#dokkaibi oc
bubblegumbeech · 1 year
Pruning the Branches
Chapter 2 is up on AO3!
The tension was cut, slightly, once all of the siblings they had left were rounded up in Misery‘s Lair and they no longer had to worry about losing anyone else. 
Dokkaibi and Flynn had checked on everyone, well, gotten visual on everyone at least, so they were able to figure out who all had been lost without having to ask. They didn’t want to open any more wounds than they had to. Not when they were still so freshly cut.
It was a devastating realization. Flynn had assumed they’d mostly been younger, less experienced siblings. And some had—but at least two of them were older. One of the lost, Distro-giest, had even been Enlightened. 
Whoever it was that was hunting them down must have been powerful . Flynn hadn’t thought anyone short of the Ancients could hurt someone like him. 
…short of the Ancients. 
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bubblegumbeech · 1 year
Pruning The Branches
Invisobang 2023 Can I get a Hell Yeah!!!
Thanks to the wonderful @mymadmedleyw who made wonderful art here!
Flynn’s first garden was a mess. It was pretty much impossible to keep anything alive in the barren soil. Plants native to the ghost zone refused to sprout, much less the plants and seeds he’d stolen from the Greenhouse or the Garden Web— garden-like traps for newly dead ghosts that were, at this point, Flynn‘s main supply of mortal vegetation. 
The wonderful thing about it though, was every time he failed, every half grown plant that withered and died did something to the soil to make the next batch get just that much further along. Until eventually he was growing a full garden of vegetables and fruits that he could actually eat and sustain himself with. 
A human, living in the Infinite Realms. Making a home there. The thought was so ludicrous on its own, but Flynn had managed. 
Read The Rest on AO3
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