#does he storm out I. a hissy fit instead? yes
kacievvbbbb · 6 days
Mihawk and Shanks arguing about Shanks sacrificing his arm for a child. And Mihawk just fundamentally does not understand WHY? And shanks in a moment of pure frustration goes
“What if it were me? What if I was dying? Would you risk it all to save me?”
And Mihawk goes quiet not because he wouldn’t but because he realizes that he would despite everything that he believes, everything that has been taught to him, he knows that he would, without hesitation he would risk it all if for Shanks just for Shanks.
And then where does that leave him? The foundation on which he’s built decades of selves on gone, in an instant.
All because he knows that if this man right infront of him should die he might well take Mihawk with him. ,
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peaceoutofthepieces · 3 years
27, 7 and 8! Andriel or Kandriel my love❤️
kandreil my love because it just freaking works
7. “I’m not jealous.”
8. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
27. “What’s going on here?”
Kevin wasn’t stupid. He could tell when Andrew and Neil were at odds; it was clear when put in contrast to how in-sync they usually were. They made it obvious, with Andrew going on his drives alone and Neil not following him up to the roof, neither of them wriggling their way into the other’s bed the instant they thought Kevin was asleep. It was clear in the way Neil latched onto Kevin instead. He threw himself into their night practices while Andrew sat silently in the stands, but he also tailed Kevin throughout the day, seeking him out instead of Andrew in any pockets of free time.
He wasn’t stupid, so he could also tell that Andrew was ignoring him, and he knew this must have been why.
But he also wasn’t very brave when it came to them. Which meant he took longer than he should have to do anything about it.
Cornering Andrew wasn’t a smart move—anyone who knew him knew this. Kevin might have been upset with him, and a little bit pissed off, but he didn’t have a death wish. No, he knew Andrew was avoiding Neil more than Kevin. So he’d wait until Neil went off somewhere and simply left him and Andrew in the dorm alone.
It came about much quicker than expected, but that was fine. It was manageable. Kevin was still prepared. He would approach this calmly. He’d be straightforward, and fairly blunt, as was his usual, but he wouldn’t let Andrew rile him, wouldn’t let anything under his skin, as was his usual. He’d be perfectly calm, and perfectly civil.
He sat himself down on the couch, looked at where Andrew was smoking on the desk by the window, and blurted, “You’re jealous, aren’t you?” in a manner too harsh to be civil and too nervous to be demanding.
Andrew looked over at him slowly, brow already arched. “What?”
Kevin took a deep breath. He’d have to run with it now. “You’re jealous, and that’s why you’re mad at me as well.”
“Who’s mad?” Andrew retorted.
“No, you’re not getting away with that. I know when you’re ignoring me, and I know the difference in you having a bad week and you being an ass.”
He clamped his mouth shut as it grew too snappy, but Andrew simply stared at him. It could have passed as bored, if that eyebrow wasn’t arched even higher than before. Kevin swallowed and tried to get onto the track he’d set before his mouth ran away from him. He’d get this out, and he wouldn’t let Andrew ignore him or bully him into thinking he was overreacting. They might have got off on telling him he was a drama queen even more now that he had the tattoo to match, but he was one of few who knew Andrew was worse, and that was enough to remind him he was just in calling the blond out.
“I don’t know why you’re fighting with Neil, but you don’t get to take it out on me,” he said firmly. “Neil’s im—my friend. I won’t apologise for spending time with him because you’re having some sort of hissy fit.”
Andrew’s mouth twitched, but he swiped a hand over it and his expression was blank once more. “You think I’m jealous—” he said slowly, “—because Neil is spending time with you?”
“Yes,” Kevin insisted.
Andrew flicked ash of the side of his cigarette and cocked his head, sweeping his eyes over Kevin in a way that suggested he was amused. “Why?”
Kevin opened his mouth, closed it again. Why what? “Huh?”
“Why would I be jealous—“ oh yes, definitely amused now, “—of your lovely friendship?”
“Because…” Kevin blew out a breath. “I don’t know, Andrew. You’re dramatic. Stop trying to brush me off when I know you’re ignoring me, and it must be because Neil’s coming to me while you two are fighting.”
Andrew considered him. He stubbed out his cigarette on the windowsill and tossed it carelessly over the edge, then pulled the window closed and twisted to face Kevin. His examination made Kevin feel twitchy, but he valiantly kept himself still, and eventually Andrew hummed.
“Not because of your ridiculous crush on him, then?” Andrew said flatly.
Kevin blanched. “My—what?”
Andrew tsked, rolling himself off the desk and strolling over. He planted himself in front of Kevin with an unimpressed look. “You didn’t want me to treat you like an idiot. Return the favour.”
“Andrew, I—“ Kevin trailed off. What could he say? I don’t know what you’re talking about? Andrew would probably pull a knife on him.
Because of course he wasn’t an idiot. Of course he knew. He’d probably known all along.
Kevin was blushing, for heaven’s sake. There was no point in even attempting to lie. The last time he’d lied by omission to Andrew, he was rewarded with hands around his throat.
The reminder made him flinch, and Andrew caught it. He took a step back, eyes flashing as he noticed Kevin’s trembling. “Don’t be ridiculous, Kevin,” he said, a little too sharp for a comment Kevin thought was meant to be comforting.
“I wouldn’t,” Kevin stammered. “I mean, I know that it’s not—I’d never—“
“Christ, stop,” Andrew sighed, flicking a hand in the air as if he could bat Kevin’s nonsense away. “You’re hopeless.”
Kevin, indeed, continued to be hopeless. He was gaping like a fish, nothing but air going in or out. “Andrew,” he simply managed. It sounded pleading.
Andrew rolled his eyes. “I’m not jealous.” Before Kevin could fumble for something to respond with, he added, “And I’m not mad, you imbecile. Clearly I knew. I would have already disposed of you in your sleep if I was going to.”
Kevin made a strangled noise, and Andrew added, “But I’m not,” so Kevin nodded.
“And you won’t…” Kevin’s eyes widened. “Does Neil already—?”
“Neil is less than hopeless,” Andrew said. “If you don’t tell him he’ll never get it. You really should help him along.”
This was too much. Maybe it wasn’t anything at all. Maybe Kevin was dreaming, and this wasn’t happening, and Andrew was plotting his sleepy death right now in the real world. That seemed more likely. There was no way it was possible for Andrew to not only be accepting of Kevin’s affection for his boyfriend, but encouraging.
Then again, Andrew was nothing if not a contrary, defiant little creature.
He seemed amused again in the face of Kevin’s disbelief. “Maybe you are just as bad. If you want me to treat you like you’re smart, you’re going to have to do better than that. Tell me, why do you think Neil and I are ‘fighting’?” he air-quoted.
That made Kevin frown. “He stormed off a moment ago. He has been all week. And you’ve been grumpier than usual, and you aren’t doing any of the usual things together.”
“Pay a lot of attention to that, do you?” Andrew mused, still absolutely toneless. Before Kevin had a chance to defend himself, he continued. “You think it’s my fault.”
This was not a question, which was good, because Kevin would rather not answer. Which, of course, was answer enough.
“You don’t think,” Andrew prodded, “that Josten is having his own little crisis and blaming me, and clinging to you for any specific reason?”
Kevin was gaping again.
Andrew wouldn’t let him have a break. He tacked on, “You haven’t considered that I am not jealous because I also know your pathetic crush extends?” Kevin choked again; Andrew rolled his eyes again. “I am not blind, Kevin.”
“But you don’t…” Kevin couldn’t get the words out. It was ridiculous, because all he had to do was stand up, and he would tower over the other man. But for once, he didn’t feel small and meek because he felt he was in danger. After the work the Baltimore incident had made them put in, Kevin almost felt safer around Andrew than he had before. It very well might have been his affection tainting his opinion, but he didn’t much care. He knew what he was in for—who he was in for, and he knew that they were not safe in any conventional way, but that he was best off with them.
He’d given them his back all over again, and he hadn’t worried about it. His heart was an altogether different matter.
Andrew stepped closer to him again, gazing down at him with the same look he often gave Neil, when he thought the redhead was being particularly dense. “Oh, but I do.”
No. It didn’t count. Kevin hadn’t even finished the thought, so Andrew wasn’t confirming anything. He couldn’t even know what he meant. They were likely on completely different wavelengths.
But Andrew was leaning over Kevin now, bracing a hand on the back of the couch, and all of Kevin’s rational arguments fled as he short-circuited.
“Andrew,” he breathed, going for warning and ending up wavering.
Andrew, predictably, ignored him and leaned closer, his breath brushing Kevin’s face, until the door burst open.
The clatter of Neil’s shoes, and then his keys, was unmistakable, and Kevin felt panic rise in him as the steps drew closer and Andrew still didn’t move. He simply looked over Kevin’s head as the footsteps stopped abruptly.
Kevin squeezed his eyes shut.
“What’s going on here?” Neil asked. Then, harder, “Leave him alone, Drew.”
It was utterly backwards. Kevin was at fault here, even if Andrew was the one still leaning in. Neil should have been throttling him, like Andrew should have done already. Instead he was defending Kevin against Andrew, but still using the man’s shortened name as an endearment, measuring the middle ground effortlessly. Even if he was incredibly off target.
Andrew simply rolled his eyes at him. “I’m not threatening him, idiot.”
A beat of silence. “Then what are you doing?”
“Not sure yet.” Andrew’s gaze flickered down to Kevin again, and he seemed much closer than before. Kevin swallowed; Andrew smirked. “Kevin seems to like it, though.”
“Andrew,” Neil bit, a warning and a question.
Andrew gripped Kevin’s chin between thumb and finger, and dragged his head around to face Neil. “Look.” Andrew’s thumb tapped his bottom lip, and his breath hitched. Andrew raised a brow. “What does it look like to you?”
Kevin looked at Neil for the first time in this dream (nightmare? Who knew where it was leading) and found himself breathless for another reason.
It was a recent development, and it wasn’t. Kevin had always known Andrew was attractive, had always appreciated Andrew’s talent, had always confusingly, blindly desired Andrew’s presence. He had always admired Neil’s fire, had always known he was capable of great things, had always held him in a place in his heart he hadn’t realised had been occupied since they were children. He hadn’t thought about kissing them until recently. Or at least, he hadn’t realised he wanted to.
Now, seeing that exact fire in Neil’s eyes at Kevin’s defense, as well as his horrendously worn t-shirt and disgustingly bright shorts crinkled and sweaty from his run, Kevin knew he wanted to kiss him, and he knew it wasn’t a surface thing.
And Andrew knew it just as well, smug bastard that he was.
Neil only needed a moment of looking at him to say, very eloquently, “Oh.”
Andrew snorted. “Finally come to terms with it, have you?”
Neil glared at him, but Kevin couldn’t have been mistaking the blush creeping into his cheeks. Neil’s smile was slow as he looked back at him, and somewhat shy, and Andrew heaved another sigh and moved away to plop himself down on a beanbag. It meant Neil was watching him instead, and the odd, crazy crevice of hope that had been opening in Kevin started to cave, and then Andrew was waving Neil at him impatiently.
“Well?” he prompted.
Looking between them, Neil hesitated. He settled on Andrew long enough to ask, “Did you…?”
Andrew wordlessly shook his head.
“But, I can?”
Andrew raised a brow. “Ask him.”
Kevin was lost. But Neil was turning to him, and Kevin would always pay attention to Neil, no matter how begrudgingly. So he was listening very intently when Neil simply asked, “Kev, do you want me to kiss you?”
This elicited a noise that may have seemed tortured, and Neil took a step back, eyes widening. He shot Andrew a betrayed look, and the silent communication that passed between them was lost on Kevin, who was sure this had gone beyond a dream into a blackout-induced fantasy. He must have fallen dramatically off the wagon, and now he was completely out of it and his brain was running away on its own as a misplaced attempt at comfort.
Then Neil corrected himself. “Wait. Can I kiss you? Because—I think I’d like to.”
Andrew was right. Kevin was blind, and an imbecile, and worse than hopeless, and he could do nothing but give a jerky nod.
Neil’s face lit up, and then determination was mingling with his apprehension and his face was an inch away from Kevin’s and Kevin was demanding, “You think you’d like to?”
Neil jerked back.
“Fucking idiots,” Andrew grumbled. “Yes or no, Kevin.”
“Well, yes—“
Neil kissed him, and Kevin could not have dreamt this. No matter how much alcohol-aided imagination he had, the soft touch of Neil’s lips compared to the rough texture of his hand against Kevin’s cheek was too heavenly to be magicked-up. It was heart-wrenchingly real. Andrew’s eyes on them was just as heavy of a weight.
Kevin was only beginning to get the hang of himself and reciprocate whole-heartedly when Neil pulled back. His blue eyes were dark as he roamed them appreciatively over Kevin’s stricken face, and then he glanced at Andrew.
Looking for approval, Kevin realised, and followed suit.
All amusement was wiped from Andrew’s face. His eyes were just as dark as Neil’s and even more intense as he watched them, and in combination with Neil’s touch it stirred something low in Kevin’s gut. He pinched his own thigh discreetly and his blood thrummed at the nip of pain.
“I might,” Andrew said, dragging his gaze slowly to Kevin’s face, “be a bit jealous.” He used a foot to nudge Neil, who simply huffed, out of the way, and then he hooked that same foot around Kevin’s ankle and gave a deliberate tug.
Kevin descended into gleeful laughter, and felt only more elated when it meant Andrew was forced to come to him for his kiss.
Prompt List
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all joking aside, we’ve seen what Jared is capable of after supposedly finding out that he’s not included in the prequel, I mean even in his so called good natured tweets congratulating Jensen on his exciting adventures beyond SPN there’s a common theme...”don’t have fun without me” “bummed there’s no Sam Winchester” or something (not exact quotes)....each time Jared decides to make it about himself and how he feels left out. 
Remember when Jared refused to leave the stage in Hawaii because Jensen and Misha were about to have fun without him now and he couldn’t stand it? 
It was played as a joke but actually those 15 mins of awkwardness were a good representation of the relationship between Jared and the rest of the cast/his friends. Jared seeks attention, refuses to budge because he doesn’t want to let anything happen that won’t include him, his co-stars/friends just have to grin and bare it. 
We’ve known for years, Jared really hates when anything isn’t about him you see and while he was Number One On The Call Sheet he was made to feel like he was the centre of the universe...he ALWAYS got what he wanted, he makes demands? they’re always met. If plane staff won’t treat him like a king then he’ll just fly in his own damn plane. He left some luggage behind? So he HAS to get it back immediately to hell with all the trains running that day and the thousands of people and their journeys. On set he threw his toys out of the pram more than once over the years while filming, and it always worked.  Kripke had to come to set to placate him because he didn’t feel like he was the “hero” anymore, and Jensen likely spent a good chunk of the last 15 years placating/babying him.  I’m (not) sorry but Jared is a classic example of an egotistical narcassist who doesn’t understand the word no when it comes to something he wants. He’s spent his whole adult life having everyone around him say “yes Jared” even if it’s in a tired tone after being worn down by his tantrums and possibly threats (to quit, to fire someone who knows). If it’s not an immediate yes, it’ll be an eventual yes after having to deal with the fallout of daring to say no to him. 
So, with this in mind...imagine you are Jensen, you’re moving on and you want to do this project, but you don’t want your toxic friend to be involved this time, what do you say to him? what do you say to a guy who nobody dares say no to? If they had told Jared upfront do you think he would have been any less of a dick then? It would have been more private but I am sure he would have thrown his weight around, stormed a few offices, threatened people, had his usual hissy fits forcing them to include him which means more time having to DEAL with him on set, and how long would it have taken for Jared to try and make a show about Mary (and John) be all about Sam?  So maybe Jensen and Dannel took a gamble and left Jared out of the loop, hoping that by the time they so a press release it’ll be too late for Jared to try and bully his way in, but sadly, it didn’t work and instead we have this clusterfuck.  maybe they didn’t think Jared would stoop so low. Anyway, what I’m saying is that Jensen and Danneel were damned if they didn’t and damned if they did. They were brave trying to do this without Jared but I guess it was never going to work was it?
Jared is now doing what he always does when he doesn’t get his way, and like the previous post I reblogged, he’s going to use this to force his way in I am sure. Playing the victim, guilt tripping, going on about “hurt feelings” and sabotaging his friends’ hard work not caring unless he’s in it. 
I hope I’m wrong, it’s about time Jared for once DIDN’T get his own way! It’s about time he learned what no means but sadly in this world Jared always seems to win and he never pays the price for what he does, it’s always everyone else around him who has to pay. 
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pl-panda · 5 years
Damienette arranged marriage: part 23
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @thyladyanput for idea for Chat Damian and me for the plot.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 part 14 part 15
part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Part 22
Damienette arranged marriage: part 23
“[...]Coincidence? I think not!” He screamed.
“That is indeed some revelation…” Kagami started, but Tim shushed her.
“That’s not the end. I believe that Chat Noir is now working with Hawkmoth!”
“What!?” Was the most common reaction, coupled with drawing a very sharp weapon.
“Silence!” Tim screamed. Everyone immediately calmed down, awaiting explanation or something. Instead, he just pulled out a small pocket flask and took a deep swing. 
“It was coffee, wasn't it?” Damian deadpanned.
“No Demon Spawn. It was the best brandy I could steal from Jason.” He paused for a moment. “Of course it was coffee. Do I look like some barbarian to you?!”
“Just get with the story Poirot.” Chloe urged him while shifting in her place. Inside, she was wondering if Sabine would borrow her some of those weapon of hers.
“Fine. Look. It’s either that or hawkmoth is even bigger idiot than I believed him to be, which is highly unlikely. He akumatized someone who had one thing he desired. Instead of making him hand the ring immediately, he just allowed him to run free. It doesn’t make much sense.”
“Chat got possessed by akuma many times. The always just disregarded it and wanted to take advantage of his abilities to take me out.” Marinette pointed out.
“Yes, but I already established that Akumatization distorts your perception of reality. It makes you focus only on the goal and disregard things like common sense. But hawkmoth has no such thing. He could just demand of him to give the ring and then send him after you. But he didn’t. It’s either that or he was compromised after. But the fact stood that Hawkmoth had to know who Chat was even by simple fact of what he desired. And the new upgrades around the manor. They would not allow Chat Noir or Adrien to sneak out any time and he was sighted helping people around the city several times. He just doesn’t come close to Ladybug or other heroes.”
“So he makes sure people don’t suspect a thing while keeping safe distance from us, acting like he is just throwing a hissy fit about me being married.”
“Mari-san. I still can not believe the feline learned about the marriage before us.” She motioned to her and Luka. 
“Sorry. I wanted to get him of me. And it was actually a good strategy to make my secret identity safe.”
Damian nodded. “That was indeed brilliant. Marinette Dupain-Cheng was not married. They would not accuse Ladybug of lies and they would not suspect a fifteen years old girl of being betrothed to anyone.”
“Yes. But if I knew that he would act like this and… betray us, I would not disregard his feelings like that.”
“Is that self-pity I hear Mari-bug?” Chloe suddenly turned to her. “I thought I told you that you are not to do that in regard to that blasted moggy.”
“Sorry Chlo.” Marinette gave her a sheepish smile. Stephanie had to hold back a chuckle.
“Fine. Carry on Dupin.” Chloe waved her hand at Tim, who shrugged at the nickname and displayed another thing. This time it was a video of final moments of Chat d’Amour. He played it whole and then paused and backed it. He played it slowly this time, commenting in real life time. 
“The video has no sound recorded and magic of the miraculous makes lip-reading impossible even with strongest software available. But look closely. First, he talks with Hawkmoth through this butterfly connection. Then, the akuma is released. Now look at his expression.” Tim paused and zoomed in, sharpening the image. “He looks disappointed. Not in regretful way. It is more in the lines of ‘I agree with the judgement’. Now one could say that he just made a mistake and was ashamed. But! He runs off in the direction of Agreste Manor instead of facing Ladybug. Think why would Hawkmoth recall his precious Akuma. It was only After Jon arrived. Chat could very well fight on or change strategy. Hawkmoth never cared about casualties in his Akumas. So why suddenly care about this one? Why take the power away and make him run. Chat is fast, agile and sneaky. He could avoid Jon and just deliver the ring. The decision was pretty much worst tactical move ever. Unless! You factor the parental instincts and the fact that he could take the ring anyway. They are working together or at least know each other’s identities!” Tim proclaimed.
“Nice work Veronica. I am actually impressed.” Chloe complimented.
“Veronica?” Sabine looked funny at the mayor’s daughter. The older woman felt a bit strange sitting in there with all the kids. 
“Ugh! Veronica Mars! Seriously? It’s a classic! Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!” Chloe complained.
“This is just suspicion. We can’t make a move based on suspicion.” Marinette sighted.
“We can. It is enough to justify storm on Agreste Manor.”
“If we are wrong we risk complete failure. We will alert Hawkmoth about our arrival…”
“Actually…” Stephanie grinned. “We don’t need to risk anything. We know Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir. The hero who’s gone rogue. You are the guardian Ladybug. Isn’t it your job to reign him in?” 
“Yes, but…” Ladybug was still unconvinced.
“We will use this as an excuse to enter the mansion. Chat lost the privilege of being a hero long ago. He is no longer helping and to be honest he was never a good helper.” Tim commented.
“Okay. If this is for the best…”
“It is sweety. Don’t cry over the milk spilled by a moggy that will end up skinned anyway.”
“Fine. But I know where he lives, so he better not try anything else with you.” Sabine threatened.
“It’s decided then. The Miraculous team will enter through the front doors while the batboys and I use the commotion to sneak inside.” Stephanie beamed. 
“Yes. If Chat won’t give up his ring, we will have a fight at our hands. It is possible that Hawkmoth and Mayura also get in the fight and they might drag the Gorilla into it. We must be prepared that this is when the final battle happens…” Tim kept his emotions in check by downing another hip-flask of coffee. Where does he even keep all that?
“Papa will help us on this one. And maybe we should call the cavalry from Gotham?”
“Relax Angel. We have two to one number advantage. We can deal with them.” Damian reassured her. 
‘Fine. We two weeks until we leave. It is decided then. In one week, we storm the Agreste Manor.”
Taglist (sorry if I missed you)@pheonixashtree @sassakitty @unabashedbookworm @vixen-uchiha @maggiecc12 @actualdisasterwoman @tired-butterfly @shizukiryuu @floralfi @imanerddealwith @northernbluetongue @krispydefendorpolice @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @bluesoulblueheart @theatreandcomicfreak @disneyfoxuniverse @mindfulmagics @alwaysnumberonetruth @nyaabinch @jardimazul @lenamau @rosep16 @dramatic-squirrel @sonif50 @daminett4life @lulutheawkwardess @weird-pale-blonde-person @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @mochegato @moonlightstar64 @dragonflyswing @silverwhiteraven @shamefullove @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @heaven428 @mlbchaosqueen @winter-gardenflower @spicybelladonna @emo-elaine13 @vetilora @karukofox21 @my-name-is-michell  @sturchling @lokiifriggasonn @redscarlet95 @melicmusicmagic @interobanginyourmom @the-fusionist @razzledazzle247 @miss-mysterys-blog @darkthunder1589 @i-is-mysterious @catthhay @the-one-woman-army @zestyzealot @dahjokester @write-for-your-life2 @mermaidreject @peachedpocky @sassakitty @dahjokester @crazylittlemunchkin @novicevoice @justafanwarrior @eliza-bitch @schrodingers25 @tired-butterfly @toodaloo-kangaroo @redscarlet95 @miukiiu @sassakitty @corabeth11 @vixen-uchiha
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countlessimagines · 5 years
Remembering [ Richie Tozier x Reader ]
Summary: When you moved away from Derry, your memories of your one true love is gone. Only when you return do you regain those memories.
Warnings: Cussing, blood
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You don’t remember laying your head on his chest. The simple rise and fall. The light kisses he would leave on your head.
He would often spend the night at your house because his parents kicked him out or they were fighting. He always found a safe haven in your arms.
He only began to spend the night at your house when you were both seventeen. Before, you two were weird about it since you were an awkward teen and he always made such inappropriate comments. Needless to say, you had to sneak him in your room because your parents weren’t too accepting of Richie. But, you never seemed to care about their opinion on him. You still loved him.
You don’t remember the mornings where you would kiss his chin, cheeks, nose, forehead, and finally his lips. Sometimes he would get impatient though and grab your chin and smash your lips together.
You always seemed to smile in those kisses, but you can’t recall them now.
You now stood on your doorstep that led to your childhood home where you parents still lived. It had been so long since you were last there. It seemed like a distant memory, but once your old friend Mike Hanlon called saying IT had returned, bits and pieces returned to you.
You rung the doorbell, waiting for one of your parents to answer. But no footsteps came, no opening the door, no happy reunion, no family to greet you.
Your mind was hazy as is, and you just oh so badly wanted to see your parents, regain some type of memory, anything. Especially the memories of the bad mouthed kid with glasses. A part of you told yourself that he was the one. Which one, exactly, you didn’t know.
You sighed in defeat and walked down the driveway.
Richie rode his bike in the rain all the way to your house, to try to convince you to stay in Derry. You were all he had left.
But you had already made your mind up. You were going off to college in another stage and leaving the memories behind. Before, you thought of how it was just a saying to leave memories behind, but now... you really did leave those memories behind.
He was shouting outside your house, begging you to reconsider, pleading you to not leave him all alone. But you shut him out, crying softly into your pillow.
You were walking down roads that seemed familiar to you. You were heading to the Chinese restaurant Mike had a reservation at, but you still didn’t know if you were heading in the right direction.
You were passing through another neighborhood when you saw a man walking his dog. You approached him to ask him if he knew which way you should head.
He turned his head to you, a sick smile wiped on his face, “Directions? Directions? Shouldn’t you know this wonderful place, (Y/N)?”
You stepped a few feet back, “How... how do you know my name?”
“How could I forget you, (Y/N)?” He was starting to laugh, his voice growing deeper. “How could I forget you? Hahaha.”
That laugh. You knew that laugh... Pennywise.
You started to back away even more now, “No... No... You’re not real.”
“Is this real?!” Pennywise shouted and his hands had gross, long nails. He reached for you as you screamed and tried to run away, but he grabbed onto your risk and threw you to the ground.
“No! No! Stop!” You yelled with tears in your eyes, breath hardly there from the hard impact. “Someone help!”
Pennywise wrapped one of his hands around your neck, digging his nails into your flesh. A cry of pain left you and you tried to get him off of you, but he was too strong. You could feel the blood oozing from your neck, the sting of it all.
And the next thing you knew, everything went black.
Your dreams consisted of him. Richie.
You could remember his name now. His hair that would curl sometimes. His large glasses that took up most of his face. His kisses that he always left on your shoulder or head whenever you would cuddle. His jokes that would make you scrunch your face up but at the same time made you laugh uncontrollably. His Hawaiian shirts that he always let you borrow. His laugh when you would blush so hard after he stole a kiss from you.
Your Richie Tozier.
You woke up startled. A car honking at you nonstop.
You felt your dried up blood caking your neck and hair.
With shaking hands, you pushed yourself up from the road.
The person honked again as you stepped aside, beyond confused as to why they didn’t even stop to see if you were okay. But then you remembered, the townspeople were clueless about Pennywise and everything he did.
You hurried now to the Chinese restaurant, your neck stinging in pain and you were drawing in so much breath that the night air made your throat burn.
You had tears streaming down your face as you ran faster and faster to where you knew he would be. Richie. Your Richie.
You imagined what he might look like now and if he changed drastically. You would still love him no matter what.
“(Y/N),” Richie smiled as you sat up from your spot on the picnic blanket, “You are too much sometimes, ya know?”
“Yes, but you love me.” With a grin, you pecked his lips.
“You’re fucking right,” he said and brought you into his arms suddenly. “I love the best dork in the world!”
“Richie!” You giggled as he shook you lightly to emphasize his statement.
Your legs only ran faster once you saw the restaurant. You don’t remember pushing past the hostess who told you you needed a reservations and couldn’t just storm in, you don’t remember your eyes searching every inch of the place before seeing a room in the back, and you don’t remember running towards it.
But you do remember seeing him. He looked older, for sure, but you could easily recognize his hair and glasses. He was laughing heartily at something... Eddie said. Eddie, you remember him now. And there was Bill, Bev, Ben, Mike... But no Stan.
Bev saw you first. She gasped loudly and stood up, “(Y/N)?”
You were suddenly weak, your adrenaline rush wearing off quickly.
Richie turned his head in an instant. He was quick to stand up and grab you in his arms, “(Y/N)?”
“Richie,” you smiled weakly. “Your glasses are... still big.”
He had a smile on his face for a brief second before it turned into one of concern, “What happened? You’re bleeding.”
“IT attacked me... I, I don’t... My neck, it hurts,” You said, your voice not exactly there.
“Hey, it’ll be okay,” Richie told you with a trembling voice, then turned to the rest of the group, “I’m going to take her to the hotel... Can one of you go grab stuff that we can patch her up, please?”
His eyes were full of worry as he held you in his arms. But instead of it being just like when you were kids, full of laughter and kisses, it was full of blood and tears.
Richie was teasing you endlessly for losing at the arcade game you two were playing.
“It’s not fair, you always play this game!” You said with crossed arms. “I call bullshit.”
“You can’t call bullshit, it was a fair game.”
“If I would have won, you would be throwing a hissy fit right now and saying it isn’t fair.”
“That doesn’t matter, I won,” Richie gave you a wink. “Now... I want to saw the deal was that I got a kiss?”
You pecked his lips and gave him a glare, “You’re going down next time.”
“Wanna bet?”
“It’s on!”
You woke up with a bandage around your neck. You could feel it wrapped carefully. Whoever did it also stitched your deeper wounds on your neck, you figured as your finger went under the bandage.
“Hey, don’t touch it,” a voice said from the doorway. Richie stood there with a relieved face, “Eddie said it will scar.”
“Richie,” You said his name, because you hadn’t said it in years to his face. You forgot everything about him, your first and only love, “Richie... I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I forgot you. I never... I never even said goodbye. Oh, I’m so sorry.”
He went to your side, “Don’t worry about it, you can pay me back with a kiss, does that sound okay?” He leant forward and wipes your tears away. “I forgot you, too. Which is crazy! I mean, shit, you’re the most gorgeous woman to walk this planet! How could I forget you?”
You sniffled, “I don’t want to forget you again.”
“Well, let’s kill this clown and maybe we’ll get married,” Richie shrugged like it was a normal conversation. But your normal was far from believable at this point.
“Sounds like a plan.”
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hardforbenhardy · 5 years
somebody to love pt.3 | rogerxreader
warnings: drinking, violence, bit of angst
word count: 4.8k (oops)
the third instalment of somebody to love- we are finally getting some proper content of roger and readerrrr yayyy!! :)
taglist: @jennyggggrrr
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Once we reached the shop, you immediately fell in love with the colours and materials that were scattered around the room. Freddie and yourself spent about 2 hours trailing clothes in and out of the changing rooms, attempting to find something that wouldn't make you look like you just got out of bed and rolled up at a bar. Let's just say, you were unsuccessful. You sat in the guest seat which was placed in the corner of the rather large changing room, slouching against the back as you sigh heavily; Fred had gone to look for something you had yet to try on, which you were convinced is absolutely nothing at this point, and he hasn't yet returned after 5 minutes. You were beginning to think there is absolutely no hope for you anymore. That is until Freddie comes bursting in through the door, with an item you could barely make out considering his movements were extremely energetic. "Love, I think I've found it"
"It? You really think so?" you squealed, jumping out of the seat and rushing over to Freddie to see the outfit which was apparently so amazing. Looking in Freddie's hand, you saw a small black dress - if you could even call it that - draped on the arms of the hanger. It was a skimpy, leather, low cut, cami dress featuring lace detailing at the cups with hook and eye fastening detail - it was nice you couldn't deny it; it's just not something you'd pick out. Ever. "Fred, you've got to be joking!"
"What love, it's gorgeous - you can't deny!"
"Yes it is. But do I really seem like the type of girl who would wear something like... that?" you sighed, rolling your eyes at Freddie's lack of awareness. "Don't you think it's a little too much? Or should I say too little, considering there's barely any fucking material on there!"
"Come on darling, at least try it on. Then, and only then, will you have the right to say no." He encouraged, already beginning to slide the straps down the hanger before handing the material, or lack thereof, over to you. You snatch it from his grasp, sighing heavily before going to pull the shirt you had slipped on earlier over your head. Hearing Freddie squeal in excitement from behind you, you shot him a quick glare and gestures for him to leave so you could change. Once you had slipped the dress on, which proved more difficult than you originally imagined, you stared at your reflection in the mirror. You didn't look that bad.
"See darling, I told you you'd look ravishing!" Fred exclaimed from behind you, making you jump out of your own skin. You felt your cheeks blush, knowing Freddie was right - you did look amazing, but you couldn't admit it. You knew this was sure to get Roger's attention when you see him, but you’re not sure you want him to see you in this way. You’re basically trying to look sexy, but you don't just want Roger to see you as a sex object, considering he's already seen you stripping. And like you’ve said, you don't want to just be added to his long list of one night lovers. "I guess it does kind of look nice - you don't think it's too... revealing?"
"Darling, we were given skin when we were born - so show it off! What else can we do with it?"
"Well, Fred, our skin protects us from microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold. Not draw in men who will most likely see me and think 'she'd be a good shag!'"
"It's one of its many uses love!" Freddie claimed, making you laugh loudly. He stepped closer to you, altering the dress in certain places so that it fit you better, before handing you a pair of heels he had grabbed while you were changing. Slipping them on, you stood back up only wobble a little in the shoes. You were used to wearing heels of course, your job requiring it, but these caught you off guard. "I guess the dress does hug my curves perfectly..."
"I know they do, love - I'm telling you, I have great fucking fashion sense so when I say you look absolutely sensational; you take it! Now slip the dress off and I'll go pay!"
"No no no Fred you're not paying!"
"Y/N, darling, need I remind that you didn't get paid this week because someone had a hissy fit and stormed out of work early. This one is my treat!" Freddie insisted, taking the dress from your hold and into his, before skipping out the door, allowing you to get dressed back in your boring, old clothes.
Walking through the entrance to the bar, though similar to the club, it hit you like a brick. The odour of weed and booze waft through the air, filling your senses with the most unpleasant sensations. As you and Freddie attempt to weave through the masses, dancing sweaty bodies press and rub up against you, making you pace increase as you strive to get away from the crowds. Once you had reached the front, you paid more attention to the band on stage, and looked towards the drum kit to make direct eye contact with Roger. You grinned widely and waved like an excited child, whilst he just sat there looking almost awestruck at what he was seeing in front of him. You noticed his eyes gaze up and down your body, starting at the black heels Freddie carefully picked out and moving up to reach your Y/H/C corkscrew curls which had taken you 2 hours to perfect - with the help of Freddie alongside your own capabilities- taking in your whole appearance of hair, makeup, dress and shoes. You knew you looked perfect, yet it didn't spring in your mind why Roger looked at you quite so longingly. He had only known you for a few days, and you were barely even friends at this point. You stepped away from the barrier of the stage with Freddie to grab a drink, jumping up onto a seat and crossing your legs - which seemed harder than you imagined it with the dress hugging so tightly around your hips. Freddie sat opposite you, snapping his fingers with such sass, you couldn't help but giggle lightly.
"Two Piña Coladas - one for me, one for the lady." Freddie demanded, shooing the bartender away, as he rolled his eyes at Fred's arrogance. You chuckled softly, slapping Freddie's leg harshly as if to tell him off for being a dick to the barkeeper. Of course, you knew he was only messing around, but anyone would think he was being a stuck up twat. Fred had 'flirted' with you on multiple occasions but you both knew he was only joking around - you had an inkling you were certainly the opposite of his type, so when he said the next thing, you were a little swept off your feet. "Y/N, can I ask you something?"
"Of course Fred, go for it!" you smiled, grabbing the drink that had just been placed beside you and mouthing a small 'thank you' to the bartender, following with a sip.
"Okay so, you know how I went out a few nights ago to that gig, and you mentioned how I came home relatively sober?" He questioned, you nodding slightly unsure of where this was going "Well, I met this girl at the gig, and I think I'm in love"
You choked on your drink as he spoke the words, looking up into his eyes, for some indication this was a joke or if he was being serious. "What?"
"Yeah, she's called Mary, and I think she is the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen - other than you, my dear" He mumbled, seeming slightly nervous at the admission, but you couldn't help but grin widely. "Freds that's amazing! I'm so happy for you! What did you need my help with then?"
"Thank you love. I just wanted your opinion, how could I maybe get her attention?"
"Well, considering you can barely keep eye contact with me without staring at someone behind me, I'm going to assume she's over there. So, go and fucking talk to her! Offer to buy her a drink! You know, be nice!" you exclaimed, pulling him out of his seat by his hand and pushing him towards her, seeing him strut off with confidence. However, now you were alone, and after consuming multiple drinks, you were beginning to feel the rush. You weren't drunk, but you were border lining tipsy and for you, that certainly wasn't safe. You pushed yourself away from the bar, to keep yourself from drinking any more than you already had this evening, and closer to the stage, considering you hadn't been paying much attention to Roger's band. As the booze flowed through your system, you couldn't help but let yourself get lost in the music, dancing along as if you were in the strip club doing your job. You strayed from all inhibitions and let the alcohol control my mind; before you knew it, the music was over and the boys on stage were finishing their set. Which meant one thing. You could go hang out with Roger.
You wander down the hallway which you saw Roger and the two other lads walk down, closing in on a door which was radiating the sound of loud music and possibly even arguing. Just as you placed my hand on the handle to open it, the door abruptly flung open to reveal a lad who looked around the same age as Roger and yourself, maybe a year or two older. He had brown, curly hair which reached down to his shoulders, and stood quite tall compared to you height; you recognised him as the guitarist from Rogers band. You jumped at the unexpected confrontation, whilst the boy just chuckled lightly.
"I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you! Erm, can I help you? Are you lost?" He asked, looking around me for any indication that you were a fan or someone important
"I'm sorry, Roger said to come meet him after your set finished - I'm in his biology class" you grinned, hoping for Roger to pop round the corner at any given moment. Thought he didn't, and instead the lad just stood to the side to let you in.
"Ah yes, Y/N? Rogers just gone for a smoke, he should be back soon however - make yourself comfy. I'm Brian." He smiled widely, gesturing over to the couch which looked like it had been previously occupied not long ago - presumably by Roger. The fact that Brian knew your name meant one thing - Roger has been talking about you. God, what if he told them you’re a stripper? "I- uh- I apologise if Roger seems to be angry or annoyed in any way, we just had an argument with Tim, the lead singer, and Roger can tend to get extremely irate quite easily"
You nodded understandingly, having seen many episodes of Rogers frustrations, especially in Biology when he didn't understand a topic or couldn't do a certain practical correctly. They always ended with something broken; whether that was a glass test tube smashed on the floor, a biology textbook with the pages shredded out of them, or a very vital piece of his experiment data which he had ripped up. You were certain you did not want to be on the receiving end of one of these occurrences - "Maybe I should leave then, let Roger cool down a little?"
"No no no, you don't have to leave! In fact, it'll probably do you better to stay - you may be able to keep Roger at bay from smashing a drum kit or something. He wouldn't want to embarrass himself in front of you"
And with that, Roger threw the door open and stormed in, flinging his drumsticks against the couch- barely noticing your presence as he began to rant. "I can't believe the fucking guy, 'Humpy Bong', it's fucking bullshit - I mean what kind of name is that for a band? I've got better things to do with my Saturday nights - I could give you their names"
"Rog, we have a guest" Brian muttered, turning him around to face you, as you sat there awkwardly, a fake grin on your face as you attempted to act natural. "Hey" you mumbled, moving your hand as if to wave at him.
"Oh god, sorry love, I'm so glad you could make it!" He quickly exclaimed, turned around and pulling you into a quick hug as you stood up out of the seat.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world! Is everything okay?" you asked, noticing both Rog and Brian's hostility as you entered. You were guessing it's because of the argument they had with Tim - the lead singer - but you didn't know what it's about.
"Not really, Tim, our lead singer, just quit" Roger explained, plonking back into the couch you were sat on, his elbows situated on each knee as his head rested forward in his hands. After playing the drums for quite a while on stage, Roger had developed a look similar to when you saw him earlier today - tendrils of blonde hung in front of his eyes as his perspiration made his skin glow under the dimming light of the room. His shirt, which he had unbuttoned during the set, revealed the way his stomach inflated and deflated with every deep breath he took. You couldn't help but get lost in the sight of what you saw as an angel. As he leaned back on the couch and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it swiftly before pinning it between his teeth, to place his callous hand on my knee and turn to face you; sending shivers down your spine from his touch against your bare skin, electricity rushing through your body.
"W-what are you to d-do?" you stuttered, struggling to focus on anything but Roger's coarse touch against your leg. That was until you had an idea which you knew would work for both parties involved. "Actually, I may have a suggestion" you grinned, pushing myself off the couch in excitement, before rushing out the door to find Freddie. Freddie was perfect; Smile had just lost their singer and Fred had been saying for a while he wanted to be a star. And he certainly had the talent to do it. A few minutes later, you had returned, hand grasping onto Freddie's slightly too tightly you must admit. He had a look of confusion plastered on his face as you had ripped him away from whatever conversation he was happening - the caution you had made was that it was not with Mary, because that was not something you were going to ruin for him.
"Darling, care to explain what's going on?"
"I have the perfect addition to Smile. Brian, Roger - meet Freddie" you grinned, your smile extending across my whole face as you took pride in your proposition. "Fred, go on, sing something! You've been saying how you wanted to go into music!" you noticed the look of amusement on both Roger and Brian's face - you understood slightly; Freddie was an extravagant character and it was very well presented through his speech and appearance.
"Not with those teeth mate" Roger chuckled, and you shot him a glare out of the side of your eye. Freddie, of course, didn't let it affect him as he began singing Doing Alright - his angelic notes earning a look of shock and disbelief from the boys as they were proven wrong.
"He was born with four additional incisors - more space in his mouth means more range. I thought you would've known that Rog, having been a dental student and all" you smirked, giving Freddie a secluded high five at the snigger of Brian which came from behind us. Roger rolled his eyes at your snarky comment, but quickly got on board with your suggestion.
"I'll consider your offer" Freddie sassed, before pecking your cheek and beginning to walk out the door - "You coming back?"
"Erm, no I think I'll stay. If that's okay with you boys?" you grinned, looking over to see them nod, before giving Freddie a tight hug and seeing him out. "You boys wanna get a drink?"
Walking back out into the crowd brought a wave of exhilaration and animation over you, the alcohol rising back into your system to bring a sense of carelessness into your mind. You didn't realise how much you had actually consumed earlier on until you began to stumble with every step, in which Roger took notice of - wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you upright. You leant into his embrace, as to not fall over from your drunken inhibitions, giggling softly as your brain wandered off to gin-soaked thoughts. You heard Roger's small chuckles from beside you, as he placed you down in the booth he had managed to drag you towards, amused by your intoxicated actions. Brian returned from the bar with a tray of drinks, in which you reacted with grabby hands as if you were a child being given a sippy cup, him handing you a glass of red wine which you downed once it was placed in your hand. Both the boys were now laughing in hilarity at your utter desperation, which was quite common for you when you were under the influence, however you just shot them a sharp glare out of the side of your eye before demanding another drink.
"I think you've had enough Y/N, we can't have you passing out on us" Roger teased, moving his drink away from you as if you were going to attempt to take it. You were going to, but he didn't need to know that.
"Fine. I'll go get my own" you sassed, trying to stand in the heels Freddie had so stupidly chosen, wobbling a little as the alcohol rushed to your head from your sudden movement. Once you caught your balance, you shot Roger a smirk before strutting off to the bar. Once there, you asked for a drink and zoned out completely, paying no mind whatsoever about your surroundings, whilst in the bar Roger and Brian conversed about you. 
"God, Y/N looks fucking gorgeous" Roger exclaimed, releasing a long sigh while slumping back into his seat. He shot small glances over at you, mainly at the way the dress sat on your body, but occasionally lifting to look at your small smile growing on your face as you tried not to lose your balance and fall backwards. "I mean, look at that fucking dress. And her hair looks so perfect. And don't even get me started on that smile. Brian, what should I do?"
"Why don't you try complimenting her? Girls usually tend to, you know, appreciate that" Brian sniggered, finding Roger's infatuation slightly amusing; he had never seen Roger behave like this around a woman - he would usually talk about how her tits looked good or her ass looked sexy. Never had he complimented someone's dress, unless it involved it being in a pool around a girls legs. Never had he complimented someone's hair, unless it involved it being post-sex and frizzed up. Never had he complimented someone's smile, unless it involved it being wrapped around his cock as he got sucked off. 
"I can't Brian. What if she thinks I want to just get her into bed?" He groaned, his brain searching for ways to get away from his lust.
"Well, isn't that kind of what you want?"
"No. Not Y/N - well yes, but not just that. Y/N's different" Roger explained, his eyes now staring over in your direction. Meanwhile, you were slowly beginning to get extremely impatient at the fact your drink was yet to arrive, rolling your eyes and slumping back onto a barstool to save your legs from buckling under your weight, bumping into someone sat in the seat next to you. You turned to apologize but found yourself speechless at the sight in front of you. A man, around your age, who had the appearance of an angel; a head of brunette, curly hair which hung over his forehead; underneath which were piercing, green eyes which were burning into my soul; his dewy, tawny skin glowing under the dims lights of the bar; he was besuited, his dark silk suit perfectly shaping his muscles, making him look neat and tidy. As you sat, taking in his appearance, he perked up.
"I'm awfully sorry, didn't mean to bump into you" He apologized, his voice deep and raspy just as you'd expect from such a good-looking man, sending butterflies to your stomach in an instant. "No, no, it was my fault - I wasn't looking where I was going"
"Well, I won't hold a grudge - can't stay angry at such a beautiful woman" He charmed, making your cheeks blush in an instant. You turned fully to face him, noticing he was too sat alone. "Can I get you a drink?"
"Oh, I did order one just a few minutes ago but I haven't got it yet." you explained, slurring your words a little as the alcohol was still brewing within you. No doubt, it would make you do or say something stupid in front of the man, but you were to face that problem when it arised. The man tapped his hand on the counter top aggressively, and then snapped his fingers a few times in order to get the bartender's attention. "Excuse me - the lady ordered a drink a while ago but is yet to get it. Pick up the pace a little, would you”
"S-sorry, I'm do-doing my best. It's very busy, s-sir. I'll get your drink now, s-sir" The young boy stuttered, his face clouded with fear and agitation. You couldn't help but feel sorry for the lad, he truly was trying his best. You mouthed a small 'sorry' towards him, making him smile a little as he poured my glass of rosé and handed it to me. Taking a small sip, you turned to the boy and asked "What's your name?"
"My name is J-John, miss." He mumbled, as if he was intimidated by you; as if he was afraid he had got the order wrong. Instead, you returned with a smile and responded with "Thank you for the drink, John - you are a very good bartender" which gained a small 'thank you' and a grin. The man only responded with a dirty glare in John's direction before turning back to you with a smirk.
"You know, you don't have to be so nice to him - it's not like he deserves it" He explained, still smirking as he glanced up and down your body. You simply rolled your eyes and took another sip of the drink, but choked on it as soon as he said "Your tits look nice in that dress"
"Excuse me?!" you exclaimed, narrowing your eyes in his direction that he had the audacity to say such a thing.
"Your tits - they look fucking amazing. Oh come on love, that was meant to be a compliment"
"But you couldn't have complimented anything else? Maybe my hair which I put a lot of effort into, or my smile, or eyes - you picked my breasts out of all the options?"
"For fuck sake, I was trying to be nice. You sound like one of those crazy feminist bitches who go on about women liberation and civil rights" He complained, making your head shoot up in utter disbelief - did he really just say that?
"So what if I am? How 'bout you wait and see whos on the right side of history in 40 years or so - us 'crazy feminists', or you and your fellow National Front cunts" you raged, resisting the urge to place a harsh and sharp slap against this guys face. You were sure Roger and Brian had noticed what was going on by now, considering they weren't sat too far away and you were sure the whole club could hear me right now.
"Y/N what's going on?" you heard Roger question from behind you, but the anger you were channelling at the moment blocked everything but you and the guy in front of you out of your focus.
"Maybe we 'cunts' are simply trying to keep foreigners out of this country; they come here stealing our jobs and taking up space which they don't deserve in the first place. This country was founded by white people and we simply intend to keep it that way." He attempted to argue back, gaining nothing but a scoff and an eye roll from you.
"Oh and let me guess - men are the ones who should be out working, and women should stay around the house and clean?" you sarcastically asked, knowing exactly his answer but seeing if he'd dare to say it. In which he did.
"Obviously, that's how it's always worked - why change now?"
"WOW, you are just fucking mental aren't you!? Do you understand how hard it actually is to be a woman? Abortions were legalised only 3 years ago, and we can't even get birth control without having to pay extortionate prices-"
"Don't have sex then?" He argued, which made both you and Roger simultaneously gasp in incredulity. "I doubt you even know anything about politics in the first place - you think men have it easy? We're the ones who have to work everyday, and we have to deal with women like you who think you own the world"
And it was that sentence alone that tipped you over the edge. Your fist connected with the man's nose in a sharp instant, causing him to flinch back in pain - "Ow what the fuck! You fucking crazy bitch, you broke my fucking nose!" - his hand shot up to his nose, which was now pouring blood and slightly crooked. You shook your hand off to relieve some of the pain you had acquired before squatting down to come face to face with the man, your face merely an inch away as your none-bloody fist clenching onto his tie to hold him closer.
"Well then, maybe next time you'll think before a) questioning my fucking knowledge and b) being such a fucking fascist pig" you practically spat in his face, standing up to go kick him where the sun don't shine; until you felt a tight grasp around your wrist pulling you back. The next thing you knew, you were outside the bar, the rain pouring down over the two of you. "The fucking nerve of that man, acting like he owns the fucking country. And then he has the fucking audacity to say I don't know what I'm talking about? If anything, he's the one who doesn't know what he's talking about! Why didn't you leave me there, could've given him a piece of my fucking mind, the fucking fascist pig. Oh wait, sorry, 'girls shouldn't fight, girls should stay home and clean and cook and wait on men hand and fucking foot' because that's all we're fucking good for!"
"Y/N, I think you already gave him a piece of your mind" Roger chuckled, grabbing the top of your arm to stop you from pacing around. You shot him a glare for laughing at the situation, until his hand grabbed yours, causing you to wince at the sudden pain. "Wait, Y/N, is your hand okay?"
"I-I don't know, it kind of hurt when I hit him, I can't really move it very well" you breathed, out of breath from your pacing and shouting. You lifted your hand and tried to bend it, but you could barely move it without sharp pains shooting through you. "Y/N, I think it's broken. Let me take you to the hospital"
"No no no, I'm not going to the hospital - maybe in the morning, but not now. Right now, I just want to go home and drink until I fall asleep."
"Well, let me walk you back then - you can't walk back by yourself in the rain, it's dark and it's not safe out. Plus, I haven't really got to spend as much time as I wanted to with you tonight" Roger grinned, holding out his hand to meet yours; the one which wasn't broken that is. You took it into your hold, as you began to walk towards your block - it was only a 10 minute walk, but it seems much shorter when you are enjoying your time.
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sage-nebula · 5 years
Okay, I finished season one of Good Morning Call, but I honestly don’t think I’ll be able to make it through season two. I don’t think I’m strong enough.
Long story short, season one ended with Nao finally, finally opening her eyes and getting some sense and being secure in her relationship with Uehara. She finally saw the fifty thousand signs he’d given her that he loves her (actually, she needed him to say it outright like three times, but still), and was secure in how they were despite that they were going to live apart (albeit to their surprise, still right next door). But season two? Season two starts with them in college, and with Nao right back to being filled with insecurity. Uehara is massively popular at his university to the point where he gets 123 love confessions in two hours, and Nao is sitting there . . . worried about and stressing about the fact that he’s so popular. Despite Uehara turning down every single confession (and Nao saw this, because she was stalking him), despite the fact that Uehara has made it clear time and again that he’s only interested in her, despite that they live next door to each other, Nao is insecure since they’re going to different universities (their campuses are right across the street) and he’s popular.
And fam, I just . . . I don’t think I can do this.
Because tbh, her behavior gets even worse than that. I’ve only seen the first episode and the very beginning of the second so far, but in the first episode, Nao decides to try to make Uehara jealous by going to a matchmaking party with her new college friend and Marina. Marina announces that she and Nao have never had boyfriends before, and Nao nervously goes along with it until Uehara (who was tricked there by his new friend Natsume) walks in, having heard the whole thing. Nao then spends the remainder of the party fretting about the fact that Uehara is so popular with the girls there, even though he’s steadfastly ignoring all of them and is focusing on eating. Toward the end of the party, Nao is almost roped into kissing this rando during a rubber band game, at which point Uehara slams his hand on the table, announces to everyone there that she is his girlfriend, and leads her out of the party. TL;DR they end up making up near the end and he tries to invite her to stay with him at his apartment, only for new friend Natsume to interrupt and ask if he can stay the night at Uehara’s since he lost his wallet and/or keys (can’t remember which). 
Now, here’s the thing.
Nao wanted to make Uehara jealous thanks to some bad advice by Daichi (DAICHI ONCE AGAIN BEING THE WORST). She got dressed up and went to a matchmaking party without telling him, knowing full well that’s what it was, after forbidding him to go just the day before (when she turned down Natsume’s offer for him). Then, when Uehara shows up, Nao is anxious and insecure about why he’s there.
Uehara was tricked into it by Natsume (who told Uehara that they were just going out to eat), but that’s not even the point. Nao, you were there. You went there, and though you objected to Marina’s lie at first, you then went along with it because the boys complimented you. As Uehara points out after the party, she got dressed up. She went to a matchmaking party. She went along with the lie that she didn’t have a boyfriend. She nearly kissed some rando (though to be fair to her, she was backing away and clearly didn’t want to).
At this point in time, from an outsider’s perspective, the only one who looks like they’re likely to cheat is Nao. 
Yes, Uehara is popular, but he’s turned down every single love confession he got. He ignored the girls at the party even as they practically climbed into his lap. He actively runs away from them at school. He has made it clear time and again that Nao is the only person he’s interested in, something that she seemed to understand at the end of the first season. Uehara may be popular, but it’s blatantly obvious that he’s not interested in a single girl other than Nao.
Whereas Nao went to a matchmaking party, dressed up all cute, and went along with the lie that she didn’t have a boyfriend. Like??? We know Nao won’t cheat, but that’s sure as hell not how it looks! Uehara had every right to be pissed after the party, but even then he didn’t yell at Nao and did his best to just drop it and move on!
So the next morning Nao gets dressed up again and decides she’ll wake Uehara up. She goes over to his place (since he gave her a key), goes to his bed, and is pulled down into a kiss . . .
. . . by Natsume, who was using the bed instead of Uehara. And Uehara happens to see.
Nao panics and flees to back to her apartment. While she’s panicking, Uehara grabs Natsume by the front of his shirt like he’s about to deck him, but Natsume hastily apologizes, says he was still half asleep, etc etc. Uehara knows it was an accident; he knows Nao didn’t realize that wasn’t him, believes Natsume when he says it was an accident. He’s still upset, but logically he knows it was just a mishap and so he’s determined to move on.
So when Nao comes back over a few moments later and tries to apologize, Uehara tells her that he doesn’t care at all, that it was just a case of bad timing, that Natsume apologized as well, that it’s fine. He tells her to forget it, and then goes back to what he was doing.
And do you know what Nao does?
She storms back to her apartment to throw a hissy fit over the fact that he’s not mad.
Like??? Literally, her boyfriend saw her kiss another guy the night after she went to a matchmaking party dressed up and playing along that she didn’t have a boyfriend, but he’s understanding and tells her that he doesn’t care (i.e. he’s not mad) and that she should forget it, and she’s . . . upset at this. She’s upset that Uehara is understanding, that he’s not letting his jealousy get the better of him, that he’s letting it go and just wants to move past it. She’s literally throwing a tantrum, claiming he doesn’t understand how she feels, because he’s not mad that she kissed another guy right in front of him after her nonsense the previous night.
I just . . . I can’t, man. I can’t do it. Season one ended on a happy note for these two. Nao was finally secure, Uehara was going to be more open about his feelings. As cute as Uehara has already been this season (this poor boy I just want to hug him, all he wants to do is eat and enjoy his campus life in peace but instead he’s constantly followed by a fangirl horde and he dropped his giant onigiri), and as much as I like his relationship with Natsume already (there’s a ship right there lemme tell you), I just . . . I don’t think I can stand another season of Nao. At the beginning of the first episode, when Marina met Nao’s new friend Ota, she told Ota that Ota would have to deal with all of Nao’s whining about Uehara day in and day out and to please stick by her even when she was annoying, and god, Ota brushed that off but Marina was not kidding, this is not a drill. And since that is apparently not changing at all this season despite the development last season?
I . . . I think I’m out. I don’t think I’m strong enough. There are other shows on Netflix, other dramas too; I will find something else, and just pretend the show ended with season one.
I think that will be better in the long run.
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bloodyshadow1 · 6 years
Nature V NatureBlog:ModernAu
So this is my submission for day 4 critrole femslash week, prompt Alternate Universe.  I choose to do a modern au with a vlogger/social media because when I started it I read a few and thought they were neat. Hope you enjoy, read, review, comment, reblog, they really mean more than you’d think when writing stuff like this.
 “Oh sweet Pelor, she posted another freaking video,” Vex’ahlia ‘Vex’ Vessar screamed at her brother Vax’ildan, or Vax for pretty much anyone who had ever talked to him.
“Who my dear sweet even-tempered sister,” Vax asked half amused half mocking.  He already knew who Vex was throwing her latest hissy fit over, she had been throwing tantrums over the other half-elf for months.  It wasn’t fair, there was such a huge storm in Emon last week the meant she wasn’t able to go out and hike like she normally did which meant she hadn’t been able to film a new video.  It also meant that she hadn’t been able to visit her sweet baby boy Trinket either and that was even worse.  Maybe it was making her cranky, but she wouldn't admit that.
“You very well know who I mean,” Vex said rounding on her brother but her eyes never strayed from her phone, “Keyleth Zephara.”  The newest Druid Diaries video already had a couple thousand views and it had only been up for an hour at most.  Vex hadn’t watched it yet, but she knew it would be sweet and wonderful and oh so sickening, just like the woman who it focused on.
“Oh right the red-haired bimbo who has been the bane of your existence for the past few months. The one who updates every Saturday, which is today,” Vax said not even looking up from his tablet.  He had much better things to do than listen to his sister go on and on about her one-sided war she was waging against her crush even if his sister wouldn’t admit it was a crush.
“I never said she was a bimbo,” Vex retorted.  She glanced at her phone again seeing Keyleth’s smiling face as she traveled through the wilderness, “I mean yes I called her a strumpet, but I didn’t actually know what it meant.  I thought it was an insult that you called pretty women.”
“I know,” Vax said finally looking at his twin sister, if only so she could see his shit eating grin.  “Zahra won’t let you forget it.”
Vex didn’t need to be reminded about her ex-girlfriend/current best friend’s literal rolling on the floor laughter the first time Vex used the word wrong during a rant about Keyleth. Besides, Zahra didn’t matter right now, “I just don’t get how her blog is more popular than mine?  I mean we’re both nature blogs, but I’m the 3 time gold medalist and fashion icon, whereas she’s just a nature blog.  Why is she more popular than me? Vex’ahlia’s Visions is a masterpiece blog in my opinion, it combines fitness, fashion, and nature.” Vex had started it up sometime during the last Summer games and her third gold medal victory and it had been a very popular blog for the last 3 years.  Her friend Scanlan had suggested it, said that she could boost her popularity and show her fans the real her. While she was initially against it she had to admit it was fun and she did love the praise she received for her breathtaking nature shots as well as people lavishing over her beauty during her fitness and fashion segments.
“How could my blog be losing to a blog about a gorgeous girl who does cute things with animals she sees travel the world. It’s only been up for two years.” A moment passed and Vex was about to answer but Vex stopped him, “I know, I know her blog sounds awesome, I realized it the second the words came out of my mouth.  Still, it doesn’t explain why she’s more popular than me.  She calls her fans Kikinuts for crying out loud.”
“I mean, it probably doesn’t help that you follow her and are like half the views on her videos.”
“I’m not half the views on her videos,” Vex shot back, “maybe a quarter, but not half,” she whispered to herself.  She can’t help it, after all Keyleth of the Air Ashari was the competition, Vex had to watch her videos to see why they were so popular, at least 8 times each just to be sure, sometimes with and other times without sound.  “Still, I’m a ranger and one of the most famous in the world, how does someone have a nature blog more popular than mine?”
Despite Vex’s complaints she did love Keyleth’s videos.  They were always surprisingly informative about the places she visited, and she would always have animals in her videos that did cute things and she would talk to sometimes.  Usually she would end up sleeping in the woods somewhere making a shelter, foraging for her own food and water, living under the stars.  As a powerful druid she apparently had the ability to summon storms and perfect wifi no matter where she went in addition to her other magical and shapeshifting abilities.  Being able to summon lightning meant her equipment was always charged too so that was helpful for a druid ‘roughing’ it.
“You might be a ranger Stubby, but she’s a druid.  You both might have nature one your side but she can turn into animals and talk to them and people love animals.”
“I have animals in my videos.”
“You have animals that are running away from you little sister,” Vax said standing up giving his sister a kiss on the forehead since he knows how much she hates it.  “Keyleth gets them to gather around her like she’s a Disney princess or something. And that’s not even getting to how she is with plants. Or she gets attacked by them which also leads to a lot of views because people like to see that sort of thing.  I’m sorry but I don’t think you’re going to win this one.  Especially since you want to keep my nephew out of the spotlight.”
“I swore I would never become a crazy stage mom and force Trinket in the spotlight for something as paltry as popularity.  My child is a wild dangerous beast and my animal companion like the ones the rangers of old would ride into battle with.  Not some dancing bear doing tricks for snacks and nose pats.  The fact that he’s adorable and happens to love me with all his giant heart is a moot point,” Vex said matter-of-factly.  She loved Trinket more than anything in this world, which is why she let him roam free in the wilds near Emon instead of stuck in her house like a pet.
“That makes me proud Stubby,” Vax said giving his sister the biggest sloppiest kisses he could muster on each cheek, one for him and one for his nephew.  As she pushed him away he continued, “I know you’ve always wanted to be the type of successful woman that those bastards back in Syngorn would have to respect at least.  But I’m glad you’re not willing to go crazy over that.  I mean if winning three gold medals for archery in the past 3 olympic games didn’t make Syldor respect you, I doubt becoming internet famous will.”
“That might be because I competed on behalf of Emon and beat every pureblooded natural born son and daughter of Syngorn they sent up against me, along with the competitors from the Dwendali Empire, Marquet, and everywhere else,,” Vex said proudly.  The memories of her father looking down on her archery skills back when she was 6 still hurt, he had only agreed to let her try after her stepmother convinced him to let her try.  He had bet on her quitting in a week.  Her stepmother had given her the gold piece when the two of them left to study abroad in Emon when they were 12.  A reminder of the first time she forced her father to eat those words Devana said before sending her off with a kiss on the forehead and telling her to not make it the last.
“Syldor and the rest of them back in Syngorn would still respect you even if they hated you, the fact that they still don’t means they never will Stubby.  So stop acting like having the best nature blog will make you anything more than an ambassador’s bastard half-blooded daughter to the stuffy elves back home and just enjoy your crush like a normal person,” Vax said as patiently as he could.  He knew it probably wouldn’t get through, it wasn’t the first time they had this conversation, but Vex had a hard time letting their horrible childhood go.
“Whatever,” Vex said shrugging off her brother’s words, “why don’t you get out of here, I have a video to watch.”
Sighing Vax just decided to let it go, one issue at a time, “when you watch this time, maybe just forget about your one-sided rivalry with Keyleth for now and just watch her video.  You know you always forget about how much you pretend to hate her once you see her break out in that embodiment of sunshine smile she always opens up with,” when Vex flipped him off in response he just let out a sigh and moved to the door.  “Just try not to drool all over yourself this time or should I say don’t let her make you so mad you’ froth with rage,” he managed to say before he dashed out of the room dodging pillows that his sister was trying to assault him with.
Unfortunately for Vex this left her alone to deal with her brooding/crush over Keyleth.   She wished Trinket was there, he always managed to make her feel better, but a bear wasn’t meant for a populated area, the woods near Emon were fine since he was less than a mile away at worst, but it still didn’t mean his absence wasn’t felt.  She had a cabin deeper in the woods on private property that Trinket stayed in or around most days.  It worked for Trinket and it worked for her wilderness videos.
She waited to watch the newest Druid Diaries, she knew it would be fantastic even if she could only see the thumbnail.  It was of Keyleth sitting up in between two tree branches, she was smiling of course, wearing her classic green ensemble with her iconic antler crown framing her long mane of red hair.  Initially she thought that Keyleth had a lot of followers and fans because she was a pretty girl.  There were always idiots who followed pretty girls who made videos, Vex knew first hand when she was starting out, but that wasn’t the secret to Keyleth’s success.  While she was adorably charming in a clumsy sort of way Keyleth did know her stuff when it came to animals and plants, even if she seemed a bit ditzy at first glance.
Quietly, Vex wondered where Keyleth was going to be shooting this month.  The druid seemed a nomad at heart and despite loving each location she got to she only spent a month or so in an area to explore all the natural world had to offer with a video showing up each week before moving on.  Vasselheim was an exception though, Keyleth seemed to fall in love with the ancient city and it’s forests full of magical beasts and stayed a whole 4 months before moving on.  Her fans loved it though, everything from the forests and the monsters, to the way their idol had explored the ancient city.  She had spent so long there that there was speculation on her forum that she had joined the legendary Slayer’s Take hunter’s guild.
Vex had always wanted to go but had never gotten the nerve to.  But she would one day, she’d take Trinket there and explore the forests, see the wild magical beasts that hunted in those woods, maybe she’d even join the Slayer’s Take.  It was supposed to be a pretty open guild, once you took a contract you needed to fulfill it but it also didn’t have a requirement to keep taking contracts.
That didn’t matter right now though, she had to watch the new video her enemy put out.  Despite what her brother thought Vex did not find Keyleth attractive, just annoyingly beautiful and awkwardly  charming, but not attractive no sir. Realizing she was just justifying her actions to herself, Vex let out a sigh and started Keyleth’s newest video.  It was long enough that she’d by the time she finished she’d be able to watch Keyleth’s live Q&A segment that she always did after the first week. Every now and then her phone would go off to tell her that she had a new notification, something she normally checked religiously, but she ignored them, when it was Keyleth’s video watching time the building would be on fire and she wouldn't notice, which had happened before.  
“Hey there Kikinuts,” Keyleth started out with her camera zoomed in way too far so they could only see her right eye.  Vex gave a snort, this meant Keyleth was doing things solo, her best friend and camera man when he could Percy wouldn't have let her start a video like that. “Oh sorry, let me adjust that,” she said zooming out a bit until her whole face was in the video.  “There we go,” Keyleth said giving the camera a smile and Vex felt her heart speed up.  ‘Shut up Vax,’ she thought out loud to a brother that wasn’t there.  Keyleth might have had the most gorgeous green eyes Vex had ever seen, but it was her face that she could, and have stared at for hours.
Vex couldn’t help but notice how the morning sun just lit up Keyleth’s long mane of untamed red hair like a sea of rubies or fire.  She looked beautiful, Vex could admit that much as she sighed feeling the anger towards the innocent woman whose only crime was being more popular than she was and making her feel weird things.
“I hope you all enjoyed my last month in Whitestone, the home of my best friend and assistant Percival Fredrickstein Von Martini Koala De Rolo the Third,” she giggled.  it was a running gag in her videos for Percy’s name to be unpronounceable to anyone other than him.  “Unfortunately,” Keyleth said sobering up a bit, “Percy decided to take a bit of a leave of absence for a while. Don’t worry, we’re still a duo and having broken up or anything, he just needed some time to himself. Seeing his childhood home and his family made him feel a bit nostalgic so he decided  to stay with them for a while to catch up. You can still keep up with him @Pderolo3 and of course you can follow me @TempestOfAntlers if you aren’t already. Remember if you like this video, leave a like and subscribe, maybe even a comment.  Just a reminder because this is the first week of the month, I will be doing a live Q&A session 2 hours after the video airs so send in your questions. It’s weird to be saying that since it will be the future by then but it’s what we’ve been doing. Any way,” Keyleth said giving her fingers a snap, “now that that’s out of the way, we can start our video for real.”
It started off like it usually did with videos of her hiking for a bit and just enjoying the sounds of nature all around her. Vex didn���t usually like this part, it was fine but Keyleth did her best to be quiet for the first few minutes or so and as much as Vex loved nature, sometimes trees just looked like trees, and she had enough trees in whenever she went to visit Trinket. These trees didn’t look any different, which made Vex sit up, actually not only did they not look any different, those were the same trees she saw whenever she visited Trinket, the exact same trees.  “Here I am in the Forests of Emon, the capital of Tal'Dorei, and home to Sovereign Uriel Tal’Dorei the Third,” Keyleth said breaking into the talking points of her show where she would list the history but Vex didn’t hear her.  She was paralyzed frozen by the information that Keyleth Zephara was literally a few miles away in the forests she walked and hiked in for years.  
It wasn’t until Keyleth got a familiar furry visitor, a large brown mass of fur lumbered into the clearing that Keyleth was currently filming in.  The two of them stared at each other dumbstruck, neither expecting the other and Vex had a mini heart attack.  She knew that Trinket was the sweetest being in creation, but he was still a wild animal, she knew that Trinket wouldn’t attack Keyleth but that didn’t mean that Keyleth wouldn’t attack him thinking she was in danger.  Keyleth might not be a warrior, but she was a powerful druid, Vex had seen videos where Keyleth turned into sharks, or tigers, or giant rock monsters, she could destroy Trinket in a fight.
“Alright viewers,” Keyleth whispered into her camera, “I am going to show you how I deal with wild animals that could be potentially dangerous.  Just a warning, don’t try this at home unless you are a druid to and even then, I wouldn’t recommend it.” With that she put her phone down so she was still in view, and for a minute she glowed.  
Vex was about to run outside with her arrows, crush or not if Keyleth hurt her baby she’d shove an arrow so far up that bitch’s ass that. Luckily her rational side took over before she could do something stupid, it said that this video happened a week ago so even if she did rush out she’d be too late.  Also, it said that she always knew when Trinket was in danger thanks to their bond so she had nothing to worry about.  She had felt him be nervous during the storm that was after when Keyleth would have shot her video.  
“Hello,” Keyleth said in a deeper voice than normal, “I am Keyleth,” her voice said was heavy and harsher than normal, like she was growling.  Trinket just let out a large roar in response, Vex could tell he wasn’t angry or scared, just curious, “Oh, you speak common,” Keyleth said in response, “that makes things easier.”
Trinket growled back friendlier than before, “okay so you’re Trinket,” Keyleth responded, “it’s very nice to meet you Trinket,” she said giving Trinket a scratch on the chin.  And Vex’s heart started to calm down a little, it also tried not to melt. Seeing the girl of her dreams befriending her son  was not something she ever thought she’d see, but it did things to her. Not dirty things, but familial things that she hadn’t dreamed of feeling in a long time.  
“You’re very nice for a wild bear,” Keyleth started to say, “I don't mean that other bears aren’t nice wild or not,” she said backtracking.  “It’s just most wild bears I meet aren’t so nice or understand common.  Oh you’re Vex’s bear,” Keyleth said excitedly and Vex’s heart just froze.  The notifications were going off on her phone like crazy now and to the point where Vex had to plug her headphones into her laptop just so she could watch what could be her most important moment of her life. “Wow that’s amazing, I didn’t realize she had a bear, especially one as cute and cuddly as you,” she said in a cutesy baby tone as she gave Trinket a belly rub.  
“No,” Keyleth responded to one of Trinket’s growls, “never meet Vex personally, I saw her up close once though,” she said surprising Vex.  “It was during the games before last, I went there with my father to represent the Ashari tribes. We don’t exactly have the numbers for athletes to compete, but we were invited to spectate the games.  It was a great honor for the tribes, but I was nervous, most of the competitors were hyper focused on their own events they didn’t have time for anyone who wasn’t a fellow athlete, a coach, or the press so I was lost.   I didn’t feel like I belonged there so part of me wanted to just curl up and cry in my room from nerves and anxiety.   Then at one of the dinner after the opening ceremonies, I saw her, arguing with another athlete form Syngorn despite her being a whole head shorter than him and probably ten years younger, and winning. I think probably the coolest girl I’ve ever seen and she was my age.  I didn’t introduce myself back then, I was still too nervous to, but just seeing her stand up for herself made me feel braver. I kind of became a Vex fangirl after that,” Keyleth said kind of dreamily, maybe?  It sounded dreamily to Vex who was trying really hard not to get her hopes up.  This couldn’t’ be real right?
This couldn’t be happening, this was something after a cheesy romcom, granted it would normally happen with dogs opposed to bears, but Vex didn’t have a dog.  “I went to each of her competitions and bought tons of her merchandise, I just was so into her.”
“Do you want to be,’ Vex thought absentminded, she really had no filter when she wasn’t paying attention.
“I got into vlogging because of her actually,” she said surprising Vex when she did.  “I got a notification about her on google and saw her video for the first time and I don’t’ know I just subscribed then and there. Oh I don’t know why I’m tell you this Trinket,” Keyleth said looking cute and Vex thought her heart couldn’t take it.
“Oh Vex talked about me with you before,” Keyleth asked excitedly and Vex’s heart dropped, oh no.
For a moment she just watched and listened while Trinket growled amicably with a big smile on her face. Slowly though her smile seemed to fade slowly to the point where she Vex could hear Keyleth’s heart break, “I see she said that about me,” now it sounded like the Druid was about to cry. “I guess I could see that, she isn’t the first person to say things like that about me.  I think we should move along, there are so many nice things to see in Emon,” but now she sounded like a carebear who was told love didn’t exist.
Vex’s alarm went off to let her know that Keyleth’s Q&A and Vex immediately shut her alarm off and saw she had hundreds of notifications. Some were “Why are you being mean to Keyleth,” or “I don’t get where you get off being mean to Keyleth, she’s great while you’re the worst,” which seeing how she was feeling right now she couldn’t disagree.  Others were worse unfortunately, “I’m with you, Keyleth is an overrated bitch,” or “Keyleth is a cunt who doesn’t know anything and needs to shut her trap. Team Vex all the way,” which got a block from Vex right away.  Even a few gross ones that say things like “if the two of you are going to have a fight you should film it with jello to boost both your views.” Honestly she wouldn’t mind getting jello with Keyleth, but she wasn’t’ going to have a catfight in it, at least not for people to watch.
Immediately she turned on Keyleth’s live stream and saw that the area she was filming in was partially destroyed.  In the background of her shot though there was a cabin that looked far to familiar. “Hi there Kikinuts. There was a bit of a storm the last few days so sorry I’ve been out of communication.  But I’m here and safe, my friend Trinket actually brought me to this nice cabin that belongs to his owner,” she gestured to the, “he took me to where the spare key was so we could both stay safe and dry.  I just want you to know Ms. Vex’ahlia if you’re watching this I’m sorry, I never would have trespassed if it wasn’t an emergency.  I’ll leave money for whatever I took to survive, I didn’t mean to intrude upon your space.”  
“Oh fuck,” Vex swore aloud, the way Keyleth said her name now, it was so meek and formal, she’d talk to her father’s business associates like that growing up.  
“Anyway, enough about me,” Keyleth said, “lets here from you guys, what do you want to ask me?” She started scrolling through the chat, “Alright let’s see here there…, there’s a lot of questions asking what the deal between me and Vex’ahlia,” Keyleth said with an aggravated sigh, “look, I don’t know.  Like I said I was a huge fan of Vex, and if I could maybe talk to her, I still can be. I know this kind of seemed like I dropped this on you guys, but I’ve been wracking my brain over this for the last week.  Maybe I insulted her some way when we were kids by accident or something, but I don’t really know what I could have done to make her…, upset with me but I don’t’ want to start guessing on here without talking to each other first.  Since I’m in Emon I thought maybe I’d send her a message to see if we could meet up IRL and maybe clear the air without any cameras or people watching.  Maybe I can apologize for whatever I did to offend her.  Just don’t send her hate, like I said she’s still the coolest woman I’ve ever seen and Trinket here loves her,” she pointed over to Trinket the traitor who was just rolling around in the dirt being a happy bear.  “He’s been talking about how much he loves his mommy all week and how great she is. So I’m sure this is just a problem on my end that I hope we can fix.  I get enough hate because of what I do, I don’t ever want anyone else to experience that, especially over me,” her big green eyes were full of sincerity.
“Anyway,” she said trying to lighten the mood, “lets see about another question.  Sorry, they’re going by really quickly so if I don’t’ get to yours I’m sorry, I’m not ignoring you it’s just hard to see them sometimes.  Alright, how about this one,” she paused for a second before letting out a sigh of frustration, “no @AldarLoverL, I will not say what Vex said about me it’s private, she told her bear not me.  I shouldn’t have learned it the way that I did so please stop asking.  Moving on for…, are there any questions that aren’t about me and Vex’s so called feud?”
At that point Vex was already out the door rushing grabbing her keys and leaving her apartment. “Hey Vex,” Vax called her as she got to the front door, “are you watching…, I see you were watching Keyleth’s live stream.”
“I always do you know that, dear brother of mine,” Vex said trying to keep the frustration out of her voice.  She loved her brother, her twin, the other part of her soul, but she needed to go to her cabin and clear the air.  It was only a few miles away, on her bike she could be there in under 15 minutes.  
“Are you really going to crash her livestream just to tell her that you don’t actually hate her?”
“Yeah or at least that was the plan,” she admitted, “she’s at my cabin with my son thinking that for  the past week I hate her, I need to make things right.  Now if you’ll excuse me,” and Vex was out the door quicker than her arrows.  She tore down four flights of stairs faster than any sprinter she’d meet and got to the garage where she kept her other baby, “Death From Above”.  It was a nice looking motorcycle that Vex loved to ride, she had beaten some crazy dragonborn necromancer in pool for it but it was hers. DFA was loud but it was fast and it got her where she was going and it made Vex feel like she was flying.
It was a quick ride, luckily there was no traffic the way to the cabin, once she was off the main road it was just a barely paved dirt road to get to her little slice of heaven. By the time she got to the cabin her heart was still pounding, she all but jumped off her bike and ran to the back where she recognized Keyleth was filming.  She got back there right as she started to realize she had no idea what she was doing, Keyleth was still shooting her Q&A, it usually lasted an hour.  Vex’s body moved before her mind could catch up and she was around the corner face to face with Keyleth before she realized these things.
Sweet Pelor the Ashari woman was more beautiful and cute in person, for a good thirty seconds they looked at each other not saying anything, Keyleth shocked just as much as she was.  “I was watching your stream,” Vex started to explain, “after watching your last video.  I saw you were at my cabin and were talking to my bear.  I just wanted to say I don’t’ hate you, Trinket made a mistake.  And now I realize how unprofessional this is, crashing your shoot,” Vex said awkwardly slinking behind the corner of her cabin embarrassed.  
“Excuse me,” Vex heard Keyleth say to her viewers, and followed Vex.
“I’m so sorry about that,” Vex said her head in her hands sitting on the deck of the cabin  That was one of the most embarrassing things that she had done.
“No, you don’t have to apologize for anything,” Keyleth assured her, “I mean it’s your cabin after all, I’m just trespassing.”
“Trinket showed you where the key was, that means you’re a guest,” Vex said giving her an attempt at a smile.  
“This is not how I expected to meet you,” Keyleth said taking a seat next to Vex on the porch.
“Well if we’re being fair I didn’t you’d ever talk to my bear and spend the week thinking I hated you,” Vex said
“So…, you don’t hate me,” Keyleth asked quietly unsure if she was going to like the answer.  “Trinket said you don’t say a lot of good things about me when you talk to him.”
“I promise Keyleth I don’t’ hate you,” Vex swore, “Look, it’s nothing you did, I just…, I have issues. I promise, I’ll make a video telling everyone that I don’t’ hate you, post an apology letter, anything you want. I owe you that much.”  
“Well…,” Keyleth said thinking, “I mean you already said you didn’t hate me in my segment.  Do you maybe want to come on with me and we can put the rumors to death for real?”
“You really don’t’ mind if I’m in your video,” Vex asked incredulously. She expected Keyleth to hate her for making her think that she was hated.
“I mean I kind of dreamed of collaborated with you for a while,” Keyleth said her cheeks red, “I wasn’t lying when I said you were the reason I got into making videos.”
“Let’s do it, if it’s really okay,” Vex said standing up face to face with Keyleth.  She never realized how tall Keyleth was, even without the antlers she was almost half a foot taller than Vex.  It was kind of a turn on.
“Great,” Keyleth said jumping up and down in excitement and hugged her.  Vex never thought she’d feel like Elenore to Keyleth’s Tahani but, to quote the Good Place, “of course your hugs are amazing.”
Five minutes later they were in front of Keyleth’s camera starting their collaboration. “Hi Kikinuts, I’m back, sorry about that. I just had to work a few things out with my special surprise guest, Vex’ahlia of Vex’halia’s Visions.”
“That’s Keyleth, you can call me Vex though,” Vex said, not wanting to tell her that she liked it when Keyleth used her shortened name, it made her smile.  “I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d drop by,” she cursed herself for sounding so stupid.  Of course, she was in the neighborhood this was her cabin.  “I was watching your lasted video, which was great by the way,” she said turning to Keyleth, “you know up until you met Trinket, my animal companion.”
“Yeah, he’s wonderful but I think we got a bit confused,” Keyleth admitted.
“He’s my beautiful baby boy, but as much as I love him, he’s still a bear and doesn’t always understand the things I tell him. So I’m sorry about that, I can defanetly say that I don’t hate you Keyleth, I’ve actually a big fan.  Subscribed the moment I saw your videos.”
“Well that’s really sweet, I’m glad that we got all that cleared out of the way, because like I said I’m a big fan of yours too,” Keyleth said giving her warm smile that shot through the heart.  “Hear that views, Vex doesn’t hate me and I don’t hate her so maybe we can drop the whole thing, it was a misunderstanding.”
“Yeah, I didn’t really mean it when I said those things to him about you,” Vex explained without thinking, only to realize what she said when they came out of her mouth.
“Oh,” Keyleth said and the look on her face could make puppies cry, “so you did say those things about me.”
“Keyleth not like that,” Vex said she was normally so cool and good with her words, what was it about this girl that made her so stupid.
“It’s fine Vex,” Keyleth said trying to keep her smile on her face despite also looking like she was going to cry.
“I’m such an ass, it really wasn’t like that Keyleth,” Vex said turning away and saw the chat was exploding asking them over and over what she meant, or what she said.  It was starting to get aggravating.
“Vex,” Keyleth said meeting her eye, despite looking hurt the druid’s eyes were also strong, “it’s okay, you said you don’t hate me and are a fan and I believe you.  You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to.”
“Keyleth..,” Vex started she’d rather be vulnerable than let Keyleth think she hated her.  “It’s true, I said those horrible things about you, I’d say it pretty often, Trinket being a bear only knows the words.  If he was a person he might understand the nuance a bit better.  I’m not exactly the best person, I’m really competitive and don’t really know…, pretty girls make me stupid, especially the ones that I have a crush on, not the best combination,” and there it was she just admitted in front of all Keyleth’s fans and the woman herself that she had a crush on her. “Like I said, if Trinket was a people person maybe he’d understand that, since all my friends have told me I have a crush on you despite my name calling.”  There it was, Vex didn’t do vulnerable, but hey, it was a crazy situation and she didn’t have time to think about it.  
“Oh,” was all Keyleth could say as she blushed as red as her hair.
“You don’t’ have to say anything,” Vex assured her.  “I know this isn’t how you thought your day was going to go I just felt like being honest to avoid any more confusion.”
Keyleth started to hyperventilate and pulled out a paper bag. Vex was right, this definitely wasn’t how she expected her day to go.  “Shit,” Vex said and rushed into the house to fetch Keyleth a glass of water.  By the time she was back Keyleth seemed to calm down a little, at least enough to drink the glass of water.  “I’m really sorry about that, I didn’t expect that reaction,”
“No need to apologize,” Keyleth said after finishing the water, “its just not everyday your first crush surprises you a dozen times over and admits to having a crush on you.  Let’s turn this off,” she said jumping up and turning her camera off to the outrage of the chat. “We’ll tell you guys about what happens later,” Keyleth promised before signing off.  She started to pinch her arm wondering if this was all just a crazy dream, maybe she died in the storm and this was hell.
“We don’t’ have to do anything about this Keyleth, hell, we didn’t even know each other before today. If you want we could write the whole thing off as a skit we made together to show people we don’t’ actually hate each other.  We can say it was my idea,” Vex offered.  
“I don’t want to do that,” Keyleth said firmly, “I’m not going to lie about how I feel.  It’s just,” she started to say her face falling, “I’ve never dated anyone before, I’m a mess when it comes to talking to people, that’s why I move around so much and shoot videos in the woods with my only friend.  I’ve had a crush on you for so long, but it’s always been from a far. What happens if I ruin that, what happens when I ruin that, I won’t even have my stupid childish crush to fall back on.”
“Well why don’t we start off small,” Vex suggested, “we don’t have to get together and go steady right now, maybe we can start off with something small.  My name is Vex’ahlia Vessar, I’m a nature vlogger and 3 time gold winning medalist in archery,” she said holding out her hand, “it’s nice to meet you.”
For a moment Keyleth could only laugh, not at Vex, but at the whole situation, still, she took Vex’s outstretched hand, “Keyleth Zephara of the Ashari, the future voice of the Tempest and a nature vlogger as well.”
Those little gestures became conversations, those conversations became long talks and before you knew it, like and then love.  Keyleth wound up spending a record six months in Emon, despite the forests being nice but not impressive.  If it was Vex and Trinket’s home then it was the most amazing place in the world. And when she left Emon after those six months, she didn’t leave alone, she was never alone again.
   I really needed to wrap that up, the ending was getting away from me.  This was supposed to be a quick silly modern youtuber au that got out of hand. Originally it was supposed to end with Trinket telling Keyleth about Vex’s crush on her, but for some reason I added a lot of unnecessary drama.  Oh well it’s done and I hope you enjoyed it.  I realize that the characters are kind of ooc, but like I said they kind of got away from me.  
I also don’t know why I made Vex an Olympic athelet, it just kind of fit since she is a ranger class still, despite the world not really needing adventurers as much as it did in the old days.  Still, I did it and it’s done.  For anyone interested, I’d say that they’re around level 10, sort of when everything picks up in the campaign.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
The Ring and The Cure: Part 5
Pairings: Crowley x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff
Word Count: 2,467
A/N: Repost to spread it out the way it should be.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
“Daddy! Daddy!” Crowley had just enough time to spin on the spot before the little girl leapt off the stairs in the throne room and into his arms. “It's park day!” She squealed as her father grunted at the impact of his four year old slamming into his ribcage. 
“Yes, my little Candi Cane, we are going to the park today.” He huffed as he caught his breath and settled Candice on his hip. She giggled at the sound of her nickname and waved bye to the couple demons that had been in the throne room as her and her father headed back toward your bedroom. 
Crowley absolutely adored his daughter, giving her everything she could ever want or need in spades and he never once mentioned her true lineage nor did he let on to the few and far between moments that he saw when he would look at her and see a hint of your past mistake for a couple seconds. You had both been grateful that Candice was nearly your spitting image and that the only major thing that wasn’t yours was her eyes. If you were to judge by her eye color alone; however, you would think she was Sam’s daughter.
“Mommy it's park day!” Candice called out as your daughter and husband walked into the room; chatting up a storm about slides and swings. You looked up at her from the day bag you had been packing with a laugh.
“Yea baby, we are going to the park.” She squealed in joy and threw her little arms in the air in celebration for a full day out of your home in hell.
“What are you feeding her? She nearly knocked me on my bloody arse.” He chuckled as he set his daughter down on your bed, holding her hand in his knowing full well that she was going to jump on the bed like she always did no matter how many times you both told her not to.
“Oh, you know… c-a-k-e and i-c-e c-r-e-a-m.” You spelled out, not wanting to start a 4 year old hissy fit over not getting her favorite desserts at that exact moment. Crowley chuckled as he turned his body slightly to make sure his little girl didn’t accidentally jump off the edge of the bed and you pointed at him and picked up the bag. “You spoil her rotten.”
“I do nothing of the sort. I treat her as a princess should be treated.”
“Yeah, yeah. You tell me the same thing and you still won’t let me eat chocolate in bed.” He glared at you as he picked up Candice in his arms to take you all to the park.
“That is because for the sake of everything unholy, you cannot eat chocolates in bed without feeling the need to wipe your smudgy little fingers all over my pillow case because you find it amusing.” He smirked and walked over to you and you looked at the ceiling with a shit eating grin on your face. “Yes, that would be you, my Queen. Do not attempt to deny it.”
“I plead the 5th on that one your Majesty.” He laughed whole-heartedly as he pulled you into his chest; his hand coming to rest on your back side and he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“Plead the 5th all you wish. You know if I really wanted to I could fuck the answer out of you right here and now.” He stood up immediately and forced a cough to cover up the moan that escaped your lips. “Ready my little monkey?” He asked. Candice crinkled her nose the same way you did for a moment and gave him the only thing she inherited from her biological father; the signature Winchester pout. 
“I not em monkey, daddy!” She told him as her bottom lip poked out. Crowley didn’t draw any attention to the face no matter how much it stung and he thumbed her bottom lip to make her smile instead.
“Do this.” He said as he puffed out his cheeks with air. Not knowing what she was getting herself into, Candice mimicked her father. Crowley let his cheeks fall flat and smiled at her. “See you're a monkey.”
“No daddy. You’re em monkey.” Crowley scrunched up his nose at her, making Candice giggle adorably as he put his arm around your shoulder. He gently blew in his daughters face to get her to close her eyes so she wouldn’t be sick. She squealed in laughter at the slightly weightless feeling she got as Crowley brought the three of you to a random park by a lake. When he stopped blowing, Candice looked around, screeched like a monkey as she always did twice a month on park days and began to wiggle out of her father’s arms. He had just enough time to drop her “special park necklace” (a pink hex bag) around her neck before she dashed off to the playground to enjoy the beautiful day.
“You’re an idiot.” You told him as the two of you walked over to a bench to enjoy a day without phones or distractions with each other.
“She set herself up for it.” He chuckled and you laughed and looked at him.
“Baby, she’s four! Of course, she set herself up for it.” Crowley simply shrugged and draped his arm over your shoulder.
“She will learn one day.”
“What do you want for dinner, princess?” Your husband asked as he held the children’s coloring menu up and you smiled at him lovingly as he pointed out the various food choices. This was your favorite part about park days; sitting down at a local diner as a regular family. It was your way of keeping a sense of normality in your daughter’s otherwise extravagant life and to keep her humble. She pointed at her choice politely and held her hand out for her crayons, taking only a moment to remember to say ‘pwease’ when her daddy held the crayons just out of her reach.
“What are you havin’ baby?” You inquired as you stretched your legs under the table and rested them on the booth in front of you between your husband’s thighs. He pursed his lips as he looked over the menu and his free hand fell into his lap to lazily rub your ankles.
“Darling you know I am not a fan of diner food.” He said as he read over the menu with a smirk. He looked up at you through his lashes. “I must watch my girlish figure after all.” You laughed and tapped your foot gently on his thigh. You sighed in contentment and leaned back against the booth as the love of your life gently massaged the back of your leg while you waited for the waitress to come over to take your orders.
“Part of me wishes we could do this every night but the other part of me could never give up real Italian pasta or fresh Turkish baklava… You spoil me, baby.” He smiled at you and opened his mouth to respond when the happiness fell from his face and was replaced by pure rage.
“Well it’s always interesting to see you outside of business hours, Crowley and in a shitty diner, no less.” Dean mocked as he leaned against the back of your booth. You sat up straight, dropped your feet to the floor and looked up at him; unsure of how you felt about his sudden appearance. His mouth dropped open when his eyes fell on Candice and you watched the color drain from his face. You didn’t even get the chance to blink before Crowley jumped up and grabbed Dean’s arm to drag him from the restaurant; his eyes bright red in anger.
“Daddy, where you goin’?!” Candice squeaked with terror in her voice. She was a daddy’s girl through and through and hated being left behind. Crowley forced himself to put a calm mask on to not scare his child and turned back to look at her with calming brown eyes.
“Daddy has to go talk to his friend, sweetheart. I’m coming back; don’t you worry, little one.” She nodded, satisfied with his answer and went back to her coloring. His eyes flooded red once more and he turned back to Dean. “Walk. Moose; stay with them.” As Crowley dragged a terrified, angry and mortified Dean out of the diner, Sam stepped around them and came over to you.
“Well that ought to be a fun talk.” He said, relieving a smidge of the tension that lingered at your table. You stood up, gave him a hug and shrugged your shoulder.
“I take it he doesn’t talk about her when he’s around y’all, does he?” Sam shook his head as he looked at your daughter with a small smile on his face.
“She looks a lot like you.” You nodded and sighed softly.
“She has your hazel eyes.” Sam looked down at you and you smiled. “I know. I was surprised too.” He hummed and looked back at the little girl trying to commit her to memory. “Don’t tell Dean or Crowley that I told you because it would only hurt one or both of them but you have the right to know. Her name is Candice MacLeod. Her birthday is Christmas day so she will be turning 5 this year.”
“Has it really been that long?” He asked and you nodded slowly. The both of you stood in silence for a moment before Sam cleared his throat. “Thank you.” You nodded with pursed lips and glanced up at him.
“You don't have to thank me, Sam. Shit, we had only met twice and we made the agreement together because of that. Dean was too drunk to remember not doing it and with the Mark and their budding bromance it was the smarter move to make. We both knew I would go back eventually, both knew that you and Crowley weren't on good terms and we both agreed that if this was the outcome of your one night stand with the future Queen of Hell, it would have gone over a lot smoother with Dean as the culprit over you."
“Are you ever going to tell him she’s mine?” He whispered and you shook your head.
“No, it’s too late for that. But just so you know, he does right by her. He's treated her like she was his from day one. I know that doesn't make this situation any easier for you but I figured you would feel a little better knowing your daughter was healthy, happy and loved.” Sam nodded and brushed a stray tear off his cheek.
"Honestly, (Y/N) for what it's worth... with everything Dean and I have gone through in the past 5 years, it is actually comforting to know that she is safer with you and Crowley. That's all I ever wanted; to know that my child was safe from the evils of this world and didn't have to be raised in this lifestyle like I was. I could never give her that." You gave him a weak smile before both of you turned back to Candice. You had an idea pop into your head and you took his hand, stepped toward the table and crouched down, pulling Sam down with you.
"Hey Candi Cane..." You said gently and she looked at you and smiled. You heard Sam breathe deeply at getting to see his daughter's face and his eyes completely for the first time and you squeezed his hand in support. "This is mommy's friend from a long time ago. His name is Sam. Can you do mommy a favor?" You asked your daughter, knowing that this move would be risky but worth it. She nodded and you squeezed Sam's hand in an attempt to prepare him. "Can you look him in the eye and tell him that you love him for me. He doesn't believe mommy when I told him you loved everyone in the whole world." Sam squeezed your hand tightly as a giant smile lit up his little girl's face and her eyes changed slightly from a total hazel brown to a slightly more bluish color the same way Sam's did as she looked at him.
"You gots ta listen to my mommy, Sam. I luv all the peoples in the whole wide world; specly you cuz your mommy and daddy's fwiend!" He smiled broadly at her; lost for words and visibly fighting back tears. With a smile, you told her to go back to coloring her picture for daddy as you and Sam stood up.
"Fuck... that… thank you." Was all he managed to get out before you stepped in and gave him a hug.
"I hope that didn't make this harder." You said as you pulled away and he shook his head as a few tears fell from his beautiful kaleidoscope eyes.
"Seeing her so happy with both of you proves to me that we were right in what we did. I would love to be in her life, but I know this way she's happy and safe and that's all that matters to me in the end.” 
“Sammy, let’s go!” Dean shouted as he ripped open the diner door, a look of terror and anger on his face as a very smug Crowley strolled past him. You and Sam exchanged a quick smile that said everything it needed to and he took a second to wipe away a couple stray tears before he looked at his daughter one last time. With an appreciative pat on your shoulder, he turned around and left the diner and you forced yourself to tuck your thoughts about that night to the recesses of your mind once more.
“Have a nice chat?” You asked, with a smile on your face as you and Crowley sat back down in the booth. He nodded and kissed the top of Candice’s head who was thankfully lost in her coloring once more.
“Just had to remind him of his choices is all.” You huffed a laugh and glanced out the window as the Impala pulled out of the parking lot. You caught Sam’s eye immediately and with an appreciative nod from him, the two of you said your silent goodbyes. You looked back at your husband and put your feet back up between his knees on the booth, feeling a little freer despite the lie that was told all those years ago.
“So what is Mr. Girlish figure having?” You teased as you picked up your menu again; already forgetting about the real one night stand you had in Costa Rica.
Part 6
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ourlittlesecretokay · 6 years
3, 7, 8 (I love these btw)
Thank you!! I combined the last two, because I have executive control and a power complex
The way you said “I love you” with a scream
The way you said “I love you” as a thank you
The way you said “I love you” as an apology
“I don’t see why you care so much!”
“I don’t care!” She punctuated the statement by a shove, knocking him back a step.
“Fine, if you want to be a child about it, that’s fine.” He waved the papers in the air, equal parts exasperated and exhausted. “Pardon me for, oh, I don’t know, caring about your opinion!”
“I don’t see why you would bother! I don’t care!”
“Evidently!” But then she was slamming the kitchen door in his face, and even if he wanted to, he couldn’t let it drop.
“No!” storming in, he let the door bang open, “You do NOT slam doors in my face!”
“Since when?” Turning to face him, she stood stiff, her arms crossed. Didn’t he have sense enough to leave her alone?
“I told you I’d take it out if it bothers you so much!”
“I’m not bothered!”
“You are LITERALLY only hurting yourself here!”
“What, are you offended I’m not more jealous?”
“Jealous? We’ve moved past jealous into enraged. Jealous would be much more reasonable! I could work with jealous!”
“Well I’m not! You do whatever the hell you want!”
“Oh my g- It’s just a script!”
“A script which YOU wrote.”
“No, not me, i-”
“Sorry, not you, whatever fucking alias you’re using for this one!”
“Language.” The corners of his mouth turned down, still finding the time to reprimand her. “I asked if it was going to be an issue, and if it’s not-”
“It isn’t! I genuinely do not see why you would possibly think I’d have an issue with it.”
“Well now you’re just overdoing it. Seriously? It’s just a play. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Of course it doesn’t! God, you’re so stupid!”
“Fine, you know what? I’m keeping it in. If you’re so OBVIOUSLY unperturbed by it, then it won’t be a problem!”
They stood in silence, neither one looking at the other.
“It’s shitty writing anyway,” she muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.
“EXCUSE me?”
“I said, it’s shitty writing! You’re a bad writer!” Her finger jabbed at his chest. He scowled, irritated beyond belief.
“Oh, because you could do so much better?”
“I could! Who even talks like that? God, if the audience isn’t already nauseous from watching you makeout with someone on stage, this dialogue will put them under for sure!”
“That-” he gestured with his finger, trying to keep his anger coherent, “is uncalled for!”
“Oh, and I’m the oversensitive one? You’re the one throwing a hissy fit over an honest critique!”
“You’re not being honest nor fair!”
“What can I say, maybe you’re a bad influence after all.”
“Look,” he held his hands out in surrender, “I’ll take it out. All you have to do is say you want me to.”
“I! Don’t! Care! I’m just trying to keep you from embarrassing yourself. It sounds like you’ve never met a woman in your life! I mean, honestly,” snatching the papers from his hand, she began to read aloud, “‘Now that I know you exist, how could I ever survive without you?’ What the hell is that? No self-respecting woman would ever say that!”
“Maybe they would, if they weren’t so impossibly callous.”
He shrugged, “I’m only speaking hypothetically. If you choose to take offense to that-”
“Okay, then what about this,” she jabbed at the paper irately, “explain just what the hell this is supposed to be.”
“It’s a love scene.”
“It’s something, alright. ‘You tremble beneath my hand like a shivering mollusk?’ Honestly, who talks like that?”
“Don’t be mad simply because you don’t have the soul of a poet!”
“Oh my god,” she shook her head. “If you’re gonna exploit loopholes in our marriage, at least have the dignity to do it right!”
“It’s a play, it doesn’t mean anything!”
“But you wrote it!” She slammed the script down on the counter, “You sat up all night and imagined how it would feel to sleep with another woman, wrote it down, terribly, I might add, and plan on sharing it with everyone while I sit there trying very hard not to look like an idiot while you make out with some lady on stage!”
“So it DOES bother you?”
“Yes it bothers me!” She lifted her hands up, exasperated, “It bothers me so damn much! It bothers me that you are so much more concerned with how things look for you that I can go to hell so long as I make you look good while doing it!”
“It’s not that deep-”
“No, it’s not! That’s the problem. You’re so fucking vain, anything beyond an inch of depth puts you out of your league. You want to kiss women on stage? Fucking whatever. Just write something better than a Shakespearean porno opening.”
“You think it sounds like Shakespeare?”
“I think that you’re an incomprehensible idiot!”
“Watch it!”
“No, it’s okay, I’m a fucking idiot too! I should have known better than to love a man who’s more in love with his ego than me.” She slammed the papers against his chest. Catching them in his hands, he looked at her quietly. She took a shattering breath in, gritting her teeth. Feeling rather awkward, he cleared his throat.
“Do you really think I wrote a play just to cheat on you?”
“I don’t know. Maybe,” she shrugged, not meeting his eyes, “I’ve never pretended to understand you.”
“No offense, but if I wanted to cheat on you, I would just do it. Do you think writing plays is easier than just kissing someone?”
“With dialogue like that? Yes.”
“That’s cruel.”
“It’s true.”
Stepping forward, he caught her face between his hands, brushing her hair back, “You’re impossible, you know.”
“Hey, I-”
“No, it’s okay. I like my women difficult.”
“Not the line to use right now.”
He laughed, amused at her irritation. “Do you really think I would be so unkind?”
“Poor Violet, so mistreated by her unkind husband.” Still smiling, he kissed her forehead. “It would be poetic though, wouldn’t it? Using theater both to catch and leave you?”
She scoffed, “Maybe you should write a play about that instead.”
“Maybe.” He paused, quiet. “I can’t believe you think my play is bad.”
“Well, it’s not IRREDEEMABLE, persay. It’s just… not good.”
“You wound me, Countess.”
“You deserved it.”
“Perhaps I did.” Amused, he kissed her lips. “Although, in the future, may I recommend just admitting your infatuations? It would save us both a lot of time.”
“Infatuation might be too strong a word.”
“Obsession? Adoration? Passion?”
“You’re pushing your luck.”
“Let’s see how far it takes me then.” Smiling, he kissed her again, leaving the script forgotten behind in the light of her favor.
The way you said “I love you” as a thank you
The way you said “I love you” as an apology
“I’m FINE.”
“Nope,” she pushed at his back, trying to steer him back upstairs, “you most certainly are not.”
“I don’t see what you’re so upset about. It’s not-” his protest was interrupted with a hacking cough.
“It absolutely is, and I will not have you germing up my nice clean house.”
“I’m not even sick.”
“Then you won’t mind taking a day off anyway.”
“I’m not-” but then she was shoving him into the bedroom, a woman determined, and he knew there was no point in arguing. “Fine. If you want to do all the work yourself, be my guest.”
“Sounds good. Now please, try to get some sleep.”
“If anything at all happens, you come and get me.”
“What’s going to happen? I swear, you’re so paranoid.” Tugging off his jacket, she pushed him towards the bed.
“Will you at least bring me food? I might as well get something out of this.”
“Sure. Just, please. Stay put.”
“If you insist,” he clicked his tongue, more amused than annoyed.
She didn’t become worried until it became two hours since she’d last heard from him. Usually his silence indicated some sort of nefarious plot, and now she was worried he had actually managed to sneak out. However, when she came up, food in hand, she found him pale and sweating in a shallow sleep. He awoke when she carefully set the mug on the table beside him.
“Violet,” he whispered.
“I’m dying.”
“You’re not dying.” Lightly, she pressed the back of her hand to his forehead. “You have a fever, but you’re not dying.”
“I’ve been poisoned.”
“You’ve not been poisoned.”
“After everything, this is how it ends.”
“Okay, actor man.” She handed him a glass of water, “Here, drink this.”
“And so I go,” he closed his eyes, his voice low and hoarse. “Not with a bang but a whimper.”
“Alright. I’ll go pick up some cough medicine. Try to drink that entire glass by the time I’m back. Do you want anything else?”
“Not whiskey.”
“You can’t refuse a dying man his last wish.”
Not bothering to respond, she opened the window, letting in some fresh air, “If you’re up to it, take a cold shower. It’ll make you feel better.”
“You’re a terrible nurse.”
“Something tells me you’re an even worse patient.”
“I crave the release of death.”
“Okay, I’ll be back.” She patted his head placatingly, shutting the door quiet behind her.
He could not remember the last time he had been so horribly inconvenienced. He was a busy man; he didn’t have time to get sick. Quarantined to his own sweaty solitude, the minutes ticked into hours. Eternities flew by, dizzy and achy timeless expanses. He didn’t know it was possible for your very bones to ache.
It had finally caught up with him; every single terrible thing he had ever done ever, and now he was paying the price. Damn her for leaving him in this state. It was as if she didn’t even care. Maybe he would die, just to show her. Then she’d be sorry. His revenge fantasy easily turned over to a daydream about her as a more sympathetic nurse, crying over his lowly state, stroking his face and remarking upon how very very brave he was. He closed his eyes, the pressure in his head pounding against his skull.
When he opened them again, the light had moved across the walls. It took him a moment to realize he had been sleeping, for all the good it had done him; he was just as tired and groggy as before. Looking over, he saw her placing some more things on his bedside table.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. How are you feeling?”
He shrugged feebly, forcing out a weak cough.
“Well, I’m glad to see you’ve fended off death thus far. Here, sit up,” pulling at his shoulder, she managed to get him somewhat less horizontal. “Take this.”
“What is it?”
“It’ll bring your fever down.” She dropped a white pill into his hand.
“I’d much prefer a cyanide capsule.”
“I’m sure you would.” Handing him the glass of water, she stared at him until he successfully swallowed it. “And let me get this, you’ve sweat clean through it.” She tugged at his shirt, snapping the buttons open and pulling it over his shoulders. Grateful for the cool air, he lay back down, exhausted and dizzy but mostly embarrassed at being so entirely undone.  
“I’m not helpless, you know.”
“I’m aware.”
“I’m still a lethal force.”
“Of course.”
“I can handle myself.”
“I know.”
He almost felt bad for being so irritable, but it was utterly beyond his control. His own body was conspiring against him. He heard her move a few more things around and then she cleared her throat quietly, touching his arm lightly.
“Alright then. If you need anything-”
“Wait,” he caught her wrist, holding her beside him. “Can you stay?”
There was a moment’s pause before she responded. “Sure.” The mattress sank beside him as she perched on the edge, stroking her fingers over his hair, “Should I just be quiet, or?”
“No, keep talking.” His voice was more mutter than speech. “It’s nice.”
“Do you want me to read to you? I mean, I can, if you want.”
“That depends. Do you have anything good?”
“I absolutely do.” He heard her shuffling things around once more and then, settling gently, she began to read aloud, her free hand still stroking his hair, “Miss Adela Strangeworth stepped daintily along Main Street on her way to the grocery. The sun was shining, the air was fresh and clear after the night’s heavy rain-”
“Wait, wait,” he stopped her, “are you sure this is good? Because it sounds like it’s gearing up to be absolutely awful.”
“Trust me,” he could hear the smile in her voice, “it’s good.”
“Alright. But if it’s boring, that’s on you.”
“A risk I’m willing to take.” Clearing her throat, she began again where she had left off. “Let’s see… The air was fresh and clear after the night’s heavy rain, and everything in Miss Strangeworth’s little town looked washed and bright.”
She sighed, “It won’t get any better if you don’t let me get anywhere.”
“No, it’s not that. I just… love you, is all.”
Smiling, she stroked his forehead, brushing his hair back. “Feeling guilty about yelling at me?”
“Somewhat. But mostly I just thought you should know, since this is the end and all.”
“Oh, of course. Should I continue?”
“Please.” Closing his eyes again, he let her carry on.
It was well into the night by the time he awoke next. She was still beside him, her finger tucked between the pages of the book where she had left off. The silly girl had fallen asleep in her clothes. Quiet as he could manage, he sat up, pulling her shoes off for her. She stirred, groaning awake.
“What time is it?”
Rubbing at her eyes, she sighed, “How are you feeling?”
“Pretty terrible. I’ll survive, though.”
“Glad to hear it. God, why is it so hot in here?”
Smirking, he reclined again, pressing a kiss to her forehead before pausing, pulling back ever so slightly, “Violet?”
“You might want these,” reaching over her, he guiltily handed her the bottle of pills.
She sighed, “Perfect.”
“I love you.”
“I know, I know.”
He kissed her forehead again, her flushed skin hot beneath his lips, “Anything I can do to make it up to you?”
“Here,” smirking, she handed him the book, settling against his shoulder, “you can take a turn.”
“Fair enough.” Leaning his cheek against the top of her head, he waited for her settle, and then as softly as he could manage, he picked up right where they had left off.
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queen-scribbles · 6 years
Crossing the Line
For @pillarspromptsweekly​ Fill #34. This week was another Roll for It, and boy howdy was I happy to get Gathbin in there, :3 Playing with Tavi’s opinion of him is FUN.  Also got Great Hall and reclamation(which you kind of have to squint to see) (ao3 link coming bc tumblr’s still doing the thing)
“Watcher, there’s a visitor waiting in the Great Hall,” the gate guard announced as Tavi led her group back into Caed Nua.
She fought the urge to groan. She was tired, the cuts on her arm had reached the point in the healing process where they itched like crazy, the lot of them were worse for wear after the bandits they fought on the way back, and she was very much not in the mood. “Who is it?” If Azzuro’s tryin’ to part me from a couple thousand pands for somethin’ I don’t fuckin’ need again...
“Lord Gathbin, I believe,” the guard said, a slight smirk pulling at his lips.
“Really, now.” Tavi flashed a predatory grin. “It would be rude to make him wait.”
“He certainly has some nerve,” Kana murmured behind her. “I wonder what he wants.”
“I know what he’s gonna get,” Tavi snorted, stomping across the grounds with far more vigor than she’d felt a minute ago.
“Tavi-” There were hurried footsteps, and then Aloth was beside her. “Don’t do anything rash.”
“Oh, I’ve spent plenty of time thinkin’ about what I”m gonna do to that fucker,” she growled.
“Aye, an’ well he deserves it!” Iselmyr’s comment spilled out before Aloth silenced her with a wince.
“Whatever he might deserve, if we handle this properly, not only can we completely annul his claim, but he’ll be humiliated in the process. He sent assassins after you who failed. Usher’s eyes, you took them single handed. But if you barge in there and threaten to gut him in front of witnesses, you’ll be no better in their eyes.”
“Fuck what they think,” Tavi shot back with a snarl. “When have I ever cared what people fuckin’ think about me?” Aside from you, anyway. Not waiting for his answer, she slammed open the door to the Great Hall and strode inside.
“...claim what is mine by rights,” Gathbin was saying to Marshal Forwyn. He spun around, scowling, at the interruption. “You! What are you doing here?”
“I was about to ask you that,” Tavi retorted, crossing her arms. The motion pulled at her injured shoulder but she ignored the twinge. “Didn’t you basically forfeit your claim with your hissy fit in the Chancellor’s office?”
“Nothing of the sort,” Gathbin snorted. “Caed Nua is mine, you filthy little guttersnipe. I’ll not have some unwashed Vailian sword-for-hire stealing my family’s property.”
“It’s not stealing if I won it because you wouldn’t pay for service rendered,” Tavi growled. Even with Aloth’s (very sound) advice ringing in her ears, she was a hairs breadth from actually gutting the pompous fuck. She smirked. “It must burn you up t’ know that I’m living here, and doing a good fucking job.”
He sniffed disdainfully. “Oh, yes, it’s positively flourishing under your control.” He shot significant looks at the rubble clogging the way to the library and barracks. “Such a fine keep deserves better than your fumbling attempts at leadership.”
Tavi’s hands curled into fists. She might not like the politics and business of being the Watcher of Caed Nua, but she’d be damned if someone was going to insinuate she couldn’t do it. “Is that why you sent fuckin’ assassins, Lord Gathbin?”
He didn’t even blink at the sarcasm dripping from his title, face going studiously blank. “I didn’t send assassins.”
“Bullshit,” Tavi snapped, digging into her belt pouch for the letter Keya had found. She hadn’t wanted it to mysteriously vanish and had kept it with her. “I have proof. It has your fucking seal on it, you bastard!”
“I hired no assassins,” Gathbin repeated, adjusting one silk glove. “I may have paid some men to exterminate vermin encroaching on my keep, but-”
Tavi was launching herself forward before he finished the sentence, too furious to even holler the obscenities pilling up in her head.
Kana caught her before she’d made it more than a foot or two, wrapping an arm around her waist and hauling her off her feet. “I think it’s time to let someone else handle this conversation.” He nodded to Aloth and started carrying Tavi back toward the door.
She thought about fighting him, started to struggle, and then remembered two things. First, Kana was roughly as strong as she was, and second, he was one of six siblings. From her own experience grappling siblings who were doing(or about to do) stupid shit, she knew she was at a disadvantage. Kana already had her off her feet and was a fair bit bigger than she was. The part of her seeing red still wanted to try and work free so she could punch Gathlin in his stupid fucking face, but when she twitched Kana tightened his grip. So she resigned herself to glaring daggers at the man until the door closed between them. She was still all but snorting sparks when Kana set her down and rested his hands on her shoulders.
“Alright, Tavi, no prying ears--except mine, I suppose--what was that about?” he asked gently.
“You heard him,” Tavi muttered angrily. “Vermin, my ass. I’ll leave him for vermin to chew on...”
“I did hear him,” Kana nodded. “This is not your usual reaction to insults. Usually, you reply with with a snarky comment, and are only ready to murder if necessary. This is... much stronger than normal.”
“He crossed a line,” she said with a growl, crossing her arms. Her fingernails bit into her biceps in a vain attempt to hide her anger. “Exterminating vermin, he said.”
“Tavi. You’ve been called worse and brushed it off,” he said softly.
“Aloth and Keya were the first ones in my room with the ruckus,” she finally caved, voice so quiet Kana leaned forward to hear her. She glanced down at the parchment still clenched in her hand. “The orders said no witnesses. If I hadn’t killed them, if Aloth or Keya weren’t prepared, it could’ve gotten” -Him- “one of them hurt. Or killed.”
From the look on his face, Kana knew--or guessed--where her thoughts had gone. He was nice enough not to bring it up, instead pointing out, “But you did kill the assassins, and I was there, Keya and Aloth were both prepared for trouble.” He smiled. “Your cursing loudly in the middle of the night is a rare enough occurrence they were suitably warned.”
Tavi managed a weak smirk. “I try to save the cursin’ for daytime hours when everyone can enjoy it.”
Kana chuckled. “And we appreciate your valiant efforts on our behalf. My point, Tavi, is that everything turned out fine.”
“I know,” she said quietly, feeling the coil of rage in her gut begin to loosen. But what if it hadn’t? “He just made it way more personal than most do.” She raked hair out of her face. “So I reacted in kind. Still kinda  want to fuckin’ strangle him,” she admitted, kicking a pebble.
“And I don’t blame you for that in the slightest,” Kana said with a nod. “But think how much more satisfying it’ll be to defeat him in proper combat.”
She snorted. “To Rymyrgamd’s fucking void with proper combat, I’m just sick of him bein’ a threat.”
“I doubt he’ll try anything like this again,” Kana shrugged. “Especially knowing that you’re wise to him, and given that he all but admitted to attempted assassination in front of the marshal. His next move will likely be more direct.”
Between the time to think and Kana’s rational commentary, Tavi found herself calming down. “That... does make sense. And it would feel great to let the bastard think he can beat me before I prove him so wrong it’s fucking hilarious.” She cocked her head. “Can I just challenge him to a duel and get it over with?”
Kana shook his head. “You could, but he’d never accept. You’ll just have to bide your time until you have a big enough army to meet him in battle.”
“Damn,” she groused, but just then the door swung open, distracting her from further comment.
Lord Gathbin stormed out, back rigid. He sent Tavi a venomous glare but didn’t say anything as he strode rapidly toward the gate. Aloth and Sagani emerged only a few seconds behind, the latter’s hand on her bow as if to make sure their guest truly departed.
Tavi raised an eyebrow as she watched him go. “I’d consider him handled. Gods, city slicker, what did you say?!”
Aloth shrugged. “I simply reminded him of the combat prowess that made you a contender for Caed Nua in the first place.” He smiled slyly at her. “And informed him that you dispatched all three assassins single handed in under a minute, so he regrettably had not gotten his money’s worth with them.”
“That’s not even the best part, though,” Sagani crowed, apparently satisfied Gathbin was really leaving as she turned to join the conversation. “Tell her what you said after that.”
“What I said isn’t important,” Aloth protested. “All that truly matters is that he knows better than to do something like that again.”
Tavi looked at Sagani, curiosity only further piqued by Aloth’s humility. “Do tell.”
“Sending assassins is the mark of either a desperate men or an unworthy coward-”
“One so cowardly as to be unworthy of his title,” Aloth interrupted, face bright red and gaze studiously fixed on the hangnail he was picking. “If you insist on quoting it, at least do so properly.”
“Oh, I’m sorry if any of your poorly hidden contempt for the man got lost in translation,” Sagani said dryly. “Anyway, it was basically that if he was either of the previously mentioned types of kith, you were more than capable of handling him.” She grinned as Aloth’s ears twitched. “Then something about that not being a threat, just a statement of fact. Which, by the way, I second. You could beat that man with one hand tied behind your back, Tav.”
“‘Course I could,” Tavi snorted, studying Aloth’s face. “That just sounds a little more, well, me of a sentiment than you would usually voice, Aloth.”
The wizard shrugged, briefly meeting her eye before returning his gaze to the hangnail, which was now bleeding. “He crossed a line,” he said quietly. “And you’re rather important, being the leader of our group, and a Watcher, and the only one with a prayer of tracking down Thaos. Life will be significantly easier without Lord Gathbin trying anything further.”
“Thanks for havin’ my back, Corfiser,” Tavi grinned, lightly bumping her shoulder against his.
“Oh, it was no trouble,” Aloth mumbled.
“I can still appreciate it,” she said warmly. “Now come on, you lot”--an inclusive gesture to the lot of them--”we’re leavin’ for Defiance Bay first thing in the mornin’, an’ I want everyone well fed, well rested, and stocked up on whatever you think you’ll need.” If she hesitated a beat so she could walk to Brighthollow roughly next to Aloth, it was no one’s fuckin’ business but her own.
Everyone went to their own quarters when they entered Brighthollow, of course. But it was only a couple minutes before a growling stomach led Kana to the kitchen in search of a snack. And apparently, he wasn’t the only one. 
Sagani waved a cheery greeting from her perch cross-legged on the table.  “Lookin’ for the cookies? I haven’t eaten all of ‘em yet.”
“I had been considering something a bit hardier,” Kana laughed, “but since you mention it...”
She leaned forward and nudged the half empty plate toward him, commenting, “Interesting homecomin’, huh?” She gestured in the direction of Caed Nua’s main hall with her partially eaten cookie to clear up any potential confusion.
“It certainly was,” Kana agreed, chuckling as he reached for a couple of the golden-brown treats. “I haven’t yet seen anyone get a rise out of Tavi quite like that.” He sat--properly--at the table, noting with amusement that it put him perfectly eye-level with the dwarf.
“Yeah, Gathbin sure got under her skin,” Sagani mused, taking another bite of her cookie. “She say anything to you regardin’ why?”
Kana shrugged but smiled. “Who were the first ones in the room, who may have come to harm?”
“Keya and Al-oh.” Sagani smirked. “I knew it! It’s mutual, isn’t it?”
“What is?”
She rolled her eyes and teased, “Well, there goes my high opinion of your observational skills. Aloth’s been carryin’ a torch for Tavi at least since I joined up, maybe longer.” A giggle escaped, along with a few crumbs. “You really didn’t notice?”
Kana reflected, then gave a conceding nod. “In hindsight, yes, it is rather obvious, isn’t it? And she’s definitely carrying one for him. One obvious enough I wonder that you missed it.”
“I suspected,” Sagani shot back, grinning. “Now, how long you figure ‘fore they admit.it to each other?”
Kana thought for a moment, munching on his cookie. “A month? Perhaps longer, Tavi’s still in a state resembling denial.”
Sagani snorted. “Please. I give it a week. Two, tops.”
Kana shot her a curious look, grin playing at his lips. “How certain are you of that prediction?”
“Fifty pands sure,” she shot back, matching his grin.
“I’ll take that wager,” he said with a nod.
They shook on it, and returned their attention to polishing off the plate of cookies. They were setting out tomorrow; no telling when they’d have another chance to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life.
Sagani wins, btw. It’s only a week and half from here that Tavi has Near Death Experience  #3 in Third Time’s the Charm. Kana’s okay with this. (He wins the bet on how long til their first “real” kiss after that, so it balances out)
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