#does enyone have that as well?
mercurytrinemoon · 1 year
Not me forgetting Florence Pugh has her Moon in gemini and going "omg what if she's a gemini rising, that would make SO much senseeee!" as I was watching her puppy interview for buzzfeed
And then going to see her chart again (I do that once in a while in hopes someone got her birth time) and seeing the damn gemini moon aahahhh
It's always gemini moons for me, coming off as gemini suns or risings. Reminds me of that one time I was convinced Aubrey Plaza is a gemini sun but turned out she's a cancer sun, leo rising and a gemini moon lol
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moonylantsovs · 4 years
Habits [ I.L ]
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request: Hey! I love your writing! Could you do a enemies to lovers fic with Isaac, with a bit of mutual pining (you know I love my fluff ) thanks so much!! :)
summary: Isaac Lahey moving into your house and becoming a part of your pack has been everything but great. After months of arguing and pinning after each other, you finally find common ground.
pairings: Isaac Lahey x Hale!reader
warnings: angst, fluff, swearing
"God, you're such an asshole!"
"I'm an asshole?! Well then you're a selfish, egoistic bitch!" Isaac yelled back as you rushed down the stairs.
You turned back to glare at him "Wow, real mature Lahey."
This wasn't anything new. Whenever Derek walked out of the loft, you and Isaav would be up each other's throats. It's been like that ever since he turned and started living with you and your older brother.
You only saw him as a cocky little bastard who your older brother took pity on. That boy has been nothing but trouble for you since the second Derek turned him. You basically had to babysit him in school to make sure he doesn't fuck something up and guess what? He got arrested the first day so you had to get him out of jail too.
His attitude towards you wasn't making the situation any better. He couldn't care less that you were his Alpha's little sister. He just waited for an opportunity to get on your nerves. You seriously didn't know why, maybe it was because of his newfound confidence or just because he was bored.
But you couldn't stand it.
"I feel really sorry for Derek, you know." Isaac said after a few minutes of us yelling at each other "Out of everyone in your family that died in the fire, you're the only one that's left so he has to take care of you. I bet he can't wait for you to leave for college or something just so you can give him a break."
In a blink of an eye, you turned around an slapped him so hard there was a red print left that still hasn't healed. You glared at him "I hate you."
You quickly made your way out of the loft not allowing the tears to fall down until you were far enough to know Isaac couldn't hear you crying.
He knew he went too far, you always got sensitive whenever someone mentioned the fire and he understood that, but he couldn't bring himself to apologize because of his ego. He had a crush on you since you first came to school during sophmore year. You two were never really friends, mostly because you hung out with people like Lydia Martin and spent most of your time making sure Scott McCall and his sarcastic best friend stayed out of trouble.
Not that he would admit it to enyone but he still liked you. Well that is, when you weren’t yelling at him. But he did, He also very much knew why he acted the way he did. He thought that his feelings would go away and he wouldn’t have to hide the fact that he was in love with his alpha’s little sister. 
But no matter how much time they spent yelling at each other or throwing sarcastic comments to each other during pack meetings. He couldn’t shake those feeling away.
Becuase he was completely and uterly in love with (Y/N) Hale, and he knew it.
You shut your locker so hard the sound echoed the school halls, but you didn't care, you were pissed.
Lydia gave you a look "What's up with you?" she paused before smirking "Let me guess...Lahey?"
"Don't say his name." you trew her a glare making her raise her hands in mock surrender.
"I'm just saying, you should just get over it and hook up, I can't handle the sexual tension anymore and I'm sure the rest of the pack feels the same way." she shrugged making you grimace and murm 'ew'.
Your best friend scoffed "You don't have to pretend around me, it's kind of obvious."
"What is?" you asked, genuinely confused.
She twirled a peace of her strawberry-blonde hair around her fingers "That you're completely in love with each other?"
You gave her an innocent look "I thought that was you and Stiles."
Lydia opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before choking out "I don't know what you're talking about."
Her words made you snort "Whatever. I have to go, I don't wanna be late to detention. You know how big of a dick Harris is."
"You can't change the subject!"
You pouted "I'm not. I just really have to go."
Once you made into detention, you took your seat near the back, next to the windows. But what you didn't expect was for Isaac to come in a minute later and to sit in the seat behind you making you roll your eyes.
Mr. Harris started assigning stuff for everyone to do. When he came to your table, he looked between you and Isaac "You two are cleaning the janitor's closet."
You narrowed your eyes before getting up pointing at Isaac with your finger and whispering "Does it gave to be with him?"
Knowing fully well he could hear every word you said, you could basically hear him rolling his eyes.
Your teacher shook his head "Now that I know you prefer not to. Yes."
You glared after him as you watched him leave before you turned to the beta behind you "Let's just get this over with."
He rolled his eyes but still followed you to the janitor's closet. When you stepped inside you told him "You clean the left side, I'll clean the right one."
Isaac made a show of crossing his arms over his chest "What if I want to clean the right side?"
"Then you're gonna have to suck it up." you snapped making him shut up and turn to his side of the closet.
After a few minutes of silence, Isaac decided to speak up "So...why do you hate me so much?"
"Hate is a strong words, Lahey." you shrugged "I just strongly dislike you."
He furrowed his eyebrows "But why?"
"Because you're an asshole to me half the time. Not to mention you're cocky and too full of yourself." you said not looking up from the boxes you were going through.
He clenched his jaw. It was obvious he messed up any chance he had with you because of his huge ego and his lack of ability to talk to girls he actually liked. He didn't have any problems wihile flirting with random girls in school that he had no idea who they were. But you were different.
So he said the first thing that came to his mind "Well maybe I wouldn't be an asshole if you weren't always such a bitch."
Isaac heard you scoff under you breath and whisper a quiet 'of course' he was only able to pick up on because of his supernatural hearing.
Before they could start arguing again, the closet door slammed shut making Isaac stiffen while you let out an irritated sigh.
You went to open the door, but it didn't budge. It still didn't budge when you tried to break it open so you realized someone must have put something over it.
The Alpha twins.
You were so focused on the door you didn't even notice the drastic change in Isaac's behavior. So when you turned around, you didn't expect to find him scrunched in the closet corner repeating the word 'no' over an over again.
Your whole expression softened at the boy's panicked expression so you kneeled in front of him "Isaac, listen to me. You're gonna be fine."
When he kept shaking you cupped his cheeks "He's not here to hurt you anymore. He's gone. You're safe now. No one's gonna hurt you."
He seemed to calm down a bit because his claws were gone and his eyes stopped glowing but he was still shaking. You didn't know what you were doing, but without thinking, you pulled the boy to your chest and shushed him.
You felt him wrap his arms around your waist and quietly cry in the crook of your neck, while you cooed in his ear.
It took him a minute but he eventually calmed down. Even though he was calm, he still had his arms around your waist an whispered "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize, we all have our moments."
He shook his head "I'm talking about being an asshole to you. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, well I'm sorry too. I was kind of a bitch." you admitted.
"Kind of." he teased making you snort as you both pulled away and leaned on your own sides of the closet wall.
"You know maybe you aren't that bad." you said after a while of silence.
Isaac turned to you with a small smirk "That's probably the nicest thing you ever said to me, Hale."
"Don't make me regret it."
A/N: I hope this turned out how you wanted. I'm thinking about writing a part two.
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snortinglaughter · 7 years
Get to know the blogger.
Tagged by @restlessandordinary and @must-love-drarry thank you!!
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Age: 29
Birthplace: Baja California, México
Current time: 3:15 p.m.
Drink you last had: Cucumber lemonade.
Easiest person to talk to: Sherry! We have so much in common, sometimes I'm like omg is she reading my mind? Is she... watching me? Lol
Favorite song: I change my mind every week lol, right now it's probably IDGAF by Dua Lipa.
Grossest memory: That's a tough one, I'm not grossed out so easily... hm, maybe the one time a classmate showed me the 2 girls 1 cup video.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin *smirks*
In love: With my children... and Tom Felton.
Jealous of people: Well yeah, but not in a bad way tho. It makes me happy to see other people achieve what they want and I'm like: damn I'm so jealous!!
Killed someone: I mentally murdered a dude who stole my lunch once at work. Does it count?
Love at first sight or should I walk by you again: I'm sorry to bust y'alls bubble but on my opinion love at first sight doesn't exist. I believe in attraction at first sight, but love? Nope, don't think so.
Middle name: Gabriela
Number of siblings: 2 older than me.
One wish: Write loads of fics, travel, and go to college (which I intend to do next year)
Person you called last: My stepdad.
Question you are always asked: "Why are you so serious, are you angry?" Like, dude... I wasn't, but now I am thanks to your fucking questiON THIS IS MY FACE GET USED TO IT. (Sorry I just lose my cool every time)
Reasons to smile: My kids, drarry, bombing Sherry with my amazing hilarious jokes
Song you sang last: Te Vas from Perdidos de Sinaloa lol
Time you woke up: 7:20 a.m.
Underwear color: I bet you'd love to know *wink wonk*
Worst habit: Procrastination and giving snarky answers when I'm in a bad mood.
X-rays: When I was around 11 because I sprained a wrist. At 12 because one day I woke up and literally couldn't walk, turned out I have some issues with my spine and live in constant pain (but I got used to it, it helped me develop a high pain tolerance) and then when I was 16 because my forehead hurt all the time (chronicle rhinosinusitis)
Your favorite food: Just FOOD.
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Tagging @foularcadebanana @scarheads-malfoy @jesreally @chapter11freak @unicornsandphoenix and enyone else who would like to join (sorry if you've already been tagged)
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Day #4
Can strangulation be forgiven if the victim is annyoying as f**k?
Just kidding. I won’t kill anyone. He doesn’t worth twenty years of imprisonment... But he is a real pain in the ass.
Today, we were in class and he was talking really loud at the back of the room, trying to be interesting and funny but saying really stupid things ! He feels so confident, I hate it. And not only because I am not confient myself... Confidence is great. Self-confidence is great. But there’s a line between confidence and hubris. Hubris is one of the seven deadly sins, you can die from it ! (this whole paragraph is really creepy....) Moreover, right before class, he was talking with a girls and apparently, he had met one of his former teachers from elementary school and she told him that with his qualities he could go anywhere and do whatever he wants to... PLEASE ! he’s always late, not that smart and thing he’s better that enyone else. The only place I think he is going to is a wall.
Now, you are probably wondering why I hate him so much. Well, a few weeks ago, I read a paragraph I had written in class and he laughed at me. I have to say that I did not breath during my reading, I read really fast and it was awkward for everyone. But still, at least, I was answering the professor’s questions while he was on his corner, playing games on your computer.
Why do I have so many problems making boy friends?
People always asked me why I was hanging out with girls when I was younger and the answer is simple: they weren’t always criticizing who I was and how I talked.
Now, I have boy friends. Like friends, not like lovers (I always get confused) When you say “boyfriend” does it always mean the guy is yous lover or can it just be a regular friend who just happens to be a boy? Do you see what I mean?...
Anyway, my five minutes of hatred are over now. Thank you.
see you.
PS: in real life, I am actually nice...
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strazari · 6 years
Taggity Tag.
Tag - 15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Taggity tag time ! Origin : @amaranthem !
Let’s try this.
1] Are you named after anyone?
It means “guardian” in Croatia. Well a little bit transformed though, might change my name by the old back one. Don’t know yet !
2]  When was the last time you cried ? Oh brother. I can’t recall... Maybe a few months ago, but i was a wreck. Thanks a lot, alcohol, you’re my forever pal.
3] Do you want/have kids? Big nonope, can’t stand kids.
4] Do you use sarcasm a lot ? I’m fluent in three languages : English, sarcasm and profanity.
5] What’s the first thing you notice about people? P
6] What is your eye color? Hazelnut.
7] Scary movie or happy ending? Scary please. I don’t believe in happy endings, maybe cause I’m too embittered ~
8] Any special talents? I’m pretty good at bad decisions.
9] Where were you born? Oh you don’t wanna know. In a little village in France, where everyone is either inbred or alcoholic.
10] What are your hobbies? Drawing multiple things, writing scenarios, reading old novels, online gaming with friends... And being a sarcastic moron above all.
11] Do you have any pets? I wish I had, but nope. I have a boyfriend though, does it count ?
12] What sports do you play/have you played? Ballet Dance, Kendo, Karate, Equitation, Sarcas... Oh come on, it’s a real sport as well.
13] How tall are you? Let’s not talk about this subject. (1.65 m)
14] Favorite subject in school? Litterature and Philosophy.
15] Dream job? Film Director, without a shadow of doubt. I have to tell stories, life is far too boring to be satisfied with it alone.
Well, I shall tag enyone who wants it. 
Have fun ~
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Jade Monserrat 17 OCT 18
Thoughts: Montserrat could write an amazing book, but couldn’t present to safe her ass. During the entire lecture, a long one at that, she was talking from a tablet. Notes and bullet-points are great memory joggers and organisational aides, but only if they assist rather than dictate. When reading from a script it must be written to be spoken, not just written. Her words, points and values were all very cool, and I like her intent, but my god if the delivery wasn’t so heavy that if you dropped it it would crack pavement. Were her ideas written in a book it would read well, but throwing all the big words together when smaller ones would do the exact same job only implies that you’re insecure in your point, trying to sound extra smart for credibility’s sake or that you’re bullshitting. Granted, her purpose has had much conflict and has been widely contested over the years, so some leeway is granted, yet I would argue that a spade is just a spade. Her focus and goals were demonstrations and rebellions for the sake of social justice, namely championing black rights and feminism (also how the two coalesce), which I absolutely advocate. I actively would make art on the subject, problem is I am a very white, very middle class penis-having fellow, and can’t really carry a torch past being an ally. To critique her art I have few options, as we only saw the one piece projected onto the wall, a piece wherein she wrote a list of lines/quotes on a plain white wall in black charcoal/ink while she was naked, then an aging white guy, fully dressed, cam and rubbed it all off. I listed a number of the lines below. This performance didn’t enamour me with her artistic practise, as I don’t think it displayed her point well; some quotes felt kinda poignant while others felt lacking and needing context, the nudity and scaffold (used to reach the upper wall) only felt like a distraction and detrimental to the point. However, I’ve seen her work performed live where similar work happens, but to an audience, which I feel makes her work stronger. The intimate setting makes her delivery seem intimate and directed, it sits better in my mind and feels much more impactful, which often is the only point of art. If I’m to critique her modus operandi it would be insulting her interest in art history, where her degree is and a large focus of her inspiration draws from, which doesn’t bother me at all. Colonialisation and institutionalisation were words used a great number of times, with both valid and pale effect. How racism was, and is, intrinsic to governments, law enforcement and all walks of life impact her a lot, which is good, she makes good points on the matter, when you can parse them from her dense messages, my problem is the area she emphasises; the past. Slavery and loss/change of culture, with all the social displacement that comes with, which was really bad and everyone knows it was bad, but it is less important than talking about the ways slavery has led to current black poverty and crime. Speak of that, critique that and fight that, not a bunch of dead wads. To conclude, I like her goal but her methods are hit and miss. All her ideas are good, bar one I’m probably bias about; I think you should talk to whites about race. How can I, without being informed and educated about, know the ins and outs of racial and feminist struggles? Personally, I’ve never known poverty and have had a million opportunities to squander. Truly, the world is my oyster, through no action of my own. I’m definitely racist in a bunch of ways I don’t know, I’m definitely sexist too, but not for lack of trying not to be. A perfect world would have a year-long course where you are taught and learn of the struggles and cultures of each background and walk of life, I’d aggressively embrace that opportunity if it existed, but it doesn’t and I can only know so much. But, artistically speaking, she is sound, I like her, like her goals, I think the quotes on her wall were a little cliché and weird but I get the goal. I can’t really take much from her work because, well, she wouldn’t want me to. I have some ideas on how to inventively use making-then-unmaking in my work, but that’s all, folks. Notes: Before she started there’s a photo being projected of a man (I think) hiding behind some scaffolding, looks kinda cool. Does a bit of all types of art, eclectic practise, paint, sculpt and perform, etc. I’m a bit far back, really hope she uses the mic. Institute & care at the Bluecoat? Will have to look into. Has cool, very long, hair. Ah, the still picture was actually a video of a woman I believe Jade herself but I’m too far back to see. She’s painting on a wall, words and lines, will list later. She ain't using the mic :( Art history degree, very academic? I SAW A VIDEO OF HER LAST WEEK, doing the same performance as in the video but live. Cool. Emphasis on breaking instutionalised racism. How it’s hard to wriggle out from, and when you talk to white folks about it they shrug off the blame, “I’m not an institution I’m not racist”, but that is institutionalised itself. Relates her wok to ‘Why I don’t talk to white people about race’. Her presentation is an odd delivery, she’s reading from a tablet and it’s well written but inorganic and not a ‘presentation’. Its good cos it’s all encompassing and gets all her words in, would get a lot of marks, but it sucks to hear. That’s the art history student, nerdy. ‘Artists have no impact on the value of art’. Relatable, that much I agree on. ‘Art has no value in Marxist terms’, neither does much, is the issue with Marxist terms. Like four people would actually matter and only two would like it. I like her views on art as a profession; she’s all about making it a viable career path for more peeps, from all walks too. She’s a little funny too. I can’t digest her text, though, the delivery is TOO dense. Gonna see if I can get a copy of what she’d read from. ‘The north Yorkshire rural landscape is a testimony of territories’ fuck yeah, it’s a xenophobic cesspit, they chuffin ‘ate enyone ‘oo ehn’t lahk ‘em. Legit though, they love cis-whites and a pint of bitter. That’s it. An aspect of her affinity for identity work is that she doesn’t know her father, merely notions of his race and origins. She feels a name for a government group made for the betterment of the community, e.g.: commonwealth, is just an empty benevolent gesture. I like that. Words from her video: -The mundane few -broken something on these men -They insist on being alone -The significance which is always difficult to grasp. -execute certain individuals. -Reasoning is assimilated. -its Justness must not be questioned -The existence of a given object -phobia of all proven conversation Now a white dude is rubbing it all off the wall. Also, I should google multi-directional memory.
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idietomorrow · 6 years
Q & A
Tagged by the magnificent @mrsnugglepuffle AND HOW ELSE ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO KNOW IF THEY*RE COOKED????!!!???? 
Rules: tag 5 mutuals you’d like to know better (fair warning I suck at that part ;) )
Name: Claus
Star sign: Saggitarius
Height: 180-ish (give or take, probably more give) 
Put your iTunes or Spotify on shuffle. What are the first four songs that popped up?
Gulddrengen - Nemt  (en: the Golden boy - Easy)
eminem - the monster
Thomas holm - selvmord på dansegulvet (en: Suicide on the dance floor)
Nephew - Automatiske mig (en: Automatic me)
(yeah try and guess my native tongue, Hint: it starts with “Dan” and ends with -”ish”
Have you ever had a song o poem written about you?
I meen for my conformation my family made a song but I think that’s it 
When was the last time you played guitar?
I can’t remember but I can’t play guitar so when I did it was probably forceably removed from my hands (I do play drums however and that’s abou 2 years since, which is a pain...I miss it alot) 
Who is your celebrity crush?
Uuuuuhhhhh so many and so few, at the moment Tom hardy cause Taboo and venom and I mean have you seen that boy 
What’s a sound you hate and sound you love?
well for sound I love it’s just cozy and nice atmospheric sounds like rainy clouds with small thunder and stuff like that. For sounds I hate I am not sure to be honest never really thought of it 
Do you believe in ghost?
Not really but I am here to be proven wrong in case you guys find anything. 
What about aliens?
Yeah actually, infinite universe should mean an infinitie chance of life in another planet (does that logic count in the ghost question aswell???)
Do you drive?
When I get the oportunity yeah, and I like it and so far haven’t killed anyone so that’s a plus 
What was the last book you read?
For school it was a book about chrystal chemistry or physical chemistry, for fun it’s Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman, cause fuck yeah scandinavia
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Yiiiiiiiiiiiiii it’s so adictive (no I do not have a problem.....ish)
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
accumulation of blood or something like that, I don’t know the technical word for it but I was small and fell from 1,5 m-ish height and hit my leg on a wooden plank whish resultet in a very unusefull purple leg and did not know how to walk, but I made it through the shcool day so fuck yeah (worst idea ever....)
Do you have an obsession right now?
just watched Venom so that, Assassin’s creed because new game and then just whatever interesting thing tht can hold my attention 
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
A bit I guess but not really, you really have to fuck up in that case
In a relationship?
YES :D “10/10″ -IGN “Would marry”
So øh yeah about the tagging thing, do you feel like answering these, then I have tagged you, ha now you have to answer these you’re welcome :D 
(sorry i don’t really know enough on here to tag enyone, I apologise ^^’ )
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standingstillnot · 7 years
Day 11
I am feeling good. I haven't cried since then. I am not upset. Every time we talk about him I only feel sorry for him...
I feel sorry that he did not have a healthy and emotionaly rich family background. That he never learned how to talk openly... even about emotions... Or he never learned to show emotions.
And I am very happy the way I grew up... How my parents handled me equaly. They shared a lot with me. Sometimes more than a child should know but they said "This is life as well. If we don't talk about it still exists." Talking about problems and solutions were never a stomach aching experience.
However I am feeling guilty I wanted to please my ex by cutting contact with my parents... And I am talking about a mother and father who was always there for me (ok, 99% of the time) when I needed them, who never lied to me, who taught me not to be affraid of sharing my thoughts and feelings, and to fight for my rights. They showed me the reality of being a father and mother and they showed me the meaning of respect and loyality.
I am not sad anymore that the father of my children does not want to live with me. I will survive this verdict and I will come out of this stronger and happier.
And in the future I am not going to change my personality just because someone does not like it. I was never harsh or rude to enyone... and never will be.
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pelaanthony-blog · 7 years
☾Extended Project: The Primary Research (EGX Rezzed) ☾
On Thursday, Callum and I went to EGX Rezzed, a gaming festival where you met developers, form links, and learn about the industry. EGX Rezzed focuses on indie games so it was helpful to use this experience for not only research for us, but primary research for our game.
When we first arrived at the event taking place at Tobacco Docks in London, I noticed the amazing architecture. The gothic style framework and details would be perfect extra inspiration for the artists and level designers. Because of this, I took pictures of the buildings to get a sense of my surroundings. 
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Metal and Wood Framework
This mixture of materials creates an interesting effect; a mixture of industrial and natural frames. I thought this would be a concept we could use within our game, not only to add layers to the art style, but to also help asset designers create structures quickly with this simple framework. The colours of the metal are also interesting too. Usually metal is grey or rusted but here it is shades of green. This fits in with our ‘Art Deco’ theme, adding more colour to mediocre objects and buildings. 
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Basement at EGX Rezzed
This connection of tunnels in the basement was great inspiration for the sewers in our game. I took a picture to show how they all connected and to show how we could design our sewers. I like the idea of using dimly lit lights in the sewers in the same way they have used them at this event. The stone tiles and brick ceiling was also a new way to ‘reinvent’ our original sewer idea and maybe add some more ‘class’ for when nearing Gregory Gills’ The Fish Bowl club.
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Framwork Inside Tobacco Docks
Again, this was another picture to really show off the amount of exposed structure they had within this building. To apply this to our game, we could show places are run down by showing the insides of the building, such as peeling plaster and broken walls. I think doing it this way would be much more immersive for the player, to not just to see a dilapidated building but to actually see its inner workings in lots of detail.
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Basement at EGX Rezzed
At the event, they had transformed each room into developer spaces with this metal walls that kept up with the industrial style of the whole place. I thought it may be an idea to use this concept, of having a pre-made building and then adding modern architecture, to Gregory Gills’ Fish Bowl club. It would add comedic value to have a very run down sewer but to see this extravagant club lit up in the middle of it. 
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We have a clock tower level in our game so I took this picture as inspiration of what the clock could look like. I think, as it’s the final level, the clock tower should be quite haunting but also strangely beautiful which I think this clock does quite well. The detail may help the artists to come up with concepts and colour ideas.
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Cage at Event
I not only took this picture to show how beautiful the industrial style can weirdly be, but also to show the varying colours of metal they have used. We could keep with the Tim Burton art style but range out to different shades and designs to create something like the picture above. None of the colours are bright but the greens are all slightly different shades and every bit of metal has been mounded into a different pattern. I think it’s very important for us to take this amount of care and detail into our concept and assets designs to really help immerse the player into the game.
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Developer Session with Ken Levine
This trip helped with primary research towards the game but also towards my own personal research. I was lucky enough to attended a developer session with Ken Levine, a creative director who made my favourite games and also inspired me to get involved in the game industry. He taught me a lot about the industry, being honest about the highs and the lows. This session also helped me get a clearer plan in my head about what I will do after college has finished, making me excited about developing my own game.
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The most amazing part of the day was actually being able to met him! I was shaking so much but I was able to ask him more questions about the industry and get a picture with him! Ken Levine told me that I should develop a game if I want to and to not lot enyone or anything hold me back. He then gave some more advice, which included him telling me and Callum to message him whenever we need his help with anything! I was honoured to met someone so inspiring to me and the whole day helped me in the college project and also with my future. 
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