#doggo goes bork
therealtemmie · 1 year
who voted tem I don’t even have a tem costume hiw did dat get there help no tem no tem if tem goes 100% I blow up
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darkicedragon · 2 years
darkicedragon I need to do a werewolf fic for night shift. Wing fic tooooo Apollo and zeus barking at something during a late night walk. They try to protecc him but he still gets bit Doesnt think much of it when he heals and doesnt feel much .... Or gets weirded out when he DOES feel something after the bite Does angelo just stay at home bc hes with his pack 😂 or just goes for a run w apollo and zeus Or he transforms on a walk, and apollo and zeus herd him back home XDDD darkicedragon Angelo not feeling well the next full moon, which is novel and hes still trying to work out whats going on. Theres an infection happening and hes isolated the changes in his bloodwork, but hes also sure he hasnt changed at all. Apollo and zeus being restless, can smell the change happening in him on full moon azure |wO with Wolfe too?
azure Wolfe bites himmm òvó and goes to check on him bc >^>"" he shouldn't have done that and he lost control too azure Angelo being a v calm doggo much u-u "ah, this is an inconvenience" bc he no longer has oppsable thumbs for the time being Wolfe staying with him bc he has to take responsibility to teach the new doggo otherwise he'll be punished and its Angelo who calms him down instead of vice versa azure > Apollo and zeus being restless, much confused borks at him bc he's WEIRD why u smell like doggo if not doggo darkicedragon o0o!! Wolfe had a delayed side effect reaction to the serum and he turned into a werewolf Does angelo suddenly develop skin sensitivity again? Does he discover Scritches darkicedragon Rogue sniffing out the scent and ends up at angelos door Does angelo figure somethings up when he looks at the augur logo qnd its not the same anymore azure YESSSS he has to fix them both now bc Wolfe is unstable and in big trouble if they find out what he did darkicedragon Also angelo becoming a lab rat if it becomes known what he is. He wouldnt be grabbed, but he would be Heavily Encouraged azure oooh gotta hide it from his sis too bc if his father says, he would have to let her experiment on him darkicedragon Yessss Also she might be miffed she has to start all over again azure also Wolfe not liking Sera she has that look about her, like the other scientists at Augur darkicedragon Ahaha yessss
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pansexual-piniata · 2 years
roses are red
doggo goes bork
You cannot make me
eat with a fork
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Awoooooooooooooooo! Dog fightin'! Doggo focus! And Toradragonjin, finally? Gonna be a good one.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Haha, Sixth Ranger ain't even got his own robot yet, let's make fun of him >:)
-Miho-chan and Tsuyoshi-san :D
-Awwwwwwww... :(
-Poor kid.
-And of course, Natsumi-san, being epic.
-Tsubasa do a doggy paddle.
-I know what the Hitotsuki of this episode is, it's the Juken-ki!
-I haven't really seen Gekiranger, but I was a Jungle Fury fan as a kid. My grandfather got me one of those small plastic-y balls with the series logo on it as a present, and I played with it a lot and it inspired me to take up soccer for about a year.
-Yeah my athletic career kinda peaked in elementary school... in 2008 lmao
-Constitution, constitution...
-Yeah, overstimulation be like that, I feel you.
-Dog time.
-Shouty-shoooout! ...as the subs say. That's a Jan thing, right?
-"Shut the fuck up, I'm in agony!"
-Donbrothers-Assigned Furry.
-...so wait, do the Donbrothers just appear as their animal counterparts?
-"Ewwwwwww, talking dog!"
-Wow, these highschool girls are so mean.
-Menkai wa wata.
-Haunted by dog.
-Born to bork, forced to wan.
-"Fuck, I'm honger."
-Food thievin' dog!
-Jirou's home :)
-Hmmm... I see the analogues to Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, Sanzang... who'd Jirou's girlfriend be? Guanyin? Or would she be perhaps be Bai Long Ma, who once turned himself into a sexy lady with huge tits to try and fail to kill a demon? ...and before you ask, yeah, that really happened.
-Oh come now Jirou, you can flex! As a treat.
-Oh hey, you wanted to be a soccer player too, huh?
-Well, at least they're supportive :)
-...in a weird way.
-...dog only?
-Marketable dog plushie.
-...I wonder, will InuBrother's weird shuriken ever be given a name?
-This is
-A lot scarier than I expected it to be.
-He's out.
-...Momoi Tarou.
-Aaaand, off he goes!
-...Oooooooh, she's waking up.
-Literally the only Juto who's been a threat so far.
-Ohhhhhhhhh, shit, Miho!
-Holy shit, she's cool.
-Ohhhhh, rain fight.
-Damn, girl!
-Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, shit, memory loss.
-Oh hey guys!
-Hey, Tsuyoshi! Uh... yeah, you all got this, the dog guy's fine!
-Jirou's here!
-Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the Tiger Guy too!
-"I need you, and you need me!"
-Oh, okay, they just have those gears now, that's fine.
-Avatar Change!
-I'm mad we never got a proper team-up battle with Live and Evil's base forms in Revice, so seeing this makes me very happy.
-I swear, it's like they're giving me literally everything I could ever want. Ironic.
-Don Robogoku!
-Yeah, this is great.
-Thank you, Tame Jirou and Feral Jirou, very cool.
-Thank you Romi Park, very cool.
-Oh my god, he's in a cage.
-God, it'll never not astound me how these suit actors can get so much mileage out of these bulky costumes.
-Yeah, this form is awesome.
-...don't know if I like the floppy sword though.
-"Ore wa zettai!"
-Matching mugs :)
-Miho-san... Natsumi-san... what exactly is your deal, Cool Juto Lady? And will I get to see you fight more, because that'd make me very happy.
-This is cute, but like... too immensely horrifying for me to appreciate?
-Oh my god, we're becoming a Son next episode.
-I think we've reached peak "what" this episode, so I think next week I'll be thinking "Oh, what a standard joke, you're slipping Inoue!" ...that is, unless we see Shinichi and Haruka come back in full force. So uhhhh, yeah!
-Avataro Sentai Donbrothers! Very good show, would recommend. But you knew that, right?
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wildcardaces · 3 years
@ruby-static "pupper goes bark" edition!
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I love bringing back really old ocs into random drawings. Anna has been borked at by a tiny puppy! No escape from the doggos
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Shira: you turned into a trex...
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Shira: funniest shit ive ever seen
Bonnie: HAHAHA!
Shira sees bon-rex and just immediately memes because this is the coolest thing to them akfhaufjajdjqifu--
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Anna: getting real sick of your shit herbert
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Herbert called out again before he can do something so cosmically stupid that he has to team up with the epf again to stop it.
And the finale!
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shira once again playing creatures of sonaria and getting a glimmer bean creature. They will cherish this bean. They've already got the plushie planned out
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
I'm a slut for anything Destiny right now, so uhhhhh maybe something involving that? (On another note, boo for pushing back BL to November, yay for having more time to work on it)
Lol, same, friend! XD
So, like. Much as I love other Destiny AUs I’ve blathered on about before, what do you say about a Battle Buddies in the Destiny universe?
Like, say.
These two idiots working for Clovis Bray during the Golden Age, right? Troubleshooters or just a pair of mercenaries that somehow ended up on the Clovis Bray payroll.
Or maybe they start off as regular security operatives who earn a reputation for being particularly clever and resourceful. Ruthless, some might say, in protecting Clovis Bray’s interests.
They catch the eye of some higher up, get reassigned to a special division in security which happen to be troubleshooters and the like?
Operatives given more leeway/authority than the usual Clovis Bray security operative and it’s actually good for a while, right?
Certainly good enough from them to to from coworkers to that guy they see almost every day and have a few things in common with to actual friends. And that, okay, in the world of fanfic is a slippery slope to Mutual Pining.
And such tropes as being snowed in at a tiny, wonderfully cozy cabin once they get a fired started and realize sharing body heat is the only solution to not freezing to death anyway?
Also sharing a bed while on a trip somewhere and a mixup/convenient other reason there would only be a room with a single bed available for them.
Not to mention the quiet revelation that the other one knows exactly how they take their coffee (whatever diet soda equivalent exists in the universe at that time for Ryan), or what their favorite food is (and second, third and so on in case substitution is necessary). Know what their favorite color is and cats vs dogs.
(A hotly debated topic between them, one that Jeremy declares could be a friendship killer because dogs, Ryan, really? With their borking and happy little faces and utter joy at seeing their human?
Meanwhile, Ryan with this little smirk to his voice as he needles Jeremy over the little herd of stray cats he swears aren’t actually his and yet are all fixed and chipped and yowl their little heads off the moment they catch wind/sight of Jeremy and anyway, dogs are clearly better because Ryan says so, therefore it’s true, Jeremy.
(Neither of them realize if they were animals - omg, were-creatures in Destiny universe???? :O - Jeremy is obvs a bork-bork doggo and Ryan a snooty mcsnoot (sekritly soft touch because srsly) kitten-cat and just, tangent I know, but omg.)
Also, though?
It means all these little things that add up to oh, no, I’m absolutely fucked over this asshole/idiot, because they are and now that they know they can’t stop seeing it, you know?
Jeremy’s :D when he sees Ryan at work and Ryan’s own >:D when he sees Jeremy because up to no good, the both of them? And smaller, quieter things they didn’t really think about and oh man, what now???
But then, also!
The two of them with their special division in Clovis Bray’s security branch...deal...thing where they ends up working with the shadier side of things?
Mostly play security on off-world projects or labs that pop up when new discoveries are made and said discovery can’t be moved/hasn’t been moved to a more secure facility and such.
Security there just as much to protect the discovery/artifact/device than keep the scientists/staff/executives visiting the site safe and so on. (Occasional Adventures because business rivals and shady practices and Drama.)
It’s all good for a while, lets them stew in their Mutual Pining phase and just as they’re about to maybe, maaaaybe do something about it Trouble!!1! happens.
Both of them are at the “I need to talk to you about this...thing,” stage of things and thinking oh, no, he knows I have the FEELINGS for him and the :O!!1! of what could mean for their ~friendship and so on?
But then Ryan gets called to the Clovis Bray facility on Mars in Meridian Bay while Jeremy stays behind, which isn’t unheard of for them?
But it’s rare when the company separates them. know they’re far more effective as a team and so on, but the call comes from the top and they can’t just say no, so Ryan goes.
Has a Bad Feeling and Jeremy knows him well enough to pick up on it, but pretends he doesn’t, that everything’s fine even though there’s been more chatter on restricted frequencies - Clovis Bray and otherwise - for a few days now, something big going down that’s effecting everyone.
This growing concern/panic leaders are trying to keep under wraps while they figure out how to handle it and so on.
And, look, they’ve been in the business long enough to know to trust Bad Feelings and suchlike? But Jeremy’s all :D because Ryan’s so worked up and he’s trying to reassure him they’ll be fine, you know? Damn good at their jobs and nothing’s managed to kill them yet.
(Yet being the keyword there, Jeremy, as Ryan keeps telling him when Jeremy’s a few drinks in on a slow night and they’re just enjoying one another’s company and sharing stories and yeah.)
Ryan heads to Mars and Jeremy sticks behind and somewhere in between that the Collapse happens, because of course it does.
Just a big ol’ kaboom-level disaster in which they both end up super, duper dead?
But then they get better.
Kind of?
Because, look.
Ryan gets all kinds of fucked up during the kaboom-level disaster and he’s in a Clovis Bray facility and there’s the whole...Exo thing, right?
Hand-wavy shenanigans all over the place in which he’s Exo-fied just before everything goes to hell (really goes to hell) and he comes online or whatever they call it just in time to die again.
(Doesn’t remember the first one, because fleshy human body all fucked up and coding on the table and uh, wow, yes. Also Ryan and his Thing for androids in Sky Factory 4 and also just robots and the like in general, so yeah?)
Ryan dies (again) during the collapse in a shiny Exo body and no time at all to address that, which.
Years go by as the sands of Mars start to bury human cities and whatnot, and along comes a Ghost.
Ryan’s Ghost, to be matter of fact.
Little bastard’s been looking for its Guardian for a long, long time by the time it gets to Mars, seen a lot.
And for whatever reason when it’s poking about this half-buried Clovis Bray facility and stumbles on this shiny new (not so much) Exo decides ah, yes, this one is the one I’ve been looking for all this time.
Ryan gets resurrected on Mars, wakes up choking on dust and sand (or maybe it’s just his mind telling him that’s what’s happening, because Exo? who knows) and this goddamn floating ball of metal and light and sass in front of him.
The Clovis Bray facility is a disaster and the Cabal haven’t found it yet (yet) but they’re going to any day and anyway, anyway, not a good idea to stick around a dead place like that.
His Ghost brought him back a few years after the Collapse, Dark Ages days still, before things like Iron Lords or fancy classes like Titans or Warlocks or Hunters.
Is something of a cross between a Titan and a Warlock in temperament and abilities and understandably a little leery of his little Ghost buddy? Like what even is it/he?
But also, also?
Ryan remembers, okay.
For whatever reasons, he remembers.
Wakes up in a Clovis Bray facility - was there meeting with some higher-ups about concerns they had about some incoming trouble and reluctant to pull both of them from their assignment.
Figured Ryan could speak for them both, and then kaboom, the Collapse and his Exo-fication which he really, really should not remember? But hard to deny the proof and such, and maybe his Ghost is able to pull some information from the computers around them
(And the what the actual fuck and I did not agree to that when I signed my contract and what the fucking fuck and so on of dealing with that on top of everything else and it’s just. It’s a lot to process.)
He remembers his previous life, although there are some gaps and the whatnot - maybe that’s what happens when you die and some sassy floating orb resurrects you, Ryan doesn’t have a frame of reference for these things okay - and from what his Ghost is saying people shouldn’t do that?
Especially with the Exo-fication process and anyway, anyway, yes.
So he keeps quiet about it for the moment, all this oh shit, and fuck, Jeremy and that in the back of his mind and initial wariness of his Ghost and what that’s all about.
Finds a way to get them back to wherever he and Jeremy were assigned - grab a jumpship from the Clovis Bray facility and leave Mars and it’s dead cities behind headed towards Earth because where else would they go?
But also maybe there are others like Ryan and while they’re out here might as well check to see if there are? Bring any survivors and such back with them if they can.
All they find are cities in ruin and the dead, though.
Worse, places where the dead should be, but aren’t.
Because spooky.
But also Bad Things, not all of which are due to the other races the Darkness introduced to humanity, because you know, humanity at its worst and so on.
Still, it gives Ryan the chance to learn about his new body, and his Light-given abilities, to trust them, and weirdly enough bond with his Ghost.
Gives the poor thing a name like Reggie or some other terrible thing that has it sighing and all that at him as humans are just super weird about stuff like that?
But at the same time it’s a name, something more than just Ghost. Which. Not an insult? But still, a name.
When they get to where Ryan and Jeremy were stationed he’s not really expecting to find Jeremy after everything else they’ve seen along the way. Odds stacked against them from the start and all that, and he’s not surprised to find the facility torn open and broken down.
Finds bodies here and there, doesn’t want to look closer but he can’t not at the same time.
Recognizes a few of them, scientists and staff and some security operatives he and Jeremy worked with.
Reggie clearly knows Ryan’s lying about not remembering anything, but chooses not to call him on it at the time.
Not when there’s this...rawness to him as he explores the place he lived and worked in who knows how many years go. Finds the bodies and other remnants of a life (long past, ended violently in the Collapse along with those of everyone else there.
Listens to messages people left before, during, and after the Collapse.
Usual day-to-day things, work logs or personal journals that tick over into calls to supervisors over unusual readings and the like? And then towards the end and staticky and all that, warnings to whoever stumbles across the facility.
Breached containment and toxic chemical ruptures and all that that had to be locked down.
(The handful of people on the other side of it, either too slow or too goddamned brave, sacrificing themselves for the others even though they knew it wouldn’t matter much in the end, and doing it anyway)
Sightings of unknown creatures - beings? Roaming the area outside the facility while its security measures were still active, what remaining security operatives going to confront them and not returning, or dragging themselves back to safety just to die with some cryptic words on what they’d seen out there.
Final words of survivors doomed to die either by whatever was on the other side of the fences and security measures once they inevitably failed or some other cause. (Exposure to toxins/radiation or other fun things. Starvation, etc. No need to worry about old age or natural causes because yeah no, not in the cards for them.)
That cheerful kind of stuff, you know?
Ryan and his Ghost digging into the computers they could and watching footage, watching people he knew a lifetime ago dying.
Watching Jeremy taking charge of things, having to order people to their deaths in the days after the Collapse whether it be to containment breaches or enemies at their gates and so on.
A few logs and personal videos Jeremy left, ones that Ryan makes copies of for himself - Reggie makes copies of everything they find, but Jeremy’s are just for Ryan, you know?
All of what they find may be useful one day, important, but Jeremy’s are just for Ryan. (Reggie safeguards those like you wouldn’t believe because they’re obviously important to Ryan.)
One of Jeremy’s videos are of him in the cramped quarters he and Ryan had to share, half a wall missing and all that because of course.
More rubble than room at that point, and yet it’s where he decided to record that video message.
All quiet and sad and hopeless because no rescue is coming for them, and look, okay, look.
He knows Ryan has to be dead by that point, otherwise his Battle Buddy would have come for him and the others, Clovis Bray be damned.
And Jeremy’s not quite looking at the camera as he just.
Tells Ryan - this one video is for Ryan even though Jeremy’s certain he’d never see it now, but he can’t not and he’ll probably be dead before long anyway, so fuck it, right?
So Jeremy tells Ryan all about the Mutual Pining he was doing leading up to the Collapse, right? All the reasons he fell head over heels for his idiot Battle Buddy and fear of fucking things up between them not knowing if Ryan felt the same and just.
A lot of FEELS going on there?
And then he talks about the Bad Feeling of Ryan’s and the call for him to go to Mars while Jeremy stayed behind.
Tells him he knew something was off, wrong, that something big was coming and goddamn does he hate being right about that kind of thing?
And then, okay.
There’s this tired little laugh, and Jeremy looking right into the camera.
Looks tired, worn down. Like he hasn’t slept in days (hadn’t, most likely) and lost too much weight and right on the edge of breaking.
Tells Ryan with this tired little laugh and tired little smile that he loves him, and he’s sorry he wasn’t brave enough to tell him when he had the chance and all these other heartbreaking things before ending the video.
(Delicious Angst.)
Ryan can’t find any other videos or anything from Jeremy after that, but there are references to the last of the security operatives patrolling the facility and running into opposition. Mentions of them not returning, of the other survivors being on their own and -
Ryan and Reggie go looking, because of course they do.
Find bodies, human and otherwise, but there’s a goddamn hole blown into the side of the facility. Fucking crater that opens up into an underground cavern and no safe way down.
Which, fine.
Ryan jumps, and Reggie brings him back.
Again and again and again until they reach the bottom, and then it’s this endless network or caves and tunnels and they could spend a lifetime looking, but enemies - Fallen? - and too many for one lone Light-bearer and their Ghost and he hates it, hates it, but they can’t stay.
Get back to Earth and kick around there for some time, all the while Ryan working on a way to get back to the facility to find Jeremy and lay him to rest or whatever’s going on in his head.
Runs across this shady bastard who (of course) turns out to be the Drifter and they become...not friends so much as acquaintances and all that? Don’t really trust one another, but they’re not enemies either.
The Iron Lords happen, Ryan and Reggie keeping an eye on things because you never know, and then the thing with SIVA happens and everything after that.
Hop around the system (venture a little beyond it for a time before coming back) and are like.
Bemused at these Guardians they find running around?
Yeah, okay, interesting, but he and Reggie were there for the Iron Lords and surely it’s only a matter of time until the Guardians go the same way?
But...they don’t?
They even build themselves this City under the Traveler and seem to thrive. Guard (heh,) the remnants of humanity that take shelter in the Traveler’s presence and all that.
Watches them branch out, sees the formation of the Vanguard and the Consensus and all that.
And they don’t go unnoticed either, this weird Light-bearer Exo and his Ghost that have been around for a long, long time.
Are considered allies to the Vanguard and Tower and all that? But not to be trusted at the same time.
Not enemies, just.
Need to be taken with a grain of salt, and also for the love of all that’s holy, do not let them around baby Guardians because they’re kind of terrible?
But yes.
Ryan’s around for all the shenanigans in the first Destiny, but doesn’t get involved himself because he’s no Guardian, you see.
Does, however, do things like message the Vanguard when there’s unusual activity among the Fallen or whichever race is hellbent on wiping humanity out that time.
Tips off Ikora’s hidden that something’s going on in the Plaguelands when the Fallen get into SIVA and so on, checks in on Lord Saladin to see how he’s doing, that kind of thing.
And then the Cabal come to Earth and Ryan’s at the edge of the system at the time, but he definitely feels it when the Cabal manage to lock away the Traveler’s Light.
He and Reggie make their way back to Earth because what the hell is going on?
And they get there just in time for some asshole to kick Ghaul’s ass and the Traveler awakening and all that?
And it’s like, well, shit, because things are going to be in disarray for a while, aren’t they?
Usually that means the Vanguard reaching out to him and those like him to help where Guardians can’t.
Stealth and shady shit and other things the Vanguard seems to turn their noses up at because not exactly Noble, the things people like Ryan get up to, but still needed.
Anyway, off he goes, coordinating with Ikora’s Hidden and all that and he’s all over the place for a while.
Goes back to the Tower and happens to catch a glimpse of someone in armor and is like !!!
It’s the Tower, and all the Guardians wandering around in armor is far from unusual?
This asshole is sporting some hideous shader that somehow manages to combine purple and orange with yellow trim and it’s this whiplash moment of !!! for Ryan because!
Or fucking course Jeremy and his bullshit color scheme back when they were working for Clovis Bray, you know?
Shit-eating grin at Ryan’s :O face the first time he realized what a monstrous human being Jeremy was and delighting in it every moment afterwards.
And Ryan, right. Far from an expert on all the shaders out there, but he’s pretty sure Eva would never dare create such a thing as it would be akin to a crime against humanity, and yet.
Ryan sneaks about following the Guardian - a goddamned Titan because of course it is - and maybe gets a little sloppy about it.
Because FEELS and also being a little out of his mind over the coincidence?
Anyway, anyway, he ends up getting cornered in a little alley somewhere down in The City. No one else around for blocks and an understandably peeved Guardian facing him down.
“Hey, pal,” he hears, seemingly friendly enough but there’s an edge to the words all the same. “There a reason you’ve been following me for the last few hours?”
The Guardian’s got their helmet on, because of course, but there’s -
Ryan knows that voice.
(Of fucking course he does.)
Stares and stares and stares because oh, okay, this has to be it, you know? He’s been alive for a few hundred years by this point, and sooner or later he’d lose it, because of course he would, right?
Exo-fied without consent and tossed into the life of a Light-bearer - again, without consent although he’s more okay with Reggie’s actions than the scientists at Clovis Bray who Exo-fied him - and made sense he’d go mad at some point.
Because no way in hell is that Jeremy he’s looking at. No damned way.
It totally is Jeremy, although he goes by Rimmy Tim now (lololol, I’m so, so sorry) and doesn’t remember his previous life at all and oh, God his poor Ghost is sporting a shell in the same hideous purple/orange shader and why did it have to be this way?
But also seriously, Ryan being blue screen of death over the whole Jeremy is a goddamned Guardian now???
Apparently resurrected following the Red War and new to the whole Guardian deal.
Ryan tries to stay away because he’s got all these issues to sort out and doesn’t want to scare Jeremy away/make him hate him/who even knows what he’s thinking at that point?
But it doesn’t stick because Jeremy’s alive.
Doesn’t know Ryan or the fact they were this close to figuring their shit out before the world ended around them and things got seriously fucked up.
Thinks Ryan’s some weird shady dude along the lines of the Drifter and all that? Which, to be fair, he is?
Zavala and Ikora trust him, and Cayde did too.
Ryan keeps tabs on Jeremy the whole time because like hell is he not going to do that?
But he tries his best to keep his distance for Jeremy’s sake and all?
And then there’s a Situation the Vanguard need him to look into, and would he like help with this one?
And Ryan, okay.
Does his damndest to be good about this, not drag Jeremy into things, but Zavala’s a clever bastard.
Has noticed Ryan’s obvious - to Zavala and Ikora, and even Cayde’s amusement/understanding before he died - interest in Jeremy.
And weirdly, conveniently, Jeremy knocks on the door to Zavala’s office while Ryan’s in there talking to him about this Situation.
“Uh, am I interrupting?”
And Zavala gives Ryan this little smirk.
“Rimmy Tim is a promising young Titan,” he says. “Clever. Resourceful. I think he would prove to be a great asset in this endeavor.”
And Jeremy, okay.
Keen on helping the Vanguard with things like this Situation, and he’ll admit to being curious about weird, shady Ryan and how he fits into things, and anyway.
Ryan doesn’t have much choice in the matter about it all, and before you know it the two of them are out investigating weird shit together.
Ryan barely keeping his shit together the whole time because Jeremy is so fucking Jeremy even though he doesn’t remember anything about his previous life.
Reggie is like, super concerned and doesn’t sass Ryan more than a couple of times a day due to said concern.
Jeremy’s Ghost is like, dude, what the hell? While Reggie is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ because hahaha, Light-bearers are just weird as hell, right?
Their investigations take them back to Mars and the same Clovis Bray facility where Ryan was Exo-fied and it’s.
Jeremy doesn’t know what’s up with Ryan and Reggie, but once Ryan quietly mentions that oh, hey, yeah. This is where they turned me into this *gestures at himself with this weird hollow/bitter laugh because yes* and then he died, and also Reggie found him years later and so on?
And Jeremy’s like shit, dude, and also, oh, okay thinking that’s why they’re being super weird?
But then they find records and some video of human!Ryan way back before and Jeremy’s fucking riveted, okay.
Human!Ryan talking to one of his bosses about an assignment they’re going to send these Battle Buddies off on - Jeremy looking over at Ryan when he flinches or something along those lines and thinks, oh, man, poor guy, because apparently Ryan had a partner way back when?
Someone the Clovis Bray bigwig talks about with this amused/fond look on their face like the two of them were inseparable and all that? Force to be reckoned with and all that.
Of course that’s when the bigwig’s office door opens to let the other half of the Battle Buddies in.
“What the fuck?”
Because, hey, wow, would you look at that? That’s fucking Jeremy sauntering on in with a little grin on his face and all that, tossing human!Ryan a look before giving the Clovis Bray bigwig a nod and no, seriously, what the fuck.
This whole Thing where Ryan stiffly (because dealing with all these EMOTIONS about Jeremy and terrified he’d - rightly so - want nothing to do with Ryan because of the everything) tells him that yeah, so.
They totally knew one another way back when? Worked together and so on and all this and just.
Jeremy’s Ghost manages to salvage more videos of the two of them - sparring in Clovis Bray gym facilities and the whatnot and training/demonstrating/whatever for security operatives?
Ryan leaves him to it while he and Reggie go poking about the rest of the place pretty much expecting Jeremy to tell them he wants nothing to do with them once they’re done with whatever the Vanguard has them doing?
But no, okay, no.
First of all, Jeremy’s super weirded out, but he’s not mad? OR he doesn’t think he is???
It’s complicated.
What he does know is that he and his Ghost like Ryan and Reggie, are starting to think of them as friends, even.
And then, okay, and then?
There’s also the fact that with a different perspective Jeremy can totally fucking see how fucking head over heels he and Ryan were for one another?
The way they look at one another, okay, that alone.
Can’t tell if they were an official? Thing and it feels cruel to ask Ryan, considering Jeremy doesn’t remember him? So he doesn’t.
Decides he’d like to get to know Ryan now, see what happens and all that?
Ryan’s like ??? because he was not expecting that? Is a little reluctant because what if it’s a mistake? He still loves the shit out of Jeremy, pre-Collapse and now, but maybe that’s not what’s best for Jeremy?
Tries to tell him that, but Jeremy’s not having it.
Like, will honestly leave Ryan alone if he genuinely wants him to considering their past and the emotional roller coaster Ryan’s been on since pretty much forever?
But if it’s all the same to Ryan Jeremy would like to keep working with him?
And they do, because Ryan thinks he’s too much a selfish bastard to tell Jeremy no, and Jeremy kind of feels the same?
They deal with the Situation together (Battle Buddies, fuck yeah) and when they report back to Zavala he’s all HMM at them, but doesn’t comment on things and it just.
Becomes this understood Thing that Ryan and Jeremy are a team now, going all over the place to deal with things Ikora’s Hidden sniff out or some “friend” of Ryan’s want them to look into.
Ryan quietly Suffering because Jeremy’s still so very Jeremy and yet a completely different person. Jeremy falling for Ryan because of course he does, and Ryan keenly aware of it at some point.
(Stopped lying to himself about things like that a long time ago, or maybe he’s too tired to lie to himself about them now, who knows.)
Looks at Jeremy one night, the two of them camped out in a shell of a building and just.
Takes out the batch of recordings and videos Jeremy left behind at the end and gives them to Jeremy because...he doesn’t know why, really.
Just thinks it’s important he sees them for himself before he says something he might regret. (Does something he might regret, idk.)
And then off Ryan goes to keep watch or patrol the area or whatever and conveniently not be there while Jeremy watches his past self confessing his love to Ryan like that was a mistake he never got to make in person or something?
It makes no goddamned sense, and Jeremy’s a bit of an emotional mess by the end of it because jfc, he past him was a complete idiot, and both Ryans are too?
Past Ryan just for being a dense idiot the same as past Jeremy, present Ryan because he’s been carrying those recordings along with him for ages, and the whole Guilt about not finding Jeremy’s body to lay him to rest way back when.
The Guilt about knowing who Jeremy was when he met him again and not telling him (that makes Jeremy a little angry because dude, seriously?), and yet again more Guilt for not telling him about the Mutual Pining?
And just.
He yells at Ryan a hell of a lot when he tracks him down, finds him on a rooftop staring up at the stars while Reggie watches over him.
Realizes Ryan’s looking towards the sector of space where he and Ryan were stationed when the Collapse happened, that the idiot probably made a habit of doing so after Jeremy died because Delicious Angst?
He yells, but there’s no real heat to it because Jeremy’s a wreck, and also he gets it?
Doesn’t know Ryan super well, just yet, but enough to see why he’d do/think some of the things he has.
Feels...not guilty, exactly, but something in that he doesn’t remember Ryan or the lives they had before all...this, but.
They’ve got a second chance, and maybe, maybe they could do something with it?
Not saying they have to, necessarily, but.
They do make a good team, and all that, and -
Ryan’s just looking at Jeremy like he doesn’t know what to say (it’s true) and kind of like he thinks he may be dreaming this (he’s not) and Jeremy’s afraid he’s saying all the wrong things?
But then.
It’s like
That could be a thing they could do, become Battle Buddies 2.0 and let Zavala know he only has himself to blame for it, so of course they do, you know?
Go off and Adventure about, causing Zavala headache after headache and getting these little smiles out of Ikora and such.
And one day maybe they get their shit together and finally freaking do something about all the FEELINGS the have for one another.
Get it right this time, with the love confessions and smooches - or like, whatever it is Exos do in that regard?
But yes.
Also they run into the rest of the AH bunch at some point, a few of which are some of Ryan’s shady friends, because of course they are. >:D
(ALSO, omg, yessss? I was like aw, man, not again Bungie :((((((((((((((( even though I totally understand the reasons for the delay? Like. I want the shinies of new content and omg, EXO STRANGER :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD right now? But also omg, yes Bunige, please take the time you need. XD)
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nomadicauthor287 · 4 years
Welcome to the Coruscant Fire Department
*Walks into the Coruscant Fire Department
*A Mirialan woman wearing navy blue long sleeve shirt, cargo pants, and black work boots walks up to you*
“May I help you?”
*You shrug, nervous of the superior energy radiating from her
“I take it you must be the Probie. (Probie- probationary firefighter) I’m the Fire Chief, my name is Jaqycu but call me Chief. Everyone fall in!”
A total of 17 people ran into the lobby and lined up. 13 clones, 3 kids, and a mastiff wearing a helmet
Everyone step forward and introduce yourself to the Probie
Assistant Chief Country “Cunt”
Southern accent
Always has a hat on
Super Cool Long Hairstyle
Best mustache and beard (Think Pedro Pascal)
Likes to scare cadets
Has a crush on Chief
Father figure
Always has a cup of Caf
Got their name by: Watched one holovid on ranchers and adopted the accent
Notable features: His cowboy hat and always have Caf in his hand
Quote: “Don’t go in if you don’t know the way out”
Battalion Chief Axe
Has an award for the biggest muscles that Chief’s kids made for him
Inspired by myths from other worlds
Has a tattoo of an axe calling it his lady
Very attached to his Ax
Calls it his lady
Calls her Ali
Good judgement of character
Gym rat
Lead Paramedic
Got their name by: Swung an axe to show off to Chief and messed up. He embedded the axe in the ground and no one could get it out.
Notable features: His muscles
Quote: “How much do you bench?”
Captain Blaze
Long mane
Likes fire in moderation
Kinda a push over
Prone to doing the stupids with Axe
Great at doing hair
Axe’s workout buddy
Very shy when it comes to interacting with people
Got their name by: Got carried away with playing with hand sanitizer and a lighter
Notable features: Luscious blond locks in a french braid
Quote: “I’m shy at first. But I do the stupidest random things when I get comfortable with someone” *Points at Axe trying to pull the axe outta the floor*
Lieutenant Inferno
Prosthetic arm from the shoulder down
Red hair
Slicked back Modern undercut Hairstyle
Mongolian spots on back and arms
Brutally honest
Always telling stories about fires and his younger days
Got their name by: Lost his arm in a large fire
Notable features: Fiery red hair
Quote: “Need a hand?” *takes off prosthetic and hands you arm*
Top knot
By the book
Driver engineer
Always sleepy
Got their name by: no one knows. It just happened
Notable features: silver crew cut
Quote: “When experts panic they call us”
Kinda clumsy
Terrible sense of direction
Got their name by: During his final test he didn’t turn his Oxygen on and passed out
Notable features: lost expression on his face constantly
Quote: “I don’t remember how I got here”
Impulsive gambler
Purple Cool Short Crop Haircut + Low Fade
Got their name by: Talks fast and works fast
Notable features: Purple Cool Short Crop Haircut + Low Fade
Quote: “I bet that… happens”
Glutton for food
Always thinking of a scheme to make quick money
Thinks he’s a Paragod but isn’t
Cool textured Thick Hair + Short sides
Got their name by: Found a joy buzzer and pranks people
Notable features: Sly grin
Quote: “Let’s shake on it” *Cue being shocked by joy buzzer*
Has a ritual for everything
Doesn’t has the stomach of blood
Mid Skin Fade Haircut
Got their name by: LOUD and makes random noises
Notable features: Dark green
Quote: *Random screeching noises to prove a point*
Kinda careless about his safety
Cool Curly Haircut
Got their name by: Likes making sparks with batteries and wires
Notable features: playing with batteries and wires
Quote: *makes sparks with battery and wire*
Torch or “Streak”
Love/Hate relationship with Sterling
Procrastinator of paperwork
Comfortable in his own skin
Will literally go to work naked if not told to put on clothes
Will flirt with anyone
Medium Length Modern Classic
Got their name by: Carried a torch for a person and won’t say who
Notable features: Fire tattoo that goes up his neck
Quote: “Hello you amazing person, how are you doing today” *Cue smirk*
Very clean
Like if he sees anything dirty he cleans it immediately
Values personal hygiene
Firefighter/Driver Engineer
Side Part Haircut + Wavy Hair
Got their name by: His eyes are the color of wildfire
Notable features: His eyes
Quote: Zzzzzzz
Peaceful/avoids conflict
Critical thinker
Cool Long Fringe Hairstyle for Curly Hair
Got their name by: Kinda forgetful
Notable features: Teal hair
Quote: Can you repeat that please? I only remember the first word
Massiff (Space doggo)
Loves to eat
Likes to eat cheese
Stays with Chief and the kids a lot
Soft spot for the Ezel
Has his own helmet
Think of a pit bull wearing a firefighter helmet
Notable features: Helmet
Quote: *I desire all the treats and snuggles you have peasant* BORK
9 y/o
Thinks she’s all grown up
Likes to hack
Shoulder length waves
Watches cartoons with Blaze after homework is done
Likes to do pranks with siblings
Notable features: Gold round glasses with bright Red eyes
Quote: “As long as we use a large web of information anyone can be hacked”
8 y/o
Hangs out with Sparky a lot
Looks up to Country
Calls Country Buir
Wants to be an architect or a chemist
Nickname is Boom
Notable features: hetero-chromatic eyes (Red and pastel green)
Quote: “I wanna make it go boom!!”
1 y/o
Likes shiny things
Bites everything
Best smile in the whole fire house
Likes anything red
Black peach fuzz hair
Notable features: Gummy smile
Quote: Pire *Points and tries to grab candle*
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ira-sturm · 4 years
POOF BORKS! NO! HE BARKS! BIG ELECTRIC LADY! MUST BARK AT! DANGER!!! At least he assumes it's danger since she is so BIG!!! He's doing his job! Like a good protecc doggo! He's a good boy he promises! -bushidont
She stares at the doggo, arms crossed.  It didn’t know any better, and it was right to be threatened by her.  So instead of attacking the doggo, she just makes it rain, a little raincloud now above the pooch, one that follows them wherever it goes. @bushidont
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etherian-affairs · 5 years
Doggos in Space
Here we go kiddos. Time to see what Hera’s been up to while Mirak is on Etheria. Just a short one.
Not a lot is planned for this waking cycle. This fact presents itself very clearly to Madame Hera as she looks at her schedule. Watching the display scroll slowly as she brushes her hair. It’s not exactly a fast process. 
Well if she has little in the way of official duties to get done today she can fill it with inspecting the ship. Making sure everyone is doing their work properly. To her exacting standards. Hera stands and pulls the sleeveless bodyglove she prefers on days aboard the Samos onto herself. There are two crew members that she knows have been meeting her standards. She will see them first. 
So Hera steps out into the main room of her chambers. “Boys! Come!” The two massive Canidae Companion Units appear from their sleeping spots to greet the Madame! Happily wagging their little tails and letting their tongues lull out. Hera smiles and reaches out to scratch both of their heads. “Good boys. So quick!”
One of them does a bork and she chuckles. “Oh yes I bet you do want a reward don’t you. Well I can grant you both one for all your hard work recently.” she talks to the hounds, which definitely do not understand her, and walks over to her kitchen area to get into her refrigeration unit and pull out some large slabs of meat she acquired specifically for them. The Madame actually tosses them both up and watches her boys snatch them out of the air, smiling to herself before moving to rinse off her hands and let the cleaning drones in her room handle anything that touched the floor.
The boys finish quickly. They are in fact gargantuan terror hounds bred for warfare. A small slab of meat will not stop them. Hera glances back as she wipes off her hands. “Go on. Get your vests on.” The hounds give another happy bork, one then the other, and run off to go snuggle themselves into their vests. The automated systems in the gear pulling over and onto the wearer. Hera sets the hand towel down and heads toward the door to her chambers. “Come now, let’s go.”
One of the Hounds, CCU-764, takes the lead. Heading out ahead of Hera to scope out the hall. Red eyes scanning the area to ensure his madame’s safety. The Bots Guarding the room do not even move. Hera did away with living door Guards for her chambers years ago. Rather untrustworthy, people. 
The Madame steps out, and the massive hounds flank either side of her as she moves through the Samos. The moment the Madame leaves her chambers with the Hounds the Canidae change their demeanor entirely. No longer are they happy, friendly, if massive, dogs. Now they are killing machines. They have a singular goal. Protect their master. They growl and force anyone who dares even think of walking in the same hallway as them aside. They pick out and home in on any sound or smell they think could constitute a threat. 
Notably Hera’s own demeanor changes similarly as well. There is no smile at the antics of her hounds, there is no soft kind voice. She is stoic, above you.
The crew of the Samos have always, by and large, been wary and even afraid of their Madame. She is a seen as a cold and calculating woman. Willing to do whatever is needed to get what she desires. The hounds have only enhanced the terror those under her feel in her presence.
To think there were once rumors that she had a soft spot for certain individuals. Older members of the Samos crew mention an assassin she kept at her side much like she does the hounds now. Such rumors are of course, nonsense. 
The day is methodical. She walks her ship, she inspects those beneath her. The hounds chase and pounce one individual who was caught with contraband by the CCUs noses. All the while Madame Hera’s expression remains cold. Controlled in every way.
Then when her rounds are done and the Madame decides to return to her chambers for a meal the demeanor of the trio returns to what it was in the morning. The door slides shut, the hounds begin to waggle their tails and pant happily. The Madame smiles. “Good boys. Go eat and rest now.” 
They bork and lumber off to their rooms while Hera goes to fix herself a small meal. Time can heal many wounds. The years have eased the hurt of the past, and the dogs helped. Mistress Hedone really was right all that time ago. Pets were a good call.
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lucy-verse · 5 years
Chucky as a little doggo though.
Original Chucky was given to Andy on his 6th birthday but it quickly became clear that he wasn’t too fond of kids. He’s grumpy af, borks at everything and is just a total dick in general. Despite this, Andy dotes on him and spoils him rotten, much to Chucky’s chagrin. The neighbours often bear witness to a little boy cheerily dragging an angry puppy down the apartment halls, while Chucky snarls and tries to bite anyone who walks by.
Buddi Chucky aspires to be the best boy and always does as he’s told. He knows lots of tricks, and goes out of his way to retrieve things for his human (even if Andy didn’t ask for it.) Andy finds his loyalty a bit vexing sometimes, because Chucky follows him everywhere and gets upset whenever Andy’s not within reaching distance. Anyone who makes the mistake of messing with Andy quickly finds an angry little dog nipping at their ankles. 
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Dating Eldra
Anon asked:  Any headcanons for dating Eldra From The Dark Parables series?
Monster fucker Noot Noot is coming out of the shadows, she’s here to mAKE SOME NOISE!
A/N: Again, reader, you’re the famous detective. Seeing as the detective doesn’t meet Eldra until she was...well...evil....I’mma make this where Eldra lives but is still the queen of the MIst Wolves and working in alliance with the Red Riding Hood Sisters in protecting the damn place.
Okay sure you and Eldra got off on the wrong foot, but she deserves a second chance.
When she begins working with her old sisterhood again, it takes a while for her to get used to the flow of things. She’s a queen now. Sure she controls the wolves but the public...uh.....don’t like her to say the least.
So she does her best to win their favour. DOing good deeds and working with the Sisters.
Of course her wolves work with many of them, and Eldra is their mom. So don’t be surprisied if you find Eldra in a dog pile with the said wolves, cuddling or sleeping.
Eldra and you are very...awkward around one another. Raphael is alive and you assume they’re in love, you’ve seen the ways they’ve looked at one another.
But Raphael notices how Eldra acts around her. Her tail and ears twitch every now and then in certain ways, as though she listens to you more than hi.
And then he realizes Eldra is gay as hel.
Introducing Raphael, hunter, but also part-time cupid.
Eldra’s ears and tail tend to give her emotions away. She may dismiss your compliments but with the way her tail is wagging??? Ohhhh she loves it.
So anyway, Raphael and the rest of the Sisters work together to set y’all up.
Their master plan includes puppies.
Puppy petting first date.
So they call you over, saying that Eldra has new Mist Wolf pups and she’s working herself to the bone and you show up to help out.
And as you two hang out with the pups and eat to know them, you get to know each other.
Eldra begins to look forward to hanging around with you, and trusts you to be the only one around the more younger pups.
And then she asks you out while hanging out with the said things and you said yes.
Because of her work, Eldra can’t leave France often. Buuuuut you two do have a wolf pup as your kid now.
The said wolf pup goes with you on your travels.
“Now dear, keep a good eye on mommy for mother alright?”
Heat cycles. Nuff said.
Also when she finishes like showering or taking a bath, she’s always supa fluffy at the end.
She wraps her tail around you often, as a form of PDA and during cuddling time.
Eldra is still....rather jealous. So she notiably gets miffed when you hang around other girls. The Sisterhood are amazing, I mean....have you seen them??? She worries she isn’t enough for you.
But of course you love her for who she is. And she trusts you.
Will also help you jump a bitch if needed.
“Eldra, this bitch made fun of me.”
“I’ll go call the pack”
Honestly, the people who have offended you are never seen again.
Eldra is rather passionate, forward even She knows what she wants and will fucking get it.
But other times she’s actually rather shy and quiet, that’s mostly when you two are cuddling.
Head pats. H E A D P A TS
Also you now have an entire wolf pack at your beck and call. All of her doggos are your doggos. Nuff said.
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viper-menae · 8 years
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Monster dog Borf gets a new look~
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sheepnosed · 6 years
me: h-
white trash roblox boy: *finger guns* haha the doggo goes bork XD crInGy HuMoR is my langauge LOL don’t talk to me if u r a fag OOF thats so autistic 
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dogs of Whiterun This mod adds some named doggos around the “city” & gives a few NPCs their own little puppers. SSE/Console ports TBA  The Borks Are: Futhark: Futhark will hang around and guard the market area, where he lives. He is named after the..name, of the Old Norse runic alphabets(Younger & Elder Futhark). Oþalan: Oþalan is the brother of Futhark and lives with him in the market. Oþalan however will patrol around Whiterun, though will stop at night and hang out with his brother. He is named for the Proto-Germanic rune for "O", ōþalan(in Elder Futhark, Odal) meaning "heritage; inheritance, inherited estate". Brokkr: Brokkr is the son Oþalan and is a puppy who lives in The Bannered Mare Inn. He is named for the Dwarf Brokkr from Norse paganism who forged Mjöllnir and the gauntlets Járngreipr to name a few. Völundr: Father of Oþalan and Futhark. He is Eorlund Gray-Mane's ever faithful Companion, following the master smith wherever he goes. Völundr's name is taken from the Old Norse name of the legendary master blacksmith Wayland the Smith who appears in the poem Völundarkviða and the Þiðrekssaga. Gwynbleidd: Gwynbleidd is Elrindir & Anoriath's wolfdog and who live in the drunken huntsman which he guards from those who would steal arrows and shoot the city guards in the knee with. His name is the elves name for Geralt of Rivia, the protagonist of the Witcher series. Wuuthrad: Wuuthrad is the wolf of Jorrvaskr and the Companions mascot who can be found wandering Jorrvaskr's main hall. I shouldn't have to tell you what he's named after... Summer: Summer is the last true dire wolf of Skyrim and is Jarl Balgruuf the Greater's companion. Summer will guard the Jarl day and night, never leaving his master's side. He is named after the direwolf bonded to Bran Stark in the Song of Ice And Fire series. Schmooples The Fox: Schmooples is Ysolda's pet fox who follows her everywhere she goes(and yes, this does mean if you marry her, Schmooples will live in your house). Schmooples is named after Leliana's pet nug from the Dragon Age series. And finally Æþelwulf: A city guard dog who will patrol the mean streets of Whiterun with his handler. The is Old English, and means "Noble-Wolf" Æþel being "noble" and wulf being "wolf". Originally uploaded to Nexus Mods: 12 Jul 2014 Mirror uploaded to Steam Workshop: 12 Jul 2014 SSE Port: TBA PS4 SSE Port: TBA XBox One SSE Port: TBA Download(Main Site): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55917 Download(Mirror): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=285282401
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boredinearth · 3 years
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Saw these bunch of bighorns along the highway in a small town in Montana. . I couldn't see quite where doggo was coming from, but I heard a human yelling at him. He'd run back towards his house and then out again. In this case, maybe you can't be too critical of the dogs person as these sheep were in a small neighborhood where it's probably pretty normal to let dogs lay around unleashed and unfenced. . The dog also didn't attack or bite the sheep, and the sheep didn't seem particularly alarmed or threatened by the dog. In fact, you see in the series of pictures, that the dog ran past the sheep to the back of the herd and seemed to be actually trying to move them away from the road and toward his own yard. . We all seem to have folk wisdom that herding instinct is bread into dogs, but it's actually pretty peculiar to me. Dogs and humans likely coevolved and there are even theories that out early alliance with the canines (we gave them food and they borked to alarm us of threats) was part of how we won out against neanderthals. . The evolutionary theory goes on to suggest that we and dogs have been friends for so long that it impacted both species evolutionary development. Potentially so much so that modern domesticated dogs have natural instincts coded in their dna, like herding animals, that are only there because we used them for so long to herd animals. . Like, this dogs owner certainly didn't teach it to herd wild bighorn sheep. And although I don't eat meat, early humans did. It got me thinking about how incredible it might be to an early human if this dog you sometimes threw scraps to chased a dozen or so wild sheep into your village. That's me imagining, not what the little I've read about co-evolution suggests. I'm not sure when or why any sort of herding trait evolved in domesticated dogs. . Also, I really like the rhyme baked into one of these photos. Big horn sheep, big honking jeep. . . . #sheep #herding #herdingdog #herdingdogsofinstagram #herdingdogs #bighornsheep #bighorns #urbanwildlife #sheepherding #bighorn #sheepofinstagram #sheepdog #sheepdogsofinstagram #sheepdogs (at Montana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNF5lW3gip-/?igshid=1wnvtooph485n
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Headcanons (Doggo Au)
- Jax is an old doggo, sitting at a pretty 13 years old.
- He’s.. he’s a Pomeranian...
- He’s also tubby and fluffy. If you laid your head on him he’d be a nice, squishy pillow.
- A handful in terms of care. He needs lots of brushing, and weekly baths. He sticks his head in dishwashers to lick plates and rolls around in mud/puddles when it rains, so he gets dirty quickly. His hair is very fluffy and long, so he needs weekly brushing.
- Very energetic when he’s awake, but burns out quickly bc of how energetic he is, and also his old age.
- Lazes around a lot.
- 10/10 goes from sleepy baby to angry protective bork boy in an instant.
- Begs for lots of love, pets, and treats.
- Probably has eaten a cactus at some point.
- Very very attached to his Human Of The Day™.
- Gets very depressed when he gets no love/pets/cuddles.
- Lovs being dressed up and carried around. Favorite thing to wear is his tiny little yellow dog rain booties and raincoat.
- Very loyal and is ok to have off a leash.
- Just look out for puddles.
- He will splash in them.
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