#doing up to now - everything is still for Chris and not for himself around the Shannon of it all
lilsoftext · 2 days
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-chris sturniolo x female reader
-summery: jealousy on the stream
Chris and Matt were in the middle of a live stream, the banter flowing easily between them as they engaged with their fans. They sat side by side, gaming controllers in hand, talking to the chat while they played Call of Duty. The stream had already been going on for about an hour, and thousands of fans were tuned in, excited to watch the brothers compete against each other.
Everything seemed normal until the door creaked open behind them. Chris’s focus shifted instantly as Sof walked into the room, fresh from the gym. She wore black gym shorts and a black t-shirt, her skin still glowing from the workout, and her horse necklace—the one she got from her childhood friend—glistened against her chest. Her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her bloody red nails stood out as she brushed a few loose strands of hair behind her ear.
Chris smiled immediately. His entire mood lifted the moment he saw her. “Hey, Sof,” he said, standing up from his chair without hesitation. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a kiss. The chat went wild, spamming hearts and excited messages like “CHRIS AND SOF!!!” and “WE LOVE SOF!”
Sof returned his kiss, her arms draped around his shoulders as she smiled. “Hey, babe. How’s the stream going?” she asked, her voice soft and breathless from the workout.
Chris grinned at her, his hands resting on her hips. “It’s better now that you’re here.”
But as Sof smiled and stepped back, Chris noticed something off. Matt hadn’t said anything. Instead, he was staring at Sof in a way that made Chris uneasy. His eyes lingered a little too long, and Chris felt a small spark of jealousy flare up inside him.
“Hey, Sof,” Matt finally said, standing up and walking over. He gave her a hug too, his arms wrapping around her waist for just a moment longer than necessary. “Good to see you.”
Sof hugged him back casually, unaware of the tension between the brothers. “Good to see you too, Matt. What are you guys doing on stream tonight?”
“Just the usual,” Chris replied, though he couldn’t stop himself from glancing at Matt. His brother’s gaze hadn’t left Sof, and it was starting to irritate him.
Sof stayed in the room for a few more minutes, laughing and chatting with the two brothers before she excused herself. “I’m gonna go shower,” she said with a smile. She turned and left the room, her scent of sweat and perfume lingering as she walked away.
Both Chris and Matt watched her leave. But while Chris’s gaze was filled with love, Matt’s seemed different—more lingering, more intense.
As soon as Sof left the room, Chris sat back down in his chair, trying to refocus on the game. But he could feel the tension rising in his chest. He tried to ignore it, but Matt wasn’t making it easy.
As the stream continued, Matt cracked a joke—something harmless and about the game. But Chris couldn’t stop the irritation that had been bubbling inside him. “Yeah,” Chris muttered, his voice sharper than it had been all night, “so funny when two brothers like the same girl.”
Matt’s face froze. He stared at Chris, his hands hovering over his controller. “W-What do you mean?”
Chris didn’t answer right away. Instead, he reached over and muted the microphone, making sure the stream couldn’t hear what he was about to say. Then he turned to Matt, his eyes narrowed with barely contained jealousy. “You need to stop looking at Sof like you want her.”
Matt blinked, clearly caught off guard by the sudden confrontation. “Chris, what are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Chris snapped, his voice low but dangerous. “Every time Sof’s around, you can’t keep your eyes off her. It’s like… I don’t know, like you’re into her or something.”
Matt leaned back, a defensive tone creeping into his voice. “Dude, you’re overreacting. Sof and I are just friends. I wasn’t looking at her like that.”
“Yes, you were,” Chris shot back, his hands clenching around his controller. “It’s been happening for a while now, and I’m sick of it. She’s my girlfriend, Matt. Mine.”
Matt sighed, rubbing his temples as if he was trying to stay calm. “Chris, I swear, I wasn’t trying to make it weird. Sof’s great, but—”
“Don’t,” Chris interrupted, his voice hard. “Just don’t.”
Matt didn’t say anything after that, clearly realizing that this wasn’t a fight he was going to win. The tension between them was thick, and the atmosphere in the room had become stifling.
After another thirty minutes of strained gaming and awkward silences, they ended the stream. Chris didn’t bother saying goodbye to the audience like he usually would. Instead, he immediately stood up and headed toward his bedroom, his heart pounding with frustration and jealousy.
He opened the door to find Sof just stepping out of the bathroom, wrapped in a white towel. Her skin was still damp, and her hair fell in wet waves around her shoulders. The sight of her made Chris’s heart skip a beat, and all the frustration he had been holding onto melted away.
Without saying a word, Chris walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. He buried his face in her neck, breathing in the fresh scent of her shampoo and letting his hands run up and down her back.
“Chris?” Sof asked, her voice filled with surprise. “What’s going on? You okay?”
Chris didn’t answer right away. Instead, he tightened his grip around her, his heart aching with a mix of jealousy and love. “I just… I needed to hold you.”
Sof’s expression softened as she ran her fingers through his hair. “Chris, what’s wrong?”
He pulled back slightly, his eyes locking with hers. “It’s Matt. He’s been acting weird around you, and it’s been bothering me for a while. Tonight, on stream… it felt like he couldn’t stop staring at you. Like he wants you.”
Sof blinked in surprise, clearly taken aback. “Chris, Matt’s your brother. He wouldn’t—”
“I know what I saw,” Chris interrupted, his voice trembling with emotion. “I don’t like it, Sof. I don’t like the way he looks at you.”
Sof sighed softly, pulling him closer as she kissed his forehead. “Chris, you don’t have to worry about Matt. He’s your brother. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.”
Chris shook his head, his grip tightening around her waist. “I don’t know, Sof. I just… I get so jealous sometimes. The thought of someone else wanting you…”
Sof smiled gently, brushing her fingers against his cheek. “Chris, you’re the only one I want. You know that, right?”
He nodded, though the jealousy still lingered in the back of his mind. “I know. I just don’t want to lose you.”
Sof leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, her hands cupping his face. “You won’t. I’m yours, Chris. No one else.”
Chris felt the tension begin to ease as he kissed her back, their lips moving together slowly, tenderly. When they pulled apart, Sof gave him a reassuring smile. “Come on. Let’s just go to bed.”
He nodded, feeling more at ease as they climbed into bed together. Sof lay on her back, and Chris immediately wrapped himself around her, resting his head on her chest. He could hear her heartbeat, slow and steady, and it calmed him down more than anything else could.
They lay there in comfortable silence for a while, Chris’s arms wrapped around her protectively as he whispered, “I love you, Sof.”
“I love you too,” Sof whispered back, stroking his hair softly. “Don’t worry about Matt, okay? It’s just you and me.”
Chris nodded, letting himself relax against her. Slowly but surely, the jealousy faded away as they cuddled up together. As he drifted off to sleep, Chris felt an overwhelming sense of peace wash over him. With Sof in his arms, nothing else mattered.
Tomorrow, he’d deal with Matt. But tonight, all that mattered was that Sof was his. And nothing—no one—could change that.
i hope you enjoyed it. if you have any request, leave them down below.
lilsoftext <3
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months
Something something about Eddie needing not to let Shannon go but learn to live with her ghost and accept that she will always be a part of his life.
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On Stream- M. Sturniolo
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pairing: gf!reader x bf!Matt
classification: fluff
warnings: use of y/n, short, slight cursing, some suggestive comments
summary: Matt mentions you on stream, causing the chat to go crazy.
Nowadays it seems that Matt and Chris have an abnormal amount of free time.
The pair have spent the past few days running errands, catching up on chores, spending quality time together, and unwinding. But two energetic young men can only do so much relaxing before it becomes unbearably boring, especially without you and Nick around.
Nick’s somewhere across the globe, relishing in the perks of having good friends. He’s experiencing the world with a sense of individuality, having been apart from his triplet brothers for over a week.
Without Nick around the house is quiet and boring enough, but Chris and Matt can usually count on you to keep them company. But it seems that they see you less and less every day.
You aren’t somewhere far away, not physically at least, you’re just very, very busy. As you enter the fall semester, you’re juggling a multitude of responsibilities including school, work, your social life, and your relationship. But as you adjust to your crazy hectic schedule, you spend less time at home with Matt and more time nose deep in a book.
So, just as the brothers grow accustomed to the eerie silence that haunts the halls of their home and the boredom that settles into their everyday lives, they decide enough is enough and take up a new hobby. Streaming.
Today, as Matt anchors himself in his rolling chair, his eyes skim through the endless chats that flood his screen. Chris sits next to him, a vibrant and excited smile adorning his features.
This is their third consecutive day going live on Twitch. At first they went live to entertain and chat with their fans, but now they’re doing it to occupy their bored minds.
Chris’s eyes skim the chat, fixating on one message in particular. He subconsciously reads it aloud, “Is Y/n on tour with Nick? We miss her.”
After reading the comment, the chat was flooded with similar messages asking for you. Matt slumps into his chair, the mention of your name reminding him that it’s been a week since he’s seen you.
“Nah, she’s just busy with school right now,” Chris replies mindlessly, skimming for another comment to read.
A lot of the viewers noticed Matt’s mood shift. They noticed the way his eyes drooped and the way the corners of his mouth turned into a frown. They especially noticed the disassociated look he wore, mind traveling to a place only you could bring him out of.
“Matt,” Chris says, waving a hand in front of his brother’s face. No response. “Matt!” He tries again, louder this time. Matt still doesn’t respond, only coming back into reality when Chris violently shakes his shoulders.
“What, dude? What?!” Matt asks, annoyance evident in his tone.
“Your phone’s ringing.” Chris replies with an eye roll and a small scoff.
Suddenly the blaring ring registers in Matt’s mind as he pats his pockets in search of his phone. When he finally finds it, your name illuminated the screen.
“Who’s calling?” Chris asks, stretching out his neck in hopes of catching a nosy glimpse at the caller ID.
“Umm be right back chat. Y/n’s calling,” Matt says, words spewing out a mile a minute. He disappears from the room faster than ever, immediately pressing the phone to his ear.
“Hey, baby.” Your voice is music to Matt’s ears. It feels like forever since he’s last heard it.
“Hey,” he murmurs, “everything okay?”
You hum in response, followed by a soft yawn.
“You sound tired. When are you coming home?” Matt asks, softly leaning against the wall. You’ve been at school all day stuck in lectures and studying, so Matt knows you need some well deserved rest.
“I’m on my way now. That’s why I called, wanted to see if you guys were hungry so I could pick up something to eat.”
The excitement that courses through Matt’s veins is unreal, winding him up with enough energy to last until tomorrow. He can’t wait to see you, hold you, kiss you, and make up for all the lost time.
“Whatever you want, baby,” he replies, pausing for a second to compose himself, “I just wanna see you.”
A warm smile graces your features and if Matt could see it he’d mirror your expression.
“I’ll be home soon don’t worry. How’s the stream going?”
“Huh?” For a second Matt forgot that he and his brother were live streaming for thousands of people.
“The stream. Aren’t you live with Chris right now?”
“Ohhh. It’s going… it’s going good.” Matt replies with a soft sigh.
Your smile is momentarily replaced with a frown. “It doesn’t sound like it’s going good. What’s wrong?”
Matt’s fingers pinch the bridge of his nose before gliding across his eyelids and massaging the tense nerves and muscles on his face. “It’s going fine. I just can’t focus. The chat keeps asking about you and it’s honestly making me really sad.”
A small chuckle escapes your lips. “Aww my poor baby. Can’t focus on Fortnite?”
“Not Fortnite.”
“Oops, sorry. Fall Guys?
“Y/n.” Matt warns, though he finds it slightly funny too.
“I’m joking, I’m joking. I’ll be home soon with some good food and open arms. We can cuddle and watch a movie, or do anything else you wanna do. Okay?”
Matt feels his spirit lighten up again, a cheeky smirk forming on his face. “Anything?”
“Don’t push it,” you laugh.
Just as Matt’s about to respond, he’s cut short by Chris calling his name from inside the room.
“Get back to your stream. I’ll be home soon, handsome.”
Matt’s lips form a silly pout you can’t even see as he replies, “But I wanna keep talking to you. Miss you so much.”
“MATT!” Chris calls again, this time much louder than the last.
“We’ll talk all you want when I get home. Now go! I have the stream pulled up on my computer and I think Chris is gonna start twerking,” you say, trying your best not to laugh.
“Holy fuck this kid,” Matt groans, face palming. “Alright baby, I love you. Drive safe.”
“I love you too,” you say through small giggles before hanging up.
When Matt renters the room, he’s not surprised to find Chris dancing for the camera. He pushes past him and settles back into his rolling chair wearing a huge, toothy smile.
“What did Y/n want?” Chris asks, briefly glancing at Matt as he switches from doing the griddy to shuffling across the room.
“Just asked if we were hungry,” Matt shrugs, attempting to act nonchalant, but there’s no hiding the newfound pep in his step.
“And it took you that long?”
“I was catching up with my girl. —Why the fuck are you still dancing?”
“Someone gifted,” Chris says, slightly breathless as he bops from corner to corner.
“Alright…” Matt shifts towards the computer, “What did I miss?”
He reads comments, expecting most of them to be about Chris and his absurd dancing skills, but he’s surprised to find that they’re all about you.
Some fans ask where you are, others ask what you’re doing, some speculate on the conversation you and Matt had, and others simply comment on how much happier Matt seems since talking to you.
All Matt can do is smile and patiently wait for you to arrive, ready to bombard you with kisses as soon as you step through the door.
a/n: hi babies! Hope you enjoy this short oneshot! I know I haven’t updated or posted much in a longggg time but I honestly had writers block :P I’m trying to get into the habit of writing again, so bear with me pls. I have a lotttt of drafts (some that just need to be edited) so be expecting that soon! Luv you all 😚
- L.A.M.B🪽💝
taglist: @nickgetsmewetter @sturniololovers @raysmayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01 @junnniiieee07 @sturniolololover @missriddle03 @k-l-a-w-s @maryx2xx @biggesthat3r @herxyzblog @getosuckers @sturnioloarchive @tillies33ssss @fratbrochrisgf @rxeae @riasturns @sturnikitty @sturnrc @sturtriple16 @sillyfreakfanparty @imwetforyourmom @mattslovelygf @certifiednatelover @cartiiwannagotoplutoo @luvr4miya @somegirlfromasgard @l0vergrlll @pepsicolapussy333 @unbruisable @sugrhigh @khxna @wh0resstuff @jnkvivi @callsignwidow @sturnstvr @inkyray-deactivated20240729 @stasiesturn @poopiepantsworld @cvnt4matty @eleanore2204 @jhutchismyl0verb0y
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐 if your user is striked through, I wasn’t able to tag you :(
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ariestrxsh · 1 month
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⚠️ content warning: ⚠️ smut, corruption of innocence, mentions of porn, masturbation, manipulative!matt, manipulative!chris, innocent!reader
✍️ Summary: ✍️ Matt and Chris have always had a fantasy of sharing a virgin in a threesome, and once they learn how pure and untouched you are, you become the objective of their conquest.
this fic was inspired/requested by this ask, this ask, and of course, this ask. 💖 hope you guys enjoy.
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You eagerly strode into your last class of the day, seventh period Chemistry, where you took your seat behind Matt Sturniolo. You gave him a playful smile, stoked to talk to your new friend. You didn't have many friends because you were a bit shy and introverted. Despite having just turned 18, you hadn't had many shared experiences with your peers. You had grown up sheltered and still had a naivety about the world. But Matt? He loved your innocence. He was almost intrigued by it. He'd poke fun at you every now and again, but he was sweet about it.
It was a rainy Thursday afternoon, and the teacher was showing a movie while she tried not to fall asleep at her desk in the dimly lit classroom. Matt was turned all the way around in his seat, giving you all his attention. His pretty blue eyes caught yours as you glanced up from your homework you were doing for another class.
"So, you've never seen porn?" Matt inquired, still shocked from having learned this piece of information about you the day before. "I mean, I've seen steamy scenes in movies. Isn't that like, the same thing?" You wondered, tilting your head at Matt. "No, not quite," he giggled at you. "Well, how is it different?" You asked, whispering so no one would hear your conversation. "You get to see everything," Matt responded, raising an eyebrow and biting his lip. "What do you mean?" You questioned him.
"Do you know what sex is?" He asked, wide-eyed. Your face grew red, afraid to answer, because it had led to relentless teasing in the past. "It's okay, darling. You don't have to be embarrassed. I'm just wondering," he assured you, looking at you with a soft, sympathetic expression. You shook your head.
"I have a vague idea, but no, not really," you admitted quietly. "Well, what's your understanding of it, princess?" Matt curiously replied, studying your features intently. "I know it's something people do when they fall in love and wanna have a baby," you started to say, looking to Matt to help you out, but you stopped when he let out a soft chuckle.
"I mean, you're not wrong. People do have sex when they're in love and are trying to have a baby, but that's not the only reason people do it," Matt told you, biting his lip. "Why else do people do it?" You wondered, cocking your head. "Lots of reasons. It could just be because they think the other person is hot. Or they could want to get back at somebody. Or they could just be really horny and want to feel good," Matt murmured, failing to hold back a smirk.
"Horny?" You repeated. You'd never heard that word before. "Yeah, it's when you start feeling that urge to get off, you know?" He looked at you, examining your expression. You looked back at him blankly as if he were speaking another language.
"You ever masturbated, sweetheart?" Matt questioned, flicking his eyes back and forth between your lips and your eyes, eagerly awaiting your answer. "I don't think so. What's that mean?" You wondered, smiling at him. You didn't know what it all meant, but it felt like a conversation you shouldn't have been having with a boy you'd just met. "So innocent," Matt whispered to himself under his breath, fascinated by how sheltered you were from the subject of sex.
"Well, horny is a feeling you get that you can usually make go away by masturbating. You know how when you're hungry, you feel how empty your stomach is, and it starts rumbling because it wants to be filled? It's kind of like that, but you feel it a little lower than your stomach. For guys, we get hard and for girls, you usually get wet between your legs," Matt smirked at you, wondering how you were going to react.
"I think I've felt that before. In fact, I think I feel it right now," you told him. He raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth a bit. "Yeah, princess? Why do you feel that way, hmm?" He cooed. "I don't know. I feel that way when I'm around you sometimes," you told him, clenching your thighs together, becoming hyper aware of the feeling Matt described and also becoming a bit self-conscious like you shouldn't have admitted to such a thing out loud. "Wow. Well, isn't that something?" He responded, nibbling on his bottom lip.
"So, what is that other word you used? Mastur-something?" You wondered. "Masturbation. It's when you touch your private parts until it feels really good, like an explosion. There's lot of ways to do it. You can use your hands. You can use toys. You can even just grind on a pillow or something," he sneered.
"I think I've done that," you smiled, growing a little embarrassed by the conversation, recalling a memory in which you had a pillow between your legs and you'd moved in a certain way, sending waves of pleasure through your system. "What part, princess?" He asked, a malicious smile spreading across his lips. "I think I've grinded against a pillow before, but I didn't feel any explosions," you responded, burying your face as you felt Matt's eyes burning into you. "Oh, really. Not so innocent after all," he chuckled, giving you a look that made you nervous.
"Hey, Matt. Will you show me porn? You know, just so I know how it's different from the movies," you asked, avoiding eye contact. "Of course I can. That's what friends are for. Let's go to my car together after class," Matt smirked at you, and you nodded.
About twenty minutes later, the bell rang and Matt offered to carry your your backpack while the two of you stepped out of the classroom together. You guys made your way across the parking lot, and Matt took off his sweater and held it over your head to keep you dry from the drizzling rain. He even opened the passenger side door of his car for you. "Get in, princess," he smiled at you. He put your belongings in the back and came to sit beside you.
"I'm gonna show you one of my favorite videos," Matt whispered, pulling out his phone and typing something into it. You listened to the sounds of the water droplets beating down heavier now on the roof of Matt's car while you took in the aroma of rain and the citrus-scented car freshner that hung from the rearview mirror.
When he tilted the phone towards you and placed it into your hands, there was a woman in a school girl outfit and pigtails and a man who you assumed was supposed to be her teacher, and the man was asking her what she was willing to do for extra credit.
After a few minutes of them going back and forth with their cheesy acting, the man started to unbutton the girl's blouse and play with her breasts, taking each of them into his mouth and suckling gently on them. He started pushing her up against the desk until she was practically laying on it.
Then he got down on his knees and put his head between the girl's legs, pushing up her skirt, moving her panties to the side, and licking her most sacred place while she started quietly whimpering. It panned to a closeup shot, and you watched the way the man flicked his tongue, swirling it around and gently sucking on her clit, and you found your stomach tying itself in knots as you listened to the sounds of her moaning and the man lapping up her wet pussy.
"Wow," you whispered, your eyes widening as you fixated on the video. "You like that, princess? Does it make you all wet?" He asked, tipping your chin up with his finger, pulling your gaze away from his phone to make eye contact with you. You bit your lip and slowly nodded, and then turned back to the screen.
The schoolgirl was running her fingers through her teacher's hair while he looked up at her, and she began moaning loudly and trembling. "What's happening?" You asked Matt. "She's about to finish all over his tongue," Matt whispered in a sultry voice, studying the way you were watching his phone more than he was the video. You didn't know exactly what that meant, but it looked like it felt amazing. All you could think about was how you wanted Matt to do that to you, but you were too embarrassed to tell him.
After the girl was done shaking, the teacher in the video started gently cleaning her up with his tongue, and the screen transitioned to the man taking off his pants. You'd never seen a man's private parts before, and the sight of it intimidated you. Your jaw dropped as he took his big, hard member and started putting it where his tongue was before. You watched in awe as he disappeared into the hole between her legs. You didn't even know it was possible to fit anything that big in there. The man started bucking his hips quickly as the pigtailed girl cried out.
"Is he hurting her?" You asked with concern in your voice, wondering why she was making those sounds. "No, sweetheart," Matt chuckled at your innocence. "She's making all that noise because she likes it," he bit his lip, staring into your wide, doe eyes. "She likes it?" You repeated back uncertaintly. "Yeah. Sometimes there's a fine line between pain and pleasure. But I promise, she sounds like that because it feels really good," Matt nodded at you and pushed a strand of hair away from your face.
You continued taking in the sight as the girl got pounded by her teacher, and Matt continued watching you, but out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Matt gently rubbing the tip of his cock over his pants with his thumb. "What are you doing?" You smiled at him, eyeing the growing tent in his pants. "Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it," he whispered, carrying on. "Why won't you tell me?" You asked, looking up from the screen at Matt with a slightly frustrated expression.
Usually, he would explain everything you didn't understand, and you wondered why this was different. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. This video just does things to me," Matt said, stroking his member through the jean fabric and letting out a few soft moans while he looked back and forth between the screen and the curious look on your face. "Are you doing masturbation right now?" You squinted at him with a smirk on your face, using the term you'd just learned like a kid who'd just learned the meaning of a swear word. He chuckled at you and said, "maybe."
Finally the teacher started fucking his student with incredible vigor, and their sounds and movements reached a crescendo. You intently studied the way the student started trembling and the teacher's cock started twitching while he filled her up.
"What did you think, darling?" Matt cooed, running his knuckles along your cheek while your eyes traveled up to meet his. "That made me so horny," you whispered to him. He raised an eyebrow at you, excited to hear that sentence leave you mouth. "Matt, where did you find this video and where can I find more?" You wondered, your eyes glimmering as if you'd just stumbled upon gold. "I'll send you a few more of my favorite videos," Matt responded, eager to corrupt you. "Come on, I'll take you home," Matt responded, looking amused, starting up his engine, and turning on his windshield wipers to clear the rain.
You gave him directions, and he parked by the curb in front of your house. "This is your house?" He questioned, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. You nodded. "What do your parents do for work?" He wondered. "Mom's a surgeon. Dad's an engineer," you half-smiled at Matt. You were used to that question and that reaction. "Matt, please don't forget to send me those videos," you desperately reminded him. "I won't. Promise. And you have my number, so you can always text me to remind me," Matt replied. "Let me walk you to your door."
The two of you meandered up the driveway, and Matt carried your books and your bag. You both stood underneath the stoop of the front door to avoid getting rained on, both searching around the atmosphere with your darting eyes for a reason to invite him inside.
"So, are your parents home?" Matt wondered, peering into your empty driveway. "No, mom works nights, and my dad won't be home for another few hours," you smiled at him, biting your lip. "Do you want me to show you how to get off to those videos?" Matt inquired, taking a step closer to you. "That would be amazing," you nodded, opening your door and letting him in.
"Wow, this is a nice place," Matt declared, walking through the living room, the hallway, and the kitchen, admiring the high ceilings and the decor. "Your parents rich or something?," he asked. "We're well-off," you replied, avoiding directly answering the question as if you'd been trained to do so. "Let's go to your room, princess. I'll show you there," he smirked, and you led him up your spiral staircase and into your room.
Your room was rather large, had a walk-in closet, and an attached bathroom that was just as extravagant. You had a big dresser with a hand-painted design on it next to your king-sized bed, and you had a vanity with an oval shaped mirror on the opposite wall. Your room was neat and tidy.
"A place for everything and everything in its place," was what your mom always told you growing up, and it was a motto you still lived by.
"What do I do first?" You asked him. He sat on your bed and patted the comforter beside him, "come here, and let's get you out of those shorts." "Take off my shorts?" You asked. Matt nodded, biting his lip and looking you up and down. You listened to him, pulling them down to your ankles and stepping out of your denim bottoms. "Take your panties off too," he flicked his eyes up towards yours, and you immediately blushed.
"I was told nobody should see down there unless it's for medical reasons," you shook your head. "You can trust me, sweetheart. It can be our little secret. I just wanna help you feel good," he cooed. You gave him an unconvinced expression. "I won't touch you. You'll just touch yourself. But I do have to look to see if you're doing it properly," he told you. "O-okay," you stammered, slowly taking off your grey, lace-trimmed panties.
Matt stared between your legs, admiring the tufts of hair placed perfectly on your mound. "Come here, princess. Sit on the bed beside me. Spread open your legs," he directed you as you obeyed him, despite your hesitancy. "Wow, it's so beautiful," he gasped, which made your blood rush to your cheeks even more. You never imagined someone would see it and call it beautiful.
"The first thing you should do is get your fingers wet, so it's easier to play with. Can I?" Matt motioned toward your hand. You turned your palm towards him, he snatched your wrist and slowly licked the pads of you ring, middle, and pointer finger. You noted how nice his tongue felt against your fingertips. "Now start touching it princess," he whispered.
You instinctively pressed down on your sweet spot, and started moving your fingers in a circular motion, which immediately resulted in a sweet sound pouring from your lips. Matt watched as your hand wandered between your thighs, examining your folds and savoring the sight of your drooling hole while you pioneered your pussy for the first time. "How's it feel?" Matt inquired, biting his lip and staring at you with a hungry expression. "Incredible," you sighed, drawing tighter circles on your clit. "Need me to help you get your fingers wet again?" Matt asked, his eyes stuck in between your thighs, and you innocently nodded. You reached out to Matt again, and he gently sucked on your fingers, moaning against them. "You taste so good," he whispered. You giggled and starting playing with yourself again.
"You're doing such a good job. It looks like you're a natural," he stated, starstruck by you. "Really?" You beamed at his praise. "Yes, sweetheart. You should try to put your fingers inside," he suggested. "Right here?" You asked, resting your middle finger at your entrance. Matt nodded and he watched as you dipped your finger into your center, rolling your eyes back and letting out a louder moan. "Good girl," Matt encouraged you, which turned you on even more. You intuitively knew to move your finger in and out and you began to go at a faster pace.
"It's such a tight fit!" You gasped. Matt's cock twitched at your innocent observation. He grew excited over how badly you were teasing him without knowing it. You slowly inserted another finger and Matt watched as the pleasure overtook your expression and your movements. "You've never done this before? You look like you know what you're doing," Matt whispered, studying every curve of your body. "No, I haven't. I'm just doing what feels right," you replied, closing your eyes forgetting that Matt was there while you started to lose yourself in the throes of ecstasy. Your body began to tremble, and you were moaning Matt's name over and over again.
You felt like you were on the edge of something about to jump but got scared at the last minute. Becoming self-conscious and remembering you had an audience, you shot open your eyes as you nervously giggled and said, "I think something was about to happen, but then the feeling stopped." "Am I making you nervous, princess?" Matt considered. "A little bit," you whispered covering your pussy with your hand and looking innocently up at him. "Then I'm gonna go. You're in good hands," Matt smirked, knowing there was a double meaning in his words you probably wouldn't pick up on.
It was hard for Matt to resist diving between your legs and having his way with you, but he didn't want to overwhelm you. Plus, he had made a promise to someone, that if he'd ever come across a virgin who was naive enough to give her virginity to him, he was going to share her.
You got up and slipped back into your panties and shorts, and you and Matt stood in the doorway of your room, both searching for any reason to touch each other. "I had fun today, Matt. I'll text you tonight. Thank you so much for your help," you threw your arms around his shoulders and embraced him. "Of course, sweet girl. I can't wait to hear which of my favorite videos you like touching yourself to the most. I'll see you tomorrow in class," he whispered into your ear, hugging you back and feeling your curves as he moved his hands down your waist. He reveled in the way your perky breasts pressed up against his chest and the way your hair smelled of eucalyptus and rose while he held you.
You each said your final goodbyes, Matt descended the staircase and made his way out the front door. Then he walked down your driveway to his car and sped off.
Once Matt got home, he found Chris in the kitchen making a grilled cheese sandwich. "Hey, Chris. You know how we have that little fantasy where we corrupt a virgin and do her at the same time?" Matt nonchalantly asked his brother. "Yeah? Go on," Chris looked intrigued, raising a brow at Matt's words. "I think I found the perfect girl," Matt said grabbing a can of root beer out of the fridge door.
"Who?" A maniacal grin spread across Chris' lips. "You don't know her, but she sits behind me in Chemistry," Matt responded, picturing you in his head, your innocent doe eyes, your cute hairpin smile, and your pink, pouty lips. "She's about as pure as it gets. She didn't even know what porn was before I showed her today," Matt flicked his dark gaze up at Chris and sneered.
"What did you show her?" Chris' eyes lit up. "Just something really tame," Matt smirked. "I wish I could have seen her face," Chris stated. "She loved it so much that she asked if I could send her more videos tonight," Matt said, biting his lip.
"What are you gonna send her?" Chris wondered. "I haven't decided yet, but let me handle this one. I don't want you scaring her off with the violent shit you watch," Matt scoffed. "What? It's tasteful," Chris smiled back at Matt. "No, it is. I just think it would be a lot for how inexperienced she is. Ease her into it," Matt stated, gesturing at Chris to pump the brakes.
"You better share her with me. If I find out you deflowered her without me, I'll kill you," Chris devilishly grinned. "I wouldn't dream of it," Matt said, knowing damn well he had his chance when he sat on your bed that afternoon and observed the most intimate moment you'd ever had with yourself.
"Will you send me more videos, Matt? I really wanna watch another," your text read when he opened it later that night. "Yeah? Don't worry, pretty girl. I got you," he replied. Matt sent you a few different links, and you watched them all, equally entertained by each one.
You did end up getting off that night, tangled in your sheets in the dark while you intently watched the screen under your blanket, to a video of a girl, who looked a bit like you, who was losing her virginity to a man who coincidentally resembled Matt. The actor had dark hair, blue eyes, a tattooed arm, and he was being so soft and sweet in the video, going slow and taking his time with every movement and thrust. You came all over your fingers while you stifled your moans as best as you could to keep from waking your dad who had just gotten home and was sound asleep in the room next to yours. Every muscle in your body constricted and then released as you crossed the finish line for the first time.
You laid in your bed, panting and dumbfounded by how something that was so accessible felt so amazing. "Thank you so much for showing me porn and masturbation. :)" you sent to Matt before you curled up with your knees against your chest and drifted off into a dreamland, feeling like a whole new person.
part two posted here 💖
taglist: @bsturnzmtt @sturniolo-girl @munchingmini @butterbean-01 @coolasice01 @theyluvme-2315 @zariyam @brookiecookie-18 @maggot3647 @slut4chriztopher @miss-ykwho @strnlslvr @sleepysturniolo @schlutt4matty @sofieeeeex @matts-myloverboy @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @mattsfavbigtitties @new2024cats4life @witchofthehour @slutforsturnioloss @sturniolosweetheart33 @whoahoahoahoahoa @ilovechrissturniolosposts @sturnrc
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hysteria-things · 8 months
can you do a sub matt smut?
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sub!matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: matt is your best friend. you and his brothers decide to take a dip in the pool, but you in a bathing suit makes him a little too excited.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, swearing, making out, semi-public, oral (male receiving)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 773
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this song kinda has something to do with this fic but also doesn’t?? idc i love wallows more than life🫶
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the pool water felt cold on your skin, but for a hot summer day like right now, it was perfect.
you’ve known the sturniolo’s for a while now, and over the years you guys have become much closer. the four of you are currently at the steep end of the pool chatting and drinking some sodas.
nothing too fancy, but it’s always nice to have a get-together from time to time. you’re standing next to matt while chris and nick are across from you.
matt couldn’t help but check you out a few times as the hang-out went on. you’re wearing a red bikini. nothing too revealing, but matt finds it attractive nonetheless. maybe a little too attractive; because he can’t stop shifting in his spot.
“i’m going to head inside for a few but i’ll be back.” nick announces to the group, getting out of the pool by hoisting himself up on the ledge. “need to check something on the vlog camera.”
“okay.” you smile as your friend walks away.
chris clears his throat. “i need to piss.” that’s all he says while following nick’s actions.
“you’ve been quiet.” you start, turning your head to matt who’s staring into space. “everything okay?”
“yup.” he smiles nervously, shifting his body like what he’s been doing. you tilt your head, unamused with matt’s lie. you scan down his body until you get to his swim trunks. it’s hard to see because of the water’s ripples, but there’s a visible tent on the blue fabric. “matt—”
“i’m sorry.” he panics. he starts walking to the stairs, but you grab his wrist to stop him. “matt,” you repeat.
his eyes look at your lips for a beat. you cup his neck and pull him into a kiss. he doesn’t kiss back right away since this was so sudden, but he soon gets into it.
he grabs your hips to pull you closer. you smirk when you feel his boner brush against your legs. you guys don’t know when nick and chris will be back, but it has to be soon.
matt’s breathing starts to quicken as his dick twitches. he moans into your mouth, pulling away abruptly. his face is pale from embarrassment.
he just came in his shorts.
“i-i’m sorry.” he stammers. “i need to use the bathroom.”
he starts going up the steps but you stop him once more. your body is still in the pool while he is now sitting on the ledge.
despite the water making his swimsuit wet, you can still see the stain and his still-hard boner. “looks like it hurts.” you tease.
he stares into your eyes as he frowns. you keep eye contact when you start to untie his shorts, pulling them down just to his thighs. he hisses when his swollen cock finally springs free. he’s been hard for way too long.
you flatten your tongue at his tip. he flinches at the contact, but eases when you start to move your tongue in kitty-licking motions. he moans and grips so hard to the concrete next to him that his knuckles turn white.
you start to lick faster, but you stay at his tip. he doesn’t look away from your eyes until something clicks in his head. he looks around in panic, nervous that his brothers will be back any second.
“stop looking at me like that,” he whines.
you know he can cum from just you staring and toying with his tip because of how sensitive he is. you then start to kiss and suck on him.
matt bites his lip and throws his head back, whimpering as his hips buck up a little.
even though he’s not staring at you, you never take your eyes off of his gorgeous face. “please.” he gasps. “i need to cum.”
you continue what you’re doing, more moans and whines leaving matt’s mouth when one last buck of the hips has him cumming on your lips. “shit.” he pants.
you kiss up his chest until you get to his lips so he can taste himself. he moans at the feeling. “chris got distracted. sorry guys.” nick’s voice echoes from the back door. matt quickly pulls up his swimsuit and you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
his brothers get back into the pool and luckily they don’t suspect a thing. nick starts ranting about god knows what, but matt keeps staring at you.
he wants to say something, knowing he can’t. all you do is smile seductively and wink, and matt’s cheeks can’t help but turn a maroon.
he wishes his brothers never came back outside.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss
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twitchmattentusiast · 1 month
。°✩ BIRTHDAY BOY . . . . .ᐟ
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parings. matthew sturniolo x female gf reader
❝ you're going to cum for me, aren't you? let me hear those sweet sounds. ❞
# warnings: birthday sex, morning sex, soft dom reader, sub(ish) bf matt, slight mommy kink at end.
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matt has always been a deep sleeper.
whenever his brothers make fun of him for it, your boyfriend shakes his head, claiming that it’s not true and that he’s totally a light sleeper.
but as you sit on the edge of his bed, your hand running softly through his hair as you glance back down at matt, who’s still fast asleep, his chest rising and falling steadily with each breath, even though you’ve trailed kisses around his face and leaned down to whisper in his ear twice, “happy birthday, baby,” it just proves that your boyfriend is a deep sleeper.
but that works in your favor this morning.
it’s matt’s 21st birthday, and you’ve been dating for the last three years, so you know the drill by now that chris and nick always immediately rush to matt’s room to wish him and each other a happy birthday. but this morning the other two seem to be in a deep sleep too.
it’s a peaceful morning, which is very rare in the sturniolo household; it's so rare. usually you're woken up by your boyfriend's brothers in the morning. you and your boyfriend not having a moment together until later because you're both literally forced out of bed, nick and chris pulling disgusted faces when you guys try to sneak a kiss while they push you out of matt’s bed.
so since chris and nick are asleep, you decide to relish in the fact of deciding to wake your boyfriend up in his favorite way.
“i got something special for you today, baby,” you whisper as you run your fingers along the lace trim of the new blue lace bra and matching panties you bought the other day. "i think you’re going to love it,” you smirk. 
you lean down slowly, starting to leave soft kisses on his collarbone. you watch as matt stirs slightly at the gentle kisses on his neck, a soft moan escaping his lips, and you’re sure he’s about to wake up, but he falls back asleep again, and you giggle. 
you take your time trailing kisses down his body, making sure to leave little trails of kisses down his skin.
as you continue to trail kisses down matt’s body, your hands start to explore as well. one hand gently traces the lines of his muscles while the other slips just over his boxers.
you look up at matt with half-lidded eyes, a coy smile playing on your lips as you slowly start to rub his length through the fabric of his boxers. "mmm... someone's excited to see me," you purr, your voice low and husky with desire. “let’s get these off, shall we?" with deft fingers, you hook your nails into the waistband of matt’s boxers and start to tug them down, revealing more of his hardening cock. 
you can’t help but chuckle at the sight of matt still sleeping soundly despite everything you’re doing. you lean down and give his tip a teasing lick, tasting him for the first time that morning. the taste sends a jolt straight to your core, causing you to grow wet. 
you wrap your hand around the base of his cock, giving it a final firm stroke before you lean down to take him fully into your mouth. at first, you bob your head down slowly, savoring the taste of him. you moan, “mmm, you taste so good, baby.” you murmur against his skin, your free hand moving to cup his balls and gently massage them. “could do this all day.” you whisper as matt begins to move in his sleep, letting out whimpers, which encourages you to pick up the pace. taking him deeper with each stroke. 
matt’s hips buck involuntarily as you takes him deeper, his whimpers turning to soft moans of pleasure as his eyes fly open and his hands come up to thread through your hair, tangling in the dark strands as he loses himself in the sensation of her warm, wet mouth engulfing him. “oh fuck baby" he gasps, not expecting to wake up to the sight of you in front of him with him in your mouth as you suck his cock hungrily.
matt quickly moved his hand towards your head, his fingers moving to your hair, where he fists a bunch of it in his hand, holding it tightly, his head thrown back as whimpers leave his mouth. 
feeling matt’s fingers tighten in your hair, you pull back slightly, allowing only the head of his cock to remain in your mouth. you gaze up at him, locking eyes once more as you swirl your tongue around the sensitive tip before taking him back into your mouth completely. “mmmm" you hums around him, sending vibrations through every inch of his cock.
matt grips your hair even tighter. “fuck baby, yeah, suck my cock just like that,” he moans. 
you him louder, the vibrations intensifying as you bob your head up and down on his cock. your hand joins in, stroking the base of his shaft while you suck on the head. you glance up at him through half-lidded eyes, smirking as you see how much pleasure you're giving him. "mmm... you're going to cum for me, aren't you? let me hear those sweet sounds," you tease.
the sight of you looking up at him with those half-lidded eyes, coupled with the feeling of your hand stroking his length and your mouth enveloping his cock, sends matt spiraling towards orgasm. he lets out a guttural groan, “yeah... fuck! i’m going to cum!” he warns you, his grip tightening even more in your hair as he prepares to release inside your eager mouth.
hearing matt’s warning, you quicken your pace, bobbing your head faster and taking him even deeper into your mouth. you hum loudly now, determined to draw out every last drop of cum from his throbbing member. "that’s right, baby... give it to me," you murmur around him, encouraging him further.
matt’s control snaps as you increase your pace, your mouth and hand working together to push him over the edge. with a loud roar, he spills his load into your waiting mouth, his hot seed filling her as you swallow eagerly. “fuck yes!” he exclaims, panting heavily as he rides out the waves of pleasure coursing through him.
still recovering from the intense orgasm, matt stares down at you with wide eyes filled with adoration and lust. “fuck baby,” he says breathlessly, reaching down to pull you up onto his lap so you can enjoy each other more intimately.
you grin and lean to peck matt on the lips. "happy birthday, baby."
matt wraps his arms around you, holding you close as he deepens your kiss. his tongue delves into your mouth, exploring every inch as he tastes himself on your lips. “waking up to birthday head?... best. birthday. ever.” he murmurs against your mouth, his hands roaming over your curves possessively. "look so hot in this,” he says, his eyes finally roaming over the new matching set you got.
you smirk. “you think so?”
matt nods, tracing a finger down the curve of your hip. “i love it,” he admits, his gaze lingering on the way the material clings to your curves. he leans in to press another kiss to your neck, nipping lightly at your skin. “but i think you'd look even hotter underneath me with my cock buried deep in you.”
you smirk as you notice that at some point matt had managed to switch positions, you underneath him as he hovered on top of you, trailing kisses down your neck. “mhm matt.” you moan, and he smirks because he’s always the one in control, so why wouldn’t he be on a day like this?
but you surprise him when seconds later you flip him over, appearing on top of him as you reveal a pair of handcuffs that were behind your back. matt’s breathing heavily now, watching you with lust-filled eyes as, with no explanation, you handcuff his hands together and then to the bed, moving down to take off his boxers, leaving him completely naked for you, completely at your mercy.
matt looks at you in confusion. confused because he doesn’t know when you got these handcuffs. confused because he doesn’t know what’s going on right now, even more confused because he doesn’t know when you decided you were taking control today (or ever), but he’s shocked at how much he likes it and how his cock is growing harder by the minute.
his eyebrows furrow. “baby wh-“
you place your finger on his lips. “sh baby.” you tell him, moving your finger slightly and trailing it at the bottom of his lip. smirking as you can feel his hard on pressing at the corner of your thigh.
“you’re going to be a good boy and let mommy take care of the birthday boy, hm?”
lowkk kinda hate this that’s why it’s so short. im a sucker for subby men especially sub matt so wanted to test this one out. i do have a part 2 where matts whimpering asking if he’s a good boy so let me know if yall want a part 2 !
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gilbertscurls · 12 days
Kiss Me More ➵ Matt Sturniolo
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warnings: alcohol, drunk sex, soft!dom!matt, unprotected p in v, praise kink if you squint
synopsis: matt just wants to show you how much he's learned.
kind of a part 2 of "taste", but can be read as a stand-alone.
The kitchen was warm and dimly lit, the hum of the party in the background mixing with the clink of glasses on the marble countertop. Matt leaned against the fridge, his shirt slightly unbuttoned, eyes glassy with a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
You stood across from him, a half-empty solo cup in hand, your laughter light as you swayed a little, leaning on the counter for support. You had slipped away from the crowded living room, where Matt’s brothers were holding court with their usual boisterous energy, to find some quiet in the chaos.
“I still can't believe you hosted this party,” you teased, running a finger around the rim of your cup. “I thought you hated big crowds.”
Matt chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, well, my brothers insisted. They’re more the ‘let’s invite everyone and their cousins’ type.”
You arched an eyebrow. “And yet here you are, playing the gracious host.”
He shrugged, glancing down at his drink. “It’s not so bad. Especially now.”
Your eyes softened at that, your smile becoming more genuine. “Especially now?”
Matt’s gaze flickered to meet yours, holding it for a beat longer than usual. “Yeah. Especially now.”
The air between you shifted, the laughter of the party fading into the background as the moment settled between you, charged and uncertain.
As Nick and Chris dashed by, Matt couldn't help but roll his eyes.
“They're getting rowdy, huh?” he noted, shooting a sideways glance at the door.
He took another sip of his drink, summoning up his courage. Now or never.
“So, um… I've been thinking about something… And I wanted to talk to you about it.”
His heart was beating a little faster, and he could feel the alcohol coursing through his veins, making him feel both more relaxed and more anxious at the same time.
Matt knew that this wasn't the ideal time to bring this up. You were both slightly drunk, and his brothers were making a racket in the next room. But he also knew that if he didn't talk to you about this now, he might never find the courage to do it later.
He took a deep breath and started to speak, forcing the words out before his brain could stop him.
“I've been thinking about… Well, about us.”
He felt a pang of nerves as he said the words. Even though you had been together for over a year, he still got butterflies in his stomach every time he talked about your relationship.
“I know we've been together for a while now, and everything's been great,” he said, his voice low and earnest. “But… I've been wondering if…”
He trailed off, feeling a wave of anxiety rising in his chest. Was he crazy for asking this? Was he pushing you too far? He had no idea how you would react.
He took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. “I… I mean…” he paused, feeling his face grow hot with embarrassment. “I mean… I want us to be… More intimate with each other.”
He blurted out the words before he could stop himself, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He felt like a complete idiot, saying these kinds of things so bluntly. Maybe he should have waited until you were both sober.
Matt could see the realization dawning on your face, and he felt a mixture of relief and anxiety. At least you understood what he was trying to say now.
But he had no idea how you were going to react. Would you be offended that he was bringing this up when you were both slightly drunk? Would you think that he was being too pushy?
“Well…” You smirked a little, resting your hip against the kitchen cabinet. “You're not a virgin anymore. There's nothing in our way.”
Matt felt his cheeks flush at your words, and he tried to hide his embarrassment by downing the rest of his drink.
“Yeah, I… I know that,” he said awkwardly. “I mean, I just…”
He paused, trying to find the right words. Why was this so hard to talk about?
“I guess I just… I want to feel more… Connected to you,” he said lamely. “I want to be closer to you, in every way possible.”
He felt like an idiot, saying something so cliché and cheesy. But it was the truth. He wanted to be closer to you, to share more intimate moments with you.
“I just… I just don't want to mess things up.”
He felt a pang of insecurity, feeling like a complete loser for admitting that he was nervous. Even after a year of being together, he still sometimes felt like you were too good for him.
You smiled softly, caressing his cheek. “You're not gonna mess things up. It's okay.”
Matt felt a wave of relief wash over him as he heard your reassuring words. He knew that you were right. You had been together for a long time now, and you had never given him any reason to doubt your feelings.
He leaned into your touch, savoring the feeling of your fingers against his skin. He knew that he was overthinking things, as usual. But he couldn't help it. He was hopelessly in love with you.
“You really think so?” he asked, his voice a little shaky. “You don't think I'm being too… Too pushy or something?”
He looked into your eyes, feeling vulnerable and exposed. He wanted to be closer to you, but he didn't want to rush you or make you uncomfortable.
“Oh Matty…” you said softly, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your cheek on his shoulder.
Matt wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. He felt your head rest on his shoulder, and his heart skipped a beat.
He loved it when you called him that nickname. It made him feel safe and loved. He buried his face in your hair, inhaling your sweet scent and letting the alcohol loosen his tongue.
“I just… I just want to be close to you,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble in his chest. “I feel like… I feel like I'm never close enough to you.”
He tightened his arms around you, feeling your body press against his. Despite his insecurity and nervousness, he couldn't deny the intense desire he felt for you.
You smiled tenderly, snuggling even closer to him, your hands gently rubbing up and down his back. “Yeah. I need to be under your skin, maybe then I'll be close enough,” you joked.
Matt chuckled, feeling his heart swelling with affection. God, he loved you so much. He pulled back a little so he could look at your face, your eyes sparkling up at him.
“You have no idea how badly I want that,” he said, his voice low and intense. “You're already so deep under my skin, it's crazy. And I still want more.”
He felt a pang of impatience, a surge of desire coursing through his veins. He knew that you were both drunk, and he knew that he probably shouldn't be getting so worked up like this. But he couldn't help it. Being this close to you, feeling your body pressed against his, was enough to drive him crazy.
He rested his forehead on hers, his breath coming in short pants. He could feel your breath against his face, the heat of your body against his. His heart was racing, and he felt a lump in his throat.
“I just… I just need you,” he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. “I need you so much, it's like a need a damn drug.”
You chuckled softly, feeling the heat of Matt's breath against your face. “I know, love. I can feel it.”
You could feel the tension in his body, the way his heart was racing against your chest. You could smell the alcohol on his breath, the scent of his skin. It was intoxicating. You reached up, gently tracing the line of his jaw with your fingers. You could see the desire in his eyes, the intensity in the way he was looking at you.
You couldn't deny that you felt the same way. You wanted him, needed him, craved him. You wanted to be close to him, to feel his body pressed against yours. But you knew that you were both drunk and emotional, and you didn't want things to get too carried away.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your own racing heart. “Matty,” you said softly, your voice a little breathless. “Maybe we should slow down a little, huh? We're a little tipsy.”
Matt groaned softly, his body aching with unfulfilled desire. He knew that you were right, that you were both a little too drunk to make clear-headed decisions. But the alcohol and the hormones were clouding his judgment, and all he wanted was to lose himself in you.
“I know, but… But it's so hard,” he muttered, his voice thick with need. “I just… I just want you so bad.”
You smiled sympathetically, feeling a pang of desire in your own gut. You knew how he was feeling, and you knew how hard it was to keep your own desires in check.
“I know, baby,” you said gently, stroking his hair. “But we need to be smart about this. We're both a little drunk, and I don't want us to do anything we'll regret later.”
Matt closed his eyes, feeling a wave of frustration wash over him. He knew that you were right, that you needed to be sensible. But he hated that you were being the voice of reason when all he could think about was how much he wanted to touch you, to taste you, to be as close to you as possible.
“I hate it when you're right,” he muttered, his voice rough with frustration.
“You're a little more drunk than me,” you said softly. “I just don't want to take advantage of you or anything.”
Matt opened his eyes again, looking down at your face. He knew that you were trying to be responsible and thoughtful, but all he could think about was how badly he wanted you.
“You wouldn't be taking advantage of me,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I'm a big boy, I can make my own decisions. And I want you. So damn badly.”
He let his hands wander down your body, running over your curves and settling on your hips. He pulled you closer, pressing himself against you. He could feel the heat of your body through your clothes.
“God, I want you so bad,” he breathed, his voice thick with need. “I don't care if we're both a little drunk. I just need you, right here, right now.”
“What, you wanna prove to me just how experienced you are all of the sudden?” you teased.
Matt felt a pang of desire and a hint of embarrassment at your teasing, but he tried to play it cool.
“Well…” he said, his lips curling into a cocky smile. “Maybe a little.”
He pulled you even closer, his hands continuing to explore your body. He could already feel himself getting hard, just from being this close to you.
“Besides…” he said, his voice low and husky. “I've been doing my research. I've been watching… Stuff.”
He gave you a sly smile, knowing that he had you curious now. He was definitely feeling more confident after a few drinks, and he was determined to show you how badly he wanted you.
“Did you now?” you asked, your tone amused.
Matt nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. “Yeah,” he said, his hands moving over your hips and down to your thighs. “I've been… Studying. Reading up on things. And watching some very informative videos.”
He gave you a wicked smile, his hands squeezing your thighs gently. He knew that he had your attention now.
“I don't wanna brag or anything,” he said, his voice dripping with bravado. “But I like to be… Prepared. And I thought it would be a good idea to… Expand my knowledge, you know?”
His smile widened and his eyes darkened with desire. He was enjoying this little game, reveling in the effect he was having on you.
“And I have to say, I've learned a lot,” he continued, his hand roaming further up your thigh. “I've picked up some… Techniques that I think you'll really like.”
He leaned in a little closer, his breath hot against your neck. He could feel your body responding to his touch, could feel your breathing becoming more ragged.
You smiled playfully. “So, I take you'd want to try being on top this time, huh?”
Matt felt a jolt of excitement at your words, his body responding immediately. He loved the idea of being in control this time, of having the opportunity to show you just what he had learned.
“Yeah,” he said, his voice low and hoarse. “I definitely want to try that.”
You smirked, downing your drink. “Lead the way, Mr. Expert.”
Matt's heart was racing with excitement as he led you to his room. He could feel the anticipation building inside him, his body thrumming with desire. He pushed open the door and led you inside, feeling a sense of dominance and control.
He turned to face you, taking in your flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes. “Get on the bed,” he ordered, his voice taking on a new authoritative tone.
“Oh, bossing me around now, aren't ya?” you teased, but obeyed nonetheless.
Matt couldn't help but smile at your teasing, feeling a thrill of excitement at your compliance. He watched as you lay back on the bed, your body spread out in front of him. His eyes roamed over your body, taking in every inch of you.
He moved closer to the bed, his footsteps heavy. “That's right,” he said, his voice authoritative. “I'm in charge now. And I want you to do everything I say.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, his hands coming to rest on your legs. He ran his fingers up your thighs, feeling the smooth skin beneath his touch. He could see the effect his touch was having on you, the way your breath hitched and your eyes darkened.
“You're going to be a good girl and do everything I ask, right?” he asked, his voice taking on a suggestive tone.
Your heart was racing with anticipation as Matt came up with an idea. You couldn't deny that you were a little intrigued, and a little excited. You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his.
“Are you sure about this?” you asked, your voice a little hesitant.
Matt nodded, his eyes dark with desire. “Yeah,” he said, his voice low and confident. “I'm so sure. I think it'll be fun. And I think you'll like it.”
He bent down, his lips brushing against your ear. “Trust me, babe,” he whispered. “Just lie back, relax, and let me take care of everything.”
You closed your eyes, letting out a shaky breath as you felt his breath against your skin. You trusted him. You knew that he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. And you had to admit, the idea of surrendering control to him was a little exciting.
“Okay,” you said softly. “I trust you.”
Matt smiled, feeling a surge of satisfaction at your words. He loved that you trusted him, that you were willing to let him take the lead. He moved to kneel between your legs, his hands roaming over your thighs.
“That's my girl,” he said, his voice a low growl. “Now, just relax. And keep those eyes closed.”
He leaned down, his lips brushing against your neck. He nipped and kissed his way down your throat, his hands sliding up to your hips. He pushed your shirt up, exposing more of your skin to his touch.
“You're so beautiful like this,” he murmured, his hot breath fanning over your skin. “So vulnerable and open for me.”
He continued to explore your body with his hands and lips, his touch firm and confident. He could feel you respond to him, your body arching up to meet his touch. You were fully surrendering to him now, completely at his mercy. And he loved it.
He pushed your shirt up further, his lips brushing against your breast. He teased your nipple with his tongue, feeling your body squirm beneath him. He could feel your breathing quicken, your heart racing beneath his touch.
“You're doing so well, babe,” he murmured, his voice low and gravelly. “Just keep your eyes closed. Keep trusting me. I'm going to make you feel so good.”
He pulled back for a moment, drinking in the sight of you lying there, flushed and beautiful and completely at his mercy. He felt a rush of power and excitement, his own body thrumming with need.
He leaned back down, his hands moving to the waist of your pants. “Now, be a good girl and help me get these off, okay?” he whispered in your ear.
Your body was on fire, your skin tingling with need. You could feel his breath in your ear, his words sending shivers down your spine. You lifted your hips, silently obeying his command.
You felt his fingers slide over your skin as he pushed your pants down, along with your underwear, his touch rough but gentle at the same time. You shuddered, feeling suddenly exposed and vulnerable. You felt him move back between your legs, his body pressing against hers. His hands roamed over your thighs, his touch firm and possessive. He was taking his time, seeming to savor every moment, every touch.
“You look so good right now,” he murmured, his voice a rough whisper. “So beautiful and open for me. I could look at you all day.”
You felt his hand move between your legs, his fingers trailing over your skin. You gasped, your body arching up towards him, seeking more of his touch. You couldn't deny how good it felt to be completely at his mercy, to let him take control.
“Mmm… Matt…” you breathed, your voice shaky with need. “Don't stop. Please.”
He chuckled softly, his fingers continuing to explore your body. “Don't worry,” he whispered, his voice low and throaty. “I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.”
He bent down, his lips and tongue joining his fingers, teasing and tasting you. He knew exactly how to touch you, how to drive you wild with desire.
You couldn't help but moan, your body writhing beneath his touch. You could feel the tension building inside you, the pressure mounting. You were completely at his mercy, completely surrendered to his touch.
“Please… Please, Matt,” you gasped, your voice pleading. “I need you. I need you so bad…”
He could hear the desperation in your voice, the need in your words. And he loved it. He loved knowing that he had this kind of effect on you, that he could make you crave him like this.
He lifted his head, his lips curling into a smirk. “Begging for me already?” he teased, his voice laced with male pride.
Matt was determined to show you that he had been paying attention and that he had learned something from your previous experience. He wanted you to see that he could be just as good as you were, if not better. He felt a thrill of excitement and anticipation as he looked down at you.
“You're mine now,” he said, his voice low and authoritative. “And I'm gonna show you just how much I've learned.”
He moved his hands back up your body, his touch firm and confident. He could feel your body responding to him, your breath quickening and your heart racing beneath his fingertips. He could tell that you were excited too, that you were eager to see what he had in store for you.
He bent down, his lips brushing against your ear. “Trust me,” he whispered, his voice a low growl. “You're gonna love every second of this.”
Matt took a moment to take in the sight of you, lying naked and completely open for him. His eyes wandered over your body, taking in every curve, every contour. You were so beautiful, so vulnerable and exposed, and it made his heart race with desire.
“You look so good like this,” he murmured, his voice thick with need. “So perfect and mine.”
He began to unbutton his shirt, his fingers moving quickly.
Once he had tossed his shirt aside, he moved back down to kneel at the end of the bed. His hands ran down your thighs, his touch firm and possessive. He could see the way your body responded to him, your skin shivering and your back arching up.
“God, you're so beautiful,” he said, his voice rough with desire. “I want you so bad, I can hardly stand it.”
You were struggling to find your words. You were completely lost in the moment, your mind and body consumed by desire. You could feel his hands on your thighs, his touch driving you wild.
“M-Matt…” you gasped. “Please… Please don't tease me. I need you. I need you now.”
You heard him chuckle softly, his voice a low rumble. “Oh, you'll get me,” he promised. “But I'm going to take my time with you. I want to make sure you're completely ready for me.”
His hands moved up your body again, his touch firm and sure. He bent his head down, his lips trailing kisses down your torso.
“I want to take my time and explore every inch of you,” he murmured against your skin. “I want to learn everything about your body, about what makes you feel good.”
He continued to kiss and nibble at your body, his hands roaming over your skin. He could feel your hips arching up towards him, your body begging for more.
He moved back up your body, his lips brushing against your ear. “You're mine,” he whispered, his voice a rough growl. “And I'm going to show you just how good I can make you feel.”
He bent his head down, his lips claiming yours in a deep, passionate kiss.
His hands moved down to your hips, gripping them tightly. He lifted you up, pulling you closer to him. He could feel your body pressing against his, your curves molding against his chest.
“I want you so badly,” he muttered. “I can hardly wait anymore.”
You were a mess of desire and need, your body screaming for release. You could feel his hands on your hips, holding you tight, and it only heightened you need.
“M-Matt… Please…” you gasped, your voice desperate and pleading. “I need you now. I can't wait anymore. Please.”
Matt chuckled softly, his voice rough with desire. “Impatient, are we?” he teased. “Don't worry. I'll take care of you.”
He leaned down, his lips trailing kisses down your neck. He nipped and sucked at your skin, leaving behind small, possessive marks.
He could feel your body writhing beneath him, your hips grinding against his. You were begging for more, pleading for him to give you the release you so desperately needed.
“You don't know how much you turn me on,” he murmured against your skin. “How badly I want you right now.”
Your hands impatiently landed on his belt buckle. Matt chuckled at your impatience, his hips rocking against yours. “Somebody's eager,” he teased, his voice low and gravelly.
He lifted his hips, giving you better access to the buckle. He could feel your hands fumbling with it, your fingers trembling with need.
“Slow down, babe,” he murmured. “We've got all night. I want to take my time with you.”
He put a hand on top of yours, stilling your movements. He could feel your body arching up against his, your breathing ragged and uneven.
“Patience,” he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear. “Just relax and let me take care of you.”
He gently pushed your hands away, his fingers unbuttoning his jeans. He could feel you trembling underneath him, your need for him growing stronger and stronger.
He lifted his hips again, his trousers and underwear slipping down his legs. He could feel your body pressing against his, your skin against his bare skin. He could feel the heat radiating off of you, the tension in your body.
“Mm… You feel so good,” he murmured, nibbling at your ear.
He could feel your hands running over his hips and thighs, your touch hot and desperate. He knew that you were struggling to hold yourself back, that you were trying to control your own desires. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the knowledge that he was the one driving you wild.
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered, his voice a rough growl. “I want to hear you say it.”
You were lost in a sea of desire, your body screaming for relief. You could feel his skin against yours, the heat between them almost unbearable.
“I… I want you,” you gasped, your voice rough and ragged. “Please, Matt. I need you now. I need you so badly.”
Your hands were still roaming over his body, your touch desperate and needy. You could feel him against you, his body hard and taut, and it only made you want him more.
“Please,” you breathed, looking up at him with pleading eyes. “Don't make me wait any longer. I can't take it anymore.”
Matt could see the desperation in your eyes, the pleading in your voice, and it only fueled his own desire. He knew that you were completely at his mercy, that he had you right where he wanted you.
“Shhh,” he whispered, his lips trailing kisses down your neck. “Don't worry, babe. I'll take good care of you.”
He lifted his hips, his body moving back up to hover over yours. He could feel your body arching up to meet him, begging for more. He could feel your legs spreading, making room for him between them.
“Are you ready for me?” he asked, his voice a low growl. “Because I'm ready for you. So ready.”
You nodded, your voice too weak to speak. You could feel his body pressing against yours, his skin sliding against yours. You could feel the heat radiating off of him, and it only made you want him more.
“Please, Matt,” you managed to whisper, your voice rough and desperate. “Don't tease me anymore. I need you. I need you now.”
Matt knew that he couldn't deny you any longer. He needed you just as badly as you needed him. He positioned himself at your entrance, his body tense with desire.
“Are you sure you're ready?” he murmured, his voice low and gravelly. “I don't want to hurt you.”
Matt felt a rush of excitement and nervousness as he positioned himself at your entrance. He knew that this was something new for him, something he had never done before. But he also knew that he wanted to make it good for you, to show you that he was capable of pleasing you just as well as you could please him.
He could feel your body tensing underneath him, and he knew that you were probably just as nervous as he was. But he also knew that you were trusting him, that you were giving yourself completely to him.
He leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear. “Are you okay?” he whispered, his voice a low rumble.
He could feel your body relax slightly at his words, and he took it as a sign that you were ready for him.
You smiled tenderly. “I am. Are you?”
Matt chuckled softly, his nerves and excitement warring with each other. “Yeah,” he said, his voice a little rougher than normal. “I just… I want to make sure I'm doing this right. I don't want to mess it up.”
He knew that he was probably making a fool of himself, that he sounded like an insecure teenage boy. Your heart melted at the vulnerable look on his face. You knew that he was worried about making a mistake, about not being good enough for you. But you also knew that he was so much more than he realized.
“You're doing great,” you whispered, your voice soft and soothing. “You don't have anything to worry about. Just relax and do what feels natural.”
You knew that he was probably overthinking everything, that he was putting too much pressure on himself. But you also knew that he was a fast learner, that he would catch on quickly.
“Just take it slow,” you added, your voice a soothing balm. “And don't overthink it. Just focus on me, on how good it feels between us.”
Matt nodded, his throat tight with emotion. He knew that you were right, that he needed to relax and just let his instincts take over. But it was hard to ignore the nerves and the fear of disappointing you.
“Okay,” he managed to say, his voice a little shaky. “I'll try. Just… Just tell me if I do something wrong.”
You smiled at him, your eyes warm and reassuring. You knew that he was pushing himself out of his comfort zone, that he was taking a risk by being vulnerable like this. And you were proud of him for it.
“You won't,” you said, your voice filled with confidence. “You're doing great. Just trust yourself. And trust me.”
Matt took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves and his breathing. He knew that he could do this. He could make you feel good.
“Okay,” he said again, his voice a little stronger this time. “I trust you. And I trust myself. And most importantly, I trust us.”
And with that, he leaned down and captured your lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
The kiss felt like a release, a way to channel all of the tension and anxiety into something more positive and intense. He poured all of his emotions into the kiss, his lips moving against yours with a newfound confidence and fervor.
He could feel your body responding to him, your hips lifting up to meet his. He could feel your legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer. He broke the kiss, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He looked down at you, his eyes meeting yours. He could see the desire and the need in your gaze, and it fueled his own desire even more.
“You feel amazing,” he said, his voice a rough growl. “I don't know how I'm going to last like this.”
You chuckled at his words, your own voice breathless and needy.
“You're doing fine,” you said, your voice a low murmur. “Don't worry about how long you last. Just focus on me, on how good it feels between us.”
You lifted your hips, grinding against him in a slow and deliberate motion. Your body was begging for more, your hips rocking against his in a steady rhythm. You could feel him against you, his body hard and taut against your softness.
“You feel so good,” you gasped. “I can't get enough of you.”
He felt his heart racing at your words, his own body responding to yours in kind. Your words, your touch, your movements—they were all driving him wild with desire.
“I want to give you everything,” he muttered, his voice ragged and urgent. “I want to make you feel things you've never felt before.”
He knew that he was probably saying cliché things, that he was probably coming across as a cheesy romance novel character. But for once, he didn't care. All that mattered was you, and making you feel good.
He lifted his hips, his body moving against yours at a steady rhythm. He could feel his body starting to tense up, the pleasure and the pressure building inside of him.
But he refused to give in to the pleasure just yet. He wanted to make sure that you were feeling as good as he was. And he wasn't going to let himself come until you did.
He shifted his body again, his hips moving against yours in a different angle. He could feel your body responding to him, your breathing becoming more erratic.
“You feel so good,” he whispered, his voice a low rumble. “So tight and hot, and… Oh god, I can't take much more.”
His body was tense with the effort it took to hold back, to control himself. But he was determined to make sure that you came first. He wasn't going to let himself come until he knew that you were completely satisfied.
He leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear. “Tell me what you need,” he whispered, his voice a rough growl. “Anything you want. Just tell me.”
You were lost in a sea of pleasure, your body writhing and quivering under his. You could hardly form a coherent thought, let alone find the words to tell him what you needed.
“Just… I need… Oh god, I need you,” you managed to gasp out. “Please, Matt… Please don't stop.”
You could feel him moving against you, his body straining with the effort of holding back. And you knew that he was holding back for you, that he was holding back his own pleasure until he knew that you were satisfied.
“Don't hold back,” you gasped. “Please. I want you… I need you. Just let go.”
With your words, something seemed to snap inside of him. He let out a low, guttural growl, his body moving against yours with a newfound intensity. He was done holding back, done trying to control himself. He needed to let go, to give in to the pleasure that was coursing through his body.
“You feel so good,” he muttered, his voice gruff and ragged. “I… I can't hold back anymore.”
His body was on fire, his muscles taut with need. He could feel his pleasure building and building, the pressure and the heat coiled tight inside of him.
“I'm gonna come,” he gasped, his voice barely recognizable. “I'm going to… Oh god, I'm going to…”
You could feel his body tense up even more, his muscles quivering and trembling. You knew that he was right on the edge, that he was about to lose control.
“Don't hold back,” you whispered, your voice rough and urgent. “Let it go. I'm… I'm right there with you.”
Your body was quivering and trembling, the pleasure building and building. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer, your body on the verge of exploding.
“Please,” you gasped. “Oh, please, I need… I need…”
His body convulsed against you, the pleasure coursing through him. He let out a low, guttural scream, his body shuddering and shaking with the force of his release. He felt like he had just gone over the edge of a cliff, like he had just exploded into a million pieces.
You couldn't even form the words, your mind and your body completely overwhelmed by pleasure.
And then, suddenly, it was too much. The pleasure and the pressure and the heat all came together in a torrent of sensations, and he felt himself let go.
For a moment, he felt completely and utterly shattered, his whole body trembling and quivering. But then he felt your arms around him, holding him close.
“Are you okay?” you asked, your voice a soft whisper against his ear.
You held him close as he trembled and shook, your arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace.
You could feel his body relaxing against yours, his breathing slowly steadying. And you could feel the relief and the pleasure radiating off of him, the aftershocks of his release still coursing through his body.
He just nodded, unable to form words. He felt completely and utterly spent, like he had just run a marathon and then some. He couldn't believe how good he felt, how completely and totally satisfied. He had never come that hard before, and it had been like nothing he had ever experienced before.
“That… That was… Wow,” he managed to gasp out, his voice still a little shaky. “I've never… I've never come like that before.”
You chuckled at his words, your voice filled with satisfaction. “I'm glad you enjoyed yourself,” you said, your voice soft and soothing. “It was pretty hot, watching you lose control like that.”
You ran your fingers through his hair, your touch gentle and loving.
“But you haven't come yet,” he mumbled, his voice still rough and ragged. “I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel.”
You smiled at his words, your heart swelling with affection.
“You don't have to worry about me,” you reassured him. “Just being with you like this makes me feel amazing.”
You ran your fingers down his back, your touch tender and loving.
“But,” you added, your voice a little huskier now. “If you really want to make me feel even better, I know a few things you could do to get me there.”
He lifted his head at that, his eyes meeting yours. He could see the desire and the need burning in your gaze, and it made his body respond once again.
“Anything,” he said, his voice a low and urgent growl. “Tell me what you want me to do.”
“Just touch me,” you whispered, your voice a soft plea. “Anywhere. Everywhere. Just touch me and make me feel good.”
His hand slowly trailed down in between your legs, and he moaned as he felt his release dripping out of you. He moved his fingers in slow, circular motions, the pad of his thumb finding your clit. Your body responded instantly, your hips lifting up to meet his touch. You let out a low moan, your body writhing and quaking beneath him.
You leaned back against the pillows, your body open and vulnerable to him. He nodded, his eyes drinking in the sight of you. You were beautiful like this, completely and utterly open and trusting.
He trailed his fingers down your body, his touch light and gentle. He let his fingers wander over your skin, tracing the curves and lines of your body.
“Oh god,” you gasped. “Just like that. Don't stop…”
His heart rate picked up as he heard the words, his body responding to the sound of your pleasure. He kept his fingers moving, his touch firm and steady.
“You're so beautiful,” he whispered, his words a low, ragged growl. “So perfect,” he added, his voice thick with desire. “I want to make you feel good. I want to make you feel so good.”
“Don't stop,” you gasped. “Please don't stop. I'm so close. I'm so… Oh God…”
He increased the pressure of his touch, his fingers moving a little faster and a little more urgently.
Your body arched and quivered under his touch, your breathing growing ragged and erratic. You could feel your pleasure building, the pressure and the heat coiling tight inside of you.
He could feel your body trembling and quivering under his touch, your breathing becoming more and more ragged and urgent. He knew that you were close, that you were right on the edge of release.
“Let go,” he whispered, his voice a rough and urgent plea. “Let go and let me make you feel good.”
And with those words, your body convulsed and trembled, the pleasure coursing through you like a torrent of sensations. You let out a high-pitched moan, your body trembling and shaking with the force of your release.
He kept his fingers moving, his touch steady and gentle, trying to guide you through the aftershocks of your pleasure. He could feel your body relaxing against him, your breathing slowly returning to normal.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice rough and tender.
You nodded, your eyes dazed and glassy with pleasure. “I'm more than okay,” you murmured. “I'm amazing. You're amazing.”
You reached up and pulled him down into a deep, passionate kiss. He kissed you back, his heart swelling with affection and desire. He couldn't believe that he had just made you feel so good. It was a feeling like nothing else, like he had just achieved something truly amazing.
“You're amazing,” he whispered against your lips. “You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.”
You smiled up at him, your eyes filled with happiness and affection.
“You're not so bad yourself,” you teased, your voice light and playful. “And you definitely know what you're doing, I'll give you that.”
He laughed at that, his heart swelling with affection and happiness.
“I guess I'm a fast learner,” he said. “But I had a really good teacher.”
Matt leaned down and kissed you again, his lips moving against yours in a soft, tender caress. You stayed like that for a while, your bodies intertwined and your lips locked together in a passionate embrace. But eventually, you had to come up for air, your lungs burning for oxygen.
“We should probably get cleaned up,” he muttered, his voice a little hoarse.
“Yeah,” you mumbled playfully. “You sure came a lot.”
He chuckled at that, his face flushing a little bit.
“I guess I got a little carried away,” he admitted, a sheepish grin on his face.
He climbed off the bed and made his way to the bathroom, feeling a little self-conscious now that the heat of the moment had passed. He grabbed a washcloth and ran it under the water, then returned to the bedroom to find You already lounging on the bed, a satisfied smile on your face.
“You look pretty pleased with yourself,” he said, a playful edge to his voice.
He sat down on the bed and started to clean you up, his touch gentle and tender. You sighed contentedly as he cleaned you up, your eyes drifting closed as you relaxed into his touch.
“I'm not used to being taken care of like this,” you murmured, your voice a little dreamy.
Matt smiled at that, his heart swelling with affection. You sounded so vulnerable and fragile in that moment, so much different than your usual confident and self-assured demeanor.
“Well, get used to it,” he teased gently. “Because I don't plan on stopping any time soon.”
He finished cleaning you up and then tossed the washcloth onto the floor, flopping down beside you on the bed. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close, his body pressing against yours. He could feel the curve of your body against his, the warmth of your skin seeping into him. And he felt a sense of contentment and peace that he had never felt before.
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tag list: @stuwniolo, @sturnobsessedwh0re, @matts-myloverboy, @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut, @lizzymacdonald06
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camzeecorner · 1 month
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Summary: Matt, the school's 'nerd,' unexpectedly found himself in a vulnerable position after confessing to his best friend that he was still a virgin, leading to a moment that would change their friendship forever.
Warnings : edging, praise, mommy kink, squirting, kissing, virginity lost, creampie, explicit language, manipulation if you squint
sub!matt x fem reader
I lay on my back, gazing at the familiar patterns on my ceiling, the soft glow of the lamp casting gentle shadows as I listened to Matt flip through his pages repeatedly. It was almost hypnotic, the way he immersed himself in his studies. I couldn't help but wonder what fueled his passion for school; he cared for it with a devotion that was rare among our peers. People often whispered that I kept him around for his grades, that I used him, but they didn't understand. Matt was my favorite person, my best friend.
No one ever talked to him, and girls never seemed to approach him, which, oddly enough, made me happy. I liked how closed off he was to everyone else; it felt like I had a little piece of him all to myself. I began to wonder if Matt had ever been with a girl. He never mentioned crushes or the girls he found pretty, which was strange considering how open I was with him. I shared everything about my life, my escapades, my heartaches, but his world remained a mystery. At first, I didn't want to push him, but now I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he was just embarrassed to share his secrets with me.
Sitting up, I fixed my gaze on him. Matt was different from the other boys at our school—only Chris and Nick shared that same vibe, but for entirely different reasons. To me, he was always attractive, with a magnetic charm that made my heart race. His sharp jawline and godlike features were mesmerizing, and his hair was perfectly soft, almost inviting to touch. But it was his eyes that captivated me the most—an enchanting shade of blue that seemed to hold entire galaxies within them. His glasses only accentuated his striking looks, making him the quintessential nerd, though never in my eyes. It was a shame that other girls couldn’t see what I saw. I pondered a little longer, taking in every detail, my heart fluttering as I examined him from head to toe, wondering if he could ever see himself the way I saw him.
“hey Matt..” I call out, catching his attention “..yea” Matt said looking up from his textbook. He turned his head slightly to the side so he could see me. I took a moment looking at him, “You ever..kiss a girl?” I say smiling. Matt shifted in his seat quickly reverting his eyes back to his book. He cleared his throat, his chest rising and falling. He began looking over the words on his book nervously. “Why are you asking me that..?” He spoke quietly. I got up walking next to him. I placed my hands on his shoulders running them up and down. “I’m just wondering matty.. you gonna answer my question?” He looked around in front of him, he had beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. “I really have to study .. you’re disturbing me.” I knew he was trying to avoid the conversation, but I was curious. I wanted to know everything about him. “It’s just one question..” I say scoffing. I look at his stuff sprawled out on my desk. I quickly grab his things and place them in his bag. “I was using those!” Matt barked at me. Turning around in his chair fast. “Matt you’ve never kissed a girl have you..” I whisper to him.
I bend my body down so I’m eye level with him. “You’ve never felt the touch of someone else on you” I lean forward to whisper in his ear. “S-stop” Matt stuttered. It was so fulfilling listening to him speak pathetically. He didn’t want me to stop. “Matt..” I look in his eyes, then his lips. His soft pink plump lips. They were chapped from the amount of time he had bit them. I bring him to my bed sitting him on the edge.
I knew what I had to do. I knew what I wanted to do. I kissed him.
It felt like a suction cup and I never wanted to release him. It took him a moment to realize I was kissing him. He moved him lips in a matching pace to mine. I tug on his hair pulling him even closer to me. I lick his top lip asking for an entrance. He doesn’t understand that, so I bite his lip gently. He gasps opening his mouth slighty. Being fast i slip my tongue inside his mouth. I find his tongue and start to gently suck on it, moaning into the kiss. I pull away with a string of saliva connected to our mouths. Matt’s eyes are wide open. “What..what was that for.” i shrug my shoulders smiling at him. Gently placing my lips back on him. I pull away and chuckle. “I was curious of what you tasted like..” I look up at him. His eyebrows raise. “I’ve never done that before..” he smiles blush slightly. I smile at him looking down. I licked my lips, tasting him. I look at Matt and smirk. “Have you ever seen a girl naked?” I bite my lip at him moving his glasses back onto his face as they slid down. Matt shook his head. “uhm..no.. I-i haven’t” “do you want to?” I ask him smirking. “Well. I don’t know.. if that’s a good idea” I stand up and take my shirt off. “I don’t see why it’s an issue.. if you want me to stop, just tell me and I’ll stop.”
I walk over to my bed, climbing on it. I scoot back so I’m at the headboard. I look at Matt and pat the spot beside me signaling him to sit there. Matt gets up and walks over. I can see his slightly hard boner, making his pants tighter. I smirk at myself. He sits beside me, putting some space between us. I scoot so I’m closer to him. I reach for Matt’s hand interlocking our fingers. I place our hands on my chest, gently squeezing them. Matt’s breath hitches in his throat. “Oh my god.” Matt spoke in a hushed breath. I let go of his hand reaching behind me unclasping my bra. I let it fall in my lap, picking it up tossing it to the side. His eyes immediately look down and my bare chest. “Do you like them matty?” He nods his head quickly. “I’ve never seen them in person, they never looked this perfect in the movies.” I laugh at his comment, enjoying the praise. He smiles lightly.
I lean forward grabbing Matt’s face. I kiss him rougher than I did the first time. He climbs on top of me making sure not to break the kiss. He begins massaging my boobs rolling my nipple in between his fingers. “Oh fuck Matt” I grind my hip upwards towards his hard erection trying to create friction. I reach my hand down gently palming him. He moans loudly into my mouth. I could’ve came right then and there from his sounds. I pull away from him and flip us over quickly. I straddle his waist. He’s lying down and I’m on top of him. I begin unbuttoning his shirt. Pulling it off of his body throwing it in the same direction as mine. I trail my hands up and down his toned stomach. “Do you want to have sex with me Matt?” I ask him shyly. “Yes.” He speaks quick. “But.. I don’t know how..” he looks away getting embarrassed. He’s so cute. “ that’s okay baby. Just lie down and be good f’me” I reach down kissing him. I pull away and get off of him pulling my shorts off. I look up and see Matt copying my movements, taking my underwear off I get back on Matt. I grab his fingers and place them right into my wet folds.
He gasps loudly looking up at me. I roll my body into his hand enjoying the feeling. I’ve never felt like this towards anyone before. “Oh g-god m-matt.. you make me feel s-so good” I moan throwing my head back. I feel him moving his fingers in a circular motion. I grip his wrist feeling my stomach tightening. He slips two fingers in moving them fast, in and out. “Oh god Matt.. right t-there.” I moan loudly. “Shit shit” my breath picking up. “Matt I’m gonna cum” bucking my hips forward, I cum all over his fingers feeling my body shaking. I slowly come down from my intense orgasm, feeling limp. “Did I do good for you?” I look at Matt and smile nodding my head. “So good baby” I kiss him. “Such a good boy” I whisper in his mouth. I pull away grabbing his hand placing his fingers into my mouth sucking my juices off of him. I lick each finger making sure to clean them perfectly. “You wanna taste me baby?” “Please..” I bring my lips towards him and kiss him sliding my tongue in his mouth, my cum mixing between us. He inhaled in the kiss. “So sweet” I pull away, resting my forehead against his. Leaning back up i repositioned myself so I’m sitting on his hard dick. “I’m gonna ride you now okay baby” he nods looking up at me.
I rub his cock slowly giving him satisfaction. He moans lowly closing his eyes at the feeling. “That feel good baby?” “S’good.. so good mommy” I stop my motions right then looking at him. Matt opens his eyes fast, and begins to sit up. He looked so scared. So vulnerable. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that I’m so sorry-“ “don’t apologize,” I smirk at him. Cupping his face tilting my head to the side. “be a good boy for mommy okay” he whimpers at my words bucking his hips up. I sit up, placing his tip at my entrance rubbing it back and forth before slipping it into me. “Fuck Matt, you’re s-so huge” I pull my body up and slam back down, fast. Repeating the process until I build a pace going back up and down. Throwing my head back I moan. God I could ride him all day. My legs felt like they were getting weaker and weaker. I place my hands on his chest gaining balance. Matt noticed how tired my body was getting, he grabbed my thighs and started to thrust up. For a virgin he was so good at this. Hitting every perfect spot, at such amazing angles. I could feel him start to twitch in me. He must’ve been so close.
“M’so close mo-mommy” he whimpered. “Wait for me baby.. can you do that? Be a g-good boy and wait for me” he moaned and started gaining speed adding his fingers. He rubbed fast on my clit making me scream. “Fuck shit- oh my god- I’m gonna cum” he kept going fast hitting the same spot over and over. The pressure from his fingers and the way he was fucking himself into me making me squirm. “C’mon mommy.. wanna feel you cum on my cock” hearing him say that was enough to send me over the edge. I whimper chocking on my sobs. “I’m cumming Matt shit shit-“ I felt the knot in my stomach releasing over matt for the second time. I saw liquid flow out of me fast, Matt getting pushed out of me in the process. I felt his cum dripping out of me. Our fluids mixing together. “You made me squirt Matt..” I look at him shocked. I begin giggling covering my face. I look at Matt in disbelief, “No one has ever made me feel that good.” He smiles at me through his heavy breathing, the look he was giving me was enough to make me want to fuck him again.“does that make me special?” He closed his eyes trying to catch his breath. His glasses had fogged up, I grab them wiping the lenses. “You’ve always been special to me.” I look up at him through my eyelashes. “I’ll get something to clean the mess” I get up going into my bathroom and grab a cloth. I run the rag through hot water, ringing the extra water out. Walking back to my room I climb on my bed beside matt.
I gently wipe him down, being careful not to startle him. I can tell he’s sensitive; he hisses every time I touch him. Getting up, I head to my closet and grab some clothes for us. Walking back to Matt, I hand him the clothes. “Thank you,” he says, a soft smile spreading across his face. “Of course,” I reply, slipping into my own outfit.
I climb into bed, scooting next to Matt and resting my head on his chest. It feels so comfortable here; he always makes me feel safe, like I can truly be myself. My mind races with thoughts, and I can’t help but wonder how we would look together as a couple. I look up at him, my heart pounding, and finally speak up. “I wanna be with you, Matt. I’ve never thought any less of you. You’ve always been so perfect to me.” My voice is quiet, but I hope he hears me.
For a few seconds, he doesn’t respond, just picks at his lips with his teeth. Doubt creeps in, and I start to regret my confession. What if he doesn’t feel the same way? He clears his throat, licks his lips, and pushes his hair back before turning to look at me, gently grabbing my chin. “You’ve always been my favorite girl,” he says, leaning in to place a soft kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss, warmth flooding my cheeks. When he pulls away, he tucks some hair behind my ear and locks his fingers in my hair, scanning my face as he tugs his lip between his teeth. “I wanna be with you too…”
In that moment, I feel like the happiest girl alive. I leap up from the bed, swinging my arms around him in pure joy. I’ve never felt this happy before! I shower him with kisses all over his face, feeling myself melt into him. He giggles, wrapping his arms around me, and I finally place a gentle kiss on his cheek, relaxing into his embrace. It’s perfect.
A/N: just notice I don’t have a tag list #embarafuckingssing
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chrissv4mp · 2 months
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★ sum: after a bad breakup with matt, you storm out of his party and get in the car. matt follows after you, and he regrets everything he said when he sees it happen.
☆ pair: matt sturniolo × fem!reader
★ tws: cursing, arguments, crying, driving under the influence kinda, car crashes, slight blood, mentions of amnesia (the loss of memories, facts, information, and experiences.)
☆ a/n: don't check my airbuds history.....
★ a/n 2: also really hoping to make a part 2 for this, but i need a few opinions
★ wc: 3.3k
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"don't be so fucking sensitive, y/n! i was just messing around. you're getting all riled up over nothin', kid." matt groans, leaning back and supporting himself with his hands on the mattress underneath him.
a scoff falls from your lips as you cross your arms, watching him from the open door of his bedroom, "don't call me 'kid', i'm not a fuckin' kid, matthew. and you could've died from the height of your apartment! you're still drunk." you catch sight of his blown pupils even from across the room, worry and anger clear on your face.
matt just rolls his eyes, gripping the sheets in his hands as he sighs, "well, i can hear what you're saying perfectly, thank you. and, plus, i wasn't gonna lose 50 fucking dollars, y/n."
"you didn't have to give it to the guy, matt. you're just so reckless, it's like you're trying to kill yourself 24/7! what is your problem?" your breathing is heavy now, the heat of the argument never dying down as you continue to voice your complaints about his recklessness. tears threaten to fall down your cheeks as he just mutters inaudible words.
"what problem? there's not a problem, you're the one making it a problem, y/n. it's not my fault you're such a boring fucking person. god, i can't even comprehend why i wanted to date you!" he growls, his voice never shaking as he stares you straight in the eyes. he seems serious, but you knew that he always said things he never meant while under the influence.
it feels like your whole world just fell apart, though. your chest feels tighter and it's almost like you can barely breathe, gripping the doorframe tightly as you watch matt fiddle with the edge of his pillowcase. he really doesn't care, his eyes not showcasing any emotion other than hatred. or, that's what it seems. you want the tears to fall, but they don't. you want to leave, but you can't. you want matt to say something, maybe even take it back, but he doesn't.
you want to— "then why haven't you broken up with me?" stupid. the realization that you just spoke up hits you only when matt stands up from his bed, inching closer toward your small figure as he gets tilts his head to get a better look at you, "tell me, matt." again? just shut up!
"you're right, i really wonder why i didn't do this sooner." your eyes widen in the slightest, your heart dropping to your stomach as you stare up into his cold, blue eyes that once looked at you in adoration. the spark that was once there is gone now as he looks at you, squinting his eyes as he speaks, "we're over. get the fuck out of my room, y/n."
your lips part in a silent gasp, eyes searching his for any signs of hesitation or regret or something. nothing, once again. he scoffs when he takes a step back, crossing his arms in a mimicking manner as he nods his head toward the hallway behind you, "actually, get the fuck out of my house."
the sick feeling in your stomach never leaves even as you turn away from your boyf—ex, and walk through the hallway. you make your way down the stairs, not even stopping to say bye to nick or chris as you pass by them in the living room. all you do is keep your head down and drag your feet, grabbing your jacket off the rack before leaving through the front door. it slams behind you, but you don't care anymore. your whole world just fell apart right in the hands of the person who you loved most. in the hands of the person who you thought loved you the most.
matt didn't care, though. well, not until he replayed the earlier events in his head over and over again after he saw you leave down the stairs. the impact of his words didn't hit himself until you were finally gone and he was sitting in his room alone, surrounded by millions of memories of you and him. your clothes were still here, the things you bought for him, they were painful reminders of the words that he just spoke to you. he didn't even think about it when he said them, he was just spitting out anything that came to mind. he wasn't thinking of the consequences.
maybe he should run after you or maybe he should just sit here and drown in his sorrow and despair, that was the more reasonable option. for him at least. his mind is so loud right now, he doesn't even know what to think anymore. his body moves by itself, jolting forward as his feet take him running down the stairs. he skips steps, almost tripping over his untied shoelaces and stumbling down the last few. he takes a quick glance at the living room and kitchen, but you're not there.
party guests call matts name, but he's not listening. he's not interested in whatever bullshit they have to say right now because his mind is shouting at him to find you, to make things right and show you that he never meant it. he doesn't even notice that he's shoving party goers out of the way until someone pushes him back, resulting in the brunette getting splashed with some red beverage. his heart beats fast and hard, the sound loud and drowning out any other thing around him. we'll, besides the overwhelming thoughts of you.
he slips on one of chris's jackets, darting out the door and slamming it shut behind him. he doesn't see you in the driveway, no sight of your car down the street or on the side of the apartment. his ears pick up on the sound of a car beeping, and his head whips around to find a bike propped up against the garage door. it all happens so fast, he can't even remember when he started pedaling down the street and catching sight of your h/c hair through your car window. he waves, but you don't give him anything back.
it feels like he's invisible, and now he knows what you felt like tonight in that apartment, alone and unseen. unheard by any and everyone around you, including the love of your life. matt watches as you speed up, ready to round the corner deeper into the neighborhood. you really don't know where you're going, though. all you want right now is to just get away from the house and never come back, you didn't want to remember the events of tonight ever. your hands grip the steering wheel tightly as your foot presses even harder on the break.
the tears you held back earlier now begin to fall, and you mentally curse yourself for not holding them in longer. now you couldn't see anything, your vision blurry as you bring a hand up and off the steering wheel to wipe your eyes, trying to see through the windshield again. it doesn't work, and now you're just hoping that you won't lose control over the car. the limited time that your vision is cleared, you can see matt following close behind your car on a black bike, and your first instinct is to freeze and stare.
you don't make the turn, stomping on the brakes in the middle of the road as you watch your boy come closer and closer. his eyes widen, lips parting before you hear a cry of your name tumble from his lips. the only noise you hear is a loud horn coming from the left of you, your head whipping to the side and watching as a large truck comes your way at a fast pace. then, you hear the ringing in your ear, eyes squeezing shut as you let your arms fall to the side of you.
the truck t-bones your car, sending both of the vehicles flying to the right quickly. you smell gas, feeling the wet sensation of blood dripping down your temple and running down the bridge of your nose. your body feels weak, like you can't move, so you just sit there, head lying against the airbag on the steering wheel as you slip into unconsciousness. matt watches in shock and fear as your car tips on its side and smoke begins to erupt from the hood of the car. his heart feels like it stops beating for a moment as he watches the truck reverse and drive off quickly, anger coursing through his veins as he jumps off the bike and lets it fall to the pavement of the sidewalk.
he runs over to your car, his chest heaving up and down quickly as he makes an effort to tip the car back on its wheels. it doesn't work, though, and he grunts as he throws himself against the metal of the roof, "y/n, hey!" his voice seems to snap you out of your daze, now feeling fully conscious as your eyes flutter open again. your body fell against the car door, the seatbelt strap felt like it was suffocating you. the small space of the car suddenly made you weary, eyes widening as your breathing picked up rapidly.
"don't! stop, y/n, don't panic," matt breathes out, trying his best to come off as calm and collected. but he's really not, he's far from anything relatively close to the sort. more footsteps are heard behind him, and now his neighbor is standing a few feet beside matt, "what the fuck happened?"
"doesn't matter. js' help me flip the car, would you?" matt sighs, the panic in his body rising as the smell of gas surfaces. the car flips onto the wheels after quite a moment of struggles, and matt doesn't hesitate to throw youe car door open and grab you. his feet take him stumbling away from the car again, holding you tightly in his arms as if he let go, he would lose you. again. a string of coughs erupt from your throat as you and matt fall gently to the grass of someone's front yard, and matt lies you down as he props himself up with his elbows.
his neighbor is already far away, phone up to his ear as he watches the car explode into flames, the windows of nearby houses reflecting the burning red, orange, and blue lights. matt breathes out as he grips the fabric of his hoodie, more tears coming to his eyes at the realization that if he hadn't left sooner, you would've died. his head moves away entirely from the scene, looking back at your weak body that lay on the grass beside him.
only then does he notice the large gash just below your hairline, and his breath hitches again as he struggles to throw his hoodie over his head and hold it against your own. his other hand cradles the back of your head, his body hovering over yours as he silently prays that you'll be alright. the blood has already traveled down your neck, though. it soaks your white shirt as your head falls to the side, eyes threatening to close as you mutter out jumbled up words, "hey, hey, come on, look at me, y/n. please, look at me. open your eyes, come on..!"
"baby, please. just stay awake, please. my pretty girl, come on..!!" he whispers, anger overcoming his being as he grips the fabric in his hands tighter. he's so angry at himself. he wished he was the one in that car. he should've been the one to experience this, not you. you didn't deserve this at all. it was all his fault, what happened to you. what if he had just talked with you? what if he had just said sorry? what if, what if, what if?
the world seems to spinning faster than usual right now, your head aching as you look at your surroundings. as you look up at the sky, you're met with the cool shade of blue that slowly fades to orange and pink as it travels beneath the mountain until you can't see. then, you make out the frame of matts face, his eyes full of worry and his hair messy. tears stream down his face as he cried quietly, "matt?" you mutter weakly, eyes teary and bloodshot. he nods frantically, a small smile forming on his lips as he whispers, "yes, yes, yes. it's me." but then it all goes away.
matt? who was matt? your face contorts into a look of confusion as you try to tilt your head, only to hiss at the sting the small movement causes, "what—who? who are you?" the hope is washed away by those few words, and the brunettes smile disappears as he feels tiny, imaginary daggers stabbing away at his heart. he doesn't have time to speak before he finally hears the blaring sounds of sirens coming down the street. multiple emergency vehicles drive down the pavement quickly, stopping at the scene. matt is suddenly being pulled away from your frail body, fighting against the hands of the paramedics as he tries to yell out your name. nothing comes out, though, his voice too tired to be used anymore.
his vision is blurred, but he can still make out the way your eyes close softly as your head falls to the side. his heart shatters as he cries out your name finally, all the emotions so overwhelming he doesn't know what else to say. then his brothers are holding him close, trying to calm him down as all three of them stumble to the pavement of their driveway, "matt, hey, look at us. she'll be okay." nick whispers reassuringly, but he doesn't know if that's true. chris just stares blankly as the paramedics carry you on a gurney into the back of the ambulance.
your lip is busted, blood dripping down your head quickly and multiple bruises scattered across your body. the ambulance doors begin to close, and matt quickly jumps up from his place between his brothers and sprints towards the red car. his hands pry the doors open again, eyes wild as he stares at the caretakers in the back of the ambulance, "please, let me come. i need to be here with her, just—" one of the paramedics nod, and that's all the confirmation matt needs to jump into the back and take his place beside your head.
the car shakes subtly on the gravelly road, and the gentle coos of... him make your eyelids open slowly. you want to get up, so you make an effort to move yourself off the gurney in the back of the ambulance, but the paramedics only urge to stay where you're at, "you have to lay down, you're in terrible shape, sweetheart." but why? what even happened? where were you and why were you there?
who were these people? no, who was the guy right beside you who continued to stroke your hair gently? you don't even know yourself right now. did you hit your head? is that why it ached? what about your body? your eyes move around the small, confined space of the ambulance, stopping when you look out of the little window in the back door. the car continues to move down the street, but you still don't remember where you're going or where you were coming from.
"what happened?" you finally speak, but your voice is low and quiet, barely audible to anyone over the beeping of machines and the rocks beneath the road. matt sighs quietly, and now your attention is on him, "you got in a car crash. you're okay, now, so, don't worry." he gives you a gentle smile, but you only give him a look of confusion and worry.
"no?" you try to argue, looking around at the paramedics beside you. they only nod, and your heart drops once again. you were always a safe driver, or at least that's what you think in that moment. everything in your mind is so blurry you don't even remember what happened yesterday or what plans you made for the future. and still, you didn't know the guy touching your face.
matt watches as you space out, his thumb stroking your cheek affectionately as he frowns. he remembers the look on your face earlier that night, when he broke things off, and now it's back. that dumbfounded look that makes your lips part and your eyes squint subtly. you looked the same at times, even when half your face was beat up. he didn't care, though, he still thought you were beautiful, always. he brings his hand up to brush a stray hair out of your face, and only then do you turn your head to look at him again.
"who are you..?" you whisper, eyes looking him up and down. his hair is messy, eyes droopy, cheeks stained with tears, and his clothing is wrinkled. matt tilts his head, a smile coming to his face as more tears well up in his eyes, "you don't remember me?" you shake your head the best you can, squinting your eyes to try and get a better look at him. it feels like you should remember him, it seems like he was an important person in your life, but you can't quite grasp who he was to you.
"you don't even remember calling out to me?" another shake of your head, and matt inhales sharply. he wanted to scream and cry. he wanted you to comfort him. he wanted you back. but he should've known you wouldn't remember it. he should've taken the hint the moment you asked who he was. it still hurt, though. it felt like the entire world was bashing him. emotionally and physically, it hurt, the guilt weighing down on his shoulders as he stared at your confused face, sniffling quietly before he took his hands off your head.
the drive continues, but this time the tension is thicker then before. the silence is so loud, you barely hear the loud blaring of a truck horn coming from outside of the car. you flinch hard, eyes shutting closed as you try and shield your face. matt watches with teary eyes, letting out a breath of sympathy as he replays the events in his head. then, the entire thing comes back to you. the loud horn, the smell of gas, the blood sticking to your hair and the boy who came to save you.
red, orange, blue. the fire. the screams and the cries that the boy let out for you. he was the first person to come after you because he cared for you. you still didn't know why, though. why did he care so much? why did he feel the need to save you? "i told you even then you looked so pretty, y/n. you still do, you'll always be beautiful to me." the brunette whispered, leaning over your frail body as he gave you a gentle smile. his eyes were teary, though, and he looked hurt. very hurt.
"i—i'm sorry." is all you can say at the moment, eyes traveling to his as you frown. he shakes his head, lips parting to inhale shakily before he speaks, "don't be. ts' not you're fault," he smiles, but when he looks back into your eyes, they're swarming with the tiniest bit of guilt, "you do know that, right?" nothing but silence from your end. the boy takes your hand lightly, careful not to accidentally hurt you as he runs his thumb along the top, "it was never your fault, baby. i promise you, it was my—it was that truckers fault for not stopping."
your lips curve into the smallest smile as you make an effort to hold his hand, and the boy almost bursts out into sobs as he feels it. his head turns away from you for a few moments, trying to recollect himself as he takes deep breaths. when he finally looks back at you, your eyes are already on him, "i'm—i'm matt, you're boyfriend. but... we need to talk about a few things, 'kay..?"
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tags: @jetaimevous @livialifesblog @watercolorskyy @blahbel668 @her-favorite
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6esiree · 5 months
Fucking Them To Ulterior Motives
Edit: Found the Original song on Spotify + I added Adam and Angel Dust.
Y’ALLLL …ik you guys want a part 2 to the Daddy fic, but wouldn’t it be nice if I wrote about senselessly fucking the Hazbin men to this lost song that went viral?
Like, I can imagine you pushing them down on a chair, forcing them to watch you as you dance around the room, their eyes following your every move as you sway sensually along with the music. You guys are halfway into a bottle of liquor, too, so all of your senses are heightened.
Now, let’s cut to the good part where you’re riding them at a relentless pace.
Lucifer: You already know that Lucifer is going to be a mess underneath you, his head tossed back, pleading for you to be more gentle with him over and over again. He’s doing everything in his power not to climax instantly when you ignore him, trying to block out the filthy squelching that fills the room. Lucifer fails miserably, of course—he hasn’t been fucked this good in a while.
Alastor: Portraying Alastor as submissive seems impossible, but I’m sure he would dissolve into a groaning, pleading mess for y’all if he was drunk enough. Plus, he’s sensitive as he rarely ever indulges in carnal pleasures, his smile almost falling as his length glides in and out of your slick hole a testament of that. Alastor eventually forces your hips at a standstill, though, overwhelmed.
Vox: The way that Vox always appears so calm and collected? Yeah, that’s just a persona, and you figured that out as soon as you sunk onto his length. When you start moving, it’s over for him, but you mercilessly continue to ride him, savoring the way his screen glitches and buffers as you overstimulate him.
Husk: I’m sure Husk would eat this shit up. The old man’s body is slumped, eyes half-lidded, and mouth slightly agape, allowing breathy sighs to escape his throat. He’s trying his absolute best not to sink his claws into your hips as you ride him with fervor, his length already throbbing inside of you. You can bet Husk is mentally cursing himself because his body is reacting like that of a horny teenager.
Adam: We all know that Adam usually likes to dive right into the good part, perfectly fine with little to no foreplay. So when you finally crawl onto his lap and sink onto his length, he is immediately thrusting up into you, desperate for release. While he is mostly in control, Adam is still a mess underneath you, the bruises you suck onto his neck prematurely sending him over the edge.
Angel Dust: Oh, Angel would be in a state of bliss, unaccustomed to being indulged in such a sensual way. He’s also usually…theatrical, but as you ride him, you have to coax him into giving you a bit more than pants and breathy moans. Angel is too busy focusing on the sight of his length sliding in and out of your hole, only crying out loud when you tug his head back as you pick up the pace.
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becomingmina · 10 months
Hii, I loved your „Favourite time and place to eat you out” for skz. Can you do the one with favourite time and place for you too go down on them?
thank you, xoxo
Thank you for the request!!!! @leeknowlover99 💌 This was so fun. (Not proofread 🙃)
Chris/Bang Chan: In bed after he comes back from practice.
Chan hops out of the shower and makes his way over to you, who’s occupied with your book on the bed. He is in nothing but his towel wrapped around his hip, water still dripping from the ends of his curly hair into his broad shoulder.
“Hi baby,” he says happily, hopping on the bed positioning his pillows behind him so he’s comfortable.
“How was practice?” You asked putting down your book and directing all your attention to your boyfriend.
“Good. Everything went well but it went on for so long.”
“Should I reward you with something then? For practicing so for long? You asked back sweetly and he just nods, patting his covered thigh. You peeled back his towel, meeting his half harden dick. Soon you were slotted in between his legs with your ass up, eyes looking up at Chan taking his dick in your hand and slowly licking it to get him fully hard.
“Need more please baby,” he whimpers under you and without teasing your sweet boy any longer you take him to the back of your throat and gagging around him. Chan is unable to resist it when you take care of him. It makes him feel so small and loved, it gets him so soft and calm after a long day at practice.
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Lee know/Lee Minho: In the kitchen when you help him bake/cook.
“Let me help you,” Minho comes up from behind you to give you a back hug, moving the spoon from your hand pretending to help you stir the batter, just so he can press his hard on to your ass.
“Min..” you scolded but not moving from him.
“What? I just wanna help you make our cupcakes,” you can feel him smirk in your neck.
“It’s pancakes we’re making by the way,” you giggled turning around, tiptoeing to peck his lips. “If you want your dick sucked just ask?” Your hands rest on the waistband of his shorts not breaking eye contact.
“I want my dick suck,” Minho giggles back and instantly you kneeled down dragging his shorts with you, coming into contact with his hard member that’s sprung free slapping against his lower abdomen. His hands make the way to move your hair out of your face and he watches you take him inside your mouth at your own pace. “Bunny, we should cook together more,” Minho can’t control himself when you take on wifey duties. He just loves how good you are at it and thinks it’s hot when you’re focused on getting everything perfect.
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Seo Changbin: Recording room, late late at night.
It’s become a traditional thing now to tag along with Binnie at 2am when he says he needs to go back to work on the tracks for the next album. You continue to lie to the rest of 2racha and Hyunjin that you’re just there for moral support and that Binnie gets scared at that time of night, but you’re pretty sure they know what you two are up to, especially when nothing on the tracks are edited or fixed when they look into it the next day.
“What if I record the sounds one day and just slap it on one of our thrist tracks?” Bin says as you pull down his pants a little releasing his hard dick already dripping with pre cum.
“Well then you have to give me credit for it,” you smile up at him taking in the sexy smirk he gave. You keep your eyes on him witnessing the way his mouth open a bit and how his eyes are shut tight as you begin to swipe around his tip.
The sloppy wet sounds starts to fill up the recording room while you bob back and forth on his length with the help of his hand behind your head. Bin loves when you go down on him in the recording studio as he is able to let out his loud moans and whimpers without anyone hearing them.
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Hwang Hyunjin: On his bed after his goes live.
I loved that one live when he is in his cute pyjamas pants and he’s man-spreading on the fkn bed. I want him.
“Do you guys like my pyjamas?” Hyunjin just becomes so cute yet such a tease when he goes on live. You watch him manspread on the bed, eyes landing down on his crotch every now and then to signal to him what you want. He catches on but continues to talk to his fan teasing you a little bit longer - before letting you get what you’ve been yearning off of course.
He turns off the phone after saying good bye and you pulls you into his lap. You start to shower him with kisses from his face down to his neck then down his body over his clothes. He spreads his legs a bit wider and now you sit in between him leaning on your knees.
“Hyun, please?” You press a kiss over his covered cock and waits for him to approve your request. He guides your hand to rest on his thighs and the does all the work pulling down on his pants finally releasing his red hot dick. You gulped at the sight, giving it big widen eyes, wanting to taste it immediately but being the good and obedient girlfriend you are, you wait until he verbal confirms.
“Make me cum doll,” he guides his length into your mouth then his fingers move to caress yours, which was still on his thighs. Your moans are muffled by the way you deep throat him “I love when you get all needy for me when I pay attention to stays. You look so cute with your mouth all full-” he moans trying his best to stay in control even though Hyunjin knows he’s was close to painting your throat white.
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Han/Han Jisung: Bathroom stall during dinner.
“I want to cum,” Ji whispered to your ears.
“Not here, wait till we get home,” you whisper back but he shakes his head no. You’ve been riling him up, palming him through his jeans the minute you guys entered the restaurant. Well to be very honest, he started it first hiking his hand from your thigh up during the car ride to dinner.
“Need you now, I want your mouth,” you instantly shiver at the words. Ji was loud in bed so you know it wouldn’t work sucking him off in public because you guys were bound to get caught. But there was a bit inside of you that wanted to punish Ji for getting you aroused. You wanted to see how if he can last without letting out a moan, so you agreed.
“If you stay quiet for me, you can top when you get home,” you provoked him, his eyes wide open. It was something he’s been asking for ever since you guys fucked.
Ji followed you to the bathroom telling the guys you needed help to undo your playsuit, everyone brushed it off. You pull him into the toilets and backed him against the door undoing his belt and pulling down his jeans and boxers to pull around his ankles. You lick a stripe from his balls to his tip and Ji right away let out a loud moan.
“Naughty boy, you won’t get to top later,” you chuckled up, halting your movements, taking him his is fucked out appearance. “But you’re lucky I’m only hungry for your dick tonight,” you reassured him before gripping his base and directing him in your mouth. Ji continues to let out his beautiful loud moans, not caring about who is behind the other side of the door.
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Felix/Lee Yongbok: In dressing room before he heads on stage. Have you guys seen skz’s documentary for the 5-star dorm tour? At 20:43 🥵 Because gosh, he’s just so messy there and it’s so so so hot.
Felix was angry with himself. He wasn’t able to get his moves precise and with the concert on tomorrow he had no other options but to bottle up his stress to himself.
“You okay baby?” You asked noticing his demeanour. Felix usually has a lot to say when reviewing his performance or trying on his stage outfits but you detected how silent he was getting. “You need to relax baby, let me help you,” and with that you drop onto your knees and cling his grey sweat pants that was already sitting low on his waist, pulling them down. “Not wearing anything under? Always ready for me hey baby?” You look up at him lustfully, already getting yourself dick-drunk at the sight of his length.
Something about mad Felix got your heart pumping. He looks so gorgeous with his fluffy messy hair and his (yours) headband holding it away from his soft features which was now tensed. You pump him a few times before sticking out your tongue waiting for him to take control. Felix guides your head onto him as he thrusts your mouth, bitting his bottom lip to conceals his moan.
“Mhm- Y/n I love it when you come rehearsal with me,” he praises you as you suck the soul out of him. “Always knowing how to calm me down.. Gonna cu- I’m gonna cum,” and shortly with a hard plunge he releases his warm seeds down your throat. “Thank you baby,” he cooed out of breathe, pulling back to wipe your lips with his thumb.
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Kim Seungmin: Waking him up in the morning.
Seungmin is just such a hot boyfriend 🥲
You feel something hard just sitting ontop of your ass when you woke up. Oh someone’s horny already you thought to yourself and grind back on it. You were expecting your boyfriend to grip your waist for you to stay still but he doesn’t. The arm that was draped around your waist stayed perfectly still. You tried again, this time harder, “You awake Minnie?”
“Mhm- baby,” a soft whimper slips from his mouth. Oh Seungmin was still asleep and hard. You could some fun from this. You turned around and push him on his back then completely removing the blanket off him. You palm him to see any sign that he was awake yet but none, he was still.
You pull down his shorts a little to release his morning wood, leaping out to hit his lower abdominal. As you press a lick to his tip his hand sprung from his side and gripped your hair, getting up from the bed to witness your little mischief.
“I’m awake but continue princess,” he says before guiding you down on him. He leans his head back onto the pillow taking in sharp breaths as you go all the way, nose hitting his pelvic bone. “I should fake asleep more often knowing my perfect girlfriend would make me cum even without me asking.”
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Yang Jeongin: When he is in a middle of a game.
You’ve been dying for his attention all day and Jeongin knows it. But he was too occupied in a game with Felix and Seungmin for boyfriend duties just yet.
“Baby, if you want me so bad, just suck me off and I’ll give you sex after this round,” he taunts you. You crawl under the computer desk and he helps lift his hip to shimmy down his pants before his dick is free. You jerk him off a little then start to press little kisses on it to get him to harden. You begin to bob up and down in his length making sure it hits your throat every time and in returns Jeongin squirms. Jeongin could barely focus on the game now that you were stimulating him.
“Oh baby, you feel so good,” his hand retracts from the keyboard and onto your hair helping you. “Keep going, please.. Don’t stop..” Jeongin’s gets all pouty and whiny as he is about to cum. You notice hips lifting off the computer chair and you pull yourself off him stopping him from his orgasm. He looks down at you confused, brows scrunched up, lips pursed together in a pout.
“I still want to keeping sucking you baby, you can’t cum yet.” Jeongin was in for a ride.
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freshxsturniolo · 3 months
im sorry - chris sturniolo x femreader
summary : in which you and chris get into your worst argument yet, to the point you think its all over.
warnings : angst, arguing, fluff.
"do you think you should maybe, slow down?" your friend whispers from the side of you as you finish yet another vodka soda. you wipe at your lip as a small bit of the liquid missed your mouth and turn to her, hitting the glass on the table a little harder than intend.
"my relationship is as good as finished. no. i need another." you say. a sentence that just a few weeks ago would have had you sobbing, but now just made you angry.
you had promised yourself that you would never let any man treat you like you were worthless. you'd never simp for a man so hard that you'd be crying in your bed alone. and yet chris sturniolo had ticked every box.
he was your sweetheart. the first person to show you what true love was. but your too different personalities had finally hit heads. you arguments over the last month where harsh. unforgiving, almost. and yet you still stayed. both of you did.
but tonight had been different. you hadn't spoken in two days, despite living in the same house. he preoccupied himself with work, which was understandable, and you preoccupied yourself with everything but his presence. but when his brother and your best friend nick asked you both over dinner to talk to each other, you world had shattered.
"can you both please just talk this out? i dont know the extent of your argument but this is becoming unbearable."
you had looked at nick with a sorry expression on your face. you did feel bad, the triplets had been more than nice enough to allow you to move in and you hated the hostile feeling you were both bringing to the house, but when you looked back at chris, his eyes on his plate, and he shrugged, you felt your heart in your throat.
when he uttered the words. "i don't think theres anything left to say anymore", your world broke.
you stood up from your chair immediately, a silence around the table that was unbearable, and you kept your eyes trained on your boyfriend. but he didn't look up. you nodded, before you looked at both nick and matt, there eyes on you in a sympathetic glare, and you gave them a smile before you removed yourself, running down the stairs and out into the fresh air. you couldn't even summon tears.
so you headed to the bar. you rang your friend, who was there in a flash, but you were five drinks down by that point and you had no plans to stop.
"you're being ridiculous" your friend said now, holding your wrist and dragging you down as you went to stand up, you stumbled back into your chair and she gave you an eye. "you both need time to cool off."
you scoffed. "cool off?” you say again, looking back towards the bar.
"where is nick? or matt?" your friend says now and you shrug.
"have they not text?" she asks.
"nick followed me out" you say, remembering back to just an hour ago.
the anger that surged through you when hit the fresh air and out into the driveway was unbearable. this had been going on for too long, you yourself could admit that. argument after argument after argument. but for chris to not even look at you, and utter words so heartbreaking in the presences of his brothers without speaking to you privately? you felt embarrassed. angry.
“y/n” you heard nick shout when you were only half way down the driveway, and you turned to him immediately. you were angry but you weren’t going to take it out on him. he was your best friend. he had seen the hurt in your eyes even though you had tried to push it down over the last two days of silence between you and chris.
“please, come back in” he had said, and you give him a sympathetic smile.
“i need to walk this off, nick” you say, and he sighed when he finally reached you. you held out your arms immediately and he was bringing you in for an embrace within seconds.
“do you want me to come with you?” he had said, and you smiled.
“be there for chris”
“what he just said to you in there was uncalled for. matts with him, i want to be here for you”
you smiled. “he’s your brother. and i think he just broke up with me. he can act the tough guy all he wants, i know he’ll want you” you said.
he didn’t tell you but nick was in awe of you. he could see your anger and your upset, could see the way you didn’t know if to scream or cry, and yet your resilience in that moment he thought was admirable. you were completely unaware of the conversations that were happening in the house after that moment whilst you were now sat with your friend, but for the time being you didn’t care.
your friend let out a sigh as you finally scrambled out of her grip, declining your offer of a drink you were going to buy her as you walk across to the bar. it was busy, and you were already swaying from left to right as you used the bar to steady yourself.
“what’s a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?”
your head whipped up at the sound of the voice. a man you did not recognise leant against the bar at the side of you, his eyes looking you up and down. you knew instantly there was nothing sleazy or untoward about him. his aura gave off nothing but positivity, so you cracked a smile.
“oh, you know. just letting my hair down”
he laughed. “no boyfriend? or girlfriend? sorry, i don’t want to assume”
you smiled. “boyfriend.” you confirm. “no, hes -“
and there it is. the hurt hits you. you look up at the man who's smiling at you, already stepped back an inch after you had told him you had a boyfriend, and the argument springs up again.
"hes not here." you utter, before a laugh escapes you. where was he? you grab your phone from your pocket, no messages having coming through. you think back to the way it was nick that chased you out the door, and not him. and suddenly you feel sick. you look at the man stood in front of him and you utter a sorry before you turn on your heel, heading towards the your friend who's sat watching you from the table you were just at.
"i need to go" you say, and she looks at you for a second before standing up.
"i'll take you" she says. you nod, unable to even thank her with the surge of emotions that run through your body. you had jumped into an uber on the way here and your friend had driven, clearly knowing she wasn't going to end up drinking with you. really, she knew you wouldn't last long before you wanted to head home, so to her this was planning out exactly as she imagined.
you reach the outside of the bar, just a small one not even 10 minutes from the triplets house and the fading sunset hits you, you can feel the lump in your throat. your friend grabs hold of your arm as she pulls you down towards the street and to her car, but when you're half way there she finally speaks to you, noticing that your energy has shifted ever so slightly since being outside and the LA sunshine hitting your skin.
"are you okay?" she asks, and you look away from the skyline to her. and you laugh.
"no. no im not."
she gives you a sympathetic smile. "you're angry, i can tell. but i feel theres more too it. please dont give up on each other."
you nod as you reach her car, climbing into the passenger seat as she unlocks it and gets into the driver side after ensuring you're settled. she gives you another smile before she pulls off into the street, and you try your best to calm down. there were so many things you wanted to say to him. you wanted to scream at him. you wanted to cry at him. you wanted to ask him where it had all gone wrong.
youre so submerged in your own thoughts that you don't even realised when you pull up outside. you jerk your head up and let out a loud sigh, before looking to your friend.
"do you need a minute?" she says. "you look like you're going to cry. dont let him see you cry."
you smile as you reach over and give her a hug. "im okay. i'll be okay. thank you, so much."
you get out of the car and shut the door, double checking your pockets for your belongings. you could tell you were drunk, it had been an hour since you stepped off the driveway and ordered an uber to the bar and you'd drank way too quick, so you gather yourself as your friend drives off. taking a deep breath, looking up at the sky as the darkness finally sets in.
when you feel okay enough, you let out a large breath before turning on your heel, making your way up the drive way. you dont know what you were going to say. you were angry. you were hurt. and you feared when you did see him, you'd finally break down.
reaching the door to the house you unlock it slowly and quietly, needing a few more minutes before you saw anyone, but when you heard the three of them upstairs, you let out a breath. you're not sure what they're talking about, but you can make out the mumble of chris' voice and you turn on your heel, heading towards your shared bedroom, quietly opening and closing the door behind you.
when the door clinks shut, you lean against it, letting out a sigh of relief. but it hurts. you're drunk. you're feeling everything at once and the tears flow. pulling your hand over your mouth to muffle any noise, you make your way to the bathroom.
but he's heard you. the door opens, and his voice fills the room.
"baby" he says. and you snap.
spinning on your heel, you move your hand from your mouth. you know you look a mess. fresh tears on your cheeks. hair in a messy bun. you feel embarrassed that you'd even gone to the bar looking the way you did but in the moment it felt right.
chris' eyes widen when he sees you.
"fuck. baby -"
"baby!?" you spit. "baby?!"
and you see his adams apple move as he takes a gulp.
"please don't-"
"don't what?!" you spit. you take a deep gulp as you compose yourself, wiping under your eyes to take away the tears. you didn't want to argue. you didn't want to cry. but there was something inside you that was raging. "don't what, chris?"
"listen to me, please" he says, and walks over to your, grabbing at your wrists, but you pull them away immediately and head towards the bathroom. he's close behind you. "im so sorry, baby. im so so sorry"
you spin around immediately, and he accidentally walks into your chest. you take a slight step back at the side time as him, and your breath is harsh. "sorry? for what, chris? for talking to me like a piece of shit in front of your brothers? for ignoring for me the last two days? can you even remember what we were arguing about?"
"no but-"
"but what?!" you say, and the tears are falling again. "but what, chris? do you want to break up? do you want this to end? because thats what it sounds like to me and i'd prefer for you to tell me privately that in front of your brothers, because-"
"stop it, y/n. stop it!" he says, and he grabs at your hands again, but you pull them away, stepping beside him to reenter his bedroom. but you come to a stop. because you don't know where to go. you need to have this conversation. you know you do. but you're drunk, you're hungry, you're all of a sudden irritated and overstimulated.
so you cry. again. and you spin around to look at him as he to reenters his bedroom. he's crying to.
"please, listen to me" he chokes.
"i dont-"
"baby, stop it." he says, and he rushes right over to your side, taking your hands in his. you pull them away again, but this time he doesn't accept it.
"fuck, you're killing me." he says, and this time he grabs your wrists, pulling them up and stepping forward, trapping your arms in his hands in-between the both of yours chest.
"get off me" you say, but you don't mean it. you're angry but the first bit of physical touch from him in 2 days feels electrifying.
"no." he says, and you sniffle a cry before looking into his eyes. they too, rimmed with tears. this close you realise that they're too raw, and his lips are too swollen to have only just started crying.
"have you been crying?" you whisper, and he laughs. only slightly, but its a laugh, a smile appears on your face to.
"i love you." he starts. "I know that much is true. i dont know what the fuck has happened to us but i fucking love you. so much it hurts sometimes actually. i think thats why I coward away when we do fight. i cant handle it, y/n. i cant handle when you look at me when you're hurt or upset, it's easier to walk away and let us both cool off. and i know thats wrong, fuck nick and matt have just had my life about it, and im sorry."
you look at him. searching his face. his hair. feeling his hands and body on yours.
"why do we even fight, chris?" you ask now.
"i dont know, baby."
"am i too much? was moving in with you too much?"
he shakes his head immediately. "no, god no please dont think that."
you sigh, and he finally removes his hands from your arms. you take a step back, sitting on his bed, and he comes to join you.
"im so sorry for what i said earlier. i was being stubborn." he says, and you laugh slightly.
"we both were, chris. two days of ignoring each other."
he laughs too, and he places his hand on your thigh. you don't flinch away, but you don't reach for it either.
"do you want to be with me, chris? tell me the truth. because i can't keep being hurt like this. im not blaming you, either. its me, too."
he turns slightly to look at you, and you can see the genuine panic in his eyes. "if you were to break up with me, i dont know how i would survive. i mean it. i dont know why i said what i said earlier. embarrassed maybe, that nick had mentioned it. embarrassed i had let it carry on for two days. i dont know. but i know im sorry. not just for that but for all the times we argue."
the tears have brimmed in your eyes again and you let out a small smile, finally bringing your hand to his.
"I think we are both incredibly stubborn." you start. "and easily hot headed. and you're a social butterfly when i sometimes like to chill."
"i know" chris admits.
"but i love you, so much. i shouldn't have ran out earlier." you admit, and chris shakes his head.
"no. i shouldn't have let nick run after you. it should have been me." he says.
"its okay." you say now.
"do you forgive me?" chris asks, and just his face alone, his beautiful yet saddened face, makes you want to cry.
"yes. and you me?"
he laughs. "yes."
you chuckle, and then you finally lean in, his lips on yours. arguments were normal, you had to remind yourself that. but deep down, you loved this man to death, and he you.
when you finally pull away from your kiss, your first kiss in days, chris grabs your face in his hands. "im going to marry you, one day."
you heart jumps. "that so?"
he nods. "i already told nick and matt."
he smiles. "when nick came back and gave me an ear full after speaking to you outside. he told me what you said. the way you were angry but you knew i would want him to be there. and it just blurted out."
you smile, a sense of relief washing over you.
"because i love you, dumbass. even if you do get on my last nerve sometime."
he chuckles, pressing his lips against yours.
"you stink of vodka" he mumbles in your lips, and you smile.
"im celebrating."
he pulls away, giving you another eye. "celebrating what?"
you chuckle. "my man wants to marry me one day." and you crash your lips against his once more.
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sturniqlo · 3 months
Try Again- C.S
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summary: Chris goes to Y/n's apartment without her knowledge to try and win her back
cw: angst, cursing, slight fluff
masterlist | read part 1 here
It's been six months since Y/n broke up with Chris. She's hung out with both Matt and Nick here and there and it always seems like nothing has changed. A lot has happened over the past six months. She stayed with her best friend for the first month while she tried to recover from everything, and find the perfect apartment for herself.
At the end of the first month, she signed the lease.
Her new apartment is perfect. It has open living room with easy access to the kitchen. She loved that her apartment had many windows letting the natural sunlight come in. Her bedroom was something she loved. Back at the triplets house, she couldn't decorate her bedroom the way she wanted to. Considering the fact she had to take in Chris' interests into consideration.
Over this period of time, she missed Chris although she tried to deny her thoughts, she couldn't. When she was unpacking her car (she had left mostly everything in there until she found an apartment) she had found that a hoodie of Chris' she might've accidentally grabbed.
The moment she saw her now apartment she knew it was the one. The bathroom was absolutely beautiful which she found weird. When Matt and Nick came over to her apartment for the first time, they were shocked. The apartment was so her. They both helped her settle some things in. They went shopping for home appliances like decor, pots and pans, furniture, anything you could think of, they were there.
Chris knew that his brothers were hanging out with his ex girlfriend. He felt jealous, angry, upset. For the first few months he rarely spoke to his brothers. They tried to make an effort to hang out with him as much as possible, but he rarely let it happen. When they filmed their videos he would lock his feelings away and be as normal as possible.
The public still hadn't known that they were broken up, considering the fact that they never really posted about their relationship to avoid any hate or unnecessary rumors to spread around. They still followed each other, so the fans didn't think anything was wrong.
Y/n still continued to post on her socials, while Chris would post once every few weeks. He made an effort to get his license when he visited back home. He bought a car and tried to flip his life back the right way. He tried to talk to his brothers more. He tried to post more. He tried to contact Y/n but failed to do so because he always deleted his written out message, always closed out the phone app that was opened to her contact. Always backed out from asking Matt her new address.
Chris knew she had gotten a new apartment from her apartment tour video on youtube. He always caught himself up on anything she did. There was many speculations when that video came out but she quickly shut down the rumors by saying she just wanted her own place to continue to grow as her own person.
However, it wasn't until one day that Chris grew the courage to ask Matt the one question he always wanted to. "Hey, Matt?" He says, opening the fridge to get a pepsi. "Yea?" Matt says from washing his hands in the kitchen sink. "Can you give me Y/n's address, please." He says shyly. "And why exactly would I do that?" He says, drying his hands on his pants.
"I want to see her, and explain myself. I think I'm ready." Chris says, tapping his fingers against the table. A nervous habit he has. "What makes you think she's ready? Do you think she even wants to talk to you?" Matt knows Y/n has been wanting to reach out to Chris. He just wants to see that Chris is willing to do it himself.
A couple of weeks ago when Y/n mentioned to Matt that she was willing to talk to Chris, she gave him permission to give Chris her address if he ever asked. Also wanting to see if he would make the effort to. "I would hope she wants to. It's been quite some time. Has she.. told you something?"
"She's told me something, yes." Matt nods. Chris' heart flutters, knowing that she's probably ready to see him again, and possibly give him another chance. If she didn't want to give him another chance he would be bummed out but he'd understand.
"Is she ready?" Matt nods his to Chris' question. Matt grabs Chris' phone off the counter and unlocks it with his own face and inputs Y/n's address into the maps app. "Here, go talk to her." He hands the phone back to Chris. "Thanks. I'll be back." He snatches the keys from the table and runs to the garage. Chris looks down at his phone and realizes it's only a 10 minute drive.
Ten minutes. She's been ten minutes away from him this whole time.
Pulling up to her apartment complex. His hands start to sweat. He texts Matt and asks which buzzer is hers and which apartment floor and number is hers. He replies fairly quickly. Back at home, Matt runs to Nick's room. "It's time." He says out of breath. "He went?" Nick asks as he stops blowing his nose. "Yes." Nick had cancelled his plans with Y/n because he woke up with a cold. "Let's only hope."
The boys had hated seeing how their brother had been lately and how their friend had lost some of herself.
Chris presses her buzzer and it takes about two minutes for her to buzz open the door. Going to her floor and her door he takes a minute to himself before he knocks. "Hey, Nick. I thought you-" Her words were cut off once she saw who it really was. "Chris? What are you doing here?" She's taken aback. "I- I want to talk." He stumbles over his words. "If that's okay with you? I can leave if you want me to." He rambles.
"No, we can talk. Come in." She opens the door fully and he takes in her appearance as he walk in. She's wearing one of his favorite outfits she always wore when they went out just the two of them. "I like it. Your apartment, it's very you." He breaks the awkward silence. "Thanks, do you want anything to drink?"
"Do you have pepsi?" He asks, although he had one just before coming here. "I think so." Y/n turns on her heels and walks towards her fridge. She can't help but try to suppress her smile by biting down on her bottom lip. A habit of hers. She rummages through the fridge and finds her second to last pepsi. Over the years, she also grew an addiction to pepsi thanks to Chris.
"Here you go." She closes the fridge to turn to him when she finds him admiring the view from the high rise. "Oh, thanks." He turns back. "So," "So," They both say at the same time. "How have you been?" Chris asks as he opens the can. "I've been good, yeah. I just arrived from visiting my dad back home in Chicago."
Before starting high school, she was born and raised in the city of Chicago. But, when she bagan middle school her parents weren't the same anymore. So, when their divorce was finalized her mom packed herself, Y/n and her two little siblings and moved to Massachusetts. And that's where she met the triplets on her first day of Freshman year.
When Y/n turned eighteen, she traveled many time to Chicago to visit her dad for up to a month. Her siblings were a bit jealous so they begged their mom if they were able to tag along with Y/n. "Really? How was that?" Chris asks. "It was fun, I brought Maise and Freddy along. They were here two weeks before our trip and stayed here after we came back. They left a couple of hours ago." She hops on the counter spot next to Chris while he stays standing.
"How have you been?" She asks, playing with her fingers in her lap. "I've been good, too. I got my license when I went back home, finally. Bought a car, and that's pretty much it." Y/n gasps. "Really? That's cool. You're finally able to drive yourself around without the guys tagging along." Chris nods. "It's so much better, should've gotten it sooner." They both laugh. He eventually hops on the counter next to her. With her permission.
There's a beat of silence, their thighs are touching. Y/n bites the bullet and leans her head against his shoulder. Something she almost always did. Chris automatically melts into her touch and leans his head against hers. They stay like that for a while. Their hands eventually end up in one another's hold.
Chris is the first to break the silence. "M' sorry." Y/n can't help but tear up. "No, I'm sorry. If I hadn't broken up with you we wouldn't have been in this situation." Chris furrows his eyebrows and lifts his head off of her head and she lifts her head off of his shoulder. He stares at her teary eyes as he begins to speak. "You had no other choice, baby. I was fucking- gosh, I was horrible the last weeks of our relationship."
Chris hops off the counter and stands between her legs, bringing both of her hands up to his chest. "Chris," She begins. "No, listen to me, please." He cuts her off. "I messed up. I know I did." His voice begins to quiver and he begins to tear up, making more tears spill out of her eyes. "I was horrible at communicating how I was feeling. How everything I was going through put too much on my plate."
"And you know I didn't mean any I said to you that day, right? I didn't mean a single word. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. You didn't waste none of my time. None of it." He wipes the tears that are falling from her eyes to her cheeks while he is in the same situation. "I also hope you know I didn't mean anything I said to you too." She says and he nods.
"Y/n, baby, I would do anything that will give me the privilege to be able to call you mine again. Anything." He takes her hands back in his hold. "Really?" She says. "Yes, baby." Chris smiles and kisses her hands. "Do you promise to always tell me how you're feeling?" He nods. "Yes, all the time."
"Can I be your boyfriend again?" He says shyly. "Please." She nods. He wastes no time in smashing his lips against hers. "I love you." He mumbles against her lips. "I never stopped loving you."
A couple of hours have passed by, the sun set many hours ago and it was now nearing two in the morning. Chris was staying the night. As the movie played in front of them. Both Chris and Y/n get a message. Y/n picks her phone off of the coffee table and so does Chris.
It's from Nick, which he wrote in the group chat all four of you have together.
it's 2 am chris isn't home yet i'm guessing everything went well?
can someone respond so i can sleep soundly pls?
if you're asking if we're back together, yes we are
thank fuck
goodnight everyone💤
haha i'll see you guys tomorrow!!
bring me more tissue
"I'm guessing they were waiting for this?" Chris asks. "Guess so." Y/n turns her phone off and hugs Chris as if he'll disappear. "I love you." He says, kissing her head. "I love you." She replies.
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matty-bear · 7 months
The Elevator Game Gone Wrong PT.2 [M.S]
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type: fic! 
pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
warnings: VERY long, sfw, fluffy, alternate universe, paranormal activity, getting an attachment, seeing spirits, elevators
summary: As you and the triplets join Sam and Colby in investigating the most haunted hotel in Texas, the two ghost hunters suggest that Matt participates in a ritual called The Elevator Game. Little did everyone know that the ritual would actually work and your boyfriend would get stuck in another part of existence. 
notes: part two is finally here ! hope you guys enjoy it ^^ I really did NOT expect the first part to get so much attention but tysm for all the love ! I appreciate all of you very much <33 also, yes thats how this fic is gonna end there will NOT be a part three ;3 anywho, happy reading ! 
WC: 8969
“Matt?” You call out, your voice echoing rather loudly inside the empty elevator. You feel tears prick your eyes as you crouch down and take the discarded camera and horse necklace up off the floor. You practically cradle them both to your chest and shut your eyes tightly, your mind starting to spin as you begin to spiral. 
This can’t be happening.
The stupid ritual actually worked and Matt is gone. 
He’s stuck, by himself, in another plane of existence and you have no idea how to help him escape it. 
You should’ve persuaded him to not go. You should’ve been a good girlfriend and held him back. (As mean and selfish as that sounds) 
I mean if you didn’t let him go in the elevator the second time, this wouldn’t have happened right? Hell, if you didn’t let him go in the elevator period none of this would’ve happened. 
Sam and Colby probably would’ve gone in the elevator together. They could handle it, right? Of course, they could! They fucking professional ghost hunters for crying out loud! 
Forget about them… Matt is gone. Your boyfriend is gone and the chance of seeing him again is slim to none. What the fuck are you gonna do? 
You feel your chest tighten as you feel a lump form in your throat. As tears begin to cascade down your cheeks at a slow pace, you find it more difficult to breathe. Maybe it was because of the small space you were in or how your clothes were starting to become rather unbearable. 
Who are you kidding, Matt is fucking gone. 
You feel your chest tighten as you struggle to take air inside your lungs. The feeling made you panic more than you already were and you found yourself crawling back on your hands until your back hit the wall of the elevator. You hurriedly set the camera down next to you and begin to claw at your chest as you bring your knees up to your chest. 
As more choked sobs escape your lips, the muffled sound of footsteps approaches you. You see a tall figure in your peripheral vision but can’t distinguish who it is. Everything was so blurry and you couldn’t hear a thing except for your heartbeat that began beating loudly in your eardrums. 
You flinch rather harshly when you feel someone wrap their arms around you. You keep your head down as you allow the person to bring you against their chest. 
“y/n.” The person calls. They tap your shoulder a few times to get you to look up at them. At the sight of an all too familiar mop of red hair, you find yourself relaxing a little. “There you are! Look, I need you to listen to my voice okay? Can you hear me?” Nick asks, his voice nothing but soft as he looks down at your trembling frame. It takes a moment for you to register the male’s question but when it finally clicks, you slowly nod your head. 
“Okay, I need you to try your best and follow my breathing okay? Chris went to the car to grab some headphones and he’ll be back but as of right now, we need to try to ground ourselves okay? I’m right here. Just try to follow me.” 
You manage to focus your still slightly blurry vision on Nick’s mouth and wait for him to start going through a few simple deep breathing exercises before you attempt to follow. The moment you try to inhale, you immediately begin to cough your heart out. You shake your head with a small whimper and lean your head against the redhead’s bicep as you feel your heart tighten. 
“No, no, no. y/n, we need to try again. Come on, lift your head please.” Nick leans back a little to get you off him before he gently cups the side of your face, the sight of your tear-stained cheeks and pained expression as you begin hyperventilating breaking his heart. “Where the fuck is Chris? Does that mother fucker not know how to unlock a car and find a single pair of fucking headphones?” Nick looks behind him and locks eyes with Colby who’s looking down at the two of you worriedly. 
“He’s coming!” Sam exclaims, heavy exhales escaping his lips as he runs back to the three of you. 
“Fucking finally. God, my grandmother would be faster than his ass and she’s half fucking blind.” Colby smacks both of his hands over his face to muffle his laughter as Sam giggles and covers his mouth with his hand. Nick smiles softly and focuses his attention back on you as Chris runs up to the four of you. 
“Here. I could only find yours.” The younger pants out as he holds the redhead’s Apple headphones out in front of him. 
“That’s fine. What took you so fucking long?” Nick grumbles as he takes the headphones with his left hand and hurriedly digs in his pocket with the other. 
“I couldn’t find the car.” Nick quickly looks up and sends a glare to Chris who’s rubbing his nape and looking down at his shoes. 
“Of course you couldn’t.” After taking his phone out, the redhead quickly connects his headphones and opens up Spotify. “y/n look at me for a second. I need to put these on you.” You hesitantly comply and lift your head to allow the male to gently set his headphones on your head. After ensuring they’re comfortably over your ears, he quickly searches for a playlist that you and he often listen to and pushes play. The moment the soft beats of Halley’s Comet by Billie Eilish fill your ears, you find yourself claiming down nearly instantly. 
You shut your eyes and allow yourself to get absorbed in the music as you lean against Nick again. You feel the latter wrap his arms around you in a tight embrace, one of his hands softly hitting your back in a steady rhythm. Your heartbeat begins to follow the beat made and you soon find yourself calming down. When you’re finally able to breathe properly, you let out a soft exhale and slowly open your eyes. 
“Thank you, Nick.” You mumble softly, a faint sniffle coming shortly after your comment. 
“Of course,” Nick replies with a small smile. The boys allow you to take a few minutes to get yourself together before you pull away from Nick’s embrace and pull the headphones off your head and set them around your neck. The redhead intently watches as you stand up to your feet, his eyes watching your every move as you heavily exhale and look down at Matt’s horse necklace in your hand. 
“We need to get him back. I don’t care what we have to do, I need him back.” You state as you lift your head and look at Sam and Colby who are a few steps away from you. 
“I don’t really know how to hit the rewind button on this ritual per se. I didn’t think it’d work so I didn’t bother looking up how to bring something back.” Sam says as he looks down and rubs his nape, his lips forming into a straight line as he stares at the floor. 
“Well if you guys don’t figure out a way to get Matt back, I will not hesitate to do this stupid ritual over and over again until it takes me to the same universe he’s in. I'm sorry if I sound like a total jackass but I literally can’t live without Matt. And neither can Chris and Nick. We all need him back” 
“Sam and I will scavenge the internet to try to find a way to fix this, promise. But as for right now, we need all of you guys to get out of the elevator.” Colby says, his voice soft as he mentions for you and Nick to step out. You exhale heavily and gently nod your head before you walk out of the elevator, Nick following close behind you. 
You immediately make your way over to Chris who’s sitting on a bench across from the elevator. You look over at the male after sitting next to him and gently tap his knee to snap him out of the faint daze he’s in. After a moment, the male finally looks over at you and a frown immediately takes over your features at the sight of the male’s tear-filled eyes. 
“Oh Chris…” You mumble. You quickly wrap an arm around the latter’s shoulder to pull him against your side. When you do, the male doesn’t hesitate to bury his face in your neck. 
“I want Matt back.” Chris mumbles, his voice breaking slightly as he bites back the tears threatening to spill from his glossy eyes. 
“I know. We all do.” As you begin to rub comforting circles on Chris’ back, Nick takes a seat on the other side of the male and joins your attempts of calming him down. 
“Hey, guys?” Colby calls, his voice echoing in the elevator and seeping out into the hall. 
“What’s up? You find something else?” Sam asks as he quickly makes his way over to the male. 
“Yes, actually. I found a note under the camera but I can’t decipher it for the life of me.” 
“What?” You quickly pick your head up and look over at Colby who’s stepping out of the elevator and looking intently at the camera in his hand. “Lemme see.” 
The ghost hunter makes his way over to you and takes a small sheet of yellow paper off the bottom of the camera. You watch as his eyes skim over it a few more times before he hands it to you. Colby was right. On the small yellow sheet was horrible handwriting that was in… 
“It looks like a kid wrote it.” You say, your eyes squinting as you try your best to decipher the words written. 
“A kid?” Nick asks as he and Chris quickly turn around to look at you. Both boys lean closer to get a better look at the note in your hand, the same bewildered expressions appearing on their faces as they stare at the writing. 
“Yall don’t think that Samantha wrote it, right?” Chris asks as he rips his gaze away from the note to look up at Sam and Colby who are already looking down at the three of you. 
“I’m not sure... How could she send a note to us?” Sam asks as he crosses his arms over his chest, his face deep in thought as he also stares down at the note in your hand. 
“Wait, is the onvoy still out?” You ask as you hand the note to Nick who has his hand out in front of him, gesturing you to give him the small piece of paper. 
“Yeah, it’s right here,” Colby replies as he walks over to the said device that has been discarded in the middle of the floor. “You wanna ask something?”
“Yes please.” Colby gently nods his head and sets the onvoy next to you on the bench. You force your lips together in a straight line, a sudden surge of fear filling your veins as you stare down at the device. After inhaling and exhaling deeply, you ask your question. 
“Samantha, are you the one that wrote the note that’s under the camera?” 
Silence fills the lobby the moment the question escapes your lips. You take a glance up at Colby before you turn your attention back to the onvoy, nervousness filling your body as you begin to hear your heartbeat loudly in your ears. 
Why isn’t it- 
Your thought gets cut off when you feel a quick jab on the side of your thigh. Your breath quickly hitches as you flinch and quickly turn around, fear glossing over your eyes as you move closer to Chris. The moment you go to open your mouth to say something, the sound of the onvoy dinging alters the five of you. You quickly turn your head around at the sound and lean in closer to the onvoy to read the glowing response. 
“It says yes.” You read, quickly leaning away from the device after you feel a cold shiver run down your spine. 
“Wait, how the hell did she get the note to us?” Colby asks as he picks up the device and switches it off. 
“I have no clue. And I kinda don’t wanna know so.” You reply, your voice trailing off as you hug your torso. 
“I know what this says,” Nick states as he holds the yellow note in between his fingers. At the male’s statement, you and the rest of the boys quickly look over at him. 
“What does it say?” Chris asks as he leans against the redhead’s shoulder, smiling slightly as he manages to make him fall back a little. 
“It says mirror room but it’s just horribly misspelled. I mean it makes sense since Samantha is a literal child but.” Nick replies, a faint grunt escaping his lips as he pushes Chris off him and sits upright. 
“Mirror room?” Sam repeats, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he takes a glance over at Colby. 
“Is she talking about the Maximilian room inside The Mezzanine?” Chris asks, his head slightly tilting to the side as he looks up at the two ghost hunters in front of him. The moment the question escapes Chris’ lips, a small giggle escapes you at the feeling of two pokes coming in contact with your side again. 
“Samantha, I am not built for this, please do this to Chris. He’s right here.” You beg as you quickly slam your arm firmly against your side. When you use your free hand to gently pat the younger triplet’s shoulder, the male’s face grows pale as his eyes widen in pure fear. 
“Why would you say that?” Chris asks through gritted teeth. “Samantha, she doesn’t mean it. Please keep messing with her, not me.”
“Wait, maybe Samantha is trying to communicate with us through y/n. You know, considering how she touched her immediately after Chris asked the question.” Colby says as he points a single finger towards you and he looks over at the blonde next to him. 
“Samantha, if you would like to communicate with us through y/n instead of the onvoy, could you poke her two times for us?” Sam asks, his question causing your jaw to drop to the floor. 
“Guys, this is fucked uP-!” You say, your speech getting cut off by you giggling at the feeling of two pokes being delivered on your side. Your giggles soon turn into a small whine as you cover your face with both your hands and lean against Chris’ arm. 
“Did she poke you once or twice?” Sam asks. 
“Twice.” You grumble in response. “This is so fucked up why me out of all of us?” 
Sam shrugs in response. “Not sure. But at least we know how to communicate with her better.” Colby nods his head at the blonde’s comment as he lands a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Now, Samantha, would you like us to go to the Maximilian room inside The Mezzanine? Remember, one poke no, two pokes yes.” 
The moment the question is asked, you feel Chris jerk away from you, a stream of panicked giggles spewing from his lips as he reaches for Nick. 
“Thank you, Samantha.” You say aloud, a small smile visible on your lips as you look over at the two boys next to you. 
“Did she poke you, Chris?” Colby asks, a small laugh escaping him as he watches the latter hurriedly rub his left side. 
“Yeah. Twice.” Chris replies, a frown forming on his lips as sends a quick glare in your direction. At the male’s intense look, you give him an innocent smile and quickly jab your hand into his side. A chuckle escapes you when Chris lets out a choked laugh and stumbles off the bench. “Bro, this isn’t funny!” The male exclaims as he lays on the floor and covers his face with his hands. 
“It’s a little funny,” Nick says with a smile as he bends down to reach the younger male on the floor. He lands a quick poke near Chris’ underarm and giggles when the male squeals and rolls away from him. “Dude, you squeal like a little girl.” 
“Nick, I will fucking rock your shit. Don’t play with me right now.” Chris says through gritted teeth as he sits up and leans against his arms. Nick raises his hands in defense and takes a seat closer to you as Sam walks up to the male on the floor. 
“Come on, I think we should head over to The Mezzanine,” Sam says as he holds his hand out in front of him. Chris looks up at the blonde for a moment, a small smile sneaking onto his lips as he grabs his hand and allows the male to help him to his feet. “y/n you wanna lead the way?” 
You slide your tongue over your teeth as you look over at Sam, your stomach churning out of anxiousness before you quickly avert your gaze from him to Nick. When you turn to the male, the redhead gives you an encouraging smile and gets up. The moment he holds his hand out for you, you smile widely and grab it as you follow suit in getting up. 
“Yeah. Let's head over there.” 
༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ
“Okay, someone go in first I don’t fuck with the dark.” You say. After a few minutes of searching the hotel, you and the boys managed to find the Maximilian room inside The Mezzanine. The moment you walked up to the doors and saw that the room was pitch black inside, you quickly backed away and walked behind Nick and grabbed both of his arms, basically making him your shield. 
“Hell no, I'm not going in first either!” Nick exclaims as he turns around and puts you back in front of him. 
“God, y'all are a bunch of pussys,” Chris mumbles as he walks past you and Nick to get to the door. After swiftly opening it, the male enters the large room and begins his short search for the light switch. Upon finding it, the boy turns all the lights on with a single flick of the finger. “Yall coming in or what?” 
“Yeah, yeah, we’re coming.” You mumble, sending a look to Nick before you join Chris inside the room. As the rest of the boys trail behind you, you begin to wander deeper inside the room, your eyes staying glued onto the mirrors as you quickly observe them. 
“Okay, now why would Samantha bring us here? It’s just a room full of mirrors.” Nick asks, his eyes following your frame as you continue to walk around the room. 
“Maybe she left another note?” Colby suggests as he sets his backpack and camera down on the floor against the wall. 
“Let’s start looking around the-“ 
“Matt?” At your sudden exclamation, all the boys quickly whip their heads around in your direction. They silently watch as you run up to the mirror at the end of the room with wide eyes before they all run up after you.
“What happened?” Nick asks as he stops behind you and sets both his hands on your shoulders. 
“I saw Matt in the mirror.” You say, stumbling over your words slightly as you point to the mirror in front of you. “I managed to catch a glimpse of his hair before he walked to the left.” 
“Are you sure you saw him?” Colby asks, his voice holding a sense of uncertainty as he raises an eyebrow and looks up at the mirror in front of all of you. 
“I swear on my life it was Matt! I could recognize his ass from a mile away!” You slip away from the group to walk to the mirror to your left. The mirror that Matt walked towards. You stand in front of the said mirror and your hold on his horse necklace tightens as you desperately look around the glass. 
You needed to prove to the guys that you weren’t seeing things. They probably think you're going insane right now and you can’t have that. 
The moment you go to walk to the next mirror, you feel a small tug on your sleeve. You quickly jump away with wide eyes and cover the area where you got touched. 
“Samantha is that you?” You call out, your statement drawing the attention to the group of boys still standing in front of the other mirror. At the feeling of two small pokes on your knee, you heavily exhale and nod your head softly. “Can I see Matt in the mirrors?” Another two pokes. “See! She said yes!” 
“But how is that possible? You can’t see another person in a mirror unless they’re in front of it.” Sam says as he walks up to you, the rest of the boys following close behind him. 
“I have no idea how it’s possible but Samantha confirmed that I’m not going crazy.” You don't wait for the blonde to stop in front of you before you walk off to the next mirror. Sam stops in his tracks and looks back at Colby, a look of uncertainty clear on his face as he locks eyes with the male. The latter simply shrugs in response and pats the blonde’s shoulder before he, Nick, and Chris follow you. 
“Matt?” You call you again, your eyes desperately searching the mirrors in hopes of seeing your boyfriend again. You let out a frustrated huff when you reach the end of the wall. No Matt here. You quickly turn on your heels to begin your search on the other wall. The moment you walk up to the first mirror, your breath gets caught in your throat when your eyes land on an all too familiar mop of chocolate brown hair. “MATT!”  
You run up to the mirror showcasing your boyfriend curled up in a tight ball against a wall with both of his arms covering his head. The closer you got to the mirror, the more you could faintly make out his rapid and labored breaths. 
“Matt?” You shout as you delicately set your fingertips on the glass. You watch with wide eyes as Matt quickly looks up and whips his head around, trying to find who called him. 
“Hello?” The male calls out, his voice sounding rather muffled as he hurriedly stands up. 
“Matt it’s me, y/n! Can you hear me?” 
At the sound of quickening footsteps approaching you, you quickly turn around to see all the boys coming up to you. The same shocked expression can be seen on all of their faces as they look up at the mirror. 
“It’s fucking Matt.” Chris breathes, tears welling up in his eyes as he grabs onto Nick’s bicep.
“How the hell…” Colby mumbles.
“Matt!” Nick shouts as he drags Chris up to where you are standing directly in front of the mirror. 
“Nick?” Matt calls, his voice wavering slightly as he clutches his clothed chest. 
“Matt, we’re all here. Me, Nick, Chris, Sam, and Colby. Can you see us?” You ask. You all watch as Matt rubs his eyes with his palms and looks around aimlessly. 
“No...” Matt replies sadly as a frown overtakes his lips. 
“Matt, do you see a mirror anywhere by any chance?” Sam asks as he and Colby walk closer to the mirror. 
“Umm…” Matt’s voice trails off as he begins to walk around. The moment he goes to walk outside of the mirror, you all yell at him. 
“NO, MATT!” You all exclaim in unison. The male jumps at y’all’s exclamation and quickly walks back to where he was. 
“Look in front of you,” Chris instructs, a small giggle escaping him as he watches his brother cross his arms over his chest with a frustrated exhale. Matt complies and looks straight ahead, his eyes widening slightly when his gaze lands on a small mirror with a black frame. 
“I see one!” Matt exclaims as he quickly runs up to it. As he does so, he nearly takes up the entire space of the mirror the five of you are looking in, his tall frame looking over you guys as he scans the mirror on his side. You and the boys immediately begin to back up to get a better view of the male, small chuckles escaping a few of you at the sight of Matt mimicking a mine as he sets his hands on the glass. 
“Can you see us in-“ You cut yourself off when Matt suddenly yelps and jumps to the side. 
“What the fuc-“ The male starts, cutting himself off when he looks to his side and sees something. 
“What happened?” You ask, worry washing over you as you see Matt take a few steps back, his eyes wide in fear. 
“Samantha’s next to me.” 
“WHAT?” Chris exclaims, his jaw-dropping as he quickly whips his head around to face Sam and Colby, the two sharing the same expression as him. 
“Wait, we can’t see her,” Nick says, his eyebrows furrowing together as he over at the space that Matt is looking down at. You watch intently as Matt reaches his hand next to him, your eyes widening when you see a yellow sheet of paper appear in his hand moments later. 
“That’s the same sheet that was under the camera,” Colby states, earning a small head nod from you and the other boys. 
“Thanks,” Matt says slowly. You see the male smile slightly before he looks down at the paper in his hand. “Awh, this is wonderful Samantha thank you.” 
“What’d she give you?” The moment the question slips out of Sam’s lips, Matt flips the paper over and holds it against the mirror, allowing the five of you to see it. You can’t help the large smile appearing on your lips when your eyes land on the shark drawn with a blue crayon on the yellow sheet of paper. 
“Awh, that’s so cute!” Chris gushes as he jumps a few times. 
“Do they like it?” You hear a small voice ask. Collective gasps emit from you and the boys the second you guys hear the voice. 
“Yes, they love it,” Matt confirms with a smile. A small, high-pitched giggle rings through your ears before Matt faces the mirror again. “Guys I'm fucking petrified here please bring me back.” 
“We’re not finding anything on how to get you back, Matt,” Colby says, a frown appearing on his lips. Matt covers his face with both his hands as a shaky exhale escapes him. You find yourself shaking your head slightly as you force your lips together and dig your hand in your pocket to take your phone out. The moment you unlock the device, you feel a sudden weight on your shoulder. 
“What are you doing?” Nick says softly, his minty breath fanning over the right side of your face as he peers down at your phone. 
“Trying to find a way on how to bring Matt back.” You reply, your thumbs quickly tapping the screen as you google the ritual Matt did in the elevator. Silence fills the room as you type away on your phone, your eyebrows knitting together as a determined and focused expression spreads across your face. 
“Home?” You quickly pick your head up the second Samantha’s voice fills your ears. You watch Matt remove his hands from his face, your expression falling into one of worry at the sight of your boyfriend’s glossy eyes, before he looks down at the space he was looking at previously. 
“What was that?” Matt asks softly, a small sniffle escaping him as he quickly wipes away the tear that escapes his eye. 
“You wanna go home?” You hear Samantha ask. 
“Yes, I really wanna go home,” Matt replies as he furiously nods his head. 
“You don’t belong here?” 
“No, I don’t. I belong somewhere else.” 
“Just somewhere else.” 
“With y/n?” You feel your heart skip a beat the moment your name escapes the little girl’s lips. 
Matt’s eyes widen and his words get caught in his throat for a moment before he hurriedly replies. “Yes with y/n. With my two brothers and friends too.” 
“How did you get here if you don’t belong here?” 
“I decided to play a little game that I shouldn’t have played by myself.” 
“What game?” 
“Just a little game in the elevator.” 
“Oh! I know that one!” 
Matt’s face falls into one of worry the moment Samantha answers. “You do?..” Matt asks, his voice trailing off as he takes a glance over at the mirror next to him. 
“Yes! I like to play it with my friends! We get to go somewhere else if it works! It’s a lot of fun.” 
“Wait, do you know how to take me back to where I belong then?” 
“You belong in the place where me and my friends go?” 
“Yes! Yes, I do.” As you hear the small girl hum softly, you quickly turn around to look back at the boys behind you. 
“She knows about the elevator game.” You say, your voice soft and low as you try to not get Samantha to hear you. 
“Let’s hope she knows how to send Matt back,” Chris adds as he begins to nibble on his bottom lip. 
“I think so.” You hear Samantha say. You could tell she was rather unsure with her reply due to her voice going up a few octaves at the end of her sentence. 
“Could you try to send me back, please?” Matt asks as he looks down at the girl, a pleading expression clear on his face. 
“Yeah! Come with me!” Without allowing the male to get another word out, Samantha grabs Matt’s hand and pulls him away and out of the mirror. The second the male vanishes, your face drops and you quickly turn around to face the boys behind you. 
“We have to go back to the lobby. Now.” You state, giving all the males a stern look before you exit the Maximilian. 
“y/n, wait up!” Nick exclaims as he begins to run after you, the other three boys soon running after the both of you. 
Matt’s POV
The constant colors of blue and yellow have been blinding my vision the entire time I’ve gotten to this universe. This world is a replica of the regular world apart from the fact that the majority of this world is in those two colors. While wandering around this universe’s hotel, I did encounter a hallway that was a different color. However, I didn't think about walking down it considering how it was a deep red color. And if my representations of colors were correct, I know that you should always stray away from red since it’s often tied to danger. 
Honestly speaking, I didn’t expect this elevator ritual to work so when it did, I had a full-blown freakout. I mean, why would I not? I’m in a different universe and couldn’t contact anyone. Not to mention how the camera I was using to record myself and my horse necklace completely vanished into thin air the second I got ‘transferred’ over here. 
Adding to my list of things I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect to be able to see hundreds of spirits walking around. No one seemed to care about how I was there and kept going on their merry way, floating around the hotel grounds as I wandered around like a lost child in a grocery store. I almost gave up on my search trying to figure out where the hell I was and how to get out but when I heard y/n’s voice, I gained a little bit of hope. But the fact that I couldn’t see her and the rest of the guys frustrated me heavily. And they could somehow see me? I have no idea how that makes sense but I didn’t even bother asking because I was sure they wouldn’t have an answer. 
My first encounter with Samantha while I was talking with y/n was absolutely terrifying. The little girl that I saw in a painting was standing next to me and communicating with me. She had a bright yellow aura surrounding her, which was a great contrast to the other spirits who held a dull gray one. I’m assuming that she was the only one who had this aura because she’s a kid and still has that child-like innocence to her. But the moment she mentioned that she and her friends played the elevator game for fun, I could not believe my ears. 
I mean, she doesn’t know better and probably thinks it’s all fun and games but to me, it’s the complete opposite. That little game of hers got me here in the first place. Now, I'm not blaming her because she's a literal child and has no control over this but the elevator game being fun??? That’s just mind-boggling. 
“Wait, where are we going?” I ask, my eyes squinting as Samantha’s aura begins to blind me. 
“The elevator, silly!” The little girl replies, a small giggle emitting from her smiley lips as she continues to drag me down the blue and yellow hallways. A small sigh escapes my lips as I continue to let Samantha lead me to the first floor, thankfully with the use of the stairs, and to the lobby where the elevators were. “Get in!” With a small push of a button, the elevator doors open to reveal a purple-filled space with blotches of yellow coating the brims of the elevator walls. 
“Good to know there’s no red in here,” I mumble under my breath.
“What did you say?” Samantha quickly turns around on her heels, her dress momentarily twirling around her as she looks up at me with large doe eyes. 
“Nothing.” I give the girl a small smile before I enter the elevator. I immediately excuse myself to go to the corner as Samantha enters right after me. As she walked up to the panel of buttons, I could faintly hear her humming a soft tune, her body subconsciously swaying along to the tune. After pushing the button for the first floor, she turns back around and walks up to me. 
“Will you come back to visit me?” Samantha asks with a large toothy grin. I feel my heart ache as the small girl looks up at me. As I force my lips into a straight line, I begin to have a small mental battle about whether or not I should be honest with her. 
“I’m not sure, Sammy. I really wanna go back home.” I reply softly. 
“Can I come with you?” The moment Samantha asks me that question, I feel my heart drop. Panic immediately fills my body as I blink down at the girl in front of me. 
“No, I'm sorry. You need to stay here with your friends. They’ll miss you if you don’t come back.” 
As Samantha’s smile forms into a pout, the elevator dings faintly before the doors open. I watch as the small girl turns around and goes to push the next floor, her pout not faltering.
“y/n seems nice,” Samantha says softly as she makes her way back to me. 
“She is a wonderful girl. I’m very lucky to have her in my life.” I comment as my lips form into another large smile. 
“I think she’s scared of me.” My smile falls into a slight frown as I look down at Samantha. 
“What makes you think that?” 
“Every time I try to get her attention, she always looks so scared. She hasn’t looked as scared the last few times I poked her but I know she’s scared of me.” As Samantha picks her head up to look at me, I feel my heart shatter as I take in her large and glossy doe eyes. “Am I scary?”
“Oh no, not at all Sammy.” The moment I open my arms, Samantha runs closer to me and crashes into me. As I wrap my arms around her and gently pat her head, the small girl nuzzles her face into my stomach. 
“Are you sure?” Samantha asks, her voice cracking as tears begin to run down her small face. 
“I’m sure, sweetheart. You are not scary at all. In fact, you are quite adorable and so sweet.” I reassure the girl as I begin to run her back comfortingly. As Samantha sniffles softly, the faint ding of the elevator doors opening causes me to lift my head. I let out a small sigh before I bend down and lift the girl into my arms. As I make my way over to the panel of buttons, Samantha wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head against my shoulder. 
Carrying this small kid has to be the weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced. She practically weighs nothing and my skin is tingling. 
Why am I tingling?.. 
“Hey, Sam?” I call, my index finger gently poking the said girl’s side. I smile softly when she squirms away with a high-pitched giggle. 
“Yes?” Samantha replies as she lifts her head off my shoulder to look over at me. 
“What floor do we go to next?” 
“Alright, thank you.” Samantha hums softly in response and returns to her spot on my shoulder. After I push the bottom to the sixth floor, I walk back to the corner I was previously at. Comfortable silence fills the elevator as I continue to hold Samantha close against me, her soft breath tickling my neck as she begins to faintly hum the same tune from earlier. 
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Your POV 
You find yourself pacing back and forth in front of the elevator as Salt In The Wound by boygenius fills your ears. You can see Sam and Colby talking to one another in your peripheral vision, however you can’t make out their voices due to the headphones on your head. 
You had no idea how to wrap your head around what happened 15 minutes ago. You thought you lost Matt for good yet you were able to talk with him through a mirror. The whole thing sorta of reminded you of Bloody Mary but minus all the scary aspects. The fact that Matt was able to physically see and communicate with Samantha while he was in the other universe was pretty shocking to you. You hope that the girl will stay true to her word and help your boyfriend back in this world. 
God knows you desperately need him back. 
You get snapped out of your pacing and your daze by a small tap on your shoulder. You flinch rather harshly and rip the headphones off your head, your eyes mimicking those of a deer caught in headlights as you stare wide-eyed at the person who tapped you. 
“Fucking hell, Chris. You scared the shit out of me.” You say as you clutch your chest. 
“My bad.” Chris apologizes with a small smile. “Nick wants you to eat something.” At the male’s statement, you turn your head and immediately make eye contact with Nick who’s holding his hand out, an open pack of fruit snacks on the palm of his hand. At the sight of the snack, your mouth shapes into a small oval before you scurry over to the redhead and take a seat next to him. The moment the male hands you the pack, you shoot him a large toothy grin before you indulge in the snack. 
“I can’t be the only one who can’t believe what just happened,” Colby says as he rubs the side of his face with his hand. 
“No, I can’t either. That was fucking insane.” Nick agrees as he quickly points over to the male before he fishes another pack of fruit snacks from his pocket. 
“It reminded me of Bloody Mary a little bit. You know since they both deal with mirrors.” Sam chimes in as he nibbles on a single club cracker. 
“Me too!” You exclaim, a hand coming up to cover your mouth as you continue chewing on your gummies. 
“Do you guys really think that Samantha will help Matt? I mean, she is a little kid after all.” Nick asks as he stuffs a few fruit snacks in his mouth. 
“I don’t know but I hope she’s able to bring him back.” You reply as you sigh gently and continue chewing. 
“Hey guys?” Chris calls. You and the rest of the boys quickly look over at the male who’s looking at the elevator with slightly wide eyes. 
“What’s up?” Sam asks as he lifts himself off the wall he’s leaning against to walk over to the youngest triplet. 
“Was the elevator always on the fifth floor?” Your head quickly turns to look over at the number atop the elevator. And low and behold was the number five shining brightly above the golden doors. 
“Wait, why is it blue?” You ask, your eyebrows furrowing as you stare at the bluish glow emitting around the number. “Wasn’t it always white?”
“Yeah, it was…” Colby replies, his voice trailing off as he takes a stand next to you. “That’s weird.” 
The moment you go to fix your gaze back to the half-empty pack of gummy snacks in your hand, the sound of Chris gasping rather loudly causes you to pick your head up again. 
“What’d I miss?” You ask quickly as you look over at the male. 
“The number is going down,” Chris replies as he points up to the number shining brightly atop of elevator doors. Your eyes widen the moment that statement escapes Chris’ lips and you quickly look over at the elevator again. 
“What the actual fuck…” You hear Nick mumble next to you. You feel your heart beat loudly in your ears as you watch the number above the elevator slowly go down. The moment the number one appears, your eyes quickly shift over to the elevator doors. You had no idea what was happening but you knew that the elevator arrived at the floor all of you were currently on. It could be that another person is taking the elevator and they’re coming to the lobby but why was it stuck on the fifth floor? 
You get pulled out of your thoughts when you hear a small ding coming from the elevator. Subconsciously, you reach over to Nick and grab his hand for mental support as you hear your heartbeat quicken in your ears. After a few moments, the elevator doors slowly begin to open. After it finally opens halfway and you don’t see anyone, your gaze falls back to the pack of fruit gummies in your hand. 
Stupid fucking haunted ele-
“MATT!” You hear Nick exclaim, his hold on your hand vanishing as he quickly gets up and runs to the elevator. You quickly pick your head up at the mention of your boyfriend’s name and see all the boys rushing inside the elevator. Your mind seems to lag for a minute as you sit there, frozen, until you finally get back to reality and join everyone in the elevator. You nudge your way through the small crowd of boys to get to the middle and the moment you see an all too familiar set of blue eyes look down at you, tears immediately begin to well in your eyes. 
“Matt.” You sob. You immediately crash into your boyfriend’s arms when he walks closer to you and opens his arms out. You bury your face into Matt’s chest and curl your fingers against his clothed back as a steady flow of tears runs down your cheeks. “You’re back.” 
“I'm back, I'm right here,” Matt whispers softly as he begins to land soft kisses on the top of your head. The male shuts his eyes tightly and takes in your comforting scent as he begins to tear up himself. 
“I thought I’d never see you again.” You remove yourself from Matt’s chest to look up at him. “Never do that shit again. I won’t let you.” 
“I won’t, I promise.” Matt brings a hand up to the left side of your cheek to cup your face, this thumb beginning to wipe away your tears as he locks eyes with you. A few beats of silence pass by before the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts y’all’s small moment. 
“I apologize for interrupting but I’m feeling quite claustrophobic here,” Nick says as he gestures to the small space around him.  
“Yeah, and I think I’d like to leave this trauma-inducing elevator,” Matt adds with a smile, his statement earning faint laughs from all the boys. You watch as all the guys file out of the elevator and walk back into the lobby. Before you grab Matt’s hand to pull him out with you, you turn back to face the male with a small smile. The brunette shifts his gaze down towards you and smiles softly before you decide to grab his face and pull him down to capture his lips for a quick kiss. 
“Never thought I’d be able to kiss you again.” You say after you pull back, the same smile visible on your lips. 
“Hey! No sucking face in the elevator!” You both hear Chris exclaim. You can’t help but roll your eyes at the boy’s statement before you take Matt’s hand in yours and pull him out of the elevator. 
“I think it’s safe to call it a night,” Colby says, a heavy exhale escaping his lips as he picks his backpack up off the floor. 
“I thought we still had the Estes Method to do,” Chris says, his eyebrows furrowing as he watches the two ghost hunters collect their equipment. 
“Well…” Sam starts as he detaches the light from one of the cameras. “We do but a lot has gone down and I think we should wrap things up here. Right, Matt?” 
“Most definitely. I saw and interacted with enough spirits today.” Matt confirms as he rapidly nods his head in agreement. 
“We can pick up another day if you guys want. I think we have plenty of footage for the video but we’ll release something at the end explaining what happened with Matt without giving away too much information.” Colby suggests as he swings his bag over his shoulder, one of his hands resting against the strap to hold it in place. 
“We can pick back up in two days,” Nick says, taking a glance over at Matt and Chris and waiting to gain small head nods of approval from them before he looks back at Sam and Colby. “We do have another week here.” 
“Well, let us know. You guys do not have to continue the investigation if y'all don’t want to. As Colby said, we should have enough footage for the video.” Sam reassures, a small smile appearing on his lips as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.  
“We will,” Matt says with a smile of his own. 
“Well, we’ll see you guys later. We still have that dinner reservation in three days so don’t forget!” Colby exclaims as he points a finger at all of you. 
“We won’t.” Chris chuckles. “Thanks for inviting us guys!” 
“Dude, of course.” You and the triplets begin to share quick hugs with Sam and Colby before the six of you begin to head towards the exit of the hotel. Upon arriving at the front doors, Matt holds the door open for you to allow you to be the first person to step outside. When you do, you take in your first breath of fresh air with a content smile. 
“God, how much I missed seeing the outside world.” You sigh as you turn around to face the rest of the boys. 
“Oh me too.” Colby agrees with a rapid head nod. 
“We’ll see y'all later! You guys make it back to your hotel safely.” Matt says as he walks up to you, his left hand instinctively going to reach out to grab yours 
“Yall too! Goodnight guys!” Sam shouts with a large smile as he and Colby wave goodbye to the four of you. You and the triplets bid farewell to the ghost hunters before walking through the parking lot in search of the van. 
“I never thought I’d be so happy to see a car in my entire life,” Matt mumbles as he takes his car keys out. As the male unlocks the car, you giggle softly and watch as Nick and Chris hop in the back. Matt looks over at you and lands a quick kiss on your forehead before he brings you to the passenger door. You slip inside the car with a small smile when the male opens it and gently shuts it when you get yourself situated in your seat. 
“God I'm fucking exhausted.” Nick breathes as leans against the car window, his eyes shutting in the process. 
“Ima knock out. I kid you not.” Chris adds as he pulls his seatbelt over his body. 
“Y'all better wake the hell up when we get to the hotel. I’m not carrying y'all up to the room.” Matt says as he slips in the driver's seat, a soft thud coming from the door after he shuts it. 
You manage to catch Nick making a talking gesture with his hand in your peripheral vision as you look over at Matt. You watch silently as the male puts his seatbelt on and pulls the gearshift down to drive. Before he begins to drive off, he looks over at you and sends you a large smile before capturing your lips for a quick kiss. 
“I’m never leaving your side again.” You say as you shift in your seat to lean your head against the cold window. 
“Same here. I’m never letting you out of my sight.” Matt smiles as he takes a glance at all his mirrors. After backing out of his parking spot, your boyfriend reaches over to grab your hand as he finally drives off. As the male gently caresses the back of your hand with his thumb, you find yourself drifting off into a deep slumber. 
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A week later… 
“Okay Matt, this is starting to scare me. Do I need to make you an appointment right now?” 
“No, I'm fine.” 
“Matt you’ve been on the floor for the past five minutes and you look like you’re fucking giving birth. You are clearly not fine.” 
“What’s happening?” You ask as you walk inside the warehouse, the door shutting close behind your heels as you forcefully pull it shut.
“Look at your boyfriend,” Nick says as he points down at the said male. You follow the redhead’s finger and worry washes over you when you see Matt curled up on the floor, his eyes screwed shut as a pained expression paints his face. You quickly set the McDonald's bags in your hands down on the nearby sofa before hurrying over to Matt. 
“Baby, this is the third time I’ve found you like this this week.” You say as you sit down near the brunette’s head. After Matt doesn’t say anything and simply rests his head in your lap, you let out a small sigh and begin to card your hand through the male’s hair. “Is it still your lower back?” 
Matt gently nods his head. “It really fucking hurts. It’s like a bunch of tiny needles pricking my skin. It feels so weird and tingly.” Matt mumbles, a sharp hiss escaping him shortly after he finishes his sentence. 
“Matt, again?” You hear Chris ask, his footsteps becoming louder as he walks into the room. You hear the male sigh before you take a glance up at him. 
“You guys are acting like I'm in control of this fucking happening. Cut me some slack, holy shit.” Matt grumbles as he digs his face into your thigh. 
“Have you texted Sam or Colby?” Chris asks, averting his question to you as he raises a single brow. 
“No… why would I?” You question back, your eyebrows knitting in confusion as you send the male a look. 
“I have a gut feeling that they have an idea about what’s happening. Just saying.” Chris shrugs as he makes his way to the McDonald's bags on the sofa. You shake your head with a small chuckle when the male digs in one of the bags and takes out his food before he walks off. 
“Should I text one of them?” You ask as you look over at Nick who’s leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. 
“You can if you want. It’ll shut Chris up.” The redhead replies with a shrug. You gently nod your head and pull your phone out of your pocket. “Maybe text Colby. He responds a lot quicker than Sam.” You give Nick a thumbs-up before opening your chat with Colby. You twirl your thumbs around the keyboard for a moment trying to figure out what to say before you finally start typing. 
You: hey colby ? I have a question to ask you 
Colby: Ask away! 
You: so matt has been having these pains in his back and i was wondering if you had an idea as to why he’s been having them 
I know it’s random but chris had a hunch that you guys might know soo … 
Colby: His back…? 
You: yea
Colby: Like his lower? Upper? 
You: lower 
Colby: Oh shit
You: what … what’s wrong 
Colby: I think Matt got an attachment 
You: a WHAT ?!?
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hysteria-things · 7 months
hello again !! i know you just posted my last request but i have another idea !
• matt/chris x teacher!reader
So basically, chris/matt are in senior year or any year in college and he has a teacher(reader) who's quite young and closer to their age but is still older and knowing men, she's already very popular in their school y'know y'know?
ALSO if you're gonna make the other students be a big part of the story too or add more plot, pls don't make the girls of the school hate her. it just feels unrealistic since in our school, it's mostly the girls that simp for the hot female teacher lmao
This idea was based on their video "truth or eat" i think(i forget everything) where he was asked if he's ever had a crush on a teacher and he answered yes w no hesitation and also the song "Teacher's Pet" by Melanie Martinez but switched genders.
i just think the male being the teacher and the female being the student felt overused/overdone(?)
Only if you're comfortable w this idea tho !!
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TEACHER'S PET (part one)
read part two here
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dom!matt x teacher!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: matt asks for extra help after class (even though he knows exactly what he’s doing)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUTTY, swearing, making out, oral (male receiving), throat fucking, p in v, unprotected sex (nuh uh!), degradation, cheating (cheat on tests, not people), hair pulling, spanking, breeding, ROUGH
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,236
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: shoutout any of you in college i dropped out after a month i give you guys so much credit that shit’s hard😔
for @skadltmf :)
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matt and his college friends sit at the round table in the food court. they’re at the home stretch of senior year with the spring semester starting tomorrow.
“i got that hot professor for one of my morning classes.” one of his friends brags. “she’s so fine.”
“who?” matt asks, and the two sitting with him stare at him like he should know this.
“professor l/n.” the other one starts. “literally everybody is obsessed with her. she’s only twenty-five; three years older than us.”
“there’s no way she doesn’t let students fuck her to get a good grade.” they both laugh, but matt stays quiet. his friends are in their conversation about you while matt thinks to himself.
he has you for a class too but at 6 PM.
you stand at the front of the class, teaching like a normal teacher should. half of the class never pays attention, anyway, but you still have to do your job.
they may not know, but you listen. you listen to what they say about you, and to be honest it boosts your ego.
one student in particular actually pays attention and takes notes, like what he’s doing right now. you couldn’t help but stare at him from time to time, and he’ll already be staring at you when you do.
you’re grading papers on your desk as your students work independently for the last fifteen minutes of class. you feel a presence, and you look up to see him there, fiddling with his worksheet.
you smile at him. “hello, matt. do you need help with something?”
“kind of. will i be able to stay after class?”
your phone lights up, and he glances at the lock screen. it’s a photo of you, your husband, and your son. “of course you can.”
he nods, going back to his seat.
the last fifteen minutes went by in a breeze, and all of the students left. except for one, of course.
you stand up and go over to the whiteboard, grabbing a marker just in case you need to explain something. “so, matt. what is it that you needed help with?”
“this question,” he says, stepping closer to you and pointing at the paper. you look at it confused because he already answered it. flawlessly.
“matt.” you chuckle. “you’ve got the problem right and showed your work perfectly. are you sure that’s the right one?”
his cheeks flush as he grabs your face, kissing you passionately. you pull away from his hold, weirdly sad that you did.
this is a first. you know the rumors that go around saying that you fuck students for an A+ but it’s not true. hell, you’ll lose your job.
he doesn’t say anything. he just stares at you, and you stare back. what you did next was a completely new person.
you go back in, his tongue inserting your mouth and swirling inside. this is so fucking wrong, but it feels so… right?
whining into the kiss, you move your hands down to his belt to unbuckle it. he chuckles, pulling away and pushing your head so you get on your knees.
he takes off his undergarments, revealing his—
your eyes widen. oh, god.
his red tip slides against your lips before you open, pushing himself into your wet mouth. “fuck.” he whispers.
grabbing onto your hair, he guides your head up and down his cock. he groans, leaning over and rutting his hips further into your mouth. your gagging fills the empty classroom, and spit starts to spill from your mouth.
it clicks in your head what you’re doing. you have a husband and child at home, for christ’s sake. you place your hands on his thighs and try to push your head back, but his grip is far too strong.
he slowly pulls out to watch his dick move past your lips, and slams back in. “take it, sweetheart. just like that.”
you keep gagging around him, your eyes becoming glassy as your mascara starts to smudge.
your lashes flutter each time he thrusts to the back of your throat before he stops. “s-shit.” he whimpers, but he doesn’t want to cum just yet. he closes his eyes to ignore the throbbing, pulling out of your sweet mouth. you cough, your lips swollen.
“bend over for me, yeah?” he smirks when you scramble to your feet. he grabs your waist, pushing your back so your stomach lays flat on your desk.
he lifts your skirt, moving your soaked underwear to the side. he wraps a finger around them and lets go, the elastic snapping against your core. you yelp at the sudden pain.
“such a slut.” he groans, inserting his tip into your folds but staying still. “letting one of your students shove his dick down your throat.”
he moves his tip out, but then puts it back in, thrusting it in and out teasingly. “bet you were thinking about this the whole lecture. i saw the way you were looking at me.”
you pathetically whine and nod. then, he grabs your hair so the upper half of your body is lifted from the wood. your hips dig into the edge of the desk as he starts entering you.
the stretch hurts, but it feels too good. your eyes flutter back, but a hand landing on your ass gets you out of your trance. he chuckles, taking the hand that’s not on your head and covering your mouth with it. “don’t be too loud, baby. don’t want the people outside that door knowing what a whore you are for me.”
he slides in deeper, a moan leaving your lips that’s muffled by his hand. he starts rutting his hips, going faster when you fit around him. “m-matt.” you gasp.
“so fucking tight around my cock.” he breathes out. your pleasurable cries and squelching of your pussy fill the room, along with his thighs slapping against your ass.
he removes his hand from your mouth, honestly forgetting that there are probably people around. all he’s focused on is pounding the daylights out of you. his teacher, mind you.
you grip the desk for support, moaning louder than any other time when his tip starts brushing against your cervix. “holy— shit.” you hoarsely scream, squeezing your eyes shut.
he lets go of your hair, your head immediately falling between your shoulders. “i’m gonna cum!” you warn, whimpering when he moves more mercilessly. both your thoughts and guts are getting scrambled at once.
“i wonder how disappointed your husband will be if he saw you like this.” he grunts and thrusts a few more times before continuing. “clenching around my dick, so badly wanting my cum inside you.”
you moan at his words. he feels so fucking good. you hate to admit it, but this is the best sex you’ve had in years.
“want me to fuck my baby inside you, you filthy whore?”
“y-yes, please,” you whine, repeating yourself over and over again.
you cum around him at the same time he stops deep, spreading your legs wider to finish inside. you moan one last time before becoming a rag doll, the bruises forming on your hips from them banging against the desk.
he moves your underwear back over your freshly bred pussy, kissing your shoulder and neck before whispering into your ear. “i’ll let you know when i need help again, professor l/n.”
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sturnioz · 18 days
jealous and possessive fratboy!chris after he finds out shy!reader's male friend is back into town?
chris is.... yeah. dipping more into mean chris with this one, especially towards the friend. you've been warned, please do not read if you're uncomfortable.
tw. mentions of drugs [cocaine].
note. also i chose a random guys name for shy!readers friend, so if there is an influencer or anyone you know that shares the same name.. its not them lol.
you haven't stepped foot in the frat house in nearly a week, completely caught up in the excitement of reconnecting with a childhood friend who had come back to your hometown for his break; the two of you spending your days hanging out and catching up on stories — which meant you unintentionally ditched chris.
honestly, chris didn't really notice your absence at first.
he was too preoccupied with his own life — planning for parties, selling his drugs and counting cash, spending time with his frat brothers, and his classes. but as the friday approached, the day the house is filled to the brim with students from the university, the realisation startled settling in.
now, he's sitting on the worn-out couch surrounded by the chaos, staring down at his phone, scrolling through the countless unread texts he'd sent you, each one more frustrated that the last. his eyebrows knit together in irritation, and he presses his tongue against his cheek, waiting for the delivered sign to change to read.
he swipes out of your conversation, rubbing at his jaw in frustration as he opens the instagram app. he goes to search for your account to check if you've posted anything on your story, but instead, he freezes, staring at a collection of recent pictures you just posted.
a scoff escapes he lips as he begins to swipe through each new one, his jaw clenching with every image. there you fucking are, beaming with joy, capturing the moments of you and the stranger beside you visiting cafes, shopping at your favourite stores and taking walks. chris grits his teeth as the last image, the sight of you both in your bedroom, watching childhood movies.
chris feels a bubble of anger rising within him, his leg bouncing restlessly as he fixates on the photo of the guy pressed against your side, his arm wrapped around you shoulder and playfully squeezing your cheeks while grinning widely.
chris' nostrils flare, and he tightens the grip on his phone. in one swift movement, he locks the screen and tosses the device carelessly onto the table, shaking his head in disbelief as he rubs the bridge of his nose. he fishes a baggy of white powder from his pocket, pouring a line onto the coffee table and shaping it up with his credit card.
just as he leans down to lose himself in the haze, his eyes dart up to see you walk in, the guy still by your side, both of you wearing smiles on your faces as if everything is perfectly normal. chris sits up slowly, a mix of anger and confusion swirling within him as he watches you scan around the room, and when your gaze finally lands on him, your face lights up instantly, and you tug on the guy's arm, pulling him over to chris.
he can't help but stare at the way you cling to him, rolling his tongue across is teeth in irritation, his gaze drifting up your arm to your face as you near closer, but that gentle smile of yours only deepens his frustration.
"hi," you greet him with such a soft tone that it makes chris want to scoff, watching as you drop down beside him, pulling the guy down with you. "chris, this is lucas."
chris doesn't even spare a glance at lucas, his attention solely on your as you continue to smile prettily at him. it only tightens his jaw.
"right... the guy you uh, you've been ditchin' me for," he says, his voice laced with sarcasm. "s'nice, kid."
you, still buzzing from the day, take his comment as a joke. "we were friends growing up! he came to visit me," you explain, glancing at lucas returning your gaze to chris. "he's only here for a week.. but you should join us—"
chris cuts you off with a scoff, a harsh laugh escaping his lips. "yeah... 'cos i'd love to be the third fuckin' wheel in your cute lil' reunion, kid. don't piss me off."
you look momentarily taken aback by his attitude and tone, and your smile falters in in an instant. even lucas looks taken aback by the shift in his tone, but chris couldn't care less about lucas' feelings; his focus remains locked on you.
"hey, man.." lucas attempts to speak up, clearly trying to defuse the tension, but chris waves him off dismissively.
"don't uh, don't wanna hear you — at all, actually. yeah. couldn't give a fuck about you." chris murmurs as he leans down towards the coffee table, plugging one nostril and inhaling a line of coke, grunting as he slumps back into the cushions, running his fingers through his curls.
chris' head rolls to the side, finally glancing past you to lock eyes with lucas. he notices the uneasy look on his face shift into something more confrontational, a flicker of anger sparking in his eyes. a grin slowly spreads across chris' lips, adrenaline surging through him.
"what? why y'lookin' at me like that?" chris presses. "you... y'mad at me or somethin'?"
"chris." you warn softly, pushing gently at his arm. you can feel the tension thickening in the air, and you don't want him to start something could spiral out of control, something that might lead to someone getting hurt — to lucas getting hurt.
but chris leans forward, looming over you to get closer to lucas, a glint in his eyes. "c'mon.. if y'got somethin' to say to me, say it."
you feel a knot tightening in your stomach, anxiety creeping in as you shake his arm more insistently. "chris, please," you plead, your voice urgent. "just let it go. it.. it's not worth it, please."
chris' eyes flick to you, noticing the worried look on your face and he huffs, before pulling away to slump back into his spot, sniffing and rubbing his nose.
he feels your arm loop around his, and he turns his head slightly to see you rest you chin on his shoulder, a small gesture meaning to ground him. and for a fleeting moment, chris considers yanking his arm out of your grip, the urge to push you away battling against the subtle comfort your touch brings him.
but then his gaze drifts back to lucas, who is watching you both, and chris' expression shifts once more, sliding his hand down between your thighs, gripping possessively and holding on tight.
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