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buckrecs · 2 years ago
Okay here I am!! Hehe
Bartender bucky?? If you’re still willing to that is<33:)
masterlist | req masterlist
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My Blood Turns Into Alcohol by @ltbarnes
Bucky Barnes doesn’t step out behind his trusted bar counter, no matter what goes on out on the floor. Until you, that is—the town newbie who stumbles inside the lanky old bar and won’t stop showing up in your pretty dresses and with that shy smile. Bucky is infuriated. Maybe that’s why he won’t let you pay for even one of your drinks, or why his coworkers won’t stop bothering him about you.
Double Blind by @wkemeup
Set up on what might be the worst blind date you’d ever been on, you find yourself captivated by the mysterious bartender instead.
the bar rules by @buckyhoney
pretty by @buckycuddlebuddy
“filthiest i’ve ever made,” he whispered, face very close to yours. “if you can handle it, i might take you up on that ‘convincing’ thing.”
Send Me An Angel by @navybrat817
Bucky thinks you're an angel.
Date With Ducky by @pepperonijem
"You started to water down my drink throughout the night and I drunkenly demand to know why.”
Two Years by @metalbuckaroo
Seeing you flirt with someone else, Bucky gets jealous and acts on something he’s been thinking of for two years.
Rum and Coke by @babyboibucky
You decide to pay your rival club a visit to see what the hype is all about.
Champagne Problems by @dollslayer
When your ex-boyfriend makes a surprise appearance at your sister's wedding you find help from an unexpected source.
side bar by @agentofkrypton
"I hate your voice, but god I love hearing you beg."
Don’t cross the bar by @bucky-at-bedtime
Bucky has one rule, until one day, someone forces him to change it.
Cheers! by @moonbeambucky
A charming bartender comes to your rescue after a night out leads to a broken heart.
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mariestark · 1 year ago
Hello, my dear friends!
I wish you all a happy new year!
A year filled with love, health, and wealth. I love you all so much. You guys have made my life better with your stories, gifs and love.
Wish you all the best of life, love you all!
I'm so sorry if I left anyone out.
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@icanfeelastormbrewing @what-is-your-plan-today @foodieforthoughts @mary-ann84 @stargazingfangirl18 @rmtndew @syntheticavenger @littlefreya @viking-raider @mindramblingsfics @originalhybridloverfics @jtargaryen18 @nerdzzone @likepotato @rebel-stardust @ysmmsy @cruzrogue @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @dollslayer @ohthankevans @ozarkthedog @smutsonian @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @nitannichionne @saiyanprincessswanie @nuggsmum @k-evans-writes @celestialbard @worksby-d @the-iceni-bitch @pagesoflauren @time-for-a-lullaby @lovebittenbyevans @tedllasso @toomanystoriessolittletime @the-soot-sprite @vanderlustwords @oddduckthatgirl @bohemian-barbie @demivampirew @untilmynextstory @helenaeisenhower @chuckbass-love @speechlessxx @universitypenguin @bostongirl13 @boston-babies @onedayallwillbewell @buckyownsmylife @ranveer--singh
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years ago
Congratulations!!! 🍾
💚- enemies to lovers
Thank you so much, honey!
Unfortunately, I don't read enemies to lovers, so I don't have any stories to recommend you! I'm so sorry!
Send me a heart to join my 5k celebration!
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navybrat817 · 3 years ago
Ransom may be an asshole neighbor (the gift to the wrong house, fucking out in the open AND stealing food), but that queen behavior? Yes! Thank you for participating. 💙
Return to Sender
Neighbor!Ransom Drysdale x fem!reader
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Summary: As if the holidays didn't add enough stress to your life, your asshole neighbor seems hellbent to be the cherry on top.
Warnings: Smut, 18+ ONLY, oral (f receiving), making out, accidental voyeurism, mentions of alcohol consumption, swearing, Ransom being an asshole
A/N: I wrote a thing !! Finally! Thank you for bearing w me through this insane block. Here is my unbelievably late entry for the Happy Hoelidays 2021 challenge hosted by @stargazingfangirl18, @navybrat817, @drabblewithfrannybarnes Thank you for your patience and the extension, I hope you like it!! This is my first time writing Ransom so let me know what you think!
As always, comment/reblog if you enjoyed this! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
You used to love Christmas. No school, sweets, teeming with excitement in anticipation of seeing family and opening presents. Now though, it was more of a burden than anything. The pressure of buying gifts and working to make every last get together and party into your schedule was just too much. All that running around only to end up dealing with jaded, old family members or making awkward conversation with friends of friends hardly seemed worth it.
Now you found yourself staring down another year of unsuccessful last minute shopping and fighting the urge to give up the holiday entirely. You let out a loud groan of frustration seeing the thin blanket of snow covering your car in the mall parking lot. You tried not to let the combination of shopping and the weather get to you as you swiped the snow off the windshield.
Dusk had long settled in and the thick flakes of snow were making the drive in the dark all the more difficult. Relief started settling into your features as you turned down your road despite the slickness from the snow. Only minutes away from a bottle of wine and unwatched episodes of trashy reality TV.
The tires struggled to gain traction around a curve and after a few more steps on the gas you accepted it’s not getting anywhere on its own. There’s only three houses on your road but you put your hazards on anyway to be safe. That prick next door is always speeding down the road in his flashy car. He’s gonna end up killing someone someday.
You did your best to dig out the snow surrounding the cab and put the car in neutral. Now the hard part. With a deep breath you pushed with everything you had to move the car forward. It only budged a few inches but you weren’t able to get it any further.
The cold air stung your lungs as you tried to catch your breath but you couldn’t give in. You weren’t about to pay to be towed 40 feet down the road.
Steeling yourself for another attempt, you were thrown off by the sound of crunching snow behind you and it wasn’t until the headlights peered around the curve that you realized it’s your douche neighbor Ransom in his Benz. How it’s even driving in this condition is a mystery to you.
There’s not a lot of time to think on it though as the car continues towards you. You fumbled backwards to avoid being hit and landed in the snow bank beside your trunk.
The scream you let out is more one of frustration than surprise or fear. Murphy’s law is sounding pretty plausible right now with the day you’ve had ending like this.
“Fucking asshole!” It echoes through the trees along with the tires of his Benz squealing when he skirts into his driveway.
It took an hour and one tearful phone call to your dad coaching you through it to gain the traction you needed to make it home.
Through the windows of your dining room your attention was caught by the lights glaring from Ransom’s floor to ceiling windows across the way. His house isn’t far but it’s just far enough for you to only make out his figure settling into his couch. It’s just far enough away to spy the figure of your neighbor Justine straddling his lap before you huff and head back to your room.
It isn’t surprising to see Justine there, with how much she gawks and giggles about him every time the two of you talk. She’s the only other neighbor you have, living in the house at the end of the street just past yours.
She’s beautiful and charming, albeit a little naive. You couldn’t blame her despite your eyeroll. If you didn’t know Ransom as a person you’d probably let him take you home, too.
But you do know him, and you’ve watched one too many Ubers pick up sniffling girls at early hours in the morning with him nowhere in sight. He’s even made occasional passes at you, always just laughing off the rejection like it was a challenge. Sometimes it felt like he’d goad you walking around in nothing but his boxers, knowing you could see right into his house.
Playboy tendencies aside, he’s an unsurprisingly shitty neighbor too. Loud music late into the night, ripping down the road like he owns it, he’s even accused you of stealing packages when they were mistakenly delivered to you.
You peaked out your window at his house one last time and saw the two of them writhing and topless. Disgusted by his scumminess you pulled the curtain a little harder than you needed to and turned your attention back to your show.
A few nights later and it was finally the weekend. The clock continued to tick to buy presents but a long day of work had you yearning to cancel any and all plans to be productive.
DoorDash was ordered and you slipped into the biggest, comfiest sweater you could find.
Headlights shone down the driveway but you knew it was too soon to be the food you’d ordered. Did you have any packages being delivered? Scurrying to the foyer, you got the door just as the bell rang.
You were confused however, when you were met with a single matte black box with red ribbon on the front step. The delivery driver was already halfway down the drive before you could say anything.
You brought the package inside and eyed it warily for a return label. You frowned when you couldn’t find one. It was, however, meant to go to your house. There wasn’t a name but the address was right. With a shrug you walked it over to your kitchen counter to get a better look.
Wherever this came from it looked bougie, you couldn’t imagine who on Earth would be sending you something this nice, let alone anything at all. Certainly not your friends or parents, you always exchanged gifts in person. Definitely not a romantic interest, you hadn’t been on a date since a very disastrous Hinge meet up two months ago that ended with you helping him into a cab and holding his hair when he puked.
You cringed at the memory and decided that just for that you deserved whatever nice thing was in this box. As you undid the thick ribbon bow the sides of the box fell away to reveal a card sitting on top of what you assumed was a gift wrapped in tissue paper. Curiosity overtook you and you went for the gift first.
It was feather light in your hands and you gently unfolded the tissue paper to reveal… lace? You pulled it out of the tissue paper and realized that you were holding a strappy, elegant teddy. Against the light you could see it was Agent Provocateur and were even more confused.
Alarm bells went off in your head. Who the hell would send you lingerie? Have you been stalked for months and this is how you find out? Is it too late to ask for a security system for Christmas? The floor to ceiling windows seemed so trendy and unique in your mid-century home but now you felt completely exposed.
Thoroughly creeped out and a little on edge you remembered that there was a card that could hopefully explain this whole thing away. You were almost certain this wasn’t meant for you.
You carefully opened the envelope and pulled out a card to look for an inscription.
“Justine - Wear this tonight, I’ll leave the light on for you. - Ransom”
The muscles of your face contorted into a slow grimace after reading the words again. You went from unnerved to livid in seconds flat as you processed what was happening. You couldn’t even catch a break from this asshole on your weekend in. You were disgusted and annoyed and determined to tell him off about it before he could accuse you of stealing it.
A quick peek out the window and his light was indeed on and he’d be getting company, just not what he expected.
In your anger you didn’t bother to change out of your ratty old sweater and leggings before stepping into your boots and heading for the door.
Your boots crunched into the snow as you tromped across your yard to his until you finally reached the porch. You pressed the doorbell and knocked impatiently for him to answer.
The wind bit at your skin and made you realize that you forgot your coat. At this point you were banging against the door just to get away from the cold.
The door swung open to reveal Ransom with a glass of wine in hand, ready to make some overconfident one liner. You barreled past him into the foyer and his eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Oh,” he started, “Not the neighbor I was expecting but sure, come on in.”
“Just shut the hell up. I know I’m not the neighbor you were expecting, do you know why I know that?”
You held your hand up before he could answer and took a step closer to him.
“Because you sent your mail-in booty call to the wrong house, idiot! There are only three houses on this street! How on Earth did you manage to do that?”
He didn’t have anything to add, choosing instead to look on in amusement from against the wall. He took a sip of his wine and gave a little shrug.
“Moreover, you guys are fucking gross fucking dwon here out in the open knowing damn well you don’t have curtains. Why the hell can’t you take it upstairs like a normal person?”
Immediately he set his wine down on the sideboard and he stepped closer to you. His eyebrow quirked and a slow smile crossed his lips.
“Now why would I do that? You like what you see, neighbor? Maybe you’re just wishing it was you being railed in front of the fireplace.”
You felt heated in your core by the image but you couldn’t dignify him with an answer to that question. You huffed in an attempt to regain some composure and took a step back.
“I mean I know you’re a douche, but do you have to be a shitty neighbor too? Disgusting.”
His body closed in on yours until your back met the archway of the foyer and you had nowhere to look but up at him. His right arm rested just above your head while the other floated tentatively near your side. He leaned in on you until his lips were just beside your ear. The smell of wine on his breath was present as he chuckled at you.
“Let’s not deflect here, sweetheart. I catch you looking some nights when you think you’re out of sight.”
Your eyes widened at the news. You only looked because he was there. If you tried not to look every time you’d probably never look out the windows on that side of the house again.
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out.
“Y’know, I noticed you don’t seem to have a lot of visitors, must be lonely. Why don’t you let me help you out of that ugly sweater. Love thy neighbor, right?”
You pushed lightly against him in annoyance but he didn’t budge.
“You already do,” you scoffed, “How do you think Justine would feel knowing you said that to me?”
Why you thought that asking him to consider someone else’s feelings would have any impact on him you’ll never know. He just shook his head with a little laugh.
“She’s cute but she’s like a puppy with how bad she wants it. Plus she doesn’t have an ass like you do. You think I don’t see you gardening in your little shorts in the Summer?”
You pushed again and he let you move him back just a bit before holding onto your arm.
“Maybe I’m sorry for lacking in my neighborly duties, wanna make it up to you.”
Your eyes met his and even though you were fuming he was warm and he smelled good and were you really that lonely? Fuck it. If he’s offering you might as well use him.
“Prove it, asshole”
That’s the only warning he got before you grabbed the collar of his shirt with your free hands and brought his lips down onto yours. He grunted in surprise before pulling you closer to him and kissing back with a fervor you hadn’t expected for how cool he’d been playing it. He pulled away to breathe and take you in.
“Thought I was disgusting?” He goaded.
“Thought you were gonna make it up to me?” you countered.
You pushed him backwards towards the couch. You know you were totally about to be another girl naked in his wide open living room but at the moment you couldn’t care less.
He kissed you again before guiding you to sit. You fell back against the cushions and looked up at his figure looming over you.
His hands reached to unzip his fly when you stopped him.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“You’re supposed to be making it up to me, remember? Don’t tell me you can’t live up to the hype,” you tutted at him.
He huffed out a laugh and shook his head. He kneeled to the floor before you and ran his hands up your thighs without breaking your gaze.
“Fine,” he grinned, “You have no idea”
The tips of his fingers hooked into the waistband of your leggings and pulled them towards him, leaving you in your panties. If you weren’t so sexually frustrated you might have felt embarrassed being so vulnerable in front of someone you hate. But right now you had other priorities.
You kicked the fabric free from around your ankles and arched your hips as you reached for your panties. One large hand grabbed yours to stop you from going any further. You looked at him but he just shook his head with a playful smirk.
Ransom brought your hand to your side and nosed his way up your open thighs, sprinkling in trailing kisses and small bites until he finally reached his destination. He pinned you with his stare and pressed an open kiss to your clothed pussy making you shudder.
You let out a staggered breath while teased you. You were squirming and on edge but you weren’t about to beg this asshole for anything. Even if you were essentially just grinding on his face.
Finally he grabbed a hold of your panties and pulled them away from your body, leaving you exposed to him. You were dripping with slick and when the air hit your pussy your whole body shivered in anticipation.
Ransom pushed up the sleeves of his sweater to get to work. He spread your legs further and held them in place when he hooked his hands around your thighs. Just the action made you clench around nothing. He sent you one last look before he dove in.
He licked a thick stripe up to your clit before closing in on it. What had started as small licks had turned into a full on feast for him. His tongue lapped at your clit just enough to bring you to the edge but never over it. Your thighs clenched around his head but if anything it just egged him on.
Your moans were an equal mix of pleasure and frustration at this point. You should’ve known someone like him was gonna drag it out before giving into you. Just when you thought he was going to let you cum he sunk two fingers deep into you and curled them towards him.
“Ah! Oh God,” you cried. He just hummed when your hand grabbed root in his hair. All you could do was hold on while he chose the pace.
His fingers were pumping into you faster and at this point you didn’t know much longer you could stand it. His tongue was lapping at your clit faster and his fingers worked you harder. You clenched your thighs around his head and your back arched off the couch.
You cried out a series of explicatives while he carried you through wave after wave of bliss. He didn’t fight you as you untangled your fingers from his hair and pushed him away. Ransom sat back on his haunches and panted heavily trying to catch his breath. You could see his cock painfully straining against his pants and couldn’t help the flash of pride you felt knowing you did that.
You took in your surroundings as you calmed down from your high. You were still pissed but if this was how he made up you saw no issue in accepting his apologies.
You sat up from the couch and gave yourself a moment to breathe. When you did, the smell of peanut sauce and curry hit your nose and your head shot up at him in disbelief.
Across the room you spotted a white styrofoam container with a familiar logo sitting on his kitchen counter.
“Is that my fucking Thai food order?”
“Oh, yeah I guess so. Thanks, it’s a little spicy though”
With a scoff you pushed yourself up and away from him and stepped back into your leggings.
Ransom sat up behind you in confusion as you bee-lined for the food. You swiped it from the counter and started for the door when he realized what was happening.
“Wait, where are you going?”
“Home,” you answered, “I got what I wanted and I’m hungry” you shook your head in irritation.
He shot to his feet and followed you to the foyer. He grabbed you by the elbow gently to turn you around. A quick look downwards you could tell he was still hard.
“But what about me?”
“Last time I checked I didn’t have anything to make up to you. Plus, my food is getting cold. Have a good night though.”
He was absolutely incredulous as you turned the knob on the door. As you stepped through the threshold he stood still in disbelief.
“So no head!?” he called out.
You kept walking back to your yard when you turned slightly to give him one last look.
“I’m keeping the set by the way!” You answered over your shoulder as you reached your porch.
The look on his face was so satisfying. Even though it wasn’t meant for you, this may be the best gift you’ve ever been given.
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4evahaka · 8 years ago
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From @trinitydesignsinc - #limitededition #collectorsedition #dolls #dollslayer #16inchdolls #DST #sorority{💕💚🐍#ThisIsAREPOST:🐍💕💚 @4evahaka #FAMU_1908💚💕🐍} - #regrann
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inactivewhore · 3 years ago
Fics you should support by liking, commenting and reblogging: Part 3
(part 1) (part 2) * stories with one asterisk beside the title mean it's only readable on AO3 ** stories with two asterisks beside the title mean that it has dark themes
Chris Evans x Reader
Severance by @punani
Coalescence I by @punani
Coalescence II by @punani
Coalescence III by @punani
Mister Friend Of Death by @balenciagabucky Steve Rogers x Reader Love Made In The Summer by @rodrikstark Lend Me Your Hand (We’ll Conquer Them All) (series) by@rodrikstark Everything And Beyond (series) by @rodrikstark Playbill by @rodrikstark S. Rogers + First Time Going To Bed Angry by @rodrikstark It's You That I Lie With (series) by @chanelfaerie The Riveter (series) by @pagesoflauren Promises & Sacrifice (series) by @pagesoflauren Soundtrack (series) by @sarahwroteathing Love Hate by @bucksfucks Marital Bliss by @trillian-anders The Thing About Trust by @christowhore Broken Promises by @christowhore Botanical Interest (series) by @dollslayer For Old Times' Sake by @egcdeath Non-Sequential (series) by @invisibleanonymousmonsters Killing Peggy Carter** by @chrisevansgoodgirl Burden Of Proof (series) by @sunriserose1023 Did You Ever Hear About That Girl Who Got Frozen? by@speechlessxx A Royal Scandal* (series) by @donutloverxo & LizzyGal Toxic* ** (series) by LizzyGal Ari Levinson x Reader Forever in Waiting by @punani Shakespearen Tragedy (series) by@strawbeariefaerie Frank Adler x Reader Careful Days (series) by @rodrikstark Ransom Drysdale x Reader Murder, He Wrote** (series) by @wiypt-writes The Highest Bidder (series) by @pagesoflauren Promises & Sacrifice (series) by @pagesoflauren Andy Barber x Reader Consciousness Of Guilt (series; sequel to Murder, He Wrote) by @wiypt-writes I Never Learn (series) by @punani Colin Shea x Reader Seeing Blind (series) by @pagesoflauren Curtis Everett x Reader Yours To Keep by @the-iceni-bitch Out Of Darkness** (series) by @jtargaryen18 A Claiming by @wanderinglunarnights Ties That Bind, Debts That Burden** by @mypoisonedvine Nick Vaughan x Reader First Steps First by @rodrikstark You Got A Fetish For My Love, I Push You Out And You Come Right Back by @chrisevansgoodgirl Sebastian Stan x Reader Let You Down (series) by @achillieus Bucky Barnes x Reader Take It Back (series) by @allandoflimbo Ashens (series) by @allandoflimbo Delicate Edges (series) by @wkemeup Graveyard by @wkemeup For The Love Of The Game (series) by @pellucid-constellations Always You, Forever by @pellucid-constellation And They Could Never Tear Us Apart (series) by @redgillan Under Pastel Skies (series) by @redgillan Good Morning Kisses by @houseravenclaws Never Again by @houseravenclaws Not Tonight by @houseravenclaws Smooth Like Butter by @baroquebucky What Would You Give For Love by @buckystarlight Does Your Mother Know? by @wxntersoldiers Eye For An Eye by @christowhore Peaches (series) by @buckycuddlebuddy The World's A Little Blurry (series) by @summergrls Remembrance by @achillieus FATWS Series (series) by @cjsinkythoughts Cure by @viperbarnes Like Nicotine by @babyboibucky Welcome Home by @whitestarbucky Please Don't Take Him (Even Though You Can) by @nsfwsebbie Thor X Reader A Wife For Thor (series) by @shreddedparchment Sherlock Holmes (Henry Cavill) x Reader Lies Untold** by @cherienymphe Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne All Men Have Limits (series) by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
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honeysugarcoves · 4 years ago
𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟’𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑐 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑖
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ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟’𝑠 𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑟. 𝑔𝑜 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡 (𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡!!) 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑎𝑙𝑙!( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
if you have anyone/ think i missed anyone… tag them!🧸🤍
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saiyanprincessswanie · 3 years ago
SaiyanPrincessSwanie - Author Masterlist - Reading List Week 75
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I can’t believe I am now at 75 weeks of reading recommendations. I love to be able to support my friends, mutuals and new authors on here. I have met some amazing people for as long as I’ve been doing this. So the end of 2021 I bring you a list of authors I have read this year and their Masterlists. I hope this will be able to signal boost others.
I spent the last week compiling this author list. These should be every single authors I highlighted over the last year. I wanted to feature their Masterlists in one post. If I accidentally left you off please let me know. I have 156 authors on here in alphabetical order. (it would have been more but several blogs closed) I won’t be able to tag every author since the limit is 50. I will be linking your Masterlist to the names below. If you don’t have one I will link your blog.
So if you don’t see your personal favorites or if you didn’t make this list just know it just means I haven’t read for them or you yet. This doesn’t discredit the amazing talent that is on this site.
Please give all these authors some love, support and positive feedback.  
Missy 💜💜
A/N thank you to @happygowriting​​​ for the header and @whimsicalrogers​​​ for the page break
Spread the Love by Reblogging this!
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mariestark · 2 years ago
Happy New Year!! I love you all. You all have been so wonderful and amazing friends. I wish you all the happiness, health and love in the world. See you next year, my lovely friends!
I'm sorry if I missed anyone 💜
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@icanfeelastormbrewing @what-is-your-plan-today @christhickevans @foodieforthoughts @mary-ann84 @rmtndew @syntheticavenger @littlefreya @viking-raider @mindramblingsfics @originalhybridloverfics @jtargaryen18 @nerdzzone @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @dollslayer @ohthankevans @ozarkthedog @smutsonian @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @nitannichionne @saiyanprincessswanie @nuggsmum @k-evans-writes @celestialbarnes @worksby-d @the-iceni-bitch @pagesoflauren @toomanystoriessolittletime @the-soot-sprite @vanderlustwords @autumnrose-40 @angrybirds @oddduckthatgirl @demivampire @untilmynextstory @consequences-of-sleep @helenaeisenhower @chuckbass-love @speechlessxx @universitypenguin @bostongirl13 @boston-babies @buckyownsmylife @rebel-stardust @wayward-blonde @ysmmsy @keepsitonehunned @likepotato
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years ago
Morning! Hope you’re having fun and staying awake!
💜- Spring by Angel Olsen annnd
💖- top 3 AUs?
Good morning, sweetheart! Thanks for checking in on me!
I’ve added your rec to our playlist and I’m recommending you “Without Me”, by Halsey!
My top three AUs are probably... A/B/O, Royal, and College!
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trinitydesignsinc · 8 years ago
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This is the prototype of Lady Ivy. #photography by @sharwrightphoto This is one of our favorite #pics. #dolls #dollslayer #fashion #nextlevel #couture #slayer #shoes #LadyIvy #aka1908 #AKA #photoshoot
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years ago
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So, I managed to amass another thousand of you, somehow! I know I say it all the time but it’s still so crazy to me that so many of you enjoy my weird, pervy blog.
Thought about how I wanted to celebrate and it’s been a hot minute since my last one so I’d decided to do a writing challenge.
Since the darker months are here, and it’s officially spooky season, I decided to focus on my love of creepy American folk music for this challenge.
One of my favorite tropes in American folk music is the strange woman: the femme fatale, the mysterious stranger, the practitioner of magic, the woman who doesn’t fit the mold society has cast for her. So the big thing I want to see from the stories for this challenge are stories that cultivate an eerie vibe that centers around the reader.
Before we get to the prompts, let’s cover some rules! Nothing too daunting 😉
This challenge and my blog are 18+ only, so do not interact if you are a minor, you will be blocked.
Even though I tend to write primarily for Chris Evans characters, this is open to any character played by him, Sebastian Stan, Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Brie Larson, Tessa Thompson or any MCU actor or their characters.
No word limit! But please put any thing over 500 words below a cut.
Smut is welcome and encouraged! But please avoid bestiality, toilet stuff, and anything underage.
While this challenge is not explicitly dark, these prompts definitely lend themselves to dark themes, so please tag accordingly!
Deadline is going to be January 31, since I know we all have lot of stuff going on over the next few months.
Tag your submission with “dark was the night challenge” so I can find it easily to add it to the masterlist!
Now that we’ve got that down, prompts! Limit one author per prompt, but if there is a lot of interest, I have a wealth of other lines I can add. Just send me an ask with your prompt and bae of choice!
Well what is this, that I can't see? // With ice-cold hands taking hold of me // Well I am Death, none can excel // I'll open the door to Heaven or Hell (Oh Death-Traditional) @ambrosiase - Bucky Barnes or Andy Barber
In sorrow she can lure you where she wants you // Inside your own self-pity there you swim // In sinking down to drown her voice still haunts you // And only with your laughter can you win (Roses Blue- Joni Mitchell) @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay - Loki @avintagekiss24 - Lee Bodecker
Then she has cursed the rainy night // Cold haily windy night // O then she has cursed the rainy night // That she opened and she let him in (Cold haily rainy night- Traditional) @dollslayer - Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes
I called for me a candle to light myself to bed // I called for me a handkerchief to bind my aching head // Rolled and tumbled the whole night through, as troubles was for me // Like flames of hell around my bed and in my eyes could see (The Knoxville Girl- Traditional) @autumnrose40
I can tell the wind is risin', the leaves tremblin' on the tree // Tremblin' on the tree // I can tell the wind is risin', leaves tremblin' on the tree (Hellhound on my Trail- Robert Johnson)
Your suffering will come again // And never fall away // For we trade our many comforts // Like the one who bled for grace (Awake o sleeper- traditional)
Can't you see I'm sorry? // I will make it worth your while. // I'm made of dead man's money // You can see it in my smile // (Blood on my name- The Brothers Bright)
But when she spit that venom // Just like a viper // She evil to the core // But then she know that's what you like (Can’t play dead- The Heavy) @nekoannie-chan
With who we are today // Could never make amends for what we've done // Tainted blood // His eyes, his eyes are full of love // Forgive them // Release them (In the water- Anadel)
And only say that you'll be mine // In no others arms entwined // Down beside where the waters flow // Down by the banks of the Ohio (Banks of the Ohio- traditional) @slothspaghettiwrites - Lee Bodecker
Oh, fear is a liar with a smooth and velvet tongue // Fear is a tyrant // He's always telling me to run // Oh, love is a resurrection and love is a trumpet sound // Love is my weapon // I'm gonna take my giants down (Ain’t no grave- Molly Skaggs) @cevansfangirl16
She was low down and trifling // And she was cold and mean // Kind of evil make me want to // Grab my sub machine (Delia’s gone- Johnny Cash)
The wolves will chase you by the pale moonlight // (Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger) // Drive your son like a railroad spike // (Into the water, let it pull him under) (Bottom of the River- Delta Rae) @cosplayingwitch
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, what have I done? // I've fallen in love with a man on the run // Oh Lord, Oh Lord, I'm begging you please // Don't take that sinner from me // Oh don't take that sinner from me (Devil’s Backbone- The Civil Wars) @labella420 - nomad!Steve
Don't give it a hand, offer it a soul // Honey, make this easy // Leave it to the land, this is what it knows // Honey, that's how it sleeps (It will come back- Hozier) @syntheticavenger - Thor
Well my mind is to marry and never to part // My mind is to marry and never to part // The first time I saw you it wounded my heart (Pretty Polly- Traditional) @starlightcrystalline - Jake Jensen
Hundred years, hundred more // Someday we may see a // Woman king, sword I hand // Swing at some evil and bleed. (Woman King- Iron & Wine) @sparkledfirecracker - Ari Levinson
Was it for redemption? // Was it for revenge? // Was it for the bottle? // Was it for the ledge? //Was it for the thrill of pushing my hope to the edge? // Why did love, why did love put a gun in my hand? (Gun in my Hand- Dorothy) @geminixevans - Mr. Freezy
You'll forget, forget in time // Remember this:// Your hand in mine forever // Beside the slow black river" (Slow black river- Iron & Wine) @angrythingstarlight - Stucky
Lie in circles on the sunlight // Shine like diamonds // On a dark night // Ain't no mercy in my smilin' // Only fangs and sweet beguiling (Snake Song- Isobel) @sweetlyscared
But I am your keeper // And I hold your face away from light // I am yours till they come (Devil’s Spoke- Laura Marling) @navybrat817 - Steve Rogers and Ransom Drysdale
Knelt down upon a darkened grave // He drew his dagger down and the red ran to the ground // And they licked along the bloody blade (Blood on the Bluegrass- Legendary Shack Shakers) @mjolnir-steve - Steve Rogers
When a woman gets in trouble, everybody throws her down // Lookin' for her good friend, none can be found // You better come on in my kitchen (Come on in my Kitchen- Robert Johnson) @jamalflanagan - Valkyrie
Your crazy fragrance all around // Your secrets all in view // My lost, my lost was saying found // My don't was saying do (On the Level- Leonard Cohen) @dreamlessinparis - Ransom Drysdale
She walks these hills in a long black veil // She visits my grave when the night winds wail //Nobody knows, nobody sees // Nobody knows but me (Long Black Veil- Johnny Cash) @wayward-blonde - Mr. Freezy or Curtis Everett
The tide has come // To spare no one // This is the onset of // Pandemonium (Killing Floor- Howlin’ Wolf) @romancherry
Every morning, // The willow weeping moan for me // The boy sing me a little song, // My baby's caused my heart to bleed (My Bleeding Heart- Elmore James)
Got a brand new movement // One that she calls her own // And when she start to kissing // Make a poor man leave his home (Long Tall Mama- Big Bill Broonzy)
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twittytelly · 4 years ago
What I read in 2021 - May
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What I reblogged:
Kissing Andy Ask by @worksby-d
Sweeter Endings by @dollslayer
Dating Ransom Drysdale…by @hlkwrites
Comforting Chris Ask by @hlkwrites
So Confused by @sylvie-writes​
Andy Using His Beard Against You Ask by @stargazingfangirl18
Get in Here Now! by @tuiccim
Building A Snowman With Ransom Ask by @rodrikstark
A Great Mentor: Ice Skating by @worksby-d
Steve With A Praise Kink Ask by @heli0s-writes
Talking Bodies by @angrythingstarlight
Ari And The Safeword Ask by @stargazingfangirl18
Angsty Running Into Chris After A Breakup Ask by @hlkwrites
Soft Ransom Ask by @stargazingfangirl18
Steve At An Event Oneshot by @imanuglywombat​
Good Girl by @worksby-d
why are you so loud by @cevansprincess
Happy Running Into Chris After A Breakup Ask by @hlkwrites
SugarDaddy!Andy Ask by @worksby-d
First Argument Ask by @stargazingfangirl18
Senator Steve And Squirting ask by @worksby-d
Being Drunk/Tipsy With Colin Ask by @rodrikstark
Brown Skin by @whiskey-cokenfanfic
Guilty As Charged by @what-is-your-plan-today
Partition by @whiskey-cokenfanfic
Advisement by @whiskey-cokenfanfic
Surprising Chris by @theycallmebecca
Not Alone by @itsjustmelainey
Semi-deleted Scene From The Highest Bidder by @pagesoflauren
Tutor!Frank ask by @rodrikstark
Andy Barber Getting A Haircut Ask by @angrythingstarlight
Ongoing Series: 
Too Loose And You’ll Lose It by @what-is-your-plan-today and @icanfeelastormbrewing
Rock ‘n’ Roll People In A Disco World by @what-is-your-plan-today
The Beginner’s Guide to Kinks By Steve Rogers by @imanuglywombat
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donutloverxo · 4 years ago
Sugary 4k challenge masterlist
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Thank you for all your wonderful entries. Challenge is still open till 30th April. Click here to join.
Dividers by @whimsicalrogers
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Andy Barber
A man's world by @gotnofucks
Summary: To advance in a man’s world, you must allow one to own you. He promises you success, as long as you give yourself to him.
Do what you please to me, I won't resist by @cloudystevie
Summary: you always take w,hat he gives you, diamonds and orgasms alike.
Maybe (Honey) by @anika-ann
Summary: You and your boyfriend Steve love each other; but money’s tight. You found and an unorthodox solution and decide to go through with it. Without Steve’s knowledge. Enter a very specific agency and Andy Barber.
Something sweet by @kleohoneyao3
Summary: Andy doesn’t mind flashing his cash to get what he wants. It always pays off in the end.
Strength in-between the breaks by @sweetlyscared
Summary: After witnessing a crime, you’re brought in to testify. You catch the eye of a certain lawyer, and soon after the case was wrapped, he made you an offer you couldn’t refuse.
Oh well, imagine by @buckyownsmylife
Summary - The one where Andy gets tired of living a double life .
Rest of my life by @quietmyfearswith
Summary - While interviewing for Mr Barber's company's you catch the CEO's eye. He stalks you down and then sexy times ensue.
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Chris Evans
Sugar by @buckybarnes101
Summary - Your sugar daddy Chris finally realises he's in love with you and wants you to be truly his.
Recommend a daddy by @nbarnes
Summary - When Addison runs out of money and is about to lose her house, her friends Auora and Sydney recommend to her a sugar daddy. Of course, there is one thing that is different to the other sugar daddy companies; there is a romantic relationship available.
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Mike Weiss
Taste the riches of the earth by @the-iceni-bitch
Summary - You’ve been Mike’s sugar baby for a while, and as much as you want to deny it, you’re addicted.
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Steve Rogers
Charming by @afriendlyblackhottie
Summary - Steve Rogers is a your sugar daddy. He takes care of you in every single way you can think of 👀👀
Clandestine meetings and stolen glances by @cruelfvkingsummer
Summary - Who knew Steve Rogers had kept such a pretty little secret? Or, the one where you were Peggy’s young, promising assistant until you became Steve Roger’s doll.
Daddy's intentions by @ironlady1993
Summary - Years after Thanos fall, the Avengers continue protecting the world. With new and younger members, Steve Rogers decided it was time to retire completely. After passing the Shield to Sam years ago, he stepped back as ‘Captain America’ focusing on his life for the first time after he woke up from the Ice. He could finally let his dark side, he so desperately had to hide, out. When he found Y/n, he could finally free the hungry beast in him, planning on turning her into his perfect little wife. And he knew how he would trap her into his arms forever.
i can be your china doll if you want to see me fall. boy, you’re so dope, your love is deadly by @chrisevansgoodgirl
summary: sugar daddy series: steve. so, i asked for help and you guys delivered, thank you! anonymous asked for wife/domestic kink. (the rest of your prompt might just be put in a part 2...)  anonymous 2 asked for artist reader and a lovely cute meeting at an art gallery. anonymous 3 asked for a respectful, gentleman steve never pushing boundaries and some vintage lingerie
Paper rings by @our-marvel-universe
Summary - All Steve ever wants to do is take care of you. 
Sweeter endings by @dollslayer
Summary: Still reeling from the financial realities of losing your mother you turn to a lucrative website for help and get more than you could have bargained for.
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You Can Be The Boss (Mob!Steve x reader x Mob!Bucky) by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Summary - Business Deals are done in the club most nights over liquor, drugs and you. Tonight is just like any other. You leave the stage to join your men while they deal with an ongoing issue. 
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Ransom Drysdale
Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend by @simsadventures
Summary - Ransom buys you a gift and you surprise him when you wear it for the first time. Safe to say, it’s a very good surprise for both of you.
"it’s dark but just a game”, that’s what he would say to me by @chrisevansgoodgirl
summary: sugar daddy series: ransom. some spoiling, some fighting, some drunk ransom.
Private lessons by @glazedhoneywriting
Summary - Ransom Drysdale is the fuck and leave em type, a trail of broken hearts behind him but with such sexual skill, he ought to have learned it somewhere. And when his past pops up in a bar, Ransom is reminded of how he got so good at sex and who taught him the ropes.
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Robert Pronge
i could be yours, i could be your baby tonight, topple you down from your sky forty stories high by @chrisevansgoodgirl
summary: sugar daddy series: robert pronge. your dad has a long list of interesting employees, robert being one. (very light sugar daddy, more so the beginning of the relationship bc you know, he’s a murderer and that’s complex to work around).
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saiyanprincessswanie · 4 years ago
SaiyanPrincessSwanie - Reading List Week 52
I started these reading lists a year ago to help signal boost writers as well as spread positivity within the community. I have enjoyed being able to do my part over the last year as it has introduced so many wonderful people in my life.
But with all good things there is always a negative drawback, for me it was bullying. I’m sorry to those who looked forward to these lists. Maybe after some down time I will pick this up again.
With that said, this list is going to be different. I spent all of yesterday compiling this author list. These should be every single author I highlighted over the last year. I wanted to feature their Masterlists in one post. If I accidentally left you off please let me know. I have just over 155 authors in alphabetical order. I won’t be able to tag every author since the limit is 50. I will be linking your masterlist to the names below. If you don’t have one I will link your blog. I will tag you in the comments.
So if you don’t see your personal favorites or if you didn’t make this list just know it just means I haven’t read for them or you yet. This doesn’t discredit the amazing talent that is on this site.
Please give all these authors some love, support and positive feedback. 
Missy 💜💜 
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mariestark · 2 years ago
I know I'm a day late but, Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so thankful for all of you. All of you had helped me so much, I have healed with you, I had cried and laughed with your stories. Your friendships had meant the world to me. I love you all.
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@what-is-your-plan-today @icanfeelastormbrewing @christhickevans @foodieforthoughts @mary-ann84 @rmtndew @syntheticavenger @littlefreya @viking-raider @mindramblingsfics @originalhybridloverfics @fuckandfaith @jtargaryen18 @nerdzzone @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @dollslayer @ohthankevans @smutsonian @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @nitannichionne @saiyanprincessswanie @nuggsmum @k-evans-writes @celestialbarnes @worksby-d @the-iceni-bitch @pagesoflauren @toomanystoriessolittletime @the-soot-sprite @vanderlustwords @oddduckthatgirl @bohemian-barbie @demivampirew @untilmynextstory @consequences-of-sleep @helenaeisenhower @chuckbass-love @speechlessxx @universitypenguin @bostongirl13 @boston-babies @buckyownsmylife @rebel-stardust @wayward-blonde @ysmmsy
I'm so sorry if I missed tagging anyone! I love you all!
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