empressofmankind · 9 months
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Apparently, I drew the pink dingus.
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444namesplus · 7 months
Abdo Accak Achdocelpsez Achfa Achok Acksbradatso Adbejackmem Admexobbso Adsexenfe Adshoqarncox Affmat Afle Agglo Aghbafolfrot Aghem Aghlo Agna Ahnstot Ake Akho Aldbo Aldswe Aldwen Aldwo Alfra Alknatostro Almsleb Alnon Alsek Alstre Amccle Amcfa Amcgep Amcknad Amclebalsdaq Amcmo Amfa Amphras Amsehocclod Amsgre Andwobofnow Angbe Angfo Angle Ankra Ankse Anpe Anslo Answag Antgohaple Antgolortsex Anthaf Antse Antwaj Apkezawba Appe Aptokandwe Arko Armstresaghbrog Arnhe Arnle Arnsemachra Arnslenappep Arrawadgno Arsha Arsla Arsop Arstomalno Arthla Artlo Aschoj Asdarargho Asha Askojosla Asmer Asnat Aspe Asta Astla Astvo Aswazerpa Atbeg Atex Athfe Athrelerstoz Atse Awca Awke Awtraberwo Axho Barnboceghwak Bashdo Battlefendlo Batzgoz Benkasorstex Benzo Bermskeqamle Bethsavoltral Bogge Bokrak Bomcfa Bongwelorjoj Bopswe Bostha Cardbro Caschwo Castla Catchwop Cedmehethge Cemcce Cenzeweckfe Cerdso Cewdlot Cohnstax Cormstra Dardwe Dewste Doflo Dorkhe Dorsde Ebdod Ecchenernde Ecclenankso Eccra Echme Ecqe Ecra Ectez Edbrec Edsoc Edsta Effma Efmajasgrav Ega Eggso Ehne Ekne Ekoleccaw Ekrafewker Elbat Elcha Elha Elhacelsce Elmle Elmo Elphehaschra Elpsa Elso Eltro Eltwho Embloc Empbe Empta Emptho Empthotatteb Emsaq Emsgralomco Emswatexbos Encha Enfla Engfeqorpo Engtrez Entho Enve Eppe Erbo Erbra Ercatansco Erde Erkbafortrok Erkbol Erkbot Erkel Erlsa Ermstra Ermstre Ermstrov Erne Ernhezorsked Ernslaw Erpha Erpol Erthflopemcmev Ertho Esnoq Esse Eta Ethpak Ethwapeckpo Ewdlopegap Ewlo Ewno Ewqe Ewsa Ewstavoncha Ewte Exwe Faldsozentsem Falsha Fanlok Fargas Farho Farskel Fartsop Femcfet Fenglepelsce Gahne Ganstel Gantfaxasto Genla Gentna Gera Gockpe Gonchle Gongwoj Gortogaxleq Hablo Haco Hajeberlta Haldhac Halkshe Hanne Hegbefocknok Horthedangbro Jachras Jalùazekse Jangsbra Jarmeg Jartmo Jawhebampster Jengstocabde Jette Jodpo Joghweqantso Jompbekorsot Jonzeparbraw Jowbra Jownho Joxmo Kabstep Kaka Kepshe Kolnwe Koltazartsa Korkmo Lachde Ladgwo Lalbro Langpez Lartmo Leghwa Lembsa Letka Lewsteg Loffre Lofta Lohno Longte Lonsle Losclan Mackta Mada Madce Madco Maddle Madwok Maldsep Mensbemamma Merksefamswa Mesgre Metwo Mewtar Momckna Momsaq Mongbo Mopshew Mosmekommec Nadga Namccre Nasmaq Naswesonko Nebde Nenckle Nochlex Noschmo Obbsa Obbse Occhob Ocdoz Ockekolnaj Ockpepappa Ockre Ocksegolmlo Ocktok Odcer Oddlagamno Odgwajebdo Odpaqolkshev Odse Ofme Ofne Oghwa Ogla Ogta Ogwamalbo Ohnner Ola Oldwoh Olfro Olphelowne Olstateswog Oltbedemsgoc Ombenalta Omcdep Omcga Omckna Omcnet Omcpha Onchce Ondajangtap Ongo Ongsbroj Ongtret Onhom Onsca Onswa Ontgegelstaf Onto Ophrapolho Oppledonche Orah Orbre Ordna Orke Orkswoxarklog Ornhom Orstoqongbra Ortha Orthflazertfe Orthflesemccra Oscagege Oschmawodco Oshlog Ostba Ostva Otbarochla Otchlexesdo Othpop Otle Otne Ovo Owho Owta Oxbesalhos Packo Pagfo Parnfe Pawnogonsbo Pefrec Pendla Pendle Penha Pewpak Podbogonkse Poghte Porndotopswe Qalbre Qamccle Qansce Qarsfoq Qata Qathre Qoscla Qostcho Rabstow Rampbe Rampthe Razzoxensbo Relphab Renslafalla Rentro Renxa Rockram Roghte Rornslo Rortred Rotzpen Salsbop Sambsob Sashbawogfoh Sathrex Seffmoqalmsleg Seghwa Selfekernfe Sellmanaclen Sendomahnso Sogtoc Solksha Sontretecklak Sorntwo Sowdepocle Talste Tenwe Tertzahengwa Teshte Tonwaw Toppe Topron Torge Torqoc Torsho Tortnew Tostwa Totzpa Varthekempsta Vedbro Vethpod Vethre Voble Volke Vorgho Vothgogewto Wachol Wacksoq Wadde Waltwhex Wapra Waxhas Weclo Weppom Wershex Woge Wolstron Wowfa Xaccha Xafnes Xaggo Xardo Xecolarko Xedsgro Xedsho Xenda Xerkmo Xerwe Xesdezasgraj Xodos Xodto Xolkshe Xolpe Xomcdadempsta Xosa Xoscho Zahnsto Zanglanadla Zarste Zelnes Zongbra Zophraz Zotne
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24sene · 6 years
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Vidéo: Macky Sall « Amna Nio Kham Ni pouvoir Daaf Len Dii Doflo»
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utility-fish · 7 years
Now that there’s room on my side accounts with the fifth pet thing I think I might move all the pets on my main besides Nafaru to sides so that she’s guaranteed to get stat boosts from quests and random events and stuff.  The one pet I’m hesitant to move is Xacey because she has a fairly high fishing skill and also a bunch of NC items for her customization that I don’t really want to send over in boxes, but she’s not going to stay on my main forever if I get all the pets I want for characters anyway, so maybe I should just move her and all her stuff now and get it done?  Idk
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georginoschkavincen · 10 years
they sit there around the big table and eat a big pizza what is this
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empressofmankind · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
Ahh, thanks for the tag @gingernut1314
I have ~ 17 WIPs (for this fandom, ~32 if you count across, SEND HELP), and no hope of finishing any of them soon, because I am cursed with being long-winded. I sit down to write some gdamn smut and before you know it we're 7k words into a telenovella drama with more plot than the average film.
I'll share a snippet of 'Poker Face', because I feel it's the most novel one out of the lot of them, and does something you haven't seen me do yet.
Oh, and if you haven't recently heard an alligator bellow, than now is a good time to do that first.
POKER FACE Sir Crocodile x Shivs (F!OC) Mature Summary: Just trying to f up each other's poker face. That's all.
Shivs paused halfway down the lounge on her way to her table. Crocodile was already there and playing poker. Though not at her table, no. He’d sat down at 9. A wrinkle furrowed her nose. She sauntered over, approaching from behind. He noticed. She saw it in the minimal tilt of his chin in her direction, his pale gaze flicking in and out of the corners of his eyes.
She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, leaning down to hug his thick neck. Her gaze dropped down his provocatively unbuttoned shirt, and she pursed her lips in appreciation. He tilted his cards away, and that made her smirk against his ear. 
Not what she’d been looking at, actually.
She traced her thumbs down the long muscles along his throat, felt them flex with his swallow when she teased the rim of his ear with her tongue. Slid her hands down his muscular pects and into his dress shirt, running her fingers through his chest hair while taking in their firm shape.
“Slut,” she whispered into his ear when his nipples hardened under her fingertips.
She felt his deep, guttural growl reverberate within his chest as much as she heard its low, carrying rumble with her ears. It always struck a chord with her; a hoary longing, some sort of primal need.
“Careful.” She nipped his earlobe, right beside his earring. “You’re making me wet.”
When he did it again, she moulded herself against his back with a quiet moan, kneading the hard muscles flexing under her palms. She pinched his nipple and bit her lip at the way his breath caught.
“Are you hard for me, Wani?” she whispered softly.
Tagging @momodwriter @tiredemomama @ruledbyproblematique @bronsterbash - because I am curious to see what you are working on
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empressofmankind · 10 months
All of crossguild would be interesting to go suit shopping with I think. With Buggy it’s just the weirdest stylistic adventure, trudging to a high end fabric store to get exactly the flashy fabric he wants, giving it to a tailor who already has the most eyesearing suit custom made for him, spending time debating with him what cut to go for (most likely something that pisses Mihawk off because Buggy likes to get one over him at least in some way and Mihawk is a total traditionalist) before you finally go to town just to go to the nearest party city because Buggy is not above accessorizing with costume parts and feather boas, he especially seems like a blast.
Mihawk is probably the most lowkey “boring” of the three because he’s got a bit of that Steve Jobs mentality. Not really looking to try something new, so you being there is more him gauging the quality and asking you if the suit sits good in the back more than anything. If you suggest something and he considers it it’s a rare opportunity and you should feel honored that he does so. Not entirely boring tough because he likes to make sure that during his fitting you’re completely provided for. Wine and cheese platter and people ready to tend to your every desire. Maybe you’ll leave with some formal wear yourself at the end of the day.
Consider: Buggy + assymetrical suits + the two ex-warlords having a shared aneurysm over it.
I love the idea of Buggy going all out on the non-traditional accessories like it's the 90's. Absolute king of terrible fashion choices in the best possible ways (sorry, Doflo).
I can see Mihawk liking statement fabrics but he would use them very intentionally which is how all his looks come out looking as flawless as they do.
12/10 I will suffer Mihawk's glass cutting remarks about the state of my own fashion choices if it means supping aprétifs while being asked if his butt looks good in this cut.
Thanks for the ask I love asks send me asks these thoughts were super fun to read & reply to
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empressofmankind · 9 months
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I just realised Doflo (i.e. Donquixote Doflamingo) is basically an Emperor's Child Vicious - @flunkyofmalcador send HEL P cuz him and Crocodile have canon history of an unspecified nature. AND YOU KNOW WHAT I AM LIKE. Shivs & Croc don't need this shit rolling up to their doorstep.
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namorian · 9 years
i’ve been wondering why doflo doesn’t use his arms like, ever, in a fight and then i realized
if he lifts his arms his coat will fall off
that’s why he mostly just kicks people
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