#does so and like she’s low-key scolding chris for putting his elbows on the table while they eat and she brings flowers and chocolate and w
goldinavonlea · 2 years
i read one charmed fic can’t remember which but that has Bianca as a mathematician or theoretical physicist and it’s like two lines that mention it but those two lines run my soul like bianca and chris is two characters from a series i watched with my best friend when i was about ten years old one of whom is in one season and another who was in a Single Episode but bc of this one semi throw-away idea in one fic i’m like i could write Books about these two
and anyway it’s been Way too long since i touched either maths or physics to do it justice but the POINT IS that in the kinder future bianca’s mum listened to her and got both of them out of the assassin game and many years later wyatt’s at college doing a degree in like… sports or some jock shit (or alternatively drama just because i think that would be hilarious) and bianca is like a TA on a gen ed course he’s been religiously avoiding his entire degree thus far (idk how US higher ed works bite me) and is categorically and entirely as unimpressed by him as it is possible for a person to be which endears her to big ol’ overpowered golden retriever wyatt immediately and he’s like ‘oh you know who also thinks i shouldn’t be allowed out of the house unsupervised and who you’d LOVE??’ and anyway wyatt keeps being relentlessly good spirited and following her about like a ducking and bianca is gradually worn down to a feeling of like ‘yes he’s a total fucking idiot but through no fault of my own he seems to be my idiot now’ and some supernatural shenanigans go down on their campus that the pair of them wind up buddy-sleuthing and wyatt ends up having to call chris to pull his arse out of the fire (as per) and that’s how chris and bianca meet and ANYWAY ANYWAY the further point is she’s doing some terrifying post-grad that’s posing as something relatively normal but for Those In The Know about both magic and high level theoretical physics (a vanishingly small group of individuals) is like… very clearly her trying to build a working theory on the practical mechanics of magic and the FURTHER AND MOST IMPORTANT POINT is that chris and bianca are like. subtly the grossest couple in the world and have very inconspicuous but very definitely matching little ghost tattoos in reference to the einstein ‘spooky action at a distance’ quote about quantum entanglement.
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