#domestic shiguang
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doublxpresso · 7 months ago
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☀️ Morning (full comic)
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aashidoodles · 17 days ago
What about Shiguang kissing each other in greeting on autopilot even though they're not officially dating yet?
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This timeline of Link Click has morphed completely from a mystery thriller to a slice of life romcom
Thanks for the prompt! ♡
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artilite · 1 year ago
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they're just hangin' out
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guangshi-091305 · 3 months ago
"Trustworthy Partners In Life" - Series
A collection of snippets of their life together after Link Click is over. Feat. an overwhelming amount of fluff, acts of service and the many shades of love. Each snippet is either from Lu Guang’s POV or Cheng Xiaoshi’s. Please read fic tags!
A little treat for all of us Yingdu victims because goddammit do we deserve this and hell yes do Guangshi/Shiguang deserve to be happy together too!🥺
Updates: 24-36 hours after Yingdu Episodes air 💜 Please keep in mind I'll post new oneshots IN THE SERIES. No new chapters will be added to existing fics, so if you want to be notified of updates, please subscribe to the series🫶
Series Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/4559131
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First Instalment's up!
"The Future Ours to Pen"
~2000 words
Rated T
Fluffy Contents Include:
💙Hugs as Reassurance.
💙Pre-Dive Kisses.
💙Cat-Eared Baseball Caps.
💙Tucking him in bed.
💙Smiling when their eyes meet.
Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/61731304
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stray-tori · 2 years ago
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my brain finally complied and let me draw domestic shiguang just because.
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miyamiwu · 2 months ago
I don’t know why, but I have very strong faith in VeiFei
majority of fandom is saying they’re toxic. that Vein’s abusive. that there’s manipulation or exploitation involved. And I myself acknowledge that they’re the “toxic yaoi couple” to contrast the domestic, fluffy ShiGuang
Yet at the same time, I believe in them
I believe that Xia Fei is not just an abused 受 to the 渣攻 Vein, although they’ve been heavily coded that way so far*. I even think that, between the two of them, Vein is actually the one who cares more.
I know this sounds ridiculous. But as I was already preparing to put on my clown makeup way before VeiFei even debuted and the rest of the fandom saw what I saw, then what’s wrong with me being a little “delusional” once more. Who knows, my manifestation powers might work again. If not…well, the clown makeup is right there.
*I’m only referring to the tropes here. I don’t care what their bed positions are. They could be 互��� or 反攻, and I’ll still ship them
Edit: Please reblog this version of the post instead.
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justfrolikin · 3 months ago
Shiguang's domestic bliss : an Asian perspective
For most of us Asians...the image of 'love' looks quite peculiar. While the traditional 'romantic' stuff is still prevalent in our culture, it's relatively modern. In Asian households, 'love' has always taken priority over 'romance'. Let me explain.
In Shiguang's case, they never got that 'feeling nervous around each other', 'butterflies in stomach' love. Instead what they get? They get the 'bickering with each other', 'call each other nicknames', 'doing each other favours', 'comfort each other without sharing a word' love. They live in each other's presence without a doubt in mind about the other's loyalty. Needless to say, that's very reminiscent of an old married couple who have passed the 'honeymoon phase' way back. Except, Shiguang never had that honeymoon phase.
I think, to get the most out of my perspective, I need to give some more cultural context:
As Asians, we:
Are not very big on PDA
Most of still prefer arranged marriage, as most of us value partnership between spouses than typical romance stuff anyway.
More than feelings, we prefer cooperation between partners. Also, we heavily condone divorces(bad thing, I know) meaning we,like Shiguang,value 'partnership for life'.
(hilariously Shiguang's 'partnership' parallels a 'arranged marriage scenario very well XD)
They demonstrate a bond that only come with living together for a long term, sharing life with each other. A kind kind of fondness that grows with time. It is showcased in season two when CXS was told lg was dead, instead of recalling some grand sentimental moment, recalls all the little moments of lg (affectionately) reprimanding cxs. I don't know if I can call it 'romantic',but it definitely comes across as extremely domestic.
As someone who lives with my family, my parents interactions are very interesting to observe keeping this context in mind. They undoubtedly love and care for each other, but don't leave a single opportunity to criticize and mock(playfully) each other. Does that sound familiar?
Moreover, 'loyalty' and 'trust' are the most important values that are cherished among couples.
So if someone says, 'shiguang have zero romantic chemistry ' maybe we need to keep in mind that maybe 'romance' can mean different things in different contexts. It's something only the people who are experiencing the relationship can tell.
I know that's not what the director intended, but I think we can experience and expand our perceptions while engaging in a piece of media. Shiguang may not be a romantic couple, but they live like one, and their bond is not any lesser because of it.
I could've said a lot of things but my thoughts are all jumbled up now. I know there are a lot of things to talk about Link Click, but let's be honest , Shiguang is at the heart of it and I'll not get tired of talking about them.
Anyway, feel free to share your thoughts :)
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psychopomp-namine · 2 months ago
vivian, who sincerely wished for love but was deceived and deceived others, wanting to go to bridon and experience a love without lies
shiguang, shown to be very domestic and caring, go to bridon and their relationship is riddled with lies and secrets (nobody ever tells cheng xiaoshi anything)
meanwhile veifei (veinfei?), initially introduced with a power imbalance in their relationship, has vein hating lies and xia fei being pretty open with their communication, to the point where he even keeps him up to date with his side gig with liu xiao
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whispersoflullaby · 2 months ago
"Breaking" the gendering of media: A case study on Shiguang
A question kept coming back to my mind again and again, that why do we tend to criminalize whenever we see a media which was "canonically" (the term canon icks me to the core) built to portray a broader political or social issue being used to deconstruct personal emotions? For example, a song used to portray the pain and horrors of partition being used to reconstruct the grief of personal loss and also about loss of identity. As if talking about personal loss is making a topic less serious or not respecting the depth of a subject. As if it is the continuation of the gendering the places being implicted upon media. The "oikos" (the personal space) , the "non serious" personal emotions are not meant to be dragged into the "polis" (the public sphere). When we take the journey from the home to the world, our personal journey becomes a palimpsest of many others which give us a feeling of community. When we get the feeling that our dilema is not only ours but a shared feeling of many, we tend to raise questions and break the boundary of the "home and the world", it tend to give us a vocabulary to curate.
Link Click as a series breaks this notion of differentiating between the the struggles. The suffering of the world is mine as well as my sufferings are also a matter to discuss, to analyze and to deconstruct, it's of everyone. For example the the incidents of sudent suicide due to excessive educational loan or even if it is about trying to save one's mother or about spreading the word of love, even if it is about the very domestic banters of Shiguang or it is about taking a step further to help Xu Shanshan and not taking money from her and just mere "helping" her to unite with her beloved .
As a very close friend of mine once mentioned " Shiguang through their love creates a brand new "vocabulary" of love" (if they gives me permission I will definitely tag them), the vocabulary enables them to question the normativity. And questioning the normativity makes you a threat to the authority - cause when you ask the right question at the right time , it makes your identity identifiable and then the authority can't treat you like a mass, a mass to be dismissed, to be discarded. I can't control my urge to quote Derek Walcott's "The Schooner's Flight" here- "I am either nobody or I am the nation" .According to me, probably this is how censorship also works - they fear the creation of the new vocab. The love which revolts but don't conform: a love which doesn't leave , but questions the normativitives. We try our best within our capacity - but what love does it doesn't know the capacity. ( They just don't know, how much love is too much love). That's what is so unique about the love of Shiguang. Here I am gonna quote TGCF " Your Highness..do you know why I refuse to leave this world?... because I still have a beloved in this world." - বিনা যুদ্ধে নাহি দিবো সূচাগ্র মেদিনী - ( I will not leave even a pinch of soil, without a fight). The guts to challange the person in control even though one is not sure about the price he has to pay, even self anhilating from each and every freaking time is probably a better option. You are not someone I choose over everything, you are the one who is inseperable from the concept of "being" of mine- you are the "I" of my eye.
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The abilites here not only stand for the ability to change, but taking away the ability also stands for usurping one's ability to try, the silencing of emotions. Once your voice is strangulated you are creating a "destiny" for the opressed it is no longer their fate. Here I am gonna refer to a Bengali song "মোদের কোনো দেশ নেই,মোদের কোনো ভাষা নেই" (We don't have any country, we don't have any language)
But do you know where link click breaks the very gendering? When it identifies the silencing, the numbing. Many media portrays the consequences of the silencing, how the torture affects the people etc etc. But Link Click does is, it identifies where the mess ups are and it doesn't promise that "everything will be ok" and life will be "a bed of roses". No, it never will be- that's not what post modernism teaches us. Rather, Link Click teaches it may not be a smooth walk but still we will take the path as there is no "correct" path. As the author of the Ronxi chronicle mentions - it may not be the easiest path but you will never regret it. The concept of "correctness" is a construt, the "originality" is a mere myth and "TIME"!! … As we all know " Time is a hypocritical construct"...
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doublxpresso · 6 months ago
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aashidoodles · 1 month ago
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evangelineiiimoscovia · 2 months ago
I've finally watched Link Click s2 and Yingdu arc. I won't talk about the actual writing and foreshadowing of the show since there are a lot of people already on the topic. I personally enjoyed it and I'm in for the ride. I'll instead give my thoughts on specific details of the show that caught my eye.
More under the cut
First off, something I thought was general knowledge but apparently isn't. The Chinese name for the show, ShiGuangDaiLiRen, is a pun. Much like any Chinese/Japanese series, all names are puns. Cxs means (Cheng) Process (Xiao Shi) Hour. Lg means (Lu) Land (Guang) Light, and don't take my word for this, but I think this is a double pun. Lu(land) sounds the same as Lu(path), making his name "Path light" as in literally lighting the way. Of course I could be wrong because although Lu(path) is not a common Chinese surname, if the creators had wanted to call him Path Light they totally could have.
ShiGuang, the first part of the title and the ship name of the MCs means "time", but not just any time, it's usually used in a positive context, like the times that you appreciate, or moments to treasure. DaiLiRen, the second part of the title means emissaries or agents. So the title means "(Treasured) Time agents", and for the shippers out there it can literally mean "ShiGuang agents"
Moving on. I'll always love the voice actors they do an amazing work. Chinese voice actors have really stepped up their game these past few years. The characters seem alive and the delivery of some lines is hilarious! I also appreciate how each character's dialogue and voice gives them life. Cxs speaks more informal and youthful (Sha' instead of shenme, using geme'r as in bro, general slang), Lg always uses serious dialogue. One of the villains (Xiao Ma obv) spoke in dialect and although the racism in China is inevitable and clearly appears in the show, it's still a bit of representation and I actually liked him and I thought he was quite funny and a bit sympathetic.
Shout out to Wang Juan, she only did a little but I appreciated her just existing. Western shows are used to including these types of representation ("strong female characters", girls with short hair, women in male dominated fields) so we kinda take them for granted at this point, but I have to give props to the writers because they absolutely didn't need to make a character like Wang Juan but they did.
Link Click in general is quite good in that sense. It's not based on an existing novel (as far as I know) and it's not danmei or bl (who are genres more notable for boundary breaking) but Cxs has semi long hair in a pony tail, the two noodle girls in s1 were obviously together, the women are well written (although the spotlight still always falls on the men) and in no point are the girls inferior to the men in combat. It's little things that maybe aren't groundbreaking for a lot of people, but the teens and maybe some children (the show is also meant for them because of the PSAs that sometimes appear) are seeing representation that is rare in chinese cartoons.
Speaking of the PSAs and the ads, I don't know why they're all so funny to me, just by existing. Especially the one about domestic violence. Obviously we know it's bad, and the show clearly frames it as a horrible thing, but they HAVE to add it, it's just a thing that they have to do. In a sense our MCs are influencers and they just, have the responsibility to say it's bad, and ask the viewers to fight for a world without domestic violence. The same goes for the Yingdu arc. They have to say the "everything is a work of fiction" or whatever, even though it's obvious given that Yingdu doesn't exist in real life (Obv London since Ying is for England and Du is for capital but still), and they have to say "don't attempt to carry out any of the reprehensible actions shown" like the classic "don't try this at home"
Moving on to Yingdu. I'll be honest I didn't like the opening song, the rhymes feel flat and the lyrics just aren't it. It feels like someone's best attempt at writing an English song when they haven't really mastered English. It's not bad at all, it's just not for me.
I was shocked at the hour long opening movie! I was actually so happy Link Click is getting that type of treatment. Well I'm happy about it existing in general. I'm used to Chinese shows popping out the first season of something promising but also setting up to be very long and just, never continuing. But after MDZS basically revolutionised the industry in 2018 and got western attention, Chinese animation has gotten so much better, the production is more organised, everything is more polished, voice actors are getting the recognition they deserve and it makes me very happy!
The art style has changed a little bit, mostly the faces, the backgrounds too. I don't think I'll be able to hold Chinese animation up to western or even Japanese standards in this decade still, it's currently just not possible, so I won't even try. I appreciate the characters moving normally, they do feel alive and have little movements that aren't 100% relevant to the story but give them characterization, and that's already so good! That wasn't too present in s1, but in s2 I really scrutinized the first few episodes because usually second seasons have a drop in quality, but I was pleasantly surprised to see those little character animations.
A thing that I've always liked about Link Click is how they portray subtle details of Chinese life, like your parents showing care through food, a spice native to a certain village, a mother's silent support in a rural area... All small things that just remind you this is (fantasy) China and for the Chinese viewers seems relatable or even nostalgic if they're overseas. Foreign viewers get a little bit of what (fantasy) china is like, mostly for young, urban middle class people though. It's like when people watch anime and learn a bit about Japan, people watch donghuas and have to learn a little bit about China, it's only fair.
In the Yingdu arc I really loved the moment when LiuXiao stopped the robber. I just really liked it because Cxs (not Lg, Lg is living in another dimension rn) is your typical Chinese tourist, he speaks limited English he has no idea wtf is happening, and he's so happy to meet another Chinese person. Just meeting someone who speaks a language he understands, and has just helped him. He says that even overseas it's best to rely on compatriots, and it's really true. People who travel somewhere else be it for tourism or actually emigrating will always be happy to meet someone they "know", and immigrants usually first find their footing among compatriots.
On that note, I also appreciate the detail of Yingdu actually being shown to be a different place. The people don't automatically speak Chinese for the Chinese viewers to understand, they all speak (a very broken ch)english, and it really feels like we've moved location. Every time the MCs meet someone who speaks Chinese it's treated like a little gem. And then there's Vein, speaking chinglish and saying Nihao (hello) with an accent even though mfer knows mandarin.
SOMETHING I FORGOT. I just find it hilarious that the guns in this show never have the accurate amount of bullets. That gun Xiao ma pulled out shot at least 10 times. You can tell the average Chinese person has never seen a gun before. And the one Vein has? I don't know what type of gun that is but it sure doesn't look like it can shoot 8 times idk.
Overall I'm happy to have caught up to Link Click. I liked the first season but I don't know why it never hooked me, even though it ended on a huge cliffhanger. But now I'm hooked and pleasantly surprised by the general quality of the show
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raddestrose · 1 month ago
Ok so, i’ve decided to start taking breaks between schoolwork so I don’t burn out
On that note whose ready to dive back in time with me and crash out?
I like am genuinely curious about all the characters being introduced
cause like ive been able to avoid all the spoilers, im so happy
Bro Xia Fei is acting like Vein’s little meow meow, no idk much about their relationship but from the small bit ive seen its that
Lu Guang is having NONE of it, he hasn’t even opened his mouth but Lu is giving him the DIRTIEST side eye
OKAY NOW, umm im not sure if you know this Vein, but telling someone they look tasty is not a proper greeting
Bro jumped infront reaal quick
His ass DID NOT say hello
Xiaoshi speaking english is actually like adorable
but it raises a question, how would they dub that and have it make sense?
DAAAANG bro caught that
Cheng Xiaoshi is so me right now
ignoring what’s going to happen in the future Vein is super cool
I NEED his fan
Where did they go?
yeahhhh, Xia Fei’s right with this one
Please don’t fight, for the love if god please don’t fight
is this a flashback inside a flashback
WHAT im so lost
oh thank goodness the OH YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME
OH GODDAMN IT REALLY YALL, they really had to pull that?
well jeez, five minutes in and its just pain
bro looks roughhh
Ouhhh i see, so the timeline is deviating from what had originally happened
so like, what is causing the timeline to change is it him repeatedly diving back or is there like with the last season, other people with powers,
Is it Vein causing the changes or r another person who has powers we haven’t been introduced to yet
Sorry, that was me just thinking everything out loud
Is like everything Shiguang owns just cat themed or something?
Bro you are the OPPOSITE of fine
dude thinks he’s a kpop idol at the airport or something
aw though, he’s a little cutie patootie
Did Lu turn into a cat or something
Oh shit he actually did
what thebfuck man
Hes just a little guy, debts shouldn’t count for him
is his dad like an infamous asshole or something what with that response
Whatd his dad do?
That’s not really believable man
a fire, waiit wasnt there a fire in the op, is it the same one??? we shall see
Whats Lu pulling now?
Nevermind you big faker
I cant read mandarin, who’s calking him
like i knew, but i was still shocked
bros being devious messing with the elevator
ok but like how didn’t he see him, the lobby is empty
this is too good honestly, im thoroughly entertained by that sequence of events
bro should be an actor, he’s COMMITTED
Oh it was wonder kid, or did i name him mystery kid I forget
but anyway thats so evil and sneakyy, dude just wants to meet his dad
I don’t think he wants to be friends Liu Xiao, i really don’t think so
Whats with the face kid aren’t you an adult
Keeping and eye on one of them is hard enough but BOTH, its so hard to keep an eye on both they made a SHOW about it
Well get uncurious, i want domestic Shiguang vacationing and being happy
oh shoot, sorry Guangguang timeline is DEVITATING BIG TIME
Tsukishima? what are you doing here?
Xiaoshi has the opposite of the bystander effect
Oh shit you guys
Have I mentioned how stunning the visuals for the ending are cause they are gorgeous
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yingdu-lover · 3 months ago
people who talk and discuss how human emotions, bondings and sufferings are central to link click
when they talk about how Cheng Xiaoshi deeply feels the essence of love, hope, sacrifice, memory and remembrance AND all of these are also directed towards him >>>>>>>>>>>>
when they take lu guang as a complex human character with flaws (without bashing him morally) and love him for these flaws because THAT is what makes him very human>>>>>>>>>
people when they cry for shiguang trusting each other with life and death>>>>>>>>
people when they keep the vignettes of everyday life of domestic shiguang in the core of their hearts>>>>>>>>
people who are in an emotional crisis after the yingdu episode 1>>>>>>>>
I JUST WANT TO SAY I love you all, I love you all from the bottom of my heart. You will get a happy shiguang year. Love you all!
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veinspookiebear · 17 hours ago
Asking again for wips because your fics are PEAK!!! "5 times cxs patched up lg (and one time lg couldn't return the favor)" sounds potentially angsty and I am a sucker for a 5+1 fic ooooh
AWW THANK YOU <33 lucky you, you stumbled across I think my only wip that's fully drafted HAHA
It's kind of in limbo right now because I didn't like it after finishing it and I wasn't sure why, so I was giving it some time before I thought about rewriting and then, as they do, distractions came along 😭 i should really go back to it
Basically came to me when I rewatched the first Bridon ep and CXS mentioned carrying band-aids around, and I thought, "what if 5 things fic where he gets to patch up LG's little injuries!!" but then that little voice in the back of my head was like "and what if the +1 was Sad"
So basically each part advances their relationship, from meeting in uni to becoming boyfriends to post-s2 (and the little injuries CXS patched up along the way), and the last part is LG pov and CXS death (definitely angsty and that's one bit i know i want to improve because it isn't hitting for me)
Have some part 4 domestic shiguang for the soul <3 subject to change when i get to revising /silly
Cheng Xiaoshi could've never imagined then that soon after, Lu Guang's place would be the studio. His place became theirs. He never thought he would be sharing his home, his work, his whole life with Lu Guang, of all people; but things fell into place so perfectly, and even discovering the ability to time travel, he wouldn't change a thing.
A whole year went by. Cheng Xiaoshi hardly noticed. They fell into a routine so effortless and familiar, yet every day held new surprises. Like when quiet morning greetings became gentle kisses; two beds became one; cold and lonely nights became warm ones in the arms of another.
Their simple life, with a little flare of superpowers, was all he needed.
"Lu Guang, could you pass me the salt?"
The sound of a knife against a cutting board stopped, followed by a sigh. "You grabbed every seasoning but the salt?"
"It's right there!"
Lu Guang grabbed it and passed it to him, shaking his head. "Get it yourself, then."
"Why would I do that when my lovely boyfriend is closer?" Cheng Xiaoshi grinned cheekily, rewarded by a dusting of pink on Lu Guang's cheeks.
Lu Guang scoffed, turning back to the cutting board. "Next time, I'm not handing it to you."
"Sure, sureee," Cheng Xiaoshi teased as he returned to his own preparations, stirring a sauce on the stove.
They worked in silence for a little longer, before it was broken by a sharp, "Ow!"
Cheng Xiaoshi turned around, concerned. "Cut yourself?"
"Not badly. But yes," Lu Guang sighed, moving over to the sink to rinse it under the faucet.
"I've got the perfect thing."
He proudly produced a band-aid from his pocket. Lu Guang snickered.
"You're twenty years old and still prepared to get into a fight."
"It's not because I'm expecting a fight! They're just handy!" Cheng Xiaoshi retorted, peeling back the paper and wrapping Lu Guang's bleeding fingertip. "Case in point."
"I guess so."
"You're welcome," Cheng Xiaoshi muttered.
"Oh, right. Thanks."
Cheng Xiaoshi wrapped his arms around his middle, sighing. "So ungrateful…"
Lu Guang kissed his cheek, catching him off guard. "I do mean it. You're very sweet," he murmured, breath tickling Cheng Xiaoshi's ear.
"Uh, thank you—I mean, you're welcome? Um. Yeah," Cheng Xiaoshi fumbled, letting him go. Lu Guang's smile made him feel warm.
He started to turn back, reaching for the knife again, but Cheng Xiaoshi caught his wrist. "Hey, let me take over. Watch the stove for me."
He pecked his cheek, and Lu Guang couldn't protest that, grumbling under his breath as he switched stations with him.
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miyamiwu · 3 months ago
They have blessed us with fluffy, domestic, angsty, hurt/comfort ShiGuang. Now, can they add some toxic VeiFei yaoi on the side… Even just a little… you know, for some spice ✨
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