#doesn’t mean that katelyn’s life isn’t crazy hahah
jeanmoreaue · 18 days
From a scale of 1-10 (1 being Katelyn and 10 being something like Jean and Neil) how crazy do you think Jeremy’s backstory is gonna be?
omg i’m glad you asked bc i fully buy into @allforthegayphase’s theory that Jeremy is an addict (fun fact she told me this theory via dm months ago and then separately @problemduetest4life came up with a similar Jeremy addict theory in their incredible fic i’m obsessed with)
on top of this i think since Jeremy’s family is in the government/rich elite + his biological dad is in the military in the early 2000’s (and it sounds like Jeremy didn’t move around with him based off that one scene in tsc so he and his bio dad may not be close or not on the best of terms) so his family is like oof so you’re an addict and you’re gay? yikes keep the gay part to yourself (ie his family is not going to like Jean lol and Jeremy’s got some pretty serious self esteem issues by way of dismissing his own struggles)
personally i think it would be a bit cheesy for Jeremy to be like linked with the Moriyamas or like. Seth’s older brother lol but i think those theories can be fun and i’m up for whatever Nora cooks up tbh as long as it makes sense. so to answer your question lol i think Jeremy’s backstory is not going to be like totally outlandish but he’s dealing with his own problems for sure
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