#does blackwargreymon count
manofmanymons · 2 years
p funny how many digimon characters "ok angsty little gay boy" can apply to
FR THO THERE'S SO MANY OF THEM? Maybe that's why I'm drawn to Digimon, they're just like me 😭
Anon this made me laugh so hard I need you to know that.
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ultraericthered · 6 years
Underrated Bad Guy Blurbs - Digimon
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Yukio Oikawa, Digimon Adventures 02 -  Despite being the mastermind behind the plot and the superior villainous force behind the Digimon Emperor, Arukenimon & Mummymon, and BlackWargreymon, he was only present for 8 episodes out of 50 in the entire series (9 if you count his voiceover in episode 23) but his presence, character and story was one of the highlights of the series. His design, his voice, his backstory and role in the plot are superbly done, but the level of depth he's got in his characterization is something else. As a character he is meant to symbolize any person who was a Digimon fan as a child and is still that Digimon loving child at heart, the child who wanted to BE a Digimon tamer and have adventures with Digimon in the Digital World like the Digidestined heroes seen on TV grown into an adult who was emotionally gutted by having to grow up and lose their childhood innocence, and now in their stress, grief and depression yearns to return to that innocent time, so much so that they let it consume them. They made this character before the original Digimon anime was even that many years old, but in constructing him this way they've made him age spectacularly well, as he becomes more relevant to older viewers than he was for younger viewers. I know of at least one fanfiction rewrite of the series that made Oikawa into a grown up former member of the original Digidestined spoken of by Gennai, and working in that backstory for Oikawa would work just as well as what he was given in the actual 02 show in giving context and complexity to his present day character. His ending is also wonderful, as he proves that his love for the Digital World itself means more to him than his personal exploitation of it, giving up his body so that his life energy merges with the Digital World's data itself, sustaining it for all time. In an ironic, poignant way, he's become his own dream.
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Mitsuo Yamaki, Digimon Tamers - For the back half of the series, Yamaki became one of the good guys. But in the front half, he was unquestionably a bad guy. Yeah, some would argue that he was just doing his job for the government and keeping potential threats to the Earth away from the public eye and needing to kill them before the powers they posses are turned against humankind and results in several deaths. I’d accept that if the man didn’t make clear his blatant xenophobia towards Digimon and his revulsion towards humans who hang with Digimon and treat them like pets or friends, didn’t treat his own workers and associates coldly unless they’re doing their jobs good enough for him, didn’t create a program for the purpose of massacring every Digimon on Earth, and didn’t attack a literal child and put him in a stranglehold when he was enraged over not getting his way! This man was a complete villain at first, complicated as his reasons for being so might have been. That said, his intentions are absolutely sincere. He really does want to make a positive difference in the world and bases his sense of pride on how well he can service his fellow man, which is what separates him from a disgusting, cowardly, self-obsessed monster like Akihiro Kurata. And he’s actually bold, insightful, and totally badass, as can be expected for a character voiced in the dub by Steve Blum. After losing his HQ and his position, he comes around to seeing things the tamers’ way and begins to understand that Digimon, though artificially made, are valid lifeforms who are just as real and worth existing as people are. It’s actually a pretty interesting redemption arc, and a big part of what pushes it is the odd bond of camaraderie he develops with Janyu Wong, the father of the very kid he’d assaulted before. The dub even has Yamaki’s final line being semi self reflective, with him likening the D-Reaper’s actions to his own earlier crimes against Digimon he committed under the belief that he was doing the right thing. Yamaki’s just one of that series’ coolest characters and deserves more love.
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Mercurymon, Digimon Frontier - I enjoy this dude’s design, I enjoy the way he talks in the dub (complete with the usually always great Daran Norris doing his voice), and I enjoy how he managed to stand out among the villains in that series. He in his beast form of Sakkakumon set up what I consider to be the high point of Frontier (the arc with the kids lost within Sakkakumon and having to confront all their flaws, fears, and emotional baggage) and he even had every intention of using Seraphimon’s stolen power for himself in order to betray Cherubimon and rule the Digital World. Not much more I can say other than he’s awesome!
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gwydionae · 6 years
Rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
Tagged by: @donnies-toaster-strudel Thanks! :D
Three fandoms:
Digimon (any season, lol)
Dice, Camera, Action
The first character you loved:
In Digimon? Oh, Matt. For sure. XD He was, like, my gateway into the lone wolf rival trope, and I have never looked back, lol. I love this kid so much, and he’s grown up so well. I don’t show him nearly enough love on this blog, but he’ll always be my favorite. (I’ve loved him so long I honestly don’t even know what else to say, so, moving on... XD)
Honestly, for Dice, Camera, Action, despite the fact that it took quite a while for Nate to really get comfortable as a player, I’d still have to say Paultin. During the first, oh, season and a half, I enjoyed the show well enough, but it was more a way to pass the time at work than something I was really invested in. Once Paultin started to develop, though, I was all in, and now I really love all four of the main cast. His blossoming gave me a higher appreciation for everyone else.
And with Haikyuu, it was Kageyama. Come on, man, by the time I started this show, I was very, very well aware of my type, and there he was in all his grumpy faced glory. XD I love that once you get to know him better, going back and watching the first few episodes is so different. He initially seems real harsh and mean, but in reality he’s just very blunt and awkward. And I love it, lol. Guy seriously needs to learn some proper social skills, though, haha.
The character you never expected to love so much:
It took me a second to think of an answer for Digimon, but once I thought of it, it was so obvious I’m shocked he didn’t spring to mind immediately: Impmon. Wow. This little guy. I was not his biggest fan when I first started watching Tamers. I thought he was annoying. But the more I saw, the more I started really enjoying his character, and now, admittedly, he is my number one reason for revisiting that season. The rest of the cast ultimately fell kinda flat in comparison for me, but Impmon’s story is just great. I love this little guy.
Ok. DCA. The answer to this one may be a bit surprising in some ways, but... Omin. Now, I have tried listening to/watching other DnD shows, and, frankly, I have actually enjoyed very, very few of them. Acq Inc included. The crossover episodes with Strix were ok, but aside from her I mostly just liked Viari, so... I can’t say I was really super into Omin guest starring on DCA. But... he actually fit really well with the main cast? Like, surprisingly so? He was a pillar of stability that they are sorely lacking, and it was refreshing. But he was also just plain amusing. So. Yeah. That surprised me!
Oh gosh, in Haikyuu, Tsukishima, definitely. XD I mean, don’t get me wrong, I tend to enjoy snarky jerks like that, but he was just down right mean at first, and as it was mostly being directed at Kageyama... lol Yeah, I didn’t hate him, but, I can’t say I liked him either. But then, as my sister and I like to put it, he became “our”/Karasuno’s jerk - yes he still pisses off the Karasuno bunch sometimes, but since officially joining them, he is now an even bigger jerk to opponents. And it’s so much easier to love him when he’s intimidating the other team. XD And once he got his awesome development against Shiratorizawa? SOLD.
The character you relate to the most:
It’s a boring answer, but from Digimon it’s Matt, lol. Personality-wise we can be very similar, which is probably why I enjoy so many other “rival” characters. He likes to stop and think of which answer is best, but he is also a bit hot headed and can say things he doesn’t really mean without thinking. He’s very loyal, but he’s not good at expressing that in words. He can also be very hard on himself. ...I can relate. XD
Boring answer #2: in Dice, Camera, Action, it’s Paultin, lol. Now, I actually don’t drink at all, so don’t worry, I’m not a raging alcoholic! But there’s been a lot of stuff happening lately that really highlights how similar we can be in certain ways. For one, Paultin internalizes a lot, and when it comes out, it comes out in lots of words and with an attitude that could easily come across as harsh. He’s a pretty sarcastic guy. He also is a fairly selfish character, but he does care about his friends and really tries to do right by them. And he looks around him and sees amazing people doing amazing things, and then he looks at himself and can’t see how he possibly could compare or fit in. (Ep 93 hit me hard, guys... ^_^;; )
Surprise twist! You might think my choice for Haikyuu would be Kageyama, but it’s not! It’s Yamaguchi! lol He’s a guy that’s in the background, a bit shy, and a bit of a nervous wreck at times, lol. He’s not the best at anything, but he finds something he wants to be good at and works at it. He wants to be helpful, and he wants to win, but he’s not good enough to do it in the same way everyone else does. So he finds his own way.
The character you’d slap:
This wouldn’t have been my answer when I was younger, but when I went back through Digimon 02 a couple years ago, man, I really wanted to slap BlackWarGreymon. XD Luckily he does essentially get a super strong digimon equivalent that breaks him out of his funk, so I guess that’s nice, haha. But wow, his super emo inner turmoil was way more super emo than I remembered it. XD
I’m... I’m sorry, but in DCA, it’s Strix. I love her, ok! I love all the main four! But... man... she really needs something right now to get her to reign in that reckless streak. She has made a LOT of terrible decisions lately, and I want her to realize this. It would help out the group as a whole so much...
In Haikyuu. Oh, that one’s easy: Oikawa. Because it’d be fun. XD
Three favorite characters (in order of preference):
Matt, Kouji, Tai
Paultin, Evelyn, Simon (I love this little robot ok don’t judge me XD)
Kageyama, Nishinoya, Tanaka
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Hm, from Digimon I guess I’ll say Henry. I don’t know if it really counts, but when I first saw clips with Jen from the Japanese raws, I just kind of assumed he’d be my favorite. Yeah, he’s not. XD So I think it’s more a matter of I expected to like him more than I ultimately did.
In DCA... no one...? I suppose I could say Miranda, but that’s a pretty mild change. While I never disliked her, I wasn’t her biggest fan, but I did find it interesting how she actually pushed back against Paultin who can come across as fairly abrasive. But in the end I’m just sort of “meh” about her overall.
As for Haikyuu - no one. Literally no one. I love all my boys and you can’t stop me!!
Three OTPs:
Taiora, Daiyako, Takumi
Eveltin... and that is literally it XD
Daichi/Yui... and that is also literally it XD
...that took a really long time, and I did quite enjoy it, but now my brain is mush, so if you see this and feel like rambling about some of your current interests, please feel free to consider this a tag! XD Thanks! ^_^
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