated on a pouf, trying to look as happy as he could with the pain he felt after his injury. 
She would be lying if she said that she felt like she belonged with the rest of the group, but she was there anyway, nursing a cup of lukewarm tea as she silently observed the vaguely familiar faces — the ones she knew from Dom’s Instagram or occasional football match she was able to watch on a telly.
The bunch of gerberas in various shades of red and yellow sat in the middle of the coffee table in a fancy-looking vase — just one of the many flower bouquets around the house, and gently, she reached out with her hand to touch the gentle flower as she took a small, unwanted sip of the tea. 
“So, what’s the story of the two of you?” a voice to her left asked, interrupting her mid-thought, and when she looked away from the flowers, she couldn’t help but smile politely at the only face she knew better than the rest. Tom Davies, Dom’s teammate was smiling at her — the same kind of smile he had in many pictures Dominic had sent her over the time. “I only know you don’t live around ‘ere.”
She wasn’t surprised that, despite being friends with Dominic for so long, he still liked to keep their friendship somewhat private, and if she was being honest, she didn’t mind it either. She liked the fact that she knew him the way no one else did, and away from the spotlights of the football world. 
To her, Dom was still the same scrawny guy she grew up with; the person she knew the best — all his habits, both good and bad, things that frustrated or made him happy, what made him emotional and what angered him. 
He was her support, critic and advice giver, and one thing that she feared happening — a man she was in love with.
Balancing her mug on her knees, she glanced towards Dom before looking back at his teammate who was curiously observing her.  
“We’ve know each other since—,”
“—since she hit me with her school bag in year six,” Dominic interrupted suddenly, hoisting himself up to get into a better sitting position, grimacing through his amused smirk. 
“I did not!” she protested playfully, setting her mug on the table.
“You did!” Dominic laughed. “You had that purple backpack, and—,“
She quickly covered her face with her hands, trying to contain her laughter. Dominic was right — she did hit him with her backpack in year six, but she had a perfectly valid reason to inflict him pain. “That’s only because you said that I farted in our math class. I was defending my dignity as a 11 year old girl with no friends.”
“Yeah, right,” Dom mumbled at the amused Tom who was watching the two friends interact playfully, mimicking her as he made a circular motion with his fingers on the side of his head.
“Anyway,” she looked at Tom, ignoring the silly grimace that Dom was pulling as he mimicked her words, “we had to apologise to one another, and had to sit it out after school. I even shared my crisps with him on our way back home because he was sulking so much.”
“From hate to love, I see,” Tom grinned as he raised his eyebrows at Dominic. 
“I still don’t like her,” Dom answered, looking at her with a silly smile, “she’s a pain most of the time, but she’s pretty to look at, so I keep her around.”
Her eyes shot up from where she was reaching out for her mug — his words leaving an imprint in the book of her hopes.
Standing in the hallway with her arms crossed in front of her chest, she silently watched her best friend as he struggled with the curtain in order to cover the large windows that span along the wall of his room. His back was turned to her, and with one of the crutches he was supporting himself while the other was raised in the air as he tried to use it to push the heavy fabric towards one side — endangering his balance with his actions. 
Giggling a little, she knocked softly on the doorway — her stomach feeling like it was on fire with butterflies. 
“Need help with that?” she asked, making Dominic stop struggling as he gave her a quick glance over his shoulder.
“Maybe,” he chuckled, lowering the crutch down before maneuvering himself so that he was facing her. She nodded, walking inside — her barefoot feet moving briskly over the plush carpet before pulling the curtain close with ease, enveloping the room in a semi-darkness, whispering a small ‘there you go’. “There’s a lamp switch there,” Dominic added as he sat down on the edge of the bed, setting his crutches down on the floor next to him, and she nodded before turning the dim lights on.
Slowly, she turned around, putting her hands in front of her and twisting her fingers nervously as she watched him in the gentle glow — his hair now loose and hands rubbing at his injured leg a little. “I should probably let you rest,” she mumbled as she swayed a little in the spot — nervous and unable to relax, “you had a long day.”
“Nah,” he answered nonchalantly, giving her a short glance before patting the spot next to him on the bed, “come sit. We haven’t really had the chance to catch up since you arrived.”
Hesitantly, she made a step, trying to keep her composure intact. “I still think you should rest,” she mumbled when she got closer, “two minutes, okay? We can catch up tomorrow, too.”
“Please, just sit down,” Dom chuckled, taking her hand — surprising her, “it’s not like I am going to train tomorrow, or the day after,” he added — words laced with some kind of sadness, and she obeyed, gently sitting down next to him — their knees touching. “Thank you for being here,” he added softly after a few moments of silence.
She felt the heat rise inside her chest at his words, and in the dimly lit room, his eyes as they watched her face felt almost too much for her. She wished she could explain where it came from, because she became so good at hiding her true feelings over the years, yet when he gave her the gentle smile, the simplest three words almost left her mouth.
“You know you don’t need to thank me for that. I will always be there for you because,” she started — voice quiet as if not to disturb the peacefulness of the moment. Was she really doing this?. “I—,“ she sighed out, stopping herself abruptly once again.
No, she couldn’t say it. 
“You what?” Dominic urged softly, and she quickly looked down at her lap — the pressure of his leg against hers making it difficult to focus on clearing her thoughts.
Next thing she felt was his hand on her face, and without even realising, she inhaled sharply, making sure that she had enough air in her lungs to breathe comfortably. Yes, they touched before, and being best friends they had their fair share of hugs, playful shoves and even held hands on some occasions, but the way his hand felt against her cheek was different.
Too intimate.
“Nothing,” she mumbled, trying to steady her heartbeat, “I—I don’t… it’s wrong.”
Gaining some of the confidence, she looked up at him — his hand still on the soft skin of her face as his eyes bore into hers. “It’s wrong, and I probably shouldn’t, but I want you to say it,” he answered as if he was reading her mind, and before she knew it, his hand was pulling her closer — the warmth of his skin embracing her as they bodies nearly met. “So, will you say it?” he whispered, coarsely.
“I…” she started but the way he was looking at her made her stop once again, and before she could continue her thoughts, she moved forward, pressing her lips against his for a fraction of a second. 
Neither one of them needed to say or voice their thoughts as their lips met for the second time like the two missing pieces from the puzzle box of their friendship, and as his other hand wound around her waist and she brought her arms around his neck, she was sure in one thing — it was wrong, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Victory - Dominic Calvert-Lewin
Player: Dominic Calvert-Lewin
Warnings: smut, run-on sentences
This is, hands-down, the sluttiest she’s ever looked. This thing can’t even be called a bra, it’s just bits of lace with holes in it held together by strategically placed strings, and for all the thong is covering she may as well be wearing nothing.
It’s also not comfortable, at all, but if she’s timed it right Dom should have gotten the Snap right as the bus arrived, which means he should be home in just a few moments. She waits for him in the foyer.
He doesn’t quite kick the door in, but he does blow into the house with significant force, ripping off his shirt as he stalks towards her, and when he slams his body into hers any sultry words of seduction she has planned are lost in the heat of the kiss he crushes against her mouth. “I was in front of the boys,” he growls.
“Did they get a show?”
“Fucking almost.” The string of the panty breaks easily in his hand, and he pushes her backwards, hiking her legs around his waist when they hit the wall. “You could have warned me.”
“And ruin the surprise?” She bares her neck to his lips, a sinful moan on hers when he rocks upwards against her. Her arousal soaks the front of his shorts before he shoves them down his thighs and thrusts roughly into her. “Fuck, Dom,” she grunts into his shoulder, the burn and the stretch hovering on the right side of pain; between him and the wall there’s no space for her to move, to rock her hips in time with his.
He pounds harder into her. Later, in the comfort of their bed he’ll make her come til she can’t see straight, but right here she’s a prize for him to claim, to use for his own pleasure, and just when she thinks he might break the drywall behind them he comes with a roar that fades to a whimper, his body pressed flush with hers even as his trembling muscles threaten to drop them both.
“Shit,” he sighs into her neck. “Shit.” He releases her, lets her legs fall free of his hands to cup her face while he kisses her, softly now. She can feel his spend already dripping down her thighs. “Next time,” he says between kisses. “You send me a heads-up text first.”
“Or what?”
“Or Tom might see your tits and I’ll have to break his nose.”
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Can you do number 1 with Dominic? x
Thanks for your request. Hope you'll like it :-) 1. Fainting xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx During last night's match, Dominic had dislocated his shoulder. It had been set rather quickly at the hospital and it didn't look like it required surgery, but he was still in a lot of pain. You were allowed to take him home, under the sole condition that you would make him take it easy for a while. Once back at home, your biggest concern wasn't keeping him in check, it turned out to be to get him to take his painkillers. "Babe," you sighed, "please, just take some painkillers. I can see in how much pain you are." "I don't want to," Dominic stubbornly shook his head, "they make me drowsy." "You're not allowed to do much anyway, so what does that matter?" You retorted. "I have to take it easy, I don't need to be sleeping all day." In his frustration, Dominic resolutely stood up from where he was sitting, and you immediately knew this was going sideways. His gaze became unfocused, his hand grabbing at thin air in a vain attempt to keep himself standing, before he limply slumped to the ground. "Dom!" You rushed forward, dropping to your knees beside him and cradling his head in your hands. "Please, babe, wake up." He was breathing okay and you could clearly feel his pulse, but you still worried. Seeing him go down like that, brought all kinds of horror scenarios to your mind's eye. Dominic was out for about 30 seconds at most, when he stirred in your arms. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at you a little bewildered. "I fainted, didn't I?" He mumbled. "Yes, and scared the hell out of me!" You scolded him, but you were also relieved to see him awake and alert again. "What happened?" "I accidentally moved my shoulder when I got up, and that pain... was just too much." Dominic slowly sat upright. You were ready to catch him in case he would faint again, but luckily that didn't happen. "Sweetie." You ran your hand over his back. "Will you please take some painkillers now? You really scared the living daylights out of me, and I can't handle it if this were to happen again." "Okay, I will." Dominic slowly nodded his head, seeing the need of it now. "And I'm sorry for scaring you like that." Tags: @glam-khal, @evie-pr, @gryffinwars, @auawdo, @meteora-fc, @mmmufc, @footballffbarbiex
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kay-peawrites · 3 years
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You stared at the thick packet sitting on the kitchen counter knowing how much your life could change because of its contents. You had spent the past year filling out applications to Master’s level physiotherapy programs all over the country. You’d been offered a spot at all the programs you’d applied to, but your top choice was the University of Southampton, which arguably offered the best program in the country. Now the envelope from the school in question was sitting in front of you and you weren’t sure if you were ready to see the contents.
“Maybe I should wait until Dom gets home…” you wondered out loud to Chief, your shared German Shepherd pup. Chief lifted his head up from the floor at the sound of your voice and stared back at with you his big brown eyes.
You felt like Dom should be there considering he’d been there every step of the way of your academic journey. You’d met when you first moved to Liverpool to attend university. At the time you were and eighteen-year-old first year and he was a nineteen-year-old boy wonder who’d just signed his first deal with Everton. Fast forward five years to celebrating four years together last month.
You looked over to the framed photograph of the two of you from your Bachelor’s graduation ceremony. The smiles on your faces nearly showcased all of your teeth. Dom was so excited that his “missus” was graduating that he nearly invited every player and staff member at Goodison. You smiled at the memory of him hollering after your name was called, you could even feel the heat rise to your cheeks like it did that day.
The sound of the lock turning brought you out of your reverie. Chief immediately got up and ran to the door to greet Dom. Even though Dom was initially against the idea of getting a dog, he and Chief were now thick as thieves.
“Hey boy, you alrite?” you heard Dom greet your dog. You heard his keys hit the bowl you kept on the front table and the quiet thud of his training bag hit the floor. You always nagged him about leaving his bag by the door instead of in the laundry room. You’d even designated a bin for him to put the clothes in to avoid the smell spreading throughout the house.
“Hello, my love,” you felt a kiss being pressed to your bare shoulder as Dom stood behind you.
“Hi.” you softly replied.
“Is that it then? The last response you’ve been waiting on?” Dom motioned to the envelope in front of you with his chin as he walked around the counter into the kitchen.
“Yeah.” you breathed out, watching as he grabbed a water from the fridge.
“I wanted to wait for you to get home to open it. Seeing as you’ve been there through everything,” you continued.
“Aww, kid. I’m honored that you waited for me.” he leaned over the counter and connected your lips for a short kiss before picking up the envelope and offering it to you to open.
“Wait…” you start before pushing it away, “what happens if I don’t get in?,” you question looking into his hazel eyes.
“Then it’s their loss, we’ll be sad for the night, but we’ll move on because tomorrow’s a new day.” he reassures you.
Dom was confident that you’d gotten accepted, you’re the smartest person he’d ever met. He flashed back to the days of watching you pour over your laptop and textbooks for hours finishing an assignment or studying for an exam. Somehow you always managed to fully support him by coming to games and watching the ones you couldn’t make. He never could figure out how you managed to graduate with honors while dating a famous footballer, but he was proud of you nonetheless.
“What happens if I do get in?” your soft voice brought him out of his thoughts.
“Well missy, I reckon you have a big decision in front of you then.” he replied but he couldn’t help but wonder what would happen.
Southampton wasn’t Liverpool. In fact, it was a little over six hours away. You and Dom had never really discussed the idea of a long distance relationship, but he was willing to try if you were. He’s determined to make it work with you, because he truly believes that you’re the One for him. He would miss you greeting him with cuddles whenever he returned from training or a game, the smell of your cooking, and even your nagging about little things he’d forgotten to do.
Across from him, you were deep in your own thoughts wondering how Dom could be so nonchalant about you possibly moving to Southampton. You moved into his place almost two years ago and with you came little feminine touches throughout his house that he welcomed. A decorative pillow here, a pricey rug there. You’d even convinced him to let you keep a snack cupboard for whenever you were having a bad day or on your period. You weren’t worried about losing Dom or cheating scandals, but you were going to miss having him around. Who else would stay up with you all night helping you study for a final even if he had an early training session the next day? Who would eat Chinese and ice cream with you when you bombed an assignment or an exam? Or down three bottles of red when you aced something?
Dominic was your rock, but what happens when that rock was six hours away?
Author's note: Hello friends, I’m back. Took a little hiatus to focus on school, but summer’s here and my course load is lighter so I’m back to writing. I’ve been reading footballer fanfics for a couple of years, but I’ve never written for any player…..until today. Let me be honest, I’m a huge SIMP for Dominic Calvert-Lewin so why not write for him. Let me know what you think and drop some title suggestions. Should I keep this going??
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lxndonorris · 4 years
national pride - Dominic Calvert-Lewin
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Y/N x Dominic Calvert-Lewin
Theme: Smut (you’ve been warned)
celebrating his first national team call-up x
word count: 1420+
It’s an ordinary Thursday afternoon and you’re sitting on the sofa with your boyfriend Dominic, with his arm gently wrapped around your shoulder, stroking your arm softly. You’re leaning against his firm chest, your hands on his lap, tenderly stroking his thighs beneath his short, black shorts. Cuddling, you’re just enjoying each other’s company but then, his phone starts ringing and vibrating wildly in his pocket, totally ruining that moment.
“That’s yours.” You frown, patting his lap, signaling him to make it stop as soon as possible. “Sorry.” He chuckles, struggling at first to get the phone out of his shorts until he nearly drops it to the floor. Sighing, you watch him looking at the phone screen as in shock of what he’s seeing. “Babé?” You say worryingly, placing a hand on his chest. “It’s Southgate.” He whispers, hesitating for too long before you snap him out of this trance. “What are you waiting for?” You say, nudging him with your shoulder. “Oh, right.” 
Dominic takes the call and you can see what’s happening on his face. His expression shifts between being happy, too confused to tensed and back to happy with him even jumping from the sofa, screaming loudly. Fuck yeah.” He paces through the room, but you’re not sure what to say since you don’t want to interrupt his phone call. “Thank you so much.” Dominic ends the call and slowly turns to you.
“What? What’s up?” You say, feeling your whole body tensing in excitement. “I’m in the squad.” He says slowly as if still processing these words. “You’re in?” You say louder than anticipated, close to falling down from the sofa. “I’m fucking in.” He shouts, throwing his phone back to the couch so you can basically jump right into his arms. “This is fantastic.” Both of you scream and shout in unison, swirling around the room, you cling to him harder than ever before.
Smiling brightly, he puts you down to the ground to kiss you passionately. “I’m so proud of you.” You say, gently stroking his chest through his shirt. “Thank you,” Dominic says, running a hand through his hair. “I can’t believe it.” He frowns, just realizing what is actually happening. “This is so wild after 2020 sucked so much.” You giggle nervously, your eyes finally meeting his.
“Can you imagine me, in that white shirt, representing our country?” He says, his gaze shifting between your eyes and your lips. “I actually can see you, looking so good in that kit.” You say softly, your eyes now wandering down his body, his chest further down to his shorts. “Trust me, you look fucking hot in that.” Raising your eyebrows you notice him being very excited down there, the dent in his pants being very obvious.
“Just wait till I’m wearing it.” He growls deeply, knowing very well that you are looking at his crotch. Carefully, you run a hand along his chest, down to his shorts, just to tease him a little by tracing the faint outlines of his dick bulging in his underwear. “This will be so good.” You whisper, your eyes slowly finding their way back to his face, catching him smirking playfully. “Liking what you see, eh?” Dominic licks his lips, his burning gaze giving you goosebumps.
“We should celebrate it, don’t you think?” You say, making his eyebrows twitch quickly. “What do you have in mind?” He grins mischievously, his hands now firmly on your waist. “I think we’ve got a bottle of champagne, and maybe we can order some food?” You say, still stroking his crotch gently. “Sounds good.” He kisses you once more, deeply, lovingly, leaving his delicious taste on your tongue. 
While he orders the food, you head into your bedroom, putting on some special lingerie you bought earlier for a special occasion. With one last look into the mirror, you feel the fabric between your fingers, enjoying it’s feeling on your skin. Slowly, you walk back to the living room, where Dominic is just finishing placing the order. “So, I ordered Lasagna, if that’s okay-:” He says, stopping right in his track once he sees you in that gorgeous lingerie, sensually leaning against the doorframe.
“Y/N.” He says breathlessly, letting his arm drop to the side, his mouth opened agape while he seems to be speechless. “Do you like what you see?” You say, running your hands down your body, teasingly biting your lower lip. “Fuck yes.” He mutters to himself as you reach for his hands. “This is all for you.” You smirk, slowly walking towards him. Dominic embraces your hands, watching you carefully, his eyes wandering all over your body and his mouth still open, probably overwhelmed by all of you.
“We have some time to kill, right?” You say, gently lifting his chin up. “Yeah, around an hour.” He says, his eyes shining brightly as you lead him closer towards the sofa and let him sit down right in front of you. “You look so good,” Dominic says, leaning in for another kiss, but you hold him down. “Ah, Nah. This is your present.” You say, gently stroking his cheek. “Let me take care of you today.” Running a hand down his body, his strong chest down to his shorts you can feel his whole body slowly tensing at your sensual touch.
“Oh, fuck.” He growls once you reach his crotch, now stroking his dick again. This time, however, you go even harder, causing him to lean back against the sofa, moaning softly. “You’re my big boy, Dom.” You carefully sit down on his lap and start to kiss him, his lips, his neck, his scruffy beard tickling on your skin. “Yes, yes I am.” He breathes deeply, bending his body against yours. “Part of our national team.” You smirk, your hands now stroking his thighs, towards the dent in his dark shorts.
Dominic just growls deeply, reacting to the pleasure you’re causing him by teasing his weak spots. Carefully, you slide down to the floor, spreading his legs slightly, exposing his bulging dick even more. “This feels good.” He groans loudly as you stroke him even harder, every muscle and every fiber of his body tensing at the slightest touch of your fingers. “Are you ready for your present?” You smirk cockily, licking your lips. “Thank you, so much.” He looks down at you, his expression softening shortly before tensing again.
With a little help of him, you pull his shorts and underwear down at once, gasping at the sight of his fully erect dick. “Fuck.” You mutter underneath your breath and with one last look into his eyes, you grab him firmly and start to move your hands rhythmically, just slowly but steadily increasing the pace and pressure. Dominic lets out a huge groan, leaning his head back again. Speechless, he gives in to your swift movements, embracing all of you.
For a while, you use your hands to make him moan louder and louder but then you stop, causing him to look at you again, his eyes narrowing quickly, but before he can say anything, you take him into your mouth, insisting to make him come closer to the edge now. However, now, you start off roughly, taking up the speed you had before easily as if you hadn’t stopped at all. “Fuck, you’re so good.” He grunts, his hands now on his thighs, meeting yours while you stroke him gently. You intertwine your fingers with him, while you keep on moving your mouth steadily, the feeling of him inside you sending shivers down your spine.
It doesn’t take long for him to finally cum, intoxicating your mind, your body, with his sweet and tickling taste everywhere in your mouth. Instead of saying anything, his body shudders and gets rigid and he lets out a breathless scream, his face frozen for a few seconds. You separate from him, taking a deep breath while he squeezes your hands gently. “You’re too good for me,” Dominic growls as his body relaxes slowly. “I’m just so proud of you.” You say lovingly, helping him to get dressed again.
He opens his arms wide, inviting you to cuddle with him. “Babé, you’re my biggest supporter. Couldn’t have done it without you.” You lean against his chest and he starts stroking your arm tenderly. “I will always be here for you.” Kissing his hand you get even closer towards him. Cuddling even deeper, you wait for the food to arrive before you celebrate his England call-up once more.
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avenirdelight · 3 years
The Thing I Do Best
Anyone You Like
He’s upset and he asks why she never critiques him.
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He had lost another game.
She knew that he hadn't been doing well lately. She didn't know football that well, tactics and everything, but she definitely knew when the team was struggling or when mistakes and errors were made. And although he still did well in some parts, the mistakes he had made were the highlights—the team may not have lost some points if he hadn't made those mistakes.
When he came in through the front door tonight, head hanging low and shoulders slouched, she knew that this loss knocked him pretty bad. He didn't need to say it for her to know that he was upset, angry, and disappointed with himself more than with anything else.
He hadn't said much. After she'd given him a long big hug which he detached himself from, he went straight to their bedroom, leaving her alone in the kitchen. He'd only answered her with a short "yeah, thank you" when she offered to make him tea.
Even now, he was drinking his tea in silence, sitting on the other end of the sofa as he kept himself occupied with his phone. She'd tried to make little conversations but he'd only given her more short answers; she knew it was better to leave him alone. So she also sat in silence, reading her book and sitting on the other end of the sofa, briefly glancing at him once in a while just to check.
But a loud thump startled her a bit. When she raised her head, she realised that he had thrown his phone to the table. He picked up the TV remote and turned the TV on as he laid back on the sofa, letting out a long heavy sigh—her eyes followed all of his movements. The volume was quite loud when the TV turned on but he quickly lowered it.
He turned to her. He looked so tired and it wasn’t a pretty sight to see. “Sorry, is it okay?” He asked, pointing to the TV with the remote.
“Yeah, it's fine, babe,” she nodded. He nodded too and immediately turned his attention back to the TV, whilst she went back to the last paragraph that she'd been reading.
They both fall silent again. He put on a movie on the TV and made himself comfortable by resting his feet on top of the table. She focused on her book and was getting deep on the story, not paying much attention to him, and read five more pages without any interruption.
“Why do you never give me any critics?”
She was about to flip a page when his voice stopped her. When she looked up, their eyes met. Her heart clenched as she stared into those upset and tired eyes.
“What do you mean?” she asked back.
He sighed as he looked away. “When I don't play well on my games, you never give me any criticism. You never even tell me that I'm awful even though you know it.” He pressed some buttons on the remote, changing the channel. “You only tell me that it's okay, that I can bounce back, I shouldn't listen to what people are saying, say that you always believe in me...”
She furrowed her eyebrows. He sounded serious. He hadn’t seemed like he wanted to talk tonight, but maybe he’d changed his mind.
“Because it’s what I’m supposed to do,” she answered. “It’s my responsibility, isn’t it? To give you consolation, to take care of you.”
“Yeah, but you don’t always have to give me the white lies, saying it’s okay and all that.” His tone didn’t sound too pleasant to hear, so she picked her bookmark, put it in between the pages, and closed her books—she knew that this talk was going to get serious.
“They’re not lies,” she started. “You’re the one who taught me that we should never stop believing. I believe that everything will get better, that you’ll get better.”
“Yeah, but– I know you’re mad when we lose, I know it upsets you. Why don’t you just say it? Say it to my face.” It almost sounded like a demand. He said it as he turned his head to her and gave her a sharp look. “Tell me I disappoint you.”
When she didn’t respond, he clenched his jaw before looking away again; she gritted her teeth. She let out a heavy sigh as she slightly shook her head. She couldn’t quite believe what he’d just said.
She knew he was angry and he wasn’t thinking straight. But if he really thought that every consolation she’d given him all this time was lies, she would actually be hurt. She meant everything she said—every “I believe in you” she’d ever told him was all true.
She just sat there and stared at him. She could see the frown on his face, the creases on his forehead, the frustration in his eyes. This man was being hard on himself, and she never thought that he would ask her to be hard on him too, but he did.
“You’re already your biggest critic, babe,” she said. “You’re the first person to know that you don’t do well, you’re the first one who critiques yourself for your performance.”
It was his turn to completely fall silent now. His eyes were on the TV, but she knew he wasn’t even watching it and that he was all ears now.
“There are people out there who try to be smart and think that they know you the best, saying every ridiculous thing about you, but no, they’re not the biggest critic, ‘cause they don’t know better than you do,” she continued. She was honestly getting upset, but she tried to keep her tone low and calm.
“And I, I don't know better than you do. You're the one who knows your football better than anyone else, better than me,” she shrugged. “I don't see the good in me telling you that you did your worst or saying that– that you should've made that pass, you should've run faster. Because you're already blaming yourself for it.”
“So if you ask me to be mad and upset at you because you don’t do your best at kicking a ball sometimes, I’m sorry, I can’t,” she shook her head. “My role is to make sure that you’re alright, supporting you so you can improve and do what I know you’re capable of.”
She fell silent. And it didn't feel like he had anything to say anymore because he let her words hang in the air. He still looked distraught and it was hurting her. She wanted to just pull him into her arms, but there was a potential of him getting more upset if she once again told him that everything was going to be alright. He needed a rest and so did she.
“I’m going to bed,” she said after a while, getting up from the sofa as she carried her book. He didn’t stop her or even look at her, so she left him there alone with his thoughts and the silence.
She placed her book on her nightstand, went to the wardrobe to change her clothes, and then to the bathroom to get ready for bed. She spent a few minutes just standing by the sink, looking at the mirror. Her heart was pounding hard on her chest, and her head hurt a bit, and at some point, tears threatened to fall from her eyes but she managed to shake it away.
She was genuinely getting worried about him. Hopefully, this was just a phase. But they needed to figure out a way for him to get out of this slump. She was always ready to help, but if he kept declining her like he'd been doing lately and letting his mind occupied with questions or things that didn't really matter, it really wouldn't be easy.
She had just done washing her face when he came into the bathroom; he’d changed to his sleeping shirt. She briefly glanced at him as he stood by his sink and picked up his toothbrush and paste, then looked away and let him do his routine. She also continued with hers.
After hanging her towel, she opened her drawer and took out her toner and quickly applied it. And when she applied her night serum, he washed his face—they did everything still in silence. It was quite deafening, but it wasn't as uncomfortable as before. They were both tired, and she felt like they just needed to rest so if they needed to talk again, they would need to just let it happen in the morning.
She was down to her next step. She’d just picked up her eye serum when she suddenly felt like he was getting closer to her. And when she raised her head, he was already standing behind her. Their eyes met through the reflection in the mirror for a split second before he lowered his head, stepped even closer, slid his arms around her waist, and buried his face in her hair.
Still, none of them said anything. Her heart clenched at the sight of both of them that she saw in the mirror. But she continued to apply her eye cream as she felt his breath tickling her ear, his arms wrapped around her so tight.
He was trying to say sorry. He didn’t mean to start a fight. She knew by his touch, she could feel it.
She then did her best on opening his drawer whilst being trapped in his embrace, snatched a bottle from there, then tried to release herself from him as she tried to get some liquid on her palm. She turned around and their gazes met again immediately.
He just stood and rested his hands on her waist. He looked like he was ready to listen to what she was going to say, but quickly realised that she was just trying to apply some toner on him as she held his hair with her other hand, keeping them from falling on his face. The liquid felt cold on her hand, but all she could feel was warmth when her palms met his skin.
“You’re always being too hard on yourself,” she said as her eyes trailed on every part of his face. “To be honest, I hate you for that. You know it, right?”
He nodded, closing his eyes as he let out a soft sigh. It seemed like he was enjoying how soft and nice her palms felt, how delicate her fingers were against his face. He melted completely into her touch and he unconsciously caressed her waist—some fingers even slipped under her shirt.
“Let me just do the thing I do best,” she continued. “Loving you. Supporting you. I can do it better than everyone else.”
The corners of his lips slightly tugged upright, forming a very subtle smile. He opened his eyes when she was done and circled her arms around his neck. Their eyes met—the anger and disappointment in his eyes had been replaced with something way more gentle. His gaze was full of fondness and love.
“I love you. I love you so much,” he stated. “I love you more than anything.” He stressed every single word. “And I’m so grateful that I have you. Always believing in me, always knowing what I need best. You keep me sane, really.”
She smiled as she lightly shook her head. Her man could be quite unbelievable sometimes, but she was her man. Her man, who always appeared so strong, but sometimes very scared and vulnerable inside. And she knew that in these kinds of times, she needed to be the stronger one, because she was the one he leant on to.
They spent a moment just staring at each other, before he made the first move, leaning down to connect their lips. His kiss was soft and gentle—a long peck, followed by little ones. Simple kisses, but they did their best to make her heart race.
“I’m sorry, I’ve let my emotions take over me.”
“You read some comments again, didn’t you?” she guessed, and she knew she was right because he didn’t give an answer and only bit the bottom of his lips. She sighed and shook her head. “Babe, you can’t–”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he cut her off. “I won’t do it again, I promise.”
“Just talk to me. You know I’m always ready to listen. To help. I’m in this with you.”
He nodded. “Okay. I’ll do better… I’m sorry I disappointed you today.”
She sighed. “Really? We’re still on that?” Her eyebrows were raised, questioning him. “Never, baby, you never disappoint me.”
He grinned and she scoffed, because how could he manage to give her an innocent grin after everything? But a second later she smiled back at him, held his face with both of her hands and tiptoed on her feet, brushing her lips against his lips one more time.
yeah, i wrote this one after stressing out about losing the motivation to write because lately i can’t even write a sentence but here’s 2000 words for you. i didn’t survive writing this one...while crying and listening to sad songs.
please please please tell me what you think about it. leave some comments, send some asks, hit my dms, i’d really really appreciate it. your feedbacks keep me going. thank you so much<3 AND TELL MEEE WHO YOU IMAGINE THIS WITH!
My Masterlist🤍
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toomuchchelsea · 3 years
Can you do a DCL imagine? One where you're having a pretty darn heated argument out on the streets and you go to walk away, not noticing the car approaching as you cross the road and Dom just merely pulls you off the road and into his chest, peppering you with kisses and all scared that you almost got hurt. You're pretty shaken up but still in a salty mood towards Dom but he's not letting you leave his sight after that. Thx!
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You and Dom were on a night out with friends when your night took a sour turn the moment you saw Dom spending much of his night talking to the same brunette, eyes barely meeting yours over the few hours you two were there. Sure, you weren't exactly his girlfriend but you figured you were owed some kind of decency, seeing as nearly everyone knew you two were together, even if it wasn't official.
What drove you over the edge was when the bartender turned to you and let the secret slip. "She's an ex-girlfriend."
Before that moment, you never understood people when they talked being so blinded by their anger, they saw red. But that moment, you swore you saw red, too. Your ears were fuming, your face went flush with heated rage and you could feel your blood boiling.
It was almost as if Dom knew you were mad at him because at that precise moment, he chose to make eye-contact with you over the brunette's head. You couldn't even imagine how angry you looked but you didn't want his gaze on you a moment longer. You turned around on your heels and made a bee line for the exit.
It took seconds for your ears to perk up when Dom shouted your name, chasing after you. "Where are you going?" he asked, trying to catch up with you.
You snapped then, turning around to look at him so you could make your emotions as clear as possible. "Because I'm not just gonna stand there looking like a fucking fool while you chat up your ex."
"I wasn't chatting her up!" he defended.
"Of course not. I mean, even if you were, it's not cheating if we're not together, right?"
"What are you talking about? Of course we're together," he fought.
You scoffed. "No, we're not. Not officially."
"Is that what this is about?!"
You shook your head in disbelief before turning around and walking across the street to get away from the situation. What you didn't see when you took a step out onto the road was a car hurtling towards you at full speed, dead-set on making the yellow light.
You were frozen in fear, not that you even had any time to react anyway. Thankfully, Dom reacted quickly and wrapped his hands around your waist, rushing to pull you off the road and into his chest as the car passed by.
You were breathing heavily, eyes staring out at the road before you where the car had previously been but was now driving away into the distance. Your adrenaline had blood rushing to your ears. You didn't even hear Dom as he kept asking, "Are you okay?" and turned you around to look you over.
"I--I'm fine," you mumbled as he peppered your face, head and hair with kisses.
"Oh, my God," he muttered against your skin, pulling you into a hug. "What the hell was that guy thinking, driving that fast? Are you sure you're okay?"
You tried to shake your head of what had just happened before your very eyes, trying hard to remain focused on what had just happened back at the club.
"I'm fine," you mumbled once more, pulling out of Dom's grasp. He speechlessly watched you do so, letting his grip fall. "I have to go."
And, then, after checking both sides of the road, you were once again making your way across the road. And, Dom was once again following you. "What are you doing?" you asked. "Go back to the club. I'm sure your date misses you."
"My date is right here and I'm not letting her out of my sight after what just happened," he said, now walking beside you. After a moment, he added, "I shouldn't have left you standing there while I was talking to her." You gave him a side-eyed glance. "I shouldn't have been talking to her at all. I don't want her, babes. I want you."
"You sure have a funny way of showing it," you mumbled, letting him pull at your elbow to stop you from walking and turn to him.
"I'm sorry," he apologized and just by the sorrow in his tone, you could tell he meant it. "I should've made you my girlfriend. I should've made it official a long time ago. But I'm not going to let you slip through my fingers now. I'm sorry I'm just pretty stubborn. I get it from my girlfriend."
Your ears perked up once more and your eyes finally met his. "Your girlfriend, huh?"
He nodded, taking the bait. "Yeah, I don't know if you saw but she actually just nearly got run over and I basically saved her life. Definitely stubborn because she hasn't thanked me for it yet."
You finally let out a chuckle. "Keep dreaming," you commented, patting his chest. "Might be a while before that thank you comes out." You reached out and interlaced his fingers with yours before pulling him back to continue walking towards your flat.
"That's fine," he replied. "I don't mind waiting one bit."
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dclsbaby · 3 years
Let You Go - Dominic Calvert-Lewin (One Shot) 🦋
Summary: You leave Dom without warning after his mum expresses her disapproval of you and he tries to get you to come home with him. (Massive thanks to @dee192​ for requesting this, I changed it up a tiny bit but I hope you’ll still like it) 🤍 x
Warnings: painful pain angsty angst
Word Count: 2.1k
“She doesn’t want to see you,” you could hear your friend say. “Please, let me just talk to her, fuck, let me just see her!” Dom begs.
“There’s not much I can do Dom, please you have to understand. Seeing you right now isn’t what she wants, or needs!” your friend replies. “What does she not want? Me? She doesn’t want me anymore?” he asks. “I—I don’t,” your friend sighs, not knowing what to say. “That’s right you can’t answer me, so let me fucking see her,” Dom pleads.
“I need answers! Let me fucking in!” his voice getting louder and louder, your friend unable to contain him for much longer.
You rested your head behind the door, trying to listen in on their conversation. Your emotions were all over the place, you so badly wanted to run up to him, tell him that of course you want him, but your relationship just wasn’t on the cards.
Words of “I’ve seen the likes of you before”, “you will never be enough for him” and “you are just another gold digger trying to rob him of all his money” said by his mother play through your mind over and over. And he doesn’t even know it.
Barely half an hour since that painful conversation, you swiftly packed all your things into two full suitcases and left your shared home to take shelter at your friend’s home.
You wiped the house clean of your things with except for a post-it that says,
I’m sorry. I can’t do this anymore.
You deserve someone better.
Please just trust me and let me go.
The paper wasn’t big enough to write an explanation, and you weren’t planning to give him one anyway.
Since then, it’s been two weeks of complete silence from your end.
Now, he’s standing in your friend’s driveway, arguing with her after getting a tip from a friend of his on your whereabouts.
You are desperate to see him, even for a split second. You needed to see him, just once more, to forever remind yourself of the contours of his face you used to trace with your fingertips, the full lips you sorely miss, and the comfort of his arms you so painfully want to be wrapped in. To remind yourself of your one true love, that no other man after him could ever live up to.
Giving into your impulses, you step behind the window to catch a glimpse of him. One peek was all it took for his head to shoot up to where you stood, as if his senses activated the second you were in sight.
You’ve been seen.
You felt your body freeze, before making a run for the stairs to hide yourself from him.
“(Y/N)...” he whispered. “(Y/N)—No, don’t run away from me!” Dom chases after you. Of course, he beats you to it and grabs your arm, making it impossible to reach the top of the stairs. Reminder to never even be bothered to run away from a professional athlete ever again. There’s no point.
“Don’t fucking run away from me for fuck’s sake!” he yells at you. Catching up to you within milliseconds.
“What the fuck do you want, Dom?” pulling your arm out his grasp, your hostility surprising Dom. You take a step, hovering above him. “What the fuck do I want? I want you to fucking come home! I want you to talk to me so we can work this out like fucking adults!”
“I don’t want to fucking talk to you, I made that very clear,” you tell him. “You left without an explanation, (Y/N)! You honestly think that I deserved that? That I deserved to come home to an empty house, to find the love of my life gone, and a stupid piece of paper telling me that you’ve left? Fuck off,” Dom shakes his head in anger.
“You just have to trust me, please, just leave,” you plead. “I am not fucking leaving until you give me answers.”
“Did you cheat on me?” Dom’s voice barely made it out. “Cheat on you? Of course I didn’t, how, how could you even think that?” taken aback at his question. “I don’t know, maybe you’ve been playing a game this whole time,” his voice gets louder with every syllable.
“A game? You think I’m enjoying this? Fine, the fucking truth is, I am split in two, Dom. I left half of my heart with you in that house that I no longer can function. You haven’t seen what I’ve been like over the past couple of weeks, so you don’t get to accuse me of playing a game,” you retaliate.
“You haven’t seen what I’ve been like!” upset at what you said. “You left for no reason! You barely gave me an explanation! I am so in over my head that I’ve been shit at training, shit at games, I’ve had the entire Goodison yell profanities at me when I got taken off, I’ve disappointed everyone because my mind, my heart, and my fucking soul is set on you!” Dom angrily lets out his thoughts.
“So it’s my fault? Great, another thing that I should take blame for,” you chuckle sarcastically, feeling overwhelmed. “Cheers Dom, nice talk, have a great night,” you proceed to walk up the stairs before Dom pulls you back down.
“I’m not fucking done with you,” he says sternly. “We are working this out now,” gesturing to the floor.
“Fine, not here, you’ll wake the entire neighbourhood up,” you continue your way up the stairs and into your friend’s guest bedroom, with Dom trailing behind you. Dom nearly shudders at the sight of the room, unhappy that you’ve made it into a home with everything so tidy, so in place, so cosy. He briefly wonders if you’ll ever come back.
The second the door was shut, you and Dom went back to arguing. And he wasted no time.
“You shut me out for weeks! You packed up your bags and left while I was at training, you don’t pick up my calls, you ignore my texts, you hide out at your friend’s place while we have our own home, you left me with nothing except for that stupid post-it!” he pants. “How the fuck do you think that made me feel? You’ve put our entire relationship in a small piece of fucking paper,” he looks away for a moment. “You couldn’t even say goodbye.”
“Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye to you? Did it ever occur to you that if you ever tried to stop me I would’ve stayed and been with you even though I know it wouldn’t work?” you raise your voice.
“How would you fucking know that it wouldn’t work? You barely gave us a chance to work it out, you just left!” his arms flail in frustration. “I don’t even know what we’re meant to work out, why you even left!”
Silence fills the air before Dom shifts closer to you.
“Why did you leave me?” Dom softly asks, barely making eye contact. You let out a deep breath at his question.
“You don’t get it Dom, you just don’t,” you look onto the floor. “What is it that I don’t get? Tell me, please,” Dom begs.
You’ve been cornered and there is no escape.
“Your mother hates me, and there’s nothing I can do about it,” shaking your head. “My mother? What?” Dom pulls back and sits up straight.
“We had a conversation,” you’re finally about to speak your truth. Dom’s head shot up, confused.
“You weren’t home, she came over and sat me down,” you pause, pressing your lips together, bracing yourself for what’s about to come out of your mouth. “Your mum told me that I am a gold digger, that I’m with you for the money and the fame,” you can feel tears pooling in your eyes. “Wh—what?” Dom takes a sharp inhale in shock. “She sees her as her own daughter and I can’t live up to that,” you refer to his ex.
Dom looks up to the ceiling in disbelief. “Your mom told me she knew I couldn’t make a living for myself with the job that I have, and accused me of preying on you to be set for life,” a tear rolled down your eye to which you quickly wiped. “I—” “And she’s right, in a way,” you look up at him, cutting him off. “You bought us a house, you built us a home, you provide me with comfort, you give me security,” you pause for a moment. “You gave me everything, whilst I gave you nothing.”
Dom stays silent knowing there’s more. And he’s right. “But even if you didn’t have all of those things, even if you barely have a penny in your pocket, I’d still be in love with you. If everything we have, if everything you have would be taken away from you right this second, I’d still be in love with you,” you place a hand on his right cheek, and notice that his eyes have turned bloodshot red.
“But I also can’t handle disapproval. If your mother thinks that you’re better off without me, as much as it kills me,” you begin to cry. “I—I have to respect that,” your voice breaking. “I just want you to be happy, even if that means I’d have to let you go.
Dom pulls you into his arms, holding you, embracing you, harder than ever before.
“I don’t care what my mother thinks, I am in love with you and only you,” Dom assures you whilst trying to process what you said. “You have given me more than I could ever offer. You’ve shown me that I am a man who deserves to be loved. You’ve filled me in with so much love my heart could burst at any given time. You’ve given me more reasons to live and give my all in this world. That is more than anything I could give you.”
“You deserve someone else,” your voice breaks. “I deserve you. I have no interest in reliving my past or even have anyone from my past be a part of my life today, because you are my life,” he says, staring into your eyes hoping you believe him.
You look up to him in shock and relief at the same time, if that’s even possible.
“I love you too much,” he says, holding your face in his hands. “I would marry you right fucking now if I could, I would get eloped with you right now and run away from the world. Just the two of us,” Dom tells you. “We don’t need anyone’s blessing. I don’t care for it,” he confesses. “I just want you.”
“We can’t be together Dom, your mum—” “—I don’t care what she thinks. I am grown enough to know what’s meant for me and what isn’t. She was massively out of line and shouldn’t have made such a despicable accusation,” he says, pissed off.
“Don’t say that, she’s your mother,” you try to calm him down. “I get that, but she’s almost cost me the love of my life, and if I lost you I can’t ever forgive her for that,” he whispers. “We’ll go through this together, you have to believe me when I say that I’m not letting anyone get in the way of us,” he tries to convince you. “You should’ve known that I would do anything to protect what we have.”
“I didn’t want to put you in a position where you had to choose,” you say to him. “I understand, but that isn’t your choice to make baby,” Dom says.
“I love you, (Y/N). No one and nothing can get in the way of that, ever, you have to believe me, please,” Dom begs. “I love you,” you say it back.
Dom puts a hand behind your neck, pulling you close before planting a hard kiss on your tear-stained lips. The kiss was desperate, full of longing, desire, and rage all in one.
It was a kiss that almost went too far, but there was something else you both needed to do.
You broke off the kiss and pulled away from him.
“Come home with me? Please?” Dom asks, hoping you’d come back home and never leave again.
“Only if you help me pack,” you tease. Dom’s face brightens up, dimples on either of his cheeks, his nose scrunching in excitement.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he says, a peck on the lips after every ‘I love you’.
You both stood up, ready to make a mess out of your friend’s guest bedroom.
Dom places his hands on your hips tugging them closer to his, before leaning into your face. “Don’t ever leave me again,” he pleads.
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penguintransporter · 3 years
Daisies (a short “anyone you want it to be” story) Part IV
part I | part II | part III | my masterlist
Hello my dear people of Tumblr and anyone who reads this story. And just heads up, there is one more chapter left, and I promise, it won’t end up like Winning The Game Called Love - which you can read here - and which started as a short story and ended up as being my longest project so far. Anyway, this is fourth part, make sure to read the previous three, and tell me what you think. Anon option exist and if you don’t want me to publish it, just make a note of it, and I won’t. Chapter is dedicated to @avenirdelight​ (I am working on that promise, just letting you know), and @footballerimaginess​ just because I feel like it (obviously, other tags will follow at the bottom, and if you want to be tagged, just let me know)
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Unknown, incomprehensible, undefinable.
Many of us have tried, and many of us have failed to give a unique meaning to it, but no amount of vowels and consonants, no matter how tightly-tied together, cannot describe what is truly hiding behind something that is both pain and relief, suffering and pleasure; poison and remedy. Shy and eccentric, confusing and self-explanatory, love can be a complicated aria or a simple melody, all at once – embodied in four individual tones, intertwined together.
Love—four letters; a word.
He’s leaning against the small area of the wall between the doors and a teak shelf packed with random knick-knacks, plants and old-fashioned figurines – a vintage clock, hanging above his head ticking quietly. Familiar faces are surrounding him, their loud chatter filling the small, unfamiliar kitchen, but oddly enough, he feels like a surplus among them – almost as if he doesn’t belong there.
Just a trespasser with a strange feeling that he is not used to.
Small; insignificant.
Invisible. Locked inside his own tormented mind, guarded by his own thoughts.
He can feel his emotions are getting all over the place – stretching and pulling on his heart as if it was some kind of a rubber band containing his feelings, and not even hours later since they arrived at the place she called her home for the past few months, he doesn’t know what to do or what to say.
If he should say anything at all?
Are there words that would make a difference?
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
Foolishly, he had hoped that it would be easier – being in the same room with her again, hearing her voice and her laughter; watching her move gracefully around the room, but it is not. If anything, it is more difficult than he ever imagined; more everything.
And what pains him the most is that the whole ordeal feels strained – the way they interacted with one another since they stepped into the small, and oddly decorated house, the way she spoke to him, the way she moved around him – almost like a ghost; afraid to say too much, afraid to make a wrong step.
He looks at his knuckles – dry skin slightly chipped from the wind.
The ring on his index finger is staring back at him, feeling a bit too tight; a bit too heavy, so with a twist, he takes it off and stashes it in the pocket of his jeans before rubbing at the swollen skin that now throbs in pain.
Looking up, he glances back at her – eyes taking in all the tiniest details of her silhouette.
How was he able to miss it when he had it in front of his eyes all this time?
So close, yet so far away.
The look in her eyes is a surprised one as she turns around and gasps at whatever one of their friends had been telling her before she shakes her head in a childish manner. Finally, a simple laughter escapes her lips and she throws her head back in amusement, and he can see the happy tears glistening in the corners of her eyes. A sudden wave of sadness washes over him, and he can feel the knots in his stomach tangling and twisting.
Will he ever be able to hold her, to make her laugh; make her happy?
Will he ever be able to utter the words that float on the tip of his tongue – light as a feather and heavy as the stone at the same time?
I need you.
With a heavy breath he pushes himself away from the wall and makes his way towards the patio doors that are ajar – small breeze taking the thin curtains out for a dance. No one in the small kitchen, not even her, flinches or says something when he walks out, all of them heavily invested in the conversations about this and that – filling up the blank pages of the colourful storybooks with memories and happenings.
Pots and pans; pinch of this and pinch of that – the smell of food filling up the space.
A loud laughter, espresso machine noises; a sound of yet another wine bottle being open – the cork rolling underneath the dining table.
The intense smell of the rain is still in the air, and the breeze that hits his face is crisp and cold, miserable and melancholic at the same time. For a moment, he closes his eyes as he leans over, resting his elbows on top of the wooden railing before letting his mind wander – eyes focusing on a row of cypress trees swaying in the distance.
A passerby walking along the cobbled path – yellow raincoat standing out in a sea of green.
A dog on a leash.
He wonders if there is a field of daisies nearby.
He shivers.
Upon arrival, as they stood outside the small airport – drizzle of rain brushing against their faces, she had hugged him; arms wrapping gently around him as if it was a scarf made out of the finest silk. He had missed her so much, that in that exact moment, nothing else mattered and all he could think about was the fact that she was there, in his arms, and for a second, it felt as if everything was okay; as if everything was like before.
As if he deserved her.
He never wanted to let go.
She didn’t flinch as he held her, and instead, she tightened her own hold around him, and let him take a deep inhale of her scent, filling every fibre in his body with it.
‘I am glad you’re here…’
‘I am glad you wanted me here...’
He hears the doors slide open, and without looking, he knows that it’s her because for some reason, he feels it, and when he glances over her shoulder, she’s standing behind him – dressed almost identically as when they first met.
“Rubbish weather, eh?” she jokes lightly as she looks up at the grey sky before stepping beside him. “I thought you might want this.”
He looks down at her dainty hand that hold the familiar dark blue flannel shirt.
The same shirt he borrowed her many, many months ago as they sat outside his house, chatting away their summer evening.
The same shirt she never bothered to return.
Not that he minded or wanted it back anyway.
“Thanks,” he musters up, clearing both his throat and his thoughts before taking the garment from her hands, but instead of putting it on, he looks at her for a short second, meeting her eye. 
She is looking at him – a timid smile on her lips, but he can only see the shadow of sadness glazing over her orbs and it makes his stomach twist in pain, so he turns away and leans against the fence.
She does the same while he nervously wrings the shirt in his hands as they both stare at the ground in front of them.
A watering can and some empty flowering pots scattered around the patio. A chair and a plaid blanket resting on top of it; pair of Birkenstock slippers in the corner.
He had imagined this moment way too many times – but now that they were finally alone, the script that he wrote carefully seemed to be lost, cut into bits; rearranged and scattered around his brain.
He cannot help but wonder why and when did it become so difficult to just be honest with himself; honest with her? 
When did it become so difficult to say what he wants?
“It used to be different, no?” she states, looking at her hands. “And it makes me wonder...Did I say something? Done something wrong? It’s really bothering me.”
His words although unspoken, have a sour taste in his mouth and he feels defeated. He doesn’t want her to think that it was her fault; that it was her who has to carry the cross of his behaviour.
She doesn’t deserve that burden.
“No, it’s just, I—,” he stops himself from speaking because he doesn’t know how to say it. “I know about…” he runs a hand over his face, taking a deep breath, “I know how you feel about me? Or at least, how you felt about me.”
His last words are barely above the whisper, but he knows that they were loud enough, and that she has heard them because she’s suddenly quiet; too quiet. 
And it feels like forever, and he doesn’t know what to do with himself, with his aching heart; with the realisation of what he just said.
“I was aiming high when it was quite obvious that I will fall flat on my face, no?”
“I am one to blame,” he manages to utter, but it’s not what he is supposed to say. It is not what he needs to say; what he desires. “and I want to say that I—“
“No one is to blame,” she interrupts reassuringly, looking up at him with a sad smile. “You shouldn’t beat yourself up for not feeling the same for me.”
But I do.
Even more than you think.
Part V
tagging these lovely people: @rosie7703, @emwritesfootball, @alexajanecollins, @afootballimagines, @footballcloud , @englishfairylights @footballerimaginess , @footballxwrites, @just-imagines, @emwritesfootball, @macybeckham7, @hnrfc @nuestraluzdelaluna​
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Shades of Blue
Player: Dominic Calvert-Lewin
Warnings: 18+ only - an immediate jump into post-smut talk, followed by more smut and I’m not sorry for it; language; body talk kind of; probably a billion typos
The way Dom grunts when he comes makes her laugh, a throaty chuckle in between heaving gulps for air. It’s contagious; Dom drops his forehead against hers, his laugh a deep contrast to hers. “Bad for a man’s ego, that.” He slips out of her with a loud squelch, and she dissolves into giggles. “I mean it,” he laughs harder. “You can’t laugh like that in this state.”
“You’ll be alright.” She stretches herself out when he shoves himself away from her, rolling her joints and feeling the muted ache set in to her thighs and hips. “I’ve got to start stretching before I come over.”
Dom yawns loudly next to her. “Surely there’s sex yoga or something. Pre-sex yoga. Post-sex yoga. Probably on YouTube.”
“I have a yoga instructor.” She shudders to think what searching for ‘sex yoga’ would do to her viewing algorithm. “Who I need to go see tomorrow anyway.” She has a tour to get ready for, and if she’s this sore after a few rounds with Dom, she’s in no way ready for two hours of dancing every night.
“What you need,” he says, pecking a quick kiss to her cheek before rolling out of bed. “Is dinner. Come on, let’s make tacos.”
“Ooooooor,” she groans, stretching out again. “What if I get a shower while you make tacos?”
“How’s that fair?”
“I’m sore from the gym.” She slides out of bed and bends at the waist. Her hamstrings are so tight.
“And?” He follows her out of bed, and she rises to standing just as he approaches.
“Annnnnnddd,” she taps her nails up his abs with a grin. “It was arm day, I want to test out that massage function.”
“I can help with that.” Dom hovers his face over hers, his fingertips grazing up her arms, and for a moment she’s lost in his dark eyes, full of the promise of anything but a productive scrubbing.
“Tacos first,” she says, delighting in the grin he gives her. “Then we’ll see.”
The pulsing water doesn’t do much for her sore shoulders, but the hot water feels wonderful and the humidity is good for her throat. When she opens the door to release the steam, she can smell simmering onions and peppers, and she realizes how hungry she actually is. She drops one of Dom’s t-shirts over herself, because even though she’s got several drawers full of her own clothes here, her boyfriend’s clothes are always more comfortable. It comes nearly to her knees.
“Put a shirt on, you’re gonna get burns.” She teases him about never being dressed, but she’s genuinely concerned he’ll hurt himself half naked in the kitchen.
“And deny you the chance to ogle,” he says, turning to reach for another spatula. His shorts are hung low on his waist. She can see the V’s at his hips; she lets her gaze wander lower. The first time she saw him in a snugger fitting short, she physically gulped. She looks up when he snorts. “How was the shower, ogler?”
“Meh.” She grabs for an avocado and a knife. “Fine.” “Just fine? They sold it as the next best thing to a massage gun.”
The avocado is just ripe, perfect for mashing in the guacamole cheat mix she’s taken from the cupboard. “Maybe I didn’t get the full benefit. It is set to your height.”
He clicks his tongue, focused on the meat he’s browning, his eyebrows knitting themselves ever closer together the older he gets. She thinks he’s sexiest when he’s concentrating, on anything - a ball or a bell pepper.
“Your phone is buzzing,” he says, eyes still on the pan, and she tears her gaze away from him. It’s her manager, reminding her of the call time for her appearance tomorrow. She keeps the call short - Dom’s plating the food.
“I swear he thinks he’s paid by the call,” she grumbles. “I’m not even singing, I don’t know why I have to do this thing.”
“Is he still on about you doing some big reveal about us?” Dom bites down on a taco, juice dribbling over the others on his plate. “I know it’s his job, but damn.”
She rolls her eyes. “He’s a good egg. Just a bit… overreaching sometimes. Thinks we’re the next Perrie and Ox or something.” She looks up and Dom is licking his fingers clean, tacos gone. “Did you even taste them?”
“I worked up an appetite,” he winks at her. “Are you gonna eat?”
She savors her food, rather than scarf it down the way Dom does. While she eats, he washes his hands and thinks on the wild ways they could go public with their relationship.
“Full page ad in the Times. Shave it into the back of my head. Accidental Instagram Live together. Get Tom to spill the beans in an interview. Get Tom to spill the beans in an accidental naked Instagram Live.”
“That one.” She points her last bite of taco at him. “Think he’d go for it?”
“Definitely.” His eyes crinkle with his smile.
“Actually,” she says. “There’s an awards show next month…”
His eyes widen, jaw goes a bit slack. “The BRITs, you mean?”
She nods. “I’m just a guest, but I do get a plus one… If you want to.”
“That’s a hell of an introduction, babe.” But he looks excited. “What are we wearing?”
She lifts herself onto the counter, and Dom steps between her parted knees, hands on her thighs. “Blue, if you’re coming with me.”
“Bit on the nose, isn’t it?”
She leans into him to press a kiss to his lips. “It brings out the gold in your eyes,” she murmurs. The change in the space between them is sudden, as it always is when Dom decides it’s time to fuck. The familiar excitement rising inside her makes her feel shaky. Her fingertips slide along the edge of his waistband, mirroring the way his hands creep ever higher up her legs. “Makes you-“ Her voice catches. Makes him look regal, distinguished, none of the things she wants him to be right now when he’s dipping a finger into her.
“Makes me what, love?” His words are honey in her ear, his finger sinking deeper into her, withdrawing slowly to add a second; the quiet exhale she breathes when her walls contract around them has him tightening his grip on her thigh with the other hand, dimpling the flesh for a moment before focusing on her clit, working his thumb in perfect rhythm with his fingers.
“Dom,” she whines, abs tightening as he works his magic. Her fingernails leave pale half-moons in his triceps. “Shit, Dom, I-“ The orgasm he pulls from her crashes through her like thunder, her body jerking against him as he draws out her pleasure til she’s shoving his hands away, begging him to stop through gasps for breath.
He curses as he shoves his shorts down his legs, and she giggles for a brief second when his heavy cock springs free and slaps against her thigh. That giggles dies on her lips when he notches the head at her entrance and pushes, inching forward into her while he hooks an arm under her leg, spreading her out with his eyes locked on her contorting face.
“Fuck, Dom,” she simpers, gripping the back of his neck. “Fuck.” She’ll never be used to how big he is, just how much of him there is, the fullness of having him buried inside her.
“You feel so fucking good,” he exhales heavily. His other arm is wrapped around her waist to hold her steady as he rocks his hips, slowly at first, thrusting forcefully and deep, his grunts echoing her whimpering pants. “So good, so tight for me, love,” and his hips snap into her faster.
“Baby,” she cries softly, and when she squeezes her walls around him he comes with a loud shout, a vice grip on her hips as he continues to thrust weakly into her, spilling every last drop he has.
“Fuck,” he nearly yells, pushing into her one last time and dropping his head into the crook of her neck. Her arms are hung loosely around his shoulders; she can feel him throbbing inside her, his breathing quick and shallow.
“No laughter this time,” he quips, nipping at her jawline as he lifts her off the counter and into his arms. She sags into him, boneless and quiet. “Let’s give that shower head a second try, yeah?”
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I would like to request 2 with Dcl 🤍
Thanks for your request. I hope you'll like it :-) 2. "I said I wouldn't judge, so I'm not." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For the upcoming Halloween period, the owner of the café you worked at, had decided all his personnel had to wear special Halloween-themed shirts. You found the shirts, black and with the print of a human skeleton, absolutely hideous. "Come on, let me see it." Dominic pressed when you came home from work that evening. "Absolutely not!" You made sure your jacket was covering the shirt you wore underneath. "Oh, well." Dominic shrugged, giving you a mischievous wink. "Than I'll just have to come by at the café tomorrow and see it then." "Huh..." You scoffed softly. He gave you a teasing look, and you knew there was a very real chance he would actually be doing it. "Okay." You gave in, "but promise me you won't judge." "I promise." Dominic answered solemnly, but there still was a twinkle in his eyes. You sighed before you took off your jacket, revealing the ghastly shirt underneath. Dominic did his best to keep in his laughter. "I said I wouldn't judge, so I'm not." He tried with all his might to keep a straight face. "Right," you chuckled wryly, "that response still says it all." "I'm sorry, babe." Dominic pulled you into an embrace. "Yeah, well," you sighed, "you're right. I look absolutely hideous in this." Dominic planted a loving kiss into your hair, pulling you tighter into his arms. "The shirt might be hideous, but you will never be." Tags: @glam-khal, @evie-pr, @gryffinwars, @auawdo, @meteora-fc, @mmmufc, @footballffbarbiex
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myrwritesfootie · 3 years
So today is a day without something I wrote simply because I’ve been too busy. I hope to get something online or either the day after tomorrow.
I will need some help tho on who to write it on, please comment on this post who you would like to see next;
Kai Havertz
Dominic Calvert-Lewin
Andy Robertson
Jadon Sancho
Someone else you would love to see?
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Held Fast
Warnings: none (wait, one single "shit")
Player: Dominic Calvert-Lewin
“Let me braid your hair.” She dropped her comb and rubber bands on the coffee table, and flopped herself onto the sofa behind Dom. “You look ratty.”
“Please can I braid your hair?”
“Let me braid your hair!”
“I said no, woman!” Dom’s tongue poked out the corner of his mouth in concentration. “I’m trying not to die, here.”
“After you’re done?”
“Yes, fine, now hush.”
She didn’t have to wait long. He wasn’t very good at not dying. He’d at least outgrown throwing controllers, unlike her sister’s boyfriend who still had to buy at least one new one a month. When the big, red, “DEFEAT” flashed on screen, he let out a frustrated groan. “I don’t know why I play this game.”
“I think it’s supposed to relax you,” she said. “Maybe you should try Animal Crossing.”
“Tried it. Stressed me out. Couldn’t find any bells.”
She laughed, and patted her crossed legs. “Give me those curls.”
He slid onto the sofa, stretching himself out with a long sigh. “Put it in two this time. I’ll leave them in for the game tomorrow.”
“They won’t hold.” She combed her fingers through his hair, checking for tangles. It always slipped so easily through her fingers, which was nice to touch and play with, but made it difficult to secure. “What if I made four braids and tied it in a bun?”
“Can you?”
“Can just take it out if it doesn’t work.” She picked up the comb, running it through the dark strands. “The braids would be smaller, too.” He nodded his agreement, eyes closed. She knew he’d be asleep before the first braid was done.
Dividing the hair equally was always the hardest part. She never got it right the first few tries. Dom didn’t mind though, he loved the feel of her fingers and the comb in his hair, and she was getting better at eyeballing even sections. She was getting better at braiding, too. When she first started to learn, it was a disaster. Her fingers would hurt, the braids were crooked and uneven, and they never held more than an hour. Now, her fingers were strong and her braiding was straight, if not always even. Dom had even worn his hair in braids to training. She wasn’t sure if they’d last a full 90 minute match, though.
“When I was a boy I wanted an afro, like the big man down the street.” She had been sure he was asleep, he’d been so still and quiet. “It doesn’t grow out like it needs to though.”
“Not the right curl pattern,” she murmured, focused on keeping her work straight. “I don’t think anyway. Maybe with the right products.”
He opened his eyes to look up at her, and smiled. “This summer’s project.”
She chuckled. “Better start combing through YouTube, then.” She tied off the last braid and stretched out her arms, rolling her neck around in wide circles. Dom grimaced at the loud cracks coming from her joints.
“You’re going to get arthritis.”
“Old wives tale. Go look in the mirror, see if you like them before we pull it all up.”
“Oh shit, babe, this looks great.” He turned his head from side to side in the mirror, smoothing his hands over his head. “I think this is your best work yet,” he grinned, and he pulled his hair back in his fist to tie it all back. He whistled. “I look good.”
“You think they’ll hold?” She came up beside him; she was pleased he liked them, but worried about game day.
“Yeah, we’ll slap some mouse and some gel over them and they’ll be rock solid.” He slung an arm over her shoulder, smiling at her in the mirror. “Thank you, baby.”
And two days later, when he rocketed the ball into the net and smoothed his hands over his braids as he danced with his teammates, there wasn’t a hair out of place
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19 with Dominic Calvert Lewin pls xxx
Thanks for your request. Hope you'll like it :-) 19. "That wasn't your finest moment, no." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx You and Dominic had been in a fight that morning. You had yelled some stuff around, both said things you didn't mean, and left the house still angry. No matter how bad you had wanted to talk things out before going, you really had to leave for work and Dominic was late for training, so it would have to wait until the evening. That night, when you came home, a huge bouquet of flowers stood waiting for you on the kitchen counter. "I'm sorry, babe," Dominic immediately started when you walked in, "I said a lot of things I shouldn't have this morning." "That wasn't your finest moment, no," you answered, "but I am not off the hook either. I threw some mean things at you, too, and I am sorry for that as well." Dominic came over to you. He hesitated a moment to see if he was allowed, before pressing a gentle kiss against your lips. "So, are we good?" He asked softly. You smiled against his lips. "Yes, we are." Tags: @glam-khal, @donkeykai, @evie-pr, @gryffinwars, @auawdo
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Dcl and 12 if free still? X
Thanks for your request. Hope you’ll like it :-) 12. Falling asleep somewhere they’re not supposed to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx You knew Dominic was somewhat tired, due to the busy schedules with both Everton and the English national team.  Even though your mom’s birthday party was anything but a high profile thing, he has insisted on joining you to it.  It was a nice summer day, so it was a garden party with a barbecue.  You had been chatting with some of your aunts and uncles, leaving Dominic by himself for a little while.  You returned to him some 30 minutes later to find him fast asleep in one of the garden lounge chairs. For a few seconds you just looked at him. He sat slouched down low, one elbow on the chair’s armrest and hand supporting his head.  “Babe?” You kneeled down in front of him and rested a hand on his knee.  Dominic startled awake, looking around in confusion for a second.  “I’m so sorry,” he mumbled a little embarrassed, “I must have dozed off.” “Yeah, you did,” you smiled warmly at him, “but that’s okay.” “I blame this nice sun and these comfortable chairs.” He gave you a crooked smirk.  You rose to your feet again and planted a kiss on the top of his head.  “I don’t mind,” you ran a hand over his arm, “actually, I think it’s sweet.” Tags: @glam-khal, @donkeykai, @evie-pr
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