#doesn't help that the first angel he meets has an obsession with his unbelieving brother
deanspunchingbag · 9 months
sam with religious trauma!!!
he was so into heaven and its angels being righteous and gods higher power in the early seasons. only to be so devastatingly wrong about all of it. chuck was literally their big bad, end game villain. the god he prayed to every night was the one who ruined his life, and got enjoyment out of it. there is no way sam wasn't bitter every time he saw a church. he would get violently angry if anyone ever said 'i'm praying for you'. scream crying 'why' to a god he used to worship, but now knows that he never even cared. he tried so hard to have faith, only to learn he was supposed to be one with the actual devil? there is no way that doesn't leave some ugly psychological scars. 
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