#dolk quit bein weird
kigendragon · 5 months
After Wonderland
Part 3 <3
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“Something wrong, Lisa?” 
You, it’s you, you’re what’s wrong.
It had been weeks since she returned to the C2 Organization. Although she was stuck doing petty work, probably as a bit of punishment for not bringing the Hayakawas back, as well as for her stunt to call her father. 
“No, just a headache, Dolk,” she said, sighing softly. 
Dolk’s energy had been off for a while now. She had noticed it a bit previously, but wasn’t nearly as confident in her Kigen Arts at the time. Having been in Wonderland and even managed to use her Kigen Dragon, she knew she wasn’t mistaken now.
It hadn’t bothered her nearly as much when she was returning home, furious with him and everyone else… But now that she had pushed that anger back? There was a horrendous energy coming from him. It made her skin crawl, made her want to push him away, if not more. 
“Well that’s still no good,” he said, offering a smile. 
She offered a small smile back at him, but she didn’t want to. His smile… Something wasn’t right. 
“I should probably get back to cleaning… You know they want me to make everything spotless. And I’m pretty sure that’s impossible to do at this point. I don’t even know what some of these spots are,” she told him, laughing softly. Damn that fake laugh. Ai was right, it was creepy. Fortunately, or at least hopefully, Dolk would be none the wiser. 
“So… You aren’t still upset about everything?” 
“No, I wouldn’t be back if I was still angry.” She was seething. He didn’t need to know that though. 
“Honestly I thought you wouldn’t be back because of a couple of weeks ago, Your Highness,” he said, laughing until she threw a dirty rag onto his face. 
“Shut it. And don’t call me that. It’s weird.” 
“I mean, it was only a matter of time before he did that. He was going to have to eventually, right?” Dolk stated. 
“It’s stupid either way. Just made things here more difficult by doing that. I kind of think he did it just to irritate me,” she added. She knew it wasn’t that simple, that as much as she wanted to call Igor stupid; he wasn’t. Not entirely. 
“Oh c’mon, it can’t be so bad.” 
She felt like the air was knocked out of her, and she couldn’t even show it, because he knows.
She told him everything. 
When the two had been dating, she told him what happened in that palace. The hatefulness, the abuse, the attempted manipulation. All of it. He knew. 
So why was he acting like he didn’t know about it? She thought he was just teasing at first, but now he was acting like it was actually news to him. 
“I suppose not,” she answered, keeping it short as she continued cleaning. 
“I could help you, you know?” he offered. 
Absolutely not. Hell no.
She shook her head, looking up at him. “As much as I want to take that offer, we both know that would backfire. Go on and do some more important stuff, I can handle some dirt,” she told him, continuing. 
He agreed, and left her alone, where she actually began to focus more on the energies around her now that she was on her own. 
Dolk’s stood out astronomically. She wasn’t wrong before she left, something had changed. She just didn’t realize how much back then. But this… This wasn’t natural. Come to think of it, things just felt off. It wasn’t just her personal feelings about what was going on, or about the palace. 
Something was actually throwing off the energies here. 
What the hell was this? 
When she finished for the day, she enjoyed what little time she would have to herself. She got herself onto the roof of the C2 building, a spot where she wouldn’t be seen, but could observe everything else. She sat down, and closed her eyes after a few moments, taking deep breaths as she focused. 
The energies around her, within the building, as well as just in the elements, were familiar, but skewed. It was concerning to say the least, especially how much Dolk kept standing out in all of the mess. She didn’t want to admit it, but it was starting to look like something more intentional was going on here. Something more sinister. 
She thought about it all as she returned to the palace, continuing to try and read the energies around her as she went. So much was skewed, particularly at the palace, and at C2. 
What the hell were they up to…
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