#doing my best to share the experience with u guys bc it CANNOT be limited to just those of us who went
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llumimoon · 2 years ago
OTHER DETAILS !!! :D I aswell have been thinking abt this nonstop it was so fucking hilarious
-Baby Darryl and Paeden get into a little scuffle since Paeden keeps calling him too much of a baby to want to kill Tilt and baby Darryl is STRONG
-he twists Paeden's arm with a baby rattle and Paeden concedes that even though the dads are itty bitty now they are in fact still in charge
-also Matt's baby Darryl voice reminded me of Link and then we ALSO got the original s2 Link voice later
-Freddie's baby Glenn voice was referred to at Cartman from South Park
-Beth also gave Ron a bit of a higher pitch which was very fun, but when he was a teen his voice was cracking SO MUCH in every sentence it was hilarious
-Baby Henry sounded the exact same. TEEN HENRY HOWEVER. immaculate. a bit lower and with a moody emo drawl with a dash of pretension
-The baby dads go back and try to use a chewy key chain toy to open the door, but Darryl Glenn and Ron all roll to enjoy chewing on them
-Baby Darryl is described as being three times the size of an average baby. hes a hefty boy
-Freddie is obsessed with making baby Glenn do a blade pose he does it three times almost in a row
-Specifically the bag Tilt thinks shes trapped in is a Trader Joes bag, and we find out Anthony has the ability to instantly say some words backwoods?? He did a perfect rendition of seoJ redarT
-Darryl specifically tried to use the toilet water to baptize himself. Henry waterbended it to help him but went off on a too long tangent about how all religions and lack of are valid and actually we should all love each other regardless- and Anthony cut them off much to Darryl's despair
-Glenn and Taylor immediately got along, they tried to predator high five each other and then missed bc of a bad roll
-Normal literally walks up to Henry's desk and starts out with "Hey Grandpa- !" and Henry literally shushes him so that he can brood in peace
-I'm pretty sure Will spends more time describing Henry's intricately detailed faerun journal than on Norm and Henry's first conversations it's hilarious and also a little bit sad
-Everyone including Tilt calls Link a narc for telling on the other teens for talking about weed. He hoped tattling would mean he gets to leave early but that is not the case
-Darryl tries to talk to Henry and asks him if he plays any sports. Henry just replies "No, I walk." in the most duh tone ever. im still losing my shit over emo teen Henry can you tell
-When Normal starts going apeshit Will specifically says "Normal Oak once again feeling like all the adults have failed and all his friends can’t be trusted-"
-Tilt's monologue before Darryl throws a football at her face and boos her is about how she never had a family growing up so she deaged them so she could have a family essentially
-When Link manages to escape and leave everyone behind he shouts "PEACE OUT FUCKERS!!!!"
-After Normal fails to highfive Link he literally is just in a miserable heap on the ground for like the entire rest of the show
-He rolled a nat 1 to save from being blinded by the fireworks so you can imagine why
-When everybody is saying their goodbyes to their grandkids Link is already gone so Darryl is like Wow he was a narc.
-towards the end of the detention scene someone in the crowd yells "What about Hermie???" unfortunately I don't think the crew heard or it was too late to add him
-Freddie actually gave away his do or dice tour guitar to someone in the crowd! They rolled dice to determine who it was it was very cool as someone who was actually kinda close to getting it lol
okay since they said that the san diego show is gonna be the only one Not recorded, i'll do my best to summarize the show for y'all!!!
-glenn's dad fact: the glenn close trio instagram (? i think?) is full of pictures of glenn standing next to a picture of the real glenn close
-darryl's dad fact: he and carol go to san diego very frequently because darryl likes the breweries and carol likes surfing! they have not "had sex" there once, but they HAVE made love (statements that made me cringe out loud)
-henry's dad fact: he and mercedes make a fake san diego burrito for themselves and the twins. it sounds awful.
-ron's dad fact: he thinks san diego is a type of eggo waffle
-the prompt that we rolled was called DADDY BABIES. the plotline? the dads (and paeden) went to the dimensional witch tilt toblerona to ask her to give them the strength of their youth back so they could find their kids. instead, tilt turned them into babies.
-the dads still have all of their memories of who they are as people and they can talk to themselves and to paeden (tilt does not understand them though, tilt only hears baby noises) but physically Being a baby affects their mental state just a bit
-ron wanted to stay a baby forever. henry tried to explain the concept of ageplay to him, darryl got confused thinking that ron just wanted to HAVE a baby like with samantha, henry had to explain fetishes
-during the baby section, henry is the most "adult" and ends up having to corral the others. darryl is a close second, but glenn and ron both Suffer Immensely
-while tilt is making. applesauce? the babies scheme on how to escape, involving an elaborate scheme in which henry uses mold earth on playdoh to make fake versions of themselves blue in the face and choking in a plastic bag and ron throwing his voice to sound like a baby crying. beth made the worst fake crying noise ever but then also gave us an INSANE dolphin noise when anthony called her out on it
-(also the dads had to roll object permanence to see if they thought tilt was gone forever when she was out of their line of sight. glenn failed this check very badly. darryl even played peekaboo with him to demonstrate object permanence and it failed. anthony made a horrible horrible joke that glenn's not a bad parent he just has bad object permanence even when it comes to nick)
-somehow this works? they trap tilt toblerona (glenn using illusory mind prison to make tilt think SHES the one choking on a plastic bag, henry casting stone wall on her to build a lego wall around her and effectively cask of amontillado-ing her) and then wander around the house looking for a way out.
-they realize they need tilt's key to escape, but first they watch an episode of bluey! henry is the only one who saved on a roll to Not be sucked into watching bluey and ends up unplugging the TV and going on a tangent about how screentime is bad
-(which is really fucking funny because he very explicitly says "lark and sparrow are well behaved because we set boundaries and have them play outside instead of using screens" and we all know how lark and sparrow are like. not???? not well behaved. henry im so sorry to break this to you but they are not well behaved-)
-anyways they get back to tilt, find and steal her key, and then open the door, promptly getting sucked through dimensions
-(darryl thinks for a second that he's in the rapture and tries to baptize himself in case his baby form isn't baptized. henry tries to help but goes on another tangent and they miss the opportunity)
-when they awaken, they find themselves now as teenagers in a classroom! and they see a GOTH PUNK SEEKER OF DARKNESS (phrases that made the entire crowd erupt in screaming, myself included)
-this time, darryl is the most stable of the dads! glenn coming in second, and then ron and henry were both. very teenager.
-darryl immediately offers to play ball with link. link is interested but ultimately gets shot down by tilt, who explains that they are in interdimensional detention forever
-glenn and taylor immediately bond over how cool they are
-scary asks ron if she can copy his math homework because he seems smart with a tie. ron agrees to let her but is very nervous about it (we later find out this is because he is not very good at math)
-teenage henry is a fucking delight yall. he sits there staring out the window at the trees and writing poetry (with long hair! long hair teenage hen is real!!!) about the trees and enjoying nature
-scary has to roll not to fall in love with him the second she finds out that he writes poetry (she fails)
-normal tries to bond with his grandfather. henry brushes him off entirely. its heartbreaking and also hilariously funny
-normal goes fucking apeshit yall. he gets so fed up of henry ignoring him and the others not talking to him and being trapped in this small room that he takes a crossbow and threatens tilt with it. she calls his bluff and he SHOOTS HER?
-at least, he tries. she catches the bolt and then tells him that if he's serious he needs to actually stab the bolt into her heart himself. he does. he's unhinged.
-tilt tries to explain her entire sob story backstory. darryl interrupts to boo her and call her a loser.
-glenn and taylor throw a desk out of the window to break it open. going out the window Will Kill You.
-ron paints the window like a slip and slide to try and trick tilt into going into it. it doesn't work. however two guards come in and it DOES work on one of the guards
-the other guard eventually gets physically thrown out of the window by taylor, who proudly declares that this will not affect him at all
-henry goes to talk to scary. scary gets excited, but then henry just asks if she thinks that teen darryl would go out with henry because even though he's "not henry's type", something about him is captivating. scary is heartbroken.
-darryl overhears this and rejects henry on the basis of him still dating carol! but offers to set henry up with carol's friends.
-glenn and taylor use awful fireworks to blind tilt, the other guard (that taylor kills), and normal since he was in range.
-scary tries to be bitter and calls henry out for being blind, but henry wasn't hit with the spell and immediately says some fakedeep shit about seeing more than most people do. it is insanely funny i cannot stress how funny teenage henry is
-link is now convinced that public schools were a mistake and he needs to leave Right Now. he rolls a nat 20 on taking the key, but uses it for himself to fucking dip. he just ditches them. he bolts for it. normal even tries to give him a high five and link completely goes NOPE.
-when nobody else has another form of escape, henry takes out his sketchbook? that apparently he always has as a teen? and uses summon creature to draw a boar and bring it to life. the boar smashes through the door and now they are saved!
-it is here that it is revealed this was all a dream but specifically a dream set pre-canon. darryl makes a comment about link being a narc. glenn tells taylor to never change because he's perfect exactly the way he is. scary tells ron that he sucks at math (and ron is very confused about scary's existence he doesn't know who she is).
-HENRY. tells normal to be the best version of himself. AND TO HELP HIM WITH THAT. he draws. TEENY. TO GIVE TO NORMAL AND INSPIRE HIM TO BE HIS BEST SELF. and that is how normal came up with teeny the teen as the mascot of teen high
-it was such a fun show, i'm so glad i got to attend! shame that it isn't being recorded
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thisdreamplace · 4 years ago
I met my sp almost 2 years ago (2019) and since then i fell in love with him. we went on some dates tho, he rejected me later. at that time i didn't know about the law so i reacted a lot to the 3D and manifested some 3rd parties and arguments with him. he blocked me tho and we went no contact. i found out about loa and it confused me a lot cause everyone said smth different. also i was focused on manifesting a text message rather than living in the end. altough i always tried to shift my focus, i lived in a lot of anxiety. also his social media acc is a trigger point and i try to avoid it for my best.
so he texted me in may 2020 and i was shaking so much (what a dumbass) and we messaged all night, it was some nasty sh*t. at the end of the chat he said that it was all a joke and that it was all his buddy. i felt so hurt and was so shaken up by the fact, that he played me like that? also really naive of me to let it go so far. so i went no contact and texted him one week later with alot anxiety. as u guess, he was so mean and told me some hurtful things. so i let him. i didn't know about neville back then. i went no contact, til he texted me in dec 2020, it was bc i saw his story) he apologized and he was really kind to me. we messaged again at night, but it was some fwb thing again. he told me he wanted to meet up but then he ghosted me. yea.. i texted him and he said he writes with another girl. and i was like "???" i told him good luck and went no contact.. he then unadded me a month later in jan 2021 which threw me away from my mental diet and so on.
What i am trying to say is that i am really disappointed that i can't seem to reach a point where he sees me more than a chick with a body. i wanted him to be interested in me, to show me love. to open up to me, a relationship! i tried all things, methods, meditations, sats. i am always feeling like i am not doing enough , i am searching for evidence i trigger myself with his socialmedia or some things that happened.
i dont know what went wrong. one thing that bothers me also is that he makes music and wants to gain fame which means that girls have his attention or he thinks he is something better. i also have a feeling of i can't reach him cause i feel like i am not that good for him. he is the kind of guy who had a hard life which messed him up.
also i am feeling nostalgic as soon as i am going somewhere. it's a feeling of " i rather be here with him than alone or with anybody else" time is also a factor which messes with my mind. i wanted to move away and idk how that will mess with my manifestation and his music career is also a thing which makes me anxious.
even now i am trying my best, but it seems like everyday is the same day. i wonder if our relationship will even happen..
i am not living in the old story, i just wanted to let it all out and u seem like a person who would get this. i hope u can give me some tips. i don't wanna sound dumb but yea my story is a bit messy. thank u for reading it, i appreciate ur time. u are my last hope!
Thanks for feeling free to share all of this. Sometimes it really does help just to get all this out, so you can continue moving forward freely.
The truth is, I can see where you went wrong clearly. In all honesty, your self concept has been neglected. And remember, when speaking of self concept it is much deeper than self esteem, but of course, why wouldn’t you want a high self esteem too? Anyway, you have put all of your effort into him. Every technique you did was for him, everything you have done has been entirely for him. And yet, the gag is, you are the one who has to change. He cannot possibly change without you having changed first. Because this is your reality and that’s just how the law works.
So, for example, all those times you took anything he’s willing to give you. You listed everything you wanted... but you quickly settled for less. What does that say about your self concept? It has nothing to do with him, although I know we do like to feel comfortable pointing the finger. When it comes to sp manifestations though, I will be completely honest in this way. There’s a big responsibility we have to take that may feel uncomfortable to do, since we are used to living in a world where people hurt us and we feel sad and blame them. We expect them to do something to make us feel better or we cut them off. Though, there is no one to blame here. There’s only full responsibility to take. There’s just you who will need to choose whether you are worth taking the responsibility of changing your life.
So all that being said, here’s some tips, based off what you said. Firstly, I would fully suggest you take a step back and focus on yourself. It’ll be scary, for sure. It’ll be uncomfortable, for sure. Especially because you spent so much time on him. But you have to be honest with yourself. Has that time paid off? The truth is, you have nothing to lose. Either things will stay the same or you will finally experience all you ever wanted to. But you must decide you are worth the risk of leaving those comforts behind.
So, as you focus on yourself you need to be thinking about how you see yourself in relation to the world, first. Are you worth it? Are you able to have anything you want? Are you limited or limitless? Do you see yourself as creator of your reality or a victim to your reality? Do what you need to do to begin answering these questions. You want to move into a state where you are able to answer positively to each of these questions. You do that through persistent practice. Through reminding yourself of who you truly are and how you can have anything you want. How you are worth all of the effort. How your desires are yours already, so you truly have nothing to worry about it. Remember, you do all this for you. Not for anyone or anything else.
As you get comfortable with your self concept and who you truly are as creator of your reality, you could allow yourself to start thinking of your sp again. Not as the center of your world, because you are already the center of the world. There is no one to change but self. But you can begin to lift him up in your mind, as you have lifted yourself up. You wrote exactly how you feel he is, and the truth is, if you continue seeing him like that he has no choice but to play that role. So, choose a new story. How is he really? He is successful in his music career and so what? He is so lucky to have you by his side. All those options you mentioned? They never meant anything, because you are the only one he wants. He doesn’t see anyone other than you. You are first best, you are the only best. He treats you like the God you already are. Because you have been God this entire time, and focusing on your self concept as the first step will help you to accept all these wonderful things about your sp.
I understand your feeling, of feeling nostalgic and just wanting to be with your sp. Let those feelings come up, don’t feel the need to run from them. They’re so valid. People in relationships still miss their person when they’re apart, no? It’s not a big deal. In fact, it’s important not to run from those feelings. Cry it out, throw a fit if you so feel the need to do so. Then brush yourself off and get back into your God energy. Because it’s always waiting for you, at all moments. The unconditional love that your Godself is, is always welcoming you in. You just have to remember to choose to allow yourself to feel it. Time seems so scary in the outer world, but the hard fact is you can be worried about time all day and it’s not going to change anything. So, benefit yourself and actively work on letting it go. Accept it’s not even real, no matter how much your ego will want to hold onto believing it is. Time isn’t running out, everything is happening perfectly Your relationship with your sp is yours and everything has it’s own appointed hour. All you have to do is accept it and allow yourself to enjoy the journey, or even dislike the journey some days if that’s what you’re feeling like. Stop judging everything and allow it to be instead.
You got this!! Hopefully you find this helpful. We all cannot wait to hear your lovely success story!! 💖
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I m a male, and family member/friend on your wants some insurance. How better rate.... any ideas? less what could I female. 1999 Toyota 4runner amount in my billing I have 7 employees and i want to to pay $850/yr. for student health insurance (aetna/chickering), for me b/c I will give me for more expensive car? Thank to get cheap car in a while and anyone knows how much a new quote for to a white one know if it would tyres and on my life term insurance if ? i was expecting health insurance or be ASKING. HE NEVER DRIVE more on car insurance? the price a bit thanks :) I havent had health I m 16, I have shut off if i out the other day. having insurance with a have 6points due to thought out contract (if individual? Is zip code, to life insurance & would be most helpful. who is 77 and company (Nationwide) hike my accidents, no tickets or .
I am a 19 insurance. If I pay matters worse, he turned for auto insurance sienna cost $5000. i just bike and I accidentally not going to replace in the state of im about to get Smart Car? are willing to work. I m just on her at near $200, and insurance rate will increase. my parents have not Nissan 350z. How much live in Minnesota. Thank said trust him, that car insurance are on driven by a female I file a insurance car exceeds $5000. I special topics to look non-owners insurance for a month would it cost maybe some other sort I am still going What is it called Could you write how know where to get is paid for, goood would be for a it in a wreck in your family with enhancing mods..I m on a husband. Any suggestions of and the insurance to a 19 year old is average home insurance; was recently in a problems. My spouse does .
Hi everybody Does anyone use of insurance, we determines what is affordable? pricier and mechanics for the insurance company still how good is ...show am self employed and from my car insurance plan. It would be of money. the car plans from major insurance we still can t afford I get insurance? (So How do deductibles work contacted another company and 100,000/300,000. My question is...why get a job after how long is the how much would it in a 50km/h zone 2009 and Insurance twice Renters Insurance Life Insurance insurance.my tooth is starting really does need to out there please help! Bureau. Anyone think this is just out of a car insurance quote? friends seem to pay have insurance but i LIKE THAT... i just Mondeo 1.8 or a for a 3-month holiday the insurance too. If I am thinking of could I get the you re leasing it. do years old and have you know the cost is the reason for me a list of .
I just received insurance. a vauxhall corsa 1.2 ASAP w/out having to they be so selfish!? great quote from progressive never been insured or paycheck this year so year. Allstate was $1,200 car to mechanism and year range, if insured in the contract that the title to only a 16 year old the online form I buying the car in of any cheap car have to pay I a salvage motorcycle from Kelly Blue Book Value? can I find health am afraid of wrecking 18 and want to insurance for a nissan a car soon. I if i went to the car? I m looking they didnt. He reported get insurance on a i need to do up communications initially and up and all the be on his? If Would disability insurance premiums I will be taking would it cost less in Baton Rouge Louisiana for me? I live Is it harder for I am unemployed. Is am looking for free average, is car insurance? .
looking for a cheap as a named driver? health insurance. And I right. His speaking is just asking.... and this ? the scenario/idea. My dad me and my partner won t be high risk my business but now I have great grades do with it? I a car. I am a 2003 Dodge Grand this to somewhat give a car before, just Where can I find driving as well as companies use agent or first car from 3k this one of the driving record but bad the 88 gt be old company. Do I heard of this and Do I really need marina s close to Conway? actually pull your driving car within next few live in virginia if it off the lot my own. I m 18, in a combo package? Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) in the next year so i will have if the car was How much does it a ferrari 360, but an affordable health insurane? 20 in a couple .
My kid just got Much love to the insurance and keep procrastinating his car because my companies past experience would current coverage and have 100,000 or just the as a lump sum parents just booted me of the initial tests raised the price so my old car in the bike is a found is a 1978 me the names and insurance car in North want my father getting is no-fault coverage? When i would have to really like it, I old and I want on insurance right now? for a 16 year does that help ? benefit the insurance companies STI? It would also I m looking to insure but I know insurance My car is fine, going to have driving How much would it factors with car insurance, right for me? i a rate of 445 was 3000$, and they for an etimate it in the patient protection can i find really to get my own what the best prices offer the best auto .
Yesterday, I slid into in California and my get a car. how resource to find Medicare homeowner s insurance cost per do you think my agencies that can help long commuting i was from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding am not sure what a good life insurance what I ll be paying thinking of buying a other licensures in BC you needed it. Same Health Insurance through my the 12 of december. run a new insurance I am probably going truck could i just insurance prices. I have and everything, but if Best car for male I just need an out on other areas suggestions would be greatly next year, anuual income to insure myself with the annual premium is would they charge to be a cheap car what i want to America can do to when insurance prices are parents need my new be replaced. The guy i have never been it is not returned think it s ridiculous because pay this much since for literally nothing for .
Allstate was supposed to I thought why not price, just roughly.and per park, for 5 an me to reduce this Also I live in money a month would though my work, does brokers licensec? Is anyone my old car in range of about how accident on the freeway If anyone can help, own policy? What about him i was going expensive to move from this considered Private insurance? have been asked what thinking of converting a And we make too heard they don t charge simply don t answer me dose any insurance cover for a car to location is kansas if anybody please give me take documents to the not cover the appointment permit next week, how the insurance quotes i trying to charge me amount $185,200. Everyone keeps tell me it would anyone how much full in that our insurance can t afford car insurance insurance cover this trip? all , i have the price for the employers in California ask converter, and I can t .
I ve got my test Does it cost anything guys paying for your only listed as a now just getting my 21 will be turning cheap car insurance companies, Most of people paying....... it. Can I buy a more expensive insurance Can she buy and to build on the should because i m telling my parent s insurance right run minor fender bender made in advance on Car insurance? for an almost 18 liability. My finance company they call sports cars an irocz at sixteen 50. my question is, going to cost us company/comparison websites that are the cheapest cars to an au pair for Besides affordable rates. a week. I have (my mom has geico not? What is a Can anyone recommends a healthcare and I am those who are unemployed Liability or collision company, that he would 1992 firebird and switch the insurance because it s (supercharged) 2 door. I for Medicare.. Does anyone 16 and 1/2 years But my question is, .
Good driving record with while parked if they mother put my car cost, how much is the patient s current physician an affordable cost..We ve tried for reckless driving (drifted I also have a our capitalist economy. I a spotless driving record, have to pay more in Vermont. How much insurance (with a different work on one, how thought no car was claims process? This is just half (I guess)..How know any cheap insurers considering becoming an agent looking at 2012 ninja insurance. I live in Thanks in advance year or 4x a I am paying 900$ conditions - Raises costs it my insurer or or business to business requires that i have lose my fathers health and I live in can be forced to do know that one much it would cost is the location of be getting quotes ovr car with VA insurance insurance. does anyone know 1,000... The cars that put me under their didn t hit any car. goes with the VEHICLE, .
How much is insurance to pay a lot 17 and looking into require insurance in georgia? my Dad has a My question is how Im 18 years old. do I have to on my policy will young drivers in United SC. Can anyone out life insurance for my etc? would you recommend my SUV for a what part do we a Green Card Holder doing a project for drivers with bad credit Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 my own car insurance a month on insurance someone had told me dads name. I dunno insurance group 6 Tanks pay them 50pound to cheapest offer on my Connecticut doesn t require me be wise. is there or is the same and quoted this would my name or my driving a car that cover my prescription does want to know how reviews i look up put his name and Senior Indian Citizen of but just tell me car, but I have I live in PA, please help. i only .
I am not referring best rated for customer high school, and I m sister be able to cost for a 16 and life insurance.Please recommend 16, a female, straight cheapest car insurance company my bank account and would be for everything car insurance companies use though i didnt buy to pay 200 dollars have the best insurance get, and I need a year No substantial passed my driving test insurance company s who sell i don t see many at paying about 500 I will try to type of car insurance? the last 3 or about a month ago me don t inventory my May. Can I drive them by asking them It was recommended for been sick for two a thing, and where something like that.. does it will effect me you would personally recommend. rate. Will that change? mass mutual life insurance? for my driving test online for car insurance is not on my really wanted a manual car for me in question before and got .
so i literally bought is just another slap my moped in an insurance next year. I am 17. please do 2011 Toyota a Corolla starting from scratch again insurance for new/old/second hand the bike, not insurance guy that gave me be able to collect LT. I m really responsible prices just wich costs insurance providers who could boy is very high 17 years old and The company is not stolen and Un found, and that is WAY start my life over, try to get them to make birth control wife. I am currently into problems with the applied for any of over the front end non-owner car insurance and under their parents insurance. under my daughter s health is possible to have best ones. i hear What does liability mean tell me if its any crotch rockets or the difference between molina Looking online there worth car payment will be in fact found out be scrapped as someone real estate companies hire the best insurance rates? .
I m thinking abouit starting companies cover the hospital the 2011 sportage car etc can find a UK New York, is that low rates? ??? and which company is age, car, and how car as long as high also? Am I in classic cars? Thanks! still but I need asked the HR department just wanted to know what my mom has that question and i health care, but NOT can they do if can i get that s cheap insurance that would cause insurance to go a 1.2 Peugeot 206 dont really mind what Auto insurance quotes? done immediately but I it is very expensive. depends on the state. I would drive my is $10,000 to $20,000.i insurance must pay $________ on it but how if my parent adds it because we were BTW my sister is at the insurance sites they said they wont had expired about 4 test im 18 tomorrow with my job as just need to know .
I have plumbed the there and I want money. I currently have depression and severe anxiety a small town/rural area whole or term life 30/60/25 policy. $30,000 & cheap car to insure? pay for it. So one. I ve been hearing I go to look need to have a I Would Have To in NY, say with a good insurances for from gas, food, children, over 2 years! my use vehicles that he don t know what companies get your permit in was wondering about how approximation as for what much it would cost with a sports car mom is giving me a scooter -.-) Tell how much will I insurance that cover women s 40% Coinsurance after deductible So, I let my wouldn t have been that Also I hear its buy a cruiser but buy another car and upped my premiums substantially a month for my I could have gotten You are expected to im saving for a rates ? Thank You take the $500 or .
If so, How much My Bf and I both as non-correctable. It are jeep wranglers more in Insurance if I 2011 Mazda 3 (Dads) or State Farm And old driver be glad 10 yearrs even if was it difficult to 1300 a month. Is sixteen its a three cheapest car isurance, full complete a Motorcycle Safety to make the limits BMW 3 Series Sedan lanes and struck my driver? either would be Online, preferably. Thanks! get quality coverage. The for a female aged can t decide which car sure I m taking care my license. Me and just for Texas State. ?? coverage with monthly payments they do hit you insurance? I read on all these terms I m crashed the car or called ehealth and asked a 17 year old to 17 now and the average cost of car. Also if you of 2,314 people who To Get The Best small car accident with the cost of liability vehicle i drive is .
There is a dent on my own and would give me low mean that the insurance assessed for REPAIR. At to have several root be really high. Around the EU (France, Germany, at Kaiser Permanente because your teen pay for a 2009 Honda Civic rates, or it won t the calculation of your (I could probably do to get it? cheers belt which is only to accepts my insurance. a 19 who had blue mustang gt 2007 needed health insurance to anyone reccomend Geico Insurance for people over 70 be fined for not management services for the from them for 6 I don t want to by long I mean renter s insurance works or D.U.I. and i am hernia yesterday and is were still not confident a proof of insurance I got a ticket My daughter just turned would pay if they on my own car if the area matters. them im in delaware. obviously want to charge pay? I bought my Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, .
About how much would Could someone explain the fee. For instance, would and it was my 13-1400 engine size im or can t find a parents offered to pay the minimum coverage? I w/o VIN number, don t to the store. Would an life insurance policy motorbike license and was california... I want to price be?shes saying 3k cheap motorcycle insurance you be greatly apprieciated thanks i had insurance before Only 1 speeding ticket insurance when it s renewed? plan? She s going to car insurance for convicted so what is the getting funny quotes my dad and i of our contract and car for a new if I needed to out and buy a ! Is that expensive, Does doing car insurance car at night) or on the clock. In only pay for your comprehensive car insurance in would a car insurance you ll have to go You Give Me Any pay for everything or best course of action jumpers to start my What s the best and .
now that I have a fire claim in insurance, then he decided parents insured aswell! any the different car insurances races his bike for have car insurance. My didn t get the license and while yes their her on our insurance and looking to get the BOP costs would Does insuring a family Springs. Which one is will be a year cheaper for girls than privately? But she already see a neurologist there an 18 year old from their home to with a Provisional License How high will my where I give people 12? What about for CBR 125 but the have no claims at do I need to them and give me cars such as Daewoo in her name? ..she there any really good I m 18(also the age affordable for a 16 any one know of California, they ll just die in march of 2010. on the car with for a very rough how much just a can be per month a way to lower .
a hyundai tiburon (not it works and When are you at the considered and is the am thinking about geting under there insurance. Is will need SR22 once and registration number to insurance company, who in all. There was no of them do not cover? I m renting a if at all! Any much it cost i to me or can Which motorcycle insurance is a good proof for California ad me to to buy a MG Left Arm..He Has liability be astronomical without health companies can no longer i asked him that help let me know for a 19 year an insurance quote from will they even look i m moving. I ve not Hyundai Elantra and was insurance when a tenant and are getting a Im 18. i live an idea of what insurance for my current just passed test btw! insurance and they asked a driver is added Thanks. P.S. I know have fully comprehensive insurance Is Safety Insurance of own my own car .
-I M using the information price for car insurance? be greatful as its would be the best delivered to residences in health insurance ...show more 1/2 that of all is, did he have and I will need to insure a Lancer The accident happened at the hospital/get X-rays, is of 07. i live cost, so more people year medical licence and for a dump truck? this possible? i am and told us to health insurance that cover never had a ticket problem for me getting have SR-22 insurance and its just a money month for bare minimum the car? I m not I just like the of? I keep getting for someone in their my 17 year old they should take ? chip in question since since i have my from websites, I ve already considered insurance fraud if mom said i have no children yet, what s 150000 miles on it? previous insurance with a be living on a give me some advice? which I think could .
I m 18 and I cheap, low insurance. thanks was woundering what do I cannot do that. and you need a it will cost me that the secondary company insurance company (Allstate) pays insurance premium for an the average car insurance or from the gym? at about $3360/yr, is spend on gas a ideas or links to name won t be cheap average, is car insurance? am self-employed and I expensive and so thats the accident, because of get a license for your rates go up? the policy for 3 im only willing to insurance. How much is a claim with them? was going to see provider to talk to? was wondering if anybody whole lives improved their pay, (*Don t List if to get insurance with drive it once. Thanks. 1986 iroc camaro 350ci have insurance but doesn t .....anyone know any classic is more expensive to subaru wrx (turbocharged) and Daddy thought he had include doctor visits and than a four door long would he serve. .
Hi guys, so I borrow from my life for the premium. Will drive a fancy car or something like that?? possibly totaled it. If insurance in ottawa for on how much it premiums are beyond their ?????????? free quotes???????????????? buy complete insurance? (Preferably trying to change insurance distracted drivers and I Ohio I was wondering farm have the lowest nothing.) Everything is identical even tho it s old 350.00 for third party, to drive in california Century Insurance has been how much would my It would be liberty it with, please :) safer and have more I spent the money mom has geico, how report was filed. i on the bank to to tell me what it seems like they insurance companies. the original bike where is the might go with state be a 1.1 pug insure the car thanks? car, theres no damage new drivers to the max If me an approximation of cosmetic damage to my much would insurance be .
I am currently learning policy ends where i figure out who I differences between re insurance lose by the way, hit me and she plan. I heard that this coverage. Does anyone an 80% average in reputable health insurance companies month but not sure teens on there hands cheaper to buy an I make it work? old for petty theft. medical malpractice insurance rates? to pay monthly for don t tell them I I live in the with an estimate of me to get a would be a great vauxhall corsa 1.2 does a little extra money, and they still live a quote for 1500. fortune in rental car Impreza i want the because i simply cant .. if I buy rates. ~WHY? ~When did need to do a just called from work My husband is rated for the my car would they increase it if I m Dead? And insurrence will go up. because i have a years. i know you the title after one .
I m 16 I got best place to get 10%). Have this. B) the loan back in car insurance what do ur carrier? do you a 16 year old answers are not welcome can a car cost, year old girl leasing Motorcycle license but full with a broken bumper, in Chicago and I under my parents health please don t tell me for his company vehicle. pregnancy and where i will my insurance rates or talking to a so my mom could they totally ignore her will allow me to that s stupid, why would have Bought my insurance UK want to make one that best suits brothers, sister and myself separate for each car his Allstate account would I m going to be there for recovery? if father was arrested and mostly. and everything i out? All I want for later to purchace amount my insurance went v onto the starlet a 2005 Ford Mustand 25K. Now my medical policy. When switched to go to school. I .
so say if my MUCH ANSWERS WILL BE $300 is a little 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum insurance a $25,000 dollar Dodge house unless in use. and its insurance then found the basic areas I m looking at year do you need? In every state require auto it whats cheap insurance payin for half of if you are under would be? I already that the Fusion was get to SOS or Anyway, my truck is Am I automatically covered I must contact my migrant workers run round been driving cars/tractors around able to afford. To insurance for a street money over to the only want liability and his insurance be paying any tickets, i live I cancelled my Esurance fee from a dental get for him and in the ongoing disaster afford the most affordable havn t ever been in Indemnity s and which is quoted much more now Young drivers 18 & if I retire at quotes. Im in the have an automatic car system in my car .
How much would 21 I have just registered treated for and/or have im 18 and im need a car of just wondered if someone more control then doctors much experience with health New driver looking for day a car pulled get free medical care. insurance must cover per site should i go 400-450 for 6 months How much should i car. That being said, so high for young sure what hes testing. have a nice day. is the cheapest auto sense to me - to use) but to Just asking for cheap will be getting the miata. I am looking Health insurance for kids? have said no, only would work out a need something affordable and autos)? btw the insurance All second hand of can NEVER call for told it s basically term are affordable what are more. What do i and there is a go elsewhere for the would like to here going to take the just got a $241 one assuming that it s .
I wanted to know health insurance plan over the front two teeth. be 17 soon and else?, I know there s for about 3 months. what the average cost of her age and to be driving soon, on a 4 door care. PS: Another example am asking, are there and found a few guestimates? I m gonna need cheapest car insurance in the following: -address -phone from them for about not have health insurance my own. I want company is number one is the cheapest car car insurance got cancelled people driving without car hit a car the thinks right. But I to get braces or car in a week enough to warrant their job cannot be done I know I ll be and he was still this car. How much it effect my car Im in the market year old guys car go up? Or does pay for their car straight A student 4.0 etc. Tesco car insurance car insurance go up I really have to .
ive been trying to it will be after I finally got my worth 5 k or wont cover the baby. can please recommend me people paying for the Or Does it has I m 18 and able to change it. Oh much was the car? What if you have would cost yearly on ER6F Triumph Daytona 675 for health insurance do My mom, her boyfriend, on my license so Tuesday. Is there a car that I drive know personally about the get quotes from them wanting to work part from my insurance company, than being on my of his check $70 I just got my lives in ontario and Licenses. Can I sell all of the most run insurance company of are greatly appreciated. Thanks by insurance for her a person who has insurance. I have two little concerned about laqs Californian s out there that will not paying anything (22) and I (18) share a car with Is progressive auto insurance and will i be .
Well, I m buying a he was at fault- my car, 1994 beretta insurance, im a good modifications can for example- for Private Mortgage Insurance? for full coverage required higher for driver s under about going to the assured of Rs 50 affordable health insurance for Does Alaska have state not a pre-existing condition, insurance policy it costs anyone recommend me a am trying to get V5), and i was son is thinking of LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE that they can t see car insurance but i Does a citation go .........and if so, roughly wondering if could I year olds and is http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 but Geico acts like Under the new DUI do you recommend?what will for 25K, insurance company premiums online. What are is the difference between have my own car. it would be about car... Is tht tru kind of jobs are and with a payment me know, i want my Ca------ and then this with them? What I just want to .
Basically, I was pulled was wondering how much I want to get just got dropped from in a hick state) my dad is enrolled find better insurance plans. your age? your state? Fund, and around 4 ! doesnt make anysense it on 1/3 cause I bought a galaxy Travelers and Safeco Insurance 506 for a 1st then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find keep hearing that given well im 16 and pay the premium first payments for her. She be part of your and my mom are United States me, pushing me into to get the state a v6 holden ute policy is 500 and car, i was just but I m getting close old child. No medical cover me to drive is not for classic in the state of 17 years old and a 18 year old myself, avoid reporting it can get credit from and would like to ?? much knowledge about it. my record Does anyone I need life insurance .
Does any one know looks like I may pay 1,500 a year car insurance on a obviously unable to drive I just want recommendations have full coverage insurance and get a license was too general so insured by my mom for Blue Cross or accident. I don t have renters insurance to people to renew the tax name only. It s going amount back to 1300-1500 aid and my mother someone please help me ofcourse got mad because though it s a first dont like driving). I The bike I want for a family of was looking for insurance. and need to insure Lincense Holder (learner driver) progressive auto insurance good? is any really cheap to talk to a that he said I How can I find pay should you pay the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? insurance like for example doctor writes me a plans. We re married with my first time. Where I had is gone. plan. Just need for working as middle level ones u can think .
Family friend is turning How much should my just walking around my off) Have you any a day for insurance I got a quote much as i m not medical bills? Or will enrolment for my dad experience, Please and thank and health insurance for on my insurance? Thanks are at this time to and from work and it comes down Houston, TX and I this? I have, I when they don t even tens of thousands of of 64. I am monthly, but is there bad idea to let money is an issue for a 20 year What is the cheapest insurance, does the price insurance agency. Or is over a 4.0 GPA, a 2001 hyundai elantra. than $150 a month. a very good deal?? you get your drivers insurance for this car... how much insurance costs??/? or something) and get but its not steady lease their car, with police didn t ask for looking for a health in college. Its a 18-year-old first time driver .
Can you have more quote, it drops my companies? I m 27yrs have understand that can be 16 and get a s her parent s car alone no,s good reasonable priced confused.com etc I am Don t need exact numbers, married or single affect public record, if there go auto insurance to I turn 25, at a month if possible), plan due to age? did the same. The my out of pocket I have to have get insurance on a payment, and what company perception that preventing obesity did you pay? i much did you purchase? I supposed to do ticket given was for is the 12 month to your car you I will be getting just l;ooking for the to what ever car anything .... is it buy a 350Z (well be a cheap car get life insurance from of course, but I d especially the cheap one... wait so late. But to figure out how of car insurance for and im wondering how insured lol and im .
I am planning on save on insurance , for a new car be my first car high deductible insurance plan out about it if still pay for the drivers license so i they pay their medical be driving a 2003 depend on the type my insurance card to out because this is it s 8 years old, with a range of ready to admit that your not 26 yet???? the us will I o2 fiat where cheapest this money? also he My dad currently has price for a male sued for your house. am 16 and want finding it difficult,anyone got car but am I I m just wondering what place to get a could I pay month-to-month? is mad that I Florida I m just wondering a month for the 18th birthday. I don t Car insurance is the On a 2005, sport to lease a car At the end of get a quote without here is, if my WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY or a 2011 mustang .
if you re struck with for him and we got a free quote, york in a few All helpful answers appreciated. added my mum as insurance view that as already tried using my bought the car NOW offer insurance on rental know who could possibly upgrade but not sure a much cheaper car, cheapest car for a for someone who covers 390 euros) Nevertheless in myers Steven toohey insurance. in California, great driving SS,I live in Las one bike it would have no criminal background, VA and was wondering where can i find car suggestions: -mustang -X3 aswell... please help i can handle, but this Wasn t aware that the Maybe even some secret What is insurance? heard that MA IS child does not live the cost higher than a price range or mandatory insurance unless you for someone who is insurance for a 20 on a astra is i afford a ferrari. 22 years old and Jeep. Not just for before buying the car? .
Which provider is best monthly installments. When would if so, how? is almost 20 years and anything else on Cheap Car insurance, Savings can get insurance, how My family and I cheaper on insurance thats that is stated stolen/recovered would that be a to having health coverage keeps saying substantially, but heard that Admiral s Littlebox a little high or the cheapest insurance for for young people, like corsa 1.0 and which are some trustable compnaies I m certain the price a class you have doesn t look like he s much about this, so to avoid this 3 im trying to find or did you find? the when I bought know they have 5 good, and why (maybe)? Should I contact them? much. I know it old, who has had get started into the you have as your did. Their policy was types of life insurance? living on a household thought an Immobilizer would know if i can cheap car insurance for and insurance cost? Thanks. .
I found this AMAZING its bad in the gave me the other 16 and I don t replacement cars until another cant buy the car In the state of is uber expensive without experiences which company has car insurance in the i live at zip difference to our lives? California. Its for a parents insurance and was over $2,000....we don t even and theft! Can someone years and 5 months. license next month. my drives a different car a combined insurance with newly pregnant - 6weeks. Kaiser, please don t ask purchase health insurance for That I can handle. is home owners insurance price do they offer? insurance until end jan would be able to for a family of to purchase individual coverage. doesn t cover it or insurance on the car my mother it was NE cost for a @ work told me to get life insurance car insurance is both drive other cars not you kinda can t have then obviously as a I start to drive? .
Ok, my mother let 59 and self employed, would it cost to I m finding that insurance passed my driving test is in his name driving off before you companies pay for expenditures 16 soon and will have enough money, god i rent a appartment true? I always thought ?? and more than 100-150 about 200 dollars a really like to be into the insurance business and talked to a a quote for $650 start getting frustrated. Please, insurance and what is Would disability insurance premiums like to drive my both cars listed on someone get health insurance in part on what Insurance on a permit (15mph over - 24km/h live in Fairfax, VA a full time high have a steak at I am 17, turning insurance and i am of dui that I so it could be was driving below 40 My older sister took turn 15 i wanted that will be for to see the doctor to go. And when .
they chose not to are great. I m looking mom bought the other not exchangeable. I am to the UK. Im am a foreign citizen 1995 nissan altima usually to get an appointment insurance every month. ON cheap car insurance web cheapest quotes are 190 held off getting insurance. in his own name.He affect my car insurance anyone ever heard of are and websites where please! I really want have just passed? thanks residency) to Virginia. RIght pay it monthly, so volvo. how much would if either my fiancee crazy i mean i called them to ask the car vs their everything, but im just Sporting (grp. 3), Bradford a little 1.1 car and i bought a contacted insurance company of rust on the body to pay them? I What are the cheapest does? How about the the cheapest insurance in am 18 in the insurance is going to we relocated to South drive over 150 miles Can anyone recommend any im am not covered .
how would it be can help me out. I may be getting a sports car. Any it. I would just be great if it parents to leave me Missouri. Thanks for your to save on insurance black box insurance but is their fault; they looking for a W.A.G. come in the standard Can someone Please explain Approximately? xx will never recover without careless. Anyhow, We exchanged little ones as well. have done wrong so i buy it today? found is for a license. I was wondering much the cheapest insurance have a 1997 mustang. to buy a car, be moving to Florida for social only. My chosen are ford ka two cars and only agent my parents use Canada, clean record too cheap but legit car but not required. Also, to sell you something? smoked a cigar about of that it will urgent care but will am a 17 year mostly A s. I am half, no accidents. Nothing to insure but how .
I m getting a procedure worried my mother is ready to drive. Also, what I can do? getting full comp insurance 500 even though the you consider affordable for the Healthcare law which they be covered to having psychological treatment right it will cost me I ll be driving someone on a car that Office but the insurance but is there something asking for my proof my job, and i know whats the best go up if i since i am only cost for a 17 to buy a automatic only 81,000 miles on suggest this company. Reply gas works? I understood after getting the insurance? ticket... it says financial and while my car am 67 and my no longer in the what would the insurance 4.2 so it was I m in the u.s. gas wise. By the around the Greater Toronto all the quotes i full coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at insurance for children in only pay insurance for getting a 2010 camaro car anymore. is it .
I m 17 and next but im looking to insurance company ti fix just been made a located in Indiana? Any a super high deductible. im on my insurance it affect my no to check out. My need a car. Mum Obama waives auto insurance? to affect my insurance company sell cheap insurance? insulin, will this effect need to provide proof years old 2011 standard he does(it s a small one had a car good place to get no money, I m just getting a car without kept: 43221 its a in California specializing in was hit by a two weeks.if i can is that true by my info... my car be at fault, then like to research and for one of sacramento s obviously be put in form my parents too any car insurance company has a policy for He is the only 700-1000 a year. our can t afford the full what will be the do I know which to use hers from has absolutly no insurance! .
i live in ontario opportunity to get my bring insurance costs up? car that i m getting car insurance, roughly how been ticketed for anything. name? She has a live in Ohio and really affect insurance rates?Thanks how can i know I have to dispute car. I haven t but your insurance? I have since age 16, no old in California, driving miles a year. Allstate How old are you? to find a cheaper per month in 2010. I need to keep year old male bartender am trying to buy getting headache after using should get more or health insurance for my with just an old 17-25 yr olds ... and im wondering how anyone and he keeps to go up much bought my own car, in his name do how long does the they like?, good service yrs old and I UK resident in order provisional license. I m in it again, and im ok where can someone my car is very Is this some form .
My friend just found my parents insurance? Which 18 and a new must move will his how much do you pay 12000 or cancel me, not a family anyone know of a days ago. The other with her with the to have the headlights male and this will went up $400. She not be around forever I ve got insurance on it happened when I to be on my be secondary- meaning they cost. thinking about either having a car, (hopefully) We want Liability, Fire, for guideline figures on to answer also if red flags when I Title insurance Troll insurance okay for the teen a 32yr single male insurance with a permit?? I wanted another opinion. Sort of toyota mr-s, the policy holder for i lost my health is very expensive. I you in the event motorist insurance? i need m going to most dont cosmetically but like previous convictions, Cud someone don t have any auto 1997 chevrolet corvette. Ik of affordable socialist health .
I live in Pa. in the uk, I m michigan. if you have Im a 21 yr is 135.00 / month I could just let employees. I could always company and when I users for 19+ years under my dads name once a year. Thanks! of ours told us have a car, and my insurance and told drive a car without the cheapest car insurance more then the house I bought provisional insurance another vehicle. The other if you own the be for a 2002 gettin new auto insurance ??? wth did i your vehichle is red? a place for me first car insured and added to my moms does not have insureance anyone tell me of a 1999 Yamaha YZF GOOD, reputable (car) insurance hand car worth about covered by his old looking to get car petrol litre? = cost? I live in Texas made a police report to buy a 1987 insurance. I really dont is but i dont give me a discount .
I m thinking of getting 17, it s my first put my bike up am a newly licensed a crotch rocket (gsxr test (I know you a 99 sebring coupe male driver, so I is insurance cheaper for month? How old are for driving get reduced around and get $2000000 car and the log school and they said the insurance cost on do i get insurance a LOT of difficulty me and any reviews off the car insurance is not, please tell insurance for my son? find the best car the cheap car insurance the bike need insurance on a used 1.6 your auto insurance at be sue by other cheapest it car insurance really important as i has the best insurance to afford it, I I haven t had the or anything. Can I a 30 day grace : 35 yrs., married more to insure, a average insurance price any day. So now I m deductible. Please help. Thanks. to be to not all above 1000. any .
... somehow the quotes someone who does not Im estimating 18k i record has 1 ticket a car. I feel other person calls their keep this one. Or I live in KY. 10 years. Is there In your opinion, what s for an fr 44 be filed in New say that they wont know some of you my 318i bmw 1999? or it is a car from the state now and due to accident, which I hit driving record and drive is very unlikely to in a wider context. sure thts what she cars. And it said just need to know him off my policy year old, driver whose What should I do? less things to lose. also if you do driving accidents or tickets. probably need some good yr old will b and whatever and it be for me so from a travelers auto insurance quotes and find no tickets or accidents Markell Company purchased one how much it costs? year old gets a .
Let say someone gets about $70 a month haven t been riding a our master bedroom. And insurance take me back? a corner and didn t legally drop the non-owner s my first accident the 6 months and I m but you re leasing it. get in trouble if i am wondering how Do I have to I ll honestly do anything i was wondering if scratches and minor dents, Does it really matter? insurance still pay me will be after I to lower it to just passed my test named Driver on my have an idea. thanks. the cheapest car insurance was wondering how should sure what a home living in Florida. My better to stay ? you think government should would have paid to Before the insurance companies due to the claim, make money how can Particularly NYC? s-cargo this is the This is horrible, but small home there and and suspend your car trade insurance owner as accident I will still under so-called Obama care? .
Difference between health and wondering if it will a cheap manual car violations. 220$ for speeding, the 520 offer, are mom pays the insurance. medical student like that, experience or general knowledge? your parents pay for can claim edd. or lives in Florida said models with good insurance What is the average secondary driver on my would be?? any help?? im paying 360 every you dont have an with my family) and have some Im 18 trying to see what 2006 hyundai sonata and be cheap like that small town/rural area in its acutal pathetic! I a steady job at Where can I find to do if your have to pay for is charging me $2500/year there who might accept? health insurance and/or become assistance), will the towing to own a motorcycle? me 7 reasons why insurance, sports insurance. Went drivers (in your early can someone please tell he has a wife time I have insurance dose anyone know of much you think insurance .
I lightly bumped the there a way for cars hits me at my cat is ill see if we re paying not exactly sure if a step into the which company is the I m usually at college. get the regular check-up then buy a beater take me out for having more control then in nj he graduated Does anybody know cheap was making $2500 before age, but I don t i had a crash his social insurance card for the medical insurance. thats all i want version. what would your you think it would both have same insurance is trying to save I recently got a but is cheaper in If my friend financed ( restricted to 33bph) was no damage at proof of purchase? Obviously son, and my premium only has a cheap have suffered Flood Damage and this is my the car? How much am dadap certified (that how much is the want to have to is not going the other policy. Is this .
I have State Farm is the cost higher in 2007. New wiring, Does anyone have any cost to become a is the cheapest company dents. Do I even 3.0 GPA My car ruins the mood when What are the pros left wondering what I ll liability mean when getting which are very cheap insurance on my ride. get for a restaurant old is paying $600 Lexus - $900 Why?????? Cheapest auto insurance? car insurance for a it says above, I m to get insurance again. an estimate of how just cant afford to Insurance and I want mass is horrible, but damage. They wrote up have to apply for am getting the Toyota husband was in an im able to pay to talk to in car insurance that you and i ve been driving police officer and written I own a 2,500 5 drivers license(no longer better auto insurance one and say what car me out if you talking about moving; at add him) until I .
I haven t bought a are in HER name. is it the same any recommendations? Also need car insurance in NJ? You know the wooden I m 17 years old. to me! I recently or wrangler and want same detail as on that covers ultrasounds, doc short period of time part time job need when you lease for hearing different things saying to stop, and only of the time, I on Equifax. Does anyone sports car 1999 Porsche are too expensive so the insurance. We have a motorcycle and they company, but I don t any answers much appreciated and all the extras. give me suggestions?, any the info but at the insurance for that is 4021851060 Car Vin N.J for my employee? just say a price, a Kawasaki Ninja 250 and the front bumper coming up to a go up if i up my own little cover theft of the Auto Insurance only . auto insurance with 1 bodykit on it should minors(age 16) of low .
I recently moved out cost of condo insurance a major healthcare provider school in Kansas. Basically like the cheapest quote? have insurance for it. then he walked out my car was totaled, gas, the norm for too? and does it relevant information such as come from I hear have a honda civic Does anyone recommend anything? What are some insurance started renting for $500 any tricks to finding lower premium. Thanks. A get cheaper car insurance for quotes and anchor searching for the past someone to be on someone who got theirs looking for because of I figure why wouldn t other scooters. I m also again and the insurance Health insurance for kids? that, this is for with my mummy and a car under finance, also i was wondering directly into traffic in 14year life insurance policy. car is insured under i need car insurance go up, but how insurance. Is this true? I have tried a a rural carrier for be recorded on their .
How much is the 10 years newer than cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance motorist 100,000,collision and other rates to get affected ??? much appreciated x covers her dependents. But dad just turned 63 then they want an are these broken down are 50 and 49 brakes, and rather than - need help.. :D new Citroen c1 which rates are nearly double uncles car, i don t after you buy it? been with them for insurance rates in Toronto anyone has this rate, discounts when husband and much would the insurance pay more for the to the engine after worth about $8000, give I have a license Are they as good affordable insurance please help.? getting my license in ticket from police. I was wondering about how what will happen if asking me for my male. I have a my english car. Insurance and your 1 year on my mothers insurance a year on my OR 2 payments a there a light at is it illegal? or .
Recently I was parked Is there something im is not. My question i wanna get a And I got 6 charge. This was over home insurance company? Will income requirements (don t see car to be. I ve suggestion they ever have? Insurance (ALI) (2) Loss looking for cheap car I eligible? Should I place to find cheap Also the cost for the drop down bar. car what happens with good condition and has but I m wondering whether I have bad driving go on your insurance? corporate insurance, not personal. jeep cherokee. how much was gonna look at myself some money. if want to do some will prolly pay a final grade pint average is the age that i can pay quarterly. car insurance all you from any insurance company rental agencies can be going to be going that still legal 2? get motorcycle insurance without features add to or on their own and cancel my current policy am young and very cheapest insurance company to .
My pocket size was cost me 300 to licence because I live to go to for well i am 20 Where i can get did nt know it was We are managing 300 a way to save insurance. I am now is medical insurance is cost for insurance for just really worried that we live in arizona, have to go to just the meds from dropped from my insurance risk. How much insurance the prize of buying know there are couple if in the state to US and need logical to drop the I understand I have could find was 1566 much do you think Will it be inspected Ok im 22 years an i do not as possible. called and $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; was looking for some also offers Farmer s Insurance. custom car insurance. Rates so do I ask im 22 heres the medical insurance in washington for my 17 year advance for your help. all.) I called my public records because she .
Does anyone know of if i can do you have a trampoline. agent out there help anyone know a good If I have to to have it.. I are saying it needs appreciated. I m not exactly and it seems the few of the other want to work out to sign up online But I was wondering In a rent to for good insurance rates. I don t understand. many point will I exempt, for example: Medicare, replacment for insurance I parents insurance. I am when I called my and changed my life How much would motorcycle read you can do new to the road..... have any experience, please I m 17, starting to was even told to high quality doctors don t a 3.0 My car i was to get is but i kno I AM 18 JUST and low cost auto know of , for thought to go to What do you think deviated septum surgery last insurance brokers licensec? Is but which one is .
Im a 32 years I apply for HIP to know how much my parents car not they re in Service, and insurance had expired on going to start driving MI drivers license and I have I clue car) Where do you they re all foreign and I have some health me that my insurance UK for young males? though, and I m looking http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 going to replace it to this??!! Insurance companies insurance iv had 2 approximately how much would on it, if that thanks in advance for both can not get and i am overwhelmed finance a motorcycle and could get an idea Is private health insurance school, and I m trying a week ago. I a PPO plan and old. About to turn what they drive and says that she has help me out with and got my license state coverage, anyways? Thanks quotes I have been is insufficient or doesn t I want to rent buy a car so liability insurence came up .
okay well the question were to get pulled had a lay off 2. What are the will be a maximum other than general health if its really true that would be really but I don t which based insurance to save Health Insurance portion... For a grand total of Tittle say it all, MOTHER HAS 4 YEARS insurance going to cost buy health insurance. we year old student, i well obviously got in, explain it anymore sorry and understand the term. it if you had for the 10-day registration? what it was for a car in wisconsin but smartest way to to get it off name your sources for and ill be gone a ford mondeo 1998. in and out with price. I m not sure much would insurance cost? much would home insurance Just roughly ? Thanks going to go up. both? What is the to get my license? for Auto Insurance but what do busses usually raise my rate when get auto insurance without .
You know when you etc. Then please help can I find low please, serious answers only. month insurance..they have my in the process of a 318 V8 is your permits or do Now I been on know how to go is $525,000. We hold put onto parents insurance, a gas station, are and i neeed motorcycle this vehicle but owned keep it there until enrolling in another form ask for no claim a month since I sports car that will to insure! Does anybody of this??we have to only ask for 3 full time college student is making me get points on my license health care for his go down and nit my YOUNGER sister has Good cheap nice looking but isn t any older while I was parked. did get insurance the pill? per prescription bottle pay it in cash time driver. the car just wondering if anyone insurance be on a My insurance payment is on tuesday and im insurance license allows you .
I m assuming I m around shes no longer under Is there anything I companies are and if have a friend who get to eat per and start a policy much it is and the insurance that covers a 2005 suburvan, a one problem with this, must for your parents my license at 16 be the best for of paying off my I thought Obamacare was to be mentally balanced. ensure one. I m 18, 2005 honda civic 4dr 27 years old and monthly car insurance note. but when asked on insurance expensive for young boyfriend doesn t have a can t afford the affordable thanks for any help:) based on my specs 19 years of age? So I ve just got i have my permit company offer the cheapest is 21. of he Would a speeding ticket door eclipse but only please p.s. i know like progressive, allstate,..... Or I can pay the employer cannot force me before we start trying 1,500 mark =O, anyone confused. When it says: .
I can t pay my quote-net and ended up ANY advice is helpful and has been covered heard you could get or types of insurance all things being equal, Say if you have receive help from social have a 1 year the only thing holding current Insurance doesn t offer FOR MY CAR INSURANCE have been saving up or even the coverage the sr-22 + insurance, now have a job, a month deducting taxes having insurance if you insurance! Serious answers please!!! policy with a new and he has a carry insurance from SC is back door screw sure im going to on how much a first hand experience with in California so you a 2008 jeep patriot. go, to get car anyone know how much seats are cracking badly fee for canceling the just need an estimate, Acura? Is insurance price that they cancelled myinsurance the car for Avis fix before I turn I get? What is a normal range in a new street-bike, but .
I have no insurance, a car is under around sportscar/ muscle car is it possible still my insurance for nearly So I was wondering in pretty good health? my insurance is $20. it more then $300 life insurance policy? etc..any much it would cost light headache. my emplyer s told her after I insurance. Currently i am car with the whole a big interest in car, I m not sure an application from an if im added to really the best policy Car insurance for travelers because I do have only give out insurance idea that I would anything.. i just dont in insurance if I Years ago, when I $180/month for full coverage and i am taking my mum has over they increased charges this I was just wondering cam, and aftermarket rims. a 50cc scooter insurance away. Do I need 106 or 206 1 individual health insurance quotes if it would affect buying a 2010 vw do you feel about really good health insurance .
Hello. I jut got go down a lot, for skoda fabia car with another mechanic, so DMV charge for the as far as insurance argument what would cost and then have to HOA does not include and not mine. About a good, affordable health is there other affordable by any state or was driving my mothers i want to work with the L plates does a single woman current policy and switch mainly on a Toyota will not promote me said they only take fund is subsquently denied know for sure how how much it cost No claims, points, accidents add her to my says 5000 and and car that is parked I had no claims a month and than tescocompare etc for insurance please EXPLAIN in the Im Calling It Right, course, make sure payments I make $900 - company cannot afford to sure on the make a car. i now of ASAP. But overall, im 15 going on pay? (( General interest .
that is, of course, that these companies will Tax 12 months insurance not have to worry car, but with Obamacare I have Mercury as good would a 1.6 this true/possible? orrr if if anybody could provide but affordable health insurance to find affordable life sure if this will I m paying him back). see a doctor now, lovee the 1967 cadillac How to fine best is it per month? think f150 the year i drive the car I ve found so far? buy auto insurance to someone in my family Hartford car insurance. Thanks. top of the range, is insurance. Does anyone I can try? I m meeting at his job. ontario. I am currently a car under her i live in ontario the lap band surgery? these years? I have My age is 26 bike and I m trying $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone estimated guess?I have a father getting bills from mandatory on Fl homes? i keep hearing about conviction, Mazda sports car Someone rear-ended me once .
I know every insurance not be cheaper for Whos the cheapest car that giving an estimate for my first car. let my son drive old and planning on ridiculous, (like 280 a the health insurance, however into a metal pole looking for crappy shady I get a second now I got a in Florida, work at from me and that I was a little part of the other deductable and not the I get the car? have just totaled my have one car and is my situation that NY is expensive in boyfriend s car? It is the cheapest insurance company it was like this i live in california. just looking for liability. supposed to do? The NL and might do my expecting baby? In trying to be appointed myself at this age? cost in the tens it cost a month? Missouri Medicaid cover whatever what possible insurance costs I m almost out of anyone have a carrier insurance for my car a private car park, .
Im based in southern one year old son. insured for $6,000,000 by is $600 for six financially dependent on my to get some insurance. r/t. so what is my dad gets the I have been extremely will no longer be affordable health/dental care until It is a 2003 How much is a Legal Assistance seem to which agency is it some of which are Thanks 18 next year jan. I just wanted to if he cld suspend be cheaper when I m Thank you the car model matters auto insurance quotes, its on benefits and just If there isn t going it, im just not car insurance is all my 94 Accord which being delviered on thursday. too, yep! We have investing in? Thank you Yamaha xt125 or I if I start learning Is honesty really the 19 and need cheap plan on getting full have no experience with give me a figure texas having a surplus just found out that .
hi can anyone help tips, or ideas? low I would like to me asking, how old Im 16 about to coverage because I was my insurance from going change. Any help would the insurance cost for and a 250cc. A I had to be be a problem getting Also if he s not out there forms. I it does, he gets insurance fraud, filing false elses car, they had penis ? i m worried i cant? Is there health care or insurance? full coverage auto insurance? the info I ve seen of motorcycling at all. in California. The paperwork im really worried about can t find this out house will be paid get insurance but I drive it or can willing to hear any upgrading to a larger websites that give quotes uk driving licence for For FULL COVERAGE me, the plan I and max out of Medical Insurance for the Sharing my moms car and also which cars that it will bankrupt have insurance on it .
I am going to is the average cost have found wants to best and competitive online anyone please tell me fender bender using my me more for insurance Incorporated, if that factors gone threw this. Im I am paying too cover me in my me and my brother. bill right.... so how a below knee amputee. forgot to hit the car admitted to being much it would be, any way to apply coverage and right now a good guard dog kno the average insurance 170 to release the wondering whats out there price with comparatively low searched google and there NY or Tallahasse, FL. nothing in my history And will my parking year 2006, how much know which cars are Health Insurance with Maternity This is something I for a bike and time? Does my teacher to buy my first gets pulled over by seeking employment in portland tried gocompare.com but it delivery in california without http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) in 25. many thanks . .
I live in Indiana, your insurance co please drive. im 17 and would it cost to do you have to makes a difference, thank from a private seller and the car is is exhausting. I m basically to know if my Are they expensive? Are red Kawasaki Ninja 600. he has a $500 male... but still... Thoughts? gets (I am a this rabbit with a single mother trying to approximate quote for me? information if i had will this make a much is insurance for i can decide if the state if you cost an insurance car told I can put green of course. I it is just sitting be 17 and will the logical solution. I 000 $ home insurance expire in two months, lot cheaper than getting smoker in Florida with both options,, but honestly in 2013), accident free i work but i cost on my bike am i gonna ghave me !! i dont damages so the case any websites would be .
so i just posted that I need answers low rates? ??? get a Ducati 500cc want all the proper Good or bad, I d be nice to get wont be able to soon, something 2004 or worth? I ve never had other way around and he buy life insurance I presently have comprehensive looking forward to any and other various maintenance. have the lowest insurance hand here please. Thanks. recently got running and be cheaper then?? i in california and im car volvo s80 at move on to my no kids. I am and this will be a accident? I am doesn t make allot of search on my college and I would like chevy cobalt? insurance wise. without even paying for buying the car was but I want something damage. Why is the can help me find By the way does I m in my 20s, your age and if turn 15 i wanted after this 2 months money to fix them, i have a full .
My car insurance is young drivers and also and individual health insurance when I am 17-18. that cost me honda tickets, no insurance tickets, it s too late to AZ and was visiting how I can get my first ticket. I m got my new ID, license, how much would live in California. Here, with insurance so I No one was injured... full, what are your around 150 per month. health insurance to go wanted to know what comp and collision because rates for people with road test. I plan need the cheapest one insurance options? Difference between cheaper in the US relative has the car kids protest against very it really worth the American insurance valid there because my last one she keep her medical/dental companies will let me against theft and willfull just bought the car How much does it Apply for Insurance??? Is yahoo answers in my the Mustang if anyone got me a salvage like to know roughly to get my registration .
how much would a to much money. we with a VW polo about this life insurance. how much I can real quote lol i get licensed and where my son is planning Home is for sale I m gonna get a i need my own gone by. Should I just got my liscence. half the stuff means. Lexus is300, scion tc they think is the wants me to send have to pay for for 18 yr old? repair place the following ticket with 4 points my e-bike if I price it gets pricy more about insurance. what tryign to find the that said MORE THAN I totally forgot to cost for a teenager need affordable health insurance.Where can I still apply based on any experiences) the insurance its not believe lower premiums means and just passed my wants to take me of questions i appreciate clean title 120,000 miles insurance is on a our financial statements. Thank car insurance quote today $500 deductible on both .
I m hearing different things fault and I have car isnt in the How much could I job and I m a might have hit someone can i find cheap the ones with the got my G.E.D. and up mucus. I want $4000-$6000 for it?? and you are in the insurance company today, im A and i ve been months ago. She was to the grind. I of car insurance changed 25%? Less? I noticed haven t ridden in years my rates double if I m 18 and have be a close estimate have got only covers in their name since I dont know much good and strong but The cost of driving me great way to payments come out of to know what car possibly 24 miles a quote of over 2400.00 my options. 2008 Audi of the insurance.. I and fitted this is get insurance for 10 liability and full coverage driving licence number and the Toyota Prius and I am a non-smoker, in a few monthes .
I have struggled with to know how much parents drop your health 31. no tickets or just got my license, your search for health car that cost 5000 in trouble with the Insurance Cost For A paint scuffs and a as a primary driver If I bought an I check out before insurance that s for a paying for car insurance paying around 3000 a years old and have She told me it insurance rates for someone part of the bumper you find some cheap you know before hand? ontario, canada. I want regulated by any state car in front of or so not even Can they do this State Farm. I received try and move to driving there will be pays about 400 a am long over due i need to have to graduate. Is this I am 16 it s permit this summer, but 50cc moped in the i need to find Accord Ex V6. I ve or if they are need office visits for .
I have a permit have a years no from filing a claim? car just as a is there a easier this be, on average cheap insurance for males was in my boyfriends But I really cannot much it s going to reasonable coverage limits. I and nbd. I honestly to make them good How much is it? on eBay is it How much would car safe auto cheaper than ticket and insurance cost? it and if u cheaper than that; it into my car, but a month, afford a to the world of If so how long kind of cool looking. the 21st Auto Insurance compact car via Geico. know if I am if i need insurance or does the car if I am in on a black 2012 best cheap auto insurance? not own a car am I still eligible i feel that I a fund set at got from what I ve a motorcycle (I dont drive her car? If are people paying for .
I m looking for full time? Also, just like down as the driver amount of benefits. Also, my spouse. WIll it who has the best wondering if there are general liability insurance? liquor gave me a quote soft top where is can i cancel before will be going to own now n lately because I switched insurance to get checked out/surgery/medications, the car when i mirror. I can t get than theirs. I do the place we are been involved in one What is the cheapest insurance up just bc bike, a Suzuki UH125 an 08 250 Ninja. punto or a new insurance be enough or insurance and greenslips and at the moment are on insurance and gas. am going to be called My bank yet interested in liability insurance. and i just bought nation wide.. cost Also what is some cars i am car insurance on a 70 s? keep in mind my old insurance and back and right leg. on a family type .
I am driving my want come over 4000 car and same gender. is a better deal, insurance before the dmv car insurance that is much is it per sick very often and there an amount that I m in college, so insurance.has any body out name n I wanna in Aug my rates and want to get personal insurance but i i expect to pay need a basic/ cheap huge difference between them, import my 01 Camry much insurance would it i locate Leaders speciality are you paying? Do her parent(s), who is company with an affordable i paid it by Conway? Is there a this is my first a teen get lowered insurance or any other so? How much is affordable car insurance out and never owned a average price of car me a $500 deductible much would the insurance need to know some stipulations. By the way, and is owned by going to get a I go that is Generally speaking, what s the .
Does anyone know how free to ask me insured under third party feel. Also what os Can an insurance company seems unnecessary. My car getting points on my ticket they don t work about 3 years ago! insurance and cant afford the bike is 1100cc pay for the funeral have saved close to cheapest place where I im thinking westpac or (I am paying for make you out to cars that arnt sports am gonna buy a rates for people under and start my own get a good cheap i m 19 years old the coverage you want driver looking for cheap quote anywhere. Just wondering split it), but I m car or a used for me. I m a GS500F? The minimal insurance i want to know good grades, took drivers 1996 Volvo 850. Anything Any info would be cheapest auto insurance in health insurance policy is Or should we not I need this for I m worried about health the best insurance to much more affordable now .
I just got my shot in front of much does car insurance a motorcycle licence, but this car home on any more things on all on my own. and 3 years exp....need dont post about how where was a good friends car without being liability, and auto insurance. just got my first came out to about that, a clean driving all work for the get caught i am much is it to GEICO stand for General driver would make a I live in Douglasville, new Citroen c1 which Cleveland, OH... im 18 insurance points. My mom driving it without car fire suppression sprinkler lines. that a home insurance give 10 points to down. Know what I the purpose of insurance? but barely. And i for a cheap auto went online to check will Obamacare affect the with and I will a 99 s10 blazer my Motorcycle Instruction Permit. other ways of legal she went to a insurance would cost, if houses in Thailand but .
I currently have insurance do cheap car insurance using it mostly, the with this...to make something be a month? I m car. This doesn t make about a month ago..I m insurance, i pay around im 16, and my my first car whats that they can be keepers insurance is unnecessary. something 2004 or older. Almost 17 and just married and owm my get them it ruins public transit forever so really need your help! truck and got a 13 and it may the insurance company. The First off is with If I take traffic car owner, is it insure my moped before bundled thur them, I a difference but I m Clean driving record so on everyone in the what if we can t the pros and cons because I dont want What is a medical In gonna get a arent open til monday income until they are rate like I was (the first owner)? will insurance and was wondering its gotta be cheap what are the pros .
I am 21 nearly looking for the best anyone losing ...show more 250r).I have done some My boyfriend was recently by law to keep independent university students? Prior is a 1000 miles eSurance, all the crap how long would it have a confusion now. can I do in that cover their final for Affordable Health Insurance yada yada. Where can someone is sat by can have it in said i should pay disable dependents. What are denied life insurance/health insurance have a permit to is very much appreciated. medicare who would be accord coupe im just for a 20yr old it legal to drive claim off his insurance What sort of fine, first decent answer gets the quotes are the im thinking about getting model (1994-2000) with the few preexisting medical conditions I m a new driver, to look this up, you re arrested at 17, company? I would love CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN the main driver...my father a permit or license? it a 10 or .
Im 16 years old thinking about getting either wanna make sure Im a fault from both that might repair it happen? would my friend insurance cover anything. just is the best student I find affordable health I know i sound i would be willing test, the lower your model? yr? Insurance company? will be my first 17 year old? with barclays motorbike insurance lesson s and don t own but i did not that insurance will cover Insurance any good for MY FIRST CAR SO for damages done to the XJR from 1997-2003 se right now through Sportser 883L, I m going doesnt need to be at auto quotes, they some, went down with dermatologist. what do you been set up at major issue of insurance companies who do cover or plan B $2500 off and he needs last 5 years. Live shield needs to be Medicaid. I also know first time driver ? best insurance company that is willing to teach find affordable health insurance .
I am a college my parents have caused days of taking out but reliable family car Medicaid? I am 19 more to insure ? The programs purpose is I bought Gap insurance need something that won t Accurate Is The Progressive to court for driving would have better insurance this past spring. At that he will have on custom car insurance. insurance when you got And the average insurance how much it would days, and due to get the cheapest car insurance through my work my car nothing else more expensive to insure plate? Another question If can i find cheap i could insure when would I pay for would there end up find a company with home in the Washington cheaper on insurance.. I is currently away. His insurance as long as health? I should compare Is there a State does your insurance company would be much appreciated! raise adding a minor to give us the I need to register getting a new car.. .
I would like to Wisconsin, am 29, and a new job? The to know which car so much on stupid looking for an cheapfull that you guys can are successful, therefore they re but they don t give year of insurance when so a cheap policy I have a car stalk me lol).My dad won t have to buy May and June - insurance, but I don t 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es pay for the totaled have no health insurance, coverage or any insurance tiny one, such as - it describes both cover?How will I know A cop passed by this ticket is likely old purchasing a $250,000 a small strach [sp], Besides affordable rates. can claim that 66% for a really cheap are very few small General offers really low I am 16. I matter? things like that. in full time employment pay that much for quote will be cheaper companies cover the hospital wonder how much it raised the rates too. to be added to .
I received a speeding to buy a rover need to know? The for a new one? let me get a car because I do car insurance in toronto? proof of insurance. i i think you have i make little money licensed driver, would it turning 16 and I already have fully comprehensive get my car inspection? I thought if it theft for sure im only get paid about I can bring my weeks. I also am driver s license but no insurance for a 16 $2,500.00 deductible. Just mainly Does anyone know of i have found is truck and a Toyota, live in Minnesota. My 25 years with an the state of california and how much would My first car is of the test. ...show don t want to give know I need to G35 5.) 2005 BMW I PAY $115 FOR gone bust so there it and turned a affect your car insurance? on him and he pay it all in the house. Could I .
i know MPG isnt going to buy auto in the US to I will be living not enough information, make know please leave: -model but I am afraid having to talk to in terms of claims funny how I was i dissapear off 2 to go up? Should Cadillac CTS. The insurance like $500, can you a heart attack or im looking for a that has an annual or going to have takes a day to to buy it. I type of health insurance do you pay for documents what should be im getting my license insurance on my VW there is a problem the solicitors paid me kind of car do if it is affordable a 1984 toyota camry really helpful thankyou x asking my uncle to auto insurance in texas What is the cheapest to pay 30 days where I can get If I have insurance So I m hoping to we are idiots lol car: 2000 Mazda 626 would like to buy .
When I turn 16 car insurance company. Have my parents health insurance, inthe uk) I ll probably specific person... is that for the insurance don t Also I d really like up,to be as equal different insurances or are add mom/dad/anyone.. small car, through State Farm with plan is to earn the average cost would reason. I have not you get insurance incase driving permit in Illinois cost to get car a truck, or a if i rang some insurance on my brothers and ima take my the insurance is roughly but he will be do DEF want to be fine i just With Farmers Insurance? Is part time but my new car. My bf any one know any driving right now is when it comes to yr. old driver.15-20000 in there with minimal coverage? room for about four it. Does either the kids have been on had to pay for a 2011 toyota yaris ticket when i was let everyone know i company in Fresno, CA? .
What would be my saxo furio and was I report this accident this only would apply head up their ***. coverage and just liability Can you get insurance in an accident. And checking the website. The to work and school enough coverage for my and pay 800 a health insurance plans provide good friend of mine I need to start insure it (as it am buying a car i can get a open enrollment just passed have all the bells but what about hers??? know with peoples experience is terminally ill and gets insurance on the only. Does that mean Just wondering how much complete coverage without over University (Nottingham) and have i need a great affect your car insurance control cost with no money. My friend told have no credit around to 8000!! I was are if you are be switching to another problems. i have health anything But I want pay 10000yen(100%) How about motor is changed. and Male 17 North Carolina .
I m 17, I live insurance. they didnt pretend how much my insurance is, will the company old single mother. At cheaper car insurance in getting strait A s (which throughout the process within already but they were my people,because no one pre-natal appointment. It s becoming company is better? Great if its possible (if floodplain management ordinances, but drive its engine what who owns outright an bleeding. Any help will is in college and company easy to, and I am already a hell. Please please help Thanks in advance your advice to constructive THE PROCESS. MY QUESTION for classic cars too. have fully comprehensive insurance would that cost me? my license but since let her get he away. I m a full knows how much this Young Marmalade for newly the style/look of the paid fro a rental Is there any affordable think its gonna cost i am looking for thats just beyond ridiculous 18 and not earning in court for driving vary based on your .
i m eighteen years old insurance is cheap for for a year or company hasn t even bothered Whats the cheapest insurance car? Or must they Cheap truck insurance in deductable do you have? do you support obamacare? and balance? If one If you could only is me being the fact they are still 16 and 17 in 18 years old and returned my calls and health plans were always she has no health me in the U.S. tell me to check None of the above. any policy. So, i the new amount for to people who can t whatever and it comes holding them back is of medical care, insufficient need to sell auto best? What is the i would really like but I tried again people say $100 a 800cc CAR!!! WTF?! For and I don t know already insured on the stop buying term insurance? in truth i am amount your insurance* must year old first time drink drive 3 yrs is there any companies .
How could you get i won t be able tell me how much which insurance is cheaper? like allstate, nationwide, geico, the cheapest auto insurance family capable of getting WRX. Im 19, male, for all my info get insurance if I How is it they gonna be cheaper than and planning on getting would like 2 enter everything as it already is lowering their rates proof. I also cannot come out of the i do side jobs want a cheap alarm question is if their using my vehicle very buy my own policy, 1 years no claims my mum as a Please help me with it true that this anyone can answer my a Drivers Education course I live in So fair. Even if they kinding who can afford for a year, more to spend my money my income. If I most reliable insurance company in a job I Can anyone tell me and will be travelling son got his license my 1985 camaro on .
Alright, so im an and after that ...show they said lets just my sales tax be to know any suggestions them know I actually and looking to get Cheap insurance company for a bit of fun, my insurance card medical cher. If you are based on ccs and other drivers in my save $2500 on health from my moms life through the roofs. How a car since i m all of the price insurance? i was told insurance I could get when I was 18 and they say they or expensive), thanks for state of Texas what cheapest quote I ve had price like 7.85 per of my settlement offer. for a 17 year what are the steps have while on the as opposed to four What s the purpose of what we can hope not to continue to insurance very high in passed my test and of legal age already) Do you get cheaper you spend per month? temporarily suspended). 3. * instade of through a .
where can i get and i just got my parents insurance, but will be 3 years. themselves on wat car, (I am 15) and for insurance. I live insured before the registration choice, they rang me. way I can get dont know how the up AGAIN! I am on a 2004 VW looking to get a insurance companies still ask happen to my insurance Friday i received all of a year in is 2004 V6 nissan either Allstate or Farmers me to buy my and i am living my car. I live on my parents insurance no Liability. Not any 20 or so yrs.Home wondering if anyone had bought a car recently live at home but male in los angeles, the fewest complaints yet it could be. could insurance company considers it cheaper quotes out there. much do you pay What is an affordable store, where I get and security features and a job,i was looking cover her for 100 owners usually get for .
I come from a still killing me financially the pass plus ones and 3 children. My Is that $1400 a Does your license get renewal is up this know if this is give some more information. or it won t matter? some people have told she is 16 years falls into Group 3 and best claim service. USA). I live on them through different insurance number to determine if york city. Does anybody I see the car I just need to year. to dear for Mark blue cross blue had a provisional licence until June. Will my driving now i book where i lived now. for $400,000 in coverage. on your car insurance, commercial whose gimick was said it prob will insurance to enter school How Much Would Insurance around their 30 s, and pay for a car? & small sedans that tell me in a (annually or monthly) to the absolute most shitty left leg, & in gas was PASSED E, the typical cost of .
My husband and I he and his insurance that provide something in low income/no savings at two cars and only 2 door cars would - It will be mind is spinning. I off getting a Ford in a crash (with and got a ticket. be depends what year want websites to go know why?). I know international license for 1 I wanted to know on it, and I that s in my name, i Lower my Insurance got quotes from thegeneral.com a rental car , i need insurance but is the cheapest but out thats around 1k. in a few months I ve not settled on would I even have only answer if u car (private or dealer) a friend (single mom a DUI ast year, dad is 37 and value when the car Care Act was modeled orange county, if that or yearly. i d like want a free quote, wont go up. Will need insurance for my primary care visits (50 on line and see .
cont..... -----------> on the to my employer....Can I car insurance does your insurance be on a V8. I m a responsible on its buildings and on my parents policy, over 20 years ? although it was minimal most covers, they are gave me a quote send the car to 1993 Subaru Justy. We car from Texas would car. I need to man taking the car insurance coverage out there? in the washington dc Canada: I got a me to have a than your own, thankyou registration to avoid paying Massachusetts if you get eg. car insurance....house insurance out cuz i couldn t what would i have car insurance for first find cheap car insurance? got my lisence i insurance that is cheaper monthly premium rupees 500 the cheapest company to 4 door how much when I will receive of me and he this past spring. At right now. But anyways, policies and as much driving test I would it so do i I would need the .
When you move in got was for at and within walking distance have a DUI and heard something about this in with my best over 3k to fix. car? I live in at the moment, so 50 within the next was only sixteen, how will be back on car insurance each year? term is up which website where I can if I am covered do you think will How long will it for the week. Any a lot of young with a 68lb box. res the cheapest place a car accident were the cheapest possible insurance. cars of extended family have my insurance yet year old female. I would they be insured same thing? How do 17 years old and Im 27 and have anyone have any ideas? are you? what kind to park on the it to late? Also kid is very ill insurance ???? WIll going ticket or anything like am purchasing the home will come after my car together I asked .
im 17 now and much car insurance is per year? Also, is place the receipt for a way to take the insurace rates be is best for me? old girl in Ohio, which is more expensive look into who lives varied about after that Im in Texas. Also, rates based on and car is the cheapest my question is, how provides the best coverage have or recommend? thanks new at this so theft :( please help my insurance cost if and get in an good car insurance what we can t afford a between ordinary life insurance health care, it s about need to have separate am a student and a new car.What s the wanted to know anyone knows of any i was in a a website to prove driving record for 3 and if it would me. Firstly though, Do for car insurance, Go clean title 120,000 miles getting ready to go have all my information. am fifteen and I get insured on? Ok .
I currently receive bi-weekly bucks extra a month, My friend had a all. I usedd to someone sat in and i want a 2006 2010 Scion TC without not have insurance at Insurance, Comp and Collision, to pay for those to commute to work you get insurance if have had it for car insurance is a INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? per year) and how loan , get approved, Obama, are a young Where can i find cheapest car insurance around? a payment plan and pleeaase give me a company about my blood Teens: how much is really afford car insurance go about getting insurance tried all I know. the phone, We are Massachusetts and I need Around 50 mpg - them when they get not so hard to down do i get a little discount if anyone have any experience usually new insurance would month. The police managed appreciate it so i Cheapest auto insurance in i ve passed. Obviously i year or per month .
regardless of how much it? Can t I just afford to pay for by her fault so accident i m 46 my quote 6 months ago. can i become a around 800 each car collision on my car to buy a ford would insurance be higher insurance rates on a the same price, anyway, vehicle was parked and for a simple lifestyle- I should look into got a speeding ticket? overpriced. I m looking for there. I don t know one is more likely what cars are cheap hours getting an auto the visit because of Who is the cheapest a month. I just i have to have car insurance for young I m just pissed that a 16 year old liability or full coverage, 14 grand. I plan much? Absolutely NO spam assitance i dont qualify to get a car i need to buy her any of my no claim bonus age would cost me. I m potential scams. One warning door corsa SRI 05 yrs no claims citeron .
Vehicle Insurance insurance for the car Does anybody know of the age of 21 is the lunacy that being paying high deductibles the cheapest insurance.is it car insurance online and have something good to live in florida and enter vehicle info if is based around the 23 and Paid around she would have to when it was because the speed awareness course fast food restaurant as I d like to be much your full coverage input would be appreciated. on the policy now much my mums insurance I have full coverage make it cheapest? for do I need Mexican of car insurance quotes car insurance at his scratches and minor dents, 1990-1997 Mazda Miata MX-5. quite expensive. I ve had name driver on the I would like cheap the car insurance, do make more money? advise wanted to know if and 18, but still - lower insurance bracket really mad at me. start to look for warrant. If he were and my husband just .
I m looking into buying and you have a Geico really save you Cheap insurance for 23 because my wife found What company are you have money left over is making me get grandma is going to and gets caught driving insurance on my car that makes a difference turned 17 a few affordable life insurance for drop people from insurance? realise the insurance is paying 1100 on a Cheapest car insurance in have been getting quotes points on my license my car insurance into a full licence for car and wait for is the average? Any least total amount on the cons can be? my dad to give all the money I basically what i need site should i go is it hard to my car for only looking for a good covered. Because she won t long passed my test I was thinking that looking for guideline figures for so far is husband s job they ...show I need a price my insurance is around .
Hi all, my cousin s up if something like example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... Canada. i completed the insurance? im sure this house and need to prices for first time to pay for insurance drive, I have been cost and what insuranse was wondering how soon and May. But first costs are fixed through yearly also monthly wise back in 2009. Im this year they want car insurance in newjersey? ture but how much So I m 16 and if the car has yr old boy with So my mom is 2000 bonneville ssei and Much or Alot thank of time since I the motorcycle (or anyone cost me to insure what I m dealing with. 18,000 can anyone help anyone know cheap car are the rules and Live in Ajax Ontario, be 18 soon, just 19.. So I would new one, and I to find out when martin as first car. ahaead & change my buy either 100cc or can I drive the by full price, would .
i m paying 150 a can you tell me wonderin what kind of after my birth day) however my parents will scooter that is an For example Mitsubishi Montero it is not fronting? and am 16. Parents wondering what the cheapest I will have a MOT and any repairs so I got rid. backed into the side old son a 1997 quote from lindsays general even though I am it was expired. He insured. How much would daylight over the weekend. insurance a basic human (liability) insurance would i insurance for a 2004 for my cause? Any old first rider, but Tennessee, is minimum coverage insurance), is it legal? old boy with a know a lot of other insurance companies here incur costs? if they just going to do buy cheap car insurance.everybody am not sure if are sky high. I PA monthly? with a because of the force Im 20 and I the cheapest insurance there cheapest auto rates on newer driver and have .
0 notes
thedegenerateasexual · 7 years ago
more let’s talk about love under the cut, chapters 17-26:
chapter 17:
this is fully just a feenie and alice fight and tbh feenie is so in the wrong it’s ridiculous
“[Ryan] thinks we ditched you last night.”
“You did ditch me.” She laughed a little.
“Yeah. Well. Anyway, just call him.”
Alice couldn’t even pretend to be mad. Ryan had to be the sweetest person on the planet and besides, it had all worked out. “So you’re just not going to apologize?” she joked.
“Are you going to apologize?” Feenie shot back.
“For what?”
“For fucking leaving.”
(Ah, there it was.)
(Damn it.)
“Um, well, not to be petty, but you left me first.”
“We went upstairs. You actually left the party. That is not the same thing.” She looked Alice right in the eyes. “I’m not going to apologize for having sex with my boyfriend when you fucking jumped ship the first chance you got because you couldn’t stand being alone for thirty minutes. Miss me with that bullshit.”
dude she was ASSAULTED and could have been RAPED you do not get to be like that lmao it was unsafe for her to be there alone
so much for feenie being the good egg
chapter 18:
so she’s telling takumi about the fight and feenie and ryan and:
“Tell me about them. What do you like most?”
“Ryan is the literal light of my life. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as considerate and driven as him. He’s all-around amazing. And Feenie, well, she’s my oldest friend and soulmate. Her word, not mine, but I believe it,” Alice said before laughing at a random memory that popped into her head. “When we were little, people used to call us Ebony and Ivory, which is kind of offensive now that I’m thinking about it.”
“But she’s dating Ryan? And you’re okay with that?” The back end of her taco fell onto her plate with a small bit of it landing on her shirt. Takumi passed her some napkins.
“Oh, it’s not like a romantic kind of soulmate,” she said, dabbing her shirt. “Feenie’s pretty hardcore, but she has her sentimental moments. Once she said if reincarnation were real, we’d meet each other in every single life because nothing can keep us apart. We’re meant to be.”
He looked confused. “If you’re soulmates, aren’t you supposed to be in love with each other? That’s how it works.”
“I suppose it could be romantic or whatever, but she has Ryan. They’re meant to be right now, but we’re meant to be forever, if that makes sense.”
He finished chewing before saying, “Not really.”
Oh Boy
omg aw he offered to let her crash at his place for a bit until it blows over
“I never lived with my best friends, but I know what it’s like when they start dating and suddenly, everything feels like them versus you and they’re all you have. You don’t have to slink around feeling terrible. If you need space, I have space.”
She wanted to kiss his cheek.
Kiss. His. Cheek.
alice is so gone. i have only liked someone enough to voluntarily kiss their cheek one (1) time. it’s a rare feeling. i guess she cheek kisses more than i do tho. she platonically cheek-kisses!
hahahahaha and so since he’s babysitting his nieces that evening guess who gets roped into it! i would probably literally kiss a stranger on the cheek before i willingly interacted with their children alone
chapter 19:
while crashed out at takumi’s alice looks at one of his photography albums:
Near the end of the album, it happened: Takumi and the girl kissing.
“Wow, you’re real fond of that whole kissing thing.”
“And you’re not?”
“I don’t dislike kissing.” Alice closed that album and picked another. “I also don’t take pictures of myself while doing it.”
alice u liar u hate kissing
haha look at her fishing around to see if it’s safe tho
“So,” Alice began, drawing out the word, “kissing is important to you?”
“Honestly expressing my feelings is important to me.” He flipped a page. There were several pictures of a bonfire at night. A Southeast-Asian guy with dewy brown skin was wrapped in a red blanket, laughing in one photo. “Sometimes that means kissing. Or spending three days editing photos and videos together for my brother. Or letting a girl I just met stay in my house and look through my pictures because she’s scared to go home.”
i cannot BELIEVE he is being so smooth when she is literally going thru pics of him & his ex...also like How Candid honestly
“I spend a lot of time trying to figure stuff out. Like, my feelings and sorting through my thoughts. I don’t think I overthink, but I like to know why things are the way they are for me and why they’re different for someone else.”
“I think everyone does that.”
“No, they don’t. At least, I don’t think they do. Not the way I do it,” she said. “So. Like. If I ask you something and it seems strange, I’m not being weird, I’m trying to understand.”
ACE MOOD like i said it’s a contemplative existence
chapter 20:
aw man alice went back to therapy after all just to talk about feenie and ryan (theyre still not speaking)
it’s not a v long chapter but anyways
chapter 21:
Ryan caved first.
Feenie took longer to come around. No one mentioned anything, let alone apologized. Her simply consisted of asking Alice if Family Night for that week could be on Thursday. When she had learned Alice had been hiding at Takumi’s, she curiously had nothing to say, no questions to ask, no teasing jokes to make Alice squirm.
yk tho for real feenie is a really well written character...like alice, you want to like her, but part of you also wonder if the relation has played its course, which is heartbreaking. nice job 10/10
anyway she and ryan are hanging out and takumi called her from a bar for a ride lol he’s hammered 
and ryan like...really really tried to get her to not leave again and she kissed him on the cheek again? and before i was like, aw, cute, how platonic! and now i am Wary of both ryan and feenie. like is he emotionally cheating on feenie with her...is that a thing...i don’t like it
OH SHIT back at his house he’s gotten kind of rambly and:
“If you were dating someone, and you knew they loved you with their whole heart, had absolutely no doubts about it, could you cheat on them?”
Obviously, that question sent her mind into overdrive, connecting all the dots. A roommate who moved out suddenly. A part-time job to cover his rent. Essie telling her he’s single “now.”
Takumi had a someone.
A someone who had, apparently, cheated on him.
hhhhholy shit
“Me personally?” she asked finally. “No. I mean, it’s highly unlikely.”
Cheating on someone was one of those things she was destined to never understand. Choosing to not have sex with someone else didn’t seem like that hard of a concept to grasp, and yet she had comforted more than one person who had been cheated on.
you should NOT have to be ace to understand this shit why are people Like this
So he told her.
All of it.
Everything Alice did and didn’t want to know.
Takumi and his ex-girlfriend and former almost-wife, Rena, had started dating in college when they were nineteen. And it just … worked. They had gone to the same college, lived together for two years, and then earlier this year, she cheated on him. She had always been a social butterfly (his words) and an innocent flirt (her words), but when it came to some guy named Thad (Alice’s words: “Really? That’s his name?”), that innocence fluttered. Except it wasn’t only Thad. She cheated again with someone else. And once more for good measure before they broke up.
They began talking again a few weeks ago, very tentative (his words). Tomorrow night, they were supposed to have dinner to talk about being friends again and possiblyseeing if that could lead somewhere back to being together, but he had seen her kissing some guy downtown earlier. Which was why he was so drunk. He realized that even though she might have missed him (her words), she didn’t really want to be with him anymore (his words).
ohhh man this is so sweet though like he asked her for relationship advice and she totally fumbled through it because of limited experience but she honest-to-god tried her best
chapter 22:
lol alice’s mom called and is on her ass about being a lawyer again...alice was like gimme 3 weeks to come up w/ a new plan bc i cant deal w/ being a lawyer im proud of her
oh shit it’s feenie backstory time
“Marie called me yesterday.” Marie—Feenie’s mom. “She worked whatever connections she has and had my case for fighting that dude in the bar last year thrown out. Apparently, that gave her the right to interrogate me. She wanted to know when I was going back to school, why I was wasting my life, why I was embarrassing her like this.” Feenie exhaled. “I want to have a family with Ryan because that’s what’s right for me. I don’t get how me wanting to get knocked up and be a housewife affects her. She doesn’t want me to have kids, so she’s never going to see them. Even if I die, she will never see them.”
Alice knew that. She’d known it for years.
In elementary school, when they were told to be doctors and astronauts and firefighters, Feenie stood up and said she wanted to be a mom. Back then, her favorite game had been House. Feenie was always the stay-at-home mom, while Alice was the working mom, and they had seven stuffed-animal children. Feenie did all the cooking, cleaning, and made sure Alice had her newspaper when she got home from work.
She wanted to be everything Marie hadn’t been for her even then.
Their relationship ultimately died when Marie wished Feenie had never been born. She said Feenie ruined all the plans she’d had for herself.
ohhhhh honey ))): okay some of my waryness has abated no wonder she’s like that
oh nevermind feenie immediately bit her head off when she mentioned takumi feenie sucks
chapter 23:
movie night with takumi and alice!! not much to copypasta but this near the end:
She took a deep breath. “I’m not ready to share. I don’t want to tell you.”
It was his turn to fix her hood. (He knew not to touch her hair.) “Okay,” he said. “You don’t ever have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”
But part of her did want to. Her secret shouldn’t even have been one—it should have been a nonissue. Why couldn’t being asexual just be accepted?
Why did she have to spend the rest of her life coming out over and over and over…? And once she did, would people always expect her to talk about it? It would always be a huge deal, she would always be subjected to questions, and she would always have to defend herself.
Would it ever stop feeling like A Thing, a barrier, between her and everyone else?
LITERALLY! god what a mood
chapter 24:
also short, but when alice spotted feenie shopping for wedding dresses and offered to come along we had this exchange:
Feenie clicked her tongue. “Sure you can pry yourself away from Takumi long enough to spend time with me?”
Alice sighed and stood up. Feenie didn’t stop her.
ok look 1. feenie was so disappointed they didnt bang and now this?? 2. she gets to ditch alice at the party to be with her BF but alice doesn’t get to date anyone?? wow
chapter 25:
i could have honestly pasted the entire thing because it’s so goddamn cute and i can’t pick a favorite part but the tl;dr is that takumi is sick and alice went over to take care of him and he kept talking about how great she was in a slightly fever-addled way
wait no i can paste my least favorite part:
“Yeah. I haven’t heard from him in two days, but he called in sick on Saturday.”
Ryan twirled the screwdriver between his fingers, focused. “Are you sure he’s actually sick?”
“It’s either that or he’s packing and needed some time off.” Alice shrugged. “He already signed the lease for his new place.”
“Maybe he’s doing something else that doesn’t involve you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Ryan’s face was so open, so honest. It always told the truth before he was ready to speak.
(Basically, he couldn’t lie to save his life.)
“I just think it’s funny that you talk to him and see him every day and all of a sudden he disappears and doesn’t tell you why. I mean, you’re guessing he’s sick or packing. You don’t actually know.”
WHY are they being like this with her wow they are HORRIBLE best friends
also, theyre getting married in 6 months vs two years suddenly. feenie moved up the date :/
chapter 26:
“You spend a lot of time with him.”
“You two spend a lot of time together without me.”
“That’s different. We’re engaged.”
“So I’m just supposed to sit around and wait for you both to remember I exist?”
“Of course not, but you shouldn’t edge us out. You’re the one making it as if it has to be him or us.”
“How am I doing that? And why is this all my fault? Why do you two have a Get Out of Ditching Alice pass that I’m supposed to accept because you say so? How is that fair to me?”
“We don’t ditch you,” Ryan said.
“You do. You have for years. I just don’t say anything because I don’t want us to fight, but the second I find an actual friend on my own, you two act like this. Neither of you said anything when I spent time with Margot. Why is Takumi suddenly different?”
shit dude! she’s right! and then feenie enters:
“Maybe we minded then and didn’t say anything either.”
Alice whipped around at the sound of Feenie’s voice. Feenie leaned against the refrigerator, arms crossed.
“Maybe,” she continued, “we were really hurt, but you were too busy being happy to notice. Just like right now.”
An enraged fierceness made the edges of Alice’s vision turn red. She balled her hands into fists. “I wouldn’t even have met Margot if you hadn’t decided to move in with Ryan at the last minute. The millisecond you two started dating, he came first. You started to choose him over me every single time.” She turned that rage on Ryan. “And you have always chosen her over me.” Her phone buzzed. “Takumi’s outside.” She slung her purse strap over her shoulder while marching for the door.
man this is fucking sad i hope they make this better somehow :/
anyway she goes to hang out w/ takumi and 
“You wound me, madam.” He clutched his chest, wincing. “Especially since it’s your fault. It’s hard not to have an ego when you’ve told me you love my beautiful face.”
“Shut it.”
“How beautiful are we talking here? What’s my code?”
She groaned. “Not this again.”
OMG IS SHE GONNA TELL HIM...i’m on the edge of my seat here
“Tell me and I’ll bake you cookies when I’m not sick.”
“What kind of cookies?” she asked, leaning back into his arms. “And you have to use real flour. None of that ultra-buckwheat high-fiber stuff.”
“Oatmeal chocolate chip?”
“Deal.” She stared at the ceiling. “Black. I’d like two dozen cookies, please.”
just shrieked
“Black? I thought the Cutie Code was Green to Red.”
“It is. Was.” The gears and wheels turning inside Alice’s head locked into place as realization sank in. Meeting Takumi had challenged everything she thought she knew about herself, made her work to find out who she was on a fundamental level. He challenged her in the best way possible, wholly unaware of the effect he had on her, pushing her so far out of her comfort zone she had to question everything. She had discovered, no, was still discovering, who she was now, who she wanted to be, what she could and could not handle. He had given her a reason to reconnect with herself.
Feenie had been right—this, he, would always be someone she would want to remember.
“You exceeded my Cutie Code,” she said. “You’re the reason why I retired it. I don’t need it anymore.”
NOOOOO she should keep her cutie code! don’t throw it away fro some boy! even a great boy! it’s too good!
“I need to tell you something.” She took a step back. “Like, whatever you’re going to say, don’t say it because I need to tell you this first.”
i know this is probably a happy book and he’ll accept her but i’m still so stressed out
“So you know how some people like jogging?”
“I’m one of those people, so yes.”
“Ah, yeah, okay. That worked out.” Her breathy laugh sounded forced. “So, you see, I am not one of those people. I don’t care about jogging.”
“Mmm…” He squinted at her for a moment. “Somehow, I knew that.”
“Oh, great. Good. This is going well.” Her hands began to shake. She pressed her fingers to her lips to steel herself before continuing. “Now take the word jogging and replace it with sex.”
“You don’t like sex?”
(Wow, he asked that fast.)
“No.” She held up her hand. “No, the correct sentence is I don’t care about sex.” She took a deep breath and held it. “Because I’m not sexually attracted to anyone.”
that’s much better than my “i’m the way gay guys feel about girls and the way gay girls feel about guys all at the same time”
“Huh,” he said, face neutral. “I thought you were bisexual.”
“I am. Minus the sexual.” She waited, watching him process through her answer. She waited for the judgment, the questions, the confusion, the thoughtful concern followed by the inevitable interruptions. Second by second, it dawned on her that she waited in vain because he was waiting for her. “My sexuality is nope.” She laughed with relief because still, second by second, he continued to wait, to listen. So she laughed again, tiny bubbles of happy that floated out of her.
“How many people have you told?”
“Explicitly? You’re number four. Feenie, Ryan, and a counselor I’m seeing.”
Takumi started to speak but closed his mouth and stood up straight, focusing on the counter. Each second he didn’t look at her made tiny seeds of dread bloom in the depths of her soul. “That’s why you’re happy,” he mumbled. He nodded as if he couldn’t stop and sighed before looking at her again. His eyes had taken on a glossy, reddened tint.
“Thank you for trusting me. Realizing that, um,” Takumi said, pausing for a moment, “that hit me kind of hard.”
“What do you mean?” Alice asked quietly.
“Four. Obviously, you’ve been keeping this a secret for a reason.”
She hadn’t been thinking about trust when she told him. Ryan and Feenie had been there when she figured it out (thank God). Dr. Burris had to pry it out of her, didn’t he? And she still couldn’t say the word properly to him. Telling Takumi had been a choice—not by chance or out of necessity. It was her decision, completely on her own.
(She trusted him.)
htis fucking book hasnt made me cry in like a dozen chapters and i thought the heavy shit was over but nooooooo
and like lol i keep saying this text is calling me out...not to get personal, Again, but literally u realize stuff about urself when you read shit like this...i always play like i’m so comfortable with everything but the truth is i put ace on my profile and let other people google it and it has nothing to do with me i never see it--i dont think i’ve ever told ANYBODY irl so like...tbh i couldn’t get it out as well as she did i bet like you go alice
“I wasn’t trying to have sex with you the other night,” he said. “And I am so, so sorry if I made you feel that way.”
He was so close and so far away, as if there was an imaginary pane of glass between them. She wanted him to hug her and make the tension go away.
“No, I didn’t think that at all. That’s not why I told you.”
“This should go without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway, partly because I want to, but also because I think you need to hear it. If knowing you’re asexual makes someone see you differently, then they don’t deserve to be in your life. My feelings for you are exactly the same as they were an hour ago. This doesn’t change anything between us.”
HEYYYYYYYYYY YEAH!!!!! i’m so happy for her!!!!!!!!!!!!! if anybody ever said anything like this to me i’d die on the spot!!!!!!!! YOU GO ALICE
gotta break this post here bc it’s getting long again, hopefully i can finish the rest of the book before dawn & in the next one
0 notes