#does he think of diluc as a lab rat
torgawl · 3 months
i want dottore to be playable so bad, i need to know his thoughts on diluc
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lexsssu · 11 months
Clear (Albedo)
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TAGS: Albedo/Dragoness!reader, smut, pregnancy, drabble Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Fascinating. You are truly an anomaly that goes against all known laws of this world, but then again...you are not of this world so I suppose that does partially explain how you keep exceeding my expectations.”
You feel like a lab rat beneath the probing gaze of Mondstadt’s Chief Alchemist as he circled you, hands going a mile a minute as he recorded his latest findings about your ‘abnormal’ physiology. 
It was by pure chance that you found yourself at the Dragonspine of all places the moment you woke up in this world that felt the same, but was so different from your own. Though the blistering cold would freeze even the most hardy of adventurers or travelers, your former game avatar and now current body was seemingly immune to it. Like the monsters that called this terrain home, your draconic body warded off the cold as it produced heat that not only spread throughout your physical body but seemed to originate from your very soul. Being the researcher that he was while also being the first to stumble upon your wayward self, Albedo had taken it upon himself to study you.
“...Thank you, I think? ...Was that supposed to be a compliment though?”
“Affirmative. I had intended my previous words to be a compliment. Your body is truly a marvel to behold.”
Had he been any other person you’d have misinterpreted his words, but Albedo’s handsome face never strayed from its cool expression that stayed as pure and untarnished as the snow that piled high atop the peak of the Dragonspine. Still though, you were unused to genuine compliments due to being an ordinary wage slave with average looks before transmigrating to Teyvat so you couldn’t be blamed from feeling a little flustered because of his praise.
The alchemist disregarded the warmth that bloomed in his chest at the sight of the red tinge that splattered across the fullness of your cheeks, attributing the said warmth to your body basically being a furnace that it seeped into your surroundings and reached him because of his close proximity to you.
“Big sister is the best! She plays with Klee all the time, takes me out flying, and she’s just as patient with me as you are big brother!” Klee gushed excitedly at Albedo, practically vibrating in her spot as she regaled him with tales of their various misadventures. “She’s so pretty too! And, and, and her hair is so long and fluffy that Klee could spend the whole day just petting her hair. Even Razor thinks she’s pretty!...And Kaeya & Diluc too!”
Albedo paused his writing at Klee’s admission, an image of you flashing before his eyes and reminding him of your said snowy strands that felt like the softest silk beneath his fingertips. He recalls how carefree and unrestrained you are towards him, caring not how...different he was compared to most ordinary people. 
So much mystery contained in a single person and yet for all your secrets, he finds that he doesn’t mind unravelling you piece by piece even if it revealed another facet of you that he had yet to explore. It was safe to say that you were not so unlike the Dragonspine, uncharted territory in which no man has yet to fully or even partially unravel its countless secrets.
Was it wishful thinking if he wanted to be the one to discover all your hidden sides?
“To think that such a phenomenon is possible between creatures such as you and I...There are still many mysteries in this world that I have yet to discover the answers to,” a hint of wonder could be felt in his voice as he marveled at you, hands reverently caressing the small yet soft & firm bump on your stomach. “I do wonder if this child will also carry the aura of the stars which you possess…”
Even in the midst of coupling, Albedo’s tenacious mind couldn’t stop itself from functioning like the well-oiled machine that it was. As much as you loved him and all of his quirks however, an obviously pregnant and horny dragoness was not patient enough to allow her lover and the father of her child to simply pet her when he had his cock shoved inside her cunt. 
“Albedo-dear I do so love you, but if you insist on carrying on with your research while we’re IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING then I swear to all the archons in Teyvat that I will tie you down and fuck myself on your cock until I am satisfied. IS.THAT.CLEAR?”
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hymnserendipity · 6 days
Protective Diluc
Mention of blood, pain, needles, doctors
You've been at the lab for so long that you can't remember what day it is or how long you've been there, you just know you're part of an experiment of some kind. The most influential doctor, the man who had imprisoned you, had left you on a table attached to various tubes.
Diluc, another victim of the doctor's work, deprived of his vision, Was sitting in the familiar laboratory, his chest full of scars and injections. He sat up and started walking around annoyed.
"Stupid scientist, who does he think he is..-"
Diluc stopped muttering to himself and start to walk around, entering other labs till he enter yours. Seeing your body strapped down against a table, with many tubes and injections filling in your veins..No..it couldn't be, he thought he was the only victim of the doctor's torture.
"Who..what are you doing here.." He ask, and you look at him with sad teary eyes. Diluc walked closer, looking at your fragile body carefully. He couldn't help but look at your face, you were..pretty. Diluc placed his hand on your shoulder gently and spoke quietly. "..Are you okay?..-" "Are you a doctor?" He chuckled quietly and pulled the tubes out of your body carefully as he spoke. "No, I'm another one of the doctor test subjects..-" "Why are we here?" You ask, sitting up. He finished taking the last tube out of your system. He sat down beside you, running his hand through his hair with a sigh.
"..Because of the doctor... He does 'experiments' on us. Using us like his little science rats.."
"Thank you." You mumbled as he helped you get down and was..flustered by you grabbing his hand. Diluc was taken aback for a moment, your hands felt small and soft compared to his slender and rough ones..He couldn't help but stare at it for a moment. He pulled himself back to reality, clearing his throat.
"Yeah..no problem. Are you okay? Do you..feel dizzy or anythin'?" "Yes i do but... I feel better next to you now." His cheeks got slightly flushed from your comment and he chuckled quietly, gently grabbing hold of your hands and holding them.
"I see.." "I feel less alone now." He squeezed your hands gently, looking down at them for a moment before looking back at you. He chuckled again, a soft smile appearing on his face.
"That's good, the feeling's mutual..I've been here alone for so long..and the doctor never really talks to me." "Neither to me." He stayed silent for a moment, gently rubbing the back of your hands with his thumbs as he spoke again.
"You don't know how much I've craved interaction and attention with someone else..it's been awful until i found you here.." "I'm scared of this place" Diluc pulled you closer to him, letting go of one of your hands and wrapping his arm around you. He rested his head against your shoulder as he held you close.
"Me too..it's..a living hell. But don't worry..I'm here, with you.." "I feel better now that I know i'm not alone." You can't help but keep saying this. He squeezed you against his body. Closing his eyes as he spoke.
"Yeah..you won't be alone anymore..don't worry.." Diluc's eyes instantly widened and he immediately let go of you, standing in front of you like a protective barrier. He knew it was the doctor. Which meant trouble. He spoke firmly in a quiet, yet menacing tone.
"..Stay behind me.." The door creaked open and the doctor made his way inside the room, walking over to the two of you with a sly smirk.
"Ah! What sight to see! My two favorite lab rats together and so close! How cute~" Diluc clenched his fists by his sides. He hated this man more than anything. He forced himself to speak as the doctor got closer to you.
"..Don't you dare touch them again." The doctor laughed at Diluc's protective tone and glanced at you, noticing the fear in your eyes. "Oh? Or what will you do?"
He spoke in a mocking tone as he took a few slow steps, making his way to Diluc, standing right in front of him. "Nothing." You say, taking a step forward. "Apologies ." Diluc looked at you for a moment when you spoke, and he shot you a look that said 'no, do not apologize.'
The doctor didn't reply and just chuckled, looking down at the both of you and placing his hands on his hips.
"Oh? Well, someone is learning how to be obedient already, it seems." Diluc scowled silently, gritting his teeth. He wanted to punch the older man in the face, but he wouldn't dare to. He didn't want to get himself or you in more trouble than there already was.
Diluc had finally found another person like him in that timeless prison, he didn't want, he couldn't, let you destroy him again and again, but he didn't notice the doctor's quick movements who, in a second, knocked him out. with an injection, before dragging you to a separate facility.
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