#dom theo
caramelcal · 1 year
you'll always be my girl - t. nott
summary: theodore nott was your brother's best friend, and had been the boy of your dreams since you first lay eyes on him. everyone knew that. so it's a surprise when you suddenly get a boyfriend, and theodore is determined to show you why he's the better choice. always has been and always will be.
warnings: all characters are of age. smut, cheating. all that fun stuff. theo is reader's brother's best friend. reader pined for YEARS but it faded away when she got with her boyfriend. she's a bit of a pushover. virgin!reader. dom!theo. sub!reader. modern au. lots of swearing. arguing. praise kink. overstimulation. dirty talk.
note: this prob isn't great, i don't write smut often idk
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"Mate move! Move! He's behind that wall." Theodore shouted, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he tapped the keys on his controller trying to be revived faster.
"Fuck! I can't find him," Lorenzo had replied, a similar tone to Theodore's as their eyes were both glued to the screen in front of them.
It was only the two of them at Lorenzo's tonight, something that wasn't overly uncommon for the two of them to do. Despite being close with the rest of their group, Theodore and Lorenzo spent the most time together just the two of them. Theodore practically lived at the Berkshire's house half the time nowadays, finding it much warmer than his own.
Honestly, it was more shocking if he wasn't at the Berkshires.
"Over there! Shit!" Lorenzo cursed, the loud, violent tapping of buttons ensuing at a more alarming rate from the two of them.
"Where's his-"
"Theo! Theo! The-" A red alert came over the screen, letting the two boys know that they had lost the game. They both put their controllers down, Lorenzo using the palms of his hands to rub his eyes in frustration, and Theodore throwing his head back with a groan.
"We really ought to get better at this mode, or we need to just stick to doubles," Theodore said, looking over at his friend who chuckled with a nod.
Mr and Mrs Berkshire were both out for the night, away on holiday, or business or whatever, Lorenzo didn't tell Theodore all the details. Theodore didn't particularly care anyway, it didn't make a big difference to him.
Lorenzo's parents were lovely to him, always greeting him pleasantly, always happy to see him, and telling him he was welcome at any time. They had even unofficially allocated one of the spare bedrooms in their house to Theo, who was eternally grateful for the escape it gave him.
"Enzo, I'm home!" Theo's attention was directed towards the door, where he heard someone kicking off their shoes by the door before walking towards the living room.
Y/n Berkshire. Lorenzo's younger sister. He was honestly surprised he hadn't noticed earlier that you weren't there. Even though you normally tucked yourself in the small library in the house, he had been here for hours and hadn't heard a peep from you.
Sure, you were normally quiet, but normally you at least said hello.
While growing up with Lorenzo, Y/n was never normally far behind. You had adored your brother when you were younger, and even as you both got older you remained close. Theodore on the other hand, had elicited a different sort of adoration from the younger girl. One that brought a blush to your face every time he spoke to you, or even looked in your direction.
It had been that way for years, and honestly, Theodore couldn't remember a time when you had been able to look him in the eye for longer than five seconds before getting too shy and looking away.
Footsteps echoed towards the living room, and the second you came into view, Theodore's eyebrows furrowed. Your body was covered in a silk dress, your hair styled perfectly and makeup on your face. You looked fancy, and Theodore could not imagine what you possibly could have been doing to require such an appearance.
There certainly weren't any parties on, if there had been, Lorenzo and Theodore would have been the first ones to know.
"How was your date?" Lorenzo didn't even look back at his sister as you sat down on the other couch, a sigh of relief as you sunk back into the comfortable material.
A date? The question had Theodore baffled. You had been on a date? With who? It certainly made the appearance seem more logical, you looked pretty. You had made that effort for a boy.
"It was good," You nodded your head, not looking over at your brother either as you grabbed the book that sat on the coffee table, flipping it open to the page you had dogeared earlier on that day so you could continue reading.
"You were on a date? With who?" Theodore asked.
"Oh, hi Teddy," You looked up from your book, sending a small smile to your brother's best friend, only just noticing him, "Adrian Pucey, he's in your year."
Teddy. The name you had called him since you started to talk. Everyone had called him Teddy when he was growing up, including Enzo, his parents and yours, but you were the only one that didn't grow out of it.
"It's Theo, y/n/n," Lorenzo had corrected you, as he always did, knowing how much Theodore despised the nickname now that he was older. What he'd never tell your brother though, was that he didn't mind it when you did it. It felt natural coming from your lips. He couldn't ever imagine you calling him Theo, or, god forbid, Theodore.
"Yeah, sorry," You mumbled, picking at the edge of your dress as you looked down at your lap, the book held in your other hand, a finger on the page you stopped reading on so you could keep your place now that you had straightened out the fold.
"Why are you going on a date with Adrian Pucey, he's…"
Theodore wasn't sure what to call him. Annoying? Arrogant? Not good enough for you?
"My boyfriend?"
"Your boyfriend?" Theodore echoed, his eyes almost bulging out of his head and jaw almost falling onto the floor. His tone was incredulous as if you having a boyfriend was completely out of the question.
"Well, that's new," Lorenzo murmured under his breath, not loud enough for you to hear, but loud enough for Theodore.
His tone let Theodore know that he, too, was not too happy about the arrangement. Adrian wasn't 'boyfriend material' and certainly not good enough for you. He was sleazy, and an average quidditch player at best.
"Yeah, is it so unbelievable that I could get a boyfriend?" Your tone -despite your word choice seeming a little sassy- was soft. Your eyes battered between the two boys, eyebrows furrowed as you sat forward.
Silence ensued between the three of you, your eyes still battering between the two boys, both of which didn't know what to say. It wasn't surprising that you could get a boyfriend, but your choice was certainly questionable. Frankly, they were too astonished to speak.
While Lorenzo had known you were spending more time with Adrian, he was hoping that it would fizzle away before labels got attached. He barely gave it any thought, thinking you wouldn't take a boy like Pucey so seriously. Oh, how he was wrong.
"I'm gonna head upstairs," You said quietly, sulking off the couch and quietly walking away, feeling a little ashamed that they seemed so surprised that you had managed to get your first boyfriend.
Theodore's eyes followed you, staying stuck to where you disappeared upstairs as Lorenzo broke the silence, breathing out some air, "Never expected that. Well, at least we know she's not pining over you anymore."
"Yeah, I guess."
It was less than a week later when Theodore was heading to quidditch practice, his bag slung over his shoulder, broom in his hand. He ruffled his hair with his free hand, breathing out some air as he prepared himself for what he could guess was going to be a pretty gruelling practice.
Granted, he could give himself some leeway, being the captain and all, but that didn't set a good example. They had a big game coming up in a few days and they needed to do well. There was little space for error, and Theo would make sure everyone was ready.
Hearing faint talking as he walked up to the locker room was odd, considering he was normally the first or second one there. He must've been running a few minutes late.
"-how you managed it, mate, I mean, between her being Berkshire's untouchable little sister and everyone thinking she liked Nott, you can understand why everyone's a bit surprised."
Theodore's hand halted its movement, not pushing the door open just yet as he listened in. They were talking about you.
"She just needed to know who the better boy was, didn't she?" He heard a muffled Pucey reply, "I certainly showed her."
The familiar feeling of anger began to bubble in Theodore's chest as he registered the words that came out of Pucey's words, and the laughter that followed them. Walking in, his hardened blue eyes immediately caught onto Pucey's, a silent warning.
Yet, all the smug cunt did in reply was smirk. That certainly didn't help the feeling of red, hot, anger that exploded in Theo's chest. Quidditch practice was going to be hell for him, Theo would make sure.
"Wait up!" An hour and a half later, the anger still hadn't faded from Theodore's system. His shoulders were uptight, his hand holding onto his broom with a deathly amount of force. It was a surprise the wood hadn't snapped yet.
Your light footsteps struggled to catch up with the thundering pace that Theodore kept. His eyes cast over to you beside him as you finally caught up, his hair still wet from his shower after quidditch practice.
"Can I talk to you?" You asked, looking at Theodore awkwardly. You never normally felt awkward around him, but from the way he was looking right now, you could tell he was mad, but that didn't mean you could let what happened slide.
"Mhm," He hummed in response, his eyes staying straight forward as he waited for you to speak.
"So Adrian was speaking to me and he said that you were going extra hard on him at practice. I understand that you and my brother aren't happy that we're dating but-"
"You came here to stick up for your little boyfriend?" Suddenly, Theodore had stopped walking, turning around so he was facing you. His eyes stared into yours, the anger in his voice rising.
He towered over you, making you crane your neck up to look at him, a drip of water from his wet hair falling onto your forehead. You cleared your throat lightly, not used to Theodore being in such a mood. Even if he was annoyed, he didn't normally talk to you like that.
"I- uh, yeah, kind of. I just don't think it's fair that you're punishing him. It was my choice to date him, he didn't make me."
"Listen, y/n/n, if Pucey had a problem with me, then he can come to talk to me, not send his girlfriend to sort out his issues like a fucking pussy," Theodore spat out Adrian's name like it was a disease on his tongue, his jaw clenching at the mere thought of you taking Pucey's side over his.
If you had any sense, you'd know to mind your own business. You had grown up with Theodore, you had known him for your whole life. Adrian had been your boyfriend for all of a few weeks and you were already choosing him over Theo? That was what wasn't fair, not a few more laps at training.
He saw the frown that made its way onto your face, and if he wasn't so angry at you and Adrian, then he would've crumbled. He knew you were sensitive, much more than most people, and the last thing he wanted to do normally was make you upset. Yet, if you wanted comfort then you could go to Adrian, especially after you tried to stick up for him.
Turning on his heels, Theodore began to walk away again, but it seemed you were a little more determined than normal.
"Come on Theo, you know it's not fair!"
That just about tips him over the edge. This was so unlike you, and it was all because of Adrian. You always went by what Lorenzo and Theodore said, but today you chose to stand up to Theo. You chose Adrian over Theodore and refused to let it go and now you were calling him Theo?
You had been reprimanded for over a year about still using the nickname, and a few weeks into having a boyfriend you suddenly dropped the name of endearment? That was enough.
"What was that?" Theodore stopped in his tracks the second the words had come out of your mouth, barely managing to get the words out between his gritted teeth. He looked over his shoulder at you, watching as you crossed your arms over your chest.
"You know it's unfair."
"You have no idea what's unfair, y/n."
"I know making Adri do double the number of laps as everyone else is unfair! I know knocking into him with double the power as everyone else is unfair, Theo! You're his captain, you need to be fair!"
"Stop that." His tone was reprimanding, like telling you off for doing something unspeakable. He didn't like this one bit, you talking back to him. It felt like something had been shifted and he wanted it all to go back to the way it was.
It was your turn to let out clipped, sarcastic words. Something you would have never dreamed of doing to him; the boy you had pined over for years. Yet, all you could see was an immature, childish boy, not the guy you had liked for as long as you could remember, "Stop what, Theodore?"
"Stop calling me that."
You knew exactly what he was getting at. You always had an inkling that he enjoyed the nickname you refused to drop, given that he, himself, never told you off for it. You also knew he didn't like change, and that the idea of him and Lorenzo not being your number-one priority anymore bugged him. He hated that you had a new boy in your life.
"What? Stop calling you your name?" You replied, raising an eyebrow at him as he clenched his jaw again, letting out a dark chuckle as he started to walk away.
"Just fuck off, y/n."
You didn't bother to follow him.
You and the girls were bustling about in your room, doing all sorts of things. Some were getting changed, some were doing their makeup and some, along with you, were doing their hair. It was a Halloween party that practically half of Hogwarts was going to, and luckily for you, the house was only a few minutes walk away from yours.
Lorenzo and his friends were getting ready too, but you had chosen to keep your girls in your room, completely separated from them. Frankly, it was too much tension, and drama, and you didn't want that to stomp on your excitement for the party.
"Hey, y/n, do you have any snacks? I'm starving," One of the girls piped up, stopping doing her makeup to look at you in the mirror. You nodded your head with a smile, telling her you'd be right back as you headed down to the kitchen.
There was noise coming from the tv as you walked by the living room, letting you know that some of Lorenzo's friends were probably in there, taking a mental note to avoid. You wished that he had gotten the vibe to keep his friends in his room, but your brother was clueless sometimes.
He even seemed to be clueless about the fact that you and Theodore had been ignoring one another for the last three weeks, acting as if the other didn't even exist. With your arms full of all types of snacks, you left the kitchen, making your way back up the stairs.
Your eyes are on the snacks in your hand, making sure that none of them are going to fall as you walk, only to be halted by something being in your way. You had walked into someone.
"Oh, sor-" You cut yourself off as you looked up, making eye contact with intense blue eyes staring down at you. You narrowed your eyes.
"Y/n," He had acknowledged you for the first time, but not being nearly happy about it, his mouth in a thin, straight line, and his voice apathetic.
You mirrored his tone and body language, "Theodore."
He remained looking down at you, your pretty eyes looked up at him in disdain, a constant reminder of how you guys had last interacted with one another. He was still slightly mad, more irritated than anything, about the situation, and it was clear you weren't over it either.
It was so unlike you, and he hated that. While he wanted you to stick up for yourself more regularly, he hated that it only seemed to be him that you were being resistant to. It frustrated him to no end, that your relationship after so many years had changed so much in the blink of an eye.
He missed the way you looked at him with your doe-like eyes, so hopeful and kind and soft. Now, they were narrowed, almost as if a threat for him to say something. He hated that it was like you were trying to test his patience.
His mouth opened slightly, just about to speak to you, only to not get the chance, your bedroom door opening, "Y/n, c'mon! I'm hungry!"
In an instant, your eyes are no longer looking at him, but down towards the snacks that lay in a disorganised bundle in your arms, brushing by the taller boy towards your room. You spare no attention towards him, not a word nor a glance, leaving him alone in the hallway as you continue getting ready in your room.
It doesn't feel too long after that when you are all ready, all of you bundling down the stairs ready to go to the party. You know all the boys are now in the living room, and you would have happily walked by without entertaining him, but you knew you couldn't.
"Enzo, can I have some of the money mum and dad left?" You say, coming into the room. The boys are all ready too, but you know they won't leave until the party had already started for forty-five minutes at least, too busy playing video games and not wanting to be around for the awkward start most parties have.
You adjust the wings that are on your back as you walk towards your brother, white boot heels hitting off the wooden floor, the girls falling shortly behind you.
Theodore's eyes flicker up to you casually, but when he catches sight of you his jaw almost falls off, the modest girl you are, with the shortest skirt on he's ever seen. If you turn around, he knows he's almost guaranteed to see the curve of your ass, driving his mind haywire.
You adjust your bright-coloured corset and wings once more. It's obvious that you're supposed to be a fairy, but Theodore knows you're no Tinkerbell. You're perhaps the sluttiest, most tempting fairy he's ever seen. His mind races.
Lorenzo scratched the back of his neck, "Kitchen."
You nodded your head, heading off to the kitchen as all the boys quiet down. Lorenzo looked down at his phone, as the girls all follow you out of the room, "Mate…"
"What?" Lorenzo replied as Theodore sat beside him, all the other boys engaging in small talk again.
"Are you letting your sister go wearing that? Surely you can't," Theodore's trying to keep calm, but his mind is practically begging Lorenzo to make you change. The thought of someone else seeing the curves of your naked thighs and the curve of your arse makes Theo want to die.
"Nah mate, it's not ideal, to be honest, but her mates are just…they call you all sorts and start screaming if you say anything," Lorenzo finally looked up at his best friend, and Theodore can tell that Lorenzo isn't very happy with the predicament either, "and y/n/n just doesn't listen anymore, so there's no point."
There was a point though, to Theodore anyway. He didn't care what your friends thought, or about this new attitude you had adopted since you started dating Adrian.
You're back in the living room soon enough, coming to say bye, but Theodore is quick to walk over to you, not looking very impressed. He speaks lowly, "You should go change."
"What? Why? Do I look bad?" You smooth down your skirt a little, looking up at him with your usual wide eyes, a crack in this new attitude you've been showing lately.
"No," He's quick to shut down any doubt you have about your appearance, "It's just a bit inappropriate."
"Oh, don't be a prude, Theodore," One of your friends overhears, piping up in your support.
"Go change," He paid little mind to your friends, looking down at your eyes and repeating his previous order.
"Girl, you look so hot, don't let him cramp your style," Another one of your friends joins in to support you, a hand on your shoulder as she began to steer you out, "now let's go before he has anything else to say."
The second he saw you being steered out the door and towards the party, he just knows that this night is going to be one of frustration.
His prediction was correct. Only an hour and a half later he was ready to get out of there, the strongest alcohol he could find in a glass with his hand wrapped around it. Purple strobe lights, people laughing, and loud music all seem to fade into the background as his eyes focus on you. He could tell Pucey was trying to rile him up, and it was working.
His hands have been all over your body: while dancing, while sitting down, just every second of this party, and Theodore loathed it. He hated that Pucey's dirty, sleazy hands were on your soft skin, exactly where they didn't belong.
He tried to ignore it, his eyes closing as he downed the rest of his drink, slamming it down on the table. He didn't know where any of his friends were, and honestly, didn't care. He didn't want to talk to anyone or be with anyone but you right now.
He hated that he was thinking about you like this. Lorenzo's baby sister. It was supposed to be the other way around, you were supposed to be the one obsessing over him, so why couldn't he get you out of his head? Why have you been the only thing consuming his thoughts for weeks?
"Hey there, love," A girl sat down beside Theodore, a thing he loved at parties normally. The attention was something that had him feeling smug, but he couldn't even bring himself to look at her. His eyes focused on you as he hears your giggle echo through the room as Pucey whispered something in your ear.
Nothing Pucey could say would ever be funny enough to elicit such a beautiful sound. It felt illegal that he was allowed to hear your laugh, never mind be the reason for it.
"You seem tense, Theo," The girl puts her lips slowly closer and closer to Theodore's neck, her voice quieter and slower as she teased her lips against his neck, lightly grazing it, "Let me help you."
The song that blasts through the speakers had Pucey pulling you up to dance, twirling you around in his arms until his hands thread through to hold your waist. You're facing away from Theodore, completely naive to the blue eyes that follow your every move.
Your boyfriend, on the other hand, couldn't have been happier to meet Theodore's cold gaze, a smirk coming to his lips as he looked down at you, then moving away slightly, only to bring a hand down on your arse.
That has Theodore on his feet immediately, hearing the yelp that you let out as he stormed towards Pucey, ripping him away from you and getting right in his face. He was taller than Adrian, towering over him too as he gets right up in his face, "Don't fucking lay a hand on her again!"
"She's my girlfriend mate, I'll do what I want." Pucey only fuelled the fire of rage that burned in Theodore's chest. You seem frozen, unsure of what to do as you try and catch the attention of either boy, wanting this nightmare to end.
"Yeah, we'll fucking see about that," Before you could even react, Theodore's fist is making contact with Adrian's nose, and Adrian stumbled back for a few steps before his legs gave way underneath him and he was on the floor.
A gasp emitted from your throat in shock and horror, looking at Adrian as he groaned, holding his nose, red staining the skin. A hand grabbed your wrist, much softer than you had expected from the same fist that had just floored your boyfriend, and dragged you away.
"We're going home, y/n."
The next thing you know is that you're at the front steps of your home, wanting to say something, anything. Yet, any time you took a breath of air before speaking, Theodore was sending you a look that had you shutting your mouth straight away. Something was daring in his eyes, something a lot more threatening than normal.
His grip gave you little opportunity to wriggle free, his other hand banging open the door, his foot harshly hitting it shut behind you before you are trailing after him up the stairs. He barely gave your feet any chance to keep up with him before you were in his room.
He only let go once you were in the middle of his room, the door shut behind you both. The room is dark, and you both are heaving out a breath. You can just about see Theodore's shoulders sag a little, his voice quieter as he spoke, "I don't like what the boy is doing to you."
"What are you talking about?"
"Dressing like this," He stepped towards you, his fingertips grabbing the edge of your skirt as he continued, "acting like a slut, that's not you baby, you're normally so good."
Your stomach is filled with butterflies as he looked down at your eyes, soft for the first time in weeks, "I am good, I-"
"You think tempting me like this is good, baby? Wearing this outfit and dancing with another man's hands all over your body," Your stomach flipped at the pet name once more, your heart feeling as if it's going to race out of your chest.
Your throat feels blocked up as you watch every slight move he takes, feeling as if this moment is surreal; as if you're dreaming. His voice turned soft as he spoke again, "Where'd my good girl go?"
His hand caressed the side of your face softly, the pad of his thumb swiping over your soft skin and guiding your somewhat messy hair away from your face so he can see you more clearly. You had dreamed of this moment for so long, hoping that one day Theodore would reciprocate your feelings.
The feeling of his hands on you was so euphoric that no amount of dreaming could have ever made you feel like this. This was real.
"I-" You couldn't speak, your brain feeling as if it was going to overload.
You knew this was wrong. Theodore was your brother's best friend, you had grown up with him. He was off limits. You had a boyfriend. So why couldn't you find it in yourself to pull away from his grasp?
You felt as if you were getting pulled closer to his body. The temptation is so bad that no amount of self-control could save you now. You were a goner, you had always been when it came to Theodore.
Since you had been young, you knew that you would do anything for him. Anything so that he could give you this sort of attention, and make you feel like a princess. Your rational thoughts and morals should be pulling you away, but your heart aches for him, it always has.
"You gonna show me how much of a good girl you can be, angel?" He asked, almost as if he was trying to aid you in finding your words. You could only nod your head.
Suddenly, the familiar scent of cologne and cigarette smoke overtook your senses, his lips crashing against yours in a soft, but desperate kiss. His hands reached around you to pick you up, your hands going into his soft hair, grabbing onto the strands with your fingers as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Swiping his tongue across your lips, you opened your mouth, letting him deepen the kiss as he took steps towards the bed, lowering you down onto the bed. His lips are still connected to you, and you can feel your lungs begging for oxygen, but you don't want to pull away.
Theodore does first, his blue eyes meeting yours as you slowly manage to open your eyes, your lips parted as you breathe in, trying to fill your lungs with the oxygen they had been deprived of. You follow his eyes as he slowly kisses down your neck, then down the valley of your breasts, his hands pulling down the corset, and you're quick to aid him in pulling it off.
The feeling of his lips grazing over your stomach has you hitching in a breath, watching as his head slowly lowers down your body. Then, his head is nestled between your thighs, kissing the soft skin that isn't hidden by your skirt. The hair on his head tickles them, the skin so sensitive, so unused to being given this much attention feeling so good.
With a racing heart, you watch as Theodore pulled up slightly, wanting desperately for him to touch you where you needed him the most. You ached, a feeling in you that you had never experienced before. You knew that Theodore often evoked feelings in you that you never experienced with anyone else, but this was new.
"You sure about this, baby?" You nodded your head in immediate response, but that didn't please Theo. With a light swat to the inside of your thighs, he looked at your eyes with a slightly more serious expression, "Use your words."
"Yes," The word spilt from your lips breathily, "Please."
Theodore, with a satisfied smile, came up to your face, leaning over you and softly attaching your lips to his. It feels just as surreal as the first time, and it makes your heart race just the same.
With his mouth still attached to yours, you feel his fingers brush against the fabric of your panties, just over your clit, making you hitch a breath. His fingers move the light fabric to the side, his fingers teasing against your hole.
"So wet for me, baby," The praise isn't taken lightly by you, soaking up every inch of approval he gives you.
Slowly, he adds a second finger, his thumb pressing down on your clit as his fingers curl into you, making you let out a breathy moan into the kiss that he eagerly swallows.
Your back arches off of the mattress, and as good as it feels you need more. You need him, "Theo…"
The blue of his eyes meets your gaze as you whine. You can't help it, you're desperate for more, to feel him inside of you. To take care of you and this pressure you can feel building in your stomach.
You mumble something out, a feeble attempt at getting him to speed up the process without verbally admitting that you're desperate for him. He doesn't take the hint though, not that you ever expected him to. He was torturous, tempting you and teetering towards what you wanted, but keeping you on the edge.
It's a whisper as you let out another moan, your fist clenching his hair in your hand, grabbing onto any part of him that you can keep from pulling away.
A ghost of a smirk came across his mouth as he raised an eyebrow, "Please what, baby?"
You could tell from the familiar look in his eyes that he knew exactly what you wanted, his fingers curling up once more as they stretched lightly, stretching you out. Your eyes screwed shut as you felt slight tears pricking at your eyes. It just felt so good.
"Please," A broken whisper escaped your lips once more as you let out another moan, his thumb roughly coming down on your clit as you tried to bring your hips up, feeling a knot form in your stomach. It was so unfamiliar and had you heaving for a breath as you grabbed fistfuls of Theo's sheets.
With a final thrust of his fingers and a pinch against your clit, you came undone with a strangled moan. Your face was tilted back, mouth open and eyes closed, your hips bucking up to chase your high. You looked unreal, and Theo couldn't get enough.
When he removed his hands from you, he was coated in your bliss, your eyes softly opening, half-lidded, looking as Theodore brought his fingers up to his lips, his tongue transferring the taste of you, sweet and blissful, into his mouth. Your cheeks were tainted red when you realised what he had done, shifting about on the mattress and casting your eyes down.
Yet, you don't get much of a chance when a strong hand reaches for under your jaw, pulling him back up to meet his eyes, "Don't go all shy on me now, angel."
He could see the slight fuzz in your eyes as you stare at him, and he loved it. He liked how, simply with his fingers, he already had you dazed. His hands were soon pulling down his trousers with ease, and lifting his shirt off with one hand, leaving him in only his boxers.
You could see the outline of his bulge, and it had you gulping. You didn't know how the hell you were going to be able to fit that. He was so much bigger than you had imagined, or expected.
"Don't worry baby, we'll take it slow," He was quick to reassure you, a smug smile on his lips as he brings his mouth down to your collarbone, lightly nipping the skin as he sucked. It was definitely going to leave a mark, but that's what he wanted. He wanted Pucey to see it the next time he saw you, trying to assert some dominance on the situation.
Once he pulled his boxers down, he was soon lining up his tip with your entrance, lightly brushing it against your walls. He couldn't help himself when he asked, "Has Adrian ever-"
He began, but you were quick to shake your head vigorously, giving him a sense of satisfaction. He watched as your eyes screwed shut, soft breaths falling from your lips as he asked, much softer, "Is this your first baby?"
Unwilling to admit it out loud, you hesitantly nod your head, confirming Theodore's suspicions. He only just managed to conceal his grunt of satisfaction at being the first one to see you this way. To be the one to ruin you.
"Don't worry," His head is just beside your ear, a hand coming to gently brush the hair away from your face so not a single change or twitch in your face could go unrecognised by him. He wanted to see everything, every reaction you had as he ruined you, as he made your face twist in a type of pleasure that was entirely unfamiliar to you.
Slowly, he began to push into your tight entrance, the feeling of your walls squeezing him making him want to release already, grunting. He can hear your breathy moans of pain and pleasure as he struggled to go slowly, watching as he disappeared inch by inch inside of you.
All he wanted to do was slam into you, to hear as you screamed in pleasure, but he controlled himself, gripping the sheets with his hands to remain his discipline. You feel tiny in comparison to him.
When he finally bottomed out inside of you, you let out a strangled breath, not used to this feeling of being penetrated like this.
"You feel like heaven, sweetheart," The praise fell from his lips as he grunted once more, one of his hands coming to hold the side of your neck.
"'m so full," You partially cried out, tears leaking from your eyes at the unfamiliar feeling. It felt so good, overwhelmingly so, that you couldn't help the water that leaked out of your eyes.
His mouth came to softly kiss the tears away, your hands coming up to wrap around his back to hold him close to you. You wanted him as close as humanely possible as you slowly became accustomed to the feeling of him inside you.
"You're doing so well, baby," The praise is murmured against your cheek, his eyes closed in pleasure, "Let me know when I can move."
It isn't long before you're giving him the green light and he rocks his hips back and then forward, going slower to start with and soaking up your moans and whimpers with his mouth. His thumb pressed against your clit as he began to go faster, making your moans get louder and you become more desperate.
His hips snapped against yours and you sob into his lips, your nails scratching down his back. His hands are everywhere, exploring every inch of your body and worshipping it all. He knew he could sit and caress each part of your skin and never get bored, feeling intoxicated by the softness of it.
You were like a drug, something he shouldn't touch, something that was supposed to be off-limits, but far too tempting to leave alone. He knew that from now on, he'd never be able to let go of you, never be able to keep his hands to himself.
Your moans were melodic to him, something that he could never get over hearing. He had never had sex like this with anyone before, always quick fucks to satisfy his needs, but this was different. He felt like the barrier was broken, that you guys were connecting on a different level. Something you could never go back from. He would never let you.
The look of your parted lips, mascara running down your cheeks with your tears and your hair messy was a sight that no man but him deserved to see. He could tell you were getting close, he was too, your walls clenching around him as your moans got higher in pitch and louder.
The tears roll down harder, pouring out of your eyes as you barely manage to get your words out, "Teddy- please."
The return of the nickname has him going harder, abusing your g-spot as he hit off it time and time again, igniting a flame in his stomach as he leaned down and pressed a kiss against your forehead.
"There she is," He whispered to you, his lips still against your forehead, "There's my good girl."
You came not long after that, walls convulsing as you came around his cock, moans loud as he found himself not far behind, quickly pulling out as he came over your skirt and bare chest, both of you panting and moaning, lost in the sound and feeling of one another.
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ryxiez · 2 months
nsfw p1h links
sub! p1h (twitter/x links)
: ̗̀➛ Giving Keeho a hand job after he just got back from the world tour dressed in his all black airport outfit.
: ̗̀➛ Desperate Theo can't stop cumming his pants untouched due to your teasing earlier on in the day.
: ̗̀➛ Jiung sending you a quick video of him sneaking away from dance practice because he just couldn't help himself.
: ̗̀➛ Making Intak watch himself in the mirror while you are pegging him from behind. (looks just like him too ;))
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iloveinej · 7 months
Theodore Nott x reader
Catagory: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Handjob, dom!reader, they're in looove
Summary: Theodore and her venture down a path they'd never stepped upon. Because of Theodore's insatiable desire and her new night dress.
Words: 3,7k
AN: I have nothing to say. Enjoy.
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She could feel his eyes on her, even if he tried to hide them by reading the book resting between his fingers. She didn't know why he was so inclined to always have his eyes on her. Especially when she was only brushing her teeth, lather covering her lips and running down her chin. She didn't look attractive at all.
But what she didn't realize was that the silky, skintight nightgown she wore gave Theodore the perfect view of the behind of her thighs. And the fabric ended right below her behind, teasing Theodore's poor old heart to death.
It was the first she had ever worn something so revealing, especially in front of him. Usually, she buried herself in her brother's old clothes and rags, finding them to be the most comfortable clothing.
And not that she didn't look dashing in those, but this was new territory for Theodore, and he wasn't taking it very well.
His heart was increasingly picking up speed and the apples of his cheeks were burning with either shame or lust, which one he didn't know. He was lucky that the duvet was covering the lower part of his body, otherwise, his desire would be much harder to hide than it already was.
(Name) threw a last, suspicious glance in Theodore's way, noticing his clenched jaw, before leaning over the tap and spitting the remains of the toothpaste out before washing it off her lips. Then she sauntered out of the bathroom, closing the door and absentmindedly rubbing her eye out of exhaustion.
Theodore's eyes were glued to her face as she floated around the room, blowing out the warm candles that were scattered on her many shelves and drawers, slowly inciting the room into a solace of darkness. The only thing helping her see being the last candle on the nightstand, which she waited to blow out.
Instead, she lifted her side of the duvet and crawled under, glowing at the warmth it provided. As an extra procedure turned over to Theodore and efficiently latched onto his bare side, her arm hugging around his torso and her head being buried in between his neck and shoulder.
It wasn't often that they got a chance to be with each other during the night times because of Hogwarts rules and the partition between the boys, girls, and different houses. This is why these moments are always highly appreciated, no matter where, how, or when.
Her nose, lips, and forehead rest comfortably on his pulse point, ears perking at every beat of his heart and bathing in the comfort of being so close to him. She doesn't think about how fast it is beating, or how Theodore's breathing is slightly uneven. Before, when she lay down, she didn't notice how he directed her legs when she wrapped herself around him so that she wouldn't accidentally grace his, at the moment, very sensitive area.
"Are you done reading soon?" She asked, his skin muffling her words and the air tickling his neck. And he raised his arm which he formerly circled her and stroked her hair back, his eyes stuck on the pages. "Only two pages left. Then I'm all yours."
A girlish smile lit up her face and she buried herself even deeper into his neck, not letting Theodore see how easily he made her insides melt and her face heat.
And as promised, after reading the last two pages of the chapter, he closed the book and put it on the floor. And (Name) took the honor of leaving his side and blowing out the last candles, this time letting the room be cast in a shadow.
Theodore eyes were glued on the back of her body as she leaned forwards, and painfully remembered the hard piece of trouble that throbbed between his legs. Before, when she was pushed up against him and his eyes actually could focus on the words in his book, he had forgotten how turned on he was. But it seemed everything she did right now made his pent-up mind turn to the less innocent part of his brain.
(Name) stopped all her movements when a large palm placed itself between her shoulder blades and gently pressed. Not to push her, but to feel her skin, how her muscles moved beneath his hand. The hand travels from its place in the middle of her back, up to her neck. Her arms gained goosebumps when Theodore cupped her neck between his fingers and thumb, fingertips almost reaching to her throat.
A sigh of delight is all she can muster when he rubs circles into her neck, carefully turning her head towards him. His black pupils had taken over his iris, only leaving a rim of his brown-stained, lust-blown eyes. Those eyes were something unfamiliar, something (Name) had never seen before. Not even in their most passionate moments, which to his dismay had only been the hidden snogging in the corner of the school library where she could guarantee that none of her siblings were watching.
The hand behind her neck traveled to her shoulder, and she swallowed when he gently pushed her down into the pillows. And she held her breath and watched with bug eyes as he crawled on top of her, positioning himself between her legs, and laying his arms on either side of her face to keep his body from crushing her.
And he stared at her, intense eyes locking with hers as if they were trying to tell her something, to imply something. And she didn't understand, but the tension in the air made her crazy and she longed to snap it like a twig between her fingers.
She let her hand travel from her side, up to the back of his delicate neck. She mimicked the hold he had on her before, and gently pushed him closer so that she could claim his lips with her own
Warmth and relief spread like wildfire in her stomach when Theodore returned her kiss with more eagerness and power than she had ever seen him do before. A sigh of delight escaped her nose, and she basked in the love Theodore provided for her every day, every minute to every second.
Her arms encircled his neck, and she slowly pulled him closer, letting him rest all his weight on her body. He moaned airily into her mouth, and (Name) saw it as an opportunity to let her tongue invade his mouth. She could feel how he melted against her body as she took control, forcing the kiss to become deeper, more sensual as she massaged his tongue with hers.
Theodore didn't know what to do with himself, for he had never experienced someone taking such control over him. Both body and mind were completely devoted to her and he had no longer any wish to think for himself, only to let her lead him through.
Slowly but surely, she slowed the kiss down, and Theodore found himself frowning when she disconnected their lips entirely. Spit collected on her bottom lip and without breaking their intimate eye contact, he leaned down and sucked the liquid off her lip. A sweet, closed-mouth moan echoed in her throat and Theodore felt how his hardness throbbed in his boxers.
"If you only could understand how absurdly amazing you make me feel." He mumbled with lidded eyes.
Her chest was heaving against his bare one, and she looked at him as if he was the reason for all the good in the world and all the good in her life. His skin erupted in flames and he, once again, leaned down although this time connecting his lips with the column of her throat.
A hand buried itself in her locks and she had no choice but to close her eyes as his lips traveled along her neck, at first only planting innocent pecks, letting his rosy lips leave invisible prints on her skin. Before he found the point right under her jaw and sucked.
"Oh, Theo." She simpered as he sucked, licked, and kissed the space, abusing it as a way of showing his love.
Her words made his hand tighten in her hair, and whilst she loved the attention she was receiving, she wanted to have more control. Theodore needed to be the princess for once. The one who would just stand there and accept the kisses and love. So she slowly enclosed her legs around his hips, squeezing him with her thighs as her hand traveled to his hair.
"You're always so good to me, taking care of me. And I love you so, so much." He sighed shakily into her neck, both because of the praise and also because of his crotch that was now pressed up against hers, and he needed almost all of his control to not grind into her and provide to his inextinguishable thirst for her.
"You own me, you own my body and you're the only thing on my mind." Theodore sucked harder on her neck, teeth grazing the blue area.
"And I own you, Theodore." And it was his downfall. He couldn't help himself but let his hips grind into hers and he grunted at the immense pleasure that spread along his stomach. And after that, he couldn't stop. Like he had been cursed, he continued to push himself against her, a secret fantasy of being inside of her, feeling her walls around his cock pushing him to continue.
"Please." He begged." Please let me make love to you." She almost choked on her tongue at his confession, and that accompanied by the pressure of Theodore's hips grinding into her made her mind foggy.
"I would to have you." A breath got caught in her throat as pressure once more ripped through her body. "But I don't want our first to be in the same house as my parents." The movement of his body came to a slow halt, trying to control himself and respect her wishes. A few playfully pecs were placed on her collarbones and a giggle escaped her lips at the tickling of his lips.
He pulled away from her body and met her eyes, intense gaze making her confidence waver and her body heat soar. Just for a moment, she contemplated to let him have her right in her childhood bed. To let him have his way with her. But with the ounce of self-control left in her body, she stayed in her decision with the knowledge it could bring more problems than pleasure. For him, her, and the rest of the family.
A hard kiss on her lips broke her out of the daze, and Theodore gently rolled off her body, settling at her side with him facing her.
"You sure it's alright?" She asked lightly, fingers tracing the shape of his nose. Her eyes did discreetly look down his body lightly gesturing to his crotch. With fingers under her chin, he lifted her face to his again, this time placing a lighter pec on her forehead.
"I'm sure, I'm here with you that's all I need. Nothing more."
"Are sure? Otherwise, you can-"
"I'm sure, never been more sure." With a gentle smile on her lips, she nodded, eyes fluttering shut when Theodore continued with her previous movements, fingers tracing her nose. "Go to sleep."
But she couldn't sleep. It was impossible. Butterflies were racing against her inner organs, in her belly and other places she had never felt the tickling feeling in. Her entire body was buzzing. Just the thought of her making the boy next to her so troubled, in a good way, was thrilling. Because he's Theodore, the attractive, brilliant, and kind Slytherin who everyone wanted to be or to be with. And he chooses her.
The boy next to her shuffled in the bed, body turning so his back faced her. She played as still as possible so he wouldn't notice her being awake, or to wake him for that matter.
But just when she was sure he was sound asleep, he sat up in the bed, throwing his legs over the edge and her heart beat in worry when his head hung lowly into his hands. She was about to lay a comforting hand on his back but he stood up before she had the time.
"Theo?" She asked and he turned around, startled by her voice. "You okay?"
A smile lit his face and he kneeled before her, kissing her lips quickly. "Just going to the bathroom." Even though her room was dark, the moonlight revealed an unmistakable redness on the apples of his cheeks and she looked down to see his problem still present, and once again her body erupted in a buzz.
Before he could walk away, she grabbed his hand, stopping him. He looked at her with a question in his eyes, and she looked away in shyness.
"I can- I can help you if you want?" Her big eyes raked over his face, waiting for an answer while his face displayed a handful of different emotions.
"You don't have to, I don't want to force you." She flushed at his gentleness, but couldn't dismiss the new, lustful edge in his voice.
"I want to help you. Alright? I want you." When he didn't say anything, she tugged his hand towards her, enough so one of his knees met the mattress.
"Do you want me too?" Her voice took a change and her eyes searched in his. As an answer, Theodore grabbed her throat and pulled her into a searing kiss, tongue licking over her lips when he pulled away.
"I want you to, need you, truly." And he was about to go into a second kiss, but she stopped him with a finger to his lips.
"Good. But on one condition." He listened idly, lips kissing on the pad of her finger. "You have to be quiet, at all cost. You can't make a sound, if you do I'll have to stop."
She gently positioned him on his back, brain going ten miles on hour at the newfound confidence, at the newfound domination. He nodded slowly and his eyes were hooded with the lust of anticipation.
Thedore was a naturally dominant person per se. In their relationship, in his life, and in his friend group. With a hand on her back, he guided her the way he wanted, and with the preeminence in his voice, she found it hard to deny him. But now, with his panting chest and pleading puppy dog eyes, she wondered where Theodore went, without complaining of course.
With shaky hands and Theodore's eyes intently on her, she reached for the edge of his underwear, fingers picking at his waistband. Her knees clenched together when Thedore put both his arms behind his head, face shining with confidence. And in the most loving way possible, a small part of her wanted to break it down.
Slowly, she pulled the underwear down, with the help of Theodore raising his hips. When she laid eyes on his crotch, she swallowed and looked at Theodore, who had his lip in his teeth.
As if he could see her hesitation, he gave her a nod. "It's okay, Lovie, you can touch me."
And in pure curiousness, she let the tips of her fingers run up his length, feeling the warmth emitting from his body. A gasp made way from his mouth and he threw his head into the pillow. In fear of believing she hurt him, she pulled back, hand landing on his thigh.
"Theo? Sorry did I hurt you? I didn't mean to." She stressed, massaging his thigh in comfort. But he only shook his head, trying to slow his increased breath.
"No, no don't stop." His voice cracked pitifully as he pleaded, but she wasn't convinced.
"Theo Im not su-"
"Please for the love of Merlin, touch me. I swear I'm going to explode." The doubt was replaced with fire in her entire body. And she did the same movement again, running her fingers up his length.
Once again, a gasp escaped his lips, and a rare, blissful expression covered his face. His eyebrows scrunched upwards and a small smile on his open mouth.
And she wanted more of this reaction, craved it even. So she continued to run her fingertips up and down, biting her lip to hide her smile at his panting and puffing.
"Come on, love, I know you can do more than that." He didn't. But she could do more. She met his eyes, who were intently, expectantly staring into her. Like he was daring her. Holding his eye, she took a loose grip on his cock, doing an experimental stroke.
His eyes snapped to where his body met her hands, and a small, low moan forced itself from his lips. So low she almost missed it, but she's glad she didn't. She forced her thighs together, rocking back and forth as she began to twist her wrist to give Theo relief along with herself.
He only continues to stare at her moving hand, his stomach and thighs flexing with pleasure. And she notices, of course, she does, and lets her free land on the place connecting his pelvis and thigh, slowly massaging it to get him relaxed. It does quite the opposite.
He throws his head back, straight into the pillow. "Fuck." He whispers as one of his hands clenches around the sheet.
Without even meaning to, she speeds up her hand movements, her body reacting automatically to his pleasure. And he bucks into her hand at the new feeling, a groan, louder than before resonated pleasantly in her ear.
"Merlin, shit what the fuck are you doing to me." He moaned desperately, taking satisfaction in her warm palm, in the intense feeling in his pelvis and length. In his entire body. It was like he was high.
She giggled lightly, bashfully continuing her stroking without a notion of how the sound affected him.
An idea formed in her head, a memory of a knowledge Theo himself revealed not long ago at all. She took her other hand, which was stroking his thigh, and gripped it above the hand on his lenght, and let her thumb run over his tip, using a little pressure
And Theodore let out a moan, a borderline whine. And it didn't stop.
She continued the abuse on his tip, along with rapid strokes of his length, and different types of whines, groans and moans left him, one after one. And they were loud, too loud.
"Shhh, Theo you need to quiet down." Deep down she knew he wouldn't, especially with her continued stimulation of his cock.
"Can't- Fuck. I can't, I can't." He cried head tilted down to take a peek at her hands. Bad Idea as his length throbbed in her hands, sending him into a new fit of moans.
So she stopped. Only as an attempt to quiet him.
But it left him unsatisfied and searching for stimulation, violently continuing to buck his hips for any kind of friction, sounds of complaint echoing in the room.
"Theo you said you could be quiet, so be quiet!" She whisper-yelled desperately, pushing his hips to still with one of her hands. But he just couldn't be quiet.
Now, he was instead whining over the lack of stimulation, thrashing his head from side to side at the lost feeling.
"Theo for the love of good shut up." At the sudden stern tone, he shut his mouth and turned to her, big puppy dog eyes staring at her with admiration.
They sat quietly as she listened after a single sound. But luckily, there was none. And she could let her shoulders relax.
"Good job Theo." She smiled, and pecked his lips, him chasing after her when she sat straight again.
The pace of her hands picked up again, and Theodore tried his utmost to keep his sounds down. But it was so difficult.
And he thought he would be able to hold himself quiet until her hands sped up greatly.
She watched with awe in her eyes as his eyes rolled back into his head, his hips vigorously meeting her wrist as he fucked her hand, moans of her name and whined curses fleeing his pink lips.
"Fuck. I th-think." His head arched into the mattress, interrupting his sentence with a moan. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna-im-" She panicked as his voice took a turn for the loudest, and without thinking she slapped her hand over his mouth, although with a force that pushed his head further into the pillow.
His entire body twitched violently at the harsh gesture, and his eyelashes fluttered when white-hot pleasure overtook his entire life.
Without meaning to, he threw his hand over the one covering his mouth, gripping it tight as the other squeezed her thigh in a bruising grip. And he came with a long, guttural moan, straight into her hand as she continued to stroke him through his high. And she didn't stop, not until his body had stopped convulsing completely.
When he was done, his chest was heaving as he chipped for air, and she placed a concerned and clean hand on his chest, rubbing it slowly.
"You need to slow your breathing, don't need you to faint on me after that." He nodded lightly, head too heavy for anything else. He took her hand and bullied his breathing to a normal pace, even if it burned his lungs.
He forced his eyelids open, and her body, once again, flushed at the half-lidded look he gave her. As if she hung the moon and stars for him.
But, what he didn't know was she had a last trick up her sleeve. She raised her dirty hand to his lips and slowly and carefully licked every bit of him left on her hand.
Theodore let out a small gasp, and his handanded on her thigh massaging it to the erotic picture, fighting another hard-on with his life.
She leaned down and was about to connect her tongue to his lower abdomen, ready to lick the cum of his godly body. But she only had time to graze him before he took her cheeks in his hands, squeezing them while lifting her head in distress
"No no no!" He stressed, and she started at him with, big, questioning eyes." Fuck. I love you, but you're gonna get yourself another piece of trouble if I let you continue." A laugh of surprise jumped in her chest, looking down at her lap, her body warm and humble.
"Youre seriously amazing, you know that right." He breathed out, a smile in his voice. And a chuckle bumbled in her throat, head hazy with bliss.
She kissed his palm. "And I love you, lovie."
So... That happened
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morwap · 2 years
➸ ex!theo nott x fem!reader
➸ smut | muggle! au | college! au
➸ nav | tn.mlist | A/N: i know some of you love love love theo and when i write for him y’all eat it up every time so i thought i’d give y’all a surprise fic with theo since i know i’ve been lacking theo content and i’ve been much more into marauders and other fandoms, i still get so many and still have so many requests in my inbox for him so i knew y’all were trying to be fed with theo content! so surprise and i hope you enjoy <;3
➸ toxic on and off relationship, p in v, face sitting, dom theo sub reader, make up sex, hair pulling, love bombs, riding, finger sucking, hand behind back, tity sucking, little bitting, creampie, praise, “good girl
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this happened over and over, you and theo fight then break up for a week then get back together. this time it lasted two weeks, the longest its ever been, maybe it was really over this time. you knew he was stubborn and took some days to himself before texting you or finding you somewhere but he didn’t take this long.
you waited for him to text and of course you could’ve texted first but you were overthinking it, why text if it was really over? you didn’t know how to feel, you felt like every other time with the voice in the back of your head saying “you'll be back together by tomorrow” but now you had a feeling in your gut that said something different.
you saw his dormmates on your way to your classes and they greeted you like normal which confused you even more. luna and cho told you that maybe this was for the better, you wouldn’t be under the stress of the fighting every week and focus on your school work and your job more than you already do.
it was the start of a new semester and luckily exams went by without causing too much stress. You wondered if the fighting recently on his end was because of the exams but he ended up passing with no struggle but you tried to understand.
Now it was the weekend, finally time off, you walked to your dorm and greeted people that wandered the hallways. luna had gone home for the weekend to see her dad so you had the dorm all to yourself.
you unlocked the door and pushed it open, kicking off your shoes and hanging your bag and coat on the coat rack on the door. you turned and was met with theo sitting on your bed, your string lights were still on since you didn’t turn them off when you left for your last class.
“hi” you mumbled, nervous that this was him saying goodbye. “How'd you get in here?” you asked.
“Luna let me in before she left, I needed to talk to you,” he said. You could see the flowers he bought on your nightstand. they were always done up pretty with brown paper and lace and ribbons tying them together. you nodded and walked closer to him.
theo took your hand in his, his thumb rubbing your skin softly.
“i'm sorry i didn't get ahold of you, i was just trying to figure out this whole thing because i really want this to work and i don’t know what's been going with us lately but i know it’s not healthy, padma gave me some advice and i really think it could help us” theo said. you nodded and sat next to him, still hand in hand.
theo continued to explain what Padma said and how it sounded like a good idea, he didn’t want to lose you and you didn’t want to lose him. you listened and gave your input every now and then and he listened to you, there was no fighting or snarky comments.
“thank you” you said when he was finished, you leaned closer to him and hugged him, his arms went around your waist and his face moved to your neck.
“i love you” he mumbled and you said it back.
you leaned back before leaning in and kissing him, there was tension already, you two had very high sex drives and had sex frequently and being apart and now together it just felt natural.
theo’s hands gripped you harshed and guided you closer. this was natural for you two, sex normally came after the understanding and apologies, the intimacy was the best part, a connection you hadn’t felt with anyone else.
you were in his lap, his hands unbuttoning your cardigan and moving it off you. you let it fall off your arms and onto the floor. you broke the kiss and moved off him and the bed, theo quickly took off his shirt and threw it to the floor then started working on his jeans while you stripped off your sweatpants. you kept your spaghetti strap shirt and underwear on.
theo kissed you again once he was just in his boxers, guiding you back onto him. He laid back and grabbed your hips. “cmon sit on my face” he said, breaking the kiss. you laughed softly and started to move up, you hovered over his face, one of his hands held your thigh and the other moved your panties to the side.
his tongue met your cunt, going over your clit, his hands now holding your hips to keep you where he wanted.
you closed your eyes and hummed, he was slow and easy at first then started to get a bit rough as he went, sucking on your clit then moving his tongue to your entrance and fucking you with it.
your hands gripped the headboard, one of his hands left your hip and took one of your hands that were gripping the board, intertwining yours and his fingers. He repeatedly licked your clit, making you moan and jolt with pleasure. you started to move your hips a bit, you were getting close which was fast but you hadn’t came in two weeks so who could blame you.
theo encouraged you with mumbles of “cum for me” and “cmon baby”
theo moaned against your cunt, his eyes were close as he pleased you, his other hands fingers dug into the skin on your thigh. his cock rubbed against his underwear, the stimulation making him leak precum.
one of your hands moved to his hair, bringing his face even closer as you frantically repeated that you were close, you tugged at his hair and it made him groan against you. you were so wet, his chin was covered with his spit and your arousal.
you felt it coming and you tightened your shut eyes, your breathing was picking up and the feel crashed down on you. you gripped his hair tighter.
once you were getting overstimulated he slowed his licks, you lifted up, pulling your cunt away from him, both of you panting.
theo kissed your thighs, he moved his hand to your cunt and pushed his middle finger in, earning a whine from you. theo’s ring finger joined.
“just wanna make sure you’re ready love” he said, a little smugness in his voice. after a minute he pulled his fingers from you.
you started to make your way back down to where you could straddle his waist. theo pushed his upper body up and kissed you, you could taste yourself on him. He broke the kiss and put his fingers in your mouth.
“you made the mess, now you clean it” he ordered, you sucked on his finger as he watched you with a smirk. theo pulled them from you when he thought they were clean enough.
“please, please fuck me, i want you so bad” you begged, you kissed his neck moved your hips a bit on his lap.
“how could i not give you what you want when you ask like that” theo said, his fingers taking your panties off, then you lifted up to get them fully off. your hands went to his boxers, pulling them down and letting his cock be free, no more friction from his boxers. you lifted up to move them then let them fall to the ground.
you moved over his cock, letting theo hold himself as you started to sink down onto it. he let out a relieved sigh once he was all the way in you.
you started to move, going up and down and sometimes grinding to get friction on your sensitive clit.
“holy fuck, you feel so fucking good,” theo grunted. his eyes closing for a moment and taking in the feeling.
“i missed you, miss you so much” you mumbled, moving your head to his neck, kissing his skin then sucking hickeys on him.
“i missed you too baby, it won’t happen again” he said promisingly.
theo took your hands and put them behind your back, one hand held yours there. you leaned away from his neck, his hand pushed the top of your shirt down and let your tits fall out of your shirt.
he moved his head down a bit, kissing your tit and biting softly, he moved to your nipple, sucking on and kissing the bud.
you moaned and your mouth made an ‘o’ shape, he groaned against you as your cunt tightened around him.
you whined when he bit you softly making him laugh. he left your tits alone now and leaned up and kissed you. theo was getting close now.
“i love you” he said, moving his kissed to your jaw then down your neck til he was resting his head a little on your shoulder and your face was nuzzled against his neck. his hand moved to your hip, making you go faster and harder. you clenched around him more.
“i love you too” you moaned. theo moaned and his abdomen flexed as he got closer and closer.
“im gonna cum-“ he started.
“- in me, please cum in me” you begged, you moved your fingers to hold on to his pinky finger.
“anything for you” he quipped, after a few thrusts he was cumming inside you, his cock twitched as your cunt squeezed him over and over. he shuddered against you, still moving you on his cock, he was getting overstimulated already but he wanted you to cum on his cock.
theo’s hand moved from your hip to your clit and started rubbing in circles, you breathed heavily as you were getting close. it felt so good having him take care of you again.
“m’gonna cum” you whimpered, theo’s cum was dripping from you and running down his cock to his balls.
“good girl, cum on my cock, you deserve it. you’ve so good, princess” theo whispered encouragingly.
he pressed a kiss against your head as you clenched around him tighter. he inhaled sharply, he was sensitive.
you let out soft noises as you came, cunt spasming around him and shivering against your boyfriend.
you both stayed there, theo let go of your hands and rubbed them to soothe any soreness. the mixture of your arousal, cum and his cum still dripped from you. you both rested against each other.
clean up was essential and couldn’t wait till the next morning or be fixed by a simple cloth or tissue. you showered together, the pillow talk followed from in there till you laid on clean sheets and cuddled. you had cleaned up the mess of clothes while he did the bed, your pajamas were thin since he would be in your bed keeping you warm.
you both fell asleep fast, faster than how you did when he was not with you.
luna came back to the dorm that morning, she knew she’d see theo, and at this point she thought about making a bingo card about you two, and she was right, there he was basically on top of you. you faced the wall with one hand pressed to your chest while theos arm was over you and his chest was half way pressed to your back, luna had no idea how you could sleep like that with him basically smothering you.
she sighed, it was cute in a way but even though she wasn’t the biggest fan of your relationship she knew she had to do something about your breakup with him and asked padma to talk to theo since she was going there to be a therapist and specifically a couples therapist. now she knew it worked but not like she had any doubt in the plan in the first place.
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tiethenott · 4 months
"So pretty like this,cara" his rough voice releases into my ear with jagged breaths.His mouth collides with mine as his right hand grips my throat,lightly squeezing,giving me a sense of ecstasy as his left hand continues to hold his phone up to get the perfect view of him rapidly thrusting into me."You missed this huh?missed my touch?" he grunted,his hand moving from my throat to my mouth,his thumb prying it open."Say it,dolce ragazza.Tell me you're all mine,that you missed me".A smug grin appeared on his face as his thrusts became faster."I..I missed you,teddy!fuck-missed you so much" I ramble out as he finishes inside me,my release seconds later.He brings his phone closer,videoing my fucked out expression,messy curls and hot tear marks imprinted on my face."Say you love me.Say youre all mine" he muttered as his tounge attacked my neck."Ah-I..I love you teddy,m'all yours." i yelled.He put his phone down and stated "brava ragazza" as he lined himself up with core again.
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ednamode1 · 6 months
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I’m obsessed✨ and you will be too😮‍💨
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simpforfictionalmen-0 · 7 months
Ima need a smut fic with Theodore Nott finding out he likes being submissive to fem!reader (his partner) stat 💳💥💳💥
Theo nott ྀིྀི x fem!dom!reader ྀིྀི
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Theo was always in charge when yous ducked so today u wanted to try something different.
“Theoooo” u shouted running into ur room while Theo was sat on the bed watching stuff in his phone , u jumped onto his lap and he grabbed u smiling up at u “hi baby” he said giving u a quick kiss on the forehead “shut ur eyes please “ u said to him.
He looked at u confused and cautious but did anyway, u took his hand and tied them together with a ribbon.
He opens his eyes quickly flinging his arms up “Y/N what are u doing ?!” He said panicked “shush nothing, trust me please?” U said looking at him innocently , he relaxes and sighs “fine”.
U smiled widely and grabbed his tied together hand putting them above his head and slowly moving down to his crotch, “are u okay with this” u said looking up at him (CONSENT GUYS!!!!) “yes y/n don’t go to far tho” u smiled an looked up at him nodding and quickly kissing him before going back down
U slowly pulled his boxers down along with his baggies , and u took his dick in ur hands kissing the top of it lightly, he thrusted up from the sensation and u push his hips done “no no be a good boy and don’t move” he looked at u slightly blushing but trying to hide the fact he was enjoying it and just nodded at u.
U slowly hover ur mouth above his tip liking it and taking it in very slowly “fuck y/n please” he whined at u “ be quite baby” u replied to him taking his full tip in ur mouth and slightly working down, he kept whining and heavy breathing until u got faster the he started begging and moaning, u NEVER see Theo like this so it’s gave u a sort of strange feeling it wasn’t bad not bad at all but it was strange.
“Y/n please keep going I’m gonna cum” he missed trying to move his hand That were tied, u went a little faster and then lifted ur head, he sighed and breathed heavy then looked at u with eye contact and a stern look “y/n untie my hands ur not being funny rn” u giggle at his word and slowly move on top of him .
U slowly pull down ur shorts and then ur thong making him watch in temptation “fuck y/n the shit u do to me” you giggle at him and slowly move ur hips back and forth over his tip not even lining up just teasing him making him a whining mess , and then suddenly u just drop down on him and he’s let’s out a massive moan and u just laugh at him as he struggled to move his hands.
“Baby please untie me il be good just let me hold u ,please?!” He begged “Nuh uh be a good boy and stay how I put u” he just whined in reply as u kept going up and down riding him, u can hear him mutter under his breath curses and u can tell he’s struggling to breathe from the pleasure, u lift ur hips up and then push back down only going half way then stopping so he looks up at u and then u slam back down making him moan again , u keep repeating what ur doing and Yk fine well he loves it .
“Fuck baby I’m Abt to come keep going “ u decide to let him have this and keep going until yous are both sweaty deep breathing messes and he’s cumming inside of u , “u were such a good boy” u say to him and kiss his forehead before untying his hands.
( that was like my first time sitting and writing a proper story especially sub reader so I hope it’s not bad 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 TYSM FOT REQUESTING THO ILY)
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kyhgwts · 2 years
summary: when Theo can’t help but fall for his best friend…s
WARNINGS: voyeurism, daddy kink, rough sex, crying (in a good way), pet names (sweetheart, baby, princess, mamas), AFTERCARE (the pictures shown are not meant to be what the reader (or Draco and Theo) looks like, just the vibe of the story!!)
PAIRING: Dom!Draco, Shy!Theo, Fem!reader
tags: @dr4cosimp @jessetalexis-blog tagging you guys since you convinced me to finish this <3
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You and Draco had noticed Theo’s odd behavior, he wouldn’t talk as much around you two and he would fidget. At first you guys thought it was his anxiety, but after actually paying attention you both came to a conclusion. Theo is unconditionally and inevitably in love with both of you. (you catch that)
At first, you two just kinda enjoyed the way Theo would tense up around you two. You both wanted Theo, but you also wanted fun.
‘Listen, and then he’ll watch i know he will.’ Draco explained, you listened intently on your boyfriends idea.
‘What if he doesn’t?’ you say, Draco gives you a stare.
‘He’s been a complete mess for the past few weeks, you think he wouldn’t take the chance to watch us fuck if he had it?’ Draco asked and you ponder on it.
And that’s how you ended up here, Draco smashing into you. Not even a minute into sex you honestly forgot Theo was most likely watching, too drunk on lust.
Theo was indeed watching, Blaise had told him to give something to Draco which he was annoyed but did it anyway and he’s so glad he did.
Standing there, the door slightly open with you riding Draco. It had Theo in shock when he first heard it, but even more in shock when he actually saw it.
He was sweating, almost bursting out of his pajama pants. He knew it was wrong, but who leaves the door cracked open when having sex?!?! (people who want you to catch them)
Hearing your small whimpers, mixed with Draco’s hushed praises made Theo feral. It was like he got trapped, he couldn’t move he was stuck watching you.
‘Theo, come in’ Draco’s voice was firm, making you flinch and making Theo panic. He froze.
well shit.
He watched Draco whisper to you, you whimpered and turned around to see Theo frozen in the wide open door.
Draco had held you down, keeping you from moving. You whimpered pushing at his chest, still stuck in the moment. You push your head down onto Draco’s chest when he grabbed your wrists and placed them behind you.
‘I’m not letting her move till you come in Theodore.’ Draco said, you whine trying to move completely forgetting all about what was happening.
‘W- what?’ Theo’s voice was shaky and unsure, Draco could see the big gulp Theo took.
‘Theoooo just come in please’ you whine, begging him to come in just like Draco had asked you to.
Theo reluctantly slowly walked in shutting the door behind him, he had no idea what was going on.
‘come here’ Draco waved Theo over, still keeping you from moving getting you irritated.
‘i- what’s going on’ Theo said, barley above a whisper.
‘don’t ask questions’ Draco said standing up still holding you to him, you cling onto him like a little koala and Theo wants to melt.
‘sit down’ Draco points to where he was just sitting, Theo hadn’t even argued making his way to sit on the bed.
Once he was sat down Draco followed him placing you between Theo’s legs, all while he stayed planted inside you. Theo froze when your naked body was placed between his legs, your bare back hitting his bare chest.
‘You know Theo, when princess told me that she thought you might like her i was infuriated,’ Draco began, Theo stared at Draco with pure and wide eyed full of love.
‘But then she proceeded to say that she thinks you like me as well, and i just thought what? there’s no way, you can’t want two people at the same time but was i wrong? yes i was. Because you managed to do it, and you made us fall for you just as you fell for us.’ Draco said, Theo just stared in shock.
‘is this a joke? what- are you guys messing around’ Theo looked panicked and nervous, Draco grinned.
‘No. it is not, but you have 5 seconds to deny. I can’t hold up our baby any longer.’ he said. Theo stared down at you and you were mad, brows furrowed with a frown as Draco held down you hips.
‘our?’ Theo asks cautiously, Draco smirks looking down at you. You look up at Theo and he looks back almost letting out a groan when you smile and it looks so sweet and innocent all while you had Draco’s cock stuffed in you.
‘yes.’ Draco says ‘are you going to leave or stay?’ he said, Theo looked away from you back to Draco and swallowed thickly.
‘stay.’ he whispered.
Theo was not that well experienced, he’s only been with one girl and that was at a party and he doesn’t even remember it all that well.
When theo thought he couldn’t get anymore harder, Draco began to rock into you again making you move back and hit Theo’s boner each thrust. You whine grabbing onto Theo’s legs making him fall even more in love.
‘y/n is very clingy, especially during sex. She likes to grab and hold onto things when she feels good,’ Draco spoke as if you weren’t there, and technically you weren’t. Lost in your own world of lust, the feeling of him hitting so deep.
Theo smelt wonderful, of course Draco did too but Theo’s smell was refreshing and calming.
‘Do you like that Theo?’ Draco asked taking notice of the way Theo reacted to your little hands (compared to Theo’s broom thighs) clutching to his thighs.
Theo looked down and you looked lost, eyes glossed over and mouth agape as you looked at Draco.
‘She can be hard to please, but once you get her like this? you’ll have her withering and thrashing in your arms.’ Draco said to Theo making him gulp.
‘Mm!’ you pushed at his chest.
‘Watch this Theo’ Draco whispered, Theo watched as he picked up one of your legs putting it on his shoulder. Theo almost came in his pants when you cried out throwing you head back mouth hung open.
‘Daddy!’ you whined, Theo went wide eyed.
‘oh yeah i forgot, she does that too.’ Draco said grinning at Theo’s obvious liking of it.
Draco pulled out making you whine and pout sitting up to grab onto him. He just leaned down and whispered in your ear, you looked back at Theo and he froze.
‘Theo wouldn’t you be such a gentleman and help our baby cum?’ Draco said, Theo stumbled on his words in shock.
‘um- yeah… yeah ok’ he said nervously, you smile happily making him smile.
Once you were all repositioned, Draco behind Theo as Theo was between his legs and you straddling Theo.
You help Theo pulled down his pajama pants till his cock sprang free. You grabbed it like nothing making his buck his hips. You giggle like a little kid with candy.
You felt Draco’s hands hold your waist still making you pout. You felt Theo’s right hand fall onto Draco’s that was holding you still, you whine pushing at Theo’s shoulders.
‘Don’t let her tell you what to do Theodore.’ Draco whispered, pulling you forward so you fall down on top of Theo.
‘She might seem sweet and innocent, but she’s not Theo.’ Draco said, making you furrow your brows and stick out your tongue to Draco.
Before you could put much thought into it Theo was already entering you making you sigh at the feeling. Theo moaned at the feeling of you.
He began to help you rock back and forth as Draco watched. You have your mouth hung open and you are making noises that only Draco knows what they mean.
‘Like i told you Theo, she’s not sweet or innocent. Don’t be afraid to fuck her’ Draco said, Theo groaned.
‘I don’t want to hurt her’ Theo said in a broken whisper, Draco let out a chuckle.
‘You won’t hurt her, i promise. Fuck her hard. you’ll thank me later.’ Draco said, and who was Theo to deny that?
You gasped clawing at Theo as he started to pound up into you, now not being able to control yourself as you twitched and thrashed in his hold wanting more and more.
‘UGH! Theo’ you cried out falling limp, pulling both boys together as you held onto them. The mix of both their sent making you absolutely insane.
‘That’s not his name y/n.’ you heard Draco whisper to you, you go wide eyed. You’ve never called anyone else daddy except Draco.
‘Daddy’ it was a barley whispered moan, that Theo absolutely caught and he moaned.
Theo began to hit deeper, making you shake and wither.
‘good Theo, look at what you’re doing to her’ Draco guided. You were too cock drunk to even process anything anymore.
you grab onto Theo your nails digging into his back, you head laid on his shoulder. He groaned head leaning back, falling onto Draco.
‘fucking hell’ Theo mumbled, Draco grinned.
You whine, getting closer and closer to your end. Theo shivered as your hot breath fanned on his neck. Draco leaned down kissing your forehead, Theo made a deep throat sound when Draco turned to his neck giving it an open mouthed kiss.
You head Draco whisper to Theo but you were too lost in lust to hear. Then you felt Theo’s hand move down towards the dip of your hip. On the other side of Theo’s head Draco was telling him what to do.
You felt Theo’s thumb slowly make its way to your clit making you jump.
‘AH! i- i mmm’ your eyes start to water, mouth agape.
‘spank her Theo’ Draco told him, you weren’t even there at this point.
‘w-what’ Theo stumbled over his words, Draco grabbed onto you.
‘Spank her. do it.’ Draco said, voice firm. Theo hesitated before laying a small hit, it was way to soft but it caught your attention nonetheless.
‘harder.’ Draco said, Theo froze. Of course Theo was scared, he had a reason to be. He’s never really been with a girl and what Draco was telling him to do was making him nervous.
Draco got impatient, landing a hard smack making you cry out in pleasure all while Theo whimpers when you clench down on him.
Your body locks, limps burning. Draco started to help move your hips, as well as Theo who was hitting up into you.
‘i- i’m gonna-‘ you were out of breath and tears rolling down your eyes.
You yelled out in pleasure, releasing onto Theo going completely limp in both the boys’ hold.
‘Can you hold up a little longer for Theo sweetheart, hm?’ Draco whispered to you, you nod.
Theo continues to fuck into you, until he lifts you up and pulling himself out before coming undone. Never in your life would you have thought you could find sounds as beautiful as Draco’s, but here you were.
You tried catching your breath, but you were moved now laying on your back under Draco.
Now that Theo could see your face he started to freak.
‘did i hurt her?!?’ he rushed over, Draco stopped his movements.
‘no, she’s okay. Just a little distant’ Draco explained.
He pulled you into a sitting position, back to the headboard.
‘Go get me a cloth, wet half of it with warm water’ he said, Theo stumbled out of the bed rushing to get a cloth.
‘Still with me mamas?’ Draco asked tapping your cheek, you nod eyes heavy. He gave you a quick forehead kiss, smiling when you let out a small smile.
Theo walked back handing the cloth to Draco, Draco took it cleaning you up. Once he was done he threw the cloth into dirty clothes.
Theo had gotten himself cleaned up, he watched as Draco got off the bed walking to the bathroom. Theo watched you, eyes glossed over mascara smeared under your eyes. You still seemed so calm, even after what you just went through. Peacefully humming as your fingers tapped at your thigh.
Theo’s heart melted when you let out a small yawn, Draco walked back with multiple things.
‘Why don’t you sit with her Theo’ Draco said, Theo got onto the bed and you immediately got between his legs head dropping on his chest.
‘Can you hold her hair back for me?’ Draco asked Theo, to which he immediately did.
Theo watched as Draco opened the small package taking out a wipe, Theo assumed was makeup wipes as Draco began to clean your face with it.
Theo felt so… peaceful. You both gave him a peaceful aura, contrasting with what you were all just doing not even 5 minutes ago.
You’re eyes were closed as Draco held your face in his hand while the other dragged the wipe across your face making sure to get everything off.
Once he was done, he grabbed a small bottle which was lotion? He put some on his hand before rubbing it in and putting it on your face.
Draco kissed your cheek when he was done getting up to put everything back.
‘is he always like that with you?’ Theo whispered softly, because it was weird to see Draco such a way.
‘mhm’ you mumbled ‘love ‘em’ you smile softly. Theo thought about the fact that Draco was not what everyone perceived him as.
‘Most times we’ll take showers, but he could tell i was too tired this time. He’s gonna come back with underwear and one of his shirts. And he’ll help me put it on. I never have to move a muscle, i love it’ you grin, Theo let’s out a small laugh.
Sure enough, Draco came back with one of his shirts and underwear for you. Helping you put it on, all while you bathed in the feeling of sex afterglow.
He was a loving man, truly. Draco went back to clean himself up, leaving you there curled up under the blankets with Theo, he asked you questions.
‘How come he doesn’t just act like that with everyone else?’ Theo says, you shake your head.
‘he doesn’t like it, you know you’re really a special person if your seeing him like this Theo.’ you say, Theo smiled.
‘He may look and act scary, he’s really just a sweetie’ you say grinning, Theo letting out a chuckle.
When Draco came back it was a weird sensation that Theo had felt.
‘you’re really a special person if your seeing him like this Theo’
damn right he was.
Guys… i’ve never been a fan of the nickname mamas but… thinking about Draco saying it sent me into a spiral.
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pansexual-puppy-pack · 2 months
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dom's headcanons pt. 2: theo!!
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remusslove · 1 year
Hii can you do more of sub Theo there’s not enough of him😭
Definitely holds you hand all the time. Even if your in class, he’s left handed so it’s perfect for the both of you.
Feels silly sometimes because he’s not really dominating like all the other guys with their girlfriends, so you’ll have to reassure him that you love when he’s all subby for you.
Once you guys are done doing the deed he will need a bit more reassurance than others. And expect him to be in subspace for a couple of hours. Head and thoughts filled with you and only you.
VERY vocal. No matter how intense the scene is make sure to put a silencing charm on the room. Will make sure you know how good your making him feel. More of a whimperer than a groaner.
Loves when you kiss his nose, or ears, sweet spot is definitely his jawline.
Loves your boobs. Favorite part of your body, could spend hours sucking on them. Even if he’s not needy he still wants them. And if he’s in subspace he will want nothing else but them. When your cuddling he’ll trace circles over your bra or shirt.
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buster-loves-pr · 3 months
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The Jungle Fury Team + The Awesome Fran
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A Rat
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suugarbabe · 8 months
hi, my fav writer! Really in need of a smut with Theo being a soft dom and taking his time with his girl 🫶🏻
again, i'm terrible. sorry this took so long, hope it's satisfactory <3 18+ under the cut my dears
Theo grips the meat of your thighs, spreading you open wider. His blue eyes piercing as his tongue delves deeper, lapping at your wet cunt as you try your best not to squirm. "Stay still, cara mia, or I'll stop." And you know he will, he's done it before, twice now since you've started tonight. And now you're so close, his tongue circling your clit as his middle and ring finger rub deep inside, pulling at that spongy part just right that as your back arching from the bed and his name tumbling from your lips in have coherent babbles.
He crawls up your body, lips and chin glistening in your slip before his mouth is attached to your neck, the head of his cock prodding teasingly at your aching hole. "P-please, Teddy, wait just, fuck, too sensitive." His clicks his tongue, ocean eyes locked with yours while he mimics your frown teasingly, "You can take it, amore, you always take Daddy so well." He sinks into you slowly, air escaping your lips in a choked gasp as he fills you up to the hilt. A hand wraps lightly around your throat, squeezing with the slightest pressure and the light headed feeling is delicious
Soon he's pounding into you, hips snapping to yours and the echo of skin on skin as your mind dizzy with pleasure. His hand not on your throat was squeezing and massaging your tits and they bounced with each thrust but it trails down your stomach until his thumb catches your clit, rubbing quick circles that soon has you seeing white, mouth agape as you come undone, your walls soaking and milking his cock as he fills you up.
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phoenixfangs · 4 months
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theres no need for debate. she said this herself
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morwap · 2 years
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dom!fwb!theo, sub!reader, p in v
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You held onto theo by his neck as he fucked up into you, your back against the wall. Theo’s hand grabbed your face, tilting your head up to look at him.
“You’re so fucking pretty” theo muttered before bringing your face to his and kissing you. You moaned into the kiss as you let him move your head around like a ragdoll.
Theo pulled away from the kiss, his hand tapped your cheek and you smiled.
“Harder,” you said, his hand left your face then came back a little bit harder. You moaned as his cock hit a sweet spot in you and the way the warmth spread across your cheek made it feel more pleasurable.
“Again” you huffed, his hand slapped your cheek, you bit your lip and smiled. He leaned in and kissed your warm stinging cheek. Your nails dug into his skin as he thrust into you and grunted in your ear.
“Again?” theo asked, breathing heavily.
“Please,” you said with a nod and waited for it. It felt as good as the last maybe even better. You rolled your hips with his. His lips met your cheek once again.
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@bunnyweasley23 @b-aobao
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lizzardwitch · 21 days
RJ: Okay, listen up folks. We have a security situation here. As you know, when we reach a location, I will be conducting a security sweep. Also from now on, we'll be using codenames. You can address me as Eagle 1. RJ: Dom, codename 'Been There, Done That' RJ: Fran is 'Currently Doing That' *RJ & Fran high-five* RJ: Lily is 'It Happened Once In A Dream' RJ: Casey, codename 'If I Had To Pick Another Dude' RJ: Theo is...Eagle 2 Theo: Oh thank god.
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