#does lifting weights burn fat
charnelhouse · 2 years
no promises
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader (Red Fox) Wordcount: 2.6k Warnings: rough smut. size difference. infected wounds. hangovers. sex on a cot. Summary: The first time. A/N: for all you babes, who been asking for their first sexi time Simon 'Ghost' Riley Masterlist
Ghost is wounded.
It’s not grave. It’s not critical, but it’s a bitch. The kind of pain where, even for him, tears prick his eyes and pressure grows fat behind his nose. 
“Fuck,” he mutters. “Fuck….”
He sits up and the shifting of his weight irritates the poorly stitched slit along his ribs. It’s swollen with infection, the skin puffy and screaming red last he checked. It reminds him of a howling infant. He thinks of howling himself, but the desire to cry out sits firmly at the center of his esophagus. He swallows it before gingerly lifting his shirt. He can’t see it at this angle, but it feels wet.
He lightly touches his side and the pain is excruciating. He chokes. 
Red steps through the doorway, the shadows collecting at her edges. The rest of the safehouse is silent and asleep aside from Gaz on watch.
“It’s nothin’,” he assures her before accidentally touching the stitches and jerking again, hissing in agony. Wordlessly, she makes her way toward him on bare feet. They’re pretty, but everything about her is pretty. In fact, the thought of her looking at his purple, pus-filled injury makes him nervous. “Red, it’s not-
“Hush,” she chastises, knocking his hand away and turning on the light. She’s clinical about it. Shirt up. She leans in and the stench wafting from his bandages is enough to curl wallpaper. It smells like a corpse and Simon knows the exact perfume of rot. He thinks of Roba - it screeches through his mind before he banishes it to the lockbox in the furthest corner of his head. 
“Smells like it’s infected,” he says to fill the unbearable silence. 
“Ya think?” The corner of her plush mouth twitches as she tugs his shirt higher. 
Her fingers are cold against his burning hot skin and he shudders.
“Did that hurt?”
“Yes,” he lies.
“I’m sorry,” Her gaze flickers up to meet his. “It’s more than infected, Simon. We need to get you to a medic like yesterday.”
“I’ll survive.”
“Not if it infects your blood, baby.”
He goes rigid as does she. Her eyes are round and expression aghast and he realizes that she had just said what he'd thought she said. He didn’t mishear her. Christ - he gets fucking hard at the pet name and he has to wrestle the blankets over his lap.
She bites her lip. “Um,” she slowly draws his shirt back down. “I meant to say that.”
“Did you?”
“I believe you.”
She shakes her head, her lashes fluttering against her cheek. She looks embarrassed and it surprises him. She isn’t one to trip up or make mistakes that cost her that unflinching coolness. It’s something Soap chases, perhaps something that he already thinks he’s mastered. Soap thinks he's a helluva lot smarter than he is.
Ghost finds Red disarming, an enigma. She can go from perfectly composed to a siren-fury in the space of a second. She can be cold - an ice queen as many others have called her. But with 141, she's anything but. Despite the violence in her eyes, she has a sweetness that she reserves for them.
Her hand on his skin, her quiet voice tinged with concern as she hovered in the doorway: Ghost?
“I didn’t mind it,” he says suddenly.
“Mind what?”
“What you called me.”
She smiles with all of her teeth before huffing softly. She leans closer and he knows he will deny her nothing. She slips her fingers against his neck, trails them down to the hard muscle of his chest. “There are a lot of things I’d like to call you,” she confesses before kissing his clothed cheek and calling Gaz for EVAC. 
A month later and he’s next to her on a small, yellowing cot. He takes the floor, his back glued to the wall and legs spread out. She’s crumpled on the thin mattress, deathly hungover, completely ill. She twists onto her side to stare at him. 
“I fucked up.”
“I warned yah about that homemade shit.”
“Alejandro said-
“He didn’t know what he was talking about. He’s been hugging a toilet since last night. Soap hasn’t even left the couch, claiming he’s gone blind.”
She sniffles.
“Are you crying?” Granted, he’s a little hungover too, but still…the girl had been shot before. 
“It hurts, Simon,” she whines. “I honestly feel like I’ve been stabbed between the eyes.” 
He hates when she calls him by his name. It sounds too lovely. It sounds like something good.
He wordlessly hands her another cold glass of water, which she takes gratefully. She drinks too fast and most of it lands on her shirt, turning the white fabric transparent. Bleedin’ Christ. He can see her nipples. He doesn’t know why he’s here. He doesn’t know why he feels like he has to hover over her like a mother hen. She got so drunk, he was worried she’d hurt herself or wander and - 
Well - he fuckin’ likes her. He wants her to be safe. 
She readjusts onto the mattress, legs kicking out at the threadbare sheet. She’s wearing flannel shorts and her legs are smooth and shiny underneath the wane light. After a moment, she asks, “Would you - shit - uh would you lie on here with me?”
At first, he doesn’t think he’s heard her right. He scrapes his hand over his face before turning to regard her fully. “Come again?”
“It would help,” she explains. “It would really help.”
She doesn’t ask the same question. She doesn’t repeat the desire to have him get in her bed and he realizes she’s left the ball in his court. He can pretend like he didn’t hear her initial question and they can continue on like before or - 
To his own surprise, he stands  and awkwardly fits his enormous mass into the bed. He can’t not touch her due to the narrowness of the space, but she seems to love it.  She throws her arms around him, kicks one leg out, tangling it with his thigh. He grunts and he can feel her cheek against his heart. He can smell her hair. 
“You’re like an octopus,” he accuses. 
“Yes,” she replies simply before snuggling her head into his chest. She’s burrowing, pressing herself into him. More. More. Go deep. 
“Is it better?”
“So much.”
He aches for her. That was it. Plain and direct. He ached. 
He throbbed.
He pulses with the same repetitive thump of his organs, the circulating system of his veins. The continuous reminder that he wanted Red in a way that consumed him.
I want her to consume me.
He’s far too big for her and still he imagines her being able to swallow him whole even if he throws her down and claims her.
He’s hard between his legs and he prays she’s asleep. She’s rising and falling with his chest, slipping into the gentle pace like lapping water. 
But then he feels it, she shifts slightly and skates her hand down his belly before she brushes it over his crotch.
It could be a mistake.
She does it again and he twitches. He rumbles.
Silently, he draws his arm back and begins to stroke the nape of her neck, the bare skin of her shoulders. She’s silky and feverish and he can imagine just how hot she is between her legs. 
“It would help,” she whispers and it’s all the consent he needs.
It’s terribly awkward at first. They’re both clumsy, both not feeling their best due to last night’s party. He moves on top of her, arm braced above her head, hand clutching the metal frame of the cot. He wedges himself between her spread thighs. 
“You’re heavy.”
“I know.”
He rocks against her, hips grinding down so that the bulge of his cock drags against her clothed cunt. She sighs, arching into him. Her nipples tight and pinched against the fabric of her shirt.
“What if I want to kiss you?” she asks in such a timid voice that it stops him. He studies her for a moment before quickly standing up, locking the door and flicking out the light. He yanks the mask off, breathes deep. It’s freeing. The cool air brushing his skin, the slope of his nose and sensitive mouth and he’s already back on the cot. He’s on top of her and she immediately fists his sweat-damp hair. It’s mussed and unshowered and she grins against his lips.
“I can feel you,” she says, dazed and awed as he rucks her shorts and underwear off her legs. In the gloom, he can make out the shadow of her pussy. He touches it, allows his finger to linger against the warm, soaked slit. He pets at her and she moans. She tries to curl into herself, but he restrains her, pinning her hip and thigh to the sheets. 
“You’re fuckin’ gorgeous,” he admits and this is just sex. It’s just about feeling better.
“You can’t see me,” she argues. 
“I can see you.” He lowers his face to her cunt and tastes her. She gasps. “Got eyes like a bat, you know?” He licks her again, savoring the salt of her flesh, the secret part of her. He eats her until she shakes, until the walls of her womb clamp down on his fingers and her clit throbs against his tongue. He does it again until she has to kick him away with her heels. He sits back on his haunches, his hand lifting to circle her dainty ankle. He glances down to study her pretty little foot against his broad chest. “You’re like a doll.” His Duchess. 
“C’mere,” she begs, arms out and as he sinks into them, she wraps them snugly around his shoulders. He turns his head until his lips match up with hers and then they kiss for real. The first true kiss they’ve had aside from the one on his mask last December. He sucks her lower lip between his teeth, nibbles until she inhales sharply. He takes advantage of her parted mouth to thrust his tongue against her own, the slick, warm muscle lazily strokes and strokes until he’s rutting between her spread thighs because it’s driving him into a red-haze.
“Want me to taste you?” she whispers as she holds his face between her hands. Her thumb draws a circle over his cheekbone, digs into the scar that runs underneath it, taking advantage of his nakedness.
“‘Nother time, pet,” he replies as he undoes the button of his jeans. She helps him kick them off and when he finally stands, her eyes widen comically. Her hand falls against her chest, flutters like a bird. 
“Oh,” she says. “Oh - um - Oh.”
He glances down to where his cock has curved up against his belly. He’s rock-hard, nearly ready to blow. Red and twitching. He knows she’s soaked. He’s made sure of that. He’s used three of his fingers on her to get her ready, but she still looks nervous. 
“We don’t have to,” he assures her quickly. “We can just not-”
“No!” she protests, almost hissing. “I want to - I do. There are condoms.” She gestures vaguely to a desk in the corner. “In there…maybe.” 
He gets them and returns to her, her fave still twisted into something weary. “Do - do you think those will fit you?”
He laughs. “Yeah, kid. They’ll fit.”
She lies back down, her legs splayed open and, even in the dark, she is obscenely beautiful. To him. Objectively. To anyone. He’s heard the men say it. He’s felt it. He’s memorized her face and those half-parted lips and used the image to jack off in the shower like a school boy and - 
“Simon,” she says, an edge of impatience scraping her teeth. “Get inside me.”
He rips the wrapper with his teeth and slips it on. He climbs on top of her and he intends to be careful, treat her like something fragile. He’s so big that her legs have trouble wrapping around his waist. His shoulders so wide that she has to throw her arms out to encircle them.
He grips himself as he slides the tip of his cock against her slick heat. She breathes deeply, wiggles her hips and then he begins to press into her. “Hold onto me,” he instructs and she does, nails digging into the muscles of his shoulders as he sinks to the hilt inch by inch. He can feel himself battering against her womb. Her cunt sucks him in with a near-violence. She grunts, but doesn’t cry or whimper. He can make out her eyes in the dark and they’re trained on his. Determined - as if she’s fired up to handle a drill.
“Good girl,” he praises when his hips make contact with hers. His groin is nestled against her mound, her tits crushed against his chest. He noses at her cheek before brushing his lips over hers. “Can I move?”
“If you don’t,” she sighs. “I’ll fuck you up.”
He laughs before drawing his hips back and driving forward. That particular move earns a yelp from her and then he takes control of the dance. He fucks her in deep, powerful strokes, circling and angling down to hit that fleshy, soft patch buried too far for his fingers to reach. She burrows her face into his chest as she clings to him. The room echoes with the slap of flesh, the wet, dirt noises of his cock repeatedly sliding to the hilt.
“Jesus,” she whimpers as he grips her under the knees and forces them against her breasts. He bends her in half as he continues to thrust, snapping into her with a relentless, determined hunger. The bed creaks, the coils screeching and he’s certain it might break beneath them. It wouldn’t stop him. Not at all. 
“Feel so good,” he marvels as he clasps her cheek in his palm, bends his head and plunges his tongue into her mouth. He kisses her like he’s fucking her and when that’s too much, he flips her onto her stomach. 
Her fingers fist the sheets and he grabs the pillow on the floor and shoves it under her hips. From behind, he spreads her open, spits against her bruised, puffy cunt before sinking to the base. He braces his arm above her head, leverages his weight so that he doesn’t put all of it onto her shuddering form. 
“You got this, kid,” he murmurs as he sucks a mark into her neck. He delivers a sharp thrust that sends the tip of his cock hammering against her womb. It knocks her with the force of a punch and she clamps down around him, rocking back against him as she wheezes: please please please -
“Touch that pretty cunt for me, yeah?” he orders, his own voice broken on a husk. His length drags through her, sears hot and molten, stretching her in two pieces. She’s so tight, but he can feel himself open her up, mark her for himself. She slips her hand beneath her and her lower muscles bear down, constrict like a knot around the base of his dick. “Fuck - fuck - just like that, duchess. Get yourself all wet for me.”
She lifts herself, snatches his forearm and bites down as he continues to fuck her. He groans, hips stuttering against her ass, but the pain is welcome. It centers him, focuses his pleasure as it expands through his limbs. She’s covered in a thin film of sweat, her hair sticking to her back, caught in his hand. Every rut of his cock makes her ass jiggle and he thinks he’s buried so deep that he’ll never be the same. There will be no one else after this and he, to his horror, admits it:
“Fuckin’ hell, Red,” he growls into her ear as she climaxes a third time that night. “You’re so good. No one else like you.”
She’s half-mad. She’s gone and he doesn’t think she’s heard him and maybe it’s better that way. This is about feeling good. This is about comfort and relief and as he reaches his own end, his orgasm ripples through him. It unfurls through his torso, the muscles of his thighs and groin and everything pulls tight and that white scar tissue over his ribs from his infected wound begins to throb, but in a damn fine way and oh - he feels it. He really feels it.  
Her fingers tangle through his, winding like creeping myrtle. He crushes her hand against the metal railing, he holds it down and flat until the bones creak.
"Ghost," she whimpers, and he realizes he's embedded inside her, taken root, left his seed.
He thinks of all the promises he's given her the last few years:
We're getting out of this.
Focus on me, Red. We're good. We've already won.
It's just a scratch. You're fine. I've got yah.
He wants to make another, it scratches his tongue, stings like a burr. He chokes on that unspoken promise until it tumbles down his throat and allows him to pull away.
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dadsbongos · 6 days
possessed by the thought of laios fucking half-foot reader 626 words, pure smut (hinted you're fuckin in da dungeon) ~~~
You hate tall-men. Tall-men are gross and impolite and throw their weight with little regard for others. You especially hate adventurer type tall-men. Their need for exploration usually sours their personality further; tall-men adventurers are inconsiderate and belligerent towards you and your fellow half-foots.
Except for Laios.
You love Laios.
“I don’t know if it’ll fit…” 
Laios is tender, and kind.
“You can make it fit, Laios. I can take you.”
Laios knows how to work what he has.
Laios can keep his cool, feeding you the fat tip of his cock with care to avoid tearing you open. He sighs, huffing at the squeeze and suck of your slick cunt. He curls an arm around your waist, palming your chest, binding you against him. 
Once he’s managed a solid inch inside you, Laios uses his spare hand to grab your thigh and spread you open. Stretching your leg over his bent one, sweat clinging sweat and Laios’ soft lips soothing your molten face. 
“You’re so wet,” he smushes his cheek against yours, gold eyes searing down to where he’s slowly stuffing you, “Does it turn you on? That I’m too big? You like that?”
You grind down onto him with a soft whine as if to answer the question physically (a terrible idea when its Laios you’re fucking). He goes to repeat himself so you turn your face into his neck and suck rosy welts along his skin. Yanking groans from under his breath; hips jerking into yours barely faster. Even his cautious thrusts jostle your smaller body, and when concern burdens his arousal Laios wets his fingers to circle your clit.
Strong arms constrict your instinctual humping and snapping, thick with muscle and soft with flaxen hairs. You could probably describe the entirety of Laios that way: thick. In the most mouth-watering way, he’s meaty and broad and so much fucking bigger than you. When you imagine a man, you’re slowly finding that Laios is the only one to come to mind.
And he’s splitting you open so sweetly.
Wriggling a hand free, you press on the electric spot Laios is battering from the inside. Added pressure making you squeal and whimper into his neck. 
“Can you feel me right there?” Laios strays the hand not strumming your clit to cover yours on your stomach, you can hear his breath hitch when the pudge of his cock meets his fingertips, “Oh, you can. I’m way too big,” he swallows harshly, drilling into you faster despite his words, “You like that?”
“Fuck yes, hah,” you reach back to dig you nails into his shoulder, gasping and shuddering as Laios tugs your hips to burrow somehow deeper in your gut. Heavy and warm, he’ll burn you from the inside out and the sickest part is that you’d beg him for it, “You too, right?” you have to strangle out a yelp, “Laios, Laios! You like it, right?”
“Uh-huh,” he rolls you easily so you’re on top of him, lifting and slamming you on his cock to study the way your twitchy cunt clings. Cheeks tinted rouge and mouth agape, “So warm and snug- love it- love- !”
You silence him with your mouth on his. If he bothers to ask, you’ll blame it on wanting to muffle your crashing orgasm by wailing his own name against his lips. There’s no way you look a man so lovely in his eyes and say you just don’t want him gasping out a love confession with your party in the other room.
After all, Chilchuck’s heightened hearing catching you fuck the party leader is one thing, but to have him pestering you about falling in love with the guy is too much.
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Kyle Gaz Garrick x Female Reader
This short drabble was loosely inspired by the this video.
Gaz books a appointment with your nail tech after you block him during an argument.
Warning: MDNI, Fluff and Smut. Relationship Struggles, Silent Treatment, Soft Gaz to slightly Mean Gaz and back to Soft Gaz. Vaginal Sex, Passionate Fucking, Dog reference. Sorry if I missed any.
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"Love?.. Sweetheart?..Dearest? Please talk to me." Your boyfriend pouts from the nail booth beside you. You can't believe he booked a session just so he could talk to you after you blocked him. But knowing what he was like this doesn't come as a surprise.
He was being a douche yesterday so he deserved being ignored in your opinion. You sit idly talking to your nail technician like you hadn't even heard him.
You came here so often you were practically besties with your nail tech and she found this situation quite entertaining if her smirk was anything to go by.
"I said I was sorry. I promise it won't happen again baby" You still don't respond, you instead choose to sip the ice coffee he had brought with him as an apology. You weren't going let a good drink go to waste. At least he knew not to buy Starbucks. You'd give him some brownie points for that.
"what colour would you like?" Gaz's nail tech asks him as you look over to see him getting the same set at you.
"Same colour as my girl, thank you" A laugh leaves your mouth before you can stop it but you look away as quickly as you can. Not willing to let him off the hook just yet.
He's no doubt smirking like an idiot right now. You could tell from his smug tone. Stupid Prick. You were supposed to be mad at him but it was becoming harder and harder by the second. Especially when he was making silly remarks to make you and the nail techs laugh. He even pays and tips for your appointment before you get the chance to stand up.
So it's no surprise that you find yourself grinding your hips down over his fat cock as soon as you make it home with him trailing behind you like a lost puppy.
"Fuck luv..does that mean I'm forgiven?" You don't respond but instead bury you face into the crook of his neck as you feel the burn of your walls stretching to accommodate his thick rod. It feels amazing, your walls clamp down squeezing his veiny dick for all it's worth.
But before your walls could engulf him fully, his freshly manicured nails dig into the fat of your ass. Essentially stopping you from moving down any further.
The pain makes you whine as you try to press down again but he doesn't let you budge, not even an inch. His hot breath making your skin feel feverish. You just wanted to swallow his hot cock into your needy wet cunt but he wouldn't let you. You let out a huff in frustration with your face still buried in his neck.
His heart hammers against his ribcage where your hands are placed to steady yourself. It's that same place your nails dig in to let out your pent up frustration, eliciting a pained groan from your man. One hand leaves your ass to gently guide your face to look at him.
"Please lovie..I need to know if we're ok.." your eyes meet his glassy ones, you hadn't realised your fight was weighing on him so much. It all seemsed so silly in the grand scheme of things and you found your own gaze softening as you take in his beautiful face. His soft brown eyes would always be your undoing you knew that but you still couldn't look away. Overcome with emotions you lean down to pepper his face with kisses as you whisper reassurance to him.
"Of course we're ok baby. It was just a silly fight." You kiss along his earlobe making sure he heard you clearly.
It's only by the third admission to his forgiveness that his hands return to your ass and his lips find yours in desperate need as he takes the brunt of your weight to lift and then slam down on his leaking cock. You almost choke at the sudden fullness but he doesn't give you time to adjust. His hips are bucking up into you while his pulls you down to meet his thrusts. That paired with his coffee infused tongue exploring your mouth, you find yourself quickly short of breath. But Gaz gives you no respite. Too overcome with need his cock continues stretching you out.
"Let me make it up to you luv." You're on your back in the matter of seconds and no sooner do you find Gaz rutting into you like a mad beast. His thrusts were animalistic and his tongue was no short of a slobbering dog. His grip on you is like a vice and his lips devour every inch of your sweet skin. You'll be covered in hickies by the end of today you know it. He's careful with his hands though knowing to be careful with his newly painted nails. He's gentle as he brushes his fingers over your swollen clit. Careful not to hurt you with them.
"F-fuck...so good...Gaz it's so good."
"Yeah? My baby feeling good?" You nod your head deliriously as you watch him smirk at your disheveled appearance while he continues snapping his hips. Your makeup and hair is surly a mess but he doesn't seem to mind at all. No he seems quite proud of what he's reduced you to.
"Look at the mess your making love, you've stained the sofa." You hear him tut mockingley but can't bring yourself to care. He had your thighs spread painfully wide giving him the necessary room to take in the obscene view of your tight cunt being stretched out. All the while he insistently plays with your needy bundle of nerves, trying to push you over the edge.
"H-harder Gaz do it harder."
"My baby needs it harder? This slutty cunt miss me that much?" You nod feeling your walls fluttering and tighten at his condescending words. And so does Gaz because you feel the scrape of his nails on your waist as you feel his weight get pushed down on you while he picks up his pace and truly begins fucking into you.
"Let me give my slutty girlfriend what she needs then." His hips slam into you as your ankles lock against his lower back essentially keeping him trapped against you. You feel the knot tightening in you abdomen while the squelching sound of your coupling resonates around your small living room. You feel the way you walls clamp down making the process of him pulling out harder. In the end he settles for quick deep strokes making sure you feel his tip touch against your cervix. That paired with the tight circles he was rubbing on your clit you were seeing stars.
He uses his new tool of sharp nails to scrap against your pebbled nipples, giving them a mean pinch to send shockwaves throughout your already overstimulated body. And the knot comes undone, you gush around his cock as his hips slam in a couple more time before stuttering to a stop. He lays his head against yours as his hot load paints your walls. Your laboured breaths mix as you both come down from your mind shattering release.
"Fuck...Love...how do I get these nail off so I can finger you?"
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
ANDY U CANT LEAVE US HANGING I NEED MORE DRAGON SHOUTO?,!?.!. please… i think ill die if u dont elaborate WHAT DO U MEAN WE’RE FACE TO FACE WITH HIM… what does he say… what does he DO… i need to know more omfg
Riffing off of @mhathotfic's tags on my original post, which I absolutely loved.
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It happens on a cold January evening, just a few months after you've reached your majority.
You escape out into the frosty winter evening to join Shouto, unable to bear your family's increasingly-regular discussions of your marriageability now that you're of age.
Once you dragged home a dragon fledgling, you'd always sort of imagined that the question of your eligibility would be somewhat moot. Not many men wanted a wife who came with little dowry, and even fewer might want one who came with an enormous fire-breathing lizard who barely let her out of his sight.
You thought Shouto would sooner burn down your husband's house than listen to any sounds of discomfort on your wedding night—you didn't think many men would be willing to consummate a union with that threat lingering just beyond the window.
Not that you wanted to be married to any of the village men. Ever since you were little, you'd always had this feeling—a feeling like there was someone out there for you, just out of reach, like they were just a step beyond the next corner. Close, but somehow impossible to catch. So you'd never wanted a husband from the village, and you certainly don't now.
So once the discussion turns towards the topic of your being married yet again over dinner, you excuse yourself, and go out into the night to find Shouto, who is never more than a few hundred meters away.
You find his enormous form easily, his red-and-white patterned scales glittering in the light of a fire he's set, out in the fields you'd found him in as a child, as if he'd somehow anticipated you'd be coming out to him.
He cracks open a fiery blue eye, watching your approach, and lifts a wing as you near him, crowding you between the fire and his warm scales, creating a sort of tent with his wing to keep the heat in, and keep you close to him.
You absently pat his side, sinking down against him, sticking your hands out to the fire.
"They're talking about husbands again," you say, and Shouto cranes his neck around so that he can rest his head across your lap, nearly as large as you are, heavy and warm. You reach out to rest a hand across his snout, petting the glittering scarlet scales there.
You've always known he can understand you, given his reactions to the questions you ask, the way he sometimes watches you with knowing eyes. But how much of what you say to him he truly understands will forever be a mystery, as you'll never be able to ask him.
You think he understands enough, though, to know you're displeased.
"A husband," you repeat in disbelief, scratching over his scales again, listening to the rumble that builds up in his chest almost like a purr. He always likes to be petted, though you get an intentionally blank look from him whenever you dare to bring it up, as though he does not like to be made fun of.
"When they should know you're the only boy for me," you tell him, teasing.
Shouto's eye blinks open again, and you lean back to watch him watching you, something curious in his gaze. You begin to recognize the look for what it usually is—the precedent to some type of mischief—whether that be digging up a garden when he was still the size of a particularly fat cat, to accidentally setting a man's pant leg ablaze when he'd whistled after you, the evening of your sixteenth birthday.
You make a curious noise, and you're just about to ask him what he thinks he's up to when there's a crackle like lightning, and the hot, burning scent of ozone reaches your nose.
There's suddenly a rush of cold air over you, Shouto's massive form gone from around you, and the weight in your lap is suddenly much smaller and lighter.
When you look down, Shouto's head is no longer across your legs. Instead, your gaze meets the perfect pale skin of a very strong, very naked back. You realize belatedly that there is a stranger in your lap, a man with a mop of red-and-white hair, scarlet and snow, who has one warm, muscular arm curled around your waist.
You let out a scream, scrabbling backwards, but the stranger's arm locks around you, and the man's face tips up to yours, blinking curiously.
You freeze, your gaze meeting eerily familiar grey-and-blue eyes, set into the most utterly perfect face you have ever seen. The man's features are careful and exact, the slope of his nose blade-straight, his jawline strong, his mouth pretty and plush and weirdly captivating in the flickering firelight. You cannot help but feel you know him, though you are incredibly certain you have never seen him before.
There would be no forgetting a man as beautiful as this.
"Who the hell are you?" you demand, shock rendering you frozen and dumb.
The man blinks, slow and catlike and so hauntingly recognizable. His eyebrows scrunch, as though something's confused him, and then he speaks, slowly and carefully, as if he's just getting a feel for the shape of words in his mouth.
"I am...Shouto," he says, his voice so deep and smooth. It reminds you so much of the deep, rumbling purr Shouto had just been letting out moments ago—your mouth drops open, disbelieving.
"You're Shouto?" you echo, thrown. Though you're beginning to realize that this devastatingly handsome, distractingly naked man is horribly familiar in hundreds of different ways—from the timbre of his voice to his eyes to his hair to the way his arm suddenly curls even more possessively about your waist, the way Shouto's tail sometimes does to keep you pressed close to him.
And with Shouto the dragon suddenly gone...
"You're my dragon? My Shouto?" you demand.
The man blinks, shifting in your lap so that's he's fully turned towards you. He props up on one hand, his face drawing alarmingly close as his other arm presses you into him. He looks very much as if he likes the sound of that.
"Yes, your Shouto," he purrs, pupils going darker. Your heartbeat suddenly kicks back to life in your chest, stuttering and tripping over itself as his large, hot palm presses proprietarily at the small of your back, as he leans in to bring his mouth close to yours.
"And you..." he says, his tone going rich and smoky and dark, like dragon fire. "You have always been mine."
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shojoisms · 2 years
— [♡] 21:55 with Matsukawa.
just a lil drabble because I love this man, your honor + not beta’d just copied and pasted from my docs.
✩⡱ content+warnings: fem!reader, established relationships, vaginal penetration, size kink, creampies, pet names are used!
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Your boyfriend watches in amusement — watching you huff and grunt as you struggle to sink down on his cock, both your hands placed on his broad chest to steady yourself as you try again.
“What’s wrong, bunny?” Matsukawa asks, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face, his features doing nothing to mask that — yes — he does find your current dilemma amusing.
“Need a hand?” You roll your eyes as he places his heavy hands on your hips before you swat them away — the teasing lilt never leaving his tone.
“No,” You lift yourself up so that you're hovering mere inches away from Matsukawa’s thick, monster cock — the fat mushroom head bumping against your clit has you hesitating.
For a while, none of you say anything instead you retract one of your hands, stroking his cock for good measure. Matsukawa groans at the sensation, pre cum beading on the tip as you continue pumping him and slathering his shaft in his essence for extra help.
It’s not long before you’re aligning the tip of his cock with your awaiting heat — slowly but surely, his girth disappears between your folds. The stretch burns, although not unbearable, your boyfriend was huge. Way more endowed than most of the men you’ve ever been with, even rivaling half of your toy collection.
A string of curses spew from you both. “‘S fuckin’ big,” you hiss, your head laying against Matsukawa’s chest as he finally bottoms out.
“So fuckin’ tight,” He mocks back with a hiss, although with no malicious intent — you felt amazing around him, like you were made for him and he’s damn sure he’s gonna mold your pussy in the shape of his cock, ruining you for every man after him, has his balls tightening at the idea.
“Give me sec,” you breathe out, giving yourself time to adjust to the sheer size, and hefty weight of Matsukawa’s cock.
“Take all the time you need,” He hums, “not goin’ anywhere, not when your pussy’s clenching onto me like this,”
You can feel your boyfriend’s chest rise with laughter, as soon as your body gets accustomed to his you raise your hips, allowing them to fall back down upon his cock — his laughter catching in his throat as you clench around him.
Your pace starts off slow, teasingly slow, just to spite your boyfriend and he rolls his hips lazily in encouragement.
You relish in the way Matsukawa’s cock feels as you spear yourself upon it — his cock stretching the warm pouch of your cunt with each movement, as you force more of him inside you, making you feel full.
“Is—sei,” You drawl, Matsukawa can barely take it, he needs more — more than what you’re offering.
Taking matters into his own hands, he grabs you by your hips — palms planted firmly against you. You squeal in surprise as he lifts you up before slamming you back down on his length, his cock delving deeper inside of you as the tip hits against your cervix.
His pace is relentless, unforgiving, almost certain that he’s punishing you for teasing him earlier. “Fuck, f—fuck” you cry, your hands clawing at his back while your nails rake across his skin, leaving scratches across the surface.
He merely groans in response, unfazed by your actions.
It feels like your losing your mind as more and more of Matsukawa splits you open, he even shifts his hips to ram into your more sensitive spots with a calculated precision — determined to make you go dumb on his cock.
It’s not like he had to do much anyways.
Matsukawa’s not much of a talker when it comes to sex, but something about the way your hole keeps sucking his cock back in has him reconsidering. “You feel so fuckin’ good, shit”
Tears are beginning to form in the corners of your eyes, your vision going hazy as the last remnants of your sanity fades away. “Like you were made for me, bunny,”
Your lips fall open, as more moans roll off your tongue. You’re close — the coil in your tummy growing tighter.
Matsukawa knows it, he can tell by the way your walls flutter around him — clenching, and squeezing his cock as you finally cum.
You fall slack in his embrace, although it does nothing to hinder him — he continues bouncing you up and down on his cock as if you were weightless, weighing less than a doll. “Almost there,” he grunts, and it’s not like you could really comprehend what he was saying anyways.
And with a few more rolls of his hips, his cock twitches and pulses inside you, signaling his end as he spurts thick ropes of semen along your walls until you’re completely overfilled, leaving some to seep from between your folds —- wetting both yours and his thighs.
Matsukawa pulls you close, pressing his lips against the curve of your face. “Atta girl,” it comes out breathlessly, “let’s go get you cleaned up,”
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capcavan · 2 months
Ok so about fat andrew headcannons a person can workout regularly and still be fat if they eat on surplus this is literary what fucking bulking is you gain muscle but you also gain fat, this man is only 150 cm tall he does not burn as many calories as you think he does especially if he does mainly weightlifting, yes lifting weights burns calories but it's not the same as doing cardio and running across the court multiple times a day especially not if his diet has a lot of sweets in it. its extremally easy to eat sweets. I don't want to go down into calorie counting but you are not understanding how easy it is to overeat when you are that short even if you are an athlete. to look on leaner side at his height and with his eating habits it would take conscious effort and planing and it's pretty clear he is not doing that. can he be lean and beffy? yeah can he be fat chubby call it as you like? extremally likely but drawing fat people is almost no one's fave past time when you can have 2 twink anime boys
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cissy2004 · 8 months
Mitsuya x chubby fem reader
Warnings: smut
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You were married to Mitsuya for about two years. Tomorrow was your anniversary and life was perfect.
You met Mitsuya 6 years ago, when he saved you from some boys from a gang who wanted something from you.Where did your problem come from? You had turned your ex down when he said he wanted to bed you like that.Mitsuya was passing by then, and seeing what was happening, he wanted to help you.
After they beat the guys, he knew to mention that if they touch you again, he'll be in trouble with "Toman", the gang that Mitsuya was a part of.
You were ashamed in front of him. You were small in height and above average weight. You were wearing a relatively loose dress, but with all that, you could see the rolls of fat.Mitsuya assured you that your weight is not a problem, and insisted that he take you home on his motorbike.
After that day, you continued to run into each other randomly in stores or on the street and exchanged numbers, thinking it was a sign to continue talking.You don't know exactly when you got into a relationship or when he introduced you to his friends who were in the same gang as him.
You had a few intimate contacts, but they never turned into sex. Even though you were married, Mitsuya didn't want to come to that, and it was frustrating for you.You thought he was disgusted by the way you looked, and rightfully so. And you were disgusted by the way you looked.
You set the table. You prepared a romantic dinner, with candles and flowers on the table. Two plates full of his favorite pasta and in the fridge was the cake you had made.Mitsuya had to come home from work soon, and you had emotions. You didn't know what could really happen.
-Hello dear! his voice is heard as he enters the house
He looks surprised sometimes at you and at the table, after closing the door. You knew he hadn't forgotten your anniversary. He couldn't forget.
- Love... you shouldn't have been tired... he says smiling coming towards you to hug you
-At least that's all I can do for you, love.
Mitsuya leans down and kisses you, sighing in relief. You knew he was always tense when he came home from work. It was also normal. He was a well-known designer. The pressure on him was normal.
You take the coat off him and put it on the hanger, while he looked at you lasciviously. You were wearing his t-shirt and a pair of shorts, not having time to change into something more stylish.
-What are you trying to do? he asks as he hugs you from behind, his hands resting on your fat belly
-I try to do something nice for my husband. What you mean? you ask surprised, your heart starting to beat faster
-Do you want to make me lose control? Standing dressed like this in front of me...his voice was much lower than usual
-I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't mean that...you say you think you did something wrong
Mitsuya suddenly turns you to face him and starts kissing you, his hands now on your ass, squeezing.His kisses trail down your neck, biting pieces of your skin, you letting out moans of pleasure.
The man who was your husband grabs you and lifts you, now you, with your legs around him. You cry out in surprise, your face now burning with embarrassment.
-Takashi, I'm hea__
-Remain silent! You're perfect, don't you understand? Does being overweight bother you? Perfect! I have more just for myself. I like to squeeze your fluffy hips, I like to sit with my head in your lap, I like when I hold you in my arms.Love...we lift things that are really heavy, you are light, he says indignantly
Your husband starts towards your room and throws you onto the bed, immediately coming on top of you. Without warning, he slips his hand under the shirt you were wearing and starts massaging your breast. You felt how you were already getting wet between your legs, and you rubbed your thighs together as a sign of embarrassment. You were embarrassed when you did this, and you knew that would be the end of it.
-Don't you think it's time? he asks suddenly, his other hand reaching into your panties, massaging the area around your clit
-I want to have a baby with you, dammit! I want to be the first and last man to have you like that. I want a family with you!
You didn't know what else to say. You did not expect to hear these words from him. Before you can realize it, he pulls down your pants, panties included, and smiles when he notices how excited you are.
-Look how wet you are to me. Is this how you normally are? This is the effect I have on you?” the man laughs softly
You blush, trying to cover your intimate area, but he pushes his knees into your legs, forcing you to keep them open. He loved seeing how wet you were.
Takashi leans back, ending up with his head between your legs, and begins by kissing your thigh, moving up to your cunt.You feel everything spinning around you as your husband thrusts his tongue into you. You felt yourself tightening around nothing, even if he had his tongue in you.He rubbed your clitoris with his fingers, and you felt that you didn't have much left.You felt a knot forming inside you, and you felt the need to break free.
- Come on love, I want to taste you.
That's all it took to hear and feel how you free yourself. Everything that had built up inside of you was now on your white sheets and in Takashi's mouth.The man was tasting you like he was tasting the holiest thing on earth.
Regretfully parting with his new favorite place, he stands up and kisses you, while unbuckling his belt with one hand.
-Do you like your taste? he asks seductively, and as an answer, you can only nod your head in the affirmative
After removing his jeans, he positions himself at your entrance, but waits. He looks into your eyes, seeking your approval.He knew you hadn't had sexual contact before, and he knew what to do to make you feel good.Your hand was now in his hand and his other hand was on your waist, squeezing the fat that looked so sexy on you.
With a light movement, he enters you, both of you moaning at the same time.Tears were gathering in your eyes and your man didn't know how to calm you down.It pained him to see you suffer even from this.
Mitsuya moved as easily as he could, but your gummy walls seemed to drive him crazy. He felt that he didn't fit in your pussy and yet, he felt that you were made for you.
-You can hold my hand baby, it's ok.I know it hurts, but I promise it will feel good. Trust me, okay?
Takashi starts thrusting harder, faster and deeper into you, and you feel like you're out of breath.Feeling his cock inside you was all you wanted.Slowly, the pain turned into pleasure, and for more balance, you held on to him.
Your husband loved how your fat breasts bounced, how your fat belly felt under him. He adored every inch of you, and all he wanted at this moment was to plant his children in you.
You start to tighten around him, and the man couldn't help himself, so he pours his sperm inside you. His cum felt like a fire inside your pussy, making you cum at the same time.
All you wanted was to rest. You were drained of energy, and your pussy felt like it was breaking into pieces, but Mitsuya starts moving inside you again, harder than before. His mouth goes to your nipple, which he catches between his teeth.The room was filled with your moans and the sound of his balls grinding against you.
-Ta.. takashi..?
-Tonight I'm going to make you carry my children, but I have to make sure you have as much as possible in you. One more time and I promise I'll take care of you love.the man says before moving on to bite the other nipple
You were overstimulated and needed rest, but there was no way. You could feel your husband's cock touching your cervix. Your eyes roll back as your nails dig into his back, leaving sizable marks.
It wasn't long until you felt his seed flowing inside you again, as if more than the first time.After a few more slow hits, it almost collapses on top of you, but is careful not to crush you.However, it remains within you.You want to say something, but he seems to read your thoughts, so he takes it before you.
-We have to make sure everything stays in you, right love? I want to hold my child in my arms in 9 months, he says, biting your neck
After a few minutes, Takashi pulls out of you and lays down next to you. He pulls the blanket over your bare bodies, pulling you close to him to keep you warm in his arms.
- I'm sorry if I was harsh... I've wanted to have you for a long time, but I didn't force you, love...I want to know you well, and the fact that you don't like me hurts me enormously. I'm sorry if I gave you insecurity.
Mitsuya turns you to face him and kisses you gently. He loved it when you fell asleep with your head on his chest. He loved when he could have you. He loved everything about you. He loved you that much.And now, children were going to love you too.
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
Wukong empezó a desesperarse cuando empezó a engordar, debió llevar siglos de llevar una dieta insalubre sin consecuencias para que un ''huevo'' cambiara todo de forma drástica, pero sin embargo ahora es la almohada peluda favorita de todos (?
translated via Google:
"Wukong began to despair when he began to gain weight, it must have taken centuries of eating an unhealthy diet without consequences for an ''egg'' to change everything drastically, but nevertheless now it is everyone's favorite furry pillow (?"
Monkeys in the wild see being fat as kinda desirable. Since fat = healthy and better able to last out lean times.
But with all his human influence; I can see Wukong initally being confused and a little dismayed that he's gaining weight for the first time in literal millennia eating the way he always does. This monkey eats literal baskets of fruit and bags of chips at a time, and he's not burning off energy at the same rate anymore.
He mentions his weight gain to Macaque, who just laughs and points out: "You're not running around lifting mountains anymore. Plus you're likely gaining sympathetic baby weight from The Egg. It's normal."
After a small adjustments to the amount of junk food he eats; Wukong starts to embrace his new Dad Bod since it feels so natural to him! He feels so much softer and fluffier than before! No wonder Tang loves hugging Pigsy so much!
Then he learns that it's called "Dad bod"!? He gets so excited/euphoric cus "Yes! I'm a dad! This feels so right!" Lets the kids (+Macaque) rest their heads on his stomach/thighs cus he doesn't mind being a pillow for them. Also? Perfect scaffolding for holding a wiggly baby monkey.
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He's the first to comfort Macaque when they're feeling uncomfy about their own body changes. Why wouldn't Wukong love his Plums no matter what shape they are? The second a random rude person dares make a comment about Macaque "letting himself go"; Wukong is there in seconds flat to defend his mate's honor.
Also he secretly loves it cus it means him and Macaque are really starting to "get fat on fruit" together like they had planned so long ago. <3
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ponyosmom35 · 11 months
Simon ghost Riley x reader
Liability chapter twenty six
synopsis: reader is insecure after gaining weight and Simon helps her without even realizing it.
warnings: angst, self hatred, mentions of weight gain, body image, reader is struggling, Simon is the best boyfriend.
Liability series:
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It was no secret that since that she had gained weight. When Simon would go away she slipped into a depression, struggling with her own trauma and PTSD while missing him. It happened and she was ashamed. Never having been a small woman she knew how it felt to be judged for the body you have, but never had she felt so horrible about herself. She had family members informing her that her old body was much better.
Simon had been there after she had a breakdown about the comment. The two of them had long marathon conversations about her past. He’d been her rock, as he attempted to help her work through her insecurities and fears. He taught her how to trust, how to love again. Throughout the year and a half she’d been able to call him her own,  Simon had been nothing but supportive in every aspect of her life. He made her see that she does deserve love and happiness. She was making progress in therapy and with her mental health. She was doing well, happier than ever.
The comment hurt. Then Simon had to go back to work. She was used to criticismin her life, as her large italian family was judgemental and held no filters. She became depressed instantly. She stopped leaving the house as she would grow anxious that someone would recognize her.  She would think,  ‘this person doesn’t want to talk to me because I’m so fat, they’d rather talk to anyone else’ or she’d  say ‘they just feel bad for the fat girl’ those thoughts on repeat.
It affected their relationship, she stopped wanting Simon to touch her. She felt so ugly and embarrassed. She felt that he should be with someone who was smaller. Which was so fucked up and absolutely not true. 
It wasn’t until Simon did something that completely changed her view that she was able to be a human again.
Today was a good day, Simon had gotten back the previous night. She found herslef in a goofy mood for the first time in weeks. She had already worked out with Simon and now they were inside making breakfast. She sat at the barstool watching as he cracked the eggs in the pan, making them sunny side up, just the way she likes it. She shamelessly admires his shirtless body. He was so big, it made her feel so safe being around him. She set her phone down and walk over to him, watching as he prepares other dishes. She leans her head against his arm and he wraps his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to stand in front of him. Her back pressed against him as he stares down at the food, continuing to cook.
“you’re so happy today” he comments
“yeah I guess I am”
“I missed you” he says softly
“I missed me too”
Simon prepares the bacon and after cutting the strips he uses tongs to set a few down on the pan, the grease instantly splashes and Simon picks up her body and moves her behind him as he watches them simmer before adding a few more. It was a reflex, like it was nothing. She stares at him in shock as he continues cooking.
“did it get you?” he asks, glancing over at me “what?” he asks
“how - you just picked me up” She stutters
“you did it so fast, like it was easy”
“what do you mean, sorry I didn’t want you to get burned” he apologizes
“no it’s okay, it just surprised me”
“why would that surprise you? do you not want me to lift you up next time?” he asks, still not understanding
“I just didn’t think that you could, I’m not skinny any more” she shrugs
Simon turns, fully facing her. The expression on his face was unreadable. He runs his hands over his face and walks over to her. He picks her up as though she was weightless and holds her bridal style. She shrieks and holds onto him, shocked that he’d done that. “love you’re not heavy”
“really?” she asks, searching for any sign of struggle in his face
“not at all”
“that makes me feel good” she smiles
“did you really think I couldn’t lift you up?” he asks as he sets her down before gripping underneath her arm pits and holding her up.
“okay ow ow ow” She complain, he sets her back down and she smiles, feeling radiant.
“my turn” she says moving over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, trying to lift him
“stop you’re gonna hurt yourself” he laughs “I can do it” she yells
“baby stop” he laughs pushing her back. She runs at him full speed, ready to dead lift him when he catches her and throws her over his shoulder. She cackles loudly as he hits her ass. She tries to move but he holds her in place. “light as a feather”
“okay okay put me down” she laughs
“you’re beautiful when you laugh” he says, holding her against his chest. She lean in, kissing him gently. “thank you, truly you have no idea how happy you’ve made me” 
He didn't need words to show her simply that her inner insecurities were nothing to him. She knew that Simon loved her, weight and looks would never change that. 
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factorydefaultlu · 1 month
Don't Wanna Hurt No More Chapter 2: My Baby Don't Cry
1.2k words
Summary: Dean patches Sam up and struggles with his inner turmoil.
TW: wincest, child abuse mention, blood, wounds, blood consumption
Chapter 1
Also on my AO3
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By the time Sam was out of tears, the sun had already peaked above the treeline. It took nothing but a gentle tug for Dean to lift Sam into his arms. 
Sammy buried his face into his big brother's neck and wrapped his arms and legs around him like a small child. He sniffled and clenched his jaw. Sam hated how small and fragile he felt, he's been especially avoidant of looking weak around Dean; budding puberty will do that to a boy. 
If he could, Dean would let Sam crawl into his skin and live there. To keep him safe. To keep him forever. He'd let Sam do a lot of things now that he thinks about it. 
Dean carried Sam to the bathroom and set him on the counter. His fingers gently rubbed over the welts already forming from the belt lashes. He suppressed the growing anger in his stomach, it wouldn't do any good now. 
The tap squeaked as Dean turned it on, letting the cold water run before digging in the drawer for a washcloth and the first aid kit. Sammy stared down at his big brother, a feeling of resentment slowly coiling in him. 
He understood why Dean didn't step in. Why he never does. It's getting worse though, John is leaving more than just bruises on Sam, blood is being drawn every other beating. How long before John hurts him so bad that Dean won't be able to patch him up with a gas station med kit? 
Dean doesn't want to think about that. It made him want to peel his skin off. 
A small whimper left Sam's lips as Dean helped him pull his shirt off. His fingers hooked below the hem and his knuckles dragged along Sam's ribs. Goosebumps rippled over the younger boy's skin. Dean has patched him up dozens of times before, he's no stranger to Sam's skin; He's no stranger to touching Sam. Yet right now, both of them feel a sort of static between them. 
It's new. They both swallow the feeling. 
Long, red welts covered Sam's back and shoulders. A few had busted open and bled, rivulets smeared down to his ribs from where his shirt had rubbed them. Sammy was already in the early stages of puberty, he still had that layer of baby fat over his torso but Dean is sure that by the end of this year's summer Sam will be more akin to a newborn fawn. All limbs and awkward movements. 
Sam flinched when Dean pressed a cool, wet cloth to his burning skin. He grit his teeth and tried to power through the pain, just as he'd seen Dean do. 
There was once a time when it was Dean in Sam's position, and little Sammy would watch as he patched himself up. He remembers the first time Dean had to stitch his own wound. John had thrown a bottle at the wall, and when he pushed Dean to the ground it sliced into his arm. 
There was so much blood and John refused to fix it himself. Sam sat on the edge of the bathtub, watching Dean use a sewing needle and fishing line to close the gash. It was messy and not at all how a stitch should be done; like how their family was. 
Dean still has the scar. 
The rough threads of the cloth dragged on his skin and the way Sam tensed up as he gripped the edge of the sink didn't escape Dean. It made his mouth dry with the sense that this isn't how a 12 year old should live. Hell, it's not how anyone should live. 
“S’ not too bad.” Dean mumbled as he rubbed the last of the neosporin onto Sammy's back. 
A deep sigh rattled Sam's lungs. A sigh that no child should ever have to know the weight of. “You always say that.” 
“I know… but it could be. I mean he could be selling us to perverts.” Dean offered his signature smirk, an attempt to lighten the mood. 
“Don't give him ideas.” Sam scoffed, but there was a hint of a smile. 
The smile was gone as fast as it had come and Sam hopped off the counter then grabbed his shirt off the floor. “I'm gonna lay down.”
“Want me to lay with you?” Dean reached out gently, holding Sam's arms just below the bandaged wounds. 
They usually laid together after an especially bad argument, sometimes holding each other, most times just facing each other. Dean would take advantage of the situation and commit every detail of Sam's sleeping face to memory. 
Sammy's eyes filled with an emotion that Dean couldn't figure out. He'd never seen that look on his brother's face, and it worried him. All too soon however, Sam was pulling away and brushing past him. 
“No, s'okay. I'm not a kid anymore.” If there was a hint of what his eyes conveyed in his voice, Dean didn't catch it. 
Sam was right, though. He wasn't a little kid anymore, he was turning 13 in a week. This reminder made Dean want to hold Sam and never let go. He didn't want his baby brother to grow up, he wanted him to be his forever. 
He'd often roll a ridiculous thought around in his head: Find a potion to mix into Sammy's lotion so he'll stay my baby forever. 
Dean would never do that, at least that's what he tells himself. Besides, he's sure a spell like that doesn't exist without horrific consequences. Plus, what's Sammy going to do when Dean gets old and dies? He needs his big brother to take care of him. 
The tap squeaked again as Dean twisted the rusting handle. He tried to distract himself with putting the first aid kit back together and cleaning up the bathroom; Something he'd never normally bother with, but he doesn't want to see the empty spot in the bed next to Sam. 
Dean squeezed the water from the bloody washcloth and watched the murky water swirl down the drain. He stared at the stained rag, like it'd give him an answer or some kind of comfort. 
Before he even registered what he was doing, Dean was lifting the cloth to his mouth and licking at the bloodstain. The faint flavor of copper, rubbing alcohol and leftover laundry detergent permeated his taste buds. Somehow, under it all, he could taste something that was distinctly ‘Sam’ 
He could just be imagining things. It could be a placebo effect, spurred on by his love and longing for his baby brother. It could also just be that he knows Sam so well he could identify him by taste. 
Dean pulled the rag from his mouth after sucking it dry. A wave of shame rolled over his body like ice water. 
‘Who the fuck does this?’ he berated himself in his head. ‘You're acting like a fucking serial killer. Pack it up Dahmer.’
The rag was quickly discarded into the pile of towels on the floor, and Dean tried to shake his strange feeling along with it. Dean had always felt protective over Sam. It was his job, the one thing their dad always hammered into his head. 
‘Take care of Sammy.’ Dean could hear John's voice in his head like a mantra. He thought it was ridiculous that their dad insisted Dean protect Sam from everything but him. 
‘Don't let monsters beat him up because I want to do that.’ Dean mocked his father. 
There was a time when John wouldn't lay so much as a harsh word on Sam, but that was before Sammy learned to talk and formed a personality of his own. Dean used to get the brunt of the abuse, anything and everything was blamed on him. 
He wished to God that it could go back to that. 
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Samantha LaRusso x Lawrence!Reader Blurb
Chubby!Fem!Reader ○ NSFW
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Sweet giggles filled the cab of Sam's car as Reader's lips tickled her neck. They were laying in the backseat, Reader on top of Sam and she was living for it. The smaller girl loved the feeling of Reader's weight on top of her and just because of that simple fact, she felt her panties getting wet.
Reader started sucking on her neck, right on the spot that made Sam moan softly. Her fingers dug into Reader's fat ass and pulled her closer. She made the bigger girl grind against her hips as the interior of her car grew warmer. She continued to moan softly as they rubbed their hips together.
Then Reader puls away from her and grinned down at Sam's flushed cheeks. "I want you."
"Then have me," Sam panted softly.
Reader continued down her chest until she got to Sam's shirt collar, slipping her hands down to her pants while Sam tugged at her top. She managed to pull it over her head and allowed Reader to kiss the tops of her breasts and suck quick marks onto them. All the while, Reader's hands made fast work of the button on her shorts to push them down. Once they were around her knees, Reader toyed with Sam's soaked through panties, pushing the wet fabric against her folds and searching for her clit. Her mouth and other hand continued to play with her tits, pulling her bra cups down for better access.
"Om my god," Sam let outbas Reader brushed her clit. She arched her back, pushing her chest into Reader's mouth, who started swirling her tongue around her nipple and making her shudder. She teased her clit further. "Oh, Reader! More!"
Witht the request, Reader pulled Sam's panties aside and slid a finger between her folds. She spread her wetness around before pushing her middle finger into her. Sam's hips wiggled in response, grinding her clit against Reader's palm. She moaned and sighed as the pleasure warm her body.
"You like it when I play with this pretty pussy," Reader groaned against Sam's breast. She looked up at her with dark eyes, smirking as Sam whimpered and nodded. She bite on her nipple gently and pulled on it, making Sam moan loudly. She let go. "You lo e being my little play thing, huh?"
"I do."
"Yeah, you do."
Reader fthrust her finger in and out of Sam's wet cunt for a little while before pulling it out and undoing her own shorts. She kicked them off while Sam turned over onto her side, assuming the position they both loved so much. She lifted her leg and rested it on the back of the seat, foot caught on the headrest just behind Reader's head.
Once she had both their panties off, Reader straddled Sam's thigh and guided her hips to Sam's, their warm, wet cunts meeting and they starts rubbing against each other almost instantly. Reader wrapped an arm around Sam's other leg and pulled it onto her shoulder, gaining leverage so she could grind down on Sam harder. Her other hand reached our and grabbed her girlfriend's tit, squeezing it hard.
Then Reader smirked. "Imagine what our dad's would think if they caught us like this."
Sam's already red cheeks burned brighter, but it didnt stop her hips from moving with Reader's. "Oh... oh, he'd be so mad."
"My dad would be pissed," Reader huffed. "He'd probably try to stop me from seeing you just because he hates your dad so much."
Ever the romantic, Sam asked, "Does that - oh! - does that make me your Juliet?"
Reader grinned. "So long as we don't die at the end. The only thing that's about to kill you is how much h pleasure I'm gonna give you."
She tweaked Sam's nipple between her fingers and brought her other hand down to Sam's ass, giving it a hard smack. Sam jolted and her hips moved hard against Reader's. They continued like that, Sam reaching up to hold onto the door behind her head. She moaned loudly, loving the stinging pain that came with each smack to her ass. It was amazing.
And it was only the beginning.
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femmefeedist · 1 year
Oh i hope you’re not under the impression you have a high metabolism anymore. You’re skinny fat. Or at least you were, chubby. You’ve got no muscle to burn calories to speak of. And you’ll only get weaker. And chubbier. You expanded that belly of yours to the point that you’re too accustomed to overeating to recognize anything less as satiating. Former skinny girls that never lifted weights always fatten up the quickest and easiest. Ever notice how rapid the chub is coming on now?
Why does it sound like you have prior experience seeing this happen to a girl? And why is it extra hot that I'm "just another" skinny girl fattening up? 🥵
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So in the past I followed various eating and exercise plans. Some were unrealistic and too challenging/restrictive, others I loved, and some were doable but I could not see myself doing them longterm because they weren't my favorite approach.
I've done sugar free, keto, low carb, calorie counting, clean eating, etc... Now I do intermittent fasting and eat healthy and allow myself some junk food here and there. I take supplements to fill in any dietary nutritional gaps, which helps a lot with cravings. I don't eat low carb nor low fat and I eat sugar (I'd rather eat the occasional sugary treat than to overeat sugar-free processed junk like I used to in college). Having a chocolate chip cookie or a sweet coffee drink once a week is better than drinking diet Coke and sugar free lattes daily (again like I used to in college). I also don't count calories and just fast, which feels less restrictive and don't have to worry about numbers. I do eat high calorie foods (like nuts, avocados, seeds, dark chocolate) and I still lost weight. Those foods are rich in healthy fats and minerals, so you're better off eating them in decent portions than to exclude them because they're high in calories.
I've been doing IF for 5.5 months and still feel perfectly fine and not restricted. And I've had a really busy work schedule since January, and I don't feel exhausted nor hungry during my fasting period.
To burn additional fat, I do walk a lot. I pace a lot at work, walk my dogs, and go for walks myself. Walking burns more calories than you think, and I really enjoy it as a form of cardio. I've done HIIT, boxing, and running in the past for cardio which I unfortunately did not enjoy.
The only thing that's left is to challenge my strength, posture, and flexibility. I have been doing some yoga to help with this. I've done weight lifting before, which I really didn't love. And I've done bodyweight circuits which I did enjoy, but it was fast-paced, repetitive at times, and did not include comprehensive stretching. I want to be pretty flexible and do fun poses which would be great for stretching my muscles and fixing my posture (my posture is bad and I have stiff muscles here and there, especially my calves). I also like challenging my body strength by doing bodyweight workouts, which yoga does incorporate. I want to improve my upper body strength so I can do pushups (no knees), and even wheel poses. I found a Youtube channel - Yoga with Kassandra. She includes a bunch of yoga workouts with props like blocks and bands to improve flexibility and posture, as well as strength workouts that are yoga-inspired, but quite challenging. I just did a workout which was difficult, but I managed to get through half of it and do some poses and exercises well.
I don't want a yoga routine/video with only simple stretches like downward dog and cobra. I want workouts that will challenge my flexibility and posture, as well as improve my strength and help me get a good sweat. I'm not going to do challenging workouts daily, but I want to do enough to improve my strength(especially upper body).
Again I don't want to overwhelm myself with a lot of health and fitness stuff because I'm just transitioning to and starting a new routine. The IF is new, so is the healthy eating and the supplementing. It took me 6-7 years to find an eating and workout routine that I enjoy, but still promotes overall wellness. I've been walking for over a decade and this is something I'm still doing, which is great. I just want to add in more yoga for strength, flexibility, posture, and the occasional sweat. The strength training/more challenging workouts will help me with insulin sensitivity, and the more relaxing ones will help with stress management. So it all works out on the end, something I can do and enjoy it.
I'm so happy I'm incorporating more and more healthy habits into my life. It hasn't always been easy, but I want to be healthy and happy.
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santajp · 10 months
A Taste of Irony~
I've never posted any stories here, so here goes I suppose!
This one about weight gain, my fursonas, and tons of magic!
The large paw flings itself though the air before slamming into the dummy, the model body then being thrown away before the jackalope pants, sweat all over her fatty, brown, furry body. "Whoo! This training really does a number on you!" She giggles before the dark purple hyena near her, with body being much slimmer and toned with the same sweat, shrugs, not surprised by how the two's attempt at training in front of the wooden cabin has gone.
"I can imagine it would, at least for you, Rain."
"Awww~! Thanks, Taura! You mean by how much I can lift, huh?" She extends her arm before flexing it, showing the bulge of her muscles.
"Oh, yeah, sure." She chuckles, then forming flames at her fist and doing another rotation of quick punches.
"Wait- what did you mean then?"
"I mean you do a lot, but it most definitely isn't training."
Rain pouts. "What!? I'm strong enough already! What else could I do!?"
"Maybe stop looking so soft to our enemies?"
The hyena stops her practice, slowly nearing the short jackalope and her flaps of fat, yanking the belly that hangs out from her gym clothes. "Yes, soft. Look at you. You're less like a superhero and more like a dumpling. I'm not saying you should cut out all the sweets and city food Jova brings you for, but maybe lower the magnitude of those cravings."
Rain nearly hops on the ground, just stomping it. "It's not that easy, and I still help the team well! Jova and Icetra are fine with the weight!" She gets onto her tippy toes to look at Taura before the hyena leans down to look right back into her eyes.
"And what if I'm not alright fighting alongside a fatty blob?"
"You!? Take that back!"
The two growl at one another for a pink vixen shows up from the bushes, panting while going up to the two them. "Ladies, ladies, you both are cute."
Though at the same time, the two of them say, "Shut it!"
"W-woah! We're meant to be a team here, using magic to try saving the world and all of that." Rain and Taura slowly get pushed away from one another via telekinesis, before Jova walks up to Rain as Taura begrudgingly gets back to her own training. "So, Rain, what's up exactly?"
"Taura thinks I should lose the weight, and 'stop eating so much' as if I don't know my body is fine! I'm fine! I'm more than fine!"
"Woah, woah, calm down. Though- I see how that is annoying."
"She doesn't know a thing about being me!" A small *grrroaaannnn* then comes from the rain's belly. "Ugh- being worked up makes me hungry. Did you bring any food in from your place, the sweet stuff?" Rain asks the question before blushing deeply at Jova grabbing her fatty belly without warning, the vixen's hand glowing before Rain is only left to blush and pant. "W-what did you do!? I also- don't feel hungry anymore?"
"I took the hunger away, at least for a time."
"Really!?" Her eyes light up. "Thank you so much! I'll show Taura! I'll be smaller than her too, just you wait!" Rain runs off into the forest to train on her own terms and her own attitude before turning around. "I forgot something!" She rushes into the cabin and then comes out with a boombox. "I need good montage music!" Rain giggles and then is off from Jova.
"Have fun! And- you'll definitely be smaller than her alright." Jova slowly walks over to Taura as she keeps training, doing a slew of fiery kicks and punches onto the dummies before burning them all away, trying not to burn the forest they're in at the same time before Jova slaps her ass, a magic handprint being left.
"Buenos Dias, Taura! That is impressive!"
"Stop that! I get we are friends, but yeesh! Also, thanks, but are you gonna ask me to say sorry. I was just saying an opinion."
"Well, it was rude."
"What you just did was rude, and I might as well be blunt. She isn't helping our look by being so fat, at least in my eyes."
"I mean looks change so fast. You never know how you'll be in a few years, perhaps even a minute." The handprint of the hyena's ass glows further. "Though- fine." Jova sighs. "You're have the right to think that."
"Oh-" Taura actually didn't expect this, but she likes the change in tone, welcoming it actually. "Well then, good. Happy to hear that is settled then." The surprise overtakes the sensation of a small tweak in her mind, a small addition from someone else easing its own space into her thoughts, acting the most subtle trance one could be put under, one that slept until being triggered in full. "Well, I'm going to go inside and take a shower. Jova, you should most definitely train too."
"I will!" Jova's tail wags before Taura opens the door to inside, looking around the old-fashioned kitchen now filled with more modern items, a fridge and microwave being the two newest additions to contrast the well-used walls and old wood heating stove. The hyena knows all of this though, having been staying here for more than long enough to- *sniff, sniff*
Her nose twitches once before doing so again, with her thinking it's somehow her own musk callings its attention so much, only to realize it is too sweet, too savory, to be such a thing. The smell only relaxes her body all over and makes a wetness take her lips, the inside of her maw drooling seemingly without reason as her stomach then growls ever so slightly.
"What the hell is that?" She asks the question before walking to the largest cabinet, seeing all the snacks filling the inside as her very tastebuds almost make her remember the taste of each, one by one, only bringing more relation as these many random meals feel almost like edible comfort. "Oh shit, why? How?" She tries to think of why all this junk seems so appealing before only another growl of her stomach comes, it now being louder so suddenly as it demands any sort of attention. "O-ok, I'll have one!" She puts her hand in, but denies the sudden wanting for a protein bar, eating it all down so quickly yet feeling as if nothing changes by the end of it. She's still so hungry. Her mouth is still drooling. Taura only drops the once filled wrapper of the bar before getting another and another and another.
"How badly did I train!?" She has no idea. She even has no idea how many bars she just ate or how quick she did so, her body almost making her feel as if she hasn't eating at all. She then jams another into her mouth, their taste dulling with each bite, their lack of sugars always making some sort of want flare up. Her tongue begs for more, all until she yanks out the whole box of a dozen bars before dropping them, excuses easily seeping into her head. "T-those are good for me! More protein can't hurt." Yes, all healthy. She just needs healthy foods.
Taura keeps the closet open and runs to the fridge, yanking its door to see her weeks’ worth of salad, then pulling them out to immediately coat them in sauce and dig in with her paw-like hands, not caring about the mess whole shoving vegetables into her mouth. "Y-yes! Mmmmph!" The taste of ranch and oils is one she savors, her sweaty body and gym clothes slowly nearing odds with one another as the first wave of food is digested would pangs and groans, leading to some bloat across her body as her muscles get coated in the soft layers, her paw-like hands messy with ripped up lettuce and sauces she can't help but lick off her fingers, little *pops* coming into the air she cleans them with a thin layer of her tongue's saliva. "Why didn't I put so much sauce on them before!? These damn things are so good!"
She doesn't even notice the small embers then coming off her body as she yanks her head into the fridge to sniff and growl around the shelves, her nose leading her to the bottom of 'city-foods', from the newest store doughnuts to large burgers in paper bags, all of it forcing the hyena's stomach to growl, immediately wanting it to fill up the endless craving and the need to be her * actual* size. "That damn rabbit! She was holding this all for herself!" The idea of Rain having all of this, the idea of Jova giving her all of these bags and boxes of food, it makes Taura growl before using her nail-like claws to rip them apart, first grabbing a large burger, one the size nearly of her whole head, and growling as her her hands rapidly heat up. Before even the first bite, her heart races as her own hands make the bottom bun let out the sweet smell of cooked bread and the large patties of meat quickly sizzle in front of her nose and eyes, their pupils being outlined by colors swirling, this burger alone being what she needs. No wonder the salad and small bars didn't work, she thinks. She needs her meals to be as big as her worth.
She shoves the giant burger into her mouth, moaning at only half of the goodness engulfing her mouth before squirming in place as the dense meat and perfectly seasoned surface forces another moan and another large bite, leading to bits of meat and ketchup spilling from her swollen cheeks as she chews, nearly choking on it all. "Mmmmm-hmmmp!?" For a moment she has to focus only on the food and breathing. "Hk- hullk! *GUUUUUUULLLLLLP!*" She shuts her maw to swallow it all at once, her mouth finally clearing as her throat slightly hurts from the amount but not enough to stop her eating the next burger the same way or stuffing the various cake-pops into her needy mouth. She can't stop eating as much as she can't stop sweating, flabs and masses of fat now hanging over her once perfectly fitting pants and top, trapping her already naturally hotter body heat inside her to only make the already musky heft of herself getting worse while her nose only focuses on the scent of food.
Taura speaks with her mouth full of food, mumbling her words, "Ohh- h-hot dog-ss!" It becomes hard to speak in her craving, her head trying to slide its way to the back of the fridge while she gets into her knees, neglecting the now tightness of her clothes. "I- need! Little bit more!" She feels her belly still bloating, it being strongly difficult and different to try reaching her now plump arm before she goes the extra inch! *Shhhhhhrrrriiiipppp!* The sudden ripping of her pants and panties sends her forward, the fat of her thighs now being freed to show their size of mattresses and their warm softness of pillows. Though the impact to the floor also breaks her top, her panties popping off with a *snap* as her top rips to let her fatty breasts free against the cold floor of the fridge to leave her naked.
Though her hand has the hot dogs, and that is swell!
"Yes, yes, yes!" Taura gets out of the fridge, obese enough to make the floor shake before so quickly, all the processed foods being perfectly made for weight somehow, before pulling out a hot dog from the plastic wrappings before heating it up in her hands and eating it by sucking its tip down softly with her now steamy mouth of gluttony.
The door slowly opens, Rain going inside her home. "Taura! Guess who lost a single pound! You'll never- OH SHIT!" Rain saying that gave her shivers. She rarely curses, but Taura has taken up her whole kitchen floor, sleeping with a bratwurst hanging half way out of her mouth that is covered in drool and ketchup and bits of food, her size being much than the bunny she once called out as it blobs across the whole floor. "Taura? You o-"
The jackalope is frozen by the sound of her giant stomach, most likely filled with whatever was in the fridge and closet, now groaning for more somehow, making the hyena squirm in her sleep. "You know what- I can help." Rain gulps before getting napkins, softly rubbing Taura's fatty head as well as the folds under it, making sure her friend isn't so dirty at the very least while also giving soft rubs to her body during it all, her fingers always finding her musk and in large amounts too. Though her sensitive nose can catch it everywhere, Rain pushing her nose into Taura to sniff her clean after rubbing parts of her body with a soft towel of warm water and soap, somehow finding a pleasure in the smell of harsh body heat and the ninety-nine point nine germs she deals with.
The rabbit hugs her gut, kissing it ever so slightly before her hands push into the fat, rubbing through its thickness and layers, making sure to even reach the muscles below that very much still show a particular strength in their firmness. "I can't believe you thought that this was- like- unappealing." Rain looks at her own gut, patting it lightly. She is chubby, but Taura is- something else, something that makes Rain's hands stim along the wooden floor as she lays down with her blobby friend for seconds at a time.
"Why am I doing this? C-can I do this?" She blushes and laughs giddy. Rain tries to climb up her while she sleeps, laying upon the fat and feeling Taura slightly shake before resting her large, flopping ears neat her belly button, their large openings for hearing being squarely on the soft surface to hear the muffled moving of digestion, their liquidly noise filling her ears as much as they fill her head. Rain feels her fur rise, getting onto its tips as her fingers shake of our joy or pleasure or whatever it is before her legs jolt, hopping against the sea of fatness to make ripples. Rain feels guilt at listening in without asking, but- the sounds don't let her go, eventually making the needy jackalope bit her lip before rubbing against her friend as if she was a bed with little, held back moans.
With each large digestion, each grand *sploosh* or *gurgle*, Rain feels the body expel heat lightly to the edges of Taura's tummy, the layers of fat being so warm and her fur so soft. For a moment Rain even wonder how hot the insides of her are at this point considering they will need to digest for a while, perhaps the whole day even. "I- I should get going." Rain hops off of her, trying to ignore her legs wobbling at this sight alone, then getting to cooking with lightly wet panties before Taura wakes up just a half hour later to the smell of something sweet.
"Food?" Taura sniffs the air from the ground before Rain looks down at her.
"Yep! Food! I made something that helps me out on my cravings. Hopefully it can help you too."
"O-oh~" Taura tenses before swallowing air seemingly, then blushing a deep red under her fur.
"Yeah, you were passed out when I came in. You alright?"
"Y-yes, just f-ull and b-loated."
"Hard to talk too?" Taura nods yes with a pant before Rain also asks, "Have you burped?"
"H-huh? No..."
"Girl, no!" Rain pouts, leaving her place at the oven before immediately rubbing Taura belly. "Of course, you are bloated! You need to burp! Now, if you feel air come up, let it come up." Rain winks before she pushes into Taura gut, it groaning with a wiggle all over its surface before Taura feels the air rush out of her throat, filling it fully almost like food before-
Taura pants after and blushes, her eyes wide. "W-what the!? There was that much!?"
"Yep! Also see! Now you can speak without all that extra air coming out with your words."
"T-thank yo- urp!" A small amount more comes out before Rain hops away, then opening the oven to let out a tray of perfect, dense cinnamon buns, Taura looking at her get frosting and perfectly trying to make it fit onto each sweet bun.
"M-may I have some?" Taura's confidence is shot, at least like this, and she feels it as she asks for more food, feeling worse for even doing so just because she feels like it rather than being actually hungry.
"Yeah, sure."
"And Rain-"
"Sorry, I was being a bitch this morning."
"Well, thank you. Though- I'm sort of am used to comments like that. I'm a jackalope, but I'm also part rabbit and people don't take us seriously as fighters commonly for that reason too."
"That doesn't make it any better."
"..." Rain squeezes some more frosting onto the cinnamon buns, sighing. "Yeah, it- it doesn't. Though I don't want you to worry too much. I'll be over it. I know I will be. I can also try to find some spell to reverse this, get you back to nor-"
"N-no? You don't want me to not want you to worry?" Rain tilts her head.
"No! I am going to keep this fat, dummy! Wait- I'm trying to apologize; I shouldn't say that."
Rain laughs and leans down, rubbing her fatty face. "I get it. It's a force of habit for you. Also, you only call all of us dummies when you are embarrassed."
Taura yelps, immediately wanting to retort that, but- Rain is right that she is much too embarrassed now to say that. "W-whatever! I'm going to keep the fat because if you can be so cool with it, then I should be able to do the same. No, I'll do better!"
"Oh, you sure about that," Rain giggles.
"Don't laugh! I'm sure!" Rain kisses Taura's lips, making the hyena freeze up.
"Sorry, you were- really cute and are really cute now, especially with the fat."
Taura is breathless, her confidence gone. "Y-you too."
"Now, open your mouth, beautiful! You're gonna take all my cooking from now on!"
Taura snaps out of her trance, looking at Rain. "Wait!? What's the catch?"
"No catch... maybe except one."
Taura crosses her arms. "Which is?"
"Date me, and you-"
Rain blushes. "I was going to say you get all the food I cook, but if you're going to cut me off like that, maybe I'll give you double tonight!"
Taura yelps. "You wouldn't!"
"Oh, I would!" The jackalope grabs a large cinnamon bun, bringing it to Taura’s lips before she happily eats it, her tail wagging under all the fat as she chomps down on the dense rolls of cinnamon and sugar.
Taura gulps it down, drooling at the perfect savory nature of her friend's cooking. "Gods! That was amazing! I- I mean, oh no~! Don't give me another!"
"You're a terrible liar, but you'll be a great girlfriend."
Rain lays on her belly, letting Taura whisper into her ear, "I hope I can make it up to you for what I said- really."
"Dumpling-" Rain slaps Taura's thigh belly fat, making her nearly squeal at that and her new nickname. "You already have."
------ Extra! ------
The alarm begins to blare as people run away, one fox kicking the door open to rush out with a bag in hand as citizens watch in horror. "The town ruby!? Who- like- left that out?"
The fox jumps through the crowd, laughing while looking behind himself before jumping onto the cars of the road, effortlessly getting across before the cops arrive. "This is gonna sell for big time as nothing more than a shattered rock!" He laughs before someone then points to somewhere on one of the nearby buildings.
"Who is that!?"
The two shadows then jump at the same time the fox sees a nearby car, rushing to it before throwing out the driver after opening their door. "Later, sucker!" He jams his foot down on the petal, skirting coming onto the ground before he jets off into the streets, nearby avoiding the other cars. Though the two large women with masks only look at one another before nodding, one of them suddenly having the palms of their tight suit burst with explosions to launch herself into the air before using a plume of fire to propel herself forward like a rocket, the smaller woman behind her tapping a watch on her arm before a large bike suddenly forms in, her getting onto it before following in close pursuit.
"Haha! Nothing will-" *Bang! Skirrttttt!* The fox feels four pops as his wheels suddenly melt, slamming the fame of the car onto the ground before it screeches to a stop, nearly going into another intersection before one of the large women slams her giant boot onto its front, landing hard enough to force it to stop as the woman arrives on her bike, the fox getting out to see the two of them above him and blocking out his view of the sun as he panics. "Woah! We can talk this out! I mean- want some food?" One if the woman simply raises her palm, then blasting fire at his face. It's not enough to kill, but his fur is only black as he screams, "I didn't mean it like thaaaaaat!"
News cars stop in the area, many people looking at the two fatty heroines.
"May we get a name!?"
"Autograph please!"
"Step on me!"
"Are you an alien!?"
"Can you-"
"SHUT IT!" One of them yells, making everyone go quiet with a burst of heat. "First off, autographs are a big no! Secondly, we are not aliens! Then lastly-" She ignites her body under the suit, blue flames coming from all of herself. "I'm Supernova!"
The smaller woman beside her laughs before doing her own pose and glowing with gold in front of her bike. "And I'm Golden Hurricane!"
Cameras start taking pictures, the two of them staying in pose and keeping their identities sealed. "Together we're going to stop all sorts of magical villains, and first and foremost, listen to you all to do it and leave nobody behind!" The crowd cheers as elsewhere a pink vixen watches this all on TV, feeling proud as hell.
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Credits: @pedrodesenhador
Thank you for reading and more stories are here!
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the-bejeesus · 2 years
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When people talk about anime that inspired them to work out, the examples they give are usually JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Dragon Ball Z, or Baki. Some shonen with extremely muscular men who accomplish incredible feats.
But for me the anime that inspired me is to excercise is Mob Psycho 100. The one with an underweight protagonist with no stamina. As a comedic plot point, he joined a workout club even though he does not excel in exercising and has amazing talents that negate the need to be fit.
I’ve tried to work out or diet a lot of times. But there were always one of two problems that would make me stop. 1: A lack of results. Fluctuation of weight or stagnation of weight can be quickly discouraging. 2: A selfish reason, like trying to be more attractive to girls. A reason that once served as motivation can turn into guilt if it’s seen for the vanity that it is.
Power dieting and swearing off junk food and fast foods can feel torturous, and the desire to eat something unhealthy can be tempting. When working out I did a lot of heavy lifting, and avoided cardio. This is because a lot of gurus said cardio doesn’t burn much fat, and intense exercise turns your fat into energy and uses it to build muscle. Thus began a vicious cycle where I was either on a death mission trying to become super fit in 6 months, or gave up and was incredibly unhealthy and depressed for 6 months.
What Shigeo taught me is that exercise can be more than a means to an end, it can be an experience. For Shigeo this experience is friendship.
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The incredible character trait of everyone in the Body Improvement Club is their extreme friendship. They don’t care why Shigeo is doing this, they don’t care if Shigeo catches up to them in body fitness any time soon. They are all so proud and are quite literally willing to die for him.
For me, my experience in excercise is exploration. The cardio I once swore off as “ineffective” is now my primary form of excercise. Biking on trails, jogging across towns. Rather than trapping myself to a treadmill in my living room, I try to see the beautiful planet I live on. On a treadmill I could step off the second I was exhausted, but outside any distance I run/bike has to be ran/biked back home. There’s an excitement to pushing my limits, making sure I have enough water, and weighing my risks.
My dieting is exploration in a difference sense. Grocery shopping, trying new fruits or small snacks, going organic or finding healthier alternatives to things. No counting carbs, no counting fats, no counting calories. Just planning out a month of affordable produce and small meals. I don’t think I could ever get a huge meal at McDonald’s again, because every time I’m just going to think “14.67 huh? With that kinda money I could buy 16 pounds of apples, they’re .89c/lb at Sprouts. That’s a lot of apples.”
“But what about vanity, huh?” you might ask. Shigeo is not a shining example of selfless body improvement. He wants to get fit so that he has the courage to ask out a girl, the most popular girl in his school at that. And he doesn’t even like her for her personality or anything, just looks. It’s one of his biggest character flaws. Well the lesson here is to not find a selfless reason. Self-body improvement is called that for a reason, you’re improving your body for yourself. Getting a partner, being healthier and living longer, popping your pecs. Most reasons to excercise are selfish, but that’s okay. Selfishness is not always a negative thing. There’s a saying “you gotta help yourself before you can help others.” that includes fulfilling your own wants and being happy.
Once you’ve truly realized a goal and set to accomplish it, the vanity doesn’t matter. You’ve become one with the craft, and can look past your endgame. In one episode, Shigeo spends weeks training for a marathon, even though he’s never run nearly that far without fainting. All to impress Tsubomi. But when she’s cheering him on at the marathon, he’s too focused to acknowledge her. He can’t stop because he wants nothing more than to reach top 10 in the marathon.
This circles back to what I said about the Body Improvement Club, and how they don’t care why Mob joined. They all once had their own reasons for wanting big muscles, or less fat, or more stamina. But they’ve all been in the game so long that none of that is that important anymore. They know so much about muscles, excercises, food, the human body.
Power dieting and heavy lifting have actually worked for me once or twice. I’ve been skinny, and even had some visible muscle buildup. But I never saw a skinny man in the mirror. I always saw someone that was quite chubby and had a long way to go. Other people saw a healthy young man but that didn’t matter to me, because I convinced myself I wasn’t doing this for others and my reasons were completely selfless.
Accepting that my reasonings for being healthier are selfish, in some ironic way, made me care less about fat loss and my appearance. I like the feeling that my blood is flowing that cardio gives me. I love the energy I get from eating vegetables. I don’t check the scales for at least a month. Sometimes I’ll eat a burger or wings about once a week or so, I haven’t sworn off anything like the plague. I just make sure not to overtreat myself. And for the first time in years I weigh under 250. I don’t know how much I weigh exactly right now, but I don’t care. I have healthy habits, and I know if I keep it up maybe one day I’ll weigh even less than 225, or less than 200.
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ftm2bbw · 1 year
It'd be fun to turn the VR headset into a little game for you. While you're asleep, I'd restrain your arms and legs, making sure that you can, at most, lift them a few inches. I'll even put two or three weighted blankets on top of you, letting each one add to the weight pressing you down. When your eyes finally flutter open and you move your head around, you're greeted to the sight of your bedroom and, when you look down, your body.
Except it's not just your body.
It's been bloated to outrageous proportions. Easily twice the weight you are now. You spill out over the bed in every direction, the heft of your form weighing you down, making you hot, making you sweat, making you breathe heavily under all that fat. Your boobs are enormous, each one full of fat and woefully saggy, your nipples so far away that you can barely see them over the swell of your enormous tit. You can feel them, though. You can feel them throb and ache to be touched.
Instinctively, you reach out to do so, only to find yourself held back. As your turn to look at what's keeping your arms down, all you see is a conical shape, covered in rolls and rolls of fat. No wonder you can't lift your arm. You can barely see your arm under all of that, your fingers somewhere on the other side of the ring of fat around your wrist. You can feel your body slosh as you struggle to move, but all it does is make you out of breath, your chest heaving with the exertion. Your belly rises the dome of your belly easily hides your most intimate parts, no doubt resting against your thighs even as you lay back. If someone were to "access" them, they'd have to lift the apron of your belly up just to get at your oversized fupa, and then brave that to get to your actually breedable cunt. The thought of someone doing that to you, your body too fat to fight them off, sends a thrill through you, making you moan and-
And then I rip the headset off of you.
You look down and see what I've done. All of the tricks are revealed. Some part of you feels a sense of relief, that you're not really that fat after all. But, deep down, you can feel the sense of shame burning inside your cunt. The disappointment that you're not already that fat. I put the headset on you, set up this whole thing, to see how long it would take you to realize that you were in a VR world. I didn't expect you to beg to be put back.
Thing is, I already do fantasize about that. Even more than I should admit. I crave gorging and gaining and growing - I'm addicted to it, even. And growing to such a size is just the inevitable result.
Of course I would beg to be put back, just for a taste of one of my greatest fantasies. But beyond that, I'd beg to have it made my reality...
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