star-paths · 5 days
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@dollieour clicked ♥ for a starter!
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Their casual walk together had lead them past a pet shop, prompting them to stop in out of mutual interest. It was filled with many different types of domestic animals — a few kittens and puppies, a couple of rabbits, plenty of gerbils, mice, guinea pigs, birds, reptiles and snakes. What held Seungwon’s current interest, however, was the wide array of tanks filled with colorful fish.
He basked in the glow of them, wandering with a wrist clasped behind his back as if avoiding touching the glass tanks (a habit instilled in him by his mother no doubt) while he peered in at the aquatic beauty and watched them flit and float about with interest. His mother had kept fish like this when he was a child. He’d always loved watching them, the way they moved and how they glittered. He liked to feed them when she let him, observing the way they gobbled and gulped the flakes from the water’s surface in little pops and bubbles.
Soup also loved his mother’s fish; this stressed his mother out a good deal. He’d never be able to have one of these at his dorm without the cat making a meal or plaything of it.
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ruinedwild · 3 months
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it had always been pretty hard to wrap your brain around how the three of them had ended up together like this. especially with how much arnvid and minwoo had fought one another over who had got to date icarius , like he was some sort of prize of be won at the end of all of this which he obviously didn't really appreciate as he loved the both of them equally in his own heart and only wished that the both of them had gotten along with each other even if temporarily so that he could enjoy his free time alone with the two people he loved more than anything in this world but there was no way that someone like arnvid would ever back down from a fight like that as he knew deep in his heart that he truly did love the latter but there was still no way that he would ever back down from a fight like that either and unlike in the past where they were meant to come into blows with one another before icarius would come in between the both of them and break things off for the moment or another person would if things would ever get too intense for the god-being only this time though things had gotten way worse than it had before as in one minute they were all resting in bed , getting ready for a cozy evening in and then the next things would divulge into utter chaos between the three of them as someone had something nasty about the other in the heat of the moment and there was no else around to stop this fight from further escalating up until it was just too late as everything had just become one big blur for them as tears began to slowly stream down his face as he watched in horror as the two people he loved more than anything in this cruel , cruel world had come to blows in an almost gory mess of blood & tears and he wasn't entirely sure what would even cause the two of them to stop fighting once and for all as it all just felt so very hopeless for icarius with arnvid on the other hand not even thinking straight in the moment as his heart was pumping full of blood as he landed blow by blow on the other male only seeing red in his eyes as the both of them hadn't even notice their beloved being a weeping mess in the corner of the room as he clutched onto his chest for dear life before their words rang out without warning. “ stop ! just please stop i love you both so very much. ”
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mikrokosmcs · 1 month
Cheonkyu  no  podía  negar  lo  ligeramente  nervioso  que  estaba  con  lo  que  iban  a  hacer,  puesto  que  como  siempre  y  como  ya  era  costumbre  con  Kai,  se  volvería  una  de  las  muchas  primeras  veces  que  compartía  con  él.  El  baño  junto  a  la  cancha  de  baloncesto  alejado  del  edificio  principal  era  idóneo  para  esas  cosas,  la  lluvia  golpeteaba  el  cristal  de  la  ventana  y  ni  un  alma  se  podía  escuchar  en  ese  momento.  Las  madres  y  ningún  sacerdote  vendrían  a  buscarlos,  no  cuando  seguramente  no  los  echarían  mucho  de  menos  teniendo  tantos  alumnos  pidiendo  tutelas  o  ayuda  para  sus  exámenes  finales.  -  —Nunca  he  fumado  hierba  —  -le  hace  saber,  observando  como  enrolla  con  facilidad  y  admira  esa  habilidad,  como  muchas  otras  cosas  del  más  bajo.  Cheonkyu  como  un  perrito,  apoya  su  mentón  sobre  el  hombro  de  este  y  lo  abraza  por  la  cintura.  -  —¿Cómo  se  siente? | @dollieour
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mccnxhild · 4 months
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"what do you mean? i’ve always been okay with you dating other people. for some reason, this time just feels different." moonbin shrugs his shoulders at the other. "something just feels off about them." he says gently. //@dollieour
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stillm0nster · 3 months
`✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ incoming ; @dollieour
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“  here  are  some  scissors.  now  cut  that  person  outta  your  life  or  i'll  smack  you. ”
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rainyearning · 5 months
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Aralin was laying in his bed when his phone rang, he knew it was Benji without looking even at it, after all, he had just sent this voice message to the other male. "I really want that." The siren sighed softly while rubbing the bridge of his nose between his thumb and his index finger. "I am just so sick of everyone, Benji. That stupid job, these people staring at me.. I just- I just want to be in the sun, the water.. you and me." His lips pursed just slightly while he sat up slowly. People had been just a bit too touchy at the club. "We should just.. go somewhere. I think we both could need that, a time out?" He licked his lower lip shortly with his gaze focused on the sheets on his bed. "I saved a bit of money, so we sure can find a nice place for us. I love you, you know that. You are all I need to be happy."
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luvdive · 4 days
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'you just moved in next door, right?' the question has noah frozen on the spot, because how does he politely say that no, he's lived here for the last six years...? christ, he knows he's a homebody, but he didn't realise it was that bad. ❝ uh, ❞ he drawls, trying to stall for a few precious extra seconds as he debates how to respond. is it kinder to just play along and hope they never run into each other again? or should he just correct them and move on? ❝ no, actually, i've lived here for years. i just... don't get out much, i guess. ❞
@dollieour ♡'d for a starter
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sintva · 1 month
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" you don't think i'm a bad person ? " / @dollieour
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warsinmyhead · 2 months
CLOSED for @dollieour
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He doesn't always see eye to eye with his stepmother, but he is dumbfounded that someone, anyone would want to take a shot at her. It all happened so fast – his bodyguard pulled him in one direction and the rest of the family were taken in opposite directions by their assigned bodyguards.
Hiro hadn't been paying attention to where they were going – his bodyguard had put him into a car out back and he knew they were driving away from the restaurant.
After several moments of silence, he blurted out that he didn't want to go home.
"I want to go back to Korea," he found himself declaring. "I don't care if it's going to cost a lot for a last minute ticket – I can use my miles."
He hung his head and he squeezed his eyes shut. This trip home was a mistake – he didn't want to be here, he didn't want to deal with the press who were nosy about his family, and he hated that this was happening to him now.
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star-paths · 2 months
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( @dollieour continued from x )
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He might have been persuaded to change up his tactics except for the hint of teasing in the other’s voice — the chuckle causing his cheeks to warm both from embarrassment and fondness for the patient guest who let him toy with those luxurious strands.
“You should put the rest of those chips in your pretty mouth and let me work,” he retorted in joking petulance, giving Juniper’s hair a playful tug before leaning down and kissing him on the crown of the head.
He returned to the task at hand with renewed determination, glancing up only now and then to the TV droning in the background.
“How was training this week? I wanted to stop by yesterday but Dae needed me to re-record a part.”
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ruinedwild · 1 month
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he should have seen this coming from a mile away being married off to some prince. but it still came to a shock to him once it had been announced to the court in order to maintain the long held but still fragile peace between their two kingdoms which only caused him to feel quite apprehensive not only about this whole marriage but the person he'd have to marry , jaekyung though he did hear great things about them in order to sweeten the deal of marrying them in the first place no doubt ! he still couldn't wrap his brain fully around the thought of being an arranged marriage like this which in turn only caused to keep his guard completely up this whole entire as his mother had warned him to do so as he never want kind of trick they could pull from under his nose at any given moment really. so like clockwork he settled into their palace as if he owned the place of course as they'd stationed in this huge castle that the latter had inherited from their father who had passed away only very recently but it wasn't like they would be living together in this case ? no way with the both of them instead living in two separate wings of the palace with morgan keeping to himself and his attendance most of the time even if from time to time jaekyung would ask him through his attendance how he was doing that day or if he'd eaten which he couldn't help but find cute in a way though he still opt to keep his guard up around them just in case as the last thing he wanted was to fall in love with the other male and given how things are already going between them at this point that was highly unlikely to happened that was until something tragic even downright traumatic was to happened between them. on one fine day while he began to stroll their lovely grounds of the palace as he searched for his next inspiration to paint for that day he didn't even notice the shadowy figure sneak up from right behind him before they struck with a dagger in one hand and the other one on his shoulder in order to prevent him from escaping his grasp he couldn't help but scream out for help not knowing at this point why they were doing this or even what they wanted from him of all people in the kingdoms. “ someone please save me , jaekyung please save me my prince. ” he said hoping that the other male could hear him at this very moment or even anyone else that could rescue him from this life or death situation he was currently facing.
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vicletnight · 3 months
closed starter for @dollieour inspired by this
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trenton had been in his line of work long enough to know that despite how good you were, there was always potential of mistakes. still, he didn't worry of these mistakes often since he rarely ran into trouble, or at least that was until tonight. a deal with a leader from one town over had turned sour quickly, and despite his attempts to qualm the tensions, a fight still broke out that lead to many men down; trenton being among one of the multiple. and while he was certain that he'd driven there, the man couldn't find his keys nor was he barely able to see through the crimson that was trickling into his eyesight.
by some miracle, the man made it home, only for him to curse at the fact that without his keys he was unable to gain entry to said home. trying the knob, it was undoubtedly locked, this only causing him to curse once more in frustration. giving a few raps on the door, hoping she was home at the time, he leaned against the door in effort to prevent himself from collapsing; though he felt it wouldn't be much longer that he was able to hold himself up.
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mccnxhild · 5 months
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going out and getting drunk was in no way normal behavior for autumn - she usually wasn't one to go out alone. at least one other person would be by her side, but yet tonight was different for some reason. ans now here she ended up having to call the other to come to her rescue. cheeks rosy from the alcohol flush, a smile wide on her lips as she saw the other approach her. taking their face in her hands she smiled. "my savior! everything in my life feels worth it since it's all lead me to you." she beams. // @dollieour
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bittcrsuite · 3 months
@dollieour liked this post for a closed starter from morgan.
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morgan checked her watch — 2:13. they'd been going at this for hours. it was partially morgan's fault. she knew what she was doing when she brought her tinder date to her exes favorite bar. now, as she sat in the other's apartment, she was not only dateless, but very annoyed. she was far too drunk to be having this pointless argument. "are you mad because they were hot, or something? we're not together — i can go on dates with whoever i want."
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mikrokosmcs · 4 months
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-  —Tenemos  un  evento  próximo  —  -no  deja  ni  siquiera  que  termine  de  sentarse  en  su  sofá,  cuando  sus  labios  se  mueven  en  automático  con  su  itinerario.  -  —Y  esperan  que  nos  presentemos  juntos  con  un  par  de  relojes  de  pareja  que  nos  envió  una  marca  de  lujo  —  -todo  aquello  era  un  negocio,  una  falacia  que  debía  mantener  porque  fue  tan  estúpido  como  para  resbalar  y  permitir  que  alguien  lo  viese  en  su  estado  más  deplorable,  en  su  fondo  más  oscuro.  No  iba  a  volver  a  pasar,  se  dijo  a  si  mismo.  No  volverá  a  suceder,  fue  lo  que  dijo  su  manager  cuando  llegó  con  el  plan  de  conseguirle  una  pareja,  un  alfa  de  alto  estatus  que  eleve  el  suyo,  aunque  ya  estuviese  en  las  nubes.  Jonghyun  por  fin  eleva  los  ojos  desde  la  Tablet  donde  leía  lo  que  tenía  que  hacer,  fijándose  en  el  otro  muchacho.  -  —Y  en  vista  de  que  estamos  “saliendo”  creo  que  es  necesario  aclarar  ciertas  cosas  que  debemos  hacer  para  el  espectáculo  mediático. / @dollieour
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sintva · 1 month
closed starter for @dollieour
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" do you think about us every now & then ? because i do. "
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